Blood Red (1989) Movie Script

I'm about to invest
over $3 million
in this project.
The toughest job
will be entering
through those hills
into the valley.
- And we'll be tunneling through, won't we?
- Yes, sir.
And trestle over
that area there.
Ah yes, and when we've finished,
cattle from every part of the state
will be transported here,
grazed on those hills,
fattened and expressed east.
New beef for our growing cities.
Now that's progress.
You seem concerned,
Miss Jeffreys.
Your railroad
will go right through
those vineyards,
Mr. Berrigan.
A great deal of hard work
went into clearing that land
and making it profitable.
Maria, Anna,
make sure Marco
isn't late today.
Morning, papa.
You look nice.
Si, papa.
Oh, Marco, Madonna Mia.
Where's your dad?
He's upstairs.
Samuel, quick!
Get Marco. Hurry.
Take these and be
careful with them.
These were brought for the
gentleman, ma'am. He said it was urgent.
Thank you.
Better hurry up. Your
father will be expecting you.
Who is that beside him?
That's Angelica, his niece.
She just came out
of the convent.
For the virgin's sake, today of
all days make peace with him.
I will make peace
as soon as he gets
his fences off my land.
Hyah hyah!
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
And you are sponsoring
all of them?
Yes, your honor. The papers
only need your signature.
And they have met all
the usual requirements?
Would you care to question
them on the constitution?
Not if you prepared them,
Miss Jeffreys.
They most probably would
show you up, your honor.
- Hey.
- Today we are all Americans.
- Good morning, doctor. It's a great day.
- Good morning, doctor.
Oh, yes.
Good morning.
- Father.
- Father.
Let's get on with it.
As these papers indicate,
you have met
the legal requirements.
Now raise your right hands
and repeat after me:
- I do solemnly swear...
- I do solemnly swear...
That I absolutely
and entirely...
That I absolutely
and entirely...
Renounce allegiance
and fidelity...
Renounce allegiance
and fidelity...
To any foreign state
or sovereignty...
To any foreign state
or sovereignty...
And will support and defend...
And will support and defend...
The constitution and law of
the United States of America
against all enemies,
foreign and domestic...
Against all enemies,
foreign and domestic...
- So help me god.
- So help me god.
By the power vested in me,
I now pronounce you
citizens of the United
States of America.
Papa, papa, congratulations.
And may god have mercy
on the rest of us.
Speak English, woman.
- Mr. Collogero, congratulations.
- Thank you.
I'm so proud of you, papa.
- Look.
- Oh, wow!
Papa, Mayor Riggs.
- Congratulations, Mr. Collogero.
- Thank you.
I want you to meet Willard Endicott.
He's your state senator.
He's up for reelection this fall
and he needs your support.
How do you do, sir? We've heard
about your wines in Sacramento
and we understand a grower needs
all the help he can get right now.
But we want you to know that
the farmers all over this state
are uniting to battle
the big eastern trusts.
So you just remember
William Jennings Bryan's speech.
"Man will not be crucified
on a cross of gold."
And I'm counting on men
just like yourself
and the good doctor here
to keep the fight alive.
Been good to meet you, sir.
Ah, Mr. Segestra!
Another one of our fine growers.
How do you do, sir?
You know we've heard about your
wines clear down in Sacramento.
We understand the grower needs
all the help he can get right now.
A cross of gold, huh?
They are all the same.
Here and in sicily.
May be some truth in what they say.
What do you think, Marco?
- Marco?
- Where's Marco?
Hello, Angelica.
Welcome back.
Do you remember me?
Of course.
- Goodbye, Angelica.
- Andiamo.
I hope I can see you again.
Shame on you!
I was only saying hello.
- They do nice work at that convent.
- Yeah.
Ladies and gentlemen,
it is my great
pleasure and honor
to introduce
to you the president
of the Berrigan
Pacific Railroad,
none other than
Mr. W.R. Berrigan himself.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I don't like to make speeches.
I like to get things done.
What my railroad will do
for the people
of Brandon is threefold--
employment for any man
who wants work...
Continued growth and expansion
of your town
and prosperity for the people
of this valley.
Now anyone who wants
to work can sign up
with Mr. Cartwright here.
It's a beautiful day.
In nomine patris, et filii,
et spiritus sancti.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Silence, silence.
See what it says?
"Sebastiano collogero,
Do you know what that means?
Those who remember know,
eh, tonia?
But the children, the children,
they don't-- do not know.
But you came from our village.
You remember what we lived on--
an acre of rocks
and two olive trees,
and even that belonged
to the landlords.
So we came here
to America
with nothing
but the strength
in our hands and our backs.
And they worked us
20 hours a day.
We were even cheaper
than the mules.
We ate less and we carried more.
But it did not matter.
Nothing mattered.
Only that
we could own this land.
Remember what our mothers
whispered to us
in our sleep, huh?
- "He who has land has everything."
- Si.
But not just for ourselves
did we work for this.
But for our sons
and their sons after them.
So, America...
- Grazie.
- America.
And to our land.
May we work it forever.
Isn't the wine
good enough for you?
Isn't this land
good enough for you?
What's the matter with it?
Come on, take it.
It's yours.
Sebastian, I think
you've had too much.
No, not enough.
Is it a crime for a man
to want his son
to have all this?
Here Marco has a choice
you never had.
- In this country, a man can be anything.
- Or nothing.
At his age, I had a son
and my first vintage.
Instead of a wife,
he has a widow.
He may be more your son
than you know. Be patient.
You be honest. You wanted
to make a doctor out of him.
- Did it work?
- Papa...
You know he loves you.
He needs to know that all
this will live on after him.
He wants you to carry on
the traditions, everything else.
Ah, his traditions are ancient.
He's bound by the old ways.
All he thinks about
is this land.
There's better land
all over this country.
But not for making wine.
Marco, he has too much
pride to say this,
but why else did he do all this,
except to pass it on to you?
I don't know.
Look, I have rounds
to make tomorrow,
and these old hands
are aching me.
Can I count on you?
Why is it your son
is never home?
Why is it he's never in church?
Instead, he runs all
over the countryside
like a dog in heat.
Sebastiano, the girls.
What is true is true.
Why is he on my land?
His hands work.
Mine don't.
Perhaps I'll leave you the serum,
you do it all by yourself.
Marco, andiamo.
- He's here?
- Marco's here!
Her next.
Bare the arm.
Bare the arm?
She's a virgin.
Calm yourself.
The needle has been blessed.
It's all right.
All right, next.
Well, if Mohammed won't
come to the mountain...
- Mr. Collogero.
- Good morning.
- Hello, Marco.
- Mayor Riggs.
I don't want to interrupt your work,
but this is important.
It concerns that offer
I wrote you about.
I know this may
not be the best time,
but it could be to your advantage
to act on it right away.
I do not understand.
Act on what?
Well, it's no secret that
Berrigan and his railroad
are buying up most
of this valley.
Your land is dead center,
right in the path
of that railroad.
Then let him go around.
That's just the point. It would
cost a fortune to go around.
That's why he's making
such a generous offer.
Mr. Collogero,
the workers around here
look to your lead,
and if you sold,
they'd probably follow suit.
Now that's why I think I
could get you a favorable price
with a little extra
thrown in for sweetener
on my recommendation.
You must not go to such
trouble on our account.
Oh, it's no trouble.
It's just that Berrigan
usually gets what he wants.
And the people around here
want what his railroad
will bring.
Tell him how much
I appreciate his generosity,
but this land is not for sale.
Ah, Brewster!
There's champagne.
There's cognac.
There's Brandy.
There's bourbon.
- Help yourselves now.
- Bourbon for me.
Would you excuse us
a moment, my dear?
So then, W.R.,
you didn't get us all the way
down here from Sacramento
just to get us
blind raving drunk.
You're damned right I didn't.
You two scalawags,
you could do that as well
up there without
any help from me.
I'm afraid, gentlemen, it's
purely a matter of business.
Cartwright, the map.
As you know, I've begun construction
on the new line to Brandon.
And most of the land has been purchased
or is about to be, for grazing.
The problem is
on the other side.
- It's right over here.
- Uh-huh, yes.
Here, where my track
will come through,
unfortunately, we've run into a
group of hardheaded grape growers
who are refusing to budge.
- Go around them then!
- It's impossible.
The added cost
would be astronomical,
not to mention the time lost.
So as senior members
of the railroad commission,
you want Brewster and me to
get you a special right of way
- so you can put them off the land.
- We've done it before.
Yes, but due to your generosity,
we're also stockholders
of your corporation,
which could place us
at a disadvantage
in a conflict-of-interest
Damn it, Brewster, you show
me a conflict of interest.
Every right-thinking mind
in this state
has always had
the same interest:
The right of way, gentlemen.
You make it a priority
order of business.
Yes, but this time there'll
have to be a hearing.
I know you two gentlemen.
You can get around these
technical procedures
the same way as I get around
my board of directors.
I've never forgotten those
who share my vision.
To the railroad!
You should be
ashamed of yourself.
Why do you say that?
My aunt says no respectable girl
would be seen with you.
Then what are you doing here?
I have to go.
You don't have to go.
I have to go.
I want to see you again.
Miss Jeffreys has been kind
enough to come down here
to explain these notices
to you. Miss Jeffreys.
These are orders
of dispossession
under a right of way granted
to the Berrigan Pacific
by the railroad commission.
Now how many of you have
received notice of hearings
on this matter?
Yes, notices came,
but after the bill was passed.
Well, if what you say is true,
you have every right
to fight it in the courts.
However, this is a legal order.
Scuse, please.
But what about the money?
Yeah, the offers we were made.
You will receive market value
for every acre of land taken.
Then is that why
we left our villages
and came halfway
around the world?
No no no!
So this railroad,
this trust, this Berrigan
can snap his fingers
and dismiss us
with a handful of silver?
No no no!
They will pay a fair price.
That's the law.
What is the price
for a lifetime of work?
What's the price?
I'll tell you the price:
The betrayal of our children
and the life we made for them.
We came here
for land and justice.
That was the promise.
Now we must hold them
to that promise
through the courts or by force.
Whatever is necessary!
Go if you want.
Take their silver.
But my land is not for sale!
Take it easy.
You must not talk of fighting.
You must use reason.
Don segestra, talk to them.
You know me
as a man of business,
a practical man.
Prices are high.
Commerce has been good.
A man would be wise to sell now
when the price is the best.
That's how business
is done in America.
In this matter...
We are still
Nicola, it's my duty
to remove you from this property
by legal writ.
You've been duly served.
Now get on off
or I'll have to
remove you forcibly.
Where are you going?
If you want to see blood,
shoot 'em yourself.
By the power vested in me...
By the, uh--
oh, hell.
Mr. Berrigan.
It seems the sheriff
in Brandon has refused
to execute the eviction orders.
We could apply
for federal jurisdiction.
What, and use a Cannon
to kill a fly?
Besides, it'll cost us
time we can't afford.
- Send for Andrews.
- Yes, sir.
All three of you are so silly.
- No, you are thinking of him.
- You are.
- Dove vai?
- Where are you going?
Just for a walk.
Mr. Andrews, on behalf
of myself, Mrs. Riggs
and our entire council,
may I offer you this
special writ of police powers,
whereby you are-- where--
Mr. Andrews?
Mr. Andrews?
Mr. Andrews,
on behalf of myself,
Mrs. Riggs and our--
Get up!
Very strange how that
could have happened.
Don't understand it.
- And no one heard anything?
- Nope.
But you can go over to the office
and file yourself a claim.
Heard you had some
trouble last night.
Our shipment was destroyed.
Yeah, so I see.
Is that all you have to say?
Want some friendly advice?
Take whatever you can get
and clear on out.
- What about justice?
- Justice?
Well, justice wears
a blindfold, don't she?
Around here,
she's also deaf and dumb.
And currently she's the property
of the Berrigan
Pacific Railroad.
Hey hey!
You can't come in here.
Mr. Andrews.
Mr. Andrews!
What's the problem here?
Were your men responsible
for destroying my wine?
I don't know what you're
talking about, mister...
My name is collogero.
Look, sebastiano collogero.
He's one of the squatters.
Then you were served.
You had 48 hours to leave
the land under the law.
Your law is illegal.
Is it?
You do not frighten me.
I have seen men like you before.
I give you warning.
Do not touch what is mine
Wait. You.
That man your father?
Yes, he is.
Try to reason with him.
We're only here
to uphold the law.
The law?
What law are you talking about?
Son, I don't know what you do
in your country but--
Is my country.
Nice shot.
Thank you.
I can't take this.
It's yours.
You're a man of business now.
Grazie, papa.
This is not sicily.
There is no vendetta here.
There are still some men left
in this valley.
Some will still honor
the old ways.
What are you doing on my land?
Let's give this son of a bitch
a tour of his winery.
Just kill him.
Frisky little guy, ain't he?
Marco, what was that?
I don't know.
Come on.
- Let's string him up.
- Over here.
Come on.
Maria! Anna!
Let's get out of here.
How many of you will stay
and fight with me?
You stood by him
that day at diangelo's.
Will you help me?
Don Antonio...
You agreed to stand
beside my father.
May I depend on you?
Your father was a brave man.
But we who have families
must think about them.
Marco, this is not sicily.
This is not sicily.
But there is still honor...
In here.
Cousin enzio.
Thank you for coming.
Cousin silvio.
Marco, let the law handle this.
Take it easy.
I'm a naughty one, ain't I?
It's him.
Go to Samuel.
What the hell's going on?
I don't know what happened
here last night and I don't care.
I only want to know how
it will affect my schedule.
It was a minor disturbance,
that's all.
I've seen these things snowball.
- It won't affect your work.
- It better not.
Now this is the toughest
100 miles we've got to cover.
We're pushing track
north from Brandon,
south down through
these mountains.
They'll link up right
here on this Ridge--
the collogero place.
All right, how close are you?
I've got a trestle
finished here,
a tunnel three-quarters
bored over there.
If anything happened to either one,
we'd be six months behind.
I don't want to have to explain
that to Mr. Berrigan, do you?
What do you say we provide
Mr. Carey
with some peace of mind?
Mayor Riggs, since this is
the first train through,
- the honor is yours.
- Thank you.
My friends,
may this new tunnel
be the first link
in a chain
forming a...
of continuing prosperity.
You may cut the ribbon now.
Thank you.
Help me!
My leg!
Somebody come over here
and help him!
Damn it, Andrews.
We're three months
behind schedule.
I've got 10,000 head
of prime beef optioned
and nowhere to put them.
Why hasn't
this man been stopped?
Bill, I can't guard every
inch of your railroad.
I don't want excuses, Andrews.
Put a bounty on the man.
Do whatever you've got to do,
but get him before this
gets any further out of hand.
That's lovely, Daniel.
Thank you.
Souvenir photo, Miss Jeffreys?
No, war photographs.
I think it would be a pity
if the world weren't informed
of the price Mr. Berrigan
is paying for his victory.
Don't you?
Good day, sheriff.
Mr. Andrews.
Don't you ignore me, sir.
Sir, you have brought the vilest
kind of filth to our community.
You have violated every aspect
of normal decency.
Well, then it hasn't
been a total loss.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Andrews brought in a bounty
tracker from mexicali.
He could find a cockroach
in the Sahara.
Hey hey hey hey!
Hey hey hey hey hey!
- Someone's coming. Someone's coming.
- Get down.
- What are you doing here?
- You need me.
Where's your family?
They've gone
and I'm here to stay.
- How did you know where to find us?
- I followed you.
You couldn't have followed us.
I used to do it all the time
when I was 12.
You and Sammy used
to sneak up here.
You just never knew
I was watching.
Great, Marco.
Great hideout.
- Did you have a good sleep?
- Yes.
I was dreaming
about our children.
We had four.
Marco, there's something
I have to tell you.
We're going to have a baby.
That's good.
That's very good.
I'm looking for Marco collogero.
I'm looking for Marco collogero.
I'm looking for Marco collogero.
I'm gonna count to three.
If you don't tell me where
he is, I'm gonna kill you.
two, three.
You see, Perez, we're not
dealing with reasonable men.
Perhaps he does
not speak English.
I had no idea that any
of this was happening here.
I was assured that adequate
compensation had been paid.
Oh, yes, well,
compensation was offered.
But when Berrigan
was turned down,
he hired thugs
to threaten these people,
beat them.
He didn't even
stop short of murder.
This is impossible.
Is it?
Ho ho, senator,
we have all been lied to.
Want a cookie?
These people were offered jobs,
and instead cheap labor
was brought in to do the work.
The railway has
brought us nothing
but filth,
lawlessness and immorality.
Why wasn't any of this
brought out in the hearings?
Well, because, senator,
there were no hearings.
I'll do that, okay?
Okay, boys,
let's blast 'em to hell.
Their detectives must have
followed me from town.
Oh, Samuel.
Your mother wants to see you.
- Are you all right?
- I'm fine.
Attention, please!
The railway commission of the
state of California is now in session.
Any person having business
before this committee
may now draw near.
Any who have business
before this commission
may now please step forward.
Senator Endicott, isn't it?
- That's right, sir.
- Did you wish to make a statement, senator?
No, sir.
I wish to ask a question.
How is it that notice of this
commission's proceedings
to establish a right of way
through a section of my district
was in fact sent almost
two whole weeks
after that hearing was held?
Impossible, senator.
Purely an oversight.
I'm sure if the senator would
only examine the record...
Fine. Where are
the records?
I'd like to see them.
- See the record?
- That's right.
You do keep records, don't you?
Of course we keep records.
Well, then produce
them right now.
How dare you, sir?
I will produce nothing.
Senator, you are out of order.
No, Mr. Chairman,
you are out of order
for the willful complicity to defraud
the people of this sovereign state
of their rights and privileges
under the constitution!
Just a moment.
I will not allow this kind of--
I accuse both you
and commissioner tremaine
of illegally accepting
both stocks and gratuities
to obtain an illegal right of way
so that you could line your pockets
at the expense
of the people of California.
Senator, you are out of order.
Out of order?
Sir, you are out of order!
I accuse
Mr. William Radford Berrigan
of masterminding this scheme
to bribe the members
of this commission
to obtain
the illegal right of way
for his own corporate gain,
and to further that end,
making deliberate war
on the people
of my constituency.
Senator, you are out of order.
You have no business...
How long have they been gone?
Not long.
Marco, they're coming.
Marco, get her dress off.
Why me?
Because you got the best legs.
There they are.
There are only two of them.
Where are the others?
That's the two I want.
He wouldn't leave his squaw alone.
Come on, let's go.
Very well, gentlemen,
this meeting is hereby ended.
You, sir, are a
traitor to your party
and to the people
who put you in office.
Well, senator,
the commission has voted
and you have the
investigation you wanted.
I shall live to see
you choke on it.
You all right?
- Anna.
- Marco!
- Thank god you're safe.
- Are you all right?
You came back.
Mama wants to sell our home.
She's inside packing.
What are we going to do?
Mama, mama, mama.
It must stop.
It must stop!
An offer of compensation
has been made.
Your mother wants you
to accept it
and put an end
to all this fighting.
You're asking me
to forgive them.
Would my father
have forgiven them?
Look out the window.
Mama, get down.
Come on!
Oh, Marco.
What can I do?
- I need your help. They're after me.
- Who?
Is that fazio with them?
Go in the attic.
Come on. Hurry up.
- Yes?
- May I come in?
- Do I have a choice?
- No, lady, you don't.
Where's the kid?
What makes you think he's here?
Hey, lady, it would be a shame
to burn this house down.
He's not up here.
You can take my horse.
It's in the barn.
Come on, what did you do?
Marco, I-- Marco.
Marco, I--
I am--
Fazio. Fazio.
I loved your father.
I loved--
I loved...
Your father.
I tell you as a friend, William,
the public has grown restless
over this wave of investigations.
I think they call it.
And you've become a focus
of public attention.
I've handled investigations before.
I can do it again.
Possibly. The past is
always a sure thing.
Good shot.
We've reached a point
where principle
must be compromised
in the name
of good business sense.
Do I make myself understood?
And once this little problem
of yours is solved,
I see no reason why we cannot
resume our former relationship.
- Is it working?
- It's better than that.
I think that it's worked.
- It's wonderful.
- Mm-hmm.
Marco, Marco.
They're offering
real terms this time.
Berrigan himself is
coming here to meet you.
- Sit down.
- This is a trap.
Trust them, they cut
off our cannolis.
Just hear me out. Now they're
willing to pay reparations
to put your father's place
back exactly the way it was.
The way it was?
Now as far as the meeting goes,
I'll be there as a
guarantor of good faith.
It'll be the two of us,
Berrigan and his lawyers.
Good faith and a bullet
in the back of the neck.
Look, if you come to terms,
there will be no
reprisals from Berrigan.
And I have insisted
that no charges are filed
against any of you.
I insisted upon that.
Marco, you've won the war.
Tell them I'll be there.
That's just a precaution.
I gave them my word
that you'd be unarmed.
Everything's clean,
Mr. Berrigan.
These two gentlemen, they're
Mr. Berrigan's lawyers,
the ones I told you about.
All right.
There's no point
in wasting time.
What are your terms?
Give us back the land.
All right, it's yours.
We'll make that exception.
You give him back his farm.
We'll find a way around it.
- What else?
- Not only my land,
the land of the others
you stole.
Stole? We paid
for that land in gold.
You asked
for my terms.
This is outrageous!
You said he was
a reasonable man.
Is there anything else
while you're at it?
I want the man
who murdered my father.
All right.
If that's what you want.
what the hell are you doing?
This, sir, is a complete
violation of our terms.
There will be no rep--
- Against the wall.
- Come on, move it.
Put him in the wagon, McLain.
Good shot, sheriff.
My pleasure.
It's McLain.
Mr. Berrigan.
Sheriff, just what do you
people think you're doing?
Getting your town back, Riggs,
that's what we're doing.
Put those guns away.
Put 'em away now.
Our guns are put away.
You're all a pack of fools.