Ash & Dust (2022) Movie Script

[door creaking]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[man breathing heavily]
[man breathing heavily]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[gun firing]
[man grunting]
[man coughing]
[man groaning]
[Man] You can't outrun fate.
[gun firing]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[gun cocking]
[kettle whistling]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[alarm clock ringing]
[Samantha] Breakfast.
[Joel] Good morning.
[shovel thudding]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[shovel thudding]
[siren wailing]
[dramatic orchestral music]
I'll give you three,
I could go as high as 350.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[Murrow] Yes.
[Dealer] Just had
a man through here.
Had himself a coin to appraise.
[Murrow] So?
[Dealer] An ancient coin.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[shovel thudding]
[hammer banging]
[dramatic piano music]
[indistinct chattering]
[hammer banging]
[Hannah] Hey, you want some?
[Joel] Hey, what's
up, Uncle Nick?
- What's up little, man.
- I need some work,
- You know what we do, right?
- Yeah, I know what you do.
[eerie ambient music]
[man crying]
[Zach] You just
don't get it do you?
This could all be over.
All you have to do is
tell us who ratted on us.
You know what, you
might not know anything,
but I can't tell you how
good it makes me feel
taken out some of this
frustration on you.
[Man] I don't know anything.
I can't say it any
more plain than that.
[man sobbing]
[punch thudding]
[Zach] We can
do this all night.
I'm not sure you
can, but we can.
[man sobbing]
[punch thudding]
[Man] All right, stop.
Okay, it wasn't me.
I would never cross
you or your dad.
I think it was Nick.
It had to be.
[man sobbing]
[Nick] Me?
You're saying it was me.
I suppose you'd say just
about anything right now.
Well, lying or unaware,
you are definitely useless.
[man sobbing]
[Man] Okay, okay.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Wait, wait, wait.
[gun firing]
[phone ringing]
[Zach] Yeah?
[Murrow] I've got
something for you
and your boys to take care of.
[man screaming]
[Wilbur] Well, Dr. Carr,
it's been quite an afternoon.
I can truly say I've never
enjoyed myself so much.
I'll recommend you
to all my friends.
[phone ringing]
[Seymour] Thank you, goodbye.
[Wilbur] Goodbye now.
[light orchestral music]
[Audrey Jr.] Feed me.
[Seymour] Take
it easy, Dracula.
What do you think
I'm carrying here?
[Joel] Hello?
[Nick] All right, little man,
I got something for tomorrow.
[eerie ambient music]
[branches rustling]
[dramatic music]
[Zach] You're gonna need this.
Put your goddamn mask on.
All right, out of
the trunk, big man.
That's it.
All right, turn around.
Turn the fuck around.
Start walking.
[suspenseful music]
[Zach] Just tell
us where it is
and nothing bad happens.
Last chance.
Last chance!
[phone ringing]
[Browyn] Hello?
Where is it?
I'll be there in 20 minutes.
[water running]
[breathing heavily]
[Zach] Stop.
Last chance.
shoot this fucking idiot.
Shoot him.
Hey, hey.
In for a penny, in
for a pound, Joel.
Shoot him.
He's a dead man anyway,
so just shoot it.
This is how this works, okay.
Shoot him,
shoot him!
I'm going to count to three.
If you don't shoot him,
I'm going to shoot you,
then I'm going to shoot him.
[gun firing]
[Joel] I don't get
why we have to do this.
[Zach] Because we
offered him a choice
and this is what you chose.
[siren wailing]
[tapping on window]
[knocking on door]
[Lindsey] Just a second.
[Lindsey screaming]
[Nick] Come here!
[Lindsey] Get off me.
[Lindsey screaming]
[flash bulb popping]
[eerie ambient music]
[police radio chattering]
[door clicking]
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[Joel gasping]
[water running]
[gun firing]
[woman screaming]
[gun firing]
[police radio chattering]
[line ringing]
[Murrow] Yeah?
[Zach] The cops are
at the stash house.
[Murrow] Why?
[Zach] I don't know yet.
[Murrow] Come
see me when you do.
[dramatic music]
What did you do with
the man who had my box?
[Zach] What
difference does it make?
[Murrow] What did you do?
[Zach] What I always do.
Took him out in the woods,
popped him in the head.
He's a dead man.
[Murrow] Oh, is he?
[eerie ambient music]
You are one tough bitch.
I'll give it to ya.
It's pretty impressive.
Ultimately it's
very, very necessary.
[Lindsey sobbing]
All you have to do is tell
us where the fuck it is
and then we'll go.
And that's an offer I
made to your man too.
You know what he did?
He refused, which is rude.
I suggest that knowing
what we did to him,
you don't do the same.
[Lindsey] I don't know
what you're talking about.
I don't know.
[Lindsey sobbing]
No, no.
[Lindsey sobbing]
[Lindsey screaming]
[Nick] It's gotta be
around here somewhere.
[Wade grunting]
[dramatic music]
[Wade sobbing]
[Vet] Best guess
is that the bullet
is lodged along the side here.
Pretty much between your
frontal and temporal lobes.
There's a very slim
chance it won't kill you,
but it's beyond my abilities.
[Wade] Then sew it up.
And give me painkillers.
[Vet] The new only ones
I've got here are for horses.
[Wade] Sounds about right.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[gun firing]
[ominous music]
[gun firing]
[gun clicking]
[dramatic music]
[phone ringing]
[Samantha] Joel, who is that?
[Joel] Don't worry about it.
What's up?
[Zach] Your uncle's dead.
I'm coming to get you.
[hammer banging]
[suspenseful music]
[gun cocking]
[Murrow] Bit cold out today.
[Joel] Where we going?
My dad knows how to find Wade.
You're gonna do it this time.
Hey, hey.
In for a penny in
for a pound. Joel.
Shoot him.
He's a dead man anyway,
so just shoot him.
This is how this works, okay.
Shoot him, shoot him.
I'm going to count to three.
If you don't shoot him,
I'm going to shoot you then
I'm going to shoot him.
[gun firing]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[Zach grunting]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[Joel] I'm sorry.
I didn't kill your wife.
I stayed out of it.
But I didn't mean for
any of this to happen.
I'm sorry.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[eerie ambient music]
[phone ringing]
[Samantha] Hello?
[Wade] You wanna see your
husband again, write this down.
[dramatic orchestral music]
No, no, no, no.
[muffled screaming]
[Samantha breathing heavily]
There's one bullet in that.
Pick it up, point it at his head
and pull the trigger.
[Samantha sobbing]
He's already dead.
Whether or not you and your
baby die too is up to you.
[Samantha sobbing]
If you don't shoot, I'll shoot
him and then I'll shoot you.
[muffled screaming]
I'm gonna count to three.
[Samantha sobbing]
[muffled shouting]
[muffled shouting]
[Samantha sobbing]
[Samantha screaming]
[Joel screaming]
[Samantha] Joel.
[Samantha screaming]
[gun firing]
[Samantha screaming]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[Samantha sobbing]
[dramatic orchestral music]