ATM (2012) Movie Script

I understand that sir but there so
many variables that come and
plays in the market like this
if you like we can explore or shifting
what left in your former OK into an..
I see. Yes sir
I know Christmas is coming
I understand
Look Mr. Dean .. I'm sorry
I really am sorry
I spread the investments
as wide as I could
Just the unfortunate state
of the economy we all behind
Hello? Mr Dean?
Did you lose him?
Your candy taste like shit
- Hey, it's not your fault
- Whose fault is it then?
I never even met this guy
I just move around some numbers
Now he's screwed
Well so everyone screwed, stop mopping
Maybe I should have taken today off
and then you would've miss your chance
What do you mean?
- What?
- Today is her last day
- She's quitting?
- That's what I hear
- No
- Yeah
Don't be a bitch and go ask her out
I tried that already
I mean I said it myself
Right, because you can't
say the word date.
What did you call it again?
I asked her if she wants to
meet up for a gathering
- Gathering? What is she, a wizard?
- I don't know why I said that
Did she carry a wand
next to her purse?
- It just came out
- That's rough
- If you didn't I ask her myself
- Thanks bro
Come on. Come on. I messing
with you, go talk to her
- I can't
- Why can't you?
Because I left my balls at home
- No, not again
- Yeah
- Left them right there on my dresser
- Right next to your night gal?
Yeah, right next to it.
In fact it's probably covered in
little people to keep them warm.
That's good. Like a-a male penguin
- Like a male penguin?
- Yes
- I don't know what that mean
- That's fine
- See you Monday
- What about the Christmas party?
Don't give me aa, it's going
to be a good time
Yeah, nothing say good
times like streamers
and bitches. Streamers and
bitches, that's what its all about
That is life Dave
- Sometimes, its all about going home
- Well you said, you give me a ride
That's crazy Corey
because all those yellow cars
out there with a signs on top
if you give them some money, they'll
take you where ever you want to go
- Get out of here
- Yeah. I swear
That's cool, look the point
is if you leave now,
you're going to blow
with her forever
Life about choices man, one bad one
can ruin every good one you ever made
You had to read that somewhere
No, I don't read
- Alright, I'm wondering
- That's what I'm talking about
It's going to be a good night bro.
I could feel it
Let me go and smoke the
joint at the break room
Thank you
Alright, so I purposely ordered
the pizza like 3 minutes before midnight
- On new years eve?
- Yeah
What everyone doing
for new year this year?
Who gives a shit. I'm telling my story
It's going to be easter
by the time you're up
You know, ever since you
grew facial hair Jerry,
you like a different person
A different person that I don't like
Where was I?
You were talking about having
pizza on new years eve
Right. So anyway 3 minutes passes
the ball drop facing new years
and behold 10 minutes later
there's a knock on the door
and it's the point of the
story finally showing up
Good one. Another good one from Jerry.
Just you got a word count today Jerry
So you got to get at a
certain level and so it is.
It's a pizza guy and I said you better
not be charging me for this man.
I ordered the damn
thing last year
- Did you end up paying him?
- What? Luke
- The pizza, did you pay for it?
- No I heard you the first time
I'm was saying what for emphasis
I think you are naive to follow
me along now. Alright
- Shit
- Come on man
- What the hell?
- I'm sorry
I just get some napkins over here
I'll just um..Luke what's
going on man
- What?
- I feel like you're not here
- Oh, hey Emily
- Hi David
Do you want something?
Oh no, I'm good. I'm was just leaving
Yes I heard that
You heard I was leaving
Oh no, Corey told me you
got a job at MPO or something
Oh right. No, I did and then
I was leaving the
- Well congratulations
- Thanks.
- Yeah
- Thanks
You need a change I guess
Yeah, I guess I gone as
far as I can handle and find it
- Yeah I know how that is
- Yeah
- This is a fun party
- Yeah it's cool. It's really fun
- I better get going
- Well good seeing you
and you. Thanks for
the drink, for the offer
that I already have
Maybe I'll catch you
later or something
- Okay bye
- Bye
Maybe I'll catch you later.
That was pretty cool
Hey you forgot your hat
- .. Oh, you have a
- Yeah, that's not mine
- Shit. Did I steal a hat?
- I think you might've
Well consider this a going away
present from whoever it is thats owns it
I'm really going not
that far you know,
my office is only like a
few block up town
Did you want to grab lunch sometime?
- Oh...It's cool I understand
- No no I would
- I think I'm nervous
- Nervous? About what?
About this, about us talking
- Really?
- Yeah
Well we talk plenty
of time before
Yeah, at work, you
called me at my desk
and asked me if I
had a balance sheet
But that was a
I never care about the balance sheets
- Really?
- Yeah
- Damn it. I keep missing that
- Hey why don't I give you a ride home
You know what. I live really far
out in the city. It's really far away
Come on, it's freezing out here.
I just giving you a ride. Okay?
That would've been great. Thank you
You're welcome. So I meet
you here in a minute
Okay I'll be right here..
and David, you should
probably return that hat
You don't like Purple on me?
Alright. I'll be back in a second
Did you know that Tequila
is a super food
Like blueberries
I'm taking off so have a
good weekends you guys
Already? We were taking shots
Yeah .. I'm giving Emily a ride home
See, you didn't even
want to go tonight
- Well I see you guys on Sunday
- Good luck man
Congrats playboy
Thanks there Luke
What're you doing?
What do you mean, What am I doing?
We're leaving leaving
- Well yeah I'm leaving
- Dave you're my ride home
Can't you just take a cab?
I don't have anymore cash on me
Does have any cash I could borrow?
I'll just go with you right now
I told you I'm going
to give Emily a ride home
- Just drop me on the way
- Corey
It would take ten minutes
You live like twenty
minutes the other way
You're not going to
make me walk right?
- Let's go
- Okay
See you guys
Just going to make sure
this isn't poisonous
James you might wanna close your legs
because I'm going to see your vagina
- Oh it is?
- Check it on my seat
No? What about a..
Check them at the table?
Yeah. Yeah it's about right
Leave it on my desk
Just leave it on my desk Jerry
Don't look at my photos. Hello
He found it?
Jerry on drugs again, man
For sure, remember when
he was drinking cough syrup?
Remember when we called
him Little Wayne for like 8 months
because he was always getting drunk
- Your battery dead by the way
- Let me see it
- Dude
- My bad
- I'm sorry by the way
- For what?
I'm realize we're
going the other way.
No it's fine
I'm enjoying the company
It's true, I am good company
I'm starving
I'm so hungry,
you know what I'm saying?..
That you hungry? Yeah, We heard you
So why don't we this,
what's good with getting food?
- It's after midnight
- and what am I? A Gremlin?
Thanks .. I appreciate that
Emily in a big way
Dude, eat at home
I don't have anything at home
and let just stop somewhere
it's not a big deal
Corey, nothing's open
What about that pizza spot.
It's open right now,
it's right near here.
Let get a slice or two
Yeah, but I kinda want
to bring Emily home
I want you to bring Emily home.
I want to paraphrase with that,
I just want to eat something because
I build blood sugar on dyslectic
and I just did if I
eat this third wheel
shenanigans would
end right after
Dude, you're killing me right now
- I'm sorry about him
- Oh it's fine
That's cool I need to stop
by the ATM by the way
Just use your debit card
Okay I can't use my debit card
because they only take cash
unless you want to spot me
Alright. Where's the ATM?
Alright we're here
No. This is what we're doing
- You needed an ATM right?
- Yeah, I need a walk too
Are you punishing me?
He's punishing me. Look out
Emily. Do you need like a deposit
slip or anything related to banking?
- I'm good Corey
- Okay
- What?
- Nothing
I'm sorry about him
I'll make sure he's fast
at the pizza place
Oh I don't mind
They actually make
pretty decent pizza
They got a mushroom and garlic that's
good that I had a few times with before.
They also have like a
pepperoni thats good
I'm sorry I don't know
why I'm telling you all this
I thought I was the nervous one
What are you talking about?
I'm not nervous.
You're not? 'I'll you later'
Okay that was...I was a
little nervous then
But I like it, it's cute
What's that?
It's nothing
Oh yeah
Protect me, my passenger and all
who pass by with a steady hand
and watchful eyes
It's stupid, I don't even
know how I got it. Just..
- It came with the cars
- It's nice, I like it
There's nothing wrong
with having a little faith
I like it
the fact that it be in your car
What is it now?
You got to be kidding me
I'll be back. I'm sorry
- What's wrong
- Nothing
I just don't want to wait in the car
- I will just be a second
- It wouldn't lock by the way
Yeah. The clicker thing broken
Why are you taking out money?
Corey's card is not working
Don't embarrass me
in front of Emily
- I'm just saying.
- I'll going to pay you back
My magnetic strip
messed up. I'm freezing
Got me for a one
All set. Lets go
Who the hell is that?
- Who gives a shit. Lets go
- Wait
- For what?
- Just wait
Why is he out there?
Probably want to use the ATM
- Why didn't he come in then?
- Who cares I'm freezing. Lets go
Wait. Just wait a second
Dude, he's waiting to use the ATM.
There's no big deal
- Where's his car?
- Probably in his wallet
- What if he want to rob us
- He's not going to rob us
Corey it's one in the morning
Why else would this guy be standing
there with an empty parking lot?
The same really we're here
Did he just walk here alone?
I don't see a car
This is retarded. I'm going to leave
- What was that?
- I don't know
Why did he do that?
Maybe he thought we were done,
so he thought he can finally come in
- Should we call the police?
- No
I think we should
Look let me just ask
him he's here then
Hey buddy
Do you want to use the ATM?
What does he want then?
Probably our money ..
Does he have anything on him?
- Do you see?
- I don't know, I can't tell
Are you guys being
serious right now?
Who cares about this
jerk off lets go
Says the guy who got
scared back in the booth
Yeah whatever. If we all
leave at once, we'll be fine
He's just watching us
- Maybe he's homeless
- Yeah probably is
So give him something
and lets get out of here
- He doesn't look homeless
- What makes him not look homeless?
What you're that big
Alright go ahead
What he's doing?
How it's going?
Is there something I
can help you with?
- Oh my god
- Oh shit
- Oh my god
- Did you see that?
Shit! Call 911. Call them
I don't have my phone
Where is your phone?
- In my purse.
- Where's your purse?
- In the car
- Shit!
Don't this thing has a
panic button or something?
I can't find it
- What about a hard line?
- What do you mean?
I don't know, like an elevator phone
or something that connect to..
Right. Right
There's must be something. Something we
can do to get somebody attention
Who? There's no one else out there.
There's a guy with the dog
Dude you saw what happened to him
What doesn't he come in here
I don't know maybe he
doesn't have an ATM card
Why would that stopped him?
You need for the
security buzzard right?
Does the guy with the dog has one?
- Has he checked?
- How the hell should I know
No he hasn't. We have to do something
Where are my keys?
- Maybe I can get to the car
- You'll never make it
- You don't know that
- He's right there
- You never get within 10 feet of it
- We have to do something
What's he doing?
He's going to my car
Where's he going?
- Is he leaving?
- No. I can't tell
Shit! He went around the back
- Should we go?
- I don't know
Your phone, are you
positive it's in your purse?
- On the front seat?
- Yes
- No. No. No
- He's back there
By the time he get around the
booth I'll be half way to the car
What about the other half way?
He has a gun
No, he would've shot at us by now
This glass probably bullet proof
No it's not
Maybe Corey's right.
We should just wait
It will light up soon the parking
lot will be full of people
No. The sun won't be up for hours
Well be lucky if we don't
freeze to death by then
- This is insane
- David
It's too dangerous
What was that? What happen?
He cut the power
There's no heat. He cut off the heat
No .. No .. No
He's back
Wait. Wait
What do you doing?
The glass maybe there's an
alarm in here something
If you break it then
he'll be able to get in
Alright then something else. What?
- What about this?
- What?
Stop. Stop. Wait
- Stop
- What?
This thing is going to
have an alarm on it
Corey where is your lighter?
I don't have one
- You guys it's the cops
- David, it's the cops
- Hey
- In here
- Over here
- Come on
- Shit! What is it doing?
- It turning around
- It's driving away
- They don't see us
- Oh god where is it going?
- They don't see us
It's so cold
Corey, how much
money do you have in bank?
I don't know. Why?
You didn't think you giving that
asshole money are you?
He just killed the guy Corey
Alright. If you take out 500 too maybe
a thousand would be enough
Dude. My card is not working
Shit! That's right
Here. Take these
Wait if your card broken
how did you get in here?
What do you mean?
If the magnetic strip in your card is
messed up like you said then
How did you get pass
the security buzzard?
Who gives a shit?
Please say that you were being cheap
Your were fine right?
You just being too cheap
to take out money
No .. No
Okay I'm gonna toss this to the
side of him away from the door
If he goes for it, we run the other
way before he made around
- Yeah okay
- No
- What?
- What if there's more of them?
What do you mean?
What if he's not alone?
I'll go alone
Oh boy you're not going
to strand us here
I'm not stranding anybody
If I make it to the car
the I can go for help
There's 500 dollars in here. Plus
a watch and a pair of ear rings
It's yours all of it, okay?
Please, just let us go
We not going to tell
anyone about this.
We never even seen your face
You can just take this and disappear
like nothing happen. Okay?
Its that okay?
I'm just going to toss
this to you and it's yours
Dave he's coming
- Hey
- No. David
- No. Leave him
- Go! Go!
Come on. Come on
- Are you alright?
- He cut the wires
Oh my god
- Are you okay?
- Yeah so do you
What is he doing?
What is he doing?
Wait. What's back there?
- Cement
- Son-of-a-bitch
Let me see your card
I took out as much as I could
- Here
- What is it?
- Wait you're doing it backwards
- I know
I know.
I remember hearing
enter a pin backward
into the ATM it
automatically alert police.
It's like a panic code
in case you're getting rob
That's bullshit, it's an urban legend
How do you know that?
Well what if you pin is like
It's still worth trying right?
Where did he go?
Did you see him leave?
I turned around he
wasn't there anymore
- Did you actually see him walk away?
- Who cares?
This could be our only chance. Lets go
What if he went out back?
Even if he did we're less safer
here then we are out there
- But we're still alive
- He's not
That doesnt mean shit
Please don't
If he wants to get in here he can
He doesn't know that
He doesnt have to use the door
He can smash one of
this windows with a rock
or drive the damn car right at us
- Then why hasn't he?
- I don't know
I don't know
It took my card
Why is he doing this to us?
- I don't know
- Maybe we did something like..
Like what?
What about that guy from work today?
What guy?
The guy that was screaming
at you on the phone
- What did you do him?
- Nothing
Bullshit nothing
You lost half his 401K 3
days before Christmas right?
Yeah I know that Corey
but this guy isn't him
- How do you know?
- Because I know
You said it yourself you
never seen him in person
No I haven't
But that guy was in his 60's
If anything this guy
could be one of the
thousand of people you
piss off everyday
You lost his retirement plan?
Emily this guy isn't doing
this because I lost his money. Okay?
If that were the case why did
he kill some guy walking his dogs
It doesn't make sense
Oh god
This is all bullshit
I guess you got it all figured out
- I can't feel my fingers,
- Neither could I
Here give me your hand
Here rub your hand like this
- Hey
- What?
- Who's that?
- Oh shit that's the cop
It's the police
It the same one from before
Okay as soon the cop sees us
we going for it. Alright?
- It's a security guard
- So what?
So he doesnt have a gun
He can't do shit to stop this guy
- Where is he?
- I don't know
- Call the police
- What?
- Call the police
- Are you okay in there?
Watch out!
He's out there
He is trying to kill us
Oh Jesus
Emily, are you okay?
Leave me alone
Would you please just leave me alone
- She got to keep moving
- I know. I know
- We should make a run for it
- No
Come on either is going to get away
Who's going to play bait? You?
Because I'm sure as hell
not going back there again
- Do you have any plans?
- What?
I don't always thought there were plans
- She's disoriented as hell
- I know
- We can't here much longer
- Yeah no shit
Is he? ..
What do we do now?
We have to call to call the police
Yeah we will
Let just get out of here first
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
How does he?
- What did you do?
- We didn't do anything
He was going to kill us
- Who is this?
- I don't know
If that's him who is this?
I don't know
- What are you doing?
- I'm looking for his cell phone
Who is it?
Harold Wesburg
What is he doing here?
He was using the ATM
No .. No
We don't know shit about this guy
For we know he could be
helping that douche bag outside
He got a wife and kids
That could be bullshit
He was a janitor. He was
just going to work
You had to make me stop.
You couldn't just go home
- Don't try to make this my fault
- It is your fault
- Nobody make you stop
- You did. You make me stop
I didn't make you do anything
You could've said no.
I did say no twice, but as
usual you don't give a shit
Don't make this my fault
I think it's your fault
- My fault?
- How's this my fault?
Get out of my face
- Fuck you
- Stop it
But you still don't
have to do that, right?
Stop it, stop it
Stop it
You did it too, you kill him
- Get off me
- You did it too
- He's gone again
- He's out there somewhere
I'm tired of this thing
I'm tired of this.
I'm tired of this shit
I'm tired. I'm tired of hiding.
I'm tired waiting for
trouble to come save me
- It's the only option we have
- By you maybe
- What are you going to do?
- I'm gonna get the hell out of here
That is exactly what
he wants you to do
He's one guy and
there's three of us
I can't go out there
Are you leaving?
I didn't care anymore
I don't care if you want to stay
here and die that's your choice
But I'm done with this. I'm done
Please don't go Corey
I'm tired of waiting
Enough with the tough...
Corey get back here
Get back inside
Don't David. David you
cannot leave me in here
Corey look out. Corey
No. No David
- No it's too late
- Let me go
This can't be happening
The hat
I know it wasn't yours
- I grab it back off someone chair
- Oh yeah? Why you?
- I was desperate
- For what?
For a way keeping you from leaving
I wish I just let you go
- I'm sorry
- Don't be
- You should be at home right now
- David
This is all my fault
It's all of our fault
We been here for hours now trying
to control what happening to us
waiting for a reason
and what?
Because we didn't do anything wrong
we're somehow suppose to be protected
By who?
The police?
Little of them visor clips
with saint on them?
You still shouldn't be here
I could have taken a cab
I could have skipped the party
I could have never worked at
Starweather in the first place
but I did
I did .. I did all of those things
I did a million random things in between
Now that my life brought
me here to be with you
So ..
Although I was just thinking
considering the circumstances
that lunch might've been
a better option
- Oh my god
- He's alive
Get off
- Let's headed for the big road
- Let get him inside
Come on
Just hanging there
Get the door
Come on
Emily what are you doing?
I need your help
Come on buddy
Watch me Corey come on.
We to get him out
- Cover it with something
- With what?
- Anything
- Give me something
- Emily hurry
- Here
- What should I do?
- I don't know
- Should I pull it out?
- No ..No don't pull it out
- That could make it worse
- It's not stopping
Come on buddy.
Come on. Good.
We have to get him to a hospital
- How?
- I don't know
But if we don't he's
going to bleed to death
- I got some pressure on him
- Keep going like that
- Where are you going? Corey?
- Just hold him there
What're you doing?
It will send a signal to the
police if it was broken won't it?
I don't know
Something in this thing has to insult
somebody at the god damn bank
- We locked in
- What's he doing?
Grab him
Emily help me grab him
Come on buddy hang in there.
Come on. Look at me. Look at me
You'll be alright
Oh shit
Come on david help me.
David help me. David
Get him on the shelf
Prepare to lift him, are you ready?
- Come on
- I can't
- Come on higher
- I can't
Come on. Hey buddy make it there
Come on lift him one more time.
- Okay here we go
- 1,2,3
- We almost there
- I can't
Get him off the water
Bring him to the corner
Come on we got to get him
in the corner. Hanging there buddy
Put him in the corner right there.
Come on
- He trying to drown us
- After minutes it will freeze us
- It his cigarettes
- Is there a lighter?
There's one
Corey hanging there buddy
Come on
Hold my legs
Stop it! You're not going to reach
Okay. Alright. Okay
- Find something to burn
- Corey hanging there buddy
Help me if you could find anything
Okay it's good
- Okay now put it in
- Now hold it right there
- Are you ready?
- Bring me more
You should get it hurry
Give it to me. Careful
- Am I near it?
- No
It still too far. Careful
- Okay. Alright
- Okay hold it
Hold it right
I can't see it
Damn it.
We got to find something
David, come here. Help me out
- What a-are doing?
- The fire is burning out
Well we wasting time
Pull me up on your shoulder
and I'll be able to reach it
Okay pass it to me
- You got it?
- I got it
Yeah. Okay. There
Right there
It works
Emily. No, look at me.
Don't give away okay?
Don't give away. No
Hold on Emily. Hold on. No
No. Look at me please
Get down on the ground
He's right there
What're you doing?
He's right there?
What're you doing?
He's right there
What're doing? No
He killed them.
No he killed them
What're you doing?
Listen to me
What're doing to me?
Please listen to me