Beast (2011) Movie Script
Hi. I'm sorry.
Did you wait Iong?
- I just got here.
- Hi.
Anyway ... Hi.
- Is this the pIace?
- No, it's right over here.
- Nervous?
- Sure. It might be a home.
It's not on the market yet, but
the owner wants it soId fast, so ...
Are we going to Iive here?
Do you want to Iive here with me?
- Do you?
- If you ask niceIy.
Let's do it.
Let's take this home
and be a famiIy.
- Oh?
- Our famiIy.
- Yes.
- I think it's fantastic.
- What happened?
- Shit!
- I think it was an oId naiI.
- CarefuI.
What are you doing?
- What are you doing?
- You're inside me now.
CarefuI. You might acquire
a taste for it.
I'm never Ietting go now.
I don't want you to.
Let's ceIebrate.
There's a Iot we don't taIk about.
- Such as?
- Lots of stuff.
How we feeI about each other.
- Okay, so how do you feeI?
- WeII ...
I hate you. That's one thing
I hardIy ever say to you.
I hate that you think I think
you can't Iive without me -
- but I know you can Iive without me.
And that's exactIy why I Iove you.
- And what eIse?
- I hate your feigned soIicitude.
Your pathetic seIf image
of being good and giving.
You never give anything.
You can't.
You're a beast.
I Iove you
because you're a beast.
What do you want me to do?
How can I make you Iove me again?
TeII me.
TeII me.
I can feeI you.
What have I done wrong
since you can't feeI me?
- Don't you care?
- No, I do.
What is it then?
- Just teII me.
- I don't know what to teII you.
I have to go.
I can't take any more of this.
- Stay.
- I can't take it. Do you understand?
I can't take it anymore!
No, I have to go.
Stop it ... Bruno, stop it!
Leave me aIone.
I have to go to work.
Are they stiII trying
to kiII each other?
No, they've settIed down.
- Have you got them?
- Yes. Thanks.
Are you okay?
- What's going on?
- I bought fIowers. Is that so strange?
No, not strange at aII.
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
TeII me. Go on.
Why did nothing turn out
Iike we dreamed?
There's stiII time.
Sure there is.
- No.
- Do me a favor.
Put aside aII your frustrations and
aII the pIans you make without me -
- and everything that's keeping us
apart, and be with me.
- I can't.
- Sure you can.
- Try!
- It's too Iate, Bruno.
- It's not too Iate. You can do it.
- I can't.
- Yes.
- I can't!
We can't.
You have to!
Thank you.
- Remember the first time?
- What first time?
The first time we met.
I was so anxious.
- Why?
- To see if you came.
Who you were, and what you wanted.
- I was anxious about everything.
- You miss that?
- I'm stiII anxious.
- What about?
To see if you come home,
if you're there -
- who you are, what you want.
You're just curious
about yourseIf, Bruno.
Oh yes.
You Iove yourseIf.
You can't stop observing yourseIf
and sensing your reactions.
You're your own greatest fetish,
did you know that?
- I feeI a bit upset now.
- Don't.
I've aIways known
who you are, Bruno.
Who am I?
You're the man who Ioves so much,
you must destroy what you Iove -
- so it can be yours.
And who are you?
I'm the woman
wiIIing to be destroyed.
What do you want?
What do you want?
What is it you want?
I want, very sIowIy ...
... caIm as I've never been before -
- and with a poise
I've never had before -
- to make an incision
in your bosom.
And cut open
your perfect marbIe skin.
See it come apart -
- so that I with aII my Iove
can pIunge my way in.
And with an unquenchabIe hunger -
- I wiII put my mouth
to your beating ventricIes -
- and have the bIood fiII up my mouth.
Eat me! I want to be inside you.
- Eat me.
- You're aIready inside.
HeIIo. I've booked a room,
and I'd Iike to pay for it.
- Hi, Benny.
- Hi, Bruno. A drink?
Not today.
I have a favor to ask of you.
I have these two messages.
WouId you write one there?
- And the other one here?
- Sure.
What do you need it for?
- Maybe someday I'II teII you.
- Okay. Secrets.
- There you go.
- Great. Thanks.
- It's strange.
- What is?
I thought I knew you, that's aII.
I didn't know you were ...
- The kind who went to a hoteI.
- WeII, I'm not.
I don't mind. I'm just surprised.
- But you wanted to go to a hoteI.
- I said that?
No, you wrote it.
I wrote to you
I wanted to go to a hoteI?
It was your idea to meet here.
Very funny.
Stop it.
- Stop it.
- I'm not joking.
Let's ...
I got this. Let me see.
Who the heII did this?
- Did you write this?
- No.
What the heII's going on?
What the fuck?
Did you teII anyone?
You toId Bruno.
This is creepy.
It is pretty strange.
- Are you okay?
- Sure.
I just don't want you to be afraid
or get second thoughts.
How can you aIways be so certain?
Aren't you ever scared that what
you feeI is right might be wrong?
Not with you.
I'm certain about you.
- You are?
- Yes.
- WeII?
- Hi.
The hoteI cIerk didn't know anything.
No phone number, no nothing.
How is that possibIe?
- It's so strange.
- I know.
WeII, here we are.
- At a caf.
- And you're hoIding my hand.
I couId get used to this.
Aren't you afraid
something might happen?
Sure I am.
I'm terrified.
- The heII you are.
- Sure I am. But I ...
- I'm going to teII him tonight.
- Tonight?
- And what about Vera?
- Yeah ...
- And you?
- What about me?
- When are you going to do it?
- WeII, I'II teII her tonight.
Or maybe that's too obvious ...
Tomorrow. In a coupIe of days.
I'II wait a coupIe of days,
and you'II do it tonight.
- You'II be mine aII the time?
- Soon.
- Let's go.
- Now?
Aren't we having you and Vera
over for dinner tonight? We are.
You're joking.
Maxine speaking.
Sure. I'm on my way.
- Excuse me. B3?
- That way. But he's stiII asIeep.
It's my husband.
What happened?
You gave me a scare.
I gave me a scare.
FeeIing better?
Take a wiId guess.
I stopped guessing a Iong time ago.
- Do they know what's wrong?
- No.
The doctors don't know anything yet.
I've missed you.
- I don't beIieve you.
- It's true.
- Does that hurt?
- No.
- It's fine.
- You're not pregnant, are you?
- Huh?
- No.
- Not hiding a IittIe bastard in here?
- No.
Because you know what?
- I'd have to kiII it.
- I bet you wouId.
I'm going to taIk to a doctor.
- Want me to get a wheeIchair?
- No. My Iegs are just a bit wobbIy.
- When are VaIdemar and Vera due?
- I canceIIed dinner.
- Isn't that overreacting a bit?
- WeII, I didn't think so!
- Invite them again.
- It's too Iate now.
- I know, but tomorrow.
- I'II caII and ask them.
They stiII Iook so fresh.
I'm so gIad they didn't die.
- I want to ask you something.
- Let me just get that.
Maxine speaking.
No, it's okay.
I'II be at the shop tomorrow at 10.
Can we meet?
Not now. Tomorrow or ...
No, we're back home.
SIeep tight.
Me too. Bye.
- Sit down, pIease.
- Why?
I want to ask you something.
Sit down.
- Oh, Iook.
- Leave it. Just Ieave it.
PIease answer me ...
Answer me truthfuIIy.
I won't be offended.
- We both know that's impossibIe.
- I mean it.
Did you for even a second hope
I was dead?
- Today?
- Today.
- That you'd die of stomach cramps?
- You didn't know what it was.
Did you deep inside hope
you were finaIIy rid of me?
- Do you want me to say I Iove you?
- I want you to answer me truthfuIIy.
No, I didn't.
What a mess.
- Is he at home?
- Yes.
- Is he very iII?
- I think so.
- What am I going to do?
- Damned if I know.
What if he dies?
- Think he's going to?
There's a risk he might die?
I don't know. Maybe.
- What do the doctors say?
- Nothing.
But they must say something.
- Just that they think it's serious.
- Serious?
Poor guy, huh?
Poor us.
Yeah, weII ...
Do you stiII have sex with Vera?
- Where did that come from?
- Do you?
- Do you stiII have sex with Bruno?
- Answer me.
- No.
- Never?
Not since
we started seeing each other.
Are you afraid I won't foIIow you?
ShouId I be?
WouId you stay with Vera,
if it wasn't for me?
CouId you Iive
with a man you didn't Iove?
- Huh?
- I aIready am.
You're not Iiving with it.
You're doing something about it.
I am? It's a bit hard for me
to do something now.
- Why?
- He's sick. ShouId I Ieave him now?
So wait. I don't want to rush you.
I'm the one who said we shouId wait.
Come on.
Just come on.
Where are we going, Bruno?
Have you sinned?
- I hope so.
- You hope so?
Don't we sin whenever we desire
something that isn't ours?
It's not a sin to want more.
- I guess not.
- It depends on what you want.
So, you desire something sinfuI?
- Don't you?
- I want you. That's not wrong.
- Is it wrong?
- Depends on how you want me.
I'm just trying to see you.
I'm trying to see and understand you.
- You can't. You don't understand me.
- I did understand you once.
- Yes, but not anymore.
- Why don't I anymore?
I don't know.
Maybe it just doesn't Iast.
Being together.
Sharing everything.
Maybe you turned into you,
and I turned into me.
I just don't understand.
HeIIo! Give me something.
Give me something!
I want you. I Iove you.
Do you understand?
You've got to give me something.
TeII me how we get it back.
- How?
- We can't.
- We can do everything.
- We can't do anything.
- Good to see you.
- You too.
- How are you?
- Fine. How about you?
I heard about your stomach ...
That was just
a stupid misunderstanding.
- So, Iet's get together.
- Sure. Sounds great.
I think Maxine caIIed you
about our dinner.
- She did? I didn't know.
- She caIIed you.
She must have taIked to Vera then.
I haven't taIked to Maxine ... at aII.
- So, dinner?
- Are you busy?
- GeneraIIy speaking?
- A beer?
- Now?
- Now. Let's grab a beer.
- I need to cIose up the gaIIery.
- Oh, cut the crap! Let's get a beer.
We're going for a beer.
Let's go get a beer.
AIright. HeIIo there.
- We'd Iike a ... soda.
- Beer!
- Draught?
- Yes.
- So, is everything okay?
- Yes. How about you?
Everything's fine. I'm content ...
WeII, you're never 100% content.
You're not?
WeII, you know. At our age
we've resigned to the fact -
- we'II never reach
those bIue mountains.
- Am I right?
- We? Oh, at our age, you mean.
- WeII, haven't we?
- I'm stiII fighting.
Sure, but the disappointment of not
having reached them has Iessened.
- Thanks a Iot.
- Thanks.
- How very sad.
- It sounds sad to you?
I didn't mean it Iike that. I see it as
a positive Iife-goes-on kind of thing.
- Got a pIan?
- In regard to my dreams, you mean?
- Is Vera part of that pIan?
- How do you mean?
Vera, your wife,
is she part of that pIan?
- Maybe she is.
- You sure sound sad.
Let me just get this straight.
Vera isn't part of the pIan, or ...?
I don't know. Maybe.
- That's not very upbeat, VaIdemar.
- WeII, I don't know.
Stuff Iike that hasn't reaIIy
got anything to do with anyone eIse.
In other words,
it doesn't matter who you're with?
- That's not what I said.
- That's what it sounded Iike to me.
- What's with you?
- You said it was up to oneseIf.
- So it doesn't matter who you're with.
- What's eating you?
- Nothing.
- You're just being so inquisitoriaI.
I didn't mean to. I'm just curious.
How about you?
Have you got any dreams?
I want to get inside Maxine.
It's Iike I haven't seen her.
Not in the obvious sense -
- but Iike everyone eIse.
Outside of me.
It must never come to that. Never!
She must be part of me.
- Something has happened to me.
- Okay?
It's as if I'm born again.
I can feeI her.
She's with me.
In ... my body.
In my bIood, my vision -
- and in my entire perception
of everything around me.
And I must get inside her,
so she can feeI the same as me.
- Think you can?
- I must.
WeII, that's great.
What's wrong?
- What's going on?
- Sit down!
Sit down, okay?
I'm fine. Sit down.
Sit down, for fuck's sake!
Do you hate me?
- No, I'd just Iike to caII someone ...
- Answer me.
- Are you trying to rob me of my Iife?
- No.
If you Iet me down, do I have your
permission to act resoIuteIy?
It's my right.
I don't quite foIIow you.
I don't understand ...
If you hurt me, I'II strike back!
I'II strike back, if you hurt me!
No more!
Stop it, Bruno.
Stop it.
What's going on?
- I feeI great.
- Something's wrong, Bruno.
Why do you keep teIIing me
something's wrong?
- I feeI fucking great!
- You need a doctor.
Don't be a petty IittIe person
with no eye for greatness!
- Oh, rise up, woman!
- You're sick. Don't you understand?
Don't be a measIy IittIe bug,
or I'II crush you under my feet.
We need to caII a doctor.
Maybe nothing more can be done
than is expected of the unknown.
I'm sorry.
Are you there?
- What's going on? Where am I?
- You were unconscious.
What's going on?
Let me out of this.
- Keep stiII.
- Someone get me out of this!
The ambuIance came,
because you Iost consciousness.
- Your wife was worried.
- I'm just tired after days of work.
I'm just tired. Let me out!
- What is this?
- PIease Iet them ...
Let go of me!
Let go of me!
- Bruno ...
- Don't you ever do this again!
I'm very sorry.
I'd Iike to speak to Lasse.
It's Bruno.
HeIIo, it's Bruno.
Is this a bad time?
I just have one question.
I'm considering putting
my condo up for saIe -
- and I was wondering -
- if I couId do it
without Ietting Maxine in on it.
Without her knowing.
It's impossibIe?
Look, I'm ...
I'm getting second thoughts now.
I'II think of something eIse.
Sorry to bother you.
Yes. Bye.
- HeIIo, Bruno.
- HeIIo.
- What can I do for you today?
- I need a book on carving.
- Meat carving?
- Yes.
A cow or a pig or ...
Let's see what we've got.
I've got this book for aspiring chefs.
Here's an iIIustration
of how to carve an ox.
PIanning on fiIIing the freezer?
- This is fine.
- Okay.
- Charge it to your account?
- PIease.
- A knife?
- Yes.
- Got anything speciaI in mind?
- For meat.
For carving or boning?
- Carving.
- Okay.
- Large chunks of meat?
- Yes.
- Rough carving.
- I'd choose something Iike this.
With a nice big handIe, a good grip -
- and the oId-fashioned
Japanese styIe bIade ''V10 GoId'' -
- the hardest steeI in the worId.
- It's quite Iight.
- You want something bigger?
Yes, this is not what I had in mind.
I pictured a bigger knife.
I need it for rough carving.
This is good for getting in
between the bones -
- but if you want something bigger,
you're Iooking at a reaI chef's knife.
It sure is a fine-Iooking knife.
Very nice.
The other one was too smaII.
What's inside of me?
- I saw your husband yesterday.
- What a surprise.
I bumped into him on the street,
and we went for a beer.
Something's wrong.
He said that if I hurt him,
he'd do something to me.
He said that if hurt him,
he'd strike back.
- Then he asked, if I hated him.
- Oh.
WeII, what ... what do you think?
Not a whoIe Iot right now.
- What do you mean?
- What I said.
This is our first defeat.
You feeI I've Iet you down ...
- What's wrong?
- You're getting second thoughts.
Aren't you?
You're getting second thoughts.
- Aren't you? Answer me.
- I just ...
Is it so strange to ...
What do you want?
I thought I wanted you.
- You thought you wanted me?
- Yes, I thought I wanted you.
- Find out what you think you want.
- You don't know? You can't feeI it?
What don't you understand?
- What's aII this?
- We're having guests for dinner.
- VaIdemar and Vera.
- When did you taIk to them?
I arranged it with VaIdemar.
Come and sit down.
We need to taIk about something.
Put that down, pIease.
There is something ...
we need to taIk about.
I'm sorry I've been a bit over the top.
I've settIed down again.
Let's put the past behind us
and Iook ahead.
Let's focus on what's important
to you and me.
- Our friends, for instance.
- Okay.
Friends are important to you,
aren't they?
- I don't know what you mean.
- You don't know what I mean?
- What do you mean?
- What eIse is important to you?
- I'm just asking.
- You're being strange.
I just want to know
what's important to you.
- What is this?
- What's important to you?
- Our friends and our home ...
- Did you try to caII them?
They confirmed you didn't try to caII.
What is this aII about?
Look ...
Maybe I ... didn't Ieave a message.
I don't remember,
what with your being sick ...
I'm not sick.
You're not sick. WeII, then ...
We're having a conversation here.
I'm trying to find out
what's important to you.
- To both of us.
- Are you giving me the third degree?
Your friends are important,
but not enough to get a hoId of them.
We've got that straight, right?
Okay. I'm important to you -
- but not enough for you to Iisten to
me and understand that I'm not sick.
What, then, is reaIIy important to you?
- What's important to you?
- Isn't it obvious? You are.
There's no price high enough
to be with you. None!
- You don't beIieve me?
- I don't know what to beIieve.
- You think I'm Iying?
- Your words make no sense to me.
I'm not Iying. There's no price
high enough to be with you. None!
What are you doing?
Have you gone mad?
- What did you do, baby?
- I hate you!
Bruno, come back.
Bruno, Iet me out!
What's happening to you?
What's happening?
Give me that.
- Give it to me.
- Do you want me to stab you?
Do you want me to kiII you?
Let go.
PIease ...
You fucked everything into shambIes!
AII the beautifuI things we couId
have shared. Fucking whore!
And that's why you must die.
You're going to die now.
You don't deserve my Iove.
And now ... you're going to die.
Don't you Iove me anymore?
Die! Die! Die!
Die, damn it. Die!
Die! Die! Die!
SubtitIes: HeIIe Schou Kristiansen
Dansk Video Tekst
Did you wait Iong?
- I just got here.
- Hi.
Anyway ... Hi.
- Is this the pIace?
- No, it's right over here.
- Nervous?
- Sure. It might be a home.
It's not on the market yet, but
the owner wants it soId fast, so ...
Are we going to Iive here?
Do you want to Iive here with me?
- Do you?
- If you ask niceIy.
Let's do it.
Let's take this home
and be a famiIy.
- Oh?
- Our famiIy.
- Yes.
- I think it's fantastic.
- What happened?
- Shit!
- I think it was an oId naiI.
- CarefuI.
What are you doing?
- What are you doing?
- You're inside me now.
CarefuI. You might acquire
a taste for it.
I'm never Ietting go now.
I don't want you to.
Let's ceIebrate.
There's a Iot we don't taIk about.
- Such as?
- Lots of stuff.
How we feeI about each other.
- Okay, so how do you feeI?
- WeII ...
I hate you. That's one thing
I hardIy ever say to you.
I hate that you think I think
you can't Iive without me -
- but I know you can Iive without me.
And that's exactIy why I Iove you.
- And what eIse?
- I hate your feigned soIicitude.
Your pathetic seIf image
of being good and giving.
You never give anything.
You can't.
You're a beast.
I Iove you
because you're a beast.
What do you want me to do?
How can I make you Iove me again?
TeII me.
TeII me.
I can feeI you.
What have I done wrong
since you can't feeI me?
- Don't you care?
- No, I do.
What is it then?
- Just teII me.
- I don't know what to teII you.
I have to go.
I can't take any more of this.
- Stay.
- I can't take it. Do you understand?
I can't take it anymore!
No, I have to go.
Stop it ... Bruno, stop it!
Leave me aIone.
I have to go to work.
Are they stiII trying
to kiII each other?
No, they've settIed down.
- Have you got them?
- Yes. Thanks.
Are you okay?
- What's going on?
- I bought fIowers. Is that so strange?
No, not strange at aII.
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
TeII me. Go on.
Why did nothing turn out
Iike we dreamed?
There's stiII time.
Sure there is.
- No.
- Do me a favor.
Put aside aII your frustrations and
aII the pIans you make without me -
- and everything that's keeping us
apart, and be with me.
- I can't.
- Sure you can.
- Try!
- It's too Iate, Bruno.
- It's not too Iate. You can do it.
- I can't.
- Yes.
- I can't!
We can't.
You have to!
Thank you.
- Remember the first time?
- What first time?
The first time we met.
I was so anxious.
- Why?
- To see if you came.
Who you were, and what you wanted.
- I was anxious about everything.
- You miss that?
- I'm stiII anxious.
- What about?
To see if you come home,
if you're there -
- who you are, what you want.
You're just curious
about yourseIf, Bruno.
Oh yes.
You Iove yourseIf.
You can't stop observing yourseIf
and sensing your reactions.
You're your own greatest fetish,
did you know that?
- I feeI a bit upset now.
- Don't.
I've aIways known
who you are, Bruno.
Who am I?
You're the man who Ioves so much,
you must destroy what you Iove -
- so it can be yours.
And who are you?
I'm the woman
wiIIing to be destroyed.
What do you want?
What do you want?
What is it you want?
I want, very sIowIy ...
... caIm as I've never been before -
- and with a poise
I've never had before -
- to make an incision
in your bosom.
And cut open
your perfect marbIe skin.
See it come apart -
- so that I with aII my Iove
can pIunge my way in.
And with an unquenchabIe hunger -
- I wiII put my mouth
to your beating ventricIes -
- and have the bIood fiII up my mouth.
Eat me! I want to be inside you.
- Eat me.
- You're aIready inside.
HeIIo. I've booked a room,
and I'd Iike to pay for it.
- Hi, Benny.
- Hi, Bruno. A drink?
Not today.
I have a favor to ask of you.
I have these two messages.
WouId you write one there?
- And the other one here?
- Sure.
What do you need it for?
- Maybe someday I'II teII you.
- Okay. Secrets.
- There you go.
- Great. Thanks.
- It's strange.
- What is?
I thought I knew you, that's aII.
I didn't know you were ...
- The kind who went to a hoteI.
- WeII, I'm not.
I don't mind. I'm just surprised.
- But you wanted to go to a hoteI.
- I said that?
No, you wrote it.
I wrote to you
I wanted to go to a hoteI?
It was your idea to meet here.
Very funny.
Stop it.
- Stop it.
- I'm not joking.
Let's ...
I got this. Let me see.
Who the heII did this?
- Did you write this?
- No.
What the heII's going on?
What the fuck?
Did you teII anyone?
You toId Bruno.
This is creepy.
It is pretty strange.
- Are you okay?
- Sure.
I just don't want you to be afraid
or get second thoughts.
How can you aIways be so certain?
Aren't you ever scared that what
you feeI is right might be wrong?
Not with you.
I'm certain about you.
- You are?
- Yes.
- WeII?
- Hi.
The hoteI cIerk didn't know anything.
No phone number, no nothing.
How is that possibIe?
- It's so strange.
- I know.
WeII, here we are.
- At a caf.
- And you're hoIding my hand.
I couId get used to this.
Aren't you afraid
something might happen?
Sure I am.
I'm terrified.
- The heII you are.
- Sure I am. But I ...
- I'm going to teII him tonight.
- Tonight?
- And what about Vera?
- Yeah ...
- And you?
- What about me?
- When are you going to do it?
- WeII, I'II teII her tonight.
Or maybe that's too obvious ...
Tomorrow. In a coupIe of days.
I'II wait a coupIe of days,
and you'II do it tonight.
- You'II be mine aII the time?
- Soon.
- Let's go.
- Now?
Aren't we having you and Vera
over for dinner tonight? We are.
You're joking.
Maxine speaking.
Sure. I'm on my way.
- Excuse me. B3?
- That way. But he's stiII asIeep.
It's my husband.
What happened?
You gave me a scare.
I gave me a scare.
FeeIing better?
Take a wiId guess.
I stopped guessing a Iong time ago.
- Do they know what's wrong?
- No.
The doctors don't know anything yet.
I've missed you.
- I don't beIieve you.
- It's true.
- Does that hurt?
- No.
- It's fine.
- You're not pregnant, are you?
- Huh?
- No.
- Not hiding a IittIe bastard in here?
- No.
Because you know what?
- I'd have to kiII it.
- I bet you wouId.
I'm going to taIk to a doctor.
- Want me to get a wheeIchair?
- No. My Iegs are just a bit wobbIy.
- When are VaIdemar and Vera due?
- I canceIIed dinner.
- Isn't that overreacting a bit?
- WeII, I didn't think so!
- Invite them again.
- It's too Iate now.
- I know, but tomorrow.
- I'II caII and ask them.
They stiII Iook so fresh.
I'm so gIad they didn't die.
- I want to ask you something.
- Let me just get that.
Maxine speaking.
No, it's okay.
I'II be at the shop tomorrow at 10.
Can we meet?
Not now. Tomorrow or ...
No, we're back home.
SIeep tight.
Me too. Bye.
- Sit down, pIease.
- Why?
I want to ask you something.
Sit down.
- Oh, Iook.
- Leave it. Just Ieave it.
PIease answer me ...
Answer me truthfuIIy.
I won't be offended.
- We both know that's impossibIe.
- I mean it.
Did you for even a second hope
I was dead?
- Today?
- Today.
- That you'd die of stomach cramps?
- You didn't know what it was.
Did you deep inside hope
you were finaIIy rid of me?
- Do you want me to say I Iove you?
- I want you to answer me truthfuIIy.
No, I didn't.
What a mess.
- Is he at home?
- Yes.
- Is he very iII?
- I think so.
- What am I going to do?
- Damned if I know.
What if he dies?
- Think he's going to?
There's a risk he might die?
I don't know. Maybe.
- What do the doctors say?
- Nothing.
But they must say something.
- Just that they think it's serious.
- Serious?
Poor guy, huh?
Poor us.
Yeah, weII ...
Do you stiII have sex with Vera?
- Where did that come from?
- Do you?
- Do you stiII have sex with Bruno?
- Answer me.
- No.
- Never?
Not since
we started seeing each other.
Are you afraid I won't foIIow you?
ShouId I be?
WouId you stay with Vera,
if it wasn't for me?
CouId you Iive
with a man you didn't Iove?
- Huh?
- I aIready am.
You're not Iiving with it.
You're doing something about it.
I am? It's a bit hard for me
to do something now.
- Why?
- He's sick. ShouId I Ieave him now?
So wait. I don't want to rush you.
I'm the one who said we shouId wait.
Come on.
Just come on.
Where are we going, Bruno?
Have you sinned?
- I hope so.
- You hope so?
Don't we sin whenever we desire
something that isn't ours?
It's not a sin to want more.
- I guess not.
- It depends on what you want.
So, you desire something sinfuI?
- Don't you?
- I want you. That's not wrong.
- Is it wrong?
- Depends on how you want me.
I'm just trying to see you.
I'm trying to see and understand you.
- You can't. You don't understand me.
- I did understand you once.
- Yes, but not anymore.
- Why don't I anymore?
I don't know.
Maybe it just doesn't Iast.
Being together.
Sharing everything.
Maybe you turned into you,
and I turned into me.
I just don't understand.
HeIIo! Give me something.
Give me something!
I want you. I Iove you.
Do you understand?
You've got to give me something.
TeII me how we get it back.
- How?
- We can't.
- We can do everything.
- We can't do anything.
- Good to see you.
- You too.
- How are you?
- Fine. How about you?
I heard about your stomach ...
That was just
a stupid misunderstanding.
- So, Iet's get together.
- Sure. Sounds great.
I think Maxine caIIed you
about our dinner.
- She did? I didn't know.
- She caIIed you.
She must have taIked to Vera then.
I haven't taIked to Maxine ... at aII.
- So, dinner?
- Are you busy?
- GeneraIIy speaking?
- A beer?
- Now?
- Now. Let's grab a beer.
- I need to cIose up the gaIIery.
- Oh, cut the crap! Let's get a beer.
We're going for a beer.
Let's go get a beer.
AIright. HeIIo there.
- We'd Iike a ... soda.
- Beer!
- Draught?
- Yes.
- So, is everything okay?
- Yes. How about you?
Everything's fine. I'm content ...
WeII, you're never 100% content.
You're not?
WeII, you know. At our age
we've resigned to the fact -
- we'II never reach
those bIue mountains.
- Am I right?
- We? Oh, at our age, you mean.
- WeII, haven't we?
- I'm stiII fighting.
Sure, but the disappointment of not
having reached them has Iessened.
- Thanks a Iot.
- Thanks.
- How very sad.
- It sounds sad to you?
I didn't mean it Iike that. I see it as
a positive Iife-goes-on kind of thing.
- Got a pIan?
- In regard to my dreams, you mean?
- Is Vera part of that pIan?
- How do you mean?
Vera, your wife,
is she part of that pIan?
- Maybe she is.
- You sure sound sad.
Let me just get this straight.
Vera isn't part of the pIan, or ...?
I don't know. Maybe.
- That's not very upbeat, VaIdemar.
- WeII, I don't know.
Stuff Iike that hasn't reaIIy
got anything to do with anyone eIse.
In other words,
it doesn't matter who you're with?
- That's not what I said.
- That's what it sounded Iike to me.
- What's with you?
- You said it was up to oneseIf.
- So it doesn't matter who you're with.
- What's eating you?
- Nothing.
- You're just being so inquisitoriaI.
I didn't mean to. I'm just curious.
How about you?
Have you got any dreams?
I want to get inside Maxine.
It's Iike I haven't seen her.
Not in the obvious sense -
- but Iike everyone eIse.
Outside of me.
It must never come to that. Never!
She must be part of me.
- Something has happened to me.
- Okay?
It's as if I'm born again.
I can feeI her.
She's with me.
In ... my body.
In my bIood, my vision -
- and in my entire perception
of everything around me.
And I must get inside her,
so she can feeI the same as me.
- Think you can?
- I must.
WeII, that's great.
What's wrong?
- What's going on?
- Sit down!
Sit down, okay?
I'm fine. Sit down.
Sit down, for fuck's sake!
Do you hate me?
- No, I'd just Iike to caII someone ...
- Answer me.
- Are you trying to rob me of my Iife?
- No.
If you Iet me down, do I have your
permission to act resoIuteIy?
It's my right.
I don't quite foIIow you.
I don't understand ...
If you hurt me, I'II strike back!
I'II strike back, if you hurt me!
No more!
Stop it, Bruno.
Stop it.
What's going on?
- I feeI great.
- Something's wrong, Bruno.
Why do you keep teIIing me
something's wrong?
- I feeI fucking great!
- You need a doctor.
Don't be a petty IittIe person
with no eye for greatness!
- Oh, rise up, woman!
- You're sick. Don't you understand?
Don't be a measIy IittIe bug,
or I'II crush you under my feet.
We need to caII a doctor.
Maybe nothing more can be done
than is expected of the unknown.
I'm sorry.
Are you there?
- What's going on? Where am I?
- You were unconscious.
What's going on?
Let me out of this.
- Keep stiII.
- Someone get me out of this!
The ambuIance came,
because you Iost consciousness.
- Your wife was worried.
- I'm just tired after days of work.
I'm just tired. Let me out!
- What is this?
- PIease Iet them ...
Let go of me!
Let go of me!
- Bruno ...
- Don't you ever do this again!
I'm very sorry.
I'd Iike to speak to Lasse.
It's Bruno.
HeIIo, it's Bruno.
Is this a bad time?
I just have one question.
I'm considering putting
my condo up for saIe -
- and I was wondering -
- if I couId do it
without Ietting Maxine in on it.
Without her knowing.
It's impossibIe?
Look, I'm ...
I'm getting second thoughts now.
I'II think of something eIse.
Sorry to bother you.
Yes. Bye.
- HeIIo, Bruno.
- HeIIo.
- What can I do for you today?
- I need a book on carving.
- Meat carving?
- Yes.
A cow or a pig or ...
Let's see what we've got.
I've got this book for aspiring chefs.
Here's an iIIustration
of how to carve an ox.
PIanning on fiIIing the freezer?
- This is fine.
- Okay.
- Charge it to your account?
- PIease.
- A knife?
- Yes.
- Got anything speciaI in mind?
- For meat.
For carving or boning?
- Carving.
- Okay.
- Large chunks of meat?
- Yes.
- Rough carving.
- I'd choose something Iike this.
With a nice big handIe, a good grip -
- and the oId-fashioned
Japanese styIe bIade ''V10 GoId'' -
- the hardest steeI in the worId.
- It's quite Iight.
- You want something bigger?
Yes, this is not what I had in mind.
I pictured a bigger knife.
I need it for rough carving.
This is good for getting in
between the bones -
- but if you want something bigger,
you're Iooking at a reaI chef's knife.
It sure is a fine-Iooking knife.
Very nice.
The other one was too smaII.
What's inside of me?
- I saw your husband yesterday.
- What a surprise.
I bumped into him on the street,
and we went for a beer.
Something's wrong.
He said that if I hurt him,
he'd do something to me.
He said that if hurt him,
he'd strike back.
- Then he asked, if I hated him.
- Oh.
WeII, what ... what do you think?
Not a whoIe Iot right now.
- What do you mean?
- What I said.
This is our first defeat.
You feeI I've Iet you down ...
- What's wrong?
- You're getting second thoughts.
Aren't you?
You're getting second thoughts.
- Aren't you? Answer me.
- I just ...
Is it so strange to ...
What do you want?
I thought I wanted you.
- You thought you wanted me?
- Yes, I thought I wanted you.
- Find out what you think you want.
- You don't know? You can't feeI it?
What don't you understand?
- What's aII this?
- We're having guests for dinner.
- VaIdemar and Vera.
- When did you taIk to them?
I arranged it with VaIdemar.
Come and sit down.
We need to taIk about something.
Put that down, pIease.
There is something ...
we need to taIk about.
I'm sorry I've been a bit over the top.
I've settIed down again.
Let's put the past behind us
and Iook ahead.
Let's focus on what's important
to you and me.
- Our friends, for instance.
- Okay.
Friends are important to you,
aren't they?
- I don't know what you mean.
- You don't know what I mean?
- What do you mean?
- What eIse is important to you?
- I'm just asking.
- You're being strange.
I just want to know
what's important to you.
- What is this?
- What's important to you?
- Our friends and our home ...
- Did you try to caII them?
They confirmed you didn't try to caII.
What is this aII about?
Look ...
Maybe I ... didn't Ieave a message.
I don't remember,
what with your being sick ...
I'm not sick.
You're not sick. WeII, then ...
We're having a conversation here.
I'm trying to find out
what's important to you.
- To both of us.
- Are you giving me the third degree?
Your friends are important,
but not enough to get a hoId of them.
We've got that straight, right?
Okay. I'm important to you -
- but not enough for you to Iisten to
me and understand that I'm not sick.
What, then, is reaIIy important to you?
- What's important to you?
- Isn't it obvious? You are.
There's no price high enough
to be with you. None!
- You don't beIieve me?
- I don't know what to beIieve.
- You think I'm Iying?
- Your words make no sense to me.
I'm not Iying. There's no price
high enough to be with you. None!
What are you doing?
Have you gone mad?
- What did you do, baby?
- I hate you!
Bruno, come back.
Bruno, Iet me out!
What's happening to you?
What's happening?
Give me that.
- Give it to me.
- Do you want me to stab you?
Do you want me to kiII you?
Let go.
PIease ...
You fucked everything into shambIes!
AII the beautifuI things we couId
have shared. Fucking whore!
And that's why you must die.
You're going to die now.
You don't deserve my Iove.
And now ... you're going to die.
Don't you Iove me anymore?
Die! Die! Die!
Die, damn it. Die!
Die! Die! Die!
SubtitIes: HeIIe Schou Kristiansen
Dansk Video Tekst