Bottom of the Water (2023) Movie Script

Once upon a time,
a girl was living
with her mom in a village.
All they had was
a vegetable garden
and an old run-down
clapboard house
but they supported each other
which made them happy.
But one day
a dam began to be built
near the village.
The village people
and the girl's mom
were forced to build the dam.
They were living in
that kind of era.
At that time,
our country wasn't ours.
The girl's mom
carried stones all day.
For the girl
the girl's mom
worked with patience.
(Park Sunhye)
She felt like
her arms would fall apart
and she wasn't able to
stretch her back.
But there was her daughter
who welcome her at home
which made her barely endure.
The girl was waiting
quietly at home
until her mom came back home.
She listened to her mom
that she shouldn't go
out of the house
because there were
soldiers on the street.
And since one day
her mom hasn't been
coming back home.
(Shin Donghyuk)
The girl didn't know what to do.
Her mom always came back with food
even when she got late.
(Choi Junsuk)
The girl had to keep waiting.
She didn't go outside
even when she was hungry
because her mom told her
(Hong Gwaksik)
to wait at home.
Her mom said she'd come back home.
(Kim Sieun)
The time passed and
the dam was complete.
The girl's village in front of
the dam sunk under the water.
(Lee Gyuhyuk)
The village people
already moved to a new place.
The girl was left behind at home,
waiting for her mom.
She kept waiting like that.
(Bottom of the Water)
(Those who easily get
the energy from the sky)
(but hardly get the energy
from the earth)
(will easily get
possessed by spirits)
(They shouldn't come to a place)
(where exorcism for drowned people
is performed)
Mom told me not to come
when she was sending a person
who was drowned to death.
- It's okay.
- We can't go.
Don't you enjoy watching exorcism?
It makes me excited
when watching it.
Mom, I'm going to work.
Of course, I'm wearing it.
Don't worry.
There's lunch on the table.
Don't forget to eat.
Earth creates Metal.
Metal creates Water.
Water controls Fire.
Fire controls Metal.
Metal controls Wood.
Wood controls Earth.
Earth controls Water.
Earth creates Metal.
Metal creates Water.
Water controls Fire.
Fire controls Metal.
Earth controls Water.
Metal creates Water.
- It's so good to have a car.
- I agree.
It was a good thing
to buy a used car
at a cheap price.
Let's carpool every day.
Just give me some money for gas.
I'll take you to work.
Thank you.
How is your mom?
She's getting worse.
I'm worried that
she stays alone at home.
I'm thinking about sending her
to a nursing home.
That could be better.
How long has it been?
About 6 years.
Chief Kim from the Design has his father at a nursing home.
Ask him.
- Does he?
- Yes.
The Design Team has been so hectic
because of the dam construction.
So he made up his mind
after thinking a lot.
- Thank you.
- Have a good weekend.
See you here on Monday.
- Say hi to your mom for me.
- I will.
Cheer up, Ka-young.
I'm home.
Oh, Ka-young.
Yes, Uncle Kyeong-min.
Long time no see.
I've been busy
working in the provinces and all.
I see.
Mom had lunch.
Do you want me to
prepare dinner for you?
Would you join us for dinner?
No, I've got to go.
I hope you get better.
I'll visit you again.
Sorry that I can't visit her
more often.
You don't have to come here.
You're not a family.
I should take care of her.
You're wearing that bracelet.
Your mom got this, going here
and there in the provinces.
It's made of the earth
of Sindoan on Gyeryong Mountain.
Mom did?
When she was sound in mind
after what happened to Soo-ah.
Anyway, make sure
you're wearing that bracelet.
See you.
Don't come here!
Mom! You should've woken me up.
Aren't you hungry?
I'll prepare breakfast for you.
(Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water)
Hello? Is this Ka-young?
- Mom is...
- Huh?
- What happened to her?
- Mom is missing.
I've looked for her
all over the place.
I can't find her.
- Did you report to the police?
- Yes.
I did, but they told me
to wait at home.
Right, she would
come back home anytime.
Wait for her at home.
I'll look for her.
Please look for her.
Call me if she comes back.
I'll call you if I find her.
Do you live nearby?
(Since water ghosts
under the water are caught)
(by a strong yin energy)
(they can't get out of the water)
(So, they try to get out of it)
(by possessing people)
We got a report.
- Where's the body?
- This way.
Why did you come here?
My mom is missing,
so I've been looking for her.
She has dementia.
Oh, I reported it to the police.
Is that body...
No, I think that's a man.
A man?
Isn't it Mr. Kim
from the junk shop?
I heard he was missing.
His kid has been missing too.
Didn't they move to another place?
Then people would know they moved.
Who knows?
They might've fled at night.
Can I go now?
There's nobody.
What? That can't be right.
Gosh, I was on the way back home.
I'm sure that I saw it.
This is Car 8. About the report
to check the reservoir.
I think she made a mistake.
Can't you see that?
Gosh, it must be Mr. Kim.
People farm
with the water from here.
This would've fed fish.
Are you okay?
Your chief drowned...
What are you doing?
Let go of me!
(Village Hall)
Is this Ka-young?
Did you find your mom?
- What's going on?
- Kyeong-min.
Someone's chasing me.
Who's chasing you?
I don't know.
Suddenly from the water...
From the water?
Ka-young, where are you?
- The underpass.
- Which underpass?
The closest one to the reservoir.
The reservoir?
What happened, Ka-young?
Answer me.
What happened?
I went to the reservoir
to find mom.
The police officers drowned there.
Then they suddenly attacked me.
They tried to drag me
to the water.
I barely ran away.
Who was chasing you then?
I don't know.
I saw them right before
I passed out.
Because of light...
This is Earth.
Let's go back home.
We should get out of here.
No way...
I really had no choice.
I ran because...
Water ghosts
are the evilest of all.
I couldn't save Soo-ah.
You have to run away.
I have no choice.
Please help me. Is anyone there?
This is the reservoir.
Please help me.
The police officers are dead.
Why are you here?
I told you not to come!
- Mom!
- My baby.
- Are you okay, mom?
- I'm okay.
Do you recognize me?
Of course.
Mom, I saw Soo-ah.
That's not Soo-ah.
That one who possessed
Soo-ah came back.
Uncle Kyeong-min is...
It's not time for this.
Let's go back home
before it comes back.
You have to run away from here.
You have to leave this town.
I got it. Let's go home.
Don't believe
anyone you're meeting from now on.
Keep it in mind, Ka-young.
Run away.
As far as you can go.
No, mom.
You're here to see me, right?
Get out of here, please!
You were from earlier.
(Earth controls Water)
(Earth dams up water
and makes it rot)
(Metal creates Water)
(Cold metal forms water on it)
Where is this place?
Did you see it?
Are you living here?
What's your name?
No family name? Just Dong-i?
What you asked me earlier.
What you told me.
What is it?
The water ghost.
I saw it at the reservoir
a while ago.
That caught them.
Are you a shaman?
My mom is a shaman too.
Is Ms. Geum-jeong your mom?
Do you know my mom?
Ms. Geum-jeong is fire.
She's fire,
so she can't defeat water.
It's chasing me.
Why is it chasing you?
From some day
my little sister
was getting even worse.
She was sick once in a while
when she was young
but she was mumbling
at home all day.
She didn't get out of
the house at all.
When I heard her talking
it was a story about a girl
who suffered.
About a girl who was living
with her mom once upon a time.
About a girl,
who couldn't go outside at all
even when she was hungry
looking for mom.
Her mom always
came back home at night,
but she didn't come back one day.
The girl was suffering,
being hungry.
But she listened to her mom
and stayed at home.
She kept looking for her mom
who never came back.
She was hungry
and thirsty.
And one day
she felt suffocating.
The earth was shaking.
The trees got broken.
Mountain animals howled.
Birds flew away.
And suddenly,
the water rose up in the house.
As the water was coming
into her nose and mouth
she couldn't breathe.
I didn't understand
the story back then.
Back then...
Mom used to come back at night.
She always came back with food.
Where is mom now?
I'm so hungry.
Soo-ah is getting worse.
Shouldn't we take her
to a big hospital in Seoul?
If that can make her get better,
I would take her.
Bring your little sister out.
Let's eat.
The water...
The water is coming in
from everywhere.
It's coming
into my nose and mouth.
I can't breathe.
It's painful.
Where are you?
Did you abandon me?
Let's eat.
Soo-ah, you seem to have
an appetite after a long time.
Soo-ah, help yourself.
You lost too much weight.
Don't you like me losing weight?
No, that's not it.
Why did I lose weight?
Who made me lose weight?
I didn't mean that.
It's all because of you people.
You've had delicious food,
keeping me behind at home!
Why are you calling me?
Where are you going, mom?
Don't follow us.
There's no one at home.
Where are
Ms. Geum-jeong and Soo-ah?
Mom will be back home at night.
Soo-ah has not come back home,
and not answering me.
Do you have anything about this?
She'll be okay.
Don't worry too much.
I'm worried that
you might get exhausted.
I'll look into it.
Don't be like that.
- How could you...
- Ma'am.
I'll do what I can.
But you're asking me to do
what I can't do.
I didn't ask you to
do the whole exorcism.
Just help me a bit.
This is not something
I can help you with.
Remember how much
Soo-ah cared about you.
I'm sorry.
Get out, you evil spirit!
You wench!
Untie me! Right now!
Let go of my daughter.
It hurts.
It's painful, mom.
are you okay?
I'm sorry that I can't help you.
Is it Ka-young?
Can I get better?
Of course, you can.
I'm sure of it.
I'm in pain.
I'll take you to
a big hospital in Seoul.
There must be a cure.
Will you take me?
Can I get out of here?
I'll go with you.
I'll keep you safe.
hang in there.
I'm thirsty.
I'm thirsty!
Please let me go!
Goddamn thirsty!
Let me go out of here!
You damn wenches!
was it here?
But you made a promise
to the water ghost.
I made a promise
to my little sister,
not to the water ghost.
It won't care
about something like that.
This has the strong energy
of the earth.
My mom told me to be wearing this.
I think this prevented
the water ghost
from possessing you.
Earth controls water.
Water defeats fire.
Earth controls water.
My mom was looking
at that picture.
(Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water)
The Five Elements.
It shows the creating and
controlling cycles
of the five energies.
The arrows inside show
the controlling cycle.
The arrows outside show
the creating cycle.
Water dowses Fire.
Fire creates ash which is soil.
But that metal...
(Metal, Water)
Does metal create water?
It's not just a minor evil spirit.
Don't come here.
(Water ghosts have
a strong obsession)
(with human bodies
due to pain and grudge)
(Avoid them by any means)
(There's no way to defeat them)
Soo-ah. Let Dong-i go.
She has nothing to do with this.
I'll go.
That's how this ends, right?
Where are you going?
To Naju.
I have no choice.
I can't do this alone.
Are you going for Soo-ah?
I'm going to meet
the shaman who led me.
I'll come back tomorrow.
Can Soo-ah get better
with Uncle Kyeong-min's help?
How do you know that?
I'll ask him again.
Soo-ah liked Uncle Kyeong-min.
Uncle Kyeong-min cared for Soo-ah.
He ran away once.
He won't come back that easily.
If he's forced,
he won't be a good help.
The Five Elements.
Wood must have helped Fire.
But it's blocked there.
it has to be stopped by Earth.
You should get some rest at home.
Why would you come with me?
It's been a long time
since I walked with you,
which feels nice.
Did you leave something behind?
No, let's go.
What Soo-ah mumbles all day.
Do you know what it means?
It's about a girl
who drowned to death
near this town.
How does Soo-ah know about that?
That's not Soo-ah says.
It's that girl.
While waiting for her mom
who's not coming back
she must've had a lot on her mind
feeling anxious
that something happened to her mom
wondering if her mom abandoned her
and ran away
thinking that
it's dangerous outside
doubting if she should have
been out to find her
or stayed home
as her mom told her to.
Only if Soo-ah
didn't come there...
Without that,
Soo-ah would have
been a shaman by now.
It happened
because Soo-ah could feel spirits
so well.
If I stopped her more strongly
she would've been okay.
I had to...
What's done is done.
I won't give up on Soo-ah.
Brace yourself.
Why am I here?
You said you're going to Naju.
You said you were going to
meet your mentor.
Oh, right.
Goddamn thirsty!
Let's go home.
I'm in pain.
I promised to take you
to a hospital in Seoul.
Let's go tomorrow.
I can't stand it anymore.
I'm so thirsty.
So let's go with me.
I'll bring water.
It's all water here.
Please, let's go home.
Stop it, please.
- Let's go with me.
- Stop it.
- I don't want to go alone.
- I can't go.
Why can't you?
You've always said
you'd keep me safe!
Did you lie to me?
You have to come with me!
Come with me!
Soo-ah, stop it!
Stop, please!
No, stop!
Stop it!
Stop it, please!
Let go!
Are you abandoning me?
Do you think this is over?
You will see me again.
I'm sorry that I left you there.
It's okay.
We can stay together from now on.
But you're not Soo-ah.
What about the water ghost?
Why are you in a hurry?
You can get some rest
before you leave.
I'm going to look for
a house in Seoul.
I need a house to move to.
I'm sad.
I'll come back
as soon as I find a house.
Do you want me to
take you to the terminal?
I'll go check
if I didn't leave anything behind.
You're going to live
with Ka-young?
What's your name?
Kim Dong-i.
It'd be so much fun
living with her.
Take care of Ka-young, please.
(Water ghosts are around you)
(Bottom of the Water)