Bob The Builder: Adventures In Bobland Bay (2009) Movie Script

MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
Scoop, Muck and Dizzy and Roley, too
Lofty and Wendy join the crew
Bob and the gang have so much fun
Working together
they get the job done
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
Pilchard and Bird, Travis and Spud
Playing together
like good friends should
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
-Shush! Someone's still asleep.
(CHUCKLES) Time I woke him.
(YAWNING) Morning already?
-Oh! It was great sharing your shelter.
-No problem, Bob.
But it's not like being in your own bed.
I'm a bit stiff.
(LAUGHS) Don't worry!
What we're building today'll fix that.
-Really? What?
-Your new house!
-What? But...
-No, Bob.
It's time you had your own house.
Oh, yeah. I bet it'll be really special.
What sort of house
are we going to build?
-A wooden one?
-A brick one?
DIZZY: Or a straw-bale one?
(LAUGHING) Oh! I don't know!
Let's have a look
at the others you've built.
Gosh! There are so many!
Yeah! A hill house, a flat-pack house,
a log cabin.
We've done those.
Bob should have a new kind of house.
-Scoop's right.
-I can't think what it should be.
But you're the greatest builder
in the world!
-You've always had loads of ideas.
-I suppose I do.
I know! What about a Bob House?
Whoa! That's a brilliant idea.
Yeah, 'cause they're different every time.
It's how you put the pieces together.
What a great idea!
I should have thought of that.
Look at this list of pieces
and choose what you want.
BOB: There are lots of different bits.
-Come on, Bob! What's first?
It's hard to decide!
We could start with the foundation
until Bob's chosen.
-Good idea, Lofty!
-SCOOP: Let's go!
I'd better start with some walls.
But, which kind?
What if they had really big windows?
-So lots of light comes in.
-Good idea! Big windows'll be great.
What about a nice, big veranda
at the front?
Good idea. Hadn't thought of that.
You could have steps that lead up to it,
on the outside.
Then you could go up
when your boots are muddy
-without going through the house.
You have got so many good ideas!
I haven't even had one.
Come on, you lot. Let's get all the bits.
-Will you need me?
-We'll be all right.
You stay here and carry on
designing your dream home.
Gosh! It's going to be
a big house, isn't it?
-It's gonna be the best house ever!
-Can we build it?
-ALL: Yes, we can!
Oh! Haha! Yes, I think so!
-Oh! It looks great, team.
-I'm glad you like it.
You've had some brilliant ideas!
-I wish I could've had an idea as good.
-You can choose the roof.
I ought to be able to do that, eh?
Uh... Um...
I know! If the roof's wide,
the bits that hang over'll make shade.
-Here, and here!
-Oh, great idea.
Put glass walls on the sides,
to make greenhouses.
Brilliant! And the walls
could slide in and out.
So they can open when it's hot.
Gosh! I wish I'd thought of that.
You could have a sliding bit in the roof.
To let light in.
Yes! If the gutters stuck out a bit,
here and here,
-then rainwater could fall down.
-Into a pond! You could have fish!
Or a stream, running right round.
Like a moat! With special water plants.
It looks incredible.
I couldn't have thought of that.
Now, we'll need this piece,
and this one here.
-What do you think?
-It's the most amazing house ever!
-It's not bad, is it?
-I'm really lucky.
I'd never get anything done
without you lot!
I just wish I'd had some of the ideas.
-That bit was my idea.
-This bit was mine.
-I thought of that part.
We had some brilliant ideas!
I must have some more ideas.
Maybe if I take a look round the valley.
Seeing those homes must have helped.
I designed them,
but can't think of anything.
I wish I could come up with one idea.
It's a shame
you can't see them all the time.
Yes! That would be good.
You'd have to be everywhere at once.
-How could you do that?
-I don't know!
-Oh! Of course. Yes!
-What's that, Bob?
-Have you had an idea?
A couple of these here,
and one there.
Let's get started!
Oh, my! This was the best idea yet.
This tower's wonderful.
I wouldn't have thought of it
without remembering
what we've all done together.
I can look at it whenever I want!
-WENDY: Everyone's ideas put together.
It's not who has the ideas.
Being a team is important.
I'm part of the best building team ever!
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
Scoop, Muck and Dizzy and Roley, too
Lofty and Wendy join the crew
Bob and the gang have so much fun
Working together
they get the job done
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
Pilchard and Bird, Travis and Spud
Playing together
like good friends should
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
-Come on. Bedtime.
-A bit longer. It's a beautiful night.
I had trouble removing Bobbie
from that telescope.
-It's the same with you.
-It's so exciting.
Tomorrow night
there'll be a comet.
-A comet?
-A beautiful light. High in the sky!
-Oh, yes. They're very rare.
-They certainly are.
Astronomy Today says
this one comes round
-only once every 400,000 years!
We can stay up tomorrow
and watch it.
I've a better idea!
Me and Bobby have a plan.
-What's a comet?
-Here's a picture of one!
-Rock and roll!
It's small! Just a little dot.
Because it's far away in the sky.
-This is what it looks like close up.
-ALL: Oh!
Will we see it close up?
Yes! We're building an observatory.
-An observatory?
A building with a telescope inside.
Show them how it will work, Dot.
-Do you see that rabbit?
-He's really far away!
-Try this.
-He looks really close now!
That's what a telescope does!
It makes something far away look close.
Wait till we use
Bobbie's telescope.
That comet may look like a dot,
but we'll get a close look at it!
Come on, team!
DIZZY: We'll see a comet up close!
Whoo-hoo! It'll be amazing.
But what if Bob's observatory
isn't ready?
(LAUGHING) It'll be ready! Come on!
-Oh, no!
-What's wrong?
The designs for the observatory.
Good, aren't they?
The telescope's inside.
-At night, we look up at the comet.
-But the door! It's too little for me.
-How will I get inside?
-I've thought of that!
I'll connect this screen
to the telescope.
Whatever we see
through the telescope,
you'll see on the screen outside.
Oh, yes. But, erm...
Can you go fetch some extra crates?
Okay, Bob.
-Can we build it?
-ALL: Yes, we can!
Yes, rabbits,
we're going to watch on a screen.
-But what if the screen's not big enough?
What if there's not enough room?
What if everyone else can see,
but not me?
Can I see the comet
without the telescope?
I don't think so.
The comet's far away.
Only a telescope
can make it look close.
Oh! I could get close to it! But how?
Ooh! That's how! The mountain!
I'll go up the mountain
and be high in the sky!
-Thanks, rabbits!
Bob, it's getting dark.
Is the comet coming soon?
Yes! Let's put this telescope
together, Dad.
I've got a mountain to climb!
Ooh, the comet! Bob's dad was right.
Just a dot. I'd better get climbing!
Comet, comet, in the sky
You are very, very high
You are shiny, you are bright
Up there with the stars at night
Comet, comet, in the sky
You are very, very high
-We better get that screen up.
-But where is it?
-Lofty was meant to be fetching it.
-Anyone seen Lofty?
Phew! Now I can see the comet
nice and close.
Oh, no! It's still just a dot!
Ooh! Oh! Oh! Oh, help! I'm stuck!
Here's the crate the screen's in.
But where's Lofty?
Let's follow them, Bobby.
They might lead us to Lofty.
Lofty, what are you doing?
You should never
climb mountains alone.
I thought if I was as high as the sky,
I'd see the comet big.
Things look closer
the closer you are,
and we are closer to the comet here,
but the comet is very far away.
Even if you went up
the highest mountain,
the comet wouldn't look big.
You could've seen it
from the observatory.
I was worried I couldn't
see the screen.
The others would have
made room for you,
-just like you'd have for them.
-Oh, dear.
No one will see the comet
unless we hurry.
-You left the screen in the yard.
-Oh, no!
Come on, let's get it.
Everything's in focus, Son!
ALL: Ooh!
-Can everyone see?
-LOFTY: Yes!
We're all sharing the screen.
I've something else I want to share.
-My comet song.
-Comet song?
Oh, lovely, Lofty!
Comet, comet, in the sky
You are very, very high
But you're here for us to see
Thanks to Bob's observatory
Comet, comet, in the sky
You are very, very high
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
Scoop, Muck and Dizzy and Roley, too
Lofty and Wendy join the crew
Bob and the gang have so much fun
Working together
they get the job done
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
Pilchard and Bird, Travis and Spud
Playing together
like good friends should
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
We're putting up
solar panels today.
The light'll keep going
even if there's a power cut.
Right. The solar power in the battery
is ready for emergencies.
Where's Mr. Bell, the lighthouse keeper?
I need your help!
The door's stuck and I need to get in.
The hinges have rusted.
I'll need some tools.
The bulb's gone.
I need a new one by tonight,
so ships can see the rocks.
If I could just get up some other way.
There's a new machine
who'd be perfect for the job.
He ought to be here any minute.
Which way do I go?
I mustn't be late on my first day!
Sorry, Scoop, you're not tall enough.
Take this. You can check the bulb with it.
It's not the bulb. That's the lens around it.
-The lens?
-That makes the light bright.
Not any more. It's shattered!
Hello! Is this Bob the Builder's yard?
It is, and you must be Flex!
That's me! I'm glad I'm here.
I got lost.
I'm Lofty. You've got an arm.
Haha! Like me.
Yeah, I have. It goes up high
and I've got a basket.
I can carry people and things.
(LAUGHS) That's really clever!
-Yeah, Flex!
-Thank you! Haha!
I was worried
what you'd think of me.
-Flex! There you are!
-Are you Bob the Builder?
Yes! We've been waiting for you.
The lens in the glass bit is broken.
Broken? 'Cause I was late?
It isn't broken
'cause you were late!
Just wear and tear.
We've ordered a new one.
-I'll go and get it!
But it's easier if Packer goes.
-It's waiting to be collected.
-Right! Fetch and deliver!
-Lofty can load it onto your flatbed.
-Oh. So, there's nothing for me to do?
You could go,
to learn your way around.
Yes! I don't want to get lost again
and mess up like today.
The solar panels for the lighthouse
are going on frames.
Here's the plan.
-They point towards the sun?
-That's it.
I'm off to make the frames. See you later!
PACKER: It looks really delicate.
Yes. I'm glad I'm not carrying it.
I'll carry it. I don't mind.
All right. If you really want to.
Yeah, I really do! Load me up.
Ducking down, swinging round,
reaching for the sky.
My clever, flexible arm
can go everywhere!
Great! But the lens looks
wobbly in your basket.
It's safe,
and I'm giving Packer a break.
You probably carry things all day.
Yeah. But it's my job, man!
Not today! 'Cause I'm helping!
-Right! We're on our way...
-ALL: To Bobland Bay!
Flex, don't drop the lens!
I haven't dropped it yet,
so I won't now.
No, but you'll get it stuck
-Up a tree!
-Oh, no! What have I done?
My second accident today!
I just wanted to be part of the team.
-Bob'll understand, Flex.
-How can he?
My silly flexible arm's
made me mess up.
-Where do you want this battery?
-Over there.
We'll attach it to the wall
to store all the power.
I wonder where Flex and the others are.
While we're waiting,
let's get those panels up.
-Can we fit them?
-ALL: Yes, we can.
Uh, yeah, I think so! Haha!
Where's that lens?
I must fit it before it gets dark.
-Packer! Have you got the lens?
-Er, no, Bob.
Flex was carrying it...
Flex was carrying it?
-How on earth did that happen?
-It's a long story.
Tell me later.
Now we'd better get it down.
Lofty, you'll have to lift me up.
Look at Bob's team all working together.
They don't need a machine like me.
Gosh, Flex got it stuck really deep.
'Cause of his clever flexible arm!
Huh! My silly flexible arm.
Of course! I wish he was here now.
His flexy arm would get this out.
-Here I am!
Bob, I'm sorry! I'll help you get it down.
Great! I've been looking forward
to trying you out.
Right a bit, and now up a touch.
Now left a bit. And stop!
Now we'll need your hook, Lofty.
Okay. Now lift it slowly.
(CHUCKLING) We worked
really well together, Flex!
It's a shame we won't get
another chance, after all my mess-ups.
I think I'll just go.
Don't be silly!
What you did then was amazing.
-Very clever.
We'll have a million uses for you.
-Of course!
Yippee! Thanks, Bob!
Let's get this to the lighthouse.
Then I've an important job for you.
My new lighthouse lens! Hooray!
With Flex,
we'll have it fitted in no time.
That's it! You can get inside again.
I'll just go and flick the switch.
ALL: Hooray!
BOB: Well done.
WENDY: Good work.
Oh, yes! That was fantastic, Flex.
I'm sorry I couldn't do
the carrying and lifting.
But that's it, Flex.
Being part of a team
means doing what you're best at.
And letting everyone else
do what they're best at.
Lofty's the best at lifting.
I'm the best at carrying.
And you're the best at...
Doing the clever flexy arm stuff!
That makes you
a fantastic part of my team!
ALL: Fantastic Flex!
Fantastic Flex!
(LAUGHS) Ducking down,
swinging round, reaching for the sky.
My clever flexible arm can go anywhere!
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
Scoop, Muck and Dizzy and Roley, too
Lofty and Wendy join the crew
Bob and the gang have so much fun
Working together
they get the job done
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
Pilchard and Bird, Travis and Spud
Playing together
like good friends should
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
I'm Mucky Muck, the muckiest machine,
and Bob don't mind.
Haha! Clean as a whistle, Bristle!
That's me!
Today's job is going to be really special.
I like the special ones.
We're putting the finishing touches
to the promenade.
I thought it was finished.
Nearly, but tonight is the grand opening,
and guess what?
-ALL: What?
-We're putting up illuminations
and Mayor Bentley is switching them on!
ALL: Wow!
Rock and roll!
What are illuminations?
They're lots of bright coloured lights.
Bob's getting them ready.
Doh! This is like doing
Christmas tree lights.
(CHUCKLES) Only bigger!
I'd recognise that sound anywhere.
Haha! Right on time.
Hello! I'm Bristle, the clean-as-a-whistle
cleaning machine!
-ALL: Wow!
-Pleased to meet you!
Your brushes are brilliant!
Thanks. I've got squirters, too. Look!
Ooh! Haha! Haha!
BRISTLE: You are a mucky machine.
I'll have my work cut out!
(LAUGHING) I make things all mucky.
And you get them all clean again.
-Does that mean I'm part of the team?
Bobland Bay needs
a machine to keep it clean!
You can rely on me.
I'll have it clean as a whistle.
-Haha! Right, Bob.
Come on.
We've a big day ahead of us.
BOB: I'll get the illuminations ready.
(CLEARS THROAT) It gives me pleasure
to declare Bobland Bay's...
Oh, no, what is it again?
''Bobland Bay's Promenade Illuminations.''
Bit of a mouthful. Let's try that again.
It gives me pleasure to declare
Bobland Bay's Prominations...
(SIGHS) I need a cup of tea.
Ahhh! There's something magical
about the seaside.
It smells fresh and salty.
Is this the sand you want us to move?
Yes. As soon as the promenade's clear,
Bob will lay out the illuminations,
ready to put them up.
(WHISTLES) Spick and span!
That's the way, little birdie.
Make it clean as a whistle!
Clean as a whistle!
Things keep going missing?
That is strange, Wendy.
Sounds like you could do
with an extra pair of hands.
And an extra trowel. I'm on my way.
-Everything all right?
-Wendy says things keep disappearing.
We'd better go and see what's going on.
It gives me pleasure
in declaring Bobbleland...
Where on earth is Bobbleland?
Get a grip, Bernard.
How's the speech coming along?
Having a bit of bother with me bobbles!
Oh, dear, time for a cup of tea.
Could you?
Painting or pointing, Wendy?
Painting. This time,
I won't let this tin out of my sight.
The sooner we get finished,
the sooner we'll get
these illuminations up.
-Oh, not the illuminations!
Our sand went missing, too.
Right from under our diggers!
Oh, maybe it's mice.
(CHUCKLES) They're a bit small
to carry all that.
What about big mice?
Nobody move! There's been a robbery!
Bruce, the shopkeeper! A robbery?
Someone has taken
my buckets and spades
from outside my new shop!
Sand, paint, trowels, illuminations,
and now buckets and spades.
I need to get to the bottom of this.
It's a mystery, that's what I think.
Something links all these things.
But what?
They looked so colourful.
I had them arranged on the ground here.
That's it.
Everything that disappeared
was on the ground.
The illuminations, paint tin and trowel,
buckets and spades.
On the ground! What does that mean?
I think I might have got
to the bottom of our mystery.
BOB: Aha!
Huh? Oh, hello, Bob.
Sorry, I must have dropped off.
-I've been rushed off my brushes.
-I'm not surprised.
You cleaned up nearly
the whole of Bobland Bay!
-Including my buckets and spades!
-Oh! Um...
Sorry, I thought they'd been
left out for cleaning up.
-Just the lights to do now, Bob.
-I'll be with you in a minute.
I'm sorry I made everyone late.
When I saw things lying around,
I had to clean them up!
You did say you'd get Bobland Bay
as clean as a whistle.
It might be an idea to ask
if things are finished with.
It's part of being in the team.
We work together!
At least we'll know
where everything is.
Haha! Tidied up and clean as a whistle!
Right. But only the rubbish from now on!
Haha! Let's get these illuminations up
before the sun goes down!
-Can we fix it?
-ALL: Yes, we can.
Oh, uh, yeah. I think so.
It gives me great pleasure to declare
the Bobbleland...
Illuminated... Oh...
-Where's your speech?
-I must have dropped it.
You can't get away from Bristle!
Don't worry. Leave it to Bristle.
He'll be here in a whistle!
-Good work, Bristle.
-Thanks, Bob. Thanks, Bristle!
It gives me pleasure
to switch on the illuminations
and declare
Bobland Bay Promenade open.
SCOOP: Great job, Bob.
LOFTY: I like lights!
Spick and span!
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
Scoop, Muck and Dizzy and Roley, too
Lofty and Wendy join the crew
Bob and the gang have so much fun
Working together
they get the job done
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
Pilchard and Bird, Travis and Spud
Playing together
like good friends should
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
We're going to be building
a new floating jetty.
Rock and roll!
And some moorings
for Ela Stevenson's houseboat!
-Okay, Bob!
-No worries!
I think I'll give my houseboat
a good sort-out!
Good idea! Let's make a start!
-Can we build it?
-ALL: Yes, we can!
Oh, yeah, I think so.
Look at those ducklings,
aren't they sweet?
Ooh! Ducklings? Where?
Oh, no! I've dropped the wood!
It's drifting away.
-Wow! Who are you?
-I'm Splasher.
-I'll get it!
-You will? How?
-Easy. Watch!
-No! Stop!
Oh, no! I can't look!
You have to look! He's floating!
What was that big splash?
-Is it a fish?
-Is it a duck?
No, it's Super Splasher!
Super Splasher? You mean me?
Yeah, I like it! I'm Super Splasher!
(LAUGHS) You've met Splasher!
Sunflower Valley's
new amphibious machine.
(LAUGHS) Am-plib-lious?
What does that mean?
(LAUGHS) Amphibious!
It means he can go on land and water.
-Ooh! That's clever!
-That was amazing!
Oh, yeah. You saved my wood.
You're a rescue superhero.
Yeah! I suppose I am! Whoa!
I'd better get to the hotel.
Don't want to be late on my first day.
-Actually, where is the hotel?
-Follow the river and turn left.
Thanks! Can't wait to get started.
You must be Splasher.
Yeah! I'm faster than a digger,
more floaty than a pedalo
and I'm a rescue superhero!
-But nothing needs rescuing.
-If it does, I'll be ready!
Your job is to take people
to and from the hotel
-and give them tours of the valley.
-Splasherific! I can't wait!
Good. Here's your first tour guest now!
-Hello, I'm Isabel!
-Hello. Hop on.
I'm looking forward to this tour.
A nice, relaxing afternoon.
It'll be more than relaxing!
It'll be splashtastic!
-Wait! You don't know the way yet!
-Yeah, right.
I'd better come along
and show you where to go.
-Good idea. Which way?
-Straight ahead!
This is one of Sunflower Valley's
many sunflower fields.
Oh, how interesting.
-(GASPS) Look there!
-That's Travis. He's...
Stuck in the mud!
If I'm a rescue superhero,
-I'd better rescue him!
DICKIE: Yow! Yow!
-Now I'm stuck.
-What's happened here?
I was coming to rescue you!
I thought you were stuck in the mud,
-but now I am.
-(LAUGHS) I wasn't stuck!
I was spinning my wheels.
I'll push you out.
I'm supposed to be doing the rescuing.
Sorry, Isabel. This first tour
doesn't seem to be going well.
Yeah. Sorry. I'll make sure
the next bit's great, though.
Well, here we are.
It's time for the highlight of the tour.
The river ride!
That sounds relaxing!
Are we getting on a boat?
No need. Full steam ahead, Splasher!
What? No, wait! Stop! We'll sink!
Oh! Oh, my. We're floating!
This is lovely. Very relaxing indeed.
-Yes! Well done, Splasher.
That dog's stuck! He needs rescuing!
No! Splasher, wait! Whoa! Oh, oh!
Quick, little doggie! Get on board!
Wait! Now you're all wet! No! Oh!
-That wasn't relaxing either.
-Sorry, Isabel.
At least it got the mud off.
Never fear, Super Splasher is here!
One dog rescued.
Scruffty didn't need rescuing!
He likes it on that rock.
-There he is, back again.
What? Oh, no.
This tour is not going terribly well.
Sorry, Dickie. Sorry, Isabel.
(SIGHS) I still haven't rescued anyone.
I won't be needing
this rocking chair any more.
Oh, Ela! We need to undo
your mooring ropes for a while.
Don't worry, you won't drift out far.
Lofty'll hold the ropes and pull you back
as soon as we've put in the moorings.
It's the perfect day to do it.
The water's so calm.
Yes. This is much more like it.
Very relaxing.
Oh, no! That house is floating away.
But never fear, I, Super Splasher,
will save the day!
-No, not again!
-What are you doing? Stop!
-What's happening?
-It's okay. Don't panic.
Super Splasher is here to rescue you!
Ela doesn't need rescuing!
You've knocked my furniture
into the river.
What? Oh, no.
I'm not rescuing anything again!
I'll never be a superhero.
But we need you to be a superhero now!
What's the point?
I keep trying to come to the rescue,
but I make everything worse!
Because you don't check first
if people need rescuing!
This really is a job for Super Splasher?
-ALL: Yes!
-In that case...
Stand back, everyone,
Super Splasher will save the day!
BOTH: Yay for Super Splasher!
Thank you so much.
You're my superhero!
At last, I've really rescued something.
-I like that rocking chair!
-You can have it.
I won't have room for it
once I've rearranged my furniture.
Thanks, everyone! It's perfect.
I'm sorry you didn't get your tour
of Sunflower Valley.
Don't worry.
Sitting in my rocking chair by the river
is more relaxing!
Yeah, I suppose it is!
Tomorrow you'll be ready
to do the tour without me!
I promise not to rescue anything.
Unless it really needs it!
ALL: Aw, Splasher!
Whoops! Sorry.
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
Scoop, Muck and Dizzy and Roley, too
Lofty and Wendy join the crew
Bob and the gang have so much fun
Working together
they get the job done
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
Pilchard and Bird, Travis and Spud
Playing together
like good friends should
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Can we fix it?
MEN: Bob the Builder
MACHINES: Yes, we can
-Another beautiful day!
-And hot, too! Phew!
I hope we're building a wind farm
to blow cool air on us!
A water fountain to splash around in.
I don't mind what it is
as long as I get to help.
It's a surprise!
You'll find out as soon as
we get to Bobland Bay.
-Morning, Mr. Beasley. Lovely day.
But it won't last!
Me pine cone's closed up tight.
-That means rain's coming.
-Ho, ho! Right.
Whatever you say.
A surprise build? How exciting!
I wonder what I'll be doing to help.
The first surprise is that
Gripper and Grabber
are coming back from the city!
-Gripper and Grabber?
-The digger and the crane?
That's wonderful!
We've got a surprise for them, too!
We're building them a new shelter!
-That's not all, Bristle!
It's for you, Flex and Tumbler, too!
I can't wait to get started.
It's very hot, so we'll have to
take things slower.
As long as everything's done
before they get here,
there's no need to rush.
BOB: Scoop, dig the foundations.
Dizzy and Tumbler can mix the concrete.
Flex and Lofty can lift the walls
and roof into place.
-As for Wendy...
-Wendy? But...
I'll be painting this roof
that Bob's designed.
Wow! It's all wavy like the sea!
Right! Just right for a shelter
near the seaside.
-Okay, team.
-Can we build it?
-ALL: Yes, we can!
Oh, yeah. I think so.
What about me? Can't I help?
You're right. It is hard work in this heat!
Yes! It really slows you down.
Hey, Wendy, the roof looks great!
-Oh, Bristle! What are you doing?
I'm cleaning out the foundations!
(WHISTLING) Spick and span!
They're not finished!
How are you going to get out?
I didn't think of that.
Phew. Okay, everyone. Pull!
I wish there was a breeze to cool us.
Yeah! Or Mr. Beasley's rain.
Thanks, everyone.
I'll leave that job till later.
Phew! You'll get a chance to help out.
Be patient.
We can all surprise Gripper and Grabber!
Oh, Gripper, I wish it wasn't so hot!
I know what you mean.
I'll be glad when we get there!
BOTH: Phew!
That's the foundations dug. Well done.
-Have a rest in the shade.
Here comes some concrete.
You can help pour the foundations!
Great idea, Tumbler!
-Don't worry. I'll clean it up.
We're going to need
some more concrete.
(SIGHS) Okay, Bob.
I'll need you to help clear up
this concrete, Scoop.
Yeah. No prob.
-Sorry, Bob. I was just trying to help.
-I know.
Look around the rest of the site
for things to tidy.
Okay! I'll make it
as clean as a whistle, Bristle!
Aha! A bit of wind!
Sure sign of rain, that! Can you feel it?
I can't feel anything! Can you, mate?
No, mate. It's still boiling!
What about now?
BOTH: Oh, yeah! Very nice, mate!
There must be something
to clean up round here.
Oh, phew! There. All done!
Bristle! No! Stop!
Oh, no! Maybe I can fix it.
What? No!
Oh, Wendy...
Oh. That was the last
of the blue paint, too.
That looks swirly.
Sorry! I was trying to help!
I haven't, have I?
It's okay. The shelter's taking
longer than I thought.
Yeah, because I've made everyone
so hot and bothered.
Don't worry.
We need someone to slow
Gripper and Grabber down!
Who? Everyone's exhausted!
We'll need someone really keen.
Someone like you.
-You want me to help?
-We're relying on you.
I'll slow Gripper and Grabber down.
You'll see!
I'll clean the track up, too!
Make it look extra special for them.
Oh, hello. Breezy Bristle's
cooling you down, is he?
How's about giving us
a quick cool-down?
Gripper and Grabber!
I'm here to slow you down!
-I mean, cool you down.
-Oh, yeah, mate!
-Lovely, mate.
-How about some cooling water?
BOTH: Even better!
-Race you to Bobland Bay.
-You're on.
No! You can't. Not yet.
You've got to take your time!
-Or your surprise won't be ready.
-BOTH: Surprise?
Yes! Go really slow.
Now I've got something important to do.
-How's it going?
-Slowly. It's too hot to work!
Was that a drop of rain?
Yes. There's a lovely breeze, too!
But where are all the clouds?
Who needs rain and a breeze
when you've got a Bristle?
Just what we all needed! Well done.
Let's get that roof on!
-Look at that, mate.
-What is it, mate?
ALL: Surprise!
It's your new shelter!
-How about that, mate?
-Yeah! Great, mate!
We wouldn't have finished it
if it wasn't for Breezy Bristle!
We've got Bristle to thank for the roof!
But I thought I ruined it.
No! Your bristle brushing made it swirly.
Just like the sea.
-So I copied it!
-That sounds like thunder!
-Yeah. Haha!
-I were right! Rain on the way!
-Quick! Everyone inside!
Oh! Oh! Oh!
You haven't got room for me, have you?
I think we can squeeze you in!