Barbie and Teresa: Recipe for Friendship (2025) Movie Script

[upbeat drum music]

It's a new day
A new start
Drop all the fears away
Be who you are
Share a part
Of the gifts inside of you
Reach for the stars
Come shake it up
let's begin
Cooking from the heart
you can win
Just mix a little bit
of passion in
To guarantee satisfaction
Believe in yourself
Deep inside you
you'll find the way
When you follow your heart
Follow your heart
Everything is possible
When you're sharing
from your heart
From your heart
Joy will be unstoppable
When you feel alone
Trust a corazn will show
the way to go
Let's let
the whole world know
That life can be
a work of art
If you just
follow your heart
Come on, follow your heart!
Whoa, whoa. Okay.
Hang on.
What did you just add, Abuela?
Just a little salt.
Now, you promised you'd
let me weigh everything
before you put it in.
You don't have to measure.
Just taste it, mija.
That's how you know.
Cook from the heart.
Yeah, but...
[girls laughing]
If there's anyone who can
unlock the science
of the perfect tamale,
it's Teresa.
Mmm! Mm-hmm.
And if Abuela's tamales are
going to be the signature dish
for cousin Marisol's new
restaurant in New York City,
I need to be able to recreate
them exactly.
Huh. Not that I have any
problem spending my spring break
making delicious food,
but can't your grandmother
just send the recipe?
Abuela Carmen doesn't have
a tamale recipe.
I've been making tamales
since I was a little girl
helping mi abuela.
I don't even think
about it anymore,
they're just something I do.
So... how does it taste now?
Ooh! And I've got the secret
formula right here.
There's no secret.
Just make the masa,
add the filling,
put one olive in the center,
wrap it up and steam with love.
Now, I'll do it once
so you can take pictures
and then you all can learn
to do it yourselves.
[clears throat]
First, you take the corn husk
smooth side up
and put the narrow end
toward you.
Follow, follow, follow
Follow, follow, follow
Follow, follow, follow
Follow, follow, follow
Take a chance
And you'll find
So many opportunities
to live it up
Live out your dreams
Your inner voice
is your guide
And there'll be nothing
you can't do
Listen to your heart
and you won't lose
Family's the
sweetest treasure
Everyone can cheer together
Singing and dancing
is the greatest pleasure
From the heart,
can't get any better
Chefin' up with
no perfect measure
Believe in yourself,
you'll find the way
When you follow
your heart
Follow your heart
Everything is possible
When you're sharing
from your heart
Joy will be unstoppable
When you feel alone
Trust a corazn
Will show the way to go
Let's let the whole
world know
That life can
be a work of art
If you just
follow your heart
Come on, follow your heart!
What a beautiful platter.
Abuela Carmen brought it
when she came to the United
States from Zacatecas.
Mm-hmm. I wrapped it in
this apron to protect it.
I couldn't bring a lot
of things with me
but the apron and the platter
belonged to mi mama
and her mama before her.
My grandmother believed the
most important part of cooking
was sharing it with
friends and family.
And I wanted to remember
that by having things
that were precious to her in
my new home in California.
Wow. You never told me
that before.
It never came up.
I loved visiting Teresa's
house at Christmas time
when I was a kid.
I ate so many tamales.
Yeah, I'd always heard tamales
were a Christmas thing
but your cousin is gonna
have them on the menu
all year round?
It's tradition to make
them at Christmas
but you can have them whenever.
We make them at Christmas
because you need
all the la familia
in the kitchen to help.
Now... it's time to taste
your hard work.
Buen provecho.
[phone ringing]
It's my cousin Marisol.
Hola prima!
Did you get the recipe?
I think so?
I couldn't get exact
for everything though.
I wish you could
come out here, Abuela.
I'd come to you
but I don't have time
with everything there is
to do at the restaurant.
My mom's a pilot and goes
to New York all the time.
I'm sure she could fly you out.
Oh! [chuckles]
That's very sweet, Barbie.
Pero... no. Thank you.
Abuela doesn't like planes.
They're too crowded and noisy.
And the food, ugh,
is terrible. No.
If I was meant to fly I
would've been born with wings.
You might be able to drive,
The restaurant opening has
encountered a slight delay.
[gasps] Oh no!
Qu paso?
What happened?
I slipped on the stairs.
It's just a sprain
but I have no idea
how I'm gonna get everything
done in time.
Mija! You should sit down.
[laughs] Yeah.
Easier said than done.
The interior is still
a work in progress.
I just can't capture
the right feel.
What are you going for?
Hmm. It has to be upscale
but I don't want people
to be intimidated
when they walk in.
You know?
Hmm. So you need something
refined but warm, inviting.
Exactly! Aye. Why can no
designer in this city get that?
I don't wanna impose but could
your mom fly us to New York?
We could help Mari get set up
and that way I'll be there to
tweak the recipe if we need to.
Texting Mom now.
That is if you two don't have
other spring break plans.
A trip to New York
and a chance to help design
a new restaurant?
Twist my arm!
I'd love to help
if Marisol doesn't mind
a west coast invasion.
[laughs] Oh, I'll take
all the help I can get.
And any friends of my favorite
cousin are more than welcome.
Oh! That's Mom.
She says she's flying
to New York tonight
and we can have four seats,
no problem.
Dad's coming too so we can
all stay at our house
and I could be your native
New York guide.
It's settled then.
Hasta maana, Mari.
Hasta maana, Teresita.
And... thank you.
Claro. That's what
we're here for.
I still wish you would
come, Abuela.
I don't know the recipe
like you do.
Pues, nonsense!
This is the food of your heart.
Listen to it.
It will guide you.
[girls aww]
I'd better get home
and make sure this is all okay
with my parents.
And we'd all better
get packing.
[all cheer]
[peaceful music]
I still don't understand
how you can pack so light.
What if, I don't know, you
decide to enter a bike race
and don't have a helmet?
Wait, wait, wait.
You pack a bike helmet?
Uh huh.
Skull endangering emergencies
happen more often
than you'd think.
Fair point.
But my mom's a pilot.
I've been traveling around
the world carry-on only
since I was a kid.
Plus we're staying
in my old house.
If something comes up,
a bunch of my stuff
is still there.
[phone rings]
Hey Emm. What's up?
Hi Emmie.
How's the tour going?
Are you coming to Malibu?
Please say yes!
I feel like I haven't
seen you in forever.
Actually I was hoping
to fix that.
You know how I spent
that summer at Handler
to prove to myself
I could be a serious actress
and not just a pop star?
Well... I'm working
with a director
who wants me to write
and star in a new musical!
Emmie, that's fantastic!
We have a showcase coming up.
It's like a preview for
investors and influencers.
It's a lot of pressure
and I was kind of hoping
to have some old friends
in the audience.
If you can get away?
We're flying to
New York tonight.
Of course we'll come.
Rehearsals start
tomorrow morning
and it would mean so much
to have you there.
Of course.
I mean, we already promised
to help our friend Teresa
with her cousin's restaurant
so we won't have
a ton of free time
but we'll come see
the showcase for sure.
And if you need me during
rehearsal, just call.
You mean it?
What are friends for?
I'll send you our
flight information
as soon as we hang up.
Thanks so much!
I'll see you soon.
-See you.
I can't believe Emmie is
writing a Broadway musical.
This is huge.
Oh, for sure.
But are you really gonna
have time to be there
for her and Teresa?
Girl, of course.
Multitasking is my middle name.
True friends always
come through.
You and I have been
through it all
We've always come out
on the other side
Still standing tall
And every time
I'm feeling stuck
You've always been
right next to me
To pick me up
I'm counting
all of the times
That I've had you
by my side
And I know one
thing for sure
We're still along
for the ride
I know that I can depend
on you when I need a friend
And when the going got rough
We saw it through
to the end
When the road is long
and the sun is gone
You've always lit the way
Through the thick and thin
No matter where we've been
We've always been okay
We've been through it all
And we're still
standing tall
You're there for me
And I'm there for you
in an instant
I feel it deep within,
no matter where we've been
You're in my heart
'cause friendship goes
the distance
There's been some times
we've disagreed
But you've always had my back
when I was in need
And I know that we both
won't forget
There's nothing in our way
that has stopped us yet
The dark clouds in the sky
And every mountain
we've climbed
I've always faced
with a smile
'Cause I got you by my side
I've known that
I can depend on you
When I need a friend
And when the going
got rough
We saw it through
to the end
When the road is long
and the sun is gone
You've always lit the way
Through the thick and thin,
no matter where we've been
We've always been okay
We've been through it all
And we're still
standing tall
You're there for me
And I'm there for you
in an instant
I feel it deep within
No matter where
we've been
You're in my heart 'cause
friendship goes the distance
Oh, oh, oh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
You're always in my heart
'Cause friendship goes
the distance
[puppies barking]
[giggles] Okay, okay.
I'm convinced.
We'll make it work.
That's right.
Just like we always do.
Everyone ready to go?
[girls together] New York...
here we come!
[Brooklyn] Your girl's
coming home.
[Teresa] Marisol,
we're on our way.
[exciting music]


[sniffs] Mmm, mmm, mmm.
Ooh, I have missed this.
It is so good to be back
in New York.
No offense to California.
[all giggle]
On behalf of the state
of California, none taken.
Okay. Searching for
Comida del Corazn.
[gasps] It looks like
Marisol's restaurant
is only about a mile away.
[gasps] Should we take
the subway?
We could, but as your
New York City guide,
it seems a shame to go
underground on such a nice day.
Why don't we bike it instead?
Great minds think alike.
Told you it would come in hand.
Okay, okay.
[laughs] You were right.
Not even in the city
for an hour
and we're already
the dynamic duo.
Just like old times.
Good to see you, Teresita!
Welcome to my restaurant.
Oh, thank you.
It is so good to be here.
How can we help?
Oh, there's plenty to do.
I've been so busy getting
the menu ready for our opening.
Aguachile, enchiladas,
And now with my foot...
Ugh... I haven't had time to
take care of the dining room.
I put together some ideas
on the plane
but I was wondering
if you had ideas
or design inspiration
I should use as
a jumping-off point?
Hmm. I know I want something
sophisticated and warm.
But I don't know
what that looks like.
I'll look around and see
what we can get locally.
Maybe it'll spark something.
Great. In the meantime, I have
the list of ingredients we need
to recreate Abuela's
tamales exactly.
Huh. I have most
of these on hand,
but if someone could go
to the farmer's market
it would be a big help.
I know the market.
I've been there tons of times.
Sounds like a job
for the dynamic duo.
For sure.
And while you get supplies,
Marisol and I can get started
in the kitchen.
Sounds like a plan!
We'll be back
before you know it.
Okay. I've got tomatoes,
onions and garlic
but I don't see the right
kind of chilies.
Hmm. We might have to go
to a specialty market.
There's a place
uptown I know.
[phone ringing]
Hey, Emmie.
Everything okay?
Barbie! Thank goodness.
Can you come to the theater,
like, now?
Yeah, of course.
I'll be right there.
What's happening?
Okay, yeah.
Thank you so much.
I'll see you soon!
Wow. That sounds like
an emergency.
I know.
Will you be okay if I take off?
I don't wanna leave you.
Oh, no.
I got this, go ahead.
The market is on Park,
in the 110's.
You can't miss it.
Got it!

[playing piano keys]
-[door opens]
[Brooklyn] Hello?
Brooklyn! Over here.
Hey Emmie.
Hey, yourself.
Welcome back!
I'm so glad you're here.
For you? Anything.
What's going on?
Well, the good news is
we have such a talented cast.
One of our dancers
just got cast
in a revival of 'Puppies:
The Musical".
Good for them.
The bad news is,
Puppies also hired
every other dancer in town
and we can't find a sub.
We need someone with
experience, and I thought...
Uh... yes, Emmie.
This is my friend from
Handler, Barbie Roberts.
Oh yes, I remember your
performance in Times Square.
Nice to meet you.
We still need someone
to replace Ashley, right?
Barbie and I have been
in dance classes together
since we were three.
I know she can do this.
If Emmie vouches for you
I know you'll do a great job.
Welcome aboard.
Oh, hmm...
Can you believe it?
We're going to be
on Broadway together,
just like we dreamed
when we were little girls.
I really wanna be here for you,
and this is a great opportunity,
but I'm supposed to be
helping Teresa
and her cousin
with the restaurant.
But so are Malibu
and the others.
Can't they cover for you?
Help me Barbie Roberts,
you're my only hope.
[sighs] Okay.
I guess I can still help out
with the restaurant
after rehearsals.
[Melanie] Places, everyone!
We're starting from the intro.
Come on, that's us.
I can still walk, you know.
You don't have
to do everything.
Healing requires energy.
That means rest and food.
Eat your flautas.
Yes, chef!
You should have some too.
Oh, I will.
-[oven timer dings]
As soon as I check the tamales.
I timed how long Abuela
steams them to the second.
That looks perfect.
Um... I don't think
it's done yet.
Argh! But I timed it exactly!
Just give them five minutes?
[timer ticking]

Hi! Uh, could you...
I was... hey, excuse me!
Excuse me, I'm looking
for the market.
[phone ringing]
[voicemail] Hey. It's Barbie,
east coast edition.
Leave a message and
I'll get back to you
in a New York minute.
Hey! It's Barbie,
west coast edition.
I'm looking for the market
but either it moved
or I'm lost.
Call me. Okay?
[timer dings]
[tap, tap]
Ah yah!!!
Guess five minutes
was too long. [chuckles]
Hey girl.
What's the matter?
I'm still working on the
lyrics for the final song.
Something that really sums up
what the whole show is about
for the audience.
Oh. So, like...
when your family
lets you down,
your friends will
see you through?
Hey. That's good.
A little long but
I can work with it.
I'm so glad you're here.
What are friends for?
Hey. Is everything okay?
Oh! I passed a place
down the block
with amazing smelling dumplings
and thought...
it's almost lunch time
and whatever's going on,
I bet dumplings will help.
So I brought you some.
Oh, wow! These look
delicious. Thanks!
Aww. You didn't have
to do this.
Don't they need you back
at the restaurant?
Well when you didn't answer
your phone I got worried.
Uh... sorry, I had
my ringer off.
Brooklyn is gonna be
in the showcase!
Isn't that great?
Uh... yeah. But what
about Teresa?
It all happened kinda fast.
Will you let Teresa know
I'll be there
as soon as I get
outta rehearsal?
Sure. But I still need
to get those chilies.
I couldn't find the market
you mentioned.
Here, let me look up
the exact address for you.
[Melanie] Company!
To the stage, please.
Gotta run.
Thanks for the dumplings,
Come on, Brooklyn!
Be right there!
Company to the stage!
Second call.
Can you hang around
for a little while?
I'll look it up
on my next break.
Sure, but just a little while.
As soon as I can.
Let's do this.

[Melanie] Good job everyone.
Let's take it from the top.
It looks...
Now, for the taste test.
[Barbie] I'm back!
Barbie! Did you get everything
on the list?
I couldn't find the right
chilies. Sorry.
I'm surprised there's
anything Brooklyn can't find
in this city.
Uh... where is Brooklyn?
Friend emergency.
She'll be here later.
Well, it's her loss,
because you are just in time
to taste test the latest batch
of tamales.
Mmm. It's pretty good.
Mmm. They're perfectly
But they're not Abuela's,
they're not... special.
And you can't make them
the centerpiece
of your opening night.
I was going to ask
how it was going, but...
The tamales aren't right.
And I had a chili fail.
Wow. That sounds bad.
How about I distract you
all with some amazing
design options?
Phew! Please.
If I eat another tamale they're
gonna start running out my ear.
Oh, do you want
your crutches Mari?
I'm gonna stay in
and put my foot up.
I trust you to pick something
amazing for the dining room.
This showroom I found
has everything.
We'll find something you love
for sure.
Okay, let's go then.
Everything okay?
Yeah, just checking
on Brooklyn.
Let's go.
Something modern...
I don't know, it seems...
No problem.
What about something
like... this?
[sighs] Yeah.
It's comfortable
but it doesn't really feel
like fine dining.
Let's try something
more high end.
Maybe a little too high end.
Or just too high.
No worries, we have plenty
more to try.
[plays piano keys]
Still stuck?
All I need is
the perfect lyric
about friendship and family.
Why is that so hard?
I really should go.
I promised Malibu I'd be back
at the restaurant by now.
[gasps] No, no!
I never texted her the address
for the market!
Hey. Thanks for
everything today.
I mean it.
Like I said,
what are friends for?
Everything okay Melanie?
Oh, just trying to pin down
our caterers.
Influencers love food pics
and no one wants to invest
in a Broadway show
when they're hangry.
Ah! And that's them.
Thank goodness.
I was starting to think
you were dodging my calls.
What do you mean
a small hiccup?!
Oh, uh... don't worry, Emmie.
You just worry about
cementing the finale.
Great. No pressure.
You sure you can't stick around
just a little longer?
Hmm. Okay. But only
a few minutes.
I... don't know.
Yeah, I thought it was
a stretch.
I'm sorry Nikki.
You've worked so hard and I'm
just saying no to everything.
You can't force inspiration
but we've looked at literally
every dining set here.
I never thought I'd say this
but I'm out of ideas.
[all groan]
Well if we aren't finding
inspiration here,
we'll just have to look
somewhere else.
Okay. But where?
It's New York City,
there's inspiration everywhere.
I do wish Brooklyn were here
to show us around though.
Yeah. Where is she anyway?
No idea.
But I do know someone else
we can call.
Come on, Barbie.
Yeah. Who are we meeting?
Wait a minute.
[girls gasp]
[together] Rafa?
Welcome to the greatest city
in the world.
My hometown.
[pop music playing]
[all together] Whoa!
You say you need some help
You wanna feel inspired
This place has everything
that your heart can desire
Whether they're sights
or sounds
You'll get into the spirit
Soho or Chinatown
The possibilities
are endless
In every neighborhood
There is a brand
new story
And every avenue
Is begging,
come explore me
If you can think it up
Within your heart
you'll find it
This show was Broadway bound
And nobody can deny it
A whole big world
in the city of lights
And there's so much
to discover
You'll never know
what you'll find
So many places to explore
And all the people to meet
There's so much magic
on your very own street
Inspiration is everywhere
Inspiration is everywhere
From downtown to uptown
Just take a look around
You'll find it everywhere
You'll find it everywhere
From Harlem's 10-piece jazz
To Manhattan's fun display
Check out the coziness in
Greenwich Village's cafes
The world is at
your fingertips
And it's all
outside your door
The time is now,
we'll show you how
We'll help you find
the best decor
I know, I know, I know!
Exactly what you need
Some gorgeous
rugs in Queens
The perfect shade of green
Let's hit the east side now
So many friendly faces
So much inside this town
Tables, chairs
to stunning vases
A whole big world in the city
of lights
And there's so much
to discover
You'll never
know what you'll find
So many places to explore
And all the people to meet
There's so much magic
on your very own street
Inspiration is everywhere
Inspiration is everywhere
From downtown to uptown
Just take a look around
You'll find it everywhere
Oh look, those are the chilies
we've been looking for.
Yes. Yes.
I need all of it.
You'll find it everywhere
That was so much fun.
[Nikki] Wait 'till Marisol sees
all the stuff we got.
Mmm. These smell great.
Mmm! Oh, these chilies
are amazing.
So good!
And I love everything we
picked out for the restaurant.
I don't understand.
I did everything exactly
like Abuela does
with the exact same ingredients
and the tamales still
don't taste like hers.
Mmm! But they're so good.
It's not like Marisol's
are going to be able
to compare. Right?
-Right, but Mari wants
Abuela's tamales.
-[door opens, closes]
I got the chilies!
I had to convince the guy
at the market
to open up the store.
[laughs] But I got 'em.
Oh, thanks Brooklyn.
That's sweet.
Uh... but we found
the chilies ourselves.
Oh. Why didn't you tell me?
I guess we got distracted.
Huh. Say what now?
No thanks, I'm good.
Then pull up a chair.
We'll tell you all about the
inspiration tour of New York
Rafa took us on.
I would've taken you around.
You were busy!
We couldn't wait.
Right. Yeah.
Of course.
You know what?
I'm really beat.
I think I'm gonna go to bed.
Make yourselves at home though.
I'll go check on her.
Oh! I nearly forgot.
Mari wants everyone
at the restaurant tomorrow
at 7:00 for dinner.
Can you let Brooklyn know?
Yeah. Sure.
Hey. Teresa said Mari would
like everyone at the restaurant
tomorrow night.
-What time?
I'll see if I can make it.
Can't promise anything.
Did something happen
at rehearsal?
No. Why?
You seem upset.
Why would I be upset?
I just spent all day
at rehearsal
trying to learn a whole
new show in two days.
Then went to the specialty
interrupted the owner's dinner,
got him to open back up for me
so I could buy the very
important chilies Teresa needed.
Then I come home to discover
you got them on your own
and just forgot to tell me.
Well you wouldn't have had
to do all that
if you texted me the
information about the market
like you promised.
I'm sorry. You know
how rehearsals get.
I just blanked.
It wasn't on purpose.
I understand.
But... you really let
Teresa down.
Did she say that?
Or are you the one
that's upset?
No! Of course not.
I know what it's like.
If you were upset,
you'd let me know. Right?
Of course.
Is she okay?
Yeah. Just tired.
Teresa, I am so sorry
she let you down like that.
Well it's not like the right
chilies magically fixed
the tamales, so...
no harm in the end.
Too bad she missed out on
the inspiration tour with Rafa.
That was so much fun.
[gasps] We should check out
the night market
when we're back in California.
Yes! That would be cool.
Brooklyn left us in the lurch.
Why aren't you guys more upset?
[Barbie crunching]
Uh... because it seems like
you're upset enough
for all of us?
What? No I'm not.
I'm not!
Like you said, we were fine.
Plus Brooklyn was helping Emmie
who really needed her.
It's all good.
[mouth full]
It's all good!
It's all good.
Oh, um...
those were really good.
[phones ringing]
[both yawn]
Good morning.
Busy day at rehearsal today?
Yeah. We're supposed to wrap
at 6:00 though.
Is there anything I can help
you with this evening?
Nope. We're fine.
Let me know if you think
of something.
Mind if I go first
in the bathroom?
Go ahead.
A one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, two... No. Stop.
[all groan]
Roberts. Are you with us?
Don't be sorry,
be on it.
[phone rings]
I have to take this.
Uh, take five everyone,
but do not wander.
What? Weasels in the kitchen?
Are you kidding me?!
Are you okay?
Normally you learn choreo
in your sleep.
Hmm. I guess I didn't sleep
so well last night.
I think I really
let Malibu down.
Is she upset?
She says she's not
but I did bail on her
and now I'm here worried
about her and not focused.
So I feel like I'm letting
you down too.
Simple solution
to that problem.
Yeah? What's that?
Well, focus on rehearsal
while you're at rehearsal.
Then try making things right
with Malibu
when you can actually talk to
her and do something about it.
Pretty smart, huh?
You'd think someone that wise
would've come up
with the perfect lyrics for the
finale by now, but here we are.
You're so mean.
I should've recruited
the other Barbie Roberts.
[mocks] Hmm...

I love my friends
I'm just trying
to be of help
But when I'm pulled
in every direction
Not sure I can do
this by myself
I know that you're always
in my heart
But right now I
don't know where we are
And I don't
wanna let you down
Just trying to do it all
And make sure no one
feels left out
I shouldn't wonder
any longer
Don't think I need
to question now
What are friends for?
They're someone to rely on
What are friends for?
In the dark they keep
the light on
I wanna be there
for you every time
Together there's no mountain
we can't climb
I wanna show you that
I'm always here
'Cause that's what
friends are for
'Cause that's what
friends are for
Oh... yeah
Why am I disappointed?
I expected way too much
People have their own lives
I'm sure we're okay
Because I know that we've
been through it all
Through rise and the fall
And though I wouldn't
miss this
Don't know what to do
when I feel the distance
Wanna hear you say
that we're okay
And now I'm standing here
thinking about...
What are friends for?
They're someone to rely on
What are friends for?
In the dark they keep
the light on
I wanna be there for you
every time
Together there's no mountain
we can't climb
I wanna show you
that I'm always here
'Cause that's what
friends are for

I wanna show you all the
good things friends are for

I'm gonna show you all the
good things friends are for
I wanna be there
for you every time
Together there's no mountain
we can't climb
I wanna show you that
I'm always here
'cause that's what
friends are for
That's what friends are for
[Melanie claps]
Nice work, everyone.
Go home, get some rest,
and I'll see you
first thing tomorrow.
Thank you.
[all groan]
Oh, my toes.
Let me worry about finding
new caterers.
You just make sure you're happy
with the closing song.
Good work today, Roberts.
You really pulled it together.
Thanks Melanie.
We lost the caterers?
Apparently they had
to close down
because their kitchen has been
designated as a habitat
for endangered weasels.
Huh. Inconvenient.
But how sweet.
I know. Only in New York.
But Melanie is right,
that's not what I need
to worry about right now.
[stomach growls]
Oh... [chuckles] Okay.
Maybe I need to worry about
food a little.
Wanna grab dinner?
I would...
but I need to go to a pretty
specific restaurant.
No way to fix whatever's wrong
between me and Malibu
if I keep avoiding her.
Good luck.
Thanks. I might need it.
I cannot believe what
you've done to this place.
The dining room looks
amazing, Nikki.
Thanks. What do you think,
It's not what I would've
expected, but...
I really like it!
Here we go.
Fresh tamales.
Mmm. Everything smells
so good.
Thank you for inviting us,
In restaurants, every night
before service
we have a family meal.
The whole team eats together,
from the chefs
to the dishwashers.
[sighs] I couldn't have gotten
this all together
without your help.
So... now you're all familia.
[all together] Aww!
I love that.
Where's Brooklyn?
You told her about this, right?
I... huh?
[all scream]
Oh no, not the curtains?
Outside! Everyone, now!
Ah! The tamales.
[all groaning]
[siren wailing]
This is terrible.
Oh Marisol,
I'm so sorry.
I saw the lights
from the fire truck.
Is everyone okay?
We're all a little wet
but, uh...
[sighs] We're fine.
What happened?
One of the pipes burst.
Insurance will cover
the damages
but there's no way I'll be able
to open tomorrow night now.
You already had reservations
and food coming.
Could we find a new venue?
How about the theater?
You've got food
but no restaurant
and Emmie's showcase
just lost their caterers.
It's perfect!
What kind of kitchen do you
have at the theater?
We need a lot of space to
put out our whole menu.
I'm not sure.
Maybe it's not so perfect
after all.
If we can't do a full menu,
what about a pop-up?
One night only with just
a few items.
That might work.
It's worth a try.
It could be a preview
for the restaurant
like the showcase is a preview
for the show.
We'll use social media
to let everyone know
about the change of venue
and you can put your food
in front of
the most important investors
and influencers in the city.
I... I don't know
what to say.
How about yes?
If you all believe
we can pull it off...
then I know this familia
can work miracles.
Si, let's do it.
[all cheering]
[all laughing]
Fresh and still steaming.
Hot tamales.
[sniffs] Mmm. Smells good.
Oh! Mmm.
Ah! These are the best tamales
I've ever tasted.
We'd love to have you cater
our event.
But the kitchen is a little...
As long as it's not underwater
we can make do.
Familia makes
everything possible.
And friends.
Friends are family.
You just have to follow
your heart to find them.
OMG. That's it!
Hmm? That's what?
That's the lyric I need
for the finale!
Is it okay if I use it?
Sure, go ahead.
You're the best, thank you.
Whoo! Awesome!
Sounds like we have a deal.

[Nikki grunting]
-How's it going out here?
With the number of people
we're expecting
at the showcase,
there isn't room for everyone
to sit down,
but Rafa had an idea.
Picture this.
People want to circulate.
Oh, hello!
It's been so long.
Muah! Muah!
Yes, let's do lunch.
But what happens if you need
to check your phone?
Or take a picture of the most
delicious tamale
you've ever had
for your social?
Oh, no! I have only
two hands.
Whatever shall I do?
I present to you...
high tables.
Now I can share
this super cute tamale
with my millions of followers.
What do you think?
I think it's perfect.
Hey everyone.
Oh. Did you find something
we could salvage
from the restaurant?
No. But this came
while I was down there.
I don't think Mari was
expecting any more deliveries.
Oh! It's from Abuela.
"A bit of la familia
for your restaurante. "
What do you think it is?
No idea.
[gasps] It's her apron!
Ah! The one that used to be
her grandmother's?
It's so beautiful,
like a little piece of her
is here with us.
Nikki! I know we don't have
much time, but...
could we use Abuela's apron
as a design inspiration
for the courtyard?
Let me see what we can do.
I know just the place.

What do you think?
Ooh! Looking good.
Say cheese.
Smile Rafa.
This is gonna be great for the
restaurant's social media feed.
Anything I can do to help?
Sure. Help me fix
these lights?
Thanks, Gato.
We've got it from here.

Should we go help Teresa
in the kitchen?
You go ahead.
There's something else
I need to fix first.

How's it going in the kitchen?
Oh, that's my next stop.
Teresa's still stressed that
the tamale's aren't perfect.
Girl, if those tamales
aren't perfect,
the world isn't ready
for perfection.
[emotional music]
[in unison] I'm sorry.
[both laugh]
Me first. You were right.
I wasn't able to be there
for Teresa and for Emmie.
I got over committed because
I didn't wanna let anyone down
and I ended up leaving you
in the lurch.
I'm sorry.
Thanks. You were right too.
Teresa wasn't mad.
I felt like you bailed on
our dynamic duo
but instead of telling you,
I pushed you away.
I'm sorry.
I miss our dynamic duo too.
And I'm super bummed
I missed Rafa's New York
inspiration tour.
It sounded amazing.
Oh, it was so much fun.
I can't wait to hear
all about it.
Dynamic duo again?
I feel about a thousand percent
less stressed now.
Think a hug would help Teresa?
It's worth a try but we might
also need reinforcements
from back home.
Any chance you can get away
for a second?
To help familia? Sure.
Hey! How's it going back here,
you two?
Can't talk, folding tamales.
I'm here to help.
Oh no.
Please tell me you didn't
put that
in your
social media campaign.
You know I wouldn't post
your photo
without your permission.
That was just a text to someone
who wanted to know
how you're doing.
[phone rings]
Abuela? Did you text
my grandmother?
You looked like you needed
a pep talk.
Teresa? You're working
too hard, mija.
This is supposed to be
your spring break.
Abuela, I've tried everything.
I can't make the tamales
taste like yours.
Of course not.
You're missing the secret
There's a secret ingredient
and you didn't tell me?
The secret ingredient is...
Your tamales will never be
exactly like mine.
And when you come home,
the one Marisol makes
without you
will be a little different
than yours.
Just like the apron.
What do you mean?
Mi abuela made it.
Then my mother added the pocket
when she gave it to me.
I added to the embroidery.
Your mother did a little more
to cover a stain.
We're all in it and we're all
with you now.
The changes are
part of the tradition.
Abuela, that's beautiful but...
if the dish always changes
how do I know when
I've got it right?
When they're right
you can taste the love.
Follow your heart,
it won't lead you wrong.
Muchas gracias, Abuelita.
I get it.
Por eso estoy aqu, preciosa.
Let's make the best tamales
this audience has ever tasted.
Thank you everyone.
I know tonight is going to be
a huge success
and we couldn't have done it
without you.
You're all proof that friends
are sometimes the best familia.
And this familia can now enjoy
a traditional family meal
before we prepare
for the big event.
Buen provecho and good show,
everyone! Muah!
[all cheering]
It smells delicious.
Enjoy everybody!
Mis amigas
Nothing can beat us
'cause you're there
right by my side
Como mas familia
Whenever I need you
Day or night always down
for the ride
Nothing compares
To the way that we click
And the way that we care
Now it's no question
Sharing from my heart
is better than perfection
We can accomplish anything
Together with
a winning team
Whatever we do
here we slay
From cutting up in the
kitchen to live on Broadway
Like sunshine
on the worst day
You cheer me up
in the best way
When you've been through
thick and thin
You become much more
than just a friend
We're all shining
like the stars
There's no denying
what we are
Right from the start, yeah
We're family of the heart,
We'll stick together
through the loco
No, we'll never
leave you solo
Forever a part, yeah
I'm a family of the heart,
yeah, yeah, yeah
-My motivation
You build me high
through life's complications
Reach for the sky
There's nothing we can't do
Together forever,
I promise you
We'll always be there
Through good times and pain
we ain't going anywhere
Our bond's so unbreakable
Even through our mistakes
we're unshakable
We can accomplish anything
Together with
a winning team
Whatever we do here we slay
From cutting up in the
kitchen to live on Broadway
Like sunshine
on the worst day
You cheer me up
in the best way
When you've been through
thick and thin
You become much more
than just a friend
We're all shining
like the stars
There's no denying
what we are
Right from the start, yeah
We're family of
the heart, yeah
We'll stick together through
the loco
No, we'll never
leave you solo
Forever a part, yeah
I'm a family of the heart,
yeah, yeah, yeah

Family of the heart, yeah
We'll stick together
through the loco
No, we'll never leave
you solo
Forever a part, yeah
I'm a family of the heart,
yeah, yeah, yeah
[Malibu] What a great
spring break.
[Brooklyn] That was amazing.
[Nikki] That was so much fun.
[Teresa] I feel so inspired.
Okay, once you've rubbed
the shortening into the flour
and the rest of the dry
you add hot water to make
the sopapilla dough.
How much water?
About three quarters of a cup.
It depends on the humidity.
You have to just add the liquid
gradually until it feels right.
Check you out.
Cooking by feel not by science?
Cooking is a science but
there's an art to it too.
[phone rings]
Hola prima!
-How's your foot?
And how did the official
opening go last week?
Ah, my foot is doing fine.
And the opening was amazing!
Word of mouth around
the neighborhood is great
and we've got reservations
booked out for a month.
The dining room
looks amazing too.
What do you think?

I love it. Me encanta.
-It really looks great.
-[door opens]
Ooh! Can I see?
I can't wait to come visit
the next time I'm in New York.
You're welcome any time.
All of you.
[all together] Aww!
[car honking]
Oh! That's my delivery.
Talk soon Teresita?
Soon. Love you, prima. Bye.
Hey. Teresa's teaching me
how to make sopapillas.
Wanna help?
Don't know what a sopapilla is
but I'm in.
Mmm. They're amazing.
They're sweet fried
dough triangles.
Ooh. Then I am definitely in.
Yum! Me too.
So... I have news.
Emmie texted yesterday.
Her show is going to Broadway!
[all gasp]
That's great!
And she wants me
to join the cast
when school lets off
for summer.
Oh. Wow.
Are you going to go?
Of course she is.
You've dreamed of this forever.
You have to say yes!
You know, I'm not sure.
I love performing but I don't
know if I want it to be
my everything
like it is for Emmie.
I like other stuff too,
like my friends and sports
and having a normal
teenage life.
Still it's not an opportunity
that comes along every day.
[scoffs] I know.
Mom and Dad say it's up to me
but I'm not sure what to do.
You'll figure it out.
Just follow your heart.
You're right.
Thanks, Teresa.
Si! That's what I've been
telling you.
Mija, you've learned
my lesson well.
Gracias, Abuela.
Now that we've followed
our hearts,
what do you say about following
our stomachs?
Yes. Should we finish
those sopapillas?
Let's do it.
[both grunt, laugh]
[upbeat music]

[music continues]