bound (2015) Movie Script

- God, I'm going to come!
- Yes, please!
Yes! Yes!
Oh, God. That was amazing.
There's an emergency at the office.
I have to go.
You have to go?
Yes. It's an emergency.
They need me right now.
I'm so sorry. It's terrible, I know.
Well, hey, I mean... Can I just,
you know, wait here for you?
I don't think that's a very good idea.
My daughter, Dara is coming home
any minute so you should probably...
- Hey... this was great.
- Yeah.
- I'll call you later.
- Sure.
Elliot has acquired the top three percent
of high-end properties
in L.A. in under five years.
An achievement I would say
is quite remarkable.
What they're offering us is salvation.
An opportunity for us to all win.
Either we take the deal
or we die a slow, painful death.
- Well, I wouldn't say that.
- You have a better idea?
I... I...
It's a age old adage:
if you can't beat them, join them.
If you have something to say, say it.
We're not mind readers.
The ship's going down.
I would like to retire respectfully.
I'll make that decision, Preston.
Yes, of course.
But I have to admit,
I'm inclined to agree.
In the interim, I would like to know
exactly how many cents on the dollar.
Crunch these numbers for me, Preston.
Get back to me right away.
Absolutely. Gentlemen.
You said you wanted to sit at the table
with the big kids. Well, now you're here.
I know Dad, but I think
we can save this.
Just remember something, honey.
Pride comes before a fall.
I believe in you.
Hey, how was volleyball?
Sucked. Coach Lombard is an asshole.
I really don't like it when you swear.
She acts like Monica is God's gift
when Monica can't block
to save her fucking life.
Mom, don't be so lame, okay? Come on.
Are you kidding me? You're not an adult.
You can't drink. This is not good for you.
- Oh, Plea... you drink.
- I'm an adult.
Well, I'm an adult.
Fine, I'll just get some old perv
to get it for me like normal.
You know, that's not funny.
Mom, what did you make me for dinner?
Right over here.
Thank you.
So, can you at least pick a school
that you're not going to party at everyday?
Mom, I'm not going to party everyday.
I'll be playing volleyball six days a week.
I'll be too tired to party.
A whole week without me,
looking at schools...
I wanted to be a part of that.
I'm sorry.
Jessica's parents will be there
the whole time.
I just... I don't want to rush this.
You know,
my dad told me where to go
and that's where I went.
Well, I'm not you, Mom.
I'll affect everything.
Everything, Mom.
Yeah, of course.
- You know what? I have my card now.
- Okay.
You know what? Let's just go.
No. Now. Stop that!
- Mom, it's not a big deal.
- Yes, it is.
- I can't believe I did that.
- God, yeah. Way to dine and dash, Mom.
Hurry, please. I've got to go back there
and get my card.
- Hang on for just a second, okay?
- Dara!
- What?
- Go. Homework. Bed.
Bye, Mom.
- Oh, hi!
- Oh, hey. I got it right here.
Great, thank you.
I am so sorry that I forgot to sign.
It happens.
I figured you weren't some kind
of degenerate.
- Great.
- Thanks, sorry again.
Hey. Don't go.
- Sorry?
- Don't go.
Excuse me?
I want to talk to you.
What would you want to talk about?
Nothing too crazy. Yet.
I don't even know what that means.
Have a drink with me.
You know what? I can't.
I just forgot my card. I've got to go.
You are so beautiful.
Michelle. Nice to meet you,
but I really got to go.
Have a cigarette with me.
- I don't smoke.
- Yeah, you do.
So, what do you do?
Does it matter?
Well, it does make
for polite conversation.
I do various things.
What do you do?
That's an intriguing answer.
I work in an office.
I can tell.
- I wouldn't know what to do.
- Just suck and blow.
You okay?
That's awful. Excuse me.
You know, I don't...
make it a habit to...
hook up with strangers.
- You are old.
- True statement.
Everyone's watching.
Sorry. It's just... I can't. I can't...
- What?
- I can't do this here.
Okay, then we won't.
It's just that I...
I'm sorry I wasted your time.
It was nice meeting you.
Michelle, hey.
You didn't waste my time.
I got the honor of meeting you.
Call me.
This morning, first ministers
meet for dinner,
but disagree on exactly
what the prime minister put on the menu.
And gearing up for another round
in the battle over one of Canada's
oldest forests.
Now the details. Bernie?
Good Morning!
Elliot's ROI in our wheel house
is going to suffer tremendously.
In the short few years they've been involved
in residential and commercial properties
they have suffered
a combined loss of nineteen percent.
That's a sixty four million dollar
write down.
The market will rise and when it does
that will be way more than 64 in the black.
Over half of those properties are in Beverly
Hills and Brentwood, for Christ's sakes.
Their properties aren't rising.
With the exception of those on the Westside,
which are virtually bullet proof.
And you discount everything
in West Hollywood?
It's really going to hell
down there, isn't it?
The only reason they are seeing returns
is because their cash flow
is unaffected.
Their current means of operation
is not sustainable.
- It's going to hurt them.
- You're sure about that?
I'm positive. Mulan properties is the
cornerstone of the Los Angeles Market.
We've been here for forty years.
I'm sure that I can provide a proposal
that will show them that Mulan properties
is the valuable asset they deserve.
Well, if you can do that,
we'll reevaluate.
Until then I...
I can't see any reason why they'd even
remotely want to keep us around.
I second that.
Thank you for your time, gentlemen.
You do realize
that this company has lost
over 100 million dollars
in the last two years.
We're going to make
the money back and then some.
I promise.
The entire board votes to sell.
You're the only one
that opposes, Michelle.
Dad, Elliot's real estate investment
strategies, they're flawed, okay?
If we merge we can help them.
We can save our company.
We don't have to close our doors.
Michelle, I love you,
but if you're going to throw
a last second Hail Mary
you better make sure Elliot
doesn't pull this deal off the table.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm... I'm so sorry
to drop by unannounced, but...
you're a difficult person
to get a hold of these days.
Yeah... works be kind of crazy.
Yeah, I know,
so your assistant tells me.
Well, I figured, you know,
because you've been working so hard
you're probably too tired to cook
so I brought dinner.
A little Chinese. I got your favorite.
Steamed chicken with veggies and a whole
handful of duck sauce packets.
Come on.
How's Dara? Did she pick a school yet?
She's looking.
You know, I saw this when I was
at the store the other day.
I thought it might help.
Oh, wow, that's really thoughtful.
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
She's a wonderful kid. I mean, I'm sure
she's going to make the right choice.
I hope so.
You know, I've been thinking about us.
About the future.
I got you something.
Go on, open it.
Do you like them?
Hey, what's wrong?
I'm so sorry but I cannot except those.
It wouldn't be right.
Did you meet someone else?
No, no, it's not that. It's...
My company is going under.
I have a presentation to make.
My daughter is going away to college.
I have a million things on my mind.
Look, I know you've been stressed out
because of work and everything else.
It's... I... I understand that.
I thought it would be something
we could work through.
I mean, I'm patient.
I want to be there for you.
George, I don't feel
that way towards you.
I don't have that spark, you know?
Like that thing
that you're supposed to feel.
That... that it thing.
I don't... I don't feel it.
That sucks.
I'm sorry.
Look, I... I think
you just need some time.
At least that's what I hope it is.
I'm going to go.
So I got your Hollywood and Pacific
Palisades reports and... your coffee.
- Great, thank you.
- Yeah.
Thank you.
- Hey, any returns?
- No, sorry. I left two voicemails.
Oh, okay. Well, keep calling back
every half hour.
Will do.
Alright, thanks.
I have Jessie Aaron on the line,
senior portfolio manager from Elliot.
Send it through.
Mister Aaron, hi! Thanks for the return.
I was going over our acquisition
and I think with your cash flow
and our expertise we can make
both of our margins grow
and I was wondering if you'd
be willing to meet face to face?
Have lunch? Talk it out?
The Four Seasons, yes.
Two o'clock?
Yes. Two at the Four.
Thank you. See you soon.
We got a meeting!
If we sell,
can I still be your assistant?
Well, if we sell we're both
going to be out of a job.
This is good.
Have you changed your mind?
Yeah, hi, Ryan.
Bad time?
I'm having lunch at a buddy's pad.
Why don't you join me?
- Michelle?
- Hi.
- How are you?
- Darrell, how are you?
I'm good. I just wanted to say
how much I love my new condo.
It's made a world of difference.
It's changed my life.
Like night and day.
- It's no problem. Anything for a friend.
- Thank you so much.
- Yeah, it's good to see you. You look great!
- You too. You too.
Good to see you!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- See you, later.
- See you, man.
- How are you?
- Good. How are you?
- Good.
- It's good to see you again.
So I can only stay for a little bit, okay?
I have a meeting at two o'clock.
And it's like half an hour drive away.
Relaxing is not my strong suite.
- I know.
- You know?
- What's up, Ryan?
- What's up, Darrell? What's up, buddy?
How do you two know each other?
Well, we're new friends.
Small world.
We got to hang out again, bro.
That night has to be
relived and relived.
Okay, well...
I'll leave you two alone.
I can take a hint.
- Good to see you!
- You too.
I honestly don't know what night
he's talking about.
I don't drink in the afternoon.
Yeah, you do.
To new friends.
To new friends.
I've been wanting to talk to you.
What did you want to talk about?
Your fantasies.
What are they?
That's a very unusual question
to ask somebody you barely know.
What makes you wet?
I don't think anybody
has ever asked me that before.
I just did.
- I have to get this.
- Alright.
Two Johnny Walker blue shots.
Courtesy of Terrell Owens.
Thank you.
I can't take that.
- He's watching.
- No.
I have to take this. It's my assistant.
We could change that.
Can you call and maybe...
push to tomorrow or...
Something like that?
I don't know. Just tell them there's
an emergency or something. I don't know.
- Just tell them there's an emergency.
- I'm your emergency.
Thank you, Lee.
That was really stupid.
That was really stupid.
I should call him back.
Let's get out of here.
This is it.
This is my office.
You're so beautiful.
Come here.
Are you down?
Where does your father sit?
Take me to your father's office.
Right now.
This is it.
This is Daddy's office.
Please don't touch anything, though.
You're a little daddy's girl.
Working for your dad.
Seeing him all day. Taking his orders.
You just love your daddy.
He gives you everything you want.
You spoiled little brat.
I bet your clit's hard
sitting in your father's chair.
Touch it.
Tell me about the first time
you touched yourself.
I was at...
a slumber party with my friends.
I was little.
We were watching a movie.
It was a romantic movie,
but there was...
a lot of kissing.
And that made you wet?
And then what happened?
And then...
All the little girls went to sleep.
And I was laying awake.
Then I grabbed my pillow
and put it between my legs.
You used a pillow? Not your fingers?
I thought my fingers were too dirty.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Put these on.
Whose are they?
They belong to some dirty little slut.
And that's what you are. So put them on.
Stop questioning me.
You'll need more training tomorrow.
I can't.
I can't. My dad has a... fundraiser
and I have to give a business partner
a mea culpa for the meeting I missed.
When we going? What time?
You can't.
You can't go.
- Why are you so scared, Michelle?
- I'm not scared.
He's not your daddy anymore.
I'm your father.
I'm your master,
your husband and your god.
I'm your daddy.
Be afraid of me.
Be afraid of what I'll do
if you don't obey me.
Let me take you somewhere.
- Where are we?
- You'll see.
She's with you?
Pay attention. That way you'll learn.
- And they want this?
- Pain is pleasure.
Are you okay?
I'm okay. That was... that was
really intense.
Yeah, that's what makes it fun.
You're crazy.
My god.
What turned you on in there?
The girl with the whip.
And the way she was treating...
- Her sub?
- Her sub.
It made my whole body clench.
Whoa. Wait. He can see. He can see.
Let him watch.
Red. Red.
Okay, fine.
Let's go some place else.
Let's go to your house.
No, my house is off limits.
My daughter's there.
Let's go to my place.
You're submissive and I'm dominant.
You'll do what I say.
I now own you.
And when I'm finally finished
with you I'll fuck you.
Do you understand?
- Say, 'Yes Master'.
- Yes, Master.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
- Ryan?
- Relax.
- What are you doing?
- Don't hurt yourself.
Did you like it?
I liked it.
That was so intense.
So crazy.
You know, I don't know
anything about you.
What do you need to know?
Your history.
Where you're from.
Because that's what normal people
talk about.
You don't want to tell me?
Can you help me?
- What did I tell you?
- What? I'm sorry.
Oh, my god, I bet I have like ten
missed voicemails and nasty emails.
Oh, my god. It's my dad.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
Yes, I was on my way to the meeting.
My phone died and then I got lost.
I was stranded.
But I met this Good Samaritan
who let me charge my phone
and I just now got all of the messages.
Well, I'm sorry.
Can you just apologize for me?
Tell them I'm sorry
and there's nothing I can do.
My phone died.
And my hands were tied.
Yes, I will be there.
One thousand percent.
With three chargers.
Yes, I'll be there.
I will personally apologize
face to face to Jesse tomorrow.
He hung up on me.
He was really pissed off that I blew off
that investors meeting today...
to hang out with you.
There's just so much pressure.
All the time.
Don't worry.
Just take it way.
I like you, Michelle.
You're not like a lot of these
stupid little girls I meet.
I like you too.
different, to say the least.
George? What are you doing here?
I've been trying to get ahold of you.
Where have you been?
George, you know it's not okay
to just come over unannounced.
What happened to you? I mean,
I thought we had something here.
- What?
- I'm seeing someone.
- What? Who?
- That's not an appropriate question.
- I mean...
- George, I need you to leave.
But... Michelle...
- I can't believe this is happening!
- George. George...
- You need to go. I'm sorry.
- No, but... but... Tell me what...
I'm sorry.
Is that your daughter?
Just turn off your phone for a bit.
Turn off your phone.
I have something for you.
- You got me a present?
- More like a toy.
Put it in your underwear.
Do it.
When my father was in the late stages
of the disease it was...
one of the scariest,
most hideous times of my life.
Numerous friends were affected.
Some of them passed.
Some of them are still here with us.
And some of them are
in this very room as I speak.
Every one of us will know someone
connected to this disease.
That's why I ask you, my friends...
dig deep into your pockets.
Please continue to help St. Francis
in their battle to try to find a cure
for this grueling disease.
Thank you.
Come on.
What are you doing to me?
What is it?
Put it on.
Look at yourself.
What do you see?
What do you see?
A messy whore.
What do you see?
- Now get out there.
- Wait... I can't.
You're being rude to your guests.
I can't go out there like this. Hold on.
Leave it. Don't wipe it off.
Speak of the devil.
- Hi.
- Were you two in the bathroom together?
No. No, I was just fixing my makeup.
Michelle, this is Jesse
from Elliot and Associates.
- You're Michelle Milan?
- Jesse, it is so nice to meet you.
I'm really sorry about the other day.
It's fine. I like missing
my workouts to get blown off.
I truly apologize.
- And you are?
- None of your fucking business.
And you're here because?
Because it's a free fucking country.
I would really like the opportunity
perhaps to sit down
and maybe restructure...
the terms of your agreement.
- Now is not the time to discuss business.
- It's too late. What do you mean?
What I mean is I think that a merger might
be more beneficial than an acquisition.
Give me one good reason
why you think that Elliot
would benefit from merging with Mulan.
Mulan has a reputation
and a loyal clientele base.
These are very valuable assets.
Mulan Properties has lost over a hundred
million dollars in the last two years.
Your company is falling apart.
If you don't take deal
your company, your clients,
and your reputation
will clearly crumble.
Well, I could prove to you
with hard numbers
that a merger would make you more money.
- I'm okay.
- Michelle, are you drunk? What the hell?
I'm going to give you one more chance
because of your father.
He was good friends
with my father and...
and he is the only reason why I would
even agree to think about his pitch.
Besides, this son of a bitch right here
went to Wharton which is where I went,
and he's been after me for years.
I'm sure that when you hear from me,
which will be very soon,
I will have an offer
that you cannot refuse.
You... you have a little
something there.
I look forward to speaking
to you soon, Jesse.
What is your problem?
Don't talk to me like that.
You could cost me my job.
Admit it. You liked it.
Oh, wow, Mom! You look hot!
I want to go to Pepperdine.
That's nice.
- Are you drunk?
- No.
- You are drunk!
- No, I'm not.
I only had a couple of champagnes
at the benefit.
Is that red lipstick? Oh, my god.
What happened to bore-me beige?
Oh, my god. Oh, my god.
You've been kissing.
- Yes, you have!
- No, no.
Oh, god. Please tell me it wasn't
that douchebag, Preston, from the office.
No. God, no!
- Not George?
- No, George is gone.
Oh, thank god.
Tell me it's not some online
dating loser or something.
I believe you date people
that you meet online.
Yeah, but Mom, from middle-aged people
to be trolling the internet
for sex is weird.
- Middle-aged people.
- Oh, Mom. Come on.
But people my age it's...
totally normal.
- Are you sexually active?
- Are you?
He must be pretty good.
He left you speechless.
This is Mistress Alana
with spanking 101.
Simple spanking is, in my opinion,
the most effective way to introduce
erotic pain to a submissive.
Start without any binding
at all to build trust.
Then begin by lightly massaging
the buttocks.
We actually have a safe word too.
If a good dominant knows anything,
it's the importance of safety
and consent.
Okay, so... keep your hand cupped,
fingers together,
and remember to aim for the lower,
fleshy part of the buttocks.
Just like that.
And twelve more
just... like... that.
Okay, and then sign it Yours Truly,
yada yada yada...
Yada yada yada... And done and done.
Thank you, babe.
- Hi.
- Have a seat, please.
Preston brought me up to speed.
I am also aware of the fact that you
blew off your meeting with Jesse.
Smooth, Michelle. Real smooth.
I'm sorry about my behavior lately, Dad.
Ryan Black. Really, Chelle?
A drug dealing car thief
in front of our colleagues?
What were you thinking?
I'm sorry.
I am so sick and tired of hearing those
words come out of your lips, Michelle.
I really am.
You had sex with someone in the bathroom
at the Alzheimer's fund raiser.
Do you have any idea how embarrassing,
in front of people that I have
depended on to raise millions of dollars
for St. Francis for many, many years.
Your disgraceful
and reprehensible behavior
is a reflection
on our family's good name.
I promise you I will never let my personal
life interfere with my work again.
You have my word. I am 100%
dedicated to this company.
Your professional life should never
involve commoners, Michelle.
Note to self.
Moving on...
this deal with Jesse, it's a big one.
Our entire family's legacy
depends on it.
No, I know. Listen...
I've been doing a lot of analysis
and the way Elliot has been structuring
their real estate investment deals
and the locations that they're picking,
and I think with our expertise...
You know, we don't have
the capital they have
so if we could just get them to purchase
where we can't purchase
then I think our expertise and their capital,
we can make something work.
You know, we don't have to...
be acquired we can do a merger
and we can run their real estate division
and make them tons of money and
I think they're really going to go for it.
I think they really will go for it.
I just... I just need a little bit more
time to work on the projections
and it's there. It's there.
you're not ready.
I am inclined to sell.
Against my chief officer's
financial advice
I am going to give you a window.
A very short window, Michelle.
And only because you're my daughter
and I love you.
Don't fuck it up.
Now go.
No... I'm calling to get
the sale price. Yeah.
Well, I understand that the sale price
is not available to the public
but I'm not the public. I'm a realtor.
Everything is for sale.
Listen, maybe we got off on the wrong foot.
Okay, let's try this again.
What if I have messengered over
a thousand-dollar check?
Do you think then you could
dig up the sale price for me?
I've got it.
I've got it.
Yes, hello this is Michelle Mulan
for Peter Sonders.
I see. Well, I'm sure he could call me back
but I think he's going to want to hear
what I have to say
about the Pacific Design Center.
Yeah, I'd rather not leave a message
and have him call me back.
No, and I think he'd be really disappointed
if he found out that you left me holding,
especially considering I can probably
make him about a billion dollars right now.
Paul, hi.
Yes, I have some
very intriguing news for you.
Have you ever been a submissive?
Can I spank you?
No, you don't want to be spanked
or no, you don't want to be spanked by me?
Is that what happened in the restaurant
that day with Alana?
She's a psychopath.
Whatever she tells you is lies.
Well, I've never met her.
She didn't tell me anything.
I did see her in a video though.
You've been researching on your own.
Is that where this is coming from?
This is my world.
You're not ready for it.
Far from it.
You should say thank you,
Master and that's all.
Thank you, Master.
I still want to try it though.
- Get out, now.
- What?
- Get the fuck out, now!
- Jesus.
That's a beauty. Genuine brocade.
You would have subs lined up around
the block. Would you like to try it on?
Oh, are they actually for sale?
Or are they just samples?
No, of course they're for sale.
You can't get stuff like this at the mall.
How do you know what size to get?
You're Ryan's friend?
Do you want to pet my puppy?
You're Ryan's sub.
Yes, Mistress.
You don't have to call me that.
Not unless you want to.
What's your name?
Sit, puppy!
Good girl.
It's called puppy play.
- And she likes this?
- Ask her.
You like this?
Stay puppy.
Can I give you some advice, Michelle?
Be careful with Ryan.
He's dangerous.
He hurts people. Not just
their bodies but their lives.
He gets off on it.
Why should I believe you?
Don't. I just thought someone
should warn you to watch out.
Why do you care?
Because people like Ryan
give people like us a bad name.
These are loving, creative,
smart people here.
And Ryan is a predator.
So what does that make me? The victim?
You're feisty.
Looks to me like you've been
on the wrong side of the whip.
Stay where you are puppy.
Come, follow me.
Would you like to help administer
some medicine to the patient?
I think we'd all love
to see a scene with you.
I wouldn't know what to do.
Oh, our patient is more than happy
to help train a student.
Do you want to play?
Good job.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god. I thought
you were working all night.
Get away from my daughter!
- Why would you go after her, Ryan?
- Wait, you know each other?
Your daughter is a really
naughty girl, Michelle.
I'll fucking kill you!
- I can't get out of these!
- Okay.
- You can't even untie those knots.
- Get me out of these!
I will call the police.
They will throw the key away.
For what? For meeting a girl
and not having sex with her?
Shut up!
Your daughter really looks like you.
I would love to see you two kiss.
I will kill you.
I am your master!
Don't fucking forget it!
- Fuck!
- Get away from me.
Mom, I can't get out!
You're weak! Both of you!
And you're always going to be weak!
Get out of here!
Please... Mom.
Come here. Here you go.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Mom. I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
It's okay now. It's okay.
Mom, is that the guy?
Is that the guy from the other night
that you kissed?
Yeah. It is.
I didn't know.
I didn't know. I'm sorry.
I know, honey. No, it's okay.
Baby, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry I brought that monster
into our life.
Preston and the big man
are waiting for you.
- Is it three o'clock already?
- It's 3:17.
I'm sorry, I was just...
finalizing some numbers.
Sorry. Okay.
- Alright, what do you got?
- As we know,
Elliot and associates has been
primarily involved in technology.
Where are the numbers? You said
you were going to make a valid argument.
Yes, it's just that the numbers
are going to take a little bit more time.
They're a little bit more comprehensive
than I first anticipated. So I just...
With all due respect...
I recommend we take their offer
before they pull it off the table.
I'm inclined to do just that.
- You know what? No, Dad, please just...
- Please what?
There's a hundred and fifty million
dollar deal on the table here.
Preston, I want you to head up
this acquisition personally.
The usual suspects involved.
Take no prisoners. Kill them all.
You know, Dad, I can fucking
handle this. I've got it.
I know what I'm doing.
Would you gentlemen
excuse me for a moment?
Let's step outside for a moment.
I fucking got it?
Not for long.
I think you should take
the rest of the day off.
Maybe the next few days.
You look like you could use it.
Now please.
I've been wanting to talk to you.
What did you want to talk about?
Your fantasies. I am your master!
- Don't you fucking forget it!
- Mom! I can't get it off me!
Your disgraceful
and reprehensible behavior.
Be afraid of what I'll do
if you don't obey me.
- A drug dealing car thief?
- He's dangerous.
- Fuck!
- Shit!
You can take it but you can't dish it out!
You should leave the pain to the experts.
Suck my dick, slave!
You stay the fuck away from my daughter
or I swear to God you will regret
the day you were born.
Good. When I met you,
I knew you were weak.
A pathetic divorcee
who needed some dick.
I gave you what you wanted!
I turned you from a mousy little
weakling to a sex goddess.
You should worship the ground I walk on.
Fuck you!
Go cry to your daddy.
If I want to fuck
your hot daughter, I will.
What is this?
Good morning, sunshine.
I've been thinking...
I've been thinking
that I would call the police...
and tell them about you meeting
with my underage daughter
but then I thought you've wormed
your way out of jail before.
There's no doubt you'd do it again.
What I want...
is to send a very clear message,
that I can and will kill you.
Your nipples.
They're offensively naked.
You fucking amateur. It's too tight.
It's not tight enough
if you can still talk.
Not as bad as I thought you'd be.
The most offensive of all.
Let's unzip this. I want to hear
all of your screams.
Eeny, meany, miney, moe.
If you put that down right now,
I'll forgive you.
I don't want your forgiveness.
I don't need your forgiveness.
Still with me?
Fucking broke my ankle.
What did you learn?
Stay away from you and your daughter.
Good boy.
Good boy.
Oh, don't fucking leave me.
Don't... my foot. My...
Well, don't worry.
Someone will be here soon.
Oh, I did call somebody after all.
Good luck explaining all those...
unsolicited messages to my underage
daughter on your hard drive.
Twisted little fuck.
I'll be right there. Thank you.
I'm here to see Jesse Aaron.
Do you have an appointment?
Can you let him know that Michelle Mulan
is here and I should see him immediately.
Okay. Someone did some work!
Yeah, I did.
So listen, when Preston and my dad come
have them meet me here immediately.
- You got it.
- Thank you.
Michelle Mulan?
- Nice to meet you.
- He's ready to see you.
You've got a lot of balls, Michelle.
Have a seat.
- Thank you for...
- Don't thank me yet.
I have a proposal for you.
I've been doing research.
I've discovered the properties
they are looking into
and the ones they have
recently acquired.
I think that I might have a solution
that can both, benefit us
and all of our problems and them.
Hear me out.
925 Canon Drive.
136-1 Old Beverly Drive.
These are all properties they are going
to close on. All in Beverly Hills.
I'm listening.
You can get us these properties?
I've done the research and I've looked
at your current real estate profile
and this expands your target areas.
We have exclusive access
not only to that building
but to all of the properties
listed there.
Now understanding their business
model we can provide them.
Just us because of our reputation
and our connections...
we can provide them
with 33 Redbook and 480 Doheny.
That's a hundred million dollar estate.
Yes, it is, Preston. And a hundred
million dollars is nothing to them.
Don't interrupt me again.
The numbers look promising, ambitious.
- I've put a lot of time and energy into it.
- I like money and that's it.
So what's to stop me from just buying
this all up myself if we wanted to?
I don't believe you'd do that. I mean,
I have an NDA disclosure if you'd like it.
I wouldn't sign it from you.
But I won't steal your game plan
or post your contacts either.
I'm not a dick like that.
What do you know about
the Pacific Design Center?
Three hundred and twenty five
million dollar building.
- It's failing.
- How do you know that?
Because I did the research myself.
I spoke to Paul Sonders.
Got the information
directly from his mouth.
I also obtained a selling price.
You've put together quite the ambitious
proposal. I'm... I'm impressed.
With your capital and our resources
we can run L.A.
I heard the pitch.
I heard what you said.
Look, I'll have my guys review this.
And if we like it we will maybe restructure
our offer or merger rather.
Okay, well, in the case
that you do like it
I've gone ahead and drawn
a little something up.
If they go for it we stand to make...
four hundred million dollars
in the next six years.
How are you going
to get Elliot to go for it?
Well, that's simple. We'll sit down
and have a little face to face.
Jesse? He thinks you're a fuck up.
Not when I'm done with him.
Jesse, do you mind
if I call you Jesse? Do you?
I've reviewed your real estate choices
and they're weak at best.
You know technology, agriculture...
but you need Mulan Properties
to run your real estate division.
I can tell you what to buy
and what to sell
and when to do it
if you want to make money.
If you're into that kind of thing.
In all honesty, two to three
hundred million, not that much to me.
But I am seriously going
to review this because...
there's something about you.
I've underestimated you, Michelle Mulan.
You won't do that again.
If my team approves you will have
a merger agreement by the end of tomorrow.
If not, then I'm sorry.
That's all we can do for you.
Well, then I look forward to seeing you
at the end of business tomorrow.
Can't believe it's come to this.
Waiting like dogs.
Have a little faith in me, Preston.
- Good God.
- That's enough, Preston.
Seven o'clock. Smells like a fail.
Sorry we're late. Traffic.
Hi, Jesse. Thank you for coming.
Have a seat.
So, I think you'll find the terms
of this merger most favorable.
I'm sure but we'll have Dad have a look.
As your father and I used to say,
let's get to the important pages.
You know, you really
ought to thank Michelle for this.
She is one savvy lady.
Preston, I'm surprised you didn't
come to me with this yourself.
Yeah, I...
Preston's a little short-sighted.
So, do we got a deal?
We do indeed, Jess.
I'll see you all next week. I'm going
to personally oversee this myself.
Look forward to it. Thank you.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Well, Chells, I'm proud of you.
And... if you take a look right here
it says the signature is required
by any and all partners.
Yes, honey. Yes, sweetie, you earned it.
Preston, this company for the first
time now has a partnership.
I think you should
congratulate Michelle.
Congratulations, Michelle.
I think you can call me boss.
You... did it.
And you...
deserve a treat.
- I'll take that one.
- Alright.
I like this success thing.
Let's keep doing it.
I had one more point I wanted to go over
with you, Michelle, if that is okay.
Can we... discuss it?
Yes. Yeah, thanks. Grab the door.
Have a seat.
I wanted to know if you wanted
to have dinner with me.
That would be wonderful.
Are you sure though that...
you don't want something...
a little more...
Yes, mistress.