Blossom (2023) Movie Script

- Jaden!
- Mom!
- Jaden.
- Mom!
You all right baby?
I'm fine, sorry.
That's the third
nightmare this week.
The masked man took Jaden.
So it was the same man?
Well, babe, I don't
know what to do, man.
Cause it's getting worse.
I had my son taken from me.
It doesn't get better.
You mean our son?
Okay, I was messed
up about it too.
We got him back.
You were out of town?
Yeah, I was out of town,
working, so I can provide
all of this for you.
I forgot I'm supposed
to thank you.
Risse, babe.
Risse, come on.
You know that's
not what I meant.
It's what you said.
Good night.
In this upscale area of Phoenix,
the FBI is investigating
a bank robbery
and the subsequent murders
of the bank vice
president and his wife.
We've just learned from sources
that both husband and wife
have been brutally murdered.
Husband and wife.
That's scary.
Probably some drugs involved.
You know, some money
laundering and shit.
Some freaky sex
games or something.
People just don't get
killed randomly, baby.
You don't know that.
Yeah, I do.
It's called karma.
You get what you
got coming to you.
I don't believe in karma.
Anyway, the food's ready.
When you come late to the table,
the kids think
they can do it too.
What's up, baby?
Give me like five more minutes,
plus I'm here trying to
look good for you anyway.
You want me to stop, why
don't you come gimme a kiss?
No, you'll taste sweaty.
Sweat tastes good.
Where is everybody?
Watch this.
Allie, breakfast
is on the table.
Five more minutes.
The food is hot now
and I asked you not to
come outside in your bra.
Mom, it's a workout top.
And who's gonna see me?
I see you and I'm
asking you to change.
Jaden, why do you
insist on these games?
It's fun.
Fire truck.
- Ooh ooh ooh.
- Oh, crap, not again.
Ooh ooh ooh ooh.
Ooh ooh ooh ooh.
Ooh ooh ooh ooh.
Oh, yeah.
We could have a nice morning
if I didn't have to
chase everybody around.
It's disrespectful.
Baby, nobody's
disrespecting you.
Ooh ooh ooh ooh.
Jaden, stop.
Come on, relax.
You just having fun, ain't
that right little man.
He can have fun and
still listen to me.
Jaden, all right,
that's enough, man.
Come on, eat your waffles.
Oh my God.
Every day.
Come on, we're gonna be late
and I can't get another tardy.
I'm coming, we'll
make it.
You are not wearing
that to school.
You're ridiculous.
You make us move out here.
I never see my friends,
and now I can't even wear this.
Your mouth is
getting ridiculous.
I'm the mother here.
You're not even my real mom.
Like it or not, I've been
your mother since you were two.
You wanna hide from life,
that is your problem.
It's not mine.
I, I'm walking to the garage
and this masked man,
he jumps into the car
and takes off with Jaden.
That's that vulnerability.
Fear of strange places,
fear of strangers.
And I'm tired of it.
I always feel so scattered
after these dreams.
Allie yelled at me.
Why did she yell at you?
She had a half shirt on.
I told her to change it.
She said, I made them
move from the city.
She made it a point to tell
me that I'm not her real mom.
She's 16 years old.
Most girls that age are
always raging at their moms.
I've been her mom for 14 years.
She knows that.
And so do you.
To never know her biological
mom, it hurts her.
Yeah, I know.
Still it's like a
knife in my chest
when she says I'm
not her real mom.
She's a teenager.
She wants to hurt you.
So what about Walt?
The sex?
He's busy.
Everything's fine.
Is it?
What does everyone want from me?
I had my son taken from me
and I am dealing with
that the best I can.
That was six years ago,
and you got him back.
Are you saying my fear has
a statute of limitations?
No, I'm not.
What I'm saying is we have
to work on letting go.
You know this.
Letting go.
My son was stolen from me.
I'm not letting
that happen again.
So if people think I'm too
intense, then so be it.
Hi Clarisse.
I'm back.
You know, you have support here.
I know.
- See you later.
- Yeah.
Morning, Doris.
Good morning, Clarisse.
This is Lauren.
Welcome Lauren.
Hey Clarisse.
Thanks for doing
all of this for us.
Of course.
So I was just
explaining to Lauren
about our
confidentiality policy,
how we're not
allowed to let anyone
know that she's actually here.
However, we do recommend
that you let the authorities
know about these incidents.
No, no cops.
I just need things to calm down.
You know,
my man is a good guy.
It's just he was upset and.
Shit, you know, he just
gotta, he has his moments.
No, that's your prerogative.
We're only gonna talk
about the options
that we have available to you.
Doris, we have a situation.
We need you.
Oh God, okay.
She just, she just
barged in yelling for help.
I saw the blood.
So I came to get you guys.
- Call an ambulance.
- No.
No doctors.
No Cops, he'll,.
He'll find me that way.
Sandy, Get me the first aid kit.
Oh God.
I'm so sorry about all
the blood on the floor.
The floor can be washed.
We need to get you cleaned up.
I punched my hand
through the window
to smash his fucking
face in and I,
goddammit, I missed.
Where's that first aid kit?
Coming, I have it.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
God, it's gonna sting.
Hold still.
do you think I could maybe
stay here a little while?
Of course.
This is your safe place.
This is home.
I've always wanted a home.
And we'll keep
the boogeyman away.
Yeah, right.
What's so funny?
My guy would kick
the boogie man's ass.
Feel better.
I feel safe.
Cuts and bruises, I'm used to.
Apparently, you and
me sing the same song.
My name's Clarisse,
and today's topic is hope.
Cherry, why don't you
introduce yourself
and tell us, if
you care to share,
the situation that
brought you here.
I'm Cherry Redvine.
My boyfriend Billy
calls me Blossom,
and I got lots of
reasons to be here.
Why are you here, Clarisse?
I'm the group facilitator.
Yeah, no shit.
I get that.
But do you have
problems with your man?
I've been married for 14 years.
Walt's great.
Oh, does Walt hit you or did he?
Did a old boyfriend used to?
Well, congratulations
on a normy husband
and a perfect life.
Just wow.
But if you don't have any
experience with bad boys,
then how the fuck are
you gonna help us?
Learned experience.
I'm completing my masters.
Oh, so we're test subjects.
Hey, can you just lay off?
Okay, Clarisse seems like
a really nice person.
I don't know why you're
giving her a crap, bitch.
Yeah, you heard me,
Yeah, bitch.
I wanna share too.
We all got issues.
What the, what the
fuck is going on?
Oh, okay.
Ladies, uhuh.
No names.
I mean,
don't you ever
wanna live a little?
Excuse me?
One man,
14 years of the same dick.
Now that is safe.
guys, be careful.
I met an interesting
woman today.
She was spunky,
kind of charming,
not like the others.
Haven't been able
to place her yet.
Baby, you're spunky.
Very charming.
Sexy as hell.
- Moi?
- Yeah.
Talking about you.
God dammit.
When are the
painters coming back?
Next week, baby,
they'll finish it.
Can we finish the sexy?
Next week.
When are things gonna get
back to normal around here?
Soon I hope.
I'm sorry for putting you
on the spot the other day.
I'm in a bad place.
Things will turn around.
Just like my daddy
always used to say.
Just keep looking
on the bright side.
There you go.
He was an alcoholic who
died of violent death.
So yeah, he was always looking
on the bright side of things.
I'm so sorry, Cherry.
Sometimes the people
closest to us,
they hurt us the most.
My daddy hurt us.
Beat my mom so bad once
she got blood on the brain,
she died a week later.
I'm so sorry.
Don't be.
Motherfucker went to prison, and
when he got out,
he got knifed right
outside of a bar.
That's karma for you.
Fucking monsters
deserve to be destroyed.
Yeah, but sometimes people
do have the capacity to change.
Yeah, and you didn't
fucking know him.
Do you have
something against me?
Yeah, actually I do.
I don't know.
Women like you annoy
the shit outta me.
Life is just, just
passing you by.
You're just coasting.
I mean, nothing is,
is, is challenging.
Okay, strong women
are not born with a silver
spoon in their mouth.
You don't know me like that.
Wanda needs to use the office.
Come on, Cherry, let's go.
This is fucking bullshit.
You let 'em kick you
out of your own office.
It's not my office.
I'm working on my
credential hours.
You let them
dictate who you are.
Who are you, Clarisse?
What are your secrets?
My secrets.
My son Jaden is
borderline autistic.
Six years ago I was coming
from the dry cleaners
and Jaden was in the back seat.
I went to take the clothes
inside of the car and
my SUV was jacked.
Just like that.
The next few hours
were terrifying.
Later that day,
they found my car and luckily
Jaden was still inside.
They never found the
man who took my baby.
You were traumatized?
Oh, I was a train wreck.
I couldn't be separated
from Allie or Jaden.
I still can't.
Then the nightmares started.
You still have those?
And this happened six years ago?
Six years ago.
My trauma happens fucking daily.
- Cherry.
- Fuck.
I'm not comparing my
trauma to your trauma.
Trauma is still trauma,
no matter the
perspective or privilege,
you have to be open to change.
You have to learn
to trust others.
from the moment I
met you, Clarisse,
I said to myself,
this person is gonna
be good for me.
Not everybody is out
to get you, Cherry.
Ditto, Clarisse.
You seem so distracted lately.
You know, you can
tell me anything.
You don't need to
worry about that.
You're late.
Got a new client,
so we went out for drinks.
I've asked you to call me
so I don't sit here worrying.
You know my mind races
when I don't hear from you.
I apologize.
You smell like beer
and perfume.
Baby, I was at the Highland.
I was crowded, okay.
I'm sorry.
I'll take a shower.
I thought about you today.
About us,
I just want you to know
I'm thinking about it.
I'm gonna, I'm gonna shower.
Don't move
or your fucking dead.
Shut up.
I slice your throat open
right here, you little bitch.
Now you tell Cherry
Billy says hello.
Hey, what happened?
He threatened me.
He was gonna cut me up.
Your Billy.
He's a fucking psycho.
He knows you're here.
He's gonna kill
you in your sleep.
He's evil.
He knows where I am?
Look, I'm,
I'm safer at home.
I, I gotta get outta here.
he's gonna kill you.
Cherry's gone.
Lauren left too.
What happened?
Cherry's boyfriend
threatened Lauren.
He said he was gonna kill her.
Billy found her?
We called the
sheriff right away.
She gave Doris this note.
Thanks for your help, Clarisse.
I'll miss you.
Your friend, Cherry.
Hey, you really connected
with her, Clarisse.
That's all we can really do.
Babe, what's wrong?
I can see you shaking.
The girl,
Cherry that I was helping,
she left the shelter.
Why she leave?
I don't know.
It's complicated.
I mean, isn't this kind
of thing expected though?
The girl is unstable.
Baby, I mean, those
women are so traumatized.
Sure they have all types
of mental issues and stuff.
Cherry thanked me.
She said I helped her.
You did good, baby.
You brought some light
into this crazy world.
I really don't know anymore.
Come on.
Come on.
I need you to get ready.
I got that business
launching I told you about.
All my wealthiest clients
are gonna be there, baby.
It's gonna be very
important for us.
So, come on, I need you.
Give me a minute.
Get ready though.
So how do I look?
I bet she won't go.
Don't say that 'cause
she's really doing good.
Look, Mom, I can
do the crabwalk.
No, Jaden, don't.
You're all right, baby?
I don't wanna go.
No, babe.
You can just go get
another pair of shoes.
I don't have another pair
of shoes to match this dress.
Mom, I have shoes.
They're not my style.
I don't wanna go.
No, no, no, baby, just
go get another dress.
Kids, can you give
your dad and I a second?
I already told you how
important this is for us.
Okay, look, I need
you by my side.
We don't even have a babysitter.
Allie's 16.
She can handle it.
Jaden's a handful.
You can go.
Please, just be understanding.
I've been fucking understanding.
All right.
And I've been patient.
I'm sick of this shit.
I am not helping anybody,
and I'm not getting better.
I am actually scared.
And what are you scared of?
Every damn thing.
My family has no faith in me.
You know, I'm supposed
to be the strong one,
but I'm the one who
needs all the babying.
Clarisse, you're putting
way too much
pressure on yourself.
You're a mother, you're a
wife, you're a therapist.
You are enough.
Actually, I'm not.
I'm not.
Walt is uh,
Walt's going to leave me.
I bailed on his business
lunch a few hours ago.
Why did you bail?
Like I said, I am
scared of everything.
My heel broke.
We had no babysitter.
I panicked.
Walt loves you,
no matter how difficult it
is to navigate this trauma,
Walt loves you.
You know that.
Some nights he comes home
smelling like
alcohol and perfume.
He says he's networking,
but I'm not stupid.
I know there's someone,
but I can't confront him.
What if he leaves?
All right, try and
look at this big picture.
You're afraid Walt
is going to leave,
yet by being weak, you
are pushing him away.
Assertiveness is a very
attractive state, Clarisse.
You have to find the
warrior within you.
I can't.
Yes, you can.
We have to find something
in you to make that happen.
Hey, you forgot your backpack.
Give me back my phone, jerk.
Jaden not in the parking lot.
I'll kill you.
He's just teasing you.
She's gotta crush on Jami.
Okay, enough, both of you.
Hey, Jaden, what's on your shoe?
There you go.
Why don't you kiss her.
I'll kill him.
He's just a kid.
Everything seems funny to him.
All right, I'll
see you guys later.
Excuse me, sir.
I'm desperate to scrap
together some funds
for a bus trip home.
I really don't need much.
Hey, Clarisse.
Funny running into you
at my place of business.
How are you doing?
Who's this?
This is my friend, Cherry.
Cherry, this is my
daughter, Allie.
And that's Jaden over there.
Hey guys.
See you got a feisty one here.
God, I'm, I'm so embarrassed
that you had to see me begging.
You could have asked me.
You wanna be my sugar daddy?
I, I'm really just trying
the scrape together
a hundred bucks for a bus ticket
to go back to Mississippi.
That's where my sister lives.
Mom, come on, let's go.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you for trying to help.
Take it.
- Here.
- No.
Keep it.
I will mail you the
money back, I promise.
Thank you.
Bye, bye guys.
Oh man.
You're so silly.
- Oh boy.
- This looks good.
Gimme one.
I want a piece.
So guess what.
I got a B on my math test
and Mr. Reeves said
if I keep it up,
I'll be in advanced
placement classes next year.
A B?
I thought you said you
studied for that test.
I did.
Not enough, you can do better.
Come on.
I think advanced placement will
be good for you young lady.
You know, another
challenge, right?
Mom gave a hobo a hundred bucks.
What, what?
She's not a hobo and that's
not a good word to use.
She's struggling.
- Huh?
- Yeah.
A struggling hobo.
Allie, stop it.
Let's say grace.
All right, when,
Lord, thank you for our food.
Thank you for our family
and for our blessings, Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
It was Cherry.
You mean the woman
from the shelter?
She has a sister in Mississippi.
She wants to go there
for a fresh start.
I guess it was nice that
you was able to help her
with some cash then, right?
I wish I could do more.
She seems like she has
a ton of potential.
Mom, she was manipulating you.
She's a user and
she got your money.
Allie no.
No, you have to
learn to trust people
and see their good sides.
If they have a good side.
Don't do your mama like that.
Hey, excuse me, sir.
Look, I'm desperate
for a bus ticket.
I, I, I really, I just.
Hey, just help a girl out.
Are you kidding?
Look at me.
Come on.
Just look at, a little.
Come on, fuck.
Hey Blossom.
You miss me?
I missed you,
You're never going
to get away from me.
can I talk to you for a second?
Yes, Walt?
I can't do this anymore.
No one will ever know.
Trust me.
I do trust you.
Amy, you're amazing.
I just, I can't do this anymore.
But it's our secret.
I promise.
It's wrong.
I'm a married man.
You were married
when this started.
Do you want me to
tell her about us?
If you feel that's
what you need to do, Amy,
you go right ahead.
But my wife is going through
a very difficult time,
and what we're doing,
I'm only making it worse.
So if you feel you need
to tell her, you do that,
I just hope we can still
make it through counseling.
I don't wanna hurt you, Walt.
I don't wanna hurt you either.
You really think I'm amazing?
You know I do.
He's fast, right?
Can you help me?
Oh my gosh, come on.
Thank you.
She's bleeding.
Jaden, get the bandages.
Yes, bandages.
- Take it easy.
- Yeah.
Oh my God.
I'm so sorry, Clarisse.
I had know where else to go.
We've gotta get
you to a hospital.
No, he'll find me there.
Did he follow you here?
No, I ran.
God, he's gonna kill me.
I have nowhere else to go.
I, I asked that waitress.
She knew where you lived.
Don't worry, I'll
take care of you, okay?
You're the only one who cares.
Here mom.
Thank you, honey.
Go play in your room, okay?
She'll be fine, honey.
Oh god.
Jaden, honey, can
you get my phone?
Hey, mom, I'm in the ER.
- What?
- I fell at practice.
Oh my God, are you okay?
No, I'm fine.
Can you come and get me?
That, that was Allie.
She fell a gymnastics.
She's at the hospital.
I've gotta go.
Oh, okay.
Can, can I help?
Jaden, where are you?
Jaden, mommy's gotta go.
Jaden, mommy has to go.
Whoa, Clarisse, calm down.
What's going on?
Jaden's hiding.
He loves to hide.
Oh, okay, well, I'll stay.
I won't let nothing
happen to him.
I don't know.
Have little faith.
He's a big boy.
I got you.
Jaden, mommy's gonna go.
Cherry's gonna stay.
Hey Jaden.
Jaden, Cherry.
We're in Allie's room.
You left Jaden here with
that homeless psycho?!
Uh uh.
Go fish.
I'm teaching Cherry go fish.
And I am cheating
like hell, heck.
I'm cheating like heck.
Thank you.
Allie, come say a proper hello.
Thanks for taking
care of my bro.
How's the eye, love?
Sorer than hell.
I mean, heck.
Well, you should really
put some ice on it.
It'll turn black and blue fast.
Trust me, I have a little
bit of experience with that,
but hey, we can heal together.
Sounds great.
Let's go.
You have such a
beautiful family.
So what's the deal with Allie?
Is she a stepdaughter?
She's adopted.
Walt had a short engagement
and she'd already had a baby.
Then she died in a car accident
and I've been Allie's
mother since she was two.
She is so lucky
to have you guys.
Yeah, she is.
But I'm sure that must be
tough on Allie too, though.
I'm gonna get my phone.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Is Allie all right?
Yeah, bad landing
during a back flip,
cut under her eye.
- She's okay.
- All right.
I'm right around the corner.
I'll be there soon.
I'll see you when you get here.
Hey, dad.
What's up, little man?
You know I was worried
about my princess, right?
Oh, yeah, I went to the ER.
This is Cherry.
She watched Jaden
while mom pick me up.
Thanks, Cherry.
Nice to meet you.
She beat me in go fish.
Yeah, it's nice to meet you too.
You must be the
king of the castle.
Cherry Redvine
at your service.
I'm Walt.
I've heard so many things.
Good things, I hope.
Where's your mother?
In the bedroom.
Excuse me.
You're early.
I was worried about Allie
and you too, of course.
See, you got some childcare
help out there, huh?
Yeah, that's Cherry.
She's great, isn't she?
Yeah, she's great.
She's beat the hell up.
Do you think that's
a good influence
for our kids to be around?
I think she's
having a rough time.
I think my help
might be the bump
she needs to rise above it.
But who did that to her face?
Do you think he's gonna
come in looking for her?
No, he didn't follow her here.
How would he know where we live?
She's in need.
So am I.
I need to do this.
I know everybody's hungry.
That's nice.
This is all so good.
Wow, so cool that Walt helps
you with dinner, Clarisse.
You're lucky.
Sounds like somebody
hit the mother load.
Let's say grace.
Uh, Can I?
Lord, above,
thank you for placing me
with this great family.
I have always wanted to
know what a home felt like.
now I know.
All right, I know
you want a biscuit.
- Give me the biscuits.
- Give them the biscuits.
- There you are.
- Thank you.
I'll take one of these.
Sorry to gush on grace.
Just look at me.
I have great food in front of me
and a great roof over my head,
and I get to share it
with such nice people.
Yes, you have to stay positive.
That's what I'm learning
from you, Clarisse.
Okay, baby.
What's up?
I need you to tell
me what the plan is
with your little charity case.
Her sister's in Mississippi.
I offered to take her
to the bus station,
but she doesn't want her
sister seeing her beat up.
Baby, that girl don't seem
much ashamed about anything.
These women are good at
hiding how much it hurts.
It's not just the physical pain.
It's emotional.
Okay, I understand.
But like I said, baby,
what is the plan?
She asks if we could put her
in a hotel until she heals.
Are you sure this girl
isn't manipulating you, baby?
When I am scared and
afraid to leave the house,
you tell me to talk
to my therapist.
But when I step out on my
shell and I help somebody,
you imply I'm being manipulated.
Baby, come on.
You know that's
not what I meant.
Where's Allie?
She's in the shower.
She said I could crash here.
She's a great kid to
everybody who's not her mom.
You know, Walt, he
thinks I'm weak.
Pisses me off.
I know you might
think I'm this wild,
uneducated woman, but I,
I know people.
And you,
you've got this
fire, this, this,
this fight inside
you and I, I see it.
You do?
I just wanna say I'm
sorry for everything.
Cherry's staying
with us for a week
until her eye clears up
and then I'm taking
her to the bus station.
You're an early riser.
Guys, come on breakfast.
Good luck, they never listen.
You sure about that?
Come on, man.
Wow, this looks good, Cherry.
And a healthy smoothie
for the man of the house.
Thank you.
Yeah, it looks great.
Okay, I retire.
Jaden, stop that, please.
Jaden, stop.
Don't show your mom disrespect.
She asked you to stop.
You guys should really
appreciate your mom.
She is an amazing woman
and she loves you all so much.
Now, let's eat.
I don't want anyone to be late.
Hey, let me call you right back.
Guess what?
I found Cherry.
Billy beat her up again
and she's staying with
us until she heals.
- He beat her up again?
- Yeah.
Wait, she's staying
with you at your house?
Mm, I don't know how I
feel about that, Clarisse.
You're dealing with a very
violent, dangerous man.
You're putting yourself
and your family in danger.
Are you saying I'm not capable
of taking care of my own family?
I'm not saying all of that.
What I'm saying is we all
know what Billy is capable of.
He choked Lauren.
Cherry is afraid and in need.
And I stepped up.
And I applaud that.
Okay, but that
still does not mean
that you opened up
your home to the girls.
I'm not you, Doris.
No, you're not, Clarisse.
And all the women here love you.
But that still does not mean
that you invite them
into your safe place.
What were you thinking?
You know what?
I quit.
I care about you.
Oh god, really.
Sheriff Clay.
Hi, Sheriff.
This is Doris,
the director of the
Willing Hill Shelter.
You actually came
by the other day
about the guy who choked
one of my residents.
Yes, of course.
How can I help you, Doris?
One of my employees,
her name is Clarisse Spencer.
She took in one of
our battered women.
The young lady's name
is Cherry Redvine.
Okay, and you think this,
her batterer might find this
Cherry in Mrs. Spencer's home?
He was the one that was
violent with my girls,
and he threatened
to kill Cherry.
I'm very concerned.
All right.
Putting her home
on my route now.
Thank you, Doris.
Oh, hi.
You're home early.
I just quit.
It's about time you
stood up for yourself.
Oh, it feels weird.
I shouldn't have done that.
It's irresponsible.
Once a good girl,
always a good girl.
That's who I am.
Yeah, but I mean
when is the last time
that you fuck the system?
Feels good, right?
A little.
Do people take advantage
of you, Clarisse?
Even though you always
do the right thing.
Then screw them.
Screw 'em.
Screw 'em.
Oh, yeah.
Well, you know, I
was just out here
trying to seduce all
these neighbors of yours.
What neighbors?
You are fearless.
I admire that.
You should try it,
with me.
You and I being
fearless together,
giving zero fucks.
Must be very liberating.
what are you most afraid of?
Losing my family.
You are not gonna
lose your family.
Say it.
I'm not going to lose my family.
The day that you
actually believe that,
you'll be free of that fear.
Thank you.
I'll work on that.
Well, the working starts today.
Go get a bikini and take
off your fucking top
and get in here.
I'll go get a bikini,
but I'm leaving my top on.
Baby steps.
- Baby steps.
- Baby steps.
I'll move this little
jet right here.
It feels so good.
How you doing Mrs. Spencer?
Sheriff Clay.
What brings you around here?
Doing my day's rounds.
Hope all is well around here.
Well everything is
peaceful, as you can see.
Indeed it is.
Have a good day.
No, but I mean
it, I mean, no one
has ever shown me
love like you before.
I, I, I really appreciate it.
You've had an effect on me too.
You know, just a
little bit more wine,
and I think you and I should
just go Thelma and Louise
on the whole fucking world.
- Oh.
- Fly over the edge.
What about my kids?
They can come.
Just nod it over the edge.
What are you doing?
I had some wine.
I went to the bedroom.
It was incredible.
That's great.
It's been a long time.
It's terrific.
This Cherry seems to be
a positive influence.
She's helping you
get past your fears.
Yeah, I got some
of my mojo back.
Not so many nightmares.
I don't feel so helpless.
Just be weary, all right.
When we base our happiness on
an emotion or another person,
we sometimes leave
ourself open to let down.
I know she'll be leaving.
- I do.
- Yeah.
Well, she may have
kickstarted the new you,
but this is you Clarisse.
I, I feel like I used to feel
back before Jaden
was taken from me.
This is you.
You did the work.
You made the progress.
Not her.
Remember that.
- Me.
- Yeah.
I'm reminding you
of the merger meeting
in Phoenix tomorrow.
You're on a plane tonight and
I booked you into a hotel.
I could meet you
there if you want.
Separate planes, of course.
Cancel my flight.
I'm going home to my wife.
Shit, Cherry.
I thought you were Clarisse.
I, I was just trying to.
She said that I could shower
while she went shopping.
Can I have a little
privacy, please?
So now I'm getting kicked
outta my own damn shower!
Put 'em on the counter.
Okay, mom.
What are you doing home?
Do you know, I just
walked in on that woman
in my shower.
- What?
- Yeah.
I thought she was you.
I think he was disappointed.
He was hoping to see you.
I was.
Well, I guess
everybody makes mistakes.
Cherry, can you take
the kids out for a sec
so that Walt and I can talk?
Yeah, sure.
Let me just throw on some
clothes and we'll take 'em out.
Hey guys, you wanna go play?
Come on, Jaden.
I know.
Can we just talk?
Baby, I'm serious.
I'm so embarrassed.
I really thought
she was you, okay?
I know, don't worry about that.
I actually need to talk to you
about something I did wrong.
I lied to you.
Well, I didn't lie.
I just didn't tell you
everything about Cherry.
Oh, okay.
She left the shelter
because of her boyfriend.
He choked another woman
there named Lauren, and
he threatened to
kill Cherry too.
Shit baby.
Why you didn't tell me
that in the first place.
I was making real strides there.
I thought if you knew how
dangerous the men were,
you wouldn't want me
working there anymore.
Wait, well, oh, hold on.
So you telling me
it's a crazy psychopath
killer after this woman
and she's been
staying in our house?
I'm sorry.
I apologize.
We've been doing better and
I don't want any secrets.
Well, I got something
I need to tell you too.
I was seeing somebody else,
but it's already over.
I broke it off, okay.
I swear to God.
I'm sorry baby.
And it means nothing.
I'm sorry.
You are sorry?
You're sorry.
Walt, what the fuck?!
Baby, it didn't mean anything.
It didn't mean anything?
Oh, it means something.
It means everything.
No, don't.
no, don't you touch me.
Don't you say anything to me.
I don't wanna see you.
You just go.
Walt, when I met you,
you were a grieving man
with an orphan baby.
I put this entire
family on my back.
How could you?
Oh my God.
Oh, you definitely won that one.
Where are you going?
I got a business thing.
See you.
We are gonna make
tater tots and hotdogs.
All right, come on Jaden.
Let's go, Allie.
Walt, he's cheating on me.
I'm sorry.
He said it's over,
but I can't trust him.
I mean, what the fuck?!
I chased him away.
But all my fears, all
my, I did, I did this.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Look, no marriage is perfect.
And he messed up.
I mean, he, he made a mistake,
a huge fucking mistake.
But, Clarisse,
that man he
loves you.
I can see it in his eyes.
I'm so,
I'm so mad right now.
But I don't want
the kids to know.
Not yet.
Oh God.
It's like my heart has been
ripped out of my chest,
my perfect life.
Look, I have been
hurt so many times,
but the pain is temporary.
I promise.
It makes you stronger.
You realize that
there is no one else.
But you know what, Clarisse,
you can be a beautiful
badass butterfly.
We just got a bust out of the...
you've been a bad girl.
You coming with me.
- Ah.
- Come on.
Come on, let's go.
Okay, okay.
Is he out there?
- Oh God.
- Are you okay?
Uh huh.
This is Clarisse Spencer.
There's an armed man
outside my house.
I'm gonna kill him.
Oh my God.
Cherry, the gun
isn't even loaded.
Oh no, he's going to the back.
The sheriff will be here soon.
Not soon enough.
Blossom, gimme that knife.
No, no.
Why you up in my business?
I called the police.
Blossom, you coming with me.
Unless you plan on
killing both of us,
you get the fuck
out of my house.
I'm coming back for you, bitch.
And you,
next time you try to stop me,
I will kill you.
I am so sorry.
No one should be that
afraid of another person.
Mrs. Spencer.
Someone broke into my house.
Are they still inside?
No, he left.
Very good, good.
Okay, do me a favor,
go back inside.
I'm gonna clear area, be
in and talk to you, okay.
Two alpha five to dispatch.
Show me out on scene
with the subject.
I advise on further.
It took him 15
minutes to get here.
Better late than never.
Was that your old boyfriend?
Learn from my
mistakes, become a nun.
Men are not worth it.
He's gone.
Gone for good?
Yes, I promise.
Good 'cause
I thought my heart
was gonna explode.
Mine too, baby, mine too.
All clear.
Everybody okay?
Did you know this person?
No, never saw him before.
He looked like a transient.
You seen him before?
I, I'm new here.
And you are ma'am?
She's my cousin,
Sam from Miami.
This number is my direct line.
You got a problem, you call.
Evening ladies, kids.
Look, he won't be back.
Billy is scared
shitless of cops.
He didn't seem scared.
I'm giving you
some of my clothes
so you look presentable when
you get to your sisters.
I cannot thank you enough
for everything
you've done for me.
Why does Cherry have to leave?
Cherry usually doesn't
stay places too long.
A change will do her good.
It, it did you good, right?
Yeah it did.
I am so sorry, Clarisse.
Don't, don't
apologize for him.
No, I'm apologizing for me.
I'm so sorry for bringing you
into all this, all this shit.
all this.
And I was being sincere
when I said I appreciated
you giving me a home.
Because honest to God,
I have never had one before.
It was nice.
It was really nice.
Thank you.
I will wait for you in the car.
Excuse me, sir.
- Hey.
- Hey.
What's up?
I'm taking Cherry
to the bus station.
Maybe you can come by for
lunch and we can talk then.
Okay, yeah, that sounds great.
- Dad.
- Dad!
I missed you too.
The sheriff came.
Yeah, Cherry's gangster
boyfriend just showed up.
Whatever, it's over.
We just took her
to the bus station.
Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold on, what?
Are you okay?
I am fine.
I will tell you later.
So you're fine?
It's a long story.
Let's eat.
Then mom was like Gandalf and
said, "You shall not enter".
You're stupid.
We got mom, with hos gangsta.
I'm so proud of her.
I just feel awful for Cherry.
She must be devastated.
It might be good for you.
What the fuck?
You scream,
I'll kill you.
Please, please don't hurt me.
I'll do anything.
You forget I was even here.
This wasn't me, this
was your boyfriend Walt.
He angry when you ended this.
You bring up my
name, you're dead.
Just listen to me, please.
I am,
I'm 100% committed to us,
to you.
And if I gotta get counseling
or therapy or whatever it takes,
I'm willing to do that baby.
I'm willing to do
whatever you need.
I am exhausted, Walt.
First the thing with
Cherry and Billy,
then you,
I don't know what I need.
Okay, okay.
It doesn't matter
'cause we're gonna
figure it out together.
All right.
Who the hell is that?
Walt, don't answer it.
It's Cherry.
Knock, knock motherfuckers.
I'm sorry, Clarisse.
It's nothing personal.
Now move it.
- Hey.
- Move!
We going to your vault, Walt.
It's Saturday.
The vault is
closed, you asshole.
No shit.
That's why we going today.
All right, just
leave my family out of this.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
You kids stay the fuck calm.
I put a bullet in your mama.
Don't want y'all growing
up like Auntie Blossom
without no mama now.
You kids sit by your mama.
Come here, baby.
Your kids can handle this.
You need to let them go.
Calm your fucking family, man.
If you hurt my
family, I will kill you.
If you want everyone to live,
you will calm everyone
the fuck down.
All right, all right, all right.
Everybody relax, okay.
I'll do whatever you want.
Yeah, you is.
Or you going be sorry.
What's the matter, football
stud ain't gonna fight back?
You shut the fuck up,
or uncle Billy's got
cut out your tongues.
Okay, it's gonna be okay.
Trust me.
You have to trust me.
Hey, just get the
money and fucking go.
Enough of these games.
You don't fucking tell
me what to do, bitch.
Everyone stay quiet, okay.
You're gonna take this tape
and you're gonna tie your
kids' hands behind their back.
Got it?
Come on.
Come on.
We on a schedule.
Tell your family goodbye.
I love you.
I'm sorry.
- I'm so sorry.
- Shut up!
Let's move.
Move, up!
Come on man.
Don't get any ideas.
In the car!
Amy's a fighter.
You lucky dog.
What the fuck, man?
What you bring her into
this shit for, huh?
Unhappy husband
has a girlfriend.
Unhappy at work robs
his own business.
Wants to skip town.
Man, ain't nobody gonna
believe that shit, man.
It's a diversion, Walt.
They don't have to.
By the time they figure
out it wasn't you,
we halfway out the country.
All right, all,
all right, all right.
I'll do whatever you say.
Or else your wife,
your kids and your
girlfriend gonna be dead.
All right, man.
Just get the gun outta my face.
All right, look,
in and out.
No problems.
I taught you how
to play go fish.
Everyone keep their mouths shut.
To get paid.
Why us?
Oh yeah.
We got to you through Walt.
Yeah, because we knew
how vulnerable you are.
I was.
You know what,
I actually kind of
liked you, Clarisse.
I mean, no one had ever
cared for me before
quite like you,
so, you know, it almost
made me think twice
about doing all of this.
But you know, gotta eat.
You can have the money.
All of it.
Just let us go, please.
We are getting the
money, with or without you.
You're an asshole.
That's right.
Give me attitude, give me
lip and I will cut you up.
Do you understand?
You leave them alone.
You are not in charge anymore.
Now remember, no games.
If I hear any screams,
I will make you bleed.
- What?
- What?
The knife.
Uh huh.
What the hell?
What the?
You bitch.
Be cool.
Back on the property on 76.
Gentlemen, Sheriff Clay,
licensed and
registration please.
Allie, go hide.
Oh shit.
Open the trunk.
Help me.
Oh shit.
Holy shit
He moving?
I don't think so.
Where's that bitch?
I don't fucking know.
Go on.
Wheres' your knife at?
If I had it, I'd do it myself.
Jesus Christ, I can't tear
this shit with my hands...
I'm gonna kill you, Clarisse.
- Billy.
- Goddamn bitch.
don't leave me.
What did you do with my money?
If you shoot me,
you have no idea where
I hid the money, right?
Where is it?
Show me Walt and I'll
give you the money.
Let's go!
Oh my God, Walt!
Where is my money?
Give me the keys so you
can't drive away with him.
You goddamn bitch,
gimme my money.
Give me the keys first.
Come on, get.
Were my money?
It's in the toy chest.
I'll get it myself.
Give me the goddamn money.
You are not going to shoot me.
Try me.
Give me that.
Allie, get out of here.
Don't move.
Billy was gonna kill
me if I didn't do this.
But, I,
I meant everything
that I said to you.
No one has ever
cared for me before.
No one has ever given me a home.
And it is,
it really meant something to me.
It didn't stop you
from trying to kill
my family for money.
you can still help me.
I'm not in the Cherry
business anymore.
Nothing personal.
Oh my God, Walt!
- The fuck!
- Mom!
Give me my goddamn gun.
You let my daughter go.
Give me the gun,
the keys,
or I slice her ass up.
You lose.
I know.
Come on.
You know I can buy
you that bus ticket.
Let's eat.
Don't want anyone to be late.
You have to stay positive.
That's what I'm learning
from you, Clarisse.
Can we get a welcome
for Christina?
- Hi.
- Welcome.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Christina, why don't
you intro yourself
and tell us a little bit
about why you're here.
It's Chris, eh?
- Okay.
- And why I got to share?
You gonna make me?
You trying to embarrass me
in front of everybody, right?
Who the hell are you
to tell me what to do?
I am Clarisse Spencer
and I just had a man and a woman
try to kill me and my family.
And I fought back
and I protected mine.
So either you sit your
ass down and participate
or I will carry you
out of here myself.
As I said,
welcome to our group.
Today we're going
to talk about hope.
Why don't you tell us how
we can bring some hope
back into your life?
Can you feel it
Bigger than the sky
Can you feel it
See it in my eyes
I see oceans
inside your eyes
I see oceans
I see oceans
Can you feel it
Bigger than the sky
Can you feel it
Working on it
We're working on it
We're working on it
We're working on it
I see oceans
inside your eyes
I see oceans
I see oceans
Working on it
We're working on it
Working on it
We're working on it
Working on it
We're working on it
I see oceans
inside your eyes
I see oceans
I see oceans
inside your eyes
I see oceans
I see oceans
I see oceans
I see oceans