Attack on Titan the Movie: The Last Attack (2024) Movie Script

I'll see you later, Eren.
Huh? Mikasa...
Let's head back.
What am I doing here?
You're so out of it.
Were you sound asleep?
It's just, I feel like I had a really long dream.
What was it about?
I can't remember...
why are you crying?
Listen, Halil. Me and you are the only ones
who know where this is.
I'm gonna stash money here
until this sack is full.
Then we'll have enough for everyone
to be able to live someplace nice.
But, Ramzi, if you keep this up...
someday you'll lose your left hand, too.
You shouldn't make Grandpa any sadder.
But someone has to do this.
With all of us stuck in those shabby tents,
it's so hard to survive the winter...
People will keep dying every year.
So, Halil, if I die, please give
this money to everyone for me.
Hide it!
What's going on?
The townspeople are... fleeing?
Later, though I'm not sure
exactly how far in the future,
I massacre these people.
Before too long, they'll all die.
No, I kill them.
It's already determined that I do.
I imagine we never found a way
for Paradis Island to survive.
Everything here will be gone.
The homes,
the people,
the animals,
people's lives,
their dreams...
What would Mom think?
Shouldn't we Eldians be the ones to die?
In the same way the King of the walls
chose a path that led to death?
At the very least,
the death toll on the island
would be but a fraction
of that of the rest of the world.
It's also true that if Eldians completely
die out, the Titan problem goes away.
I just can't accept things ending that way...
This scene...
I've seen it in memories of the future.
Most likely,
I save this kid.
This kid's a foreign refugee
and a serial pickpocket.
This is where we do business.
In other words, for us,
this is pest control.
This ain't got nothin' to do
with you. Get lost.
Yeah... That's true.
What am I thinking?
I eventually kill this kid, too.
Who do I think I am?
Take this!
I've committed horrible acts of violence.
I have no business acting
like a righteous person.
It appears the future doesn't change.
I'm the same as you, Reiner.
A half-assed piece of shit.
No, that's wrong.
I'm worse than that.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Why're you crying?
Ramzi! Halil!
Hurry! Come with us!
Run! Run!
Why are there Titans?!
The mountains!
Head for higher ground!
It's no use! Look there!
The Titans are in the mountains too!
Heaven help us!
We're done for!
There's nowhere to escape to!
Did the Marleyans flee without warning us?
They're too fast!
Let's at least save the children!
Ramzi, are we gonna get
stepped on and crushed?
That's not gonna happen! Don't give up!
To save the island... To save Eldia...
But there's... more to this...
The money!
The reality of the world outside the walls
was different from the world I dreamed of...
It was different from the world
I saw in Armin's book.
When I learned humanity
was alive outside the walls,
was disappointed.
I... wanted this...
I wanted... to wipe everything away...
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry!
Come on! Open the gate! Please let us in!
Hello? Is somebody there?
It's here, isn't it?
Judgment day has come for us.
From the moment I was born,
there was always a stifling wall
looming before me.
Fiery water,
lands of ice,
sandy snowfields...
The people who witnessed these things
were the ones that had obtained
the greatest freedom in the world.
is freedom!
We've finally arrived at this view.
Haven't we, Armin?
Are your wounds healed now?
Huh? Annie?
Yeah, since we've had some time...
I never imagined we'd be able
to relax like this.
Wanna sit with me?
I'd... been meaning to thank you.
For coming to talk to me for years.
Thank you.
Oh. Yeah.
I was so lonely I thought I'd go crazy.
Hearing from you and Hitch
was the only joy I had.
But why did you choose to spend time
chatting with a rock that never responded?
There were more cheerful and
pleasant girls to talk to, right?
not the issue.
It was because I wanted to see you, Annie.
How come?
What? You really don't know?
After how much Hitch teased me?
I don't know.
What am I even doing?
Right now, thousands,
if not hundreds of millions,
are being trampled to death all
across the world, and we're...
I know.
You were talking to an enemy like me
because you're a good person. Right?
For the same reason you won't give up
on talking things out with Eren.
I could have woken up at any moment.
Talking to the monster was
another way to avoid a conflict.
Don't go.
Also, I told you this before, but...
I really do hate the phrase "good person."
I killed a huge number of people.
Including civilians... Even children...
And now I've made a choice that
betrays the people of my island,
and I've killed friends.
I've long since become a monster, too.
Some part of me thought that, one day,
the promise Eren and I made to
explore the unknown world together
would become a reality.
The unknown world wasn't what
it was cracked up to be, right?
Yeah. It was different from
the world we'd dreamed of.
I want to believe there must
still be something beyond the walls
that we don't know about.
Quiet, isn't it?
The residents of Odiha
must have already fled south,
seeing as how every ship is gone.
Well, then, we're in
the Azumabito clan's hands.
Yes, and we shall do whatever it takes
to launch the flying boat into the air.
Remove the cover!
Dammit! These explosives are in the way.
Let's cut 'em off and toss 'em.
We might be able to use them.
Let's load them on the flying boat.
How can that be?!
They're all dead?
Commander Magath... My family
in Liberio... All of them?!
The rumbling has already destroyed
a majority of the continent of Marley.
Then what do we do now?
What will we do? There's nobody else!
I'm sorry. I don't know.
Annie, check your equipment.
You're still not used to
the new ODM gear, are you?
Go with Reiner and zip around
over there to get accustomed.
We should... do the things we can... so...
I believe I told you that I'm backing out.
You don't even intend to get
on the flying boat either?
Sorry, but I'm staying behind.
Wanting to save humanity...
I don't really get that.
If anything, us Eldians in Marley were
persecuted by the "humanity" you want to save
from the moment we were born.
Even if hypothetically
the rumbling stopped now,
with Marley gone,
there's no one left to protect the Eldians.
I truly do feel sorry about this,
when they're putting everything
toward the slim hope
of saving their homeland.
But... I can't fight anymore.
I want to spend the time I have left
living peacefully.
When did this happen?
When did what happen?
Okay. I get it.
Get what?
You don't have to suffer anymore.
But... Armin is going to board
the flying boat with us and head for Eren.
I know.
What about you? What do you want?
Are you gonna go kill Eren to save humanity?
I won't kill him.
Eren's gone far away,
and I'm bringing him back.
That's all I'm doing.
By the way,
did you lose your scarf?
I have it.
This is crazy! You should still be in bed!
Stay in bed?
If I lie down any longer, you shits
are gonna forget all about me.
And that bearded bitch who passed
out after her arm was broken is awake.
I'll be damned if we don't make
her tell us where Eren's going.
Assuming a global combined fleet
sets out to attack Paradis Island,
it would gather here at Karifa Naval Port.
After the raid on Liberio,
we give them a month's time
to rally the global alliance,
then you gain control of the Founding
Titan by making contact with Zeke
and activate a limited rumbling.
The several hundred Titans in the
Shiganshina section of the outer wall
should be able to take them out with ease.
Is that the only target?
Will that be enough to keep Paradis
Island untouched for decades?
A nation that loses its fleet
will be driven to economic collapse.
If that happens to all the major nations,
it should be more than sufficient a blow.
If I had to pick another target, it would be
this fortress in Marley's southern mountains...
The airship research base here
is of some concern.
Most likely, that is
Eren's second target.
Fort Salta...
True. If he knew of the existence of weapons
that had the slightest chance
of harming the Founding Titan...
I expect that's his next stop
after Karifa Naval Port.
He'll go to destroy the airships.
You answered mighty obediently.
I have a request for all of you.
Please acknowledge something.
Zeke was defeated. But he was right.
The only solution to the
two-millennium-spanning Eldian problem
was the euthanization plan.
I'm sure you can see that
in the wake of this disaster.
Yeah. I admit it.
I wasn't able to show Eren any solution,
or hope, or a future.
I admit my powerlessness.
This is the last of the fuel
we brought on the ship.
Go ahead and leave it there.
Please take those two with you.
Being on the ship won't
really guarantee their safety.
But it's better than taking them
on the flying boat.
I don't mind doing so, of course,
but will they accept that?
I'll confine them in their cabin.
Don't let them out until
the flying boat takes off.
What about you?
I have to repay my fallen comrades.
I'll perform my role as a Warrior.
In about an hour, we can
begin preparations for takeoff!
Got it!
You heard the man.
Each of you, inspect your gear.
Yes, Commander!
Two fingers is all I need. I'm ready.
So I'm the only one running away...
Don't worry about it.
From the beginning, you were
never subservient to Marley.
You don't have to shoulder anything more.
All this time, I've wanted to apologize
to you and Bertholdt.
It all goes back to that day,
when I continued the mission
that started all this.
That day, if I had turned back,
both you and Bertholdt could have
gone home and seen your families.
It feels presumptuous to even apologize.
Yeah. I don't know how many times
I decided to kill you, only to stop myself.
I'm glad you didn't.
Take care of Gabi and Falco.
Yes, sir.
Annie, take care!
See you later!
Armin, are you all right with this?
With what?
To be honest, I was relying on her.
But Annie has fought enough.
I am. I...
I want Annie to stay Annie.
Are you two sure you want to come with us?
Assuming the rumbling stops, Eldians won't
find themselves in a great position...
I hate to admit it,
but you were right, Hange.
General Magath was leaving us a final order:
to work together
and do what needs to be done.
I'd love to ride on the Cart Titan's back
sometime and feel its body heat as we
That took a sudden, creepy turn.
I see your love of Titans is
still unrequited, four-eyes.
We'll be pals soon enough.
Tell me, Levi.
Do you think they're all watching?
You think we can stand proud before
our fallen comrades as we are now?
Don't go and start sounding like him.
Good. Begin the fueling process!
Yes, sir.
Thank goodness.
We're gonna make it before
the rumbling gets here.
Don't tell me you clung to
the ship all the way here
There are holes in the fuel tank!
We can't fly like this!
Don't lose hope.
If we cover the holes, we can make it work!
Get the welding tools!
How long will it take?
With tin plates, we could
do it in an hour, barely.
This sound...
Don't tell me...
It's here.
The rumbling... is here.
Don't do it.
Please.... don't...
Inspect the engine! Hurry!
Be ready to start fueling at any moment! on the...
island... will be... killed...
Our devils...
are our...
only... hope...
Come on! Floch!
He's dead.
It's as you said, Floch.
But I just can't give up.
Even if it's hopeless today,
maybe someday...
Why? Let us out!
The Titans are on our doorstep, aren't they?
Let us out!
Open the door!
Come on!
Be quiet!
Armin, do you have any ideas?
Only one.
I stay behind and slow them down.
It can't be you.
You're our sole trump card
for stopping Eren.
I'll do it.
That's obviously not the play.
We can't afford to expend
another shred of Titan power.
I'm the one who led you this far.
And we killed many friends
and comrades to get here.
I'm taking responsibility for that.
Armin Arlelt.
I hereby designate you the 15th Commander
of the Scout Regiment.
The position calls for a certain quality
a mindset of continuously
pursuing understanding.
There's no one more suitable than you.
I leave everyone in your hands.
Well, that's that.
See ya, everyone.
Ah, yes.
Levi's your underling now,
so really put him to work.
Hey. Four-eyes.
You understand, right, Levi?
My turn's come at last.
I'm giddy with the desire to
make a supremely cool exit.
Don't stop what I've got going.
Give your heart.
That's the first time
I've heard you say that.
Ah, Titans truly are marvelous!
It's sealed! Start fueling!
Hurry! Hurry!
They're right on top of us!
There's no more time for fueling!
Start the engine!
Push the fuselage forward!
They need more time?!
Launch the ship!
Grab my hand!
So long, Hange.
Watch us.
The flying boat!
It took off.
Hange, you fulfilled your role.
All of you...
I see.
I'm tellin' ya, I really had my hands
full after being named commander.
With Eren's idiocy, that is.
Yeah, you had it tough.
You can tell us all about it.
The fuel is...
Yeah. They only managed
to fill the tank halfway.
Will it get us to Fort Salta?
I'll make sure we reach the fortress.
This flight is our last hope,
and Hange died giving it to us.
I'll deliver you to that base. I swear it.
So make sure you stop the rumbling,
no matter what it takes.
We will.
We're in your hands, Onyankopon.
Now, then...
let's hammer out our plan.
Pieck, Captain Levi, is this roughly
the shape of the Founding Titan?
Yes, though I didn't get a great look at it.
Basically, it's a humongous bundle
of bones that moves like an insect.
If it's like a normal Titan, Eren
would be in the neck near the head.
Given the War Hammer's abilities,
that's not guaranteed.
In other words, we don't know
which part Eren is in.
Even if we don't know where he is,
we can blast the whole thing away.
The same way you annihilated Liberio's port
with the Colossal Titan.
That certainly would be
the most effective method.
But we'll leave that for after
we've exhausted our chance to talk.
If there's still no other way to stop Eren,
that's our last resort.
It's great to have a last resort and all,
but isn't Eren controlling
the Founder through Zeke?
Won't the rumbling stop
if we kill Zeke first?
True. That might work!
There's no definite proof,
but Hange thought it would.
But if we don't know
Zeke's location either...
We'll just have to find that shithead,
the Beast, in those bones.
I'll take Zeke out.
Help me do it.
Of course. We killed many friends and
comrades to get this thing in the sky.
We can't allow that slaughter
to have been for nothing.
Everything is to stop the rumbling.
I'll do whatever it takes.
I shot Samuel and Daz
and sliced up other people I knew.
I got called a traitor as I did so,
all the while telling myself
it was to save the world.
Tell me, Reiner.
It was agonizing for you,
Bertholdt, and Annie too, wasn't it?
I can't even make up
for the sins I committed anymore.
Even if we save what remains of humanity,
I doubt I'll ever forgive myself.
Well, let's at least save
what remains of humanity.
You're right, Reiner.
Even if we can't make up for it,
we still gotta do what we can.
That's right. We're the same, Reiner.
I never had any right to judge you.
I became a murderer to save others.
You know...
On the night of the raid on Liberio,
Eren said the same thing to me.
I feel like I understand some
of what's going on in Eren's head.
Could it be Eren wants us to stop him?
What do you mean?
I mean, it's just a thought
that occurred to me.
Something's been bothering me
this whole time.
Eren has the power to affect
all Titans and Eldians.
And yet our ability to use our
Titan powers remains unchanged.
You mean Eren is purposely
giving us free rein?
Exactly. He's letting us act freely.
As if to test how we
respond to what he's doing.
Why? We might succeed
in stopping the rumbling.
It has to be agonizing for him, too.
Committing mass murder...
that's not a burden you can just bear.
If it was me, I'd be desperate to leave
the Founder's power with someone else.
And if that wasn't possible,
I'd want it to end...
for someone to end it.
This is...
What, was he listening in?
Eren! Please hear me out!
This is already enough!
I'm sure that no one will be able to
attack the island for hundreds of years!
The terror and destruction
have been just that extreme!
If you stop now, we can end all this
by agreeing to a non-aggression treaty!
You don't have to kill any more people!
The island will be okay now!
I'm sorry, Eren!
We were the ones who drove you this far!
We'll figure out the rest!
You don't have to keep
committing genocide for our sake!
That's right.
I hated you after what happened to Sasha,
but in truth, you were
hurting too, weren't you?!
And yet, I didn't even try to see things
from your perspective at all!
I... I want to shoulder your sins with you.
The sins you've committed...
We're guilty of them, too.
So please, don't push us away anymore.
Please, Eren, come back to us!
You heard 'em, Eren.
Do it now, and I'll let you off
with just a swift kick in the ass.
Well? Ain't it about time
you said something?
The rumbling will not stop.
Nor will I leave Paradis Island's
future to chance.
I will keep moving forward.
Huh?! Ain't that... a kid?!
Yeah, but that's Eren!
Why refuse, Eren?
You think you can't rely on us?
Why did you leave us able
to use our Titan powers?
We can talk for as long
as we want here, right?
Talk to us!
We've always been together!
Please don't go any farther away!
In order to obtain freedom,
I will take freedom from the world.
But I will not take
anything from any of you.
You all have freedom.
You are free to protect the world's freedom.
And I am free to keep moving forward.
As long as we each hold unbending
convictions, a clash is inevitable.
There is but one thing for us to do.
Then why...
Why did you call us here?
To discuss the fact that there's
no need to have a discussion.
If you wish to stop me,
make me draw my last breath.
You have freedom.
What was that?
Is everyone okay?
It looks like I was right.
So there's really no way to work this out?
Looks like we aren't gonna
solve this by talking.
What now...
Where are we going now?
We'll spend the next several days
making the voyage to Hizuru.
I have faith that Lady Mikasa's group
will hold off the rumbling.
However, I expect that Hizuru is already
in a state of collapse as a nation.
Sounds like there'll be nothing
to eat but fish for a while.
Hizuru's fish dishes are splendid.
Oh, guess there'll be birds to eat, too.
I am the one who brought
Zeke and Eren together.
I imagine there's nothing I can do to atone
for the sin of bringing
about this mass slaughter.
Then, if you could go back
and redo everything,
would you refrain from getting involved
with Eldians and watch Paradis die?
Time will not turn back.
But my sense of regret will never end.
I cannot say that I did everything in my
power to find a path for Eldian survival.
I treated my clan's interests and my
family's honor as my greatest duties.
Why must we experience loss
before we can realize...
how to respect and value others
without putting ourselves first?
But now... it's too late.
Annie, I... had a dream.
A dream? Was it from Galliard?
It was a dream from Zeke...
No, they were memories.
If I recall, the Female Titan can
manifest the abilities of other Titans
by taking in a part of those Titans, right?
Yeah. Since the Female is
particularly suited to manifesting,
I had to swallow all sorts of stuff.
But why does that matter?
It's like we thought! So, then
There might be something we can do!
But no... Wait, do you think
Oh, be quiet already!
Go carry some coal or something!
Did you say you saw memories from Zeke?
Yes. I was turned into a Titan
using Zeke's spinal fluid.
It seems he's manifesting characteristics
of the Beast Titan because of that.
I see. Go on.
The memory I see most often is...
a memory of flying above the clouds.
And that's not all. I can do it, too.
That's how it feels to me.
That's Fort Salta...
Are there really airships there?
Beats me. We won't know
until we get up there.
Do you really think you can
escape by stealing an airship?
You Eldians?
Watch your mouth, Marleyan.
It's thanks to us that you haven't
been squished under a Titan's foot.
If the airship idea doesn't work,
your family will die in the rumbling.
If you betray us, you'll die from my bullet.
This is the only way for all of you to live.
It doesn't matter if the chance is slim.
We're gonna survive.
It's okay, Mrs. Braun.
Those two are strong.
I'm sure they're with Colt and Reiner
Our girl is on the devils' island!
How could she survive there?
If only she'd never tried
to become a Warrior,
we could've been together in the end...
Mr. Finger, throw that
armband out the window.
This armband is something my daughter
earned by sacrificing everything to help me.
Hey! Look there!
Oh, no! The airships!
Hurry! We can make it
if there's even one left!
I know!
Hey, what's that fog?
It's the rumbling.
It's finally caught up to us...
We're screwed! There isn't a single one left!
No... Not after we made it this far...
It's all over.
Hold on...
Those airships...
are heading toward the Titans!
What does that mean?
It's a bombing run!
They're gonna blow the Titans away
from the safety of the sky!
They intend to stake the fate
of all humanity on this!
A bombing run?!
Are we gonna be saved?
Attention, all airship units and
every soldier in this fortress.
This fortress will be
the last bastion left to humanity.
The pressure weighing down
on your shoulders is immeasurable.
But no matter the result,
the responsibility does not
lie solely with you.
The responsibility for this
lies with all of us adults.
We took advantage of hate...
instilled and fostered it...
believing it would bring us salvation.
All the problems arising from our faults
we dumped onto the "island of devils."
As a result,
that monster was born,
and now it's marching our hatred
right back toward us.
If, by some miracle,
we manage to have a future again,
I vow to never repeat the same mistake.
Ms. Braun?
This whole time... I treated my boy...
as a tool for revenge...
I've still never done...
a single motherly thing for him...
I did the same thing...
I hope you will all make the same vow.
To break away from our era of mutual hate...
The airship units are in formation!
They'll begin the bombardment
upon reaching the target altitude!
To create a new world where
people take care of each other...
Here and now, we say farewell
to our monster!
The Attack Titan is taking action!
Begin the bombardment!
Bombs away!
They're so high up that the bombs keep missing!
Have them continue!
Put everything into this attack!
The airship units...
have been wiped out.
I am sorry.
All you innocent children... We failed you.
Hey... Mommy...
The Titans are coming this way.
I'm scared...
I'm so sorry.
I'm certain Annie and Reiner
are alive on Paradis Island.
What is that?
Dammit! We're running on fumes!
I see him!
Get ready to jump!
Onyankopon, you get over here, too!
Not yet! I'll keep going
till we're over the Founder!
Afterwards, I'll make an emergency landing!
So make sure you land
on the Founding Titan! Got that?
The bastard's down there.
That damned Beast!
That saves us the trouble of finding him!
Target the Beast Titan!
Put all your power into taking him out!
Let's stop the rumbling!
Damn it! I can't land!
The Armored Titan...
and even the Cart Titan?!
That's ODM gear...
Could it be?! Paradis Island
came to stop the rumbling?!
I have another question to ask you,
once we drag you out of there.
"In what way are you free?"
I guess killing some empty husk
isn't gonna do anything.
As I feared...
Zeke's using the same method as
the War Hammer Titan to hide himself.
You mean we have to find one tiny body
in this huge mass of bones?!
There ain't no way!
We gotta face up to reality!
I know!
In one minute, I'm blasting this area away.
Work with the Cart Titan to get clear!
Eren knows this attack could be coming.
I can't imagine this'll kill him!
But if I blow these bones apart,
we might figure out where Eren or Zeke is!
Be careful, Armin!
If you get into trouble,
ignore us and just go full blast!
Those who can't abandon anything
can't change anything.
I know that.
If I don't let go, nothing will change.
I can't cling to my comfortable hopes.
I have to deal with Eren.
On three! One, two, three!
He's not moving.
He's breathing.
It appears he hit his head.
Do you think he came here from Paradis Island, too?
Hey! Can you hear me?
Do you know Annie Leonhart?
She's my daughter!
Hey! Sir! Do you hear me?!
Here they come! Reiner!
What the hell are these guys?
They don't look like Pure Titans.
That's for sure.
What do we do?
We'll run out of Thunder Spears!
More importantly, is Armin alive?
The slightest injury,
and he would've transformed.
Which means he was captured
without a scratch.
But he was whisked off towards Eren's ass,
with countless Titans blocking our path.
Even in perfect condition,
I wouldn't choose to leap into that mess.
So keep cool.
Mikasa, don't charge off.
I'll act as bait and draw
the bulk of them away first.
That won't work, Captain.
I've figured out what we're dealing with.
...the past generations
of the Nine Titans.
Who knows if their minds
are still in there, though.
I would bet the Founding Titan's power
can resurrect an unlimited number of them...
These past Titan soldiers created only to fight.
We're no match for something like that.
So we can't afford to be
so easygoing with this.
I'm not even friends with Eren, so...
Hey! You're not gonna...
Aw, hell.
No matter how you look at it,
this is the first place to strike!
I've only ever had one aim here!
Begone, nightmare!
Over here, Reiner!
Keep him still!
Hurry. We're getting Armin back.
That's our only path through this.
Otherwise, we'll all die here for nothing!
Paradis forces have engaged the Attack Titan,
but its path and speed remain
unchanged. It's headed this way!
We can't just sit back and do nothing.
All units, meet the enemy with cannon fire!
Yes, sir!
But, sir! The majority of our personnel
were sent with the airships.
We only have enough remaining
to operate three cannons at best...
Is that any reason for us
to sit back and do nothing?
Even now, those brave individuals are fighting
desperately on the enemy's massive back.
Just what is it that you think
they're fighting for?
Come on, Reiner!
I was naive.
I'm gonna pass out...
You're just going to suffocate me?
Is that it, Eren?
No, this isn't him.
It's her, the Founder Ymir.
If Eren only intends to keep
moving forward, as he put it,
then this resistance is
the Founder Ymir's will.
Which means Ymir wants
to slaughter humanity, too.
The Founder Ymir is invincible.
There's nothing I can do.
Is this... where it all... ends?
Are you kidding me?
Wake up, Conny! Captain!
Sorry. Looks like my ODM gear is damaged.
Mine, too.
My right handle's busted. I can't pull us up.
Jean, let go! I can transform one more time!
And then what? Only to get trampled
in the rumbling, armor and all?
For being armored,
your Titan sure gets smashed up a lot.
You think we can still win?
But let's at least keep fighting
all the way to the end.
We're Scout Regiment.
Scouts don't know when to quit.
Come at me!
I'm strong!
No matter how many times you attack
Mikasa, you're kinda in the way!
Grab on!
Listen, I didn't think
he'd really be able to fly, either...
But then he actually did it,
so what choice did I have but to come?
Still, I'm glad I did.
A bird...
It's got people riding on it!
Gabi, why did you come here too?
Because you left us behind, Reiner!
I can fight too, you know!
The Azumabito ship sank.
It couldn't withstand
Falco's Titan transformation.
Even though we had no
definite proof he could fly,
Kiyomi agreed to try it.
So we have to repay her faith
by stopping the rumbling!
So where's ArmI mean, Pieck?
Armin was captured, and his life is in danger.
The Titan that took him
should be back by the tailbone.
Annie, we need your help.
Your childhood friends are always
getting captured, aren't they?
We'll get him back. Count on it.
What about Pieck?
She's by the skull.
She tried to blow up the nape.
But the War Hammer Titan
is blocking her.
Blow it up?!
We'll launch simultaneous operations.
One group rescues Armin.
We need the Colossal's explosion.
The other group goes after Eren
and attacks the nape.
We'll split into two teams
and strike simultaneously.
We no longer have the luxury
of worrying about Eren.
No, we never had it to begin with.
But what?
Falco being able to fly was a miracle.
Without that, we'd already be dead!
Yeah, and never have
accomplished anything...
I had a long list of shit
to tell that idiot off about...
I don't wanna give up on Eren, either!
But the captain can't
fight anymore because of me,
and even if he could,
we're up against the Founding Titan!
How can we win if we're still holding back?
kill Eren.
You just concentrate on rescuing Armin.
You don't have to think about anything else.
They're heading for the Attack Titan again!
We can't let up, either!
Even if it's just one or two cannons,
it's better than nothing!
Wait. Maybe not.
Look at the fading on their left sleeves...
You're Eldians, aren't you?!
Hold on!
We only came to seek
treatment for our injured!
We don't have time to deal with this!
What's your real objective?
See, Mr. Leonhart? I told you.
We can't expect help from Marleyans!
We have them beat in numbers.
And probably in live combat experience, too!
The Marleyans always sent us
to the front lines, after all.
Put down your guns, Eldians!
They said to put down your guns!
When did you...?
Secretary Mller!
What was that?
People are still trying to kill each other?!
Falco! Watch out for projectiles!
Jean! Reiner!
Don't get killed!
Don't you guys die, either.
I'll draw the War Hammer Titans' attention!
Pieck, find some way to hold out.
Now, Jean!
Just hang on, Reiner!
Until I can activate that detonator!
Of course there'd be even
more Titans thrown at us.
I wish I could move omni-directionally, too!
Dammit! I can't get close!
Don't! Get outta there!
Jean, if you think I'm a Titan for odd jobs
and not cut out for combat,
you're dead wrong!
With the Cart's endurance,
as long as I'm not taken out,
I can keep going until I've won!
Even if it takes hundreds of transformations!
So, Jean, don't worry about me.
Get to the detonator!
Though, a hundred victories won't
do much against a million enemies.
How dare they make Bertholdt into a puppet?
There it is!
That one! The... pig one, or whatever it is!
Which one?
That one! The... thingy. Over there!
Which type of the Nine Titans is it?
Might be Cart... or Beast... or maybe Jaw.
What do I do with that?
Mikasa, give me a serious description!
I did!
There! The one Titan that just ran!
Isn't that an okapi?
What the hell is an okapi?
Go, Falco!
We'll corner that okapi, or whatever it is,
at the tailbone and get Armin back!
I can provide support with this rifle.
It'll take more than that
to do in these Titans.
Where's Zeke?
Where is he?
Even if I find him, in my condition,
I'll only be in the way...
I've never failed to carry out
one of his orders. Not once.
Why has his final order
caused me so many problems?
Maybe our jobs were over at that point.
If all we had to do was deliver
the brats to the sea, then...
Tell me, did the lives you gave in sacrifice
exist to crush others' lives underfoot?
The world without Titans we dreamed of
was supposed to be an astoundingly
joyful place. An ideal world.
Otherwise, it wouldn't be worth
the hearts they gave.
Erwin, I have no regrets about
my decision not to choose you...
to entrust the future to someone
with the same look in his eyes you all had.
Conny! It went your way!
Get back here!
Now it can run back toward the skull!
Stop running, okapi!
We have to stay together,
or we'll be too easy to kill!
The okapi is headed toward Bertholdt!
Not good.
Behind us!
Come on, move!
You're my body! Why won't you move?
I'm begging you! Move!
Everyone's going to die!
They're all gonna die!
Get up, you human garbage!
Piece of shit!
Waste of space!
I hate you!
Through everything, you've
just continued to betray me!
The second life we were given!
The hopes pinned on us! Our responsibilities!
All that, and you haven't even
begun to repay any of it!
So what the hell are you
doing lying here dead?
Get your ass up!
If I were really dead,
how could I think in a state
where my brain is deprived of oxygen?
This isn't a dream, or a hallucination,
or the afterlife.
This is the Paths.
This is...
I should be inside a Titan's mouth.
So how is it I know what's happening to them?
Is it because Eldians are all
connected through the Paths?
If that's true, there might be
something I can accomplish here.
That's it. Think.
Hello, Zeke.
Hello, Eren's friend.
You were consumed by Ymir, too?
Long, long ago,
before anything besides inert matter
existed in this universe...
All manner of insignificant things
came into and out of being.
Eventually, something survived.
We call that thing "life."
In the end, the reason life survived
was that it had the ability to multiply.
In order to multiply,
life kept changing form
and adapted to any environment.
And that led to us as we are today.
Growing more numerous,
more widespread, more abundant...
In other words, the objective
of living is to multiply.
This sand, the pebbles, the water...
none of them attempt to multiply.
However, life is still doing
whatever it can to proliferate.
Considering that death and extinction
run counter to the goal of multiplying,
we are deterred from meeting our end
by the punishment known as fear.
Like any of us, she did whatever she could
to escape the pain of experiencing it.
She created a stronger, bigger, immortal body,
and then she escaped into a world
where death doesn't even exist.
That is the truth about the Founder Ymir, and
this is the world where death doesn't exist.
If that's the case, then I wonder...
What on earth is Ymir's objective?
I wondered that, too.
I spent a maddening amount of time
here trying to understand her.
Even with all this power,
she couldn't defy King Fritz.
What would make her stay here for 2,000
long years, obeying King Fritz all the while?
There was something she couldn't
let go of. That much is clear.
Eren managed to understand
what it was, but I failed.
And so, Ymir sided with Eren.
I need you to tell me something. How does
one return to the outside world from here?
Who knows?
Personally, I don't think it's possible.
I haven't given up on anything.
Uh, because...
To keep multiplying?
Is continuing the species
that important to you?
You could call what's happening right now
the tragedy of life's being ruled by fear.
A calamity of fear brought about
by the meaningless activities of life.
My comrades are fighting!
It's not too late to save
a lot of people from fear!
They're fighting their fear!
Why would it be bad to lose?
Being alive means dying eventually.
The moment before death
might just bring relief.
No longer being driven solely to multiply,
never knowing what the point of it all is...
It might feel like being set free.
It was as the sun was setting...
I was racing Eren and Mikasa...
racing to the tree on the hill.
Eren started running the moment
after he suggested the race,
and Mikasa deliberately lagged behind him.
Of course, I was last.
But the wind that day was slightly warm,
and it felt so good just running.
The wind stirred up
all the dead leaves.
In that moment, the thought
entered my head
that maybe I had been born
to race Mikasa and Eren up this hill.
When I would read inside on rainy days,
when I fed acorns to a squirrel,
and when we walked around the market together,
I felt the same way.
I had the sense that these insignificant
moments were incredibly precious.
Where'd you get that?
I found it buried in the sand.
Why would that be here?
Who can say?
But even though this isn't needed
to multiply or for anything else,
to me, it's an incredibly precious thing.
Oh, that's right.
We would just throw the ball,
and catch it, and then throw it again.
Just that. Over and over.
There was no point to it.
But it's as you say.
I would've been happy
just playing catch forever.
I can still fight once my arm heals!
We've reached our limit!
Let's retreat to Reiner's position!
Jean! Pieck!
What's this?
Porco! Marcel!
Did he... Did B-Bertholdt save us?
I don't understand it.
I won't let this chance slip away!
I hit it!
Give Armin...
I'm sorry, everyone.
But I'm fine now.
Annie, behind you!
What's going on? Titans are saving them?!
Looks like it.
Over here!
It can't be...
I'm the one you wanted to see, right, Levi?
I didn't want to see you, though!
What's going on here?
It's all thanks to Zeke.
To Zeke?
He awakened our comrades in the Paths,
where there's no life or death.
All Eldians are connected via the Paths.
That's because, most likely,
the Founder Ymir is seeking connection.
She's searching for something from us.
Mr. Ksaver, our dream didn't come to fruition.
I still believe the
euthanization plan was right.
If it meant I could play catch with you,
I wouldn't mind being born again.
So, I'll thank you for that at least, Father.
I took everything from you.
Your life, your power,
and even your treasured memories.
Which is why...
I already know that you don't
want to just stand here.
All of you...
Please lend us a hand!
The weather's downright lovely.
If I'd felt that way sooner...
After I killed so many people,
that'd be asking for too much, wouldn't it?
The rumbling... stopped?
Jean, go!
You damned
suicidal dumbass!
That thing's gonna go for Eren's head again!
Jean! Pieck!
We're getting out of here!
Armin's gonna blow all of this up!
Wait! Reiner's down there!
The Armored Titan should be able to
withstand the Colossal's explosion.
Regardless, to pass up this chance
would be to trample on Reiner's resolve.
Thank you.
We couldn't have stopped the rumbling
without the help of all of you.
Goodbye, Eren.
Karina! Are you okay?
What happened?
That was a crazy explosion!
Did everyone make it?
Look! The bones...
Does that mean...
Eren's dead?
Ackermanns with awakened powers
apparently get sudden headaches.
I can't stand the sight of a slave
who obeys orders without question.
That... was the last time we spoke?
Ever since I was little...
... Mikasa, I've hated you.
That can't be...
I can't say I don't have regrets.
Still, what we did was right, wasn't it?
We did stop the rumbling.
You came here from the internment zone? How?
It was Mr. Leonhart.
He led us this far.
Go see him, dear.
Do you see Reiner?
He's okay!
Hey! Look over there!
It's still alive,
even after taking that blast?!
What on earth is it?
Beats me.
But I do know we can't let it live.
Well, that figures.
I didn't think that'd be enough to kill you.
Yeah... But what do we do?
This is bad!
If the glowing thing and Eren come into
contact, the rumbling might start again!
Yeah. We gotta kill it.
How're we gonna kill something
that survived a blast like that?
The one we should target
is Eren.
You've caught on, right?
This nightmare won't end
until we take him down.
Dad, I have one last job to do.
I'll see this through. For Colt's sake, too.
Why did it turn out this way?
Did you hurt your leg?
No, it was already like this. Thanks.
Lift him slowly.
Can you walk?
Bring the injured here!
If you hadn't emptied your gun into the air,
we would've still been fighting each other.
I've made more than enough mistakes.
Let's work together and overcome this.
This vapor is coming from the glowing thing!
Did it die?
No... It doesn't smell like when Titans die.
Could it be... What if it's like the stuff
that was used on Ragako Village?
Mikasa! Pieck!
Get on Falco! We're getting out of here!
Huh? What are you talking about?
Ackermanns and Titan wielders
are immune, remember?
You know better than anyone
what we've gotta do!
But that...
It's too much...
Right now! Go!
So this is how we go out.
Guess so.
We'll entrust the rest to our comrades.
That's how Scout Regiment
soldiers meet their end.
Do you remember, Jean?
The night we burned the corpses.
This was all your fault, you know.
That we got stuck
with having to save humanity.
This is absurd.
How can something like this be happening?
Hey! Hey! Annie!
Are you all right?
What on earth happened?
The bastard summoned an army.
Damn it! Enough already!
I'm not gonna let you pass!
You really enjoy hell, don't you, Eren?
Fine. We'll do things your way.
I'll see this through to the very end!
Conny? Jean? Gabi?
It can't be...
When will our torment end?
Pull it together!
We're the only ones who can kill Eren now!
It's too much...
I can't take any more.
I wanna go back.
I wanna go back to our home.
Mikasa. Wake up.
You'll catch a cold.
When did I fall asleep?
You must have been exhausted.
It's just, I feel like I had
a really long dream.
Let's just take it easy and do nothing
for the rest of the day.
I caught some huge fish, so
Why are you crying?
I don't know.
I suddenly felt like I shouldn't be here.
There's nothing we can do anymore.
That day, we cast everything aside
to run away to this place.
Two months after the end of Marley's war,
an invasion of Paradis Island
was on the horizon.
If we hadn't run, they would've killed us all.
I'm sure Armin has been
desperate to find us.
I couldn't bring myself to plunge Historia into
hell and commit to an endless cycle of killing,
and I couldn't bring genocide
upon all humanity outside the island.
So let's just go
live out my remaining four years
in peace and quiet...
Just the two of us, somewhere
with no other people.
You're the one who said all that, Mikasa.
It was your idea.
I'm sorry.
I know we promised we
wouldn't talk about that stuff.
Can we make another promise?
Once I'm dead, throw this scarf away.
You're going to live a long time after this.
Forget all about me.
Forget, and be free.
Please, Mikasa.
Forget about me.
I'm sorry.
I can't.
Eren is in the mouth!
Everyone, help me get there!
Roger that, Mikasa!
I'll see you later, Eren.
I get that it was for the sake of the future
you saw with the Attack Titan's ability,
but did you absolutely have to
beat me up that badly?
Was the knee to the stomach really necessary?
I was doing whatever I could
to push you two away.
It seemed kinda crazy to me, too.
I let myself get carried away.
I'm really sorry.
Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Mikasa.
She's the one you hurt with your nonsense.
Yeah, you're right.
It was all to push us away,
and make us into the heroes who killed you
and saved humanity from annihilation?
That's right. Every surviving human would
owe you a debt of gratitude.
Island devils who went against the island
and stayed true to the path of humanity.
It would make you the most
respected individuals in the world.
So you're telling us to protect Paradis
from reprisal by the rest of the world,
like the Tybur family
after the Great Titan War?
There's no way we can become heroes, Eren.
Sorry to disappoint you,
but neither I nor the others intend
to play the hero like you want.
Where're you going?
The places we wanted to go.
While we walk, I'll tell you...
about the Founder Ymir.
So this is that "fiery water"?
It really is flowing like a river.
Where did I leave off?
You said the power of the Titans still exists
because the Founder Ymir has continued
to obey King Fritz for 2,000 years.
He burned down her home, killed her parents,
and ripped out her tongue,
and yet even after attaining godlike power,
she remained subservient to him.
What in the world made her do that?
There's something I felt
when I touched her in the Paths.
I couldn't believe it.
The Founder Ymir...
loved King Fritz.
That's what it was that kept Ymir bound,
even after 2,000 years.
I can't understand the deepest depths
of the Founder Ymir's heart.
But it was clear that she'd been suffering
for the entire 2,000 years.
She kept searching for someone to
release her, and finally, they appeared.
That person was Mikasa.
What?! Did you just say "Mikasa"?!
I did. So you weren't listening after all.
I was listening!
Why Mikasa?
Only the Founder Ymir knows that.
I still don't know what Mikasa did.
What I knew for certain is that
the outcome Mikasa brought about...
is what I kept moving forward to reach.
I slaughtered humanity,
caused Eldians to kill each other on Paradis,
and dragged my dear friends into combat,
without ever knowing
whether they'd survive.
That's the future you saw
at the medal ceremony...
my head has become a total mess.
One of the effects of the Founding Titan's power
is that there's no "past" or "future."
It all exists simultaneously.
And so... I had no choice.
That day, in that moment,
Bertholdt had to stay alive.
So I... sent it
toward my mom and not him.
Let's go, Eren.
So, how did it go?
What do you mean?
With Mikasa!
Do you think she's gonna be able to forget
about you and live happily with someone else?
The way you wanted.
Mmh. Dunno.
The hell kind of answer is that?
I still haven't forgiven you!
How do you feel about the fact
that you ignored Mikasa's feelings?
Mikasa risked her life
and only ever had eyes for you!
Did you think you could just say
"forget about me" and that'd be that?!
At the very least, Mikasa should forget about
a heartbreaker like you and find happiness.
Well, she just might find a good guy sooner
than you'd think and hit it off with him.
That'd kill me!
I don't want her to find someone. I want to
be her one and only for the rest of my life!
And after I die, I want her
to pine after me for at least ten years!
Oh... I see...
I didn't think you'd
say anything that pathetic...
Don't tell Mikasa any of this.
I want her to find happiness. I really do.
But I... Ugh, damn it!
I don't wanna die.
I don't wanna leave Mikasa, or any of you!
Eren! Let's keep trying!
Let's find another way!
We can't!
I'm sure none of them wanted to die, either.
And yet...
Eighty percent.
I trample eighty percent of humanity.
How could you?!
Eren! Why?
I attempt a complete eradication
of humanity outside the walls,
and all of you stop me.
And ultimately, eighty percent die.
The world outside the walls drops
to the same level of civilization as Paradis.
Which means there won't be
a one-sided war of reprisal,
but this conflict doesn't end.
What the hell do you mean?
Are you trying to say what
we've done is all pointless?
The massacre hasn't occurred yet!
Just stop it!
I can't.
Twenty percent of humanity
is all you manage to save.
It's already been determined.
"Been determined"?
Didn't you determine it?
Didn't you kill them?
So, so many times I tested it,
all to no avail.
Things always occurred exactly as I saw
in my memories of the future.
Armin, it's just as you said.
a slave to freedom.
This is... absolutely crazy!
You're saying... it can't be undone?
This can't be!
This isn't a solution at all!
What, you can't have war
if there are no people?
It's like a bad joke!
Who would take it seriously?
Eren, it's true that there's no
end in sight for this conflict,
and I'm sure the hell we went through
has happened over and over.
But we need to think that despite it all, one day,
we can eventually come
to understand one another...
And now no one will have any faith,
not even in something as small as that!
The only lesson they'll be left with...
is that they must kill, or be killed.
That's all.
And you're saying you did all this for us?
That's your name.
No. I didn't.
Eren, you're free.
I wanted to level everything.
I wanted to see this sight.
I don't know why. I just wanted to do it...
so very badly.
I thought I was doing everything
to protect all of you.
But Sasha and Hange died because of me,
and I wound up putting you
in lethal confrontations with Floch.
Why did it turn out this way?
I finally know.
It's because I'm an idiot.
A garden-variety idiot
who got his hands on power.
That's why this resolution
was the only possible outcome.
That's all there is to it, right?
I get it.
Wanting to erase people from the world...
I've felt that way, too.
Liar. You would never
Nobody would guess it,
considering I'm a hero
who saved twenty percent of humanity.
Still, it was me that showed you
the book about the outside world.
The one who put the idea of a free,
unoccupied world in your head
was me.
What's that?
So you finally noticed it.
It was at our feet the whole time,
but you were always looking off
into the distance.
Thank you, Eren.
For showing me what was beyond the walls.
For showing me this sight.
We did this.
So after this we'll be
together forever, won't we?
After this? Where?
In hell, assuming it exists.
We'll suffer for the sin of killing
eighty percent of humanity.
Armin, it's time.
I'm erasing your memory of our time here,
but once everything is over,
you'll remember again.
I know.
Our next meeting will be
a fight to the death.
And the next one after that...
I'll be waiting for you.
In hell.
Right. We'll be together, forever.
Are your wounds healed now?
Huh? Annie?
Yeah, since we've had some time...
I remember now. I...
You got your memories back too, right?
Of the times Eren came to see us.
He told me that the outcome
you bring about through your choices
is to erase the Power of
the Titans from the world.
I remember now, you damned
conscientious dumbass.
Eren, I can't believe you...
Listen to this: Eren said my mom
would turn back into a human.
He... told us to live a long life.
But what about you?
Worry about yourself, you suicidal maniac.
Is that so?
I wish I'd gotten to chat with him.
Welcome home.
I'm home, Dad.
Look who showed up.
Were you watching?
Seems this was the resolution
that you gave your hearts for.
Oh, Gabi...
Mom! Dad!
I'm apparently not
the Armored Titan anymore.
I'm glad.
All this time... I'm so sorry, Reiner.
You were all I ever needed.
I'll be going now.
Huh? Where?
If I stay here, I'm sure Eren
won't be allowed a proper burial.
Good point.
Put him to rest in a nice, quiet place.
You know, the place where Eren
was always taking naps.
Yeah. I think that's a good spot.
Please listen, Secretary Mller.
Eren Jaeger is dead.
The Power of the Titans is gone, too!
We're just regular people now!
Can you prove that? Right here, right now?
A blood test would
I said right here, right now!
Please prove it to us.
Whether you're human or Titan.
If we still possessed Titan powers,
we'd use them to resist.
But even with those barrels pointed at us,
we remain powerless.
There's no greater proof that we're human.
Who are you?
Armin Arlelt, an Eldian from Paradis Island.
I'm the one who killed
the Attack Titan, Eren Jaeger.
It was you, wasn't it?
The one who was peeking
into my head all this time.
I think your love was nothing
but a long nightmare.
The lives taken will never come back.
Still, I exist because
of the lives you created.
Rest in peace, Ymir.
It's been three years since the day now known
as the "Battle of Heaven and Earth."
After the loss of an extraordinary
number of lives,
those who managed to survive surely
still suffer from unhealed wounds.
Just as the world, still reeling from the loss, feared,
Eldia formed a military led
by the Jaegerists
which gains strength with every passing day.
Out of fear of reprisal from the
survivors of humanity across the sea,
the island shouts with one voice:
"If we win, we live."
"If we lose, we die."
"We have to fight to win."
"Fight. Fight."
Even with the Titans gone,
the conflict will not go away.
Eren passed on to me
all that he knew of the future.
Though I cannot see the future
that lies beyond this one,
I have been able to see this future clearly.
I'm certain this outcome was not
the result of Eren's choices alone.
This world is an outcome
wrought by all of our choices.
We must fight,
so that we need fight no more.
Even if we should find ourselves
living lives divorced from peace.
This isn't the life he wished for us.
But whether he wished for it or not,
it is the life he passed on to us.
How will we live in
the reprieve that remains?
In this... without Titans?
I can't get over how beautiful
Historia's handwriting is.
It even smells good.
I'll repeat what I said before:
Don't lust after married women.
It's creepy.
I can't help but notice
your fixation with your hair.
Who are you trying to look good for?
The ladies who'll be reading
the history books in school.
Don't you mean the field guide to horses?
It's a real shame your
life got longer, Reiner.
Paradis Island has come into view.
Armin, do you really think this will work?
We destroyed the walls,
betrayed the island,
and killed Eren, whom the Eldians revere.
Can we really be the Allied Forces'
ambassadors for the peace talks?
I wouldn't be surprised if they
sank our ship right about now.
Yeah, I'm amazed we're still afloat.
This is the role of "international heroes"
that idiot forced on us.
"I want you to have long lives," my ass.
Annie, don't tell me you got on
this ship expecting to go home alive.
Of course not. But it's not like any of us
came to commit suicide, right?
Walking into hell again
like this is the answer.
The Scout Regiment is made up of a bunch of
dreamers who don't know when to quit.
I'm Military Police, though.
But for the time being, we won't be killed.
After all, everyone on Paradis
will want to know.
To know our story.
To know why a bunch of people who tried
over and over to kill each other
would show up and call for peace.
The story of what we've seen.
Let's tell them all of it.
Eren, the others are coming to visit soon.
Doesn't that make you happy?
I want to see you again.
Eren, thanks for wrapping
this scarf around me.
It's over...
What'd you think?
I liked it.
It was a long story, but, all the
foreshadowing paid off...
and we got to say a proper goodbye
to all the characters.
Yeah, you don't read the theory sites, Mikasa.
I think my dark comrade said something,
but, I couldn't hear because he didn't speak up.
There were still mysteries left hanging!
I mean... it's what I expected...
but I figured there'd be something that
would betray my expectations in a good way!
I think it's reasonable to say that they left
some things open to interpretation!
Or that they wanted it
to have a nice, simple ending!
Sometimes it's easier to like
someone if they have flaws, right?
Those words aren't enough to
erase my doubts and dissatisfaction!
Because I've been waiting
for this day... for ten years!
-- Let's hear what Eren's gotta say!
- It wasn't that bad, was it?
I'm happy I got to see the movie with you guys.
If there's a sequel or anything,
let's go see it together.
It's hard to believe, isn't it?
That Titans really existed a hundred years ago.
I don't know how much of it
was based on actual history, though.
I hope those three childhood friends really existed.
Yeah, me too.