Ash and Bone (2022) Movie Script

Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Oh, please.
Oh, yes, yes.
Stop, stop.
No, no.
The seasons in this
town all look the same
And I've lost all
track of where I am
It's okay.
I hear a song when I
Hey, I know.
Your name
And miss the scents of
the ground after the rains
Well, that looks good.
Well, I know what I'm having.
Oh, yeah, what
are you getting?
Chicken Caesar salad.
Old faithful.
Yeah, sounds good, but, uh,
I'm gonna find out
how the burgers are.
Uh, miss.
Uh, how are your burgers?
They're good.
I eat one almost every day.
Oh, wow, uh, ringing
endorsement here.
I will have one with, uh,
cheese, no pickles, please.
Chicken Caesar salad.
Sounds good.
Last but not least.
Cassie, can you order
something off the menu?
Can I get something for you?
I don't know,
what's good here?
The chicken Caesar salad.
Dude, I'm fucking with you.
Diner food is all the same.
It's true.
Give me like a
waffle or something.
Whatever won't give me E. Coli.
Sure thing.
That'll be coming right up.
Cassie, that
was inappropriate.
Whatever, Sarah.
You're one to lecture on what's
appropriate and what's not.
Yo, Cass.
What's up?
Watch this.
Could be an Olympic sport.
Yeah, right.
In, everybody
out, everybody in
And get to the ground
Is a nightmare, it is
Shut the fuck up
This is the only thing
that I've ever had
This is the sad part
That is metal as fuck.
Years and now
If you say so.
Who I am
I don't pretend to believe
Your dad is calling.
Is something real
But I'm the only thing
What did you tell him?
They are dead and
Didn't tell him
anything, just left.
With death
It's been weird ever
since Sarah moved in.
Well, I know what will
make you feel better.
Damn, Tina, what a throw.
Happy birthday.
What a cute little town.
Is it like you remember?
I mean guess the
buildings look old.
Well, I have news
for you, buddy.
Oh, yeah, what are
you trying to say?
Well, you said so yourself,
you haven't been here
since you were a kid.
I was, uh, I was
younger than Cassie.
There you go, I rest my case.
Summer's nice but fall
is when this town
really comes to life.
At least it used to.
This place is nice, babe.
My brother did a job
of keeping up with it.
You know what?
I should call him, let
him know we're here.
Oh, shit.
Something wrong?
Yeah, one bar of
service, barely that.
So you want me to help you
bring some of your
things inside?
I can take care
of myself, thanks.
Hey, hey, Derek.
Yeah, it's me, we,
we just got here.
The place looks great, man.
What, what?
The key, I thought, I
thought you left one.
Derek, you're,
you're breaking up.
You're saying
something in the house.
It's a fucking cat.
A goddamn cat.
Uh, so your uncle says,
"That there's a cat inside,"
and there's gotta
be a hole somewhere
"where it keeps getting in"
but, uh, guess it's
better than a raccoon.
It's okay.
I'm trying.
Like I'm really trying.
I know, I know.
Remember what the doctor said,
"We'd have to be patient."
"This will take a while,
it's a huge change for her."
It's a huge change
for all of us.
Yeah, yeah.
It's nice.
Sure brings back memories.
Oh, my God, we might not
need cellphones after all.
We have dial tone.
Found my bedroom.
So we're gonna be cozy
in for a little bit,
but I think it's good for us.
Hey, if you wanna get the rest
of your stuff from the car,
go ahead and do that
while we get dinner ready.
What do you have planned?
You'll see.
Dinner is served.
So this, this is your plan.
All those years in the city
you never had yourself a
good ol' American hotdog?
I was a vegetarian
for most of it.
What happened?
I said, "What happened?"
Why aren't you a
vegetarian anymore?
I don't know.
I just tried a few things
and then I stopped.
Just stopped.
Cassie, you
can leave her alone.
Just trying to get
to know her better.
Right, Sarah?
I'm serious, knock it off.
This whole thing's bullshit.
No, you know what?
This whole thing is for you.
For me?
Oh, yeah, that's funny,
'cause I thought the whole
reason why we're here
so you could pat
yourself on the back,
tell yourself what
a good dad you are.
I'm trying to help you.
You're trying to control me.
Hey, let her go, all right?
We can't keep let her
disrespect you like this.
Seriously we gotta take a stand.
But I can take it.
You know what?
I've had enough.
What are you doing?
I'm, I'm calling
the local sheriff.
She's out of control.
You can't be
serious right now.
She could be on her way
back to Detroit right now.
She is a teenager
rebelling against her dad.
I came from the mud
There's dirt on my hands
Strong like a tree
- Lou.
- Hey, Sheriff.
There's roots where I stand
Oh, I've been
running from the Law
Hope they won't
shoot me down Soon
Hey, you're too
young to be in here.
I'm 21, I just look young.
Let me see your ID.
As a heart attack, young lady.
There you go.
From the city, huh?
Where are you staying?
When it rains it pours
I know enough not
to tell you that.
Smart city girl.
What do you have?
Whatever you have, I don't care.
Many men try to reach it
Many men have failed
You look a little far
from home, little missy.
If you wanna get to heaven
Hey, did you hear me?
From the law
You crazy bitch.
Leave her alone
you sack of shit!
I'll fuck you up
if you come near me.
Hey, there's no
fighting in my bar.
Take this shit outside now.
On a sleepless night
Howling at the moon
Will you find me
Hope you find me
Everyone needs backup
every once in a while.
No sweat.
Do you wanna sit down?
I'm Tucker, and this is Anna.
How's it going?
You're not from
around here are you?
No, I'm from the city.
Oh, shit.
Been a long time since
anyone came from that way.
Long, long time.
The only people that come
around here are runaways, right?
Not that there's
anything wrong with that.
Relax, I'm not a runaway.
If anything I'd be
going the other way.
Besides I thought this was a
vacation town, cabins and shit.
Yeah, used to be, not anymore.
Hold up.
Hey, Louie.
Can we get three over here?
It's not often someone
like you comes in this bar.
We'd know, we're here
almost every night.
Pretty much.
Now we're official friends.
This town isn't close
enough to the ocean
or even Lake Ontario
for that matter
to make it anyone's worth while.
So why do people come here?
To hunt, to look at
the leaves, right?
That's pretty much it.
Well, that sucks.
No, it's not all bad.
I mean it's quiet.
So what do you
guys do for fun around here?
You're looking at it.
Mostly get fucked up.
I guess that's true anywhere.
You see where I come from
we check out old buildings,
blown off factories,
urban exploring, you know.
Hmm, I've seen
photos like that.
We don't have anything
like that here.
No haunted cemeteries?
Maybe an old barn or something.
There's gotta be a
place around here.
There is the McKinley house.
I mean it's not
something that-
- Anna.
You're right, I probably
shouldn't have said anything.
Hey, come on,
guys, that's no fun.
It's just a legend.
- Anna.
- Tucker.
It's just this old house
on the outskirts of town.
Same family's lived there
for like a hundred years.
People around here don't
really like to talk about it.
Kinda bad vibes, you know?
A brother and sister
live there with their mom.
They don't come
around here much.
They do,
they're creepy.
Did anything happen?
All right.
They're from
all over the state.
Are these-
But nobody
can prove anything.
Hell, nobody even really knows
if they're still in the house.
But there have been rumors
of kidnapping, slavery, and-
- Murder.
Where is it?
Where is it?
I wanna go check it out.
Are you listening?
This is serious.
Come on, guys, every town
has a local legend like this.
They're all bullshit.
No, this is different.
This girl just went missing.
She was visiting just like you,
never been heard from again.
And that could be anything.
Well, I appreciate your ghost
stories but I gotta roll.
I gotta find this house
while it's still dark.
I don't think there's
too many road around here,
I'm pretty sure I can find it.
Don't be stupid.
It's not safe.
I can handle myself.
Unless, you guys wanna
come, get it over with.
I'll probably be
bored with it anyways.
Up to you.
Let's just
show her where it is.
She can get her picture,
and we can get out.
There it is.
The McKinley house.
I can't see anything in there.
There aren't any
cars in the driveway.
Where would they be
this late at night?
Whoa, hey, hey.
You're not going in, are you?
I just wanna check it out.
This was a mistake.
It'll be fine.
- Wow.
- Yeah, wow.
Okay, now let's go.
Cassie, I meant leave.
Man, this is creepy.
Yeah, I told you.
What do you see?
It's dark, I can't tell.
Oh, my God.
Hell are you doing?
Oh, shit.
Can't let her go by herself.
Oh, gosh.
Oh, this place reeks.
Oh, God.
All right, let's
take a look around
and get the fuck out of here.
You say you don't see much
of the McKinleys, right?
Well, this explains
how they're living.
Edna McKinley, she's
been dead for years.
Who's she?
She's the grandmother.
- What the hell?
- Can you believe this?
Frickin' criminals.
All right, let's get
the hell out of here.
There's nothin' to see here.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey, whoa, Cassie, come on.
Fuck, no, absolutely not.
Are you kidding me?
- Oh, my gosh.
- What the hell
did you get me into, Tucker?
I didn't want to come.
Yes, you did.
Oh, this is unreal.
What the hell is that smell?
I don't know.
Oh, it's so bad.
What's this?
Hey, hey.
She's crazy.
What the hell?
Oh, my God.
They're into some sick shit.
Please don't hurt me.
Oh, my God.
What's the matter?
You didn't like meeting Momma?
That was her.
- Yeah.
- Ah.
That's uh, Molly, she-
- Fuck you!
She's been missing for months.
- God.
- Oh, my God.
It's all of 'em.
Oh, shit.
You best check
that van down by the road.
I'm right behind you.
- All right.
- Shit.
Oh, god.
Fucking varmints.
I think now's our chance.
Go, go.
Okay, I don't see
anyone, let's go.
Different directions,
and meet at the van.
Come on.
Oh, shit!
Hurry, hurry, come on!
Oh My God
Lucky bugger you.
Where is she?
Come on, come on, come on!
Stay down!
Oh, God.
- Get in, hurry.
- Go, go, go, go, go, go,
go, go, go, come on, go, go.
Don't worry, I marked it.
Good news is the
bullet just grazed me.
And the bleeding stopped,
so I'm not gonna die.
Of course you're
not gonna die.
Don't say that.
I don't know how you can joke
after what we just went through.
I know, I'm sorry.
What do we do?
I know what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna go home, pop a bottle
of whiskey, and pass out.
Guys, we have to call someone.
You don't get it.
Somethin's up with this
town and that family.
It's not just a rumor anymore,
and for all we know
everyone's in on it.
I mean how do get
away with all of that?
We can't trust anyone.
Yeah, he's right.
You don't wanna mess
with these people.
Anything, anything
you'd like to tell me?
You can, you can be honest.
As a matter of fact
I really need you
to be honest right now.
I, I don't know what happened.
You don't know.
You come home in the
middle of the night
with a gunshot in the van,
and you don't know
what happened.
I don't know.
I met some kids my
age, it was nothing.
Honey, we should
at least consider-
- Look, I'm horrified.
I'm horrified.
Dad, really.
Honey, she says she
doesn't know what happened,
and she obviously
doesn't know, okay?
I believe her.
Fine, fine.
Oh, shit.
Bones creaky.
Good afternoon.
Hey, uh, thanks
for coming out, Sheriff,
especially on such short notice.
Hey, it's all part of the job.
Nice spread out here.
So my daughter she, uh, she
took the van out last night,
and, uh, says nothing happened.
Well, I do believe her.
Well, we do have our share
of issues out here,
Mr. Vanderbilt.
Couple labs out in the woods.
I'm sure you've seen that
on Discovery Channel.
Fact of the matter is,
it was probably someone
doing some night hunting,
which of course is illegal.
So you don't think anybody
was trying to send a
message or something?
And why would you think that?
Do you have reason
to believe somebody
would wanna hurt
you or your family?
I mean no, not,
probably nothing.
Well, uh, you better tell me.
My daughter Cassie, she, uh,
she got in trouble in the city,
and nothing, nothing major,
but, uh, there was some
bad apples in her group.
- Huh.
- And, uh,
we actually came up here to,
you know screw her
head on straight.
Yeah, I can see.
Well, I suppose somebody
could have followed you
all the way from
Detroit up here.
I'll file a report,
keep an eye out.
Do you, uh, you carry?
Well, uh, I'd change that.
There's some tough
types up here.
If you see anybody doing
anything they shouldn't be
just leave 'em
be, call me, okay?
I got the
number to a good glass man.
Take care.
Well, how'd it go?
I mean, it went good I guess.
Uh, he said, "He's
gonna help us",
but there's only
so much he can do."
I'm gonna go to town and,
uh, and get a couple things.
I can go with you.
I'll be quick.
I think it's a good idea.
Hey, Cassie.
Um, we're just
gonna run to town.
If you could,
we'll, we'll be back soon.
Midnight hour
Whiskey sour
Pumping up
The game is on
Of course.
Whiskey sour
Pumping up
The game is on
I'm walking in the city
Cass, what is up, girl?
Not much, just enjoying,
enjoying the fresh air.
Running crazy
You good?
What's going on?
Something happened.
Whiskey sour
One sec.
Pumping up
The game is
Well, I met these people,
and we went exploring,
you know like we used to do,
and then we found something.
Oh, man, that was good.
Gonna have somethin'
else next time though.
I really like that rocky road.
Oh, babe, uh,
I've been meaning
to pick up some eggs and
milk for the morning.
All right.
I have another stop,
so I'll see ya.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Cass, you have to
go to the police.
And say what?
I was breaking in when
I found this evidence.
That's three strikes.
Who, who gives a shit if
you put two rapist away?
You don't understand,
these people,
they'll come after me
if they found this out.
They'll go after
my dad and Sarah.
I should just pretend
this never happened.
Midnight hour
You know what you're doing.
Pumping up
The game is on
So you got something in mind?
Uh, yeah.
What about, what about that one?
You sure?
See how this feels.
Yeah, this is,
uh, this is light.
Yeah, it's not good
for nothing other than
shooting squirrels.
You're not shooting
squirrels are you?
um, what about the
one on the bottom?
Good choice.
That's American made.
Won't jam up on you.
See if that feels better.
All right,
I'll ring you up over here.
So how does this work?
Do I fill out like an
application or something?
You ain't
from around here are you?
I was hoping we could wait
a bit after the last one.
If we keep this up, Vinny,
he's gonna come calling.
I don't think we got a choice.
He could be on his way already.
So how you wanna do this?
I know the one boy,
Tucker something.
He lives with his
grandma off 54.
Tucker, that boy is a pussy.
I can make him flap his lips.
And the van we saw
down by the road?
That's out-of-towners.
I never seen that
van here before.
We'll get 'em.
'Cause whoever was in
Momma's room gonna pay.
So what are we waiting for?
Burton's Station.
Are you okay?
I, uh,
I just wanted to see
if you were at work.
Tucker, you don't sound good.
What's going on?
I'm sorry.
You remember me?
Oh, shit, oh, shit.
Tucker, you fucking.
No, no, no.
Fucking got us.
Oh, shit.
You've been here
before, haven't ya?
Well, there's a reason
I didn't gag ya.
Talk to me dammit.
You got the wrong people,
I'm telling you, please.
That's not what he said.
Right, bitch boy?
I didn't, I swear.
You swear?
Then how'd you get this?
My sister, she's a good shot.
Not often she misses the ticker.
I'll bet ya she's glad she did.
Now yous had a third
driving the van.
It wasn't you in Grandma's room.
No, that girl she had
different hair, I saw it.
Who was she?
Anything yet?
We're working on it.
So your buddy here says,
"You didn't tell no one about
what you saw the other night."
No, no, I swear, we
haven't gone to the police.
We haven't gone to anyone.
We won't tell anyone.
Please just let us go.
That was fuckin'
stupid of you.
You got one chance
of gettin' out here alive.
Who was the other girl?
Her name is Cassie.
See I told you
his lips were looser
than a uterus on a broodmare.
Where can I find this Cassie?
Don't tell him.
No, never mind her, you tell me.
She's from the
city with her family
at the old Vanderbilt place.
The Vanderbilt place.
Oh, no shit, huh?
I used to run with
those boys way back.
I'll betcha they remember me.
I'm gonna go over
there and scope it out.
No, not yet.
Not yet?
We gotta figure out
what we're gonna do
with these two yet, huh.
Please let us go.
We won't say anything.
We won't say anything
about your Grandma.
He talked about Grandma.
I heard him.
I don't like that.
I know.
But what about her?
She's cute.
You want it?
That was so much fun.
But we got a problem.
The Vanderbilts, they got money.
They go missing the
city gonna come callin'.
And if the city come callin, '
our cousin, he
gonna lose his mind.
Well, I think it's a
little late for that.
I guess so.
Tuck away the girl.
There she is.
Let's get you all
cleaned up, shall we?
It's your lucky day boys.
The freezer's full.
Are you okay?
You just seem, you
just seem kinda quiet.
It's nothing to
apologize about.
I just wanna be there for you.
Be there?
Uh, yeah, uh, like a parent,
a sister, a hybrid I guess.
Look, you're not
my mom or my sister.
You're just the woman
who's fucking my dad.
Well, I don't think
that's a very appropriate
way to speak to me.
I don't give a shit.
Now you wait here.
I may not be your mother,
but you're not 18 either.
Don't touch me.
You wanna help me?
Huh, you wanna be there for me?
Then leave me the fuck alone.
Fucking shit.
Anybody there?
Dad, can you hear me?
Where's home?
Momma always told us
not to play with our food.
That she did.
But I want this one to hurt.
Then hurt her.
Here, kitty.
I got you a treat.
Come on.
What are you doing?
Um, I, uh, trying
to find that cat.
I even got it a treat.
I'd leave it out but I don't
wanna attract any bears so.
Sarah, she told
me what you said.
I should apologize, I know.
Well, that would be a start.
I'm just, I'm kinda
dealing with a lot right now.
Well, that's just it.
Uh, I mean I don't think
you understand that,
that so is she, so am I.
We're all, we're all dealing
with a lot right now.
That's not my fault though.
Well, some of it is,
and, and that's a fact.
Why don't you ever
try to talk to me?
Why don't you?
You've always seen me
as a problem child,
something to fix like
I'm one of your patients.
You drag me all the way over
here away from my friends.
You bought a mini van.
What are you gonna do with
a mini van in the city?
Um, uh, try to provide
you with a normal life.
Like at least as
normal as I can.
You took me away from Mom.
Cassie, no, that's not fair.
Do you know how
much I visit her?
Do you?
I visit her every Friday after
school with some friends.
You know Tina, the
girl that you called
a bad influence in
front of the judge?
Yeah, she brings flowers to
Mom's grave, Mom's grave.
I'm sorry.
How, how would I know?
That's the problem,
you wouldn't.
May I please borrow the van?
For what?
I wanna see my new friends.
Just please, please be careful.
Hey, baby.
So, uh, that errand that
you ran the other day.
What were you doing?
Uh, you know I, I ran
to the corner store,
I, I was gonna see
if they still had,
uh, video tapes and
stuff for rental,
but I guess they stopped
doing it years ago.
So, um, I'm guessing
that it has nothing to do
with the gun that I found
in our bedroom then.
Look, I just wanted
to keep us safe.
You know the statistics,
and you bring a
gun into our home.
I know it probably
seems way out of character
but with all troubles, Cassie,
and then the bullet
hole in the van,
and then-
But you see this.
This right here, Lucas, is
what's making her crazy.
You're over analyzing
and controlling.
A hunting accident happens
and you bring a
gun into our home.
Do we really know it was a
hunting accident, like really?
No, but I'm pretty positive.
just lay off, okay?
Quit trying to control
everything all the time.
Let people in
situations breathe.
I want that thing
out of our cabin.
Do what you need to do.
Goddamn delicious
Taste on your tongue, grant
I'm so bored.
Let's do something.
I'll play the master
Like what?
You are the one
Whose sweet submission
is soon to cum
I mean we could shred
these beautiful curtains.
Dick serving
Now that sounds like,
shit, it's the fucking cops!
Shit, I just got over provo.
Fucking kids.
Dispatch, it's
just a couple kids
tagging the old school on Third.
Yeah, I'll look out for 'em.
Go, go, go, go, go, go.
- Cass.
- Dude, we gotta do it.
You're shitting me.
When are we
gonna have another chance
to take a cop car
for a joy ride?
You're being an idiot.
Come if you want.
You the Vanderbilt girl?
I was at your place
the other night.
Your, your dad called me.
I saw you.
I didn't think you were 21.
Relax, I'm not gonna bust you.
My office received
a couple calls,
I was wondering if
you could help me.
Yeah, just some small stuff.
I don't know if I
would be much help.
Well, let's see.
Lou says, "You were in here"
with Tucker Samson and Anna
Wilson the other night."
Is that true?
Yeah, we had a few drinks.
Anything else?
You go for a ride maybe?
Yeah, but that's it.
We went for a ride.
Smoke some dope?
We, uh,
we, uh.
I'm giving you a hard time.
I'm just asking 'cause Tucker
and Anna are missing now.
Tucker's grandmother says,
"He was in here last."
And Anna's employer says,
"She didn't show up at the
station at shift change."
That's terrible.
Yeah, I thought so too.
They're probably
just on some kind
of lover's retreat or something.
Did they, did they say
anything, or give a hint,
or any detail of
what they were doing?
No, they didn't mention it.
You sure?
You wouldn't be
hiding something
from me would you little lady?
No, sir.
Here, take this.
If you hear anything, anything.
I will.
Good girl.
Lou, keep your nose clean.
- Sheriff.
- Boys.
Better have them
tags registered.
I, uh, I'm taking
care of things.
And I think after I do we should
have like a family meeting.
I think we would all
benefit from that.
What was that?
I'm not sure.
Oh, my!
Baby, stay inside, stay inside.
Oh, my God.
I'm sorry but the call
cannot be connected as dialed.
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah,
Sarah, Sarah, look at me.
Cassie, Cassie, you
need to get out.
- It's okay.
- Cassie, you need to run.
It's okay.
No, no, Cassie,
you don't understand.
They're here.
Cassie, they're here
and they're gonna kill us.
I got you.
Please go now.
No, hang on, almost got it.
Cass, Cassie,
he's right behind you!
No, don't.
Don't move.
You remind me of my pa.
Didn't much like him.
My brother and I, we
stuck closer to our momma.
It's, it's a good thing
too, 'cause made it easier
when she decided to gut
him with the Bowie knife.
Anyway, she used
to read us stories.
Oh, that's so pretty.
Look it.
Why are you doing this?
You ever read your
daughter stories?
- No.
- No?
No, of course not.
Your kind never does.
Well, do you know the
story about William Tell?
Do ya?
- No.
- No.
Public schools these days.
What the fuck do I know, right?
You should stay still.
Real still.
'Cause I'm a pretty good shot
so this probably won't hurt.
No, don't
Oh, that's way too close.
It's for sissies.
Come on.
That's better.
Wish me luck.
and a half.
You got any real
food around here?
Besides yourself.
I'm starving.
Fuck you.
What's that?
Fuck you!
The language in your
generation it's not becoming.
Somebody needs to teach you
young ladies some manners.
What, what are
you even doing here?
You don't know.
Ask this one.
Tell her!
Some friends and I
went to their house.
Trespassed is more like it.
Do you know what that means?
That means I can't let
you survive the night.
I think your Pa's out
there causing trouble.
I'm gonna go look.
I, I don't understand.
They've been keeping girls
locked in their basement.
Torturing them,
keeping them prisoner.
And their mother, she.
Why didn't you
go to the police?
I was afraid.
I thought maybe they
wouldn't find me
and all this would go away.
Kind of like-
- But this is different.
If you saw what you say you
saw they would have understood.
Wait, sheriff gave me his card.
I think it was like 805-5557.
Go to the landline, and
hurry before they come back.
Sheriff Vincent, this
is Cassie Vanderbilt.
We need your help.
Wait, wait, hold on.
My family's being held.
I don't know where my dad is.
It's the McKinleys,
fucking McKinleys.
And they took Tucker and Anna.
And now they're after me and my-
- All
right, all right, slow down.
You're at the cabin?
Please hurry.
Need your help.
I gotta go.
Wait, Cass.
You can't get away.
No sense trying.
I told you I was
good with a gun.
Just off him, May.
We can't keep 'em all.
You know what, what if
I wanna use me a man?
What do you think about that?
I'm all the man you need.
Says you.
You always get all
the girls you want.
What if I wanna use him?
A man and a
man, it ain't natural.
Well, then you can just watch
or you can push the little
record button and go piss off.
I don't give a shit.
Beside the fire
needs some tending.
You should do that.
You best mind who
you're talking to.
Momma said, "I would run
the farm when she was gone."
You always say that,
but the funny thing is,
is I don't remember
ever hearing it!
So where might the bedroom be?
Fucking bitch.
Everything I done for
her and this family.
What are you doing?
Don't be afraid.
Oh, God.
Please don't.
My brother Clete says,
"I got me a pretty smile."
You think I got a
pretty smile, huh?
You don't have to do this.
You try anything
and I'll fucking cut
your daughter's head off
with a pair of scissors,
and she will feel
every second of it.
Please don't, don't, don't.
Shall we see what
we're working with?
Oh, God.
Dammit, Clete!
Remember what we talked about?
No city folk.
Absolutely none.
I know.
Then why'd you do it?
You're not listening.
Should of seen me
spinning my wheels
when they called me out here.
Y'all shot at them
when they driving.
They came to my farm, Sheriff.
I don't give a shit!
Is May in there?
And the Vanderbilts,
they alive?
Okay, good.
You know what this means?
Nah, Vinny, I don't.
Remember what we talked
about all those years ago.
Runaways and strays, that's it.
We're not slaughtering
families in their houses.
It's we now.
You never let me have a say.
You wouldn't even
make me a deputy.
I would never
survive re-election.
I, I did it for both of us.
For the family.
If you and May
would have laid low.
That was never the plan.
Grandpop said, "I
was the next one."
I was the oldest cousin.
The smartest cousin.
So smart you
got caught, Clete.
You did the one thing and
you got fucking caught.
I feel sorry for you,
all those years in there must
have something to your brain.
Just come with me.
You're shitting yourself.
If this goes any further
it'll be bad for both of us.
And you knew that when
you drove up here.
If you take me in,
I'll show 'em the tapes.
I got a whole stash
of 'em with you in 'em
and the young girls.
You need to take better
inventory of your stuff
'cause I nabbed it years ago.
Let's do us both a favor and
just get in the car with me.
I'll grab your crazy sister.
We ain't going nowhere.
You know,
I'm getting real tired.
Can't trust nobody no more.
Not even family.
When we were younger,
you used to follow
me around everywhere,
and sometimes you lagged behind.
You know what I used to say
to get you to move faster?
I used to say chop, chop.
He's going to the fire.
I can't get it.
You're not gonna hurt my family!
Untie you.
Go get the gun, better run!
You don't know how to
use that thing do you, huh?
You probably don't
either, city boy.
- We gotta go.
- Run.
- Come on.
- Go.
You're not going anywhere.
Come on, come on.
Oh, my God, go, go.
You're next, bitch!
We're gonna find you.
You can't hide, I promise.
Son of bitch,
this fuckin' hurts.
You never been shot before?
Not even on accident?
No, Clete, 'cause I
ain't no fuckin' retard.
Those aren't gonna
burn down all the way.
I know.
So you're wasting your time.
No, I'm not, I cooking it.
Ain't you got a girl to find?
She'll come.
They always do.
That is if she
loves you she will.
Where are you little lady?
Oh, that's a brilliant plan.
She's probably half
way to town by now.
Fuck off, Clete.
You are really gettin'
on my nerves today.
I'll let you live, I promise.
If you come even quicker
I'll even let your dad live.
Now that's one
hell of a bargain.
Oh, shit.
You watch him.
I'm watching him.
All right, if he tries to
get away you know what to do.
She's really
getting under my skin.
Want a little Sheriff?
You're next.
Don't worry, she's
probably using her tags.
You dumb motherfucker.
Go get 'em, May.
May, you all right, girl?
Looking for this?
You should know better
than to fuck with family.
No, Cassie, don't.
Looks like I did
know how to use this.
Don't worry, Dad.
Bye, motherfucker.
It's okay, Dad.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Oh, my God.
You can't get rid
of me that easy.
- Oh, my God.
- Hey.
- Yeah I got it.
- You sure?
At the end of the night when
the moon rises to illuminate
What was hidden
shadow during the day
A demon with
white knuckle rage
Anger and anticipation,
hatred and segregation
Murky waters that's infected
with blood of the fallen
You might wanna
hang up the phone
In case heaven come callin'
Until then we walk with the
dead, here on the bad side
I was warned when
I was baptized
I was born to
walk the bad side
Nothin' more it's
just a fact I
I was born to
walk the bad side
I know that I'm
rotten to the core
Inside my medulla oblongata
And it sort of cause problems
like holes in a condom
Bring on that wicked shit,
we only want that wicked shit
And it really
just so happens
That me can't
never hold on this
I'm the wrong end
of a pistol grip
When in a song of mine
you're listenin', listenin'
I'll take it all
if you're givin' it
Blood, blood, blood is the
life that we're living in
Who made it a problem to
be in it for the throne
Anybody wanna
like claim to this
I got another way of
makin' this dangerous
Without a wicked flow
This time you fucked with
the wrong J-U double G-A-L-O
When they know I'm
the M to the O-N-O
But you're gonna
die in stereo
I'm walkin' on the bad side
Is there anybody
wanting walk with me
I'm havin' a bad time
Find my way back to reality