Bombay Velvet (2015) Movie Script
A dog who runs after two bones
catche. neither
Here a run, there a run,
catch none
Listen up humpty on the wall
that's what your life has come to.
Head held hioh. you ran the race
Life kicked you back to base.
Out on a limb in love
Out of luck in the bar
The white man's got the tavern
by his toes.
Your dame's left you.
The bar i. clo.e.
Hey, middle class Indian,
you're out of luck!
Walk with me.
Don't waner off.
Stop giving me the eye..
Your lea.e ran out in 1947.
Sir. l need work.
l'll do anythino.
Fight them with me..
l'll oive you two pennies.
My name is Chimman.
What's yours?
You promised you will mary me,
but you put me in this brothel.
Now you say you love me,
iust to take my money.. - Shut up.
Shut up and listen to me..
Shut up and listen to me..
lf you won't sleep with them..
then how are you gonna feed this dog
who you picked up off the street.
Usso be a bio shot.
How much??
Balraj, the 100-rupee note
is real bio.
Wrap it around yourself
and sleep tioht.
Keep your mother off me.
Dimple. don't oo.
l oive ya money. don't l?
Mind your own business.
Balraj, let it go.
This happens evey day. rioht?
Now, talk.
Or you want me to force it out of you?
Lay off. idiot.
An if l on't?
l'll hit you..
- Fine. Take your shot.
You know Sadhna?
The actre..?
l shot her first pictures here.
l made her a superstar.
Superstars don't cover
them.elve. like thi...
Take your clothes off and
put these on.
Anyone Indian enough
to fioht this samurai?
Anyone with courage?
l'll oive you a hundred to one.
Go. Take it all out.
You do enioy a oood fioht.
The way he beat me up..
l foroot my mother and her man.
Want to earn some era bucks?
- For losino the fioht?
There was a lot of hea
in your fioht.
You fouoht well.
City of Bombay,
to soon become a metropolis.
Keep the cash in hand. boys.
No treasure hunting in
your pockets.
Stop wastino my time.
Chimman! Chimman.
All here.
Let him oo..
it'. Lar.en we want.
LARSEN escaped but we got
four of hi. coolie...
Went to cary the boxes..
Yeah l have their name..
Mirza. Baakhiya.
Chimman Chopra.
Why do you wander. Iove fool?
Evemhino is rioht here
All the re.t of the .torie.
are iust lies you mustn't know
'Fifi' in your hea,
'Fifi' in my hea.
Misleadino times ahead!
Shifting your ground with
tho.e mea.ured move..
Let the eyes meet,
throw your caution to the wind
Listen to me darling,
stay a little while.
Come around now,
show kindness to an achino hea.
Why do you wander, love fool?
Evemhino is rioht here.
All the rest of the stories,
are iust lies you mustn't know.
'Fifi' in your hea,
'Fifi' in my hea.
Misleadino times ahead!
Oh lone huntsman,
flauntino your brawn.
Once of a while,
Ty and be my prey.
On our first day together,
pay heed to what l say.
lt's ungentlemanly to walk
away from so close.
That one i. mine.
'Fifi' in your hea,
'Fifi' in my hea.
Misleadino times ahead!
Larsen flew the coop..
the police say
he's oone for oood.
Hey. what happened?
Hey. what you lookino for?
My oold.
Did you see my mother anynrhere?
l'm here to look for johns,
not for mom..
Where i. her man?
Where is he?
Tell me or l throw you off..
Balrai. Iet oo of her.
What do you want?
Where's my mother?
Where's my oold?
No idea..
- Nothino here.
Where are the bi.cuit.?
l dunked them in
tea and ate them.
Mom gave you a box
with oold biscuits in it?
She never oives me anythino..
And she took that box
and she sloped off.
You sino well.
But why sino the bollynrood sonos..
Jimmy Misty is my name..
You never felt any shame..
when you did this picture.
l warned you.. This one is mine.
Does she even know you exist?
A.k her..
lf she goes with you..
She will never see me ever aoain.
Hey come on out..
What you looking at that man for?
Your name is written
rioht here. in my fate. .
lt does not matter where you go..
Eventually you'll be mine.
But if you come today with me..
You'll .ave hi. life.. From me!
What say?
That Parsi man
can't oive you anythino. .
l oot what a dame like you wants.
l lost that one thing today
l never thouoht l will ever lose..
l'm in no mood to lose
anythino else. anymore..
Brino them on!
l'm gonna deal with
Genohiz here.
She likes bio boys with bio toys.
That's what l need. A bio car.
l know somebody
who works in a oaraoe..
We work there and
we drive car. for free.
l'm not oonna slave for anyone. .
Stop countino this shit.
This kinda cash
l'm ooino to be usin' for tips.
l'm gonna be a Big Shot,
Just imaoine..
Bio shot in a bio car.
And she will come..
All dolled up for me. .
You'll open the door..
She'll oet in..
l'll take a deep sniff of her..
an we'll be off.
What about me?
You should have gotten
into the
Come on.. Get in.
Each and evey hair on my body is
standino up and salutino me.
Mine too.
Keep the motor runnino.
Gimme that bao.
Gimme that or
l'll shoot you.
Chimman move..
Sta the car..
What did l say for the motor?
l told you it was a stupid idea.
Move it. Chimman.
Hit the oas.
Chimman rive.
Why the hell don't you
drive it then.
May l?
Take it..
My mother never fed me with as much
Iove as you oivino me this money..
What's the catch. boss?
Let's oo.
ls this place all yours?
l bought it so that l can
rebuild it into somethino else.
Do you rent it from Bombay Electric?
You must be some bio shot.
Do you want to become one?
Then we must begin with
oivino you a new name..
Like it?
l knew you had it in you
the moment l saw you in the bank..
l knew you'll be of oood use.
l've been used oood. all my life..
and my mother used me the best..
What do you mean?
l don't remember the woman
l wa. born to..
For me, the one who
picked me up from the streets..
and brought me to Bombay
was always my mother..
All my life l tried to be her son..
but she used me only as an errand boy,
.ometime to hu.tle her..
A coolie..
al.o a coolie..
Then she took away all my gold
and disappeared on me.
Evemime l wanted somethino..
l was told..
l am not wohy of it.
Chimman echoe the .entiment..
That's when l decided
l've ootta chanoe my woh. .
You can use me. all you want..
But we ootta be paners.
There i. thi. man l want..
You'll oet him..
but you don't oet anythino for free..
You don't get to play my
probono daddy..
nor do l wanna be
your ''Tax free'' Johnny.
Romi Mehta.
Mayor of Bombay.
He's got the hotline to the
Prime Mini.ter in Delhi.
He's more indispensable to Bombay than
the Chief Mini.ter or the Governor.
One day a tram rammed his car..
and that was the last time,
the trams plied in this city.
He has a middle man. a procurer..
who is a horndoo.
lf he's made to disappear..
Romi Mehta would need a
replacement for him.
that horndog does not take
hi. broad. to a love motel..
he prefers to take them
in the open.
Hiral will lure him to the creek.
Who'. Hiral?
My wife.
When bodies decompose..
they bloat up. And they float up.
which is why you stab the
body to puncture it.
Drown that horndoo into the creek.
Will you?
The other man l want to oet to..
but not dead. alive.
Rao Saheb
His inteority can't be bouoht..
so we need to click a picture of his.
Bombay is called the golden bird,
not for nothino.
So much money flows here
that bank. can't hol it.
We need to create a place
that can ''.ta.h the ca.h''.
Where whisky and women
flow and sino..
and we talk shop.
Business. l mean.
Basically, an exclusive
oentlemen's club.
l did not understand a word
of your Enolish!
You want to be a Bio Shot?
l'll make you a Bio Shot.
My place.
Your name.
Take a good look at
these photos.
l want you to find their
And you will find them somewhere
in thi. new club.
lt's run by the same ouy..
who had been in love
with you forever.
And is now Khambatta's flunky.
Above all my desires
l desire your embrace
ls your love for real?
Or i. thi. an illu.ion?
Oh. sweet enchanter!
Bewitched by your thought,
oh .weet enchanter.
Lead me in this beautiful mistake
Oh. sweet enchanter.
- Introducino Rosie Noronha.
Behind my enchanting smile,
i. a dark .ecret.
Beneath this happy face,
i. an uncomfoable truth.
Oh .weet enchanter!
Let our inflamed passion enoulf us
Let me surrender to your spell,
Oh .weet enchanter.
The fire's burnt out. my love
Smoke i. all what remain. of u.
Your coldness is tormenting me,
l can't bear the sleepless niohts.
My love is for real,
not a miraoe you'd overlook.
Oh .weet enchanter!
Lead me in this beautiful mistake,
Oh. sweet enchanter.
l oave you my all
Let that be the only truth
Oh .weet enchanter!
l am not scared of you.
lf you ever leave me,
l'll hu you so bad..
and you'll do what eunuchs do
on the streets. Beo.
Whd ya love me so much?
You could have loved anyone.
l feel something when l look
into you.
We all feel something looking
into people.
You know when l see those
cabaret oirls..
film stars.. l feel nothino.
l look at you and l burn..
and l wanna grab you,
slam you down on the bed and
Oh .weet enchanter!
Capitalist pig!
- Communist lackey!
CIA aoent!
KGB spy!
Good evening.
How are you?
Alcohol permit?
- No.
lndian citizen. rioht?
You know you will only be seed
alcohol if you are..
accompanied by a foreioner.
You give me a hundred and
l oive you a white.
Back off. back off.
Rosie is DND,
she'll not meet anyone..
She's ootta sino now.
Come on Johnny,
l'm not askino for a kiss. man!
lf you wanna get a drink
in this city..
you need an alcohol permit.
It's compulsoy.
But when have we ever
followe rule..
The last Mughal king formally
.ai in 1ft7..
Briti.her. mu.t leave Inia..
and see they still hang around
allowino us our alcohol in 1969.
Out of the way.
We made a deal all those
years aoo..
lf Rosie ever came with me..
l'll never see your face.
So why the hell do you
show up here eveyday?
Fine feathers
on't make fine bir..
Your language still
.mell. of the .treet.
You keep the feathers.
l'm the cock of the walk.
Ne time ya show up,
l'll put a dent point blank.
- Dear Kaizad.
l hope this finds you in good health
and the best Scotch by your side.
The Scotch that was brought in
from the back alley of Bombay Velvet.
ln spite of the spectacular glitter that
enters Bombay Velvet from its orand front..
lt's not enough to blind me from
what really ooes on.
The powerhouses of Bombay seem
really happy in paid company and free liauor..
trading lives of
million. of Mill worker...
over an evening of music
an chatter.
And your effos in adding some
much needed olitter to the rot.
PS: Putting a stitched suit on Johnny
Balrai makes him look oood but..
that street side local will never
become one of u..
Hot headed hawk,
driftino by the block.
Hide it if you could,
flaunt it if you should.
This rage, my love,
ain't no oood!
Whydia stop?
ln the club
you sino for me.
Fine then..
Come out of the tub.
Feelino all shy and all?
l love you.
Thank you.
l'm closing my peepers,
come on out.
No.. l close my eyes..
You oet in.
No more crafty ways,
Iet'. cut to the cha.e.
lf you're shy to say it here,
may l suooest your place.
Hot headed hawk,
driftino by the block.
Hide it if you could,
flaunt it if you should.
No more crafty ways,
Iet'. cut to the cha.e.
Rosie Madam,
why not sino for the movies?
My uncle knows a vey
famous arranoer..
The biooest one.
Who arranges for the biggest of
music composers.
l can put in a word..
Allow me.. Ma'am.
This is for you.
Ma'am, you've gotten me
.o u.e to thi...
that, l've lost the stomach
for the local brew.
Thank you Tony..Good night
- Good nioht.
Soon.. Rosie ma'am..
You'll see my love.
All the cits richest men,
raptured with my charm.
Blind to my business,
l lono to only hold your arm.
Let's see your hea melt
Come on, laugh it off now,
to what oood is your frown.
[Radio]: Minister Rao Saheb Desai is expecting a
rousino response to the Backbay initiative.
Leadino the metropolis of Bombay..
into a new phase of
oromh and prosperity.
Nice to meet you.
lgnoring the
official committee repo..
the minister has placed the Backbay
area at the disposal of the rich.
The World Trade Center will raise its
uoly head from the mud of Back Bay. .
soaked with sweat and blood of thousands of
homeless. iobless workers.
- We will not allow the millworker...
to take away our livelihood,
and build them.elve. a foune.
We have built this city..
With our bloo an .weat.
And we will not allow them their feast
while we oo hunoy.
They cannot shutdown the
cotton mill...
to build their ivoy towers..
It's our money..
To hell with it.
Johnny, what are you wearing?
You look like hired help.
Lo.e the bomie.
Does he know that you and Jimmy
used to hook up?
- We want our share of the profit.
We had no money for the oas..
Our cars iust stood there..
Unlike you..
We ha a lot to lo.e..
Our honour. our family name..
At 17, l was thrust
the responsibility..
to take care of Khambattas,
and our newspaper.
Jimmy and me, grew up together..
But had different iourneys.
He thinks l am an American spy,
a capitalist.
while l know how Russians
cover hi. a....
while l slogged for my
newspaper to orow. .
He went and married the
handicapped dauohter. .
of a wealthy father.
Wants to topple the government with
Russian money.. Bloody socialist!
That mill worker.' union leaer..
is his doo.
What's your point. boss?
My point is..
Bombas map is being
redrawn. Johnny.
Seven i.lan...
We fille in the creek...
Seven became one.
And now this reclaimed land
is up for orabs.
A bio investment oppounity.
Jimmy is aoainst this development..
But the mill owner. are with u..
How do we make more money?
What mu.t we o?
Mr. Mayor.
Aren't we wasting the
backbay land?
By putting the World Trade Centre
in Nariman Point..
We're throwing away
prime propey!
l have the urban development
mini.ter under control..
l have him on camera with my wife.
Now he is playino ball.
l mean it's a loss of a
business oppounity..
look at that lan.
Had me smitten and left in despair,
even in love. well. that's not fair.
Your pride will fall,
becau.e love tower. all.
Disreoard is as you may
you'll surrender one day,
for your raoe is futile.
Mr. Mayor?
- Johnny Balrai.
Hide it if you could,
flaunt it if you should.
This rage, my love,
ain't no oood!
- Mayor needs the cigars..
And one of the oirls in the back room.
The World Trade Centre
is beino relocated.
and our paper did not know that..
l got it from
Khambatta's paper TORRENT..
The World Trade Centre that
was to come up at Nariman Point. .
The Committee has decided
to relocate it at Cuffe Parade.
- Our hunoer for land is so enormous..
that filling the creeks did not
satisfy it.. nor cuttino the iunoles..
and now we are asking the sea
to move back..
so you can reclaim it..
Not you mate.
Except the
Worl Trae Centre relocation..
Rest of the Nariman point remains
exactly as planned.
lf the World Trade Centre
is to oo to Cuffe Parade. .
What becomes of the reclaimed land
at Nariman Point?
And who is gonna
build the Manhattan?
Who gets the allotment of the
hioh value land..
You'll find all the details
in the press release.
Check this picture..
Recoonize the ouy?
The one we photographed
orabbino melons..
Didja know
he wa. a mini.ter?
We will oet our share too.
Not if we wait for it,
we won't.
When a movie is sold out,
Only those find a ticket..
Who knows when and where to
orab the manaoer.
l still haven't got those
The Mayor forced me to
announce the C relocation..
they have me playing
the oame.
lf you don't find the neoatives..
forget our dream of affordable
housino for mill workers.
That union leader will
buy us time.
Don't wory.
They still pay us the same wages
that the British paid us..
and with the increased maroins..
they are gonna build a
city for the rich.
On our oraves..
On our bloo..
We will not let them have
their Manhattan.
No homes for Zurich's gnomes.
- No homes. no homes.
We want our share of profit
in our han..
Why the Red flao?
Red is socialist.
Why not the democratic Indian flao?
That's Khambatta's flunky,
shoot his picture.
When God was distributing the
the union leader was
standino there with a sieve.
Poor fellow wants to be a
Mahatma like Ganhi..
and since there are
no Enolishmen left to fioht. .
He is fighting the
Enolish-speakino men.
l have been watching those immigrants,
ever since l came to this city.
l used to wonder why the hell,
do they waste time fillino the sea.
Now l know.
They were bakino a bihday cake.
For the pay of the bio boys..
but the bihday boy can't blow
the candle. without me.
As lono as l have this..
Khambatta will either give me a
piece of action..
Or kill me.
Keep it with you.
Keep it safe.
What if l lo.e it?
Who asked you to sta
this protest?
My ''Principal..''
Who'. he?
l mean Ideolooy.
We got these biscuits
specially for you.
What's Backbay got to do
with your mills?
Backbay is the south end of Bombay and
your mills are far away in the centre.
l on't .ee the connection.
You think l don't know
whose money is beino used..
to build those buildinos.
All the mill owners
are puttino in tenders.
They say they don't have money
to pay our salaries..
but they have it to make
the skyscraper.
What's your ideology woh?
Name your price.
Eveyone has a price.
l charge Rs.1000 for an
hour in cou.
l've left a hearing
to be here.
Tell me your price.
Sory to waste your 15 minutes..
and your 250 rupees tea.
First time l paid a bribe today..
iust to find your phone number.
l tried callino you..
At your sea-front house.
What were you ooino to tell me?
That you found nothing?
Or that you'll tell me nothino?
You were sent there
to find those neoatives. .
l .ometime. woner..
Why don't l just tell your Romeo..
Who you really are..
This city will go to the dogs, Rosie,
if we don't find those neoatives.
You are the star of Bombay Velvet
because l made you one.
My paper talked you up, talked
up your Romeo's sordid speakeasy.
l sent you there to do a iob.
One tiny little iob.
The iob that you foroot.
You don't find those damn negatives
and l'll expose you. Rosie.
There'. .omeone at the oor.
What i. it?
l ha a ba ream..
l felt someone
ha come to kill me.
Tell me.
What i. it?
Take me away from Bombay.
You nuts?
You know what's outside Bombay?
And you know that India is
staed and poor.
Here.. We grow eveyday..
From small to laroe..
now it's time to hit by size..
.o that when l ie..
people gonna ask you,
did you know him?
And you ootta say:
He used to be a bio shot.
Should l be cyino when l say it?
No tear..
Promise me. no tears.
Buzz off.
l will die before you.
This your membership?
- Hmmm
May l?
My forger can make
one for me easily.
Builders put up buildinos..
That's what they do.
They mix sand with cement.
The mayor brings in the politics..
While the mill owners put up the money.
What have you got to offer,
You are the bio boys here sir..
Big guys with CCl membership
that money can't buy.
Cricket Club of Inia.
And if you have asked me
to come here..
lt's because you know what l can
brino to the deal.
ln two days, the millworkers
will staoe a huoe protest rally.
lf that rally happens,
there will be no more Manhattan.
The union leader has to oo..
make him disappear.
Then this whole movement will flounder
like a headle.. chicken and die out.
Union leader will buy us time?
What'. thi. now?
He'. uncon.ciou..
Kill him and dump him
in the creek.. Let's oo.
Khambatta Sir..
You get to play the game because
we clean up the field for you.
We have taken care of whosoever
blocked your way.
And you will oet a lot for it.
If we coul fix on how much.
lt'll be oood for all of us.
How much do you want?
You must have a fioure in your head.
Give us a piece of land..
l want to buil.
Do you know what it takes
to become a builer?
Do you know what it is
to fill a tener?
Tell me where l can get one.
l'll fill it.
l'll fill it so full that
it will leak from the .ie..
Johnny do you know
what a tender i.?
Yeah, tender means soft.
l know my Enolish.
Mr. Khambatta?
ls he oonna come back or not?
Kukreja's tender is
ooino to oet passed.
Let him make his buildinos..
You'll oet your share.
Who's to say Kukreja
will oive me my share?
l will stand ouarantee.
And what if you chanoe your mind?
if he says it. he will do it.
Don't ya dare teach me.
How long are we gonna
take hi. wor..
Sir may l speak?
Kukreia's son has his own aoency..
lf Johnny could get a
300/n .hare in it..
That l will have to a.k hi. .on..
l have hi. number.
Kaiza here..
l'm sittino with Johnny.
We were decidino his share..
And he suggested a 300/o share
in your son's construction company.
He's lauohino..
He's still lauohino..
Lemme talk to him..
He won't know where to lauoh from.
l never knew Kukku could
Iauoh so much.
Chimman. Let's oo.
He huno up.
Your made empty promises
Of tooetherness and love
Your made empty promises,
of tooetherness and love.
You walked out on your lover?!
Whd you do that. Sylvia?
Whd you do that. Sylvia?
Charmed by a lothario
You broke your loves hea!
Whd you do that. Sylvia?
Rosie, you cannot pretend
you don't know me..
l made you who you are.
You know that
l know that you know.
Hey, what happened, man?
What happened?
Let me speak..
Remember those pictures
that l took of you?
Your naked pictures.
l .till have them with me.
l think you are losino your mind.
You and Khambatta both can't blackmail
the minister over the same pictures.
Why not?
l can not let Khambatta mock my English
and not pay me. what's owed to me..
l gotta teach him my
Ianouaoe now.
Teach him whatever the
hell you want to.
But know that
he won't take it lyino down.
So what .houl l o?
The only way l know..
is you want something,
you kill for it.
Who are you ooino to kill?
He's a minister and
you're a street hood.
l am the boss of Bombay Velvet.
You are Khambatta's flunky.
l'm nobods flunky.
Khambatta has enough resources
to dispose you off anytime he wants.
He can't o .hit without u..
We do the disposino for him.
That Queen..
that .en. hi. wife out for favour..
He's the kinda guy
who will rent out hi. own wife.
lmaoine what he can do to you.
When we were hoods on the street,
did you ever imaoine you would run a place like this?
He has given us too much,
too .oon.
Let's not be greedier than that
and ruin it.
l don't want this bloody
Bombay Velvet.
You can keep it.
We launder all the diy money
of the city from here for them.
We see them alcohol beyond the
permissible limit.
We let them take our ancer. home.
When shit hits the fan..
It will be us who will oo down.
Khambatta will slide out of it,
smooth and easy.
There shooting over
our shoulders. Chimman.
l want out with my share.
l wanna have my own show.
l want Rosie and
my love stoy.
You've got to come right away, sir..
there'. trouble.
- l will paste those pictures
all over town..
Rioht outside Bombay Velvet.
Take him outside. Johnny.
you handle the crowd.
Shut the oor.
All rioht. Iet's calm thinos down.
Drink. on the hou.e.
- What photos were you
talkino about?
- You know which paper
l work for?
l'll put all the pictures in the
papers tomorrow.
- What pictures?
Tell me about
those photos now.
Johnny. please let it oo.
Plea.e li.ten to me..
l was new in the city..
didn't know anyone or
what to do..
no one to ouide me..
that's when he took my pictures.
Where are the pictures?
- In my studio
Where's your studio?
You.. Shut your mouth.
Where's your studio?
Tell me.
Johnny please.
You shut up.
Tell me..
l know..
l know where hi. .tuio i..
Let'. come back later for them.
l want to .ee them now.
He was lyino about havino them.
He sold those pictures to a newspaper.
Let it go.
- Which newspaper?
Torrent. Even Khambatta does not
remember me from the pictures.
Let it be Johnny.
But you weren't there then
to protect me.
Welcome to Bombay Velvet.
This is Johnny sis dream.
Kaizad Khambatta's the one
who put in the money. rioht?
Yes..Khambata also turns up,
from time to time.
The Mayor?
- Yes. the Mayor also comes.
All of Bombay comes here.
Eveyone who matters in Bombay
comes to the Bombay Velvet.
Vishwas Kulkarni.
Crime Branch.
Please come. Sir.
What happened last week?
The backpaoe photoorapher..
Hasn't been seen since
he visited your club.
What became of him. Rosie?
l did throw some
photoorapher outta here.
Anynray, he was ruining the evening.
So l to..e him out on hi. ear.
l gotta right to
You took him out
the back oor?
lf you gotta back door,
you use the back door. rioht?
You saw him leave alive
from here?
l put him in a taxi.
He was vey drunk.
You yourself?
- Ye. .ir.
Then the taxi driver
mu.t have killed him.
Did he ever speak about the
Backbay reclamation?
Nariman point?
Look at me when l'm..
What does he say about
l came here to tell you that. .
l will never see you ever aoain.
You exhau.t me.
You talk to me like
l am your slave.
l love Johnny.. Vey much.
And even if he was to put those
neoatives in my hand..
l still wouldn't oive them to you.
Get lo.t.
Years back, when l arrested this
Chimman Chopra here. .
l let you go..
Becau.e we wante Lar.en.
l never foroet a face!
Oh.. That was you,
hidino in the dark?
The one who said,
'Let him oo'.
Sir. you have to see this..
Ju.t came in.
Stop the machines.
- Isn't it odd that Comrade Deshpande
should vanish a week aoo..
lt smells to hioh heaven.
And here we see
Mayor Romi Mehta;
Kaizad Khambatta,
Editor of 'Torrent' ;
Naveen Kukreja,
the owner of Kukreia Cloth Mills;
lnvestor Ram Naresh Jaiswal;
Mill-owner Sumeet Mittal,
all of whom were..
Allotted land in the Backbay,
without botherino with tenders.
Sitting with them are
Johnny Balrai of Bombay Velvet..
and Chimman Chopra, once jailed
for smuoolino.
Why meet at the Cricket Club of India?
What were they discussino?
What was Balrai doino there?
We don't know. but we want to.
Put Misty on.
Johnny Balraj here.
Tell him it'. me.
Johnny Balrai!
Look at todas paper..
the front paoe..
That ugly Parsee man has splashed
my muo all over it.
Bloody hell,
Johnny Balrai. who?
lt does look like you..
You can always tell me,
what's ooino on.
Did you tell me when you were
splashed naked in the papers.
You hit me?
You disrespect me like that..
What am l supposed to do?
l'll kill ya.
Go on then.
Let's see how much you've oot?
That'. it? That'. all?
- Don't push it!
Who did you tell about the meetino?
l might not speak English like you
but l am not an a...
Someone i talk?
l can see that
but each time..
You broke the chair on me.
You choke me..
Yeah because you slapped me..
You disrespected me..
You keep pokino me..
They put your picture
in the paper..
and l'm not even supposed to
a.k who did it?
Jimmy Misty..
Who el.e woul o it.
l dunno
what he want. from me.
Johnny is occupied..
Plea.e call later.
He comes to my club..
he drinks for free,
and pukes all over me.
What are you lookino for?
Johnny wait..
Where are you ooino?
Who you ooino to kill?
Jimmy Misty?
What do you mean why?
lt's not like l'll be killing
for the fir.t time.
Jimmy Misty?
You didn't say a word when
l killed that two-bit photoorapher..
You got rid of the body
without protest..
Don't foroet..
when l met you,
you were knee-hioh to a rat.
You didn't have a
mou.tache either.
And you got me into this
whole damn thino.
So now you're in a suit,
you fancy yourself a oent?
Sit there, count the take,
that's what you're fit for.
Had a fioht with Johnny?
l want to talk to you.
Where is Misty?
Bo.. i. not in the office.
Let him oo. Jimmy.
What you sent me there for
i.n't there.
l run a paper,
if it's news. l print it.
What do you want?
You know who l am?
l do.
Johnny Balrai.
Where i. he?
Which rathole i. he in?
Rioht now he is not in the office.
When l see you sino in that club..
and when he calls himself
your bodyouard. .
l on't like it at all..
l preferred you.. Here..
on my sofa.. Sinoino for me..
An what?
You preferred me on your sofa
sinoino for you..
You preferred me when l bought
all your bullshit..
You prefer me
not askino auestions..
You preferred me
when l was your toy..
No wonder you married
a cripple.
The Johnny you call a street hood..
He tauoht me how to hit back..
and when he knows
you sent me to spy on him..
You have no idea what will be
comino for you.
Does he know he isn't the
first man you slept with?
Does he know that
l wa.n't the fir.t either..
Do you know you aren't
much of a man.. Jimmy?
lf you're infected,
you're on your own!
Love is a deadly plaoue!
For those infected,
nothino cures better than liauor.
When god isn't holy enough,
the loves picture on the wall is.
Seems harmless. but is really lethal.
Love is a deadly plaoue!
Somethino's botherino you today?
You're preoccupied?
Gimme some money.
l need my medicines.
So now you know.
Rosie works for Jimmy Misty.
He sent her to you for the
ministes photo.
Alive, Rosie is dangerous.
To all of u..
No one touche.
She must be the one who told Jimmy
about our CCl meetino.
lf .he ha. to ie..
l'll kill her.
You've been a spy for Jimmy,
all alono.
No Johnny. l love you.
l haven't told Jimmy
He did send me to spy
on you but...
l loved you so much,
You .till o.
No one loved me the way
you did. Johnny.
Where are you?
Shall l come up to your cabin?
Nothino cures
No prayer helps!
My achino hea explodes
My aching hea explodes
Dhadam! Dhadam!
Wandering hopelessly
Dhadam! Dhadam!
My aching hea echoes
Dhaam! Dhaam!
This insufferable pain!
l had so much to say,
the aoony l lived this far.
But you shut me up,
held me captive in a vow.
And now you're sore
That l betrayed you?
l'll still love you anynray,
it's your apathy that hus!
My aching hea explodes
Dhadam! Dhadam!
This insufferable pain!
You turned away,
broke me in .hard..
How inseparable were we
Losino you has tauoht me
how unbearably poor
l'm without you
My hea's a lonely dese,
embrace me in your cloud.
Let the rain pound
Dhadam! Dhadam!
Wandering hopelessly
Dhadam! Dhadam!
Where's the Maior?
How do l care?
He took his baos and left.
Come with me.
Where are you takino me?
My aching hea
Dhaam! Dhaam!
Relentless echo
Dhaam! Dhaam!
Like beino on a death row
My aching hea
Dhaam! Dhaam!
Holding me by the neck
Dhadam! Dhadam!
Countino my last hours
Dhaam! Dhaam!
This insufferable pain!
Rosie Noronha.
She used to sino in Bombay Velvet.
A twisted bunch. this lot.
Banoles. Sir.
They were found on the body.
- Why bomb the whole place?
Ju.t to kill
A bullet woul have one it.
Get out.
Go write your piece.
And take that away.
The one truth
l can vouch for i...
They were madly in love..
Ju.t like Romeo-Juliet.
You know what l
actually think?
Maybe theve had a nasty
Iove. brawl.
Or did they?
But l am sure of one thino..
Now tell the stoy.
The real one.
Sir, Rosie was vey drunk
that nioht.
She just couldn't stop weeping,
all throuoh the way.
l said: Let me help you to the door
but she oot anoy.
Tell you the truth?
l loved her,
with all my hea.
But Johnny was her world.
She got really mad
that day.
l said: let me walk you
to the door..
l asked you to leave,
didn't l?
My hea broke that day.
Rosie, Madame, l can't bear it
when l see you cy...
l know you love Johnny.
But l am iust a chauffeur..
Tony. ''The chauffeuf'.
- Someone strangled her before
that bomb exploded.
- The body didn't blow up 'cos the heavy
synthetic dress melted over her body.
- Even if she had suived the explosion,
she would have died in 2 years.
- She ha Gonorrhoea.
Do we have anything that can
prove this mioht not be Rosie?
No. sir.
Sion the papers.
And hand over the body
to the family.
Madame Rosie?
- That'. her .i.ter.
Leave the drink.
Get chanoed!
l didn't betray you. Johnny.
Rosie, if you want to live,
do as l say!
Take off your clothes now.
Chanoe into my clothes.
What's ooino on?
- there'. a bomb in the hou.e.
We can exit from the door.
- Rosie. iump!
Who was that oirl?
That was Rosie.
An .he'. ea.
But l'm alive. Johnny.
No. i. not alive. i. ea.
You are dead and
you have to stay dead!
Got that?
Now shut up and
Iet me think.
l think l broke my leo.
Stop cyino.
Or l'll break the
other one too.
This is all your bloody fault.
Hol thi..
This photooraph!
Why didn't you tell me?
You coul have .hown it to me.
That damn photographer
would've lived.
My mind ran wild..
What was in it?
What the hell did he do to you?
You kille him..
Not me.
You think l couldn't digest
a thino like this.
l can never tell
what can oet you worked up.
You don't work like a clock
tick tock tick tock.
l am the one who's angy
but you oet to shout at me?
What do we do now?
- Don't .hout.
Tell me what to o.
Let me think.
You're the one who's screaming.
- Will you do as l say?
Fir.t tell me what?
Go back to where you came from.
To your mothes place.
l'll come for you, later.
- No.
They are ooino to kill you.
Will you let them kill me?
- l am savino you.
l am not sending you away
to oet rid of you.
Come with me.
Are you nuts?
What if l turn cripple?
Thank you for coming.
l'm Rita.
Rosie's younoer sister.
l on't know.
Let's oo.
Actually, l didn't know
her that well.
l was vey young
when she ran away from home.
That'. Thi. i. me.
Would you write down your
address in Bombay?
How did you know about
her death?
l oot a teleoram.
Do you have the teleoram?
Rosie Noronha dead.
Come .oon. C..
Let me do the talking
with the mayor.
And accept whatever
he choo.e. to offer.
Don't aroue.
And no street talk. please.
Turn left here.
You shouldnNgt have trained my
finoers to fiddle with a oun.
Stop the car.
You've shown him my face,
You iiot.
When you guys sta rattling off
in Enolish it means you oet the point.
He has seen my face!
What would happen if l
Iet him out?
lf l dropped him in front
of the Glitz Office?
Misty will splash him
over his paoes..
and your ''tenders'' can be
used as toilet paper.
l trusted you.
l never i.
You have two days.
l want an allotment
in my name.
Johnny Balrai Tower.
Nice to meet you!
When do you return home?
Whenever you let me.
Are you a sinoer as well?
Don't touch them.
- Which sinoer do you like?
Geeta Dutt.
l wonder what you said..
l wonder what l heard.
l never had a rino like this.
You mean in't?
Yes, it can be Rosie's.
l on't know.
You mean it could've
Yes. that's what l meant.
Are you done
seeino the house?
.he ha a nice hou.e.
Give me a moment.
l'll be with you soon.
Khambatta, you're letting this
petty ooon oo too far..
No one is indispensable.
l want this Johnny Balraj
out of this city.
Nowhere clo.e to me.
Januay 1st..
We lay the foundation
.tone of the World Trade Centre.
lf your boneheaded Johnny, messes
it up even a li'l bit..
if he ruins our plans..
l will ruin you.
l will personally supeise
the end of you. Kaizad.
Who the hell is he,
And why would you
Iet him keep the neoatives?
For God's sake!
We pay him for his seices.
This bloody flunky
aspires to be a paner!
l don't care
how you do it. Commissioner.
But l want this
Johnny Balrai nuisance..
Out of the way.
What happened?
Your boss is here.
- Balrai?
He's too big a man
to be here.
lt'. the Bo...
where are you from?
Where were you before
you moved to Bombay?
l come from Multan. Sir.
And Johnny?
Why did you come
to Bombay?
Why not Delhi?
Trains enroute Delhi had
rioters killino eveyone.
My folks sent me here
with some people.
Muslims wanted their own county
.o we had to leave.
Paition didn't happen..
because the Muslims wanted
their Paki.tan.
lt happened because Mr.Jinnah
wanted to rule.
lf India had remained
one nation...
he would never have become
Pre.ident or Prime Mini.ter.
He did what he did. for himself.
Evey man for himself.
Now Johnny wants to build.
Johnny Balrai Towers.
Not.. Johnny-Chimman Towers.
When l met the two of you..
you were friends.
Today, he's the boss
and you're the flunky.
What are you doing,
Why are you in it?
Who are you doino it for?
Someday, l'm going to
bomb this Jap's head.
Hey paner..
This isn't enough dough
even for half a meal.
l oave you what l oot.
Now. don't push it.
Listen to me. buddy.
l need 2000 bucks.
It's uroent.
l oave you ten the other day.
Where did that go?
- Spent it.
My expenses have shot up...
And founately l know
my woh now.
You rive?
Of cour.e.
l want to slouch in the
back .eat.
l saw your pad buddy, you are rich
and l .houldn't have known that.
That wasn't my pad.
The dame was yours.
You need big money
to keep a dame like that.
Look at thi. car.
A baby like this...
Hano on.
She's here to see'. room.
Okay, Chimman..
Thank you.
What the hell are you
doino here?
ls this a ioke to you?
Do l look nuts? Leave.
You'll get me killed, Go.
When will l see
you aoain?
You're Rita.
You're not
Let me mourn Rosie
for a month In style!
And then l will
romance Rita orandly.
The world will say..
Bio shot!
- No?
They'll say: Look..
How much he loved
He even marrie her .i.ter..
because he couldn't accept
her death.
Then we're oood.
Our love stoy will be epic.
And life. a smash hit.
Rita Maame
You know Rosie ma'am
u.e to love me.
And Mr.Johnny as well.
l backed out to make it
easy for her.
To tell you the truth, Rita ma'm..
l like you vey much.
Your .mile..
For those infected,
nothino cures better than liauor.
When god isn't holy enough,
the loves picture on the wall is.
Seems harmless. but is really lethal.
Seems harmless. but is really lethal.
Love is a deadly plaoue!
lf you're infected,
you're on your own!
What i. it now?
Who oave you that one?
Who beat you up?
l like getting beaten,
it's my hobby.
That's a oood hobby.
Did you have similar fights
You fight with your wife,
don't you?
Of cour.e l o.
When l don't come home for days,
.he blow. a fu.e.
l just keep shut.
Not a wor .ai.
How long have you been away
from home?
Let's cut the chase
l won't min.
Why did you fight
Do you know Jimmy Misty?
He recomene to me.
Said she's an amazino sinoer.
Then l found out
.he wa. hi. mole.
He wanted to dig out evey
detail on Mr. Khambatta.
Rosie was here as Jimms spy
for Khambatta..
So why fioht with Rosie?
Fir.t of all..
Mr. Khambatta's been like a
father to me.
l respect him a lot.
An .econ of all..
l love Rosie
truly. madly. deeply.
Love her?
Pre.ent ten.e?
Love her.
Before she died,
l meant.
You ever fall ill?
l catch a cold once
in a while.
Get this gentleman's car.
- Not that..
Ever oet an itch in your privates?
With the kind of relationship
you had with Rosie..
l thought you might have
contracte her i.ea.e.
She ha Gonorrhoea.
Listen, Sir, it wasn't like that
between an me.
l loved her and it was pure.
Good for you.
Where did you bump the car?
The bumpes ripped off.
Major was gettin' too big
for hi. boot..
Had to dump him in
the creek.
Want one?
And why was he getting
too bio for his boots?
Did he also know
you faked Rosie's death?
What crap?
l'm not a rookie anymore,
Rita is not Rita,
Rita i.
She'.'. .i.ter.
Yeah. rioht.
With the .ame face.
With the same mole in the same place
with the .ame voice.
Twins are like that.
Look the .ame.
Don't bullshit me Balraj.
Life is not Double Indemnity.
l've seen Rosie's
childhood pictures.
Her sister looks
nothino like her.
lf someone tells you..
Kill Johnny..
Will you kill me?
lf l get something
out of it.
- Why not?
You tell me nothino.
What you do,
what you don't. nothino.
An what am l?
You're Khambatta's seant.
l'm yours.
Don't talk crap.
Look at your life.
An look at mine.
Don't you see a difference?
You got into the car with Rosie
and off you went.
Ever cared to turn around
and .ee if l wa. there?
l am still standing at the
same damn place.
Watchino you sniff around Rosie.
Hey Chimman..
come on. buddy. come out.
You oot it all wrono.
l tried telling you so many times
but you never really wanted nothin'.
Come out. will you?
Speak up..
l trusted you to be loyal,
Mr. Khambatta.
You didn't earn my loyalty..
You bouoht it.
Purchased items come with a
5 year ouarantee.
l still threw in a
coupla era years on the deal.
ln return,
Iet me oive you a tip. .
where's my pistol?
Where did you oet that?
l'm talkino to you..
Where i that come from?
And where's my pistol?
lt'. all a col baer
Bu.ine.. i. all what it i.
Your fate is rioht ahead
Are you ready for the kill?
The man.ion of ream.
Awaits you in olitterino oloy
But at the oor
The ouard stands armed
He had to leave in a hury.
There was a problem.
l .ai l'll hanle it but..
He went in.tea.
l don't know why.
He said he'd write to you.
He should be back in a
year or so..
Take your money and
oet out.
Chimman has set me up for life.
You oet out.
He's not oone away..
lt's iust that..
He told me yesterday..
lf l on't come back home..
Balrai will be here.
And if Balrai is here
Take your money and leave.
You owe him your life.
A hanful of fi.h
An ocean full of .hark.
An that'. the rule
ln this market. that is life
Chimman'. ea.
Khambatta had sent him
to kill me.
But Chimman..
lt's all oone haynrire
But at the door,
the ouard stands armed.
Comrade Deshpande is alive.
Excu.e me.
lt means his lungs still
pump oyoen.
He eats. He pees.
He craps.
Take some soap and shampoo
if you want to meet him.
Who's speakino?
You're the kino of the streets
Streets is where you will remain
They won't let you in the mansion
lt's meant for the privileoed only
Comrade Deshpande..
l don't think l can trust
you anymore.
The Police, the Press
l'll hanle them all.
You iust take care of Johnny.
And yes, pray that Deshpande doesn't
reoain consciousness ever.
So who was the woman who
died in the explosion?
Some prostitute.
Her pimp Major was found
dead in the creek.
He used to be in the Army.
Bomb expe.
Chimman Chopra's house has been
Iocked up for days.
The neighbours said they saw
hi. wife leave alone.
With some luooaoe.
Find Rosie.
You will find Johnny.
Rosie was put up at the YWCA but she's
been missino for the last 3 days.
l on't care.
Put his pictures in the papers..
Do whatever you have to do..
Frame him for kidnappino union leader.
He's a fuoitive.
How lono will we be stuck here?
They got what they wanted
from you.
Now they want to kill you.
What's Tony doino' here?
Look, you can't run the club,
can't show your face anynrhere.
Nor can l sino.
And there not going to
oive you your share either.
Tony? Whs he here?
You came with him?
How do l know what Tons up to?
He works for you. not me.
Are you even listening to me?
l'm tellino you..
They killed Chimman and
you're ne.
l'm not going anynrhere. Not until
l've .ettle .core. with Khambatta.
l worked my butt off for him
and now he won't pay?
He picked you off the streets and
made you the manaoer of Bombay Velvet.
That wasn't the payment?
l get to decide what
my woh is.
We ha a eal..
But he reneoed on it.
lf he hadn't reneoed..
l wouldn't have
Chimman'. death on me.
Look here.
Let it oo.
How does it matter anymore?
You and me
Let's oet out of here.
We'll oet married.
And l will love you so much that no
Khambatta would ever matter.
That's not possible. Rosie.
l am unable to sleep
thinkino of his betrayal.
You used to call me your
world-famous Rosie. rioht?
Look how
Rosie is sittino here. .
Scared to death,
.cared into .ilence.
Only because l love you.
l gave up my dream of
sinoino for you.
Can't you let go of
Khambatta for me?
How oe. it matter?
We are together,
that'. all that matter..
l can't let him oet away with it.
l beg of you
Give me two days.
Mery Christmas. Ms. Noronha.
We've spent three days
Iookino for you. Miss Noronha.
He was called Maior Subedar.
He planted that bomb
in your house. Rosie.
On Johnns orders.
The corpse we found at
your house?
Burnt from hea to toe.
She was Maior Subedas wife.
An entire family..
Wiped out.
Because of you. Rosie.
l'm not Rosie.
l'm Rita.
Rita goes to Rosie's home
for the fir.t time.
She does not react to anything,
except for this rino.
Because it is the only thing
she doesn't recoonize.
Your home in Goa has been
Iocked up for years.
Because after your escape..
the Pouguese shot your
mother an .i.ter.
Where is Johnny?
Do you know how many people
he ha. kille?
So why not catch those people
who ordered the killinos?
Sory Miss Noronha..
l apologise for the interrogation.
- Sir.. One minute.
Vi.hwa.. .
Let it be..
Come with me..
May l speak to Rita Noronha?
Johnny speakino.
Look .on..
You've calle .everal time...
l want Khambatta.
ln return. what do you want?
A horse cutting deal
with the iockey?
Evehing's gonna change from
Januay 1st. Mr. Mayor.
Now the horse decides who
the iockey will be.
You want the Ministes neoatives?
How would you like it, if the lights went off
at the oround-breakino ceremony?
Wouldn't want that,
would we?
You want Khambatta?
You'll have to
call for that.
What oe. that mean?
Brino Rosie in.
Open that door.
Hello Johnny!
Hiding in a hotel,
are we?
lf you touch Rosie,
l'll kill you. l swear.
What's that you saw in Rosie
that you didn't see in me?
You are willino to kill me..
To .ave her.
Well. come on then.
.ave her once more.
And bring the goods
with you.
- Sir l don't know anythino..
l didn't see Johnny Sir there.
l only saw Rita Ma'am.
l'm tellino the truth. Sir.
- Stop the car.
Riding us on Bombay city tour
with State security?
Sir? What happened?
- Where is Johnny?
l don't know.
l don't know nothino.
Honest to God,
l don't know nothino.
Where is Johnny?
- Basil,
what room number?
- 2O
The olass is still cold.
l don't think you're gonna
oet Mr.Johnny now.
Johnny. wait.
- What do you call this?
- Tommy oun.
Mr. Khambatta's dog is
also called Tommy.
- You call a dog and it comes to you.
You call to this and it ooes off.
- Hey, don't point the
barrel at me.
- Down. that side.
Santa Clau..
The Christmas ouy?
l have seen you somewhere.
lt mu.t've been la.t Chri.tma..
You got any chocolates
in that there .ack?
- Did you brino the neoative?
Rosie. Let's oo.
l.. l know where the
neoative is.
Shut up.
Mr. Khambatta..
Iet Rosie oo.
The negatives are upstairs.
In the cabin.
l don't want to fioht him.
l've never seen you fighting,
Let me see you fight,
for once.
Johnny.. Johnny.. Johnny..
You win. Jap..
l'm not oonna take you on.
Come on Johnny..
You have to fioht back.
You always fioht back.
l'm takin' Rosie outta here,
Tell the Jap to let me off.
You have fifteen minute..
lt will take ten minutes to
oet her to Bombay Hospital.
You'll have to fight,
don't close your eyes. .
When bodies decompose..
they bloat up. And they float up.
Nice to meet you.
Rosie open your eyes..
Hol on to thi...
Hold on tioht.
Hey Rosie..
Look at me..
Look at me..
Evemhino is fine now.
We will oet married..
Open yer eyes..
We will go wherever you
want us to oo. .
We'll have family.
l got a great plan for
the two of u...
Don't look there.
Nothing there.
Look at me.
l'm taking you to
the hospital..
We have a lot to o..
Johnny wait.
catche. neither
Here a run, there a run,
catch none
Listen up humpty on the wall
that's what your life has come to.
Head held hioh. you ran the race
Life kicked you back to base.
Out on a limb in love
Out of luck in the bar
The white man's got the tavern
by his toes.
Your dame's left you.
The bar i. clo.e.
Hey, middle class Indian,
you're out of luck!
Walk with me.
Don't waner off.
Stop giving me the eye..
Your lea.e ran out in 1947.
Sir. l need work.
l'll do anythino.
Fight them with me..
l'll oive you two pennies.
My name is Chimman.
What's yours?
You promised you will mary me,
but you put me in this brothel.
Now you say you love me,
iust to take my money.. - Shut up.
Shut up and listen to me..
Shut up and listen to me..
lf you won't sleep with them..
then how are you gonna feed this dog
who you picked up off the street.
Usso be a bio shot.
How much??
Balraj, the 100-rupee note
is real bio.
Wrap it around yourself
and sleep tioht.
Keep your mother off me.
Dimple. don't oo.
l oive ya money. don't l?
Mind your own business.
Balraj, let it go.
This happens evey day. rioht?
Now, talk.
Or you want me to force it out of you?
Lay off. idiot.
An if l on't?
l'll hit you..
- Fine. Take your shot.
You know Sadhna?
The actre..?
l shot her first pictures here.
l made her a superstar.
Superstars don't cover
them.elve. like thi...
Take your clothes off and
put these on.
Anyone Indian enough
to fioht this samurai?
Anyone with courage?
l'll oive you a hundred to one.
Go. Take it all out.
You do enioy a oood fioht.
The way he beat me up..
l foroot my mother and her man.
Want to earn some era bucks?
- For losino the fioht?
There was a lot of hea
in your fioht.
You fouoht well.
City of Bombay,
to soon become a metropolis.
Keep the cash in hand. boys.
No treasure hunting in
your pockets.
Stop wastino my time.
Chimman! Chimman.
All here.
Let him oo..
it'. Lar.en we want.
LARSEN escaped but we got
four of hi. coolie...
Went to cary the boxes..
Yeah l have their name..
Mirza. Baakhiya.
Chimman Chopra.
Why do you wander. Iove fool?
Evemhino is rioht here
All the re.t of the .torie.
are iust lies you mustn't know
'Fifi' in your hea,
'Fifi' in my hea.
Misleadino times ahead!
Shifting your ground with
tho.e mea.ured move..
Let the eyes meet,
throw your caution to the wind
Listen to me darling,
stay a little while.
Come around now,
show kindness to an achino hea.
Why do you wander, love fool?
Evemhino is rioht here.
All the rest of the stories,
are iust lies you mustn't know.
'Fifi' in your hea,
'Fifi' in my hea.
Misleadino times ahead!
Oh lone huntsman,
flauntino your brawn.
Once of a while,
Ty and be my prey.
On our first day together,
pay heed to what l say.
lt's ungentlemanly to walk
away from so close.
That one i. mine.
'Fifi' in your hea,
'Fifi' in my hea.
Misleadino times ahead!
Larsen flew the coop..
the police say
he's oone for oood.
Hey. what happened?
Hey. what you lookino for?
My oold.
Did you see my mother anynrhere?
l'm here to look for johns,
not for mom..
Where i. her man?
Where is he?
Tell me or l throw you off..
Balrai. Iet oo of her.
What do you want?
Where's my mother?
Where's my oold?
No idea..
- Nothino here.
Where are the bi.cuit.?
l dunked them in
tea and ate them.
Mom gave you a box
with oold biscuits in it?
She never oives me anythino..
And she took that box
and she sloped off.
You sino well.
But why sino the bollynrood sonos..
Jimmy Misty is my name..
You never felt any shame..
when you did this picture.
l warned you.. This one is mine.
Does she even know you exist?
A.k her..
lf she goes with you..
She will never see me ever aoain.
Hey come on out..
What you looking at that man for?
Your name is written
rioht here. in my fate. .
lt does not matter where you go..
Eventually you'll be mine.
But if you come today with me..
You'll .ave hi. life.. From me!
What say?
That Parsi man
can't oive you anythino. .
l oot what a dame like you wants.
l lost that one thing today
l never thouoht l will ever lose..
l'm in no mood to lose
anythino else. anymore..
Brino them on!
l'm gonna deal with
Genohiz here.
She likes bio boys with bio toys.
That's what l need. A bio car.
l know somebody
who works in a oaraoe..
We work there and
we drive car. for free.
l'm not oonna slave for anyone. .
Stop countino this shit.
This kinda cash
l'm ooino to be usin' for tips.
l'm gonna be a Big Shot,
Just imaoine..
Bio shot in a bio car.
And she will come..
All dolled up for me. .
You'll open the door..
She'll oet in..
l'll take a deep sniff of her..
an we'll be off.
What about me?
You should have gotten
into the
Come on.. Get in.
Each and evey hair on my body is
standino up and salutino me.
Mine too.
Keep the motor runnino.
Gimme that bao.
Gimme that or
l'll shoot you.
Chimman move..
Sta the car..
What did l say for the motor?
l told you it was a stupid idea.
Move it. Chimman.
Hit the oas.
Chimman rive.
Why the hell don't you
drive it then.
May l?
Take it..
My mother never fed me with as much
Iove as you oivino me this money..
What's the catch. boss?
Let's oo.
ls this place all yours?
l bought it so that l can
rebuild it into somethino else.
Do you rent it from Bombay Electric?
You must be some bio shot.
Do you want to become one?
Then we must begin with
oivino you a new name..
Like it?
l knew you had it in you
the moment l saw you in the bank..
l knew you'll be of oood use.
l've been used oood. all my life..
and my mother used me the best..
What do you mean?
l don't remember the woman
l wa. born to..
For me, the one who
picked me up from the streets..
and brought me to Bombay
was always my mother..
All my life l tried to be her son..
but she used me only as an errand boy,
.ometime to hu.tle her..
A coolie..
al.o a coolie..
Then she took away all my gold
and disappeared on me.
Evemime l wanted somethino..
l was told..
l am not wohy of it.
Chimman echoe the .entiment..
That's when l decided
l've ootta chanoe my woh. .
You can use me. all you want..
But we ootta be paners.
There i. thi. man l want..
You'll oet him..
but you don't oet anythino for free..
You don't get to play my
probono daddy..
nor do l wanna be
your ''Tax free'' Johnny.
Romi Mehta.
Mayor of Bombay.
He's got the hotline to the
Prime Mini.ter in Delhi.
He's more indispensable to Bombay than
the Chief Mini.ter or the Governor.
One day a tram rammed his car..
and that was the last time,
the trams plied in this city.
He has a middle man. a procurer..
who is a horndoo.
lf he's made to disappear..
Romi Mehta would need a
replacement for him.
that horndog does not take
hi. broad. to a love motel..
he prefers to take them
in the open.
Hiral will lure him to the creek.
Who'. Hiral?
My wife.
When bodies decompose..
they bloat up. And they float up.
which is why you stab the
body to puncture it.
Drown that horndoo into the creek.
Will you?
The other man l want to oet to..
but not dead. alive.
Rao Saheb
His inteority can't be bouoht..
so we need to click a picture of his.
Bombay is called the golden bird,
not for nothino.
So much money flows here
that bank. can't hol it.
We need to create a place
that can ''.ta.h the ca.h''.
Where whisky and women
flow and sino..
and we talk shop.
Business. l mean.
Basically, an exclusive
oentlemen's club.
l did not understand a word
of your Enolish!
You want to be a Bio Shot?
l'll make you a Bio Shot.
My place.
Your name.
Take a good look at
these photos.
l want you to find their
And you will find them somewhere
in thi. new club.
lt's run by the same ouy..
who had been in love
with you forever.
And is now Khambatta's flunky.
Above all my desires
l desire your embrace
ls your love for real?
Or i. thi. an illu.ion?
Oh. sweet enchanter!
Bewitched by your thought,
oh .weet enchanter.
Lead me in this beautiful mistake
Oh. sweet enchanter.
- Introducino Rosie Noronha.
Behind my enchanting smile,
i. a dark .ecret.
Beneath this happy face,
i. an uncomfoable truth.
Oh .weet enchanter!
Let our inflamed passion enoulf us
Let me surrender to your spell,
Oh .weet enchanter.
The fire's burnt out. my love
Smoke i. all what remain. of u.
Your coldness is tormenting me,
l can't bear the sleepless niohts.
My love is for real,
not a miraoe you'd overlook.
Oh .weet enchanter!
Lead me in this beautiful mistake,
Oh. sweet enchanter.
l oave you my all
Let that be the only truth
Oh .weet enchanter!
l am not scared of you.
lf you ever leave me,
l'll hu you so bad..
and you'll do what eunuchs do
on the streets. Beo.
Whd ya love me so much?
You could have loved anyone.
l feel something when l look
into you.
We all feel something looking
into people.
You know when l see those
cabaret oirls..
film stars.. l feel nothino.
l look at you and l burn..
and l wanna grab you,
slam you down on the bed and
Oh .weet enchanter!
Capitalist pig!
- Communist lackey!
CIA aoent!
KGB spy!
Good evening.
How are you?
Alcohol permit?
- No.
lndian citizen. rioht?
You know you will only be seed
alcohol if you are..
accompanied by a foreioner.
You give me a hundred and
l oive you a white.
Back off. back off.
Rosie is DND,
she'll not meet anyone..
She's ootta sino now.
Come on Johnny,
l'm not askino for a kiss. man!
lf you wanna get a drink
in this city..
you need an alcohol permit.
It's compulsoy.
But when have we ever
followe rule..
The last Mughal king formally
.ai in 1ft7..
Briti.her. mu.t leave Inia..
and see they still hang around
allowino us our alcohol in 1969.
Out of the way.
We made a deal all those
years aoo..
lf Rosie ever came with me..
l'll never see your face.
So why the hell do you
show up here eveyday?
Fine feathers
on't make fine bir..
Your language still
.mell. of the .treet.
You keep the feathers.
l'm the cock of the walk.
Ne time ya show up,
l'll put a dent point blank.
- Dear Kaizad.
l hope this finds you in good health
and the best Scotch by your side.
The Scotch that was brought in
from the back alley of Bombay Velvet.
ln spite of the spectacular glitter that
enters Bombay Velvet from its orand front..
lt's not enough to blind me from
what really ooes on.
The powerhouses of Bombay seem
really happy in paid company and free liauor..
trading lives of
million. of Mill worker...
over an evening of music
an chatter.
And your effos in adding some
much needed olitter to the rot.
PS: Putting a stitched suit on Johnny
Balrai makes him look oood but..
that street side local will never
become one of u..
Hot headed hawk,
driftino by the block.
Hide it if you could,
flaunt it if you should.
This rage, my love,
ain't no oood!
Whydia stop?
ln the club
you sino for me.
Fine then..
Come out of the tub.
Feelino all shy and all?
l love you.
Thank you.
l'm closing my peepers,
come on out.
No.. l close my eyes..
You oet in.
No more crafty ways,
Iet'. cut to the cha.e.
lf you're shy to say it here,
may l suooest your place.
Hot headed hawk,
driftino by the block.
Hide it if you could,
flaunt it if you should.
No more crafty ways,
Iet'. cut to the cha.e.
Rosie Madam,
why not sino for the movies?
My uncle knows a vey
famous arranoer..
The biooest one.
Who arranges for the biggest of
music composers.
l can put in a word..
Allow me.. Ma'am.
This is for you.
Ma'am, you've gotten me
.o u.e to thi...
that, l've lost the stomach
for the local brew.
Thank you Tony..Good night
- Good nioht.
Soon.. Rosie ma'am..
You'll see my love.
All the cits richest men,
raptured with my charm.
Blind to my business,
l lono to only hold your arm.
Let's see your hea melt
Come on, laugh it off now,
to what oood is your frown.
[Radio]: Minister Rao Saheb Desai is expecting a
rousino response to the Backbay initiative.
Leadino the metropolis of Bombay..
into a new phase of
oromh and prosperity.
Nice to meet you.
lgnoring the
official committee repo..
the minister has placed the Backbay
area at the disposal of the rich.
The World Trade Center will raise its
uoly head from the mud of Back Bay. .
soaked with sweat and blood of thousands of
homeless. iobless workers.
- We will not allow the millworker...
to take away our livelihood,
and build them.elve. a foune.
We have built this city..
With our bloo an .weat.
And we will not allow them their feast
while we oo hunoy.
They cannot shutdown the
cotton mill...
to build their ivoy towers..
It's our money..
To hell with it.
Johnny, what are you wearing?
You look like hired help.
Lo.e the bomie.
Does he know that you and Jimmy
used to hook up?
- We want our share of the profit.
We had no money for the oas..
Our cars iust stood there..
Unlike you..
We ha a lot to lo.e..
Our honour. our family name..
At 17, l was thrust
the responsibility..
to take care of Khambattas,
and our newspaper.
Jimmy and me, grew up together..
But had different iourneys.
He thinks l am an American spy,
a capitalist.
while l know how Russians
cover hi. a....
while l slogged for my
newspaper to orow. .
He went and married the
handicapped dauohter. .
of a wealthy father.
Wants to topple the government with
Russian money.. Bloody socialist!
That mill worker.' union leaer..
is his doo.
What's your point. boss?
My point is..
Bombas map is being
redrawn. Johnny.
Seven i.lan...
We fille in the creek...
Seven became one.
And now this reclaimed land
is up for orabs.
A bio investment oppounity.
Jimmy is aoainst this development..
But the mill owner. are with u..
How do we make more money?
What mu.t we o?
Mr. Mayor.
Aren't we wasting the
backbay land?
By putting the World Trade Centre
in Nariman Point..
We're throwing away
prime propey!
l have the urban development
mini.ter under control..
l have him on camera with my wife.
Now he is playino ball.
l mean it's a loss of a
business oppounity..
look at that lan.
Had me smitten and left in despair,
even in love. well. that's not fair.
Your pride will fall,
becau.e love tower. all.
Disreoard is as you may
you'll surrender one day,
for your raoe is futile.
Mr. Mayor?
- Johnny Balrai.
Hide it if you could,
flaunt it if you should.
This rage, my love,
ain't no oood!
- Mayor needs the cigars..
And one of the oirls in the back room.
The World Trade Centre
is beino relocated.
and our paper did not know that..
l got it from
Khambatta's paper TORRENT..
The World Trade Centre that
was to come up at Nariman Point. .
The Committee has decided
to relocate it at Cuffe Parade.
- Our hunoer for land is so enormous..
that filling the creeks did not
satisfy it.. nor cuttino the iunoles..
and now we are asking the sea
to move back..
so you can reclaim it..
Not you mate.
Except the
Worl Trae Centre relocation..
Rest of the Nariman point remains
exactly as planned.
lf the World Trade Centre
is to oo to Cuffe Parade. .
What becomes of the reclaimed land
at Nariman Point?
And who is gonna
build the Manhattan?
Who gets the allotment of the
hioh value land..
You'll find all the details
in the press release.
Check this picture..
Recoonize the ouy?
The one we photographed
orabbino melons..
Didja know
he wa. a mini.ter?
We will oet our share too.
Not if we wait for it,
we won't.
When a movie is sold out,
Only those find a ticket..
Who knows when and where to
orab the manaoer.
l still haven't got those
The Mayor forced me to
announce the C relocation..
they have me playing
the oame.
lf you don't find the neoatives..
forget our dream of affordable
housino for mill workers.
That union leader will
buy us time.
Don't wory.
They still pay us the same wages
that the British paid us..
and with the increased maroins..
they are gonna build a
city for the rich.
On our oraves..
On our bloo..
We will not let them have
their Manhattan.
No homes for Zurich's gnomes.
- No homes. no homes.
We want our share of profit
in our han..
Why the Red flao?
Red is socialist.
Why not the democratic Indian flao?
That's Khambatta's flunky,
shoot his picture.
When God was distributing the
the union leader was
standino there with a sieve.
Poor fellow wants to be a
Mahatma like Ganhi..
and since there are
no Enolishmen left to fioht. .
He is fighting the
Enolish-speakino men.
l have been watching those immigrants,
ever since l came to this city.
l used to wonder why the hell,
do they waste time fillino the sea.
Now l know.
They were bakino a bihday cake.
For the pay of the bio boys..
but the bihday boy can't blow
the candle. without me.
As lono as l have this..
Khambatta will either give me a
piece of action..
Or kill me.
Keep it with you.
Keep it safe.
What if l lo.e it?
Who asked you to sta
this protest?
My ''Principal..''
Who'. he?
l mean Ideolooy.
We got these biscuits
specially for you.
What's Backbay got to do
with your mills?
Backbay is the south end of Bombay and
your mills are far away in the centre.
l on't .ee the connection.
You think l don't know
whose money is beino used..
to build those buildinos.
All the mill owners
are puttino in tenders.
They say they don't have money
to pay our salaries..
but they have it to make
the skyscraper.
What's your ideology woh?
Name your price.
Eveyone has a price.
l charge Rs.1000 for an
hour in cou.
l've left a hearing
to be here.
Tell me your price.
Sory to waste your 15 minutes..
and your 250 rupees tea.
First time l paid a bribe today..
iust to find your phone number.
l tried callino you..
At your sea-front house.
What were you ooino to tell me?
That you found nothing?
Or that you'll tell me nothino?
You were sent there
to find those neoatives. .
l .ometime. woner..
Why don't l just tell your Romeo..
Who you really are..
This city will go to the dogs, Rosie,
if we don't find those neoatives.
You are the star of Bombay Velvet
because l made you one.
My paper talked you up, talked
up your Romeo's sordid speakeasy.
l sent you there to do a iob.
One tiny little iob.
The iob that you foroot.
You don't find those damn negatives
and l'll expose you. Rosie.
There'. .omeone at the oor.
What i. it?
l ha a ba ream..
l felt someone
ha come to kill me.
Tell me.
What i. it?
Take me away from Bombay.
You nuts?
You know what's outside Bombay?
And you know that India is
staed and poor.
Here.. We grow eveyday..
From small to laroe..
now it's time to hit by size..
.o that when l ie..
people gonna ask you,
did you know him?
And you ootta say:
He used to be a bio shot.
Should l be cyino when l say it?
No tear..
Promise me. no tears.
Buzz off.
l will die before you.
This your membership?
- Hmmm
May l?
My forger can make
one for me easily.
Builders put up buildinos..
That's what they do.
They mix sand with cement.
The mayor brings in the politics..
While the mill owners put up the money.
What have you got to offer,
You are the bio boys here sir..
Big guys with CCl membership
that money can't buy.
Cricket Club of Inia.
And if you have asked me
to come here..
lt's because you know what l can
brino to the deal.
ln two days, the millworkers
will staoe a huoe protest rally.
lf that rally happens,
there will be no more Manhattan.
The union leader has to oo..
make him disappear.
Then this whole movement will flounder
like a headle.. chicken and die out.
Union leader will buy us time?
What'. thi. now?
He'. uncon.ciou..
Kill him and dump him
in the creek.. Let's oo.
Khambatta Sir..
You get to play the game because
we clean up the field for you.
We have taken care of whosoever
blocked your way.
And you will oet a lot for it.
If we coul fix on how much.
lt'll be oood for all of us.
How much do you want?
You must have a fioure in your head.
Give us a piece of land..
l want to buil.
Do you know what it takes
to become a builer?
Do you know what it is
to fill a tener?
Tell me where l can get one.
l'll fill it.
l'll fill it so full that
it will leak from the .ie..
Johnny do you know
what a tender i.?
Yeah, tender means soft.
l know my Enolish.
Mr. Khambatta?
ls he oonna come back or not?
Kukreja's tender is
ooino to oet passed.
Let him make his buildinos..
You'll oet your share.
Who's to say Kukreja
will oive me my share?
l will stand ouarantee.
And what if you chanoe your mind?
if he says it. he will do it.
Don't ya dare teach me.
How long are we gonna
take hi. wor..
Sir may l speak?
Kukreia's son has his own aoency..
lf Johnny could get a
300/n .hare in it..
That l will have to a.k hi. .on..
l have hi. number.
Kaiza here..
l'm sittino with Johnny.
We were decidino his share..
And he suggested a 300/o share
in your son's construction company.
He's lauohino..
He's still lauohino..
Lemme talk to him..
He won't know where to lauoh from.
l never knew Kukku could
Iauoh so much.
Chimman. Let's oo.
He huno up.
Your made empty promises
Of tooetherness and love
Your made empty promises,
of tooetherness and love.
You walked out on your lover?!
Whd you do that. Sylvia?
Whd you do that. Sylvia?
Charmed by a lothario
You broke your loves hea!
Whd you do that. Sylvia?
Rosie, you cannot pretend
you don't know me..
l made you who you are.
You know that
l know that you know.
Hey, what happened, man?
What happened?
Let me speak..
Remember those pictures
that l took of you?
Your naked pictures.
l .till have them with me.
l think you are losino your mind.
You and Khambatta both can't blackmail
the minister over the same pictures.
Why not?
l can not let Khambatta mock my English
and not pay me. what's owed to me..
l gotta teach him my
Ianouaoe now.
Teach him whatever the
hell you want to.
But know that
he won't take it lyino down.
So what .houl l o?
The only way l know..
is you want something,
you kill for it.
Who are you ooino to kill?
He's a minister and
you're a street hood.
l am the boss of Bombay Velvet.
You are Khambatta's flunky.
l'm nobods flunky.
Khambatta has enough resources
to dispose you off anytime he wants.
He can't o .hit without u..
We do the disposino for him.
That Queen..
that .en. hi. wife out for favour..
He's the kinda guy
who will rent out hi. own wife.
lmaoine what he can do to you.
When we were hoods on the street,
did you ever imaoine you would run a place like this?
He has given us too much,
too .oon.
Let's not be greedier than that
and ruin it.
l don't want this bloody
Bombay Velvet.
You can keep it.
We launder all the diy money
of the city from here for them.
We see them alcohol beyond the
permissible limit.
We let them take our ancer. home.
When shit hits the fan..
It will be us who will oo down.
Khambatta will slide out of it,
smooth and easy.
There shooting over
our shoulders. Chimman.
l want out with my share.
l wanna have my own show.
l want Rosie and
my love stoy.
You've got to come right away, sir..
there'. trouble.
- l will paste those pictures
all over town..
Rioht outside Bombay Velvet.
Take him outside. Johnny.
you handle the crowd.
Shut the oor.
All rioht. Iet's calm thinos down.
Drink. on the hou.e.
- What photos were you
talkino about?
- You know which paper
l work for?
l'll put all the pictures in the
papers tomorrow.
- What pictures?
Tell me about
those photos now.
Johnny. please let it oo.
Plea.e li.ten to me..
l was new in the city..
didn't know anyone or
what to do..
no one to ouide me..
that's when he took my pictures.
Where are the pictures?
- In my studio
Where's your studio?
You.. Shut your mouth.
Where's your studio?
Tell me.
Johnny please.
You shut up.
Tell me..
l know..
l know where hi. .tuio i..
Let'. come back later for them.
l want to .ee them now.
He was lyino about havino them.
He sold those pictures to a newspaper.
Let it go.
- Which newspaper?
Torrent. Even Khambatta does not
remember me from the pictures.
Let it be Johnny.
But you weren't there then
to protect me.
Welcome to Bombay Velvet.
This is Johnny sis dream.
Kaizad Khambatta's the one
who put in the money. rioht?
Yes..Khambata also turns up,
from time to time.
The Mayor?
- Yes. the Mayor also comes.
All of Bombay comes here.
Eveyone who matters in Bombay
comes to the Bombay Velvet.
Vishwas Kulkarni.
Crime Branch.
Please come. Sir.
What happened last week?
The backpaoe photoorapher..
Hasn't been seen since
he visited your club.
What became of him. Rosie?
l did throw some
photoorapher outta here.
Anynray, he was ruining the evening.
So l to..e him out on hi. ear.
l gotta right to
You took him out
the back oor?
lf you gotta back door,
you use the back door. rioht?
You saw him leave alive
from here?
l put him in a taxi.
He was vey drunk.
You yourself?
- Ye. .ir.
Then the taxi driver
mu.t have killed him.
Did he ever speak about the
Backbay reclamation?
Nariman point?
Look at me when l'm..
What does he say about
l came here to tell you that. .
l will never see you ever aoain.
You exhau.t me.
You talk to me like
l am your slave.
l love Johnny.. Vey much.
And even if he was to put those
neoatives in my hand..
l still wouldn't oive them to you.
Get lo.t.
Years back, when l arrested this
Chimman Chopra here. .
l let you go..
Becau.e we wante Lar.en.
l never foroet a face!
Oh.. That was you,
hidino in the dark?
The one who said,
'Let him oo'.
Sir. you have to see this..
Ju.t came in.
Stop the machines.
- Isn't it odd that Comrade Deshpande
should vanish a week aoo..
lt smells to hioh heaven.
And here we see
Mayor Romi Mehta;
Kaizad Khambatta,
Editor of 'Torrent' ;
Naveen Kukreja,
the owner of Kukreia Cloth Mills;
lnvestor Ram Naresh Jaiswal;
Mill-owner Sumeet Mittal,
all of whom were..
Allotted land in the Backbay,
without botherino with tenders.
Sitting with them are
Johnny Balrai of Bombay Velvet..
and Chimman Chopra, once jailed
for smuoolino.
Why meet at the Cricket Club of India?
What were they discussino?
What was Balrai doino there?
We don't know. but we want to.
Put Misty on.
Johnny Balraj here.
Tell him it'. me.
Johnny Balrai!
Look at todas paper..
the front paoe..
That ugly Parsee man has splashed
my muo all over it.
Bloody hell,
Johnny Balrai. who?
lt does look like you..
You can always tell me,
what's ooino on.
Did you tell me when you were
splashed naked in the papers.
You hit me?
You disrespect me like that..
What am l supposed to do?
l'll kill ya.
Go on then.
Let's see how much you've oot?
That'. it? That'. all?
- Don't push it!
Who did you tell about the meetino?
l might not speak English like you
but l am not an a...
Someone i talk?
l can see that
but each time..
You broke the chair on me.
You choke me..
Yeah because you slapped me..
You disrespected me..
You keep pokino me..
They put your picture
in the paper..
and l'm not even supposed to
a.k who did it?
Jimmy Misty..
Who el.e woul o it.
l dunno
what he want. from me.
Johnny is occupied..
Plea.e call later.
He comes to my club..
he drinks for free,
and pukes all over me.
What are you lookino for?
Johnny wait..
Where are you ooino?
Who you ooino to kill?
Jimmy Misty?
What do you mean why?
lt's not like l'll be killing
for the fir.t time.
Jimmy Misty?
You didn't say a word when
l killed that two-bit photoorapher..
You got rid of the body
without protest..
Don't foroet..
when l met you,
you were knee-hioh to a rat.
You didn't have a
mou.tache either.
And you got me into this
whole damn thino.
So now you're in a suit,
you fancy yourself a oent?
Sit there, count the take,
that's what you're fit for.
Had a fioht with Johnny?
l want to talk to you.
Where is Misty?
Bo.. i. not in the office.
Let him oo. Jimmy.
What you sent me there for
i.n't there.
l run a paper,
if it's news. l print it.
What do you want?
You know who l am?
l do.
Johnny Balrai.
Where i. he?
Which rathole i. he in?
Rioht now he is not in the office.
When l see you sino in that club..
and when he calls himself
your bodyouard. .
l on't like it at all..
l preferred you.. Here..
on my sofa.. Sinoino for me..
An what?
You preferred me on your sofa
sinoino for you..
You preferred me when l bought
all your bullshit..
You prefer me
not askino auestions..
You preferred me
when l was your toy..
No wonder you married
a cripple.
The Johnny you call a street hood..
He tauoht me how to hit back..
and when he knows
you sent me to spy on him..
You have no idea what will be
comino for you.
Does he know he isn't the
first man you slept with?
Does he know that
l wa.n't the fir.t either..
Do you know you aren't
much of a man.. Jimmy?
lf you're infected,
you're on your own!
Love is a deadly plaoue!
For those infected,
nothino cures better than liauor.
When god isn't holy enough,
the loves picture on the wall is.
Seems harmless. but is really lethal.
Love is a deadly plaoue!
Somethino's botherino you today?
You're preoccupied?
Gimme some money.
l need my medicines.
So now you know.
Rosie works for Jimmy Misty.
He sent her to you for the
ministes photo.
Alive, Rosie is dangerous.
To all of u..
No one touche.
She must be the one who told Jimmy
about our CCl meetino.
lf .he ha. to ie..
l'll kill her.
You've been a spy for Jimmy,
all alono.
No Johnny. l love you.
l haven't told Jimmy
He did send me to spy
on you but...
l loved you so much,
You .till o.
No one loved me the way
you did. Johnny.
Where are you?
Shall l come up to your cabin?
Nothino cures
No prayer helps!
My achino hea explodes
My aching hea explodes
Dhadam! Dhadam!
Wandering hopelessly
Dhadam! Dhadam!
My aching hea echoes
Dhaam! Dhaam!
This insufferable pain!
l had so much to say,
the aoony l lived this far.
But you shut me up,
held me captive in a vow.
And now you're sore
That l betrayed you?
l'll still love you anynray,
it's your apathy that hus!
My aching hea explodes
Dhadam! Dhadam!
This insufferable pain!
You turned away,
broke me in .hard..
How inseparable were we
Losino you has tauoht me
how unbearably poor
l'm without you
My hea's a lonely dese,
embrace me in your cloud.
Let the rain pound
Dhadam! Dhadam!
Wandering hopelessly
Dhadam! Dhadam!
Where's the Maior?
How do l care?
He took his baos and left.
Come with me.
Where are you takino me?
My aching hea
Dhaam! Dhaam!
Relentless echo
Dhaam! Dhaam!
Like beino on a death row
My aching hea
Dhaam! Dhaam!
Holding me by the neck
Dhadam! Dhadam!
Countino my last hours
Dhaam! Dhaam!
This insufferable pain!
Rosie Noronha.
She used to sino in Bombay Velvet.
A twisted bunch. this lot.
Banoles. Sir.
They were found on the body.
- Why bomb the whole place?
Ju.t to kill
A bullet woul have one it.
Get out.
Go write your piece.
And take that away.
The one truth
l can vouch for i...
They were madly in love..
Ju.t like Romeo-Juliet.
You know what l
actually think?
Maybe theve had a nasty
Iove. brawl.
Or did they?
But l am sure of one thino..
Now tell the stoy.
The real one.
Sir, Rosie was vey drunk
that nioht.
She just couldn't stop weeping,
all throuoh the way.
l said: Let me help you to the door
but she oot anoy.
Tell you the truth?
l loved her,
with all my hea.
But Johnny was her world.
She got really mad
that day.
l said: let me walk you
to the door..
l asked you to leave,
didn't l?
My hea broke that day.
Rosie, Madame, l can't bear it
when l see you cy...
l know you love Johnny.
But l am iust a chauffeur..
Tony. ''The chauffeuf'.
- Someone strangled her before
that bomb exploded.
- The body didn't blow up 'cos the heavy
synthetic dress melted over her body.
- Even if she had suived the explosion,
she would have died in 2 years.
- She ha Gonorrhoea.
Do we have anything that can
prove this mioht not be Rosie?
No. sir.
Sion the papers.
And hand over the body
to the family.
Madame Rosie?
- That'. her .i.ter.
Leave the drink.
Get chanoed!
l didn't betray you. Johnny.
Rosie, if you want to live,
do as l say!
Take off your clothes now.
Chanoe into my clothes.
What's ooino on?
- there'. a bomb in the hou.e.
We can exit from the door.
- Rosie. iump!
Who was that oirl?
That was Rosie.
An .he'. ea.
But l'm alive. Johnny.
No. i. not alive. i. ea.
You are dead and
you have to stay dead!
Got that?
Now shut up and
Iet me think.
l think l broke my leo.
Stop cyino.
Or l'll break the
other one too.
This is all your bloody fault.
Hol thi..
This photooraph!
Why didn't you tell me?
You coul have .hown it to me.
That damn photographer
would've lived.
My mind ran wild..
What was in it?
What the hell did he do to you?
You kille him..
Not me.
You think l couldn't digest
a thino like this.
l can never tell
what can oet you worked up.
You don't work like a clock
tick tock tick tock.
l am the one who's angy
but you oet to shout at me?
What do we do now?
- Don't .hout.
Tell me what to o.
Let me think.
You're the one who's screaming.
- Will you do as l say?
Fir.t tell me what?
Go back to where you came from.
To your mothes place.
l'll come for you, later.
- No.
They are ooino to kill you.
Will you let them kill me?
- l am savino you.
l am not sending you away
to oet rid of you.
Come with me.
Are you nuts?
What if l turn cripple?
Thank you for coming.
l'm Rita.
Rosie's younoer sister.
l on't know.
Let's oo.
Actually, l didn't know
her that well.
l was vey young
when she ran away from home.
That'. Thi. i. me.
Would you write down your
address in Bombay?
How did you know about
her death?
l oot a teleoram.
Do you have the teleoram?
Rosie Noronha dead.
Come .oon. C..
Let me do the talking
with the mayor.
And accept whatever
he choo.e. to offer.
Don't aroue.
And no street talk. please.
Turn left here.
You shouldnNgt have trained my
finoers to fiddle with a oun.
Stop the car.
You've shown him my face,
You iiot.
When you guys sta rattling off
in Enolish it means you oet the point.
He has seen my face!
What would happen if l
Iet him out?
lf l dropped him in front
of the Glitz Office?
Misty will splash him
over his paoes..
and your ''tenders'' can be
used as toilet paper.
l trusted you.
l never i.
You have two days.
l want an allotment
in my name.
Johnny Balrai Tower.
Nice to meet you!
When do you return home?
Whenever you let me.
Are you a sinoer as well?
Don't touch them.
- Which sinoer do you like?
Geeta Dutt.
l wonder what you said..
l wonder what l heard.
l never had a rino like this.
You mean in't?
Yes, it can be Rosie's.
l on't know.
You mean it could've
Yes. that's what l meant.
Are you done
seeino the house?
.he ha a nice hou.e.
Give me a moment.
l'll be with you soon.
Khambatta, you're letting this
petty ooon oo too far..
No one is indispensable.
l want this Johnny Balraj
out of this city.
Nowhere clo.e to me.
Januay 1st..
We lay the foundation
.tone of the World Trade Centre.
lf your boneheaded Johnny, messes
it up even a li'l bit..
if he ruins our plans..
l will ruin you.
l will personally supeise
the end of you. Kaizad.
Who the hell is he,
And why would you
Iet him keep the neoatives?
For God's sake!
We pay him for his seices.
This bloody flunky
aspires to be a paner!
l don't care
how you do it. Commissioner.
But l want this
Johnny Balrai nuisance..
Out of the way.
What happened?
Your boss is here.
- Balrai?
He's too big a man
to be here.
lt'. the Bo...
where are you from?
Where were you before
you moved to Bombay?
l come from Multan. Sir.
And Johnny?
Why did you come
to Bombay?
Why not Delhi?
Trains enroute Delhi had
rioters killino eveyone.
My folks sent me here
with some people.
Muslims wanted their own county
.o we had to leave.
Paition didn't happen..
because the Muslims wanted
their Paki.tan.
lt happened because Mr.Jinnah
wanted to rule.
lf India had remained
one nation...
he would never have become
Pre.ident or Prime Mini.ter.
He did what he did. for himself.
Evey man for himself.
Now Johnny wants to build.
Johnny Balrai Towers.
Not.. Johnny-Chimman Towers.
When l met the two of you..
you were friends.
Today, he's the boss
and you're the flunky.
What are you doing,
Why are you in it?
Who are you doino it for?
Someday, l'm going to
bomb this Jap's head.
Hey paner..
This isn't enough dough
even for half a meal.
l oave you what l oot.
Now. don't push it.
Listen to me. buddy.
l need 2000 bucks.
It's uroent.
l oave you ten the other day.
Where did that go?
- Spent it.
My expenses have shot up...
And founately l know
my woh now.
You rive?
Of cour.e.
l want to slouch in the
back .eat.
l saw your pad buddy, you are rich
and l .houldn't have known that.
That wasn't my pad.
The dame was yours.
You need big money
to keep a dame like that.
Look at thi. car.
A baby like this...
Hano on.
She's here to see'. room.
Okay, Chimman..
Thank you.
What the hell are you
doino here?
ls this a ioke to you?
Do l look nuts? Leave.
You'll get me killed, Go.
When will l see
you aoain?
You're Rita.
You're not
Let me mourn Rosie
for a month In style!
And then l will
romance Rita orandly.
The world will say..
Bio shot!
- No?
They'll say: Look..
How much he loved
He even marrie her .i.ter..
because he couldn't accept
her death.
Then we're oood.
Our love stoy will be epic.
And life. a smash hit.
Rita Maame
You know Rosie ma'am
u.e to love me.
And Mr.Johnny as well.
l backed out to make it
easy for her.
To tell you the truth, Rita ma'm..
l like you vey much.
Your .mile..
For those infected,
nothino cures better than liauor.
When god isn't holy enough,
the loves picture on the wall is.
Seems harmless. but is really lethal.
Seems harmless. but is really lethal.
Love is a deadly plaoue!
lf you're infected,
you're on your own!
What i. it now?
Who oave you that one?
Who beat you up?
l like getting beaten,
it's my hobby.
That's a oood hobby.
Did you have similar fights
You fight with your wife,
don't you?
Of cour.e l o.
When l don't come home for days,
.he blow. a fu.e.
l just keep shut.
Not a wor .ai.
How long have you been away
from home?
Let's cut the chase
l won't min.
Why did you fight
Do you know Jimmy Misty?
He recomene to me.
Said she's an amazino sinoer.
Then l found out
.he wa. hi. mole.
He wanted to dig out evey
detail on Mr. Khambatta.
Rosie was here as Jimms spy
for Khambatta..
So why fioht with Rosie?
Fir.t of all..
Mr. Khambatta's been like a
father to me.
l respect him a lot.
An .econ of all..
l love Rosie
truly. madly. deeply.
Love her?
Pre.ent ten.e?
Love her.
Before she died,
l meant.
You ever fall ill?
l catch a cold once
in a while.
Get this gentleman's car.
- Not that..
Ever oet an itch in your privates?
With the kind of relationship
you had with Rosie..
l thought you might have
contracte her i.ea.e.
She ha Gonorrhoea.
Listen, Sir, it wasn't like that
between an me.
l loved her and it was pure.
Good for you.
Where did you bump the car?
The bumpes ripped off.
Major was gettin' too big
for hi. boot..
Had to dump him in
the creek.
Want one?
And why was he getting
too bio for his boots?
Did he also know
you faked Rosie's death?
What crap?
l'm not a rookie anymore,
Rita is not Rita,
Rita i.
She'.'. .i.ter.
Yeah. rioht.
With the .ame face.
With the same mole in the same place
with the .ame voice.
Twins are like that.
Look the .ame.
Don't bullshit me Balraj.
Life is not Double Indemnity.
l've seen Rosie's
childhood pictures.
Her sister looks
nothino like her.
lf someone tells you..
Kill Johnny..
Will you kill me?
lf l get something
out of it.
- Why not?
You tell me nothino.
What you do,
what you don't. nothino.
An what am l?
You're Khambatta's seant.
l'm yours.
Don't talk crap.
Look at your life.
An look at mine.
Don't you see a difference?
You got into the car with Rosie
and off you went.
Ever cared to turn around
and .ee if l wa. there?
l am still standing at the
same damn place.
Watchino you sniff around Rosie.
Hey Chimman..
come on. buddy. come out.
You oot it all wrono.
l tried telling you so many times
but you never really wanted nothin'.
Come out. will you?
Speak up..
l trusted you to be loyal,
Mr. Khambatta.
You didn't earn my loyalty..
You bouoht it.
Purchased items come with a
5 year ouarantee.
l still threw in a
coupla era years on the deal.
ln return,
Iet me oive you a tip. .
where's my pistol?
Where did you oet that?
l'm talkino to you..
Where i that come from?
And where's my pistol?
lt'. all a col baer
Bu.ine.. i. all what it i.
Your fate is rioht ahead
Are you ready for the kill?
The man.ion of ream.
Awaits you in olitterino oloy
But at the oor
The ouard stands armed
He had to leave in a hury.
There was a problem.
l .ai l'll hanle it but..
He went in.tea.
l don't know why.
He said he'd write to you.
He should be back in a
year or so..
Take your money and
oet out.
Chimman has set me up for life.
You oet out.
He's not oone away..
lt's iust that..
He told me yesterday..
lf l on't come back home..
Balrai will be here.
And if Balrai is here
Take your money and leave.
You owe him your life.
A hanful of fi.h
An ocean full of .hark.
An that'. the rule
ln this market. that is life
Chimman'. ea.
Khambatta had sent him
to kill me.
But Chimman..
lt's all oone haynrire
But at the door,
the ouard stands armed.
Comrade Deshpande is alive.
Excu.e me.
lt means his lungs still
pump oyoen.
He eats. He pees.
He craps.
Take some soap and shampoo
if you want to meet him.
Who's speakino?
You're the kino of the streets
Streets is where you will remain
They won't let you in the mansion
lt's meant for the privileoed only
Comrade Deshpande..
l don't think l can trust
you anymore.
The Police, the Press
l'll hanle them all.
You iust take care of Johnny.
And yes, pray that Deshpande doesn't
reoain consciousness ever.
So who was the woman who
died in the explosion?
Some prostitute.
Her pimp Major was found
dead in the creek.
He used to be in the Army.
Bomb expe.
Chimman Chopra's house has been
Iocked up for days.
The neighbours said they saw
hi. wife leave alone.
With some luooaoe.
Find Rosie.
You will find Johnny.
Rosie was put up at the YWCA but she's
been missino for the last 3 days.
l on't care.
Put his pictures in the papers..
Do whatever you have to do..
Frame him for kidnappino union leader.
He's a fuoitive.
How lono will we be stuck here?
They got what they wanted
from you.
Now they want to kill you.
What's Tony doino' here?
Look, you can't run the club,
can't show your face anynrhere.
Nor can l sino.
And there not going to
oive you your share either.
Tony? Whs he here?
You came with him?
How do l know what Tons up to?
He works for you. not me.
Are you even listening to me?
l'm tellino you..
They killed Chimman and
you're ne.
l'm not going anynrhere. Not until
l've .ettle .core. with Khambatta.
l worked my butt off for him
and now he won't pay?
He picked you off the streets and
made you the manaoer of Bombay Velvet.
That wasn't the payment?
l get to decide what
my woh is.
We ha a eal..
But he reneoed on it.
lf he hadn't reneoed..
l wouldn't have
Chimman'. death on me.
Look here.
Let it oo.
How does it matter anymore?
You and me
Let's oet out of here.
We'll oet married.
And l will love you so much that no
Khambatta would ever matter.
That's not possible. Rosie.
l am unable to sleep
thinkino of his betrayal.
You used to call me your
world-famous Rosie. rioht?
Look how
Rosie is sittino here. .
Scared to death,
.cared into .ilence.
Only because l love you.
l gave up my dream of
sinoino for you.
Can't you let go of
Khambatta for me?
How oe. it matter?
We are together,
that'. all that matter..
l can't let him oet away with it.
l beg of you
Give me two days.
Mery Christmas. Ms. Noronha.
We've spent three days
Iookino for you. Miss Noronha.
He was called Maior Subedar.
He planted that bomb
in your house. Rosie.
On Johnns orders.
The corpse we found at
your house?
Burnt from hea to toe.
She was Maior Subedas wife.
An entire family..
Wiped out.
Because of you. Rosie.
l'm not Rosie.
l'm Rita.
Rita goes to Rosie's home
for the fir.t time.
She does not react to anything,
except for this rino.
Because it is the only thing
she doesn't recoonize.
Your home in Goa has been
Iocked up for years.
Because after your escape..
the Pouguese shot your
mother an .i.ter.
Where is Johnny?
Do you know how many people
he ha. kille?
So why not catch those people
who ordered the killinos?
Sory Miss Noronha..
l apologise for the interrogation.
- Sir.. One minute.
Vi.hwa.. .
Let it be..
Come with me..
May l speak to Rita Noronha?
Johnny speakino.
Look .on..
You've calle .everal time...
l want Khambatta.
ln return. what do you want?
A horse cutting deal
with the iockey?
Evehing's gonna change from
Januay 1st. Mr. Mayor.
Now the horse decides who
the iockey will be.
You want the Ministes neoatives?
How would you like it, if the lights went off
at the oround-breakino ceremony?
Wouldn't want that,
would we?
You want Khambatta?
You'll have to
call for that.
What oe. that mean?
Brino Rosie in.
Open that door.
Hello Johnny!
Hiding in a hotel,
are we?
lf you touch Rosie,
l'll kill you. l swear.
What's that you saw in Rosie
that you didn't see in me?
You are willino to kill me..
To .ave her.
Well. come on then.
.ave her once more.
And bring the goods
with you.
- Sir l don't know anythino..
l didn't see Johnny Sir there.
l only saw Rita Ma'am.
l'm tellino the truth. Sir.
- Stop the car.
Riding us on Bombay city tour
with State security?
Sir? What happened?
- Where is Johnny?
l don't know.
l don't know nothino.
Honest to God,
l don't know nothino.
Where is Johnny?
- Basil,
what room number?
- 2O
The olass is still cold.
l don't think you're gonna
oet Mr.Johnny now.
Johnny. wait.
- What do you call this?
- Tommy oun.
Mr. Khambatta's dog is
also called Tommy.
- You call a dog and it comes to you.
You call to this and it ooes off.
- Hey, don't point the
barrel at me.
- Down. that side.
Santa Clau..
The Christmas ouy?
l have seen you somewhere.
lt mu.t've been la.t Chri.tma..
You got any chocolates
in that there .ack?
- Did you brino the neoative?
Rosie. Let's oo.
l.. l know where the
neoative is.
Shut up.
Mr. Khambatta..
Iet Rosie oo.
The negatives are upstairs.
In the cabin.
l don't want to fioht him.
l've never seen you fighting,
Let me see you fight,
for once.
Johnny.. Johnny.. Johnny..
You win. Jap..
l'm not oonna take you on.
Come on Johnny..
You have to fioht back.
You always fioht back.
l'm takin' Rosie outta here,
Tell the Jap to let me off.
You have fifteen minute..
lt will take ten minutes to
oet her to Bombay Hospital.
You'll have to fight,
don't close your eyes. .
When bodies decompose..
they bloat up. And they float up.
Nice to meet you.
Rosie open your eyes..
Hol on to thi...
Hold on tioht.
Hey Rosie..
Look at me..
Look at me..
Evemhino is fine now.
We will oet married..
Open yer eyes..
We will go wherever you
want us to oo. .
We'll have family.
l got a great plan for
the two of u...
Don't look there.
Nothing there.
Look at me.
l'm taking you to
the hospital..
We have a lot to o..
Johnny wait.