Black Bag (2025) Movie Script


(lively chatter)
I'm here to see Mr. Meacham.
-(ice rattling)
-(lively chatter)
by Phil Kieran playing)
(music continues louder

(music and chatter fade)
(siren wailing in distance)
You were right, George.
We have a traitor in the house.
There are five names on there.
Your wife's one of them.
Why is that?
You asked me
to look at everyone.
I looked.
She has the security clearance,
she has the motive,
and she has the capability.
I had to put her down.
How long do you think
you'll need?
Give me two weeks.
If Severus is deployed
as intended,
thousands of innocent people
will die.
Okay. One week.
If it is Kathryn, do you
really think you can do that?
How's Anna?
(inhales sharply)
Still mad.
-I'm sorry.
-I made a mistake, that's all.
She just can't let it go.
She will, eventually.
Some things really are best
swept under the rug.
I just wish
it wasn't so fucking easy.
To cheat.
For us.
Not everyone aspires to
your flagrant monogamy, George.
If you'd like Anna
to be less angry,
you might consider going home.
Good luck finding the rat.

-(steam hissing)
-(water bubbling)

I can feel
when you're watching me.
-(zipper zips)
-I like it.
I understand this is not
the casual dinner you'd prefer.
Yeah. It's an unusual group.
Data scraper, two agents
and the in-house shrink.
What are we hunting this time?
And you think
one of them took it?
It's been a while since
we had a traitor to dinner.
At least knowingly.
We shouldn't be discussing this.
No, probably not.
I would've thought
you'd start with polygraphs.
I wanted to try something
more elegant first.
What's on the menu?
Fun and games.
Will there be
a mess to clean up?
With any luck.
-They suit you.
No, you spent too much.
It's boring how much
you think about money.
It's terrifying
how much you don't.
Avoid the chana masala.
Contains a healthy amount
of DZM 5.
Darling, you may not
dose our guests.
One of them is a liar.
I want to know which.
I never thought
it would happen
With me and the girl
from Clapham
Out on the windy common
That night I ain't forgotten
When she dealt out
the rations
With some
or other passions...
-Hello, sir.
I want to settle up
for the table by the door.
-Of course.
-And I'll have a double Jameson.
Straightaway, sir.
I know they're not
that much older, really,
but I kind of feel like
I'm going to my parents' house.
If-if they weren't divorced
and didn't hate each other.
Well, here's what I know.
You don't get invited
to dinner twice
if you say no the first time.
But why now?
With 24 hours' notice?
And why us?
We all work together.
Two couples in the same field.
It's not that much of a reach.
So you believe
this was just spontaneous?
I'm assuming so until I see
reason to believe otherwise.
You and Freddie sitting
across from each other
after what just happened?
That could be read
as provocative.
Freddie's fine.
How should I know?
Ask the shrink.
Whose idea was it, do you think?
-George or Kathryn?
-Sorry, sorry. So sorry.
-For fuck's sake, Freddie.
I mean, you booked the table.
You're the one that wanted
to meet beforehand.
I am absolutely at fault,
I admit it.
And Dr. Vaughan,
were she allowed to say so,
would claim
there's a certain hostility
in my chronic tardiness.
But in order
to make it up to you all,
I have paid the bill
and tipped like a gangster.
Oh, come on.
We are celebrating
James's well-deserved,
meteoric ascent
through the ranks.
-Shall we?
I was hoping for some pointers.
I mean, how shall I behave?
Praise his cooking, and
I promise all will be magical.
(doorbell rings)
-KATHRYN: Hello.
-FREDDIE: Kathryn.
-On time and everything.
-Come in.
-Thank you.
Oh, shall I take that?
No, I'll take it to the kitchen.
Come in.
Yes, it's cold, isn't it?
-Lovely to see you.
-All right.
-I should take your coat.
-Wow. -Thank you.
This is, um... beautiful.
Oh, yeah.
The joys of
not having children, hey?
(Clarissa laughs)
-What would you like to drink?
-'98 for the table.
Oh, yes, lovely.
(chatter continues
in other room)
Should we get this over with?
I get it, why you went with him.
-James is the smart play.
Young, aggressive and--
How shall we say it?
I'd always hoped
it would be you.
I drink too much,
I fuck too much,
and I owe more than I'm worth.
The pills are becoming
a problem as well.
I'm so glad I can
confide in you, George.
I need to change.
Oh, give them a break.
Most of NCSC is 25-year-olds.
They were just mucking around,
trying to zero-day
a central router.
They didn't know
they'd brick the whole system.
Wait. Syria 2012?
That was you?
-That was us?
-I don't know.
I don't work
on that side of the house.
That op was tight.
I've read that string.
It's a very sexy piece of code.
STOKES: Mm. It was all fine
till little Eddie Snowden
decided to call everybody out,
said it was a fuckup.
It shut Assad's ass right down,
didn't it?
How many civilians died
as a result?
Greater good.
Yeah, I don't find
amorality attractive.
Then give up either your
profession or your sex life.
-I give it two weeks.
Did you get hell from oversight?
-Nothing I couldn't handle.
-Oh, please.
The committee fucked with
Kathryn exactly once.
Half of them lost
their assignments.
'Cause that's what
bad bitches do.
(polite chuckling)
Chana masala is fantastic,
by the way.
Absolutely delicious.
-ZOE: Mm.
-Thank you.
Come on.
Syria's hardly the worst thing
we've ever done.
I once outed my kid's teacher
as a pedophile
-just to get him fired.
-Oh. -(Clarissa laughs)
Turns out the guy's
eight-year-old had a rash.
Guess he shouldn't have
emailed those pictures.
That is uniquely loathsome,
You hand me an angle, I play it.
New teacher gave Matty an "A."
-Don't fuck with SIS dad.
-So we're all horrible people.
Is that what the point is here?
I prefer to say "complex."
And what's wrong with
Come on, most of us
are sick as shit.
Nobody can lay a glove
on Oedipus over there.
What, you all don't know
about that?
-Careful, Freddie.
-It's common knowledge.
Well, that's for him, not you.
It's all right.
But thank you, darling.
-George can handle it.
-Handle what?
Little Georgie surveilled
his own father.
Oh, my.
(slurring): Daddy was
an inveterate cheater.
Rarely if ever kept it
in his pants.
But he was senior service,
and he was,
shall we say, careful.
When half your life's
in the black bag,
how's little civilian wifey
ever gonna have a prayer
of knowing where
you're sticking it?
-That's crass.
-So was Thomas Woodhouse.
And his boy didn't like that
one bit.
So what happened?
George got the goods on him.
On video.
Played the tape one
Sunday night at a family dinner
I would have paid money
to be present at.
George torched Daddy's marriage
and his career at the same time.
Who will ever hire a field op
who's bested by his own kid?
I don't like liars.
You are so rock and roll.
That must have been
deeply traumatic.
How old were you?
Did your father not know
what you do for a living?
Oh, no, he knew.
Thomas just thought
he was very good.
George was better.
I hear you've never been beaten
in the chair.
You're like some kind of legend.
Is it true?
No one can lie to you?
Better not to find out.
Well, when are you gonna
poly me, George?
Of course, what came after
can hardly be blamed on George.
I think that's enough.
The man had been depressed
for 30 years.
Freddie, it ends.
-Right now.
-CLARISSA: Shut the fuck up
when you talk to people,
I have a game.
We go around the table and
each of us makes a resolution.
The way you might at New Year.
Some personal issue
that needs to be addressed.
"I resolve to quit smoking,"
for example.
FREDDIE: Oh, this is some
groundbreaking shit, George.
But we don't make
the resolution for ourselves.
We make it for the person
to our right.
I'm not sure that's a good idea.
I'm certain it's a terrible one.
Are you joking?
I don't believe he is.
-I'm in.
-I'm getting another bottle.
This is a new one.
ZOE: Well, I wasn't aware
the agency would track that,
but I'll, um...
I'll keep it in mind.
Thank you, George.
So, when you say
"erotic fiction..."
Leave the poor woman alone.
I don't need defending.
I like a dirty story.
It's not a crime.
I believe it's my turn.
"I resolve to--"
Wait, I'm speaking
in his voice, yeah?
"I resolve to do my best
to finish second
whenever possible."
-Or once, even.
Once would be
a refreshing change of pace.
-Sing it, sister.
-Trust me,
one day, you'll be thrilled
to finish at all.
CLARISSA: You are so
full of shit, Freddie.
Note taken.
You'll be begging me to stop.
Oh, what every woman longs for.
An endless, abrasive experience.
-(Stokes scoffs)
-Let's move on.
My turn.
This one's for you, right?
"I resolve to figure out
this old man obsession of mine."
I figured that one out
a long time ago, hon.
Young men bore the shit
out of me. (laughs)
I mean, you, you know,
you haven't done anything.
You haven't been anywhere.
All you want to do
is invite me over
to watch you play video games.
(Zoe laughs)
Oh, God.
Did I get that one right?
Second date:
Call of Duty: Pacific Theater.
-KATHRYN: Well, this has been
-absolutely delightful.
-FREDDIE: I may be old
and wizened, but at least I know
how to book
a decent restaurant, Major.
-It's Colonel.
-Colonel Xbox.
-Major Minecraft.
Fucking hilarious shit, mate.
Promise you'll go down on him
while he plays Zelda
so he can die a happy
little soldier, won't you?
Shut the fuck up, Freddie.
What is your problem tonight?
CLARISSA: You know,
the real problem with old men
is the miserable,
suffocating fear of death.
I mean, it's there, so...
so they can feel it,
and they are quite literally
pissing themselves with fear,
which I-I suppose explains
their pathetic, priapic lunging
at anything that moves.
I'm wondering if perhaps
you've had enough to drink.
But it's my turn now, right?
I get to speak
for Freddie now, right?
"I'm gonna stop fucking her."
Well, I'm afraid I can't,
I am powerless before you.
Not me.
Is this some sort of prank?
This is why you can't
date SIGINT.
They're all fucking insane.
It would appear...
it would appear my young friend
and I might benefit
from a private conversation.
I'm not going anywhere.
I am...
You know, maybe on Monday,
the two of you
could find a few minutes
to come by my office.
We could sit down and then...
-I'm not going anywhere.
-My God, you are an infant.
-It's not the issue.
-You're psychotic.
I have indulged
your constant need for support
and encouragement
and reassurance
and fucking paternal engagement
for a year and a half now,
and I'm sick
to fucking death of it.
He left.
I'm so sorry
Daddy walked out the door,
probably because
he didn't love Mummy,
but maybe because
he became so hopelessly bored
with your needy,
constant demands
that he figured getting out
was better!
And that is a shitting tragedy,
but it happens.
It happens, and you move on!
That's what
a healthy human being does.
You are a perversion of
what a man is supposed to be.
-KATHRYN: Stop it.
-You are a diseased creature
who has spent
the last 20 years of her life
running in frantic circles,
trying to compensate
for a so-called tragedy
that is quite possibly
the most boring story ever told,
and I've had it with you.
I hate you.
I hate you so fucking much!
I have slept with no one but you
for the past year and a half,
you sweet fucking lunatic!
No one!
And, my God,
how I regret it now.
Get some help!
And stop spraying your sickness
on the rest of us,
on the loyal, faithful,
decent men
who have only tried to love you
as well and as truly
as they possibly could.
The Zetter Hotel in Clerkenwell.
I beg your pardon?
That's the hotel you prefer.
Normally, Mondays and Thursdays,
easiest for you because
it's the department meetings
and you can slip away.
Your lover pays with
a credit card in her own name.
I assume you split it in cash,
but that's immaterial.
As is her name.
The junior suite with city view
is your favorite.
I don't like liars.
STOKES: Fucking hell!
Wait, don't move it.
Don't move it.
Don't fucking move it!
-ZOE: Okay, I got it. I got it.
I got it. -That is the most
boring thing you've ever done.
-(laughing) -Hands down.
-Stay still. Stay still.
Look at me. Look at me.
-(Freddie laughing)
-All right, I'll swap you.
-ZOE: Okay.
-Give me the arm.
I wonder if it's possible
you went just a bit heavy
on the DZM 5.
I may well have.
Did you see
what you needed to see?
I don't know yet.
That was the rock.
Now I watch the ripples.
Leave the rest.
I will.
Just give me two minutes.
Leave it.
I will.
What does it do?
What does what do?
GEORGE: I'm afraid
that's in the black bag.
Want me to guess?
Dirty tricks, malware,
meant to disable a government.
Why would you say that?
Hmm? Oh, Severus Alexander.
You know, the Roman emperor
whose, uh...
uh, assassination
led to 50 years of civil war.
If you like.
You know what I like. Hurry up.
Come here.
If you were in a situation,
if you needed my help...
I do need your help.
Scratch my back.
-Wouldn't matter what it was...
-Please stop talking.
I would do anything for you.
Would you?
Anything at all?
Would you lie?
Yes. But never to you.
That's sweet.
Would you lie to me?
Only if I had to.
-Would you kill for me, George?
-Would you?

I'm going to bed.
What's wrong?
Maybe this weekend?
Someplace nice.
Don't stay up too late.
(clears throat)

The fuck?
(gasps) Wait, wait, wait.
Phil? Phil?
(pours coffee)
I thought maybe a movie
this week.
Uh, I'm out of the country
Wednesday, back Thursday.
Maybe tomorrow, then.
Is anything playing?
I hear Dark Windows is good.
Dark Windows.
Don't know that one.
Should we see it?
Love to.
Where are you off to
on Wednesday?
Black bag.

(quiet chatter)
George Woodhouse.
Forgot my badge.
Can I get a temporary?
Proper badge protocol
is essential, Mr. Woodhouse.
Never happen again.
-(quiet chatter)
-(phones ringing)
(door lock beeps)
-Great party.
-Glad you could make it.
Fingers still work.
Look, I know she's crazy
as a fucking loon,
but she makes me happy.
My whole life,
all I've done is do for people,
Susan and the kids.
I get nothing but hate for it.
Clarissa expects
exactly nothing.
You've heard about Meacham?
He's dead. Coronary.
-Last night.
-I just saw him.
-People always say that.
Little young for a
heart attack, don't you think?
Do you know
what he was working on?
I need to see Kathryn.
She's got Stieglitz in there.
You might want to...
...all here, the task at hand,
to fully express
those needs and desire to you
over the last month and a half.
But have I seen it? Do I...
Sorry to interrupt.
Why would your key be in my bag?
Found it on the closet floor
and thought it was yours.
They all look alike.
My bag's by the desk.
I need my key back by 1:00.
Two minutes.
You okay?
I just heard about Meacham.
Anything else?
-(door lock beeps)
Grab yourself something on
the way home, if you don't mind.
I might stop off at the lake.

(door lock beeps)

47.3701 north,
8.5411 east.
(door lock beeps)
Sorry. Running behind.
Can you go a few minutes late?
If we don't do 45,
I can't clear the mandate.
Uh, I make that 2:06.
(phone vibrates)
Uh, sleep remains inconsistent.
I take two-point-five to
three milligrams of lorazepam,
the first at 8:00,
the second at 11:00
and the third in the night.
After the first nightmare.
You're still having them
every night?
Um... the herbal sleep aids
leave me groggy,
so I-I discontinued,
and zolpidem is at most
an every-other-day option.
More than point-five milligrams
two days in a row
produces unmotivated rage
the next morning.
And three or more days
in a row... (chuckles)
...things get even uglier.
I just-- I-I think that's
an extremely careful report.
How so?
Uh, lorazepam
three milligrams or below,
zolpidem below
20 milligrams per month,
and the herbal, that's...
that's ashwagandha, right?
-Yeah. Yeah.
I think those amounts
and dosages
are just under
my reporting requirements.
And you know that.
And you feel it's duplicitous
for me to want to avoid
involvement in psych services
reporting chains?
As I said,
I-I think it's careful.
I'm the head of sig ops;
of course I'm careful.
Well, that's not the goal
in here.
The goal is
to satisfy the mandate
so I can get back to work.
Why on earth are you sleeping
with Ramrod Jimmy Stokes?
-He's beneath you.
-Let's keep this professional.
You came to my home.
You drank, you ate,
you talked about your sex life.
What in God's name is
professional about that?
Maybe it was
an observational visit.
I've had it up to my eyeballs
being watched by
every single person around me.
Oh, yes, by all means,
write that one down.
Paranoid ideations.
Buy me another mandatory
six months.
You know, I always know
when you're arriving.
Because the aroma of hostility
wafts in ahead of you.
Oh, well, that's the first
interesting thing you've said.
How are things with George?
The other day,
Arthur Stieglitz told me
that my devotion to my marriage
is my professional weakness.
That my feelings for George
are a gaping wound
through which
any idiot can attack me.
He told me I want too much
and that I cannot have it all.
I'm going to have his job.
You watch.
Is he right?
If a situation presents itself,
would you choose your marriage
over everything else?
I value loyalty.
To what?
You were raised Catholic,
weren't you?
Hmm? Mm.
Never mind. You were.
12 years at St. Anthony's
in Blackpool.
Yeah. Did they tell you
you were a bad little girl?
Oh, is that why
you like erotica?
Because it's naughty.
It's against the rules.
Says everything you can't.
Yeah. Oh, I bet you go
for dirty talk, too.
I'll report
you completed the session.
-You can go.
This is just getting good.
Zoe Vaughan, nice Catholic girl
from the North,
just wants to help people,
wants to talk about
their problems.
Come on. Why us?
I'm curious about people.
And right now,
I'm curious about you.
(sighs softly)
After three days, you said
"things get even uglier."
-I get moods.
-What kind of moods?
Over money still?
Despite all evidence
to the contrary?
Well, I'll not end up
like my mother.
That's the first interesting
thing you've said.

(reel clicking)
If Severus is deployed
as intended,
thousands of innocent people
will die.
When are you gonna
poly me, George?
(reel clicking)

(clicking continues)
I know I'm intruding.
A situation's come up
that I think falls
outside our usual
reporting parameters.
If you prefer,
we could use a SCIF.
Go on.
-It's awkward.
-Preamble noted.
Our financial people have been
working with HMRC,
running a sweep of banks
in tax haven countries.
They routinely run
ID scrapes past us
for non-insignificant balances,
in case one of
our persona IDs is used
to open an offshore account.
Never once has been.
This time, they got a hit.
What's the fake name?
"Margaret Langford."
DOB and name match
an SIS-generated passport
from 2008.
-Who registered it?
-Scrubbed in '09.
Search old case files
for the name and date of birth.
Also scrubbed.
She's a nonentity post-2009.
-None required.
It was just before Phase II.
What bank holds the account?
Asia Trust & Capital.
Obscure choice.
It's what I would've picked.
Facial rec on surveillance cams
outside the bank
the day the account was opened.
That was eight months ago,
and Myanmar's non-co-op.
Sometimes if you know
who to ask...
If it's Myanmar, how do we know
about the account at all?
Well, somebody got jumpy
and transferred the money
out of there when it looked
like there'd be another coup.
We got a hit on the
incoming SWIFT at the new bank.
-Raffenkalt/Suisse AG.
That mean something?
How much is in the account?
Seven million.
So one of our people stole
a straw man identity
and has been paid
seven million pounds under it.
"Margaret Langford" was used
a handful of times
by a SIGINT op in 2008
before discontinuance.
Used by whom?
Your wife.
I see.
I see.
As I said, I thought this was
outside our normal
reporting parameters.
-Who else knows?
-No one.
Leave it with me, please.
Was the money deposited
in increments or lump sum?
Lump sum.
Someone sold something
extremely valuable.
WOMAN (on-screen):
(suspenseful music playing
Alice, are you here?
-(thump on-screen)
-(audience gasps, screams)
Richard, what are you doing?!
RICHARD (on-screen):
What? I just opened the door.
-Where's Monica?
-She's gone to get help.
-(bird screeching, dog barking)
-(audience gasps, screams)
(Richard and woman scream)
(Richard and woman laughing)
WOMAN (laughing):
You should've heard yourself.
RICHARD: I hate birds.
Give me the torch.
I like the torch.
Use your phone.

-Been saving it.
Is it a difficult catch?
Next to impossible.
When will you be back?
-Oh, tomorrow, late.
-(papers shuffling)
Don't wait up.
I hate the distance.
Well, we're pretty good at it.
It seems grotesque.
What's asked of a person.
(phone ringing and vibrating)
Oh, shit.
Bon voyage.
Or Gute Reise.
Love you.
(car door opens)
(car door closes)
("To Love" by Suki Waterhouse
playing over speakers)
To love, to love, to love
(dish clatters loudly)
(panting softly)
Oh, how lucky we are...
(gasps, sighs)
What the fuck, George?!
Am I in trouble?
Not at all.
So what's up, man?
I understand, uh, you and
Freddie are still together.
Isn't that a bit awkward?
Because I pinned his hand
to the table with a steak knife?
That comes to mind.
He forgave me. I forgave him.
You know? The hand thing
kind of evened us out.
George, you come to
my apartment at 11:00 at night
asking about my relationship.
I'm not shocked, and I'm not
even sure I'm saying no,
but are you actually doing this?
Uh, no.
Then what do you want? (scoffs)
You have MOD imagery oversight
in Building 321
on one of the 64 eyes.
For a minute there,
I thought you were human.
I need a brief Keyhole redirect
tomorrow morning,
and it needs to be
un-logged and unrecorded.
I don't even think
that's possible.
It is.
There are brief periods
between satlink handovers
where a satellite could be used
for another purpose
without detection.
I've done it, in Ratcliffe.
But this one
has to be unofficial.
Why would I do
something like that?
I would consider myself
in your debt.
What does that get me?
I have personally never found
ecstasy use to be
a compromising factor.
But combined with
multiple sexual partners,
-(scoffs softly) -it would
be of issue, to Freddie.
His infidelity is one thing,
but yours...
Freddie's old-fashioned.
-You're a bastard.
-It's important.
What if I love him?
Then you'll help me.
But does that matter to you?
You know, the human part.
Does that-- do you care
about that?
Who am I supposed to be with?
Tell me.
Sorry, uh, it seemed rhetorical.
I can't date outside.
They don't understand.
And I can't date inside
because we're all fucking liars.
You know, professional ones
with a perfect excuse
every time.
"Well, where were you
last week?"
"Black bag."
"What did you do on Friday?"
"Black bag." (chuckles)
When you can lie
about everything,
when you can deny everything,
how do you tell the truth
about anything?
How does that work?
How can that possibly work?
I don't know.
But you do know.
You do know
because it works for you.
And you're the perfect
fucking couple,
and everyone knows it,
so tell me.
Tell me how it works.
6:30 a.m. tomorrow.
A few minutes early to be safe.
Is there a secure view site?
There's a lookdown SCIF
off the main 64.
Thank you for the wine.
You didn't have to come at me
like that, you know.
I would've done it
for you anyway.

(door lock beeps)
Ready for some treason?
That isn't funny.
Sure it is.
Where are we looking?
-47.3701 north,
8.5411 east.
CLARISSA: Okay. There's only
one good option there.
Very masculine Milstar
satellite up at 938 miles.
Ops arc isn't used much.
It's over Liechtenstein.
It's that one. Second row down,
third from the right.
About to hand off to a Gaofen-4.
How long will we have?
Three minutes, 20 seconds.
Does he miss anything?
The major? Never once.
No, George, I'm naked out here.
Are we doing this or not?
What the hell's in Zurich?
Move in.
Closer. Same coordinates.
Nice bench. Are we done?
They're late.

You are one naughty husband,
You asked how it works.
To be with someone
in this business.
This is how.
You each know what you know,
and you know what you'll do,
and you never discuss
certain things again.
I watch her.
I assume she watches me.
If she's in trouble,
even of her own making,
I will do everything
in my power to extricate her.
No matter what that means.
You understand?
My God, that's so hot.
That's how it works.
It's the only way.
Can you get any closer?
Facial rec?
Give it a minute.
(Clarissa sighs)
-One minute.
-Hang on.
Trying something.
It's a lipreading AI.
Still in beta.
Audio coming.
KATHRYN (over speaker):
The money's in place.
Do your fucking job,
and I'll release.
She isn't selling.
She's buying.
KULIKOV (over speaker):
It's a complicated situation.
14 seconds.
-KULIKOV: You need to think
about it. -(audio distorts)
-Get them back.
-Yeah, trying.
-I've got to let them go.
-Get them back!
I've got to let them go!
It's not responding.
-Get rid of it.
-I don't know what--
I'm trying. I--
Why the--

Did he see?
I don't know. Did you record?
It's automatic.
Go into the root files
and delete.
Keystroke logs, too.
Yeah, well, I hope
you got what you wanted.
If I'm going down,
you're coming with me.
I'll keep that in mind.
(door lock beeps)
I don't understand.
Which part?
All of it.
James, come on. How old are you?
Come over here.
Come over here.
It's not that kind of visit.
What kind of visit is it, then?
The kind where I say we're not
seeing each other anymore.
And why not again?
(scoffs softly)
Because I don't want to.
What about the times we had
our little sessions, over there?
-You wanted to then.
And now I don't.
You see, this isn't normal.
The way you're doing this,
just so you know.
And what we did in here...
None of this is normal.
No, it isn't.
You're as sick as your patients.
But there's no law that says
that therapists can't have
issues of their own.
-Are you seeing someone else?
(scoffs) Fuck me, you're cold.
Yeah, a bit.
Yeah, you're even cold about
whether or not you're cold.
I'm gonna clear your mandate
I'll tell psych services
to recommend a psychiatrist
for any prescriptive issues
you might have in the future.
I told you things.
All your thoughts and feelings
are confidential.
Our relationship can just...
Yeah, I don't give a shit
about the relationship.
I'm over it. I got something
else on the side, too.
I told you operational things.
Are you referring to Severus?
I was drunk as hell.
Anything you told me regarding
Severus is also privileged.
That's great.
'Cause it'd be a real drag
to have to kill you.
I've never appreciated
that sort of humor.
Yeah, and I never liked that
about you either.
You know what you could use
in here?
A velvet Jesus
with eyes that follow you.
-You'd like that, wouldn't you?
-(phone ringing and vibrating)
It's duty desk.
Go ahead.
Thanks, Mom.
How long?
I'll be right there.
I got to go.
I left some things
at your place.
They're in a pouch at the desk
under your name.
I left it there this morning.
This is the best breakup
I ever had.
Seriously, I enjoyed myself.
Take care, Zoe.
You're a fucking piece of work.
The major called.
We've got a breach.
It's me. Don't be a dick.
Come on.
You'll want to know about this.

Oh, no, no, no.

All right.
Let's get started.
Ms. Childs, would you please?
ANGELA: Okay, so this is
Vadim Pavlichuk,
the dissident Russian general
under house arrest
in Liechtenstein
for the past six months.
Pavlichuk's been known to be
working with a network
of exiled militarists for the
overthrow of the Russian regime
due to its mismanagement
of the war.
We've had the house on lockdown
for 24 hours since he arrived.
If Pavlichuk made a move,
we wanted to know first.
He has now made a move.
These are the heat signatures
in the house at 6:31 a.m.
Central European Time.
Seven unique sigs.
We then lost signal
with the house
during a routine
satlink handover for about...
-Three minutes, 20 seconds.
-Thank you.
Three minutes, 20 seconds.
When we regained signal
and ran thermals again at 6:35,
this is what we see.
There are now only five.
For the last two hours,
we've been accounting for
all the individual sigs.
We got all five
as they came and went.
None of them were Pavlichuk.
So the son of a bitch
is out, hmm?
How could that happen?
How would he know the exact
timing of a satlink handover?
Well, fucking exactly.
How could he know
unless someone here told him?
We look away, he takes off.
It was an operation.
Very precise.
There is a stranger
in our house.
STOKES: Have we picked up
Pavlichuk since he left?
He's good.
He's hunched over
in a black van somewhere,
off to malefact.
Uh, well, our assumption is
that his right-hand former
lieutenant Andrei Kulikov
is en route to pick him up now.
Their intentions are unclear.
Kulikov had a meeting with
an unknown party in Zurich
this morning, so we're waiting
on visuals for that.
Mm-hmm. Keep at it.
Should we... (clears throat)
Should we notify CIA?
Oh, fuck them.
I'm sick of being treated
like an ATM for intel.
And I'm certainly not
showing them our dirty linens.
If there's a traitor
in the house,
I want to know who it is
before they do.
This stays in the room.
You said the major was, uh,
(clears throat)
aware of the redirect?
Yes. I got a signal alert
and called him.
-He already knew.
Have him reassigned--
somewhere lovely, the Bahamas.
Tell him it's a promotion,
effective immediately.
He travels tomorrow.
Can I ask, strategically,
why do we care
that Pavlichuk is out?
S-6 and below, please clear.

(door opens)
(door closes)
We believe Pavlichuk has been
given a physical copy.
That's why we watched him.
If Kulikov manages to get him
back into Moscow with it,
well... (chuckles)
Mr. Smalls,
educate our colleagues.
Severus is a Stuxnet polymorph
we developed with NSA.
It has to be
physically introduced
to a nuclear reactor
to get past an air gap.
But once it's in, it can target
and melt down the reactor core.
It was a CYBERCOM op.
Why the fuck would we make that?
Theoreticals. Capabilities.
It shouldn't have left
the building.
And we realized,
if we can do it to them,
-once the thing is out there...
-They can do it to us.
It was a good idea.
A meltdown would cause
political havoc.
For an enemy involved
in an endless war
and a teetering government,
they'd run dear leader
out of Moscow on a rail.
We'd be rid of the prick
once and for all.
We didn't do it...
...but it was a damn good idea.
FREDDIE: It would appear
someone here felt the same way.
Mm-hmm. And redirected the eye
so Pavlichuk could escape
with the drive.
He's on his way to Russia now
to initiate a meltdown,
and it'll be our goddamn fault!
Find the leak.
Methods won't be questioned.

(door closes)
(indistinct announcements
over P.A.)

This can't be good.
It isn't.
George ordered the redirect.
I helped him do it.

(indistinct announcements
over P.A.)
(sighs) Jesus, Freddie.
Got a minute?
Does anyone else know?
-Can you trust Clarissa?
-Not particularly.
-To keep it to herself, I mean.
-I think so.
She's fond of George.
She's concerned.
Whatever operation he's running,
he's in a very leaky boat.
If Pavlichuk gets back
to Russia, it's on him.
He'd get 35 years.
Is there anything you can do?
How was Zurich?
It was pointless.
He had nothing.
I don't know why I was there.
I spent the rest of the day
chasing down Gunther at FIS,
but he was useless.
Do you have any idea why
George would be watching you?
None whatsoever.
All right.
You be ready in the morning.
I need a night to think.
Just you and me.
Of course.
I believe I've been set up.
I think I have been, too.
By Freddie, of all people.
Well, he's playing me.
He thinks I'll take action
to protect you.
And he's right.
I will kill for you, George.
You know that.
Freddie stole Severus.
Ah, maybe, maybe not.
It's not really about that
anymore, is it?
Somehow it's...'s about us.
There's a plan.
And a counterplan.
One is using you to get to me,
the other, me to get to you.
Well, what are we going to do
about that?
All of it.
Bait someone into
an overreaction.
Will there be another mess
to clean up?
Only if we do it right.

Wish you'd called sooner.
I didn't really have any gear.
Hop in.
Fishing's not really my thing.
Patience. All you need.
We'll be back in plenty of time.
It's easier to think out here.
(door lock beeps)
I need something.
Geofencing on Andrei Kulikov.
Last known is Zurich.
I want a moving trace
on his cell,
and I want it to be un-logged.
I'm not going to prison
for you psychos.
Oh, you're too far in
to worry about that now,
don't you think?
Fucking made for each other.
(reel clicking)
I'd like to set up
a series of polygraphs.
The usual room at Vauxhall.
Who did you have in mind?
Freddie Smalls.
Clarissa Dubose.
Dr. Zoe Vaughan.
Why her?
Freddie saw her twice a week
for the past eight months.
And I've seen her, too.
I know.
Put yourself down as well.
Anyone else?
Not for the moment.
So, that Swiss banking issue.
STOKES: I'd been meaning
to follow up with you.
Of course one's mind
goes to a possible
Severus connection.
That had occurred to me.
Had it?
It would appear to be linked.
Have you shared your suspicions
with anyone else?
Of course not.
But you still feel certain
of the identity
of the person who opened
the offshore account?
No, that's the thing.
That's why I'd been meaning
to follow up with you.
"Margaret Langford."
The passport name
that Kathryn used in '08.
Turns out there was
some sort of glitch.
It was repeatedly recycled
by the system,
passed around SIS for a decade.
There's at least a dozen uses.
40 or 50 border records.
Seems odd you'd miss that.
Yeah, I'm kicking myself.
It was sloppy.
The point is...
it could've been anyone.
We're no longer looking
at Kathryn.
You and me.
-(reel spinning)
-Whoa, whoa! Wh-What do I do?
Let him run for a minute.
(busy chatter)
Americano for Emma.
Thank you.
Live cell zone lock.
That's the trace log-in.
He's moving.
(American accent):
What is this, my birthday?
Can you get it approved quickly?
To keep Severus
from getting out?
Speed of light.
I'll owe you.
Really, why do you care?
It's a private agenda.
That's not really an answer.
One of our people
is compromised.
Drone strike resets everything.
Just Kulikov or am I taking
anybody else out with him?
It's a gift from fucking heaven.
-Do you want it or not?
-Yes, we want it.
I'm just getting my arms
around the global.
He's traveling across Poland
for the next three hours.
Don't wait.
(siren wailing in distance)
-(quiet chatter)
-(opera music playing)
This is ikizukuri.
Thank you, Jimmy.
(sets down chopsticks)
What do you want? Hmm?
Ikizukuri is illegal in the U.K.
If you don't mind,
I prefer to eat alone.
You know, I can't see
all the corners,
but I can tell the shape.
And this, all yours.
(chuckles softly)
What could you possibly be
talking about?
Oh, please.
Your operation stops.
Right now.
You're a little late for that.
Ask for the CIA drone logs
when you get back.
How many would
a meltdown have killed?
10,000? 20,000?
What did you do?
Canceled your op.
(opera music continues)

You stupid son of a bitch.
You cannot imagine
the damage you just did.
Now, I don't know
who you enlisted to help,
but George has got
his teeth in it now.
-Have you seen him
when his jaws lock on something?
You'll rip yourself apart
before he'll let go.
(groans softly)
Eat up.
This ends with someone
in the boot of a car.
(chopsticks clink on plate)
If we could make this quick.
-Shall we?
-Be my guest.
(air pumping)
(Freddie sighs)
Is today Friday?
Do you reside
in the United Kingdom?
Is Frederick Alan Smalls
your true legal name?
Did you masturbate this morning?
Oh, good.
The embarrassing
personal questions start early.
Yes or no
whenever possible, please.
You know, I've been
looking forward to this.
Did you masturbate this morning?
Didn't have time.
Are you sitting down?
Are the lights on in this room?
GEORGE: Are you now
in the City of Westminster?
Do you enjoy toast?
Very much.
Yes or no.
GEORGE: Have you ever physically
assaulted a significant other
during an argument?
Girl, you know I have.
Again, yes or no.
Do you wear contact lenses?
Do you smoke cigarettes?
Are you seated at the moment?
Is it morning or afternoon?
Can we go back to the EPQs?
They're more fun.
Is your mother's name Quiana?
When did you first
become aware of Severus?
What's Severus?
GEORGE: Have you ever failed
to support any child of yours?
only emotionally.
Yes or no.
Were you resentful that I
passed you over for the CI job?
-I'm fucking human.
-Yes or no.
Were you resentful that
I passed you over for the job?
Did you steal Severus
as a means of getting even?
GEORGE: When did you first
become aware of Severus?
About two months ago.
How did you become aware?
Professional restrictions
prevent me
from answering the question.
How did you become aware?
Same answer.
Did a patient divulge
the information to you?
Same answer.
Outside of war,
have you ever killed
another person?
Define "war."
Declared or undeclared conflict
between the United Kingdom
and another country
or non-state actor.
Outside of war,
have you ever been
in a shooting, knifing or fight
where someone was
seriously injured?
GEORGE: Have you ever
betrayed your country?
What is your relationship
with Dr. Zoe Vaughan?
Patient and social acquaintance.
Would you like to take a break?
I'm good.
Is your middle name Beatrice?
Is your middle name Beatrice?
(air pumping)
Please answer the question
Is your middle name Beatrice?
Are you tightening your anal
sphincter muscle right now?
Have you read
Physiological Stress Response
and Polygraph Deception
by Weymouth and Coombs?
Cover to cover.
Yes or no.
Will you please release
your sphincter muscle?
Sure thing, George.
Who asked you to plant
the movie stub
-in the wastebasket
in my closet? -What?
No one.
GEORGE: How many people are you
personally connected with
who were aware of Severus?
That question is
inappropriately operational.
How many people
are you personally...
George, you're CI.
You know I can't answer that.
Did you steal Severus?
Did you steal Severus for money?
Did you steal Severus
for ideology?
What ideology?
Did you steal Severus
because of your ideology?
The question assumes
I stole Severus.
True or false: There is no God.
How many sexual partners
have you had
in the last three months?
True or false:
The greater good outweighs
immediate legal
or ethical limits.
Impossible to answer
without specifics.
GEORGE: Do you think you're
smarter than most people?
Georgie, I know I am.
Yes or no.
Would you like
to come for dinner
at our home tomorrow evening?
I need your help individually
to figure something out.
Can you come?
Um... (chuckles)
Yeah, sure.
Well, I had so much fun
last time.
Yes or no.
Is this an order?
We'll expect you at 8:00.
Wait, what the fuck
did we just learn here?
See you tomorrow.
You okay?
Just nerves.
Only one thing left to learn.
Will it go there?
That's what scares me.
It should.
I haven't had
this much fun in years.
What's with
the command performance?
Come in.
Work or social?
I thought it was just me.
We all did.
So where's this fucking dinner?
-I didn't cook.
-We have a game.
Ah, shit. Really?
I don't think I'm willing
to submit to this.
And here's how it works.
We go around the table
and George will ask
each one of you a question.
And if you get it wrong,
you lose.
This is inappropriate.
And the loser
doesn't get up from the table.
-For fuck's sake.
-Are you out of your mind?
The two of you, I swear to God.
-I'm leaving.
-Sit down.
FREDDIE: You are cordially
invited to an evening
of fun and games
with George and Kathryn.
That's a new rug.
KATHRYN: Anyone who'd prefer
to answer the questions
in front of an OSRAC committee
is free to go.
Why is there a new rug?
You're disturbed. All of you.
Do you realize that?
You're sick!
I mean, you just fuck
each other, literally,
and back and forth
and back and forth.
Is there one normal person
inside that
entire fucking building?
I've got nothing to hide.
Then we'll start with you.
When did you first
sleep with Freddie?
Oh, that's just gross.
My apologies.
That was ungentlemanly
but necessary.
Dr. Vaughan is the woman
Freddie's been meeting
at the Zetter Hotel
in Clerkenwell.
You motherfucker.
Seven or eight weeks ago.
-GEORGE: Thank you.
-STOKES: Is that a joke?
With him? Why?
She thought she'd need
something from him eventually.
Ah, come on. Don't be a prick.
Isn't it just possible...
No, it isn't.
He's right.
GEORGE: After the redirect
was discovered,
you alerted Dr. Vaughan,
didn't you?
Yes, that's right.
You'll want to know about this.
I need you to do something.
I am putty in your hands.
What is it?
KATHRYN: So, you told me
about the redirect,
knowing that I would take
action to cover for George.
He's traveling across Poland
for the next three hours.
Don't wait.

What the fuck do you want?
Only to congratulate you.
You're the best manipulator
of the polygraph I've ever seen.
-I didn't lie.
-I know.
You didn't need to.
You had nothing to do
with any of it.
Was it your idea to plant
the movie ticket so I'd find it
or someone else's?
What movie ticket?
Did catch my eye.
Not so hard to do,
given my profession.
The hell are you
talking about, George?
Was Stieglitz the one
who came to you with the idea
of stealing Severus?
That would make the most sense.
To destabilize Moscow,
to implicate Kathryn,
who threatened Stieglitz,
and to move me out of your way.
Three birds, one stone.
Somehow, you removed
the Severus malware
from the building.
But you got excited
about your plan,
you drank too much
and told Dr. Vaughan about it.
What you didn't know
is how profound
her religious beliefs are.
You're turning on me
to cover up
your own treasonous actions.
GEORGE: The kind of beliefs
that would not permit her
to allow the deaths of tens
of thousands in a meltdown.
This is a fantasy.
This is all one of
his fucking fantasies.
It's why I had
a hard time at first.
It wasn't one plan,
you see, it was two.
Separate but interlocking.
Working for and against
each other.
You manipulated me
so Pavlichuk could escape.
And you and Freddie
did the same with Kathryn
so she would have him killed
to bail me out.
Causa et effectus.
Isn't that right?
You two make it almost easy.
The only thing you give a shit
about is each other.
For the record, I knew.
I did it anyway
because it needed doing.
And you had me lured to Zurich.
I thought I was
buying back Severus,
but you made it look like
I was selling.
GEORGE: You opened the account
in Myanmar yourself,
didn't you?
This is all conjecture.
Turns out
Myanmar does cooperate.
You just have to know
who to ask.
Razman still owes me.
(Zoe gasps)
Severus was a good plan.
I'd do it again,
ten times out of ten.
It was a decent frame,
and it would have ended
the fucking war!
It was right, it was brave,
and it was noble.
Which one was the reason
you killed Meacham?
Because it was right
or because it was noble?
Because it was necessary.
I never told you all
the name of the game.
What's the game, Kathryn?
"See Who Picks Up the Gun."
-(gun racks)
-For fuck's sake.
Come on, George.
What? You take me out
in handcuffs,
you say your bit,
I say mine, then what?
You still go down.
Maybe she doesn't, but you will.
You got nothing-- nothing hard.
You got suspicions,
hearsay and pillow talk.
And, you know,
your recorded confession.
Shall we discuss the terms
of your surrender?
You're bluffing.
You should've killed me
on the boat, George.
-(two gunshots)
-(shells clatter on floor)
(Zoe gasping)
(Kathryn sighs)
Now, I don't mind
what you two did.
You saved lives.
But don't ever fuck
with my marriage again.
ZOE (softly):
(Kathryn sighs)
Freddie. Table.
Darling, we need the rug.

(scanner beeps)
-(elevator bell chimes)
-AUTOMATED VOICE: Ninth floor.
Doors opening.

-(button beeps)
-Lift going down.
Doors closing.
Terrible about Stokes.
-So strange.
Disappearing like that.
It's a very dangerous
line of work.
Mm, I'll say.
Given all you've accomplished,
maybe it's time to consider
stepping away, Arthur.
Feet first.
-(elevator bell chimes)
-AUTOMATED VOICE: Second floor.
Doors opening.
Any way you like.
Lift going down.
He's completely rattled.
He won't be able to sleep
for a whole month.
He wasn't rattled.
He took credit
for the whole thing.
The CIA is lap dancing
all over him.
It's a fiction.
He won't be able
to keep it up forever.
And Stieglitz bores me.
Let's... let's talk about you.
Why didn't you just ask me
about the movie ticket?
Hmm? See if I was lying?
You'd never be that sloppy.
A movie stub. Please.
Well, exactly.
It's almost insulting.
-I knew you'd never lie to me.
-Only if I had to.
(Kathryn gasps)
One thing.
The, uh, seven million pounds
Stokes put into
the Swiss bank account?
Still there.
Oh. Is it?

(music ends)