Avatara Purusha: Part 1 (2022) Movie Script

Charcoal and crystal salt is as important for Black Magic...
...as turmeric and kumkum is for Poojas!
This is a sacrificial doll!
On this Sacrificial Doll...
...if we pour the enemy's blood,
...his nails,
...or his hairs
and then burn it...
...the enemy will be destroyed for good!
You all may leave now!
Don't be scared...
Guruji will help find your missing brother!
Show him the photo
Take it...
I have brought her here with great difficulty...
Please enchant her to take my side!
Don't worry!
No... Please don't kill me...
Screaming in pain
I'll fulfill your wish!
Put it...
Don't worry... it's a simple job...
He killed your brother!
He brought you here to enchant you!
Go home!
Chanting Mantra
Chanting Mantra
Chanting Mantra
Why didn't it work?
Fire, Air, water,
sky and Earth
This is a world of Five Spirits!
...a place of sacred rivers!
Perfect for normal human beings...
But for Dark magicians like us...
...we need a different realm!
What realm is that?
Trishanku Realm!
But we need Trishanku Gemstone to access that realm!
Darka was searching for hints of the gemstone all these years!
I'm trying gain access without the gemstone...
...but it's not working!
What is Trishanku Realm?
Is the Gemstone that powerful?
...Where is it now?
Trishanku was the King of
Ishvaku dynasty in the age of the Triads.
He wanted to go to heaven
without going through death, along with his body.
He met Vishwamitra, who promised
to send him to heaven through the power of his penance.
Indra the king of heaven, tries to stop this.
Not giving heed to Indra, Vishwamitra
sends Trishanku on the way to heaven.
But the three gods together stops
Trishanku, stating that this is against the laws of nature.
But Vishwamitra creates a new
heavenly world just for Trishanku.
One that doesn't belong to the Earth, nor to the heaven
and that world is known as Trishanku Realm!
Kicked into the realm by Devendra...
Trishanku has to stand upside down
to experience the world!
To make sure that no one else gets fooled like this...
...he converts the gemstone as a key
and hands it over to the Goddess Maya.
His plan was to make sure that Dark Magicians on Earth would be able to acquire this key,
So as to use the
heavenly power of Trishanku realm and rule the Earth.
Among them was Darka, a great Dark magician,
who held penance for many years to get this gemstone.
He used to Kidnap kids and,
...absorb their soul using Black Magic...
...to preserve his powers!
Foreseeing the complications that could arise from this...
the messenger God "Brahma Joyeesa"
stands as an obstacle for Darka.
Even to date, few black magicians...
...do human sacrifices to acquire the Gemstone!
I'm so hungry...
Useless fellow... announcing break at 3pm!
...is he mad?
Hey Madhesha!
Are you sleeping? Get up!
It's lunch break!
It's a break! Let's go
Brother, it's break time...
-Actually time is over, sir!
This shot is okay. Finalise it!
-Actually time is over, sir!
This shot is okay. Finalise it!
Anila where is the shoot tomorrow?
Anila where is the shoot tomorrow?
Anila where is the shoot tomorrow?
In America!
In America!
I said I don't a passport but they asked me
to fly using a parachute!
Oh no!
Mom! What's wrong? You seem off today.
Oh wait! Today is December the 10th?
Your brother's birthday.
We should call it your sulking day rather than his birthday.
You won't understand what I'm going through.
Emotional drama again!
I will understand if you speak it out.
Why do you hide it from me?
...my native village
Even the thought of it makes me feel relaxed
The House...
the people...
We were all happy all the time!
My grandfather and great grandfather...
were all great Ayurveda doctors
Everyone in the village used to consult them during sickness...
My brother carried forward their legacy!
Nowadays no doctors care about
patients who don't have money
but my brother was so selfless regarding people
He has a lot of respect in the village
He used to help everyone in one way or the other
Maybe that's why, God has rewarded him with wealth!
My sister-in-law was the perfect life partner for him
She supported him in everything...
He loved her a lot...
His son Karna
Everyone liked him a lot...
Even though he was sweet
he was equally naughty as well!
He liked me a lot and always used
to follow me everywhere I go...
But there was a bad omen falling upon that house...
One particular day...
when I was pregnant with you
i went to surprise my brother
But my surprise did not work out with my brother...
Bless me-
-May you live long
It's pouring outside, didn't Brother-in-law come?
No, I've come alone
Alright, Come on dear
What happened?
Hmm... Nothing
You both have come
No brother, I have come alone.
...and the child in your womb
Susheela, get the plate of offerings.
By the way...
...i had made a vow that I'll attend the Belagavi Temple fair
Shall I go?
Why not? You can go
Temple fair? Father, please let me also go along
Karna, keep quiet...
You are too naughty
Belagavi is too far...
Don't be stubborn...
Mother, please...
Aunty... at least you tell them. I will also come.
Brother, let him come.
I will take care of him, please.
Do you want to go?
Hmm hmm
Since he's going with Yashoda, let him go
Yayy! I'm going too! I'm going too!
Brother, I shall leave now.
Be careful!
Ok, dad
Be careful Karna!
It's me Yashodha
-Tell me...
Karna has gone missing during the fair...
I don't know what to do...
I have filed a complaint with the police...
I am too worried...
please say something...
Mother...Your son Karna has gone missing...
Indistinct chattering
Indistinct chattering
Chattering continues
I've searched everywhere...
...but i couldn't find him anywhere
Please forgive me brother...
It's very easy to forgive...
We are going through a lot of pain of losing a son
I hope no curse falls upon your child...
Since then, I have not visited my parents' house.
I can't go back until I find Karna.
It's my brother's birthday...
...Everyone in the village would have gathered to celebrate...
...except for me.
I don't even know if my brother remembers me anymore!
Some people don't have a home to go to...
...but I...
...I can't even go even though i have one...
We can just try and find Karna...
I don't know where he is, I don't even know if he is alive...
even if he is in front of me, I won't even recognize him.
Isn't that an advantage?
We can get someone to pretend like Karna.
Come on Siri!
My brother in an expert at Ayurveda...
even though he has never met you,
he will recognise that you are my daughter!
Do you think he can be
fooled by a fake Karna?
Wait and watch...
I will give them their Karna...
...and help you get back to your home.
Where will you find such a Karna?
Where else? In the Kaurava's place.
The one who follows teachers' instructions is Arjun
Karna does it before anyone's instructions
Will the mighty Arjun face this bastard?
Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!
-Even though I'm a bastard, I'm mighty
-Who is that junior artist?
Didn't I ask you not to turn around
and reveal your face?
Sorry sir, I was involved in the character
But I performed well, right sir?
You did great!
Hey! Who is that? Irritating guy
Snatch that mic from him,
And cut his payment for the day
-Hey! Give that!
-Are we going for one more?
No! You're going home!
Hold it properly
Ready camera?
Bastard! Bastard!
-Even though I'm a bastard, I'm mighty!
-Cut it!
Super sir!
My phone's been buzzing
Hey, Blind...
I know what you're looking at...
Shot is done, look away
Co-director, is this shot okay?
Coming sir
Move aside!
-Sir, you need to lift and show
I mean you need to lift and show the bow
-Oh! Lift and show the bow?
-Yes sir
Only hand shot, no face?
Do it with a junior artist...
-Hey! Bring my phone
-Next setup!
In any war, he'll be involved
In any strike, he'll be the voice of the sad
He'll shout! He'll scream!
Whoever marries, he goes and offers his blessings
In any funeral, he offers his shoulder and empathizes with them
Praise the lord
He is...
Junior artist, Co actor...
One who performs multiple characters in the same film
without anyone noticing!
Man of many Avatars!
He who brings Joy
He's the Man of many Avatars
Come let's dance to the beats
The hero enters
He's the Light of Karnataka
He's a Ray of Sunlight
He's the cure for Covid
All of these are lies!
Neighbouring aunty fell for this naughty boy
Is she ready for his Child's play?
He has class! He is mass! And he's always Bindass!
All girls are his fans
But he's so bogus
He's a super dancer
He's good fighter
He only does one step no matter what the scene is
He's the Light of Karnataka
He's a Ray of Sunlight
He's the cure for Covid
All of these are lies!
Salt in the toothpaste
RCB wins the Cup!
If it was Mowgli then, It is Kohli now!
Working JCB, but Cup for RCB
Get ready with the beats, ABD is our God!
Hey! Who is that?
That's why I asked producer to not put
junior artist along with dancers!
He is the hero...
My wife couldn't recover in any hospitals
-Because of you, she's healing, take this
-10 rupees is enough
What will you get for 10 rupees?
For 10 rupees, I'll get all the ingredients for medicine
Eating too much will spoil one's health
Similarly, greed for money shall spoil one's mind
Making medicine is a tradition in our family
Leave 10 rupees
Okay sir...
I'll leave it here only sir
Hey! Can't you understand?
We don't take money
Hello sir...
Indistinct chattering
I'll leave, sir
-I'll come next week...
-God bless you
My Greetings to Ram Joyeesa...
Hmm... Join the queue
My mom said, you'll recognize
me as soon as you see me
But you asked me to join the queue
Oh, you're Chennamma's daughter?
Chennamma's daughter?
I saw you when you were 7,
After that I'm seeing you now only
How are you?
I'm fine but who is Chennamma?
Forgive me,
I don't recognize you
Do you remember Yeshodha who grew up in this house?
Yes, same Yeshodha.
I'm her daughter, Siri
You don't invite her come home anyway
How can i expect you to invite me then?
One shouldn't wait for an invitation
That's why, I'm here
Cardamom tea...
Even I'll have cardamom tea
Also can you take my luggage inside?
Okay, sorry...
You both have fought...
You banished her from the house, not me
So, from now on, I'll stay here
It might be a little trouble for you
You might start remembering your sister
It could be a little irritating too,
But I can't help it, it's your problem,
I'm not involved
Okay? Alright?
Janaki, where is my tea?
-Janaki, how long?
Why so late?
I went to talk to aunt about you
Aunty? Where is she now?
Who is it?
I'm your sister in-law's daughter
Our Yeshodha's daughter?
I'm very happy to see you
You've grown so much
If I still had my son,
He would have been as old as you
I wonder where he is now...
How does that matter?
Kunti must find her lost Karna
And my mom should come back to her home
-That's why I'm here
-Please move from here first
-Yes, come
-Yes, come
-Today's wage
-Will i find my Karna?
Yes, today's technology is advanced
There's an app, if you upload a photo in that
You can see your past and future self
Wait, I'll show you
It's loading
Watch this...
Wow! Aunty!
You look like a heroine
We'll find my son Karna right?
-Hey!This is fake
You're showing us her old photo that you already had
An app it seems...
See here Bhojraju
- Show me
Look right here
-Show me
Now we'll see how you looked ten years ago...
Looks almost as same as you...
It's me!
I had a shirt exactly like this!
It's yours idiot!
Now we'll see you r son's old photo...
Let's check how he looks now.
-Editor, show costume continuity
-How many times? It's right there
Oh this? I knew it!
There's less crowd
Maybe a low budget film
Yes? Audition?
Yes, for hero role
Son's role, very important character
Get ready! Next!
Son's role?
I'm okay for a son
Why are uncles here?
Are you next?
Are you next, after him?
One, two, three... Ninety nine
Tell me, father
It's coming
(Scolding in Kannada)
-Stop blabbering like an idiot!
-I'll perform after drinking water sir
Why are you looking at me?
Are you shocked?
you must be!!!
That's why I'm here after so many years!
My dad made you a mom...
But it's me who calls you "Amma"!
The district that's not there
on India map
The place that's not there on Karnataka map
I've come searching...
Henceforth, he's my dad and you're my mom!
You should suffer thinking
Why he's here? Why he called me "Amma"
This is a bastard's fort
Hey! You're leaving before we asked
-I've seen lot of such auditions
It's a publicity gimmick
Hey! Send next
Every piece of rope reminded of your umbilical cord!
...every glass of milk reminded of your breast milk!
When asked about my mother tongue
I used to tell it was you...
20 years later i watched "Jogi" film and
came looking for you...
-Oh God!
Will my mother be standing here... or here?
She will be outside, go!
-I'll go check...
Mother,I don't have the strength to live without you...
We've been standing here for so long that
by the time we reach we'll be fathers.
That wont happen, I'm telling you,
all this is just time-pass!
Then why are you standing in the line?
I told you, just for time-pass.
Must be some mental...
-White dress! Character fixed.
Forgive me mother
Look, it won't work if we keep standing here,
go in and say that the producer has come.
He won't even come...
He will come soon,
go in and tell them, go.
Ok sir.
How's that...
This won't work out too, it's just a waste.
-Such a time pass auditionee.
Hello madam...
This audition is for a son's role.
Exactly sir, the audition is for a son's role,
But there should be a mother too, right?
That's why, I've come for the mother's role.
Sir, I'm ready to become a mother,
I'm ready to become a father,
go ma'am... go out.
Madam, poor lady,
I will pay auto charge and come.
Why brother, you've changed your clothes?
- Hey... that overacting Anil borrowed it.
Producer has arrived,
where is the chair?!
I wasn't told about the producer at all.
Even I didn't know...
Out of the jute sack, came Anil!
Sir, Greetings Sir!
Had breakfast?
Sir, I came at 10:00, I still haven't eaten.
You came at 10 and didn't have breakfast?
There's place for lazy people
like you in my production, out, out!
What about you?
I reached at 5:00 am sir, but there was nothing to eat.
Audition is at 10:00,
and you came at 05:00 to do what? Get out.
Not yet sir... I don't even want...
Ah Good boy!
Producer Sir!!
Huh where?
It's you sir...
Yes it's me, what do you want?
- Chair...
Is he giving me a chair or a bucket?
Take it away, take it away...
All bucket fellows!
-I got with difficulty...
...and he didn't even sit on it!
Mother... I...
What are you doing?
I'm waking my mother up, sir
This looks like waking up a ghost...
Mother is here... not there...
Sir, I will wake her up now...
Hey You're seeing her after 20 years...
...one drop of tear!...
...there is not even a single drop of tear?!
Mother, every piece of rope i see...
...felt like seeing your umbilical cord...
Every sip of milk i drink...
felt like your breast milk.
If asked about my mother tongue,
even though I know it is Kannada,
I would say your name mother,
I would say your name.
Mother, since I watched the movie Jogi,
I have been searching for you.
Now I have found you mother.
Please dance a little, dance a little bit,
dance... dance a little...
- This may work out...
- For my sake mother, dance...
Oh! You're not supposed to dance?
If you don't dance, I will leave.
I promise I'll leave, I'm going...
- Leave me... I'm going...
- What happened?
Mother, she's held my hand,
she's not letting go.
I'm going mother, I'm going... leave me.
This is called 'Acting'.
There's one more level of acting that's believable,
Look how many people are watching
with their mouths open...
The fact that I'm not a producer,
did anyone figure out?
Look, acting is not just about the
Audiences' reaction to our performance is important!
Basically you must convince people.
To convince is important.
Basically you must convince people.
To convince is important.
Hey overacting Anila, what are you doing here?
- Brother
Hey overacting Anila, what are you doing here?
Hey overacting Anila, what are you doing here?
Did you have food?
Madam, this guy is not about acting,
he's overacting.
If we hire him, we're going to flop.
Narasimha anna, didn't I tell you
I would give you a commission?
If you give or don't it's the same.
Madam, hire anyone but not him madam.
He's the kind that you will feel
like trusting even after he betrays.
You're selected.
Thank you Madam, thank you.
Nice selection, good selection...
Cinema Super hit!
please do something for me too sir.
Don't worry, you're the second hero in this.
- Thank you sir, Thank you sir.
- What? Second hero?
Yes Madam...
Yes, he appears for one second...
second hero... how's that?
Come outside, I'll show you.
Listen, apart from your overacting,
your looks and hairstyle,
your entire appearance needs to change.
Got it?
Got it?
Got it?
You'll see a new avatar of this 'Man of many Avatars'
Aunty, your Karna will look like this
My son, Karna?
My son?
My son, Karna...
Thank god she believed
Eyes looks like yours
Nose and mouth looks like uncle's
Don't give out the details, we can see
The app showed us how he looks
Is there any app that can locate him?
I have already found him...
It's coming
It's coming...
It's coming...
I'll check now...
Where is the other cable?
It's not coming
It's not coming...
It's not coming at all...
Chinnappa, your suspicion is false
In Ram Joyeesa farm's bore-well,
Nobody has done black magic or even get a shock...
If you wrench it once, I'll check every inch
Ramesh bring that wrench
Ramesh? I haven't seen anyone here...
It's floating by itself!...
If he faints for just this. ...
Spanner, screwdriver, tape, cutting-plier are yet to come...
-How is this possible
-It's a long story
Don't tell me anything then
How is that possible?
Once you're fixed, it's done
I'll have to tell the story and you need to listen
Okay tell me
I have learnt a lot when I was young
Learnt what?
Black magic
Come sit here...
This spell worked!...
I'm Ramesh
Software engineer
I was working night shift,
I couldn't tolerate my manager's torture
I committed suicide in this village
I have work pressure and no time left
If i stay up, I'll have to work
Put me to sleep again...
Okay, I'll use a spell to put you back to sleep...
Sleeping spell!...
what was the spell?...
I forgot the spell...
Close your eyes, I'll use the spell again...
I forgot the spell...
Give me a job
-What job?!
-Give me job!
Give me a job! Give me a job!
What job should i give you?
-Give me a job
Give me a job!
You want a job right?
Chicken and masala is ready
Go and prepare Biryani
That was fast!
He must be an immature ghost...
Feed me!
Brother, what's the solution now?
There's a person for this,
I've been searching for him...
...I'll find him...
Siri from Shringeri
Anil from Kengeri
Ah! perfume might be foreign
I need to tell you something
Between you and me...
...permission isn't necessary
Tell me
This isn't for a shoot
Real home...
...you have to act as a son
As a son?
How you act isn't important
Acting is not important?
You just need to gain their trust
Which means!
This doesn't release in theatres?
Udaya? Chandana? Kasturi? Kaveri?
Voot? Amazon? Flipkart?
This is unfair! This is unfair!
Why didn't you say so before?
You see...
Real acting costs more!
-I can't do it. I'm Leaving
-Hey Anil, how much do you need?
Usually i take 300 rupees, 500 rupees to smear ashes on me
900 rupees to fall in the mud
Altogether I shall say three thousand rupees...
Uh... Five thousand?
Uh... yeah
Did you know?
Five thousand rupees for a Junior artist!
Watch the video
you will be shocked
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-What was that?
Payment isn't enough...
...but that's okay
Breakfast, lunch, pickup and drop
must happen on time, that's all!
That's all fine...
...you have to change your name from Anil to Karna
-I have to change my name?
I entered the industry to make a name for myself
...and you want me to change my name?
-I know... but...
-It doesn't mean that you can't change your name
-What do you mean?
Maybe you'll be famous as "Karna" someday
You never know
-yeah right
No, Never! I won't change my name, that's it!
- I should change my name it seems...
Right, I'll take a U turn then
Karna! From Gokarna!
-Mmm Not bad
I'll explain the details as we travel
-Listen to me carefully
-Okay proceed
Ram Joyeesa, Bhoja...
Evening Prayers, Father...
-What was the other one?
-Beware of Ram Joyeesa
Bhoja... I'll take care of him
I'll think about Bhoja later...
...I'm unable to even concentrate on
the main characters
By the way...
How am I related to you?
Mom's brother...
...-aunt's daughter
-oh aunt's daughter
Aunt's daughter?!
Why? What do you think about me?
You're the sheep!
Your father is a sheep!
Hey! Not you! Watch straight...
Sheep! Sheep!
-brake! brake!
-Oh shit
Damn it! There are so many
Not a single one is moving
Missed a delicious lunch...
Dear God... You didn't give me a father or a mother...
...but you have directly given me aunt's daughter
Thank you boss!
Got a sweet in your mouth?
Getting one now...
-No no, Ad
I mean... an Ad in a song
Do you taste sweetness in your heart?
It's proven that Men will be Men!
Have a sweet for the begining of goodness
You are as valuable as Gold
Why worry when you have Gold
You will not be yourself when you're hungry
But I won't let you stay hungry
Do you taste sweetness in your heart?
It's proven that Men will be Men!
Do you taste sweetness in your heart?
How was Pushkar's acting?
I am like a corn tortilla
But she's like hot Ghee
But Ghee has got mixed with the Tortilla
I always sleep hungry
But she even wears Jasmine flowers on her
And my hunger got washed away by her
I'm so lucky to...
...begin my day seeing her face
I have eaten mouth freshener to impress her
O please accept me...
We are stuck together like fevicol
That is called Love...
Is there a taste of sweetness in your heart
It's proven that Men will be Men
Is there a taste of sweetness in your heart
When i was a kid, even this was very tiny
Now it is so big, the train!
The bridge is broken
We were running around in the same bridge
We used to swim in the same river
Dive from the bridge...
...and come up on the shores
What rubbish are you saying?
I'm getting into the character!
Such a big lock for this thing.
I am very scared of this room!
Eh, Why be afraid when I am here?
Up! Lift it up!
It is just a photo!
Who is that??
It is Brahma Joyeesa, father of Ram Joyeesa.
But I have never seen this photo here before...
You've seen it now, leave it!
There is long story between him and this box,
but he had never told anyone
Then let's not meddle with this anymore.
I am scared of this room!
Oh stop it!
Why does this box need an entire room?
Let's put it in a godown and allot this room to the new son.
What if he asks?
We'll tell him to allot this room to his son.
We'll tell that his wife only had suggested it.
If not, he'll give our room to him...
...and put us in the godown!
No no! I don't like that smell!
That's why, Now lift
Lift it up! Hold it tight!
Careful... Careful
uhh... brother-in-law...
Who asked you to bring it here?
Sister asked me to do it since Karna is arriving
Keep it in my Pooja room
Please give me a hand with this
Uh!... Lift up...
It's so heavy!
Ask the acharya to come, get a Digbandana Pooja done.
-Yes I'll do it
Hold it!
Careful! Hold tight!
Watch your legs
Oh It's too heavy!
Indistinct chattering
The colour has turned red!
Indistinct chattering
Indistinct chattering
The result of Darka's years of struggle...
...the hint has been found today
Chanting Mantra
Trishanku's gemstone has been moved!
Water has turned red...
Which means...
...the gemstone in the Digbandana!
-Memories of the war for the gemstone!!!
And Brahma Joyeesa!!!
Chanting Mantra
The Messenger of God: Brahma Joyeesa!
The Lord of Dark Magic: Darka!
No matter what happens!
I want the Trishanku Gemstone!
The Trishanku Gemstone is not for you
I won't let you have it!
Blood... Tiger Nails... Crow eggs... Charcoal... hair... Salt...
Turmeric...Kumkum...Pooja...Sacred thread...Burning camphor...
...Earthen lamp...fire...ashes and Knowledge of Mantra
Ashtadigbandana Mandalaka
At the door of Trishanku door...
If I don't get the Gemstone...
...you will lose your son!
The travel towards Trishanku realm
Loser will face certain death
My plan against Brahma Joyeesa failed...
I won't let you get your hands on the Gemstone!
-I had made a dark spell against him...
But he absorbed the magic upon himself...
...created protection around the house
...and died, thus making sure that
no one can get their hands on the stone!
I thought Maya Devi had taken the Gemstone...
...but the gemstone...
...is in Brahma Joyeesa's home!
No matter how many people die...
...I want that family destroyed...
And acquire the Gemstone!!
I want to have my revenge...
Send our men!
Let the Astadigbandana collapse!
Let the genealogy collapse!
Let us acquire the gemstone...
I will be the Lord of Trishanku world!
Mango tree!
M for Mango.
I planted this when i was a kid, now it has grown so big.
Come on ya, enough is enough ok.
Hey I'm telling the truth,
I had eaten the mango and threw the seed here.
Forgive me...
...I planted that tree...
...not you
Who are you?
I am Ram Joyeesa's son.
Who are you?
Ram Joyeesa
Main Character, that means he's my... Father!
How much you have changed father!
You are unrecognisable, just like the mango tree...
Father... Mother! mother! where are you mother?
Coming coming...
Man! what a voice.
Right never works out for me,
so, let me try left.
Right... left...
One who has not seen the river...
...can he swim in the ocean?
Uh... Karna.
680 brother,
-Nice Property
-I'll settle here only...
750! Just write 750.
Which character is this?
You leave...
-It's become a routine.
-B-B-B-Boja uncle...
-Boja uncle!
How are you doing?
-J-J-Janaki Aunty!
-Janaki Aunty!
I think about you again and again.
Did you ever dream about me?
Tell me Aunty.
You're overacting...
Uh... Overacting...
Mother is inside.
Mother is inside.
Somehow he knows your name,
but how does he know my name?
-What do I know?
-I know everyhing.
I even know that you steal beans during midnight,
from the coffee estate, and convert them
into powder and transport them.
And , the ration money...
Mother is inside...
Freaking thieves.
I should keep a bean... I mean an eye on him.
Aunty, Aunty...
Look who has come.
Where were you found? My sister wants to know.
is this the time to ask,
where I was found, how I was found?
The whole world makes fun of me calling me "Son of a bastard"...
Siri brought me here to
make me the King of this Anga Rajya.
Did you think I would say this?
No way, no chance...
No chance right? Then where were you found, tell us.
Where was I found?
Where was I found?
That is what we're asking. Where were you found?
Where was I found?
In this cradle, in this very cradle...
this is the place where I grew up,
the place where I learned to sleep...
I remember, I remember everything.
My Karna remembers everything,
my karna remembers everything.
Huh? Ok in the first take itself?
My Karna remembers everything
My son is back... My son is back.
I found my son.
Karna, Karna, where were you all these days?
-I got my Karna...
-It's working out.
Boja, my son is back, my son is back
I found my Karna.
Karna, Karna...
Mother, all these days
I was not here, but these tears were there.
Now that I'm here,
there should be no place for tears!
Three and half, four, four and a half...
You're here...
You were saying that there is no son in the house,
but some pest has come and settled in...
Badluck just doesn't stay at one place
it keeps moving around.
Did you hear?
No, What?
Joyeesa's son is back.
If a new heir has entered an intestate house,
Something really terrible is happening...
The property that i was slowly getting my hands at...
...is now completely gone...
As always...
...you keep fighting for such silly things...
...will find a way!
What has happened to all this?
This brinjal...
...looks very different...
...trying to scare me huh?
How's that!
Chanting Mantra
Tell them to throw it where he stays
and return without turning back!
Tell them to break an egg at the same place!
Tell them to sacrifice a chicken at the same place!
Dog bite is better...
...than mosquito bites!!
I should have asked for extra payment!
I was fooled!
It's not possible...
Black magic is not working on that house!
This won't work!
My plan is better...
Stop it!
I'm talking to you!
Hello... Tell him to stop,
Hey, don't stop, keep fighting...
Whatever it may be, It's not right to fight like this.
Let's sit and talk calmly.
There is no calm way around this.
Get the machete!
Hey...we're not less than anyone.
If you have twenty people on your side,
we have forty people!
Just because he's polite...
you cross the lines and walk in as
if this is your in-law's house!
From 27 years things have been a particular way...
From now on, it's going to be a new way...
His son, Karna, Karna has come.
Karna has come right, sort it out then...
Huh? Looks like I've miscalculated...
Hey give the machete to the one who asked...
Let's see what he will decimate
Hey, look...
Today is Friday, it's perfect day to
meet the Lord of Death, come...!
Today is Thursday!
Thursday? Oh... Just missed...
Week of the Lord Raghavendra!
Today I can't lay my hands on anyone...
Today you survived,
But tomorrow at the same place, same time,
there will be a war! A grand war!
Tomorrow the number of people may be more,
but it shouldn't be less even by one!
Tomorrow he will come for war...
I will finish him then and there!
We'll worry about case and court later...
It's so late, you still haven't slept?
I had project work, just sending an email...
I need to work according to the times abroad...
That's alright, but what are you doing up so late?
Bad dreams!
Very bad dreams!
That Ram Shetty comes like a devil and murders me in my dream...
I delivered two extra dialogues because father was there...
But he just left me there...
Look, you said it would be acting,
you didn't mention that there would be fight.
Hello, did your father lose anything?
Ram Joyeesa will lose his estate that's it...
Go and sleep now...
Oh that's right...
If anything is lost its Ram Joyeesa's
estate, not my father's plate.
Now he'll go and narrate everything to aunt!
Do you know what happened today?
Father left me alone to deal with
Ram Shetty over the dispute of the land.
I'm scared thinking of what will happen tomorrow.
your father has trusted you
and handed you this responsibility.
Assuming your father's goodness for cowardice,
he's tormenting us.
He is a demon! A demon...
Now only you have to us from him.
Huh...! Save them? I don't know how to save myself!
Chamundeshwari! Only you can save me...
Your mother says, hot water is ready
for you to have an oil bath...
Oil bath?
There's a village fair today, that's why
Only if I'm alive...
Have you gathered everyone?
What for?
For the war!
So you haven't heard?
Ram Shetty has got paralysis.
God Chamundeshwari...
...you saved me...
Is it confirmed?
On his left hand!
No chance...
He's doing dramas...
to avoid the conflict...
Go check it out...
Everyone has seen him...
You too go visit!
I thought of giving a twist myself...
...but God has given the twist...
-I'm getting my calculation wrong
and he eats my head!
What is that?
It's been here for a long time...
Since you have come...
...it's been shifted here.
Since it's shifted...
...we have performed Digbandana ritual...
Oh that's what you think?
They might have a package inside...
They have kept it like this because
people like you steal!
Touch it if you dare!
Go on...
You will turn into ashes
if you get close to it
See, It's working... that's why they have made it
-Hey Get lost!
If they have gone this far...
...there must be something valuable inside
I need to check it out...
Karna! It's getting late for the Pooja
Go take bath
Ha, Coming
Mother, do the pooja...
-One minute!
Karna! Come...
Here, do the Pooja...
Come here...
Take it
Do the Pooja
Do the Pooja...
The Desire of my life...
...has been heard by God
The lost bird has found it's nest
The world is one family
Give it to everyone
The world is one family
The world is one family
The world is one family
I was abandoned by everyone like dry heap leaves
I was abandoned by everyone like dry heap leaves
But I found my way back to my mother
Today's payment is cleared...
But I found my way back to my mother
I believe my mother more than any other Gods
I see God in her
The world is one family
The world is one family
I have been restless to see you again, O Mother!
When I found you, it felt as if God has descended upon me
I don't need anything else...
...I want to live with you as long as my breath remains and die in your lap
The world is one family
O Girl when i found you, my life got rejuvenated
How did you find me? I always think about you
You have rejuvenated my drought stricken heart with your Love
The world is one family
The world is one family
Mother, what is this?
There's no sugar in coffee...
-Get my coffee soon
-Siri, give him some sugar
I'll give coffee to your uncle...
Mother! mother!
You want sugar?
The world is one family
The world is one family
The world is one family
...in the lipstick...
...in the lipstick...
-Tell me!
Full of petrol taste!
Hey Kanti, because of you
i challenged Ram Joyeesa's family...
Now look what happened to me!
-B.P is normal
But I'm unable to diagnose what happened
Let's wait for the blood report...
...I'll check it and let you know
-Are you a student?
What...what are you doing??
Black Magic!
...Who...who did it?
Who did it?
You wait outside
Sit down!
I need you to do Black Magic on...
...the one in the photo!
On whom?
And why?
If your information is wrong, it will back fire on you!
My Name is Kanti Joyeesa
There was a huge injustice done to my father...
...regarding asset inheritance...
...because he did not follow my grandfather's ways...
Ram Joyeesa family is enjoying all of it!
We, the rightful heirs...
...are living like "low lives"
-What family are you talking about?
About Brahma Joyeesa's son...
...Ram Joyeesa and family!
It would be helpful if you...
...let me know how much i should pay you for this job
-I'll reward you myself!
You have given me a very valuable information!
Darka usually doesn't involve in all this...
But in this case, Darka himself
will do what's needed!
We'll send a man from our side...
...you need to accommodate him in that house!
I know
whatever torture you give me...
... you are waiting for your salvation
He'll get you salvation!
-What? This playful boy is your friend?
Do you think I was a grown up then?
I was also a playful kid!
This is a childhood photo...
We need to find him!
-Oh god!
My manager is also like this...
...he'd just give me a code and ask me to finish the project!
OK...give me that code
I will draw exactly how he may look now...
OK...take it
[Beggar's Voice] Amma...I have not had food for three days
...please give me something [Beggar's Voice]
[Beggar's Voice] Mother!...I have not eaten for three weeks
...please give me some food [Beggar's Voice]
-I am getting disturbed... reduce the volume!
[Karna in Beggar's voice] Mother!
[Karna in Beggar's Voice] What does food mean?
-You are the one watching this!
[Karna in Beggar's Voice] What does food look like?
-OK then...I'll pause it.
[Karna in Beggar's Voice] Show me...
[Karna in Beggar's Voice] Mother!
Project completed within the given time!
Did you draw this by looking at the TV or...
...is this is a coincidence?
Good question...Good question!
It's the confusion!...
Who is this?
You should take care of your health
You relax...
I'll take care of arecanut business...
The prestige lost due to petty issues...
...can never be brought back no matter what you do!
Elders say, if you have betel leaf
after food, it's good for the night.
If you eat banana... it's good for the...
Watch how I impress him...
Betel leaf?...
Cow urine is good for the cough!
This fellow is always out of sync.
Bring me betel leaf...
In panchavandana...
Purification and practice of breath is very important.
Close your eyes
Ever since I've come, I've noticed...
...you haven't spoken to your son at all.
Who else? Karna.
I'll prove that he is not Karna, come with me!
You guys carry on.
Oh! You are here...
Singing - Come Raghavendra, Come
Look at his overacting!
Keeping the tap on, he's drawing
water from the well to have bath.
Call him...
What nonsense is this?
Did I screw up?
-He's calling you...
Come fast...
-Greetings Joyees
You wait outside...
It's time for sun-salutation, that's why
I was drawing water from the well to take bath.
It's not time for sun-salutation...
The time for salutation is before sun rise and after sunset!
It's still a good time...
Recite Gayatri...
Your aunt's name is Janaki right?
Recite Gayatri Mantra!
Mmm... Mantra! Mantra it seems...
Mantra... Om! Cough cough...
What do I do now?
Mantra... Mantra...
Not this
Mantra... should i recite it here itself?
His expression is changing!
This is the right place! this is the right place!
(Chanting Mantra...)
Sir, cut, sorry... Director sir, was the mantra like this?
-Cut it!
Not this... Which one is it then...?
I've recited it somewhere before...
Does he know the Gayatri Mantra?
Sir overacting Anil is ready for an extent
let's see during the take.
Ok Ready...
Rolling Sir.
(Chanting Mantra...)
I remember, I remember! I remember everything...
when I was a kid, you chanted mantras
in my ears, you did my thread ceremony,
I remember everything,
this same place, this same place.
I knew he is doing drama as soon
as he recited Gayatri mantra!
He says that I had done his
thread ceremony, but it's a lie.
I never did the thread ceremony for my son
I could help everyone...
But i was depressed that
I couldn't help my own family!
Ever since he has come,
I can see
happiness on Susheela's face.
Let him stay here...
As a medicine for her...
not in my heart.
Tell him to act...
But if he overacts...
Everyone is bound to find out...
...just like I did
The Sacred thread...
...is supposed to be on the other side.
Arrgh!! Just missed!
I managed everything, but he still found out.
All because of you!
Because of me? How can you say that?
I'm trying so hard...
You are blaming it on me?!
I'm getting paid very less... and no value at all!
Karna, wait!
One minute
I don't want anything here...
Che! Wait...
You don't know my range!
Whatever I say, I'm wrong!
I need to teach you acting first!
Me? Me? Me?
Me Me Me...
Instead of overreacting like this,
you can simply say "Me?"can't you?
I didn't select you because of your acting...
You are selected because you can make them believe...
First, learn how to control.
You have controlled.
I'm controlling my feelings for you,
can't I control my acting...
I will do it.
Very good...
To be an actor, be a good listener.
She speaks excellent English!
Act like you are not acting.
What do you mean?
I mean... if you feel you are acting, that is bad acting.
Hello? If I don't feel that
I am acting, how will others know?
That is exactly what is needed.
We shouldn't feel that we are acting,
and the audience also shouldn't feel.
What will happen then?
Picture will flop.
Shut up
That's the best acting.
For example, What is he doing there?
He's dehusking...
Yes, how is he doing it?
How else will he do it? With his hands...
He is a natural actor.
If you were in his place.
See? this is overacting!
So, he is the best actor.
Him? The best actor?
For de-husking, they will give him an Oscar award?!
Where I go, I get oppressed.
I was happy eating idli vada in the set,
here everyone is trying to teach me how to act.
Here... temple...
Brahmarakshasan temple! Actually you know what this is...?
Hey... don't change the topic...
Class is going on.
Next point.
An actor should know how to control his breath.
If you're very happy, how do you breathe?
Through my nose...
Through my nose.
Now, if I'm happy with you, what do you feel?
I feel butterflies in my stomach...
I said what I feel...
Now, I'm really happy... that's why I'm breathing evenly...
Calm... Calm...
Calm... Calm...
Calm... Calm...
Just feel it.
Yes that's good, feel it.
Hey who... where... what happened...?
When we're really scared... faster we breathe...
Faster, faster breath...
Hey... Why what happened...?
When you're really angry... we hold our breath...
hold our breath...
That's it.
Class is over right, Alright, come lets go.
According to the situation you must
be able to control your breath
that's when your facial expressions
automatically come in control.
In that case, my neighbour Muniamma is great!
After she died, she didn't even breath.
Yes, but how do you know all this?
I'm basically a theatre artist.
That means, she's a junior artist like me.
After I become a star, I should give her a chance
...and sing songs with her.
O Girl come sit on my Hero honda...
Don't be shy, sit tight and hold on to me
I'll show you England in India
Don't touch me, keep your distance...
...don't do over styling in front of me
Get lost, your buildup is not as good as your bike
I admire your beauty with great devotion
What will I do marrying a mischief like you?
O Girl, I'll take care of you with all my heart!
Don't roam around with the wedding necklace in your pocket
You still have not let go of your childishness
But I'm not a mental like you
I have not seen anyone as beautiful as you
You still haven't got the taste of my medicine
No one has ever troubled me as much as you
No one is as shameless as you
I have always moved only forward in life
You haven't done anything great to impress me
My father has taken good care me as I'm the only kid
Yes, Taken good care and fed well
How will he let me marry a lazy man like you?
I will see about that and I'll take you home?
He'll break your leg if you touch me
What can he do if I tie a wedding knot on you?
If you have the guts ask him for it
You'll never find an Alpha Male like me!
Who is this? He can't even act
Hey...how long should I wait for the tea?
I should have gotten this role...
I would have rocked!
Acting? Have you seen your face?
My face?! My face?!
[On TV] Indistinct Dialogue
My face?
Hello brother!
Just watch the next scene
although I appear just for a brief scene,
I would have appeared in "Popular Late night Shows"!
that is the range of my performance
-What! you are on Tv?
shhh...wait and see
[On TV] hey, you are still so old fashioned
that ring is too small
you could have planned something bigger
Here I come!
Look! That's me...
Look! Look!...
[On TV] Boss, what is the problem
[On TV] The ring is too small it seems
She is asking me for something bigger
This ring is indeed small for her...
I've an idea...
Gift her an MRF tyre!
Vijay! come here...
That's me... Laughs
How was the performance!?
Now that's called a performance!
That guy looks just like you...
Looks like me?... That's m...
...looks like me...
-Looks just like me
Whenever he is on TV, I fool everyone like this...
I fooled him too
Oh...I really thought it was you...
You too?
Psst!... Come here
Do you think my father used to visit Bangalore often?
Because I saw a couple of people
exactly like me in Orion mall
Hey!...who switched on the TV? Turn it off!
I don't care if don't get a share in the property...
...but he shouldn't get even a piece of it!
Someone is here to see you Mr. Joyeesa
My name is Parameshwara Bhat
I am the president of Sirsi Village Panchayat
I needed to clarify a couple of things with you
hmmm...go ahead
The boy who has returned home...
is he?...
...really your son?
Do you know a Kanti Joyeesa?
Tell me
who are you?
I told you already...
I'm Parameshwara Bhat!
I have a matter to discuss...
Tell me...
Do you know a Kanti Joyeesa?
My grandfather was cheated by my uncle...
Thus, he was cut off from property sharing...
Kanti is his son...
I have heard his name but...
...I've never met him
Why are you asking me all this?
A farm house had caught fire near Sirsi Siddapura...
everyone in the house died...
But one boy survived...
When asked who he is...
Kanti Joyeesa had brought me here...
and makes me do labour work, he said!
The poor boy...
...had no knowledge about the outside world!
when asked about his roots,
he mentioned about you and your family!
Twenty years ago, the boy whom
Kantee Joyeesa had kidnapped...
...could be the same boy...
And he may be your real son!
It is better...
...if you see him for yourself!
Take this!
He is the One
He isn't the One, I've told so...
But no one believed me
He is just a Junior Artist
He'll act as a son for 500 bucks...
And also as a thief for 1000 bucks
You are right!
Don't even know which caste he belongs to
I wonder from where he has come from...
Mr. Bhojraj!
Father is here
Let us ask him
Let there be a decision on everything today!
He'll confirm that i am his son!
Get the plate of offerings...
You will face the music now!
Let's see about that...
What's happening?
What's all this?
Everyone is doubting me...
Why don't you tell them that I am your Son
Tell them...
Medicine! Medicine!
Medicine is essential to cure diseases...
But every medicine has an expiry date...
...and will be thrown away
It has to be gotten rid off...
You may Leave now
Your real son has arrived, Come.
What is going on here?
Am I supposed to be happy that
my real son has arrived?
Should I be sad that he is not my actual Son?
Please tell me!
Why are you quite?
While others make a living out of acting...
He has made his whole life an act!
If you feel that he is your Son...
that means he's he is a good actor
Not because he is really your son...
Your real son has come
you welcome him
My relationship with the house
has come to an end...
Siri, thank you everything you have done for me
Since that you are leaving...
...now there will be tears...
-I brought him myself...
It's upto you...
Call our son...
He's not Krishna, Karna or Arjuna...
He's Kumara!...
Actor karna...
You may leave now!
Original has arrived!
I forgot my Luggage!
I'll get it...
He just needs a reason to get in...
Socks? Shoes? Don't waste time...
Leave immediately...
I will leave now
Your son has returned
Singing Gibberish
You don't have to stay in this room
Please come I will show you a better room
This room is auspicious
and this suits me well
as you wish
Shall I get food here then?
Also, I need father's clothes
Father's clothes?
I reversed the spell on Ram Joyeesa...
It wasn't him...
Talking Gibberish
He didn't do it too...
Who is this guy?
He has no clue about anything...
Does he know Black Magic or not?
Black Magic and Dark Magic are different!
Black Magic is just a part of Dark Magic!
Shall I call Abdullah?
He can surely find out who did this...
Do they use Sambrani for Black Magic?
Players know their game...
Magicians know their magic!
What do you know?
Black Magic
Then do it
Banana Fruit, Banana Leaves, Banana Stem
and Banana flower!
One of these has been used
Who... Who... Who did this?
He has also learned Witchcraft in Bistha,
just like I did...
What... What is Bistha?
It's the sacred place of all wizards and witchcraft!
All potential dark magic kids are brought there...
...and are taught magic!
Even he has come from there...
He's extraordinary!...
Darka, Known as the Guru of Bistha!
Munnudi and Hinnudi where his strength!
While Munnudi was able to see a person's future...
Hinnudi had the power to see a person's past!
Hinnudi's left eye had acquired the power
to diminish his enemy's powers!
Darka taught this kid advanced magic and skills...
...so as to make him his third source of power!
The kid had learned to be thrice as powerful!
But he backstabbed his own Guru!
He fooled both Munnudi and Hinnudi...
He killed the powerful Munnudi...
...and blinded Hinnudi's magic eye...
And escaped from Bistha!
He was never found since then...
Who are you talking about?
The magician who pretended to be...
...Ram Joyeesa's Son!!
The one who did Black magic on you!
How did you know it was him?
As soon as i stepped foot in that house...
...i knew it was him...
Proof being...
The tattoo on his right foot
And the ear rings!
He danced his way out of the house...
Making sure to leave no trace of black magic...
He is responsible for all this...
How did he do it?
Using the bannana peel touched by you...
...and a sacrificial doll, he did a black magic on you!
What is the solution for this?
Today is full moon day...
Perfect time for destroying the...
Ashtadigbandana Mandalaka!
In order to acquire the Gemstone, the
Ashtadigbandana Mandalaka...
...must be destroyed by one of their family members!
Kumara will take care of that!
There is a man who entered the
house pretending to be the son...
He has come with a secret plan for something...
We have already...
...thrown him out!
He's still there...
He has started a sacrificial ritual!
I know where he is!
Darka will acquire the Gemstone...
...once the Ashtadigbandana is broken
Darka wants the Gemstone...
And you...
...want their property!
After all this...
...if we acquire the gemstone...
...You will earn the property that is rightfully yours!
In the end everyone will have a solution!
What will i get?
You've got it already!
I will destroy him!
Kumara will break the Ashtadigbandana using their own hands!
Chanting Mantra
How ever you are...
Wherever you are...
And whatever it is...
I'll always have an eye on you!
Your life is through me,
and so is your death.
Brother, it's not you who decides Birth and Death.
Chanting Mantra
Chanting Mantra
Chanting Mantra
This is a Sacrificial Doll!
On this sacrificial doll...
...if we pour the enemy's blood,
...his nails,
...or his hairs...
...and burn it...
...the enemy will be destroyed for good!
Show me who killed Hinnudi...
O! Magic Mirror!
He has reached my destination faster than me...
...using the powers that I taught him...
Does that mean...?
...his intentions are same as mine?...
-Will I also be powerful if i acquire the gemstone?
Does he have an eye on the Trishanku Realm too?!
My own student is now my enemy!!
O Hinnudi's Spirit!!
What is the next step?!
If he is using weird rituals...
...to pursue his Trishanku desires...
...how did he acquire that power?!
His death will come by my hands!!