As Verdades (2022) Movie Script

I just cant trust.
I didnt want to have come to this city.
A quiet day.
Another one.
Its all so quiet,
like its going to die.
Its weird living in a city
that every newcomer thinks is heaven.
There is no heaven.
Theres the place and thats it.
Every street, every corner you walk by
has a piece of history.
The memories will stick around.
You recall things
you didnt want to recall.
I dont remember the last time I laughed.
Actually, I do.
Smiling is good.
Especially when you mean it.
Francisca makes me smile.
Or made me smile.
Lets go buy some beer.
Arent you Josue?
It's my name. Not sure if you remember.
Im with my friends.
-Do you want to come with us?
-No, thanks. Im good.
I forgot, sorry.
I'm sorry about your mom.
-No, it's fine. Don't worry.
-Must have been hard.
It's fine.
Guess you didn't understand what I meant.
I said I didnt want to be
with your friends.
You like it?
I like the stars better
than the sun and the moon.
Yeah? But the sun is a star, too.
-Thats right.
-A huge star.
-The biggest one.
-The biggest one.
What about the moon?
What about it?
You like it?
I hadn't even noticed it today.
You have to make a wish.
Ive made mine already.
I think I know what it is.
You do?
You want to leave
this place too, dont you?
I wished for you.
Come on, guys!
Are you going to be there all night?
-Come on.
-Come on!
Two years.
A lot more happened in the old days.
I left,
I came back...
And everything is frozen
in the same place.
-Chief, its Smia.
I got noise complaints at the landfill,
and my daughter is in labor.
No, I'll go.
Alright, thanks.
I still don't know why I came back.
Hey, youre should take
photos and document the scene.
Not stand there on your phone.
First case, huh?
Come here.
Hey, hows it going?
Can I make you happy?
Do you live down this road?
Did you see anything unusual
happening around this area?
A cute guy like you is unusual.
Wanna play with us, mister?
Thirty bucks, each.
Did you see any cars
that are not from the area
drive by suddenly?
I didn't, sir.
They found a man run over
in a nearby landfill.
Not long ago. Didnt see anything?
-Was it an accident?
-I dont think so.
I didnt see anything. Anyone die?
But what about that car...
Shut up, Deia!
Hes got bigger fish to fry.
Im a cop.
I dont like seeing girls your age
doing what youre doing.
Let your friend talk,
or Im telling your parents.
Go on.
Ciceros car drove by.
-It flew by...
-Ciceros car?
Yes, Cicero.
Alright, I need your full names,
number and address.
Are you going to talk to our parents?
No, I won't.
But you two should
get your lives together.
Do we have a choice?
Your name.
That is fake news. I saw it last year.
The data is not accurate.
You cant believe everything you read.
How are things there in Gamboa?
I miss you all.
As soon as I get some time off
I'll come visit you.
Take care. Love you.
Here I am,
seeing the animals that we are.
Guess we are more animal-like
when we're dead.
But killing someone...
You have to be worse than evil.
You die and your body
is left for the vultures.
It takes all your dignity away.
Floor. Floor.
-Tell me, son.
Everything okay?
You know...
An entire life working
and staring at the floor.
-That girl...
-What about Smia?
-Is she here?
Shes late everyday,
since you started working here.
Girl, what are you doing here?
-Good morning!
No offense, but I think
it was well deserved Valmir was run over.
About time he paid.
Imagine him as mayor.
He once sat on your chair.
Long ago. I never accepted it.
Why is that?
Hes just not an honest guy.
Holy moly.
My daughters missing.
Amara, do you...
Is there a house
or a place Francisca could be?
I hope its nothing to do
with what happened.
How was their relationship?
I never approved of it.
I never did and never will.
How come?
I had to make it on my own.
I raised my child alone.
Her father passed when she was eight.
And this...
This individual...
takes my daughter away from me.
Did you two have a fight?
Im desperate.
Shes not well.
She hasnt been well for some time.
She tried to kill herself.
Ive got a lead on Cicero.
Im going after him.
Why would you do that?
What does it prove?
A witness said he was in the area.
We know he's worked as a hit man
and he's too rich for a slacker.
People talk too much.
They talk without checking.
Attention, folks.
I need your attention.
Lets come together,
today is a difficult day for our city.
We can't lose hope.
We should come together and pray
with all our strength for our Valmir.
Pray for his recovery,
Valmir is from out of town,
Pray for his recovery,
Valmir is from out of town,
He chose our city as if it were his own.
He is one of us!
We need a mayor
that brings order to the city.
I dig songs in English.
Yeah? Why?
I dont know what theyre saying,
but I enjoy the melody.
They can say whatever they want.
How much?
Just pump 50 bucks. I'm using my card.
Man, that won't get you far.
Come on, to the police station.
Everybody knows Francisca.
Did she run over Valmir?
What's your relationship with her?
You guys had anything going on?
How long had you known her?
Ive wanted her for a long time.
But I only made a move recently.
And why did you?
To get her out of here.
To protect her from that dickhead.
I started flirting to figure her out.
I could see she wanted me,
but she was scared.
I started following her around.
I didnt think she loved Valmir.
You look pretty.
I heard youre working as a bodyguard.
Yeah, I do other stuff too.
-What's your rate?
-For you it's free.
Whos bothering you?
Im just thinking.
How do I find you in case I need you?
Im always at Paraso.
But its no place for such...
I know the place.
Its all right.
Ill be around.
I know your fianc is no good.
Be careful.
I started teasing her.
One caipirinha, please.
Got it.
-Its so hot.
-I know.
A neat one, Pablo.
Francisca is a girl,
a woman...
who knows how to drive a man crazy.
Completely crazy.
Vote for Valmir!
Our candidate for mayor.
A man chosen by God.
I could stand hearing that guys name.
I started to get jealous.
Fuck you, motherfucker.
I kept watching over her,
like a guardian angel.
But Im no angel.
And she kept teasing me.
Thats enough. Come on.
-Come on!
That was always my instinct.
It's all or nothing.
Thats your opinion!
-Its your damn opinion.
Youre driving me totally crazy.
You just sound like a little whore.
Thats what you are.
-Fuck you!
-What was that?
Who do you think you are?
-Let her go.
-You insane?
-Youre no man for her!
-Fuck off.
So you have a gun,
you think youre tough?
Shut the fuck up!
Run away with me.
That fucker speaks
in the name of the poor.
Marriage is over, asshole!
You hide, steal and lie, man!
Everyone's gonna know.
The asphalt and the cross
will leak, you fuck!
Did you see?
Did you see, you fuck?
Shes mine now.
You stayed away for too long.
Shes no good.
Why did you go after her?
I didnt know then, but now I do.
I left.
But my thoughts stayed with her.
You have the right to an attorney.
You're in custody until further notice.
Why? I just gave my statement.
Because you were seen fleeing
from the crime scene.
-I told you why.
-There are tire marks at the site.
And I have witnesses
that say you've worked as a hit man.
Is that enough?
Who said that?
Enough talk, lets go!
-Who said that?
-Find a lawyer. Move.
Come, sweetheart.
Lets go home. Everything will be fine.
Why did you come here?
Valmir has been run over.
It was Cicero.
He killed my fianc.
Valmir is in the hospital.
Come in.
I need to record this, okay?
Tell me what happened.
How did you meet Cicero?
Did you ever ask him to protect you?
I noticed that he kept staring
at me on the street.
Come meet Mr. Valmir.
-Hes from the community.
How are you?
I didnt think he'd continue doing it.
To be honest,
my only concern was Valmir.
You know who youre voting for?
I have a good option for you guys.
He was being attacked.
I knew I had to watch out for
everything and everyone.
You look pretty.
You should be more careful,
walking around like that.
What are you carrying? I'll help you.
Leave me alone!
Sure you dont want company?
A girl dressed like that
wants company, right?
Slow down!
I got little rest.
Your coconut.
I need a haircut.
And Cicero was always around.
I am very distracted.
Its a flaw.
But I have a strong intuition.
Going already?
Stay a little longer.
Forgive me, but getting married
so young is a waste.
I had no one to ask for help.
I couldnt tell Valmir.
Let alone my mother.
Youre wearing that?
-Wear something else.
Theres nothing wrong with my clothes.
Its daytime.
Do I look pretty?
That's not how things work, honey.
-It's not?
Then how do they work?
You like trouble, dont you?
Things change.
In this town?
Nothing changes here.
Only in your head.
I always had to listen to my mother
and to Valmir.
To avoid an argument.
I dont want to.
Eat, sweetheart.
I dont want it.
Eat, or you might faint.
Youll faint.
Is it good?
Happy now?
Then smile.
Smile for me.
It hurts to smile.
Doesnt it?
So pretty.
I love you.
I love you.
Valmir was distant.
Come here, Farofa.
I was worried.
Thank God we put a lid on it.
Ten grand to keep us informed.
They had the meeting.
There was lots of talk...
I hate lies.
Thats why I like animals.
It'll pass, don't worry.
-What do you mean?
-The situation.
I'm worried it gets out
during the campaign.
We dont have to do everything they ask,
like an office that stamps
everything they want.
They took to the streets.
The crowd was complaining.
That's how far it should go.
Well handle the rest.
Whats all that money?
Its the company's.
It will all be sent to Salvador.
Like that?
Packed like that?
Couldnt you do a wire transfer?
Oh, youre so naive.
Its just too much tax.
-What you try to hide appears the most.
I am not hiding anything at all.
If I wanted to hide anything,
would I leave it around for you to see?
All right.
But don't waste your time lying to me.
Tell me the truth.
Honey, the truth
is that we are taking the city hall,
then Congress, and then...
What youve got to do
is keep your head straight,
trust and believe in me.
All right?
Dont get involved.
It's none of your business.
Hes my husband.
Why? Are you two married?
No, you're not.
Tell me, what difference
does some paper make?
No difference. I feel like Im married.
That's no marriage. It's a disease.
Dont talk to me about disease.
Look at how you live.
How do I live?
How do I live?
Tell me, how do I live?
-Sad and suspicious.
-Oh, yes.
You always see the bad side of things.
Always saying that's being realistic.
-And for what?
-For what?
So that nothing bad happens.
But thats what's bad.
Living like this is bad.
Come here.
Come here and listen.
I gave you what I could.
You only give what you have.
Listen, youre being naive.
Im not the one who needs advice.
You could never keep a man, Mom.
I dont need a man.
Why would I need a man?
I always worked, unlike you.
You dont work.
-Im going to.
-Oh, yeah?
As a coat hanger at city hall?
What will you do?
I understand my father.
Don't talk about your father.
-I see why he had a heart attack.
He couldnt handle the pressure.
Careful, you dont know
what youre saying.
Its too much.
He had a heart attack!
Your father may have had
all the flaws in the world.
Yes, he drank and everything.
Be he would never accept
this goddamn marriage
that youre getting yourself into.
He would not accept it!
Listen to me, sweetheart.
I love you.
Its not about me, honey.
Its about you.
Sweetheart, come back.
Wanna go dancing?
The people want him
Tom make the city grow
Valmir, 37
Your candidate for mayor
The sheriff's honest
And always tells the truth
Valmir, 37...
Do you love me?
Im marrying you, aren't I?
What other proof do you need?
I think my mother...
I'm not myself around her.
I can't believe were getting married.
Im exhausted with so much work.
Really tired.
If only you could drive. Right, baby?
My cousin tried to teach me
when I was 15.
But the first time I drove on my own,
I hit a lamppost.
Never wanted to drive again.
I was traumatized.
It is bigger than I thought.
Its all ours, honey!
Ive been thinking
of building a cement factory here.
I always said we needed body guards.
Secure our future.
But Valmir preferred to carry a gun.
Show your hands, slowly.
Show your hands.
On your knees.
Run away with me.
Run away with me.
People will know your schemes.
They will leak!
Run away with me.
Run away with me.
I thought I would die.
Its weird, but I wanted to live.
Cicero told me that you
ran over Valmir.
Hes lying.
Why would he do that?
Why run him over when he had a gun?
Why not just shoot him?
Well, I dont know.
Maybe to frame me?
Look, Francisca...
I don't quite understand
the car thing yet.
You said you hadnt driven
in a long time.
But you ran away driving.
Josue, I didnt run him over.
Francisca, get off the car!
I just drove off.
I drove fast.
Step away, Chico.
What happened?
Arent you Amaras daughter?
Those clothes...
Were wearing them?
Did you take a shower?
These should fit you, alright?
Take your time.
We can't collect a sample.
There will be no evidence of rape.
I hate this town.
You can go now.
We'll keep your clothes.
Either way, you need to undergo
a forensic examination.
We'll talk after that, okay?
Are you going home?
Im going to a friends house.
I dont want to be with my mom.
All right, then...
Im going to need a number
and the address.
And Ill write down mine
in case you need me.
Could you please escort her?
Were going to do a quick exam.
But its nothing thatll hurt you, okay?
Breathe in.
No. Breathe in and hold it.
Just a bit.
-Breathe out.
-I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Stay calm.
Breathe in again.
I noticed he kept staring at me
on the street.
But I didnt think he'd keep doing it.
To be honest,
my only concern was Valmir.
He was being attacked.
Yikes. Didn't see the pothole?
Where are you going?
Ask Dinda to make me one, too.
Rebuke that in the name of Jesus.
Dont be envious.
Hows Francisca doing?
Dont be nosy.
You know Francisca? Amara's girl?
What do you think of her?
Shes nice.
Whats the matter?
Cat got your tongue?
Its my parents.
What about your parents?
Did they say anything
about her or her family?
No, they didnt.
I think they like her,
but they never told me anything.
-Bye, bye.
God bless you.
Didn't you say lying
was the devils thing?
Just get in.
She ran over Valmir.
-What's your relationship with her?
Why would he do that?
Why run him over when he had a gun?
Why not just shoot him?
Well, I dont know.
Maybe to frame me?
I didnt run anyone over.
Are you going home?
Im going to a friends house.
I dont want to be with my mom.
You were away for too long.
Shes no good.
Francisca, it's Josue again.
We hadn't seen each other
in over two years.
I liked you a lot.
Like I never liked anyone.
A lot.
When we first met,
I was already seeing Valmir.
But nobody knew.
I thought that what we had
was just a passing fling
that I'd forget after you left.
But then you ignored my texts...
And I heard about you and Valmir.
-By the way, that guy...
-He likes me.
He really likes me.
In a way no one else did before.
Thats not true.
I really like you.
Does the doctor think hell make it?
Before my dad passed away,
he asked me,
"Which one is closer,
the moon or Salvador?"
I said "Salvador". He asked, How come?
I can see the moon from here.
I miss my dad.
Im not normal.
Dont say that.
I was supposed to have a different life.
I have to go.
-I cant take you with me.
-I know.
Where do you go from here?
Ill get by.
I always do.
I worry about you.
Whats the matter?
I think this is my biggest flaw.
What is it, Chica?
I dont like being alone.
You are not alone.
Come here.
Did you know that word
travels fast around here?
What do you mean, Mrs. Antonia?
I mean everyone in town already knows.
What do they know?
That Cicero was released last night.
Oh, yeah. He lawyered up.
Are you not scared of what he might do?
I'm not, Mrs. Antonia.
Fear attracts bad things.
Do bad things wait to be feared?
Come on, Mrs. Antonia.
Throwing a curse on me?
I'm sorry.
No, it's fine.
I only sat to sign some papers.
Got it.
They called from the hospital.
How are you?
He says hes only alive
because God saved him.
Go figure.
You're the only one I allowed to visit.
He wants to talk to the police.
You know him?
I knew he was flirting with my wife.
You help Valmir with the campaign?
Let me ask, is he honest?
Health care, education...
I can keep you company.
One caipirinha, please.
Im not just blind, Im deaf too.
You got it.
Make it a good one.
But I could handle Francisca.
Thats enough. Come on!
You know you're the reason
all my friends envy me?
They always say, Wow, Valmir...
I thought of postponing our wedding
Postpone it? Why?
Why this now?
I dont know.
Too much stuff to get done.
It's not good to hurry things up.
Everything I do in a hurry goes wrong.
No way.
Come on, because.
You know an unmarried politician
doesn't look good.
Its all part of the plan.
My voters expects this from me.
Our candidate for mayor
The sheriff's honest...
Its beautiful!
This is going to be our cement factory.
I was a bit of everything for Francisca.
Lover, father, friend...
But my way of dealing
with her mother was different.
Forget, it honey.
-There'll be no wedding.
-It's bigger than I thought.
You heard me.
I won't allow it.
Come on, honey.
Hold on.
Just finishing a call.
Listen up, woman.
You know I dont screw around,
so Im telling you one last time.
Pay attention.
Stop sticking your nose in my marriage.
Is that clear?
I have always adored Francisca.
You stay put.
Be quiet, or Ill blow his brains out.
Stop moving! Do you want to die?
Look at me!
Youre screwed, you fuck!
Show me that ass.
Show me the ass I'm gonna fuck.
Come here.
-Let me go!
Shut up!
Im the one fucking her now!
I died at that moment.
I ruined your marriage!
I looked at her,
so she didn't believe him.
Who's king of the world now?
Its fucking me!
I'm gonna fuck this woman everyday!
He who loves is afraid of losing.
And my love for her
made me neglect myself.
I underestimated the person
who was going to end my life.
Is it done?
Beg for forgiveness.
Say you are God's chosen candidate.
Start praying.
I want justice.
You heard me?
You heard me?
Time to go.
...Thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses...
You're alright?
I need to talk to you.
Come in.
Here's fine.
Come in. I dont like talking outside.
When you moved here, was it for life?
I learned to live here.
I think I will stay here until I die.
And you?
Why did you come back?
I guess I learned...
that we live inside ourselves.
You're here to talk about him?
Why such anger?
Josue, Im not stupid.
Anyone would've gone insane,
but I found out that...
I am stronger than I thought.
You dont hide your hate from anyone.
I need to know why.
Just a second.
Im going to get you some water.
-Here, water.
-No, thanks.
-Drink some.
Who gave you that name?
It was my brother.
Its a beautiful name. I like it.
Josue, my life...
was always hard.
I've reached an age...
when most people are slowing down.
Not me.
Do you have faith?
Many crimes are committed
in name of faith, Amara.
Thats not faith. Thats fanaticism.
You are not well.
Youre not well.
Not at all.
You are not well.
-You know nothing.
Tell me why.
Tell me.
Why do you hate Valmir so much?
What happened?
-Nothing happened.
-Tell me, Amara!
If you don't talk, I can't help you.
Im not helping you.
Learn how to do your job.
Amara, youve committed a crime.
-Youve committed a crime!
Valmir is alive.
He's alive and he incriminated
you and Cicero.
He wants to destroy me.
-He wants to destroy me.
-If you don't...
Does Francisca know?
I cant...
Tell me what happened!
-I can't.
-It wasnt my fault!
She was a child!
I had an affair with him!
He molested my daughter.
He molested her.
She was a child.
And I saw it.
I saw it!
I saw!
And she's with him now.
And you wont do anything.
You wont do anything!
You wont do anything!
None of you will do nothing!
You do nothing!
There was money in the house. Its gone.
Valmirs partners confirmed it.
Who else knew about the money?
Maybe Amara.
Youre not thinking straight.
You need to be more rational.
Smia, you have
an arrest warrant to serve.
You should focus on that now.
You are too involved.
-Youre losing...
Do what I say!
Im your boss.
I asked to be transferred.
Ill be gone soon.
Where are you?
I called you over and over.
Valmir woke up.
How is he?
Hes conscious.
You been to his house?
Why didnt you tell me?
I was there a few times to feed Farofa.
Then I took him to my friends.
Shes taking care of him.
Whats the matter, Josue?
Someone broke into the house
and took the money.
Where are you?
I left town.
Came to Coqueiro beach.
You were not supposed to leave.
Where exactly?
In a motel, downtown.
The only one in town.
Are you coming?
My mother?
Why would my mother do that?
It can't be.
Come away with me.
Lets leave.
Francisca, we cant just run away.
If we do, we become accomplices.
We cant be impulsive, gotta be rational.
I dont want to be with Valmir
or go back to my moms.
I know.
I know, but we cant
be together right now.
Just for a while.
Valmirs statement says
you had nothing to do with it.
As soon as his statement is filed,
I leave the case.
And we can be together.
Well leave this place.
We will be together.
Go back to town.
I'm going back alone.
Promise me youre going back, too.
How is my mother?
This is not a school.
Tell me how am I supposed
to prove my innocence?
-Everyone's innocent here.
-Go get Amara.
Keep your head down.
Take him.
Move, caveman.
-You're hurting her!
-Let her go.
She's coming to live with me.
-Let her go!
-You're hurting her!
-Youre hurting her.
-Let her go!
-Let her go!
-I'm taking her.
-You're hurting her!
-Let her go!
-Let her go!
Let her go!
Let her go! Are you insane?
-She's my daughter!
-Are you insane?
Let her go! Shut the fuck up!
Are you insane?
I'll fucking kick your ass!
Get out of here! Move!
Our Father which art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done in earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass...
Yes, this is urgent.
-Wheres Valmir?
Wheres Valmir? I need to see him.
Valmir has passed away.
Calm down, Josue.
Ive known you for so long.
Before this town was full
of old folks and people like us.
Ive known you for as long
as Ive known Valmir.
A long time.
I became a cop.
And he became a politician.
Said he was going to the capital.
Can you believe...
he'd make the prisoners
from the station build his house?
And I couldnt say a thing.
He was the sheriff.
Small town, everybody knows everything.
But they pretend to forget.
Valmir knew many peoples secrets,
being the sheriff.
And if you know secrets, you have power.
And if you have power,
you can buy silence.
Was that not
how he managed
to create a past for himself?
Many people from out of town
tried to do that, but...
Only Valmir actually did it.
I knew everything.
I always did.
Can you imagine it?
Valmir as mayor?
And then congressman,
and then God knows what.
Valmir is dead.
Did you know Im a grandmother?
I cant
create a past for you, Amara.
But a police report...
Ive done that many times.
These people from out of town
ruin everything, right?
They should just leave for good.
I guess I arrived too late.
And you managed to escape.
Leave this place.
I dreamed of Valmir saying goodbye.
What do you remember
from your childhood here?
Not much.
It was sad.
I guess every child is a bit sad here.
I dont want to talk about the past.
Whats happening now?
I can confirm Valmirs statement.
I can testify.
What about us?
If we get together now,
my testimony is worthless and...
it all goes back to square one.
How long does an investigation take?
Theres no way of knowing.
How long will we be apart?
I dont know.
Its all the same, right?
Its always the same.
-What are you talking about?
Youre just like them.
Dont say that, please.
I need peace.
Francisca, if we get together,
we wont have any peace.
Well become suspects in Valmirs death
and framing your mom and Cicero.
-It's what you do, not what you say.
-Wait, Francisca!
Call me.
Francisca, its Josue again.
Call me when you get this.
Valmir was a good man.
He deserves our prayers.
What are you talking about?
Let's pray for Valmir.
He needs our prayers.
My God.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be...
Call me.
Please call me when you get this.
I need to talk to you.
Hello, Francisca?
Please, call me as soon as you can.
Francisca, I need to talk to you.
Please, call me.
Josue, if we dont take our chances,
life just goes by.
Then, it's too late.
Josue, you're a piece of me.
A piece that was lost in time
but will always be inside of me.
Remember my eyes.
Two years.
Everything is so quiet, like it's dying.
Maybe this is emptiness.
Emptiness is looking,
Who's this fella?
And that made no difference.
Francisca will turn up
and everything will be straightened out.
Just give it time.
But no.
Follow Saint Sebastian
Down the paths of all paths
Bringing joy to our hearts
To the glorious sea
Saint Sebastian
I have love.
Do I love Francisca?
Is what I feel for her love?
Weird fucking word.
To Virgnia Estevo