Box of Shadows (2011) Movie Script

oh. Whoa
I was thinking if you need money
you can use my credit card.
I got it under control
Sure you don't want to come
and stay at my place tonight?
I'd like to, but I'll be
up all night studying
Now get out of here
Marcus sent me to get the money
You cannot be showing up
to my fucking house like this
- I need more time.
- Marcus said to get the money tonight
or he's going to pay himself
at your girlfriend's house.
Listen to me
You leave her the fuck
out of this.
Oh, I'm just the messenger
Get us the fucking money
My husband liked
to collect awful things
Take it to the dump
with everything else
- You know I can sell this-
- Young man,
when you take this to the landfill
promise me
you'll watch them bury it.
Sorry, ma'am,
but one man's trash
is another man's treasure
Cooler than I thought.
- What is it, man?
- Get your shit together
You gotta see this
All right
- What the hell is it?
- I don't know.
What's that?
It's a key
- Is that an engraving?
- Yeah.
Von Tristen,1952.
Dude, we might have
a real antique here.
Come over here
Check this out, dude
I think I figured out
where the key goes.
Give me that
That's creepy
What happened?
Why would someone
put a music box in a coffin?
I don't know
But I'm going to bed
So you're thinking
post-modern philosophy- ambitious
I like it. Right here.
First few chapters are a little slow
Mid-way through it picks up,
but the ending- change your life
Okay, I'll take a look
Game over
Skinner was asking
about you in class today
wondering if you dropped out
Yeah, I slept right through it.
The harder I try, the worse I do
- I wish I could help, man.
- Show me what you found
Wolfgang von Tristen.
Born: Frankfurt, 1412
Builder of torture devices
I saw that already
There's no mention of coffins-?
- Of any kind.
- Right this way
Age of Darkness
This guy was like an evil version
of Leonardo da Vinci.
They called him
the Devil's Craftsman
That's it.
Idolon Machina
Von Tristen was fascinated
with death and the worlds beyond
The later part of his years
were spent creating
the ultimate machine-
a mechanical coffin
that allowed him to safely experience
the sensation of death.
Von Tristen called this
'ghost machine'-
ghost machine
How much you think it's worth?
Thousands? Millions?
Collectors would kill
for something like that
Hey- the book's not allowed
out of the archive!
You're gonna set off the alarm
Glad to be of assistance
Dude, what the hell
are you doing?
I just replaced a couple
of pins in the music box
It should work fine
Easy, man.
What's up?
Read this
Von Trlsten's ghost machine
This coffin-like device
is said to produce
an out-of-body experience
similar to the first
moments of death
Von Tristen was accused
of sorcery and burned at the stake
Although sketches of the coffin were
recovered from his laboratory,
- an actual prototype was never found
- Until now.
No way.
Grab Minnie.
You'd better not hurt
my goldfish, man.
- What'd you do?
- Nothing!
Wait wait wait wait
Just give it a sec
Minnie's dead
Oh ho!
I can't believe it
Call Platt.
Why are you beeping?
- Honk honk
- Hey.
What's up?
So what's the surprise?
Ah, that is exactly what I needed
What happened to your neck?
- It's a hickey from Gina
- What?
She tried to roundhouse me
in kickboxing class,
but I kicked her ass
Ohhh, that's my girl
the night as it cuts before
Whatever we're going thru
just want to be with you...
Kyle, the gas company just called
They're going to shut off
the gas if we don't pay the bill
Not now, Sutton!
Sure, I'll take care of the bill
Just like I did last month
When are you moving
into a new place?
I am not moving into a new place
I got an awesome bathroom.
and Sutton pays for everything
Hi, Julie.
Yeah, thanks.
Sutton, will you get the door?
Hey, Platt
Well? Let's see this thing
Wait till you see the inside
- Wanna go for a ride?
- I wanna run some tests first
You scared?
I'm careful
- How about you, Sutt?
- Yeah right.
It didn't hurt the fish
Um, there's a big difference
between a goldfish and a human being
All right, it's gotta be me
Hey, do I have to remind you
this was built
by an expert
in torture machines?
- With some help from the devil
- Wait? Huh, what?
Just kidding
If you see spikes
shooting out of the sides,
pull me out
October 10th
Kyle Baker enters
the ghost machine
Three turns should put Kyle
in a trance for about a minute
- are you afraid?
- Just turn the key
I don't know
Ha ha ha. Kyle, you can quit
pretending now.
I don't think he's joking
He's- he's not breathing
This is not good.
I'm not okay.
This is not okay. This is not okay
- Huh-uh
- Careful
- Come on, Kyle.
- I don't know if you can touch him
' Kyle, wake up!
' Easy, Okay.
- No no, Kyle, Kyle
- It's okay.
One minute. Come on
No, we need to wake
him up right now!
Just let the music end!
- Ooh ooh!
- Holy shit!
You scared the hell out of me!
One minute, five seconds
- Tell us what happened, man
- Man!
Dude, do you remember anything?
- Come on, what the hell, man!?
- Say something.
It was like
virtual reality
You're there,
but you're not
You mean like a dream?
No, it's more like
being invisible
I wish you could
tell me more, man
Try it for yourself
I shouldn't do this
Yeah, Platt,
I thought you were smart.
I'm cursed with curiosity
You're gonna be fine
Bon voyage.
- Easy, man.
- Chill, dude. We got you
Thank God!
Get me out of this thing! Get me out!
What the hell happened to you?
I don't think my experience
was as enjoyable as yours.
No, this isn't good.
I do not like this at all! Not one bit!
Not one bit. It's evil,
I don't like it! It's not good!
What do you think
it's doing to us?
It's an NDE-
a near-death experience
We seem to be approaching
the threshold of death
without actually crossing over.
You all right?
Do you need a breather?
You want some water?
I'm next!
I was hoping you'd say that
I really think this is a bad idea
It's gonna be fine, Platt.
Sutton, when you go under
I need you to read
the words on this card
so that I'll know
we're not dreaming
- You understand?
- Yeah.
My God
Kyle! Kyle!
Shit. Listen,
I need you to keep an eye on him
What's going on?
I came to show you something
When I offered you
my credit card yesterday
I didn't know you had already
been using it for a month!
Oh come on,
I was going to pay you back
- Look, I can't talk about this
- What are you thinking?
I can't talk about this right now!
Oh my God!
What the hell is going on, Kyle?
Something big is going down.
I will call you tonight
to explain all of this.
That's Platt's scooter
Holy shit!
- What did I tell you?
- I was walking.
What was written on the card?
I dream that I'm walking
But never like that.
- What was written on the card?
- What?
- The card.
- I don't know
Maybe we were just dreaming
Steal your girlfriend's
credit card, huh?
That's pretty low, man
You were out there?
Sneaky little bastard
And you-
you might want to go look
at your scooter, dude.
Julie can really kick
Wait, what?
This is bigger than
anything else I've ever known
This is bigger than lasers
This is bigger than-
this is crazy. We're on
a canyon of unknowing, guys.
Look, some art collector
finds out about this,
some criminal, the police,
it'll be gone by morning.
So it's our secret, okay?
And no more using the machine
Not until I do some more research
Seems perfectly safe
- Whoa!
- Whoa whoa whoa
- I was standing.
- You were falling
You saw it!
I felt my legs
That's impossible
The feeling is gone now
Look, we've got
something powerful here
and we have absolutely no idea
what it's doing to our bodies.
I want to do some more research
before we use it again. Agreed?
I'm ready to go
back in right now
- No! No, you're not. No
- Easy!
We'll get there
I felt my legs
Excuse me, sir?
Come on, pooch
Good boy.
This relationship isn't working
I need more than casual sex
I want some time off
Either we take two weeks off
from each other or...
we can end it right now
Two weeks
I love you, Kyle,
but I really don't like you right now
Of course.
I thought I might have
seen you tonight.
I've got your money
get the schoolboy some tea
Why are you messing
with all this stuff anyway?
Ain't they got beers
or cigarettes at your school?
Yeah. It was helping me study harder
Now it's just helping
Let me show you something
You know, smoking is fine-
if you want to lose your teeth
Real pros shoot their crystal
Maximize the effects
Saves money.
I'm not that desperate
There you go, buddy
Have fun
Wait a minute
Ow! What the fuck?!
Just 'cause you go to college
doesn't mean you don't follow
the same rules as
the other junkies, okay?
From now on you pay as you go
I'm not a fucking junkie
Just wait till you start
losing your teeth.
- Yeah.
- I got some info on the music box
- What time is it?
- It's almost noon
Shouldn't you be in class?
- What did you find out?
- It relies on the diminished fifth
also known as
diabolus in musica,
a tonal interval banned
by the medieval church
because it was considered
to be satanic.
I want to record the music
so I can study it further.
I don't understand
a word you're saying, Platt
Just don't touch anything
I'll be there at 6:00.
This stuff goes way too quick
A lot of religions believe
in the power of sound.
The Vedics believed that the universe
was created by sonic vibrations
and will be destroyed the same way
Uh, how you guys feeling?
You guys haven't had any problems
since we used the coffin last night?
Nosebleeds, headaches,
that sort of thing?
How about your legs, Sutt?
Must have been
a nervous reaction before
It happens
Have you seen anything strange?
hot flashes, nightmares?
I slept like a baby
Me too.
I saw something horrible.
It looked just like this
Scared me half to death
You were really
freaked out yesterday
This thing's gotta mess
with your head a little.
- I'm going for maximum duration
- Wait wait wait.
Wait just a minute. I'm here to do
the sound and nothing else.
Don't touch me
Listen, you guys don't tell me
what to do with my machine.
Kyle Baker enters the ghost machine
for the second time.
Tell us what
you're going to do, man
- Why?
- For the marketing video
That's nobody's business
but my own
Come on, man. Time's up.
Stop it!
Stop it!
You know, man?
Your girlfriend
ain't half bad
Doesn't move much
but you can do anything
you want with her.
Just give me my stuff.
Give them what they came for
Thanks, Jerrod. I knew
you were good for something
Are you okay?
I feel good. Real good
Come on, man.
Tell us where you went
The gates of heaven
Come on.
You guys gonna help me out?
You guys might want
to take a look at something
Goldfish die all the time
- Take me to the max.
- You guys are tweaked
Good night, fellas
See you in class tomorrow
- I miss him already
- Oh.
You should just get it
over with and leave him
He used to be different-
like really sweet.
After college we were
gonna go to Europe
to see the castles
You're such a sucker for their
romantic bullshit, aren't you?
No. No no no
Don't answer it
I'll just tell him
to stop calling me
Julie, please don't hang up on me
I meant it when I said
I needed time off, Kyle
I know
But I got some great news
for you.
I have to tell you in person.
I got something to show you
You're burning me out, Kyle
Meet me tomorrow at the cafe
near your house.
It'll be worth it, promise you
- Noon?
- Okay.
I love you, Kyle
How are you feeling?
I never felt better
Where were you, man?
The audience wants to know
I snuck into a movie theater
Must have been a good movie
Look, I'm sorry
Get me out of here!
Come on!
Grab the waist.
That was strange
I didn't think he could get those
Me neither
Nice fugue, Tristen
Bach would have been proud
Sound without sound
I know that number.
I am Professor Julian Cutler
with the Center for Acoustic Studies
The founders of the medieval church
understood the power of sound...
For a sustained period of time
to cause trauma or death. "
Organ music has been known
to provoke religious feelings and dread
7-8 Hz is the frequency
of the average brain alpha wave
Sustained sound at this frequency
can cause disorientation,
and even death
Enough for a small creature...
it worked on an insect,
maybe even a small fish
Definitely not enough
for a human body.
Hmm, there must be
something else.
I paid it all off-
everything I owe you,
plus some of your stuff too
- How did you get the money?
- It doesn't matter.
You and I
are going to be happy from-
It's not about
the credit cards, Kyle.
What happened to the guy
that I used to date?
The one that used to smile
and make me laugh?
I look at you now and all I see
is some sort of sick person.
And, babe,
I don't know why
I don't have to tell you
every fucking detail of my life, do I?
See, that is what I'm talking about-
that right there.
I'm sorry.
Things have been
a little crazy lately
What's up, Platt?
It's in the music
But not the way you think
The real power comes
from ultra-low frequencies
I'm with Julie right now
The music requires
a transmission device-
something to focus
and channel the sound
Then there must be something
else hidden in the coffin,
shooting the sound
directly into our heads
- Let's talk about this later, Platt
- A needle perhaps.
That would explain
Sutton's CNS reaction
Direct stimulation
of the craniocerebral junction
could restore some form
of neuromuscular activity
- when the brain dies.
- I'm losing you, Platt!
Kyle! When you use the coffin,
you are not having
an out-of-body experience
Your brain is dead!
Do you hear what
I am saying, Kyle?
You're killing yourself
every time you use that thing!
- Yeah.
- I'll be over at your place at 7:00
We need to figure out what we're
gonna do with this goddamn thing
See you soon
Hey, I'm perfectly fucking fine!
I've never felt better
in my entire life!
It's fucking gone, man
It's all fucking gone.
You fuck!
You let somebody follow you?
No, there was nobody fucking-
I don't fucking know!
I don't fucking know, man!
Okay, there was
nobody fucking- fuck!
Do you know how fucked we are?
Calderon is going
to cut out our throats
and yank our tongues
through the fucking holes!
That's how fucked we are!
He's officially an hour late.
Let's do it
Ugh,you're bleeding, man
What if we really are dying?
Then death is a wonderful thing
You want me to go first?
I'll go in
It's a stupid idea
If we're gonna pay Calderon tonight,
we need to move some shit
This crap is all we got left.
Mixing those is fucking poison
We fuck the junkies
or Calderon fucks us
I'd rather fuck some junkie,
than us get shot.
Marcus ain't interested
in your bitch tonight!
I got cash
Hey, man.
Hey, listen to me
Hey, you don't want to do this
look at me. Look at me
You don't have to do this
Sutton, get me the fuck
out of here!
- Were you careful?
- Of course I was!
Two, one!
Really good.
Open the heels,
drop down to the knees,
lift the feet to push up.
Aren't you gonna invite me in?
Nice place
When did you take these pictures?
Just tell me about Kyle
How much do you know
about crystal meth?
Kyle's an extreme personality
but he's not an idiot.
I didn't believe it myself at first
I gave him this box
I'm sorry I had to be
the one to tell you.
I had a feeling
I really appreciate
you helping with Kyle
I hate what Kyle's doing to you
I love you, Julie
What are you afraid of?
I'm sorry, Sutton, I just don't feel
the same way about you.
- Because of this
- Of course not.
Do you know that I've been in love
with you since high school,
and you never even noticed me?
I never meant to make you feel bad
I chose Kyle to be my roommate
just so I could be close to you
- You did what?
- I'm a whole different person now!
Oh my God
I'm healing!
And I'm getting
stronger every day
- You're hurting me
- Shhh.
No more talk
Get out!
Get the fuck out!
- Kyle Baker?
- Yeah?
- You're a friend of Oscar Platt, right?
- Yeah.
I'm going to need you
to come with me, sir.
What happened?
He was in a big hurry
to get out of here.
Did your friend have anybody
who would want to hurt him?
Everybody loved him
It looks like he was
into some pretty creepy stuff
We found this on the screen
It's unfinished.
It's addressed to you
No one cheats death, Kyle
We must destroy it
Destroy what?
I have no idea
Okay, tell you what
if you do get an idea,
give me a call.
Thanks, fellas
What are you doing?
Oh my God
Platt was right
He was
How long you been hiding this?
Get away from my coffin
You are not gonna
take it away from me
- All right, Sutton.
- Put it down, Kyle
- Okay, Sutton, all right
- Put it down!
I don't need you
to fuck Julie for me anymore
You're so beautiful
The night as it cuts before
Oh shit
Whatever we're going thru
just want to be with you
You're so beautiful...
What's going on?
You're so beautiful...
What the hell?
Someone help me!
I'm in apartment 303
Please, somebody
Who are you?
Answer me.
Please stop. No.
What did you do to me?
Sutton? No.
I never meant to hurt
your feelings.
No no no
Oh fuck!
Kyle, I think Sutton drugged me
He's hiding somewhere
You're not going
to be able to see him
- Get out of your apartment
- I'm too weak.
Julie, keep your eyes open
- I love you.
- I love you too
No no, Julie!
Some guys give a girl a ring
or a nice vacation
But I'm going to give you
something priceless...
and you're going to love it
We're gonna use
the coffin together
so that you can see
the world the same way I do
Hurt me all you want
I don't care about
this useless body anymore
Julie. Julie!
Do you really love him?
Then you just killed him!
Guess you learned
a trick or two, huh, Sutton?
The power is in the music, Kyle
I just had to make it
play a little longer.
What the hell?
I can't believe you wanted
to hurt my coffin, Kyle.
It's killing you
Right here, Kyle!
That's for all the times
I had to listen to you fucking her
Tonight you're gonna
be the one listening
on the other side of the wall
Leave her the fuck alone!
Do you believe in ghosts?
Scream for him
Fuck you.
- Help me, Kyle!
- Julie, listen to me
Hold tight.
I'm coming for you. Hold on
Where are you, Sutton?
Hiding and spying as usual
Not anymore.
You're a sick son of a bitch
you know that?
No no
Please,Sutton, no. Please no.
Please no, Sutton
So this is it, huh?
I'm not afraid of you
You wanna take me, take me!
Kyle's not going to save you, Julie
Sutton, please
Oh God
No fucking way
Help me burn it, Sutton
Aww, are you afraid to die?
Cause I'm not
What makes you think I'm not
gonna come back and haunt you?
Without the coffin?
Good luck.
Send me a postcard from hell!
Not this time
You cunt
Ha ha! You're gonna have to
aim straight if you want to kill me
You and I got something to finish
but first things first
Come on, man, let's end it now
Oh! No!
Are you sure about this?
It's something I have to do
Just wait for me
I should have destroyed it
like you said.
I should have done it
a long time ago.
Now I can finally
leave this place.
Hey, how long will I see it for?
For the rest of your life
Death is always walking with us
waiting for the time
The only difference is
now I can see it.
Another fight club game
just to be alive today
If it's a chain of pain
life's a bitch
Another double fault crime
made a freak
To break up the fight now
who makes it real
Death is a beautiful thing
Beautiful beautiful
Death is a beautiful thing
Death is
a beautiful thing
Beautiful beautiful