Brave New Jersey (2016) Movie Script
Everything you're about to see is true.
The mayor, the school teacher,
the Reverend, the kid from Poland,
The crazy cow milking machine,
and the panic that ensued
when a man named Orson Welles
came on the radio and said
that Martians had landed
in New Jersey.
Everything you're about to see is true.
-How are you?
-You're up early, Mr. Mayor.
Well, wait a second.
My last two chewy candies!
I was looking for those.
We'd give you a lift back into town,
but myrna here has got the croup.
Well, I could use the walk.
Gives me time to think.
Well, there's plenty of time for that around here.
Oh, yes.
You know, if I take the back way--
Okay, bye bye now.
Paint the sign...
What's next?
We'll be looking at a mild day and night today
in southern New Jersey,
with temperatures reaching 70
by the afternoon, and a low tonight of 55,
which will make it a nice night
for all you ghosts and goblins out there.
-Up already.
-Who can sleep?
Did you get the paper?
Uh, "Paul Davison,
Lullaby's principal landowner
and dairy farm proprietor--"
skip to the end.
"Despite a few objections to the rotolactor,
including mayor Clark Hill--"
"Due to Mr. Davison's foresight and persistence,
The milk business in Lullaby might not go sour."
Well, now what's this?
Something for your foresight and persistence.
Oh, what a gal.
I love it.
I've always wanted a toy statue
of the Empire State Building.
Oh, say, hon, do me a favor
and shine my shoes for me, will you?
You, you're the tops.
Ann, breakfast.
No time. gotta go.
Please take Ziggy with you.
I'm not his babysitter.
No, you're his cousin.
Second cousin, once removed.
I kinda wish he was removed from our house.
He's family, Ann, and he's only been with us a week,
So please be nice.
Come on, Ziggy!
Ziggy, let's go!
You're like molasses.
He's from Poland, he doesn't speak english.
Ziggy, let's go!
You're like Polish molasses.
Ceremony 4:00!
-Don't forget!
-How could i?
That's all you people talk about.
Sorry I'm late again, gang.
Guess it's time for that new alarm clock.
Let's jump right in with...
"I heard the voice of the lord saying
'Whom shall I send and who will go for us?'
Then said I, 'here am I, send me.'"
Start with that one?
Maybe another one?
Any requests?
Tomorrow is Halloween.
Do you know what that means?
It means, for one night you can
let go of your inhibitions
and become someone completely different.
What are inhibitions?
Well, they're-- they're things
that hold you back.
From what?
Chardy Edwards, you scared us to death.
Peg, I'm gonna remember
that look on your face forever.
That was hilarious.
I was hoping you'd stop by.
-You must be a mind reader.
-Oh, I must be.
-You know why?
'Cause I knew you'd say that.
Oh, stop it, Chardy, the kids are right there.
Well, they're gonna have to learn about love
sooner or later.
Peg, I love you so much, I could explode.
Hey, good morning, Mr. Mayor.
Ah, nice to see you.
Ah, nice to see you, too.
How are you?
Well, I'm just remarkable, thank you.
Today in war-frightened Europe
German chancellor Adolf Hitler declared
he would not allow an alien race
to control his country's destiny.
That German's got the whole world
on pins and needles.
Crazier than a rat in a tin can.
A rat in a tin can with tanks.
And guns.
-Coffee, Mr. Mayor?
-Thank you very much.
Nothing like a piping hot cup
of pepper's famous motor oil.
Oh, here come the rockefellers.
-Hey, sheriff.
-Mr. Davison.
-Hello, Clark.
-Lorraine, good morning.
How are things?
Oh, good, good, good, good.
How are you?
A big, big day for Paul.
Oh, sure is, thank you.
Oh, you're still reading, "Gone with the Wind."
You've been at that for a couple of weeks.
Oh, I'm such a slow reader,
-But thank you for the recommendation.
-Oh, sure, sure.
Such a beautiful love story.
I'm really enjoying it.
Oh, good, I'm glad you like it.
I-- I-- I would always find myself re-reading
-That section where--
Say, were you able to get that sign painted,
"Chosen as the home of the rotolactor?"
uh, I-- I-- I-- thought it was just
"home of the rotolactor."
No, it's gotta say, "Chosen as."
-That's important.
-Okay, then, okay, okay.
And the tablecloths and apple cider, all set?
-Yep, that's next on my list. Next on my list.
-All right.
Cause this isn't some barbeque or
manure stacking contest, Clark.
It's been a long time since I've planned
a manure stacking contest.
Clark, listen, I know we've had
our differences about this,
and you're worried first it's a cow milking machine,
Next a factory and a train station pop up,
and before you know it, we're a metropolis,
but, trust me, pal,
change only comes
when you take bold leaps forward.
You oughta write that in your little diary.
Oh, you really want me--
Oh, okay, yep.
-Change only comes when--
-Yeah, I got it, I got it.
-You take bold--
-I got it. I got it.
-He's got it, Paul.
-All right, good.
Well, you should welcome advice
about taking charge, Clark.
-Yeah, sure.
-I mean, you're the mayor.
It's in the job description.
Thank you for your help, Clark.
Good seeing you.
More coffee, Mr. Mayor?
Oh, Reverend Rogers,
Helen and I couldn't find you
after mass last week.
You left so quickly.
I wanted to talk about my brother Joe's passing.
Ah, um, have you learned anything
from this time of trial, Stan?
Oh, you bet.
When a cow kicks you in the leg,
it don't feel like much.
But if she nails you just right in the head,
boy, you're done for.
Very spiritual.
No, tell him about the passage you found.
Oh, yeah, "They are plans for peace and not disaster,
To give you a future and a hope."
Exodus chapter eight.
That's one of my favorites.
No, it's from Jeremiah, Chapter 29?
Oh! I always get those two confused.
Well, I'll keep your brother,
Jonathan, in my prayers.
-My brother was joe.
-I'll pray for them both.
Come on!
We're sitting ducks out here.
-Think he saw us?
-Don't move! stay down!
Hi, Peter.
How you doing
Hey, lovebirds, shut the hell up.
Do you want him to hear us?
Look, my folks said that when Collins
came back from the war.
He was all messed up.
Maybe he blew away a thousand krauts,
blasting their brains out.
Who knows what he does in there all day?
Here, throw it.
Why is it warm?
Is this pee?
Eew, gross.
Is it true that Ziggy's an imbecile in the head
-'Cause he never talks?
-You're an imbecile.
He's Polish.
Our family sent him here 'cause of Hitler.
-Ever listen to the radio?
-Okay, here we go.
If he comes out, don't look him in the eyes.
Just keep moving.
These last few years haven't been easy,
but today we look ahead at brighter days to come...
ladies and gentlemen,
I'm proud to present
The rotolactor.
And then I'll say something like...
This is a modern marvel.
How it can milk 15 cows at once.
Oh, and Clark, this is where
you're gonna lead the cows in.
Mm, yeah, okay.
Then I'm gonna tug on the heartstrings
a little bit.
Our fields are drying up.
You're working your fingers to the bone,
barely getting by.
Events in Europe are drawing us ever closer
to an inevitable world war.
I say change only comes
when you take bold leaps forward.
Well, that's it.
Now what do you say we fire this up?
-And all these buttons--
Designed and built in florida.
I think it's the future in dairy farming.
The fut--
...and when the time is...
Oh, my god!
-Has it got rotors on it?
-Yeah, get over here!
-Dump it right on there?
-Yeah, get out of the way!
I cannot believe it.
This is a disaster.
Oh, god, ah!
Oh, Chardy!
You're damn right I'm upset.
The whole town was due to arrive.
I had to cancel the whole damn ceremony!
No, I couldn't even start the thing.
There was going to be
a fireworks show, for god's sake!
What do you think?
Oh, look at those Halloween costumes!
They fit perfectly!
-Kind of itchy.
-Oh, you're gonna look great tomorrow.
You are a wonderful Abraham Lincoln.
And you are the spitting image of Bette Davis.
Greta garbo!
You'll fix it. you always do.
You'll make it better.
I don't deserve you.
You're the most beautiful girl in town.
You know that?
In all New Jersey.
The Columbia Broadcasting System
and its affiliated stations
present Orson Welles and the mercury theater
on the air, in "The War of the Worlds."
Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our program
of dance music to bring you a special bulletin
from the intercontinental radio news.
It is reported that at 8:50 pm,
a huge flaming object
believed to be a meteorite, fell on a farm
in the neighborhood of Grover's Mill, New Jersey.
The government meteorological bureau
has requested a large observatory
keep a watch on any further disturbances
occurring on the planet Mars.
We'll return you, until then,
to the music of Ramon Raquello
and his orchestra.
Then you're quite convinced as a scientist
that living intelligence, as we know it,
does not exist on Mars?
How far is Mars from here?
I'd say approximately 40 million miles.
Well, that seems to take--
We take you now to Grover's Mill, New Jersey.
-Are you hearing this?
-The what?
-The radio's reporting something about Mars.
Something landed over at Grover's Mill.
You have to slow down.
You need to put the radio on
if you're not listening--
Okay, okay, I'll turn it on.
It landed, but they don't know what it is.
It was on the rad--
Well, I hardly know where to begin.
I guess that's it.
Yes, I guess that's the thing directly in front of me.
I can see the object itself.
Doesn't look very much like a meteor.
It looks more like a huge cylinder.
Friction with the earth's atmosphere
usually tears holes in a meteorite.
This thing is smooth,
and the metal casing is definitely extraterrestrial.
And not found on this earth.
Something's happening.
Stay back, I tell you!
Good heavens.
Something wiggling
out of the shadow like a gray snake.
Eyes are black and they gleam like a serpent.
The mouth is kind of V shaped with saliva
dripping from its rimless lips.
I see the--
Will you hold on, please?
I'll be right back in a minute.
We are bringing you an eyewitness account
of what's happening on the Wwilmuth Farm,
Grover's Mill, New Jersey.
Wait a minute, something's happening. the woods, the fires--
The gas tanks, tanks of the automobiles--
spreading everywhere.
Coming this way now,
about 20 yards to my right--
Ladies and gentlemen, due to circumstances
beyond our control,
we are unable to continue the broadcast
from Grover's Mill.
Oh, my god.
At least 40 people lie dead in the field
east of the village of Grover's Mill,
Their bodies burned and distorted
beyond all possible recognition.
I have been requested by the governor of New Jersey
To place the counties of Mercer and Middlesex East
of Jamesburg under martial law.
Of the creatures in the rocket cylinder,
I can give you no authoritative information
to their purposes here on earth.
Of their destructive instrument,
I shall refer to the weapon as a heat ray.
Operator, yes...
Yes, this is Clark hill from Lullaby.
Hey, hello?
Martian cylinders are falling all over the country.
One outside of buffalo, St. Louis.
The monster is now in control
of the middle section of New Jersey.
It has effectively cut the state through its center.
Citizens of the nation,
I wish to impress upon you
the urgent need of calm and resourceful action.
You have just heard the Secretary of the Interior
speaking from Washington.
Dad, are we leaving?
Mom! you can't just sit there.
I've been informed that the central portion
of New Jersey is blacked out
from radio communication
due to the effects of the heat ray
upon power lines and electrical equipment.
Here's a special bulletin.
Chardy, what's happening?
I'll take care of it.
I'll-- I'll--
Oh, hit my head!
You okay?
Peg, are you okay?
-Damn it!
Damn it!
Mom, how much more do you need to hear?
We're under attack!
You have to get up!
Ladies and gentlemen,
I have a grave announcement to make.
Those strange beings who landed
in the Jersey farmlands tonight
are the vanguard of an invading
army from the planet Mars.
Everybody, hold on! Hold on!
They're coming right toward us!
It's the end of the world!
We're all gonna die!
Mom, we're leaving.
I packed your suitcase.
Dad's outside.
Come on!
It may be the saddest forecast.
Dad's starting the car.
We have to go.
Is there anyone on the air?
Is there anyone?
I couldn't reach my daughter in Boston.
They must have wiped out Boston!
They might have wiped out the whole damn country!
Of course they're coming for us.
We've got the fourth tallest
water tower in three counties.
All right, hold on!
The radio said that they landed in Grover's Mill.
That's only a few hours from here, isn't it?
When Sheriff Dandy gets here
he will have definitive answers, I promise.
Can anybody tell me what the fuck is going on?
Everybody finished?
Finished screaming and yelling?
You wanna act like a bunch of goddamn fools?
Well, that'll make it nice and easy for them
when they get here, won't it?
You'll be standing around
with your tits in the wind
and those bastards will float on over
burn you alive, right where you're standing.
You'll be dead.
Then you'll be dead!
Then you!
Is that what you want?
You're a crazy old man, Collins.
Crazy world, shorty.
Believe you me, I've seen it.
I've seen things make you shit a green carrot.
Wanna get in your cars and die on the road,
hide under a rug and die like an animal?
Go right ahead.
Seems like a fitting end to this town.
You've all been dead for years,
you just never knew it.
I'm gonna fight those bastards when they come.
Martian fire rays don't scare me.
Giving up, that's what scares me.
Hem and haw here all you want.
Every minute they get closer.
Or follow me.
Up to you.
Uh, thank you.
Well, Mr. Collins has weighed in
with his proposal, and uh--
Someone's finally making some damn sense.
Get anything that can be used as a weapon.
We need supplies.
I'll send word about a base camp.
Move out!
They landed in Grover's Mill at 8:50,
Basking Ridge, around 9:00.
With that rate of speed,
I'd say we gotta be ready for them at 04:30.
That's roughly five hours from now.
-Make sense?
-Oh, yeah.
How are we supposed to be ready for this?
We'll burn that bridge when we get to it.
We need to find a clearing to anchor our defense,
set up some work lights, a road block
to slow them down.
Ignite some spot fires, a barricade.
Make it look like all hell broke loose,
And pray till the boys stationed at Fort Dix arrive.
-The boys of Fort-- wait, with the army?
-No, Clark, the girl scouts.
Pulled the same maneuver with the 93rd infantry in '18.
knocked a shit load of krauts right out of their lederhosen.
Wait a minute.
Whose property is this?
That's widow Johnson's place.
Not anymore.
Helen, what are you doing here?
Where's Stan?
In the shed.
Behind the house.
Hiding under a sack of grain.
Why is this happening?
I don't know. I--
The bible says nothing of life on Mars, does it?
I-- I don't know.
Is god sending the Martians to kill us?
Are they coming because god told them to?
If god loves us, why would he do--
Well, maybe god doesn't love us.
Maybe god is just a mean, cruel son of a bitch.
I have no goddamn answers!
You get it?
I have no answers.
What the hell do you want from me?
Your help.
And this is what I get.
You all right, Lorraine?
Hey, Lorraine, the thing is,
we need everyone's help,
so could you tell Paul that we're gonna set up--
Yeah, yeah, where is he?
We need him to find the-- um--
Paul's here.
He's inside.
Okay. here's the plan,
we're gonna set up base camp
at widow Johnson's place, all right?
And the kids are gonna--
The kids are gonna go to the school house.
They boarded it up, so it's a pretty safe spot.
Please turn around.
Please walk away.
Please leave me alone.
I don't know if you've heard, Lorraine,
but there's Martians--
I don't care!
Now get out of here!
Mom, are you okay?
What are we gonna do?
No, no, it's Lorraine Davison.
Get them in here.
We've been waiting for you.
Don't leave us here, please.
Honey, I need you to be brave for me, okay?
I'm scared, mama.
You'll be safe here, I promise.
I mean, I'm scared for you.
-Move, move, move.
-Thank you for coming.
All right.
All right, big load, folks, come on!
Don't give me any half-ass half-assedness.
Look sharp.
-Here they come.
-That way.
Time is not our friend here, understand?
Find something to do and do it!
It's early. do you see anything out there?
Let's go folks, right over here ahead of the hill--
Watch out! Watch out!
Watch out!
Right over there.
Let's go, let's got, let's go!
That's it.
Right over there.
All right.
Lay down that cornfield by Summit Road.
Get 'em to our eyes in the observation post.
Tell him to keep 'em field north.
What the hell is this?
Don't know.
It was in the pile.
Who the hell brought this?
I did.
It came to a point at the top
and I thought it might be useful.
Um, I'm sorry, I got nervous
and I just grabbed what I could.
You all find something funny,
goddamn it?
Think it's a time for souvenirs?
This is life or death.
Now look sharp.
Look sharp.
-Look sharp!
-Look sharp!
Look sharp!
Look sharp!
-Look sharp!
-Shut the hell up.
And you, I expect better from you tonight, Mayor.
From all of you.
Now get to work.
You heard him, come on!
Somebody help these ladies here.
I can't move all this myself.
Come on, you heard the man!
Okay, I got that.
Let's go. let's go.
Peg, here you are.
what are you doing?
Helping out.
Captain Collins said
the barricade's the first defensive obstruction.
But the ladies are organizing tools and preparing food.
I know, but they need more hands over here.
Where have you been?
We should head to the ocean.
We'll be safer there.
So come on, let's go!
There's a lot of work to do.
Stay and fight?
That's insane.
This is our home.
We can't just leave.
Peg, please.
Edwards, leave the girl alone.
Oh, Sparky, close your trap.
I'll come over there, and--
-And what?
-And close it for you with these two fellas.
-Right here.
-Okay, everybody simmer down.
I'm staying.
Then I'm staying, too.
I'm glad.
I'm glad, too.
You're my fiance, now.
Don't forget.
I won't.
old Mcdonald had a farm, e-I-E-I-O
And on the farm he had a--
Uh, Jimmy--
Jimmy, what did he have on the farm?
I don't wanna play your stupid game.
We're all gonna burn alive!
Come on, you two!
And you over there,
get over here. Let's go!
I didn't see you there.
Clark, earlier tonight on the porch
when I raised my voice--
and threw a plant at my head.
Yes, well, um...
That behavior is not like me.
It was inappropriate and I apologize.
There's no need to.
It was heat of the moment.
Paul's gone.
To answer your question...
-...from before.
He drove off without us.
I don't think he's coming back.
Well, then, I'm sure there's some kind of explanation.
There is.
"Dearest Paul, however long it takes,
we'll wait for you.
Who's Margaret?
I don't know.
"Yours," is certainly troublesome.
How about "however long it takes
I'll wait for you"?
What the hell does that mean?
Uh, I think it means whatever the time frame,
she'll be waiting for--
-Well, yes!
-Yeah, yeah.
The fact is it can mean a bunch
of different things, really.
Or it could mean that sometimes
you think you know someone
but the truth is, you really don't.
Oh, I'm sorry to bother you.
Hey, Lorraine?
Um, I-- I could use some help here
if you wanted to give me a hand,
With, uh...
-I have no idea.
They gave me a--
they told me quickly
and I got confused.
There's-- I thought there was a--
Word is they took over widow Johnson's place.
And get this, old man Collins is in charge.
Jeez Louise.
Excuse me.
Ziggy's gotta go to the bathroom.
Yeah, there's a bucket in the corner for that.
Thing is he's gotta go number two,
and believe me, when he goes number two
it's like a number four.
Where did you?
You stole this?
From in there?
Good thinking.
Come on, let's go find mom.
Cigarette, Peg?
I don't smoke.
Well, tonight's the night to start.
No, I think those things are dangerous.
It could be your last pack.
Are you sure you wanna give it away?
There's plenty more where that came from.
I bet.
It's been a long time since I've asked
anything of you.
Long time.
You listening?
How about you give me a sign?
Any kind of sign.
Do-- do crickets--
is that-- is that the sign?
The crickets?
All right, all right...
Just-- just give me a sign
If the crickets are the sign.
All right, then I'm done with you, too.
You-- you--
Oh, god, oh!
..."a cloud, and as the doves to their windows.
Out of weakness were made strong,
waxed valiant in fight,
turned to flight the armies of the aliens."
Helen, it's Ray!
Go away, Reverend!
Helen, listen to me very carefully.
It all makes perfect sense now.
Yes! Yes!
They're coming because god told them to.
But, no, it is not to kill us.
It's-- it's to save us.
Stan, Reverend Ray is here.
I ain't gonna go out there
and get killed by them things,
and I'll stop anyone who try to make me!
Honey, listen to what Reverend Ray has to say.
Oh, listen nothing!
Get out of here!
Move! Get out of here!
No, no, you can lie here, Stan,
under that sack of grain,
your heart filled with nothing
but doubt and fear.
It's all in here, Stan, the invasion.
-No, not true!
not true.
Do you remember what you told me this morning?
Not really, that was like 10 hours ago.
And a whole lotta shit's gone down since then.
You said they're plans for peace
and not for disaster.
To give you a future and a hope.
And that's what tonight is.
-His plan.
-He's right, stan.
Howdy, Stan.
Looking good, Stan.
Stop saying my name!
I know what you're trying to do!
It's all true, Stan, if you join us,
you will not die tonight,
I promise you this.
And I promise you this, if you don't come...
I'll stay, too.
Take-- take these things off me.
Remove the grain?
-Remove the grain.
-Remove the grain.
-Remove the grain!
What the hell are you doing?
You can't just run away from me like that!
What's wrong with you?
Is that ice-cream?
I want some.
Who's there?
Is someone there?
Ann Davison and Ziggy.
There's poison gas floating in the air.
It's coming from the north.
There's what?
Poison gas coming from the north.
Oh, no, they're already dead.
-No! we're still here.
Get wet rags and towels.
Wrap them around your nose and your mouth, okay?
Good luck.
What is he talking about?
Poison gas?
Anybody seen Peg?
Peg Prickett, you guys seen Peg?
What's that?
Here, I'll buy it.
Ring me up for this.
Now get over--
get that next one--
get that next one over there, too.
Can I interest either of you in a blanket?
It's getting nippy out here.
Did good on that fire, tom.
It's working.
All right, would you gentlemen like a blanket?
There you go.
Okay, here you are, sir.
Hey, Sparky.
All right.
There you go.
All right.
All right, hello.
-Top drawer stew, Clark.
-Oh, thank you.
I think you missed your calling.
Do you want the rest of mine?
Oh, no, I'm fine.
I had my fill.
-Thank you very much.
-I saw you, you didn't get any.
It was fine.
Here's something. okay?
Mmm. Delicious.
Oh, Clark's famous notebook.
Oh, famous, wow.
No, it's just a to-do list and stuff I gotta get done.
Other stuff.
Like paint the rotolactor sign.
Don't you mean, "Chosen as?"
Yeah, oh, I changed it.
You know what you should put?
It will work eventually."
"not milking cows since 1930."
Hey, what's that?
It looks like a poem
Oh, no, it's a poem,
No, no, it's nothing.
I'm sorry. i've-- I have--
I got a lot on my mind.
And we're behind schedule
and I don't wanna waste time
Talking about this kinda stuff, sorry.
You see.
It is something.
-No, it's not.
-Yes, it is.
-Come on.
Oh, come on.
Oh, what is it?
-I don't know what's the big deal.
They're songs! okay?
It's songs.
Songs you wrote?
Yeah, it's songs I wrote, yeah.
Well, you see, that wasn't so hard, was it?
I'm just trying to get to know you better, Clark.
-I appreciate that.
-And forget the stew,
maybe Troubadour's your calling.
Can I hear one?
Well, what do you want--
what do you want me
to break out into song right here?
Well, if not now, when?
Hey! how about this?
You sing one of your songs--
No, how about this--
you don't ask me about my songs,
and I don't ask why you've been with a man
who ran off to another woman tonight.
No, you're right.
It's none of my business.
Here, I'm sure that's on your list.
Get the bowls back.
-Hey, Lorraine, wait.
-I'm going to get the kids, so leave me alone.
Lorraine, I didn't mean to say that.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, too.
I thought we were friends.
-We are friends.
-Well, then, why would you say that to me?
I'm going to get Ann and Ziggy.
If you're coming, fine, if not,
I'll see you when I see you.
Peg, I need a word with you.
I'm eating, Chardy, you're gonna have to wait.
No, I think this is more important
than you eating.
Please, follow me.
What clothes are those?
Peg, I've been doing a lot of thinking about us
and I'm sure you have as well
and, um, the thing is, this might be our last--
This could be it for us...
You know, life-wise.
Therefore I'm gonna get right to it.
Um... I think we oughta get married.
-Right now.
The sooner, the better.
That way when these things--
They fly over the hill, and then if they fry us
we'll be fried together, as husband and wife,
you and me, just like we planned.
Chardy, something's going on tonight
that's bigger than you and me.
-You understand?
-I understand that since you whacked your head
you've been acting like a lunatic,
and you better stop, right friggin' now.
We've had some good times together.
We sure have.
The potato sack races at Yokum pond.
And that time we rescued that raccoon that time.
It's time that we go our separate ways.
I'm sorry.
No, no, no, no.
You're gonna do what I say because that's the way
that it's supposed to be,
so we're gonna get married.
Let go.
I saw you with Sparky.
You were fooling around.
Why would you do that?
Because I wanted to.
Because I had to.
All I ever did was open my heart for you
so wide that you could crawl right in.
I will do anything for you.
I will-- I will-- I will--
I'll-- I'll-- I'll-- I'll
I'll-- I'll-- I'll-- I'll
I'll-- I'll-- I'll!
The lord has spoken and set us free
I can hear the music
and it sounds real good to me
Hallelujah hallelujah
Oh, darkness.
Darkness, we have been living in darkness.
But the light has been right in front of me
just waiting to shine.
The clouds have been lifted from my eyes.
They hovered and dashed, zigzagged and darted
-Across the heavens above.
-Sing it, Reverend!
My eyes have opened, and all I see is truth.
Beautiful, glorious, truthful truth.
Can you see the truth, brother?
Yes! Yes! I see it!
I see it. amen, brother.
Oh yes, amen!
Tonight is not the end.
No, no, no, no, no, no!
Tonight is just the beginning.
we are not in the path of destruction.
- Destruction
-We are in the path of salvation.
-Yes, we are!
-God's kingdom's coming to earth.
God's messengers are on their way.
God's army is somewhere in Central New Jersey
and we will be the first to welcome them
when they get here!
Stay put, Ziggy.
I mean it.
-I didn't mean to--
-Didn't mean to what?
I was just trying to find out--
Find out what?
Nothing to find out here.
There are no Martians.
What did you say?
I don't think there are any Martians coming.
why not?
Well, I haven't seen any spaceships.
Don't smell any poisonous gas or anything.
Radio's not reporting anything else about the invasions,
There are no Martians.
At all.
Are there?
None that I'm aware of.
Holy shit.
But what happens when everybody finds out the truth?
Everybody thinks they're gonna die.
That ain't a bad thing, is it?
In fact, might be a good thing.
Know what I mean?
Guess so.
You're too young to understand.
One day you will,
When you're closer to the end than the beginning.
Yep, still fits.
I knew it would.
So what are we supposed to do now?
Imagine you got one night to live.
One night to do whatever's inside you.
What would you do?
I know what I would do.
Now get the hell outta here!
Look at this place.
What a mess.
Clark, you don't have to do that.
No, I want to.
You love it here, don't you?
I've never been anywhere else.
No, I take that back.
I went to Princeton once.
Big trip to the big city.
Princeton's not a big city.
Manhattan, now that's a big city.
Oh, yeah.
I've seen pictures of that place.
You know, I went there a few months ago.
-You did?
-I left early to run some errands.
I don't know why I just kept on going,
like something was pulling me along.
-I spent the whole day walking.
I must have walked down every street in Manhattan.
-I didn't wanna leave.
-Yeah, I bet.
Wh-- wh-- wh-- What? What? What?
Oh, nothing, I--
I thought I saw something.
uh, hey, wh-- wh-- what were you saying?
-When I got back...
Paul was sitting in the living room
and I was standing, staring at him,
waiting for him to ask me where I've been,
-How my day was, anything.
And finally he just looked up
and nodded and winked.
He just looked right through me.
I never told anyone that before.
That's all right.
I know what that's like.
To have a secret?
To feel invisible.
Hey, we better get going.
Oh, wow.
No, no, it's Lorraine again.
I'm here for Ann and Ziggy.
Well, they ain't here.
Where are they?
They were here earlier?
I left them here!
What the heck was I supposed to do?
The Polish kid had to poop real bad.
Okay, let's go.
Move! move! move!
Come on, keep it coming.
Come on!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
What's going on here?
What's going on?
We're getting ready is what's going on.
Whoa! Stop! Stop!
Stop! Stop!
What did you do?
What the hell is going on?
Collins, look at this.
We're gonna kill ourselves
before they kill us.
Look, I know you've got a plan,
but we can't win this.
We discussed this.
I told you we'd be ready.
Listen, I know, I know,
but we have no idea what's coming.
We got no idea.
And I said we'd burn that bridge when we get--
This is the bridge!
This is the bridge!
They'll come, we fight, history gets made.
-No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
-Mr. Mayor!
Stand up or stand down.
It's too late for protest.
I mean, come on, do you got a better idea, Clark?
Yeah, about two miles up we can hide.
-And if we hide--
Maybe that's how you do things, Clark,
hide and hope for the best.
But I look around and all I see are brave soldiers
willing to lay down their lives for each other.
Do you think they wanna hide?
We're not soldiers.
We're farmers.
-We're housewives.
-I'm not a soldier.
-I'm not a soldier.
-No, Mac, you grow corn.
Goddamn it!
We've only got a few minutes until they get here.
We don't have time for this.
I'm trying to get you more time.
-We need more time!
-Get rid of him!
-Get rid of him!
-Don't you touch him!
-Step aside, woman.
He gives his whole life to this town,
and you treat him like he doesn't exist.
And now you wanna what?
You wanna beat him up?
Because he cares about this place?
Because he doesn't want you all to die?
You oughta be ashamed of yourselves.
I mean, what a bunch of ignorant
small town assholes you've all turned out to be.
Take 'em home.
Come on! Come on!
Think about it.
Get to your positions.
-All right, let's go.
-They're right over the horizon.
Come on, let's go.
See the thing I don't get,
they probably got heat sensors,
and if they got heat sensors,
they're gonna know there's living things down here.
-And if they do--
What? I'm just saying that they
will probably be able--
Shut your mouth.
Do you see that?
Should have kept your mouth shut, Clark,
like you always do.
So the letters are for?
I'm gonna mark everyone with charcoal
to separate us from the non-believers.
Helen, you'd be marked with an "h,"
Sally would get an "s."
Hold the phone.
Stan's "s," too."
To avoid confusion, Stan,
you'll be marked with an "x."
"x"? Really?
That's the cross-him-out letter,
don't worry, Stan, we'll think of something.
How about a number?
How about a nine?
Sure. Nine is beautiful.
Thanks, Reverend.
I got a nine.
See anything, Reverend?
Oh, you bet.
I saw a bright orange light for just a second.
What do you think they'll do when they come?
Well, they'll take us--
take us away,
Take us to someplace better.
Say they don't take us.
Instead of taking us to a better place,
they just instead cook every last one of us.
I just wanna say this.
We've been coming to you a good long time, Reverend,
and it ain't hard to see
that you're not the man you used to be.
And it's a hard thing when folks want answers
and maybe you don't have them.
Who knows?
Maybe there ain't any anyways.
All I know is that you helped us tonight, Reverend.
No, it's not me, it's them out there.
No. It's not out there.
Its you, Ray.
You helped us live without fear tonight.
You woke up something inside of us all.
Thank you.
You say it was a bright orange light?
I saw it, too.
They'll be here soon.
Let's go.
This is it.
It's 04:30.
This is what we've been waiting for.
Hustle, hustle.
Stay strong. Stay focused.
Hurry up.
Come on, you bastards.
What's happening?
Something's wrong.
They should be here already.
They should be here already!
Where the hell are they?
They know. they know we're waiting for them.
They know about the ambush.
They're watching us.
-Dear god.
-They're getting messages.
'Cause there's one of them among us.
Jesus Christ, what is the problem?
There's a spy.
There's no goddamn spy.
I saw something in the woods.
Something fishy's going on here.
We've been waiting here all night!
You don't understand the gravity
of the situation, Collins,
Things have taken a change for the much, much worse.
-I do understand.
-No, you do not,
because there is a spy right here in this town!
Well, we gotta stop the signals
'cause they're still getting data.
Let's find that spy and get some goddamned answers!
Find that spying son of a bitch!
And get him to talk about his goddamn spying, Peg.
You've hurt me for the last time.
Come on!
Let's find that spy!
Come on!
Come back here!
Get the truck.
Come outside.
-Let's get outta here.
-No, not you, Jimmy.
Just Peter.
How did you get past the old lady?
She's been asleep for an hour.
-Where have you been?
-Oh, you know, out and about.
Out and about where?
You know, you could have been killed out there.
If it ain't Mr. President.
Did you--
I found the spy!
Yeah, get him!
Who sent you? How do we stop them?
I know you understand me, now answer me!
Stay away from him!
That kid ain't no goddamn spy.
He's a polack.
He's a little boy.
Look at him.
This is what everything's been leading to?
Going after some kid who can't protect himself?
It's about making the most of whatever we got left.
Now when they get here, I want--
They're here!
Give it all you got!
This is our moment!
Go! Go! Go!
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Ma, how?
Were were you?
Wait here.
I see the river is white
The banks are overflowing
The fish are darn
near jumping on my line
I'm gonna cast my reel
the way the wind is blowing
And hope I catch
the big one anytime.
Is it uh--
I was growing up
I'm gonna jump--
I'm gonna jump ahead if that's all right.
I'm just gonna jump ahead, okay?
I told myself
i'd wait for you forever
but it's turning out much
harder than I thought
I could go on singing
till I'm blue in the face
This is my long, long,
long, story short
Actually, that's my song.
Do you like it?
It needs some work.
I know it does.
But Lorraine, there's been something
I've been wanting to tell you for a very long time
but if I don't tell you right now I'm gonna regret it
for the rest of my goddamn life,
Even if that's only for the next six minutes.
I can't believe it took this much craziness
to pull this out of me,
and I'm sorry that the timing is so inconvenient,
but I got all these feelings,
I got all these feelings and I'm sick--
I am sick
of keeping them bottled up.
No more!
Not tonight.
Not ever again.
I love you.
I love you.
And that's all there is to it.
"I heard the voice of the lord saying,
'Who shall I send and who will go for us?'
Then said I, 'Here am I, send me.'"
Where were you?
I'm so sorry...
I'm so sorry.
You left us here.
There's no Martians.
Wait, what do you mean?
It's a radio broadcast.
There's no Martians.
I don't you to ever feel like--
City and town officials across the eastern seaboard
reported widespread panic
due to last night's,
"War of the Worlds" broadcast.
A representative from the Columbia Broadcasting System
says quote, "We sincerely regret that some listeners
mistook the program's fantastic
elements for fact," end quote.
Apparently many citizens throughout the U.S.,
particularly in New Jersey,
believed that they were facing imminent death.
Quite a hoax, huh?
Well, we assure you you're very much alive.
Sorry I'm late again, everybody.
In this book, it says a great deal of righteous things
and has the answer to many of life's questions.
But you know what?
It also says that no man with crushed testicles
shall enter the assembly of the Lord,
so it probably doesn't have all the answers.
So what do you say today we just put the book away
and we just talk?
Really talk
about whatever's on our minds.
About facing our fears, and looking for answers,
'cause who knows?
Maybe there aren't any.
Maybe we can all find a little peace in that.
Yeah. You know, uh, it's been a long time
since I've felt those things,
and I'll tell you, I feel them now,
here, with all of you.
And say, that reminds me, there is something
I wanted to talk about here.
Look, last night...
Sat down to read,
Of course, I couldn't fall asleep,
and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Hey there, Chardy!
She took quite a lump before we crashed the car,
but she's gonna be back to normal soon.
Everything's gonna be just like it was,
exactly the same.
-Hello, Clark.
-How are you?
-Me, I'm fine.
-How are you?
-I'm fine.
Some people were having problems with their phones
when the lines were crossed
and I was just checking
to see if everything's set here?
-Yes, we're fine.
We were about to eat lunch.
-Could you step outside?
-Now's not a good time.
Um, Lorraine, last night...
-It's a hoax.
Well, everything that happened, none of it was real.
Some of it was real.
We thought there were Martians coming.
You can blame that broadcast if you want, Lorraine,
but if you stay with him, you know what's--
Oh, what am I supposed to do?
Leave my husband, just like that?
Yes, he left you.
He went for help.
That note, Lorraine, that note, that was help?
He explained it.
It wasn't what I thought.
It was a misunderstanding.
I know you're afraid.
I understand that.
But if I were you, I'd be more afraid
of slinking back into your old life.
That's what I'd be afraid of.
He went for help.
Hey, hey! There he is.
Clark, I don't know how to thank you enough
for looking after Lorraine last night.
When I went for help, my first thought was,
"If she gets herself in a pickle,
Clark will lend a hand,"
So thank you.
My pleasure.
Well, come on inside,
Lorraine made a pot roast.
That's one way to start repaying you, right?
Oh, no, thank you.
I have a lot on my plate,
and I-- I--
I was just checking in.
We'll see you around then.
Oh, shucks.
You know what, Clark?
I gotta get back to this rotolactor mess.
The insurance company needs
measurements and photographs,
The whole ball of wax, so get a few men,
a couple shovels, tape measure.
It could be a few hours.
Meet me there?
However long it takes,
I'll wait for you.
They're calling it the hoax that terrified a nation.
It says here about six million listening in.
Whole lot of suckers.
About 100 of them right here in Lullaby,
Hey, pepper?
I sure fell for it.
Didn't help goddamn Collins stirring everyone up.
Oughta run him outta town for what
he made happen around here.
At least someone made
something happen around here.
I saw that.
I asked Paul to leave.
He's packing now,
but he packed last night, too,
so it shouldn't take long.
This isn't a hoax, too, is it?
This is real, right?
I need to know.
This is not a hoax.
I promise.
I see the river is wide,
the banks are overflowing
The fish are darn
near jumping on my line
I'm gonna cast my reel
the way the wind is blowing
And hope I catch
the big one anytime
since there ain't no perfect
anything I know of
I won't complain about
the one I never caught
It's better to have loved
and lost I'm figuring out
Sometimes growing up's
your last resort
Long long long story short
This is my long long long story short
I've been dreaming
about the way
I'm gonna hold you
Should there ever come a day
when you are mine
But I just don't feel
that good about my chances
And a man knows
when he's running out of time
I told myself i'd wait
for you forever
But its turning out
much harder than I thought
I could go on singing
till I'm blue in the face
We both know the ball
is in your court
Long long long story short
I'm scared I'll find out
what I did
When it all went wrong
Till now my love for you
is hiding in this song
A fool like me can talk
but will you listen
Pray there's still some time
I might have bought
I could use some kind of sign
just one ray of hope
Everything I'm feeling ain't for naught
Long long long story short
This is my long long long story short
This is my long long long story short
This is my long long long story short
The mayor, the school teacher,
the Reverend, the kid from Poland,
The crazy cow milking machine,
and the panic that ensued
when a man named Orson Welles
came on the radio and said
that Martians had landed
in New Jersey.
Everything you're about to see is true.
-How are you?
-You're up early, Mr. Mayor.
Well, wait a second.
My last two chewy candies!
I was looking for those.
We'd give you a lift back into town,
but myrna here has got the croup.
Well, I could use the walk.
Gives me time to think.
Well, there's plenty of time for that around here.
Oh, yes.
You know, if I take the back way--
Okay, bye bye now.
Paint the sign...
What's next?
We'll be looking at a mild day and night today
in southern New Jersey,
with temperatures reaching 70
by the afternoon, and a low tonight of 55,
which will make it a nice night
for all you ghosts and goblins out there.
-Up already.
-Who can sleep?
Did you get the paper?
Uh, "Paul Davison,
Lullaby's principal landowner
and dairy farm proprietor--"
skip to the end.
"Despite a few objections to the rotolactor,
including mayor Clark Hill--"
"Due to Mr. Davison's foresight and persistence,
The milk business in Lullaby might not go sour."
Well, now what's this?
Something for your foresight and persistence.
Oh, what a gal.
I love it.
I've always wanted a toy statue
of the Empire State Building.
Oh, say, hon, do me a favor
and shine my shoes for me, will you?
You, you're the tops.
Ann, breakfast.
No time. gotta go.
Please take Ziggy with you.
I'm not his babysitter.
No, you're his cousin.
Second cousin, once removed.
I kinda wish he was removed from our house.
He's family, Ann, and he's only been with us a week,
So please be nice.
Come on, Ziggy!
Ziggy, let's go!
You're like molasses.
He's from Poland, he doesn't speak english.
Ziggy, let's go!
You're like Polish molasses.
Ceremony 4:00!
-Don't forget!
-How could i?
That's all you people talk about.
Sorry I'm late again, gang.
Guess it's time for that new alarm clock.
Let's jump right in with...
"I heard the voice of the lord saying
'Whom shall I send and who will go for us?'
Then said I, 'here am I, send me.'"
Start with that one?
Maybe another one?
Any requests?
Tomorrow is Halloween.
Do you know what that means?
It means, for one night you can
let go of your inhibitions
and become someone completely different.
What are inhibitions?
Well, they're-- they're things
that hold you back.
From what?
Chardy Edwards, you scared us to death.
Peg, I'm gonna remember
that look on your face forever.
That was hilarious.
I was hoping you'd stop by.
-You must be a mind reader.
-Oh, I must be.
-You know why?
'Cause I knew you'd say that.
Oh, stop it, Chardy, the kids are right there.
Well, they're gonna have to learn about love
sooner or later.
Peg, I love you so much, I could explode.
Hey, good morning, Mr. Mayor.
Ah, nice to see you.
Ah, nice to see you, too.
How are you?
Well, I'm just remarkable, thank you.
Today in war-frightened Europe
German chancellor Adolf Hitler declared
he would not allow an alien race
to control his country's destiny.
That German's got the whole world
on pins and needles.
Crazier than a rat in a tin can.
A rat in a tin can with tanks.
And guns.
-Coffee, Mr. Mayor?
-Thank you very much.
Nothing like a piping hot cup
of pepper's famous motor oil.
Oh, here come the rockefellers.
-Hey, sheriff.
-Mr. Davison.
-Hello, Clark.
-Lorraine, good morning.
How are things?
Oh, good, good, good, good.
How are you?
A big, big day for Paul.
Oh, sure is, thank you.
Oh, you're still reading, "Gone with the Wind."
You've been at that for a couple of weeks.
Oh, I'm such a slow reader,
-But thank you for the recommendation.
-Oh, sure, sure.
Such a beautiful love story.
I'm really enjoying it.
Oh, good, I'm glad you like it.
I-- I-- I would always find myself re-reading
-That section where--
Say, were you able to get that sign painted,
"Chosen as the home of the rotolactor?"
uh, I-- I-- I-- thought it was just
"home of the rotolactor."
No, it's gotta say, "Chosen as."
-That's important.
-Okay, then, okay, okay.
And the tablecloths and apple cider, all set?
-Yep, that's next on my list. Next on my list.
-All right.
Cause this isn't some barbeque or
manure stacking contest, Clark.
It's been a long time since I've planned
a manure stacking contest.
Clark, listen, I know we've had
our differences about this,
and you're worried first it's a cow milking machine,
Next a factory and a train station pop up,
and before you know it, we're a metropolis,
but, trust me, pal,
change only comes
when you take bold leaps forward.
You oughta write that in your little diary.
Oh, you really want me--
Oh, okay, yep.
-Change only comes when--
-Yeah, I got it, I got it.
-You take bold--
-I got it. I got it.
-He's got it, Paul.
-All right, good.
Well, you should welcome advice
about taking charge, Clark.
-Yeah, sure.
-I mean, you're the mayor.
It's in the job description.
Thank you for your help, Clark.
Good seeing you.
More coffee, Mr. Mayor?
Oh, Reverend Rogers,
Helen and I couldn't find you
after mass last week.
You left so quickly.
I wanted to talk about my brother Joe's passing.
Ah, um, have you learned anything
from this time of trial, Stan?
Oh, you bet.
When a cow kicks you in the leg,
it don't feel like much.
But if she nails you just right in the head,
boy, you're done for.
Very spiritual.
No, tell him about the passage you found.
Oh, yeah, "They are plans for peace and not disaster,
To give you a future and a hope."
Exodus chapter eight.
That's one of my favorites.
No, it's from Jeremiah, Chapter 29?
Oh! I always get those two confused.
Well, I'll keep your brother,
Jonathan, in my prayers.
-My brother was joe.
-I'll pray for them both.
Come on!
We're sitting ducks out here.
-Think he saw us?
-Don't move! stay down!
Hi, Peter.
How you doing
Hey, lovebirds, shut the hell up.
Do you want him to hear us?
Look, my folks said that when Collins
came back from the war.
He was all messed up.
Maybe he blew away a thousand krauts,
blasting their brains out.
Who knows what he does in there all day?
Here, throw it.
Why is it warm?
Is this pee?
Eew, gross.
Is it true that Ziggy's an imbecile in the head
-'Cause he never talks?
-You're an imbecile.
He's Polish.
Our family sent him here 'cause of Hitler.
-Ever listen to the radio?
-Okay, here we go.
If he comes out, don't look him in the eyes.
Just keep moving.
These last few years haven't been easy,
but today we look ahead at brighter days to come...
ladies and gentlemen,
I'm proud to present
The rotolactor.
And then I'll say something like...
This is a modern marvel.
How it can milk 15 cows at once.
Oh, and Clark, this is where
you're gonna lead the cows in.
Mm, yeah, okay.
Then I'm gonna tug on the heartstrings
a little bit.
Our fields are drying up.
You're working your fingers to the bone,
barely getting by.
Events in Europe are drawing us ever closer
to an inevitable world war.
I say change only comes
when you take bold leaps forward.
Well, that's it.
Now what do you say we fire this up?
-And all these buttons--
Designed and built in florida.
I think it's the future in dairy farming.
The fut--
...and when the time is...
Oh, my god!
-Has it got rotors on it?
-Yeah, get over here!
-Dump it right on there?
-Yeah, get out of the way!
I cannot believe it.
This is a disaster.
Oh, god, ah!
Oh, Chardy!
You're damn right I'm upset.
The whole town was due to arrive.
I had to cancel the whole damn ceremony!
No, I couldn't even start the thing.
There was going to be
a fireworks show, for god's sake!
What do you think?
Oh, look at those Halloween costumes!
They fit perfectly!
-Kind of itchy.
-Oh, you're gonna look great tomorrow.
You are a wonderful Abraham Lincoln.
And you are the spitting image of Bette Davis.
Greta garbo!
You'll fix it. you always do.
You'll make it better.
I don't deserve you.
You're the most beautiful girl in town.
You know that?
In all New Jersey.
The Columbia Broadcasting System
and its affiliated stations
present Orson Welles and the mercury theater
on the air, in "The War of the Worlds."
Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our program
of dance music to bring you a special bulletin
from the intercontinental radio news.
It is reported that at 8:50 pm,
a huge flaming object
believed to be a meteorite, fell on a farm
in the neighborhood of Grover's Mill, New Jersey.
The government meteorological bureau
has requested a large observatory
keep a watch on any further disturbances
occurring on the planet Mars.
We'll return you, until then,
to the music of Ramon Raquello
and his orchestra.
Then you're quite convinced as a scientist
that living intelligence, as we know it,
does not exist on Mars?
How far is Mars from here?
I'd say approximately 40 million miles.
Well, that seems to take--
We take you now to Grover's Mill, New Jersey.
-Are you hearing this?
-The what?
-The radio's reporting something about Mars.
Something landed over at Grover's Mill.
You have to slow down.
You need to put the radio on
if you're not listening--
Okay, okay, I'll turn it on.
It landed, but they don't know what it is.
It was on the rad--
Well, I hardly know where to begin.
I guess that's it.
Yes, I guess that's the thing directly in front of me.
I can see the object itself.
Doesn't look very much like a meteor.
It looks more like a huge cylinder.
Friction with the earth's atmosphere
usually tears holes in a meteorite.
This thing is smooth,
and the metal casing is definitely extraterrestrial.
And not found on this earth.
Something's happening.
Stay back, I tell you!
Good heavens.
Something wiggling
out of the shadow like a gray snake.
Eyes are black and they gleam like a serpent.
The mouth is kind of V shaped with saliva
dripping from its rimless lips.
I see the--
Will you hold on, please?
I'll be right back in a minute.
We are bringing you an eyewitness account
of what's happening on the Wwilmuth Farm,
Grover's Mill, New Jersey.
Wait a minute, something's happening. the woods, the fires--
The gas tanks, tanks of the automobiles--
spreading everywhere.
Coming this way now,
about 20 yards to my right--
Ladies and gentlemen, due to circumstances
beyond our control,
we are unable to continue the broadcast
from Grover's Mill.
Oh, my god.
At least 40 people lie dead in the field
east of the village of Grover's Mill,
Their bodies burned and distorted
beyond all possible recognition.
I have been requested by the governor of New Jersey
To place the counties of Mercer and Middlesex East
of Jamesburg under martial law.
Of the creatures in the rocket cylinder,
I can give you no authoritative information
to their purposes here on earth.
Of their destructive instrument,
I shall refer to the weapon as a heat ray.
Operator, yes...
Yes, this is Clark hill from Lullaby.
Hey, hello?
Martian cylinders are falling all over the country.
One outside of buffalo, St. Louis.
The monster is now in control
of the middle section of New Jersey.
It has effectively cut the state through its center.
Citizens of the nation,
I wish to impress upon you
the urgent need of calm and resourceful action.
You have just heard the Secretary of the Interior
speaking from Washington.
Dad, are we leaving?
Mom! you can't just sit there.
I've been informed that the central portion
of New Jersey is blacked out
from radio communication
due to the effects of the heat ray
upon power lines and electrical equipment.
Here's a special bulletin.
Chardy, what's happening?
I'll take care of it.
I'll-- I'll--
Oh, hit my head!
You okay?
Peg, are you okay?
-Damn it!
Damn it!
Mom, how much more do you need to hear?
We're under attack!
You have to get up!
Ladies and gentlemen,
I have a grave announcement to make.
Those strange beings who landed
in the Jersey farmlands tonight
are the vanguard of an invading
army from the planet Mars.
Everybody, hold on! Hold on!
They're coming right toward us!
It's the end of the world!
We're all gonna die!
Mom, we're leaving.
I packed your suitcase.
Dad's outside.
Come on!
It may be the saddest forecast.
Dad's starting the car.
We have to go.
Is there anyone on the air?
Is there anyone?
I couldn't reach my daughter in Boston.
They must have wiped out Boston!
They might have wiped out the whole damn country!
Of course they're coming for us.
We've got the fourth tallest
water tower in three counties.
All right, hold on!
The radio said that they landed in Grover's Mill.
That's only a few hours from here, isn't it?
When Sheriff Dandy gets here
he will have definitive answers, I promise.
Can anybody tell me what the fuck is going on?
Everybody finished?
Finished screaming and yelling?
You wanna act like a bunch of goddamn fools?
Well, that'll make it nice and easy for them
when they get here, won't it?
You'll be standing around
with your tits in the wind
and those bastards will float on over
burn you alive, right where you're standing.
You'll be dead.
Then you'll be dead!
Then you!
Is that what you want?
You're a crazy old man, Collins.
Crazy world, shorty.
Believe you me, I've seen it.
I've seen things make you shit a green carrot.
Wanna get in your cars and die on the road,
hide under a rug and die like an animal?
Go right ahead.
Seems like a fitting end to this town.
You've all been dead for years,
you just never knew it.
I'm gonna fight those bastards when they come.
Martian fire rays don't scare me.
Giving up, that's what scares me.
Hem and haw here all you want.
Every minute they get closer.
Or follow me.
Up to you.
Uh, thank you.
Well, Mr. Collins has weighed in
with his proposal, and uh--
Someone's finally making some damn sense.
Get anything that can be used as a weapon.
We need supplies.
I'll send word about a base camp.
Move out!
They landed in Grover's Mill at 8:50,
Basking Ridge, around 9:00.
With that rate of speed,
I'd say we gotta be ready for them at 04:30.
That's roughly five hours from now.
-Make sense?
-Oh, yeah.
How are we supposed to be ready for this?
We'll burn that bridge when we get to it.
We need to find a clearing to anchor our defense,
set up some work lights, a road block
to slow them down.
Ignite some spot fires, a barricade.
Make it look like all hell broke loose,
And pray till the boys stationed at Fort Dix arrive.
-The boys of Fort-- wait, with the army?
-No, Clark, the girl scouts.
Pulled the same maneuver with the 93rd infantry in '18.
knocked a shit load of krauts right out of their lederhosen.
Wait a minute.
Whose property is this?
That's widow Johnson's place.
Not anymore.
Helen, what are you doing here?
Where's Stan?
In the shed.
Behind the house.
Hiding under a sack of grain.
Why is this happening?
I don't know. I--
The bible says nothing of life on Mars, does it?
I-- I don't know.
Is god sending the Martians to kill us?
Are they coming because god told them to?
If god loves us, why would he do--
Well, maybe god doesn't love us.
Maybe god is just a mean, cruel son of a bitch.
I have no goddamn answers!
You get it?
I have no answers.
What the hell do you want from me?
Your help.
And this is what I get.
You all right, Lorraine?
Hey, Lorraine, the thing is,
we need everyone's help,
so could you tell Paul that we're gonna set up--
Yeah, yeah, where is he?
We need him to find the-- um--
Paul's here.
He's inside.
Okay. here's the plan,
we're gonna set up base camp
at widow Johnson's place, all right?
And the kids are gonna--
The kids are gonna go to the school house.
They boarded it up, so it's a pretty safe spot.
Please turn around.
Please walk away.
Please leave me alone.
I don't know if you've heard, Lorraine,
but there's Martians--
I don't care!
Now get out of here!
Mom, are you okay?
What are we gonna do?
No, no, it's Lorraine Davison.
Get them in here.
We've been waiting for you.
Don't leave us here, please.
Honey, I need you to be brave for me, okay?
I'm scared, mama.
You'll be safe here, I promise.
I mean, I'm scared for you.
-Move, move, move.
-Thank you for coming.
All right.
All right, big load, folks, come on!
Don't give me any half-ass half-assedness.
Look sharp.
-Here they come.
-That way.
Time is not our friend here, understand?
Find something to do and do it!
It's early. do you see anything out there?
Let's go folks, right over here ahead of the hill--
Watch out! Watch out!
Watch out!
Right over there.
Let's go, let's got, let's go!
That's it.
Right over there.
All right.
Lay down that cornfield by Summit Road.
Get 'em to our eyes in the observation post.
Tell him to keep 'em field north.
What the hell is this?
Don't know.
It was in the pile.
Who the hell brought this?
I did.
It came to a point at the top
and I thought it might be useful.
Um, I'm sorry, I got nervous
and I just grabbed what I could.
You all find something funny,
goddamn it?
Think it's a time for souvenirs?
This is life or death.
Now look sharp.
Look sharp.
-Look sharp!
-Look sharp!
Look sharp!
Look sharp!
-Look sharp!
-Shut the hell up.
And you, I expect better from you tonight, Mayor.
From all of you.
Now get to work.
You heard him, come on!
Somebody help these ladies here.
I can't move all this myself.
Come on, you heard the man!
Okay, I got that.
Let's go. let's go.
Peg, here you are.
what are you doing?
Helping out.
Captain Collins said
the barricade's the first defensive obstruction.
But the ladies are organizing tools and preparing food.
I know, but they need more hands over here.
Where have you been?
We should head to the ocean.
We'll be safer there.
So come on, let's go!
There's a lot of work to do.
Stay and fight?
That's insane.
This is our home.
We can't just leave.
Peg, please.
Edwards, leave the girl alone.
Oh, Sparky, close your trap.
I'll come over there, and--
-And what?
-And close it for you with these two fellas.
-Right here.
-Okay, everybody simmer down.
I'm staying.
Then I'm staying, too.
I'm glad.
I'm glad, too.
You're my fiance, now.
Don't forget.
I won't.
old Mcdonald had a farm, e-I-E-I-O
And on the farm he had a--
Uh, Jimmy--
Jimmy, what did he have on the farm?
I don't wanna play your stupid game.
We're all gonna burn alive!
Come on, you two!
And you over there,
get over here. Let's go!
I didn't see you there.
Clark, earlier tonight on the porch
when I raised my voice--
and threw a plant at my head.
Yes, well, um...
That behavior is not like me.
It was inappropriate and I apologize.
There's no need to.
It was heat of the moment.
Paul's gone.
To answer your question...
-...from before.
He drove off without us.
I don't think he's coming back.
Well, then, I'm sure there's some kind of explanation.
There is.
"Dearest Paul, however long it takes,
we'll wait for you.
Who's Margaret?
I don't know.
"Yours," is certainly troublesome.
How about "however long it takes
I'll wait for you"?
What the hell does that mean?
Uh, I think it means whatever the time frame,
she'll be waiting for--
-Well, yes!
-Yeah, yeah.
The fact is it can mean a bunch
of different things, really.
Or it could mean that sometimes
you think you know someone
but the truth is, you really don't.
Oh, I'm sorry to bother you.
Hey, Lorraine?
Um, I-- I could use some help here
if you wanted to give me a hand,
With, uh...
-I have no idea.
They gave me a--
they told me quickly
and I got confused.
There's-- I thought there was a--
Word is they took over widow Johnson's place.
And get this, old man Collins is in charge.
Jeez Louise.
Excuse me.
Ziggy's gotta go to the bathroom.
Yeah, there's a bucket in the corner for that.
Thing is he's gotta go number two,
and believe me, when he goes number two
it's like a number four.
Where did you?
You stole this?
From in there?
Good thinking.
Come on, let's go find mom.
Cigarette, Peg?
I don't smoke.
Well, tonight's the night to start.
No, I think those things are dangerous.
It could be your last pack.
Are you sure you wanna give it away?
There's plenty more where that came from.
I bet.
It's been a long time since I've asked
anything of you.
Long time.
You listening?
How about you give me a sign?
Any kind of sign.
Do-- do crickets--
is that-- is that the sign?
The crickets?
All right, all right...
Just-- just give me a sign
If the crickets are the sign.
All right, then I'm done with you, too.
You-- you--
Oh, god, oh!
..."a cloud, and as the doves to their windows.
Out of weakness were made strong,
waxed valiant in fight,
turned to flight the armies of the aliens."
Helen, it's Ray!
Go away, Reverend!
Helen, listen to me very carefully.
It all makes perfect sense now.
Yes! Yes!
They're coming because god told them to.
But, no, it is not to kill us.
It's-- it's to save us.
Stan, Reverend Ray is here.
I ain't gonna go out there
and get killed by them things,
and I'll stop anyone who try to make me!
Honey, listen to what Reverend Ray has to say.
Oh, listen nothing!
Get out of here!
Move! Get out of here!
No, no, you can lie here, Stan,
under that sack of grain,
your heart filled with nothing
but doubt and fear.
It's all in here, Stan, the invasion.
-No, not true!
not true.
Do you remember what you told me this morning?
Not really, that was like 10 hours ago.
And a whole lotta shit's gone down since then.
You said they're plans for peace
and not for disaster.
To give you a future and a hope.
And that's what tonight is.
-His plan.
-He's right, stan.
Howdy, Stan.
Looking good, Stan.
Stop saying my name!
I know what you're trying to do!
It's all true, Stan, if you join us,
you will not die tonight,
I promise you this.
And I promise you this, if you don't come...
I'll stay, too.
Take-- take these things off me.
Remove the grain?
-Remove the grain.
-Remove the grain.
-Remove the grain!
What the hell are you doing?
You can't just run away from me like that!
What's wrong with you?
Is that ice-cream?
I want some.
Who's there?
Is someone there?
Ann Davison and Ziggy.
There's poison gas floating in the air.
It's coming from the north.
There's what?
Poison gas coming from the north.
Oh, no, they're already dead.
-No! we're still here.
Get wet rags and towels.
Wrap them around your nose and your mouth, okay?
Good luck.
What is he talking about?
Poison gas?
Anybody seen Peg?
Peg Prickett, you guys seen Peg?
What's that?
Here, I'll buy it.
Ring me up for this.
Now get over--
get that next one--
get that next one over there, too.
Can I interest either of you in a blanket?
It's getting nippy out here.
Did good on that fire, tom.
It's working.
All right, would you gentlemen like a blanket?
There you go.
Okay, here you are, sir.
Hey, Sparky.
All right.
There you go.
All right.
All right, hello.
-Top drawer stew, Clark.
-Oh, thank you.
I think you missed your calling.
Do you want the rest of mine?
Oh, no, I'm fine.
I had my fill.
-Thank you very much.
-I saw you, you didn't get any.
It was fine.
Here's something. okay?
Mmm. Delicious.
Oh, Clark's famous notebook.
Oh, famous, wow.
No, it's just a to-do list and stuff I gotta get done.
Other stuff.
Like paint the rotolactor sign.
Don't you mean, "Chosen as?"
Yeah, oh, I changed it.
You know what you should put?
It will work eventually."
"not milking cows since 1930."
Hey, what's that?
It looks like a poem
Oh, no, it's a poem,
No, no, it's nothing.
I'm sorry. i've-- I have--
I got a lot on my mind.
And we're behind schedule
and I don't wanna waste time
Talking about this kinda stuff, sorry.
You see.
It is something.
-No, it's not.
-Yes, it is.
-Come on.
Oh, come on.
Oh, what is it?
-I don't know what's the big deal.
They're songs! okay?
It's songs.
Songs you wrote?
Yeah, it's songs I wrote, yeah.
Well, you see, that wasn't so hard, was it?
I'm just trying to get to know you better, Clark.
-I appreciate that.
-And forget the stew,
maybe Troubadour's your calling.
Can I hear one?
Well, what do you want--
what do you want me
to break out into song right here?
Well, if not now, when?
Hey! how about this?
You sing one of your songs--
No, how about this--
you don't ask me about my songs,
and I don't ask why you've been with a man
who ran off to another woman tonight.
No, you're right.
It's none of my business.
Here, I'm sure that's on your list.
Get the bowls back.
-Hey, Lorraine, wait.
-I'm going to get the kids, so leave me alone.
Lorraine, I didn't mean to say that.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, too.
I thought we were friends.
-We are friends.
-Well, then, why would you say that to me?
I'm going to get Ann and Ziggy.
If you're coming, fine, if not,
I'll see you when I see you.
Peg, I need a word with you.
I'm eating, Chardy, you're gonna have to wait.
No, I think this is more important
than you eating.
Please, follow me.
What clothes are those?
Peg, I've been doing a lot of thinking about us
and I'm sure you have as well
and, um, the thing is, this might be our last--
This could be it for us...
You know, life-wise.
Therefore I'm gonna get right to it.
Um... I think we oughta get married.
-Right now.
The sooner, the better.
That way when these things--
They fly over the hill, and then if they fry us
we'll be fried together, as husband and wife,
you and me, just like we planned.
Chardy, something's going on tonight
that's bigger than you and me.
-You understand?
-I understand that since you whacked your head
you've been acting like a lunatic,
and you better stop, right friggin' now.
We've had some good times together.
We sure have.
The potato sack races at Yokum pond.
And that time we rescued that raccoon that time.
It's time that we go our separate ways.
I'm sorry.
No, no, no, no.
You're gonna do what I say because that's the way
that it's supposed to be,
so we're gonna get married.
Let go.
I saw you with Sparky.
You were fooling around.
Why would you do that?
Because I wanted to.
Because I had to.
All I ever did was open my heart for you
so wide that you could crawl right in.
I will do anything for you.
I will-- I will-- I will--
I'll-- I'll-- I'll-- I'll
I'll-- I'll-- I'll-- I'll
I'll-- I'll-- I'll!
The lord has spoken and set us free
I can hear the music
and it sounds real good to me
Hallelujah hallelujah
Oh, darkness.
Darkness, we have been living in darkness.
But the light has been right in front of me
just waiting to shine.
The clouds have been lifted from my eyes.
They hovered and dashed, zigzagged and darted
-Across the heavens above.
-Sing it, Reverend!
My eyes have opened, and all I see is truth.
Beautiful, glorious, truthful truth.
Can you see the truth, brother?
Yes! Yes! I see it!
I see it. amen, brother.
Oh yes, amen!
Tonight is not the end.
No, no, no, no, no, no!
Tonight is just the beginning.
we are not in the path of destruction.
- Destruction
-We are in the path of salvation.
-Yes, we are!
-God's kingdom's coming to earth.
God's messengers are on their way.
God's army is somewhere in Central New Jersey
and we will be the first to welcome them
when they get here!
Stay put, Ziggy.
I mean it.
-I didn't mean to--
-Didn't mean to what?
I was just trying to find out--
Find out what?
Nothing to find out here.
There are no Martians.
What did you say?
I don't think there are any Martians coming.
why not?
Well, I haven't seen any spaceships.
Don't smell any poisonous gas or anything.
Radio's not reporting anything else about the invasions,
There are no Martians.
At all.
Are there?
None that I'm aware of.
Holy shit.
But what happens when everybody finds out the truth?
Everybody thinks they're gonna die.
That ain't a bad thing, is it?
In fact, might be a good thing.
Know what I mean?
Guess so.
You're too young to understand.
One day you will,
When you're closer to the end than the beginning.
Yep, still fits.
I knew it would.
So what are we supposed to do now?
Imagine you got one night to live.
One night to do whatever's inside you.
What would you do?
I know what I would do.
Now get the hell outta here!
Look at this place.
What a mess.
Clark, you don't have to do that.
No, I want to.
You love it here, don't you?
I've never been anywhere else.
No, I take that back.
I went to Princeton once.
Big trip to the big city.
Princeton's not a big city.
Manhattan, now that's a big city.
Oh, yeah.
I've seen pictures of that place.
You know, I went there a few months ago.
-You did?
-I left early to run some errands.
I don't know why I just kept on going,
like something was pulling me along.
-I spent the whole day walking.
I must have walked down every street in Manhattan.
-I didn't wanna leave.
-Yeah, I bet.
Wh-- wh-- wh-- What? What? What?
Oh, nothing, I--
I thought I saw something.
uh, hey, wh-- wh-- what were you saying?
-When I got back...
Paul was sitting in the living room
and I was standing, staring at him,
waiting for him to ask me where I've been,
-How my day was, anything.
And finally he just looked up
and nodded and winked.
He just looked right through me.
I never told anyone that before.
That's all right.
I know what that's like.
To have a secret?
To feel invisible.
Hey, we better get going.
Oh, wow.
No, no, it's Lorraine again.
I'm here for Ann and Ziggy.
Well, they ain't here.
Where are they?
They were here earlier?
I left them here!
What the heck was I supposed to do?
The Polish kid had to poop real bad.
Okay, let's go.
Move! move! move!
Come on, keep it coming.
Come on!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
What's going on here?
What's going on?
We're getting ready is what's going on.
Whoa! Stop! Stop!
Stop! Stop!
What did you do?
What the hell is going on?
Collins, look at this.
We're gonna kill ourselves
before they kill us.
Look, I know you've got a plan,
but we can't win this.
We discussed this.
I told you we'd be ready.
Listen, I know, I know,
but we have no idea what's coming.
We got no idea.
And I said we'd burn that bridge when we get--
This is the bridge!
This is the bridge!
They'll come, we fight, history gets made.
-No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
-Mr. Mayor!
Stand up or stand down.
It's too late for protest.
I mean, come on, do you got a better idea, Clark?
Yeah, about two miles up we can hide.
-And if we hide--
Maybe that's how you do things, Clark,
hide and hope for the best.
But I look around and all I see are brave soldiers
willing to lay down their lives for each other.
Do you think they wanna hide?
We're not soldiers.
We're farmers.
-We're housewives.
-I'm not a soldier.
-I'm not a soldier.
-No, Mac, you grow corn.
Goddamn it!
We've only got a few minutes until they get here.
We don't have time for this.
I'm trying to get you more time.
-We need more time!
-Get rid of him!
-Get rid of him!
-Don't you touch him!
-Step aside, woman.
He gives his whole life to this town,
and you treat him like he doesn't exist.
And now you wanna what?
You wanna beat him up?
Because he cares about this place?
Because he doesn't want you all to die?
You oughta be ashamed of yourselves.
I mean, what a bunch of ignorant
small town assholes you've all turned out to be.
Take 'em home.
Come on! Come on!
Think about it.
Get to your positions.
-All right, let's go.
-They're right over the horizon.
Come on, let's go.
See the thing I don't get,
they probably got heat sensors,
and if they got heat sensors,
they're gonna know there's living things down here.
-And if they do--
What? I'm just saying that they
will probably be able--
Shut your mouth.
Do you see that?
Should have kept your mouth shut, Clark,
like you always do.
So the letters are for?
I'm gonna mark everyone with charcoal
to separate us from the non-believers.
Helen, you'd be marked with an "h,"
Sally would get an "s."
Hold the phone.
Stan's "s," too."
To avoid confusion, Stan,
you'll be marked with an "x."
"x"? Really?
That's the cross-him-out letter,
don't worry, Stan, we'll think of something.
How about a number?
How about a nine?
Sure. Nine is beautiful.
Thanks, Reverend.
I got a nine.
See anything, Reverend?
Oh, you bet.
I saw a bright orange light for just a second.
What do you think they'll do when they come?
Well, they'll take us--
take us away,
Take us to someplace better.
Say they don't take us.
Instead of taking us to a better place,
they just instead cook every last one of us.
I just wanna say this.
We've been coming to you a good long time, Reverend,
and it ain't hard to see
that you're not the man you used to be.
And it's a hard thing when folks want answers
and maybe you don't have them.
Who knows?
Maybe there ain't any anyways.
All I know is that you helped us tonight, Reverend.
No, it's not me, it's them out there.
No. It's not out there.
Its you, Ray.
You helped us live without fear tonight.
You woke up something inside of us all.
Thank you.
You say it was a bright orange light?
I saw it, too.
They'll be here soon.
Let's go.
This is it.
It's 04:30.
This is what we've been waiting for.
Hustle, hustle.
Stay strong. Stay focused.
Hurry up.
Come on, you bastards.
What's happening?
Something's wrong.
They should be here already.
They should be here already!
Where the hell are they?
They know. they know we're waiting for them.
They know about the ambush.
They're watching us.
-Dear god.
-They're getting messages.
'Cause there's one of them among us.
Jesus Christ, what is the problem?
There's a spy.
There's no goddamn spy.
I saw something in the woods.
Something fishy's going on here.
We've been waiting here all night!
You don't understand the gravity
of the situation, Collins,
Things have taken a change for the much, much worse.
-I do understand.
-No, you do not,
because there is a spy right here in this town!
Well, we gotta stop the signals
'cause they're still getting data.
Let's find that spy and get some goddamned answers!
Find that spying son of a bitch!
And get him to talk about his goddamn spying, Peg.
You've hurt me for the last time.
Come on!
Let's find that spy!
Come on!
Come back here!
Get the truck.
Come outside.
-Let's get outta here.
-No, not you, Jimmy.
Just Peter.
How did you get past the old lady?
She's been asleep for an hour.
-Where have you been?
-Oh, you know, out and about.
Out and about where?
You know, you could have been killed out there.
If it ain't Mr. President.
Did you--
I found the spy!
Yeah, get him!
Who sent you? How do we stop them?
I know you understand me, now answer me!
Stay away from him!
That kid ain't no goddamn spy.
He's a polack.
He's a little boy.
Look at him.
This is what everything's been leading to?
Going after some kid who can't protect himself?
It's about making the most of whatever we got left.
Now when they get here, I want--
They're here!
Give it all you got!
This is our moment!
Go! Go! Go!
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Ma, how?
Were were you?
Wait here.
I see the river is white
The banks are overflowing
The fish are darn
near jumping on my line
I'm gonna cast my reel
the way the wind is blowing
And hope I catch
the big one anytime.
Is it uh--
I was growing up
I'm gonna jump--
I'm gonna jump ahead if that's all right.
I'm just gonna jump ahead, okay?
I told myself
i'd wait for you forever
but it's turning out much
harder than I thought
I could go on singing
till I'm blue in the face
This is my long, long,
long, story short
Actually, that's my song.
Do you like it?
It needs some work.
I know it does.
But Lorraine, there's been something
I've been wanting to tell you for a very long time
but if I don't tell you right now I'm gonna regret it
for the rest of my goddamn life,
Even if that's only for the next six minutes.
I can't believe it took this much craziness
to pull this out of me,
and I'm sorry that the timing is so inconvenient,
but I got all these feelings,
I got all these feelings and I'm sick--
I am sick
of keeping them bottled up.
No more!
Not tonight.
Not ever again.
I love you.
I love you.
And that's all there is to it.
"I heard the voice of the lord saying,
'Who shall I send and who will go for us?'
Then said I, 'Here am I, send me.'"
Where were you?
I'm so sorry...
I'm so sorry.
You left us here.
There's no Martians.
Wait, what do you mean?
It's a radio broadcast.
There's no Martians.
I don't you to ever feel like--
City and town officials across the eastern seaboard
reported widespread panic
due to last night's,
"War of the Worlds" broadcast.
A representative from the Columbia Broadcasting System
says quote, "We sincerely regret that some listeners
mistook the program's fantastic
elements for fact," end quote.
Apparently many citizens throughout the U.S.,
particularly in New Jersey,
believed that they were facing imminent death.
Quite a hoax, huh?
Well, we assure you you're very much alive.
Sorry I'm late again, everybody.
In this book, it says a great deal of righteous things
and has the answer to many of life's questions.
But you know what?
It also says that no man with crushed testicles
shall enter the assembly of the Lord,
so it probably doesn't have all the answers.
So what do you say today we just put the book away
and we just talk?
Really talk
about whatever's on our minds.
About facing our fears, and looking for answers,
'cause who knows?
Maybe there aren't any.
Maybe we can all find a little peace in that.
Yeah. You know, uh, it's been a long time
since I've felt those things,
and I'll tell you, I feel them now,
here, with all of you.
And say, that reminds me, there is something
I wanted to talk about here.
Look, last night...
Sat down to read,
Of course, I couldn't fall asleep,
and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Hey there, Chardy!
She took quite a lump before we crashed the car,
but she's gonna be back to normal soon.
Everything's gonna be just like it was,
exactly the same.
-Hello, Clark.
-How are you?
-Me, I'm fine.
-How are you?
-I'm fine.
Some people were having problems with their phones
when the lines were crossed
and I was just checking
to see if everything's set here?
-Yes, we're fine.
We were about to eat lunch.
-Could you step outside?
-Now's not a good time.
Um, Lorraine, last night...
-It's a hoax.
Well, everything that happened, none of it was real.
Some of it was real.
We thought there were Martians coming.
You can blame that broadcast if you want, Lorraine,
but if you stay with him, you know what's--
Oh, what am I supposed to do?
Leave my husband, just like that?
Yes, he left you.
He went for help.
That note, Lorraine, that note, that was help?
He explained it.
It wasn't what I thought.
It was a misunderstanding.
I know you're afraid.
I understand that.
But if I were you, I'd be more afraid
of slinking back into your old life.
That's what I'd be afraid of.
He went for help.
Hey, hey! There he is.
Clark, I don't know how to thank you enough
for looking after Lorraine last night.
When I went for help, my first thought was,
"If she gets herself in a pickle,
Clark will lend a hand,"
So thank you.
My pleasure.
Well, come on inside,
Lorraine made a pot roast.
That's one way to start repaying you, right?
Oh, no, thank you.
I have a lot on my plate,
and I-- I--
I was just checking in.
We'll see you around then.
Oh, shucks.
You know what, Clark?
I gotta get back to this rotolactor mess.
The insurance company needs
measurements and photographs,
The whole ball of wax, so get a few men,
a couple shovels, tape measure.
It could be a few hours.
Meet me there?
However long it takes,
I'll wait for you.
They're calling it the hoax that terrified a nation.
It says here about six million listening in.
Whole lot of suckers.
About 100 of them right here in Lullaby,
Hey, pepper?
I sure fell for it.
Didn't help goddamn Collins stirring everyone up.
Oughta run him outta town for what
he made happen around here.
At least someone made
something happen around here.
I saw that.
I asked Paul to leave.
He's packing now,
but he packed last night, too,
so it shouldn't take long.
This isn't a hoax, too, is it?
This is real, right?
I need to know.
This is not a hoax.
I promise.
I see the river is wide,
the banks are overflowing
The fish are darn
near jumping on my line
I'm gonna cast my reel
the way the wind is blowing
And hope I catch
the big one anytime
since there ain't no perfect
anything I know of
I won't complain about
the one I never caught
It's better to have loved
and lost I'm figuring out
Sometimes growing up's
your last resort
Long long long story short
This is my long long long story short
I've been dreaming
about the way
I'm gonna hold you
Should there ever come a day
when you are mine
But I just don't feel
that good about my chances
And a man knows
when he's running out of time
I told myself i'd wait
for you forever
But its turning out
much harder than I thought
I could go on singing
till I'm blue in the face
We both know the ball
is in your court
Long long long story short
I'm scared I'll find out
what I did
When it all went wrong
Till now my love for you
is hiding in this song
A fool like me can talk
but will you listen
Pray there's still some time
I might have bought
I could use some kind of sign
just one ray of hope
Everything I'm feeling ain't for naught
Long long long story short
This is my long long long story short
This is my long long long story short
This is my long long long story short