Ashiap Man (2022) Movie Script

Honey, let's go and see!
Sir, look!
Gosh, that guy again.
This will cause a commotion.
One, two, three.
Seven, eight.
- Nine.
- No, that's wrong.
After three, comes four.
Then five, six, seven.
Yes, Sis.
Hey, it's Brother Zul!
Brother Zul!
I'm ready!
Excuse us!
Hey, Zul!
Where's Zul?
Don't panic.
I can't be dead yet.
Why would a main cast die so early?
He's not coming up.
Zul drowned?
First of all, may peace be upon you.
Second, this is not a prank.
Because this is a movie, not a YouTube video.
Third, I'd like to tell a story about a boy...
...who has been different since he was a kid.
Father, I can't!
Father, I can't!
Calm down, Zul. Don't be afraid.
I'm here.
Very good!
That's my father, he's a kind man.
I learned a lot from him.
So, how was school?
Thank goodness it went well, Father.
It did? Did the teacher come?
Of course, Father.
Alright then.
Now you go play with your friends.
What are "friends", Father?
Friends are people that you have to defend.
Because then, they too will defend you.
Alright? Now go play nicely.
Hey, smile.
Where are they?
You! Such a bad boy!
You ruined my stand!
Ow, it hurts!
Now you have to be responsible
and clean my stand!
I'm Aisyah.
Why did you admit that it was your mistake?
You knew nothing about it.
If you want to defend people...
...first you have to know the difference
between right and wrong.
Follow your conscience, Zul.
Your conscience is always right.
That's right, and always listen to your mother.
That too.
Just like your conscience.
Women are always right.
That one's my mother.
Although she argues a lot with Father...
Although she argues a lot with Father...
...they both love me.
From Mother, I learned about tidiness.
She said with tidiness,
we can please other people.
Truly awesome.
Father, why must we salute the flag?
Our flag is a symbol of our freedom.
In the past, our nation had heroes.
They fought, sacrificed.
To free us from colonialism.
From injustice.
Do you understand?
I understand.
Help people, Father.
Like superheroes?
Something like that.
But one thing's for sure,
we must always remember our heroes... always paying respect to our national flag.
The sacred Red and White.
Salute up!
Salute down!
Flags and poles.
Zul, where are you going?
Since I heard my father's story about heroes...
...I knew my dream.
I knew what I wanted to become.
So you want to be a hero, Zul?
A superhero? That's fine.
As long as it motivates you
to do good for you and others.
We wish you a long life and health.
We wish you a long and noble life.
And a noble life.
Blow the candle.
A present from us...
...for our beloved boy.
- What is this?
- Just open it.
It's a superhero cape.
For my beloved boy.
I had no choice.
I had to cut it into a cape.
You're so reckless.
- I feel sorry for Zul.
- It's alright.
Look, he's happy.
Yay, Zul is now a superhero, Father!
"Zul, enemy to the right!"
I'm ready!
"Zul, catch that thief!"
I'm ready!
"Zul, the cops need your help!"
I'm ready!
Zul! We've found your superhero name.
Ashiap Man!
Ashiap Man!
I'm ready!
So that's a small part of my childhood.
- Hi, Zul.
- Hi, Sir!
Now I'm all grown up.
Excuse me, Sir.
I'm ready!
Why am I imitating him?
- May peace be upon you, Mrs. Ijah.
- And upon you as well, Zul.
Bring them inside.
To fulfill my dream, I have to keep working.
Help my parents, and help others.
Zul, I'll pay you later this afternoon, okay?
Also, please fix my roof.
It was leaking yesterday.
I'm ready, Mrs. Ijah!
- Zul!
- Hey!
Don't forget our plans for tonight.
I'm ready!
Don't be late, Zul.
Excuse me, Sir.
May peace be upon you.
And upon you as well.
Hi, Brother Zul.
I'm delivering your water.
That's Aisyah, she's all grown up too.
And still pretty.
But most importantly, Aisyah is a nice girl.
She runs a shelter house
for homeless kids with no parents.
One more.
One more thing, Little Aisyah.
What is it?
Wink, wink!
Brother Zul, tell us more about Ashiap Man.
Who did he help yesterday?
Come on, Brother Zul!
- Hey. Zul.
- Tell us more stories.
This guy is Ben.
He's my true hater.
Acting like a superhero.
But since the Green Ogre era...
...your only power is lifting water gallons.
What a poser.
If you get hit, I bet you'll cry to your mom.
The kids are studying.
Don't be noisy.
And stop bothering Zul.
Gosh, Little Aisyah.
Little Aisyah.
Listen to me.
Open your eyes.
Take a look at that Zul.
From head to toe, and back to the armpits...
He is weird!
I'm sorry, Zul.
We haven't gotten enough donations for the shelter.
Can I pay for the water later?
It's alright, Little Aisyah.
You can pay with these.
That's a drawing of Sis Aisyah!
Yes, I know.
Do you have more drawings of her?
Me, me!
Won't you draw me too? Look at my sexy pose.
- May peace be upon you.
- And upon you as well.
Hello, guys! You're back with us...
I have these two good friends.
They always support and encourage me... gain real superhero powers.
Here's one of our stories.
Can Zul finally become a superhero... gaining the power of the lightning?
Remember, kids.
This is really dangerous.
Do not recreate or imitate.
You can do it, Zul!
- For our content.
- Content.
I'm going to be a superhero!
Zul, did you get it?
This must be one of his lightning powers.
Come on, Zul. Show us your lightning power.
I've prepared a superhero name
if you succeed.
Zul Halilintar (Zul Lightning)!
Hello, guys.
Today we'll conduct an experiment.
To make Zul stronger.
In this video, we will try to get Zul
bitten by spiders.
Will Zul survive and become stronger?
Uh, Diana.
Can I really become like Spider-Man?
Relax, Zul. After this...'ll be stronger than Spider-Man.
Come, come.
Now what, Jon?
Maybe the spiders are fasting.
Bro, Miss, sorry.
I'm rescuing a snake.
Did you see a large snake coming here?
Here, Bro.
I've been chasing you all over.
Here you are.
But it looks like he just had a bite.
Bro, that snake just bit my friend.
- Huh? Seriously?
- There!
Me, Bro.
Did he really bite you?
Yes, Bro.
Did you know that he's one of the top ten...'s most venomous snake?
If you get bitten, you might...
Feel itchy?
You might die, Bro. Pass away.
Can a person really die from itchiness?
Die from itchiness?
Bro, Miss, I'm done here.
I need to go, thank you.
Yes, you're welcome!
These people are weird.
- Zul.
- Yes, Mother?
Please give it up.
You're a grown man.
Stop dreaming of becoming a superhero.
Who will you fight?
We no longer need heroes.
Our country is free, Zul.
Of all of my wondrous stories...
...this is the origin story of Ashiap Man.
Get her!
Damn intruder!
- Who are you people?
- Move aside!
Why are you standing here? Get her!
- Get her!
- Out of the way!
This cool, bald but evil guy...
...he's not Daddy Man.
He's called DP Man.
Not "Down Payment".
That's just his name.
He likes to terrorize the village folks.
- Where is that girl?
- We don't know, DP Man Sir.
She's gone.
People don't just disappear! Find her!
Or I'll cancel all of your DPs!
Cancel yourself, DP Man Sir?
Your down payments, I will cancel them!
Go find her!
- Yes, hurry!
- Yes, Bos.
May peace be upon you, my most beautiful mother.
I have finished delivering water gallons.
I need to go.
Zul, what do you say if...
...I sell Father's motorbike?
We might get enough money to cover our daily needs.
Mother, we've had this bike
since you and Father dated.
Please don't sell it, Mother.
There are so many memories.
I need to go. May peace be upon you.
And upon you as well.
I'm ready!
Hey, it's Brother Zul!
Brother Zul!
Where's Zul?
Why isn't he coming up?
Maybe he got eaten by a monster.
Huh, what monster?
A suckerfish monster.
There he is!
See? I'm not dead.
And my story has just begun.
Throw it, Zul!
Normal people go diving... the sea, not a river.
Let him be. He's cleaning our river,
to help reduce flooding.
Again, again!
Another one.
Thanks, Zul.
Sorry, Bro.
Hey, I found a chain for your motorbike.
I'll put it here.
Thank you.
What a beautiful creation of God.
So pretty.
I think she's a a social media celebrity.
Make a Boomerang.
A dead body!
Is she alive or dead?
Calm down, everyone.
Leave it to the authorities, okay?
It looks like she needs CPR.
You just can't stand to see pretty girls, can you?
Always ready to kiss.
Well, that's the procedure.
Ladies and gentlemen, she's still alive!
Well now this wont go viral.
You're still thinking about going viral?
What to do, Mr. Security?
Where should we take her?
Lets take her to...
The shelter.
Right, let's take her to the shelter.
Alright, pick her up.
- This wont go trending.
- Careful.
Praise be to Allah, you're awake, Miss.
I'm sorry, I changed your clothes.
I washed the dirty ones.
Where am I?
You're in my shelter.
I'm Aisyah.
These are the orphans under my care.
Your hand was hurt, but I tended it.
You're so smart.
Tending my hand.
Yes, Sis. I learned it from YouTube tutorials.
What's with my head?
Your head was fine.
But I always see it on TV.
No matter the illness, the head is always wrapped up in bandages.
So I just did the same.
Please excuse the kids.
Yes, it's alright.
Oh right.
I think someone rescued me.
He has a curly hair.
Oh, that's Ashiap Man!
His name is Brother Zul.
He's our village's hero.
I'm ready!
Hey, there's Zul.
Zul, come on in.
Wink, wink, Zul!
You're not nervous, right?
You don't misbehave next to pretty girls, right?
Of course, you see me everyday.
And I'm still nervous even now.
- Zul.
- Yes, Father?
Who was that girl you helped at the river?
Kiara Asyifa, that's her name.
According to her ID.
Why did she dive into the river?
Isn't that what you always do?
And heartbroken people.
And penniless people.
Zul has a crush on that girl, Sir.
If thats so, Zul, you have to be her friend.
When you two are as close as friends...
And when she gives you signals like this...
...then you can make it official.
Official, Father?
You mean you want to get married again?
Not me, you!
As a girl, when I see a guy...
...I'll check his style first.
If you look like this...
Gosh, that's tough.
- Tough, huh?
- Needs a lot of work.
Relax, we'll give you an upgrade.
Not just an upgrade, we'll reinstall him.
Don't just upgrade your physical appearance.
Don't just reinstall your body.
But upgrade your heart as well.
You must become good people.
And being good must come from the heart.
I pray that you will stay as good people.
And be surrounded by good people.
- Amen.
- Praise be to Allah.
Come on, Zul. Lets be stylish.
Yeah, are you ready, audience?
- I'm ready!
- Please welcome a singer with a thunderous voice!
Presenting the most stylish shirt of 2020, Zul!
Zul, come out and show your charm!
What do you say? Cool?
You want one too? Here you go.
This is your style, Fool.
No girl would want Zul.
Go get changed, Zul!
Okay, guys. This is the latest style from Zul.
THIS IS IJUST ALLOW IDon't forget the hair gel, guys.
Don't forget the hair gel, guys.
Make it stickier!
May peace be upon you.
And upon you as well.
What's this?
Catfish rice, made by my father.
If you like it, I'll bring more tomorrow.
Or tomorrow morning.
Or tomorrow afternoon.
Tomorrow night is fine too.
Do you eat catfish three times a day?
I'm sorry, I don't mean to brag.
I bet this is your lunch box.
That's Diana and Jon.
They're eavesdropping.
To check if I can get close to you or not.
What are you two doing at the corner like this?
Are you two dating?
That's my intention, Sir.
You wish. Not a good match.
If you two get married, your child will look like a zebra.
- Zul.
- Hi, Mr. Hans.
Miss, are you feeling better?
I am.
Anyway, if there's any trouble around here...
...just call me, Mr. Hans.
- Alright?
- Alright.
- Alright.
- Yeah.
What do you mean, "yeah"?
Be gone, eavesdroppers.
Good luck with your approach, Zul.
Wish me luck too, Sir.
Zul, "Keeper Nogo".
Keep her close, don't let go.
- I'm ready, Mr. Hans.
- Alright.
Are you...
Trying to get close to me?
- What?
- There's a fly.
Let's not hurt God's creations.
And never a woman.
Uh, I'm sorry.
Where are you going this late?
I'm going home.
I don't want to bother you by staying here long.
Can't you leave tomorrow?
I guess not.
Thank you.
For the clothes and for letting me stay here.
By the way, that friend of yours who came by.
His name...
Is he always that weird?
Zul isnt weird.
He's just different.
Brother Zul is our village's savior.
We call him Ashiap Man.
And he can lift...
Two water gallons all by himself.
It's four gallons.
I saw him lift seven gallons.
Where does he live?
That way.
- That way.
- That way.
I'm heading back now, Sir.
Oh right.
- Take care.
- Yes.
Zul, when you're done with your prayers,
go help your father at the market.
Yes, Mother.
May peace be upon you. Excuse me.
And upon you as well.
Please protect this village.
I have a feeling, something bad might happen here.
- Sir, there's fire!
- Huh? Fire?
Sir, where's the fire?
Zul, the market's on fire!
The market's on fire?
Mother, the market's on fire!
- Fire!
- Help!
Who sent you, huh?
Where's my father?
Help, fire!
Come, Ma'am.
- Help!
- That's my husband.
Please help my husband!
Dear Allah!
- Zul.
- Ma'am, it's your husband.
- Honey!
- Dear Allah!
- Father?
- Dear Allah! Honey!
Take care of Zul.
I'm here, Father.
Be strong.
Let your father go, Zul.
He's resting in peace with Allah.
You have to prove to him.
That you can be useful to others.
Make your father proud, Zul.
Everyone of you...
...will live at Gersang Land.
Hi, Baby.
Take a look.
Excuse me, Sir.
I found this at the burned down marketplace.
Coincidentally, it's right at the area
that you're trying to develop as elite housing.
I don't like the way you do your business
that always sacrifices poor people.
It's their own fault.
Why did they have to rent houses
at the riverbank?
Use your brain!
Do you think they want to live there?
You think they all have rich family, like you?
Have you ever heard a saying?
Fellow rich people shouldn't hurt each other.
I will tell my dad about this.
I will expose everything!
Be my guest, Kiara.
Because you'll need more evidence.
Than just a lighter.
I regret I ever had a boyfriend like you!
If you're upset at your ex... means you still have feelings for him, Kiara.
DP Man.
Make sure the development of that village
goes according to plan.
As you can see.
I'm not playing games.
This is what you get if you don't pay the rent.
How can we pay?
We don't have any livelihood anymore.
We're having a hard time.
Forget eating.
We don't even have anything to cook.
True, Sir. My family and I are taking turns fasting.
One day my wife fasts, the next day's my turn.
The other day my wife eats, and my child fasts.
Please help, Sir.
Shut up!
Sir, I'm begging you.
Don't destroy our house.
This is all we have.
It's not yours!
You just rent.
And you haven't paid!
Sister Aisyah!
Don't be rude to a girl.
Sir, I'm begging you.
Don't destroy it.
Have mercy on these kids.
Take your kids with you!
Please, Sir.
Don't destroy it.
Get out of here!
Or else...
It hurts, Bro!
Are you alright?
Good, someone has guts.
But courage is not enough!
I need money.
If you can't pay your rent...
...leave this place.
The rest can take our boss' generous offer.
Sell your land.
Dont worry.
You can rent the apartment we will provide.
Special for you.
Where can we get such money? It's so expensive.
Yes, so expensive.
Sir, how can we live in an apartment?
Please be reasonable.
That's not my business!
In a few days...
...I'll be back.
Sir, won't you give us some lenience?
Sister Aisyah!
Did you get the pictures I sent you?
I did.
And I'm very concerned about the incident.
Your concern is not enough.
We have to help them, Dad.
Why do you still doubt me?
Today I coordinated things with my team.
And they've prepared essential groceries
for the fire victims.
And what about the eviction?
That is also one of the things I will fight for.
If I get reelected.
I'm proud of you.
A daughter with a good sense of social responsibility.
I believe in you.
Help your sisters tidy up, okay?
Zul, Miss.
Yes, Mr. Hans.
I have a message from the neighborhood chief.
Should we let the kids stay here
or at his house?
They want to stay here, Sir.
With Zul.
Yes, Sir. I asked them to stay indoors.
But they refused.
We'll stay in this tent.
Yes, camping with Ashiap Man.
- Yes, with Ashiap Man.
- We'll stay here.
Well, if anything happens...
...once every 24 hours, you can contact Mr. Hans.
Thank you, Sir.
Okay then, I'll be going.
Alright, Mr. Hans.
- May peace be upon you.
- And upon you as well.
- Let's clean up some more.
- Yes, Sis.
It's a superhero cape.
For my beloved son.
Why are you trying to burn it, Zul?
I'm ready!
I miss you.
Why do you look so sad?
I've failed, Father.
I'm a useless kid.
Zul, everybody in this village needs your help.
No, Father.
I'm not a hero.
I'm just an ordinary person.
All heroes are ordinary people, Zul.
And ordinary people can be heroes.
Follow your conscience, Son.
Your conscience is always right.
Can't sleep?
I'm sorry, Aisyah.
I couldn't help you.
It wasn't your fault, Zul.
Taking care of the children is not easy.
But I try to hold on.
I want them to have a future.
But it's my fault, Aisyah.
Even staying in a tent, I'm grateful.
It's true that sometimes I feel desperate.
I don't have the answer to all my problems.
But I always rely on Allah.
I'm sure you can help us, Zul.
Are you sure?
Pray for me.
I will.
"How to be a superhero."
Relax, Zul. Jon and I will help you... be the hero of our village.
That's right, Zul.
But from YouTube videos, Jon?
Nowadays you can learn anything from YouTube.
True, look at this.
Cooking tutorial.
Magic trick tutorial.
Does it have circumcision tutorial, Jon?
You haven't been circumcised, Zul?
I have.
Enough, focus.
What's up, guys?
Welcome to Mister Jamet's channel.
Where you can learn to be a hero from the expert.
But first, don't forget to like,
comment and subscribe.
Because like, comment and subscribe are free parking.
No charge!
Subscribe, Jon.
- So awesome.
- Isn't he awesome, Zul?
Do you want to be a hero? Very easy.
Come join "Meet and Greet with Mr. Jamet".
Mr. Jamet will tell you all of his secrets there.
Just with 1 million Rupiah.
A million?
Cheap, right?
Mr. Jamet!
Fight on, defending the customers.
Huh, what a dead end!
Excuse me, would you like to order more drinks?
You got any promo, Ma'am?
We do have some promotional offers.
Buy two coffees and you'll get one free.
It suits the three of you.
Also for the cakes, 30.000 each.
If you buy two, you'll only pay 50.000.
We also have this digital wallet promotion.
You'll get a 30% cashback.
So which one will you take?
No, thanks, Ma'am. We still have some.
Excuse us.
What's going on?
Who stopped my car?
Quite strong.
But what was your purpose?
Mister, you almost hit a kid.
Kid, stop playing mobile games on the street.
It's dangerous.
Whose playing games?
I'm making a TikTok video.
And what's a kid like you doing outside all by yourself?
Better to be alone than going out together like you two.
See, the devil is following you.
This insolent kid, always answering.
Men, always hard to understand!
Are you Mister Jamet? The famous YouTuber?
Hi, you must be my fans.
Ah, that's right.
Did you subscribe to my channel?
We have!
Mr. Jamet.
Please teach us how to become heroes, Mr. Jamet.
Yes, Mister. But...
We don't have the money for your "Meet and Greet".
Okay, since you saved that kid...
...and saved me from the trouble of hitting her...
...I will tell you the secret.
For free!
No need to pay.
For real, Mister?
My laptop.
Here's my secret.
This guy is self-taught.
Just from YouTube videos.
See, what did I told you?
So Mr. Jamet is not really strong?
So you're not a hero?
I'm strong, I'm a hero.
A hero through editing, animation.
I want to learn.
- You want to be superheroes?
- We do, Mister.
Come here.
"We are the heroes of our own story."
Which means?
We are the heroes.
Of our own story.
Did you hear that? I'm positively sure.
We can make a great video about Ashiap Man!
That's right!
Relax, Zul, we'll make a great video.
Mister, thank you!
Mister, thank you so much!
Come on, Zul. Let's make one.
Reach far up, then you go down.
Keep your spirit up. Try to look like a hero.
Let's check some references.
Three, two, one.
And then like this.
Now, let's take a look.
But this looks like its too much.
What do you mean too much?
No, this is just acting. It's great.
It's just for YouTube.
Jon, you're great!
Good job.
But this is just editing.
It's alright.
What's important is that you look cool.
You got that, Zul?
Ashiap Man's first video, ready to upload.
We're stealing WiFi, don't be so loud!
Oh, right.
100 percent!
We'll be famous, Zul.
- We'll go viral!
- Amen!
Hey, what are you doing here?
Goodness, you're stealing WiFi?
Sorry, Ma'am. We're done.
Yes, we're sorry, Ma'am. Just a bit more.
"Ma'am"?! You think I'm your mother?
Forget about being your mother.
I don't even wanna be your mother-in-law.
God forbid my daughter has
a penniless boyfriend like you.
Yes, Ma'am. Relax.
I already have a future bride.
Not my daughter, right?
I don't know, Ma'am.
I've never met her mother.
Just leave, be gone!
And don't come back!
I'll change the WiFi password!
Hello, Earth citizens.
Good news for all of us.
The news about our misfortune has reached Mr. Dwi Rupa.
He sent these groceries for all of us.
Awesome, right?
Come grab them. Don't be shy.
Hey, this is called "money politic".
This is not right.
- This is not right.
- Hey, Lady.
Mind your words.
These are groceries, not politics.
Take a look.
Hey, Man. We don't need groceries.
We need money. Right, Ma'am?
- That's right!
- To pay our rent.
We also need assurances.
That we wont be evicted.
We need someone who can guarantee our lives here.
That's right!
We don't need congressmen who makes a lot of promises,
without any assurances.
True, it's a habit.
When they need votes, they come to us.
You all just take it slow.
That's his picture, and these groceries are for you.
I'm this close to Mr. Dwi Rupa.
I will talk to Mr. Dwi Rupa...
Let Ashiap Man defend us!
That's right!
Yeah, you're useless.
You're quite loud.
Even my dad never yells at me.
I'll bite your left ear.
Hey, you're threatening a kid?
I'll let you know, Ashiap Man is...
Ladies and gentlemen, check you phones.
Hey, a thief! He's so ugly!
Guys, that thief is so ugly.
I'm scared, I'm a girl!
What to do, guys? I'm so scared!
Honey, look at this.
This video got a lot of viewers.
What is this, a clarification podcast? Or...
Oh, a hobo prank.
He's a superhero.
Like the movie Rafathar back then.
Ashiap Man.
He does look like a superhero. But...
He looks like a hillbilly.
He could be a famous YouTuber.
You're right.
But nowadays, you shouldn't make superhero content.
We should make simp content.
Like that Gen Halilintar kid who's in relationship
with that Hermansyah girl.
Hah, what a simp.
Housewives throughout Indonesia love that stuff.
- So adorable.
- They're getting married in GBK Stadium!
So handsome.
What's your name?
Ashiap Man.
I'm ready!
Guys, Ashiap Man really do help people.
I want to be Ashiap Man's fan now.
The village folks trust Ashiap Man.
Pfft. Who would trust Ashiap Man?
You guys are fools.
Ashiap Man is here, everything's under control!
Under control!
Return these groceries.
Break it up!
But I accepted the money!
Ashiap Man has tricked you!
Mr. Dwi Rupa is your true savior!
Ashiap Man tricked you, hey!
Where are the rice sacks?
Are you hungry?
Zul, Jon, look!
It's trending number one!
6,5 million viewers!
We have gone viral!
Yes! Viral, viral!
I only get this much?
I shouldn't have acted so natural.
Just take it.
Don't tell anyone, okay?
You're quite handsome in person.
We have to make something new! Think, quick!
How about a scene where Ashiap Man
is chased by a komodo.
But when Ashiap Man stares at it...
...the komodo turns into a gecko.
Your hair...
Morning, Andy.
- Morning, Honey.
- Morning, Hon.
So serious, what are you watching?
It's a viral video on YouTube.
He's been watching it since yesterday.
Oh right, Hon.
It's Andy's birthday soon.
Why don't you ask him what he want as a present?
What do you want from Daddy?
Andy wants to see Ashiap Man.
I'm ready!
Well, just give it to him.
Let's arrange a party at home.
Call our close friends.
Let's eat.
Where's Nico?
I don't know.
Some villagers are resisting
the land purchase.
But don't worry, Sir.
I'll take care of it soon.
How long do I have to wait?
I told you to get everything done!
Now what's the problem?
From the report, that one person resisting is...
Ashiap Man.
- Who?
- Ashiap Man.
Nico, do you know?
The one called...
Ashiap Man?
Good then.
You find that guy and invite him to our house.
He will entertain at your brother Andy's birthday party.
I don't think we should invite him.
Besides, you know I'm busy
dealing with the village folks...
Why haven't you taken care of that matter yet, Nico?
Can you do your work?
You told me yourself.
That you will proof yourself by acquiring that land.
So can you?
I can do it, Dad.
Yes, Mother?
Why's your hair like that?
Since you were a kid, I've tried many kinds of shampoo.
But none can straighten your hair like that.
I even tried to cut it, but didn't work.
So hard.
What happened, Son?
You can tell me.
Zul lied, Mother.
People think that I'm a superhero.
It's just a hoax, Mother.
It's not true.
Zul, since your video came out...
...the village folks have become high spirited.
You can't help them with materials.
But I see that you can bring back their smile.
May peace be upon you.
And upon you as well.
This is for me, Kiara?
- What's inside?
- A surprise.
Open it later, okay?
Thanks, Kiara.
By the way, Zul...
What's with your hair?
I made a video.
Everyone liked it.
Oh, that video where you become Ashiap Man?
I watched it.
It was cool. I liked it too.
I'm ready.
But that's all not true, Kiara.
The video was a lie.
I'm not really that strong.
I think...
...being strong is a matter of perception.
Whoever helps people,
is surely stronger...
...than those who need help.
I can't help the villagers.
I can't help Aisyah.
I can't help the orphans.
And I couldn't save Father.
When I first came to this village...
...people called you a hero.
If you could help people back then...
...I'm sure you can do it again now.
What's important is that with you around...
...they all have hope, Zul.
There! She's right, Zul.
Zul, here. A man came.
A mysterious guy came to me.
He gave me these.
- An invitation.
- Also...
Zul, he said this is just the down payment.
He'll give you more if Ashiap Man agrees to entertain... some rich folks' house.
You could use the money, Zul. To...
To pay the villagers' rent.
Exactly, Zul.
Zul, you didn't lie.
You just need to be yourself.
Be Ashiap Man.
I'm sure you can be a hero.
Zul, your hair!
Let's go, I'm ready.
I'm ready!
That's more like it.
Ashiap Man!
Come on. Ashiap Man!
Damn girlfriend!
What's wrong with you?
Did you use your brain?
What would happen if those files
from my computer are exposed?
Did you even think?
Dad, I'll take it back from Kiara.
I told you to approach her, be nice to her.
Not break up with her!
Now everything's messed up!
Listen, Nico.
Don't let everything that I have built... destroyed just because of you!
Give me another chance.
I promise.
I will take care of everything.
Not once have you ever made me proud.
Dad, I've gathered all the evidence
that I promised you.
Everything in this flash disk
could destroy Gersang Corp.
I won't let you interfere further with my business!
Just because you want to play hero for the commoners.
Do you think I can have all this...
...without anyone helping me?
I receive supports from many people!
Especially Gersang Corp.
You promised to help the citizens!
I'm a citizen too.
Mr. Gersang, Nico, they're also citizens.
Would I be able to give all this to you...
...If I hadn't been nice to their company?
I don't need all this.
No matter what, I will find more evidence
and upload it to the social media!
Okay, fine!
I've been watching all your moves.
If you try to do anything...
...your hillbilly friend will be done for.
And I'm sure.
His catfish stand cape won't be able
to protect him from hot bullets.
Here, I found this while collecting trash.
This is nice, Bro.
Still in good condition, Zul.
You can use it.
- Thanks, Bro.
- Yeah.
- Hey, Zul!
- Zul!
Have you got no brain?
Where's your conscience?
How could you sell us out
for your personal gain?
Traitor! Fake!
Hey, why are you shouting in front of my house?
- What house?
- This!
- This is your house?
- Yes!
One spit on your house and it will break down!
Give it up, we already saw Zul's video.
- True!
- That's enough proof!
Hey, you're a hobo. You know nothing.
This is technological stuff.
You don't even have a cellphone.
I bet all you have is a yellow screen phone.
True, I don't have a cellphone.
But I have a lot of garbage!
You listen.
Your house will be demolished soon too!
Thank you.
It's nothing, Sir.
Thank you for the payment.
Just relax, trust me.
I will get rid of those insolent villagers.
Zul, you got hoax-ed!
How did it get so complicated?
All I know is that we can't hope...
...for others to treat us kindly.
But we must always be kind to others.
I'm sure Kiara can explain to the people
that Zul is innocent.
- What is it?
- Zul.
You don't have to look...
I'm sorry Zul. Honestly I already know...
...that Kiara has a relationship with Nico.
But what I don't understand is,
why would Kiara defend our village?
We can't rely on others.
We have to help this village.
And I want to be the Ashiap Man with real strength.
No editting, no tricks.
Zul, you don't have a superhero power.
Even if we don't have superhero powers,
we can still help this village.
I'm sure we can.
Will you guys help me?
Of course.
Are we done yet?
You can do it, Zul.
Another 400.
- 399...
- I've done 1000!
No, a little more.
Did you fart?
Yeah, Zul.
I let out a bit.
What did you let out?
Just hold it, Zul.
Jon, something's wet!
Look at your exercise. So strong, Zul.
Something stinks!
Three more rounds around the village, Zul!
You can do it, Zul!
Three more rounds!
- I'll be going now.
- Okay.
Your decision to get back with Nico
is correct.
You don't think that you can get away
with this forever, do you?
That's what I've been doing.
Always getting away with it.
Give it up, Kiara.
You're too young to understand all this.
Get going.
Good luck with your pre-wedding photoshoot.
Yes, Dad.
You're so beautiful.
I'll be the most stupid creature in the world.
If I have to lose you for the second time.
May I borrow your phone?
What for?
I'm trying to contact the Event Organizer
that handles our pre-wedding.
But I accidentally deleted the number.
May I see your phone?
Yeah, sure.
By the way, my dad called you.
You better see him, he's been waiting.
You came all the way here, you should see him.
Okay, I'll go inside and see your dad.
Kiara! Hey, Kiara!
- Bitter?
- Well, this is coffee.
Good news!
Today we will evict everyone in this village.
Hey, everybody get out!
Take your stuff with you.
Hey, get out!
Bro, calm down.
No need to get angry.
Here's your money.
I'm sincere.
But remember.
Stop bothering the village folks.
Not enough!
This much money doesn't mean a thing.
- That's a lot!
- You talk a lot.
You still have to leave.
This is our village.
We will not leave this village!
Get him!
You're finished, Zul.
That's what you get for acting so cool!
You're just an fake.
This guy is the real deal.
Hit his Adam's apple! Make him swallow it!
I'm with Ashiap Man!
Ashiap Man!
I hope you all have health insurance.
Because you will end up in hospital!
Where are you going?
The DP is paid in full.
We won!
We won!
We won!
Our village won!
You better not come here anymore.
How could you?
You made Zul care for you.
And you toyed with him by marrying someone else?
Don't you know how much it hurts?
To love somebody who doesn't love you back?
I made people believe
that I'm marrying Nico.
So I can get his cellphone.
This phone holds all the information needed
to destroy Gersang Corp.
I'll just upload it to the social media.
But the problem is...
His phone is locked with a password.
And I don't know what the password is.
I'm asking you, where's Ashiap Man?
Where is he?
Ashiap Man is heartbroken!
Tell Ashiap Man, stop acting like a hero.
And for you, Kiara.
You will return my phone.
Because if I find you stealing files from my phone...
Or if you upload them...
You know what this is, Kiara?
One click, Kiara.
They will all go to heaven.
I will share the address to your phone.
You come here right now.
I'll go there now.
Maybe this is a trap.
Then who will help them?
I'm leaving now.
You're an evil person!
Aren't you afraid of sinning?
People like him are more afraid of poverty.
The other day, evidence against me...
...was destroyed by Dwi Rupa.
But why do you have to mess up again, Nico?
I was tricked, Dad.
Somebody has to take the blame for this.
It's time, Nico.
For you to show your loyalty to your parents.
You really are an incompetent kid!
Sis Aisyah!
- Dad!
- Sis Aisyah!
Dad, please open the door.
Tomorrow morning, there will be huge news.
"Nico, son of Mr. Gersang."
"Out of guilt decided to..."
"...blow himself up with the witnesses."
Dad, come on! Please, Dad!
Sir, please. Don't hurt the kids.
Take care of her, and remember.
Finish whoever dares to enter this place.
I'm going, you two stay here.
No, we're coming.
No, you two wait here.
In action movies,
do they listen when told to wait?
- They do?
- No, Fool! Let's go!
- Jon, let's fight them 2 by 2.
- Okay.
- You take the big one, I'll take the medium one.
- Okay.
- Remember, strike before they're ready.
- I'm ready.
We have to strike their weaknesses, Jon!
- You got that?
- Got it.
Crush them!
No matter what, don't let go!
Don't let go.
- Ready?
- Ready.
One, two...
They're KO-ed.
Brother, now what?
We won't survive.
Sis Aisyah.
- Please help Sis Aisyah.
- Come with us.
Sis Aisyah was taken away.
Slowly, careful.
Sis Aisyah!
You're right, it's Sis Aisyah!
You guys wait here.
Superhuman serum.
How are you?
Future daughter-in-law?
Aisyah and the kids were kidnapped!
This is for me, Kiara? What's inside?
Ashiap Man!
Kiara, are you hurt?
It hurts, Zul!
Same here, I'm hurt too.
Fighting against a girl?
Come fight me!
My son's idol... nothing but a party clown!
Not a hero!
Where's Nico's phone? Give it to me!
Sir, please don't resort to violence.
Sir, let's make peace.
Yes, Sir. Make peace.
Stop joking!
I'm not joking. This is all we got, Sir.
We won't give you the phone.
And we all...
...will uncover your crimes.
What did you say, Nico?!
Unlock my phone.
The password...
What number is that?
Your birthday?
That's my dad's birthday.
Which folder?
Inside the folder...
"My Dad, My Hero."
For years I've been trying to be like you.
And you're right.
I will never succeed.
I will never commit crimes like you do.
And now...
I'm determined to choose the right way.
Found it!
This is all evidence of Gersang Corp's crimes!
Zul, you can do it!
Hey, Mr. Evil.
I'm ready!
Ashiap Man!
Everybody get out! Out!
Come on!
Hurry, Nico!
Zul, help Aisyah now!
No, save Kiara now, Zul!
- Kiara, come on!
- Save Aisyah!
Hurry, Zul! Get Kiara out of here!
Zul, help Aisyah now!
Zul, help Kiara!
Zul, hurry and help Aisyah! Get her out!
Zul, hurry!
Zul, hurry and get Aisyah out!
Thank you, Dear Allah!
Mr. Dwi Rupa, is it true that you've bought the land?
- Yes, how about that, Sir?
- Please explain, Sir.
Alright. The disputed property land...
...was purchased by my dad.
But not for personal usage.
Instead, it will be rightfully managed
by a social foundation.
So the area is safe to be occupied by the locals.
Thank you.
Do you have any response, Sir?
What do you say, Sir?
Here it is.
Wait, wait.
Pay attention to Mr. Hans.
To celebrate our happy day...
...we'll have a feast, a tumpeng rice.
And the one who deserve to cut the rice... none other than...
...our hero, Zul!
Come on, Zul. Don't be shy.
Cut the tumpeng rice, and give the first cut... your special one.
Wink, wink!
Hey, Zul.
If you wanna give it to me,
scoop some more. I'm starving.
Complete toppings for the most beloved.
Wink, wink!
Come on, Zul. You have to decide.
Be like me, Zul. I've already chosen.
What a sly kid.
Whatever happens, I will always take care of you.
Thank you, Mother.
Yes, Zul.
Here, have some.
You're a great guy, Zul.
My story this time may have ended.
But Ashiap Man's adventure has just begun.
I'm ready!
I can sell this.