Ashgrove (2022) Movie Script

- [Reporter] And we're back.
We're talking to professor
of water chemistry,
Dr. Jennifer Ashgrove,
one of the many scientists
around the world
trying to find a solution
to the water pandemic.
Dr. Ashgrove, we know it's too
late now to create a vaccine
now that the entire world
is infected with this virus.
But can you explain to me
what exactly are you and
your team working on?
(pensive music)
(water gently running)
- [Jennifer] As we all know,
this virus feeds
on oxygen molecules
in the water that we drink,
making water consumption toxic
and unfortunately,
eventually fatal.
So essentially, my team
and I are looking for ways
to bond the oxygen
molecules more securely
to the hydrogen molecules
in the water we drink
so the virus will starve and
eventually, hopefully die.
- [Reporter] You know,
this time in history
has been nicknamed
the great paradox.
We obviously need
water to survive,
but now if we drink too
little, we'd dehydrate.
We drink too much and the
toxicity builds up in us
and it can kill us.
- [Jennifer] Well, it
really comes down to
self-regulation here.
The death rates are astounding,
but they would slow
down if people carefully
rationed their water intake.
- [Reporter] But you know,
obviously relying on individuals
to change their
behaviors, often enough.
I mean, the numbers, as you
mentioned are astounding.
That's 60 million people
around the world have died
and the rest of the
population is now expected
to perish within five years.
Well, I know a lot
of people are looking
to you specifically to
help get us out of this.
I saw that the UK Science
Journal reported last week,
that of all the teams
around the world,
you might be the closest
to a breakthrough.
- [Jennifer] That is flattering
but I can't really
comment on that now
but I can promise you
that I haven't taken a single
day away from this work
since the outbreak
started and won't.
- [Reporter] I know
that you're married.
And I imagine working
a job like this
that has such a demand
on you every single day,
what kind of toll
does that take?
- Uh, yes, well, it's
all about balance
and I think...
In this situation,
you make it work.
You just, you find a way.
We're doing okay.
(body banging)
(ominous music)
(Jennifer sharply exhales)
(ominous music)
Oh my God.
- Jenn?
(suspenseful music)
- I gotta go.
(suspenseful music)
(pensive music)
(cellphone ringing)
Fuck, Frank, pick up.
(cellphone ringing)
- [Frank Voicemail] This
is Frank, leave a message.
- Frank!
Frank, Frank, I figured it out.
Get the team together
and meet me at the
office in 45 minutes.
I figured it out, Frank, I-
Fuck, I figured it out.
(suspenseful music)
(ominous music)
- Hey.
- Hi.
- [Jason] How you doing?
- Hmm.
A little groggy.
- Yeah.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- [Jason] No, don't be sorry.
- I know, I slept a long time.
- Hi, I'm Dr. Lakeland.
Yeah, so you feeling
okay, Jennifer?
- Yes.
- Okay.
- So.
- Sorry, this is-
- I know, I know, I'm so sorry
to sort of surprise you
like that, I'm sorry.
- Hmm hmm.
- I'm sorry.
But I just wanted to make
sure that I could talk to you
when you woke up.
We've determined
that you're suffering
from a bit of a
dissociative amnesia,
which just means
things, you know,
before you collapse might
be a little bit fuzzy.
That's okay.
And that's normal, guys.
So I don't want you
to worry about that.
- Okay-
- Some things.
It's no problem.
When you collapsed,
do you know how much water
you'd consume that day?
- It was, uh,
directly after lunch.
So, 25.
- Okay, great.
So we can rule out any toxicity.
Jennifer, I understand you
have a bit of a history
of having these like
stress-induced blackouts.
Is that correct?
- Umm.
Well, no, I don't think,
a bit of a history,
is a correct way to--
Well, I've had, there's
been several times
that I've lost
time for a moment,
but it's,
it doesn't happen every
day is what I'm saying.
- Okay, and have you ever
been hospitalized with those?
- No, no, no.
I have, I was in the hospital
last year for four days.
We had a miscarriage and so I,
it has nothing to do
with the blackouts.
This was more...
- Okay.
Well, since you have
what I would consider
a medical history
with these blackouts
and because I know that
you're under very extreme,
like unimaginable
stress right now,
I think that what's going
to be really great for you
is if you take a
little bit of time off,
if you have a little bit of a
rest, just a couple of days.
I think that's going
to be great for you
and ultimately, great
for everybody else.
- You understand what
I do for a living?
- Yeah.
- Well, then you realize
that it's not possible for me
to take any sort of break.
I feel great right now.
- Well, so, okay.
So here's the thing.
Because of the
stress you're under
and because you do
have this history,
my concern would be that
these blackouts reoccur.
So I think what's going
to be great for you
and it's going to ultimately
help you do your job,
is if we can reset
your system a bit.
I'm just talking
about a weekend.
You know-
- Okay.
- I'm not saying
take a month off.
Just like a couple of days.
- Okay.
- Is there somewhere
maybe you could go
where you could just relax,
get away from everything?
- Yeah. Yeah.
We have a farm, her family farm.
- Yeah.
- That sounds great.
(pensive music)
- You're not
supposed to be here.
- Good morning, Frank.
Just saving the world.
I'll be out in 15 minutes.
- Goddammit, Jennifer.
- Don't goddammit, me.
I'm not even here.
- We have had this conversation.
- Look away.
- You just had a blackout.
- Why are following me?
- You had a blackout
a month ago.
I can't use you like this.
Doctor's orders,
you need to rest.
- I'm not resting.
I'm going to head
upstairs to my office.
You will barely notice me.
And then, we can
get back to work.
- Why don't you go to that
place you got in the country
with your husband?
- Sure.
Every day, a hundred
thousand people die
but I'm going to go, head
up and have a vacation.
- Green team is still working
on your new toxicity formula.
Geneva needs two days to send
them the bacteria results.
You've got the time.
- Who's going to run
point man when I'm gone?
For two days, who's
going to take over?
- This isn't a request.
If you're still here in 10
minutes, I'm calling the MPs,
have you sent home.
- You gotta be
kidding me, Frank.
- Nine minutes, 58 seconds.
- Frank!
- Who is gonna run point man?
- Did I say point man?
I meant point woman.
- That makes it better?
- Well point person.
- All right.
- Point people, if we could
have multiple people running.
- [Elliot] Quit while
you're ahead, man, Jesus.
- Okay, fill me in.
- Bacteria patterning.
You know what Snowmax is?
It's the fake snow on ski hills.
It's made using the bacteria,
pseudomonas syringae.
- Yeah.
- Bacteria is amazing
ice nuclear, right?
You know that.
So you take bacteria.
And when it's in ice form,
the molecules are more
firmly bound together
so the virus would have a
hard time ripping it apart.
So what we need to do is
come up with a pre-ice.
- And it could still
possibly be digested?
- I don't know, find out.
I'll do some modeling
over the weekend
while you go away to the farm
and then we can deal with it-
- Elliot.
What is your obsession
with a farm, you people.
- It's not an obsession
with the farm, Jennifer.
You need some time to relax.
You need some time to just
get away from this, okay?
I promise you, if you
go away for the weekend,
I'll do this work.
We'll revisit it Monday morning
and I'll have some
answers for you.
Look, you're stuck.
You need to stop thinking
about it for a couple of days.
And I don't know, maybe the
solution will come to you.
- Fine.
But if I'm going to the
farm, you're coming with me.
- I'm not going to the farm.
I'm gonna stay here.
- Yes, you are.
Just listen to me, please.
You and Sam can
come up for dinner.
I can't do this alone.
And I can't sit up there
at that farm without you.
- Yup.
We'll go.
- Yeah?
- Hmm hmm.
- And we will relax.
And Jason will make
a Colombian dish.
- (laughing) Colombian?
- Yep, he's going to make
a delicious Colombian-
- Oh, goddamnit, that's good.
Yes, get him to make a
Colombian meal for me and-
- It's going to be wonderful.
And you're going to
regret saying that.
And it's going to be
a wonderful weekend.
- Hmm hmm, what are you
going to do up there,
over the weekend?
- I don't know.
I'm going to do whatever I
need to do to let you guys know
that I am okay and to
get you off my back.
I will be relaxed.
I'm going to have fun
at the farm.
(relaxing instrumental music)
(vehicle door slamming)
("The Weight" by Ian LeFeuvre)
(metal clanking)
So take me back,
just you and me
Before the weight
The weight of the world
Just came along and
pushed you off my shoulder
With all this weight
You might have to wait
For now
(singers harmonizing)
(gentle instrumental music)
It's nice there.
("The Weight" by Ian LeFeuvre)
Let's step inside
the way we use to be
Before the weight
The weight of the world
If we keep this ruse up
long enough, we'll see
Who knows the weight
Might go away
For now
(singers harmonizing)
I know we're due
So much to say
Just can't do
any of this today
("The Weight" by Ian LeFeuvre)
(broom scratching)
I know we're due
It's on its way
Sometime soon but
just not today
Just can't do
any of this today
("The Weight" by Ian LeFeuvre)
(singers harmonizing)
I know we're due
So much to say
Just can't do
any of this today
(light ukulele music)
- Um, I moved all your
stuff into the drawers,
the two top drawers.
But I see that you've
moved everything around
that used to be there.
- [Jason] (laughing) Yeah.
- Thank you.
- [Jason] For?
- You've done a lot of
work around the house
and have taken care of it.
- You're welcome.
- It's good.
You've done a lot.
- Yeah, no, it's
keeping me busy.
It's good.
Yeah, I mean, you know,
if you want anything moved
back, just let me know.
- No, I don't want
anything moved back.
Um, also you play the ukulele.
- Very observant.
- (laughing) When did you?
Why and when?
- Uh.
- But mostly why.
- Uh, I did it in, I
picked it up last March.
And I just been working on it.
I don't know, it's been
a good thing for me.
It keeps me company on
those lonely nights.
- Nice.
Listen, I,
I don't want to do this,
this weekend,
of just,
just a little,
it keeps me company
digs and I don't,
I just, I don't want to
do that this weekend.
- Why are you pissed
off at me right now?
- It's just, Jason, I love
the fact that you learned
a completely, random instrument
with all of the time
that you have off.
It has nothing to do with that.
- So then what are
you pissed off about?
- I just don't need
you to use it as a tool
to remind me of how alone
you feel or are, or I just-
Listen, I love it.
I think it's great.
I am glad that you found
something to do with your time
besides moving stuff
around the house.
- Let's make lunch.
Let's make lunch.
And I'm fucking thirsty.
I'm ready for a sip, you?
Let's eat.
(pensive music)
- [Jennifer] Uh, are we
doing sandwiches?
- Yeah.
(sighs) All right.
I'm thinking maybe we could
make some rules,
rules for the weekend.
I'll lay down some,
I'm going to commit to,
I'm not gonna make,
I'm not going to do any
more passive aggressive
shitty things for your
acknowledgement or attention.
I won't.
That is my promise to you
for the weekend, okay?
Well, hopefully, forever,
but definitely for the weekend.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Well then, if you're doing that,
I am going
to be present.
The whole time, here.
- Yeah?
That'd be great.
- Okay.
- I promise no more
wisecracks about you
being off, saving the planet
while I'm stuck at
home with my ukulele.
(Jennifer laughs)
- Is it a ukulele
or is it a banjo?
- You know, it's a ukulele.
- Well then, uh,
it looks like it's going
to be a nice weekend.
I'm not going to have
a sandwich anymore.
I don't really feel like one.
I'm just gonna eat a salad.
- Ah, I think you,
why, are you sure?
- Yeah.
- Let me make you this sandwich.
I really feel like
you're going to like it.
I've been working on my
sandwich-making abilities
and it's going to be
the best turkey sandwich
you've ever had.
- I'm sure it is.
I just, honestly, I
just want a salad.
- All right, look.
This is silly, but,
I baked the bread.
I baked the bread and
when I baked it,
I imagined us,
eating the sandwiches together.
That's stupid and it's weird
and sentimental and dumb.
If you wanna have
a salad, I get it.
Have a salad. (laughs)
(Jason scoffs)
- Yes. Fine.
Yes, thank you.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I just, I'd love one.
- Okay.
Would you join me in
trading five ounces of water
for a three ounce glass
of wine for lunch?
- Yes.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- Let's do it.
- I'm at 25.
(Jennifer exclaims)
- Wanna go and pick a bottle?
- Yeah.
Are you okay?
- I'm good.
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
- Okay.
- Red or white?
- White.
(sighs) Fuck me.
(pensive music)
- Potatoes, I dug
those up already.
Do you remember the
scallop potatoes
I made with the veal chop?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, that was those.
Asparagus went to
seed like, months ago.
So that's done.
- You've done a lot of work.
It's really good.
- Thanks.
Yeah, and I'm
getting good at it.
Thumb's turning green.
- Let me see?
- I should probably get that.
- [Both] Looked at.
- I'll grab the far end.
- Okay.
You got it?
- [Jason] Ready and lift.
Almost any days,
it comes to me
- You okay?
- Yep.
There's no place at all
I'm assumed you'd be
- [Jennifer] You
have weight, no, no.
- [Jason] Just
paddle on the right.
Paddle on the right.
- Oh, Jesus Christ.
- You want me to help?
Are you trying to turn
this perpendicular?
What are you doing?
You tell me if you see a
rock, so we can avoid it.
- You know what?
- Yep.
- Here's my guess.
- Yeah.
- There's rocks
fucking everywhere.
Are we going forwards
or backwards?
- [Jason] South.
- Which way is South?
- (laughs) I don't know.
So relaxing.
(Jennifer laughing)
- How are you doing back there?
- I'm doing great, just amazing.
It's been enlightening.
Slow the time, it's okay-
It's pretty.
- Wish it could tell
me what it's thinking.
We should do this more often.
(rag time music)
(plate clanking)
(food frying)
(rag time music)
(Jennifer faintly talking)
(rag time music)
- Oh. (laughing)
(rag time music)
(bottle drops)
- [Jennifer] Oh my God.
- Fuck.
- [Jennifer] Fuck.
- How much did you have left?
(rag time music)
- I don't know.
I don't know.
(rag time music)
What are you doing?
- Hey, hey, hey.
I'll follow you.
(rag time music)
- I'm sorry.
(Jason laughs)
(rag time music)
(light ukulele music)
You know, I feel like a bit,
no, a lot of a
shit person,
because I haven't asked you
anything about your book.
Like anything.
The whole year has
been about me and,
I'm sorry.
- No, it's fine.
I don't want to talk about work.
We promised we weren't
going to talk about work.
- But I wanna know
about your work.
- Yeah, but we made a rule and,
can't break a rule.
(light ukulele music)
- What do you want
to talk about, then?
- I don't.
I'm trying to write something.
What do you think?
- You want to write something?
- No, I'm trying
to, I've got the.
(light ukulele music)
- Did you write that?
- Yeah.
- No, you didn't.
- It took me three months.
(light ukulele music)
- Is it finished?
- No.
No, I'd like to put words in.
I would never, I
tried and I'm shit.
So I'll just go silly like.
- Just make something up.
Came to the farm
To get some rest
(light ukulele music)
But we can't give
each other rest
(light ukulele music)
I stay
I say stupid shit
Even when I'm
trying to do my best
(light ukulele music)
I do.
We just made a stir fry
(Jennifer laughing)
(light ukulele music)
Sometimes, I make you cry
But the stir fry kicked ass
- Nice!
And I'm an ass
You're an ass
(Jennifer vocalizing)
You've got a great ass
I think it's a hit.
I think it's amazing.
- Yeah, you got a winner there?
- Hmm hmm.
(gentle music)
(Jennifer sighing)
(gentle music)
(Jennifer mumbling)
(ominous music)
(suspenseful music)
(Jason faintly talking)
(tense music)
(Jennifer faintly talking)
(Jennifer faintly yelling)
(muffled yelling)
(tense music)
I hate you!
- [Jason] You betrayed me first!
(Jennifer gasping)
(Jason exclaiming)
- What is it?
You okay?
You okay?
What was it?
What was it?
- Uh.
- Do you remember?
- No.
- Okay, okay.
Go back to sleep.
Shh, come on.
- I'm sorry.
- No, it's okay, come.
- I'm okay.
- It's all right, it's okay.
Come here.
(lips smacking)
It's okay, go back to sleep.
(pensive music)
(gentle music)
(singers harmonizing)
(Jennifer blowing)
(cellphone notification)
(singers harmonizing)
(gentle music)
In time
(singers harmonizing)
(gentle music)
(water lightly sloshing)
Still hoping
We'll find
The one
- [Jason] Hey, you wanna
go to the farmer's market?
- [Jennifer] I would love to
go to the farmer's market.
(singers harmonizing)
- [Jason] Can I get
the yellow beans?
A dozen corn.
Can we get a basket
of the mixed peppers?
- [Worker] Sure.
(gentle music)
- And pork belly.
- Pork.
- [Clerk] Yeah, sure.
- [Woman] Hi.
- [Jason] Can we get a
bag of the honey crisp?
You give me the stuff.
You go grab the
apple crumbled pie.
I'll meet you back at the car.
- [Jennifer] As usual, do you
have any apple crumbled pie?
- [Hans] Oh no, I
don't have those today.
But we have the apple cake
here, that's very nice.
- So Hans didn't have any
more apple crumble, but,
he gave me strawberry rhubarb.
His last one, he
sends his apologies.
- Oh, okay.
Are you sure he didn't have any?
- Yeah.
He was very upset for you.
- Uh.
(ominous music)
Sometimes, he has
some in the back.
- He didn't, he had,
he didn't have any.
- You know what?
Humor me, I'm
gonna double-check.
- You don't have
to double check.
- I'll be one sec,
I'll be one sec.
- Jason, he didn't have-
- I'll be right back.
(tense music)
(tense music)
(gentle music)
Got it.
- How did you get it?
- He always does that.
- He's losing it, man.
He's losing it.
Let's go.
- He checked in the back.
(gentle music)
He lied to me.
(engine starts)
("Float Away" by Ian LeFeuvre)
I'll be softly
Along the way
Please just let it
Flow the way
(singers harmonizing)
(screen door squeaking)
Please float away
("Float Away" by Ian LeFeuvre)
(cellphone ringing)
("Float Away" by Ian LeFeuvre)
- It's not easy.
(tense music)
I'm trying.
(tense music)
You think I don't know that?
(tense music)
Yeah, okay, I will.
(tense music)
Yeah, she's in the hammock.
(tense music)
Okay, bye.
(tense music)
(screen door slams)
(tense music)
(tense music)
- Hey.
- Hey, where are you?
- Right here.
- Oh. (labored breathing)
Hey, what are you,
what's going on?
- Oh, I'm just uh,
putting some things together
to give to Sam and Elliot,
tonight, just for the baby.
(Jason sighs)
- For the baby,
you're gonna give,
you're gonna give
them your bassinet?
- Yeah, I just wanted to
give them a couple of things
for the baby.
It's like an early
surprise baby present.
I thought it'd be nice.
Just at dinner tonight.
- Well-
- I don't wanna give them
any sort of the artificial,
weird sterile crap that
they have in their registry.
I just want to give
them something personal.
I thought it would be nice.
And I think it's
just a nice gesture
to give them something
that means something to us.
Well, me.
- No, us.
No, no, us.
It means something to us.
- I know.
And I want Sam and
Elliot to have it.
I think it would be
nice for them to have.
Like, it's just,
and something's,
ah, there it is.
- Babe, I don't, I don't.
- It's nice.
- I don't think we should
give them this stuff.
- Why?
- [Jason] We were saving
Bubba for something.
- Yeah, but he's
currently living in a box.
And I want him to be used.
And so,
let's give him to some
people that would use him.
- I thought we
were going to use it.
So are you...
- I don't want to talk.
I don't want to
do this right now.
- Just hold on.
It's like, you're saying
we're never going to have-
- I can't do this right now.
- Okay, we haven't
talked about it.
I mean, it's been-
- Not now.
I just want to give
them something nice.
He lives in a fucking box.
Please just give
me five minutes. I just--
- Just please don't
make this decision
until we do talk about it.
You can have, take
the time you need.
But you, can we not,
just make a call on it yet?
Let's talk about tomorrow.
(tense music)
- Okay.
- Okay.
(pensive music)
(Jennifer sobbing)
(pensive music)
- [Jennifer] You need help?
- You look beautiful.
- You look beautiful.
- (laughing) No, I
don't need any help.
I got this.
You do the table.
I do the food prep.
Everything is-
- Situation and-
- Everything's
right on schedule.
- I don't know that.
- It is.
- I don't want us to end up
eating at like 11:30 at night.
- [Jason] That's
not going to happen.
- It happened once.
- That was not my fault.
That was a technical issue.
It had nothing to do with me.
- (scoffs) A little
bit, your fault.
You sure you don't want help?
- [Jason] No, I'm good.
You set the table.
- I'm done setting the table.
- [Jason] Okay, well just relax.
You can hang with
me, but I'm good.
I'm going to do the chopping.
I got this under control.
- Okay.
I think I'm just
going to grab a salad.
- What, no, no.
There's no salad in this.
This does not include salad.
- It's just a salad.
- Please, please,
please, please.
There's no salad in this.
There's no salad.
I've got everything organized.
Everything is going exactly
where it's supposed to go
at the right time
and I just don't want you
messing with it with salad.
- Okay, I'm not messing with it.
I just wanted to
make, it's okay.
- I know, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
What's going on?
(Jason scoffs)
(Jason scoffs)
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
You just been a
little weird lately
about food and particularly
the stuff with the sourdough
and the sandwiches.
The shit at the
market with the pie.
You've been chopping vegetables
for like an hour and a half.
You snuck upstairs to have
that weird phone call.
Little hushed voices.
I heard you.
- Oh no, that.
I didn't want to-
- [Jennifer] And since
when did we go upstairs
with hushed voices?
- I didn't want you to hear it.
- [Jennifer] Who were
you talking to, then?
- Richard calling me about,
bugging me about pages.
And I didn't want you to
hear me have a work call
'cause I said no work calls.
And I promised we weren't
going to do that and then-
- Does Richard often
ask where I am?
- What?
- Why did you have
to explain to Richard
where I was in the house?
And my exact whereabouts?
- I don't think I did that.
- I absolutely
heard you say that.
And then you got it
and you're trying to work on it
and you're trying to fix it.
(Jason mumbling)
I'm sorry.
The food thing is
weird, I get it.
I'm under a lot
of pressure, okay?
- Copy. Cool.
- [Jason] What I'm saying is-
- No, I understand.
You're under a tremendous
amount of pressure.
I know.
You have a ukulele
deadline coming.
You're under pressure.
I got it.
You're under pressure.
- It is not possible that I
could also be under pressure?
- It's not possible
for you to be
under the same
amount of pressure.
- Did I say-
Did I say that I was under
the same amount of pressure?
- You used the word pressure.
What possible pressures
do you have in your life?
- You know, what's-
- To make you go so
strange and crazy
to sneak around and
have strange phone calls
to be so obsessed with food.
- Jen, there's a lot
going on right now, okay.
- What is going on, then?
- I'm trying to support
you and be there for you.
And I'm just,
I'm constantly trying
to lift you up.
- That's your job as my husband!
- You have no idea
what I'm doing
to help you find
your cure, okay?
- I have no idea?
- [Jason] I'm lifting
you up, all the time.
- You're doing nothing except
playing the fucking banjo.
- How can you say that to me!
- And chopping vegetables,
is all you're doing.
That's all you ever
do is sit on your ass.
It took you 10 years
to write a book.
It takes you 10
years to do anything.
Don't tell me you're helping me.
Do you think I want to be here?
- I don't want to
do this anymore!
- I don't want to do
this anymore, either.
- I don't want to
do this anymore!
- I don't want to do it either.
Great, we're on the same page.
- They're here!
They're here. (sighing)
- Hi.
Oh my God.
- I know, it's been a minute.
- Oh my God.
- Hey, I'm coming in.
Can I hug her first?
(Jason scoffs)
It's okay, never mind.
- How are you?
- Great, how are you?
- Good.
- Oh.
- Hey, welcome.
- Congratulations.
- How you doing?
- Good.
- You?
- Good, what's that?
- [Jennifer] No, I'm
just happy for you guys.
- Dessert, my man.
- Okay.
- Two ounces of watermelon.
One ounce of water.
- Seems like a fair trade.
Let's be careful
with it, shall we?
- What's happening,
how you feeling?
- I can smell something.
- Good.
- Yeah?
- How you'd doing?
- Good, I'm great.
- I'm good, how are you?
- Thank you for coming.
- Of course.
- Taking up a little more.
- How was the uh-
- How could I not come-
- Be careful, careful
with the steps!
- She's fine.
- How was the drive?
- Please, let's not do
that anymore, this weekend.
- This is a very-
- She's fine.
She has to help me upstairs.
- Precious cargo. (laughs)
(screen door shut)
(glasses lightly banging)
- I'm so, so sorry.
I really fucked up.
- Yeah.
Yeah, so did I.
We both did, right?
- Yeah.
(Jason sighs)
- So, how's it going?
(Jason scoffs)
- Not well.
- Shit.
God, is there any way
we can just tell her?
- Sammy.
Look at me.
That is not an option.
Do you get that?
(Sammy mumbling)
- Yeah.
- We got this.
(Elliot laughing)
- You going to be a dad?
- Yes, I'm going to be a dad.
- You're gonna be a dad.
- I know.
How did that happen, Jennifer?
- I can tell you.
(Elliot laughing)
How do you feel?
- Um.
I, you know.
Are you okay to talk about this?
- Yes.
- Seriously for real?
- Oh, um, thank you.
Yeah. Yes.
- I'm going to have a kid.
- I know.
- In like three months.
Come on, look where we live.
Look, what's happening.
How am I supposed to welcome
someone into the world,
knowing that?
- You're going to fix this
and you're going
to do it with me.
And so, the baby's
going to be fine
and you're going to be fine.
It's okay to be scared.
You should be.
You'll probably fuck it up.
You will fuck it up.
- Thank you, Jennifer.
- You're welcome.
- How are you, really?
How's the weekend going?
- I don't know,
I'm a little lost.
- How so?
- I just, uh.
Before you came, we had a fight,
just devolved into madness.
And I said things
and he said things
and they were hurtful
and they were bad and...
- I think we got to
give them some slack.
I mean, both of them.
Just think of the
pressure they're under.
They're trying to take care
of us and connect to us.
We're off doing, God
knows what, in their eyes.
They don't understand
what we're doing.
They just see what
we're coming home,
weighted down with every night.
And they're trying to
figure out how to love us.
And that's...
So he's been tasked with trying
to give you a good weekend here,
a relaxing weekend,
a way to get rid of all the
other stresses as best he can.
And he doesn't understand
that, that's impossible.
He loves you so much.
- I know.
- Just try to give
over to it, you know?
And cut off some slack.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
- Are we done?
- Jesus. Come on.
- I just want to
know if it's over.
(Elliot scoffs)
It was nice.
- [Jason] So
welcome to Colombia,
(speaking in foreign language)
is the unofficial national dish.
So don't be intimidated by
the number of dishes you see
'cause it all comes
together on your plate.
You can just start with rice.
You're going to add red beans,
which is cooked through
with slow roasted pork.
We've got ground beef,
I've got a chorizo
and more pork.
Plantains, fried plantain,
and then you've
got fresh avocado.
There's no right or
wrong way to do this.
- I just wanted to
ask you traditionally-
- [Jason] Yeah.
- This dish is served
single serving.
It's never served family style.
So I'm curious about
why you made the choice
to do it this way.
(Jennifer laughing)
- I guess I'm giving
it my own twist.
Give me a fried egg.
- The yolk is usually runny.
- Ah, you really boned up
on your Colombian
food history, there.
- I did, about 20 years ago.
- He lived in Colombia.
- Oh, you lived in Colombia?
- We lived there.
- So you actually,
you've eaten the real thing.
- Yeah.
- How's it taste, though?
- It's tastes great.
- [Jennifer] The Elliot
stamp of approval.
- Thank you, man.
- You did it.
- I appreciate it.
- And most
importantly, at least,
we're not being
served at 1:00 a.m.
- Oh. (laughs)
- Is this never
going to be forgiven?
- No.
- It was a technical issue.
("Baile Giratorio"
by Ian LeFeuvre)
- I desperately want you
guys to tell the story
of your very first date.
- I've heard enough about it.
I don't know that we need to-
- You need to hear
the story, it's fun.
- It wasn't a date.
- It was, yeah.
- It was a date
and it was a kiss.
- No.
You leapt like Clark
Kent into the crowd
and suddenly started
body surfing.
It was just like hands on
butts and boots and faces.
- Hands on butts?
- Oh, I mean, yeah.
- People are propelling you.
- 'Cause they're passing-
- [Sam] They're passing
you from one to the other.
- Oh, I thought you
meant your hands.
Your hands were on-
- No.
- That's another version.
- No, it was like, yeah.
- [Jennifer] So you got
pushed into kissing?
You were forced into it.
- Pushed into, yes.
Physical contact.
- And threw you into
a passionate kiss.
- It was not a passionate kiss.
- And that was all
we needed to know.
That was-
- The first one
doesn't sound romantic.
But was the second one romantic?
The second kiss?
- It was like
literally two seconds.
Tried again and it was-
- It wasn't even a do-over.
- [Jason] So you
remember that right?
- You were trying to
finish what you started?
- And we could tell instantly-
- And definitely.
- There was nothing going on.
- [Sam] Nope.
- Well, it's interesting,
how many times you
told the story.
How come we're only
hearing this now?
- You never wanted
to hear it before.
- I heard some of this.
- You find it amusing.
- It's hilarious.
- It's such a boring story.
- You wanna maybe tell us
about any other kisses?
(Sam nervously laughs)
- [Jennifer] Is there a
third, or a fourth or a fifth?
- Yeah, exactly.
- Maybe we should
go to a concert.
- [Elliot] Yeah,
let's go bang teeth.
(Jennifer laughing)
- I'm gonna try some
of the crazy hot sauce.
You wanna try it?
- I'll follow you.
- What is, the frig is this?
I'll follow you, business?
- The first summer after we
hooked up, I had to leave.
- After we hooked up.
- Less romantic.
- To go back to Winnipeg
to work at my dad's store.
- I thought we would,
I did not think we
were going to see-
- Totally gone.
- Until he came-
- Taking the summer off.
And then I get to my dad's.
One of the first day,
the first morning.
Who walks in the door?
The first customer in the door.
And she said, I followed you.
And this became our...
It didn't become a thing
until the next year
when we graduated
and you got into the
master's program at UVic
and I gave up my life
to go and follow you.
- [Jennifer] You
gave up your life?
- Well, you know,
brought my life with me-
- With you, as I
brought my life, yeah.
- [Jason] And that's the thing,
- And then, we kept doing that.
- [Sam] And then
you kept doing that.
- Well, I went to
Dublin for the PhD.
- Followed her again
and then again.
And then you followed her again.
- Well. (mumbling)
There's reciprocity
in the following.
It's not just him sort of
stalking me around the globe.
- [Elliot] I understand,
you're both following in love.
- Aww.
- It's a beautiful story.
- Thank you.
- Aww.
- That's a good one.
- Hmm.
- Well, that's the story.
- It's a good one.
- It's a great one.
- And I have no idea-
- Thank you for sharing.
- [Jennifer] Thank
you for asking.
(gentle music)
(Jennifer humming)
- [Elliot] I want more
than five, though.
(gentle music)
(Jennifer humming)
Savor it.
(gentle music)
- Nice!
(group exclaiming)
- Try it again.
- So, what-
(faint overlapping chattering)
- Oh my gosh, I got it close.
(gentle music)
- Good shot.
- Perfect.
(group exclaiming)
- Nailed it.
- Yes.
- Good point.
- Oh, that was terrible.
- [Jason] Good
effort, good effort.
- One more time for the baby.
- Good effort.
- A for effort.
- That was a half measure.
(gentle music)
- This is fun.
- Nope, no, no, no.
- You gotta redo.
- Look over there.
- You want some of this?
- Okay.
(faint overlapping chattering)
- You're counting
your ounces today?
- Don't worry about me.
- Hmm.
(faint talking)
Measures out so we
each get five pieces.
You've had more
than five pieces.
- I know what I'm doing, okay.
- It's gonna fuck you up if you-
- I know what I'm doing.
- Great.
- Since I can't bend over.
- (laughing) Nice.
- My turn.
- Yep.
- I wanna apologize
for, um, something.
I uh...
I've just taken Elliot
away, a lot for work.
And I know that right now,
you should be with
your husband and-
- It's okay.
- And I felt bad about it.
- No, please.
- I know.
- You have to do
what you have to do.
- Right.
- It's fine.
And I'm not alone.
I mean, you've got Elliot.
And I've got Jason.
- Wait, okay.
- But.
Having lunch once a week
does not make up for
a missing husband.
- And dinner and movies
and card games
and you know,
whatever Jason wants to do.
I'm like, okay.
So, I'm far from alone.
It's fine, please.
Don't ever feel like
you need to apologize.
(gentle music)
- [Jason] So you'll
go first, Sammy.
You'll pick five
questions out of the bowl.
- Which family
member annoys you?
- Elliot, what'd you get?
- That would be
your racist uncle.
- Yes, I'm going to go
with uncle Tim, as well.
He is racist and he is-
- Your uncle Tim is racist?
- [Sam] Sorry.
- And he was an
inappropriate tickler.
- He's not inappropriate.
He's just a tickle monster.
- Well, that's inappropriate.
What do you got?
- Your mom.
- Well, I think Elliot
would agree with that.
- Hmm hmm.
- What was your answer?
- Uncle Tim.
- Hmm, I get a point.
Okay. Second question.
- What I most like
about the weekend?
- Morning sex.
I know this.
I shouldn't-
- Uh oh, Elliot.
What'd you get?
- My cooking is a favorite
part of her weekend.
- I'm going to go
with the sleep in.
- Yes, you're all right.
- But what did you write
down, as the question?
- Lately, you know,
it's definitely
been the sleep in.
- [Jason] Ah.
- But I'll take your
cooking any day.
Favorite smell.
- Her favorite smell is Musk.
- Hmm, okay.
I also have Musk, but I'm doing,
I'm guessing a three-way tie
between Musk,
Jasmine and lilacs.
What do you got?
- I said food.
(Sam laughing)
- So vague.
- Not the worst guess.
- No, mine's vague.
Yours is very, very specific.
- I'll tell ya what,
I know I'm right
and I'll tell you why.
- It's pretty specific.
- You know, right?
- What did you say mine was?
- It's Musk.
- Okay baby, you're not wrong.
But you're the most right.
- So round two,
how often would I
like to have sex.
- Don't care.
- Every single day.
- Hmm.
- Probably twice a day.
Maybe three times a day.
- What did you write down?
- I wrote every single day.
- Every single day.
- Every day.
- Elliot, what do you think
is my sexual appetite?
(Jennifer laughing)
- That's interesting,
'cause I actually down,
half to one time a week.
- Okay.
- Three times a week.
- I wrote down
three times a week.
- [Sammy] But I'm sure that
Jennifer is much more correct.
- Every day would be splendid.
- Yes.
- I just.
I didn't want to push it.
I didn't want to push my luck.
Four and...
What is a skill that I have,
that nobody else knows about?
- Sweetheart, what'd you get?
- I just only found
this out recently.
Playing the banjo.
- It's a ukulele.
- Just grasping at straws here.
Sleep doctor.
- Right?
(Jennifer laughing)
(Elliot and Jennifer laughing)
- Why is that funny?
- No, this is drinking
too much watermelon
and getting just
a tad water toxic.
So Sammy?
- I know it's the ukulele.
- You okay?
- But another string instrument.
- She meant ukulele,
by the way.
- I'm sure.
- Yeah.
- Number four.
What is my favorite dessert?
- I don't know.
- My favorite dessert, come on.
- What'd you write down?
- Sam, tell me.
- Well, I only know 'cause if
it's not really, really warm,
you send it back.
- Ah!
- It's molten
chocolate lava cake.
- But you knew this.
She knew that, too.
- I'm sure it's changed,
but like for 20 years.
- You know what guys,
you don't have to explain
and rationalize
every answer, okay?
You guys are good
friends, that's fine.
- Didn't know that was
one of the rules, yeah.
- Probably because you guys
are just spending
every day together.
- Well, there's a whole
thing with the smells.
- See, this is what
I don't I understand.
If you guys have been spending
all this time together.
- Hmm hmm.
- Are you writing?
Where is, how you
working on your book?
(Sam laughing)
- [Sam] He hasn't
touched it in six months.
You know, been doing
other things, right?
Other skills, life skills.
- [Elliot] Like
hanging out skills.
- [Sam] Learning an
instrument, right?
- Yeah, um.
Sorry, you said, you know,
just because you guys have
been going out to lunch,
he hasn't touched his
book in six months?
- I mean, maybe he has.
As far as I know, I don't know.
- No, no, no, it's
been off and on.
I mean, it's-
- Yeah.
Well, yeah, we should go.
- Yeah, we should-
- I'll drive.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I'm fine.
I can drive.
- No.
- I can drive, yeah.
Easy does it.
(reflective music)
Thank you, so much.
- You're welcome.
- Thanks for coming, guys.
- That was a fantastic day.
- It really was, guys.
You knocked yourselves out.
Thank you so much.
- That's good.
- Okay.
- See ya, Monday.
- See ya, Monday!
(pensive music)
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Water, I brought
your water up.
You still have like, 10 left,
even with the watermelon, so.
That's good.
- Thank you.
- You got a good drink tonight.
- Getting an early jump on the-
What are you doing?
- Don't ask me stupid questions.
Don't do that.
- Put your stuff-
- Don't do that.
- Put your stuff away.
- Why have you been lying
to me about your book?
(Jason scoffs)
Why are you a liar?
You've been lying to
me about your book.
You lied about Richard.
You lied about hanging
out with Sam every day.
So I'm packing because I
don't want to stick around
to find out how much more
you've been lying about.
Why were you lying to
me about your book?
- Okay.
I stopped writing because I,
I haven't been able to,
I haven't been able to write
because I don't see a point
in writing a stupid book
about some civilization
that nobody cares about it.
- There's no point.
- Yeah.
- There's no point because
we're not going to make it.
There's no point because I,
I'm not going to
be able to fix it.
Then, why the fuck
drag me up here?
If you think my
work is pointless.
If you think that
I am pointless.
If you think that what
I'm doing is pointless.
- No, no, no...
- I'm pointless?
- No!
You're, you're...
- You just said, it's pointless.
- I just meant, it's
hard to rationalize
me doing something
so meaningless
when you're doing
something so meaningful.
- It's not what you've said.
You said it's pointless.
You said you didn't
want to work on it
because it's pointless,
which means that
you don't fucking
think that I can do it.
- You don't understand.
- I do understand.
- Babe.
- Don't.
I need you to believe in me.
And you don't.
And on top of it, you're
fucking lying about it.
Who are you?
Why have you been lying about
the copious amounts of time
you've been with Sammy?
Tell me the truth,
because I think that
you owe me that.
- Yeah.
(Jason heavily sighing)
So something happened
between Sammy and I.
- Hmm hmm.
- One time.
- Hmm hmm.
- Earlier this year
and it was one night
and it was completely
stupid and meaningless.
And we do not feel that
way about each other.
And I love you so much.
- Fuck you.
- And it was a
stupid, stupid thing
and we both hated
it and it was awful.
- Fuck you.
- And it was one time.
- You bring her into
my house where, when?
- Their house, their house,
you guys were working late.
You and Elliot were
working late, and...
- [Jennifer] When
did this happen?
- In February?
It was February or March,
I don't remember exactly.
- Hmm hmm.
- No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no.
Don't even go there.
It's not, it's not that.
Honey, you gotta believe me.
- Oh my God. (sobbing)
- No.
(pensive music)
- Well, congratulations, Jason.
- [Jason] No.
- What am I suppose to do?
(Jennifer mumbling)
(tense music)
I can't believe...
(tense music)
Fucking hate you.
- Don't say that,
please, don't say that.
(ominous music)
- I don't!
(Jason sighing)
(Jennifer sobbing)
(door slams)
(tense music)
(tense music)
- Did something happen?
- I'm leaving you.
That's what happened.
(tense music)
(screen door slams)
(tense music)
- Can you open your
window, please, Jennifer?
(intense music)
Hi, Jennifer.
I'm Dr. Lakeland, you remember?
We met yesterday.
I'm the neurologist.
I know, they're fine.
They're going to stay
right there, okay.
So Jennifer, I need 10
minutes of your time, okay.
And then I'm going to tell you
everything that's going on.
- Now, is not a good time.
- I know, it's not.
Trust me, I know it's
not a good time for you.
I know it's not and I
need just 10 minutes
and I promise you, I'm gonna
explain everything to you.
So you and I need to go
back in your house, please.
- I'm not going anywhere.
Who are those people?
- They're going to move,
as soon as we go in the house,
they're going to go.
They're just helping
me right now.
I know, I know.
And I know it's the
worst possible time
for me to be showing up
and doing this to you.
- How do you know?
- I'm gonna tell-
- [Jennifer] What do
you mean, you know?
- I'm going to tell
you everything.
I just want 10
minutes, okay, please.
I'm trying to help you
save the world, okay.
I need you to give me 10
minutes of your time, okay?
Yeah, go in, okay.
So, Jennifer, what
I want you to do
is walk me through what happened
in here with Jason, okay?
Would it help you
if he was in here?
- Yes.
- Okay. Okay.
- Jason.
- Yeah.
- Can you come in, please?
- Yep.
- Okay, so, thank you so much.
- Yep.
- Both of you, okay.
Here's what we need you to do.
- Okay.
(tense music)
- I'd like, you two,
please, to walk me through
what happened.
- She was there and I came in
with the water bottles and I--
I put hers here and, uh.
I drank from mine and
then I put it here.
- And then he came over
and told me that he was
fucking our best friend.
(intense music)
So, that happened.
Is that what you're looking for?
- Yeah, okay.
So how did you feel
when he told you that?
(tense music)
- How would you feel?
- It doesn't matter
how I would feel.
I want to know how you felt.
- Like, I'm dying.
(Jason sighs)
And fucking angry and,
heartbroken and
I feel so stupid.
I feel like an idiot
for trusting you.
I feel so stupid.
I feel gutted.
Like, I want to die,
but like, I want
you to die more.
- [Dr. Lakeland] And what did
you say to him after he told
you, what did you say to him?
- I went-
- Don't!
- Please, please, just
let him do it, okay?
Let him do it, please.
- I went for you.
- I don't even remember.
I don't know, he
came and then I left
and I went to the bathroom
and I collected my fucking
self because it was a moment.
And then I went to the car
and then you showed up with
whatever bullshit this is.
That's what happened.
- Okay, we're going
to do that, okay.
(suspenseful music)
Okay, you can do this.
So tell me what you did
when you came in here.
(suspenseful music)
- I closed the door.
- And did you close it?
How did you close it?
(door slams)
What did you do next, Jennifer?
- I grabbed,
I don't know.
I actually don't remember.
I slammed something.
Maybe like, I don't remember.
- [Dr. Lakeland] Do you
remember what you were feeling?
- Yes.
I don't remember what I did.
I don't understand
what's going on.
I don't remember what happened.
I know the feeling if that's
what you're asking me.
- [Dr. Lakeland] That's
what I'm asking you.
- The feeling?
- Yeah?
We're going to stop this, okay.
You can come in, now.
- What?
(screen door slams)
- Dr. Lakeland.
- Come on, sit
down, please, Frank.
- Jennifer.
- So, Jennifer,
I'm going to tell you
what's been going on, okay.
I want you to listen to me.
And when you have
questions, of course,
you're going to have questions
and Frank and I,
we're going to try to answer
them as best we can, okay.
So, do you remember when
you woke up yesterday
and I told you,
you were suffering from
acute dissociative amnesia?
Okay, so you had had a,
like a stress-induced blackout
and you forgot about
two days of your life.
So here's what happened
in those two days.
You came to this
house with Jason.
You had a lovely day together.
You had a lovely night.
The next day you
went to the market
and then your friends
came over for dinner,
Samantha and Elliot
came over for dinner.
They left and you and
Jason went upstairs.
Then you had a fight.
You went into the
loo by yourself.
And while you were in there,
you had an epiphany
about the water crisis.
We know this
because when you left,
you got in your car
and you called Frank
and you left him a message.
And you told him that
you had solved it,
that you had figured it out.
And you wanted him to
get your team together.
- No.
- Yes.
We don't know exactly
what happened after that
but you were found unconscious
but unhurt on the
side of the road.
- Welcome back.
(tense music)
- Why are you here?
- What's the last
thing you remember?
- I was at the office
and I ran downstairs
to do some lunch.
Had a hamburger.
- That's it?
- And a hash brown.
- It was clear to Frank
that you did not
remember calling him.
You did not remember
having that epiphany.
And you did not remember
that whole weekend.
So here's what happened, okay.
You were medically
sedated, safely.
And Frank called me.
(phone ringing)
- Dr. Rebecca Lakeland?
Right now there's a team waiting
for you outside your door
with our verification documents.
Take you to Auckland Airport
and put you on a
plane to come here.
- I'm a memory specialist
and the work that I do is
around context dependent memory.
The context or the
situation that you're in,
when a memory is formed,
that impacts the way that
that memory is retrieved.
So I'm going to interview.
I'm going to ask each of
you questions individually,
and I want you to think
in terms of senses, okay.
So go through, what
did it smell like?
What did it tastes like?
What did it sound like?
All those things.
And also in terms of physical
or emotional state, okay.
So what were you feeling?
What was Jennifer feeling?
Okay, the fascinating thing
about this kind of work
is that a person moving
through this sort of thing,
70% of the time, they're
going to repeat the behavior.
And if you feel her going off,
that's where you sort
of, as a group, you know,
you get her back on.
Okay, so can you walk me through
what happened when Jennifer
came into the office?
- I just knew that she
needed some time off.
This isn't a request.
- You and Sam are going
to come to dinner.
- We will go over dinner if
buddy makes Colombian food.
You're going up there just
to kind of be buffered.
- There's a piece of art,
a statue that's
by the front door.
- You moved this.
- She kind of pretended
like she was okay with it,
but I could tell
that she was not.
- [Dr. Lakeland] Okay, and
you said she was surprised to
know that you had
learned the ukulele.
- You're sitting
here on the couch
and you're just sort of
performing for the whole house.
Do you want a standing ovation?
It's lovely.
Good job.
- I think we had
lunch after that.
I think there was turkey
sandwich with mayo and mustard.
Yeah, so then we went
for a canoe ride.
We were having trouble
finding the rhythm.
It was a bit awkward.
I'm not afraid of
drowning in it.
I just don't want to fall into
it and get all wet and cold.
We made a stir fry.
And we have a routine
when we make the stir fry
and it's like a dance, almost.
She fed me a piece
of red pepper.
Is she going to do that again?
- [Dr. Lakeland] Maybe,
I hope so, I hope so.
I hope so that she
has the same impulses.
- That'll be wild.
- Yeah.
- I knocked her
water bottle over
and before she could stop me,
I opened it up and I
dumped my water out.
We made up a song.
(light ukulele music)
- What is this?
- So we had an intimate
moment, on the swing.
She grabbed me and kissed me.
- Okay.
- This I remember,
because this hasn't
happened in a long time.
So in the morning, I
got up before she did.
- [Dr. Lakeland] Okay.
- And I went downstairs and
I made her a cup of coffee
and we like to do a canoe,
a paddle before we eat.
And the water was amazing.
- [Dr. Lakeland] It
was a nice morning?
- (sighs) Yeah, it
was a nice morning.
- [Dr. Lakeland] Okay.
- Went to the farmer's market.
- Yep.
- Get the pie?
- I did.
- It was an apple crumble
with the caramel like drizzled.
Hammock time.
And she was reading.
Well, then we started
getting ready for dinner.
- [Elliot] Pulled up in the
back of their farmhouse.
I remember that Jennifer
went to Samantha first
and said, hi.
- She was really happy.
Really happy to see me.
- [Sam] Jennifer and
Elliot went for a walk
to discuss work, I assume.
- [Dr. Lakeland] Do you
remember the route you took?
- Yeah, we were
over by the fence.
- [Rebecca] Do you
remember exactly
what you were saying to her?
- Are you sure?
Is it okay to talk
about this, really?
I don't know if
you know this, but,
she had a miscarriage.
- Yes.
- [Elliot] Jason didn't
mention that to you?
- [Dr. Lakeland] No he didn't.
No, no, but we're just sort
of walking through events.
So if it didn't come
up with him, you know,
it wasn't a thing that would
have walked me through.
- Right.
- [Dr. Lakeland] And what
did you talk about at dinner?
- Normally, it's served
single serving platters,
as opposed to
Ponderosa style.
(ladies laughing)
- Families.
- That's true.
- He's not wrong.
- He's not wrong.
- We criticize
each other's meals.
It's kind of a friendly
competition thing.
You can only find out so
much on Wikipedia, right?
So that's where we were.
- Wow.
- It was all in
good fun, you know.
Just teasing each other.
- I still think it's crazy
that the two of you dated.
- Jennifer, for whatever reason,
loves the story about the not
date that Jason and I had.
- It was the most awkward kiss.
It was gross, actually.
- It was gross?
- Yes, it was.
- Oh, thanks.
- [Jason] And after
dinner, we played croquet.
It was fun, but Elliot,
he ate too much watermelon.
- Okay.
- Ah, fuck it.
(Jason laughs)
- [Elliot] I always
bring a watermelon.
It's a special treat.
- Yeah, great.
- Don't do that all the time.
- And then we went back
inside to play a game.
Favorite smell.
My answers are never
which Jason knows.
- [Dr. Lakeland] So
Sammy knew more about you
than Jennifer knew about you?
- In this particular
instance, yes.
- [Dr. Lakeland] And so how
did Jennifer feel about that?
- She didn't like that.
Kind of highlighted
that we haven't
been spending a lot
of time together
and it made her
feel uncomfortable
and suspicious and jealous.
- Okay.
- It got weird.
- Yeah, time to go.
- [Dr. Lakeland] So,
she stormed in the house
and went up to the bedroom?
- She was packing.
We had a fight.
You're the scientist that
they plucked from obscurity
to fix everything.
- But I can and I will and I-
- I don't want you
to save this world.
My world is lonely
and sad and useless.
- Get away from me!
- She asked me if
anything had happened
between me and Sam.
We had sex one time-
- Fuck you.
- And I told her the truth.
It was a stupid mistake.
And if you want to make it all
about that, then go for it.
- I don't understand the point!
I don't understand
how you could do this!
- You betrayed me first!
You gave up on this marriage!
You gave up on this friendship!
You gave up on this whole thing!
- I hate you.
- Yeah, that's obvious.
You've hated me for
a very long time.
- If you made mistakes
in that fight,
if you said things you
wish you hadn't said,
you gotta do it all
like that, okay?
- That's-
- You can't fix it.
So if you feel like
you've fucked up-
- That sucks.
- No, it does.
I know, but it's important
that it stays there, okay.
(door slams)
How long was she in there?
- (sighs) Not long,
maybe 30 seconds.
And then she stormed
down the stairs
and that was the
last time I saw her.
- And then I got this call.
- Get the team together
and meet me at the
office in 45 minutes.
I figured it out, Frank, I-
- Here we are.
- The next thing
that's going to happen
is we're going to
wake Jennifer up.
Jason and I are
going to be there.
And based on her reaction,
I'm going to decide
whether or not we actually
go ahead with this, okay?
If we go ahead, you're
going to be contacted.
So what we have been doing
and what you have
been experiencing
for the last two days
is a reconstruction of
those days that you lost.
And we did that because our hope
is that by moving you
through that again,
you would come to
the same discovery.
You would have that epiphany.
- Stop.
And you would to remember.
- Stop.
- That didn't happen, okay?
- Stop.
- Yeah.
- So you sent me here
to put on a play?
That's what you're telling me?
That none of this was real?
That 15 minutes
ago didn't happen?
You recreated this?
- We didn't have a choice.
- [Jennifer] You
didn't have a choice?
- We wanted you to
have the same thought
and we wanted that to happen
as organically as possible.
- How am I supposed to get
this out of my fucking head,
what just happened to me?
- It's okay, it's okay.
You don't have to do
anything right now, okay?
So can I tell you
one more thing?
- I don't care what
you want me to know.
I don't care, I don't
care, I don't care.
This is so fucked up.
You have no idea how
fucked up this is.
- No-
- [Jennifer] I don't
know what's in my head!
- I know, you don't.
I know you don't.
But it is in there
and we're going to
help you get it out.
- So what now?
- This is what we're
going to figure out, okay?
We are not going
to do it right now.
- You can take some time.
Process all this.
- You want to help me?
- Yep.
I do.
- If you wanted to help me,
you would have said
something in the first place.
If you wanted to help me,
you wouldn't have done...
All of you can go
fuck yourselves.
(somber music)
(door slams)
("Sorry for the Trouble"
by Ian LeFeuvre)
All the days forever gone
For all the hope
we settled on
Fighting spear
bound for dust
Sorry for-
- Okay, so I just
got off the phone
with the best hypnotherapy
therapist around
and she can be here
in the morning.
I think that is probably our
best bet now to go that route.
- Hypnotherapy has been known
to implant false information.
I can't trust it.
- No, that's not going to happen
with the hypnotherapy
therapist that I've got
but I feel like you probably
have another idea, right?
So what's your plan?
(water running)
(singers harmonizing)
- [Frank] Cytidol.
- What?
What is that?
- You wouldn't know,
it's classified,
but it's been known to
work in 90% of cases.
All it takes and all I took
- So, what have we been doing?
Why'd you bring me here, 90%?
Why didn't you just do
that in the first place?
- Because 75% of
cases end up catatonic
after successful extraction.
(water running)
- So what happens if
you're not successful?
And then also now,
Jennifer's catatonic?
So you've just taken
the most important brain
on the whole planet right now.
And you've destroyed it.
- There's something else.
We've told everyone,
they have five years.
The truth is, it's
less than that.
A lot less.
("Sorry for the Trouble"
by Ian LeFeuvre)
- Jesus Christ.
Was it worth running?
A maze in a maze
You come out with nothing
Of tapering days
On my way out
Sorry for the trouble
(singers harmonizing)
- Yeah, I understand.
I don't know.
No, I don't know.
How long?
Uh, I'm going to call you back.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Can I come in?
- Yeah.
(reflective music)
- So how long have
we known each other?
- Almost two years.
- Well, after
getting to know you
over the last couple years,
I realized that you
never ask anyone to do anything
outside of their comfort zone,
unless you think it's
really necessary.
And while what you did
to me was fucked up,
I recognize that you thought
it was absolutely necessary, so.
I'm here.
And I want to help you.
I want to do whatever
it is you need me to do.
- Well, we have to go
to the next option.
- Which is?
- There is a drug
that's classified.
It's called Cytidol.
(mumbled talking)
(tense music)
- Okay.
(reflective music)
What happens if I say no?
- You can't.
- Frank.
- You have information
locked in your brain
that could save the human race.
If we don't get it in 18
months, we're all gone.
- When is this
supposed to happen?
- They authorized me
to give you 24 hours
to get your affairs in order.
(reflective music)
- 24 hours?
(reflective music)
Thank you.
(Jennifer clears throat)
All the days forever gone
All the hope we settled on
- Hey.
- [Jennifer] So what
are you going to do?
- [Elliot] I don't know.
- [Jennifer] I think you do.
- I feel like I haven't
been home in 20 years.
- Yeah, me too.
- Actually, that's not
true 'cause I feel like
work is my home.
- Hmm hmm.
- And the one constant
thing about that has been,
I need you to promise me
that you are going to
go off and be happy
with your wife
and your new baby.
And live a very happy life
because you owe that to me.
You're not promising.
- I promise.
- Thank you.
I have to go.
I want you to finish up.
(reflective music)
Don't fuck it up.
(reflective music)
(singers harmonizing)
(reflective music)
- I don't want to bother
telling you how ashamed I am
because I think
that's really obvious.
And this might be the
weirdest thing to say
but this had nothing
to do with you.
I've just been alone
for a really long time.
It's no excuse,
but it's the truth.
- [Jennifer] I can see
how you were lonely.
And I can see how
Jason was lonely.
- The worst part about this is,
I think I betrayed you the most
and I wouldn't dream of
asking you to forgive me.
More than anything,
I hope you can find it in
your heart to forgive him.
You're his whole world.
He loves you more than anything.
I think the thing that
has come out of all of this
is that I realized
that there are so many
different ways to love.
You have hope.
With or without me.
Just know that I
want you to be happy.
And I'll see you
on the other side.
(singers harmonizing)
I miss you already.
(reflective music)
(singers harmonizing)
- Hey.
They told me,
they told me I
couldn't call you.
So I didn't call.
- I know.
- I'm...
I'm really sorry about
all of this.
- I know.
I don't have a lot of time.
Last year when I
was in the hospital,
when I called you
and I told you that I
had had a miscarriage,
I was...
I didn't have a
miscarriage, Jason.
We didn't have a miscarriage.
(sobbing) I had
to make a choice.
I couldn't do both.
I couldn't be a mother
and then do what I
was expected to do.
So I made a choice
and I chose and I...
And I'm sorry.
(door slams)
(Jennifer sobbing)
(pensive music)
(tense music)
(pensive music)
- You...
- I remember.
(pensive music)
- Jenn.
Jenn, you have to go.
- No, no, no, no,
I'm not leaving.
(pensive music)
- I'll follow you.
(reflective music)
(singers harmonizing)
("Stir Fry" by Ian LeFeuvre)
We came to the farm
For a rest
But we can't get a rest
I say stupid things to you
When I'm not at my best
Sometimes, I make you cry
And we just made a stir fry
And it kicks ass
We kick ass
I love your ass
(light ukulele music)
(reflective music)
(singers harmonizing)
(reflective music)
(singers harmonizing)
(reflective music)