Baghdad Messi (2023) Movie Script

Water for sale. Cold water.
Choose one.
Come on, Hamoudi.
Over here, Hamoudi.
My darling.
Is this Hamoudi's blood?
What happened?
Where is my son's leg? No.
Why Hamoudi? He didn't do anything.
Kadhim, what happened?
- Calm down.
- Hamoudi.
He's in a stable condition.
I gave him tranquillisers to sleep.
- Thank you.
- You can't stay here tonight.
For the sake of the patients. Go home and get some sleep.
Cover that emblem.
Welcome to today's news.
The protests against the American
security company Unity...
have spread throughout Baghdad after
shots were fired during an attack.
Those pigs. They drive around our streets like lunatics.
We have to move to the side to
let them pass or they shoot at us.
Those mercenaries deserve to get killed.
When the convoy came to a stop the rebels started shooting.
The men of Unity shot back at them.
An explosion took the life of many.
Some men from Unity also got injured.
And now, sports news.
I did everything I could.
Stop. Let's see your security clearance.
- You bastards.
- Get out of here.
You Americans are all filthy thieves.
- Please give that back.
- Calm down.
Why do you let them do this? I'm your sister.
Take this and shut up. Go, hurry up.
Go already.
Is everything okay?
Where am I?
Hello, darling.
Take it easy.
Take it easy.
Where's my leg?
I want my leg.
You shouldn't be shouting, honey.
Who told you to remove my leg?
Take it easy, darling. Take it easy.
Don't be scared. Your leg will grow back.
What do you mean?
This arm has been amputated twice, and it always comes back.
Look, it's halfway there.
Youre lucky. My son All died.
He's dead.
Do you want some?
Thank you.
You rat. You're a traitor.
Come on.
This is God's punishment.
You signed your own death warrant.
Kadhim, let's go.
- Are you home, Captain Hamoudi?
- Take it easy, sweetheart.
I'll answer the door, okay?
Hello, Salwa. Is our captain here? How is he doing?
We have his ball.
Hamoudi won't be able to play with you anymore.
They went home.
I'm the captain.
I need to speak to them.
Darling, you have to heal first.
I don't want to wait any longer.
There's a cartoon on TV. Watch.
Why was neighbour Amina mad at you?
\Ne all get angry sometimes. Just like you are right now.
Amina might be upset about
something that is invisible to us.
Maybe that's why she's upset with me.
How can I control my anger?
Think about something you love.
There are people that get happy just by looking at the sky.
You for example should think about a big game...
between Messi and Ronaldo.
Messi has the ball. Ronaldo tries to take it away.
- But Messi is very fast.
- Come on, Messi.
Messi passes to Iniesta. Iniesta passes to Xavi.
Xavi's pass is amazing. It goes past the defence.
- But to whom?
- To Messi.
He takes the ball and he scores.
Will I be able to play soccer again?
There are people with no arms.
They can still play the violin with their feet.
Of course you can play soccer with one leg.
Take that, you traitor.
You're an American rat.
Mum, Mum.
Mum, come here.
Lets go, Hamoudi. Kadhim.
Stay here.
Hello, Hamoudi.
Yakoub looks forward to seeing you again.
- Goodbye.
- Thank you, Bahoz.
Goodbye, Hamoudi.
\Ne have something for you you'll love.
s your favourite. Here you go.
Don't you want to put it on?
Maybe later.
Stop over here.
Your ID?
- Sunni or Shia?
- Sunni.
You're a filthy Shia, aren't you?
No, I'm a Sunni.
Grab the ball.
Dont move. Shia scum.
Thank you.
I didn't do it for you.
Won't you come help us, Yakoub?
I'll be right there once we finish the game.
Well, little Messi. Are you happy with your new T-shirt?
- Peace be upon you.
- And you.
This is hadji Osman, the village chief.
Nice to meet you. You must be Kadhim.
Yes, I am.
Welcome here. Please, go ahead.
Go ahead, sir.
Look, a crippled Messi.
Wow, Messi's original shirt. Very nice.
- That was a nice goal.
- Thanks.
Yakoub, won't you help set up Hamoudi's room?
Nice posters you got here.
Yes, I'm a player myself.
- Did you play in Bagh ad? -1 was a captain and a forward.
So, the Baghdad Messi? No way.
Let's see the one-legged forward play.
Come on. Hamoudi. Try and take the ball.
- Ouch.
- Are you okay?
I can't play, but I can come up with a good strategy.
Mum, I'm done.
- Where were you?
- Sorry, mum.
I was watching the game at the Manchester tea house.
Is being at the tea house more important than family?
Maybe the people there are more fun.
Maybe you're right.
More fun?
They make us pay twice as much because we're Barcelona fans.
Those losers.
Manchester is an English team. Do you know them?
No, I don't. Who are they?
Doesn't Rolando play for them?
Two, four, six, eight.
- Are you coming, Yakoub?
- Yeah, give me two minutes.
You're not playing with us.
We have more than enough players.
Omar, over here.
Are you ready?
That boy has only one leg.
Ouch, that hurts.
That was a foul.
Nice pass, captain.
You really need an extra player to win?
But you had just tackled Jassim.
Hamoudi replaced him for one second.
How are you, sister? How are you holding up?
It's okay. What can we do?
What happened to Samir is not the fault of all Shias.
May he rest in peace.
Just help me push the boat.
- Put them over here.
- Okay.
We played really well this morning.
I might join in again tomorrow.
Don't think we'll let you play.
And that pass was a foul.
It's just...
Hamoudi, it's my team. I get to decide.
What happened, Hamoudi?
They won thanks to me, but they won't let me play.
It's okay. I have a chore for you.
- More work?
- No, it's a surprise.
I've prepared the TV for you.
The antenna just needs some tuning.
So we can watch the Champions League?
Go ahead. Do it fast.
I will.
What's this? They have a TV?
- What else is he doing?
- You're right. Nice.
- Let's take a look.
- Yeah.
I didn't know you had a TV.
Of course we do.
I can help you with the antenna. Jassim can check the TV screen.
To the right.
\N& have a picture.
Welcome to our dear viewers...
who are watching this all over the world.
This is a very important game.
And now the game will start.
This is the Champions League.
Now you have to go home.
Hamoudi, can't we watch the game together?
It's my TV, Yakoub. I get to decide.
Well, then I'll take our table back.
Take it.
Of course it will be fun to watch the game with you guys.
Back in Baghdad, my team and I always did.
can't Hamoudi be a goalie?
A goalie on crutches? Maybe.
I dont like being a goalie anyway.
Im voting yes.
- Do we have a deal?
- We do.
We do.
Welcome to the second half of this Champions League game.
The game between Barcelona and Olympique Lyonnais.
It's a great game, here in France.
Let's go, you guys.
Ali, over here.
-Hello, Kadhim.
-Hello, Osman.
- How are you?
- I'm good, thanks.
I have not forgotten about your help.
Once I have money, I'll pay the rent.
Don't worry about it.
-1 see you have Masgouf.
-1 do.
- Prepare one for me, please.
- Sure.
- Let me ask you something.
- Sure.
How long did you live in Bagdad for?
My whole life. I'm a Baghdad native.
What did you do there?
I was a translator, for the government.
How things change. From translation to Masgouf.
This is much better.
I have more time for my family.
True, I often see Hamoudi near the soccer field.
Yes, he really loves soccer. He's a fan of Messi.
Kadhim, come over here.
Do you want to make more money?
What do you mean?
These areas are full of old weapons.
If you can repair them, you can make a lot of money.
I don't understand.
You want me to repair weapons?
No, it's difficult to find them.
Most of them are in areas full of mines.
- Mines?
- Yes.
I'm sorry. It's not for me.
It could help you buy your son an artificial leg.
Or at least pay the rent.
Did you know..
that Saddam Hussein's favourite dish was Masgouf?
Anyway, we'll settle the debt some other time.
I don't want the fish anymore.
Sometimes he gets very crabby.
Especially with tenants.
Such a weird man.
Osman owns half the houses in the village.
Which makes him think he's a big shot.
He's the godfather of the village.
you don't pay up,
he'll start talking about the weapons and minefields.
What weapons?
There was an army base here.
A few kilometres away.
Past the oil fields.
Osman turned it into a business and made a living out of it.
-Come on.
-Let's go.
Hamoudi, how did you lose your leg?
It was an accident.
I stole my fat and drove on
I stole my father's bike and drove on a public road.
I went like this.
I was going really fast.
The police with their helicopters
were not able to catch me.
That's how fast I was going.
Suddenly a car came out of nowhere.
It was also going fast.
And I flew through the air.
Then I woke up at the hospital.
Does it still hurt?
Sometimes it feels like it's growing back.
Like it's getting bigger.
You mean like growing?
Yes, as if it's growing.
And getting longer.
Come, let's kick the ball before it gets dark.
Did you hear the news yesterday?
- What?
- Ronaldo didn't play.
- Why not?
- His hair was Messi.
It's Bahoz.
How are you doing, Salwa?
Welcome. How are you?
- Good. Hi, Kadhim.
- I'm glad.
- How are you?
- I'm good. And you?
We're doing well.
- We're happy to see you.
- So am I.
I have a small gift for Hamoudi.
Thank you so much. He's going to be thrilled.
Sure, but can you put it away. We're in the lion's den.
Thank you.
Sammad, tea please.
I was in the neighbourhood, so I wanted to check in on you guys.
What brought you here?
What kind of work?
For Unity?
- That will be 2250 dinars.
- Is it that expensive?
- We're not watching the game.
- Then it'll be 750 dinars.
-1 got it.
- No way.
Here you go.
They have a new name now.
Freedom Iraq.
Freedom Iraq?
Why did they change the name?
Because of the protests and the company's reputation.
New name, new reputation.
Kadhim, I spoke to Duncan.
You can come back if you want to.
I'd rather sell fish for the rest of my life than go back.
I understand.
The accident has impacted you.
The accident?
Hamoudi lost his leg.
I thought you were here for us, Bahoz.
I am.
We have a lot of fans here today.
It's Porto against Manchester and we have a chance for Porto.
- The ball is out.
- What's going on?
The ball is thrown.
The teams are going head-to-head.
The ball is in the middle of the field.
Come on, Hamoudi. We're going to miss everything.
The ball hits the crossbar.
The screen is defective.
This TV is busted all the way.
We'll watch the game with the Manchester team.
At the tea house.
We'll see if we can fix the TV tomorrow.
So far Manchester has two goals against one for Porto.
- Hello, Yakoub.
- Hi.
The goal Porto made at 89 minutes was awesome, right?
Those Manchester losers got crushed.
How did you know? Does the TV work again?
I don't need to watch the screen
to know Ronaldo plays like a girl.
Ronaldo is a sissy.
Yeah,and whenever anyone touches
him he claims it's a foul.
There are still a lot of weapons in
the minefields next to the oil fields.
Especially grenades and Kalashnikovs.
They're in demand...
and bring in a lot of money. It's right here.
- Look.
- Can I get an advance?
You haven't even paid your rent.
I think that's enough of an advance.
Do it. Do it for Salwa and Hamoudi.
No one will even know.
And no one needs to know what you
really used to do in Baghdad for work.
I have some bad news. The main transistor is broken.
- Can't you fix it?
- No, we need a new transistor.
You can find that in Baghdad, not here.
Samy, can't we order it...
and have someone bring it?
No, the transistor is connected to the circuits.
We have to take the whole TV to Baghdad.
They have all kinds of transistors over there.
I'm sorry, son, but Baghdad is very far away.
Dad, my leg hurts.
What are those red zones on this map?
It's nothing.
The team and I have to watch the Champions League.
Hamoudi, I spoke to Mum.
\Ne don't have the money.
can't fix the TV and that's that.
You know, Hamoudi, you're the worst goalie of our team.
If we want to beat the Manchester
guys we have to kick Hamoudi out.
I have an idea. We'll vote.
All right.
Who votes to kick Hamoudi out?
Come on, Ali. Let's get it over with.
\Ne have voted. You're out. Hand the gloves over.
Go sell Masgouf with your father.
At least you don't need legs for that.
Go sell fish.
Get out of here, you fish dealer.
Hello there, little Messi. Did you win?
Shut up, you cow.
Hamoudi, what happened?
They kicked me out because you
didn't get the TV fixed in Baghdad.
Listen here. How many times do we have to say it?
Enough about the TV. Do you understand?
Leave him alone.
Come on, defend the goal.
- Get out of here.
- Hamoudi, how is your radio TV?
I'm dying to know who'll win today.
Me too.
- Manchester?
- Yes.
- 250 dinars.
- Here you go.
- Manchester?
- Yes.
250 dinars.
-500 dinars.
-250 dinars.
-500 dinars.
Ronaldo is trying on the left.
He tries to block him.
Arsenal is trying to score in the penalty area. Misses.
Oh, Cristiano.
- You missed your shot.
- Ronaldo is a sissy.
Shut up. What do you mean he's a sissy?
Who said that?
- Let's just watch the game.
- We didn't do anything.
Who said that?
You Barcelona guys.
You're all sissies. Get out of here, now.
Get out.
What the heck? Let's just go. It's all Hamoudis fault.
Why did you do that? You crippled dog.
Now you know what it feels like to get kicked out, you bastard.
What are you doing?
Because of this filthy dog we won't
be able to watch the Champions League.
It's your fault, dumb-ass.
If I miss the finale between Messi
and Ronaldo I will kick your ass.
You keep wrecking things, like every filthy Shia.
Kadhim, no.
Don't hit my son.
And youre coming home with me.
You better fix your broken TV.
Get out of here.
Come on.
Please stop.
What we should stop doing is encouraging our son...
to play soccer when we know it won't be like before.
What else does he have? You want to take soccer away from him?
Its not me who took that away from him.
- Those guys.
- We beat Manchester.
What are you doing here? We already kicked you out.
I want money for the TV.
Excuse me? What are we supposed to do about it?
Do we have to sell fish?
Are you now also mentally handicapped?
Here's the map.
This is where the weapons are.
I know this place very well.
I've been there with my father before.
Its right here.
- How far away is it?
- About two hours by foot.
This is where we're going to.
Don't tell anyone.
You got that?
- Ronaldo's wife left him.
Because he used up all her make-up.
Do you know how Ronaldo's son asks his father for something?
- No.
- Dad, I want ice cream.
Just like his father on the field.
Show us your moves.
How do you get by with one leg?
It's okay. It's not that bad.
There are violin players with no hands.
They play with their feet.
It'll be fine once you grow a new leg.
What are you talking about?
His leg is growing.
When your teeth fall out you get new ones too.
Will it reg row?
That's right.
Come on, Hamoudi. Are you kidding me?
Who told you that?
I believe Hamoudi.
Well fatty, you're as dumb as Hamoudi.
Hamoudi thinks hell grow it back like a tree.
He might grow a new arm instead of a leg.
You didn't think of that, right?
Then Hamoudi can scratch his ear like a dog.
This isn't even enough for a remote control.
Let's keep looking around.
Lets look in this red zone.
This red zone is the furthest away from home.
Do you still want to get the TV fixed or not?
Yes, we do.
If we keep walking on this path we'll be safe.
Look, there's a Kalashnikov over there.
Look at that. This sells really well.
Let's go over there.
We found a lot of stuff.
Let's go back.
\Ne can't go back now. With this money we can buy a new TV.
Someone has to go get it.
- Why don't you go?
- Why doesn't Hamoudi go?
Why should I have to?
Because your arms and legs can grow back.
It was your idea to come here.
But I think you're too cowardly to go get it.
Aren't you the Baghdad Messi?
Okay, I'll go.
Hamoudi, no.
We'll throw rocks first.
- Then we'll follow them.
- That's a good idea.
That was a German mine.
It launches in the air before exploding.
Hamoudi, you have to be careful.
If you follow the stones you'll be all right.
Yakoub, what do I do now?
Hamoudi, don't move.
Don't move, Hamoudi.
Take off your clothes.
Hurry, take them off.
Hamoudi, give me the gun.
What are you doing?
This will protect you if the mine explodes.
Come here, boys. Dig a hole here.
Be careful. Come on.
Dig a big hole here.
Hamoudi, just jump with all the strength you have.
Get over here.
Why do you make us worry about you?
Just for a stupid TV?
It's not a stupid TV.
Hamoudi, what happened to your foot?
I went to get weapons...
from the minefield.
You went into the minefield?
And I told everyone my leg will grow back.
What makes you think that?
Who told you that?
We're human beings.
When an accident like that happens...
our limbs don't grow back.
- Yes, they do.
- No, they don't, Hamoudi.
They never will.
And if I hear one more thing about soccer...
As if we don't have enough to worry about.
Who told you that?
I just know.
And don't forget you told me about
the violin players without hands.
- Come on, let's talk inside. -1 don't want to.
Yakoub told me everything.
Going to the minefields was Hamoudis idea.
And he got the map from that awful husband of yours.
I want your son to stay away from mine.
Listen to me.
I don't want to see your husband either.
You have to leave this place as soon as possible.
I lost my husband because of your people.
Isn't that enough?
This is as far as it goes, Salwa. Enough already.
- How much?
- It's on me.
No, I want to pay.
1000 dinars.
Look, Kadhim.
I pay for the vegetables and you pay your rent.
Give me a few more weeks.
The Kalashnikov is enough for one month...
but next month you must pay upfront.
I have another family looking for a house.
I need the money by the end of the week, okay?
Deal? I'll see you.
Hamoudi, why are you still up?
Leave me alone and don't be like Yakoub.
You say that I can't play soccer with one leg.
Honey, I know you're a good player.
But you won't be as good as before.
And there are a lot of wonderful things in life...
that you can learn and love.
Hamoudi, you can't behave like that.
It's all your fault and your stupid job.
I had two legs and I was the team captain in Baghdad.
You and Mum don't want me to be happy.
Why did you even have me?
- Allah is great.
- Hamoudi.
- Somebody help us.
- Come on.
I'm going to call Bahoz.
Why are we here?
We can't pay the rent. Your sister hates me.
Kadhim, we're safe here.
Are you being serious?
Osman is threatening me every day.
Take it easy.
Our only child stepped on a mine.
I know, honey. I know.
Just for a short while.
Until things get sorted out.
The players get on the field. Messi and Ronaldo.
Im sorry, Hamoudi.
I'm really sorry for what happened.
I hope that one day you can forgive me.
I have to go to Baghdad.
Will you come with me? We'll get the TV fixed.
Everything will be fine, trust me.
I hope you'll be back in time to watch the finale together.
Let's hope so.
Shia or Sunni?
- What are you doing?
- I'm taking it.
But the TV is broken. It only has sound.
You need to learn some manners.
Can we have it back, sir?
Hey, stop.
What are you doing?
That's our TV.
It's ours, you animal.
Look how broken it is.
Still, it's ours.
Get up.
Now, get up.
Pick it up.
Go, get out of here.
Peace be upon you.
This transistor is burned.
I need two hours to fix it.
Okay, we'll come back later.
You can go to my brother's tea house over there while you wait.
- All right.
- Good.
be it o
bkif odo
I need to run an errand. Wait here and order something.
Take this.
Allah is great.
You can pay me back with your first pay check.
For Mum?
She'll love it.
I have another surprise for the best player in the world.
What's going on?
Darling, this will help you play soccer again.
Go ahead. A few more steps. Some more.
Great job, champ. A few more steps.
You're doing great, champ. Keep going. Don't be scared. Come on.
In the first week he should only walk for one hour a day.
After that he can increase it little by little.
That way his body will be able to find its balance.
Come here, Hamoudi.
Give me your hand.
By cei y jL Jump.
By caryfu
Like that.
Great job.
Let's see.
You filthy rat.
- Ow. -Dad?
Darling, it's nothing. Don't be scared.
Here's the money.
Take it to Mum and watch the game with your friends.
I'll come later.
You think I care more about the TV than you?
You've always been moody, just like your mum.
Get over here.
Come here.
That TV dude was really fat.
And the guy with the artificial leg.
He looked like a zombie.
Look at me.
Im not going to die. You got that?
The players get on the field.
tries to overtake Messi.
But Messi is really fast.
Messi is much faster.
He enters the penalty area and jumps.
And he heads the ball.
Messi looks up to the sky and he blows kisses.
Don't think about the pain.
What do you think? Will Messi score?
Yes, of course.
Hamoudi is back. He's back.
Hello, Hamoudi.
Well done, Baghdad Messi.
Come on, the game is about to start.
So far, its a fierce competition.
Messi is trying to score.
Come on.
It's amazing.
Where is your father?
Put my heart at rest and tell me.
He'll be here soon.
Come on.
Come here, honey.
Tell me where Dad is.
we have to go pick up Dad later.
I'm sorry, he was too heavy.
I couldn't bring him with me.
The ball is with Barcelona. Xavi passes the ball.
Messi is in the penalty area.
Messi! Goal!