At Midnight (2023) Movie Script

Dr. Thunder.
Oh! Oh!
Your power!
It's gone.
- How do you feel?
- I'm scared.
Don't you burn out on me.
Light a flame!
I'm trying!
Wow! What a clap, guys!
We are here with the stars
of "Super Society".
Adam Clark and his
girlfriend, Firephina.
Adam, a Golden Globe,
not to mention an Oscar nom.
First I just want to say, I love
this guy. Is he not the best?
- He really is. You are the best.
- You're the best.
- No, you're the best.
- You're the best.
Yes. Yes.
Um... I love the Academy,
almost as much as I love you.
I wanna say something
about this relationship.
I've known you over the years.
you've dated a lot of women.
- Right.
- And I see you with her
and I can tell: "This time,
I think it's gonna last".
Love is the great reducer
of ego, Jimmy.
I love you.
I love you.
I love her.
- Oh! Sorry!
- Auch!
See? We do our own stunts.
She's my best friend.
Now, tell me. You are heading
down to Mexico now
to wrap up the trilogy.
Is that bittersweet for you?
Yes, it is.
We actually have two more scenes
we're filming here in LA.
Unlike these other busy gigs...
Another one.
Mr. Clark, set's ready for you!
Mr. Clark!
- He came out?
- No.
- I keep knocking but...
- We have to practice our catch.
He's probably doing his
sangha meditation. Cute!
I'm in character so...
This doesn't count,
I found Adam.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm great!
So, Soph, like...
How does she look?
I mean, how is she doing?
Aesthetically, flawless.
Mentally, deranged.
I have to figure out how to tell
the studio about this mess.
It's done! She's gonna do the
movie, we're not gonna discuss
the breakup until after
the movie is wrapped.
I've done this a million times.
It's the perfect formula.
Works every single time.
I know there's a lot going on
here, but I need to figure out
what I'm gonna tell the studio.
Really, now?
Read the room.
- I have three buts.
- You have three buts.
That's a lot of buts to have.
That's a lot of pressure.
Oh, no, no, no.
I need help. Hurry.
No! Get the phone!
The phone!
Jesus Christ!
Thank you.
Okay, I got it.
Don't try to touch my boob. Hi!
I feel like an idiot.
Of course I did this to myself,
but now my career
is gonna be over.
I'll be on "The Masked Singer"
dressed like up like an octopus.
I mean, cheating?
It's actually very hip.
It's very French, you know?
Why do you think we all go
to the Cannes every year?
For the movies?
Yeah, okay, okay.
The best thing
you can do for her
is forgive yourself and make
sure that this does not get out
before the Oscars.
Oh, my god!
The Oscars!
Lie down.
- Okay.
- I threw up.
Okay. We saw that. You did
such a good job getting it out.
We're finishing the movie
because it's everything
we've ever worked for. But
I don't understand
keeping up appearances
with this hen...
Whether you like or not,
they are more famous together
than they are apart.
I mean, they're a pair!
We'll circle back to that, okay?
I have to deal
with whatever is happening here.
I'm free!
Good morning.
Good morning.
Yes, please.
Thank you, that's very kind.
You're welcome.
What are you cooking over there?
The only clinically proven
cure for hangover. Chilaquiles.
Oh! You're appealing
to my wholesome side.
- For my food blog.
- I'm honored.
- I didn't know you had one.
- You didn't know I have one
because we don't really know
anything about each other.
- We don't, do we?
- Actually, I take that back.
I know you went to Cornell.
I know you can cook.
And that you have no
idea what my name is.
All very useful observations.
Do you know mine?
This international love
affair is skipping romantic.
Not us.
So, um.
I have to go to work. I manage
a hotel a couple of miles away.
Do you want me to order you
an Uber or...
I already got one.
Thank you for breakfast.
By the way...
I like that we don't
know each other's names.
- Really? Again?
- What?
Dude, I don't get you.
The girl stays over,
you make her breakfast.
And at the end you just say,
"Goodbye forever"?
She only stayed for the weekend.
I was making sure her stay
in Playa Mujeres
was really pleasurable.
It's always the tourists.
It's easier that way.
What about a partner?
Someone who improves you
as a person.
That lasts more than hours.
When did you last have
a real relationship?
I've created
the perfect relationship.
Mutually beneficial,
no expectations, symbiotic.
Tourists come and go.
There's a shared understanding
that things can't go further.
It's beautiful!
And with no distractions.
He's such a dick!
Look at that asshole sleeping.
That's why I don't date actors.
They're unstable narcissists
with no perception of reality.
Not you, of course.
Chris, why are we
sharing the car with all this?
You'd have to ask my now
former assistant, Larissa.
She assured me of it
on the phone.
Never trust an adult
with braces.
I've had this recurring
nightmare, all in black and white
where I'm standing
in animal print pajamas,
holding a knife and
about to stab him.
But the guilt stops me. I turn
around suddenly, he gets up,
takes the knife, stabs me
in the back. I bleed out.
And my blood is red.
It's the only part of
the dream that is in color.
We get it.
You've seen "Schindler's List".
- We need a drink.
- Yes, please.
- What are we celebrating?
- The last of the trilogy.
- I'm gonna get bangs!
- No!
- No!
- No bangs.
Remember what happened
to Meredith Cooper?
- Who's Meredith Cooper?
- My point exactly.
It's due to bangs.
Boss, the suites are ready,
the menus are set.
- The staff is all prepared.
- Come.
I need you to tell me
the status of the artists.
- I'll check.
- Have they arrived?
Antonio, do you copy?
Don't bother, I fired him.
Rule number one,
don't sleep with guests.
Poor guy.
No, he had a great time.
Too bad it cost him his job.
I need you to handle the artists
while I get a replacement.
As if.
Do I sound like I'm joking?
No way, Aurelia.
I already went through that.
What do you mean by that?
You're asking me
to take a big step back.
What part of your job
don't you get?
We handle everything
in this hotel.
It doesn't matter
how big or small it is.
Or hospitality is something
they didn't teach
in your fancy school?
Do you want me to promote
you to manager
of the New York branch?
I've worked so hard for that.
That damn meritocracy
has damaged you.
No, my love.
You need my recommendation.
And start getting used to it
because in this industry,
you're gonna deal
with Hollywood artists
for the rest of your life.
So you want me to play nanny
for these crazy artists?
It's just six weeks.
Well done, Alejandro!
From employee of the month
to babysitter of the year.
Oh, Julia!
The towels!
- Okay, first thing I'm doing.
- Yes?
- Phoebe Ranger's up.
- Okay. You are the best.
- I'm taking a shower.
- You have twenty, twenty-five.
You'd better move on.
- Oh, wow!
- Hot!
This is heaven.
I've died and gone to it.
My beautiful girlina.
Devil incarnate.
Oh, my goodness, Alejandro!
Hi, Miss Almas.
You wouldn't mind if I grab
some of these towels, would you?
No, not at all.
Oh. By the way, thank you so much
for sending me the champagne,
the chocolates and the oysters.
They saved my marriage!
You're very welcome.
Have a great rest of your stay.
Thank you
for always being there for me.
- Take a pic.
- Thanks.
I wanna look kind of shy like...
Oh, turn.
Oh, yeah.
But with good tits.
Sorry I cut you off.
These are so cute!
Oh! That is
the vibe here!
Tit out, palm up, mango energy.
- I'm sad.
- I know but I heard an audio book
that said you have to lean
into that,
like let yourself be sad.
You know, just feel the sadness.
Speaking of... drinks. We need
drinks. I'm getting us drinks.
- No.
- Alcohol fixes everything.
You'll never feel pain again.
I'll be back. I love you!
I love you.
Sophie, it's me, Firephina.
You're hot shit!
Adam Clark...
He's a bad actor.
But you...
You're amazing.
And worthy of love.
I mean that.
Oh! I ran here!
Just give me a minute.
It's good to see you again.
Yes, copy, copy.
- My god!
- Shit!
Who are you?!
- I'm so sorry!
- Are you trying to take pictures
of my feet saying I'm good
enough for money?
What? No! I'm Alejandro,
the junior manager of the hotel.
You're who?
I was just making sure everything
was okay with your room,
Miss Wilder, and I saw
there were no towels.
There was no one in here so I...
Oh, my god!
You're a terrible manager!
Actually, I'm not. Like I said,
I didn't realize you'd be here.
Excuse me?
Okay, this is intruding.
How did you not hear
the shower running?
Miss Wilder, I'm... very sorry.
My deepest apologies.
It was my mistake.
Do you...
- Do you have the...?
- Yes.
- I'm leaving now!
- Good.
I'm not in my walkie, Mom.
Sorry. I'm just gonna...
grab my walkie. I'm really sorry
about the towels.
Honey, I'm home!
- Hi.
- I'm Rachel, I'm a Virgo.
And I'm 5'7",
which is kind of tall for a girl.
Margarita time!
Well, if you need anything
from, you know,
you can just call the front desk
and we'll assist you right away.
I'm sure you would be.
Thank you so much.
Have a great stay.
Thanks, Alejandro.
I forgot the towels.
It's okay.
Don't worry.
I must confess
I was head over heels.
Adam Clark, my God!
That man is...!
He looks better in person.
And he's so tall!
On the internet it says
he's 5'97" tall,
but I think he's like 6'06".
I don't know if you
noticed, Tachi,
but Adam Clark
touched my hand.
He loves me!
- I saw it.
- Right? He loves me.
Okay, come on.
He was just tipping you.
- Good gossip.
- It was just a tip.
- You'll love this story.
- Spill it.
I was doing my job, making
sure their rooms were perfect.
Then, I saw her... and I repeat,
I was doing my job.
And she entered... naked.
You saw Sophie Wilder,
Firephina, naked?
She went crazy!
She's a goddamn crazy actress!
Nuts. A prima donna.
Was I rude earlier?
To the guy?
No! Oh, my god. He walked on you
completely naked.
If anything,
you are alarmingly civil.
Well, you didn't hear me.
She has a little bit of a crush,
doesn't she?
I love single you!
Oh my god! This is perfect.
A fun little fling.
The first.
You know, I see this with
so much love in my heart
but I've been waiting
for this moment for years.
It is time.
You're free.
And if you're not gonna do it,
I'm gonna draft it.
I'm gonna draft the notes
of the breakup post.
Okay, but this is my life,
not an attempt to go viral.
I have incredible news!
He cheated on you.
Please, the world needs to know.
This guy's a monster.
He once told me he didn't think
girls should go to school.
You wanna tell everybody
he cheated on me?
Absolutely not.
Hey, you. I got this.
I got this one.
Okay. What would Meryl do?
Meryl would put a pin
in all of this
and she would raise a glass of
"Sophie's choice":
Moet et Chandon.
- Don't mind if I do.
- Am I right?
And she would celebrate
the script that
I just got for you.
What is it?
I got you "New York or Nowhere".
Shut up!
She got the offer?
Well, we got an offer
for a meeting
and a tape.
Which is similar.
- Sophie Wilder does not tape.
- I can tape.
Sophie Wilder is fine with the
tape, so is "Emily from Paris"
and Sarah Sherona and...
You do the accent
when you say her name.
And she's Irish.
They're all submitting a tape.
I don't book tapes
that I don't do with Adam.
Oh, the way this man
has brainwashed you, babe!
- What year is this?
- You haven't stopped
talking about him
for a single second, please!
It was a five-year relationship!
Oh! No, no, no!
Margo Cohen, I cannot take it.
If I wanna be topped, I'm doing
Grindr, thank you. It's all you.
Okay, wow. Thanks.
- Go, girl!
- She's not that scary.
- It's my girl-boss.
- Hi!
- Hi, Margo!
- Too nice.
She sounds like a little baby
when she answers the phone.
I need a diaper.
I'm a little school girl.
I order the same way
in a restaurant.
Could I have a souffl?
How did you...?
The best thing you can do for you
right now
is to say absolutely nothing
about the break up
are in the can.
Okay, uh...
Does that really align with our
values as women in this industry?
I mean...
I feel trapped.
You feel trapped.
Okay, well...
You know? This industry just...
quick reminder, was built
on the back of a five year-old
child named Shirley Temple,
who they made wear miniskirts
and dance on a grown man's lap.
Not a mother in sight, so...
you are the one
to get the short end
of the stick. It's you.
I'm not talking about his stick.
I don't know if it's
short or not.
I didn't look at the nudes.
I just made them go away.
Well, we can change
the narrative.
Brad and Jen, but Ben and Jen...
Aniston, not Lopez.
Just another Jen?
I don't.
You have a business brain.
Don't worry,
I brushed my teeth after lunch.
I didn't.
Okay, rolling.
Okay, let's cut!
Come with me!
Right! Cut!
Soph, dear, I think your kiss
ain't working for me.
- Yeah.
- You know what I think?
I think you wake up first,
you realize where you are.
First punch, then kiss.
Full, full.
There's a bottle of water there.
Okay, let's go folks!
That's for almost dying.
And that's for saving the world.
Now, where the hell are we?
And cut! That was beautiful!
Thank you, Soph.
The studio says
hers is too freezy.
No, she's perfect.
All right, I think we have it.
Hey, Margo,
I wanted to close the...
Excuse me!
No, thank you!
Anyway, circling back,
no, no circle in black.
Margo, I just bought some SPF 50
which made me think of you, uh...
No. Hey! Margo, they are all
checked in separate rooms
on opposite ends of the hotel.
They' re now on the same set.
Say a prayer.
- Hey!
- Hi.
There's some lavender in there,
you know, for the stress.
How could you tell
I was stressed?
Is it because
I yelled at the child?
You know, you're on vacation!
You should relax a little.
I am here doing damage control
and then I have to
head back to LA
in six hours to meet
with Avril Lavigne's team
about the skater board bio pic.
I love her.
I do too. She's actually
a client of mine.
Is she nice?
Kind of complicated, isn't it?
So you're Taki.
The pleasure is mine, Tachi.
I love your cock... tails.
Oh, thank you.
Every time I feel like
they might know me it's either:
Oh my god! It's Firephina!
Or worst,
it's Adam Clark's girlfriend!
Oh, right the strike of midnight,
Yes, otherwise I will be
turning into a pumpkin.
Here's the derby food
and that's the bar.
Good night, guys. I'll...
see you tomorrow.
Miss Wilder, late night?
Double of the time, but we got
the shots we needed.
Didn't know you played
I don't.
Oh, I see the confusion.
Is there a late night menu?
Yeah, I'll go grab one.
Hey, Soph, um...
I thought you did wonderfully
today, but
never feel like you have to rush
through your text. I mean,
we're the stars.
We run the set. Right?
Okay, if you're talking about
scene 36,
I thought we got it
and I was giving the director
the time she needed
for the stunts.
We'll see. Tape never lies.
Oh, my God! Captain Thunder?!
You're the actress! Fire...
Uh... Fire...
I can't handle fans at this
hour. Good night. I can't.
I love all the sequels
to "Secret Society".
- Guys, could we...?
- "Super Society".
No, please, I'm so sorry.
I'm so tired.
Excuse me, bitch?
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Sir, you can't do that.
I'm a guest!
No, you're drunk and you're
getting back to your room.
- Martin, take him to his room.
- Let's go.
She's famous, you know?
I'm telling drunken gringos
to get back to their room.
Curse of the job.
Here, Miss Wilder.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Oh, is this all you have?
Uh, our kitchens are closed.
So sorry.
How disappointing!
I guess I'll just starve
'till the sun rises.
Good evening, Miss Wilder.
What a night!
Miss Wilder?
What are doing?
Oh! Thank God!
I hate cooking.
Can you help a gal in need?
That looks like trouble.
It's a sandwich.
So, you and Mr. Clarke
are shooting a movie.
Yeah, the third of
the "Super Society" trilogy.
You've never seen
"Super Society", have you?
Don't be. They're silly.
And according to Scorsese,
not cinema.
Well, what does he know?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
You're very hospitable.
Thank you.
Ever since my dad left, I felt
responsible for taking care
of my mom and sister, so
hospitality was a natural fit.
I once invited my Postmates
driver in for Thanksgiving dinner
that he had just delivered.
So you do really hate cooking.
How it takes longer
than it does to eat it.
Did you, um...
did you always work here?
Yeah, I was actually born
and raised in this hotel.
Like Eloise.
I work here now
and I'm headed to New York.
I'm part of the rotation program
for the hotel where, hopefully,
I'll be able to manage there.
He says with disdain.
Because I wanna open
my own place,
but a boutique hotel. A place
that's cozier and smaller
where people from all over the
world can come and feel at home.
Please, tell me more.
How do I put it? Like...
When you're making coffee and
you choose your favorite mug,
But you leave it out,
forget about it.
It's cold, it's very sad.
In my hotel,
we'd make sure that coffee mug
is always warm.
- You've thought about that a lot.
- Yes, I have.
And in the meantime,
I get to take care of wonderful
hotel guests like yourself,
Miss Wilder.
Call me, Sophie.
You have seen me naked.
I wasn't looking.
Well now I'm offended.
- Uf!
- Oh, no! No! No! No! No!
I... I shouldn't even had that.
You're not missing out on
my grandmother's secret recipe.
It's not happening.
Spoon me.
- I know.
- It's so unfair!
If I ever meet your grandmother,
I'm giving her a huge hug.
Do you know how to get back to
your room from here, Miss Wilder?
Good night.
Hi, mom!
I miss you too.
But I'll see you at
Dani's birthday next week.
Yes, mom.
Love you.
Let's check this out.
What is it, boss?
What are you doing here?
I was passing by.
And I remembered our
conversation yesterday.
- So I came to help.
- Good timing.
Miss Sophie has just called
asking for you.
Since when are you so excited
by your guest relations role?
Not at all.
What did she want?
Hi, uh... I was told Miss Wilder
needs some towels.
Towels, that's hilarious.
You know, you can just ask
for her number. I' m joking.
Come down, come inside.
Let's go. Sophie! Soph!
Who is it?
- Oh God.
- Is that Adam?
No. It's the cute guy
who saw you naked.
By the...
I did not see her naked.
Yeah, now I've heard everything.
I thought it was your day off.
Uh, yeah, it was. I was called
in for a last minute meeting
for a committee
that I oversee and, uh,
I'm an overachiever.
Well it's good to see you.
It's good to see you. Too.
Huh! Doctor Thunder?
I mean, Mister Clark.
My God! It looks like
we got a fan here!
You want a selfie? I'll give you
one in a minute, okay?
Wow! Look at me!
Who's this handsome devil?
Check me out.
Good evening, Miss Wilder.
Are you in need
of more of these?
Because this morning I did
your room and I thought
I had changed them all, but...
If I made a mistake,
I apologize. I'm sorry.
No. No, you didn't.
You didn't make a mistake. I
ordered a lot of towels.
You've inspired me.
From one apology to another.
I'm so sorry.
Yesterday on the set,
I was transfixed by the words
and I failed to be
your equal scene partner.
I really miss you.
Are you listening?
Banquets, do you copy?
Are the centerpieces
and tablecloths ready
for the event?
Great. I'm on my way,
thank you.
Hi, Miss Wilder!
It's so beautiful here. I was
wondering, can I take a tour?
Yeah, of course. I'd be happy
to assist you with that.
- It would have to be private.
- Of course.
Where would you like to go?
You can go
scuba diving or
go visit cenotes,
which are actually my favorite.
They're amazing.
- Or Mayan ruins perhaps?
- Actually I'd like to go dancing.
- Good afternoon.
- Hi, how are you?
When would you like to go?
Okay, is there a particular style
you and Mr. Clark would like?
Oh, it's just me.
What time?
At midnight.
How are you?
- I'm good, how are you?
- Good.
Well, welcome to Isla Mujeres.
Is this where you want
to open up your hotel?
No. Uh, I mean,
it's beautiful here but...
I was looking at places
in San Miguel de Allende.
Oh! That's...
That's where my grandmother
was born.
- No way!
- Yeah. Yeah.
I heard it's beautiful.
- You've never been?
- No.
Two Pacificos, please!
Thank you.
Shall we dance?
I should warn you.
I'm a fantastic dancer.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
Oh. I thought you'd be
a little better at dancing.
- That was all you.
- Oh, really?
Thank you. I haven't had
that much fun in a while.
I mean, that was...
Aren't you and Adam...
I mean I'm...
Good night, Alejandro.
Good night.
I kissed Sophie Wilder.
I made the first move.
No! You're going to break
the sweet little boy's heart.
That's big news!
What's he gonna do?
What about the Adam deal?
I asked if they were together.
What did she say?
- Well, I kissed him.
- You can do whatever you want!
If Aurelia finds out, she'll
kill me. I can't risk my job.
Relax. You're nervous.
She won't find out.
If Adam finds out,
he is going to lose it.
- I don't care.
- Don't care?
Be honest.
Did you feel butterflies
in your stomach?
Come on, you did!
You did!
I still feel them.
I can feel them.
Hey, Sophie!
Look, um,
I know we never discussed
it, but
I feel like it'd be best
if we were together.
And I know I need to apologize
to us.
I've been going through
an identify defusion.
I'm sorry, a what?
No, I... I know.
The language... it seems broad.
I just want to discuss
our romantic terms.
the idea of us getting back
after such
a traumatic experience.
It's got legs. Doesn't it?
Wow! I, um...
I just need some space.
Sure. Yeah. Well,
it was good to...
- Right, space.
- Space.
Sorry. All right.
You want space?
How's this for space?!
Rest well, Santi.
- See you tomorrow, Marquitos.
- See you later, sir.
Hello, you.
Sounds fine.
By that I'm mean
that I'll be there soon.
Miss Wilder!
Good evening. So sorry,
I was just walking.
It's okay!
Have a good night.
Good night, Miss Wilder.
How are you, Chuy?
Can you sign this, boss?
Let's see.
As legend has it, the only way
to get my power back
is with a sacrifice.
Thousands of years ago...
Miss Calloway, I'm your lawyer!
The jury is gonna lock you away
for a crime you didn't commit.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay, no.
- You're making it.
- No, stop. Stop. Okay.
Mr. Baxter,
you're a good lawyer.
The best those big
Fifth Avenue bucks can buy.
But what does the law
say about falling in love?!
What's so funny? What?
- You're taking it very seriously.
- I'm in character!
I know, it's great!
You're, wow!
Coffee talk.
Hot dogs. Brooklyn. Let's go!
Come on!
I'm not gonna book
"New York or Nowhere" anyway.
It's gonna go to a Lily. For some
reason it always goes to a Lily.
Yeah. It's okay because I said
I wouldn't do a remake anyway.
- This is...
- I love this film.
I know. This is literally
the best acting
I've ever seen in my life.
No, really.
You are crushing it!
- Yeah.
- You are killing it!
You haven't seen enough acting.
Thank you. Thank you.
You're a much better scene
partner than Adam. He...
I... Sorry. Never mind.
What are we doing?
Guest relations?
Are you dating Adam?
It's all over the internet.
It's all everyone talks about.
Did you order something?
No, I have no idea.
I'll go through the door
on the back.
- I'm gonna go on the back.
- Okay.
Good night, Mrs. Wilder
- Come on in.
- This was sent for you.
Did you have seen
the view to Isla Mujeres?
Yeah, yeah. It's beautiful.
And the room it's... so great.
Did you have the opportunity
to watch it?
- To Isla?
- Yeah!
We can arrange a special tour
for you and mister Clark.
That would... be great.
So charming.
So, this is really
incredible. Uh...
I didn't realize
how great it was.
So I think I'm gonna
go to sleep soon.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
We are leaving.
So sorry.
- It's a pleasure.
- Good night.
Man! That was close!
You wanted to know
about Adam and me.
He cheated on me.
So much like the characters
in the films
that we're starring.
It's all pretend.
So you fake being in love?
I don't wanna be
treated like another Jen.
I have no idea what that means.
It's embarrassing.
Can we not talk about it?
I have a surprise for you.
Some place
we won't be interrupted.
Midnight with you
is my favorite hour.
Midnight isn't a time.
It's a place
for us to be together.
Copy, I'm on my way.
I gotta go.
I wish we could go somewhere
we didn't have to hide.
I know.
- You sure about this?
- Yes!
We both have the day off
and nobody will be looking
for you until tomorrow.
All right.
Where are you taking me?
Oh, it's a surprise.
I can't tell you.
This is so fun!
Oh, there's no...
there's no reception.
It's part of the magic here.
No cell service.
I cannot remember the last time
I could ignore my phone.
She said with envy.
- Just here?
- Yeah, it's perfect.
You just have to
curate the vibe.
Okay, so it is guest relations.
Of course!
Yes, I love that.
That's perfect. Um...
Let me just check, double check
with her schedule
and I will get back to you.
You are hilarious.
I'm laughing.
Okay. Thank you,
pleasure's mine. Bye bye.
Are you ready to experience
the magic of a national
gastronomical treasure?
Chips and sauce?
How dare you?
- Prepared chips.
- "Prepared chips".
Good. Can you hand me
a Pacifico, please?
Yes. Of course.
Thank you.
- With our eyes.
- With our eyes.
If not it's very bad luck.
So, first,
a little bit of Maggi.
A little love in there,
pum, pum.
English sauce.
No one leaves voice mails
but I'm leaving this voice mail
so you know I tried to connect.
Lime. Here in Mexico we put
lime on everything.
It's a lot of lime.
Oh yeah.
So when are you opening up
your hotel?
I don't know. I keep telling
myself 'next year',
the year after that, but
then I have to go to New York
in a couple of months and...
I love New York. It's
crowded and dirty and full
of trash and rats,
but it's so magical.
So what's stopping you
from opening up your place?
It scares the shit out of me.
What if I fail?
What if I open it
and no one shows up?
Or even worse, what if
I open it and no one likes it?
Have you ever read some of
the comments on Trip Advisor?
They're ruthless!
Alejandro, what if
you never try?
"Puta madre"!
What does that mean?
"Puta madre"?
It means...
Hi, don't be mad.
She's in the hotel.
- It's just a very big hotel.
- Rachel, listen to me.
- Rachel, listen to me.
- She hadn't mentioned going to...
Rachel, please listen to me!
Listen to me what I'm asking you!
No, Rachel, seriously,
stop talking.
Where is she? Okay?
What the hell is going on?
- She's definitely in the hotel.
- Is she?
- Are we sure?
- I wouldn't lie.
Any ideas as to where
in the hotel she may be?
She had wanted to do
this acroyoga class.
For 10 hours?
And she needed lift face
Okay. She's getting a zombie
facial for 10 hours?
Yes, and she's doing...
She's fine.
We have to talk
to a professional. Excuse me.
Did anyone say anything at any
point about her going anywhere
- with anyone?
- No, I'm sorry.
- Thank you, Aurelia.
- Yes.
I guess we're gonna have full
dateline and call the police.
- No!
- No, no, no!
Look who's here!
I didn't know you were coming.
- Sophie's gone missing...
- Relax.
- What?
- And we don't know where she is.
Missing is a very extreme word.
Hey! Quiet! Quiet everybody!
I got this.
We need the schematics
of the building.
I need to get in your main frame.
You understand me?
Also, we need a couple
of blood hounds.
Whatever kind of dogs
you can get.
An article of her clothing,
preferably underwear.
The dogs love it, okay?
Oh, my god! Why would I ask
an actor to do anything?
how's Sophie Wilder doing?
Miserable at best.
No, seriously. I mean,
you have a lot of stuff going on.
Yeah, I mean, I'm pretty
caught up in work.
Firephina above all.
She's great.
Who wouldn't want
to be a superhero?
But sometimes
there is a lot of pressure
because people love her so much.
The costume, you know,
and the catchphrases
and the intensity.
People get really into it.
And so do I.
It's a huge part of my life.
But sometimes I wonder...
who am I?
Well I'm a fan.
Oh, no, you watched.
Not of Firephina.
Of you, Sophie.
Good morning.
Want some coffee?
I fell sleep.
Oh my god!
I wasn't supposed
to stay overnight.
Everybody's probably looking
for me. What time is it?
We need to go.
We need to go.
- You okay?
- No, we have to go!
Like... like right now.
- We have to go!
- Man! Okay!
Don't worry, we're almost there.
I'm sure you'll be fine.
This is not fine.
Calm down, Sophie.
I shouldn't even be here!
We shouldn't have done this!
I'm not on vacation!
I'm here for work!
This was a huge mistake!
My job is at stake too,
you know?
It's a little different,
What the hell were you thinking
going off God knows where?
Do you know how worried
we were for you?
Not to mention I had to leave LA
in the middle of a very
exclusive healing circle
with Ashton Kutcher and
Mila Kunis as shamans
so that I could come
looking for you!
Do I look like
a babysitter to you?
Do you see me with a little Baby
Bjorn and some mushed carrots
ready to attend your every need?
I have other clients, Soph. Okay?
I was supposed to be at Florence
Pugh's cookbook release party
at the Barnes & Noble
at The Grove,
eating her signature one pan
chicken cacciatore but, uh uh.
I'm out here playing
grab ass looking for you!
I said I was sorry.
I needed to get out of here.
My phone died.
- I stayed at a hotel nearby.
- We had to call the police,
Sophie! The freaking "polic a"!
And I had to do some very bad
things with a low level intern
at TMZ so that this
didn't become
a freaking
international media frenzy!
Okay, I think she gets it.
Deborah Jackson Katz from the
studio was here to talk to you
about your standalone feature
and guess who wasn't here?
Any guesses?
The answer is you.
You weren't here.
In the hotel by the sea.
And that's a big problem,
sister friend.
Now, not even...
as one of the Hollywood
35 under 35 entertainment
but as your friend,
you could've called or texted
so I knew you were okay.
Okay? Now, you have
two weeks left on this film.
I want you...
to get Demi Moore's
reiki specialist on Zoom
if that's what it takes for you
to pull yourself together
to finish this fantastic movie.
I've had enough.
I'm gonna go eat a taquito
and think about this
and I want you to repent.
Thank you so much
for not saying anything.
Duh! Oh my god!
Alejandro would be
in more trouble than me.
Please, I care about you and
your heart way more
than this Hollywood stuff.
Plus, you looked happy as shit.
Everyone was looking for her
like idiots
for her to say her phone died
and that she couldn't
let anyone know.
Can you believe it?
She's so selfish!
That's crazy.
You scared us.
I... I made a mistake.
I'm sorry.
To err is human.
To forgive is divine.
I wanna get back together,
Sophie. I really do.
Cheating is romantic,
if you think about it.
Look, I know I made
a huge mistake.
Do you really want
to be treated like
just another Jen?
Sophie Wilder and Firephina.
How much do you two
have in common?
Are you the same person
at this point?
Well, I booked the part when
I was in my early twenties,
so, you know, when you play
a character for that long,
they inevitably become
a part of who you are.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Going in depth.
Sorry, to you or the camera?
To him.
- -To, uh, to...
- I'm asking him.
- To me please.
- Okay.
The love story between us
is about the unforeseen.
And Doctor Thunder
has been alive for centuries.
Meanwhile, Firephina
is the newer young soul
that's fiery. Right. It's quite
unexpected that he
would have her as a wingman.
- Why is that?
- But...
Because, uh,
Doctor Thunder is this bitter
intellectual god type and she's,
she's just corky.
- Corky?
- Yeah.
She's the keeper of the
sacred flame of Kukulcan.
- -Okay...
- Well...
As part of the vibe
I never caught,
I think we're getting
to oily territory
which I think we wanna try
to avoid.
But that's what I love
about Sophie Wilder.
Her enthusiasm for learning
and growing it.
I think she's coming along fine.
You know what my favorite
thing about Adam Clark is?
What's that?
He is such
a skilled snake charmer.
All right,
I think we've had enough.
- Thanks.
- Great!
Very unprofessional.
Hey! Is this about
that lobby boy, right?
Look, if you wanna get back at me
or teach me some sort of lesson,
I get it. But...
- him? Really?
- Wow!
Whatever is going on
between me and Alejandro,
who is incredible, by the way,
has nothing to do with you.
Oh, yeah? Is that right?
You know what?
I'm not your pet project.
You're not better than me!
And I don't need you,
to be me.
- And you're a terrible poet!
- Wow!
Except for that Pablo Neruda
you played.
- I did not...
- This feels incredible!
He paid people in college
to write his papers for him!
- She's making it up!
- We are firing Margo Cohen.
"Hey it's Sophie.
We need to talk.
Can you meet on the beach?"
- Dude, that's awesome!
- Of course not!
"We need to talk"?
It's terrible news.
That's a bad text.
It can't be.
Look at that.
- It has no punctuation. Nothing.
- That's actually good.
That means
it's open to interpretation.
- It means she was mad!
- It's okay! Listen.
I think she wants to see you,
and tell you she loves you.
- Really?
- Sure! Why would she text you?
What film do you live in?
Of course not!
- No, no, no.
- I know life is not a movie.
Ok, maybe this is good news.
You know?
We almost got caught.
It's complicated.
I need to end this now!
Love is complicated.
Do you love her?
Go get her.
I was just so overwhelmed
and I treated you unfairly.
There's no need to apologize.
But I like who I am
when I'm with you.
And I like who I am
when I'm with you but...
Wait, wait. I'm not finished.
I pretended to be with Adam.
You know what?
It doesn't...
It doesn't even matter.
It's over. I ended that.
And now you and I don't have
to pretend, to hide anymore.
Okay, but...
My future is still on the line.
You know? And...
Yeah, you're right.
That's a fantastic point.
Didn't you say you want
to open up a place?
Yeah, but that's...
that's later.
I have the weekend off.
You wanna run away?
I would love to, really.
But I have to go to Mexico City.
It's my sister's birthday and
I told my family I'd be there.
Normally I'd be excited,
but my dad is gonna be there
with his new lover.
Dad and his new lover.
Ugh, yeah.
I'll go with you.
- To Mexico City?
- Yeah.
Oh, come on! I've never been!
And this really great guy told me
It is impossible
to say no to you.
And you know that.
I'm sorry!
Who is he, Sophie?
Is he your new beau?
- Are you ready?
- This is it?
Wait until you see the inside.
Don't be nervous.
They'll love you.
I'm not nervous.
I get along very well
with parents.
Barbara and I
are still very close.
Who's Barbara?
Don't worry about it.
Oh, shit. I forgot something
in the car. I'll be right back.
- You... but...
- The bottle. I'll be right back.
Should I...?
I didn't ring the doorbell.
Hi there!
- Hi.
- I'm sorry.
I'm here with Alejandro.
- Hi.
- Hi!
Happy birthday.
- Thank you!
- What's wrong, Sebas?
this is my sister Daniela.
- Hi.
- What's up, Akilita?
Nice to meet you.
Happy birthday!
They're lovely!
Thank you!
This is Sebastian.
Akila. Come in.
How are you, Sebas?
So good to see you!
Guess who's here.
My love!
Hi, mom!
- You got here so fast, my love.
- Yes.
- Any traffic?
- No.
Thank you.
This is my grandmother, Annie.
Annie, nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- My grandma.
And my mom, Monica. Sophie.
Nice to meet you!
She doesn't speak
a lot of Spanish so... English.
We can say anything.
She won't understand.
- No!
- A little.
It's so nice to meet you, guys.
- You're welcome, Sophie.
- It's great having you.
Let me take your coat off.
Yes, yes. Thank you.
Come, I'll show you something.
Here we have
the very Mexican table.
This looks incredible.
Thank you.
Thank you, Sebas.
Those are very spicy.
He made me "prepared chips"
the other day.
He made you?
And a cake.
He cooked for you?
You don't even make
popcorn for my birthday.
Of course I do.
Of course I do.
Alejandro, come help me
in the kitchen.
I'll help you too, mom.
Stay with grandma, hon.
Grandma, keep an eye on her!
We'll be fine.
We'll use signs.
- Right, sweetie? Sit here.
- Yes.
I want to know everything!
You didn't tell me
you'd bring someone!
- Is she your girlfriend?
- It was last minute.
- Do you want a beer?
- I want to know who she is.
She's a friend.
I met her at the hotel.
- From LA?
- No one believes you. Come on.
Listen. We met at the hotel.
She is working.
We met, we became friends,
that's all!
What work?
"We are getting to
know each other."
How are you "getting to know"
each other?
- Tell me!
- Have you slept together?
- Come on!
- They did!
They love gossip.
But you don't have
to keep me company.
Join them in the kitchen!
To the kitchen?
No, no, no.
I don't cook.
I can't make a cake from a box.
gave me some of your famous
recipe, your chocolate cake!
Ah, yeah!
I owe you a hug!
Thank you very much!
Let's toast for the pleasure
of being together!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Happy birthday!
It's Akilita.
What's up, Akilita?
You scared me.
What is it?
Come here! Akila!
That's a very special pink.
It's called Mexican pink.
- It's the same as on the taxis.
- Yeah.
Then the jacaranda tree,
so everything was built...
Oh, I gave your grandma a hug
for the chocolate cake recipe.
I said I would.
Why are you laughing?
She hates chocolate cake.
Hates it! I just didn't want
the night to end.
You lied to me?
You're a jester.
This is Veronica, my fianc e.
Happy birthday!
She's... she's young.
- Hi! Happy birthday!
- Alejandrito!
- How are you?
- Fine.
- This is Sophie, this is my...
- Alejandro, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
She's my fianc, Veronica.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- Hi! Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
I've heard a lot about you
from your dad.
Same here.
I think I saw you
in one of those TV shows?
You're an actress.
- Yeah, yeah, I am.
- Great!
I imagine you stay quite busy.
What's your next project?
I'm not actually sure. I'm just
circling some things right now.
Oh, great for you!
You can have Alejandro
picking up all those red M&Ms
and carrying luggage, no?
I'm going to the bathroom.
She's so lovely.
And how long
are you staying here?
Just tonight.
Came here for the birthday.
it means a lot to your sister.
Yeah, I know.
How's your lobby life?
I'm the junior manager now.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
- A promotion?
- A while ago.
Let me help you.
I can invest in your business.
I don't need you to.
- Are you sure?
- Sure.
Do me a favor?
Be nice to my fianc e.
Can you speak English?
She doesn't speak Spanish.
- Okay.
- It's fine.
She's so cute!
You survived!
Yeah, thanks to you.
- He's intense.
- He's an asshole.
This house! This house,
you were saying, it's...
it's this architect.
Luis Barrag n.
It was gonna be built
a bit differently
and she doesn't like
me to say it,
but she had like a flirtatious
relationship with him.
- Oh!
- And one of the rooms...
- The thing you told us.
- Shut up! That's a secret.
Having fun?
Our little wonderful
dysfunctional family.
So much fun. It's amazing you
guys managed to stay friends.
We're friends because
we were never in love,
but we love our kids.
She doesn't need to hear
the whole family story, that's...
I would love to hear
the whole family story.
- Where is the bathroom?
- Spanish?
- Down the hall, to the right.
- Thank you.
She's beautiful.
I'm in love with this man.
Alejandro, not the dad.
Wait, I'm sorry, what?
How long will the romance
with the star last?
Alejandro, be optimistic.
They're young.
She is a famous star.
A millionaire.
How much do you make
a month at your job?
- Don't listen to him.
- Here we go.
No, come on.
He is...
They gave it to someone else.
- How much do you earn?
- Son.
Do you know what will happen
to her in her next job
when she falls in love
with the protagonist
or the antagonist?
That's how they are.
You have to focus
on what you must do.
I love you.
Just because you do that,
doesn't mean she will.
- I do that?
- What's the number
- of this marriage?
- Honey.
- Four right?
- Do you love her?
We're talking about you.
It's always about you.
- What do you expect from her?
- She is just a tourist.
- Hey.
- Hi.
What's wrong?
Oh, no, I just found out I didn't
book "New York or Nowhere".
I'm sorry to hear that.
You know what?
It wasn't meant to be.
No, it's okay, it's the sudden
strike, it's a heartbreak.
Perks of the job.
So, what are you gonna
do next after all this?
After all this?
Yeah, like, when you're
done with the movie.
Uh, I don't know.
I don't know. Go on a trip.
Or something. I guess.
Sorry, I think I missed
Did you just tell your dad
that I'm just a tourist?
I was joking.
Okay, well, let me know how
much I owe you for the services.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- It's a joke.
Anything else you wanna say?
I feel like such an idiot.
Why am I here?
You could've told me
if you didn't want me to come.
You invited yourself.
Okay, so, I'm sorry, I just...
This is just a thing you do,
you take girls out
and you show them how to
squeeze lime on everything
- and then you sleep with them?
- Sophie, calm down.
- Calm down?
- Yeah. You're acting a bit...
Sorry, I just think I'm realizing
that you might be full of shit.
The photo.
The photo!
Photo, come on!
I'm full of shit?
You're in a fake relationship
with someone, Sophie.
Now is just your little fantasy.
- My little fantasy?
- Yeah, but that's what you do
because actors play pretend.
And that's okay.
I was very, very clear
from the very beginning.
I was focused on my career
and I thought you were too.
You never go after
what you want!
And you have no idea
what you deserve.
And you do?
I thought I did.
Alejandro, come!
We're ready for the photo.
A photo, yeah!
- Come!
- Come now!
Come now!
One, two, three!
- What will I do without you?
- Aurelia, it was a mistake!
I'm sorry.
- I don't want to lose you.
- Then don't!
You should have thought
of that before
going off and being all horny.
What about New York?
That was the plan.
- You can't do this to me.
- Ah, plans...
Your plans.
Well, now your plan can be
to go run away with your artist.
- No, that's done now.
- What do you mean "it's done"?
It's over.
I can't believe
you're such a coward!
My powers are gone but it's me.
Shake the puppet more.
More. Shake the puppet.
I missed you!
I'm in love.
- What will you do about it?
- What do you mean?
She hates me!
Alejandro, for the first time,
don't let fear stop you.
Come on!
Just text her and apologize.
That's it.
A text message?
Are you insane?
Write her a letter.
Then you burn it
and blow it in the wind.
She'll find it.
This is for you.
It's for your heart.
Glue it.
Yes, I need your help.
Go, go, go.
I'll take care of the plate.
- Thank you.
- Good luck!
Where are they?
On the set? Okay.
Thank you!
Hey, Rachel.
Oh, my God.
What are you doing here?
Are you doing the scene
girls want guys to do?
I'm trying to,
but I need your help.
- I can't help you.
- Please.
No, no, no, I can't help you.
I'm mad at you.
- I know.
- Legally, I'm mad at you.
- For the feminism.
- I know, I know, please.
- No.
- Please.
No, I can't.
- I'm stupid!
- No, no, you're not stupid.
You made my friend happier
than anyone has made her ever,
- but, do you love her?
- Yes!
Do you love her 'cuz she's rich?
- 'Cuz she's famous?
- No!
Do you love her 'cuz she's good
in bed?
- Yes! No! Why do you know that?
- A woman knows.
Why do you love her?
I love her 'cuz she's the best
thing that I never planned for
and because she makes me
want to be a better man.
That was really good.
Okay, if I was looking for her
I'd think she was about to do
the scene where she does
the do do and the da da
and everyone goes bah! I don't
know. I never read the scripts.
I only sign them.
I'm like a walking lawsuit.
She's probably gonna be
in hair and makeup right there.
Thank you. Thank you.
You're the best. Thank you!
I know.
I'm the best.
I'm the best.
Virtuous souls will always pass.
Empty your hand
and get what you ask.
But be warned.
If you are damned,
the map of Kukulkan
will burn you to sand.
A bit harsh.
Sorry, bud.
- -It's you!
- Shit, I'm sorry.
No. Wait!
You're looking
for Sophie, aren't you?
Yes, I am.
Do you believe yourself
worthy of her love?
I would hope so.
And she of yours?
Can someone please get Adam?
We're waiting for Adam!
Where's Adam?
We're losing light.
We need the actor.
Can someone please get Adam?
is the great reducer
of ego.
Look man, I'm just
trying to find her and...
The great reducer...
of ego.
I'm coming!
Okay, let's do this,
guys. From the top.
Lights. Quickly.
Take one.
This is it!
I just want to apologize.
You've gotta be kidding me?
Look, I'm sorry!
- What are you doing?
- Hi, by the way.
I was so selfish
in Mexico City and...
I handled things terribly.
And you're right.
I'm scared of love.
I don't fit into your plan.
My plan means nothing
without you, Sophie.
I love you.
No. I'm leaving soon and
then I'm leaving again,
and again.
You were right.
- I'm just a tourist.
- No. You're not just a tourist.
Sophie, I'm...
I'm standing here
on a movie set
telling you that I love you.
Can't we just
give this a chance?
We did.
We did.
I have no idea who you are,
but that was amazing.
Thank you.
I'll just...
I'm sorry, guys.
I'll just leave.
Thank you!
Very dramatic to get
rain as our last goodbye.
that's very normal here.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Are you excited
for the wrap party?
Yeah, yeah.
- Oh, Sophie!
- Deborah, hi!
- Sophie dear, sorry I'm late!
- Thank you.
I'm sure the studio was arguing
for your character.
They wanted your role
but I told them it was all yours
and I have the mark up,
your first character poster
for Firephina.
of the flame".
Oh my God!
I know, don't you love it?
And if this works, honey, we can
do a prequel to the prequel.
A Firephina story.
What if...
Hear me out now.
What if, darling,
we made it into a musical?
Okay, too much.
Or rather a film
with music. You like it,
I see it, I love it.
Oh, my God, kill me now!
I need a picture, please!
Of course!
You're my idol. I wanna be you
when I grow up. You've no idea!
Oh! You're so sweet!
It's nice to meet you too.
Keep that fire in you safe and
one day when you're older,
you can be just like Firephina.
I don't wanna be like her,
I wanna be like you! Okay, bye!
- Oh, you want me to leave.
- No. No. No.
Don't leave.
Goddamnit is because
I thought I'd
never see you again.
You're moving.
I'm opening my place
in San Miguel.
You took my advice!
I did.
What are you doing here?
Do you have a late night menu?
I'm standing here
in your...
outdoor kitchen
asking you:
Do you have a late night menu?
Because I'm hungry.
The thing is
I hate cooking.
It takes longer to make
the meal than it does to eat it.
I love you too,
by the way.
- Hey!
- Hi!
I guess I gotta try
Doctor Thunder.
Okay. Coming right up.
- Hi, Tachi.
- Hey.
- How are you?
- Fine. And you?
I actually just convinced
Jennifer Coolidge
to play Mrs. Potato Head
in a very dark origin story.
It's gonna be good.
Oh! That sounds incredible!
- You're good at your job, huh?
- Big time stuff.
- I'm a big fan, mister Clark.
- Thank you, very much.
You know?
I'm an aspiring actress myself.
Got any tips for me?
Yeah, um...
Always stay in character,
never try and be funny.
- All right?
- Thank you!
Good luck!
My dream is to be a dancer,
you know? I'm always practicing.
Dance music, why not?
I love dancing.
Let's see it.
- Right now?
- Yeah.
I have to go and tell Joe.
She doesn't have the rights
to remix "Who Let the Dogs Out".
And I said, if not her, who?
Who, who, who?
- Yeah?
- Sure, okay.
My goodness! Wow!
I'm speechless. Speechless.
Thank you! Cheers!