Bombay To Bangkok (2008) Movie Script

I am.
Shankar Singh
A cook in a nice restaurant.
SimpIe straight Iife.
No probIems at aII.
where am I sneaking out
in the middIe of the night.
- Money
There had been a mishap Iast night.
Life was going on normaI.
But you can't get away from the greed.
I found a bag in restaurant.
I found money in that.
weakness of a moment.
Just a moment.
I took it without thinking anything.
And my fate was changed
at that moment.
You must be thinking, how?
Do you know who's money that was?
The biggest don of Bombay...
Khan Seth.
The thief wiII definiteIy come
back to get his stuff.
we wiII keep an eye
of each way.
You go there and
you go there.
Come here.
Thanks dude.
Turn off the Iights.
They're stiII outside.
Didn't I teII you, he'd come.
I thought you were my friend.
Sorry dude, I have onIy one
friend... Money.
You stoIe something from me.
And damaged my reputation
I can't spare you.
Are you Ieaving for somewhere?
what are you Iooking at time for?
PIease come on time today.
Even God won't be abIe to save you
from me.
You don't have anyone but...
PIease come on time today.
Boss that's wasn't good.
I know.
Come on.
My rap isn't that bad.
I swear, I don't know where's
he going to?
He Ieft in hurry, didn't
even say good bye.
But he Ieft his ticket to Dubai.
Has Shankar come here?
He sIipped from us.
He headed this way.
He wiII definiteIy come.
I'm the Ieader of this team.
I'm thankfuI to aII of you doctors.
That you're giving your time
to serve other peopIe.
You aII beIong to different states.
You don't know each other so go
ahead and introduce yourseIves.
we are waiting for Dr. Bhatt.
Seems he foIIows Indian standard time.
we are getting Iate.
So Dr. Banna, pIease start.
I'm Dr. Moti Banna from Jodhpur.
Dr. Bhatt..
- Yes.
Come pIease.
Everyone's waiting for you.
But I had to go inside..
You know doctors,
they're aIways confused.
Come, pIease.
I'm teIIing you.
PIease come.
why is it too dark here?
what are you afraid of?
I'm here with you.
Come here
- Yes sir.
Load this box first.
How Iong this fIight wiII be?
About 4 hours.
I'm Dr. Bhatt.
Dr. Bhatt, it's good that you came.
Meet everyone on the bus.
ActuaIIy I Ieft my ticket..
There's no need for the ticket.
we're going through a charter
fIight of Indian AirIine.
Let's go.
Bye Bombay
God wiIIing, we'II meet again.
Khan Seth is coming
Earrings are 12
So many neckIaces.
BangIes are 4
Looks my Iast year's income was
spent on this body aIone.
And what's this?
Jam K.
How nice name I gave you?
JamaI Khan
what's the use?
I wished for a son and got
this wonder.
who wears more jeweIry then
a newIy wedded bride.
where's that cook?
Don't teII me that he sIipped
from your hands.
He wouId have been cut in peaces.
He must've been trapped
if that pIanned hadn't come.
He had a ticket to Dubai.
He never caught that fIight.
He ran away somewhere eIse.
I'II find him.
There's onIy one end if someone
tries to steaI from me.
That's death.
If you don't come back with his dead body...
Then don't come back at aII.
where am I stuck now?
where's that box now?
Now I'II have to go to there
medicaI camp to find the box.
I thought I wouId go and see
the city of Bangkok.
Now I have to go where
their camp is.
what's the name of that pIace?
Ghao Yayi something.
Don't know what that pIace is.
My friend has given his
resort for our camp.
we'II rest today and start
our work from morning.
I have wondering when you'II
get up.
Come on hurry up.
Let's go.
How did you come inside?
I open peopIes' bodies everyday.
This room is nothing to me.
Come on. Let's go.
Rash has a surprise especiaIIy
for us guys.
AII other guys turned out to
be sissies.
Just two of us are Ieft.
Come on Iet's go now.
Come, come
- Coming.
Don't be impatient.
Choose wiseIy.
Otherwise I'm here
for the expert advice.
Master, teach us.
AII right.
See that.
Number 22,
She's passionate. She works hard
to make the customer happy.
Number 48,
she's experienced.
She'II make you happy that
nobody eIse couId.
Number 67, 68, 69
They have smeII so nice that you'II...
And aIso you'd expect something
speciaI from a pIace Iike this.
where's number 121?
I'd go for number 22.
I haven't seen her before.
She must have come now
with the newer batch.
No, no I'II pay her.
- It's from me. Enjoy.
No what are you saying.
No I'II do it.
I can't do this.
Come come.
Make a Iine.
It wiII be good.
I am Rakshendre Singh my
brother Harvendre Singh.
Father BaIvender Singh.
Mother BaIjit core.
Grand father Amarjeet Singh.
Grand Mom Prakash core.
we aII wiII be your transIators.
Every Dr. has a shift of 8 hours.
Me and Dr. Irani and Dr. Mathew
we wiII doing surgeries
And other Drs. wiII see
there patients.
One more thing our suppIies are very costIy
and they have a bid demand in bIack market
So we have to Iock them.
Good work Dr. come and
save some Iives.
why he caII you Dr. Singh?
Immigration officer was caIIed
you Dr. Singh at airport.
My name is Singh.
Shankar Singh Bhatt.
My Father was a fan
of Sardars.
In which MedicaI coIIage
you read?
There is a viIIage near
by Punjab.
I think there's something is fishy.
my training teIIs me
there's something wrong.
I'II see it.
There was just a need of it.
My Father was a Fan of Sardars.
Crazy you can't say
anything eIse.
Its very easy.
PeopIes are use
''No'' very much here
Dr. Tripati just a minute.
Yes Dr. Bhatt.
He need a signature
of some body.
who is the In charge
of suppIy room?
Dr. Rati.
How she is here?
who cares.
He is a reaI whore.
PIease don't open your mouth.
I think she is teIIing she
came in camp first time.
Yes she is one of our voIunteers.
Don't say that to any one here.
Is she understand or not.
Rash teII him to be
quite about yesterday.
About that night.
what she said?
She was teIIing about cIothes
what mean?
what she doing here?
This pIace is not for her.
Dr. don't say Iike this.
she is working here in day time.
And at night time
she works in parIor.
LocaI girIs are very
struggIer they need money.
You can do it you have
grow up on the streets of Mumbai.
You have seen the worId.
Its just for one day.
Do acting today and go
inside the suppIy room at night.
Pick up the parceI
and then go what is typicaI.
You have fIu.
No you have a heart probIem
He is saying his Iife has destroyed
and he don't have any aim in Iife
OnIy you can save him.
He want you check his that.
His that what I do?
ReIax I am here.
There are so many speciaIties
but you have chosen it.
what a Iuck you got.
Hand, mouth, nose,
eyes, Iever.
But no you get this
beginning of Iife history.
I can't touch that.
Dr. Is it ok?
Yes absoIuteIy fine.
Rash teII him I am agree to treat
him but he wear his pant first.
I say right this.
Yes right now.
Or I can't sIeep aII night.
My first success patient.
Do you think its right to give
him medicine without testing.
who is Dr. you or me?
Sorry Dr.
I have an experience of
many years just because it.
Have you seen his smiIe.
Our first duty is to
make patients happy.
Go and send next patient.
Its very strange every
patient want Viagra.
Today's Last patient.
Yes Dr.
I need your heIp.
Its very funny.
we can do shopping.
I need a hoIiday after
work in the Camp.
An open ticket to Dubai.
Aunty I am a best
friend of Shankar.
Nice to meet you.
He caIIs me today.
From Hong Kong.
No I think from Singapore.
No I think Japan.
why he is her Son.
wow what a security.
It reminds me my country.
No I am not a Dr.
Listen to me I am
caIIing Sunny.
I am here.
You have done a mistake why
you give that medicine to him.
Rash was toId you.
why why?
Come and sit.
Batter then the best.
Is there any thing more?
Come and sit here.
Are you ok.
It was onIy Gas.
Yes I toId that.
why you say no aIways?
when I teII you something
you say no.
Now again No.
Its written Iike this
but they speak fast.
You Iearn I am taking
more food.
You was very confused
Iast night.
what I do I was scared
because you wasn't there.
Big Doctors cant suggest it easiIy
between Gas and heart attack.
It was a good Iuck.
sorry what you were saying?
don't get invoIve in this situation
''you couId find these kind of girIs
get you money and get out.
yeah sure...!
get you money and get out.
send first patient inside.
what you want?
I want to ask one question
shouId I come Iater?
how I am going to eat aII this for
whoIe month
I couId kiII some buddy for one
pIate of ''DaaI ChawaI''
actuaIIy ''Gazma''
''Bhamsah, Papra ne machi, PIawo''
''Puran Puri''
''Gatay's VegetabIe, Red Mash''
pIease.. we are doctors, here for vocations.
Dr. Tripati I have one soIution
my friend Dr. Rati...
onIy Rati..
now can I ask question?
shaII we 50/50?
come on Rati you found the pouch?
my diagnoses was right, some thing
is wrong with you.
pIease sit.
when u opened the medicine boxes
have you found anything eIse?
what do you mean?
I mean a part from medicine by
mistake I dropped some thing in it.
I do my work very carefuIIy,
was that thing very vaIuabIe?
yeah kind of...
hope you find it,
now this fantastic meaI is caIIing me.
what if someone get it
what shouId I do, what shouId
I eat?
''KomaI aram with tandoori'' then suddenIy
''Keema Matar'' with bIack ''DaaI''
''Parata Tandoori'' and Iet begin the
I booked in advance.
in few extra bugs
that's speciaIty in here.
there is nothing to worried about
every thing has same price
concentration went to heII
so you want to be opener..
teII her she shouIdn't do that
she is saying what?
her work.
that nightjob.
because it is not right
what said that?
that's I don't know but seIIing
our seIf is bad
if you are seIIing your guts in
the market why cant me? big deaI?
we heIp peopIe
me too.
we make them active
me too.
we make them happy
more then me?
a girI what do with her body
its her probIem
your oId thinking and...
what did she said?
curse... infect a Iot of curse...
why this sad face after such a
good meaI doctor?
its a Iong story Dr. Tripati
Dr. Rati toId me, you Iost some thing?
may be its Ieft in Bangkok
yeah our haIf medicines are in
Bangkok it wiII go to Kanpur from there.
you can go find it.
got him.
now you get out, or I wiII
teII your secret
I am feeIing happy to here that
much money for the first time
why you are invoIving in my person
I am tired of you IittIe signs,
I don't need you heIp
I respect myseIf, what worId think
about me I don't care.
work is work..
you remember what I said?
sorry I went emotionaI
I need you heIp I want to
go to Bangkok to get one thing
Iisten before you start your Thai
I wiII give you money, doubIe then
you earn. pIease...
haIf right now haIf Iater.
we wiII meet tomorrow morning.
Iets go my brave partner, our
work is finished here.
were you sIeeping here aII night?
had pain in my head, cant puII it again.
I bought something forjourney.
this is yours, and that's for her.
I wont be there how you going to
I have written some Thai and Hindi
words in it, it wiII heIp
you did a Iot for me. thanks
you are saying Iike you wont
come back
Iife has no guarantee, but don't teII
anyone where I went.
Jasmine... you sIeep so hard
yeah sure, my shouIder aIso went
to sIeep.
pIease teII her for the Iast time.
don't ask any question,
we have to Ieave now.
I wiII teII you every thing on the
way, trust me.
I have arranged the transport
Iong hair.. white.. white shirt..
oh shit...
it wiII be hard to run after peopIe
in this pants?
you are hurt... come.
have you find your friend?
no he went somewhere...
I am sure he wiII be back
Dr. Rati he is friend of Dr. Bhatia
pIease take care of him.
sure Dr. Tripati.
thank you...
Iooking at gangster eyes aIive
for the first time.
come on you cant hide it from me this
gun JeweIry your men, I am not dumb
I get bored with my work
most of the time
you never got siIIy man easiIy
no I mean, difficuIt and psycho man
and Iet me diagnose your interesting
Bhai, you dad wiII kiII you.
I reaIIy wanted to stay here but
have to do some important work
gangster's work
stay for onIy one section
one section wont make any difference
ask for the chocoIate and get sIap.
wanted to hear ''Kishore'' pIayed ''Rafi''
wanted to watch comedy, and put
on action movie
me pink he was bIack
me oxygen he was CO2
up, down, in, out every thing Santra
take it out what ever is in your
Very good.
Is she eating food or
bioIogy cIass!
warms, caterpiIIars,
snaiIs, scorpion.
I can't eat this.
Its funny.
it means you was making me fooI
I am just coming.
I Iike this girI. Concentrate.
I Iike this girI very much.
I truIy Iike this girI. Concentrate.
I Iike this girI. Concentrate.
LaIu Prasad yadav.
Ritesh Kumar.
Mutton, Chicken.
BIack paper.
Red chiIi, Dog, Cat.
SaIt, Sugar. Berger.
He can't come with us we have to reach there
at time and there is no space on motor bike.
He can't come with us.
I have said.
Lets go.
what he is saying?
No it wiII be Iate we
have to go.
what he bustard doing with us?
She can understand that.
Go to heII.
what is this rubbish.
HeIIo I go there.
You are bustard.
Look I am angry.
I have toId you I am angry.
I don't want to taIk to you.
why you taIking to him?
Is it good?
Yes its good.
where he goes?
I am asking you where
is the bag?
what are you asking me you
was taIking with him.
where is he which
was with you
what are you saying Iook.
ReIax nice peopIe good peopIe.
Shut up.
You accept that you have
done a mistake.
Go to heII.
Go to heII.
Hey stop.
You caII me idiot.
Oh so you understand
that good.
You idiot.
So you want to pIay this game.
You are a coward gangster.
My UncIe was caIIs
me coward aIso.
Some times.
No more about him.
what if you are a cheap
gangster but you are a nice rapper.
Is it true?
of Corse.
which you said to me if you put some
music in it so it wiII be an aIbum.
Thank you madam I think
its just because of you.
But I have to.
Go now.
My work is very important.
Now not anything is impossibIe.
Your brother.
How strange they are.
It was Iast night of Jasmine's brother
before then he went to tempIe.
And he suggest us for
his finaI fun.
I am teIIing true I am very
thankfuI to him.
Now what?
My UncIe.
You Iike Shahrukh khan.
Amitabh Bachan.
Aisha Takia.
Use Iess.
My uncIe is crazy.
Crazy and FamiIy.
Just I need some
money for petroI.
My friend.
And then me and Aishwaria
at the beach.
And then we was waIking
and we sIeeping under sky.
So I said to Aishwaria what
if our Iife wiII go as this.
Good night Shahrukh.
what's bad if our Iife wiII
go on Iike this.
You wiII not teII me.
Not a toII I have this.
Its not in it.
TeII me.
what is this now?
I understand this.
I am a doctor.
Let me go inside.
It wasn't easy to catch you.
You have my one thing.
You girI friend is.
If you touch him so...
ReIax hero Do you seen
any gun at me?
what is this?
I was just teIIing you that your
girI friend is standing there.
why you done it?
I was weak I was thinking to fix
my aII probIems in one chance.
I have done a mistake.
Its ok.
Now give back which you StoII.
I have taken some money sorry.
I got it.
Thanks God.
I was scared that I has
Iost it for ever.
My work is finished here
I'II give this rose to her.
You can go now.
It means I go now?
Yes its a nice way to take a mess
with Papa but don't go back to Bombay.
He wiII not Iive you aIive.
Tank you.
Can I ask one more thing?
I need some money
its my need.
what happen?
So its just for this?
Or there is something eIse?
I was forget its your business
Something's can not
be change ever.
I was thinking that we have
to Ieft our past.
SpeciaI tip for your
speciaI services.
HeIIo Mom.
Mom I am going to Dubai.
I'II send your ticket.
You come there after treatment.
Listen Mom its Dubai ok.
Not Masqat not Abu Dhabi,
not Qatar Mom Dubai.
Damn it I hate this.
I am feeIing guiIty.
So its the End of story.
I am aIone at this Airport
I am just aIone, aIone..
And you have you
heIped me ever
Excuse ''Chandra kun'' means?
I Iove you.
what he said?
They come to arrest.
Don't speak IoudIy.
are you speaking?
Its a big story.
She goes to JaiI because of you.
Because me what are you saying?
Look don't be cIeaver.
Yes I have stoIen but.
I can't understand
what are you saying?
Medicines has stiIIed
from camps.
Camp is cIosed and we
are going back tomorrow.
And they aII think that
I have StoII it.
Yes. when you come here
then medicines are stiIIed
And when you go there
then you do there.
By God someone
puts me in this.
Yes of Corse.
Mr. Shankar Singh.
So you knows my reaI name.
Come and say truth to
PoIice or Dr. Rati wiII.
what you said?
Yes Dr. Rati has warned
us about you.
Dr. Rati and who?
Rash wiII you pIease do
one more thing for me.
How I trust you?
If I wiII be thief then am
I mad who come back.
Its true.
Is it.
Now come with me.
To catch the thief.
Yes I am ready to go.
My work has finished here.
I can come now.
wait for me.
Ok bye.
Are you going somewhere.
what's your concern?
You are very reIax.
I can be dangerous.
I see everyday peopIes Iike
you can't make me scared.
I think we have to taIk.
wiII you making noise?
You wiII scream me If I try to make
noise and you warn me to kiII etc.
why we waste our time
you have to taIk go on.
And Rash there's no need
to be guard come out.
why you StoII it?
You think I am thief.
Or what. You have the
keys of suppIy room
You was known that
I seeking something.
And that night when I
reached to suppIy room.
So Yen yang was drunk.
And you informed me
about Bankon's camp.
And now you going to
meet your partner.
ExceIIent Karam Chand.
Famous T.V detective.
Pankaj Kapoor he
beIongs to CoIombo.
weII we have to think
about your story.
You being a fake Dr. and
you stoIe stuff from suppIy room.
And you goes to Bangkok
with a voIunteer.
And you have done
it there aIso.
May I teII you more.
So if I am not thief
and you aren't.
It means you trust me?
I know who is teIIing Iie when?
SherIock HoImes said that.
He is a worId's famous detective
SherIock HoImes said some times
answer seems cIear.
But we don't care of it.
Because our brain wiII not
be agree to accept that.
when I am not thief
and you aren't.
I haven't toId you
about Bangkok.
There's a big demand of these
medicines in bIack market.
Our haIf medicaI suppIy
is in Bangkok.
And we go to Kanpur
from there. you find there
Dr. Tripati.
when you said to Dr. Tripati
that you have a doubt on me.
when I reached at Bangkok.
It means he aIways knows that
I am not Dr. Bhatt he puts me in it.
Then where you go to meet?
Someone who can
change my Iife.
My bag.
I am foIIowing him you
caII the PoIice.
Lets go.
I said that.
Good so it is the pIan.
Stand up and Iets do it.
where Rash goes.
He is going.
Stand up stand up.
Game is over.
what can you do?
Do you have any proof?
This brief case fuII of money.
This money wiII be hide and my friend
Pyson wiII be invisibIe in a few minutes.
Its not in your hand
go from here.
I have done it whoIe Iife.
And now its the time to be Hero.
Its same now.
Look you keep haIf money for this
work and then we twice wiII be happy.
I comes here for
another reason.
Don't say that you comes
here for that girI.
Is it aII just for that bitch.
what you said her?
Thank buddy.
I am sorry to bIame you.
Not a toII it happens.
I have a work.
Good Iuck.
But these bags.
I'II handIe it aII.
At Ieast I becomes a Hero.
Ladies & GentIe man Shankar hasn't saves
onIy seIf respect he saves his beIoved aIso.
UncIe is Rash at home?
you are going...
he Iocked himseIf in office because
he is sad
he eats when he is sad
Iisten it wiII take few hours
not to worry I can wait.
what are you doing here?
Rati toId me you wiII be here onIy
but you have forgive me aIready?
no.. no.. I have come to give you
IittIe advice
never expected
an advice from a gangster
a gangster who knows the meaning
of Iove
you don't surprise, I have come that
far Iooking for dry fIower?
one dry fIower I have saved it my
whoIe Iife just to give it to my Iove.
its true that true Iove comes onIy
once in Iife
and when it comes.
in the face we never expect
I tried, you know what happen.
so you Ieft it
what shouId I do?
go after her.
see that she sIapped here.
you Iove has gone in onIy one sIap?
she hates me, I Iied to her she went
to jaiI because of me.
she hates me...
went to jaiI...
Iet me teII you a secret, women are
different then men, they forgive.
both of you from different worId but
your destiny is same
Iove has no borders nor Ianguage,
Iove never Iisten to Handcuff
you are expert,
I know.
now move.
now what?
what kind of signaI?
it happen when you find true Iove,
the signaI comes from sky
showing the destiny to a Iover
was never that hard
here is you signaI
Kishore Da said it, now move.
I am going.. going...
I don't understand what you are saying
I don't know how I make you
understand this Ianguage.
there is someone above.
you think everything wiII be
aII right from today
we have different ways,
you go back to your country.
now its my turn
both of you from different worId but
your destiny is same
Iove has no borders nor Ianguage,
Iove never Iisten to Handcuff
is it done?
you feeI shame for my work
even when you are a crook
pIease forgive me
is Iove enough?
I understand that.
Hash has written a book.
''Iearn Thai in 7 days''
but even success didn't made his
shouIder's pain away
after Iying aII those years, he
finaIIy reached the destination
now he Iives with pride
I remember first day of schooI
Papa was interested in cricket
Jankai finaIIy found true Iove
now he is settIed with his wife
in Bangkok
he visits Mumbai sometimes secretIy,
to have ice-cream
and about me...
my dream has fuIfiII,
me with my true Iove
running smaII restaurant at the beach
after aII where you heart is, your
worId wiII be there.
why she doesn't Iisten to me
she aIways Iisten to me...