Blowing Wild (1953) Movie Script

Good morning, mister.
- What do you want?
- You haven't struck oil yet, senor.
What's it to you?
I only wish to tell you
it's dangerous.
- Why?
- They blow up many wells.
Oh, I see.
Perhaps the mister wants to prevent
bandits from blowing up this well?
That'd be pretty hard to do.
We have no guns.
- You don't need a gun.
- We also have no money.
Not even some money?
Some little kind of money?
Can't you get some?
You got no friends?
- Who told you to dig here?
- I bought a lease.
Then you have money and I want it!
Every cent we got's in this well.
We'll find out.
Next time, be sure to have money.
- I don't get it.
- Well, they didn't shoot us, anyway.
Why'd they have to do it to us?
We scrape every nickel to sink
this well and now look at it!
Ain't nothing left.
Just nothing.
There's still oil here and
we're going to dig it out!
How? What with? Where
are we gonna get drill pipe, and new rig?
Where? Where?
We'll get us a job,
save up and try again.
I'm sick and tired of trying.
If it ain't floods or tornadoes,
it's salt water or bandits.
I'm just plain tired!
- It's a long walk back to town.
Let's go. - I ain't going!
# Once we lived in a shack
# Drilled for oil
# Precious black gold
Nothing seems to have changed much.
Boy, Jeff, I'm really starving.
You'll get used to it.
Well, I might,
but my ulcer won't.
That doctor in Arabia told me to
always keep something on my stomach.
- That was five years ago.
- I feel like I ain't ate since.
Got an opening for a driller
and derrick man?
Can't you read?
Oh. We'll take anything -
roustabout, ditch digger - anything.
Production's been cut.
Too much trouble from bandits.
Come on, Dutch.
Where were they when we needed 'em?
You heard the man. We're not the
only oil company out of business.
Let's go back to the States, Dutch.
It'll be easier to raise a bankroll.
Great! How do we get there?
I'll see what I can do.
I beg your pardon,
but you're British, aren't you?
Oh, brother, am I glad!
Come here, I want to talk to you.
- I've got a problem.
- Yeah?
- Where are you going?
- New Orleans.
What a break!
- For you or me?
- For both of us if you'd be a sport.
- I'm listening.
- They let wives travel half fare.
You tell 'em I'm your wife
and buy my ticket for me.
- OK.
- Thanks, you're a pal.
- What are you waiting for?
- The money.
Oh. Well, you see,
that's my problem.
Nice to make your acquaintance.
I'll pay you back as soon as
we get there. That's a promise.
You've got to help me.
I'm in a spot.
Well, all right, just try to act
like a wife. But keep quiet, huh?
Tomorrow, ten o'clock.
- What's the fare to New Orleans?
- $150.
Sounds fair enough.
I have a lease on some oil land.
I'll leave it as security
on two tickets and a half fare.
See this?
- Oil leases.
- But mine's legitimate.
These are all legitimate
and worthless. Sorry.
But my wife is sick. You wouldn't
leave a woman stranded here?
I said sorry.
I sure can pick 'em.
Stick around. You might
run into an Englishman.
Hey, mister. You got the price
of a meal for a fellow American?
Hey, mister. You got the price
of a meal for a fellow American?
- Give it back.
- Aw, Jeff...!
Wait. You guys looking for work?
- Why didn't I think of that?
- What you're offering?
- You know how to handle explosives?
- Sure, what kind?
- Nitro.
- Let's go.
- What's the pay?
- 200 bucks for the trip.
$200 for carrying soup?
Not interested.
Jeff, we don't want
to haul no soup.
- How far is the run?
- Four hours.
- What kind of road?
- Smooth as glass.
Yeah, I know. Where there IS a road.
Refrigerated truck?
The guy I'm contracting for is
a small operator. No refrigerators.
All right. 500 dollars a man.
- Aw, come on, that's too much.
- OK, drive it out yourself.
Wait a minute. 400 bucks a man.
- It's a deal.
- Jeff, wait.
That stuff blows at 160 degrees,
we don't know the road..
- When are we leaving?
- Five o'clock tomorrow morning,
before the sun gets high.
Meet me here.
- What about a little advance?
- Yeah, a little eating money.
Sure, I'll give you an advance...
then I'll never see you again.
If you don't lose your nerve,
I'll see you tomorrow morning.
Oh, boy!
Listen to those ulcers growl.
Sounds like I got
a Great Dane in there.
Wish one'd come by.
I could eat it.
- Shut up and go to sleep.
- I can't sleep on an empty stomach.
I'm going to walk around.
Feels better when I'm moving.
Don't get into trouble.
Hold real still, mister.
All I want is the price of a meal.
All right, all right, let go!
Jeff! Help!
Help! Jeff! Jeff!
- Paco!
- Jeffrey, boy!
Paco?! Am I glad to see you!
- I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you.
- Pick on somebody your own size!
- What are you doing, tearing into
Paco? - I was hungry!
You need money?
Why didn't you come to me?
- Here.
- Brother, are you loaded!
Dutch got an instinct
for that stuff.
I wouldn't be too sure. Lucky
for you I didn't have to use this.
I didn't know you were
in these parts!
We just got in.
- Where are you staying?
- Well...
- Come to the hotel,
I'll get you a room. - No, thanks...
You're not going to make me
use this? Come on!
Come on.
Excuse me, fellas,
I see an old pal over here.
Hey! Come on upstairs to my suite.
We'll get a drink
and you can say hello to Marina.
Your wife here?
Just for the day.
She gets restless at home.
She sure will be surprised
to see you.
It's getting late.
Maybe she's asleep.
No, no. She can't go to sleep,
till I kiss her goodnight. Come on.
Where are you, honey?
I bet she's taking a bath.
She loves sitting in the tub.
Marina? Oh! Hiya, sweetheart.
- Brawling again?
- A friendly scrap.
Hand me my negligee.
Hey, this is new.
Must've cost plenty.
I'm not complaining, angel.
You're entitled.
- You smell like a gutter.
- That's where I been.
Hey, guess who I brought up here.
Jeff Dawson! I sure missed that guy.
It was great to see him again.
Come on out and say hello, huh?
She'll be out in a second.
I used to think married guys
were suckers. I still think so.
But there's only one Marina
and I got her...
I never can find anything!
Is that stuff or is that stuff?
Nice to see you again.
Been a long time.
- Hello, Marina.
- Honey, I can't find the tequila!
What would I do without you?
Come on, Jeff, pull up a chair.
We'll kill the bottle
and have some laughs.
Stick around and laugh, Jeff!
Where'd you go when you
left here?
All over. Guatemala, Venezuela...
What happened in Venezuela?
Everything went sky-high, including
the equipment and four creditors.
I was out of the country
before it came down.
Then I spotted in a new rig
near here.
I was on top of the prettiest
anticline you ever saw.
- Anticline but no showings, eh?
- Plenty.
But banditos showed up
before the pay sand.
Bourbon neat, as I remember.
You'll never get smart -
always wildcatting.
Quit and settle down!
I like finding oil,
not watching it pump.
You used to be that way. Remember
Texas? We sold out in six months.
That was before Marina.
She keeps it interesting here.
You were a sucker to walk out.
You had half.
Now I've got three sections,
money rolling in.
I'm opening a new section.
Throw in with me.
- If we bring it in, you get a piece.
- Sorry, Paco, I can't.
- Why not?
- Yes, why not?
Same reason as before.
Why'd you run out on me?
What'd I do?
Nothing. I just had another lease
I thought looked pretty good.
There must have been
some other reason.
- He's back now.
- Just when I need him the most.
I'm worried about those
banditos, too. Jeff...
Forget it. I better find Dutch.
We got a job to do tomorrow.
Don't go, Jeff!
Just when I find you again!
- He really needs you.
- Good night, Marina.
Good night.
That well the bandits blew up -
you still got the lease?
- Yeah, why?
- Just asking.
Don't disappear again.
Let's keep in touch.
Ah, he's a great guy!
Funny how all the dames
used to go for him!
What's funny about it?
The dames I mean...
they were nothing like you!
You smell like an animal.
- And you act like one.
- And you love it.
Like I always say, it's always
darkest just before the dawn.
You got to have faith.
We was both starving. I bump into
an old pal and you bump into me.
Eat something, honey.
You been pampering
that ulcer long enough.
- That's my first dr...
- Go to bed.
I need you sober tomorrow.
Can I finish my dinner,
or do I have to go to bed, too?
Jeff, meet this nice little girl.
I bought her dinner.
- She's from my home town.
- Mmm-hmm?
We've met. For a few seconds once,
we were even married.
Huh? I don't get it.
I'd better finish my drink.
When that hot sun hits you tomorrow,
you'll explode before the nitro.
Nitro? Ain't Paco
going to give us a job?
- Don't ask questions.
- OK.
When you get back to Tulsa,
look up my Aunt Martha.
Tell her what a big oil man I am.
Hey, mister...
If you ever get to Tulsa,
look up my parents.
If you think I'm lying,
I'll give you their address.
I hope you get there
before I do.
If you don't mind,
I'll finish my dinner.
Easy, now.
Easy, boys, easy.
Just easy. That's it.
Make sure all them lines
are good and tight.
You wouldn't like to buy a fella
a nice cold bottle of beer?
No, I guess you wouldn't.
- How's it look?
- It's got some springs, anyhow.
Are those containers full to the brim?
I don't want it slopping around.
- Right to the brim.
- Double-check everything, Dutch.
I don't like to get near
to that stuff, but I'll do it.
Here's your permit
to transport explosives.
It'll get you by the police.
- And the bandits?
- For them... you got this.
You know what one bullet in that
box of nitro will do to your truck?
- I just rent it.
- You're renting me, too.
- When do I get paid?
- After you make the run.
Look, you can understand.
Supposing you get blown up
with the money on you.
It'll be a loss
to everybody - you, me.
Besides, you got no place
to spend it till you get back.
We're all set,
I'm sorry to say.
- I'll be seeing you.
- Sure.
Better get in, Dutch. I'll drive.
Jeff, start out real easy.
Take your fingers out of your ears.
If it goes, you won't hear it.
Take it easy, Jeff, will you?
Oh, boy, it's sure hot!
Jeff, that stuff's ready
to boil over.
It'll be over in an hour,
one way or the other.
Don't say that!
It's my duty to tell you that
there are bandits around here.
That settles it.
We go back to town.
- You're stopping us from going on?
- No, but I advise you against it.
Thanks for the warning.
- How much further?
- We ought to be about on top of it.
- I don't see no rig.
- Just watch the road for bumps.
Stop the truck!
Let's get outta here! Stop!
Sit down! The only chance we've got
is to keep moving.
Hey! They got us blocked!
You drive!
This joint's dull.
I know a place down the street
where we can have a lot of fun.
Well! Where'd you come from?
I heard you got shot.
I'm sorry to disappoint you.
Pay me.
Oh, yes. $800, wasn't it?
I don't have it on me,
but I'll go to the bank first thing.
- Emilio?
- Yes, Mr Jackson?
Fix up my friend with anything
he wants. Put it on my bill.
- OK?
- But...
- Now, where were we?
- What was it he did for you?
- He ran a load of nitro. Why?
- That's pretty dangerous, isn't it?
- A man can get killed.
- Then he ought to get paid.
He will. What's the matter
with you?
You might ask him why
he has those boat tickets.
- What boat?
- Oh, I...
And you might also enquire
about the $2,500 in his wallet.
- You little...!
- Let's see the wallet.
- I don't have $2,500.
- Let's see the wallet.
She's lying! I'll show you.
There's nothing in that wallet.
When your boyfriend wakes up,
he can pay the check.
Women! All they give me
is trouble.
He's my pal. He can lick
anybody, except me.
Come on. Up!
Hey, Mr Jackson!
What do you know! 2,500 bucks!
"Haven't got a cent on me" he says.
"Have to go to the bank tomorrow. "
One ticket on the boat that leaves
tomorrow at nine.
- One ticket?
- That's all there is.
That no good so-and-so!
Hit him again for me.
Hold this under his nose.
That'll bring him to.
- What'll you have?
- A polite thank you.
You've got it.
Why did you do it?
I've been made a chump of myself.
I hate to see it happen to anybody else.
- How'd you get stuck in this place?
- You wouldn't believe it.
A couple of days ago, I was on
a big yacht. Twelve in the crew.
- Just you and the crew?
- There was an owner.
- Let's hear about him.
- And his older sister.
When we docked here,
he wanted to send his sister home,
but I couldn't break up the family.
- So, I came ashore.
- You expect me to swallow that?
- You don't believe anything!
- Here.
You've got the wrong idea.
That won't buy you anything.
I don't have to buy anything.
But you need a ticket out of here.
I usually get there,
one way or another.
Try it with a ticket this time.
Excuse me.
I'm Inspector Ramirez.
I believe you took some money
from this man.
He owed it to me.
These gentlemen
are creditors of Mr Jackson.
Excuse the trouble,
but you have to give me back $800.
I almost got killed earning
that 800 bucks.
My partner's in the hospital
with a bullet wound.
I am very sorry.
The money, please.
- Can't we split the difference?
- There is no difference to split.
You are $200 short. Why?
- I spent it.
- Oh!
I am sure it was spent well, senor.
I guess you want it back now, huh?
I think it was spent well, too.
I like you. What's your name?
- Jeff Dawson. What's yours?
- Sal Donley, but you won't remember.
I won't have to.
That ship leaves at nine tomorrow.
- Night.
- Night.
You'd better pour this
back in the bottle.
Hey! You still throw
a nice left hook.
You can't live
on left hooks, though.
My offer's still open.
You really got no choice,
Jeffrey boy. Hmm?
It'll be just like old times, huh?
If I could get my south field
into shape, I'd triple production.
- What's the trouble? Bandits?
- No, I'm too close to town.
My big trouble is Henderson,
the field boss. He's a stiff.
- Lazy?
- No, stupid.
This well - I call it
Marina number seven -
he snapped off three sections
of drill pipe. I had to bypass.
That's him.
- Come on, pick up those couplings!
- You want to roll 'em home?
- Hey, Henderson!
- Yes, Mr Conway.
That's no way to talk to those boys.
Was I hired to be polite
or to be a field boss?
Sometimes I wonder.
This is Mr Dawson.
I'm going to take a look at the rig.
Hey, Jeff! Come here a second.
- How does it look?
- You had a showing about 1,200.
How do you know that?
- This core shows a fine formation.
- No kidding?
Let's see.
"Red shale, quartzite, limestone. "
You ought to hit a well about 3,200.
- What do you use, a crystal ball?
- No, he just uses his head!
What do you think?
I don't like popping off
about another man's rig.
Go ahead. I think I can stand it!
Too much weight on your bit -
the hole's crooked.
That picture compass is off.
Not the picture compass,
the feel of the rig!
I've said the same thing
a dozen times!
You're hitting hard rock
and shearing off! You're fired!
You can't fire me,
I got a contract.
I got news for you - I broke it.
- We're pulling pipe!
- Just a minute, Conway!
- Get your dirty paws off of me.
- Sure.
I've been waiting to do that
a long time.
She likes to see me fight -
when I win.
Throw water on him, pack him
to town and give him his fare.
I'll be back
by the time you get it pulled.
We'll be at the house, baby!
- I'll race you to the house!
- 500 bucks says we'll beat you there.
- You got a bet!
- Get in, Jeff!
Hold on, Jeff!
You'd break your neck
for 500 bucks!
How do you like it? Not bad, huh?
- Lot of changes since your day.
- Pay me.
- I'm good for it!
- The money's better.
She's tough!
Recognise this?
Marina number one. This is
the baby that started it all.
He built the house near it, so he
could hear it pumping at night.
- Helps him sleep.
- And keeps her awake!
Let me know how YOU sleep.
Your house is over there.
- Get some drinks, baby.
- I better get settled.
Wait. Henderson ain't out yet.
You don't have to flatten him, too!
Lot of changes, huh, Jeff?
How do you like it, huh?
Everything made by hand.
- You got Jeff's drink ready?
- Uh-huh.
- A little early for me to drink.
- That's not very neighbourly.
- I just work here.
- Let's drink!
It's not like drinking with the boss.
You're friends.
We're brothers!
- That makes me a big sister.
- So I have to drink?
While you're living so close,
why be formal?
Marina's only trying
to make you feel at home. Relax!
- Looks like Jeff has forgotten how.
- Show him how nice you can be.
- Shall I dance for the gentleman?
- Don't she slaughter you?
Marina was always
quite the comedienne.
On our honeymoon, the door
to our train compartment got jammed.
We couldn't open it
for 500 miles!
- Shut up!
- Don't interrupt.
- I don't wanna hear it.
- Maybe Jeff does!
I can imagine the rest.
Go on, you tell the rest.
I want to hear it.
All right. I'll tell him
how the trip ended.
He gave me these.
Hey! That cost me
I told you she was tough!
Never argue with her, you can't win.
Where you going, honey?
I like fighting with you!
What's the matter, honey?
Did I do something? What'd I do?
Come on, open up, honey!
Marina! Aw, Marina!
What's the matter, honey.
Why'd you get mad, honey?
Marina! Marina!
- Go right in. Make yourself at home.
- Thanks. No hard feelings?
I should say not. You did me
a favour. This was no job for a man.
Doesn't look like you're going to do
much work either.
Say what you mean.
- Find out for yourself.
- I still don't get you.
If Mrs Conway comes to say goodbye,
tell her she could've saved the walk.
Why would she say goodbye to you?
# Once we lived
# In a shack
# Drilled for oil
# Precious black
# Gold
It's open!
Find what you're looking for?
Take a good look.
Get on your feet.
- I just want to make your bed.
- Is that what you do? Make beds?
Too bad you had to came back.
We might have gone on without ever
seeing each other again.
But I'm not sorry.
Let me see,
why did you leave here?
You have a good memory,
why was it? Oh, yes, yes...
You thought you found oil
someplace else, that's why.
You were running away
from something. Me.
You thought you were falling in love
with me so you pulled up stakes.
That's not the reason
and you know it.
Were you surprised
I married Paco?
Why not? He's rich and
he isn't ashamed of loving me.
He gives me everything I want.
Look at me when I talk to you!
I ought to be ashamed of loving you.
You're nothing!
Oh, yes, you always had some
crummy oil lease in your hip pocket!
I ask myself,
what do I see in you?
Maybe it's time for me
to take a good look.
You've tried to wipe me off before.
You never could.
Maybe I never tried hard enough.
- Why do you always fight me?
- You have a husband.
You could've been my husband.
Why aren't you?
Because you're no good, Marina.
- You're just no good.
- I know. I wasn't always this way.
With you it was different.
You brought out everything decent
in me. I wanted to be decent.
When you walked out,
you stole my chance.
Now that you're back,
it's as though you'd never left.
I'm not staying
one day longer than I have to.
I wouldn't be here now
if Dutch weren't in the hospital.
I made a deal with Paco.
As soon as I bring in
the south field, I'm pulling out.
No, you're not!
Not this time.
We've said goodbye
for the last time.
- Why do you hound me?
- You're hounding yourself.
- I don't want to talk about it.
- All right.
Don't make the bed.
I'm not staying tonight.
- Where are you going?
- To town.
- What's in town?
- I'll find out.
# Marina, mine
# Set me free
# Free from black gold
# Our love never can be
Must be quite a view
out that window.
Quit stalling. Tell me about it
if you want to.
- About what?
- About her.
What you're going to do
about Marina.
- I knew it the minute you came in.
- Knew what?
That you was thinking of running out.
Just give me a hand with this leg.
- Lay down!
- Then go on without me.
The look that's on your face,
I say get out while you can.
You talk too much.
I'm not saying half
what I'm thinking.
- What does that mean?
- I thought it was all over.
You know an awful lot
for somebody lying here!
This is Dutch, remember?
I was around long before Marina...
when there was just
you and me and Paco.
Are you reminding me
that Paco's my friend?
I don't have to tell you that, Jeff.
Good night.
- You got a room?
- Yeah, just register.
I'm glad you came in, Mr Dawson,
A young lady just gave me
your name as a reference.
- As what? Which young lady?
- That one.
She said you'd vouch
for her honesty.
Nice of you to have come
to my debut.
I hear I'm responsible for it. Didn't
know you could deal blackjack.
I can't. Manager's only interested
in how I look.
Why weren't you on that boat?
I didn't know there was a law
I had to get out of town.
There's no law
I had to give you $200, either.
Here's your money!
- Save it for the next boat.
- I'm not ready to leave.
- You've got a great future here!
- Don't tell me how to live.
- I've got an investment in you.
- Take it back!
- Why are you avoiding me?
- I'm busy.
You're always busy, all month!
- You can't wait to get out of here.
- That's right.
- Why do you hate me?
- I don't.
Then why don't I ever see you?
Answer me!
- The men are looking at you.
- I don't care! I don't care!
# Can this girl love me back?
# Love me more, more than black
# Gold?
# I was cought in her web
# Just like the spider
captures the fly
# And I knew, what is more
# I must leave, leave her or die
# Marina, mine
# Set me free
# Free from black gold
# Blowing wild
# Blowing wild! #
How're you doing?
Still in cap rock
but we'll get through.
- You said that three bits ago.
- It's not exactly custard pudding.
- All right, pick her up.
- Hold it!
- What's the trouble?
- You promised me oil at 3,200.
- So wait till I get there.
- Gonna speed it up for you.
Peter, Miguel, get a torpedo out.
Nitro? This well doesn't need that.
I'll bring it in for you.
Let's do it my way this time.
- It's your party.
- I got my reasons.
Bring it in here! Easy, boys.
Pack it down good.
Plenty of mud on top.
Set it for 6am tomorrow.
How do you know
it'll stay put that long?
Jeff, let me worry...
Paco! They're over there!
I don't get it.
They could've blown up the well.
They didn't come for that. They're
reminding me to keep an appointment.
I didn't know you heard from 'em.
I didn't figure they'd come
this close to town.
This is why I'm using nitro.
I've got to find out quick if
there's anything worth fighting for.
You coming to the house?
I better take a look
at the men they shot.
Next time, they'll mean business.
It's not possible to expect
troops from the north.
- You must hold on.
- With what?
Do as the other companies -
close down, give rifles to every man.
They'll blow me up.
I've got a right to protection!
I will do everything possible.
- Mrs Conway should stay in town.
- Yeah, maybe you should.
I'm staying here.
- Jeff, how bad was that man hurt?
- He's dead.
- Maybe you should go into town.
- I'm not running away!
Pedro! Saddle up
a couple of fresh horses.
What are you going to do?
We're going to keep
that appointment.
- I see your face before.
- You killed one of my men.
- Are you Mr Conway?
- I'm Conway.
You shut up.
I need money.
Plenty of money
to buy guns and dynamite.
But I still got plans to blow up
your wells. All 18 wells.
You have 18 wells, huh?
Is not true?
I know everything.
I look through big glasses.
How much do you want?
You're a wise man.
You love your oil wells very much.
What will you pay to conserve them?
- Tell him you'll think it over.
- Tell him what I'll do to you.
How much it worth for you if I have
not blow up your well?
Not a peso.
I don't like that answer.
Be careful and not answer
the same way.
You have 18 wells.
I want $1,000 for each well.
Total - $50,000.
I don't know how to add.
$50,000 tonight.
You will bring it here in gold.
Remember, I want gold.
Take your guns with you.
I don't want you to be robbed
when you bring my money.
When are you going to speak?
I'm hungry. Come on,
let's get something.
She's never around when you
want her! Come on out the kitchen.
Go ahead. What are you waiting for?
Where's the bottle opener?
I can't find nothing!
I got 100 grand in this house.
I can't even open a bottle!
- Where is everybody?
- They ran away. They're scared.
What are you shaking about?
That stinking bandit
wants 50,000 bucks!
- What do you say, Jeff?
- What are you asking him for?
- Ask me, not him!
- I'd like to hear his opinion!
- What do you say, Jeff?
- I know what he'll say.
"Don't pay. Fight!
Get the wells blown up. "
- Maybe get killed.
- That's right.
It's easy for him.
He's got nothing to lose.
My whole life is wrapped up here!
I don't want it shot from under me.
It wasn't shot from under you
in Nicaragua, and you know why.
Once you start paying,
you can't stop.
He'll let you alone
for 50,000, but for how long?
That he didn't say.
Pay him once,
next time he'll want double.
Can't live with a snake by feeding
him honey. You got to kill him.
We load up a truck with nitro,
drive it into their hide-out.
Blast them off the earth.
Kill them all.
Us, too. Some idea! It stinks.
You're yellow!
You want to fight 'em? You know
where the gun room is! Go ahead!
Why not?
We need a little excitement.
You're going soft,
sitting round pumping oil.
And those pumps drive me nuts!
If we had a shooting,
maybe I'd get some sleep.
I got a bandit on my back
and what am I surrounded with?
A lousy hero and a crazy wife!
- Where are you going?
- To town.
You don't need me
to make up your mind.
- Where does he go in town?
- Who cares? Dutch, somebody.
- Who else does he see?
- Some dame.
Blackjack dealer at the hotel.
What's it to you?
Marina No7 she's blowing wild.
- She's ready to pour the nitro.
- Jeff, where 're you going?
I'll grab the ice truck.
See you there.
- You made your well, like you said.
- Did you get the torpedo out?
It's too late.
Clear the rig! Hurry up!
The nitro catches this gas,
this whole formation will go!
There's nothing
we can do about it.
- We might catch the torpedo.
- Are you kidding? Hurry up!
Come on, Jeff!
Come on, Jeff!
- What are you doing?
- If you think you can catch it,
...I'll help. Bueno?
- Bueno!
Cool it off and then pull the fuse!
Peter, come on!
Jeff! Jeff!
D'you burn yourself badly?
Peter! Miguel!
Crazy thing to do!
Give me a hand,
let's get him in the car.
You're crazy, Jeff! Plum crazy!
You must like fooling with nitro!
Lucky for me I was here. I've been
pressing my luck too far with you.
All right, Dutchy, all right.
This guy's gonna get himself killed
one of these days!
And when he does, he won't be
enough for a decent burial.
OK, Dutch, OK!
- When are you getting out of here?
- I'm scared to get out of here!
Hanging around with you
is dangerous.
- What'd you have to do it for?
- Because I couldn't.
Now I got no guts.
You're the guy who first pulled
that hot nitro stunt in California.
That was a long time ago.
I'll be seeing you.
What's the matter with Paco?
What's happened to him?
Go on back to bed.
I got to go after him.
Paco! Paco!
Jeff, you're all right?
- You're not hurt?
- I'm fine.
When I heard you're in the hospital,
I didn't know what I'd do.
- You shouldn't have come here.
- I was worrying sick.
Start worrying about your husband.
Go home, Marina.
Don't you understand?
I can't! I love you!
- You're the only man I ever loved.
- I've heard those words before.
And from you, years ago, on another
street in another country.
- Only the music was different.
- I was different, too.
I didn't realise what
you meant to me!
You said that, too.
That time I believed you.
It was true - and it was true
when I married Paco!
I only did it because
you wouldn't have me!
There was a time when I would've,
but you left me waiting.
- Then you DID wait! - Too long
and through too many others.
- This time I've waited for you.
- You've got Paco.
Paco! He looks strong,
but I know what he is!
When I knew him, he was strong.
I don't want to see him fall apart.
Let him fall apart!
Jeff, take me away with you!
I can't stand it here another minute.
Take me away with you.
Now, tonight!
Good evening, Mrs Conway.
Mrs Conway's key.
I'm going back to the field.
Have my car sent around.
Good evening.
That's a pretty big bet.
I'm Marina Conway.
I'd like to ask you a question,
- I'd appreciate a frank answer.
- Certainly, Mrs Conway.
Is Jeff Dawson in love with you?
- I'm in love with him.
- That's not what I asked.
- I can't answer for him.
- You could if he loved you.
You've told me
what I want to know.
Mrs Conway...
he's not in love with you.
Not any more.
- He tell you that?
- He didn't have to.
You're a liar, a cheap little liar.
What can he see in you?
I'll ask him next time.
There won't be many more
next times. Remember that.
Your car is here, Mrs Conway.
Shut up, everybody! Quiet!
We have a visitor.
A distinguished visitor,
Mr Jeff Dawson. A real hero!
He catches hot nitro
with his bare hands.
Jeffrey, I love you like a brother.
Come on, have a drink.
Rosalito! Paco!
It's late.
You haven't got much time.
What are you going to do
about the banditos?
Wouldn't you like to know!
I'm not going to tell you.
First, I'm going to tell you
something else.
Listen, everybody!
This man works for me.
But he's the boss. You know
why he's the boss? I'll tell you.
Paco, let's go.
He's the boss because my wife
is in love with him.
She thought I didn't know.
I always knew
there was some other guy,
but I didn't know who
till you come back.
She's in love with you.
But I married her and I got her.
It's a joke.
It's a joke!
I want everybody to laugh!
I know what you thought
about the bandit.
You thought I was going to pay him.
I'm not. I'm going to fight him.
You sure that's not
whiskey talking?
No. It's me.
Me, Paco Conway talking!
I'm going to fight him!
I'm going to fight him!
You're not coming.
I don't need you.
- Let me drive you.
- Get away! And stay away!
Stay away!
Come here.
I just left Jeff. He's not coming
back and there's nothing you can do.
He's gone.
So that leaves just you and me
and this here pump.
I can't stop you from loving him.
And you can't stop me
from loving you.
This is what started it all.
Marina number one. I wanted oil.
When it started pumping,
you wanted me.
Now I want it to stop pumping.
Stop pumping!
It's no use - I can't stop it.
I guess that's the way
it's got to be, Marina.
Just you and me and the pump, baby.
Come here.
When I tell you
to come here, come here.
- What's the matter?
- It's Paco, over there.
I was watching from the veranda...
He drove up and started
to shoot at the beam.
He stumbled and fell
and before I could do anything...
Oh, Jeff, I...!
I think I'm going to be sick.
Give each man
Post lookouts for banditos.
A sad accident. A pity.
I am very sorry
I could not bring more men.
When he attacks, we have guns.
Please, tell Mrs Conway to hurry.
Mount that machine gun.
Car's ready to take you to town.
You'd better get started.
You may not be safe here soon.
You've been very kind.
Much kinder than I deserve.
This may not be the time, Jeff...
but now that I'm alone,
you know what I want to say.
Yes, I do, and don't say it.
- I have a right to now. So have you.
- I'm leaving here as soon as I can.
Leaving here?! Why?!
Oh, I don't believe it!
You actually mean it!
No, Jeff! Don't go! I'm desperate!
I need you! Help me! Help me!
I'm sorry for you,
but I can't help you.
You mean you won't!
You don't want to! Why?
- This time I'm helping myself.
- That's not the reason, you know it.
Is it that girl?
No, you're not in love with her!
Now that I hear you say it,
I think I am.
You belong with me
and you're going to stay with me.
You're wrong.
I'm not going to let you
walk out on me!
We've got everything
we ever wanted.
Money, this and each other!
What more do you want?
Something you can never give.
It's not your fault
but you never had it to give.
- What can she do for you? What?!
- Nothing. But I can trust her.
I'm not going to let you go.
I can't, not after what I've done!
What have you done, Marina?
What have you done, Marina?
I committed murder
to get you! Murder!
You killed Paco?!
I did it for you!
Don't you understand?
- I did it for you!
- You killed Paco! You killed him!
Makes me sick to even look at you.
You'll never get away from me!
I'll never let you go!
I'll say I killed him
and you helped me!
I don't care if they hang me
just so they hang you, too!
No! No!