Attack on Titan (2022) Movie Script

Ready for lift off, Captain.
The antimatter drill
has been loaded.
Hey, just don't, uh, rock
that cargo too much.
Whenever you're ready, Heidi.
Yes, sir.
This orange haze reminds me of
Earth's pollution... nauseating.
95% nitrogen, 5% methane.
Extends 375 miles into space.
But, technically, Titan was born
to a polluted atmosphere.
Wonder if the Mutorwans consider
oxygen to be pollution?
This atmosphere cannot
be easy to breathe in.
You know, your insights
are always so interesting.
It's hard enough to walk in.
60% more atmospheric pressure
down here than Earth.
Did you know that?
Without our suits,
we'd be swimming in it.
Thanks for the science lesson.
All right, get back up
here so we can go home.
You can tell me
about everything you learned
on the way back.
Copy that, Captain.
I wanted to extend a note
of thanks
from the United Global
for allowing us access
to Titan's Life Crystals.
This is the water we needed.
You're saving the lives
of billions on Earth.
It is our pleasure
to help those in need.
Titan has struggled with fear of
interacting with other cultures.
But the time has come for
a long-awaited union.
I also want to congratulate you.
I understand Citizen Prime Ortiz
and the Council
have installed Titan
in the Intergalactic
Trade Organization.
Yes. It will benefit all members
of the alliance equally.
Unfortunately, not all of our
society shares the same view.
They will learn
to trust in time.
We'll talk soon.
[alarm sounding]
Put it on the monitor.
Mayday! Mayday!
We are under attack!
Mayday! I repeat!
We're under attack!
Heidi, halt the cargo ship!
Halt the cargo ship!
Get out of there!
Back out now!
Get outta there now, Heidi!
Mayday! Mayday!
We are under attack!
Mayday! I repeat!
We're under attack.
Please send any--
They don't have ordnance
big enough
to decimate a ship like that.
They're pirates, not warmongers.
We should take the fight
to the Mutorwans.
Slow down, Captain.
We have very little
knowledge at this point.
We could send a resupply
freighter with an escort squad.
Then we would send
the wrong message.
If we deploy the fleet,
that leaves Earth vulnerable
if whoever did this plans
on attacking us next.
We need a specially trained
crew and a commanding officer.
I'd be honored to take command.
No disrespect.
We need someone with
experience in negotiations
and a fleet
command commendation.
We just need one ship.
Sir, space combat is still
in it's infancy.
And if this is the Mutorwans,
we've run combat simulations
with enemies
that have superior technologies.
But it's all still hypothetical.
We need to be ready
for anything.
Then we get a ship with
the latest armament.
It looks like the only
ship available
in the space station is a
prototype, The Providential.
It just completed
its final trials
and it's...
It's been assigned
to Admiral Allison Quince.
It's mission ready.
I understand you two don't
exactly get along.
But it looks like she's the most
qualified for the job.
You're on duty at 0400.
Get outta here.
God help us.
Wherever you are, Heidi,
I miss my drinking buddy.
Admiral Quince?
Nobody's called me
that in a long time.
It must be really bad
if they sent you to get me.
Prime Ortiz sent me to assemble
a squad for a
special assignment.
You and your ship has been
commissioned to Titan.
Why don't you join me?
My treat.
You can tell me about you
and my best friend's wedding
that I'm not invited to.
Maybe you can describe
it for me.
She's the reason I'm here.
You know what? Forget it.
I, uh, I told Ortiz I'm done
with control attachments.
The last one didn't go so well.
You know, I came
here as a favor.
They were gonna send MPs.
You're the reason I'm here
and not sitting in a
Captain's chair
on a Delta-class command ship.
You think I'm happy
that it's you?
You wanna rehash that old stuff?
You wanna give me a
piece of your mind again?
Or maybe we should finish this
the old-fashioned style.
If it wasn't for me,
you never would have met Heidi.
The universe has a
strange sense of irony.
Damn it, Allison!
She needs our help!
You saw the brief!
The water operation on Titan
has been compromised.
Heidi was on a cargo ship
headed to the Salvation
with the last of the supplies.
We lost contact.
There was an attack,
an explosion.
And a distress signal
was sent out,
which means
she could still be alive.
Don't you want a
chance to save Heidi?
Or have you forgotten what
it's like to make a sacrifice?
Well, I'm gonna find her
and I'm gonna bring her back...
with or without you.
[communicator beeping]
[Computer] Prime Ortiz calling.
Captain Reece,
Command informed me
that The Providential
is on schedule.
I just wanted to see if
there's anything else
you need before your launch.
Just awaiting
final safety checks
before we can load
the rest of the gear.
You should check in with Quince.
She runs a tight ship.
You've seen her in action.
What is your professional take
on her combat tactics?
She wrote the book
on advanced
space tactics, literally.
Permission to speak freely?
Of course.
The Admiral is a wild card.
She went rogue on her
last command, as you know.
Takes too many risks.
Her actions at the
Mars blockade cost lives,
but I cannot let this one fail.
I know your brother was
one of the lives
lost that day under her command.
His sacrifice
will never be forgotten.
But she made sacrifices
that day, too.
The Admiral sacrificed
her career
and saved billions of people
when she defeated the blockade
and ended that war.
We wouldn't be here today
without her.
Oh, one more thing.
Higher-ups did not
want you here.
They considered it
a conflict of interest.
But I considered your passion to
complete this mission an asset.
I appreciate your confidence.
Well, don't make me regret it.
You launch at 0500. Ortiz out.
The armaments on this
thing are the latest.
Looks like my birthday came
early this year.
That's a lot of armaments.
Why not just send an envoy?
We are the envoy.
I will remind you
that we're acting
as a surrogate
to the envoy and resupply.
We're to avoid
combat engagement at all costs.
This is a peaceful assignment,
first and foremost.
Blowing up our stuff
doesn't sound too peaceful.
Why the portable
particle accelerator?
It's for drilling. Their only
one was on the only cargo ship
when it got destroyed.
This will help us get Life
Crystals quickly if need be.
Copy that.
[clears throat]
Admiral on deck!
At ease.
We got a lot of work to do.
Stations check!
-Course is clear.
The Salvation is
coming into view.
Long range comm still
unable to make contact.
Switching to short range.
Distress signal's still
coming through strong.
Integrity and status?
All mechanical is clear
and functioning properly.
She's a stronghold ma'am,
for a proto.
Make sure to keep those
weapon systems offline.
We don't wanna
spook the Mutorwans.
Aye, Admiral.
Emergency equipment
all accounted for, ma'am.
Parker, set up a comm.
Salvation, this
is The Divine Actual...
We have just entered
Titan sector alpha four niner.
What's your status?
Attempting an
"all frequencies" scan.
Maybe they've switched
to a secure channel.
Salvation, please respond.
Is that all from the Salvation?
There's nothing much of it left.
Life support's offline.
Atmosphere is nil.
Portions of the ship are still
intact, about 40% unsalvageable.
Sensors show no
life signs detected.
Let's load up the shuttle.
Reece, Morales, Naidu,
you're coming with me.
Looks like the ship
is too damaged.
We might not be able
to dock with her.
The airlock hatch
doesn't have power.
You'll have to do
a manual entry.
Reece, prepare the breach gun.
Naidu, you ever
done this before?
Sure... in simulations.
Naidu, just remember
your NBT training.
Yes, Admiral.
[computer beeping]
I'm getting some
strange readings.
Sensors are either on the fritz,
or I'm getting interference
from... something.
Radiation and
residual ion readings
are spiking intermittently.
I'd expect some
from the explosion,
but those should be
steady, no spikes.
We can't help her, Naidu.
Let's keep moving.
Parker, run a deep scan.
See what you can come up with.
Might just be radiation
interference from Titan.
Captain Jowers?
He's dead.
Why would the Mutorwans do this?
Supposed to be friendly.
I'm gonna check the cargo.
Be careful.
There's someone in here, guys!
Someone in here!
-Who is it?
Who is it?
You need to get back
to the ship now!
Copy that, Parker!
We're on our way out!
Move. Naidu! Naidu!
All right, let's get her
out of here! Let's go!
Engaging shields!
Morales, we're coming in!
Cappy, airlock is open and
ready for your arrival!
Parker, sit rep.
Can't keep this
position for long.
Shields are holding for now!
The Providential can't return
fire with the shields up!
I'm aware of that!
Come on, guys.
Lowering portside shields
for entry, Admiral!
There we go, there we go.
All right, let's do this!
Naidu, Naidu, stay with me.
Breathe, breathe, breathe.
Naidu, breathe, come on.
How close are we, Morales?
Arrival in 15 seconds!
That's not fast enough! Come on!
I got it, I got it, I got it!
Here we go, here we go.
Prepare yourselves!
I need you to get
her locked down
in the med bay as
soon as possible!
One, two, three!
Nice to have you all
back onboard,
but I can't wait any longer!
Engaging Zero-G!
Or get sucked out into space if
that ship punctures our hull.
75% power to weapons array.
Lock yourselves down!
Zero-G protocols confirmed.
Atmosphere decompressed
for combat engagements.
Power consumption diverted.
Weapons online!
Get those shields down!
Well, we won't be
as maneuverable
with that cargo ship.
It'll be a ball
and chain in combat.
Permission to lose
the cargo ship.
Do it!
Use evasives!
Circle around them!
Our hits aren't having much of
an effect on their forward hull.
Target the main engines.
See if you can find a weak spot.
Cavalry at our six!
Five attack fighters including
an unknown vessel!
Looks like they're getting
into a defensive pattern!
Flank around it?
All right. Engage the FTL drive.
Get us to a safe distance.
-Anywhere! Just do it!
[engine powers up]
[engine powers down]
No. Something's causing the FTL
drive to overload.
They've engaged in some
kind of warp inhibitor!
We can't jump!
Shields! Now! Head for Titan!
Wait! Titan, they just attacked
You wanna go to
their home planet?
We don't have a choice!
Head to the outpost,
it's our best bet.
Calculate the range and source
of the warp inhibitor.
Circles all of Titan.
Scans show the source is coming
from that ship, the round one.
How can a ship that size
produce so much power?
It's a relay vessel.
They're bouncing the warp
dampeners off of it.
The main source is coming
from the surface of Titan.
Sensors have the
location triangulated.
Deploy EMP.
Set for motion detection.
Range, 30 kilometers!
At that range, it could
hit us too.
EMP countermeasures armed!
Deploy as close to the
atmosphere as possible!
Rolling the EMP
out the fuselage now!
We got lucky.
How'd you know that'd work?
Not my first time.
Parker, set up a
secure channel to Earth.
Tell them to send
Long-range comms
are not responding!
Shields! Now!
Send an emergency beacon!
Engine one is down!
Nav systems
getting interference.
Engine two is failing!
There's not enough power
to counter Titan's gravity.
We're going down!
Prepare for emergency landing!
Lock yourselves down!
Divert all power to shields!
Reverse the full thrusters!
Visors on!
The mining outpost is in range!
Head for the caves!
The outpost structures should
shield us for a while!
Status report.
Reece, check on Parker.
Costa, give me a status report.
Looks like several
systems were damaged.
Engines took a hit,
Nav is offline,
comms and life support
are offline.
We'll have some parts onboard,
but we'll need to
scavenge the mining outpost
for missing assets.
We bought ourselves sometime
by using the EMP
for ships immediately
in the vicinity.
But it's only a matter
of time before more show.
Is everyone okay?
Parker! Parker! Parker!
I'm awake! I'm here.
-Easy, Parker, easy.
-You hurt?
I need to run a full
I have work to do.
Save it for someone
who's really hurt.
Naidu, how's Heidi?
She's fine.
Her vitals are steady and...
Oh, thank God.
Running full systems check.
Now get the comms back online.
Copy that.
We don't know how long before
they come looking for us.
Naidu, I need you to get
the life support systems
online asap.
Roger that.
All right, everyone.
We have a limited amount of O2
in our visors,
about an hour.
Don't do anything that's
gonna over-exert yourself.
Reece? Morales?
I need you to get outside
and look at the exterior.
-Let's go!
-See what we're working with.
On it.
There's a breach
in the cargo hold.
The loading door is damaged.
Put it on monitor.
The cargo bay didn't
decompress during zero-G.
It caused the door to blow out
and some of the gear.
We need to patch the seal
to get the door back.
I think I can do it,
but it's gonna take some time.
Complete your assessment and
have a full report in five.
[Reece] Roger that.
Thought we had everything
secured and buttoned down.
The laws of physics
had other ideas.
Pressure must have been massive.
Grab the gear.
I'll patch this up.
This is an emergency automated
distress beacon
sent by the Providential.
Access code Quince-one-one
Sent at 0-1100,
Greenwich Mean Time.
Last known location,
Titan Atmosphere. Speed--
Okay, computer, that's enough.
Send a message
to IDF command.
Tell them to send an ambassador
for crisis
assessment immediately.
Priority Prime-one.
The particle accelerator is AWOL
along with some medical crates.
Its tracking beacon
shows it's near the outpost.
[sighs] I'll take a look.
I'll grab any supplies we need
from the mechanic shop as well.
Be careful.
I don't remember that
being on the manifest.
Yeah, it was a
last minute change.
I didn't get a chance
to tell you.
I need to be made
aware of anything
that can be used as an asset
for me to make efficient
decisions, Captain.
This is my ship.
I'm not gonna remind you again.
And given our history,
you should know the importance
of following protocol.
Oh, now you wanna
follow protocol!
You get one, Captain.
That was your one
and only warning.
Do you want me
to send you the list?
It's in your inbox.
The, the, the... communications
array took some damage.
Long-range antenna's gone.
I can get a short-range
back online, but that's all.
We need replacement parts.
Anyone know of a hardware
store around here?
You can get parts
from the outpost.
Just give me a grocery list.
I'll get Morales on it.
Seems to be emitting
some sort of signal.
Like a distress beacon?
That's no distress signal.
That's a bomb.
And you just turned it on!
Parker, we need your expertise!
On my way!
It's a bomb.
Can you disable it?
Back up.
I'm doing precision work here.
One bomb dealt with.
I've never seen tech
like this before.
Can I take it for inspection?
I just wanna be sure
it's disabled.
Well, handle it carefully.
And, remember, the priority is
getting the ship up and running.
Reece, I need you
to fix the door console!
The Mutorwans must
have looted the place.
There's not much left behind.
I think I almost found
everything we need, though.
[Quince] Copy that, Morales.
Pak it up and get back here.
There you are.
How's that?
Ah, that worked!
She's fixed for now.
We'll need a new
antenna, though.
Maybe we can get a replacement
from the Salvation.
Just a suggestion.
We may not have a choice.
We can't risk Morales
out there any longer.
Admiral, the engines
are almost repaired.
Just gotta flush the coolant
from the phase coils
and replace the fourth stage
bypass valve on the heater core,
then we're solid.
-An hour, maybe two.
You got 30 minutes.
This is the commander
of the Providential.
Please come in.
I repeat. This is the commander
of the Providential.
Please come in.
Parker, I'm still
getting nothing.
Might not be us.
There's several transmissions
from the Titan leadership.
The Afreetijima?
It's possible
their transmissions
are being monitored.
They might have shut down
communications temporarily.
See if there's any
encrypted comms.
They might have switched
to secure networks.
Morales, what's the status?
Repairs are almost done!
If you're not here,
we're leaving without you!
I found the particle accelerator
drill replacement unit
they left behind.
On my way back now.
Okay. Need a hand?
-I got it.
[explosion, alarm]
A data node just blew.
It's gonna take
a lot longer than expected
to repair the system.
Damn it.
O2 check. Sound off.
[Parker] Parker at 13.
Costa at 11.
Reece at 10.
We'll do an 02 restock at 3%.
The work is far more
important right now.
Can't restock until
I repair the systems.
No 02 levels.
[powers up]
Check the manifest.
Heidi's using one.
But there should be an extra one
for every crew member
in the crate back there.
I found 'em. They've all
been damaged in the crash.
Completely useless now.
what's your status?
You still at the outpost?
I was examining the projectile
and I took off the shell.
And inside,
there was a separate,
but redundant transmitter
that activated when I tried to--
O-Okay, slow down.
I take it you didn't disable it.
They know where we are!
Tell me you got that
thing disabled, Parker!
[powers down]
Stopped it.
Morales, what's your status?
Bogey incoming! I repeat!
One coming your way!
How many did you say?
Just one.
Halt all work now, crew!
Return to the bridge!
We got a bogey incoming!
I need another minute.
Halt all work now!
That's an order!
Come on. Just one more minute.
Parker, I need you
to shut everything down
to reduce our signature.
No noise, no lights, no sound.
[powers down]
[Computer] Oxygen levels
Quince... two percent.
[heavy breathing]
[Computer] Oxygen levels
Reese... one percent.
[Computer] Oxygen levels
Costa... two percent.
Oxygen levels Parker...
one percent.
Oxygen levels Naidu...
one percent.
Oxygen levels critical.
Oxygen levels depleted.
Oxygen levels depleted.
Is anyone still with me?
I'm headed to life support.
[Computer] Oxygen levels rising.
Two percent.
Come on, Naidu.
Oxygen levels critical.
[beeps, powers up]
Ugh! How long was I out?
As long as everyone else,
about 15 minutes.
I was able to revive everyone
once oxygen saturation
was normal again.
Come on. Help you up.
What about the incoming bogey?
We have to get the whole crew
to the bridge...
Quince! It's okay, it's okay.
Calm down. Relax.
Take a seat, take a seat.
There's been no sight of it.
Parker will sound the alarm
if she hears
or sees anything
in a moment's notice.
And Morales? Well, he had to
go back to the outpost
to make sure
he didn't forget anything.
-Take a breather. You're okay.
Oh, and one more thing.
Oh, my God, you're okay!
So good to see you!
Oh my...
What are you doing here?
We came and got you.
What happened?
-You don't remember?
Oh, it's good to see you.
Thank you.
Welcome back.
So, what happened out there?
I mean, you were the only person
we found alive.
Yeah. I was on my cargo ship
and somehow I managed to make it
on the Salvation.
I knew I had to
go find Captain Jowers.
Found him dead in the cockpit.
And I survived on the remains
of the Salvation for
the next few weeks.
I was scared.
It's all fine now.
No, I...
I thought I lost you... again.
Look, I didn't come up here
to get away from you.
I just needed time to think.
Plus, this was a great
opportunity for me.
Is that why you didn't
say goodbye
and you almost
got yourself killed?
See, there you go again.
What are you talking about?
I'm alive, aren't I?
We had to come save you!
Yeah, well, that's more than
what Max's brother can say.
If it wouldn't have been for me,
you would have ended up in
the exact same place as him.
Just stop.
I'm not the one who left.
You're the one who's
been gone for a long time.
[Reece grunting]
I got this.
Come on!
Do you need a hand?
Yeah. Can you pass me that
clamp over there?
I don't see any clamp.
Heidi! Oh my God...
-You okay?
I haven't seen you
in six months.
The last couple days
I thought you were...
I know.
We have all the time
in the world.
I don't know about that.
I have looked death in
the face once.
I don't plan on doing it again.
I missed you.
I missed you, too.
Captain, we got a big problem!
What do you mean, "It's gone"?
[Morales] The particle
accelerator, it's gone!
Oh, they must have taken it
while we were out.
Scout ship must
have come back for it.
The Mutorwans weren't
looking for us.
They were looking for it.
That EMP didn't work, so...
we're gonna have to take out
the jammer from the land source
or nobody's warping in
or out of there.
Let's move.
Then we need to contact Earth.
Warn them to send a fleet.
There's no telling when
the Mutorwans will be back.
I don't think it's the Mutorwans
that are responsible.
Not the main government anyway.
What do you know?
Several of those factions
splintered off from center.
One in particular has
a more militaristic ideal.
I think that they're
the one's responsible.
There have a name?
It translates to "True People".
Well, they seem
pretty determined to keep us
from communicating with Earth.
All right, this peaceful
rendezvous mission
has just changed status.
Due to the current hostilities,
we are now a combat unit.
Wait, wait, wait.
On whose authority?
You're looking at her.
They must have had a
strategic objective in place
for longer than anyone thought.
I know that's what I would
do in this situation.
They want the advantage
of surprise.
And they don't want us to ally
with the Mutorwan leadership.
And they don't want us to have
access to the Life Crystals.
Okay. So the question is
what we do about it?
-If they come for us...
-When they come for us.
It's only a matter of time now
that they have
the particle accelerator.
[alarm sounds]
Move! Move!
Take cover!
[laser fire]
Covering fire!
Pull back to the ship! Go, go!
Move, move, move!
Go, go, go! Move, move! Move!
Go, go, go!
Push back! Push back!
Push back! Go, go, go!
Everybody in... now!
They got some kind of armor on!
I can't cut through it!
Copy that!
Grabbing more fire power!
Keep shooting, Morales!
Get down!
Come on. I got you.
Easy, easy.
Sound off!
-All right!
Reece, I'm okay!
Morales, I'm fine!
Naidu's been shot!
I'm okay! It's just a graze!
Just a graze!
Costa? Costa!
She's been shot!
Costa! Costa!
Stay still! Lie still!
Lie still! Don't move.
We'll get you fixed up!
Okay, we'll get you fixed up.
We're here with you.
Lie still, lie still.
Come on, breathe for me!
Breathe for me!
Stay with us.
Heidi, take Costa's position.
Firing the engines up!
Block this.
Tango down!
Well, that bought us some time.
I guess since I have engineering
on my resume, I'm next in line.
So who wants to help me get
these engines started?
Message incoming
from the Mutorwans.
The good ones or the bad ones?
It's their leader.
You want it on the screen?
Admiral Quince.
I am the Sovereign, Afreetijima.
Lord and Protector
of the Mutorwan people.
We've been attacked.
How do I know it wasn't you?
I assure you we had
nothing to do with this.
Those responsible have
been at odds with my government
for a long time.
Our main compound has
been overtaken
along with what
they have already stolen.
Well, you can add
a stolen particle accelerator
to that list.
We brought it with us to
replace the drilling assembly
in it that was destroyed
in the attack.
I imagine they stole this
to create some sort of
antimatter weapon.
If you could help
us get it back,
we'd greatly appreciate it.
We have discovered that they
are planning to attack Earth.
We have regrouped our
forces to combat them
and retake the compound.
Then we will
provide assistance to you,
but it will take some time.
We're in a very
vulnerable position.
We don't know
anything about them.
Send us your information.
We're at a disadvantage
until we have some intel.
Well... [signal breaks up]
Signal's been jammed.
We need to warn Earth
about the attack.
There's a comm tower
at the outpost.
We'll go there, get the power
on and send a message.
Oh, it's gonna be risky
going out there.
But worth it.
Looks like the generator
will need to be repaired.
But I think I can
get it up and running.
Costa's been stabilized.
I had to induce coma.
She's in stasis now.
Thank you, Nuida.
Parker, you're gonna be
our eyes and ears here.
Everybody else, suit up.
Sharp eyes.
We're gonna be out in the open.
How many of the crew
were killed here?
The cleaning assignment.
The shuttle was supposed
to come back for them.
This is amazing.
I've never been in
the mines before.
This was just the Xanadu sector.
We were doing scans
on two others.
All right, everybody,
stick to your check lists.
Reduce your
electronic signature.
I imagine they're doing
scans of the area
and monitoring radio signals.
As long as we keep comms down
to under three minutes,
they shouldn't detect
the electronic signature.
What kind of surplus is here?
Enough for another run.
We ran out of room
on the Salvation.
All those crystals... gone.
Readings show transport-class
vessel headed our way.
Wait! It's gone.
Disappeared about
a klick to the west.
It's either using
a sensor dampener
or they've got some sort
of stealth tech.
Either way, it's bad news.
Parker, stay on it.
Scan the area.
Let us know if we're not alone.
Everybody start searching!
We don't know how long
we're gonna be here for.
I'll keep an active sweep, but
we didn't detect them earlier.
It's possible they might
have a way
of hiding from our
infrared topo-sensors.
See if you can get a read
on that particle accelerator.
That's our next objective.
Once we're done here, Reece,
you and I are going
on a run-and-gun.
[Reece] Copy that, Admiral.
[gasps] Wow!
Morales, up front.
-[Quince] On the way.
We've got movement.
We gotta keep them outside.
You got a gun?
Locked and loaded.
I've always wanted to say that.
Glad you got that
out of your system.
All right, focus.
All right, I'll lead,
you follow. Keep pushing.
Let's do this.
Move, move, move!
We can't let them inside!
They've got the higher ground!
-Covering fire!
Morales, no!
[speaking alien language]
They wants us
to drop our weapons.
[speaking alien language]
What do we do?
What do you mean, what do we do?
We can't just sit here!
We have to go after them!
What do you mean go after them?
We need to be alive
to go after them!
We need a plan!
Parker, come in!
[Parker] Go ahead.
We've been ambushed!
Quince and Reece
have been taken!
[Parker] What?
They've been captured
and Morales is dying!
We need to get him
out of here stat,
he's losing too much blood.
Come on.
Come on, brother, stay with us!
Brought the supplies.
You're really going
to go back out there?
Damn right, I am.
I'm coming with you.
What are we gonna do
when you find them?
You stay here.
I have more combat training.
You need to get a message
to Earth central command.
Look, you're gonna need a medic.
No, she's right.
You stay with the ship,
get the message out.
And if Costa wakes up,
she's gonna need the medic.
Okay, fine.
But what are you gonna do
when you get out there
and when you find them?
We'll figure it out.
I was able to locate
the particle accelerator
drill assembly.
It's there.
Their compound
isn't that far away.
And what... what if they come
back, huh?
The ship is secure.
You'll be safe.
Let's go get them back.
You'll get a soldier's burial
when we get home, okay?
I promise, okay? I promise.
Ah! [groans]
How you feeling?
Like I've been hit by a truck.
Yeah, they cleaned you up.
The round went straight through
under your clavicle.
I was right.
Oh, shit.
They also took everything
except our clothes.
Adjusted the oxygen
to match Earth's.
And that's a good thing?
It means they don't want us
dead, at least not yet.
Well, that's no good
for drilling anymore.
By the looks of it,
they repurposed it into
some sort of...
antimatter bomb.
Oh, that does not
look easy to get into.
The gate's on the south side.
They look like exhaust vents.
I think we found our way in.
What do you think
they'll do to us?
You're the ground specialist.
You know.
You've captured dozens
of mercenaries on Mars.
What did you do to them?
You really wanna know?
We tortured them.
It's an old military tactic.
Oh, I remember...
Before the United Global
Commonwealth was even a thing.
Yeah. We'd take
a captive soldier,
torture them, bring them
to the brink of death.
I guess they figured,
that at that point...
a captive would say anything.
Parker, you feeling all right?
Oh, I have a headache.
-You have a headache?
-Yeah, I'm used to this.
There's a lot more atmospheric
pressure down here than Earth
-that's for sure.
-Oh, God.
This methane really gets to you.
That doesn't help either.
Prepare message for Grand Ortiz.
The Mutorwans are
preparing to attack Earth.
The Mutorwans are preparing
to attack Earth.
Rogue forces
have overwhelmed them
and they attacked us
unprovoked at every turn.
There have been no
attempts at any contact.
I repeat, there have been no
attempts at any communication.
AI, transmit this message.
Take out the source of the warp
inhibitor and get back to us.
We'll decide what to do then.
We're counting on you.
You think our crew
have contacted Earth?
I know Heidi.
She'll already be
on her way here.
She does not know when to quit.
Did she ever?
Damn it!
I'm a scientist, not a plumber!
This was supposed to be
reconnaissance and rescue.
Although we expected there might
not be anyone left to rescue.
So glad you're not dead.
Yeah. I tried that.
I didn't work for me.
Someone's coming.
Oh, my God.
What is it?
That's the source
for the warp inhibitor.
-You see those symbols?
It translates into,
"Quantum interdiction
unit functioning."
Essentially, warp
inhibitor in use.
-It's here?
There must be a way
to gain access.
There's probably
a main terminal.
But I just need to get
to a console to be sure.
Keep an eye out.
Water would be nice...
Seems that's what we
came out here for.
I'd be happy with a stiff drink.
I just want my phone call.
You know, when
I was in the brig,
they wouldn't let
anyone talk to me.
But Heidi got there...
I'm sure she threatened them
within an inch of their lives...
and she came in to talk to me.
That was the last time I saw her
until we picked her up
off The Salvation.
You know, Heidi is
the strongest person I know.
She picked me up from pieces...
after John died.
Your brother was a very brave--
No! You don't get
to talk about him!
It was an honor to command him--
Don't talk about him!
You don't get to talk about him.
Don't you want to know
what really happened?
No! I want to remember how he
lived and not how he died!
So, you just drop it.
Aren't you curious?
What do you know about loss?
Where's your brother, huh?
Where is he?
You don't know
anything about it.
You took him away from me,
so drop it.
-You know, um... I'm sorry.
-No, no.
You have every right.
You have every right, I...
I was wrong.
I was wrong.
And I'm gonna carry that with
me for the rest of my life.
I'm sorry.
It's unfair.
This is it.
It's locked!
Did you bring the
mini breaching unit?
I brought something
better... thermite.
Here they are.
Yeah, there she is.
Max! Allison! You're alive!
Put your breathers back on!
The air in the compartment
isn't the same as outside!
All right.
I'm guessing they internalized
the particle
containment generator.
Levitated it inside
a super vacuum.
Added explosive lenses
and those outer regions...
the pointy things,
are detonation triggers.
All you have to do is arm it
and drop the thing,
and the antimatter bomb
goes BOOM!
Uh-huh. It looks like enough
there to make another one.
No. There was another housing.
There was a spare particle
emitter as well for redundancy.
It's missing.
Okay, you got any more of that
stuff so we can blow the door?
I always bring extra.
Or we could just use this.
Always ruining my fun.
Did you guys see a matrix
console on your way in?
Yeah, but too many
Offors running around. Why?
We found the source for the warp
inhibitor on our way in.
It's here?
If I can gain access to their
network, I can overload it.
All right.
We're not leaving it here
for them to play with.
We've gotta take it with us or
they can drop it on Earth.
All right then.
What's the way outta here?
Another exit back at
the juncture we passed,
it goes to the hangar.
All right, let's head there.
You know...
I normally enjoy my
moments of solitude.
It's unnerving in
these circumstances.
They took Reece,
they took Quince.
Morales is dead...
Get it together, Adrian.
Come on.
Oh, Costa, what did you
do to yourself?
The nano mesh is looking good.
Some good news.
You will be back
in the fight in no time.
There we go.
You know, I've been scanning
the surface
for unusual activity and...
What's that?
It's another large fleet.
They must have been hidden!
Easy, easy.
It's okay. You're fine.
The only thing standing
between that fleet and Earth
is us.
What are you waiting for?
We have work to do.
It's the Deliverance!
I thought it was destroyed.
We'll take it with us.
Wait! I thought we were gonna
head back to the outpost.
You thought we were
going to carry that thing
across the desert?
It's dangerous enough
we got it this far.
I see your logic.
Do a remote connect
with the cargo ship.
See if you can
get her warmed up.
If it's on standby, no prob.
And we hit the lottery.
My info shows the cargo ship's
full of Life Crystals.
Looks like they were planning
a trip off this planet as well.
What do you wanna do?
All right, I will
distract the guard.
Reece, you're on knock-out duty.
Parker, I need you to get
that hangar open.
There should be a console
over there
that you can access it.
All right? Let's go.
Hi! Do you happen to know
where a bathroom is?
I've been holding it all day
in the cell.
I have no doubt they heard that!
Let's get outta here! Parker!
Getting the doors open!
What's the holdup?
Parker, we're cutting
it real close here!
On my way!
-Tell me this thing has shields!
Just enough for a hasty getaway!
Now would be a good time!
Don't waste 'em.
Those small arms
won't do anything to us.
What about those?
Engaging shields!
Parker, I thought we
were gonna have to send
-a search party for you!
-I was busy!
The warp inhibitor
is officially offline!
Okay, that's the last of it.
We have regained control
of our compound,
but they have gained control
of more than half our fleet.
There were many casualties.
We encountered
a small force of them.
We're working hard
to provide support
any way we can.
Thank you for your update
and your continued
adherence to our agreement.
We will do everything possible
to resolve this to
our mutual benefit.
During the rescue of Reece and
myself from the rogue compound,
we were able to pick up
a warp jammer.
So, we'll be headed back to
Earth with the Life Crystals.
How soon can the fleet
be gathered?
The rogues are grouping
as we speak.
I understand your concern.
But as long as you have
this antimatter bomb onboard,
they have reason to stay away.
And you have already shown that
Earth is a formidable adversary.
Stand by. Our faction
will be warping in
to take the Life Crystals
back to Earth.
Our restraint against the rebels
has opened up access to other
resource trade as well.
You used us for negotiations?
The political motivations
behind this was greed?
All right, contact me
when you reach Earth.
We'll be in touch.
As a military pawn myself,
I've never talked back to
a commanding officer of the IDF.
But you're known for your lack
of convention with these parts.
Because of my lack of convention
and inability to conform,
so the report states.
Ortiz doesn't understand
the situation.
Do whatever it takes to save
our people back on Earth.
Unconventional times call
for unconventional measures.
Heidi told me you used to say
that to her all the time.
I remember that day.
You were getting ready
to deploy to the blockade,
and I had just graduated.
That was the last time...
I didn't know they
were on that ship.
I was given faulty information.
They scanned for hostages.
They were supposed
to be in a secure chamber.
They stole a civilian transport.
How could you not know?
Max lost his only
brother that day.
How many more people died
because of bad information?
You know what?
I can't do this right now.
You were ordered not
to board that ship!
You went against them.
It was your responsibility
to get it right.
Orders are orders.
You pounded that into my head,
now get it through yours!
You're planning to go to Earth
despite what Ortiz
said, aren't you?
The faction is headed
there regardless.
If they go to Earth, Ortiz has
the supplies to aid the fight.
If they come here, they're
fighting in unknown territory.
Home team advantage.
The last time you went against
orders, people we loved died.
You better be
damn sure this time!
Heidi! Goddammit!
Quince, we need
you on the bridge!
We detected enemy activity
coming from the compound!
A Mutorwan ship just launched,
and it's headed
in our direction.
It's a bomber. ETA one minute!
Costa, I'm assuming
you got those engines up
-in pristine order?
-They're ready to go.
All right. Get us outta here!
[engines fail]
I forgot to prime
the PCS coolant loops.
-How long?
-A few minutes.
All right.
We gotta buy some time.
Reece, grab the launcher!
Everyone, grab a weapon!
Let's go!
Hold steady!
I'm on it!
I'm on it!
Come on, baby.
Give me fire.
We've got lift!
I got it! I got it.
Everyone okay?
Costa accounted for.
I'm turning off the engine
until the dust settles.
It's just making it worse.
Coming out to aid.
No, no, stay put.
The dust is really
thick in here.
We can't see anything.
Pull up the crew members'
life monitors.
Check vitals.
Heart rates are a bit elevated.
Naidu's heart rate
is really elevated.
Reece's vitals are...
they're not responding.
But if he's outside in the cave,
I might be getting
All right.
Do a internal scan of the cave.
See if the blast trapped
us in there.
I found Naidu. He's unconscious.
We're all trapped in here.
Max? Max?
Heidi, Heidi, calm down.
It's all right.
We'll go look for him.
We'll find him.
Costa, I think we're gonna
need your help after all.
What's the status
of the enemy regiment?
The entire rogue fleet is
currently mobilizing in orbit.
It will not take long before
they are battle-ready.
How long until they warp out?
Hard to estimate until
they are fully assembled.
And when will you be
ready to launch?
[Operator] I'm sorry, sir,
we lost them.
We'll keep transmissions open
and try to get them back.
I want the entire fleet
launch-ready within an hour!
And get Quince on
the line, damn it!
[Operator] I'm sorry, Commander.
The Providential
is not responding.
His leg is trapped!
I can't move him!
His coloring doesn't look good.
We gotta get him
outta here fast.
Please, God...
Please, come in. Max?
This is Reece, accounted for.
I'm still outside.
The mouth of the cavern's
completely blocked.
Can you... Can you see...
Can you see any light
coming through?
I'm looking around.
I've got nothing
that can help get you out.
Max... [sobbing]
I thought...
No. No, no, no.
You can't get rid of me
that easily, okay?
All right, I'm gonna have
a look around.
We're going to figure this out.
[alien noises]
Try to find something that'll
make him more comfortable.
Guys, my weapon doesn't work.
I need to find something.
Guys, I don't have a weapon.
I gotta find something.
Try to find something that'll
get through that rubble!
Can't we just use
the ship weapons?
That would do the trick,
but I'm afraid we can't
risk another cave-in.
That would make things worse.
Allison, it's Max!
He's worth it!
-Aah! Aah!
-Your leg is trapped.
Your leg is trapped.
Lie still. Stay still.
It's broken! It's broken!
You're looking a bit pale.
Costa, all right.
I need you to help
me sit up so I can see it.
We were able to scale
down to your ankle.
I need you to cut off the suit
and put a hole in the leggings.
Come on!
Damn it!
Just-- just press there.
Easy! Aah! Easy!
Okay, tell me, how does it feel?
Like an unripe avocado both
in toughness and texture.
That's compartment syndrome.
Damn it!
I have an edema.
I need you to
do something for me.
I found some explosives.
I've got two soldiers
coming, okay?
Max, no! Allison, it's Max!
Please! Please!
I don't have a weapon,
so you've got to clear
Naidu away from the wall.
Allison, it's Max!
I'm gonna have to blow it.
I don't have a choice, okay?
No, no.
We have to get Naidu!
We have to get Naidu!
-Come on.
-I'll keep looking. I promise.
Listen, you can do this, okay?
You're gonna knock me out,
and it's gonna release
all of the pressure!
Use the auto-syringe.
Look at me, Costa!
Look, you can do this,
all right?
I know you can.
I need you to do this.
Fine, but the next round's
on you if we get back.
Okay, but not if we
get back, right?
When we get back.
All right, do it!
Come on.
[effort sounds]
-His foot's stuck.
-I'm trying!
Okay, careful!
Let's go!
I love you, Heidi.
[coughing, moaning]
[Heidi on radio]
Max, are you okay?
I don't...
On my way,
don't launch without me!
This is Admiral Quince
of The Providential
calling Earth Intergalactic
Defense Force.
Do you copy?
This is Citizen Prime Ortiz.
We gladly read you,
Admiral Quince.
The Mutorwan rogues are
attempting to jump to Earth.
They have an antimatter bomb
with them.
Transferring data now.
[Operator] Sir Prime, we haven't
been able to detect
antimatter on board
any of the ships.
Well, keep searching.
If you haven't found it,
you haven't tried everything!
Station Command,
I think I've found it.
I'm transmitting coordinates.
[Operator] We've detected
a vessel incoming via FTL.
Contact fleet.
Relay any responses to me.
Reporting for duty, Ortiz.
Admiral Quince?
Sir Prime, it's on that ship.
Tagging for target objective.
Admiral Quince,
did you read that?
That's affirmative!
[pew pew, pew pew]
[Operator] ETA thirty minutes
until point-of-no-return.
The bomber frigate is deflecting
everything we throw at it.
90 degrees starboard,
all ahead back!
Why are we moving away
from the target?
Allison, what are you doing?
If there was ever a time
I needed you to trust me,
it's now.
Unconventional times.
[Quince] Make sure all the
crystals are unloaded! Hurry!
Tell me about
the antimatter blast.
Detonation, fallout,
blast range.
From the center of the blast?
Devastating out
to one kilometer.
It'll also emit an EMP burst
that'll disable every electronic
within three a kilometer range.
Right. Harmless to humans.
Arm it.
I'm also gonna need a wingman.
The automated weapons system's
only gonna go so far.
Know anyone?
I'm sure Ortiz
can spare a fighter.
Give the fleet
the retreat order.
Tell them to move back three
kilometers from the source.
That would leave
the Earth defenseless!
There's a massive bomb
heading towards Earth.
This will give us better than
the zero chance we have now.
This is station command
issuing a solid retreat order.
I repeat, all fleet
operative are to retreat
to a three kilometer perimeter
from the target objective.
Command, what's the status?
[Reece] Almost there.
Fifteen seconds.
Get outta here, Reece!
[Reece] They're coming in too
fast for you to handle alone!
That's an order!
She did it. She actually did it.
To Admiral Allison Quince...
for her sacrifice
and the sacrifice
of others like her.
She's the kind of friend
anyone could look up to.
I hope everyone knows
what a hero she was.
I'm sorry.
She insisted on a celebration
of life, not a somber funeral.
So, drink up, everyone.
[beeping, whirring]
Your attention, please.
Incoming transmission for
Citizen Prime Ortiz.
[Quince] This is Admiral Quince.
If anyone can hear me,
please come in.
Admiral, we can hear
you loud and clear!
[Quince] Did we get 'em?
Yes! We got 'em!
[laughing, cheering]
Allison, don't move!
We're coming to get you!
We're coming!
I'm not going anywhere.
So pretty out here.