Asvins (2023) Movie Script

Thousands of years ago...
The twin sons born to a
farmer died by drowning.
The father who lost his sons...
Prayed to the very powerful Gods
of health, the ASWINS.
Pleased by his prayers,
the ASWINS appeared before him.
They said that he could get one of
his sons back because of his devotion.
Hence they brought one of his
sons back to life and gave him.
They blessed the boy
who came back to life.
They gifted the boy with two powerful
artifacts that belonged to heaven.
They said that as long as the boy
had both the artefacts with him...
They blessed him that he would not get
any kind of death but a natural one.
That boy was missing his brother badly.
Someone was stealthily
watching all these happenings.
It was a dark soul from hell.
If one of those powerful artefact
was in it's possession...
It could use its power to bring back
a fierce demon sent to the underworld.
The soul went to the boy in human form...
And lured the boy that if
he gives one of those artifacts...
He could get back his dead brother.
Hoping that he could
get back his brother...
The boy gave one of those artefact
possessing divine power to that dark soul.
Using that artefact,
The dark soul brought back to the earth...
the demon form the underworld.
In a few days, many bad things
started happening in that village.
Humans and cattle were dying.
Strange illnesses spread,
there was famine everywhere.
[door unlocked]
This place is very dark.
I'm scared.
'Hey, we have shot more than 100
such videos for our YouTube channel.'
'What's to be scared of?'
That's true, brother.
But that was in India.
But this one is different.
There is no mobile network here too.
Where would we go in case
we encounter some problem?
There won't be a problem.
Should I record the video too?
'Rahul, we are only five people here.'
'Only if all of us record the video,
can we get the footage enough to edit.'
'Turn the camera on.'
[devices blip]
[devices blip]
It took me five minutes
for me to reach this floor.
Arthi is living alone in
such a huge mansion, Bro.
'No. Cops recovered 15
dead bodies from here.'
'Only Arthi's body was missing.'
You did tell this to me earlier.
How did the body which
was recovered go missing?
Which means Arthi's body
could still be here.
[door creaks open]
[rat squealing]
'Hey, stop talking and get working.'
'Complete the recording fast
and proceed to the next room.'
OK, Brother.
'Guys, I'm done clicking photographs
of the entire staircase area.'
Door creak recording 1.
[door creaking]
Door creak recording 2.
[door creaking]
Door creak recording 3.
[door creaking]
[walkie talkie blips]
[woman crying]
Anywhere I go in this mansion,
I feel that I can hear something.
Hey! Guys!
I discovered the attic
in the fourth floor.
'Awesome man!'
'Capture it completely.'
[door creaks open]
What is this strange smell?
[floor squeals]
Hey! Interesting sound!
Guys, I'm recording the sounds.
Everyone be silent.
Door creak recording 1.
[floor creaking]
[footsteps running]
Bro, I asked all of you not to come
here when I'm recording sounds!
Varun Bro...
Arjun Bro...
[floor creaking]
Bro... someone is here...
'Hey Rahul...'
Bro, I could hear someone running here.
'Hey! Don't blabber just anything.
We don't have time for this.'
'Bro, I could really hear someone
running when I was recording the sounds!'
'Play what you have recorded then.'
Someone ran for sure.
Hear this.
[floor creaking]
''Bro, I asked all of you not to come
here when I'm recording sounds!''
Why are you scared for nothing?
Someone ran here.
Bro, someone really ran.
Rahul, this place sure is spooky.
You must have imagined something.
Don't overthink.
Record fast and get to the next room.
I might go mad before
I finish this project.
Staircase recording 1.
[Rahul startles]
How did the torch move?
Brother! Brother!
Brother! I found the ritual room.
What is this?
[stairs creaking]
Who... who is that?
Who is there?
[stair thud]
[Rahul screams in fear]
Who is it?
[knife clangour]
[Rahul screaming in fear]
[woman crying]
[Rahul shivering in fear]
[stairs creaking]
[Rahul banging trapdoor]
[Rahul groans]
[man over walkie talkie]: Rahul...
[man over walkie talkie]: Rahul come in...
[man over walkie talkie]:
Rahul can you hear me?
[man over walkie talkie]: Rahul come in.
[woman over walkie talkie]:
He's recording sounds.
[woman over walkie talkie]:
So must have turned the walkie off...
[man over walkie talkie]: Of course!
Guys! I have discovered Arthi's bedroom.
Western Mansion, first floor.
Rithwika! Hope my voice
wouldn't be used in the video.
[Rithwika]: No, we won't use your voice.
I shall explain it roughly for now.
[clears throat]
Dear viewers. We have reached a very
important place in this mansion.
Arthi's bedroom.
According to the police reports
Arthi committed suicide right here.
After the investigation was completed...
People who came here for cleaning or
inspection noticed a lot of unnatural events.
The cops said that they noticed
blood stains everywhere.
Hey! If you observe carefully, you can
still see the blood stains on this table!
Not just that.
The officer who came to inspect this
mansion said he could hear a lady crying.
People who came to clean the
mansion claimed the same.
According to the reports,
Arthi tortured herself to death.
They said there was some setup here where
some inhuman rituals were performed.
Something like black
magic or satanic rituals.
Also, Arthi's dead body which
was recovered went missing.
That is still a mystery till today.
Maybe that's why they couldn't investigate
further and left the case unfinished.
Hey! This is the East-side mansion window!
Arthi's presence was spotted from this
window in a lot of photos and videos.
Especially in one particular video,
Arthi could be seen running like mad.
And exactly from that particular spot--
Who is there?
Who is there?
[door creaking]
[door creaking]
[door creaking]
[metal clangour]
[door creaking]
Hey... I can hear Varun's voice.
Grace, stop! It's dark. Let's go together.
What is he doing in the basement?
[patting sounds]
Why is this flashlight flickering?
-It is turning on and off automatically.
-Ritu, come quickly.
Grace, wait for me.
[loud whisper]
[Grace]: Ritu!
Grace! Grace!
'[Arjun]: Where? Where are you?'
-[Arjun] Ritu!
Arjun what are you saying?
-[Arjun] Where?
-Arjun I can't hear you.
-[Arjun] Where are you?
[Grace sobs]
[walkie talkie crackles]
-Arjun! Arjun!
-[Arjun] Where?
Arjun, I can't hear you.
-[Arjun]: Everyone is...
[strange sound]
[Grace sobs]
-Ritu! Don't come here.
-Grace! Grace!
-Go away, Ritu! Go away!
-Grace! What?
-[Arjun] Varun and Rahul are dead.
-[Arjun] Varun and Rahul are dead.
What are you talking, Arjun?
Grace! Arjun!
-I am in the basement with Grace--
-[Arjun]: Grace is dead.
'Grace is dead too. Where are you, Ritu?'
[camera clicks]
[creaking sound from behind]
Ritu did you hear that?
-[Ritu]: Arjun!
Who is it?
Who is that?
[Ritu sobbing]: Arjun!
Arjun! Arjun!
Ritu... where are you?
[whisper]: Arjun!
[Arjun screams]
[water burbling]
Everyone has two lives in them.
Everyone has two voices in their heads.
They have two brains.
Two minds.
You're as strong as your strongest mind.
OK guys... This deal isn't confirmed yet.
They have selected us only on trial basis.
But they shall confirm our jobs
on the basis of our work here.
This is the first time we have
accepted a Black Tourism project.
A handsome pay package too.
So let's make sure we work
this out successfully.
What are we going to do here exactly?
Isn't this just like our previous videos?
No. This is a bit different from
our regular YouTube videos.
The London company that
hired us runs Black Tourism.
What is Black Tourism?
Black Tourism is visiting historical places
where tragedies and deaths happened.
In the modern age that we are now...
These old buildings, severe haunted
places, places where tragedies happened...
There are tourists who
prefer these places.
They pay and stay for an adventurous
and thrilling experience.
The mansion we are about to
visit is a similar place.
So we need to shoot the footage...
We need to submit a pilot film with proper
sound samples well before the deadline.
Our previous work has
impressed them a lot.
So we need to finish this
deal similarly and close it.
And tomorrow is November 11th.
It's Arjun's birthday.
We all are about to celebrate it together.
So let's wrap up work before that.
Our last celebration was at your wedding.
Now our next celebration is in London.
[Arjun]: What happened?
Why are we stopping here?
The car won't get past this point.
This remote location in London?
So it's roughly a 5 km walk from here.
If you just stay on this road,
the you'll find the mansion at the end.
Aren't you joining us till there?
I thought you could give
us a tour of the mansion.
No way.
This is one of the darkest
places in the country.
I'm not brave enough to enter that.
This right here gets closed
off by the high tide at night.
And it clears up in the morning
somewhere near the sunrise.
-OK... OK.
Good luck with your film!
And do not forget to keep the
keys on you for the house.
Sure, I'll do that.
-See you, bye!
-See you, take care. Bye.
You too!
Everyone has two voices in their heads.
They have two brains.
Light of the dawn...
Darkness of the night.
Did you forget something in there?
Hey Arjun!
Arjun, what happened?
[Arjun]: Hey Rahul.
How can you be tired just for this?
[Rahul]: It's easy for you Arjun!
You have a British passport.
Your journey was smooth. It's us who
stood for three hours in immigration.
She said the entire stretch of this
road would be immersed in water.
How do we go out if we want to?
The way we are taking would be
immersed in sea on a high tide.
After sunrise tomorrow,
all water would clear because of low tide.
We'd be done with our shoot by that time.
So not to worry.
Which crazy person bought a house here?
Vikram Rajagopal.
-A wealthy businessman from UK.
He passed away in 2003.
He bought this island and the mansion
in it from a government auction.
He gifted it to his daughter,
Arthi Rajagopal.
And Arthi was a famous archaeologist.
She specialized in Archaeology
of Religion and Ritual.
You can say it's archaeological research
on religions and age-old traditions.
Smile for the camera!
[shutter clicks]
A main voice that's heard from
inside me belongs to my wife.
Love is beyond time,
period, birth and death.
Ritu was the one who made me realize it.
This way.
What happened here, bro?
Reports say that Arthi stole a cursed
historical artefact from Kanchipuram.
No one could find that
artefact till today.
There were traces of strange rituals,
symbols drawn on walls in that mansion.
On top of that, cops recovered 15
dead bodies of people murdered brutally.
What about Arthi then?
They say that Arthi
committed suicide there itself.
Her body which was recovered
from there is still missing.
Bro, do we really have
to work on this project?
Every You-tuber dreams of getting a project
that let's one travel across the world.
We bagged that chance.
This is exactly the kind of
project we should work on.
Remember the De Monte colony video?
You know how viral that five
minute video went, don't you?
That fetched 10,000 new
subscribers to our channel.
There is a similar risk with
the haunted fort in Rajasthan.
Did you imagine a London company to call us
because of a video we shot in Kanchipuram?
Such videos sell.
We should always be
ready to take such risk.
OK, Bro.
[footsteps on dry grass]
We can hear the crickets
aloud only in India. Not here.
This atmosphere has something in it.
So what's your conclusion?
Don't you like the atmosphere in India?
You can get going then.
What is this?
We are pleased to inform you...'
'...that you have been admitted to the'
'Berlin school of sound engineering.'
Ready to go then?
Would Mom and Dad let me to?
I'll talk to Dad. You handle Mom.
But the fee is 25 lakh, Bro.
We can pay half the amount.
But the rest...
We saved some for the down-payment
to buy a house in Hyderabad.
But we can use it as an
investment for your future.
My young brother is the
first in my family...
To go abroad for higher studies.
Hey! Don't cry.
Don't get emotional, dude!
Hey there...
We are almost there.
We will find a lake.
The mansion is adjacent to it.
What are you reading?
The book written by Arthi.
It's kind of interesting.
What she says is, people who die
on earth don't pass away completely.
They are trapped in
another intermediate state.
They don't know themselves
that they are dead.
So they constantly try to contact us.
Isn't it really amazing?
[Ritu chuckles]
Strange that she had this thought.
Even right now,
someone is hearing our conversation.
Right at this very moment.
I don't know about all that.
I am very excited.
This project is a starting point
for our life in London.
Isn't this the opportunity
we've ever been waiting for?
I'm going to give you a special
gift tomorrow on your birthday.
What gift is it?
I shall reveal that tomorrow.
I love you.
What is this, Bro?
Such a huge mansion?
[shutter clicks]
Nothing is happening
accidentally in this world.
Everything has a reason.
The path we choose, our deeds,
the people we meet...
There is a plan behind all of these
which is beyond our imagination.
The plan hatched by all
our boons and curses.
[whispers getting louder]
Are you OK?
Someone was...
Let's go.
[door creaks open]
Guys, only some of the
emergency lights work here.
We only have until the sunrise.
We need to click pictures and videos of
all the halls and rooms of the mansion.
Only one light is working.
Everyone be in contact with
each other on walkie talkies.
Communicate your
locations with each other.
Everyone gather back here after
finishing the rooms assigned to you.
-Rahul... Attic
-Yeah, OK.
-First hall, then basement
Rithvika... the basement.
-I'll check upstairs.
-OK, Bro.
Check... check...
Bro, how do I reach the fourth floor?
This side, let me guide you.
Your usual thing.
Such a huge mansion!
[indistinct conversation]
[door creaks open]
[whispers increasing]
[Arjun groans]
[loud whisper]
[door creaks open]
[door opened]
[mirror squeals]
[Grace gasps]
[Grace gasps]
[Grace screams in fear]
[demonic growl]
[mirror creaks]
[Grace trembling in fear]
[demonic growl]
[mirror creaks closer]
[Grace screams]
Hey! Guys!
I discovered the attic
in the fourth floor.
[Arjun groaning]
To the ones haunted by deep curse, even
a boon in the guise of death is a curse.
[loud whisper]
[demonic whisper]
[Arjun groans]
[door creaks open]
Varun! Varun!
-Varun, where are you?
-[demonic whisper]
[Arjun groaning in pain]
[Arjun groaning in pain]
Where are you?
[door creaks open]
[porcelain breaking]
[Varun screams]
Guys! The basement is very spooky.
[Ritu gasps]
[door opens]
[Ritu sobbing]
Varun... Rahul... Please! Can you hear me?
I'm locked here in the basement.
Arjun! Looks like someone is here.
I'm very scared.
Come soon.
[demonic scream]
There is a hallway in the basement.
The first door there.
[metal clang]
[knife clanging]
[knife clanging]
[Ritu gasping]
[Ritu]: Help! Help! Help!
[Arjun groans]
[wooden creaking]
[strong whisper]
I'm very scared, Bro.
Bro, can you hear me?
There is someone here!
[footsteps approaching]
[footsteps running]
[demonic voice]: Door creak recording 1.
[door creaks open]
[Rahul screams in fear]
[machine blips]
[machine blips]
[machine blips]
[machine blips]
[machine blips]
[machine blips]
[footsteps running]
[demonic boom]
[metallic clang]
[metal creaking on floor closing in]
The voice that can be heard
when searching for light in dark...
You can understand it only when you
can see the dark, being in light.
[Ritu]: Arjun!
[Ritu screaming]
Varun! Varun!
Ritu! Ritu! Ritu get up!
Oh no! Ritu!
You aren't breathing! Oh no!
Oh Ritu!
[Arjun sobbing]
Ritu! Ritu get up!
[Arjun sobbing]
Ritu! Ritu! Oh no!
Arjun! Arjun!
Arjun, come inside. I'm unable to
understand what's happening inside.
Arjun, what are you doing here?
Please come inside!
I'm unable to understand what's happening.
Please come inside!
Arjun! I'm unable to trace Rahul or Grace.
What are you looking at?
Come with me. Please!
There is someone inside.
Come with me, please!
Why do you simply sit watching?
Arjun, please come along!
Please come... Arjun.
[Rahul speaking in-distinctively]
Rahul... Arjun! Arjun!
Rahul... Arjun!
'People who die on earth
don't pass away completely.'
'They are trapped in
another intermediate state.'
[Ritu sobbing]
The second voice being
heard from inside me...
The demon himself.
[Arjun screams in shock]
[demonic growl]
'If you close your eyes in one realm...'
'You will open them in a different one.'
'In that other realm...'
'You have to be scared
if you're breathing...'
'And you have to be scared if you aren't'
My life was pretty
ordinary till yesterday.
Now I don't know what realm I am in.
To be precise, I'm unable to figure
out which realm I belong to now.
I have to trace her out... My Ritu.
[Arjun panting]
[door creaks open]
Ritu! Ritu!
[Arjun sobbing]
[Arjun sobbing]
Is she dead?
Or is she alive?
I can sense her existence.
'People who die on earth
don't pass away completely.'
Please come inside, Arjun!
'They are trapped in
another intermediate state.'
They don't know themselves
that they are dead.
They will try to contact us.
Laptop... Where is the laptop?
'I'm going to give you a special
gift tomorrow on your birthday.'
'What gift is it?'
'I shall reveal that tomorrow.'
[Arjun sobbing]
[Arjun panting heavily]
When I was conducting a research
to write my second book...
I heard the story of ASWINS and went all
the way to Kanchipuram for my research.
According to that story,
a farmer had twin sons.
While they were playing,
both of them drowned in water and died.
The heart-broken farmer
prayed sincerely to the ASWINS.
Tthe ASWINS appeared before him
and saved only one of the farmer's sons.
Bringing two powerful artifacts
that belonged to heaven...
The ASWINS gave it to the boy
and also blessed him with a boon.
As long as the boy was in
possession of both the artifacts...
He would only have a natural death,
they said.
No other person could kill him.
Though the boy lived,
he was missing his brother badly.
A dark soul which was watching everything
approached the boy in the form in a human.
It said that if the boy
gave one of the artifacts...
It could bring back his brother alive.
In the hope of getting his brother back...
The boy gave one of those
artifacts to that soul.
Gotten hold of the artefact, the dark
soul awakened a demon from the underworld,
Gave it the form of the boy's
brother and got him to the earth...
And have him to the boy.
The boy believed him and took the demon in
his brother's disguise into the village.
Ever since they entered the village,
doom engulfed the village.
One by one, the villagers started
dying from severe illnesses.
The villagers got to know that it was the
dark soul who used the boy to do this.
Immediately, the entire village
performed a powerful yaga.
They got back the lost artefact
with the power generated by the yaga.
They banished the demon in the
boy's disguise to the underworld.
While he was being banished...
The demon cursed that he
would rule the humans again.
To prevent the curse, the villagers tied
those artifacts using a sacred thread...
And buried them very deep into the ground.
If those artifacts were ever separated,
the curse would open up a portal...
And that fierce demon would bring other
underworld demons along with him to earth
This was the belief of all the villagers.
After searching rigorously for six months,
we found the buried artifacts.
It was my last day of stay in India.
To prepare a basic documentation to submit
to the Archaeological Survey of India
I went to my friend's guest house.
Sis, you can use the
room upstairs to work.
-Call me in case you need something.
I wanted to start my preliminary
research before my team arrived.
I saw those artifacts right then.
That moment, I felt I was not me.
Something was inside me...
I felt as if my mind was in
control of something else.
Inside... Inside me...
I felt something strange...
[gasps and coughs]
[loud demonic growl]
[Arthi coughing]
I was unable to differentiate
between reality and hallucination.
There was only one artefact left there.
But I can be sure of something.
I was never so scared as I was that day.
What I remember next is that
I was on the flight to London.
I brought along these ancient manuscripts
and one artefact with me involuntarily.
These are manuscripts that
date back to a 1000 years.
I must translate them somehow
and publish it in my book.
I'm planning to stay
alone till I finish this job.
The book I'm writing now deals with the
Astral Plane communication of humans.
Always... for that matter even right now,
There would be souls roaming around you.
All of them would try
to communicate with you.
It's not audible to anyone.
But only a few humans can
hear them very clearly.
This book of mine is
about those few people.
[porcelain breaks]
[Arthi gasps in fear]
Looks like there's someone here.
My... My staff is nowhere to be seen.
I feel that I'm the only
one present in this mansion.
[sobbing in fear]
Everytime I try to escape from here,
I end up here again without my knowledge.
I can hear some voice.
I can hear some strange voice.
I'm very scared.
[Arthi sobbing]
I have completed translating
what's written in the manuscripts.
If the information in them is true...
I have committed a big mistake.
A very grave mistake
[Arthi sobbing]
[metal thud]
[objects clatter]
[Arthi sobbing]
[Arthi whispering]
I'm hearing that voice continuously.
[Arthi sobbing]
[Arthi whispering]
I can hear it clearly.
[deep demonic growl]
Rakshasa! [crying]
It's trying to make me kill myself.
[door creaks open]
[door closes]
[short whisper]
[short whispers]
[Arthi screams]
[objects clattering]
[door knocked]
[door creaks open]
Hey, Arjun!
I can't find my brother.
I searched everywhere for him.
He is nowhere to be found.
I even searched the fourth floor.
I'm very scared.
Arjun please, I can't find my brother.
Please help me, Arjun!
I'll take him far away from here.
Please help me!
-[Ritu]: Arjun...
-[Varun]: Please Arjun!
[Ritu sobbing]
[Arjun and Ritu sobbing]
[Arjun sobbing]
[Arjun startles]
Varun... hey!
Grace... Grace!
[demonic groaning]
Bro, let's go away from here!
Please, I'm scared!
[indistinct sound]
[demonic growl]
[Arjun screams in fear]
[Arjun sobbing]
[Arthi sobbing]
Listen to me carefully.
Only you can stop this curse.
[Arthi sobbing]
That demon would kill
us in the real world...
And take us into a cursed realm.
After placing us under the curse...
He will torture us to death.
If we die in the cursed realm,
we will also die in the real world.
Only if we stop the curse
can we control the demon.
He has time only till the sun
rises on the 11th of November.
The manuscripts say that
if the demon rises...
The boy who was blessed by the ASWINS
would come to stop the demon.
If you have survived till now
and are seeing this video...
Only you can stop the curse.
Please find the other artefact and
bind both the artifacts together.
Otherwise the demon would bring along all
the other demons from underworld to earth.
-[demon growling]
-[Arthi groaning]
[Arthi screams]
People who live in the dark
without knowing their original self...
Find their world transformed
once they realize who they are.
[Arjun groans]
[Arthi's voice]:
Take the path of the demon
[Arthi's voice]:
Take the path of the demon
[Arthi]: Take the path of the demon.
Stop the demon and
put an end to the curse.
A... Arthi?
[Arthi]: Trace out the other artefact.
Is Ritu alive?
[Arthi]: She is in a cursed state.
Your friends are with her too.
They are suffering a terrible
pain in that cursed state.
If they die in this state...
You can not save them in the real world.
They will be gone forever.
How can I... How can I save their lives?
[Arthi]: You should defeat that demon.
You should stop that curse in that realm.
The curse?
How can I possibly stop the curse?
[Arthi]: Take the path of the demon.
How? How do I?
How do I go?
-[demon growling]
-[Arjun screaming]
[Arjun screaming]
How do I reach that realm, Arthi?
Arthi... Arthi?
I have to bring them all back alive.
How do I? How do I get them back?
I have completed translating
what's written in the manuscripts.
Where is the translation?
The demon controls humans
by taking over their mind.
The boy cannot be killed.
The boy and the demon are
connected to the curse.
To stop the demon,
the boy must know who he truly is.
In this world,
nothing happens without a reason.
I have to stop that curse.
If I have to bring them all back to life,
I have to stop that curse.
I have only one artefact
with me to stop it.
Where is the other?
'Take the path of the demon'
I can stop him only if I get there.
But how do I get there?
If you close your eyes in one realm...
You will open them in a different one.
Only I am left alive.
I am alive.
What if I die?
What happens if I die?
In order to get into the mind
of the demon and kill him...
First we should kill the
demon inside our mind.
[Arjun groans]
[objects clatter]
[Arjun groaning]
[Arjun gasping fro breath]
[Arjun gasps for breath]
[bats squealing]
The second artefact...
[screeching sound]
[screeching sound continues]
[boy laughing]
[metal clang]
[boy laughing]
[boy laughing]
[boy laughing]
[artefact falls]
[Arjun gasping]
[muscle wrenching]
[muscle wrenching]
[Arjun screaming]
[demonic growl]
[Arjun coughing]
[Arthi's voice]: The boy cannot be killed.
He has to find the second
artifact without losing his sight.
I have join both the artifacts together.
How do I pick up the second
artifact without being seen by Rakshasa?
[muscle wrenching]
[Arjun screaming]
I'm the demon!
[Arjun groaning in pain]
Why are you torturing us
by playing with our minds?
[Varun]: Rahul sit!
Sit down. Slowly. Sit down.
Sit down carefully.
Let's leave this place. I'm scared.
Take me out of here.
You will be safe. Let's go away.
I'm so scared.
Don't be scared. I'm here.
You will be safe.
-Please take me away...
-I'm here--
[Rahul gasps]
[Rahul groans in pain]
[Varun screaming]
[Arjun sobbing]
It was me who made you come here
looking for both the artifacts.
[Arjun screams]
Only if I keep you under my
control in my own realm...
I can send my entire race to your realm.
[Arjun screaming]
After I reach your realm,
I will control everyone there
just like I controlled you.
[Arjun screams in pain]
[Arjun grins]
Demons should exist inside everyone's
heads in your realm at all times.
[Arjun struggling]
Ritu... Don't do it.
Ritu don't do it.
Ritu don't. Ritu! Ritu!
Ritu, Please don't obey him.
Ritu, this is not who you are!
For him... for our...
For the sake of our child, Ritu.
For the sake of our child, Ritu.
For the sake of our child, Ritu.
Ritu listen to me. Don't obey him!
[Ritu sobbing]
How was I able to stop her?
How could I?
You can just control me.
But you can't kill me.
If I'm connected with this artefact...
I'm connected to you as well.
I'm the Demon!
If you can get into my
mind and control me...
[demon growls]
Then even I can...
[deep breaths]
-[woman sobbing]
[rapid breathing]
[sobbing continues]
[door shuts]
[door creaks]
Arthi... Arthi...
Arthi, where is the second statue?
Tell me where it is, Arthi?
-Where is the statue, Arthi?
Arthi tell me, where is the second statue?
Please tell me, Arthi...
Arthi, don't come in my head.
[groans in pain]
[unclear dialogue]
He didn't do...
Arthi, he can't do anything to you.
He can do nothing to you.
Can't I do anything?
Can't I do anything?
Understanding that it takes just a second
to control the demon in their heads...
It is the biggest boon given to humans.
You did everything with the help of Arthi.
Similarly I will use Arthi to finish you.
[demon growling]
[demon screams]
Wherever these artifacts
are buried or hidden...
He would always come to separate them.
If the demon has to be
destroyed forever...
I have to tie both these
artifacts together...
And kill myself.
Light exists even in pitch dark.
Whether to stay in the dark
or move towards light
The decision is ours.
At the moment we take the decision...
our heart tells us it's wish.
But our mind knows what
is the right thing to do.
Everyone has two voices in their heads.
They have two brains.
Two minds.
In the end...
you are as strong as your strongest mind.
[Arjun gasps for breath]