Bravados, The (1984) Movie Script
Pull up!
Where you headin', mister?
That town called Rio Arriba?
-That's right.|-That's where I'm headin'.
Are you Mr Simms?
The sheriff don't want any strangers in town.|Not till day after tomorrow.
-Then I'm in time.|-For what?
The hangin'. Tomorrow, ain't it?
Yes. So just turn around and go back.
You're welcome to Rio Arriba the day after.
I've ridden 100 miles to see this hangin'.
That's for the sheriff to decide.|Unbuckle your gun belt.
Give me your rifle.
Don't take the hand off the butt.
Ride in slow. I go right behind you.
-Who is it?|-Shh. I don't know.
That's his office.
Picked him up on San Marcos Pass.|Said he came to see the hanging.
I told you not to let anybody through|except Simms. Get back and see you do it.
Yes, sir.
-Well, you got a name?|-Douglass.
Who are you lookin' for?
Did I say I was lookin' for somebody?
Rio Arriba's a quiet little town.|We don't get many strangers here.
What do you want?
It's like your deputy said.
I come here to see the hangin'.
-Where did you ride in from?|-Winthrop.
You rode 100 miles over the mountains|just to watch a hangin'?
Know the men who are gonna die?
You just like to watch hangings, is that it?
I'll keep your guns. You stay away|from this jail while you're in town.
-What time is the hangin'?|-Six o'clock in the mornin'.
They start serving breakfast at the hotel|at 5:30. You can watch it on a full stomach.
-My name is Loomis. I own the bank.|-How do you do?
They shot my bank full of holes,|killed my teller.
But we caught 'em red-handed,|all four of 'em.
-No, sir. They didn't get a dime.|-When you hang 'em tomorrow, do it slow.
-Afraid you got me confused, young fella.|-Aren't you Mr Simms?
The hangman from Silver City?
If you're not the hangman,|what are you doing here?
-Just passin' through.|-Maybe he came here to help 'em break out.
Just lookin' to feed my horse|and find a hotel room.
Sir, I'm the hotel clerk.|I can find you a room. May I take your horse?
All right.
-You didn't answer my question, mister.|-I didn't hear you ask one.
-What's your business here in Rio Arriba?|-Quinn! Put it down.
Ain't we got enough trouble|without you startin' more?
Folks are a bit edgy today.
Might be a good idea|for you to stay in the hotel.
All right, break it up.
That's just what we're tryin' to avoid, a crowd.|You ought to know that. Come on, break it up.
-You going to church tonight, Tom?|-Emma?
-Yes, Father. Coming. Are you, Tom?|-Yeah, I'll be there.
Willie, take care of this horse.|Saturday, we gave 'em a fair trial.
We never had a hangin' in this town. We had|to send to Silver City for a man to do the job.
We all thought you was him!
Well, it's not my line.
But if he don't show up,|I might accommodate you.
-Take my horse and I'll meet you at the store.|-Yes, Miss Josefa.
-It must be four years.|-It's closer to five.
Well, when I saw you crossing from the|courthouse, I just couldn't believe it was you.
I still can't believe it, Jim.
It's me all right.
This is an occasion. It deserves a celebration.
-Yes, it does.|-Come on. I'll buy you a beer.
-Diego, dos cervezas, por favor.|-Si, seorita.
Let's sit here.
What brings you to Rio Arriba, Jim?
Nice country.
What are you doing here?
I have some business with the sheriff's office.
Gracias, seor.
Have you been back to New Orleans?
-We had fun.|-Uh-huh.
Since my father died,|I don't get to travel much.
-Where have you been?|-I got a little ranch outside Winthrop.
I never heard about it.
Small place.
Sometimes I wish mine were.
It's too much for a woman to handle.
-You never got married?|-No.
I just can't seem to find the right man.
Maybe you're too particular.
That's what my father said.
When we met in New Orleans...|I was husband-hunting.
You were?
I guess I...|I guess I did behave a little foolishly.
I don't know, maybe you were smart.
Did you ever marry?
Yes, I did.
Fine girl.
I'm sure.
I have to go.
-How long are you gonna be in town?|-Just until tomorrow.
It's good to see you again, Jim.
Amigo. Whiskey.
Si, seor.
Willie! Take Mr Simms' horse to the stable.
I'll tell the sheriff you're here.
Mind if I join you?
Sit down.
Can I buy you a drink?
-I have mine.|-I hate to drink alone.
Oh, bartender? Whiskey.
Simms is the name, from Silver City.
I've come to perform|a little service for you folks.
Say, what does a man do|for a little recreation in this town?
At night, I mean.
I'm a stranger here, myself.
Mr Simms?
Oh, Sheriff. Come in and have a drink.
No, thanks. Would you care to inspect|the gallows and look at the prisoners?
There's plenty of time for that.|Had a long trip. Think I'd like to freshen up.
-Your room's ready, Mr Simms.|-Oh, thank you.
I hope I see you again, sir.
Of course, not professionally.
I'll drop over to the jail this afternoon.
I wonder if I could see the prisoners.
-You said you didn't know 'em.|-I never met 'em, but I think I know 'em.
Did they do you a bad turn?
I've been following them for six months.|Tracking 'em up and down the state.
It's a relief to catch up with them and|find out the law's gonna do the job for me.
-You're sure they're the same bunch?|-Two white men, a half-breed and an Indian?
That's them. We never had anything like it in|Rio Arriba before. I'll be glad when it's over.
You're wasting good lumber.|A tree would have done.
They were sentenced to be hanged,|not lynched.
-Primo?|-Yes, sir.
-They giving you any trouble?|-No.
-Feed 'em?|-They ate.
All right, come here.
On your feet! All of you!
I said move! Now!
-Can you spare a smoke, stranger?|-Shut up!
What are you gonna do? Punish us if we talk?
I was hopin' you'd bring us a woman, Sheriff.
Like to know their names?
Much obliged.
Who's that, Sheriff?
-Don't you know him?|-I never saw him before in my life.
He came to see you hang.
-This is the last night. Watch 'em.|-Yes, sir.
And don't talk to 'em.|If they want anything, call me.
You think I might get off|long enough to go to church tonight?
I'll see. I'll do what I can.
-Parral, Father Bailey's here to see you.|-I told you to keep him outta here!
-Your mother's with him.|-I don't wanna see her either!
-What time is it?|-I don't talk to you.
You're the only one|we got nothin' against, Primo.
Primo takes good care of us. We all love him.
-Well, I don't love you.|-Sure you do!
First time I have a little nio,|I'm gonna name him Primo, after you.
You joke when you should be praying.
Get down!
What you thinkin', Zach?
Wonderin' who that stranger is.
-The way he looked, he didn't come to help.|-I can't place him.
He seemed to know you.|He looked at you the hardest.
You ever see that man before?
No, but he's got the face of a hunter.
Zach, we don't have much time.
-Don't you think we know that?|-We can'tjust wait here.
Go ahead, bang your head on the bars|and yell. They'll hang you right now.
Why, you say the darndest things sometimes.|Good evening, Mr Steinmetz.
Hello, Tom.
Emma, you know where|I put my stomach powders?
-Oh, yes, Father.|-Would you get me one?
Just in case.
Tom, Emma is a fine girl.
Yes, sir. I think so too.
The world's big and there are many wonderful|places in it, and I'd like Emma to see them.
-Well, sir, I want...|-Let me finish, Tom.
I was a pedlar when I came here. It's taken a|quarter of a century to make what I got today.
And now I am too old to enjoy it.
I want Emma to enjoy it.
But not in this out-of-the-way small town.
I want her to marry some man|who lives in Philadelphia or Boston.
Has his business there.|Mixes with educated people.
-Am I wrong to want that for her, Tom?|-No, sir.
Right now, Emma thinks she loves you.|I guess she does.
But she's never had a chance|to meet anyone else.
I want to give her that chance.
-Now, what has he been telling you?|-About Philadelphia and Boston.
Gosh. Wouldn't you love to go there?
-Good evening, Sheriff.|-Good evening, Mr Steinmetz.
Emma. Tom.
Must be big doings in church tonight.|Looks like everyone in town is going.
That's right.|It's our annual novena to St Anthony.
-Would you like to look at the prisoners?|-I'd like to finish my cigar first.
All right, there's no hurry.|Finish your cigar.
I think I'll stretch my legs.
It's open.
Come in.
I'm on my way to church.|I thought that you might like to go.
I don't go to church any more.
Jim, I... I don't understand.
Very simple -I just don't go.
I'm sorry. Very sorry.
If you'll allow me, I'll walk you there.
Of course.
Stay down.
-Think the sheriff would let us go to church?|-No.
It's all right if I look at it|from the window, isn't it?
All right.
Everyone's going to church.
You think they'd pray for us, Primo?
Will you pray for us?
You want me to?
You're a good man, Primo.|God'll listen to you.
-What should I pray for?|-That we go to heaven.
I can't do that.
But I will pray that God will forgive you.
I'll settle for that.
Was it Tucker?
How soon, do you think,|before he'll make his try?
When everyone's in church.
No talking!
I'm prayin', Primo.
Do you have any children, Jim?
-Little girl.|-How old is she?
She's pretty.
Like her mother was.
She's dead.
I'm sorry.
-Good evening, Sheriff.|-Evening, Josefa.
You must have been very much in love.
Still am.
Beautiful evening, isn't it?
Yes, it is.
Thanks, Josefa.
Guess I needed to talk to a woman.
There's a woman inside|I think you might do well to talk to.
Well, should we take a look|at our bad boys now?
-Primo?|-Yes, sir.
-Everything all right?|-Yes, sir.
You go on to church now.|Mr Simms is with me.
-Thank you, Sheriff. Thank you, Mr Simms.|-And Primo...
Come back as soon as the service is over.|Mr Simms may wanna get to bed early.
Oh, that's all right, Sheriff.
-Take your time. Don't worry about me.|-Thank you, sir.
All right. On your feet, all of you.
Over here.
Can't we have|a little more light in here, Sheriff?
-Sure.|-I'd like to get a good idea of size and weight.
Hold him up while I get the key.
-There's a key dropped on the floor.|-All right, get it.
-I can't reach it.|-Reach with the dipper.
Come on!
-We take her along.|-She'll slow us down.
They won't rush us as long as we've got her.
Get the horses.
I think we're all aware of the shadow|that has fallen over Rio Arriba.
The gallows cast a shadow even at night.
Tomorrow four men are to die.
That they die is the just|fulfilment of Caesar's law.
But I remind you that these four men are|also creatures of God, eligible for His mercy.
Pray for them as He would.
If you recall,|there was also scaffolding at Golgotha.
And Christ, bleeding and dying, took time in|his agony to turn and pardon a common thief.
Remember that tomorrow.
For all of you, it'll be daybreak.
But for these four men...|it'll be the midnight of their lives.
Your prayers will help them.
What's the matter? Que pasa?
-Here's her purse.|-Emma!
-How's the sheriff?|-He's badly hurt.
Everybody, come on, let's go!|Get your horses and guns!
-Get your gun and horse. Let's go.|-Where?
-After 'em!|-They stole five horses!
We can't find Emma. They've taken her.
Josefa! They've taken Emma.
What'll I do? Please help me. Please!
Mr Steinmetz, we'll all help. I'll get|my horse and go with you. Come on, Jim.
You can't overtake 'em tonight|before they get to San Marcos Pass.
-One of 'em can hold that against a hundred.|-Aren't you coming with us?
It's gonna be a long hard chase.|I could use some sleep. I'll wait till morning.
Do you mean to tell me, after what's|happened, you can just go and sleep?
And then what?
I'm gonna find them, if it's the last thing I do.
Good night.
-What do you think?|-With the woman, they can overtake us.
Taylor, stay here and hold them off|till sundown. We'll head for Elder Gorge.
We'll wait for you there.
-Please let me go!|-Later.
-Please. My father will give you anything.|-I've already got all he can give me.
Everybody, let's go! Come on!
Quinn, how about those boys back there?
Come on!
Quinn! Steinmetz! Let's go.
Get your horse, go into town and get a wagon|here. Take this man down with the others.
Primo, Murphy looks bad. There's nothing|I can do. You've gotta get him out of here.
Do what you can. I've sent for a wagon.
All we can do is wait.|Then we'll follow them over the pass.
Once they get to the desert,|we can circle 'em.
-We can lose 'em.|-They got Emma!
-I'm not going to take that chance.|-Hold it! Wait.
Primo's right. You can't rush 'em.
But don't worry about losin' her.
What do you know? Who are you? You're|a stranger. You say, "You can't rush them."
That's all right for you, but my daughter's|in danger. Maybe you want us to lose them.
I've been followin' them for six months.|I'm not gonna lose 'em now.
If I was you...
I'd pick out 12 of these men|and send the rest of 'em home.
Especially the old fella|and the lady over there.
-I can't send Mr Steinmetz home.|-He'll not do any good and get in the way.
He won't leave.
I'm sorry.
Primo just told me you don't want me along.
Well, that's right.
Emma's gonna need me|when we catch up with them.
With you along,|we might not catch up with them.
You might get hurt.|I wouldn't want to see that.
Are you worried about me?
These are mean men we're after.
They're real mean.
-For the gorge you must turn off here.|-You still like that idea?
-Yes. We told Taylor we'd wait there.|-We'd move faster on the desert.
That's where they'll be lookin' for us.
If we keep movin',|we can reach the border in two days.
In the desert we can only ride at night.|Two days and we'll burn up.
-She won't last a day.|-Why do we need her?
I need her. We'll head for the gorge and hole|up there till they stop searchin'. Lead, Lujn.
-What do you think, Mr Douglass?|-Sun's goin' down.
That's what he waited for.|We can't track 'em by night.
-Let's move ahead as long as we can see.|-Everybody, get mounted!
Somebody build a fire. Start up some coffee.
Can't we go on? Just you and me?
-Be like lookin' for a needle in a haystack.|-Yeah, but I'm worried about Emma.
Suppose we were lucky enough|to stumble across 'em.
You don't think they'd give up|without a fight?
-She'd be the first they'd kill.|-Here is one of them! Here he is!
Come on, all of you!
Come here, all of you! Help!
I found one of them!
There he is. See? Must be one of them.
This is not one of them.
That must be the real Mr Simms.
-Got a timepiece?|-No, sir.
Take mine.
You go back to the rim of the gorge.
-Then fire a shot every five minutes.|-But what good will that do?
Sound carries a long way|in these canyons. They'll hear it.
Make 'em wonder. Keep 'em up all night.
Take their minds off Emma.
One of us will relieve him every hour.
Keep it up all night.
You take turns standing watch.
I'll look after the horses.
I'll take the last tour. You'll take the first.
I'll take the first watch. Can't sleep anyway.
When we get out of this,|you wanna stick with me or split up?
-Well, I haven't given it much thought.|-I have.
You're a good man, Taylor.|I should hate to lose you.
Well, I sort of like havin'|a man behind me I can count on.
That Parral's a louse.
The Injun makes me nervous.|Never know what's goin' on inside his head.
-I never crossed a man that rode with me.|-Well, neither did I.
I need you with me.
That goes double.
I got one weakness|I feel you should know about.
What's that?
Every man's entitled|to one weakness. Mine's cards.
You think Lujn|needs some help with the horses?
Well now, he just might.
Is that silk?
Where'd that come from?
-Where'd that shot come from?|-It's an old trick. They wanna keep us awake.
Get back on watch.
Go to sleep. You never hear|the shot that kills you.
Well, they were here all right.|Not too long ago.
Looks like those shots of ours|changed their path.
Tracks show they went down the gorge.
Could be the Indian's thinking,|to throw us off.
Stop that, you idiot!
-I want Emma to know we're following.|-Now they all know!
You said we'd lose them in the gorge.
They're smarter than you thought, red man.
There's only one man|that could have followed us down here.
The one with the eyes of the hunter.|The strange one.
-That the sheriff brought to jail to look at us.|-He's right.
I saw him with the posse|up in San Marcos Pass.
Well, who is he? What's he doggin' us for?
-Maybe she knows.|-I never saw him before he came.
-Why did he come?|-To watch you hang.
-It's the truth!|-Let her go!
-He must know one of you.|-Maybe it's you he's after.
How could he be? I never saw him before.
No. He don't look like no banker.|Or the owner of any place we ever robbed.
Let's kill him. Then the others can't follow us.
-It's a good idea. You do it.|-Can't Lujn do it?
No. We need Lujn to take us to the border.|You catch up with us tonight.
-Why me?|-It was your idea!
What is it, Mr Douglass?
You see movement up there in that tall grass?
No, sir.
I think there's a man there,|waitin' for us to come in range.
Why don't we make him fire first?
-Then one of us would be dead.|-We gonna wait for sundown again?
You take the lead.
You and the others circle the hill.|Stay just outside rifle range of that tall grass.
I'll go up the other side.
-Why are you doing this for us, Mr Douglass?|-I'm not doin' it for you.
Come on.
Come on. Keep moving.
-I'm waitin' for you.|-I'm here.
Drop it.
You remember that woman?
Now look at it.
-No.|-You're lying!
I never saw her before. I swear I didn't.
You stopped at my ranch six months ago.
I never saw your ranch.|I don't even know where it is.
-There were four of you.|-We never did.
Please. You gotta believe me.
She begged. And cried.
And pleaded too, didn't she?
"Please, leave me alone. I have a baby."
"I have a husband. Please, leave me alone."
"Take anything you want,|but please leave me alone."
Didn't she? But it didn't help much.
I never saw that face before. I was never|on your ranch. I never did anything to you.
Which one of you? Which one of you did it?
I didn't do it.
I've done some bad things. Robbed. Stole.
-I've run cattle. But I never killed no woman.|-Talk! There were four of you. Which one?
Which one?
Don't do it. Please let me live.|Please let me live. Please.
I've got a wife and baby, too. Don't do it.|Please don't do it. I'll do anything.
Then it was all four of you!
Holy Mother, help...
-Morning, Father.|-Morning, Josefa.
-How's the sheriff?|-Much better.
Poor Mrs Parral. I feel so sorry for her.
It's hard to believe. One child can bring|so much happiness, so much grief.
Any news of Primo and the men?
-Douglass has gone with them, hasn't he?|-Yes.
-He came to church with you.|-Yes.
Do you know him?
Years ago.
I hadn't seen him in five years.
But he's changed.
What happened to him, Father?
Quite a lot.|He was out tending his cattle.
Came home one evening to find|that his house had been ransacked
and his wife had been raped and murdered.
-How awful.|-I think that's what brought him to Rio Arriba.
Jim Douglass is not the kind of man|to just watch a hanging.
Must be some connection between|those men and what happened at the ranch.
I think that Jim must believe|that those men committed the crime.
-Did they?|-Nobody knows. I doubt if Jim knows.
But his child. What happened to the child?
A ranch hand and his wife|are taking care of her.
That child could have been mine.
I was in love with Jim Douglass|and he asked me to marry him.
I didn't have the sense to say yes.
You'd have married a good man.
How do I get to his ranch?
After San Marcos Pass,|you take the Winthrop road to Canyon Diablo.
There'll be a small stone cabin.
-You think Parral got our man?|-I hope they got each other.
Yeah. There's Parral now.
He got our man. I feel better.
That's not Parral.
It's the hunter.
-How could they have caught us so soon?|-They haven't.
It's only one man.
Well, we can handle|one man easy enough.
He's marking a trail for the posse.
-Let's wait for him.|-And let the posse gain on us?
-Go on. I'll catch up with you.|-Why you?
I'm a better shot.|And I don't like a man doggin' my trail.
What do you think, Lujn?
There's sure to be someone there.
-Then we'll get somethin' to eat.|-We need fresh horses more than food.
Then we'll get both. Come back here!
Now, where did you think you were goin'?
Aw, don't cry. I'm not gonna make you walk.
I'm gonna let you ride.|Right up here, next to me.
We haven't seen Douglass|since he killed Parral.
He must have gone back.
Douglass didn't go back.
Can you spare a little food?|We haven't eaten all day.
-Food's pretty scarce around these parts.
We're willin' to pay for hospitality.
-Where you headin'?|-Rio Arriba.
Well, you're lost.|You're headed in the wrong direction.
Rio Arriba's across the Diablo in the north.
You can spare a little grub|for the lady, can't you?
-I guess so.|-We'd be satisfied with a cup of coffee.
You know what happened to your horse?
-Just one word and you'll get the same.|-I won't talk.
-Where can we get a couple of horses?|-Well, the...
Douglass ranch|is about four miles west of here.
But I don't know|if they've got any horses or not.
Don't get any foolish ideas.
What's that?
-It's gold.|-Them's my teeth.
-Where's your gold?|-I haven't any.
-What are you mining for?|-Silver. So far I haven't found any.
-I gotta get back to work.|-Go ahead. Don't let us stop you.
What did he take?
Go and see what it was.
-Let's go. The posse's coming!|-Go ahead. I'll be along.
I said now!
There's the miner's cabin.
Douglass' ranch should be|about four more miles west.
Who's that?
You know, that looks like Jim Douglass.
-I'm glad I caught up with you.|-Why?
Jim, why don't you stop this mad chase|after these men and let them go?
You can't undo what's been done.|And you have a child to think of.
How can you be so sure these are the men?
Come here.
Look at this.|That's John Butler, my neighbour.
Poor devil never harmed anybody in his life.|Now they've killed him.
Let's get him in the house.
Jim, come here! Come quickly! Emma!
Come on! Hurry! Hurry!
Mr Steinmetz, hurry!
We've found Emma.|She's here, in the house.
-How is she?|-I don't know.
-Please don't worry, Emma.
Everything's fine now. Really it is.
Look, Tom's here and your father's here.
I know how you feel.|Go after them, Jim, and catch them.
Get them before...|Kill them! Kill them! Kill them!
You take your men and head for the border.
I'm going by my place|to pick up a fresh horse.
-I'll meet you at the river.|-Yes, sir.
Everybody! Get movin'!
All right, let's get goin'.
Juanita. Juanita.
Alguien viene a caballo.
No los veo.
Parece tu padre. No los conozco.
Seor Douglass.
Hace rato vinieron dos hombres, se llevaron|dos caballos y se fueron hacia el rio.
Se llevaron los mejores caballos.| Qu hacemos? Lo siento mucho.
Elena y yo estbamos solas.|Pablo se fue a trabajar.
Est bien, Juanita. No te apures.
We're not far behind,|but they took the only horses that were here.
Helen, this is Josefa.
She's a good friend of mine.|A very good friend.
-I want you to stay with her until I get back.|-Yes.
I don't know when that'll be.
I'll take care of her.|Just as if she were my own.
I guess I haven't been much of a father.
God bless you, Jim.
It looks like it all right.
Mr Douglass, here are the tracks.
This is where they crossed the river.
Mr Douglass!
This is the international border.|We can't go further.
I can.
Seora, did you see two men|on horseback cross the river here today?
No entiendo.
Vio a dos hombres a caballo|cruzar el rio por aqui hoy?
Ah, si. Mire.
Bajaron alli, luego cruzaron el rio,
dieron la vuelta y se fueron a San Cristbal.
San Cristbal. Para dnde hay que ir a eso?
Mire. San Cristbal est...
Se va usted por aqui, da la vuelta, sube|y un poco ms adelante est San Cristbal.
A qu distancia queda?
-Como a 20 km.|-Muchas gracias.
-Otro copa para la seorita.|-Si, Seor.
Who are you?
What do you want with me?
-Look at it.|-I see it.
What of it? It's a watch.
Look at the picture.
What about her? Who is she?
-You remember her.|-I never saw that woman before in my life.
Now get outta here.|I'm tired of you doggin' my trail.
She was my wife.
Raped and killed by you.
I tell you I never saw that woman before|in my life. Now get away from me!
Pablo, qu bueno que llegaste.|Bendito sea Dios que llegaste.
Mira, ngela. Tenemos todo el dinero|necesario para el resto de la vida. Cgelo.
-Si, pero el nio est enfermo.|- Que est enfermo? Desde cundo?
-Desde hace mucho.|-Vente.
-Tiene mucha febre.|-Si, pobrecito.
Necesitamos refrescarle la frente.
Bueno, le voy a poner un poquito de agua.
A ver si se le quita la febre.
Pero es que no hay agua.|Voy a buscar un poquito. Vengo enseguida.
No hay agua. No hay agua.
Mientras cuidas al nio,|te voy a hacer algo de comer.
Where's the Indian|who rode up here on that horse?
Perdone, seor, no le entiendo nada.|Mi hijo est muy enfermo.
Mi esposo fue a traer agua al arroyo.
Quin es usted? Qu va a hacer?
Ese hombre te queria matar.
Traele algo de comer.
Why don't you kill me?|I came here to kill you.
I have no reason to kill you.
Why do you hunt me?
Just look at that picture.
-Your wife and baby?|-Yeah.
She's very pretty.
My wife and baby, they are pretty.
Why do you hunt me?
-You ever see that woman before?|-No.
There were four men. Two white men,|a half-breed and an Indian.
They robbed my ranch house|and killed my wife.
I have never seen your ranch.
The horse you rode up here|you stole from my ranch!
I did not know that was your ranch|and I didn't see any woman.
If you've never been to my ranch,|where'd you get this money?
That I took from a miner|I met in Canyon Diablo.
We were at his house.|We ate his eggs and meat.
Then he ran down the hill|to hide that money and Zachary killed him.
I took that money|from his hand when he was dead.
Butler was the one who told me -six months|ago, the day my wife was murdered -
that the four of you, you came|straight from my ranch past his place.
It is true. We did come past his place.
But we did not come from the direction of|your ranch. We came straight from the border.
Well, uh...
Where did Butler get that money?
It was stolen from my house the day...
If my wife...
What I have told you is the truth.
Oh, God.
Dear God.
That's him.
He's back.
Sheriff, he's back.
Glad you're back, Jim.|You've been away a long time.
Father, I need help.
-We all do.|-I killed three men.
The people of Rio Arriba are thankful|that you broughtjustice where they failed.
You don't understand. I...
I didn't... kill them for the sake ofjustice.
You were a member of an armed posse|legally sent out to get them, dead or alive.
No, Father. I didn't kill them for|anything that they did here in Rio Arriba.
I killed them for revenge.
Revenge for something|that they didn't even do.
I set myself up as the judge,|the... jury and the... executioner.
They swore that they were innocent.
One of them even...
He begged on his knees...|for his life.
I wouldn't listen.
I killed them for something|that they didn't do.
Jim, let me point this out to you.
By telling me what you have|and feeling as you do,
you're already a step ahead of a lot|of other men that have been in your shoes.
That doesn't mean I'm condoning|what you've done, but at least you haven't
excused your own actions by saying,|as many men would,
that these men were evil and should die,|and that you carried out a legal execution.
I know that, Father, but... it doesn't help.
I was wrong.
Wrong. Wrong.
Come on.
Some people think prayers help.
Ladies and gentlemen,|there's no need for me to tell you,
the emergency arose...|and the man appeared.
Douglass, it's not often a man gets|to do so much for his neighbours,
and do it like you did.
We want you to know, we'll be forever grateful|and you'll be in our hearts always.
Thank you.
And in your prayers.
Where you headin', mister?
That town called Rio Arriba?
-That's right.|-That's where I'm headin'.
Are you Mr Simms?
The sheriff don't want any strangers in town.|Not till day after tomorrow.
-Then I'm in time.|-For what?
The hangin'. Tomorrow, ain't it?
Yes. So just turn around and go back.
You're welcome to Rio Arriba the day after.
I've ridden 100 miles to see this hangin'.
That's for the sheriff to decide.|Unbuckle your gun belt.
Give me your rifle.
Don't take the hand off the butt.
Ride in slow. I go right behind you.
-Who is it?|-Shh. I don't know.
That's his office.
Picked him up on San Marcos Pass.|Said he came to see the hanging.
I told you not to let anybody through|except Simms. Get back and see you do it.
Yes, sir.
-Well, you got a name?|-Douglass.
Who are you lookin' for?
Did I say I was lookin' for somebody?
Rio Arriba's a quiet little town.|We don't get many strangers here.
What do you want?
It's like your deputy said.
I come here to see the hangin'.
-Where did you ride in from?|-Winthrop.
You rode 100 miles over the mountains|just to watch a hangin'?
Know the men who are gonna die?
You just like to watch hangings, is that it?
I'll keep your guns. You stay away|from this jail while you're in town.
-What time is the hangin'?|-Six o'clock in the mornin'.
They start serving breakfast at the hotel|at 5:30. You can watch it on a full stomach.
-My name is Loomis. I own the bank.|-How do you do?
They shot my bank full of holes,|killed my teller.
But we caught 'em red-handed,|all four of 'em.
-No, sir. They didn't get a dime.|-When you hang 'em tomorrow, do it slow.
-Afraid you got me confused, young fella.|-Aren't you Mr Simms?
The hangman from Silver City?
If you're not the hangman,|what are you doing here?
-Just passin' through.|-Maybe he came here to help 'em break out.
Just lookin' to feed my horse|and find a hotel room.
Sir, I'm the hotel clerk.|I can find you a room. May I take your horse?
All right.
-You didn't answer my question, mister.|-I didn't hear you ask one.
-What's your business here in Rio Arriba?|-Quinn! Put it down.
Ain't we got enough trouble|without you startin' more?
Folks are a bit edgy today.
Might be a good idea|for you to stay in the hotel.
All right, break it up.
That's just what we're tryin' to avoid, a crowd.|You ought to know that. Come on, break it up.
-You going to church tonight, Tom?|-Emma?
-Yes, Father. Coming. Are you, Tom?|-Yeah, I'll be there.
Willie, take care of this horse.|Saturday, we gave 'em a fair trial.
We never had a hangin' in this town. We had|to send to Silver City for a man to do the job.
We all thought you was him!
Well, it's not my line.
But if he don't show up,|I might accommodate you.
-Take my horse and I'll meet you at the store.|-Yes, Miss Josefa.
-It must be four years.|-It's closer to five.
Well, when I saw you crossing from the|courthouse, I just couldn't believe it was you.
I still can't believe it, Jim.
It's me all right.
This is an occasion. It deserves a celebration.
-Yes, it does.|-Come on. I'll buy you a beer.
-Diego, dos cervezas, por favor.|-Si, seorita.
Let's sit here.
What brings you to Rio Arriba, Jim?
Nice country.
What are you doing here?
I have some business with the sheriff's office.
Gracias, seor.
Have you been back to New Orleans?
-We had fun.|-Uh-huh.
Since my father died,|I don't get to travel much.
-Where have you been?|-I got a little ranch outside Winthrop.
I never heard about it.
Small place.
Sometimes I wish mine were.
It's too much for a woman to handle.
-You never got married?|-No.
I just can't seem to find the right man.
Maybe you're too particular.
That's what my father said.
When we met in New Orleans...|I was husband-hunting.
You were?
I guess I...|I guess I did behave a little foolishly.
I don't know, maybe you were smart.
Did you ever marry?
Yes, I did.
Fine girl.
I'm sure.
I have to go.
-How long are you gonna be in town?|-Just until tomorrow.
It's good to see you again, Jim.
Amigo. Whiskey.
Si, seor.
Willie! Take Mr Simms' horse to the stable.
I'll tell the sheriff you're here.
Mind if I join you?
Sit down.
Can I buy you a drink?
-I have mine.|-I hate to drink alone.
Oh, bartender? Whiskey.
Simms is the name, from Silver City.
I've come to perform|a little service for you folks.
Say, what does a man do|for a little recreation in this town?
At night, I mean.
I'm a stranger here, myself.
Mr Simms?
Oh, Sheriff. Come in and have a drink.
No, thanks. Would you care to inspect|the gallows and look at the prisoners?
There's plenty of time for that.|Had a long trip. Think I'd like to freshen up.
-Your room's ready, Mr Simms.|-Oh, thank you.
I hope I see you again, sir.
Of course, not professionally.
I'll drop over to the jail this afternoon.
I wonder if I could see the prisoners.
-You said you didn't know 'em.|-I never met 'em, but I think I know 'em.
Did they do you a bad turn?
I've been following them for six months.|Tracking 'em up and down the state.
It's a relief to catch up with them and|find out the law's gonna do the job for me.
-You're sure they're the same bunch?|-Two white men, a half-breed and an Indian?
That's them. We never had anything like it in|Rio Arriba before. I'll be glad when it's over.
You're wasting good lumber.|A tree would have done.
They were sentenced to be hanged,|not lynched.
-Primo?|-Yes, sir.
-They giving you any trouble?|-No.
-Feed 'em?|-They ate.
All right, come here.
On your feet! All of you!
I said move! Now!
-Can you spare a smoke, stranger?|-Shut up!
What are you gonna do? Punish us if we talk?
I was hopin' you'd bring us a woman, Sheriff.
Like to know their names?
Much obliged.
Who's that, Sheriff?
-Don't you know him?|-I never saw him before in my life.
He came to see you hang.
-This is the last night. Watch 'em.|-Yes, sir.
And don't talk to 'em.|If they want anything, call me.
You think I might get off|long enough to go to church tonight?
I'll see. I'll do what I can.
-Parral, Father Bailey's here to see you.|-I told you to keep him outta here!
-Your mother's with him.|-I don't wanna see her either!
-What time is it?|-I don't talk to you.
You're the only one|we got nothin' against, Primo.
Primo takes good care of us. We all love him.
-Well, I don't love you.|-Sure you do!
First time I have a little nio,|I'm gonna name him Primo, after you.
You joke when you should be praying.
Get down!
What you thinkin', Zach?
Wonderin' who that stranger is.
-The way he looked, he didn't come to help.|-I can't place him.
He seemed to know you.|He looked at you the hardest.
You ever see that man before?
No, but he's got the face of a hunter.
Zach, we don't have much time.
-Don't you think we know that?|-We can'tjust wait here.
Go ahead, bang your head on the bars|and yell. They'll hang you right now.
Why, you say the darndest things sometimes.|Good evening, Mr Steinmetz.
Hello, Tom.
Emma, you know where|I put my stomach powders?
-Oh, yes, Father.|-Would you get me one?
Just in case.
Tom, Emma is a fine girl.
Yes, sir. I think so too.
The world's big and there are many wonderful|places in it, and I'd like Emma to see them.
-Well, sir, I want...|-Let me finish, Tom.
I was a pedlar when I came here. It's taken a|quarter of a century to make what I got today.
And now I am too old to enjoy it.
I want Emma to enjoy it.
But not in this out-of-the-way small town.
I want her to marry some man|who lives in Philadelphia or Boston.
Has his business there.|Mixes with educated people.
-Am I wrong to want that for her, Tom?|-No, sir.
Right now, Emma thinks she loves you.|I guess she does.
But she's never had a chance|to meet anyone else.
I want to give her that chance.
-Now, what has he been telling you?|-About Philadelphia and Boston.
Gosh. Wouldn't you love to go there?
-Good evening, Sheriff.|-Good evening, Mr Steinmetz.
Emma. Tom.
Must be big doings in church tonight.|Looks like everyone in town is going.
That's right.|It's our annual novena to St Anthony.
-Would you like to look at the prisoners?|-I'd like to finish my cigar first.
All right, there's no hurry.|Finish your cigar.
I think I'll stretch my legs.
It's open.
Come in.
I'm on my way to church.|I thought that you might like to go.
I don't go to church any more.
Jim, I... I don't understand.
Very simple -I just don't go.
I'm sorry. Very sorry.
If you'll allow me, I'll walk you there.
Of course.
Stay down.
-Think the sheriff would let us go to church?|-No.
It's all right if I look at it|from the window, isn't it?
All right.
Everyone's going to church.
You think they'd pray for us, Primo?
Will you pray for us?
You want me to?
You're a good man, Primo.|God'll listen to you.
-What should I pray for?|-That we go to heaven.
I can't do that.
But I will pray that God will forgive you.
I'll settle for that.
Was it Tucker?
How soon, do you think,|before he'll make his try?
When everyone's in church.
No talking!
I'm prayin', Primo.
Do you have any children, Jim?
-Little girl.|-How old is she?
She's pretty.
Like her mother was.
She's dead.
I'm sorry.
-Good evening, Sheriff.|-Evening, Josefa.
You must have been very much in love.
Still am.
Beautiful evening, isn't it?
Yes, it is.
Thanks, Josefa.
Guess I needed to talk to a woman.
There's a woman inside|I think you might do well to talk to.
Well, should we take a look|at our bad boys now?
-Primo?|-Yes, sir.
-Everything all right?|-Yes, sir.
You go on to church now.|Mr Simms is with me.
-Thank you, Sheriff. Thank you, Mr Simms.|-And Primo...
Come back as soon as the service is over.|Mr Simms may wanna get to bed early.
Oh, that's all right, Sheriff.
-Take your time. Don't worry about me.|-Thank you, sir.
All right. On your feet, all of you.
Over here.
Can't we have|a little more light in here, Sheriff?
-Sure.|-I'd like to get a good idea of size and weight.
Hold him up while I get the key.
-There's a key dropped on the floor.|-All right, get it.
-I can't reach it.|-Reach with the dipper.
Come on!
-We take her along.|-She'll slow us down.
They won't rush us as long as we've got her.
Get the horses.
I think we're all aware of the shadow|that has fallen over Rio Arriba.
The gallows cast a shadow even at night.
Tomorrow four men are to die.
That they die is the just|fulfilment of Caesar's law.
But I remind you that these four men are|also creatures of God, eligible for His mercy.
Pray for them as He would.
If you recall,|there was also scaffolding at Golgotha.
And Christ, bleeding and dying, took time in|his agony to turn and pardon a common thief.
Remember that tomorrow.
For all of you, it'll be daybreak.
But for these four men...|it'll be the midnight of their lives.
Your prayers will help them.
What's the matter? Que pasa?
-Here's her purse.|-Emma!
-How's the sheriff?|-He's badly hurt.
Everybody, come on, let's go!|Get your horses and guns!
-Get your gun and horse. Let's go.|-Where?
-After 'em!|-They stole five horses!
We can't find Emma. They've taken her.
Josefa! They've taken Emma.
What'll I do? Please help me. Please!
Mr Steinmetz, we'll all help. I'll get|my horse and go with you. Come on, Jim.
You can't overtake 'em tonight|before they get to San Marcos Pass.
-One of 'em can hold that against a hundred.|-Aren't you coming with us?
It's gonna be a long hard chase.|I could use some sleep. I'll wait till morning.
Do you mean to tell me, after what's|happened, you can just go and sleep?
And then what?
I'm gonna find them, if it's the last thing I do.
Good night.
-What do you think?|-With the woman, they can overtake us.
Taylor, stay here and hold them off|till sundown. We'll head for Elder Gorge.
We'll wait for you there.
-Please let me go!|-Later.
-Please. My father will give you anything.|-I've already got all he can give me.
Everybody, let's go! Come on!
Quinn, how about those boys back there?
Come on!
Quinn! Steinmetz! Let's go.
Get your horse, go into town and get a wagon|here. Take this man down with the others.
Primo, Murphy looks bad. There's nothing|I can do. You've gotta get him out of here.
Do what you can. I've sent for a wagon.
All we can do is wait.|Then we'll follow them over the pass.
Once they get to the desert,|we can circle 'em.
-We can lose 'em.|-They got Emma!
-I'm not going to take that chance.|-Hold it! Wait.
Primo's right. You can't rush 'em.
But don't worry about losin' her.
What do you know? Who are you? You're|a stranger. You say, "You can't rush them."
That's all right for you, but my daughter's|in danger. Maybe you want us to lose them.
I've been followin' them for six months.|I'm not gonna lose 'em now.
If I was you...
I'd pick out 12 of these men|and send the rest of 'em home.
Especially the old fella|and the lady over there.
-I can't send Mr Steinmetz home.|-He'll not do any good and get in the way.
He won't leave.
I'm sorry.
Primo just told me you don't want me along.
Well, that's right.
Emma's gonna need me|when we catch up with them.
With you along,|we might not catch up with them.
You might get hurt.|I wouldn't want to see that.
Are you worried about me?
These are mean men we're after.
They're real mean.
-For the gorge you must turn off here.|-You still like that idea?
-Yes. We told Taylor we'd wait there.|-We'd move faster on the desert.
That's where they'll be lookin' for us.
If we keep movin',|we can reach the border in two days.
In the desert we can only ride at night.|Two days and we'll burn up.
-She won't last a day.|-Why do we need her?
I need her. We'll head for the gorge and hole|up there till they stop searchin'. Lead, Lujn.
-What do you think, Mr Douglass?|-Sun's goin' down.
That's what he waited for.|We can't track 'em by night.
-Let's move ahead as long as we can see.|-Everybody, get mounted!
Somebody build a fire. Start up some coffee.
Can't we go on? Just you and me?
-Be like lookin' for a needle in a haystack.|-Yeah, but I'm worried about Emma.
Suppose we were lucky enough|to stumble across 'em.
You don't think they'd give up|without a fight?
-She'd be the first they'd kill.|-Here is one of them! Here he is!
Come on, all of you!
Come here, all of you! Help!
I found one of them!
There he is. See? Must be one of them.
This is not one of them.
That must be the real Mr Simms.
-Got a timepiece?|-No, sir.
Take mine.
You go back to the rim of the gorge.
-Then fire a shot every five minutes.|-But what good will that do?
Sound carries a long way|in these canyons. They'll hear it.
Make 'em wonder. Keep 'em up all night.
Take their minds off Emma.
One of us will relieve him every hour.
Keep it up all night.
You take turns standing watch.
I'll look after the horses.
I'll take the last tour. You'll take the first.
I'll take the first watch. Can't sleep anyway.
When we get out of this,|you wanna stick with me or split up?
-Well, I haven't given it much thought.|-I have.
You're a good man, Taylor.|I should hate to lose you.
Well, I sort of like havin'|a man behind me I can count on.
That Parral's a louse.
The Injun makes me nervous.|Never know what's goin' on inside his head.
-I never crossed a man that rode with me.|-Well, neither did I.
I need you with me.
That goes double.
I got one weakness|I feel you should know about.
What's that?
Every man's entitled|to one weakness. Mine's cards.
You think Lujn|needs some help with the horses?
Well now, he just might.
Is that silk?
Where'd that come from?
-Where'd that shot come from?|-It's an old trick. They wanna keep us awake.
Get back on watch.
Go to sleep. You never hear|the shot that kills you.
Well, they were here all right.|Not too long ago.
Looks like those shots of ours|changed their path.
Tracks show they went down the gorge.
Could be the Indian's thinking,|to throw us off.
Stop that, you idiot!
-I want Emma to know we're following.|-Now they all know!
You said we'd lose them in the gorge.
They're smarter than you thought, red man.
There's only one man|that could have followed us down here.
The one with the eyes of the hunter.|The strange one.
-That the sheriff brought to jail to look at us.|-He's right.
I saw him with the posse|up in San Marcos Pass.
Well, who is he? What's he doggin' us for?
-Maybe she knows.|-I never saw him before he came.
-Why did he come?|-To watch you hang.
-It's the truth!|-Let her go!
-He must know one of you.|-Maybe it's you he's after.
How could he be? I never saw him before.
No. He don't look like no banker.|Or the owner of any place we ever robbed.
Let's kill him. Then the others can't follow us.
-It's a good idea. You do it.|-Can't Lujn do it?
No. We need Lujn to take us to the border.|You catch up with us tonight.
-Why me?|-It was your idea!
What is it, Mr Douglass?
You see movement up there in that tall grass?
No, sir.
I think there's a man there,|waitin' for us to come in range.
Why don't we make him fire first?
-Then one of us would be dead.|-We gonna wait for sundown again?
You take the lead.
You and the others circle the hill.|Stay just outside rifle range of that tall grass.
I'll go up the other side.
-Why are you doing this for us, Mr Douglass?|-I'm not doin' it for you.
Come on.
Come on. Keep moving.
-I'm waitin' for you.|-I'm here.
Drop it.
You remember that woman?
Now look at it.
-No.|-You're lying!
I never saw her before. I swear I didn't.
You stopped at my ranch six months ago.
I never saw your ranch.|I don't even know where it is.
-There were four of you.|-We never did.
Please. You gotta believe me.
She begged. And cried.
And pleaded too, didn't she?
"Please, leave me alone. I have a baby."
"I have a husband. Please, leave me alone."
"Take anything you want,|but please leave me alone."
Didn't she? But it didn't help much.
I never saw that face before. I was never|on your ranch. I never did anything to you.
Which one of you? Which one of you did it?
I didn't do it.
I've done some bad things. Robbed. Stole.
-I've run cattle. But I never killed no woman.|-Talk! There were four of you. Which one?
Which one?
Don't do it. Please let me live.|Please let me live. Please.
I've got a wife and baby, too. Don't do it.|Please don't do it. I'll do anything.
Then it was all four of you!
Holy Mother, help...
-Morning, Father.|-Morning, Josefa.
-How's the sheriff?|-Much better.
Poor Mrs Parral. I feel so sorry for her.
It's hard to believe. One child can bring|so much happiness, so much grief.
Any news of Primo and the men?
-Douglass has gone with them, hasn't he?|-Yes.
-He came to church with you.|-Yes.
Do you know him?
Years ago.
I hadn't seen him in five years.
But he's changed.
What happened to him, Father?
Quite a lot.|He was out tending his cattle.
Came home one evening to find|that his house had been ransacked
and his wife had been raped and murdered.
-How awful.|-I think that's what brought him to Rio Arriba.
Jim Douglass is not the kind of man|to just watch a hanging.
Must be some connection between|those men and what happened at the ranch.
I think that Jim must believe|that those men committed the crime.
-Did they?|-Nobody knows. I doubt if Jim knows.
But his child. What happened to the child?
A ranch hand and his wife|are taking care of her.
That child could have been mine.
I was in love with Jim Douglass|and he asked me to marry him.
I didn't have the sense to say yes.
You'd have married a good man.
How do I get to his ranch?
After San Marcos Pass,|you take the Winthrop road to Canyon Diablo.
There'll be a small stone cabin.
-You think Parral got our man?|-I hope they got each other.
Yeah. There's Parral now.
He got our man. I feel better.
That's not Parral.
It's the hunter.
-How could they have caught us so soon?|-They haven't.
It's only one man.
Well, we can handle|one man easy enough.
He's marking a trail for the posse.
-Let's wait for him.|-And let the posse gain on us?
-Go on. I'll catch up with you.|-Why you?
I'm a better shot.|And I don't like a man doggin' my trail.
What do you think, Lujn?
There's sure to be someone there.
-Then we'll get somethin' to eat.|-We need fresh horses more than food.
Then we'll get both. Come back here!
Now, where did you think you were goin'?
Aw, don't cry. I'm not gonna make you walk.
I'm gonna let you ride.|Right up here, next to me.
We haven't seen Douglass|since he killed Parral.
He must have gone back.
Douglass didn't go back.
Can you spare a little food?|We haven't eaten all day.
-Food's pretty scarce around these parts.
We're willin' to pay for hospitality.
-Where you headin'?|-Rio Arriba.
Well, you're lost.|You're headed in the wrong direction.
Rio Arriba's across the Diablo in the north.
You can spare a little grub|for the lady, can't you?
-I guess so.|-We'd be satisfied with a cup of coffee.
You know what happened to your horse?
-Just one word and you'll get the same.|-I won't talk.
-Where can we get a couple of horses?|-Well, the...
Douglass ranch|is about four miles west of here.
But I don't know|if they've got any horses or not.
Don't get any foolish ideas.
What's that?
-It's gold.|-Them's my teeth.
-Where's your gold?|-I haven't any.
-What are you mining for?|-Silver. So far I haven't found any.
-I gotta get back to work.|-Go ahead. Don't let us stop you.
What did he take?
Go and see what it was.
-Let's go. The posse's coming!|-Go ahead. I'll be along.
I said now!
There's the miner's cabin.
Douglass' ranch should be|about four more miles west.
Who's that?
You know, that looks like Jim Douglass.
-I'm glad I caught up with you.|-Why?
Jim, why don't you stop this mad chase|after these men and let them go?
You can't undo what's been done.|And you have a child to think of.
How can you be so sure these are the men?
Come here.
Look at this.|That's John Butler, my neighbour.
Poor devil never harmed anybody in his life.|Now they've killed him.
Let's get him in the house.
Jim, come here! Come quickly! Emma!
Come on! Hurry! Hurry!
Mr Steinmetz, hurry!
We've found Emma.|She's here, in the house.
-How is she?|-I don't know.
-Please don't worry, Emma.
Everything's fine now. Really it is.
Look, Tom's here and your father's here.
I know how you feel.|Go after them, Jim, and catch them.
Get them before...|Kill them! Kill them! Kill them!
You take your men and head for the border.
I'm going by my place|to pick up a fresh horse.
-I'll meet you at the river.|-Yes, sir.
Everybody! Get movin'!
All right, let's get goin'.
Juanita. Juanita.
Alguien viene a caballo.
No los veo.
Parece tu padre. No los conozco.
Seor Douglass.
Hace rato vinieron dos hombres, se llevaron|dos caballos y se fueron hacia el rio.
Se llevaron los mejores caballos.| Qu hacemos? Lo siento mucho.
Elena y yo estbamos solas.|Pablo se fue a trabajar.
Est bien, Juanita. No te apures.
We're not far behind,|but they took the only horses that were here.
Helen, this is Josefa.
She's a good friend of mine.|A very good friend.
-I want you to stay with her until I get back.|-Yes.
I don't know when that'll be.
I'll take care of her.|Just as if she were my own.
I guess I haven't been much of a father.
God bless you, Jim.
It looks like it all right.
Mr Douglass, here are the tracks.
This is where they crossed the river.
Mr Douglass!
This is the international border.|We can't go further.
I can.
Seora, did you see two men|on horseback cross the river here today?
No entiendo.
Vio a dos hombres a caballo|cruzar el rio por aqui hoy?
Ah, si. Mire.
Bajaron alli, luego cruzaron el rio,
dieron la vuelta y se fueron a San Cristbal.
San Cristbal. Para dnde hay que ir a eso?
Mire. San Cristbal est...
Se va usted por aqui, da la vuelta, sube|y un poco ms adelante est San Cristbal.
A qu distancia queda?
-Como a 20 km.|-Muchas gracias.
-Otro copa para la seorita.|-Si, Seor.
Who are you?
What do you want with me?
-Look at it.|-I see it.
What of it? It's a watch.
Look at the picture.
What about her? Who is she?
-You remember her.|-I never saw that woman before in my life.
Now get outta here.|I'm tired of you doggin' my trail.
She was my wife.
Raped and killed by you.
I tell you I never saw that woman before|in my life. Now get away from me!
Pablo, qu bueno que llegaste.|Bendito sea Dios que llegaste.
Mira, ngela. Tenemos todo el dinero|necesario para el resto de la vida. Cgelo.
-Si, pero el nio est enfermo.|- Que est enfermo? Desde cundo?
-Desde hace mucho.|-Vente.
-Tiene mucha febre.|-Si, pobrecito.
Necesitamos refrescarle la frente.
Bueno, le voy a poner un poquito de agua.
A ver si se le quita la febre.
Pero es que no hay agua.|Voy a buscar un poquito. Vengo enseguida.
No hay agua. No hay agua.
Mientras cuidas al nio,|te voy a hacer algo de comer.
Where's the Indian|who rode up here on that horse?
Perdone, seor, no le entiendo nada.|Mi hijo est muy enfermo.
Mi esposo fue a traer agua al arroyo.
Quin es usted? Qu va a hacer?
Ese hombre te queria matar.
Traele algo de comer.
Why don't you kill me?|I came here to kill you.
I have no reason to kill you.
Why do you hunt me?
Just look at that picture.
-Your wife and baby?|-Yeah.
She's very pretty.
My wife and baby, they are pretty.
Why do you hunt me?
-You ever see that woman before?|-No.
There were four men. Two white men,|a half-breed and an Indian.
They robbed my ranch house|and killed my wife.
I have never seen your ranch.
The horse you rode up here|you stole from my ranch!
I did not know that was your ranch|and I didn't see any woman.
If you've never been to my ranch,|where'd you get this money?
That I took from a miner|I met in Canyon Diablo.
We were at his house.|We ate his eggs and meat.
Then he ran down the hill|to hide that money and Zachary killed him.
I took that money|from his hand when he was dead.
Butler was the one who told me -six months|ago, the day my wife was murdered -
that the four of you, you came|straight from my ranch past his place.
It is true. We did come past his place.
But we did not come from the direction of|your ranch. We came straight from the border.
Well, uh...
Where did Butler get that money?
It was stolen from my house the day...
If my wife...
What I have told you is the truth.
Oh, God.
Dear God.
That's him.
He's back.
Sheriff, he's back.
Glad you're back, Jim.|You've been away a long time.
Father, I need help.
-We all do.|-I killed three men.
The people of Rio Arriba are thankful|that you broughtjustice where they failed.
You don't understand. I...
I didn't... kill them for the sake ofjustice.
You were a member of an armed posse|legally sent out to get them, dead or alive.
No, Father. I didn't kill them for|anything that they did here in Rio Arriba.
I killed them for revenge.
Revenge for something|that they didn't even do.
I set myself up as the judge,|the... jury and the... executioner.
They swore that they were innocent.
One of them even...
He begged on his knees...|for his life.
I wouldn't listen.
I killed them for something|that they didn't do.
Jim, let me point this out to you.
By telling me what you have|and feeling as you do,
you're already a step ahead of a lot|of other men that have been in your shoes.
That doesn't mean I'm condoning|what you've done, but at least you haven't
excused your own actions by saying,|as many men would,
that these men were evil and should die,|and that you carried out a legal execution.
I know that, Father, but... it doesn't help.
I was wrong.
Wrong. Wrong.
Come on.
Some people think prayers help.
Ladies and gentlemen,|there's no need for me to tell you,
the emergency arose...|and the man appeared.
Douglass, it's not often a man gets|to do so much for his neighbours,
and do it like you did.
We want you to know, we'll be forever grateful|and you'll be in our hearts always.
Thank you.
And in your prayers.