Big Time Adolescence (2019) Movie Script

[MAN] Monroe?
[MONROE] I know this seems bad,
but it's not entirely my fault.
- [MONROE] It's his.
- Yo.
[MONROE] Zeke was
my sister's boyfriend.
I don't know if they called
themselves that.
I mean, for all I know,
he had other girlfriends in other houses
who babysat their little brothers.
But what was I gonna do?
Kate was a big girl.
And I was not a big guy.
But Zeke never made me feel small.
You know, he didn't talk to me
like my parents or teachers did.
He took me on rollercoasters,
he took me to R-rated movies,
he let me taste beer.
He showed me a picture
of a naked girl on his phone.
Adult stuff.
He was the man
and he made me feel like the man.
[ZEKE SCOFFS] I could be an actor.
[KATE] No! You're too ugly.
Yeah, but like, in a hot way,
like Steve Buscemi.
Oh, okay, like Steve Buscemi.
- You don't think I could be an actor?
- No, I didn't say that.
All right. Fine. Try me.
Mo, uh, tell me my dog died. Go ahead.
- What?
- Tell me my dog died.
- Your dog died.
- No. Break the news to me, like it's real.
Zeke, I'm really sorry to tell you this...
- What?
- Your dog is dead.
Stop fucking lying, man!
There's no way he's dead.
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
This is insane.
I was just with him yesterday.
He looked so healthy.
- God! What the fuck?
- Jesus! Zeke!
- Huh? How about that?
- Do me! Do me!
All right, all right.
Here we go. All right.
Mo... Monroe...
Your dog was hit by a car last night.
- What?
- It was killed.
No, no. It's...
I was driving the car. I was shit-faced.
It was against my better judgment.
[KATE] All right, Okay.
He's ten. He's ten, Zeke.
Don't you start crying on me, bro,
'cause then I'm gonna start crying.
What the F?
Huh? That was fun. All right, you go.
Yo, I didn't do... I'm sorry. I...
You're sorry?
Why did you fuck her to begin with?
- I didn't fuck her.
- You did.
I absolutely did not.
I just "liked" her photo.
You're gonna fucking lie?
You're gonna cheat on me.
She used to be fat
and she lost a bunch of weight
and it's summer, and she looks good.
So I "liked" the photo
and I said, "Damn!"
I just... I... I can't do it anymore.
- [ZEKE] I'm sorry.
- I'm done.
- I can't do it anymore.
- I'm sorry! Come on! Come back!
Plea... [SIGHS] Fuck.
[MONROE] Where are you going?
- You should go back inside.
- Can I come with you?
No, I... I don't think
she would like that very much.
[MONROE] Please?
She broke up with me, dude.
It's not... You know? Sorry.
Does this mean
we can't be friends anymore?
Don't you have friends your own age?
I mean...
But you're way cooler.
This is true. All right, hop in.
We can hang for, like, an hour.
What are you doing? Get in the front.
Oh, I'm not allowed to sit in the front
because of the airbag.
Don't be weird.
Hey, Zeke.
The drive-thru lady knows your name?
- Hell, yeah, little homie.
- Sick!
I know it's been so long
Since we saw each other last
I'm sure we'll find some way
To make the time pass
Hey, moon,
It's just you and me tonight
Everyone else is asleep
Hey, moon
If I was to fall
I would fall so deep
Though I doubt I'm gonna
You can wake me up
If you wanna
And your pale, round face
Let's get the fuck out of here.
- Tonight?
- I didn't know.
Wait, what time is it?
- Okay. I'll see you guys later.
- Where are you two going?
- Why does he have to honk like that?
Uh, we're just gonna get dinner
and watch a baseball game.
- Were you even gonna ask?
- Uh, please?
- Why doesn't he come in to eat?
Seriously. Does he think
we're hard of hearing?
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
I already made dinner.
I don't want it to go to waste, so...
- [SIGHS] Take that. Fork.
Fork. Got it. Thanks. Love you, Mom.
Hey, I thought we were gonna
watch the game together.
Um, I mean, we never said that.
- So can I...
- Yeah.
Cool. Thanks. Bye.
It's amazing how, you know,
you meet some kid,
some, uh, 16-year-old punk,
and you'll have no idea at the time
that he's gonna be parked
in front of your house every day
for the rest of your goddamn life.
You gotta jerk off before you go
fuck a girl, you know what I'm saying?
Because if you don't,
you'll come really fast
and she'll laugh at you, okay?
I jerked off before I picked you up.
Always, man.
Always be prepared. I don't know
where the fuck we're going tonight.
- I made a decision.
- Okay.
I'm gonna be a talk-show host.
No way! Like Jimmy Kimmel or something?
- Yeah.
- Yo, that's sick. You should do that.
- You should start a podcast.
- But I should do the talk-host thing?
- Yeah, definitely.
- You could be one of my guests.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Wait, seriously?
- They all have weird sidekicks.
Like Andy Richter
or like that Guillermo guy.
- Thanks, man.
- You're my Guillermo.
- A pyramid in Antarctica is weird.
- That's some shit.
- Explain that shit.
- It's from Alien vs. Predator, dude.
- It's not real.
- Listen to a Joe Rogan podcast, buddy.
There's shit going on.
- [ZEKE] She called you sir?
- That's the new wave, sir.
I thought I really...
Look at this.
I got a tab open. If you want another...
Hey! Hey, I'm sorry about our friend.
Uh, we found him in a dumpster.
- He's a rescue.
- Sorry.
- [CHUCKLES] It's okay.
- He got all the shots. He won't bite.
- What about your puppy?
- Who, Mo?
Yeah. He looks a little young
to be in here.
You look a little old to be in here.
Mo actually just got back
from the army.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, he was there for 16 years.
Let's not talk about it, yeah.
Hasn't been laid in 16 years.
How crazy is that?
- But, hey! To Mo.
- To Mo!
- Welcome back, brother.
- Yeah, man.
Hoo-rah! May we all
make it to heaven...
- Semper Fi.
- ...before the devil knows we're dead!
- Cheers.
- Yeah! What does that mean?
Like, we're sinners
and bad motherfuckers
and he's coming to suck us back.
He wants us.
Isn't that a Blood, Sweat & Tears song?
Who wants us? What do we do?
Satan, motherfucker, wants us.
In your fucking mouth!
In your fucking mouth!
That's a home run.
Hey, yo, Nick, I got a home run.
- [MONROE] What the fuck?
- Yo, I got a home run. Fuck, yeah.
Yo! Okay, okay, who's gonna drink it?
Ah, this motherfucker.
What? What? Whoa, whoa.
Hold on. What's in that?
Uh, what's in that? Whiskey, beer,
orange juice, cough syrup,
and... Xanny bar.
I don't know. I feel like he's gonna die
if he drinks this shit. I'll just do it.
- No. Fuck you. I can do it.
- Uh, hey.
Fuck you. Yeah, let the kid do it.
Come on.
I can at least try, bro.
- Yeah.
- [NICK] All right.
- I can do this probably.
- Yo, I gotta put my song on. Hold on.
- Damn.
What, are you puttin' that thing
through college? Man, let's go.
Drink up. Come on.
Oh, damn.
Oh. Oh, shit.
- That's my dude.
- How do you feel?
- Strong.
- [NICK] Strong?
All right. Go ahead, strong man. Hit me.
- Okay. Yeah. For real?
- Yeah. Hit me as hard as you can.
- Okay.
- If he pukes on any of this shit,
I'm gonna be so fucking furious,
I swear to God.
Yo! Fuck! [SNICKERS]
- Oh, hey, babe!
- Hey.
- What up there?
- [YELPS] What are you guys doing?
[ZEKE] Oh, Mo just drank a home run.
- What? Is he okay?
- Mm-hm. Yeah.
Yeah, I'll be fine. Hey, Holly...
He's great.
[MONROE] Oh, fuck my life.
Are you okay, man?
Yeah, I'm fantastic. Who is that?
It's Stacey. What up?
Hey, Stacey.
I'm just like a little hungover, dude.
But it's Thursday.
- Dope.
- [MONROE] I'm dying.
That was fucking insane.
You're an animal.
You spent the entire first period
in the bathroom. Nobody said shit.
If they don't notice you when you're here,
they won't notice when you're not.
- What?
- Uh, nothing.
If I can get you cash, can you
get us alcohol for Paul's rager?
Paul's rager?
Dude, Paul Finnlin's throwing a pimps
and hoes party at his house on Saturday.
Paul, the senior?
How did you get invited to that?
Dude, they love me.
I told him I can get him alcohol.
Can you get me alcohol?
I'm not gonna get you alcohol
so you can drink with some seniors. No.
Oh, my God. You could come with.
Ever even been to Paul's parties?
- No. Have you?
- No.
- Look, did they even say I can come?
- Don't worry.
I'm a god to these people. I can bring
whoever I want. I'll get you cash.
Okay, look, I'll see what I can do.
I don't really...
Yeah, it's so fucking on!
[WOMAN] Excuse me, sir.
- Excuse me, sir.
- Huh? What's up?
Which microwave
would you recommend?
- Depends what you use it for.
- It's for my grandson's dorm room.
Well, who's your grandson?
- Sorry. Gotta go. The black one's cool.
- What about this...
- Oh, shit!
[MONROE] Yeah! Guess who's licensed!
[ZEKE] Sick!
- All right.
- [MONROE] Yeah.
[ZEKE] Jesus Christ.
It's so fucking hot, bro.
- What's up?
- Not much, dude.
- This is tight, bro.
- Yeah. Thanks. It's my sister's old one.
Oh, I know. I've been in here.
A couple of times.
It's crazy. Look, check it out.
Check my license out.
It's like I'm a real person now.
- "Monroe Leslie Harris."
- Yeah.
I didn't know they gave licenses
to people who can't reach the pedals.
It's gonna be nice having a chauffeur.
Whoa! I'm not driving you around.
I'm not your chauffeur.
- The hell you are.
- No.
I've been driving you around
since you were nine. You owe me.
I have an hour for lunch. Let's go.
All right. Fine.
Uh, play with this while I drive.
He said we can keep the change?
He didn't really say,
so, I mean, I guess so.
All right.
You know I invented
that pimps and hoes party, right?
You've mentioned it a few times, yeah.
Well, do people talk about it?
Like, that I created it?
Uh... not really, but I know.
When were you gonna tell me your sister
moved in with her new hot-ass boyfriend?
- How did you find out?
- Does it matter?
I don't know.
You guys broke up so long ago,
I didn't think you'd care.
I don't. I don't care.
I just... I like to be informed.
Don't you like to be informed?
It's nice to be informed.
Oh, this looks sick! Let's get this.
- Yo, what are you doing?
Don't worry. We're not gonna
need all of it. Relax.
I'm not going to be with anybody
That's not going to be with me for real
I'm not going to be with anybody
That's not going to be with me for real
I'm not going to love anybody
That's not going to love me for real
I'm not going to love anybody
That's not going to love me for real
[MAN] You suck!
Okay, so my mom
has this really dope fur coat
and it'd be a really good idea
if I wore it.
Are you guys talking about Paul's
pimps and hoes party?
Huh? What? No.
Just a senior thing. Super low-key.
Yeah, I mean, Stacey invited me, so...
Who... who's Stacey?
You know, he's got big chapped lips.
Looks like he's confused.
Wears really douchey clothes.
Fire crotch.
Yeah, he said if brought alcohol,
I could come.
So I'll see you guys there?
Stacey's going rogue.
Why d'you wanna quit the baseball team?
You're so good.
I used to be so good when I was 11
and you were the pitcher,
but this is high-school varsity
and these... these kids are massive.
Did you even ask
if it's all right to stop playing?
It's not too late in the year?
No, we're not having this discussion.
You are not a quitter.
And what are you
gonna do after school?
Just sit around at Zeke's
doing God knows what? No.
And you're not too small. I mean,
look at, uh, Jos Altuve, you know?
You just need to practice more.
Hey, you wanna go work on your swing?
- We can do it right now.
- That is such a great idea.
Yeah, I mean...
Well, I was, uh... I was supposed
to go to Zeke's tonight, so...
But he's gonna be helping me
with my homework.
- Oh. [SCOFFS]
- What? Why are you laughing?
- You don't think we believe that?
I can help you with your homework.
I do have two degrees.
Which is, uh, two more than Zeke.
Yeah, but Zeke's had
most of these classes before.
- All right. Be back by 10:00.
- Thank you.
- [REUBEN] And be careful in that car!
- I will!
All it takes is ten seconds of stupid
to ruin your whole life!
What are you talking about, bro?
Your parents love me.
My dad just freaks out about stuff.
Not too much water. They'll notice
if they're drinking straight Evian.
It don't matter.
Nobody's gonna say anything.
Nobody wants to be the dude
who don't feel it.
So, you've never seen this game before?
- Come on! Time's about to run out!
- I'm trying!
I'm gonna get us to Pizza Hut. Move.
Yo, let her learn.
- [ZEKE] Holly, do you believe this shit?
- [JORDAN] Come on, come on!
- He says his parents don't like me.
- That's absolutely ridiculous.
Mm. Excuse me.
What parents wouldn't want
their teenage son hanging out here?
- What? I don't ask him to hang out.
- He just comes over.
- [HOLLY] Uh-huh.
- Fuck you. I'll leave right now.
- Don't. Please.
- What?
- Stop being creepy. You're staring.
I wasn't staring.
What are you talking about?
She's not a piece of meat.
My gosh. Will you leave him alone?
- Here.
- I'm good.
- Oh, he don't smoke.
- What? Why?
Well, do your friends smoke?
- Hello!
- No, your high-school friends.
I don't really have any. I like
hanging out with these guys more.
It was a good gig, bro,
'cause you didn't work for the zoo.
You worked for, like,
an independent thing.
So I was actually
a professional photographer.
You're missing out
on some of the best memories.
- No, you're not.
- Yes, he is.
Zeke wishes
he was back in high school.
- That's not true at all.
- It's okay. I do, too. I'll admit it.
Well, that's 'cause
you guys were legends.
- That's true.
- [HOLLY] We were.
Yo! I got an idea!
You know what you should do?
You should sell my pot at your party.
We'll make mad money.
- What? No.
- Why not?
Show up with a bunch of drugs.
You'll be the drug guy.
- I'm good. No, thank you.
- What? Back me up.
- I'm not touching this.
- Hold on.
[MONROE] No, dude. I just...
- I seriously hate him sometimes.
- No, you don't. You love him.
You guys are like
an old married couple. It's cute.
Well, he only treats me like this
to impress you.
[ZEKE] All righty, then.
So, I got these for, like, 30 a pot,
so I say you sell 'em for 100
and we'll split it down the middle.
You think I'm just gonna walk
into a party
and everyone's gonna wanna buy pot?
Call me crazy.
- Am I...
- Downstairs.
Dude, where the fuck you been?
[MONROE] I got lost. I don't know.
- The house is huge.
- Who's ready to party?
- Isn't this the best?
- Yeah.
Yeah, this is... this is cool.
Bro... we made it. [LAUGHS]
Yeah, okay.
See that girl over there?
She's so fucking hot.
Uh, you mean your sister?
Oh, fuck.
- What the fuck are you doing here?
- Hey, Lisa.
Josh said if I bring alcohol,
I can come.
Where did you get...
Do mom and dad know you're here?
- Please don't be a bitch.
- Is that my hat?
You never wear this.
- It's been in your closet for years.
- I'm texting mom.
[SPUTTERING] She's bluffing.
We good. We good.
Hey, look, so Stace,
I, uh... I brought some weed.
- What?
- If you're not interested...
- I can't hear you.
- I... I brought marijuana.
Mo, you're my goddamn hero.
Do you understand?
- How much do you want for all these?
- Maybe, like, 200. Does that sound...
- You are the fucking man!
- Yeah?
- Do you take Venmo?
- Sure. Okay.
See? What did I tell you?
He's one of us. He's a ten.
[BOY] I gotta text Danny to get in here.
Sweet. So, if you Venmo me,
that's perfect.
- You're not gonna smoke with us?
- What? No, I'm blazed, bro.
- I smoked before, so...
- He's a legend.
- Holy shit!
- [BOY] True dat.
[STACEY] That's my fucking boyfriend.
Yo... Nice one.
- Yeah.
- Like, sure.
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, sorry about him.
- What?
- Excuse me?
Yeah, I found him out back
in the dumpster. He's a rescue.
- Bro, are you fucking serious?
- Rub his belly. He likes that.
Just 'cause you're a dog,
so I was making...
You little piece of shit!
What the fuck, man?
Don't fuck with Mo. Mo's crucial.
You need a smoke? Let's smoke.
- [CHAD] But he called me a...
- [JOSH] Let's smoke.
I don't think he got your joke.
Yeah, no. I think...
I think I fucked up the punchline.
I didn't know you were friends
with these people.
- I'm not, really.
- Oh.
But I mean,
most of my friends are older.
- Like your parents?
Funny. No. Um, well, my best friend's
Zeke Presanti. Do you know him?
He used to go to our school.
He was, like, a big deal
back in the day, but...
- Yeah, he invented these parties.
- He invented hanging out in basements?
Yeah, well, I think so.
So how did you get invited?
I mean, you're not a senior.
- Oh, those rules don't apply to girls.
- Gotcha.
Who's Reuben?
Oh, Reuben? He's just a... just a pimp
that I know. Let me borrow his robe.
- Reuben is your dad.
- Reuben is my dad. You're right.
They just got bored of drinking in the
same shitty basement every weekend,
so they gave each party a theme.
I mean, they're not always pimps,
but the girls are always hoes.
So what kind of ho are you supposed to be?
What did you just fucking call me?
- Wait, no. I didn't mean it like that.
- I'm kidding!
I mean, this is the only costume I had
and Hermione was the ultimate pimp.
What is that shark?
- Oh. I just saw Jaws.
- You just saw it?
- Yeah, it's great. Have you seen it?
- Yes!
- It's so good.
- You're so ridiculous.
Look, I know you're all into
your new hot boyfriend,
but do you have to shove him
in my face and the Internet's face?
I'm not shoving him down your face.
I'm living my life.
Also, by the way, you should try it.
- What do you think I'm doing?
- You're getting tattoos, I don't know.
- Is this your belt?
- No, it's not my belt.
Fuck, this was a mistake.
What's wrong? What?
Because I'm 23, I'm taking the LSAin less than a month
and I'm fucking my childhood boyfriend
in the parking lot
of a Raymour & Flanigan.
Childhood? We are children.
I'm not, actually.
I'm dating an adult man.
Excuse me. "I'm dating an adult man."
You wanted to do this.
I know I wanted to do this.
It's not the point.
It's different this time.
I don't think we should do it again.
All right. Sure.
- Okay.
- Whatever you want.
- I'm gonna go.
- Okay. All right.
I need you to walk me to my car.
It's really dark and sketchy out there.
Pea shoots?
What the fuck are pea shoots?
I don't know. Dude, selling to those
kids was easier than I thought.
They just ate it up.
Wow, are you telling me
that 17-year-olds wanted drugs?
Hey, sir, do you know
where the pea shoots are?
Fuckin' Holly.
No, it was just crazy 'cause I didn't
think they'd wanna pay that much.
Dude, kids your age don't know
how much drugs cost. It's hilarious.
You know? The rich ones don't care.
They just wanna get high.
- Where the fuck are the pea shoots?
- Dude, ask someone.
- I just did.
- I know. Someone that works here.
Yo, bro, do you have pea shoots?
Pea shoots? Is that like a vegetable?
I don't know, man. My girlfriend
gave me this list of shit to get.
- Know where the pea shoots is at?
- Nah, man.
- Go fucking look for 'em.
- Did you call her your girlfriend?
- I did.
- No way!
- Yeah.
- That was fast.
No, it's time for an adult relationship.
You know, like, childhood's been over.
Who's your girlfriend? Is she bad?
[CLERK] I don't think
we got any pea shoots, boss.
Sophie was at the party, too.
Dude, one thing at a time, all right?
- She looked hot.
- Huh? Who?
- I told you about Sophie.
- Yeah.
- She's hot.
- Yeah.
- She was at the party.
- Sick.
- I don't think we got any pea shoots.
- Do you have an equivalent?
Or should I just get regular peas?
Don't ask me.
Just get the next thing on the list.
- Fish sauce.
- [CLERK] Fish sauce?
What, like, cocktail sauce?
Like, fucking shrimp dip?
Yo, what the fuck is she cooking?
- This was great, Holly.
- [HOLLY] Thanks.
She's the best cook in the world.
Even though you didn't
get anything I asked for.
Everything you asked for
was fucking stupid.
- He's only saying that to impress you.
- It's working.
- Yo, Mo likes a girl.
- Who?
Uh, her name's Sophie.
She goes to my school.
You might know her. She was a freshman
when you were a senior.
Sophie Miller? Pierre? Huebscher?
- No, Sophie Willits.
- Sam Willits's little sister?
How do you know
everyone in the yearbook?
- Does she like you back?
- Honestly? No clue.
I mean, she's got this super-sarcastic
sense of humor,
which makes it really hard to tell
when she's being serious, but I like it.
- She likes you. What's not to like?
- You think so?
- Look, this is how you get her.
- Please.
Give her tons of attention.
Call her a lot, you know?
Be like, "Hey, what's up? It's Mo."
You know, "How are you?"
And she'll be like, "Oh, hi."
- Call her? Not text her?
- Mm-hm.
Pay attention. Like, what drinks
she likes at Starbucks.
That's really cute,
if you, like, walk her to school
and be like, "I got you a Frappe,"
you know?
And then just
as you start getting close,
that's when you slowly start to back
away and you go fucking ghost.
- Very cool.
- Yeah, and then she'll go nuts.
She'll be like, "I thought Mo liked me!
Why isn't he liking my photos?
Am I ugly? Did I do something wrong?"
And that's when you got her.
That's when you swoop in like a hawk.
- Sex?
- Yeah.
Oh, my God! You guys are gross!
What? Am I wrong?
No, you're right
and your advice will definitely work,
but you just use these tricks
because you're a dick.
Maybe Mo can just be himself
and girls will like him
because he's such a great guy.
Yeah, you're right.
You know,
Mo is way better looking than you.
Hot guys don't need
to play those kind of games.
Wow! In my own house.
What do you mean, you already ate?
Well, Zeke's girlfriend actually
made me dinner. It was pretty good.
Oh, perfect!
Maybe Zeke's girlfriend
can do your laundry
and, uh, pay for your school and dri...
Hey, Sophie?
Uh, hey. It's, uh, it's Mo.
Monroe. Harris.
Yeah. What's up?
Nothing much? Uh, you?
Did you just call me to say hi?
Yeah. Is that... That's weird, isn't it?
Well, uh, what are you doing?
- Just watching "The Wire".
- Nice.
You know, you're like the first person
since eighth grade to call just to say hi.
Oh, yeah? Uh, well, who's the one
with no friends now?
I have friends.
They just text me like normal people.
Yeah, that makes way more sense.
- There are fewer awkward silences.
- So, what are you doing?
- You already asked me that.
Right. Uh... Um, can I call you later?
- Maybe you can...
- Or, uh, or text? I'll text you.
I'm messing with you. You can call me.
Yeah, right. No, yeah, no.
- Hey, Soph...
- Mo. My man!
Hey, Stacey. What's up?
How'd you like that party the other night?
- It was fun.
- Yeah. It was fucking dope, dude.
- It was like a ten.
- Yeah, okay.
We're doing it again. This weekend.
Paul's house. Bring the party supplies.
Paul's parents
are letting him do that again?
Paul's parents don't give a fuck
about anything. It's very dark.
Just bring that sweet, sweet drink
and loud-ass dank,
you know what I'm sayin'?
Uh, dude, that was a one-time thing.
I'm not like a...
Listen, man, I need this.
If I don't get my penis touched
once in my life, I'll kill myself.
You said Lauren touched your penis.
That was a lie.
Okay, yeah.
I'll talk to my guy, all right?
Hey, Sophie! Sophie!
Uh, you like coffee?
Bro, I can only get two ounces
with my medical card.
- Nick, you got a card?
- Can I swing?
Honest opinion, the kid's gonna get
ripped off. Go with him to the party.
- I ain't going to the party.
- Why not?
Seriously, man, can I bat?
I can't go to the party
because Mo's a minor.
So, if Mo gets in trouble, he'll just
get in trouble like kids get in trouble.
You know, he'll have to erase
a blackboard or go to detention.
Me? I'll do hard time.
I'm not ready for that.
I can't be the face of this operation.
Well, I don't wanna be
the face of this operation, either.
- Yo, hit.
- Oh, come on!
Step up, kid.
- What the fuck was that?
- That one didn't feel good.
Do you listen?
Remember what I told you?
Use your height to your advantage.
Get low, so there's no strike zone.
You'll walk every time.
He's in a fucking cage, man.
He can't strike out.
This feels weird.
I never saw you do this.
'Cause I was good!
Okay, well, if you're so good,
why'd you leave the team?
'Cause it was very political.
[MONROE] Oh, hey, can you take
the next right? Take a right up there.
[ZEKE] Why? Where are we going?
I just have to stop
by my sister's new place
and pick up a box
that she wants me to store for her.
Huh? Fuck, no! What?
What? Why are you freaking out?
I can't show up to your sister's house
unannounced. I'd look insane.
You're not unannounced. You're with me.
It's fucking weird, dude.
Does she know I'm coming?
No, but, look, I didn't...
I didn't talk to her, okay? My mom did.
This sucks, bro. You suck.
Is her stupid-ass boyfriend
gonna be there?
- What are you laughing at?
- I don't know.
It brings me a lot of joy
to see you this flustered.
Never seen you like this.
You're mean.
[ZEKE] All right,
I'm gonna wait in the car.
[MONROE] Fine.
I'm not gonna wait in the car
like an asshole.
Wait up.
- Monroe, my man!
- What's up, Doug? How you doin'?
What's up, buddy? Zeke!
- How's it goin', buddy? Hey!
- Hey.
Hey, sorry about the boxes.
We're still moving in.
- You were at the batting cages?
- Yeah.
Man, you should've told me.
I used to love that spot as a kid.
Huh. We're the same age.
Momo, thank you!
You didn't say
you were bringing your babysitter.
- Yeah, well, it is a full-time job.
- You guys want something to drink?
- No.
- Sure, yeah.
Okay. Don't you have homework?
Yeah, don't you? 'Cause then mom
and dad are gonna be mad at me.
- I don't want them to do that.
- Stick around for one.
Beer for the big guy.
Coke for the little guy. Cheers, guys.
Enjoy your Coke.
Really nice place, guys.
[SOFTLY] Fuck.
You like it?
It's one of my favorite artists.
Oh! That? The painting? Yes.
His stuff makes fun
of the over-commercialization
of the art market.
It's fascinating stuff.
Yeah, bro. It's... it's mad orange.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
We've gotten
super into collecting recently.
- Oh, have you? That's nice.
- [KATE] Yeah.
A guy at my firm said it'd be a good
investment. Been diving in head-first.
Oh, let me show you
this other thing I bought.
- That's all right. No, I'm all right.
- You're gonna love it.
- All right, fuck it.
- [DOUG] It's so good.
- [DOUG] We'll be a couple of minutes.
- Okay.
- Why did you bring him?
- What?
You should, like,
be making friends your own age.
- You sound just like Dad.
- No, I'm being serious.
- I went to a house party last week.
- That's what you should be doing.
Not, like, driving around
with Zeke all day.
I like hanging out with Zeke.
I'm sure you do.
I liked hanging out with Zeke, too.
But it stops being fun really fast.
Trust me.
[ZEKE] That dude's a fucking tool.
[MONROE] I kinda like him.
So I've been thinking
about this whole drug thing.
And it was fun to do it that one time,
but I don't wanna be
the party supplier guy.
You know what I mean?
It kinda feels sketchy.
No, no. You're tripping.
It's not the same thing.
- You're not a drug dealer.
- But...
You're just a guy that sells
weed and booze to his friends.
They'd find it anyway.
Yeah, but I feel like
it's gonna become this whole thing.
It won't.
See you, buddy.
Hey, guys. How was your night?
Hey. Uh, it was good.
Uh, what are you doing?
You went to the batting cages.
I would've driven you.
Yeah, no, sorry. We were, uh, just by.
- It wasn't like a thing.
- Go get ready for bed.
- Zeke, can you hang on a second?
- [HOARSELY] Okay.
What's up?
Hey. How's it going, bud?
Uh, good. Good.
But I should get going, so...
No, no, no. No, no.
- Look, Zeke, I... I actually like you.
- Okay.
That Eddie Haskell shit
works wonders for Sherri.
- I don't know who that is.
But not me.
I work in advertising, so...
Mo looks up to you.
He's never had an older brother
and he's always seen you that way.
Yeah. Yeah. I totally get it.
I totally get it.
Well, I should be going, so...
Okay, look, Zeke,
I'm not your dad, you know,
but, uh, just... just, you know,
you and your friends
forget that... he is 16.
What's this?
That's for taking care of Mo.
Oh, no, I like hanging out with Mo.
It's not a job. You don't gotta pay me.
That's why I'm giving you this.
Because it is a job.
You know, if he starts
smoking dope or drinking, then...
you're not doing your job.
Well, I think Mo's a really great kid.
I do, too.
So, can I have a raise?
Mr... Mr. Harris?
Can I... can I have a raise?
Mr. Harris?
Daytrip took it to ten
I got hoes
Callin' a young nigga phone
Where's Ali
With the mothafuckin' dope?
I be ballin' like a mothafuckin' pro
I be ballin' like my nigga Mo
Whoa! Hey, hey.
I ain't a mothafuckin' joke
Steph Wes, stay with the fuckin' pole
- Mo! There you are!
- Hey. Do you know my name?
- Question.
- What's up?
Could you score me some molly?
You obviously have some insane hook-up.
- Um... I mean...
- Trust me.
Have you ever had sex on molly?
Well, I... Um...
I mean, all the time, yeah.
It would be very fucking cool of you.
That's Tylenol
and, uh, let's see what we got here.
Oh, these are Xannies. These'll work.
I don't know what the fuck that is.
Uh, this is Propecia.
You'll find out
what that is soon enough. Uh...
Sick. Molly. All right, cool.
You can't get anything less than...
- Thirty for your molly.
- Fuck, yeah.
Here's your eighth.
So, what is your, like, best weed?
"My best weed?" What?
Who invited this guy?
No, I'm kidding. I love you, sweetheart.
Is this gonna get me fucked up?
What the fuck do you think?
What do you think about this jacket
for my date with Sophie? You like it?
Yeah, man. I mean,
we got money now. Go for it.
Yeah, yeah. You know what? Yeah.
I like it. It sort of looks
like a ninja coat, you know?
Good. Hey, excuse me? Do you have
a ninja coat in, like, a child's size?
Dude, bring her over tonight to the crib.
See her with your boys.
You in your element.
I'll make you look good.
- You think?
- Fuck, yeah. You know that.
Yeah, maybe I will.
Sounds like a good idea.
- [ZEKE] Cool.
- As long as it's not the Zeke Show.
- Zeke Show?
- Yeah, Zeke Show.
- What the fuck's a Zeke Show?
- Where you're like, "Look at me!"
Bro, you wouldn't be with this chick
if it wasn't for me. Relax.
Should I do something different
with my hair?
- Guess what I did the other day.
- What?
I quit my job.
- You quit?
- Yeah! Isn't that awesome?
Uh... okay. Yeah. Why?
I figured things are going
so well with, you know, me and you.
I figured why... why work?
Sure, I guess.
Plus, your dad even gave me,
like, 50 bucks.
Why? Wait. Really?
Yeah. What, you think I like hanging
out with you? This is a job, okay?
And if you're out
smoking dope and drinking,
then I'm not doing my job.
[CHUCKLES] So is this, like,
your move with girls?
My move with girls?
I don't... I don't have...
- Yeah. Take 'em to sushi?
- No.
This is my very first time doing this.
- You've never been on a date?
- No, I just...
Like, I mean, this is the first time
I've brought a girl here.
Have you been on a date, though?
Have you?
No. I mean, not really.
Not, like, an adult date like this.
Are you doing anything after this?
I mean, you asked me out on this date.
I mean...
I was just thinking we could
go over to my friend's house.
What do you do at your friend's house?
Um... anything, really. It's, like,
the chillest place on Earth you can go.
And, like, there's just all these
older dudes, like, smoking weed
and drinking and stuff,
playing video games. It's sick.
Doesn't sound sick.
Bro, every time we order this,
it's a different meat.
Everything's gross, man. We live here.
- I think this is cat.
- I believe that.
Jesus, Zeke, you gotta fix the AC, man.
- Take your fucking sweater off.
- No, it's dope.
Hey. We interrupting somethin'?
- Hey!
- Ah, new friend, hi.
Hey, be nice.
So, this is your secret clubhouse?
Yeah, I hope he blindfolded you.
We can't let this location out.
- That's fucking creepy.
I was kidding.
- Hey, Momo, come here, doggy.
- Yo, what's up?
Let me talk to you. You know
I'm the last one to judge you, right?
Yeah, of course.
Okay, well, as your boy, I gotta tell you,
you're acting real silly right now.
That chick is, like, 16-years-old.
Shame on you. [SNIFFLES]
Nick... I'm 16.
Exactly. What?
- Why are we doin' this, man?
- Come on, man! It's for Mo!
Here, for maximum grip, get that thumb.
- [CHUCKLES] Okay.
- All right, you're set. Cheers.
- Dope, dude. Thank you.
- Do me.
- There you go.
- Really?
Drink responsibly, okay?
If I can just get it over
the fucking brim, then... Shit.
So, Mr. Rispoli gave us a pop quiz
and I was like, "What the fuck?"
So, Tiffany, my friend,
she's kind of a whore,
she gave me, like,
three Adderall and I was...
- Sophie's cute.
- Right?
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
And I still got an 89, so, yeah.
Wait, are you the DJ?
Play Meghan Trainor!
- Mo, come on, let's dance.
- Okay, yeah, let's dance.
- Mo, your phone.
What? No. That's not mine.
That's Zeke's. Go for it.
Do a spin. I spin.
- Right, now, you go.
- [SOPHIE] Okay, okay.
Hey, Holls, tonight's
been real eye-opening for me.
This motherfucker's 16-years-old.
Been kickin' it
with this dude for a year.
Fuck, man, I'm pushing 30.
I don't even have a car.
Yo! You pissed yourself!
Nah, it's beer, B, it's beer!
- No, no. It's cool. bro. Me, too.
- Huh-hah!
Finish! Finish! Finish!
Oh, shit! She's done.
- Come here.
- Oh, man...
You don't have to wait for me.
It's two minutes away.
No, it's cool. Don't worry about it.
- Okay.
It's cute the way that you look at them.
Cute? Who? Them?
Yeah. You love them.
I don't love them. Zeke's like,
he's my older brother, okay?
You guys are like Batman and Robin.
Well, sort of. It's more like Batman
and Batman's fucked-up older friend!
- Well... that was weird but fun.
- Yeah.
Uh... I guess I'll see you at school?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
I'll see you at school.
- Okay. Bye.
- See ya.
- Hey, how do you spell Zeke again?
- Oh, it don't matter, man.
Oh, my God, guys! That was amazing!
You just fucked that girl?
What? No! I was out there
for, like, three minutes.
No, but, like, we kissed and stuff.
Oh, thank God.
What? Guys, it was sick.
There was lots of tongue and everything.
She brushed up against my penis.
It was like...
- Tongue Daddy.
- Tongue Daddy!
- [JORDAN] Momo, the Tongue Daddy!
- Yo...
Yo, I think it's time.
Woke up at home off that molly
Bad bitch red bone on my body
Smelling like Patron in mi casa
That was one hell of a party
Wake and bake, then I'm right in it
Don't ask in the morning
I just hit it
Then she gon' skate like she Tony Hawk
Oh, I knew life would be all right
But who could've known
It'd be this good?
[ZEKE] This is dope.
- This one?
- Yeah.
[MONROE] Yeah, um, it just looks like
a bunch of scribbles and dicks
on a blank canvas.
Yeah. When you get older,
you realize that's kinda all life is.
It's just a bunch of scribbles and dicks
and violence all in a void.
There's more to life
than, like, scribbles and dicks.
No, there isn't.
- Hey! Do you work here?
- Yes.
[MONROE] What are you doing?
Trying to prove to your sister
I'm not a loser.
- How much for that?
- Excuse me?
I would... I would like
to purchase this item.
You can't.
Oh, uh, I think I can.
Sir, this is a museum.
That's literally not how this works.
- Well, how does this work?
- Yeah?
There are poster prints
are in the gift shop.
- No pickles?
- Yeah, that's mine.
You know... Holly's pissed at me.
Well, that sucks.
Are you guys gonna break up?
I don't know.
What, is she mad 'cause of all the...
Hm? No, she's not mad at that.
No, she's just...
Girls are fucking weird, bro.
Like, they get mad at you for shit
you don't even know what you did.
They're like, "I'm mad at you."
And you're like, "Why?
Everything's great."
What did you do that you didn't know
you were doing that got her all mad?
- Don't worry about it.
- All right.
How's your girl?
I mean, good, I think, you know?
I don't know
if I can call her my girl yet, but...
Yeah, you should probably stop giving
her attention now. I think it's time.
- Yeah, but we kissed.
- 'Cause of me.
You kissed 'cause of me.
- You can't say it was all you.
- It was all me.
- I was the one...
- Trust me.
- What the fuck, Ricky? Wow!
- Z-Money!
- What up, Ricky?
- It's so good to see you!
- Yeah.
- How long has it been?
- Too fucking long!
- Too fucking long is right! I love it!
Oh, my God, dude. Is this your son?
What? No. This is Mo.
Mo, this is Ricky. Yeah.
Oh. Uh, sick!
What are you gents getting into?
Nothing, man. Just burgers.
What are you doing?
Uh, that's not really important.
Your timing, good as usual.
- Holy...
- You wanna turn up a little bit?
- For old times' sake?
- Yeah, yeah. Get in the back. Fuck it.
- I've got a family dinner tonight.
- Relax. He's a legend.
You're gonna love him, dude.
It's Ricky.
[RICKY] Yo, chill art in the back!
Dude, the last time I saw you,
it was so long, I'm trying to...
- You were on your way to, uh...
- Rehab.
Yeah, that's right and I almost went.
Dark times.
Yo, yo, are you still living with
that sweet grandmother of yours?
Ah, no, man. Uh...
She actually... She passed.
- [RICKY] Oh.
- [ZEKE] Good lady.
Dude, fuck. I am sorry, man.
It's all good. I still live at her crib,
though, so... yeah.
Yo, roll up the windows, man.
Fuck, yeah, dude.
Oh, yeah, I can't.
- [RICKY] What?
- We can't 'cause... Mo. The kid.
- He doesn't...
- I...
Dude, when was the last time
we were in the box together?
Don't be a pussy about this.
Roll up the windows.
- I'm sorry. Fuck, yeah, dude! Sorry.
- [RICKY] We're losing smoke.
[RICKY] Relax, little fella. It'll put
hair on your chest. Here, hit that.
- And you know what I wanna hear.
- I'm sorry.
It's just like old times.
You know what I wanna hear.
Fuck, yeah.
[RICKY] Yo! And he has it!
- This was the song, right?
- [ZEKE] Oh, yeah.
Don't make me lose my mind
Up in here, up in here
Y'all gonna make me lose my cool
Up in here, up in here
If I gotta bring it to you cowards
Then it's gonna be quick
All your mens up in the jail...
[SOFTLY] Oh, fuck.
[KATE] Hey!
- Little man!
- Come on in. Look who's here.
Oh, no.
- Hi, Monroe.
- Hey, Momo.
Hi, Pop.
- Look how big you're getting.
- Come on. Sit down.
Ooh. Jesus. Charcuteries.
Uh, hey, Monroe,
can I talk to you for a second?
How high are you right now?
- Not, like, at all.
- You little asshole!
- What are we gonna do?
- Just go take a shower.
- Tell your parents he isn't well.
- We can't tell 'em he's too stoned.
You're wrong.
About what?
Everything. All of it.
This is exactly what I was talking about.
Ten seconds of stupid.
I really think there's been
a misunderstanding.
Sweetheart... just stop talking.
- Go on. Go.
- [REUBEN] Shower.
Come downstairs. Do not say a word
to your grandparents.
- We'll talk about this after dinner.
- Okay.
What the fuck?
It's a pen. It's a pen, I swear.
You just got out of the shower.
No, put your hand down.
Put it down. Put it down. Now!
Put it...
- T... Tongue Daddy?
- Oh, please, no.
You permanently inked
"Tongue Daddy" to your skin?
- Oh, my God.
- What does that even mean?
It's fine. It's an inside joke.
So why did you put it on the outside
of your fucking body?
- 'Cause I'm an idiot.
- Oh, you really are on a roll tonight!
What are you yelling about?
We can hear you downstairs.
- Show her what you did, Tongue Daddy.
- Please don't make me.
Enjoy not being buried
with the rest of us.
- Grounded?
- You have no idea.
It's like a war zone over here.
My dad won't even speak to me.
Tongue Daddy's not that bad, dude.
You'll be fine.
I have Hillary Clinton on my leg.
For real.
I'm such an idiot.
I feel you, man. I'm having a crazy day.
You won't believe this shit.
- What?
- I bought a foot massager. It's sick!
I got it at the mall.
It was used, but it's cool.
Dude, I'm in a lot trouble.
Can we focus, please?
- Are you allowed to go to school?
- I'm not grounded from school, Zeke.
That's good, I guess.
Still going to the party, right?
Are you listening to anything
I'm saying? Like, at all?
You have to go to the party.
Nick got all those drugs!
No, I can't.
Sneak out the window.
You're a foot tall! Use the doggie door.
No, I... I can't.
Dude, I quit my fucking job for you.
I didn't tell you to do that.
I need to talk to you.
Sure. Yeah. Okay.
Who's that?
Hang up.
[SIGHS] Did you hear that?
Yeah. Is that Reuben?
- Yeah.
- You'll be all right.
Kids are supposed to make mistakes.
That's the whole point of being a kid.
It's the best.
You get to fuck up, you know?
I used to fuck up all the time.
[REUBEN] Think you wouldn't get caught?
'Cause there is nothing you can
possibly do that I won't find out about.
I know. I'm sorry.
You're not allowed
to see him anymore.
No, Dad. Don't... don't blame Zeke.
This isn't his fault.
- Of course it is.
- No. You can't do this.
- He's my best friend.
- He's 23. He smokes pot all day.
- Doesn't have a job.
- He... he's starting a podcast.
- No.
- What?
No, he's not.
And you know how I know that?
Because he didn't.
The world doesn't care
about what you might do.
The world cares
about what you actually did.
- I'm not gonna stop seeing him.
Fine, Mo. Do whatever you want.
Follow Zeke off a bridge.
- Yo, yo, yo. What's up, baby?
- Yo. Hey.
- Coming tonight?
- Oh, shit, I'm so sorry. I can't.
- What? You have to.
- No, I'm grounded tonight.
- All right, so sneak out.
- I can't.
- I am begging you, Mo. Come on.
- Yo, hold on. Whoa.
Is Josh talking to Mr. Clark?
What is that about?
- I don't know. It could be anything.
- Fuck this, dude.
You're being paranoid, man.
I'm telling you.
Dude, the whole thing feels sketchy, okay?
The school's onto us.
I have to sneak out? It just feels like
I'm the only one taking risks.
We're all taking risks here, baby.
- Don't call me baby.
- Hey.
Oh, shit.
Okay. You need
to chill the fuck out, all right?
- Calm down. Nobody knows anything.
- Hey, keep your voice down.
Okay. All right. Fine. So, we have a deal?
Yeah, fine, but the price is going up.
- I fucking love you so much!
- It's fine, dude.
- Can you bring condoms?
- What? For who?
You don't even care.
Yo, you've just been yelling
at me all day.
Of course I care.
Well, that's your problem, Zeke!
This is you caring!
This is a little dramatic,
don't you think?
- Hey! Come back!
- Come back!
- Hey!
- Oh, Sophie, hey.
- What is wrong with you?
- Nothing. No.
- You're ghosting me now?
- What? No. I'm not...
You haven't texted me back
in, like, four days.
I mean, you didn't seem like
an asshole. Maybe that's your secret.
- Okay, so let me explain.
- Secret fucking asshole!
I'm not! Sophie, hold on!
Please! Just wait up.
Wait. Zeke said if I didn't give you
any attention, you would like me more.
I was just following his advice.
Can you hold on, please?
- You want solid dating advice?
- Yeah.
Ready? You're not cool.
This just isn't a character
you can pull off. Stop trying to.
Wait. What the... Sophie, wait.
Hold on. I hated not talking to you.
What the...
Yeah, hey. Uh...
What, right now? I...
Are you okay? You sound sort of...
Yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay, all right.
Yeah, just... just send me
your address, okay?
Okay. Bye.
[SIGHS] Fuck.
Finally I figured out
But it took a long, long time
But now there's a turnabout
Maybe 'cause I'm trying
There's been times
I'm so confused
All my roads, they lead to you
- Hey. Hey, are you okay?
- [WHISPERS] Yeah.
- Well, you said come quick.
- Shh!
My parents are asleep.
Come on.
It's hard to say
What it is I see in you
Yes, you, my love
I'll always be with you
Words can't say, something can't do
And dappa dap doo, it's all for you
- [MONROE] This is your room?
- Mm-hm.
Has Zeke seen it?
Do you wanna take off your jacket
and get a drink? I'm gonna change.
Oh, sure. Yeah.
Uh, yeah, I can have, like, one.
But I... I gotta wake up
early tomorrow, so...
Oh, what, so just because
Zeke and I broke up,
you don't wanna hang out with me anymore?
You and Zeke broke up?
[HOLLY] He was cheating on me.
Uh, um...
That sucks.
I'm sure he didn't mean to do that.
You know what's crazy?
We've known each other for so long
and we never hung out one-on-one.
Yeah. Yeah. That is weird.
How are things with the girlfriend?
[SIGHS] She kinda hates me right now.
- Zeke's advice really backfired.
- [SCOFFS] Yeah, of course it did.
He's a dick.
I mean, he's a nice guy
once you get to know him.
But, you know, you're, like,
way better than he ever was.
Well, it's not really a competition.
We both have our strengths and...
So, you wanna do this?
Um... yeah.
Oh, baby
You're so baby
And, yeah, I think that's what
it's about, don't you think?
You know, it's just about feeling good.
I feel good, then you feel good.
Then you feel good, then I feel good.
It's like a Dr. Seuss...
- [MAN] What the...
- Hey! My guy!
Fuck it, dude!
Yo, let me smoke some of that.
The guy right here!
- All right, I'll hit it after you.
- I love this song. Turn it up.
- Wow!
- Let me get some of that.
This shit's amazing, bro.
All right, please? Get the fuck...
- Watch out!
Yo, is everyone okay?
- What the fuck, dude?
- I don't know. I am so sorry.
Hey, what do we do?
What, what? Why, why? Hey? Wha...
Huh. Oh, fuck. What? No! Hey!
Michelle, please. I need you right now.
We can do this thing.
We can just push it out.
- I'm sorry.
- What? No. Fuck! Why?
Fuck this.
There's a place where lovers go
To cry their troubles away
And they call it Lonesome Town
You wanted to see me?
Have a seat, Will.
How'd you get to school today, Will?
- Bicycle.
- Hm. Where's your car?
At home.
No, it's not. I have it.
Two officers found it
abandoned in a ditch this morning.
What the hell? What?
- Shut up.
- Okay.
There were beer cans and traces
of weed all over the floor mats.
Listen, that's my mom's car,
so I'm just as concerned as you are.
Where are you kids getting this stuff?
What do you mean by stuff?
Look, I can't prove
that you were driving the car.
But I can call your parents to pick it up.
Or you can help me out.
Where are you getting the drugs?
- Momo!
- [ZEKE] Here you go, Mo!
That's my boy!
[JORDAN] Go, Momo!
That's okay. It was a good swing.
Wait for your pitch.
[MOUTHS] Get low.
What's he doing?
He's too short.
I got nowhere to put the ball.
- I'll show you where to put the ball!
- This pitcher's old. This dude's 30.
Just like that, Mo! Every time!
Why isn't he swinging?
Ball four.
That's okay, Mo!
- [ZEKE] Go, Mo!
- [JORDAN] Let's go, baby!
[ZEKE] Every time!
Every fucking time!
Get in that ass, boy! Whoo!
He sucked so bad
that the last game, as a goof,
he just decided to bat from the left side.
- Motherfucker went four for four.
- No way!
- He was a lefty the whole time.
- That's crazy.
You know Holly and I broke up.
- Oh.
- Oh?
- Hello.
- You really fucked up with Mo.
Tongue Daddy? Nah. He's a big boy now.
No, he isn't. You know that.
You know,
I recently acquired some art myself.
- Uh-huh?
- Mm-hm.
Speaking of,
where is, uh, what's-his-face?
You know his name.
All right, where's Doug?
He's in New York.
Well, that sucks.
He went to New York without you?
I had to work.
- You know, if you were my girl...
- Mm-hm. wouldn't have
to work a day in your life.
- What?
- It's just so sad.
Why is that funny?
Just how adorable you think you are.
You're not doing Mo any favors,
getting him high, giving him tattoos.
Like, what the fuck
are you thinking, Zeke? He's a kid.
- He asked to do it.
- Uh-huh.
I don't wanna think about
the other shit I don't know about.
That'd be best.
Look, it's obvious he hangs out
with you so that he can feel cool.
But one day,
he's gonna wake up and realize
that you're just hanging out with him
'cause you need to feel cool, too.
Then he won't 'cause he's the last
person on Earth who thinks that you are.
Dude, what are you doing?
That was what you took
from what I just said?
I love you. A lot.
I don't love you anymore.
Like, at all, Zeke.
The only reason
why I let you come over tonight
was to tell you to stop
fucking up my brother's life.
Just... Shit.
- Lisa, have you seen Sophie tonight?
- No.
No, you don't know
or, no, you haven't seen her?
- This is crazy.
- Paul's parents are out of town.
Word's spread. You did this.
You bring me anything?
I'm gonna need some more money
from you two.
Holy fuck! [CHUCKLES]
Hey. Hey, Sophie. There you are.
- You were looking for me?
- Yeah, I... I was.
Well, I'm here.
Hey, so, can we talk maybe?
Okay. Sure.
Look, I wanted to say I'm sorry
for the other night.
What? What are... What?
I wanted... Look, I'm starting
to realize that I, you know...
Zeke doesn't always know
what he's... talking about.
- Can we go upstairs? I just...
- Sure. All right.
Oh, my man!
- Dude, your face.
- What?
Your face.
Hey, uh, sorry. This street's closed off.
What's going on?
Some house party got out of hand.
You had to bring the Avengers out?
They're just kids. Weren't you a kid once?
Sir, you need to keep moving.
Man, you know, there's a lot
of bad things going on in the world.
So can't you let a couple of kids
have a couple of beers?
- Slim Shady?
- Yeah?
I smell the weed in the car.
If you don't get the fuck out of here...
Yes, sir.
Good luck with those kids, man.
Man, good luck.
What do you want?
Look, I just... Can we...
Can we just... Can we start over?
No. Not really.
Obviously not completely start over.
Our first kiss was stressful enough.
But, I mean, this time I just wanna
tell you how much I like you
and not take Zeke's advice
because, let's face it, Zeke's advice
can only get me as far as Zeke.
- Do you know what I'm saying?
- Can I go back downstairs?
Yo, who invited their dad?
Don't let anybody out.
Hey, let's put the drinks down.
We're the police.
Yeah, we are!
Where is Monroe Harris?
I'm sorry, okay?
- What are you doing?
- What?
Why would I wanna kiss you?
What the hell is your problem?
Wait, but I just... I apologized.
Yeah, so? You're a dick.
And you're fucking sketchy.
You're like a child drug dealer.
You let everyone use you.
I mean, you're the guy with the bag.
That's weird.
Yeah, but... but we kissed.
Yeah, I liked you.
I don't like you anymore.
What, are... are you joking?
'Cause I can honestly never tell.
[OFFICER] Monroe Harris?
Open the door. This is the police.
Danny, fuck off, okay?
- I don't think that's a kid.
- [OFFICER] Open the door right now.
Oh, shit! Oh, fuck, fuck!
- You locked the door?
- I thought this was gonna go better.
- [OFFICER] Do not make this worse.
- I'm opening it.
Sophie, Sophie,
please give me a minute, okay?
Mo, what the fuck is going on?
I do this all the time, okay?
I do this at home. It's fine.
What the fuck?
[OFFICER] I'm not gonna ask again.
- This isn't me, I swear.
- Are you killing yourself?
[MAN] Hey! Are you okay?
Hey! Hey, hey, hey!
Where the boys are
Someone waits for me
A smilin' face, a warm embrace
Two arms to hold me tenderly
Where the boys are
My true love will be
He's walkin' down some street in town
And I know he's lookin' there for me
'Til he holds me
I'll wait impatiently
Where the boys are
Where the boys are
Where the boys are
Someone waits
For me
I'm so fucking screwed, man. [SIGHS]
Think about it. They know my name,
where I live. They can find me!
And I can't stay here forever.
Ah, dude, relax. You're fine.
Yo, shut the fuck up, dude.
That's easy for you to say.
You've literally never cared
how this was gonna end for me.
And I have to fucking move now!
I have to change my name!
My fucking parents, dog. [SOBBING]
Hey, don't beat yourself up over this.
It's not a big deal. You're 16.
Are you serious right now? Come on.
I just...
I don't wanna end up like you, man.
That's a bad thing?
Yeah, it's a fucking nightmare.
Oh. All right. Yeah.
You're not gonna end up like me.
You're... you're good, man.
Look at me, dude.
I'm already... I'm already like you.
It's already happened. I... I sold drugs.
Sophie won't even talk to me.
My friends just use me for alcohol.
My parents hate me.
I hooked up with Holly.
What? Like...
- Fucking bitch.
Like, sex?
Word. Hm.
Sick. You lost your virginity, eh?
I know, dude, and...
I wanted to tell you really badly,
but it was to your girlfriend.
Yeah, yeah. I can imagine
how that could be rough.
Come here, bro. Come over here.
I love you, you fuckin' idiot.
Stop crying. It's weird.
We don't cry in this house.
We do drugs in this house.
- You're good, dude.
- You're not gonna get in trouble.
- What am I gonna do, dude?
Tell the fucking cops. Just be like...
Just blame it on me.
Just be like I sold you alcohol
and drugs and all that nonsense.
Whatever. It's cool.
[LAUGHS] Really? Just like that?
Yeah. What are they gonna do to me?
Look at where I live.
What's the worst that could happen?
Take my DMX poster and fucking...
You're cool, man. Just get outta here
before I change my mind.
- No.
- Huh?
No, no. I can't do it.
What do you mean, no?
[SIGHS] I think...
This is my fault and I...
I gotta own it.
Nah, bro, we got this.
Yo, one time me and Nick, we got...
You've done enough.
- Mo!
- [REUBEN] Hey! Morning!
- Hi, sweetie.
- Hey.
- Uh, movie tonight?
- Yeah. Sounds good.
- [REUBEN] Oh, okay.
- [SHERRI] Are you hungry?
- No, I'm good, thanks.
- You okay?
- Mm-hm. Yeah.
[MAN] Monroe?
Yo! What up?
Stay away from my son.
Huh? I'm not gonna stay away
from Mo. You're not my dad.
You can't tell me what to do.
What the fuck? What's up?
What the fuck?
What's your problem, bro?
I have no idea what it is about you
that he finds so special.
I really don't.
And I think about it all the time.
I mean... What, because
you let him smoke and drink?
Was I supposed to do that?
I'm his father.
For the record,
I don't blame you. I can't.
But Mo is nothing like you.
And he should've known better.
So, do me a favor
and just, you know, leave my son
and my daughter and my whole family
the fuck alone.
- [MONROE] Dad...
- I told you to stay in the car!
I got expelled.
Don't tell your mom about that, okay?
- Bye, Rhonda.
- See you Thursday.
Hi. Can I get a, um... a number nine
with no pickles, please?
[WOMAN] That'll be $8.21, second window.
Okay. Thank you.
- Oh, shit! Momo!
- Zeke?
I don't know what
I'm gonna do, man. [SNIFFLES]
He was my best friend.
I lost my best friend, man.
I... I don't know.
Fuck! What a fucking good dog.
Huh? What do you think?
Yeah, that was all right.
That was great!
That was like... like Oscar stuff.
Like Chalamet or something.
Oh, definitely.
- So how long you been working here?
- Um...
Like, two weeks.
Something like that. Yeah.
- Yeah, cool.
- Hm.
- Good for you, man.
- Thank you.
You're going by your full name.
Ah, yeah, got me.
It's corporate here, you know?
It's a big company. Wanna look good.
It's professional, you know.
I told you, everything always works out.
Always works out. Look at us.
I mean, sort of.
I mean, I did have to switch schools.
And my mom cried for a month straight.
And I can only drive the car to go to
community service or to pee in a cup.
Right. But... but?
- Yeah?
- We have...
a memory. We have a memory
that we get to share together.
- Not a lot of people get that. Right?
- Mm-hm.
- Yeah.
- Sure.
Yo, did I tell you? I wrote a script!
Like, a movie. Like... Yeah.
- No way?
- Yeah!
- Did you actually?
- Yeah.
Um, it's like a horror-action-comedy
type thing.
And there's a character based off you.
I think you'd like it.
- Yeah. Can I read it sometime?
- I haven't written it, actually, yet.
It's in my head right now.
It's in that process.
But I will write it down.
I heard that is the easiest part.
We'll cross that bridge when it comes.
- Cool.
- Very cool.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
So, uh, what are you doing later?
I haven't seen you in forever.
You wanna hang out?
Nah, I sort of have to hang out
with my parents tonight, you know.
But, uh, you wanna come?
Ha! No, thanks. Yeah. I get it.
Um... Okay. Uh, maybe tomorrow?
I'm off tomorrow, actually.
Tomorrow's better. Tomorrow?
- Sure. Maybe. Yeah.
- Cool.
- I'll let you know.
- Okay.
All right, I guess somebody
who works here will fix that.
- See you tomorrow?
- Yeah, I'll see you around.
I'll walk you out. Come on.
I see you, kid, alone in your room
You got the weight on your mind
And you're just trying to get by
Your world is just beginning
And I know this life
Seems never-ending
But you got nothing but time
And it ain't got nothing on you
You know what you got to do
But you got nothing but time
And it ain't got nothing on you
Let 'em in one by one
Keep 'em safe from all the harm
Let 'em in one by one
Keep 'em safe and give them a hand
They wanna live
You wanna be somebody
They want to give
And be wanted
They want to forgive
And not be forgotten
They want to reach the end
They want to live
Their way of living
Their way of living
I see you, kid, alone in your room
I see you, kid
You got the weight on your mind
I see you're just trying to get by
But your world is just beginning
And I know this life
Seems never-ending
It's up to you, it's up to you
You know?
It's only time
It ain't got nothing on you
It's nothing but time
And it ain't got nothing on you