Aurora: A Love Story (2023) Movie Script

[hip-hop music playing]
Oh, man. All right.
[both chuckle]
-Yo, my boy. Man!
-[Kenny] Yo.
Yo. I made it.
This spot is crazy.
Yeah, it looks great, man.
And you did some nice things
with the Christmas decorations.
Oh, you know,
that was here when I got here.
That's not my style,
but this pool is fire.
Yes, ooh!
-[both chuckle]
-Yeah, we getting in there.
-Come on.
So, this right here,
this where Will's staying.
Oh, okay.
-[Tracy] I'm right next door.
-[Kenny] All right.
You the groom and all that,
so, I gave you
the master upstairs.
You got the balcony,
you got the Jacuzzi,
you got all that. So you
gon' be sleeping by yourself.
So, you know,
if you wanna let your boy
have that room,
you know what I'm sayin'?
No, no, no, no, all good.
'Cause once you
and Will start acting up,
I'm gonna retire to
my bedroom for some sleep.
can I just have
one more weekend with my boy?
I'm right here, man.
No, no, no, I'm talking
about my boy, Kenny.
Not like mature Kenny,
not the Kenny
that's about to get married.
Talking about my boy, Kenny.
I know. I know. Tray,
your old pal is gone, man.
Getting married in two days.
That's why we got two days
to turn it up, man!
-[both laughing]
-Yo man, come on, bro.
-You know.
-Nah, it's done.
[Kenny] Oh, I know who
that is. What up, brother?
-[Kenny] What's good?
-Glad you made it.
Shit, right?
We about to go
crazy in this joint.
-[Tracy] Absolutely.
-Yo, what's up?
Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes.
Ol' big head McGee over here.
[Kenny laughs]
I see you ain't let up
on the alcohol, you little--
Yeah, starting--
After that flight, first thing
I did was find the bar.
I'm surprised you
could reach the bar, fat boy.
-Oh, so, we starting early, huh?
-I'm just saying.
Yo, his shape up here different,
you see that new
line-up there, right? Recede.
Bald is beautiful
on the island, my friend.
Yo, what's good, bro?
Oh, my goodness.
Yo, what room I'm in?
Whatever one you want, bro.
-All right, bruh.
-Let's see that.
Yo, Ken, you told her yet?
[Kenny chuckles]
Don't worry.
["Better Place (feat. Astyn
Turr)" by spring gang]
There is a sparkle
in your eyes
I feel the warmth
of your skin
Just the touch of your hand
Makes me tremble within
Love the smell of your hair
Lyin' here in my bed, oh
Never gonna be alone
'Cause with you,
I'm finally coming home
I wanna be with you
[Nina] Not gonna lie, G,
I, uh, have my doubts, but, uh,
this looks like it could work.
Mm-hmm. Is, uh,
anybody going to let us in?
I have a code.
It's just not working.
Maid of honor privileges.
Don't start.
I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
Now, from what you
told me about Tracy,
I feel like we might
be breaking and entering.
-Let me try this one more time.
[breezy music]
We got the churrasquiero coming,
the DJ--
Whoa, rewind that for me.
The chu-chu-what coming through?
Churrasquiero. Right there.
Salt bae.
Oh, yeah, nah, I saw that,
but I ain't know
what the hell it meant.
Now that I hear you
say it out loud, you know,
it sound like something freaky
Need some clarification.
We on vacation, baby.
Culture yourself. Ah.
Now, you gon' see.
That's when I--
You remember we went
to the Brazilian steakhouse
and then the guys--
The dude that comes out
and gives you the food
and carves the meat for you,
that's the name of it.
Okay, I know
what you talking about.
Man, why you
ain't just say that?
Look, look, we got the,
uh, bachelor party tomorrow.
-All right.
-It's gonna be crazy.
Who-- who-- who
made these? Sofia?
'Cause I know you ain't do it.
Yo, which one's Sofia?
No, no, no, no. No.
-Oh, so--
-I know, you bro. No.
You're the only that
can fall in love out here?
You can't even say that shit
with a straight face. No.
Nah, nah, nah. I'm with him
on this one, man.
You been hiding these chicks
from us for a year.
I'm just trying
to get acquainted.
Nobody hiding nobody from y'all.
Can I get a DM?
Just a number? Just a--
They gotta love the fam.
Ladies. Six bedrooms,
three bathrooms.
[Giselle] Wow.
Okay, listen.
I have itineraries.
First is poolside dinner
with the guys.
Then breakfast in the morning.
That'll be the last time you
see Kenny before the wedding.
Mm, yes. So, don't be trying
to sneak off and get you some.
Ooh, massages.
-There's more.
-Okay. Let's see the rest.
["Magic System (feat. J.
Anthoni)" by ADH]
Magic system,
yeah, yeah, yeah
All in my system,
yeah, yeah, yeah
Magic system,
yeah, yeah, yeah
All in my system
More life, more wins,
see no enemies
Focused on self,
not the entities
We outside!
[women screaming, men laughing]
We outside!
Oh, boy.
Oh, watch out. My bad, my bad.
Yo, where my drink?
So, I think that
it's kind of weird
that this is the first time.
I agree.
Especially since you were
nothing like Giselle described.
-At all.
Well, what did she say?
What about me?
What she say about me?
Let's just say
you are as advertised.
[women giggling]
I've known Kenny since
we were, like, yay high.
Yeah, yeah,
they go way, way, way back.
You know, old status.
Definitely older than me,
but we all the same age.
Well, there's nothing
wrong with a little maturity.
Well, because, you know,
I'm older.
I'm wiser. I'm better.
All right, all right, all right.
How long have
y'all known each other?
Giselle and I met at work
a couple years ago.
And she was like the sister
that I never had.
G and Nina have
been friends for ever.
Yeah, that's my girl.
Did you tell Tracy what I said?
I think it'll be fine.
Okay. Don't say
I didn't warn you.
When he's crying
over her, remember.
If anybody [indistinct],
it might be her.
-For real.
[phone ringing]
Oh, my bad.
Yeah, we by the pool.
Uh, I missed your call.
I'll be right there.
Do I smell smoke?
Babe, please don't
be upset, all right?
Hey, Giselle.
Hey, Leah.
Is that a pool? I knew there
had to be a pool here.
Dare me to jump
in with my clothes?
No. I don't.
I'll do it.
[Kenny] I know you will do it.
You big girl.
I missed y'all.
And you, smartie.
Say hi to your uncle.
Oh. Okay.
I hate this.
As if this is not
gonna ruin the whole thing.
I'm not the only one
who sees what's happening.
Can I say something?
We both wanted a small ceremony,
but it was you who said
just our closest friends
and our parents.
Yes, I did.
And it was supposed
to be a party of ten.
The number ten
representing perfection,
harmony, and creation.
-And we said no kids.
Nina is spending Christmas
away from her son.
Nina's always
away from her son, babe.
That's not the point
and you know it.
Is this what
I have to look forward to?
She doesn't like me
and you know it.
She did this on purpose.
You guys don't know
each other yet, okay?
We don't want this
to ruin our magical week.
Hey, just think.
Just 11 months ago,
I was the school teacher
flirting with the nice lady
and now I'm here with you.
About to get married.
On Christmas in paradise.
And she probably had great
reason to bring the girls.
-They're my nieces.
-[knocking on door]
Hello again.
Okay. I'mma let
that slide for you.
You were right.
I do have a good reason
for bringing them.
Wait, are you
listening at the door?
It's not like I was spying.
I was just waiting for
the right moment to come in.
That's spying, Leah.
That is spying.
And the moment was to tell me
that you was gonna
bring Lee and Nana with you.
You ever think
about anybody but yourself?
No. You're just
thinking about you
and your little wedding.
You don't think
I want a vacation away
from two crazy kids?
I mean, Lee's cool,
but you don't think I want
a break away from Rianna?
Okay. Of course, you do.
And you're right.
Thank you.
But no, I'm not gonna
do this with you. I'm not.
You got this thing
that you always make me
feel guilty and bad
about something for something
that you did to me.
Ain't nobody trying
to make you feel bad.
I just didn't have a choice.
Humor me.
Can't leave them
with Mom and Dad
'cause they're
coming to the wedding.
Oh, excuse me.
They have a father that
they could have stayed with.
It's that simple.
If you ever paid any attention,
you would know
that we're separated.
Separated again.
I don't get it.
-Sis, as dope as you are,
you keep going back to him
and I don't know why.
All right.
I took him back a few times,
but now I know that
there are just some things
you can't get past.
He's still their father
and the girls could
have stayed with him.
'Cause he is on holiday in Aspen
with his little girlfriend
and she is 22.
You know what, I gotta
show you from a ghost page
'cause this little
birdbrain done blocked me.
It-- it ain't real.
Yeah. The girl
got a OnlyFans page.
I am not about to have
my soon-to-be teenage daughters
around some 22-year-old thot
selling ass on the internet.
Two extra chairs on the beach
ain't gonna hurt nobody.
["Better (Not Bitter)"
by King Sis]
Just pulled
up to the house
Don't feel like it now
I'ma just
going to lay back
And crack
this window (window)
[bird chirping,
water splashing]
So, you still
think you faster than me?
I think you should
get this picture, Lee.
That's what I think.
No, thank you.
Did you just wet me?
Are you crazy?
Get her, Lee.
Stop! Rianna. No!
[laughs] Get her, Lee.
Yo, I told him
not to invite her.
Yeah. Right.
Trying to get
your brother killed?
Look around, Tracy.
Shirley Temples, water guns.
It's supposed to be
a turn up weekend, man.
She don't ever listen, bro.
Now, who you think
gonna get stuck watching them?
Baby brother, as usual.
Bro, you're not gonna get
stuck watching nobody's kids.
We're going to Club Kronos
after the wedding.
You know she trying to turn up.
What she gonna do with them?
Your parents are coming too.
They turn up more than me, man.
Don't-- don't say that.
You're getting me tight.
Leah know better.
She does this all the time.
This is nothing new.
She don't wanna
pay for no babysitter,
so she brought the girls.
She think I'm gonna
sit in the room with them.
Leah's not slick, man.
She knows [indistinct].
Hey, guys.
-What's up.
What y'all--
Were you talking about me?
Your little brother's
talking about you.
What, Will?
Yo, why can't you ever
just follow instructions?
Why can't you stay
out of my fucking business?
I already talked to my brother.
We handled it. We are good.
Yeah, that's 'cause he
afraid to tell you how he feel.
I ain't afraid of you, though.
Will, shut up.
I had a long flight
and a long day.
I can't handle
you on a empty stomach.
I'm going to get some food.
See that?
Everything is supposed
to be perfect for you.
Now is not the time
to spare feelings.
What do you want me to do?
Make him put them on a plane?
You said it, not me.
This is the family
you're marrying into.
Do you really think
this is the best way
to start things off?
So, do we like them,
do we not like them?
How are we playing this?
They're about to be family.
Okay, but what kind of family
we talking?
That still don't
answer my question.
Be nice.
I think it's time.
Whoa! Come on!
Let's go. Let's go!
I'm winning this.
All right. I'm ready.
I told them not to let him play.
See, you banned from
game night for a reason.
-You get crazy.
You don't even know
what this game is.
That don't matter,
all right? I'm winning this.
This is in the bag. It's
in the bag. Ask the questions.
I mean, unless you want me
to let you win, baby.
All right. The rules are simple.
Fellas, you will
be answering questions
about the beautiful bride to be.
And ladies,
you will be answering
questions about Kenny.
All right, hold up.
She gets
the beautiful bride to be
and I get Kenny?
Get used to it, baby bro.
All right.
So as I was saying,
anyone who gets a question wrong
is gonna have to take a shot.
Giselle, you're up first.
Your question is,
"What's Kenny's middle name?"
He doesn't have one.
Kenny, same question.
I know that. Um...
Uh, it doesn't look like you do.
It's Michelle!
I knew that.
Yo, how you forget
Giselle Michelle, bro?
How you guess Gladys?
It's not about me.
-You gotta drink first.
Go, ladies.
Where was Kenny
and Giselle's first date?
Mini golf.
No, that was the second date.
Drink it.
"Party" by Beyonc.
Giselle, why did Kenny
wanna be a football player
when he was younger?
He caught a pass from
Warren Moon at a charity event.
-February 18th.
-[buzzer sounding]
Do you even
know this woman, bro?
Man, I'm so drunk,
I don't even know myself.
Nina, what did Kenny
get Giselle for her birthday
after one short month
of knowing her?
Diamond earrings. Two carats.
After one short month.
What college did Kenny attend?
Clark Atlanta University.
What was his pet fish's name?
-Dr. Bubbles.
How's a fish gonna be a doctor?
Luther Vandross.
Gilligan's Island.
bananas and polyester.
All right, bonus question.
And if you get this one right,
I'll jump in that pool.
Is that a bet?
Okay. But if you get it wrong,
you jump in the pool.
Let's go.
What did Kenny do before
he became a music teacher?
You told her?
You ever try to
look right into the soul?
Sis, you can Google me, okay?
You can Google me,
see that I'm a teacher.
You can see that
I write songs for people
and it's okay
'cause she don't know
who I am writing for.
I know she doesn't.
Because? And what if she does?
Okay. If she does,
then she'd know
you're not just
a broke music teacher.
I'm not broke.
I'm rich. I'm a millionaire.
-I'm a milli--
I'm tired of this shit.
You know what?
Here, drink this.
Take a shower
and we'll talk tomorrow
when you actually
remember this conversation.
Boy, bye.
You got it.
Get it, get it, get it.
City boys down a hundred
points with those moves.
This song is stupid anyway.
No. You're stupid.
Hold on. I got something
for you, guys.
["Para Ti" by Lawd Ito]
[lyrics in Spanish]
Baby it's a party,
put your drinks down
[lyrics in Spanish]
Come on. Everybody.
Do it! Come on! Yes, yes!
-Thank you.
-All right.
-I'm good. I'm not even drunk.
I just need to drink some shower
and take a water
and then we'll be so good.
-I know.
-I promise. Watch.
Yes, you're not drunk.
Just right here. Right--
Exactly what I'm saying.
Lay down. Take a nap.
Listen, can you check
your bathroom for a shower cap?
I forgot mine
and I'm not trying
to get this hair wet.
I got you.
Speaking of hair getting wet.
I know, but it was the game.
What was I supposed to do?
She just kept pushing me.
I told you that game
was not a good idea.
And you just let Sofia...
Look, it definitely felt good
to see her jump in that water.
Keep it together.
Two more nights.
["Kokoye" by
El Equipo Del Norte]
[lyrics in Spanish]
[Tracy humming along]
-[Leah] Hey!
-What's up?
-What the hell, Leah?
Hello to you too, Tracy.
All right, so we need to talk.
Oh, it's too early for that.
She knew everything.
Did you just come from a run?
Three miles, baby.
Hey, so why you
gonna run three miles
and then come in here
and eat like a linebacker?
I run so I can
eat like a linebacker.
But we ain't talking about me.
Well, we ain't talking
about anything actually,
'cause I don't have time
for this this morning, Leah.
Excuse me?
Um, okay.
I love you like a big sister.
I don't wanna disrespect you.
You outta line.
He's in love, sis.
Why don't you want
that for your brother?
Of course, I want that for him.
Are you crazy?
Everybody can tell
that you don't like Giselle.
It's all over your face.
I just want him to be happy.
He got hurt.
I don't want him
to get hurt again.
Okay. I was with him
on the altar when
Crystal left him, all right?
Me too.
I've also been with him
the past five years,
and I've been seeing him
date all of these dummies
and these bimbos and all
of these like random women
who would never have
a chance to get close to him.
I was also with him
when he met Giselle.
He's in love.
I'm co-signing them.
Do you trust me?
If you trust me,
leave him alone.
Okay. But she knew
everything about him.
Why is that such a bad thing
After ten months?
It's like she was studying him.
You know what I'm saying?
Dude, you know these girls
be out here studying dudes
like, especially these
new millennials. Come on.
Listen, stop. Yo.
I was with him when you told
him to write under the alias.
Back then, he met a new girl,
didn't want her to know
he had millions of dollars.
Get it. Makes sense. Okay?
Think about it.
What you're asking him to do
is keep
the biggest accomplishments
of his career a secret
and this is the woman
he's about to spend
the rest of his life with.
Here you are tripping,
telling me that she's
the one who's hiding something.
Make it make sense.
[loud knocking on the door]
That's your pops.
[knocking continues]
[Kevin] Damn, girl.
What took you so long?
I was burning up out there.
Hey. Why are you
wearing a sweater?
It's 90 degrees. Hey, Mom.
Give me this.
Ma, why you let
Daddy wear this hot sweater?
I didn't let
that man do anything.
Hey, what you mean let me?
It is Christmas, ain't it?
So, I'm wearing
my Christmas sweater.
Why your brother have
to drag us out to this island?
Hey, Miss Tay. How you feeling?
Big Kev.
Why you let your boy drag us out
to this hot ass island?
Man, come on, look around you.
It's beautiful, baby.
Y'all are overdressed though.
What's today? December 23rd.
It's the eve of Christmas Eve.
Where my granddaughter's at?
They-- they appreciate
my fire sweater.
I'll be right back.
[Tracy] Uh, they're just
actually like down the street.
Just like two steps that way.
Oh, well, I wanna see them.
They're on their way, but
I can make you a pina colada.
Aha! You know what's up.
[Tracy] Double shot, baby.
You know how we do.
-You want some too?
-Can I get a pina colada, yeah.
You can get a pina colada.
You can have two.
-One, thank you very much.
-[Tracy] Okay.
The Real Young Prodigy's]
I hit the Whoa,
then do it slow mo'
Then I millie
rock like this
Boy, still blasting
You're supposed to stop
when I leave the frame.
Give me my phone.
Hold on.
-What are you doing?
-[Lee] Oh, nothing.
Unless you trying
to come pay for my weave
Then it's P-R-O-D-I,
you know I'm a G
Come here, Lee.
Watch it.
Okay, Destiny's Child.
Ignore her, please.
I'm the good one, Lianna.
Everybody calls me Lee.
Hi, Lee. Giselle.
I'm Sofia.
-[Lee] Hi.
Yeah, we didn't
really meet last night,
so I just wanted
to introduce myself.
Oh, that is so sweet.
Hey, Mom.
Get dressed.
I told her not to wear that.
You know what, we are just,
um, we are gonna
see you at breakfast.
Y'all saw that, right?
Is she gonna walk by me like
I got cooties or something?
You are kind of sweaty, Mom.
Maybe a quick shower.
[festive music]
Hey, babe.
She'll be here.
Hey, Dad, Dad, Dad, can--
can we turn the air off, please?
It's freezing in here.
Man, my head is killing me.
It should've had
height requirements
on the tequila
like the roller coasters.
Yo, I promise you,
I will fight you today, bro.
What you want, player?
Kevin, will you please
take that sweater off?
What's the deal? Hm?
Y'all remember this one?
Yeah, but who's
that ugly baby next to me?
All right, Dad,
I am turning the air down.
-[woman] Thank you.
I came prepared
for this holiday heat.
No, you didn't!
-[Will] Hell no.
-[Kenny] Look at Will's head.
What's so funny, man?
Dad. You had a t-shirt
on under there the whole time
and you got us sitting
here freezing with that?
You couldn't hide the
holiday spirit in a t-shirt.
She's not coming.
Why am I not surprised?
I'm sure she has a good reason.
Or another excuse.
[Leah] Anybody check her ID.
Don't start.
Did I say something wrong?
Time and place.
Okay. So, if not now, then when?
Not now.
This is so embarrassing.
Oh, baby. Stop.
It's okay.
I know what this means to you.
I wouldn't care if it was
just you and me on this island,
all right? Don't worry.
We'll have plenty
of years to meet your mom.
You know, I was afraid
I'd end up just like her.
What do you mean?
I mean,
with all the money she has,
she doesn't
really have anything.
And I was like that for a while.
Things were more important
than people.
But then,
I went to this career day and--
-And what?
And then this really
weird music teacher offered
to teach me how
to play the piano.
-Yeah. Super weird.
Mm-hmm. I just
remember her going on and on
and on about how she
wish she had continued
her piano lessons
in her childhood.
I did not go on and on.
So tell me, what happened
to this weird music teacher?
I would love to know.
Well, maybe he had suggested
to the student
that she go out to this
restaurant he heard about
and casually told her
that he could take her there.
She showed up
in this white dress.
You always say that.
[Kenny] Oh, man.
That date was crazy.
You know that night,
I kept hearing those words
over and over
and over again in my head.
And I kept saying to myself,
"I don't wanna have
another day in my life
if I'm not able
to see these eyes,
kiss those lips."
I had to have your heart with me
and now you have mine, so.
There's nothing else
to really think about.
["When I think About You"
by Gloria Tells]
I never knew that
you would be the one
Head in my way, yeah
Are we getting
spa treatments too?
Yes. And I am overdue
for a mani-pedi.
Took me by surprise
Oh, man.
This place is everything.
It's so nice.
So, this will be
the last time I see you
before I make you my wife,
so don't let her ruin it.
I won't, babe.
Oh, I love you.
I love you.
Come on, bro.
You got one more day
'til your life is over.
That's ball and chain.
'Til death.
'Til death.
That's okay.
One woman for the rest
of your natural life.
'Til death.
Does he not understand
'til death?
I'll take it from here.
I'll see you tomorrow,
Mr. Gaines.
All right, y'all.
Well, that'll be it.
Time to turn up, baby!
Kenny '07 in the building.
Wait, whoa.
Look at you.
You was just out there,
melting in the sand.
I was just trying
to put my baby at ease
before we get into what we do.
I'm back!
-You back?
-I'm back.
Talking about
Kenny '07 back?
[Will] All right, let's go!
Here we go, baby!
All right, ladies.
Are you ready?
Let's go. Turn the music up.
Touchscreen to decline
As I raise a toast
to the motha' lovin' sky
Imaginin' the coast
of the plaga
[indistinct lyrics]
Airplane mode
for the weekend
Paint my toes
to a treatment
[indistinct lyrics]
Pretty baby, self-care
You guys are
really good at this.
So, are you
ready to get married?
I am so ready.
How can you be sure after
such a short amount of time?
This is supposed
to be relaxing, right?
Kenny is the kindest,
most genuine man I've ever met.
It's almost like he's too good
to be true, you know?
I couldn't believe
a man that good, that fine?
You know, I almost tried
to find something wrong
with him.
I mean, he's not perfect.
Nobody's perfect.
But he is to me.
I love him.
And I know I always will.
All right now.
I cashed in some
of my DogeCoin for this.
Somebody need to sit
on Santa's lap tonight.
Wait, sit on Santa's lap?
Pops, we're right here.
You know you're
married to our mother, right?
He know he in trouble.
I'm snitching. I'm snitching.
You have no idea what
you're about to witness.
As a matter of fact,
-I'm here for an experience.
Don't tempt me with a good time.
Look, where your money at?
I mean,
these are performers, son.
They only perform for green.
That's the best man.
He's supposed to
take care of all of that.
He might've taken care
of the check,
but they still
wanna see some gratuity.
I got the gratuity. Man.
Where they at though?
Yeah, where they at Lite-Brite?
They'll be here.
You gotta pace yourself.
This not what you used to.
You ain't got to worry about me.
They probably seen that
yellow shirt and slowed down.
-[knocking on door]
-Ah, here they come.
Ah, yeah!
Get ready, get ready, get ready!
Got a strong ass knock though.
Drop that bubble,
drop that bubble
Drop that, drop that bubble
Whoa! Hey! No!
Hey, hey, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Don't take your shirt off, bro.
Don't do it to yourself.
Put that on. Be easy.
[speaking Spanish]
-Yo, what is he saying?
-[Tracy] Yo, I don't know, bro.
[indistinct] is so funny?
I understand
like three words, bro.
You know, hold on.
Let me call Pedro.
Let me call Pedro.
[speaking Spanish]
Yeah, si. Gay.
["Baila" by Lu-Ni]
[lyrics in Spanish]
It's always the same with Primo.
One time, he sent us
a kid's birthday party.
The dad and the mom's face
when we knocked on the door
and they were expecting Elmo.
That sounds just like Tracy.
Sure does.
Oh, I wish I could have seen
the look on my husband's face
when those guys showed up.
[speaking Spanish]
Oh, hi.
I told y'all to stay upstairs.
I told her.
We're hungry.
Can we get some strawberries?
Rianna! Rianna.
One more.
My eyes look crazy, Mom.
Um, am I in that picture?
Don't worry. I can crop you out.
Can you ask her
to erase that picture
from her phone, please?
Excuse me?
Can you please erase
that picture from your phone?
Already deleted it.
Well, guess what time it is?
Shot o'clock!
One more drink
before we pass
[lyrics in Spanish]
Hey, make sure y'all
get some rest tonight.
-Got a big day tomorrow.
One job.
[Tracy sighing]
So, the girls not coming?
Sh, sh, sh, sh. Sorry.
You scared me!
I don't wanna
wake everybody up.
I'm sorry.
Come on.
You know, I never met
a guy that can keep a secret.
From a girl, yes,
but from other guys? No chance.
[Tracy chuckling]
That's because you sit
there with all these young guys
who's still concerned about what
everybody thinks about them.
And that's why
they spend so much time
running their
mouth to each other.
But, you're dealing
with a grown man.
Yes, you are.
You know,
this is a beautiful house.
I had to do everything I could
to make sure my man, Kenny,
was set up perfect.
The house that you stay in
is equally beautiful.
It's gorgeous. It must
be costing you a fortune.
Can't put a price on memories.
Can I ask you a question?
What is wrong with Kenny?
I mean,
he just seems too perfect.
He's a teacher,
he volunteers, he's handsome.
No children, no alimony.
And then, poof, all of a sudden,
he wants to marry my girl.
That doesn't sound too crafted?
I mean, I just worry
that he's not all
that he seems to be,
if I'm being honest.
[Tracy chuckling]
Let me tell you
about Kenny Gaines.
I mean, I've known this dude
since we were like yay high.
He's my best friend.
["Are You Out (feat. Heli)"
by Sugar Blizz]
Just how many days will go
'Til I call, 'til I call,
'til I call you my own
I didn't know how
you were gonna react.
You do have huge energy.
Secondly, you're not that short.
Why is this so good?
Icees on Christmas Eve.
Yes. The flavors,
the sunshine. Ugh.
You are uncharacteristically
cheerful today.
Mm. So good!
You know what? I haven't
had one of these since--
Miami. But that's
the last one I remember.
Always good to see
an old friend, right?
Old friend.
[Carlos] No?
Um, hello.
Carlos Guerra.
Me and Giselle knew
each other once upon a time.
But we should probably get going
or we're going to be late.
Same Nina. So, what brings
you here to old San Juan?
I mean, I just can't believe
I'm standing right
in front of you right now.
I'm actually getting married
at eight o'clock tonight.
So, we should get going.
["Baila" by Lu-Ni]
[lyrics in Spanish]
Cute purse.
Thank you.

[waves crashing]
[Kevin] Woo.
83 degrees on Christmas Eve.
This don't make no damn sense!
It's your day. It's your day.
Check this out.
You look good, Pops.
You too.
So, you sure about this girl?
Dad, you been talking to Leah?
Everybody's on this
Leah thing. I got this.
Your sister can be a little...
A little?
Listen, Leah been
looking out for you
your whole life.
Ever since you were a kid.
Your mom and I,
when we first got married,
we were still
trying to figure it out.
We put a lot on Leah,
just like when Will came along,
we put a lot on you.
Don't compare me to Will.
Nah, you ain't Will,
but you did have your moments
with the girls.
Hear me out, KJ.
Now, we ain't heard a peep
about nothing serious
since you know who.
Then, all of a sudden,
you pop up at Thanksgiving
with Giselle, talking about
you flying the family out
to Puerto Rico
for your wedding?
There's no doubt in
my mind, pop.
Well, that's good
enough for me.
Let's get you hitched, boy.
I love you, son.
Love you too, Pop.
-God, this is crazy.
Nina, we have to go see
what's going on.
You know she would never
be this late.
That's enough. Just wait.
All right, calm down.
Everything will be fine.
-What was wrong with y'all?
-[both] Runaway bride!
If we leave now it'll look
like something is wrong.
Something is wrong.
Have you ever known Giselle to
be this late for anything?
I mean, it's--
it's hair and makeup.
You know, maybe they're redoing
it-- We-- We just--
We just can't get crazy, okay?
I'm gonna go get a drink.
Let's calm down.
Nina, this don't feel right.
I'll get you one too.
For my nerves.
Easy, girl.
Everything okay?
Mm hmm. Big day.
We said we were going to have
a day without incident.
We're gonna have a day
without something.
You told Grandma?
Told Grandma what?
What part of
"keep this between us"
didn't you understand?
This is us, I thought
we just weren't telling them.
Somebody better start talking.
Runaway bride.
Would y'all stop saying that?
What are y'all talking about?
The girls overheard
them upstairs.
Apparently, Giselle is missing.
What? When?
They all went
to get their hair done,
but Giselle stayed
to get her makeup done.
They came back hours later,
Giselle is still gone.
Have they tried calling her?
Yeah, well,
they tried her, nothing.
Not even the salon picks up.
-Who are you calling?
-I'm calling your father.
No-- I shouldn't
have snatched this.
All right.
You're right.
Your daddy will just make
things worse.
So, what are we gonna do?
And when I say "we," I mean you.
All right, look.
You go to the salon,
I'll stay behind
and keep everyone calm.
But what about Kenny?
He should be on his way down
to the beach any minute.
Don't worry about Kenny.
I'll take care of it. Okay?
-Just-- Just go.
-How? What are you going to do?
Sofs, listen to me.
When you have eyes on Giselle
just call me.
All right?
I'll take care of the guys.
[upbeat song sung in Spanish]
[Sofia muttering indistinctly]
Christina! Where is everybody?
[speaking Spanish]
What? Ooh, girl, you just spoke
English two hours ago...
["More Than Just A Fling (feat.
Ed Mils)" by spring gang]
I found love
For real love
Let this be
The real thing
[sad music]
You hear anything from her?
You got something to say?
What did you say to her?
What are you talking about?
I mean, you insisted on getting
massages together.
Did you two speak?
Yeah, we spoke and I was just--
[Nina] Well, ever since
these massages
things have been
different with her.
So, what did you talk about?
I feel like
you're questioning me.
That's not what's
about to happen.
[Nina] But you've
been against this wedding
since you got here.
Did you say something to her?
You're not about to blame me.
If the girl got cold feet,
maybe it's because she realized
she was about to rush
into a marriage and you barely
know each other.
See? There it is.
Honestly, I have had about
enough of you.
No, this ain't about her.
Your marriage is a disaster,
and you keep trying to project
that on everybody else.
You're an expert on love?
When do we get married?
How long it takes
to get married?
You're finally happy,
aren't you, right?
-[Kevin] Kenny--
-No, Dad!
She needs to hear this.
Ever since we got here,
you've been trying to
sabotage this thing,
and you ain't satisfied
until you do it.
Are you satisfied now?
Come on, girls.
Go ahead. Go.
Talk to you for a minute?
Sure, yes.
Where is she?
Ms. Gaines,
I don't know where she is.
I need you
to figure it out. You.
That's your best friend, right?
-Well, that's my best friend.
In there. I love him.
Kind, strong son.
And right now he is crushed.
No. Whatever it is,
she needs to come back,
face him, and deal with it.
Because he doesn't deserve this.
Find her.
[door slamming]
They took her.
-[Sofia] Carlos.
[tense music]
[Carlos] Congratulations on
your love and your marriage.
It's a beautiful thing when
two people find each other
and choose to spend
their lives together as one.
I'll try not to delay
things too much.
For $2 million, you can go
with your life as planned.
If you call the police,
you'll never see Giselle again.
If you don't follow
all my instructions,
you'll never see Giselle again.
My people
are watching the house.
Stay there.
If you leave before instructed,
you'll never see Giselle again.
Don't do anything stupid.
I'll be in touch
within the hour.
Where is he going?
Probably to do something stupid.
Not now.
My car's coming in a minute.
We got a ransom note.
You're all right.
What choice do I have?
Don't know.
I'm just saying...
you should take a breath.
Make sure you're being
smart about this.
I know Giselle, Dad.
Nina said that this
guy is crazy.
This dude, after they broke up,
he stalked her.
That's part of the reason
why she left Miami.
And you found her.
All the way here,
in Puerto Rico.
I have to pay the money.
You know...
All I ever wanted was
what Mom and you had, Dad.
Some kids.
Giselle is the missing piece.
And I can't lose her.
[Leah sighing]
I haven't said a word.
Now's not the time not to
have an opinion, Leah.
Y'all just finished blaming me
for the girl leaving.
[Tanya] Leah...
$2 million is a lot of money.
And she's worth it.
No, I'm saying $2 million
is a lot of money.
You are a regular guy.
She's a regular girl.
Why does anybody think you have
that much money?
Ooh. What if she
knows you're rich?
No, for real, think about it.
If they're asking for $2
then they must know that he can
pay $2 million.
And if somebody knows that he
can pay $2 million
then somebody knows he's rich.
Did you tell her?
-You sure?
Maybe she found out.
Maybe she ain't kidnapped.
Leah had her suspicions that
she was marrying you
for your money.
Just throw me under the bus.
She finds this older guy,
finds out he has money.
No, no, that's not it, Dad.
I know Giselle.
She told me all
about this dude.
She doesn't want to have
anything to do with him.
-Tell them no.
Tell them you have no way of
getting $2 million.
You're a music teacher.
Think about it, Kenny.
They insist, then you know
the know you can pay.
But if they lower the amount,
they were just fishing.
But Nina, how did find her?
[Nina sighing]
[phone ringing]
That's not mine.
My phone is right here.
[phone ringing]
Who's bag is this?
That's my bag.
[phone ringing gets louder]
This is not my phone.
Go get Kenny.
Can I talk to her?
[tense music]
-Who is this?
-[Sofia] Carlos.
-Yeah, I--
-Hold on.
Put it on speaker.
Where's Giselle?
Let's not get confused.
You don't ask the questions.
You answer the questions.
Here is the only question
that matters right now.
-Do you love Giselle?
-Listen, man--
Okay. I got my answer.
[call disconnecting]
Mom, can you please take the
girls upstairs, please?
[phone ringing]
That was like practice.
When you don't cooperate bad
things happen, okay, Kenny?
I frightened her, but I did
not hurt her... this time.
Let's try it again.
Do you love Giselle?
-Yes, I love her.
-[Carlos] Very good. Okay.
Are you prepared to transfer
the funds?
I don't have $2 million.
-$2 million?
-[Carlos] Wrong answer.
[footsteps echoing
over phone]
Hello? Hello?
[Carlos] I'm sending a photo.
Please look at the phone.
[phone dings]
Is it your cell?
Is she-- Is she hurt?
[phone dings]
[Carlos] So, Chris. Kenny.
what's in a name? Right?
I know you have the money.
You know you have the money.
I don't blame you for trying,
I would have tried
to bargain, too.
That's why I only ask
for half
of the four million
you are worth
for the privilege of marrying
this beautiful woman.
Seems fair.
Look, man,
it's Christmas Eve, man,
I can't get the money
to you until Monday
when the banks open.
Would you like me to spend
the next 36 hours with
your beautiful wife?
Or would you like me to help
you get this over with faster?
Kenny, that was a question.
Would you like to get
this over with?
[phone disconnecting]
-That's no good, pa pa.
-Who the hell are you?
-This is my--
-Cousin, Pedro.
Everybody call me Primo.
[Tracy] He's going to help us
find Giselle.
Listen. Puerto Rico is a
beautiful island.
You know, beautiful beaches,
beautiful people.
Boricua? Dominicana?
[Tracy] Primo, come on, man.
-Sorry, man. My bad.
-[Tracy] It's not the time.
Listen, 90% of the
island is sweet.
Seems like y'all dealing
with the other 10%.
everywhere on the planet
has a 10%.
Know what I'm saying?
No, can you get to what
you're saying?
I don't know a Carlos,
but if it's in Puerto Rico
and it's illegal
I know the guy to go see.
If I pay this money...
Can you guarantee
that I get Giselle back?
That's why I'm here, pa pa.
He can pay $2 million.
Nina, what was on the phone?
I don't know, Sofia,
I'm over here with you.
Okay, don't snap at me,
I'm just asking.
Well, don't ask me. Ask him.
We're going to go
see his people.
-Listen y'all,
stay by the phones, okay?
Stay here and be ready.
Be ready to do whatever
it is you have to do.
This is my hood.
I'll do what I have to do.
How this you're hood?
You're not even Puerto Rican
Boricua, baby.
It's on my mother's side,
you know, his father's side.
Look, we good, we got you.
[tense music]
Will, keep an eye on that one.
Her last name is Xavier.
I'm so proud of you.
Rianna, remember how you found
out all about that woman?
What woman?
You know who
I'm talking about.
We're already on it, Mom.
So, you said the salon
was just gone, huh?
It's like it was never there.
Oh. That's crazy.
And you said they, uh...
they just slipped that phone
in your bag
without you knowing about it?
Yeah. That's crazy.
I mean, you was the last
one to see her, too, right?
Look, my best friend is being
held hostage.
The man she was about to marry,
who I thought was
a schoolteacher,
can somehow pay $2 million.
I don't know what the hell
I'm in the middle of.
And the last thing I need is
your little ass questioning me.
[lips moving noiselessly]
I'm not a little. I'm short.
It's a difference.
Yo, where you got me, man?
Don't worry, it's my people.
["Duro" by Lu-Ni]
Are you sure
it's safe out here?
[indistinct lyrics]
Where's Charlie?
No Charlie, Luis.
I know you're not, Charlie.
I'm asking, where's Charlie?
Yo, you speak English?
Oh, they pay him to sit there
and look scary. Yeah.
[speaking Spanish]
Slow down, man.
you don't understand Spanish?
Nah, Bronx Spanish.
It's different.
[speaking Spanish]
I think he said something
about money.
Yes. The money.
Oh. If I.
Pay. You. Money.
Dinero. Ch-ching.
Will Giselle be okay?
They Puerto Rican, not deaf.
Dude, you're not helping.
-Hey, tranquillo, tranquillo!
-Tranquillo. Relax
[speaking in broken Spanish]
Si. Pay the money,
get the girl.
Oh, see, we good.
This wasn't so hard, huh?
Oh, now you understand English.
English, French, Latin.
Even Chinese, if I need to.
Charlie told me not to make
it easy on you.
Nothing happens in San Juan
that we don't
let happen in San Juan.
$2 million leaves
a lot of money to share.
When this is all over,
she's going to make sure
everybody gets their piece.
Got it?
Any minute now, the music man
is going to get a phone call.
He's going to show him how to
steal his own money
by transferring it to a bank
account in Puerto Rico
that's friendly
in these matters.
She's like a regular person.
I mean, she has a good job and
her address is right here
on her LinkedIn page.
Yeah, guys, I don't think
it's her.
But the phone
was in her bag.
She tried to act like she
didn't know it was there.
But she knew.
Mm, I don't think so.
She's nice.
You think everyone's nice.
-I don't like the other two.
You saw how crazy she got
when she thought
she was in my picture.
Girl, my followers ain't
even think about you.
Your followers ain't even
thinking about you.
[Leah] I mean, who doesn't
have social media?
Kenny loves that about her
because he thinks she's
all private,
but it's like she's a ghost.
Man, nothing. Right.
I'm going to call Tracy.
They should have been
here by now.
Go back to Nina Vidal. I think
I saw something there.
All we saw
was this college thing.
[Lee] Is that her?
She definitely had
a glow up, because...
Look at that one.
[both snickering]
Miriam Vidal? But I thought
her name was Nina.
[both] What?
Can you please stop pacing?
You have $2 million?
Have you heard
of Gwen Stefani?
Or Cassie?
Bro, what are you doing?
Nah, bro, no more secrets.
I wrote and did
some of their music
for some of their biggest hits.
But the music industry
wasn't for me.
So, yes, I have a lot of money.
I have $2 million.
[tense music]
I'd have gave $10 million
to get this over.
Hey, bro, what happened?
[Tracy] She's going to be fine.
-It's just about the money.
-[Kenny] She all right?
-You believe 'em?
Yeah, I do.
All right, man,
this is my baby girl.
We're going to get her back.
I got you, bro.
Meet me upstairs
in two minutes.
You were right.
We have to talk.
[Rianna] Mom. It was her this
whole time.
Nina Vidal, AKA Miriam Vidal.
-Divorce court?
-We watched the whole episode.
He cheated on her and messed
up her credit.
-Well, what does that--
-That's when it got crazy.
She stole his identity.
Stole his mom identity.
His grandma's too.
She took everything.
But she got caught.
Turned the girl
into a criminal.
[Lee] Miriam Vidal. She's
wanted in, like, five states.
This is her thing.
She fakes her own kidnaping
and takes the money,
and then she just runs off
like nothing happened.
Something ain't right.
Now it makes sense.
You don't seem surprised.
He kept on saying
"she" the whole time.
My Spanish is a little shaky,
but I definitely
understand "she."
Like, "She's going to let
her go."
Or "She's going to make sure
everybody gets their piece."
And then the other night when I
was hanging out with her,
she kept asking me questions
about Kenny.
At first, I thought
she was a concerned friend.
But now--
-She played you.
What did you tell her?
I didn't tell her anything.
I said she wouldn't have to
worry about money, but...
I didn't say anything
specific-- where you going?
She's down there
right now acting
like she's all broken up.
She playing us.
Like I'm
the one who ran the girl off.
They still have Giselle.
And I plan to make her
tell me who.
Or, she can lead us
right to her.
Yo, come upstairs. Yeah.
Yeah, but don't like--
just come up here and sneak,
Trust me.
You know that boy can't
hold water.
You might as well make a damn
Trust me, Leah.
-[Will] What's up?
-Come here.
-We've got our stalker woman.
It was Nina the whole time.
Ooh, snap.
Y'all wasn't gonna
tell me that?
["Cult Religion" by Kalipop]
Oh, you give me pain
You give me love
Hey, give me your watch.
How you think your mom be
tracking you all the time?
And if I was stronger
I wouldn't even budge
Take the watch off.
[Rianna] You been tracking me?
Something like a drug,
and I feel
I'm your uncle.
Learn to listen.
Getting deeper with you
And I feel
Like it's getting deeper
for you
For you
Feels like a cult
No religion
My religion
Oh, yeah
Feels like a cult
No religion
My religion
Oh, yeah
She's leaving. Giselle might
be in that house.
Damn, I think she saw me.
-[Tracy] Damn it.
She's gone.
[Leah] All right, get out of
there. That was too close.
We know all we need to know.
Trace is on his way back.
It'll all be over
in a few hours.
I apologize about what I
said about your marriage.
["Weights Can't Lift You Up"
by Velvet Moon]
Something in your big sister
Knew I need to be protected,
You're wrong
about Giselle, though.
I appreciate you.
Let go of rain
Apology accepted.
I didn't want to be right.
The girl made
you believe again.
That's all I wanted for you.
That's what I want
for you too.
Say you do,
it's how it all begins
Then comes reason,
and purpose
Well, you will
find your way
Get out of here.
In the meantime, may the
sun bless you with it's rays
It's how we learn
It has to hurt
It has to hurt
Just do whatever they say.
She's gonna lead us
right to Giselle, bro.
not someone's victim
It has to hurt,
it has to hurt
Did you see Nina leave?
What are you going to do?
What I always have to do.
Solve the problem.
We got to call it off.
-[Nina] Call it off?
-The whole plan.
I don't want
to do this anymore.
You mean your plan?
Yes. And I can back out of it.
[Nina] You brought this to me,
I met this guy at a career day.
He's filthy rich.
I know, but I made a mistake.
We are so close.
This man is on his way
to the bank
at this very moment
to get $2 million for us.
Don't you see?
All the guys, all the girls,
all the petty scams have led
us to this moment here.
This money is going to
change our lives.
But that's just it.
That's not me. That's you.
My life has been changed
While I was pretending to
fall in love with him
He actually fell in love
with me, and it changed me.
Love. And what about my life?
So, what, so you--
You end up marrying this man,
And then a year from now,
you realize you're actually
in love with the money.
You get a divorce and then
get half of $10 million.
Mm hmm.
You told me he was
worth four million,
but the pretty one slipped
a little something in
a rather compromising moment.
We said the family
was off limits.
But he's not family, though,
is he?
You see, unlike you,
I respect rules.
It's always
a con with you, Lex.
It doesn't bother me
because I know you.
But you've had a soft spot
for this guy
since the very beginning.
And I should have seen it.
He doesn't deserve this.
You are an amazing actress,
Alexis, I mean, really.
You go so deep that you don't
even know when to call cut.
Giselle Xavier is a character,
and in an hour or so,
the show is over.
We are so close, baby.
Nina, can we just--
What-- What exactly do you
think is going to happen?
What? You come clean. You tell
him that you're sorry.
And then what? You two live
happily ever after?
You fell in love with the mark.
It happens to the best
of us at first.
But he'll never forgive you.
And if you think he could,
he'll never trust you again.
It's too late to turn back now.
We good?
Can I see the dress?
It's in the house.
Thanks for calling me.
She's cracking.
I knew it. I'm out of here.
I'm not taking the
fall for this.
No one is going anywhere.
We put a contingency in place,
did we not?
Get yourself together?
We knew this was a possibility
when we started.
Now, do you want to
split $2 million?
Or do you want to go
back to prison?
We do what needs
to be done now.
[Leah] How well
do you know these girls?
I'm here.
You okay?
I'm fine, baby.
We don't have much time.
Okay. Where's Carlos?
-He's not coming.
-Okay, let's go.
-No, baby, listen to me.
I made a mistake.
It was me. I wasn't kidnapped.
I was just running away.
No one has ever
loved me before.
I mean, truly
and deeply loved me.
And it broke me inside.
But then you came along
and you changed everything.
I love you more than I love
anything or anyone.
Even myself.
What are you saying to me
right now, Giselle?
So it doesn't even matter
if you get mad at me
and you hate me forever.
I can't continue to lie to you.
Go on.
You did this to me?
I'm beating myself up trying
to figure out
how I let this happen.
She planned the whole thing.
You see, we found you,
we studied you,
and then created
the perfect girl for you.
Now we're going to sail
off with your money.
The hell you are.
The plan was to take
just the money.
But now you can't leave
the island.
-[Giselle] Nina.
-Neither of you.
Okay, you know what?
I deserve whatever happens to
me. But just let Kenny go.
Oh, God, enough.
Alexis, really. It's over.
Yes, Kenny.
Meet Alexis Montgomery from
Houston, Texas.
You two get to spend the rest
of your lives together,
although unfortunately, those
lives won't last very long.
Baby, we can start over.
No more secrets. Okay?
Now, you know about Alexis.
Like I know about Chris Grant.
We both deceived each other.
But our love was real.
Our love is real.
And that's why I told her
to call it off.
I tried to put a stop to this
whole thing, Kenny,
because I love you.
Baby, just look at me. Feel me.
You two really are made
for each other.
Finish the job and you can have
your share.
That's what I'm here
to do, ma ma.
What is?
It's always family first.
[Nina] What are you doing?
-You-- you--
Please-- Tracy!
Kenny, take your money,
let's go.
Kenny, I'm so sorry.
We can start over.
No wedding, no money, just us.
I'm sorry.
Me too.
Tracy, get everybody
out of here.
[Leah] What?
What are you doing, bro?
This woman is the love
of my life.
["Free This Feeling (feat. Ed
Mills)" by spring gang]
La la la, la la la
La la la, la la la
La la la, la la la, la
Let me go for one day
Let me loose myself again
Give me something
for the pain
Always trying to pretend
That I'm not
living just a lie
Broken heart
and shattered lives
Let me go for one day
Let me loose myself
Oh, I knew
How this would end
Oh, I knew
That it would die,
that we would
She thought she was just going
to sail off into the sunset,
like everything's cool.
And then Primo was like,
"No, family first."
She wanted in like five states
for scam and stealing,
like, all types of sh--
We thought it was you.
I still think it's you.
You know what?
Let me search you right--
Shut up, Will.
Wait, why I gotta shut up
when Kenny the one that sailed
off with the whole scammer?
No, it wasn't her.
It was the other one.
She staged her own kidnaping.
Yeah, but then she really
did get kidnapped
because she had a change
of heart.
So let's not forget that, Leah.
Yeah, but he gonna sail away
like everything's cool?
-Come on.
-We all been crazy in love
-before, right?
No, crazy is one thing--
You of all people should
understand second chances.
-"You of all people--"
[mouth moving noiselessly]
[door opening]
[gentle music]
Don't even say it.
-Took you long enough.
Some things you just
can't get past.
All right, now y'all not going
to kill my Christmas spirit.
-Let's open some gifts!
["Saint Nick"
by Nbhd Nick]
Sleigh bells ringing
Diamonds blinging
Carol singing
Favorite season
-[Kenny] What's up, Pops?
-Here you go, baby.
-[Kenny] Aw, thanks.
All right.
[overlapping conversation]
Baby girl.
Oh! Okay!
Oh, and Sofia!
-[Leah] What?
-[Kevin] Ah-ha!
-'Cause it's Christmas!
[Lee] Mom, give Sofia
her present.
Catch me rolling
I'm the chosen
Snow is falling
Elfies calling
-I'm taking the [indistinct].
Scoot over.
Sleigh bells ringing
Diamonds blinging
Carol singing
[overlapping conversation]
Carol singing
Favorite season
They said Saint Nick
What you got up
in that bag, yeah
I got racks racks in my
sack hurt my back yeah
["Stay In The Moment"
by Tyra Chantey]
Finally don't give no
Finally been riding
on my way
Finally woke up
with some luck and a buck
I don't give a--ah what
someone, someone say
Finally got my friends
in the back of my roller
We gon make it big one day
We gon make it big I say
We gon make it big just,
stay in the
Stay in the moment
Stay in the moment with me
Give you a moment to
Give you a moment of me
Smell all the roses
Smell all the roses
with me
Just give you a moment to
Stay in the moment with me
You woke up from a while
Haven't seen you smile
since December
Ripped your heart,
got a brand new one
Since you got lost
in November
See it in your eyes when we
leave for the night
Way too many heartbreaks
still on your mind
Let the flame burn down
for a while