Ascension (2023) Movie Script

We were warned something
like this would happen,
but by the time governments
listened to science,
it was already too late.
The pandemic has brought
society to a sudden halt,
now chaos reigns as our own
technology turns against us,
spreading a new virus, disinformation.
No way of knowing what to believe,
we are becoming more divided every day.
Across the country, schools are
shutting down in preparation
for a nationwide lockdown
beginning at midnight tonight.
With death tolls rising and
infections at an all time high,
there is real fear in the air.
Doomsday prophets and religious fanatics
are calling it Judgment Day.
We live in the
greatest country in the world.
If this virus was really a threat,
our government would've
done something way earlier.
You need to open your eyes, Fox,
see this for what it is, a plandemic.
Great, I volunteer
to do final checkouts
and I get stuck with some QAnon reject.
- I'm just saying-
- I don't care.
Come on, Sal, drop the
conspiracy bullshit.
I just, I wanna get this place closed up
and get on the road, it's a
long drive back to Sacramento.
Hey, Jamie.
Last shift?
Yeah, turned into a late one.
Why'd they make you do final rounds?
I volunteered, wouldn't
have if Kevin told me
who I was going to be partnered with.
So what happened to us
being in a hurry?
And you just reminded me
why I need to get the
fuck outta here ASAP.
Is someone there?
Sal, is that you?
Look, I don't have time
for this, I still have-
- Fox!
Settle down, it's just me.
Ah, Jesus.
Oh, my God, oh, my God.
Hey, Kevin.
Jesus, you scared the shit outta me.
We really need to get out of here.
- Where's Jamie?
- Kevin,
can we just get out here?
Serves you right!
You scared me!
Ah, something's wrong,
that doesn't look normal.
You're right, he's not.
Where are you going, Kief?
Huh, hi, there, how's it going?
I'm just gonna go and grab
a coffee and a cream Danish
before we gotta go hide out from the RA.
The RA's locked our ID,
the whole city's on lockdown, remember?
I know, at least we
still got our imaginations.
Imagination, what imagination?
You don't even know if you're
a Beavis or a Butthead.
I think you're mistaken, my friend.
Well, actually, I think we met before.
Pledge week?
You vomited on me.
Oh yeah, the projectile,
super sick, yeah, how you been?
Hey listen, this has been fun and all,
but I gotta take care of some
business, some risky business.
I'll catch you losers later.
I gotta get out of here,
I have to go to today.
Right here.
She just disappeared.
It's called a glitch, big whoop.
Guys, we go to a shitty state school,
everything is old and broken.
I'll keep an eye on the security feed,
see if there's another glitch or what.
I'll let you guys know if-
You're boring us?
Yeah, you are.
Oh, my God, rude, yes and yes.
Uptight's getting outta control.
Oh, shut up, Mitchell.
You're sure you have
everything you need?
Yeah, my mom's stocked up enough food
to last me to junior year.
Remember, call me whenever,
I don't want you to get
too lonely in there.
Where's your food, Kief?
Oh yeah, I still gotta go pick up
some shit from the store.
Do you not realize what is going on?
How do you expect to ride out
the pandemic? You have to eat.
Ah, my loser stepdad
got me Domino's gift cards
for every day of Hanukkah last year,
so probably good, just order in delivery.
And give away the fact
that there are people here,
who aren't supposed to be here.
Bro, there is nobody here
except for us.
So does anyone have any plans?
I'm just saying this could last.
Two weeks tops, any longer
and the economy will collapse
and life without business
isn't worth living.
Hey, Amy, remember how
much fun we had last fall,
when we started knitting and
finals came so we stopped?
That's 'cause knitting's boring, Zuri.
Amy, your creep is creeping me out.
I watched you lately
I need you to say, man
'Cause everything lately
I've been driving me crazy
Your creep is creeping me out,
creeping me out, creeping
me out, creeping me out,
creeping me out, creeping
me out, creeping me out,
creeping me out, creeping
me out, creeping me out,
creeping me out, creeping
me out, creeping me out,
creeping me out, creeping
me out, creeping me out,
creeping me out, creeping
me out, creeping me out.
Amy, is everyone okay?
Yeah, ah,
it's just, ah...
Better for the drone to go down,
so long as the queen's safe.
I think we just had an earthquake.
Well, you don't need a
degree to figure that out.
Well, I guess maybe where you're from.
You British bastard!
Amy, Amy!
Don't let them open the
doors before I disarm it
or it'll trigger the alarms.
Amy, you're out of range of my feed.
What's going on out
there, what do you see?
Amy, get back, get back now!
It might be radioactive.
Amy, come on!
There could be looters,
society just falling apart,
people turning into savages.
Arm the doors, Bob.
Arm the fucking doors!
No, Bob, don't!
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in Battle, be our safeguard
against the wickedness and
the snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
that you, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
cast into Hell Satan and
all the evil spirits,
who wander through the world
seeking the ruin of souls.
Frank, what are you doing here?
I was coming up to see
if you needed a ride home,
I tried calling you,
but you never answered.
I was on the road when, it was awful, Amy.
What in God's name is going on?
Nation will rise against nation
and kingdom against kingdom
and there will be famines.
UV2, your call
cannot be completed as dialed.
Please check the number and try again.
Your call cannot be completed as dialed.
This thing's always hell for reception.
That's that.
Over winter break, they
outfitted the entire campus
with brand new 5G receptors,
service should be better than ever.
Daiki thinks everyone's
stuck at home in quarantine,
more people on their phones
are streaming online.
So how am I gonna
order my Domino's, man?
I'm craving that crazy bread like crazy.
What are we gonna do?
Nothing, we're safe here.
Not with you we're not,
Amy broke up with you two months ago.
She doesn't want anything to do with you
and you show up here.
Zuri, please, it's alright.
No, it's not okay, Amy.
Frank needs to get the message.
And so do you.
I don't need you to take care of me,
I can handle myself
perfectly fine, thank you.
Did you bring anything?
I was thinking that maybe we could-
- No.
I'm sorry, I'm so stupid, Amy.
No, you're not stupid, don't say that.
Our father, who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on
Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those
who trespass against us
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
It's gonna be fine.
Just push that propeller in and twist.
Great job, Amy.
Maybe consider changing majors.
You could give the entire
Engineering Department
a run for their money.
You know, last fall, if
you had have asked me that,
I might have considered it.
I wasn't really sure
about going into medicine,
then I met this boy
and he has this rare autoimmune disorder
and he's kind of my inspiration.
Hey, so it's, ah,
pretty weird having Frank here.
Not like it bothers me, but.
- That's good.
- What's good?
Good that I'm not bothered
or good that Frank's here?
Hm, both actually.
It's strangely comforting
having Frank around.
Are you planning on getting
back together with him?
I'll understand, but personally,
I think it's a big mistake.
I-I think we have a real connection, Amy.
Get outta your head, Bob.
I've been trying to get better at that.
The Joe Rogan regimen was really helping,
but you have to do it every
day and I-I've been slacking
and that's all on me.
Bob, just breathe.
So how long until you think
phones and internet are back up?
Hang on.
Affecting more people in days
than SARS did over months.
This is people's worst fears, is it?
I'm sorry, did I do something?
No, Amy, what could you have done?
It's not like you've ever
ignored me, I mean you have,
but you always have your reason,
it is either your work or study.
I was gonna call you right
after I got off with Bob.
That's how you called me last night,
"After I got off with Bob,"
if there's no Bob, it's Frank.
All I'm trying to do
is be your friend, Amy,
do you even want that?
You're something else.
What in God's name is going on?
Let us out!
I haven't seen fog like this before,
Let us out!
- Open the damn doors, Bob!
- They've been triggered,
I need to bypass the...
What the hell is this?
It's probably just the internet,
it has been super buggy and-
- He probably just got scared,
we'll go outside and look for him.
It's too late.
They already got him.
no, I found him.
Bob, where is he, where is Daiki?
Where's Daiki?
Bob, what is it?
What did he do?
He just, ah...
He jumped.
He's Japanese.
You've heard of the suicide forests and...
Maybe something did happen to him.
If you fucking say aliens, I swear-
- Hey, look, man, I don't know what it is,
but something did get him, okay,
I don't know what it is, but...
Yeah, aliens would be pretty fucking cool.
Kief might actually be right.
Stay out of this, Bubble Boy.
We could have been able to save him,
if you were able to open the doors,
the one job you're supposed
to be capable of doing.
Thanks to you, Daiki's dead.
That's not true.
Bob's a fuck up, Amy, just
like your last boyfriend.
I think I see a pattern.
What about you, Mitch?
What's a rich kid like you
doing in a state school?
Oh yeah, you couldn't get
into a fancy Ivy League one
even with Daddy's connections,
because somehow you must be
even stupider than you look.
You fucking bitch!
He's a lucky man,
if he was still alive,
I would've killed him myself
after what he just did.
What was Daiki trying to do?
Make his father proud.
His father found out he dropped out
of his astrophysics program,
living in America had inspired
him to follow his dream
of becoming a basketball superstar.
He was scared that he went back to Japan,
his father wouldn't let him come back
to live his American dream.
Great story, but it
doesn't explain anything.
Maybe he was infected
like they're saying,
he could have brought it over from Asia,
I mean, that's where all these
things come from, don't they?
He hadn't been home in months!
He went outside, that's all
it takes, it's in the air.
The Lord will come in fire
and His chariots like the whirlwind
to render His anger with fury
and His rebuke with flames of fire.
For the Lord will execute
judgment by fire and by
his sword on all flesh
and those slain by the Lord will be many.
No, no, no.
There is no Catholic
superstition bullshit!
This is...
Out, get the fuck out!
We were fine until this
grease monkey showed up.
You know, I would bet
anything that he was the one,
who infected the poor Oriental
fellow in the first place.
Orientals out, the group has a debt now.
We don't, you are just a racist!
I don't understand a word you're saying.
Frank stays.
Now, if you need anything,
you're shit out of luck.
You've got two weeks'
worth of food rations.
I'm in His hands now.
So what are we gonna do?
We could call the police.
There are no police, Mickey.
It's Miyuki, motherfucker.
If we're gonna do that,
I need like a couple days
to clear some shit outta my room,
'cause I'm not violating
my parole, all right?
Look, the authorities
should have turned up,
when we set the alarm.
It's a pandemic, Mitch,
they're probably dealing with bigger-
- If the police or anybody
else are out there,
they're not coming for us.
Okay, but we can't just do nothing.
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in Battle,
be our safeguard against the wickedness
and the snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
that you, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
cast into Hell Satan and
all the evil spirits,
who wander through the world
seeking the ruin of souls.
How you doing in there?
I'm not alone, Amy, none of us are.
You really think this is the end?
Everything that begins must end
and the world is no different.
I still love you, Amy.
Frank, please.
I know you're with that Bill guy.
It's Bob
I don't know, he really
disappointed me today.
I came here for a reason, Amy.
He told me I would be the one
to save his only daughter.
There's more to this world, Amy.
Soon you will lead the faithful
and we will ascend.
Bob, I know you're in there.
Look, I'm sorry I ignored you,
I was just worried for Frank.
Maybe having him here is
a little uncomfortable.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you-
- I should've backed you up with Frank,
but instead I just acted super lame
and showed off how
generally insecure I am.
After all you've been through
and then Thanksgiving,
I'm sorry, Amy, you deserve someone who...
Amazing night together
and then the pandemic hit.
Amy, what are you looking at?
Amy, what's wrong?
What's going on out there, wat do you see?
Is that...
The front desk worker?
What was she doing here?
She was infected.
Had to be, probably got sick on her shift
and passed out in one of
the rooms or offices there.
She probably infected Daiki.
Give me a hand.
It's just up ahead.
Open the door, Bob.
Damn it, Bob, open the bloody doors!
We can't go out there.
Yeah, well, I'm not
having this thing in here
contaminating the rest of us.
I've a family to worry about now.
I found out the night before Mitch and I
were supposed to move out
and I couldn't go home, not
that Mitch would let me.
any choice you make will
be the right choice,
so long as it is yours.
Dude's fucking nuts.
Now that everyone knows about the bun
I baked in Nicole's oven,
would anyyone care to join
the proud father-to-be in
a little celebratory nip?
But she was dead.
You all saw her, she was dead.
In case there is
anyone else in the building,
I'm sending you all the
link to the security feed,
that way we can all be on the lookout.
What are we looking out for?
Nothing, it's bullshit.
Actually, it's worse than
that, it's Catholic bullshit!
What if there is someone else here?
But no one's allowed
to be here, not even us.
Maybe we should check the rooms?
Good idea.
Guys, I'm thinking we should
start doing nightly patrols,
okay, we go in pairs.
Are you fucking
Hey, she is right, it is
better to be safe, okay.
Of course.
Who goes first?
The last place to check is the basement.
There are no cameras down there,
so I'll watch to make sure.
The only reason we're letting
you play lookout is because,
actually, I don't even know
why we're humoring you, hm.
Well, that's it, we searched
the entire building.
If anyone wants to sneak up on us,
it will be in the basement
or you are even more remarkably useless
than you already are.
Come along, dear.
Mitch, check the ah-
- See, there's no one else here.
I can barely see a thing.
Here, take my hand.
Where are you?
I was right in front of...
Nicole, where are you?
I-I'm right here, where are you?
Look, f-follow
the sound of my voice.
Can you hear me?
Yeah, you sound really
close, but Mitchell.
Mitchell, where did you go?
I-I'm still in the basement, sweetie.
Maybe you just got lost or-
- No, I-I'm still here too.
Nicole, where are you?
Just near the elevator
two, where are you?
Hello, is anybody there,
hello, Amy, Zuri, Kief, anybody?
Mitch, go to our room!
Mitch, Mitch, where are you?
Mitch, oh!
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in Battle, be our safeguard
against the wickedness and
the snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we
humbly pray that you-
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in Battle,
be our safeguard against the wickedness
and the snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
that you, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
cast into Hell Satan and
all the evil spirits,
who wander through the world
seeking the ruin of souls.
I'm sorry to have to wake you, Amy,
but I just had the worst dream.
You were dead.
You were all dead.
I think He's trying to tell
me you need to get of here.
I need to get you out of here.
Now come let me out.
Amy, please.
I could see him on Skype,
but he wasn't really there.
So what, Mitch just disappeared?
I've been analyzing the
network and it's still online,
just ah, different somehow.
We can still use our
devices to communicate,
but only with each other.
My theory is that the
5G stations they put up
all over campus have
created a microservice zone,
anyone outside the campus is, ah-
- Dead.
Look, 5G uses shorter radio
waves than the older networks
and that requires more cell receptors
in closer proximity to each
other for the networks to work.
If something happened to
the 5G stations in the city,
like a power outage or maybe
the mainframe got fried.
What about Mitch and the pandemic?
Something is going on here, Bob.
I'll know more once I
get a few of my tests back.
But where's Miyuki?
She's not on my security feed.
So I'm starting to think, you know,
whatever's going on here,
Mitch, this pandemic,
it's in the building now, right?
Hey, I thought we should talk.
You mean about us?
Well, yeah, all of us.
What do you really think is going on here?
I didn't wanna worry the others,
but none of this makes any sense.
So the stuff about the 5G stations?
I've been monitoring the 5G network,
it's working just fine.
Well then, why can't we reach anyone?
Why are the phones down,
why is the internet?
Because we're being censored.
By who, the government?
Could be something did happen.
Maybe we're in a contamination zone
and they're reporting no survivors.
Why would they do that?
This is our country.
And if we're sick, we're carriers
for whatever this thing is,
our country isn't gonna help us
when they consider us the
greatest risk to public health.
But we're alive.
We're human beings.
No, we're not,
we're Americans, Amy.
Our government exists
to protect our country,
its values in our
democracy, but its citizens,
they consider us expendable,
collateral damage.
Who's they, Bob?
Fear not, for I am the first
and the last and the living one.
I have died and behold,
I am alive for evermore
and I have the keys of death and Hades!
I have the keys of death and Hades!
I have the keys of death and Hades!
I have the key of death and Hades.
Oh, my God!
Nicole, please, you have to
find me, you have to help me.
I don't know where I am.
It's okay, I'll find you, I'll find you.
Help me, help me please,
please help, anyone!
Please, help me, Amy!
Amy, anyone, help me!
I'm in the rec room, Nicole.
Wait, Mitch, I'm
coming, okay, I'm coming!
Mitch, where are you?
Mitch, where are you?
I'm still here.
No, I can't see you.
Because you're
stuck in the past.
No, no, get away, get away!
We who are alive, who are left,
we will be caught up together
with them in the clouds
and we will be with the Lord in the air
and so we will always be with the Lord.
Frank, how did you get out?
I was coming around the corner,
heard a scream,
walked in to find...
I don't know what He did, but...
No, no, no.
Come on, Frank.
Don't you dare.
Don't please, it's not
Bob, you can't go in there.
- I have to Amy.
- No, you don't.
- Yes, I do.
- Why?
God told me to.
Zuri, please, please,
please, you understand, right,
with Bob's autoimmune
disorder, we can't go in.
Collateral damage, Amy.
I didn't do it.
Girl, you sure know how to pick them.
How'd you do it?
I told you I didn't.
Then what
were you doing in there?
Let him speak, Frank.
Tell us, Bob.
Tell us everything.
At-at first I thought something happened
and someone, the
government, I don't know who
was censoring our internet
and blocking our calls.
I've been monitoring the network frequency
and I've started to see changes,
little blips that don't make any sense.
Before they went down, a few of my forums
mentioned recent reports of the 5G network
releasing an intermittent
high frequency signal.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Bob,
I did not understand a
word you just said, man.
When did these reports start?
Late November.
Do you want us to believe the virus
has somehow managed to get online?
No, that's ridiculous.
I'm saying the virus has
only ever been online.
Okay, I thought this thing
was just like a really bad flu.
This is no flu.
High frequency signals
release ionized radiation.
5G wasn't given a beta
run in any test regions
to work out the bugs, this
was a national scale rollout
and it happened fast.
So is it not a good
thing that you have 5G
all over your campus?
Kief, come on, we have to go.
But we just got here.
Oh, God!
I'm trying, but it's not responding.
Come on.
Is there another way outta here?
The basement,
there's an old storm hatch,
that takes us right to the parking lot!
Frank, no.
This is my cross to bear.
Come on, Amy, let's go!
The power of God cast into Hell
Satan and all the evil spirits,
who wander through the world-
- What is that thing?
It must be the campus' 5G hub.
The energy frequency didn't allow me
to pinpoint the location,
but it's the only thing
that makes sense and...
And oh.
Oh, I was wrong.
They are doing a beta run on 5G.
The quarantine, the
pandemic, the lockdown,
they needed to keep people inside,
while they tested the full
capacity of the network
and ah,
this is it.
It's just like my forums predicted.
But what is it, Bob?
It's ah, 5G.
They say once there's enough
5G cells in a cluster,
the network will become so powerful,
that the internet will be
unlike anything we know.
No more buffering,
no more connecting to different networks,
because there will only be one network,
a one-world network.
Some are calling it 5D,
a five-dimensional internet.
That sound, it's the signal.
Zuri, what are you doing?
I'm going where I belong,
Bob, where we should all go.
Look away, look away from it.
There's nothing left here for me.
Everything is through there.
No, Zuri, you don't understand.
No, you don't understand,
I am the internet now.
We need to get out of here.
Yes, Bob?
Where are you?
I'm in the same place you are,
just at a slightly
different moment in time.
Hello, Frank.
Last summer,
after graduation,
I thought we were going
to be together forever.
The first few weeks of
the semester were hard,
but we made them work.
Then Thanksgiving.
After my parents' death, I just,
I wanted to move on from that life,
my old life.
I love you, Amy.
You know we can never
be together, right, Frank?
Not in this world,
but we can in that one.
You were right,
there is another world,
only it is far better
than you ever could've imagined.
We can be together again
forever and ever and ever.
Go, Frank,
go toward the light.
What's it like, Amy?
I don't know.
Then how can you?
Because I believe.
It's beautiful, Amy.
It won't hurt you like it did him.
Frank is from a different
generation than us,
he didn't grow up connected.
The internet is existence.
We are one fifth-dimensional being,
observing humanity at the same time.
You lived seven billion
years last year alone.
I-I'm not going into that thing.
But Bob,
you already did.
You were the first.
don't please.
Ah, ah, ah, ah!
Let's go
Watching myself
Let's go
Watching myself
Let's go
Watching myself
The offices aren't open till Monday,
I'm just here for an early start.
Well, even with the restrictions using up,
we're, we're still not sure
whether or not the university's opening.
Listen, hold on a second.
Yeah, yeah, I'm still here.
No, reception's great,
better than ever actually.
No, they weren't kidding,
5G really is the future.
Listen, I gotta take off.
I love you.
God, no!
Let's go
Watching myself
Let's go
Watching myself
Let's go
Watching myself
Let's go
Watching myself
Watching myself, I
so, I so, I so, I so
I so, I so, I so, I'm basic
I so a lake, but not again
Man, that's so basic
More like a mountain range
When the fog sets in and it's hazy
Silhoutted, yeah
I would center but introspective
I so mention, but not
through dimensions
Like four, five, six, seven, eight
And I'm feeling great,
'cause I meditate
Wanna take away from the
world, make it all levitate
Taking all pain away
Carry on, it's all the place
Take a look in his
eye for kind of crazed
Think I flew kinda
too close to the sun
Suddenly fire is the thing that I'm on
Sky's the empire when we're done
I say K House, that was K How
All the men just, all
the girls are round
Bring the girls around
Even now, you make me sick
Fuck, I've got the title of this shit
Oh, man
Let's go
Watching myself
Let's go
Watching myself
Let's go
Watching myself
Let's go
Watching myself