August at Twenty-Two (2023) Movie Script

-[man] Um, great.
-[Cal] Yeah.
[man] Whenever you're ready,
uh, you can go ahead and slate
and then we'll--
uh, we'll go right into it.
[Cal] Cool, cool, cool.
Like, right here is--
[man] Yeah,
I think that's fine.
[Cal] Cool, and I'm--
who am I reading with?
-[man] Me.
-[man] Hi.
[clears throat]
Okay. Sorry. [chuckles]
Hi, I'm Cal Davidson.
And I'm reading
for the role of Candace.
What do you mean
you can't come to dinner?
This is literally
the 17th time
you've canceled on me
to hang out with Jason.
-[man] Candace.
-[man] We need to talk.
-About what?
I don't wanna
see you anymore.
I don't understand.
We-- we hung out,
like, last week
and I thought
things were okay.
And-- and now you're saying
that you don't--
uh, I'm very confused
and I-- I feel...
I don't know. Um--
-[man] That's-- that's correct.
-There's an ellipses.
[street din]
[Bobby beat boxing]
[Cal] Oh, my God!
Hold on! Okay.
You're gonna spill
our bubble tea.
-[Bobby] I'm not gonna spill.
-It's our hard-earned boba.
You deserved it.
You gotta keep up, baby.
For a singer, you gotta
have better breath control.
-[chuckles] You're a dick!
-I'm a dick?
-Mm. I am what I eat, baby.
-Come on.
-I love that, honestly.
I'm actually
totally okay with that.
-[laughs] Sure.
How was your audition?
[Cal] Oh, my God.
Can you hold this?
This bag is,
like, weirdly never-ending.
-Very weird bag.
-[Cal] I have a sock in here.
Oh. Oh. Got her.
-[Bobby chuckles]
-Hello. [indistinct]
[lock clicks]
[Bobby] What?
I was like, "You know what?"
And I reached a point
where I was like,
"I need to know
what we are."
-So I sent a text.
-Good for you.
I said, "What are
your intentions with me?"
-I know. I know. I know.
-I know.
-That's very adult of you.
I figured, like,
it's time, you know.
-Yeah, good for you. I'm proud.
-It feels good.
Hey, you're-- you're eating
all the egg rolls.
Want me
to take that one too?
No, I want it. [chuckles]
-All right, look-- Oh.
-[phone chimes]
-You're a dick.
-Oh, so good.
-Reminder for Jay's party.
[exclaims] Okay.
Now's the time.
That's a lot of makeup
you got on there.
It's an average amount
of makeup.
-It's f-- average.
Are you excited to see Jacob?
It's been a long time
-since you two seen each other.
-Do you want some makeup?
-Okay. You'll look pretty.
-All right. Come on.
Okay. Close your eyes.
-Don't twitch.
-I'm not twitching.
-You're twitching.
-I'm not twitching.
-You are.
-Do you trust me?
-[Bobby sighs]
Yes, I trust you.
-[Bobby whispers] Okay.
I believe you.
Good. Close your eyes.
[Bobby] Mm-hmm.
Okay, look at me.
-I smudged you a little.
You look beautiful.
You're gorgeous.
I feel beautiful, baby.
I feel gorgeous.
-Oh, yeah. Fuck yeah!
-[Bobby laughs]
-Fuck yeah!
-Fuck yeah!
Fuck yeah! [laughs]
[phone ringing]
-[phone beeps]
-Hi, it's Cal.
Um, I'm downstairs
and I don't know
your buzzer number,
so, um, call me back
or buzz me in or whatever.
Okay. I love you.
Um, bye.
[indistinct chatter]
I'm just--
hey, are you guys
going to Jacob's?
-[woman] Yeah.
-Oh, my God, Mikey.
-Oh, my God, Cal.
-[Cal] Yes.
-Yo, bring in. Girl!
-Oh, you look hot tonight.
-So good to see you.
-How you doing?
-Thank you very much. Thanks.
This is Bobby.
He was--
um, he is my best friend.
Uh, we went
to college together.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Mikey.
Nice pants. [laughs]
C'est vintage.
Cool. So we were, um--
what apartment number?
Do you even know it?
I just totally blanked.
-Oh, do you, um--
-So cool.
No, I'm good.
I'll cigarette it out. Okay.
Um, I will see you up there.
-[Mikey] I'll see you up there.
[muffled music playing]
-[Bobby] Is this it?
-I-- I guess so.
Wait, hold on.
I'm just gonna fix my hair.
-[Cal] Yeah.
-[doorbell dinging]
-[Cal] Oh, my God. That is...
-[doorbell dinging]
-Maybe not twice.
-[laughs] Here he comes, though.
[Jacob] Hi.
Oh, my God. I missed you. Hi.
-Hey, Bobby.
-Come on in, guys.
-[Cal] This is so cute.
This is my place.
-It is pretty cute.
-[Cal] Isn't it?
wow, this is a new look.
It's like
farmer-boy chic.
Oh, guess who I saw
at Fairway the other day?
-Jason Mandelbaum.
No fucking way.
Oh, my God.
-The neck tattoo. It's huge!
-He's got, like, cargo pants on.
-Oh, my God.
-He's literally the worst.
-This guy's disgusting.
-Oh, Jay, he's not the worst.
No, he-- oh. Oh, right.
-[Cal] What?
-No, I-- nothing. It's...
-What? What?
-You remember?
No, I just remembered that your
seven minutes in heaven with him
was a little bit more,
like, 20 minutes.
It was a game. Okay?
We were 14.
What do you expect?
Oh, my God!
It was a game. Okay?
Well, it landed-- the bottle
landed on you quite a bit,
if I recall correctly.
-Yes. It did.
-Yeah. It did.
-Didn't it?
-[Jacob laughs]
-How you been?
-Oh, I've been good.
I've been good.
It's so good to see you.
-Oh, my gosh.
-It's good to see you too.
-I miss you.
-I miss you.
I wanna hear everything.
[Bobby] How was tour?
Tour was-- tour was good.
-[Jacob] It was very good. Yes.
Uh, can I--
can I get you guys anything?
[Cal] Very intoxicated.
Just incredibly drunk.
-Of course, yes.
-[Cal] Just put all the--
-All of it.
-[Cal] You know.
-You know my drink. Yeah.
-A gin and tonic.
-Gin and tonic. All right.
Drunk gin and tonic
sounds good.
-Oh, hey, babe.
-[Emily] Hi, baby.
Uh, this is Emily,
my girlfriend.
-Hi. Cal.
-[Emily] Yes. Hi, I'm Emily.
-Nice to meet you.
-Hi. It's so nice to meet you.
-Finally. Hey.
-Hi, I'm Bobby.
-Hi, I'm Emily.
-[Bobby] Hi. [chuckles]
Where are you guys living?
Did it take you a long time...
-You went, um--
-What were you saying?
I interrupted you.
[Cal] You-- uh, you guys went
to college together, right?
-Yeah. We did.
-Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We did.
-[doorbell dinging]
Oh, I think
somebody's at the door.
Babe, will you make them one
of your great sake cocktails?
You guys are going to love it.
Don't hype me up too much.
-We'll see.
[Emily] I had a-- I had
a huge sake moment in college
where I was just like--
-Okay. Ooh.
-Yeah. I don't know.
-I'm a--
-[Cal] What do you do?
-What do you--
-[Emily] I'm a photographer.
Um, and I work
at a photography studio.
Cool. Cool.
What do you photograph?
I'm mostly-- I've been doing
a lot of portraiture,
but I'm trying to venture more
into sort of photographing,
like, street photography
around the city.
-That's co cool.
[burps, groans]
[coughs, pants]
[indistinct chatter]
I'm sorry to interrupt.
-Oh, it's been a minute.
-It has.
-Hi. I'm Dan.
I know I-- how, uh, we met
at Jacob's
Bar Mitzvah, I think.
Must have been
when we were-- oh.
Oh, shit.
-Cal from camp?
-Yes, that's me.
You look different.
Good-- good different.
Thank you.
Um, hey, you are
in law school now,
-I am, yes.
Um, my brother graduated
from Columbia last year, so.
-Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
He was super miserable,
as I'm sure
you're familiar with--
-Yeah, sure.
But, um, he has
a really great job now.
-Ah, is he less miserable?
-No. [laughs]
-More, in fact.
But so rich.
So here we go.
-I guess that's how that goes.
-I was about to roll a joint.
-Please. [chuckles]
-Hey, man.
-Yeah. Hey.
[indistinct chatter]
[Cal] You roll
the best little joints.
I rolled this one earlier,
but I didn't get a chance
to finish it.
[Cal] That's the prettiest joint
I've ever seen.
-It's really nice, isn't it?
-[Cal] Yeah.
so Emily.
Yeah, she's great.
She seems great. Yeah.
-[Dan] So, Cal.
-Uh, yeah.
What are you doing
these days?
Well, I graduated,
um, in May.
And I'm, uh,
doing the acting thing, so.
Uh, do you have anything
coming up that-- like a TV show?
Um, I-- yeah,
I'm surprised
I am a-- a star suddenly.
Um, no.
Um, I, um, I'm just--
I'm focusing on my craft.
[Dan] Awesome.
Are you happy
your brother's home?
Yeah, both him and his ego.
Anybody want a hit?
-Out the window?
-I mean, it's ideal,
but don't need to worry
about it too much.
Oh, isn't it pretty cool?
It's a nice view too.
-I really like it here.
-I'm glad.
I'm glad to be back.
-I'm glad you're back.
-I really missed you.
-I missed you too.
-Um, I wanted to--
-[man] All right, kiddos.
-I'm gonna take off.
-Oh. Uh, Jen?
-[man] Yep.
-[man] Ex.
-[Jacob] I will walk you out.
-[man] You don't have to.
-[Jacob] No, it's all good.
[man] Okay.
S-- yeah.
Oh, there you go.
[Kit] So I saw
my ex was selling
his bed on Facebook
the other day,
and I had, like,
a complete panic attack.
Emily heard me
from across the hall
and came running in
thinking that someone had died.
-It was crazy.
-That's awful.
-It is so awful.
I'm so sorry
that you're going through that.
It's been pretty traumatic,
but this bed was, like, a symbol
of our relationship, you know?
-[Kit] So.
I mean, it seems
like a lot of--
I feel like--
I just feel like beds are like--
I mean,
I feel like beds are symbols
of, like,
my past relationships.
Like, for different reasons.
-This is Cal.
-I'm Cal.
I'm-- uh, I'm Jacob's
best friend from home.
I'm Kit. I live here.
Amazing. It's beautiful.
[Kit] Thank you.
Thanks so much. Thank you.
-[Bobby] So beautiful. [laughs]
-Thank you.
Yeah, so do you know--
um, you know Emily
and that's how you know Jacob,
are you friends with Emily?
Well, we all went
to college together.
-[Cal] Cool.
[Kit] When I was looking
for a place to live,
Emily put me in touch
with Jacob
and the rest is history,
you know?
-Gotta tap out.
-Oh, you're leaving?
-You'll be good.
-I'll be fine.
Okay, you have something
in your tooth.
Yeah. Yeah.
Go. Just right in.
You gotta really go.
I'm just fucking with you.
I love you.
I will see you.
-I'm gonna walk him out. Okay?
-Yeah. Okay.
[Cal] What's wrong with you?
[door clicks open]
[Emily] Hi.
Uh, I-- I was
just walking Bobby out.
-He just left.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-It's nice out.
The apartment
is, like, so cute.
Yeah. I really like it.
And it's like-- it's much
more convenient for him.
-It's really close.
-Well, Long Island
isn't that far out,
he was like, what,
45 minutes away, right?
Yeah, but I mean,
this is like-- it's 15--
this is 15 minutes
to Midtown,
which is, I mean,
it's, like, two stops or one
depending on
where you're going on the seven.
-So for auditions and stuff.
-Yeah, definitely.
-Yeah, it's better.
It's a good thing you got,
um, him and Kit connected.
-That's awesome.
It seems like a good match.
It is. Yeah.
It's a funny story actually.
We, like, all met
doing college acapella together.
-Oh, my God.
-Just deeply--
I love Jay's group.
I saw them a few times.
And when they came to
Long Island, we had this, like--
well, he had them all over
sleeping at his house.
And, um, I've slept there too,
and it was a crazy night.
-It was fun.
-Those boys are wild.
-They're good boys.
-They're good boys.
-Yeah. They're rowdy.
-But they're loud.
-[laughs] Yeah.
-They're rowdy.
They are.
Truly, some of my
most stressful period--
like, the most
stressful period in my life.
Collegiate a cappella.
-That's it for me.
Aside from a few very
unfortunate pregnancy scares.
Well, you know
what they say about periods
-and I don't know.
The most stressful period's
the one you don't get.
Oh, this is--
yeah, that's true.
I didn't-- I'm sorry.
Do you smoke?
Do you want a cigarette?
Yeah. Yeah.
I have
my weird ear cigarette,
which you are
welcome to decline.
-Sounds delicious.
-They're menthols also.
Thank you so much
for offer offering.
That sounds...
Pretty girls never light
their own cigarettes.
That's what they say.
-Yeah, it was about trees.
Um, I'm gonna head out.
[Kit] Oh, okay.
Great to see you.
-It was nice to meet you.
-[Kit] Yeah. Yeah.
-Okay. Um, bye.
-[all] Bye.
[Jacob] You headed out?
Um, yeah. Yeah.
I've been here
for, like, four hours, so.
Well, we should--
we should catch up sometime.
I mean, not, like,
at one of these parties.
Um, Jay, this--
-Are you going?
-[Cal] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-I'm heading out.
-All right.
-Well, I'll catch you soon.
-[Cal] Definitely. Yeah.
-Yeah. Yeah. We'll talk.
-[Cal] It was nice to meet you.
Yeah, it was
nice meeting you too.
Thanks for coming.
-Get home safe.
-Yep. Yep. Yep.
-[Emily] Bye, Cal.
-[Cal] Bye. Have fun.
[door slams shut]
He's the most wonderful guy
That sounds bad.
[playing on piano]
He's the most wonderful guy
[playing on piano]
[siren wailing in the distance]
[phone line ringing]
[Jacob's voice mail]
Uh, hey, you've reached Jacob.
I'm not here right now
but if you leave a message,
I'll get back to you
as soon as I can.
Thanks. Bye.
Oh, my God, he's so hot.
He looks
just like Bonny Bear
or-- or any of the baristas
at Joe's Coffee.
What does Bonny Bear
look like though?
I don't think
anyone really knows.
It's just the general essence
of Bonny--
-Precisely, the aura.
-The aura.
-The aura. [laughs]
-Stop that.
Holy shit! Holy shit!
That's Rachel Kleinberg.
Rachel. Rachel. Hi.
-Oh, my God! Bobby!
-[Bobby] Hi.
Hi, baby. How are you?
I'm doing so great.
How are you?
-I'm good.
-[Cal] Hi.
-[Cal] How are you?
[Rachel] I'm good.
It's so good to see you guys.
-How's postgrad life?
-Oh, it's amazing. I'm acting.
-Oh, my God. In what?
-Yeah. Yeah.
I can get my hands on.
[laughs] That sounds familiar.
-Oh, what are you doing?
I'm actually in a workshop
for the new Gossip girl musical.
Oh, my God,
that's amazing.
How-- how--
how did you get that?
[Rachel] Um,
they put out a casting call
for athletically
inclined belters,
and I was like, "XOXO, me."
-What! [laughs]
We don't wanna
keep you from your day.
-You seem really busy.
-[Rachel] Oh, no.
It was not a bother at all.
I'm so happy I bumped into you.
-It's great to see you.
-[Rachel smooching] Be well.
-Have a great summer.
-[Cal] Yes.
-Really good to see you.
-[Cal] Good to see you.
-[Rachel] Bye.
-[both] Bye.
-Don't be jealous of her.
-I am-- I'm not jealous.
-[cellphone chimes]
-Athletically inclined belter.
-XOXO, me.
[Emily] But, like,
you've never walked in
on your parents
having sex, right?
-'Cause that-- I haven't but--
-[Jacob groans]
-Excuse me. Would you like to...
-...share with the class?
-What's this now?
I've walked in on my parents
having sex thrice.
-Three times?
-Three times.
No longer an accident
at that point.
No, it's not an accident.
Like, fool me once.
-Fool me--
-Fool me once--
His parents
have the healthiest sex life.
Okay, okay, let's change
the subject, please.
-I've almost walked in on them.
-Oh, my God. Jesus.
I will literally
never forget it.
It was after Passover
four years ago.
To be fair, we were drinking
a lot of Manischewitz.
Too much Manischewitz.
[Emily] Um, babe,
Kit wants to know
if we're going back
with her tonight or no.
-What should I say?
-Yeah, I have to.
I have to, uh, be at Schedler
tomorrow at 10:00 for callbacks.
-[Emily] Okay.
-What are you called back for?
Great Comet Tour.
-That's amazing!
They're doing a non-eq tour
before an equity tour?
-[Jacob] It's equity.
-That's amazing!
-Oh, you'll get it. 100%.
-You know, we'll see. It's--
-Just a call back.
-[Cal] No.
Yeah, babe.
You're gonna kill it.
Thank you so much
for helping out.
Oh, my God.
Of course. Thank you.
It's just the usual routine.
-Uh, dinner, wash up, books.
A little massage
if she needs one.
Um, don't forget
to turn on the sound machine
and the nightlight.
And there's a $20 bill
on the counter
if you wanna
get yourself something.
-Thanks so much.
Love you.
You be a good girl.
I like my house.
I like it too.
Do you know my apartment
only has one room in it?
Alice is a good girl
A good girl, a good girl
Yes, Alice is a good girl,
the best girl I know
'Cause she is so sweet,
and she is so kind
And she is so caring
to everyone she meets
[Alice] Cal!
[Cal] What's wrong?
The light?
[calm music playing]
[whispering] Okay. Good night.
Close your eyes. Okay.
-[phone ringing]
Oh, um, not much.
I'm-- I'm-- I'm, uh,
working on acting stuff.
I'm working a-- a monologue.
This is objectively
the nicest,
like, kids' apartment
that I've seen.
Thank you.
I'm-- I'm-- yeah,
I'm definitely very lucky.
[chuckles] It's amazing
that you could afford it
on a photographer's salary.
That's incredible.
[both laughing]
Um, I'm gonna get us beer.
Do you drink?
-Okay. I'll get us beers.
-[Cal] Yes.
[Cal groans, sighs]
Did the lights
come with the apartment?
They're very cool.
[Emily] Um, they actually--
the overheads, yeah,
the overheads did.
[Cal] They're really,
really nice.
Um, but the-- the other ones,
like, all the lamps
and everything, that's Jay.
-He designed it.
-Yeah. That makes sense.
-[Emily] Yeah, he's good at it.
-So good.
When we were little,
he had this,
like, star lamp thing
and we would turn it on
and lay on Adrian's bed
and, like,
just lay and look at--
[Emily] That's a star projector.
-[Emily] Yeah.
I literally have it
in my room right now.
Oh, my God.
That is amazing.
Yeah. It's the fucking best.
I love it.
[Cal] I heard
he took it to college.
That's super cool.
I-- uh, I must tell you.
I watched the web series
you made in college.
-Oh, okay.
and, uh, it's really good.
I watched a few episodes.
It's very funny.
-Thank you.
-[Emily] Yeah.
-Thanks. It's heady.
-[Emily] Yeah.
-[Emily] Very weird. Very funny.
Um, my sister and I have an idea
for a web series
that we've been, like,
kicking around for a while.
-I've never done anything.
-What's your idea?
Um, so my sister has autism
and the idea was sort of,
like, a day in the life
with a bunch of different people
who are on the spectrum
and-- and sort of
following them around
and seeing what it is.
That's a really good idea.
Thanks. It was hers, not mine.
I can't take credit.
My brother
is actually
also on the spectrum.
-[Cal] Yeah. Yeah.
-Yep, yep, yep. He's a genius.
He's also,
like, weirdly formal.
-[Emily] Really?
[Emily] How so?
Like, at a family dinner,
if I haven't seen him
for a while, I'll, like--
Oh, shit.
Um, this is Jay.
-Do you mind if I take it?
-[Cal] No. By all means.
-Tell him I say hi.
-I will.
-Hello, baby.
-[Cal] Hi.
That's-- yep. That's Cal.
We're having a good time.
No, we're just chilling.
We're at my house.
Are you out already?
Well, okay.
Yeah. I-- fuck.
I also, I got the, um,
confirmation email for Friday.
Is that still okay?
Babe, I told you.
No, it's fine.
No, it's-- I'm serious.
It's fine. It's fine.
Um, I have to go.
I'll talk to you later.
Yeah, I don't-- okay.
I love you. Bye.
-[Emily groans]
-How is he?
He's good.
He's just, like,
a very busy person right now.
-So just scheduling.
-[Cal] Yeah.
-What are you scheduling?
-Just life. [chuckles]
-[Cal] Fair.
-Nothing in particular.
[Cal] Cool.
[Emily] Um...
what are you doing
Friday night?
I'm not sure yet.
-You should model for me.
Yes, I always look, like,
very strange in photos.
Like, my eyes
are just, like, really wide.
-I don't believe you.
-[Cal] I swear.
-You're an actor.
You can be
in front of a camera.
[phone ringing]
[phone ringing]
Hi. What's up?
Um, nothing much.
I am getting ready.
I'm taking pictures
with Em tonight.
You need to chill.
One, they're not
new head shots.
And two, if they were,
it'd be fine
because I look very different
than I looked six months ago.
[doorbell rings]
Um, okay.
I gotta call you back later.
Uh, I'll talk to you soon.
I love you. Bye.
[box thudding]
-[laughs] Oh, my God.
-[Cal] Hi. [laughs]
You look incredible.
I'm fully not wearing
pants right now.
I can see that.
You look fucking incredible.
Let's go.
Let's do this.
[groans] Okay.
-[lighter clicking]
Can you--
did you get it?
It's not really going.
Let me get it.
You gotta learn
how to do this yourself.
I can be
an independent woman.
Stealing my lighter back. Okay.
I'm gonna do stills,
Yeah. Okay.
-What do I-- how do you--
-[Emily] Let me see.
How do you want me?
[Emily] Ah, just do
what you're doing.
Just have a little--
there we go.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Wait, wait, wait.
Hold on. Hold on.
If you just go, like,
a little bit back again.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[Cal] Okay.
[camera shutter clicks]
[Emily] Yeah.
-You look amazing.
-Thank you.
[Cal] Everyone's mattress
is on the street.
[Emily] Everyone's like,
"Fuck this mattress.
I had no sex this summer."
-[Cal] It's cursed.
-[Emily] It's cursed.
-How does--
-[Emily] Yes, yes.
-[Emily] Do this--
What do you--
you're not even taking a photo.
I am.
-Like, what do you-- should I--
-[Emily] Yeah.
[gasps] You just
caught me off guard.
That's the point.
Go and then come back.
-Go and then come back.
[Cal] Okay.
I'm gonna strut in.
-[Emily] Yes. Strut in.
-Strut. Strut. Strut.
Where-- where are you going?
["Fear" by Siv Disa playing]
I'm a little bit in love
With everyone
I've ever touched
Come a little bit undone
then disconnect
Before it comes to much
Never want to reach a goal
I just want to be in motion
Every path that could be,
that might be
Is until you settle on one
And is that fear
Or the knowledge
that the truth would break me?

And which is fear
The illusion or the pain
I think I can count on--
I think I can count on,
um, one hand,
maybe two hands
how many times I've smoked
a cigarette in my life.
How many of those
are with me?
-Too many.
-Too many.
More than half,
you think?
-I need to stop giving you--
-I like your cigarettes.
My gross menthols.
I'm a bad influence.
-You're a fine influence.
-Stay away.
-You're a good influence even.
-[scoffs] We'll see.
-Yes. Time will tell.
-Yeah. I'm trying to quit.
-Oh, you are?
-I'm trying to quit.
-You're doing a great job.
I'm trying to reduce.
I'm trying to red--
-Right, right, right.
-I'm trying to reduce.
I-- I-- I have since college.
I used to be, like, full on,
like, pack a day girl.
-But I'm not anymore.
-A pack a day?
Yeah, of menthols
with fucking fiberglass in them.
I cannot see you
as a smoker.
What's this?
I mean, I can't see you
as a serious smoker.
I was. I was.
Like, every fucking
stupid 22 year old.
I was like,
you know, I tried--
I started smoking
to try to impress a girl.
Didn't impress her.
Just started
getting lung cancer.
You dated girls before Jay?
Well, like,
not, like, dated dated.
But many-- uh, many a crush
and many a smooch.
-You know.
I-- um,
I like, um, half dated
a few girls in college.
None that I would
have called my girlfriend
'cause it--
it wasn't quite perfect.
Like, everything
wasn't quite right,
but, um...
It was a good--
good time.
A good time. Yeah.
I think for me it was,
like, more of a timing issue
because... I don't know,
I didn't really,
like, embrace my queerness
or really, like,
uh, dive into it
until my senior year--
dive right in there--
until my senior year
of college though.
So I was like--
it was a short-lived moment
'cause second semester
I started,
like, casually hook up
with Jacob.
-Oh, okay.
-Yeah, well.
-He-- uh, then he trapped me.
-There you go.
Well, RIP the lesbian
you might have been.
The missed opportunities.
I-- truly, I would've been
an amazing lesbian.
Why do you say that?
I-- because
I'm an amazing listener.
You are a good listener.
That's fair. That's fair.
-Women are a lot of work.
-We are a lot.
-A lot of work.
Well, you know,
there's still time.
-[Cal] Well.
-[clears throat]
-Not if you're dating Jay.
I mean, the two aren't
necessarily mutually exclusive,
What does that mean?
Well, like, I don't know.
I mean he-- last night
he was, like, talking
about maybe opening up
the relationship.
So we wanna do...
How do you feel about that?
Um... [sighs]
How do you feel about that?
I don't-- I don't know.
I don't know.
-I'm okay.
-I love your camera.
-Yeah? It's my mom's.
It's really-- it's cool.
Can I--
uh, can I see it?
Can I take
a picture of you?
-I wanna take a picture of you.
You took so many of me.
I feel like it's only--
Yes, 'cause I live
back here and-- fine.
-Oh. You give up so easily.
-I-- you deserve it.
-You just gave on--
You gave in real fast.
[Emily] You were making
a good argument.
I've been making you stand in
the street all day in a-- in a--
Like a street walker.
Beautiful outfit.
I'm wearing nothing.
-Where should I go? Here?
Yeah, right there.
The light
is pretty on your face.
Is it on?
-Because I put the green...
...but it's not-- turn on.
-Um, hold on. Can I see?
Yep. It died.
[laughs] It-- it's dead.
Your opportunity
must wait till tomorrow.
She'll have more energy
in the morning.
[piano music playing]
There's someone
in the picture
Every now and then
It is really inconsistent,
but I figure...
Uh-- oh.
Sorry. Oh, I'm so sorry.
I forgot my lyric.
Do you mind-- um, can I
start over really quickly?
Go-- whatever you need.
Thanks so much. Thank you.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you. Okay.
There's someone
in the picture
Every now and then
It is really inconsistent,
but I figure
Hey, that's men
I'm sure that this is normal

I should not be freaking out

Confusion is half
of what love is about
[guitar music playing]
I over analyzed
Believed your sloppy lies,
I need
To say goddamn I tried,
I left my logic
Let you fool me
I was so gulli, gulli, gulli,
gulli, gulli, gulli
Oh, so gulli, gulli, gulli
Gulli, gulli, gullible
Oh, that was so fun.
-[Cal] That was amazing.
-Thank you.
Can we go right now?
I have to be here
for, like...
one more hour.
Just one more hour.
I have to make rent.
-[Cal groans]
-It-- one hour, Cal.
I'm like...
Okay, okay,
okay, okay, okay, okay.
Just put this down.
[Cal] I don't know.
I just, like, need a burger.
Okay, let me just--
thank you, everyone,
so much for coming.
This was so sweet.
I really appreciate it.
Tip-- tip your waiters.
Tip the bartenders.
They're working
tirelessly for you.
And I will be here tomorrow.
Thank you.
[sighs] They love me.
[both] Encore.
They're gonna have to wait.
They will.
'Cause I'm here for you, baby.
Thank you, mister.
-What's going on?
-[Cal] Nothing.
-There's-- [laughs]
-Mi get-- [hums]
Mi get drunky with Em Em.
Um, and now
me have no prospects,
so that's where I'm at.
Why were you
drinking with Em?
[Cal] Well, okay,
actually it was super cool.
We had-- um, Em had this idea
for, like, a video photo project
and I got super dressed up
and it was,
like, Andy Warhol inspired
and it was just a really
fucking fun and cool night.
Did you miss
your audition this morning?
[Cal] No, I didn't miss it.
I went. I went, I went.
I just, like,
wasn't feeling my A game.
So I didn't-- wasn't perf.
'Cause you drank last night.
[Cal] But it was, like, for art,
you know what I mean?
Are-- are you,
like, modeling now?
Do you think I can?
[Bobby] That's not what
I'm trying to say, Cal.
-I'm trying to get--
-No, I know.
I-- okay.
Let me, like, break it down.
It's-- it was, like, for art,
you know what I mean?
Like, it was an art project
that I got to be a part of
and, like-- I just...
You just what?
You're sacrificing
one thing for the other.
[Cal] Why are you concerned?
No, I'm not.
No, I'm not
sacrificing anything.
-It's, like, all related.
-[Bobby] But you are.
-No, I'm not. Not at all.
-[Bobby] Yes, you are.
You're just botched
your audition
because you were out
drinking with Em.
It wasn't that bad.
It's just-- I don't think
you understand, I feel like--
[Bobby] I'm not getting it.
Explain it to me.
It's pretty important to align
yourself with successful people.
Like, how else...
do you know--
I don't understand why--
[Bobby] Oh, now I get it.
No, that was clear.
That was crystal clear.
That-- like, that fell right in.
No, you're right.
If you gotta-- you got--
you should go hang out
with Em more, I guess.
I don't know, I'm sorry
I'm not a photographer.
[Cal] Oh, my God.
You're being so dramatic.
-I'm not being dramatic.
-You are!
It's just--
it's really frustrating
that you're coming to me
and you're complaining about
not having your shit together
and you're not working
on your shit.
I am working on my shit.
How are you working
on your shit?
Every single fucking day
I'm working on it.
I need to go get a burger,
like, very desperately
because I fucking
don't feel well.
Which I told you and I feel like
you weren't listening to me.
-[Bobby] Oh, my God!
-And so I'm gonna go--
I literally stopped playing--
stopped making my money
-Thank you.
-[Bobby] for you.
-I'm making time for you, Cal.
-Thank you.
I appreciate that.
Can we go fucking eat?
[Bobby] Why are you
just brushing me off?
-I'm not! Oh, my Go--
-[phone chimes]
Oh, my fucking God.
Bobby. Bobby.
I'm gonna be
in a fucking gallery in Soho.
-That is amazing.
You can't say
that isn't amazing.
["Kelly" by Erika Levy playing]
I turn my cheek and I hope
you wanna [indistinct]
[indistinct chatter]
-[Cal] Hey.
-Oh, hi.
-[Cal] Cal.
[Cal] I know.
How are you?
I'm good.
How are you doing?
Good. Good.
This is amazing.
I know.
Have you gotten a chance
to look around yet or--
Uh, not so much.
I've been hanging out
by the door,
waiting to see
if anyone I like walks in, so.
[chuckles] Fair.
The woman of the hour.
-[Emily laughs]
-[Kit] Hi.
[Emily] Thank you for coming.
-[Kit] Damn, girl.
-[Emily] Right?
-Dude, it's you.
-[laughs] It's amazing.
[Kit] These look incredible.
-[Emily] Thank you.
[Kit] Yeah.
[Emily] Look at this.
She said she couldn't model.
I think
she's just so good at her job.
[Emily] No, no.
Um, I think
I'm gonna get another one.
Can I--
do you want anything?
[Emily] I-- any--
any and all alcohol.
I've been too anxious
to-- to drink, so please.
[Kit] Got it.
A boat of champagne coming up.
[Emily laughs]
Yes. Thank you.
[Kit] Uh,
can I top you off?
-Yeah, that would be amazing.
-[Kit] Great.
Thank you very much.
That's so sweet.
-[Kit] Yeah.
-[Cal] Thanks.
You, uh--
how do you feel?
Pretty good.
-This is amazing.
-I'm glad you like it.
-Yeah, I love it.
-[Emily] Oh, good, good, good.
-That's important.
-[chuckles] Yeah?
-[Emily] Yeah.
You're a great muse.
Everyone loves this one.
Kelly, Kelly,
you know you wanna keep me
[Kit] There was one year
a bunch of friends and I
went to Cabo
for spring break.
-And it was basically,
just me and seven girls
-sobbing the entire time.
just for various reasons.
Like, the first night,
I ended up eating something,
and, like,
was vomiting my guts out
for the entire night.
My roommate thought
someone had died.
-[laughs] And, um, so then--
-[Jacob] What did you eat?
[Kit] Tacos, I guess.
-[Bobby] Cal, hi!
-Hi, baby. Hi.
-[Bobby] This is amazing.
-Oh, I know.
You came!
Oh, my gosh.
-[laughs] I ran, but I came.
-Thank you.
-You're a sweaty boy.
-I'm a sweaty boy, babes.
Honey, do you have
a shirt with you?
Yeah, but it's hot,
I was busking all day,
-and you know--
-I know. I know.
And then, I ran here,
and the trains were late,
but I'm here,
and I'm here with you.
-Yes, do you want--
-I thought you'd be happy.
[chuckles] Baby, do you wanna
put your shirt on?
'Cause the AC
is blaring in here.
I could, yeah,
you don't have to fan me.
[laughs] I could.
Where's the bathroom?
[Cal] Right there,
um, do you want me
-to, um, carry your--
-[Bobby] No, it's fine.
I'm good.
-[door shuts closed]
-[Emily] You're an insane--
[Kit] Anyway, she ended up
breaking up with her boyfriend.
-[Jacob] Really?
-That was-- that was very good.
[Cal] She did?
In a good--
like, a good way?
-I missed a lot--
-Yes, you did.
-Okay, you guys.
-She definitely needed to do it.
There's an amazing bar around--
like, around the corner-ish.
-I'm gonna call us a Lyft.
Do you want--
do you wanna go?
I could use a drink.
I'm gonna call the--
he's a minute away!
Okay, I'm gonna go
stand in the street.
-Let's go.
-Thank you, baby.
Let's go, Kit.
Do you wanna come out?
-I'll meet you outside.
-[Kit] I'm gonna flag him down.
-You coming?
Um, I'll meet you
out there, okay?
I'll see you out there.
See you out there.
[Bobby] Give--
give me a second, Cal.
-Jesus, I--
-[Cal] Okay.
-But I really have to go.
-[Bobby] You literally
just told me to change,
and I'm changing.
No, I know,
but I really have to go.
[Bobby] Cal,
I'll be out in like, a minute.
-I know. I'll fucking leave.
-[Bobby] I'll be right there.
I'll text you, okay?
I love you.
-I gotta go. I gotta go.
-[Bobby] Cal?
[Emily] Hey, off we go.
The jumpsuit was ruined?
-Oh, I mean--
-No, you washed that.
-You washed that.
-I have seen her
-wear it multiple times.
-[Kit laughing]
Every time I pee myself,
I just immediately
wash my pants.
You do that,
like, really fast.
Yeah, no,
she still wears it.
-Oh, God.
-It's a jumpsuit.
I mean,
I wouldn't throw it out.
-Yeah, right?
-Wash it.
-Trauma. Yeah. [laughs]
-I'd wash it, but--
-Oh, my God.
-I assumed she did.
Can I get you another one?
-Please. That'd be great.
["Prey" by M the Myth playing]
Draw some monsters
into death
Um, you guys,
I'm gonna get us shots.
-I love that.
-Great, lady.
'Cause I can [indistinct]
Give me your lies
[phone chimes]
I'm trying [indistinct]
-[Adrian] Here you go.
-Thank you.
[Adrian] Of course.
Rip me to shreds,
I'll take my revenge
Got tricks up my sleeve
[Emily] Jacob,
I know you're not doing
another shot,
but I got you another whiskey.
-[Cal] Wow. That's incredible.
-[Emily] I know. I know, but...
we gotta get
to "piss my pants" level.
I didn't know
we were doing shots.
Oh, my God!
-You just gotta drink.
-Here is to Emily.
Who gives a shit.
Who gives a shit.
To Emily
on her big day.
To you, guys.
Thank you for being here.
-To Emily.
-I love you, guys.
Cheers, cheers, cheers.
Know you need me,
know you got it
Ooh. I don't--
Know you want me,
know you need me
Know you got it bad
Know you want me,
know you need me
Know you got it bad
Give me your lies,
I'm not afraid
[indistinct lyrics]
One kiss
And you'll be my prey
Rip me to shreds,
I'll take my revenge
Got tricks up my sleeve,
so I say
One kiss
And you'll be my prey
I don't know
where my drink went, but...
[overlapping conversation]
[Jacob] I should have left--
I should have left
-about an hour ago, I--
-[Emily] Okay. Go.
Oh, yeah.
Don't-- please don't do this.
Don't do this right here.
-But like, you're not gonna--
Yeah, that happens
all the time.
[Emily] I need you to--
can you just stay
for, like, 15 minutes?
-We'll all go.
-[chuckling] Yikes.
They argue a lot.
[Cal laughs]
[Cal laughs] Yeah.
[Kit] But anyway, so...
This girl's ferret
was so fucking big.
I'm gonna head out.
Um, okay.
Yeah, I just have an
early morning, so, I gotta go.
-But, uh, I'll see you tomorrow?
-[Kit] Yeah.
-I'll see you at home.
-You okay?
-Yeah. No, I'm fine.
I just have to
be up for the callback
-in the morning.
-Let's hang this week, okay?
-[Jacob] Yeah, let's do it.
-[Jacob] All right, bye, girls.
-Love you.
[Jacob] You too.
I won't be
looking back for you
-[Cal] Hi.
[Cal] Are we getting drunky?
-[Cal] Um, four shots, please.
-[Emily laughs]
Here we go.
You think I won't go,
just want you to know
That you fucked it up
this time
This is overdue,
yeah, it's nothing new
'Cause I don't,
I don't need you
[Cal] I would, um...
I would go to,
like, the tea shop,
and get
three samples of tea.
-I remember so distinctly.
-[Emily] Yep.
[Cal] Three samples of tea,
drink it and be like,
-"I'm full."
-[Emily] "I'm so full."
"I don't need-- I'm good."
Yeah, I mean, that's--
[Cal] So fucked up.
[Emily] And we convince
ourselves of that.
-[Cal] Oh, totally.
-[Emily] Like it's fucking--
[Cal] Totally.
[Emily] I still--
I mean obviously, it's a--
it's a lifelong--
-it's a lifelong thing.
-[Cal] Yeah.
-[Emily] But--
-[Cal] It's bullshit.
-[Emily] Mm-hmm.
-You like, finish a meal now,
-and it's like--
-You're like, "Ah."
-'Cause they tell you
you're not supposed
to eat everything
-on your plate or whatever.
-Which is bullshit.
Like, if you're hungry,
just fucking eat.
-[phone chimes]
-It's crazy.
-It is crazy.
-And to like, not be able to,
-like, trust your hunger, right?
-Right. Right.
Freaking insane.
Um, hmm.
Are you going
to this party on Saturday?
-Adrian's party?
-The one on Long Island, yeah.
Woman, what?
I don't know.
I don't know.
All right. Okay.
-I don't know.
-I was thinking of going.
-[phone buzzing]
Who is bothering me? Oh!
Hi. No, I'm with Cal.
Well, how long
will you be, 'cause--
if we ordered Indian,
do you think you could
pick it up and bring it over?
Right. I love you. Bye.
well, we are going to
order Indian food,
and he's going to
pick it up...
-...for us.
-Is he coming over?
All right.
In college,
I took this class
on, um, modern art
and, um, like,
monochromatic art.
-Oh, shit.
-And how, like, texture
informs the piece, right?
-It's very cool.
-So like, it's not just,
like, a red painting.
-The texture of this painting.
-Right, it is the texture of--
And how it reflects
against the room.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-And I-- before that,
I was like,
"This is not art."
Yeah, like,
it's creating environment,
which I feel like is--
but I keep-- I keep going
to these things
where it's, like,
it's a-- a hat,
but like, here's the opinion
-about it that makes it art.
-And I don't know that I--
-This is not a pipe.
Right, but that,
I-- I understand.
-I love that.
-It's-- I love that.
-That's just like--
Guys, if I'm being honest,
I kinda thought
that you might have got
something for me.
Well, you were just
at your parents.
-You ate lunch with them.
-Okay, it's dinner now.
I'm just-- you know,
I had like, a long commute and--
Baby, you can have--
here, have this.
-We have so much.
-Share-- share with me.
-Yeah. Share.
I'm putting
so much of this.
-[laughs] It's so good.
-I mean--
We're two. [laughs]
We're two people.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
It's for two.
Yeah, it's--
I'm eating all of this.
I'm just gonna
grab this spoon.
Oh, I just licked it.
[laughing] That's fine,
I think
we're okay with that, right?
-Oh, my God.
-Yeah. I guess so.
Um, how are your parents,
by the way?
-They, um--
-Haven't seen them in a minute.
-They're all right.
-Just all right?
Yeah, you know,
I think we're just, like,
getting to the point
where we just, like, realize
that our parents,
like, have these flaws.
but we're all flawed.
Yeah, but they're just, like,
not doing anything to change it.
Like they-- they're--
they have these flaws,
and they're very aware of them,
but they just--
No, I get it.
I get it, but like...
should they?
Do you know what I mean?
Like, should they?
But do you think
that we should, like,
just, like,
settle for mediocrity?
No, I-- but I also,
don't think having flaws
-makes someone mediocre.
-That's not what I'm saying.
-I'm just saying that--
-But you're implying it
in a sense, right?
No, I'm just saying,
like, we should always be
striving to improve ourselves,
and, um--
I feel like
that would be exhausting.
Hi, Dad.
Uh, good,
I'm, uh, just,
uh, home
applying backstage stuff.
Yeah, and then,
I'm-- um, I'm gonna go
to a friend's in a bit.
Okay, and I know--
I know I have to call her.
I told you I would.
I literally said I would.
And I told you
I was gonna call her and I am.
Oh, my God.
And I will. All right?
I have to go.
Oh, fucking God.
I'm walking the wrong direction.
-Do you want more?
-Thank you.
That's probably good.
[laughs] It's a nice
big glass of wine.
[Adrian] Heavy pour.
That's, like,
right up my alley.
[Adrian] Great.
-[Cal] Mmm.
-[Adrian clears throat]
[Cal chuckles]
You are...
-very impressive.
-[Adrian laughs]
-I was being sincere.
-Thanks. [laughing]
[Cal] You're welcome.
I don't know,
especially, like...
you've accomplished
so much.
And, like, oh, God, especially,
in regards to, like--
like, obviously,
I know you and Jay had
very different
family upbringings.
And you've both
accomplished, like...
so much, it's--
it's super impressive.
Yeah, I love Jacob.
He's a sensitive little boy.
[keyboard clattering]
[laptop chimes]
[calling tone ringing]
[Bobby's voice mail]
This is Bobby Cortez.
-Leave it here.
[Emily] The longest
I ever drove,
I actually didn't pee
for 13 and a half hours.
-[Cal] What?
-Oh, my God,
I just ran a stop sign.
[laughs] I got excited.
But I didn't pee
the whole time.
I was so proud
of myself.
[Cal] Why did we decide to get
40 bottles of Margarita Mix?
I don't know.
That's how much we needed.
I mean, fair.
Ooh, can you
-get this for me please, Cal?
-[Cal] Yes.
[Emily] Thank you.
-Hit that doorbell.
-[doorbell rings]
[pop music playing from inside]
-[Emily] Hi.
Hi, so happy
you guys made it.
How are you?
Thank you for having us.
Of course, come on in.
Your brother texted me
requesting the entire
-Frito-Lay aisle, so we got it.
-[Adrian] Wow.
We went on a spree.
We did just go food shopping,
but this is great.
-You good?
Here, here.
Let me take that.
Oh, thank you.
Is-- is he--
-Yeah, uh, right in the kitchen.
-Okay, cool.
Happy you made it.
Here. Let me get the door.
Oh, such chivalry.
Here, tag team.
[Jacob] What's he like
in class?
Like, what does he--
does he talk or...
I don't know,
he's like--
[Jacob] Is he, like,
talking to other students,
-or like, just like--
-[Rachel] No, he's just...
Hi, babe, hi.
-...sarcastic and like--
-[Jacob] Oh, that--
that-- that tracks,
I'm-- I'm Emily.
I'm Jacob's girlfriend.
-[Rachel] Nice to meet you.
-[Emily] Hey, nice to meet you.
-Show me.
-Four wing Three.
-What does that mean?
-Okay. Don't look.
-Don't look. Don't look.
-Am I special?
-An individualist.
-Okay. I like that.
-"Uh, they want
to express themselves
and their individuality
to create
and surround themselves
with beauty." [laughs]
Why are you saying it
like that?
Really funny
'cause it's really cheesy.
-It checks, though.
-Yeah, it does?
-Yeah, I like beauty.
-Okay, that fits.
It's kind of
a boring job, but--
-What are the perks?
-[Rachel] Well, like--
[man] The firm just
hooked me up with this, like,
-really sick apartment.
-Are you kidding?
-[Jacob] Really?
-[Emily] Where?
-It's in LIC.
-[Jacob] That's where I am.
-It's pretty nice, right?
Yeah, that's,
like, a hidden gem.
-Like, not for long, yeah?
Like, you just got
that amazing tour.
-Right? Like, that's amazing.
-[Dan] Dude!
-I almost accidentally
cockblocked your brother.
Cool, um, that's--
that's great, Dan, uh--
"We need to take care
of our emotional needs..."
-"...before attending
to anything else."
Oh, interesting.
[Jacob] Come on.
" create an identity."
-[Jacob] Emily!
I gotta go
to the bathroom really quick.
-I'll be back in a second.
-All right.
Emily, can we talk?
[Emily] Can you just
give me a minute?
-[Jacob] Hey, can you please
just come out
of the bathroom?
[Emily] I'm not coming out
right now.
Can you just fucking give me
a minute, please?
Thank you.
[pop music playing distantly]
[Jacob] Okay.
[muffled conversation]
[knocking on door]
[Cal] Hi.
[Jacob] Hey.
I thought-- I thought
you gave that to Em.
Uh, no, no, I just, uh--
I just got her her own.
Oh, my God, I haven't been
in this room... [laughs] ages.
[Jacob sighs] Yeah.
-It's been a while.
-Oh, my God. [laughs]
Oh. Hello.
[Jacob chuckles]
-Oh, our little hands.
-[Jacob] Mm-hmm.
What does BFFR mean?
-Did we mean "BFFL"?
"best friends for real"?
Come on.
That was our thing.
-[Jacob] I forgive you.
-Thank you.
-[Jacob] Mm-hmm.
Um, hmm.
We were very, um...
-[Jacob] Totally weird.
-Yes. Cute.
-[Jacob] Very cute.
-Adorable, in fact.
-[Jacob] Mostly weird.
[Cal] More--
more cute than weird.
That was cute.
We were usually weird.
[laughs] I think
the ratio can be, uh...
I don't know.
can't remember--
[sighs] I can't remember
the last time
that we were alone.
-That's weird.
-[Jacob] Hmm.
-Yeah. That is weird.
[Jacob] Kinda makes me sad.
[grunts] How is Emily?
She is-- she is--
she's going to be fine, yeah.
-That was very convincing.
-[Jacob] She's--
-she's gonna be fine.
-Beautiful performance.
They pay to act?
Do you know,
surprisingly, they do.
-Very odd.
How are you, my love?
I am, uh...
-I'm good.
I'm real good. Yeah.
-[Jacob laughs]
-Crushing it.
Let's talk
about something else. Please.
All right.
I wanna talk about--
hey, babe.
I wanna talk
about anything with you.
-Yeah, so you, uh,
you can take the lead.
-Don't fuck my brother.
-...really hot.
-[both laughing]
You think so?
I can't even see you.
I don't wanna look at that.
Why do you own these?
-Where did they come from?
-You know...
you know,
I got really into Hellboy,
and these reminded me.
You know, I think
I remember that phase.
Yeah. It was a fun phase.
I kinda miss those days.
Let me see.
I'm curious.
Ooh, it's gonna be your next
Halloween costume, I think.
Are you into it?
I kind of see you.
-You look really close to me.
-Yeah, do I?
-Well, maybe 'cause I am. Yeah.
-Yes, 'cause you are.
[Cal chuckles]
Um. [laughs]
[Jacob sighs]
[laughs] You're dumb.
[Jacob scoffs]
What do you wanna
talk about?
-How about...
-How about?
don't fuck my brother.
[laughs] Oh, okay.
We're back on that.
-Okay. Hmm.
I'll, um, see your brother,
and raise you a girlfriend.
-Would that be better?
-Oh, no!
-Is that more preferable?
-No, that's so much worse.
-Less? It's worse? Oh, man.
-Actually, yeah. No, it--
-Not ideal?
-Not-- definitely not ideal.
-Both situations.
-Okay, cool.
What would be...
-[both chuckling]
You know, I feel like
I keep disappointing people.
I don't think
you're disappointing people.
No, I am, it's fine.
I think that people have
really big expectations for you.
-Well-- no, I just-- I--
It's-- I just
should've told Emily sooner.
We could have avoided
this entire fucking thing.
What are you
talking about?
What did you-- what didn't you--
what did you do?
[laughs] What did you do?
I got the tour.
-Oh, my God.
-[Jacob laughs]
Oh, my God!
-I know. I'm excited!
-That is so huge, dude!
It's gonna be--
it's gonna be good.
Oh, my God.
That amazing.
It's gonna be a good year.
It's gonna be
a fucking a-- amazing year.
-That's so good.
This is so good. Wow.
Thanks, Cal.
Everything else
will figure itself out.
-And the people that love you
will be here
when you get back.
-Which you'll come back.
I will.
I will come back.
-He always does.
-[both chuckling]
-I miss you.
-I miss you a lot.
-I miss you too.
I miss you.
so, here's the thing.
I miss you, like...
All the time.
Yeah, like,
every single day.
-And I wanna talk to you...
-All the time.
Yeah, literally,
all the time.
I just-- I don't know.
I-- I wish...
I, um, haven't made
eye contact with you
in this long,
it's, like, a bit jarring.
I don't know,
I just haven't, like...
we haven't, like, looked
into each other's eyes
in a moon.
Yeah, it's been kinda...
it's been kinda hard to.
-[Jacob] Um...
Um, I, uh--
-Wait. [chuckles]
-[Jacob] I-- I-- I--
-[Jacob] I-- I should--
-Hold on. Wait, wait, wait.
-Jay, hold on.
-[Jacob] I should see
-what's going on with Emily.
-Wait, Jay!
-Can you, please, wait.
-[Jacob] She's in the bathroom.
Yeah, I understand.
Can you just wait one second?
[Jacob] I gotta check on her.
-[Cal sobbing]
-Hey. Hey, hey, hey.
Come here.
Come here. Come here.
[Cal sniffling]
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
[laughs] Yeah.
Ew. [coughs]
-[both sniffling]
-Oh, fuck.
[Emily sighs]
-[both chuckle]
-You look great.
[Emily sighs]
[both moaning]
-I love you.
-I love you, too.
I'm in love with you.
I love you so much.
[Emily] I-- I have to go.
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
["Beat07" by Siv Disa playing]
-You're back.
-[both laugh]
You wanna keep, uh--
I can keep reading the thing.
I know you did leave
mid-sentence last time,
and I was worried that
I fucked something up, but...
-No, it's all good.
-...we can keep reading
-if you want.
-No, let's go get a drink.
And then,
you can tell me more about me.
-[Cal hums]
Why do we do this
to ourselves? [laughs]
[Cal] [indistinct] so good.
-[Cal] I'm just gonna--
I don't know.
[Adrian] We're going in for--
oh, my God, wait for--
-You're crazy.
-[Cal] Yeah, that's--
[music ends]
[calling tone ringing]
[Jacob's voicemail]
Uh, hey, you've reached Jacob.
I'm not here right--
[calling tone ringing]
[Emily's voicemail] Hi,
this is Emily Elizabeth Walker.
I'm not here to answer
the phone right now--
[Dad] Could you please take your
dirty feet off the dashboard?
[Cal] My feet aren't dirty.
-[Dad] Your shoes are dirty.
-They're not dirty. They're new.
-How could you afford new shoes?
-Because I work?
-I work two jobs.
-Okay. I'm glad.
Excuse me?
All I said is,
"Okay. I'm glad."
I hope
you have two jobs.
I want you to work hard.
[Cal] I am working hard.
How do you have time to hang out
with your friends all the time?
Do you want me
to not have friends?
You want me
to just go to work,
and come home, and, like...
be a robot and,
like, what, go to a--
what do you want from me?
-Don't put words in my mouth.
-I'm not putting words
in your mouth,
that's what you said.
How do I have time to hang out
with my friends?
I want you
to work hard and succeed.
I am working hard.
Dad, I literally just graduated.
I-- I know. I was there.
Do you know
how hard it is?
Yeah, I really do
-understand how hard it is.
-Do not patronize me, please.
You just sound
like you're patronizing me.
-I'm not patronizing.
-You are, Dad!
You have no idea.
-No, I really do understand.
-No, Dad.
But you don't, because you have
this fucking-- [groans]
Dad, you have this,
like, 9 to 5 job.
And you have this family
and your house,
and you get to, like,
go to work and come home,
and eat Panera Bread,
and watch
Dancing with the Stars.
And like,
I'm working all the time.
I work literally
all the time.
-I'm exhausted.
-You think I don't work hard?
Who do you think
pays for everything?
it's not about you!
-Okay, honey.
-Can you not?
Honey, just relax.
I'm fucking-- Dad.
I'm sad.
-[car beeps]
-Thank you.
Call me
if you need anything.
-I love you.
-[Dad] love you too.
Can I have $20?
[lock clicks]
[calling tone ringing]
[Bobby's voicemail]
This is Bobby Cortez.
Leave it here.
[sniffling, sobbing]
[phone thuds]
[woman] Okay,
so when you're ready,
I'm going to ask everyone
to stand up from their chairs.
You are going to
pick a partner,
and go to sit somewhere
in the room facing your partner.
Do you wanna--
Um, yeah, sure.
[woman] Just look
at the person in front of you.
Just look at them.
This person doesn't expect
anything from you.
Just look.
Just notice.
No judgements.
Take them in.
My queen of denial
What could I have done
To make you see?
I've watched you make
The same mistake
Over and over again
Pass the bong stoned again
Man, it's okay,
'cause we just graduated
Say the world's about to end

Guess I'd rather be sedated
Stop my sentence
halfway through
'Cause I know
you aren't listening
it's 'cause you're high
But you're like this
sober too
My queen of denial
What could I have done
To make you see?
I've watched you make
The same mistake
Over and over again
By now, I know
When to stand clear
And we climb to the top
Of Emerald pine tree
singing Regina
Hitchhike to the UFOs
Racing by
Oh, they take us away
To a place
they couldn't judge
You said you loved me
'Cause you knew
I'd never leave
My queen of denial
What could I have done
To make you see?
I've watched you make
The same mistake
Over and over again
By now, I know
When to stand clear
[audience applauding]
[man] Thank you so much
for setting this up.
-[Bobby] Thank you for coming.
-[man] Please let me know
-when the next is.
-[Bobby] I will, promise, 100%.
-Have a good night.
-You, too.
You were amazing.
Thank you.
Are those both for you,
or are you gonna--
I'm not that selfish.
I'm not too sure
about that. [laughs]
I'm so--
I'm so sorry.
I fucked up.
[lock clicks]
[keys clatter]
[water splashing]
["Late Bloomer"
by Haley Blais playing]
[moaning, laughing]
So tired
Of being lonely
But I also don't care
Oh, you
You're my only
So I'll try
But I also don't care
You know
I never really do this
I'd much prefer
to stay at home
And I admit
I'm rather clueless
When it comes
to being one on one
'Cause I'm a late bloomer
You'll never see me
in the spring
I hesitate to my pruner
'Cause I'm scared
of ever blossoming
Oh, please
Say you love me
Say you care
Even if you don't care
Oh, man
Man above me
God on high
Hear my prayer