Asylum (2008) Movie Script

Listen, listen, listen!
You've got to hear that!
You've got to hear that!
Lloyd, if you just take your
medicine, you won't hear them anymore.
Please! Help me!
I'm trying to help you.
You've got to help me.
I'm trying to help you!
You have to help me.
Everything's fine. You are safe!
It's too late, they're here.
They're here. It's too late.
Lloyd, please, listen to me...
No! Don't you see? They're here.
Lloyd, please, please.
You don't understand!
They're climbing all over!
Stop! Stop!
Find your medicine!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Just listen to me. Try to relax.
They only want me.
They'II leave you and the kids alone.
No! Oh, my God! What are
you doing? What are you doing?
No, Lloyd, don't! No!
We're here, Madison.
Everything should be in my room,
right, Mom?
I hope so. If it's not, please call me.
- Are you sure you still want to do this?
- Yes, Mom.
Because it's not too late to back out.
We can just turn the car around.
I'm okay.
Look, you know I had to come here.
I never got to say goodbye to Brandon.
Maybe being here will help me let go.
I just miss him.
I know, sweetie. I miss him, too.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
Open it later.
Madison McBride.
Here you go, Miss McBride.
That's North Hall. Suite 312.
And all students are to be
in Tagert Auditorium by 4:00 p. m.
for a mandatory orientation meeting.
Okay? Have a great year.
- Sorry, miss.
- It's okay.
- Are you moving into that new dorm?
- Yeah.
- Be carefuI.
- Okay, Mackey.
He's kind of spooky, but he's harmless.
Who is he?
He's maintenance. He can fix anything.
He's been around here for over 40 years.
- He said to be carefuI of the new dorm.
- The old guy thinks that dorm's haunted.
Anyway, name's Kelso.
You have any problems, you come to me.
This is new?
Excuse me.
That's my room.
So, what do I have to do
to get you to move?
Use your imagination.
Do I have to get rough with you?
You could.
Be carefuI, 'cause I like it rough.
- Really?
- Really.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Get a good look.
- I am.
"Brandon would've
wanted you to have this.
"I love you so much. Mom. "
Get a grip.
Hey, I'm Holt.
Sorry about before.
I was just playing around.
That's okay. I'm Madison.
There are some hot fucking
bitches in this place. Hot.
Damn, there's one of them.
You have really nice tits.
I just wanted
to throw that out in the open.
- Just don't look at him.
- Are they reaI?
- Hell, yeah.
- Fuck, yeah, dude.
Just don't look at him.
What are we not looking at?
Is there something? Nothing.
Oh, I'm Tommy.
What's up? I'm Holt. Madison.
- Madison. What's up?
- Hi.
- What are we waiting for?
- Grad student counselor.
I hear he's a reaI tight ass.
- I like your jacket.
Thank you.
That's sweet, man.
Your eyes are really blue.
They're really blue. I'm not hitting on you.
Yo, check out this fruitcake.
Hi. I'm Madison. What's your name?
- String. Hi.
- Hi.
Hey, how old are you?
- Sixteen.
- No shit?
Wait, hold it. Hold the phone here.
So your parents named you after a twine?
No, actually, it's a nickname. See? Here.
Wow, you must have a lot of friends.
It's the East Tower.
Wow, that's really cooI.
Hey, I'm Maya.
What's up, Maya?
That's awesome and all, but let me...
I think I have something
that could help you. It's called a doobie.
I'm sorry, you know what? I don't
smoke weed. Actually, it kills brain cells.
Right. Well, so does virginity,
but you don't really have
a problem with that, do you?
- Someone say "virginity"?
- Right here. This guy.
I didn't think your kind
still existed in a place like this.
I'm not a virgin.
Putting on a condom and smacking around
your chicken doesn't really count.
Although, it probably gets the job done.
Tommy, leave him alone.
I'm just kidding with you, man.
But, seriously, one last time,
do you want to smoke or not?
- 'Cause if you don't, it's all good.
- I'm fine.
Okay, everybody. Settle down.
Bring it in, bring it in, bring it in.
Close. I like it intimate.
Welcome, new orientation students.
My name is Elgin Reznick.
Oh, that's... That sucks.
Yeah, Elgin's a funny name.
Everybody calls me Rez, okay?
I'm your grad student counselor.
Now, the purpose for orientation
is to provide an opportunity
for first-year students
to interact with others and
familiarize themselves with the campus.
Did you used to be a flight attendant?
'Cause this whole thing is... It's crazy.
Are you a bottle blonde,
or is that just naturally stupid?
Totally naturaI.
Takes a long time to get like this, though.
- You're on the list.
- What list am I on?
- Hot list.
- Damn!
It's not a good list to be on.
Now, where was I?
Oh, right. But you're no ordinary
orientation students.
You're the lucky few.
Because my group gets to be the first
to live in this building in over 60 years.
But I run a tight ship, people.
You break any of my rules,
and I will make your life a living hell here.
Okay, Satan. Now what are
your rules? Just so we all know.
Don't interrupt me and shut the fuck up.
Those are the rules.
Okay, sunshine?
Now, as you can see,
you're broken up into groups.
Each counselor will take you
on a tour of the dorm and campus.
Any questions? Good.
Let's start the tour of the dorm.
- Right on.
- All of you, come on!
Okay, guys.
You got your bulletin board over here.
Pimps and hos party this weekend.
And don't forget,
never mix your colors when doing laundry.
In case you do laundry there, String man.
You got your clubhouse
with your plasma TV.
Your poker table,
vending machines and a mini gym.
Even new unbreakable glass
for those parties that get out of controI.
Hell, yeah.
Now you're talking my language.
You have a thing
for unbreakable windows?
Yes, actually,
I like to put my balls on them.
It feels really good when it's cold.
No! Latina women.
Listen, take it down a notch, all right?
You're not my type.
I'm not your type? What is your type?
'Cause I can change.
- Guys who don't wear little boy T-shirts.
- Ouch!
The tighter the better, honey.
- Okay, what's your name?
- Ivy.
So, String, is this your first time
away from home, buddy?
Well, I went to space camp once.
- Is your mom with you?
- No.
Okay, good. Guys, this is a gun-free zone.
Also, we got keypad entries
at some doors.
That's your phone number,
plus your sociaI,
minus your mom's maiden name.
Everybody got that?
He's quite the hottie.
His name's Holt.
Couldn't you just eat those dimples?
You liar. I see the way you look at him.
You're the one ready to eat his body parts.
University wanted
to tear down this building,
but the preservationists saved it.
Now it's state-of-the-art.
Now this is the catwalk entrance
to the unfinished East Building.
Due to expanded enrollment,
the university annexed this building
and rushed construction
in order to accommodate more students.
The unfinished section's
been boarded up for decades,
but it begins construction next year.
Now only this floor allows access
to the other building,
but the door's always locked.
And guess what?
Yeah, I'm the only one with the key.
So, stay away from it.
That's rule number one.
Speaking of numbers,
I have to go number two.
Wow, that's actually kind of scary.
As you can see,
we've still got some bugs to work out.
Yeah, state-of-the-art, my ass!
Why don't we go ahead
and take a tour of the campus, then?
Everybody follow me.
And let's not talk so much
about your bowels, bro.
He just touched my nipple.
I don't fit in here, sis.
Just like Dad.
And I see things, weird things.
I keep hearing these voices in my head.
I can't take it anymore.
Oh, my God!
It's all in your head. Stop it.
You guys play?
Yeah, what's up, girls?
What's happening?
What's going on?
Nothing much.
Yo, Madison! What's up?
It's a party now.
It's a party.
You guys, I brought some good stuff.
What you got?
It's called Jorge Para.
It's gonna make you feeI good.
I also brought these,
just in case we get crazy.
What size you got over there?
These are triple XL.
I'm kind of hung nicely. Thanks, Dad.
To freshman orientation.
- You good?
- Yeah.
- That was good. That was good.
- Well, hello, Mr. Para.
Can you hang, or should we put a Zima
in a baby bottle and have you suck on it?
- Nice.
- We got a wrestling match going on.
Cat fight.
No, he doesn't get any.
He's got to save his brain cells
for later on next week,
when there's a test.
- Oh, nice.
Keep it in. Keep it in.
You just grew some chest hair.
- All right.
- Hey.
Do you guys know anything
about this dorm?
It's creepy.
What else do we need to know?
Well, it used to be a mentaI asylum.
A mentaI asylum?
- Yeah. Come on, I'll show you.
- Okay.
- It's got a security password.
- That's fine.
Are you at all familiar
with the online name "mafiahacker"?
Yeah, the kid who crashed eBay.
- Yeah, man, that was me. I caused it.
No way!
Shut the fuck up!
No shit.
Yeah, I caused, like,
$13 million worth of damage.
Damn, dude!
I know.
He just hacked into
my fucking computer. Check it out.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Okay, so mentaI asylum.
You're saying, like, as in crazy people
who eat their neighbors and shit?
It was supposed to be
a safe refuge for patients,
but it really turned out
to be their worst nightmares.
Scary stories are sexy.
Around 1935, the asylum
got taken over by a psychiatrist.
His name was Dr. Magnus Burke.
And what he did is he got rid of
all the patients except for teenagers.
- They put kids in the asylum?
- My parents would love that option.
Yeah. Burke thought
that he somehow could cure mentaI illness
caused by childhood pain
if he treated it quick enough.
But I'm telling you guys,
nobody, not the parents,
not the patients,
not even the authorities had any idea
what these supposedly disturbed kids
were gonna be subjected to.
I think up until Burke,
people, they would do lobotomies
by hand-drilling holes into heads.
That would explain Rez.
But Burke found another way.
So, yeah. That's him. That's Dr. Burke.
Wow. He's fucking ugly.
- Yeah.
"Burke would drive lobotomy
picks into both eyes at once
"to simultaneously destroy tissue
in the frontaI lobes. "
Way to use your imagination.
There, there now, Wilbur.
Don't you worry.
Dr. Burke's gonna make it all better soon.
Now, you hold still.
All those bad things will go away.
No! Please! Please! No!
"The patients would be left
"with nothing more than black eyes
and a splitting headache. "
Maybe he wasn't mentaI after all?
Seriously. At least he cured them.
- Right?
"Eventually, Burke's lobotomies
were seen for what they were.
"Another brutaI form of restraint.
"He was discredited and ostracized
as a new generation of drugs
"took the place of his procedures.
"With a damaged reputation,
he suffered a psychotic breakdown
"and began to murder the teens. "
"One day, in 1939,
"the patients led a rebellion
and killed the doctor.
"Nobody ever found his body. "
- Why didn't Rez tell us this?
- Yeah?
Who would want to live in a dorm
that was a buriaI ground for teenagers?
Yeah, well, some people think
that the doctor's still here,
roaming the asylum.
- Wait, as in a ghost?
- Yeah.
- Oh, my God.
- Hey, guys. What's going on?
We're just getting to know each other.
Did I tell you about rule number two?
Yeah. No drugs or alcohoI in the dorms.
And I definitely smell
some illegaI narcotics.
Well, fix your nostrils, buddy,
'cause there's nothing. We're just hanging.
Our bodies are temples.
Yeah, you're Iying, but I like it.
I'm watching you.
Got it.
- Short man syndrome.
- Forget about Rez.
Ever since Burke's murder,
there have been some
really strange things
that have happened here.
Students just gone missing,
unusually high suicide rate.
Okay. I think I have an idea.
Why don't we go find out for ourselves?
- What do you got in mind, tough guy?
- Well, why don't we go on the catwalk?
Why don't we go, you know,
pay respect to the fucking crazy doctor?
- We're not supposed to go in there.
- So?
- What are you afraid of, the doctor?
- Who cares?
- I'm gonna go to bed.
- Oh, come on.
- No, come on, come with us.
- Come on!
- You're not going to bed.
You can sleep when you're dead.
- How do we get in the fucking door?
- Why not wonder boy here?
- I mean, he can do everything else.
- I'm already doing it.
Yeah, I just...
I have to bypass the main security stuff.
But other than that, I should be... That's it.
That should be it. That is it.
Quickly, quickly.
Time to raise the dead.
Somebody hold me, please.
I will.
This is so creepy.
Yeah, I like it.
Smells like shit.
Yeah, you just knocked
the fucking door down. You be quiet.
Oh, my God. This is so much worse
than I thought it would be.
Did you guys hear that?
Oh, my God!
Oh, Doctor? Where are you?
Yeah, you know, we should get
some therapy while we're here.
Hey, Doctor? Doc!
The place is like a fucking maze.
No? Hey, you think you can
cure a 16-year-old boy?
He's got serious ADD. It's a problem.
Don't fucking touch me, jerk.
Whoa, look at that.
That's really not that funny.
Shut up.
Oh, God.
Oh, my God.
That's a fun bathtub.
You can get kinky in that.
That's some sick shit.
I got a fucking leg.
I got a fucking leg.
Oh, my God!
Don't do that!
Shut up. You're like schoolgirls.
Where do we go? In this?
We're getting deep
in this motherfucker now.
You guys think these kids
were really crazy?
Probably not.
I really doubt that
they actually were.
Why did they leave it like this?
This would not have been fun.
Yeah, could you imagine?
It would've sucked.
I mean, most of these kids
never even went outside.
Look at these walls.
We're good. Pigeons.
Oh, my gosh!
Just pigeons.
We're shitting because
a bunch of pigeons.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
"Dr. Magnus Burke. " This is it.
That's his office.
Yeah, I say we do it.
Oh, my God.
Yeah, it's probably been empty
for, like, 7,000 years.
This guy was fucking creepy-looking
even when he was younger.
Maya, check this out.
This guy was sick.
May I see your flashlight?
Yeah, sure.
What'd you find?
Burke's files.
My God, he was a psychopath.
He really did torture these kids.
Yeah. I told you.
Look, a human condom.
It fits well.
You're such an asshole.
Leave him alone already, my God!
This place is creeping me out, guys.
It fit! Do you like me?
Yeah. CooI, man. CooI.
Don't pay attention to him.
Yeah, well...
My God.
You guys? Anyone?
This isn't funny.
What the hell are you doing
in here?
I heard someone screaming and
the door was open and so I came in...
It's dangerous in here,
which is exactly why it's off-limits.
I was just trying
to help someone.
Okay. But do not let me catch you
in here again. Do I make myself clear?
Let's go.
That was really scary.
You cannot do that to me.
I won't.
What happened to you?
Where'd you go?
- Kelso caught me in the asylum.
Yeah, they don't know
that you were there, though.
Well, thanks for covering for us.
That was really cooI of you.
Hey, Rez.
Did I not make myself clear
when I told you
there were to be no students
in the abandoned section?
Yes, you did.
Then why did I just catch blondie in there
less than five minutes ago?
I don't have a reaI good answer for that.
There are three key cards on this campus.
Mine, yours and Mackey's.
And mine has been in my possession
the whole time.
That's great, but that doesn't change
the fact that that door was wide open,
and one of your students was in there.
One of two things
is gonna happen here, Rez.
Either you're gonna get
controI of the kids in this dorm,
or I'm damn sure gonna
find someone that will.
- I'll take care of it.
- You do that.
I wish there was something
to do on this campus
besides sit in this room,
'cause we've been here for six hours.
- Really?
- Really?
Really? Which one of you
children unlocked the door?
- Wasn't us, man.
- Bullshit.
You're covering for each other.
What? Dude, we don't have a key card.
How could we get in the door?
No one was in there. It was just me.
What'd I say happens
when someone breaks my rules?
- That you'd make our lives a living hell.
- Bingo.
Yeah, well, we didn't do anything, okay?
So, it's over with.
- It's over when I say it's over! Sit down!
- Hey, stop!
Okay, dickweed. Take a walk.
I think he was molested as a child.
This is gonna be a fun year.
I'll be right back.
Can you believe that?
What class do you have
in the morning?
What are you doing?
What does it look like I'm doing?
I'm leaving.
You know, I just...
I thought this place
was gonna be different,
- but it's not. It's exactly the same.
- Same as what?
Every other place I've ever been.
God. You must think
that I'm such a loser, huh?
- A loser?
- Yeah.
Everyone thinks you're so cooI
because you got us into the asylum.
- That was impossible.
- Yeah.
No, it really was no big deaI.
Give me a break, String.
You're smarter than all of us put together.
Yeah. Well...
Maybe so, but it's not like
it ever made me any friends.
It's the first week. It's always hard.
So, why are you being so nice to me?
You remind me of my brother, Brandon.
He had trouble making friends, too.
Besides, who's gonna help us
get back into the asylum if you leave?
Not to mention break into the dean's
computer if one of us gets an F?
- Just think about it, okay?
- Yeah.
Okay. Bye.
I know things
about your past, String.
What the fuck? What? It's my old room.
- Guess who?
- Mom?
Well, look who's here.
It's Stringy. Hiding in his room
with his little computer.
I was just in my dorm.
I was just in my dorm.
Your teachers think you're so smart,
but they don't know that you pee-peed
in your pants untiI you was 13.
This isn't reaI. This is not...
This is not reaI.
- You are just like your dad.
- Oh, my God.
He used to think that he was
smarter and better than everybody else,
but he was just a dumb little dick like you.
You're not my mother.
You are not my mother.
- Yes, I am.
- You're not my mother.
- Yes, I am.
- None of this is fucking reaI.
If I were you, I would stay in this room.
And I would play with my little stringy.
And I would play with my computer.
- What?
- And wait for the bogeyman,
'cause he's gonna come
and he's gonna take that little string,
and he's gonna wrap it around
your little dick and it's gonna fall off.
You are not my mother!
And then he's gonna wrap it
around your little neck,
and your head's gonna fall off!
Oh, what the fuck? What the fuck?
Such a smart boy, String.
- But I know the truth.
- No, please.
The loneliness you must've felt.
You just wanted somebody
to go to the park and play ball.
- Oh, don't...
- But your parents didn't give a damn.
Hence, the loneliness. The depression.
You just wanted it all to go away,
didn't you, String?
Honestly, I'll make friends.
You just created a little bubble,
didn't you? I'll be your friend.
Please don't hurt me.
Please, please don't hurt me.
I can cure you. Give me your pain!
Back in my dorm. Oh, my God.
Do you recall you got a chair?
- Oh, fuck!
And climbed up on it with a rope?
Oh, my God.
Please, please, please, don't hurt me.
- Please.
- Do you?
Please. Please, I swear to God,
I'll make friends. I swear to God.
Poor String.
Give me your suffering, son,
so I can cure you.
Oh, fuck! Fuck!
That's it.
Good, String.
Three kings, boy!
Look at it and like it!
Why? Every time!
That's not fair!
I wanna play poker every morning for...
I could've lost an eye there.
I could've just lost both of my eyes.
- And then where would I be?
Oh, my God.
Have you guys seen String?
- No.
- No, check the library.
- Check his room.
- Check the pooI room.
What is up with those lights?
This lighting system
is getting old.
Oh, my God!
Which room is it?
It's 305, on the left.
He was right there.
I saw him. I saw him. He was right there.
We'll find him.
So, guys, what happened
after I left earlier?
He's young. He got picked on.
- Yeah, Rez was pretty rough with him.
- Hey!
Don't blame me. Kid's young.
He can't take it, he doesn't belong here.
- Yeah, way to reach out.
- What the fuck is this, boot camp?
Okay. So, maybe with the flickering lights,
you thought you saw someone.
Look, I know what I saw.
I was following this really weird guy
down the hall,
and he was coming by String's room.
And I was going in because I talked to
String last night and he was really upset.
And so I went in there,
and he was just hanging from the ceiling.
Okay. Look, we'll check with his parents
to see if he left, went home.
But let's not make a big deaI out
of this just yet, okay?
If she said she saw something,
then she saw something.
All right, so why don't you glorified
security guards make yourselves useful
and check around the campus?
Hey, look, I'm gonna pretend
you didn't say that, all right?
- But you just let us do our job.
- We'll find him.
- Save it, fellows. Come on, let's go.
- Why don't you do your fucking job?
Come on, let's go.
They're gonna find him.
What's up, crazy?
- Okay. Have a seat.
- All right. Thank you.
- Nice guns.
- Yeah?
I've been fucking working on
these fucking things. Do a little dance?
If you wanna kiss them, touch them,
lick them... It's your call.
- Stop!
- I will stop.
What's up with you, Tommy?
It's like you're always on.
Mom not give you enough
attention as a child?
- No, it's actually the exact opposite.
- Touchy subject?
Let's just say if there's one thing
that I would not want to talk about,
it's probably my mom.
She's a fucking bitch, you know.
And I'm out of her reach now.
So, it's like I'm a shark. I'm only
going forward. I'm not looking back.
Okay. Just don't try and bite me.
I'm not gonna bite you.
- Unless you want me to, 'cause I can.
- Oh, my God, enough!
- Gently. All right, okay.
- Enough!
So, did your mom die or something?
Oh, I could only hope.
We don't have your typicaI
mother-son relationship.
You know, it's kind of...
Well, it's a long story.
- I don't have anywhere to be.
- Yeah?
All right, fuck it.
You're probably not gonna believe this,
but I used to be huge.
- Huge?
- Fat-ass.
Whale-like. Fucking blimp.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, right.
No, seriously, I was a fat-ass.
My mom would make me eat and eat,
and it's just a really controlling situation.
- Why?
- I don't know.
My whole family's obese. I mean,
my sister and my dad and my mom.
I mean, I guess she wanted me
to be like them.
But, you know, I don't think
she knew how much I hated myself.
'Cause I was 265 pounds at my worst.
And that's pretty fucking big.
You know? It's just... I wasn't happy.
But now it's cooI,
'cause now I'm busting my ass.
I'm in the gym, I'm eating healthy.
Things are good.
This is the best I've ever felt in my life.
So, I'm like a fucking healthy horn-dog
shark now, if you know what I'm saying.
Yeah, well, you're definitely a rare species.
Well, thank you, I guess.
I'm gonna take that as a compliment.
But that actually explains a lot.
Okay, enough about my insecurities,
'cause I'm starting to fucking feeI weird.
What about you? What's your whole deaI?
- What are you talking about?
- Are you serious?
I've known you for two days
and there's been this big wall up.
It's like, I don't know,
your defenses are always going.
And there has to be a reason for it.
I know it.
Look, pretend I'm your friend, okay?
'Cause... Look, I told you my shit.
Okay, my ex-boyfriend used
to really beat the shit out of me.
Now you know. I never want to talk
about it again. Are you happy?
I'm not happy that he beat the shit out
of you, but I'm happy you told me.
And when did this happen?
Well, the relationship ended
this last summer,
but it went on for, like, two years.
And it was a fucking nightmare.
And I have this wall up with people,
because I don't think I can trust anyone
and I'm petrified of it happening again.
And I guess I don't let people
get to know me
because I feeI like maybe
they'll see my secret.
And now you know it, so I would
appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anybody.
Yeah, you, too, 'cause you know my stuff,
so this is our little secret.
Okay, you know, fuck him, by the way.
Fuck! Hello! Somebody, help!
I'm trapped! Hello?
Please, help!
Somebody, help me!
Please, somebody, help me!
Help me!
Madison, are you okay?
It wouldn't turn off.
Are you okay?
Is that your boyfriend?
It's my brother. Brandon.
He's gorgeous.
He was.
Madison, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...
It's okay. He died a year ago.
Look, I saw the way everybody
was looking at you earlier.
They think I'm crazy.
Maybe they're right.
There's a lot of people
who think I'm crazy, too.
Shrink told me that self-mutilation
was a need for punishment.
It just feels good.
I don't trust those people.
Neither do I.
Why show me?
Because I'm not crazy.
And neither are you, Madison.
Hey. What's up?
I'm just checking on everybody.
You know, we're all kind of
freaked out about String and stuff,
and I just wanna make sure you're okay.
So, how you doing?
Okay, I guess.
You know, Maya,
I know everybody thinks of me
as this mean, tough, asshole, jerk guy.
Right, I can see that.
That's exactly
what I'm talking about. See?
You guys don't know the reaI Rez.
Really? And who is the reaI Rez?
Well, for starters,
I love a good glass of wine.
Got a Cabernet.
One glass.
Come on, I wanna be your buddy.
We'II leave the door open. Say yes, please.
Okay, yes.
Awesome. I like you, Maya.
I think you're gonna do well here.
Good to know.
All right. If you will take the glassware,
my dear, I will open up the bottle.
Sonoma. It's a nice wine.
- CooI.
- Think you'II like it.
Pour a little wine for you, my lady.
I like the sound.
All righty.
I'll hand you that.
A first toast amongst new friends.
- To finding String.
- Okay, to finding String.
Okay, so let me get this straight.
He locked you in the storage closet
with no clothes on?
That's hilarious.
Buck-naked and completely wasted.
I think I had a sandaI on,
but it wasn't mine. It was very scary.
Nice. Nice.
Nice that I was naked?
No. Nice, as in... Nice, as in a funny story.
Right, funny. Yeah, I'm funny.
'Cause, you know,
I don't mind being naked.
You know, it's getting kind of late
and I'm getting tired.
Yeah, you're right.
But, you know, I would like to end
the evening on a positive note.
At least for me.
- No, no.
- Come on.
- No, no. Stop.
- Just a little?
Relax, baby, you know you want the Rez.
We've had such a good time tonight.
- No. Please, stop.
- No. Oh, yes.
- No. Okay. All right.
- Oh, yes.
Oh, Rez.
Get out of my room!
You just messed with the wrong person.
Get out!
Get out!
What the fuck?
What the fuck are you doing here?
Where the fuck have you been?
And what the fuck
did you do with your hair?
You know I don't like
your hair fucking long!
Stop! You're never gonna touch me again,
you fucking asshole! Stop!
- I'll fix that quick!
- Stop!
Stop it! No!
Oh, stop!
Fucking little bitch.
No, please, stop!
No, please.
No, please. Please, Dr. Burke.
Please, don't hurt me. Please, I beg you.
Poor chiquita, Maya.
No, please! Stop it!
- The good doctor feels your pain.
- Let go of me, please! Please!
Come in.
What are you doing?
Just messing around.
- I was worried about you.
- I'm okay.
I was gonna go check around for String.
You wanna join me?
Come on, let's go look for him.
Maybe somebody saw him leave campus.
Why would he go home
and leave all his stuff in his room?
Well, then, where did he go?
I don't know.
But I've been seeing some
really weird stuff since I got here.
What kind of stuff?
It's hard to explain.
Are you sure this whole asylum thing
isn't just freaking you out a little?
My father was in a place like the asylum.
What was wrong with him?
I was eight years old
and my brother was nine.
My father was really sick.
He heard voices and he saw things.
Scary, scary things.
He killed himself.
And we were there.
And then, my brother killed himself
last year while he was a student here.
Why did you come here? I mean, to...
To where your brother died?
For closure.
It sounds crazy,
but he was my best friend.
We talked about everything.
And I guess
I'm still kind of looking for him.
They say insanity runs in the family,
and maybe I'm just like them.
Not even close.
Hundreds of cases have been documented.
How can you be sure?
Doesn't matter.
You're talking to a recovering drug addict.
You couldn't even begin
to imagine the things I've seen.
About three years ago,
I was at my parents' house.
They were out of town.
I was supposed to be watching
my little brother.
I used to do a lot of drugs.
Back then, I was getting into heroin.
I was shooting it.
My little brother, he was...
He was riding his bike
around the pooI in the backyard,
and I guess he fell in.
I jumped in the pooI and I was trying
to rip through the pooI cover.
By the time I got him up on the side,
he wasn't breathing.
I was breathing in his mouth and
I was screaming for people to help me.
I was too late.
I killed my little brother.
I killed my little brother.
I'm sorry.
Hi. Can I help you?
It's too late.
For what?
To stop the doctor.
Your name's Mackey, right?
What do you know about the doctor?
He's been roaming these halls for years,
even when there was nobody here.
Come on, Madison.
Even the inmates killing him
didn't stop him from making his rounds.
He's just looking for new, tortured souls.
Like you and your friends.
So, you think he's a ghost?
Ain't no ghosts here.
He was a killer before he died,
and after he died he became
something worse.
That dude's got some serious issues.
Look, man, I've known these kids
for, like, one day.
Yeah, the cops are here.
The kid's a freak.
We're just trying to make this easy.
I don't know where he is.
I'll find him.
- So?
- What are you doing about finding String?
We're checking the abandoned section
right now as we speak.
So far, it's clean.
- We also did a sweep of the dorm.
- And?
Well, everyone's accounted for,
except for String, and now, Maya.
Maya? Who said anything about Maya?
When was the last time anyone saw her?
I saw her. She was in her room.
Did anybody see her leave her room?
- Nope.
- No.
What about you, Rez?
Some kid said he saw you leaving
just before the lights went out.
Well, shut the fuck up!
You're hitting that shit?
We were just talking.
I don't know what happened to her.
I found this over in the abandoned section.
Holy shit! You guys found a hat?
That's Mackey's.
Okay, you two search
the campus for Mackey.
Start with his apartment.
Let me know what you find.
Guys, we gotta be cooI here.
I am sure that
these missing kids are on campus,
and they're going to be found.
And if they aren't?
Then I'll figure out what's going on.
That's a promise.
As for tonight, no one leaves this dorm.
Everyone stays inside.
What do you mean, inside? Like, in...
Inside the dorm. No one leaves.
Inside the dorm, all night long.
- All the way in?
- Yeah.
- We gotta find her.
- Let's get out of here.
Come on, come on, come on. Let's go.
String and Maya were murdered.
I know it,
whether anyone believes me or not.
Is that what this is all about?
People believing you?
- Believing you're not...
- What? Crazy?
I didn't mean that.
Do you think that's more important to me
than the lives of String and Maya?
Hey, look, Mackey had me believe
it was some sort of supernaturaI thing
that was happening in the dorm,
that the doctor's killing students,
but why?
Maybe it's a cover, Holt.
A cover for what?
Maybe Mackey has been
reenacting the murders
from the old days at the asylum.
That's quite a stretch, Madison.
What if he's been using the legend
of the doctor to hide his own killings?
ninety-eight, ninety-nine...
The hole is still there.
Who's that? Is that you, Mackey?
The craving.
The need to fill your fat face.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
What the fuck? No. No. What the fuck?
Why the fuck am I in my kitchen?
What the fuck?
You haven't been
eating enough.
This is too much. I was just in my gym...
And you are going nowhere, young man,
untiI you finish every single bite.
I'm not hungry.
This food will be eaten, now.
I'm not gonna eat it, Mom!
We do not waste food in this house,
and you will eat every single bite!
- No! No, you're not listening, Mom!
- You are not listening to me!
You are gonna eat this!
Do you understand me?
I will not love you if you get skinny.
- Fine, then don't love me, Mom!
- Fuck you, and eat this food!
I don't want to hear anything out of you,
except for the munching and crunching!
I will not love a skinny little boy!
It never goes away,
does it, Tommy?
I can read you like a book, son.
You got fat and that was your pain.
'Cause nobody loves a fat boy, do they?
But now, you're the joker.
And if you make them laugh,
everybody'II love you,
and you can cover up
that hole in your heart.
Isn't that right, Mr. Chuckles?
But don't you worry, 'cause I can cure you.
I can cure you!
No more eating for you!
Why are you doing this?
If the fat boy won't stop eating,
I guess I'll just have to cure you.
I don't need to be cured! I'm fine!
I think I'll just rearrange this hole.
Don't do it. No, stop.
I'll tell you what,
give me that tongue of yours.
Give me that tongue!
That's a nice piece of tongue.
I'm not through with you yet.
I haven't shut that hole for you, have I?
Let me see those lips.
Let me see those.
Give me your suffering.
Give me your suffering.
String said some pretty strange things
have happened over the years.
- Those are just stories.
- What if they're not?
Mackey's been here forever.
He knows the asylum better than anyone.
If you really believed
that Mackey was killing people,
you would've left this place already.
We just need to find them.
You don't give up, do you?
To a fault.
That's what I like about you.
The fucking window is locked.
Let's go check the hallway.
Okay, this is weird.
Something's not right.
Where is everyone?
I don't know.
Let's go check downstairs.
Rez said this is a new building.
The place is fucking falling apart.
I'm gonna call Tommy.
You fucking kidding me?
There's no signaI.
The light's on in the gym.
What the fuck?
What the fuck is that?
Who the fuck?
Go left! The storeroom!
Block the door!
Mackey! You think that hurt?
You all get some rest.
Remember, this is my asylum.
He's walking away.
He's walking away.
Oh, my God. What was that?
That's impossible.
Is there any way
to stop him, Mackey?
I was 11.
Slow to learn, but not what they said.
"Stupid, feeble-minded. "
Burke was where they sent
orphans like me to be treated.
Cured by the doctor.
There now, Wilbur.
- Dr. Burke's gonna make it all better.
No, no.
Now, you hold still, son.
All those bad things will go away.
- No! Please! No!
- Dr. Burke's gonna make it all go away.
No, please! I'm not stupid! No!
- Hold still.
- No, please!
He drove those long picks
into my brain,
into both eyes at the same time.
And all I could do was scream and scream.
Take your hands off me!
Take your hands off me!
Put me down! Take your hands off me!
Put me down!
Get them out! Get them out!
I ran, blinded with the blood,
with only my memory
to tell me where to go.
All these years, I've helped you.
I've helped you. I've cured you all.
I've cured...
Oh, God, this is criminaI!
It's just... It's criminaI.
You're insane! You're all insane!
I'll put you all in isolation!
I'll put you in isolation!
How does that feeI, you sick fuck?
I'll kill you all! All of you!
There was an escape
in the basement,
where the doctor disposed of the patients
he'd gone too far with.
Whatever it takes,
I'll come back and kill you all!
Seems like I ran
untiI I was 20 years old.
Like in a dream.
Couldn't sleep,
couldn't have any kind of a life.
And then I found myself back here.
I couldn't leave.
I knew the doctor would come back.
We have to get the fuck out of here.
We can't even get downstairs.
I have the card key
to the catwalk that'll take us to the asylum.
We can go to the basement
and escape that way.
It's dark over there.
We need to get some flashlights. Come on.
This is so messed up.
Where have you guys been?
What the fuck is going on?
Come on!
What are you guys doing?
Come on!
Guys, what the hell is going on!
Come on! Go!
Will somebody please tell me
what the hell's going on?
Just keep going, please!
What are you talking about?
We gotta go down the stairs
to the basement.
There's a ventilation pipe
that goes to the old factory.
That's how we'll get out.
Well, Wilbur Mackey.
Time to finish off what we started
all those years ago, don't you think?
I need your souI, you traitor!
Come on, Ivy!
Ivy, come on!
Come to Daddy.
Where am I?
It can't be.
This is some kind of a hallucination.
It isn't reaI.
- It isn't fucking reaI!
Hello, pumpkin.
No! You're not here!
Keep quiet, darling.
We don't want your mother to hear.
Burke, you're doing this!
Make it stop! Make it stop!
Ivy, we're gonna play another game.
No, no, please, no more, Daddy.
Smile for the camera, pumpkin.
Let's make another movie.
Just you and Daddy.
No more, Daddy, no.
The only way to erase your pain
is to feeI more pain.
Go to hell, Burke!
PeeI away the layers of your flesh.
See the blood run,
numbing you to the truth.
I can give you what you want, Ivy.
You like that?
How's that feeI?
Together, we can heaI your pain.
No, not like this!
Give me your suffering!
We lost Ivy.
We got to keep running, Madison.
Oh, shit!
Come on.
We gotta find that pipe
Mackey was talking about.
Don't look at him, Madison.
Don't look at him!
Come on. Come on.
- Where the fuck is it?
- Hey, Holt.
Come on, get it.
Why are you leaving?
Get the fuck inside, Madison! Go!
You don't like it here?
Yes, give it to me.
Help me! Somebody, help!
Help me! Somebody, help!
Help! Somebody, help me!
- You let me die.
- What the fuck?
- Yes! Guilt is your disease, not drugs!
- Let go of me.
Let go of me, you fucker!
- Give me your suffering!
- Shut up!
I understand.
You let your little brother die.
But I can take away all that guilt,
all the demons in your mind and body.
- It was my fault.
- Yes.
Give me your suffering!
No! Don't! Get off me! No, please.
He's dead, fucker!
- You're mine!
- Get the fuck off me!
You're dead meat!
Is this fucking reaI?
I got one of his picks.
Come on!
Come on.
Come on.
Up here!
Get up, Madison! Come on! Get up!
Come on!
Go! Go! Run!
Come on! Just keep running!
Just keep going!
Don't look back. Come on.
Come on!
Come on.
- Come on!
- My leg's stuck.
There is no point running.
Get out of here, Madison! Go!
I got your number, Holt.
Help me! I'm the one who's sick!
Help me. I'm sick.
Please, help me. I'm sick.
- Please, make it stop.
- Yes.
I can cure you, Madison.
What are you doing, Madison?
- Holt, I need help!
- You're not sick!
I understand, Madison.
I can fix everything about your family.
- Please.
- Yes.
All the memories
of your family will be erased.
You'll be nothing like them
when I'm through with you.
I'm a good doctor.
- Do you believe that?
- Yes, help me.
- Yes.
- Make it stop.
Dear, sweet, Madison.
I can make it all go away.
Give me your suffering.
Give me your suffering, motherfucker!
You're my souls! You're my souls!
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