Body, The (2001) Movie Script

Okay, log that.
What piece of evidence|finally convinced you...
that the body found|at Giva'at Ha Mivtarwas crucified?
Well, I suppose if you're looking|for a dead giveaway...
I'd really have to say it was the block|of wood and nail in the foot...
that really did the trick.
And the Romans were crucifying bodies|for around 400 years.
Why have we only found|one set of remains?
Well, only the lower rungs|of society were crucified.
Then their remains were burned...
or fed to the dogs.
-Doctor, I really need a cigarette.|-Then we must go outside.
Thank you.
So, it's unlikely that you'd find|a crucified man in a rich man's tomb?
Highly unlikely.
Not to mention potentially|catastrophic.
The only recorded crucified body|in a rich man's tomb was that of...
Rabbi Yeshu Ben Yosef...
known to all of us if not by|his Hebrew name...
then surely by his Greek one...
Jesus, son of Joseph.
Sharon! Sharon!
They're here.
-What are all these people doing here?|-Dr. Golban?
Moshe Cohen,|Deputy Attache to Jerusalem.
-For your protection, I assure you.|-Yeah, right.
-Now, may we have a look?|-No.
I can't have amateurs trampling|through the dig. You'll break something.
Okay. What about a professional?
A priest has no place on an excavation.|Do I make my self clear?
Dr. Golban, Pierre Lavelle.
Dr. Lavelle, I am so sorry.|I had no idea you were a priest.
I am an archaeologist.
-After you, Doctor.|-Thank you.
All I wanted to do|was dig a basement.
They wanted to put up fats in|about 3 months, so we had to be quick.
Until we remove the body, we're|keeping a low profile in security.
Disturbing the dead can get you killed|in this neighborhood.
Father Gutierrez.
Your Eminence.
Not many of our priests|are ex-combat soldiers.
El Salvador was|a long time ago, Your Eminence.
Military intelligence.
A polite oxymoron.
You have been chosen to investigate|a problem for us in Jerusalem.
One that will require the wide range|of your investigative abilities.
"Dr. Sharon Golban."
An Israeli archaeologist. It was she|who opened the tomb in Jerusalem.
Those are photos of what she found.
This is of Pontius Pilate.
So I've been told.
Excuse me, Your Eminence,|but this has to be a joke.
A dangerous one, which is why we have|chosen you to investigate it.
Yeah, but who would believe this?
It reads like|tabloid journalism...
not a serious|archaeological report.
Dr. Golban is|a serious archaeologist.
So is Fr. Lavelle.
He's a Dominican in Jerusalem.
Lectures at their university.
What is his opinion about this?
There are many tests|to be conducted.
But he has seen the tomb...
and the body.
So he thinks...
it is possible?
But Your Eminence...
I have no qualifications|for something like this.
That is not true.
You have told us why|in your own words.
"I believe Jesus Christ is God|because I spoke to Him this morning...
in my prayers.
And I've known He was God|since I was a boy.
He has always been my best friend...
even though I haven't always|been His.
In Him, I have peace."
You were called because of your military|and investigative experience.
You were chosen because|of what you wrote here.
The ideal solution is to stop|rumors and lies at their inception.
If not, a Vatican denial|would be interrupted by some...
as merely the Vatican|covering up the truth.
We must stop this before|it lets loose its poison.
We are counting on you|to protect the Church.
Protect the faith.
They're synonymous. Protect the Church,|you protect the faith.
Your Eminence, what if|the body they found--
There is no "what if," Father.
This is not the body of Christ.
I understand.
Matt Gutierrez?
-That's you?|-That's me.
Sharon Golban, right?
-Is this your bag?|-Yes.
-I'll carry it.|-Short trip, huh?
Before you get us killed, I think|there is something I'd better clear up.
-I am not an archaeologist.|-What?
The road, please.|Just look at the road.
I'm looking at the road.|You have a doctorate, don't you?
In Roman history.
Anything relevant?|Anything useful?
Well, theology.
So, what are you, a priest?
Yes, I'm a priest. A priest who is|about to give him self the last rites.
So, you're a priest|who's not an archaeologist...
sent by the Vatican to investigate|an archaeological dig...
that is going to fuck up the Church|for the rest of time...
and I'm expected to believe|that you don't have an agenda?
I have no expectations of you other|than keeping your eyes on the road.
-Please.|-Well, I have been ordered...
to obey your every command.
Ordered? By whom?
Deputy Attache to Jerusalem,|Moshe Cohen.
-You guys should get along well.|-Hey, what are you doing?
Know this.|I am not gonna lie for you.
Why would I ask you to lie?
'Cause my archaeological facts will|conflict with your religious beliefs.
Don't you forget that.|Are you trying to get us killed?
I thought that was your job.
Listen, I'm--
I'm sorry I came down on you so hard.
No, you're not.|That's okay.
What I would really like|is some sympathy...
for scaring me half to death|with your driving.
You better get used to it.|All Israelis drive like this.
Then all Palestinians have|to do is give you faster cars...
and wait for the inevitable.
-I'll pick you up at 6:00.|-11:00.
-Time to unpack your bags?|-11:00.
You must be Patch's nephew.
Nobody, and I mean nobody,|gets an advance like this.
Not even for the second coming.
Oh, and this arrived for you|about an hour ago from Tel Aviv.
Looks important.
You're here for the pope.
Actually, I am the pope's nephew.
-It's Jerusalem, isn't it?|-May I see my room now, please?
Pope's nephew, eh?|Saint Peter's suite.
This way.
-What is your name, Father?|-Winstead.
Is Fr. Lavelle in his room?
Yes, he is. It's up the stairs|to the left and across the bridge.
Ignoring warnings of armed intervention|by the Israelis...
the Palestinian National Authority|announced today...
that it will declare East Jerusalem|the capital of Palestine.
Raising the specter|of a biblical Armageddon...
Christian fundamentalists|predict the destruction...
of their most holy shrines...
if the Via Dolorosa should come|under Palestinian rule.
This is John Jays reporting|live from Jerusalem.
I don't have any money.
I don't want your money.
Just drive.
Fr. Lavelle?
Father, I am Matt Gutierrez.
Oh, so you are the chosen one.
Yes, the chosen one.
Does that disturb you in some way?
In the hierarchy of my pain, Father,|that is hardly a novitiate.
I have a few questions,|if you don't mind.
All right.
Let me see what we have in here.
So, Father, when you entered|the tomb...
you believed in the resurrection.
When you left,|you did not.
What was it, ten minutes, half an hour?|How long were you there?
No, no, no, it was not that I--|I didn't believe.
It was that I realized|it was possible that I didn't believe.
The oxidation on the wrists|and the legs.
A crucifixion in a rich man's tomb.
I know, but Romans gave out crucifixions|like parking tickets.
Yeah, but never rich people.|Only criminals or political enemies.
"There came a rich man|from Arimathea named Joseph.
And Joseph took the body of Jesus|and laid it in his own new tomb...
hewn out of the rock, and rolled|a stone against the entrance."
And that is a picture|of a rich man's tomb.
so then I understand|no firm date has been established...
for the body or the tomb,|correct?
You're forgetting the coin she found.|It was a Pilatus.
Father, isn't it possible the body|in the tomb is that of a Christian?
I mean, a follower of \Christ|and not Christ himself?
Yes, it is possible. In that case,|it would have been buried...
with some Christian symbol|to illustrate the fact.
If|ot in the open,|then hidden...
on the inside of the ossuary or at the|bottom of a jar you would have found...
three concentric circles...
or an antique cross...
or a fish.
it was Dr. Golban who asked you|to come to the tomb, correct?
It was Moshe Cohen|from the prime minister's office.
Did he call others?|Did he call Armenians...?
Orthodox, Protestants?
Why did he call you, Father?
What is all this? Am I supposed|to doubt them because they are Jews?
Father, I understand that|you are in great pain.
But you have to let me carry this now.|This is mine.
The Holy Father has given it to me.|I don't like it, but I have to take it.
But why are you asking me|all these questions?
Who said what, who did what,|who intended what! Don't you realize...
what it means if it is He|in that tomb...
the unrisen Christ?
The end of Christianity.
That someone like you, Father,|could believe that...
is exactly why the Church|wants to know who said what and why.
Come on. Believe me.
We want to know every speck|of dust in that tomb.
We don't wanna lose one soul because|of these things. I mean, not one!
And if we have lost you--
We don't wanna lose you, Father.
What will you do, Jesuit...
if you discover that|it is Christ in that tomb?
A man like all of us?
I will turn to God for the answer.
You know, I think|it's enough for today.
I am sorry I interrupted you.
One more thing.
For security reasons,|I think it would be better...
to move you someplace where|you can continue your work in private.
All right.
Do you know who I am?
Yes. You are Abu Yusef.
Let's have some tea and talk.
So, Mr. Hamid...
what can you tell me|about the excavation...
behind your store?
I was digging a basement...
when they found|an ancient tile floor.
And now, just waiting|to dig a basement.
All that over a floor?
I heard Dr. Golban, the archaeologist,|say something...
about the tiles being|from the 12th century.
Then why the Shin Beth|is so interested in it?
The secret police is interested|in my hardware store?
And the Vatican state.
The Vatican?
You will find out more.
How? I'm just a simple shopkeeper.
And I was just a simple teacher.
If it's important to you--
To you too.
To the fate of Jerusalem.
Nothing must prevent us|from making it our capital.
Do you think my--
Anything that brings Israelis|and Rome together worries me.
That's the reason I need you to be|my eyes and ears. Watch everything.
Who is going in,|who is coming out...
what they bring in,|what they take out.
You should contact me immediately.
They've only been told we're protecting|the body from religious extremists.
Do you want 'em to stay?|It's your call.
Let them go.
Now we have our first|major archaeological decision.
Who goes first,|Church or infidel?
Are you nervous?
Take one of these.
Right here is where we found|the Pilatus coin.
The coin.
It's a very convenient way|of dating a tomb, right?
Yes, but not the only one.
Now, notice something?
Well, it's empty.
They peered into the tomb,|and it was empty.
Matthew 27, Mark 15,|Luke 23. Yes.
-So?|-That's until you get to the clay wall.
Why do you think the wall|was put up in the first place?
To hide something|much more valuable...
than a coin.
What are these orange marks?
That is oxidized iron.
I think they used smaller spikes|than usual...
because although iron rusts...
it usually survives|as long as bone in these conditions.
You'll notice here...
that these bones aren't broken.
Now, the Romans...
usually break the bones|of the legs...
to speed death.
These things came to pass|that scripture might be fulfilled.
Not a bone of His shall be broken,|or something like that.
Exactly like that.
And you know it.
From this you determined those were|the bones of Jesus Christ, right?
I didn't say that.
What I said was the discovery|at this point conforms to the Gospels.
I knew this wouldn't work.
It'll work. It'll work if you--
if we stop playing games|with each other.
Mr. Hamid, I believe you have|a visitor.
And you didn't think|to call your friends in Gaza.
I was going to, but--
In the name of Allah,|I'm a Palestinian.
If what's in the tomb causes the Vatican|to side with Israel on Jerusalem...
the other Catholic nations|will follow.
And that, my friend,|will deprive us from our birthright.
Listen, I--
I swear you will hear from me|very soon. Very soon.
I want all correspondence|with the Jesuit courier in code.
Well, if you insist.
But it won't do you any good.
Any hacker with half-an-hour's|experience and a modem could crack it.
Such as?
Arabs, Israelis, CNN, MTV.
It's like one big|party line out here.
Who's the biggest party guest?
A week ago, we heard the PFJ were|listening in, but why I don't know.
-The PFJ?|-The Popular Front of Jerusalem.
They're some ex-intifadas out of Gaza,|run by some bloke called Abu Yusef.
Postcards to God.
Do you want to send Him a note,|tell Him you arrived safely?
Or for luck?
Maybe later,|if I really need it.
Let's go.
Peace at any price is not peace.
It's a sacrilege.
Mr. Cohen.
Moshe, please.
Why did you ask Fr. Lavelle|to look at the body?
He was an obvious choice.
He's an expert in the field.
He's a Catholic priest,|and he was here.
And you knew bringing him in|would involve the Vatican...
even though there were|many other choices.
I thought the Church|might appreciate the gesture.
But it seems you look|a gift horse in the mouth.
I didn't come here|just to look.
You are the most formidable|Christian sect.
To have the state of Israel involved|in something so potentially dangerous...
to the Christian faith|could have serious...
repercussions for us.
So, any other agendas|I should be aware of?
Well, quite frankly,|our only agenda...
was to dump this problem|in the Vatican's lap.
We've done that, so now|I'm just here to assist.
All right.
Dr. Golban's preliminary report...
the one I saw in Rome...
has that been published yet?
No. Probably later this week.
Stop it.
Stop the publication.
And if you don't have|the authority to stop it...
you tell me who does.
I have the authority.|I have the authority for that.
And much more.
I'm sure you do.
-Morning.|-I brought you one of these.
Wasn't sure if caffeine's a sin|on a Tuesday morning.
As long as there is no more|than three lumps, I am safe.
I hope you don't mind,|but I thought it best to...
postpone publishing your report|in the archaeological journals.
-You did what?|-I saw Moshe Cohen this morning...
and he agreed that--
You had a meeting with Cohen without me|and decided to censor my report?
Yes. I suggested it.
Could you forget|your ego for a while?
You think I filed those reports for|the thousands who fock to news stands...
to read the latest edition|of the Archaeological Review?
What if I woke up and decided it's not|a good idea for you to say Mass today?
-I stop you.|-Listen to me.
Making your speculations public--|and that's all you have, speculations--
is not gonna help the investigation.
My saying Mass harms no one.
-Maybe it does.|-Really?
Maybe it threatens me in the same way|this archaeological find...
is threatening your religion.
I am not threatened. I am just concerned|about knee-jerk reactions.
-And I think you should be too.|-It's your reaction.
It's the Vatican meddling in places...
where religion has no place|that's concerning me.
This is more about religion|than anything else and you know it.
Especially here in Jerusalem.
You're suggesting we throw science,|religion and politics into a mess.
A mess of unpredictable consequences.
I don't like to work like that.
Bullshit is the language|of the new Ecumenical Church, is it?
The coffee's great.|Are you enjoying the show?
It's just your subtle style of|Jesuitical debate. It's very impressive.
Have fun.
You're taking this personally.
You're bloody right|I'm taking it personally.
I should have called you.
I apologize for that.
I don't apologize|for delaying the publication.
All you had to do was ask.
Would you have agreed?
Now we'll never know,|will we?
We're taking a break.|They're inside.
What is next?
Well, I have to dust off|every single one of these bones...
polyvinyl them|and then we can move them.
All right.
There is a body in the tomb,|and old bones.
The man is a Catholic priest|from America.
No, not the same one|that was here before.
I will, as soon as I know|something new.
What are you looking for?|A spear mark?
Would I find it?
But the pathologist|would be more accurate.
Christ was run through|with a spear, wasn't he?
Listen. You said something about...
other sources of dating|besides the coin.
Yes, we may find seeds|in the claywall.
And we can compare the style of the oil|lamp with other contemporary examples.
-Will you hold this for me?|-Sure.
Are you okay?
Can you get that box|for me, please?
Yeah, sure.
-What does this say?|-It's just random lettering.
They used to practice|their handwriting...
on pottery before they|transferred it to parchment.
Could this jar have been used|for anointing?
Yeah, but we won't know for certain|until the analysis...
on the residue|comes back from the lab.
Well, according to the Gospels...
the two Marys never finished preparing|Christ's body for burial.
That's why they came back the next|morning, morning of the resurrection.
But, of course, you know that.
Yeah, I know that.
But the jar is kiln-fired so we can use|it for thermo luminescent dating.
All we have to do is find one other|piece that we know to be from 32 AD...
and then we match|the glow curves.
So, how can we do that?
We find a piece that says,|"Dear Pontius Pilate...
here are some cleansing oils|for washing off dirty hands."
You're getting funnier and funnier.
It's not a joke, actually.
One call from Moshe Cohen to|the National Museum and it's done.
Why won't they leave me alone?
They took the jar.
I know. I know who they are|and Cohen can help us get it back.
-Are you okay?|-Yeah. Are you hurt?
It's just a scratch.
Why did they attack us?
The Orthodox attack|any archaeological dig...
where they think bodies|have been found.
What's going on?
They won't speak to me|because I'm a woman.
Do they speak English? Do they speak|Spanish so I can communicate with them?
We have to wait for Cohen.
Are you okay, Father?
We know the group.
They're troublemakers.|Followers of the Reb Nechtal.
Do you think they'll give it back?
Who knows?
Excuse me, sir.|Those men over there.
They were supposed to be|guarding the tomb, correct?
You two, back to the dig.
Come with me.
You wait here.
You're bleeding again.
I'm fine.
We can go inside.|Will you wear this, Father?
Ask him if Sharon|could be admitted...
as our scientific authority.
-Are you serious?|-As a heart attack.
He says the law is the law.|They won't return the jar because...
we disturbed the dead.
And according to the Talmud...
the dead are sacred.
Tell him the Talmud...
is not an absolute instrument...
but a subjective one|that needs man.
That is what they teach.
The Talmud needs man...
as much man needs the Talmud.
Tell him.
Look. These men live|by the Talmud.
-I don't think you understand.|-Say it.
Wait, wait, wait.
What did he say?
He says, the rabbi is right.
Which rabbi?
Reb Nechtal will return the jar.
But the bones must remain in the tomb|until we can confirm...
whether or not the deceased man|was a Gentile.
Tell him that he has my word.
That shoulder is bothering you.|Why can't we do something about it?
It's all right.
Taking the jar is one thing.
But as far as removing|the body is concerned...
these guys would rather|eat pork than disturb the dead.
Can we go now so you don't bleed|on the floor and contaminate my dig?
Hey. Where's the lamp?
Petty thieving.|Happens all the time.
These are the conditions|I have to work under.
Every link in the chain is relevant.
There was lettering on the jar.
Maybe there is something written|on the lamp too.
You can try and buy it back on|the Via Dolorosa tomorrow if you like.
You know what I just realized?
That someone besides you, me|and Lavelle has seen the body.
I know. I'm gonna take you inside|and do something with your shoulder.
-I'll just take a taxi.|-Let me have a look at your shoulder.
-Am I gonna get some chicken soup?|-If you're lucky.
-I'm so sorry we're so late.|-That's all right.
You look exhausted.|Have my children been tiring you out?
My children wore me out|long before yours. Don't worry.
-And who are you?|-I am Matt Gutierrez.
Gutierrez. Sephardic.
Sephardic Jesuit.|Matt's a priest from America.
-You don't look like a priest.|-I know that.
He knows that.
Well, now I understand|those Jews for Jesus.
-Good night. Thanks, Mrs. Kahn.|-See you tomorrow.
-Nice meeting you.|-Same here.
Make your self at home.|Go into the living room.
Mrs. Kahn's a professional matchmaker.|Did she ask you for I D?
No. She was satisfied|when I showed her my cross.
I understand|they work on vampires too.
My husband, Yaron.
He was killed in Lebanon.
I'm sorry.
You know, they can take care of this|at the monastery.
So you keep saying.|Now go and sit down.
You are stubborn.
So, was he a professional soldier?
No, he was a poet.|We met at university.
He taught a very pretentious course|called Pushkin to Perestroika.
I'm sorry. It must be hard|to talk about that.
I found the most amazing pathologist|from London to study our body.
Dr. Jonas Sproul.
So, I understand that|only from the bones...
they can determine what a person|did for a living...
or what ethnic group|or how old he was--
I thought you didn't know|anything about archaeology.
Well, if it wasn't for|the Discovery Channel, I wouldn't.
Those letters on the jar, do you have|a hard copy of them anywhere?
Can I have one, please?
What are you plotting?
Come on. Humor me, okay?
But if I'm gonna treat your shoulder,|I'm gonna need to see some skin.
Come on. Think of me|as your sister.
I don't see you as a nun,|actually.
I am a confirmed widow.
What happened to your back?
El Salvador.
They were tough on priests?
Tough on enemy soldiers.
I was with military intelligence.
Military intelligence had to fight?
They don't have to fight.
Just like poets.
You have some blood|in your hair.
Who's there?
Go back to bed. Come on.
I'm sorry. I should--
You know, I should go too.
-I'm sorry.|-Thank you anyway.
Are you okay?
Well, I missed the chicken soup,|but some other time.
-Bye-bye, little one.|-Say good night, Dorene.
-Fr. Gutierrez, please.|-I'll get him for you.
-Yes?|-Dr. Golban's here.
Coming right down.
I'm sorry.
I forgot you're a priest.|I'm sorry.
Be right back.
It's the piece from the museum|dated 32 AD...
the year Christ was crucified.
So Moshe came through.
How do we know this piece|has an exact date?
It's a tributary jar,|a Caiaphas piece...
and the lettering on it refers|to the earthquake of 32 AD.
And could the jar have been kept around|for 20 years and then used?
Unlikely. It would be sacrilegious|to use an old jar in a temple offering.
And here's the hard copy|of the lettering on the oil jar...
you asked for, by the way.
Nothing they don't need|to know, okay?
It's a lovely piece.
I've only seen one like it|in the National Museum.
You say it's authenticated?
All right, I'm going.
Name of the dig, please?
It's Dr. Golban's.|I don't know if I should.
I have to identify the job|with some name...
any name.
I don't know.|Call it...
They're running a spectograph on|the oil. Do you want to come and look?
I would. I'd rather talk|to Hamid about the lamp.
I don't think he's involved.|He's a good man.
I know, but I have a hunch he might|know something about it.
I'll pick you up afterwards.
I'm sorry.|I wish I could help you.
But as soon as you|and Dr. Golban ran out...
I thought it would be safer if I closed|the shop for the day and went home.
Why safer?
I'm a Palestinian,|Mr. Gutierrez...
with a shop near|an Orthodox neighborhood...
where they stone people|for driving on the Sabbath.
Yet alone disturbing their dead.
-I'm sorry.|-It's okay.
It's all right.
I'm very sorry.
Listen to me. There is no reason|to be afraid of me.
No one can punish you for something|you know nothing about.
Keep moving.
They've arrived.
The chemical analysis of the oil|leaves us in no doubt.
It was definitely used|for anointing.
And the carbon fourteen dating?
The year 1 , plus or minus 80.
Same as the seeds|in the clay wall.
Here's a list|of the things I'll need.
So, according to our measurements...
this man was five foot five...
which is a good|five inches shorter.
-Five inches shorter than what?|-The image of Christ...
in the Holy Shroud of Turin.
You're joking, right?
-What?|-I said, you're joking, right?
I am not.
Congratulations, Father.
You came to prove something,|now you proved it.
Pax vobiscum,|Sursum corda, whatever.
Wait a second.
Sharon, please.
Wait, wait. Wait.|Wait, wait, wait.
Can we discuss this?|Just tell me what's on your mind.
Go back to Rome.|I don't have time.
That is not fair.|I came here for the truth, like you.
So tell me.
The Turin Shroud is a proven fake,|so your supposition is ridiculous.
Not even your Church|will take a position on it.
And even if it would,|the image cannot be that of the Christ.
It could. It could be.
That is enough to include it|in the investigation.
-Read the Gospels, Father.|-Believe me, I have.
Well, read them as a scientist,|not as a believer.
As a scientist?|I am not a scientist. I am a priest.
-I cannot fight your faith!|-I came here with a specific purpose.
If you behave like a mystic,|go back to the Middle Ages...
because I cannot do this|with you here.
-Are you all right?|-Yes.
Come here.
The tomb.
Stop it! No! Don't!
Don't shoot!
No. In the name of God,|please don't shoot him!
Don't shoot him!
Thank you. Thank you.
-Good morning, Father.|-Good morning.
Any news?
You all right?
I have been better.
Well, if you're talking about yesterday,|nobody's taking credit for anything.
Which around these parts is like the|soccer player shagging a movie star...
and not telling anyone|about it.
Which means?
Which means, there's more to it|than meets the eye.
Like this.
Some sort of code?
I don't know.|You're the expert.
This is a very nice outfit.
-Thank you, Father.|-I am impressed.
When the Vatican recognizes an undivided|Jerusalem as the capital of Israel...
the bones will be released.
The poison spreads.
Does the prime minister|know about this?
But if he did,|he'd probably pin a medal on me.
Aren't you sticking|your neck out?
A faint heart never won a battle, Avi.|Or a seat in the cabinet.
-Even if it means destroying a religion?|-Don't be an idiot.
This won't be the end|of Christianity or the Catholic Church.
-How can you know that?|-Look.
Religion is not based|on a rational system of proofs.
It survives|because of human need.
We offer proof|that Christ has not risen...
those who believe|are not gonna believe us.
Some may fall away,|but you know what?
I think Christianity's|gonna survive.
-What do you think?|-I don't think Cohen is bluffing.
No. The body. Do you really|believe it is He in that tomb?
I don't concern my self|with that very much.
My concerns are for the Church|and her real problems.
Matt, I don't understand...
why it's such a disaster|for the Catholic Church...
if these are|the bones of Christ.
Isn't it enough|that He was an exceptional man...
who founded|an exceptional way of life...
that's good and compassionate|and understanding?
The power of His message is love.|You're right with that.
But at the same time|salvation and resurrection, He's God.
He's not only God for me.|He's God for millions of people.
You know,|when I left the army...
I swore I would never again do a job|that could harm people.
So I chose an archaeologist. That's|a pretty safe bet, you might think.
Now all of a sudden, I'm...
being blamed for destroying|a world religion.
If you take away|His resurrection...
you kill the God Jesus...
and with Him the dream of millions of|people who believe He's all they have.
Are you manipulating me, Matt?
Are you trying|to make me feel?
But I wouldn't|call that manipulation. No.
I don't want to feel responsible|for this. It's not my fault.
What about the truth?
Christ said the truth|will set you free.
The truth will set you free.
You asked me|to see your truth...
to think like a scientist.
I ask you|to experience my truth...
to think with your heart.
Can you do that for me?
No, I can't.
You don't know my truth.
And I am afraid of it.
All we can do is offer it up|to a higher power...
and pray that in time|all will be revealed.
Did you read that|in a fortune cookie?
No. It's a proverb.
In time, all that is hidden|will be revealed.
It's the Bible. It's a big book,|but it's a crackin' read.
Mr. Hamid is waiting for you|on the veranda.
He says it's very important.
I cannot believe|that you were able to find it.
Jerusalem is small. For every oil lamp|a thief and for every thief a buyer.
And you expect me to believe you,|a known terrorist?
I do not expect you|to believe me.
But I do expect you|to believe your ears.
When the Vatican recognizes an undivided|Jerusalem as the capital of Israel...
the bones will be released.
That's immaterial.
On the contrary.
If Cohen succeeds|in this blackmail...
there will be a blood bath.
With you at the spigot.
I didn't invite you here|to exchange insults.
In fact,|you didn't invite me here.
You lured me here|under false pretenses.
I brought you here|to provide us both a way out.
Remove the body|from the tomb...
and I will help you get it|to your embassy in Syria.
So you can blackmail the Vatican,|like Moshe Cohen?
Mr. Yusef...
I believe God|has no place in politics.
Mine, yours.
That's what I believe.
Then the blood will be|on your hands, not on mine.
Even you don't believe that.
I believe this is yours.
So you got a special body|that you want me to examine.
-What makes you think it's special?|-That.
-There was a terrorist attack.|-No, what makes the body interesting...
is the fact|that it was crucified.
Did the Babylonians crucify?|I think not, Sharon, no.
Twenty-five hundred years|is a long way down.
Now, I prefer|to examine bodies in a lab.
The darkness of a tomb|breeds fights of imagination.
So, shall we have a look|at your fellow?
What are you|so nervous about?
I told him|the body was 500 BC.
I lied for you.
Now, this is unusual.|Minor indentations...
from the coronal suture...
along the frontal.
Now, the skin was pierced|with something right to the skull...
pointed objects of some kind,|but not--yes, not metal.
There's no oxidation.
All the way along|to the supraorbital notch.
Our fellow|was obviously male, yes, and...
certainly crucified.
But I'm not sure about this date,|500 BC. It appears Roman.
-Why?|-If you see this mark on the ribs...
looks like they finished him off|with a round spear.
Build-up of right forearm.
A mason. A carpenter.|Just like Christ.
Shall we continue|this conversation outside?
Father, we've got to talk.
Yes, fine, good.
I have found something.
Daniel 7 and 8, about the coming|of the Antichrist in the 70th week.
-No, please, Father.|-Which is not a week, but years.
This is serious stuff.
Thousands.|And exactly correlates...
with Nostradamus|and Revelations.
Dr. Sproul said to me|that the body had--
Exactly. The body.
See? Mark 18, verse 21.
And if any man|shall say un to you...
here, lo is Christ|or lo, He is there, believe him not.
-Please, Father.|-Daniel predicted...
that the false prophet would come|as a man like you or I.
But he was wrong.|It is the body.
Dr. Sproul found scratches on the|rib cage from the legionnaire's spear.
He knew his age, that he was|a carpenter. That is not irrelevant.
But you're not listening.|It doesn't matter what he said.
He has no authority|in matters of the faith.
-But I thought you were a scientist.|-I am.
-In the service of God.|-For heaven's sake, put God aside...
and let me talk|to the scientist.
Please tell me!
Give me something we can use,|something we can hold on to.
But I already have.|Mark 13, verse 21.
The body in the tomb|is the false prophet.
You accept him|and you summon the Antichrist.
What about the crown|of thorns, Father?
-What do you mean, crown of thorns?|-Yes.
The one that pierced the forehead|of a carpenter in his mid-'30s.
With unbroken legs, oxidation marks|on the wrist and feet and a heart wound.
What do we do about that?|What do I do, Father?
Yes, yes.|I-I see your point.
give me a few moments alone.
Of course.
I'm sorry. Of course.
What are you doing here?|What happened?
I've been looking|for you everywhere.
Fr. Lavelle is dead.
He killed himself.
And he did that|after I told him about...
Dr. Sproul's findings.
I'm sorry.
I can't...
do God's work anymore.
When I was 14 years old...
I had a rife|hanging on my shoulder.
No hopes,|no future, no nothing.
There was this man,|this priest...
called Manuel Arrerra.
He was one|of those liberation priests...
revolutionaries of God.
In some way|he was a father to me.
One day...
I was standing in the middle of the|church, and he came up to me and said...
"You would be|a great soldier of Christ."
And I believed him.|It became my ambition.
My country was|in the middle of a war...
and he was working|for the guerillas, and...
he convinced me that...
the best way|I could help our cause was...
working undercover...
for military intelligence.
On the 14th of June, 1981...
I made a terrible mistake.
My most reliable source...
gave me information|I absolutely believed to be true.
I passed it to...
Fr. Manuel.
And I sent him to his death.
These two deaths|are unrelated.
And neither of them|was your fault.
They were my family.|They are my family. That's...
all I have.
If that-If that is|the body of Jesus Christ...
I sent Fr. Lavelle to oblivion,|to nothingness.
I need to know|if that body there...
is Him.
Can you get that?
Galit, from the lab.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.|Could you repeat that?
Are you sure?
No doubt?
Thank you.
God bless you. Bye.
-What did she say?|-It is not Him.
It's not Christ.
-Something about a perfect glow.|-Great.
I gotta go. I gotta go.
I have to write the report|and fax it right away to Rome.
-Okay, let's go.|-Wait.
I'm sorry.
-I am sorry. I'm such an idiot.|-I don't understand.
This was your big discovery.|I don't know what to say. I'm sorry.
I'm happy, you're happy.
And I'm not gonna burn in hell,|so let's go. Come on.
Jacket, keys. Jacket.
-Your jacket.|-Oh, yes. Yes.
All the cross-checks|and duplications are there.
Though tit was|quite straight for ward.
I just don't follow how you managed|to establish a precise date...
based solely|on the glow curves.
We didn't. We still have|to match it to a known date.
Then how did you get 70 CE...
from a piece that's 32 CE?
You didn't say 32 CE.
-I didn't say anything.|-Yes, you did.
You did. You said Massada.|You did!
I only said Massada|as a name for a file.
I didn't give you the date.
I didn't.
All right.
Was the date|of the matching piece 32 CE?
Then your date is 32 CE.|It's a perfect match.
Father, a message has come through for|you on the Net. Cardinal Pesci's office.
Hello, Father. It's urgent.
-Can you read it to me?|-It's marked for your eyes only.
What's it say? And don't go through|the motion of opening the envelope.
-I know you did it already.|-I may have caught a peek.
It goes something|along the lines of...
"Cardinal Pesci|and Moshe have spoken.
And they concur that it's time|for you to bring your friend to Rome."
I booked you a fight|for tomorrow morning.
-Shall I tell Dr. Golban?|-No, no. I'll do it my self.
And, Father...
I'm sorry about not being able|to crack that code of yours.
It's all right.
It's not important anymore.|Thanks.
Hello, Abu Yusef.
They said the body was Christ.
He said Christ?
If that's what they think,|Rome will do anything to get it back.
We must act immediately.
-Stop.|-What's wrong?
I forgot to say good-bye|to the Easter Bunny.
Don't tell me.
The Red Queen has invited you|to her birthday party.
Not exactly. You were right. It was|a prayer. The bloody code of yours.
-We have a plane to catch.|-Excuse me. How is that?
I ran a program to search for keywords|like "please," "Father," "God," "Amen."
-And they all came up?|-No, not exactly.
But two and three-quarters.|"Please" and "Father."
And then three letters|from the word "God."
Which means|our man is a Jew.
A Jew will not write out the full word|"God" on anything that may be destroyed.
Could even be|a follower of Christ.
-In the wall.|-What is this about?
There is a prayer in the tomb.
-What letter's missing?|-Fav.
-The dig is over.|-Hold on.
-Take a look.|-Bingo.
-The oil lamp from the dig.|-It's got to be in the tomb.
I have to find Sharon.|Let's go.
-Excuse me. Dr. Golban?|-Hamid. Is everything all right?
I don't know.|It's Mr. Gutierrez.
He took a pick from the store|and disappeared into the tomb.
He seemed very disturbed.|I thought you would want to know.
Yes. Yes. Let's go.
The van is over here.
It's okay, Hamid.|I'll take my car.
What's going on?
Hamid, why didn't|you just call me?
Hamid, what's going on?
We mean you no harm. Unless you do what|I say, the children will be executed.
They want what's in the tomb.
Can you hear me?
Message for Fr. Gutierrez.
Dr. Golban--
I can't hear you.|Talk slower. You're breaking up.
They've taken the children.
It's only a body.
-They're only bones.|-Father! Father!
Dr. Golban just called.|She's freaking out.
-Her kids have been kidnapped.|-What?
The line was bad,|but I'm sure she said bones.
-Give me your car keys.|-Just bones.
Call Moshe Cohen|and tell him exactly what Sharon said.
-What's happening?|-Call him.
The body is missing. Yes.
The red car!|Follow the red car!
Why do you stare like that?
They would have killed my family|if I didn't cooperate.
And my family's disposable|just because we're Israeli?
Of course not.
But it's of no consequence,|as no one will be killed.
So you say.
I swear it.
On my life.
Everything will be fine now.|You will see.
This is Abu Yusef.
Where are my children?
So you are the one|who started all the trouble.
Now you have what you want, so she|will have the car to take the children.
You gave me your word.|The children will be released.
Children, run inside.|Go away. Run in.
You can't kill the children.|I swore my life! I won't have it!
What have you done?
-You okay?|-Yeah.
-The bones. He went that way.|-Where? Where?
He went up the stairs.
Look after them.
-I may hit the priest.|-If Yusef makes it out, he's in Syria.
Give it up.
As you said...
has no place in politics.
Not mine.
Not yours.
The Cardinal wants|this incident buried.
To have the state of Israel|involved in something...
so potentially dangerous|to the Christian faith...
would have serious|repercussions for us.
This is not|the body of Christ.
When the Vatican recognizes|an undivided Jerusalem...
as the capital of Israel,|the bones will be released.
God has no place in politics.
Christ said the truth|will set you free.
The truth will set you free.
What's this doing|in the house?
Well, it be longs|to my friend Matt.
But it's a cross.
Well, you see Matt is a Christian,|and he wears a cross...
like you wear|your daddy's Magen David.
But there's this man|on the cross.
-And who do you think that might be?|-I don't know.
What would you say if I told you|that that was their god?
They can see their god.|Wow. They're lucky.
Do you think it matters|that we can't see our god?
Don't be sad, Mommy.|Daddy can see God.
Do you think he can?
I think he can too.
We're very pleased that your|recuperation is going so well.
Is there anything|we can do for you?
Yes, Your Eminence.
I would like you|to listen to me.
Of course, Father.|Of course.
Your Eminence,|when I was chosen to go to Jerusalem...
I asked you why.
Why me?
Why not an archaeologist?|Someone more...
qualified for the task.
And when you told me|it was because of my faith...
I believed you.
Because for me...
your word was as good as...
But now, Your Eminence--
now I know the real truth.
You needed a puppet|to do your bidding.
The body is not Christ,|you said.
And that is exactly|what I went to prove.
Whether it was true or not.
No matter how many innocent lives|it cost in the process.
I know you don't|believe this, Father.
But in time you will come to see|it was not Him in that tomb.
Of course.|I already know that.
I thought I had lost my faith|in Christ, in God.
My savior.
But I hadn't.
I have lost my faith|in serving men...
like you or Moshe Cohen...
who use God to justify|their material agendas.
That is why I now choose|to serve God in my own personal way.
As a priest,|you are sworn to silence.
Fr. Gutierrez?
Remember, Sharon...
how you said|the truth would set me free?
Well, it has.
The Church made me a priest...
but it was our or deal together|that has made me a man of God.
Maybe for the first time.
Wherever I go,|I will keep you in my heart...
and also in my prayers.
God keep you and bless you.
Translated and linkage: Jean-Luc Picard