Braveheart (1995) Movie Script
(man) I shall tell you of William Wallace.
Historians from England will say I am a liar.
But history is written by those
who have hanged heroes.
The King of Scotland had died without a son.
And the King of England...
...a cruel pagan known as
Edward the Longshanks...
...claimed the throne of Scotland for himself.
Scotland's nobles fought him...
...and fought each other over the crown.
So Longshanks invited them
to talks of a truce.
No weapons. One page only.
One farmer of that shire
was Malcolm Wallace...
...a commoner with his own lands.
He had two sons: John and William.
I told you to stay!
Well, I finished my work.
Where are we going?
MacAndrews'. He was supposed
to visit after the gathering.
- Can I come?
- No! Go home, boy!
- But I want to go!
- Go home, or you'll feel the back of my hand!
Away hame, William.
(horse whinnies)
Holy Jesus.
(bird flutters)
- (screams)
- William! William!
It's all right, it's all right. Easy, lad.
(beams creak)
And I say we hit back now!
- We cannae fight them.
- Something's got to be done.
Wallace is right! We fight them!
Every nobleman willing to fight
was at that meeting!
We cannot beat an army!
Not with the 50 farmers we can raise.
We do not have to beat them...
Just fight them.
- Now, who's with me?
- I am, Wallace.
- All right, all right.
- Aye.
- Where do you think you're going?
- I'm going with you.
Och, are ye?
And what are you going to do?
I'm gonna help.
Aye, and a good help you'd be, too.
But I need you to stay here...
...and look after the place for me
while I'm away.
I can fight!
I know! I know you can fight.
But it's our wits that make us men.
See ye tomorrow.
- English!
- Get down.
With your father and brother gone,
they'll kill us and burn the farm!
It's up to us, Hamish.
(owl hoots)
(cock crows)
(cattle lowing)
(dogs barking)
Come here, lad.
De profundis...
...clamavi ad te, Domine.
Domine, exaudi vocem meam.
Fiant aures tuae intendentes... vocem deprecationis meae.
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine.
Et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Requiescant in pace.
(all) Amen.
(horse whinnies)
I'm your uncle. Argyle.
You have the look of your mother.
We'll stay here tonight.
Tomorrow, you'll come home with me.
I don't want to leave!
You didn't want your father
to die either, did you?
But it happened.
Did the priest give a poetic benediction?
- The Lord bless thee and keep thee...
- It was in Latin.
You don't speak Latin?
Well, that's something
we shall have to remedy.
(Argyle) The Lord...
...bless thee and keep thee.
The Lord cause his light to shine on thee.
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee...
...and give thee peace.
Your heart is free.
Have the courage to follow it.
What are they doing?
Saying goodbye in their own way.
Playing outlawed tunes on outlawed pipes.
It was the same for me and your daddy...
...when our father was killed.
First, learn to use...
Then I'll teach you... to use...
Many years later...
...Edward the Longshanks,
King of England...
...supervised the wedding of his eldest son,
who would succeed him as king.
As bride for his son...
...Longshanks had chosen
the daughter of his rival...
...the King of France.
(choir sings in Latin)
It was widely whispered
that for the Princess to conceive...
...Longshanks would have
to do the honors himself.
That may have been
what he had in mind all along.
My land.
The French will grovel
to anyone with strength.
But how will they believe our strength
when we cannot rule the whole of our island?
Where is my son?
Your pardon, my Lord.
He asked me to come in his stead.
I sent for him and he sends you?
Shall I leave, my Lord?
If he wants his queen to rule
when I am gone...
...then by all means stay
and learn how. Please.
Nobles are the key to the door of Scotland.
Grant our nobles lands in the North.
Give their nobles estates here in England.
And make them too greedy to oppose us.
But, sir, our nobles
will be reluctant to uproot.
New lands mean new taxes and they're
already taxed for the war in France.
Are they?
Are they?
The trouble with Scotland... that it's full of Scots.
Perhaps the time has come... reinstitute an old custom.
Grant them primae noctis.
First night.
When any common girl
inhabiting their lands is married...
...our nobles shall have sexual rights to her
on the night of her wedding.
If we can't get them out...
...we'll breed them out.
That should fetch just the kind
of lords we want to Scotland.
Taxes or no taxes, eh?
A most excellent idea, sire.
Is it?
Now, in Edinburgh were gathered
the council of Scottish nobles.
Among these was Robert,
the 17th Earl of Bruce...
...a leading contender
for the crown of Scotland.
I hear that Longshanks
has granted primae noctis.
Clearly meant to draw
more of his supporters here.
My father believes we must lull
Longshanks into our confidence... neither supporting his decree
nor opposing it.
- A wise plan.
- How is your father? He missed the council.
His affairs in France keep him long overdue.
But he sends his greetings.
And he says that I speak
for all of the Bruces...
...and for Scotland.
(# pipes and percussion)
(music stops)
- You've dropped your rock.
- A test of manhood.
- You win.
- Ah-hah!
Call it a test of soldiery, then.
The English won't let us train with weapons,
so we train with stones.
The test of a soldier is not in his arm.
It's here.
No. It's here.
- Hamish?
- Mm-hm.
Here you go, son. Show him how.
- Come on, Hamish!
- Come on, boy!
Come on!
That's a good throw.
Aye. Aye, it was.
I was wondering
if you could do that when it matters.
As it... as it matters in battle.
Could you crush a man with that throw?
I could crush you... like a worm.
(crowd) Oooh!
- You could?
- Aye.
Well, then, do it.
Would you like to see him
crush me like a worm?
- Come and do it.
- You'll move.
- I will not.
- Right.
He'll move.
Come on, Hamish!
Come on there, boy!
Well done!
A fine display, young Wallace.
Are you all right?
You look a wee bit shaky.
I should have remembered the rocks.
Aye, you should have.
Get up, you big heap of...
- It's good to see ye again.
- Aye, welcome home.
- Look what you did to my head.
- You should have moved.
William, will you dance with me?
Of course I will.
I've come to claim the right
of primae noctis.
As lord of these lands, I will bless this
marriage by taking the bride into my bed...
...on the first night of her union.
By God you will not!
It is my noble right.
Good evening, sir.
Ah, young Wallace.
A grand soft evening, huh?
Aye, it's that.
Might I have a word with your daughter?
What do you want to have
a word with her about?
Well, erm...
Would you like to ride with me this evening?
In this? You're out of your mind!
It's good Scottish weather, madam.
The rain is falling almost straight down.
- She cannae go with you.
- No?
No. No the now, anyway.
- No the now.
- No the now.
- We'll see ye later.
- The weather's fine. It's hardly raining.
Did you no hear what I said?
- Murron!
- Murron!
It's you she takes after.
How did you know me after so long?
I didn't.
I saw you staring at me
and I didn't know who you were.
I'm sorry. I suppose I was.
Are you in the habit of riding off
in the rain with strangers?
It was the best way to make you leave.
If I ever find the courage to ask ye again,
I'll warn you in writing first.
- It wouldn't help. I can't read.
- Can ye not?
Well, that's something
we shall have to remedy.
- You're gonna teach me to read?
- If you like.
In what language?
You're showing off now.
- That's right. Are you impressed yet?
- No. Should I be?
(English) Do that standing on your head,
and I'll be impressed.
- My kilt'll fly up, but I'll try...
- (squeals)
You learnt no manners on your travels!
The French and the Romans
are worse than I.
- You went to Rome?
- Aye. Uncle took me on a pilgrimage.
What was it like?
What does that mean?
But I belong here.
(mother) Murron!
Come in now!
Sir, I know it was strange of me
to invite Murron to ride last night, but...
MacClannough's daughter is another matter.
- I've come to fetch you to a meeting.
- What kind of meeting?
- The secret kind.
- Your meetings are a waste of time.
Your father was a fighter...
...and a patriot.
I know who my father was.
I came home to raise crops
and, God willing, a family.
If I can live in peace, I will.
Go on!
- You want to stay out of the troubles?
- Aye.
If you can prove it,
you may court my daughter.
Until you prove it, the answer is no.
- No.
- No, Wallace. No.
Didn't I just prove it?
- No?
- No!
Of course, running a farm is a lot of work.
But that will all change when my sons arrive.
So, you've got children.
Well, not yet. But I was hoping
that you could help me with that.
So you want me to marry you, then?
Well, it's a bit sudden, but all right.
Is that what you call a proposal?
I love you. Always have.
I want to marry you.
Is that a yes?
- Aye, that's a yes.
- Yeah?
- We'd best hurry. He'll be waiting.
- Oh, wait.
Where are you going?
- What's that?
- You'll see.
(whispers) Father.
I will love you my whole life.
You and no other.
And I you.
You and no other... forever.
(priest speaks Gaelic)
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti...
When will I see ye again? Tonight?
- I can't.
- Why not?
My dad's growing suspicious.
Would that have anything to do with...
- Tonight.
- Tonight?
Look lively, Sergeant.
What are you carrying, lassie?
- That looks heavy. Can we help you?
- That's fine.
(chuckles) I'm not going to steal it...
Ohh! You remind me
of my daughter back home.
Hello, lassie.
(Murron screams)
Keep quiet, Smythe.
Aagh! Bitch!
(Smythe yells)
You bitch!
Are you all right?
- Are you all right?
- Aye.
- Can you ride?
- Aye.
Come back here, you bastard!
Ring the alarm! Help!
Meet me at the grove.
- Ride!
- They're getting away!
All right, you bitch!
All of you know full well
the great pains I've always taken...
...never to be too strict, too rigid,
with the application of our laws.
And, as a consequence...
...have we not learned to live together... relative peace and harmony?
And this... day's lawlessness
is how you repay my leniency.
Well, you leave me with little choice.
An assault on the King's soldiers... the same as an assault
on the King himself.
...let this scrapper come to me.
(soldier shouts)
(horse whinnies)
Corporal! Some archers on the tower! Now!
- Hold still, Father.
- (screams)
You idiot, boy!
- Father, are you all right?
- Aye.
(chanting) MacCaulich! MacCaulich!
(chanting) Wallace! Wallace!
(chanting continues)
Anima eius
et animae omnium fidelium defunctorum...
...per misericordiam Dei...
...requiescant in pace.
In nomine Patris, et Filii... Spiritus Sanctus.
- Amen.
- (all) Amen.
What are you waiting for, boy? (laughs)
Here. You can do it. I'll hold him down.
Here. You can do it. I'll hold him down.
Pour it straight in the wound, boy.
I know it seems like
a waste of good whisky. Indulge me.
Hold him! Hold him! Hold him. Now...
...let him go.
All right?
That'll wake you up in the morning, boy.
- There's somebody coming!
- Arm yourselves!
There's somebody coming.
MacGregors! From the next glen.
We heard about what was happening.
We don't want you amerdans
thinking you can have your fun without us.
Go home.
Some of us are in this.
I can't help that now.
But you can help yourselves. Go home.
We'll have no homes left when the English
garrison comes through and burns us out.
- And they will.
- (man) Aye.
Patrol returning, my Lord.
So, what news?
I have dispatched 100 soldiers to Lanark.
They will be returning now!
Were they dressed like this?
Actually, it was more like 50.
Make it quick.
Do you remember me?
I never did her any harm. It was my right!
Your right.
I'm here to claim the right of a husband!
I'm William Wallace.
And the rest of you will be spared.
Go back to England!
And tell them there...
...that Scotland's daughters and her sons
are yours no more.
Tell them Scotland is free.
Burn it.
The Scottish rebels
have routed one of my garrisons...
...and murdered the noble Lord.
I heard.
This Wallace is a brigand, nothing more.
And how would you deal with this... brigand?
Like any common thief. Have the local
magistrate arrest and punish him.
Leave us.
Wallace has already killed the magistrate
and taken control of the town.
Stand up.
Stand up!
In the morning...
...I depart for France to press our rights there.
And I leave you here
to quell this little rebellion.
Understood? Is it?
One day you will be a king.
At least try to act like one.
Get away from me!
Convene my military council!
After them!
No point resisting.
You're outnumbered and trapped.
Where are the rest of you? Where's Wallace?
- Father.
- Ah, come in. Come in.
A rebellion has begun.
Under whom?
A commoner... named William Wallace.
You will embrace this rebellion.
Support it from our lands in the North.
I will gain English favor by condemning it...
...and ordering it opposed
from our lands in the South.
Sit down. Stay awhile.
This Wallace...
He doesn't even have a knighthood.
But he fights with passion.
And he inspires!
And you wish to charge off
and fight as he did, eh?
- So would I.
- Well, maybe it's time.
It is time... to survive.
You're the 17th Robert Bruce.
The 16 before you passed you land and title
because they didn't charge in.
- Call a meeting of the nobles.
- They do nothing but talk.
Rightly so! They're as rich in English titles
and lands as they are in Scottish, as we are.
You admire this man... this William Wallace.
Uncompromising men are easier to admire.
He has courage. So does a dog.
But it is exactly the ability to compromise
that makes a man noble.
And understand this:
Edward Longshanks is the most ruthless king
ever to sit on the throne of England.
And none of us...
...and nothing of Scotland will remain...
...unless we are as ruthless.
Give ear to our nobles.
Knowing their minds... the key to the throne.
Wait. Wait! Look.
This is out, and this is left.
Carry on.
Carry on!
You know...
...eventually Longshanks
will send in his northern army.
Heavy cavalry. Armored horse.
Shake the very ground.
He'll ride right over us.
Uncle Argyle used to talk about it.
How no army had ever stood up
to a charge of heavy horse.
- So what do we do?
- Hit. Run. Hide. The Highland way.
(birds twittering)
Or make spears.
Hundreds of 'em.
Long spears. Twice as long as a man.
- That long?
- Aye.
Some men are longer than others.
Your mother been telling you
stories about me again, eh?
Volunteers coming in!
William Wallace.
We've come to fight and to die for you.
Stand up, man. I'm not the Pope.
My name is Faudron. My sword is yours.
- I brought you this...
- We checked them for arms.
I brought you this.
My wife made it for you.
Ah, thank you.
Him! That can't be William Wallace.
I'm prettier than this man.
All right, Father.
I'll ask him.
If I risk my neck for you...
...will I get to kill Englishmen?
Is your father a ghost
or do you converse with the Almighty?
To find his equal,
an Irishman is forced to talk to God.
Yes, Father!
The Almighty says,
"Just answer the fucking question!"
- Mind your tongue.
- Insane Irish!
Smart enough to get a dagger
past your guards, old man.
That's my friend, Irishman.
And the answer to your question is yes.
Fight for me, you get to kill the English.
Stephen is my name.
I'm the most wanted man on my island.
Except I'm not on my island, of course.
- More's the pity.
- Your island?
- You mean Ireland?
- Yeah. It's mine.
You're a madman.
I've come to the right place, then.
(Stephen laughs)
Sure, didn't the Almighty
send me to watch your back?
I didn't like him anyway.
He wasn't right in the head.
William! It's our runners!
The English... are advancing
an army towards Stirling!
- Do the nobles rally?
- Robert the Bruce and others will not fight.
But word has spread. The Highlanders
are coming down on their own.
Aye... In droves of hundreds...
and thousands!
Are you ready for a war?!
- What news?
- We're outnumbered, at least three to one.
- How many horse, then?
- 300, maybe more.
- 300 heavy horse!
- We must try to negotiate.
Who was in command?
Did he have a scarlet chevron?
- Aye, he did.
- That'll be Cheltham.
We could still negotiate...
What are they talking about?
I cannae hear, but it doesnae look good.
The nobles will negotiate.
They do a deal... and we go home.
If not... we charge.
300 heavy horse! We've no chance!
So many.
I didn't come here to fight
so they could own more lands.
Then I'd have to work for them.
Nor me.
All right, lads!
I'm not dying for these bastards!
Let's go home!
Stop, men!
Do not flee! Wait until we've negotiated!
William Wallace!
Can't be. Not tall enough.
The Almighty says this is a fashionable fight.
It's drawn the finest people.
- Where is thy salute?
- For coming to this battlefield, I thank you.
This is our army.
To join it, you give homage.
I give homage to Scotland.
And if this is your army...
...why does it go?
We didn't come here to fight for them!
Home! The English are too many!
Sons of Scotland!
I am William Wallace!
- William Wallace is seven feet tall.
- Yes, I've heard.
He kills men by the hundred.
And if he were here, he'd consume
the English with fireballs from his eyes...
...and lightning from his arse!
I am William Wallace!
And I see...
...a whole army of my countrymen... in defiance of tyranny.
You've come to fight as free men...
...and free men you are!
What will you do without freedom?
Will you fight?
Against that? No!
We will run, and we will live.
Aye. Fight and you may die.
Run, and you'll live.
At least a while.
And dying in your beds,
many years from now...
...would you be willing to trade...
...all the days from this day to that...
...for one chance, just one chance... come back here and tell our enemies...
...that they may take our lives...
...but they'll never take our freedom!
Alba qu bra!
Alba qu bra!
They seem quite optimistic.
Maybe they do want to fight.
Confrontation might be
a foregone conclusion.
But nonetheless...
I think we should deliver the King's terms.
The King's terms?
They'll never live up to them.
My Lord, I think...
All right! Offer them the terms.
- They're coming out. Should we go to them?
- Let me do the talking. Agreed?
Fine speech.
Now what do we do?
Just be yourselves.
Where are you going?
I'm going to pick a fight.
Well... we didn't get dressed up for nothing.
Mornay, Lochlan, Craig.
Here are the King's terms.
Lead this army off the field...
...and he will give you each
estates in Yorkshire...
...including hereditary title,
from which you will pay...
- From which you will pay...
- I have an offer for ye.
Cheltham, this is William Wallace.
From which you will pay the King
an annual duty...
- I said I have an offer for you.
- You disrespect a banner of truce!
From his King? Absolutely.
Here are Scotland's terms.
Lower your flags...
and march straight back to England.
At every home you pass, beg forgiveness
for 100 years of theft, rape and murder.
Do that, and your men shall live.
Do it not...
and every one of you will die today.
You are outmatched.
You have no heavy cavalry.
In two centuries, no army has won without...
I'm not finished!
Before we let you leave...
...your commander must cross that field,
present himself before this army...
...put his head between his legs...
and kiss his own arse.
I'd say that was rather less cordial
than he was used to.
You be ready and do exactly as I say.
On my signal...
...ride round behind our position,
and flank them.
- We must not divide our forces.
- Do it... and let the English see you do it.
They'll think we run away?
Take out their archers.
I'll meet you in the middle.
Right. Come on.
Ego vos absolvo...
...ab omnibus peccatis vestris.
In nomine Patris...
Insolent bastard!
I want this Wallace's heart on a plate!
(drums beat)
Archers forward!
(battle cry)
You bastards!
The Lord tells me
He can get me out of this mess...
...but He's pretty sure you're fucked.
(manic laugh)
Ready... Loose!
See? Every Scot with a horse is fleeing.
Our cavalry will ride them down like grass.
Send the horse.
Full attack.
- Send the infantry.
- My Lord...
You lead them!
(battle cry)
(battle cry)
Come on!
All right.
(chanting) Wallace! Wallace!
I knight thee...
...Sir William Wallace.
Sir William, in the name of God...
...we appoint thee guardian
and high protector of Scotland...
...and thy captains as aides-de-camp.
Stand and be recognized.
Does anyone know his politics?
No, but his weight with the commoners
could upset everything.
The Balliols will kiss his arse,
and so we must.
Sir William!
Sir William.
Inasmuch as you and your captains
hail from a region...
...long known to support the Balliol clan...
...may we invite you to continue your support
and uphold our rightful claim?
Damn the Balliol clan!
They're all Longshanks's men!
(angry shouting)
- Gentlemen!
- It's time to declare a king.
Halt! Wait! Are you prepared
to recognize our legitimate succession?
- You won't support the claim.
- Those were lies, written by you.
- Oh, no.
- (shouting continues)
- I demand recognition of these documents!
- These were lies when you wrote them!
Please, gentlemen!
Quiet! Sir William! Where are you going?
We have beaten the English.
But they'll come back...
...because you won't stand together.
What will you do?
I will invade England...
and defeat the English on their own ground.
Invade? That's impossible.
Why? Why is that impossible?
You're so concerned with squabbling
for scraps from Longshanks's table...
...that you've missed
your God-given right to something better.
There's a difference between us.
You think the people of Scotland exist
to provide you with position.
I think your position exists
to provide those people with freedom.
And I go to make sure that they have it.
(man) Wait!
I respect what you said.
But remember that these men
have lands and castles.
It's much to risk.
And the common man that bleeds
in battle, does he risk less?
But from top to bottom,
this country has got no sense of itself.
Its nobles share allegiance with England.
- Its clans war with each other.
- Aye.
If you make enemies on both sides
of the border... you'll end up dead.
We all will. It's just
a question of how and why.
I'm not a coward. I want what you want.
But we need the nobles.
- We need 'em?
- Aye.
Now, tell me.
What does that mean, to be noble?
Your title gives you claim to Scotland's
throne, but men don't follow titles.
They follow courage.
Now, our people know you.
Noble and common, they respect you.
And if you would just lead them to freedom...
...they'd follow you.
And so would I.
Damn it! My sodomite cousin the Prince
tells me he has no troops to lend.
And every town in northern England
is begging for help.
He advances!
- To which town?
- To here, my Lord.
Bring the provisions inside,
double the guards, seal the gate. Now!
(soldier) Quickly! Bring in the provisions!
Sir, we can get you out if you leave now.
I will not tell my uncle I've lost him
the greatest city in the North.
Come on!
Make way for the King!
It's not your fault.
- Stand up to him!
- I will stand up to him and more.
What news of the North?
Nothing new, Your Majesty.
We've sent riders to speed any word.
I heard the word in France where I was
fighting to expand your future kingdom.
The word, my son, is that
our entire northern army is annihilated.
And you have done nothing.
I... I have ordered conscription, sir,
assembled and ready to depart.
Excuse me, sire, but there's
a very urgent message from York.
- Leave us.
- Thank you, sire.
Erm... W... Wallace has sacked York.
Wallace has sacked York.
Sire... thy own nephew!
What beast could do such a thing!
If he can sack York...
...he can invade Lower England.
We will stop him!
Who is this person who speaks to me
as though I needed his advice?
I have declared Phillip my High Counselor.
Is he qualified?
I am skilled in the arts of war
and military tactics, sire.
Are you?
Tell me...
What advice would you offer
on the, er, present... situation?
I shall offer a truce...
...and buy him off.
But who will go to him? Not I.
If I fell under the sword of that murderer... might be my head in a basket.
And not... my gentle son.
The mere sight of him would only encourage
an enemy to take over the whole country.
So whom do I send?
Whom do I send?
(twig snaps)
(owl hoots)
I'm dreaming.
Yes, you are.
And you must wake.
I don't want to wake.
I want to stay here with you.
And I with you.
But you must wake now.
Wake up, William.
Wake up.
(Murron) William, wake up...
(man) William! A royal entourage comes...
...flying banners of truce...
...and the standards of Longshanks himself!
I am the Princess of Wales.
I come as the King's servant
and with his authority.
To do what?
To discuss the King's proposals.
Will you speak with a woman?
I understand you have recently
been given the rank of knight.
I have been given nothing.
God makes men what they are.
Did God make you
the sacker of peaceful cities?
The executioner of the King's nephew,
my husband's own cousin?
York was the staging point
for every invasion of my country.
That cousin hanged innocent Scots, even
women and children, from the city walls.
Longshanks did far worse
the last time he took a Scottish city.
(English) You ask your King...
to his face. Ask him.
See if his eyes can convince you of the truth.
Hamilton... Leave us.
- My Lady?
- Leave us! Now.
Let us talk plainly.
You invade England.
But you cannot complete the conquest
so far from your shelter and supply.
The King desires peace.
Longshanks desires peace?
He declares it to me, I swear it.
He proposes that you withdraw your attack.
In return he grants you title,
estates and this chest of gold...
...which I am to pay to you personally.
A lordship and titles, gold...
that I should become Judas.
Peace is made in such ways.
Slaves are made in such ways!
The last time Longshanks spoke of peace,
I was a boy.
And many Scottish nobles
who would not be slaves...
...were lured by him,
under a flag of truce, to a barn...
...where he had them hanged.
I was very young.
But I remember
Longshanks's notion of peace.
I understand you have suffered.
I know... about your woman.
She was my wife.
We married in secret because I would
not share her with an English lord.
They killed her... to get to me.
I've never spoken of it.
I don't know why I tell you now, except...
...I see her strength in you.
One day...'ll be a queen.
And you must open your eyes.
You tell your King...
...that William Wallace will not be ruled...
...and nor will any Scot while I live.
Ah! My son's loyal wife returns
unkilled by the heathen.
So he accepted our bribe?
No. He did not.
Then why does he stay?
My scouts tell me that he has not advanced.
He waits for you at York.
He says he will attack no more towns...
...if you are man enough
to come and face him.
Did he?
The Welsh bowmen will not be detected...
...arriving so far around his flank.
The main force of our armies
from France land here... the north of Edinburgh.
Conscripts from Ireland
approach from the southwest... here.
Welsh bowmen, troops from France,
Irish conscripts.
But they'd take weeks to assemble.
I dispatched them...
...before I sent your wife.
So our little ruse succeeded.
(Longshanks) Thank you.
And while this upstart
awaits my arrival in York... forces will have arrived
in Edinburgh, behind him.
You spoke with this, er...
...Wallace in private?
Tell me...
What kind of man is he?
A mindless barbarian.
Not a king like you, my Lord.
You may return to your embroidery.
Humbly, my Lord.
You brought back the money, of course?
No. I gave it to ease the suffering
of the children of this war.
That's what happens
when you send a woman.
Forgive me, sire. I thought that generosity
might demonstrate your greatness... those you mean to rule.
My greatness...
...will be better demonstrated
when Wallace returns to Scotland...
...and finds his country in ashes.
There's riders approaching.
A personal escort of the Princess.
Must have made an impression.
I didn't think you were in the tent that long.
Un message de ma matresse.
It's true! The English ships
are moving up from the South.
I don't know about the Welsh yet,
but the Irish have landed.
I had to see it myself to believe it.
What are the Irish doing
fighting with the English?
I wouldn't worry about them.
Didn't I tell you before?
It's my island.
Hamish, ride ahead to Edinburgh
and assemble the council. Order it!
Right. Come on!
- Your island?
- My island! Yup!
- We'll have to negotiate.
- Please, gentlemen!
Lords, Craig is right!
This time our only option is to negotiate.
Unless you want to see Edinburgh razed...
My army has marched
for more days than I can remember.
And we still have preparations to make... I'll make this plain.
We require every soldier you can summon...
...your personal escorts, even yourselves.
And we need them now.
With such a force arrayed against us,
it's time to discuss other options.
Other options?!
Don't you wish at least
to lead your men onto the field...
...and barter a better deal with Longshanks...
...before you run?
- Sir William...
- We cannot defeat them!
- We can!
- Sir William!
- And we will!
We won at Stirling, and still you quibble!
We won at York
and you would not support us.
If you'll no stand up with us now,
I'd say you're cowards.
If you are Scotsmen...
...I'm ashamed to call myself one.
Please, Sir William, speak with me alone.
I beg you.
You've achieved
more than anyone ever dreamed.
But fighting these odds,
it looks like rage, not courage.
It's well beyond rage.
Help me.
In the name of Christ, help yourselves!
Now is our chance! Now!
If we join, we can win. If we win...
...we'll have what none of us
have ever had before.
A country of our own.
You're the rightful leader...
...and there is strength in you, I see it.
Unite us.
Unite us! Unite the clans!
- All right!
- Right.
This cannot be the way.
You said yourself...
...the nobles will not support Wallace.
So how does it help us
to join the side that is slaughtered?
I gave him my word.
I know it is hard.
Being a leader is.
My son...
Look at me.
I cannot be King.
You and you alone can rule Scotland.
What I tell you, you must do.
Not for me, not for yourself...
...but for your country.
Right, lads, make way. Coming through.
Make way, lads.
The Bruce is not coming, William.
He'll come.
Mornay and Lochlan have come.
So will the Bruce.
Quite a lovely... gathering.
Wouldn't you agree?
The archers are ready, sire.
Not the archers.
My scouts say their archers
are miles away and no threat.
Arrows cost money.
Use up the Irish. The dead cost nothing.
And send in the infantry and cavalry.
- Infantry!
- Infantry!
- Cavalry!
- Cavalry!
- Cavalry!
- Cavalry!
- Advance!
- Advance!
Ah, good to see ye this morning!
Glad to have ye with us.
Watch this.
(battle cry)
Mornay? Lochlan?
I gave Mornay
double his lands in Scotland...
...and matching estates in England.
Lochlan turned... for much less.
I beg your pardon, sire?
Won't we hit our own troops?
But we'll hit theirs as well.
We have reserves.
- Archers!
- Archers!
Send in our reinforcements. (coughs)
- Send in the rest!
- (battle cry)
Bring me Wallace.
Alive, if possible.
Dead... just as good.
Send us news of our victory.
Shall we retire?
Ya! Ya!
Protect the King.
Aagh! Aagh!
Get up! Get up!
Get up! Get up!
- Get him out of here!
- Jesus!
I'm dying.
Let me be.
You're going to live.
I've lived long enough to live free.
Proud... see you become the man you are.
I'm a happy man.
(Hamish sobs)
I'm the one who's rotting.
But I think your face looks graver than mine.
We must have alliance
with England to prevail here.
You achieved that.
You saved your family...
...and increased your land.
In time, you will have
all the power in Scotland.
Titles. Men.
Power. Nothing.
- Nothing?
- I have nothing.
Men fight for me because if they do not
I throw them off my land...
...and I starve their wives and children.
Those men...
...who bled the ground red at Falkirk...
They fought for William Wallace,
and he fights...
...for something that I've never had.
And I took it from him when I betrayed him...
...and I saw it in his face
on the battlefield.
And it's tearing me apart.
Well, all men betray. All lose heart.
I don't want to lose heart!
I want to believe... he does.
I will never be on the wrong side again.
Lord Craig, is it true about Mornay?
Wallace rode into his bedchamber
and killed him.
More of a liability now than ever he was.
And there's no telling who'll be next.
Maybe you.
Maybe me.
It doesn't matter.
I'm serious, Robert.
So am I!
Christ! Shit!
Search the place!
William Wallace killed 50 men.
50 if it was one.
100 men... with his own sword.
Cut through them like...
...Moses through the Red Sea.
(Longshanks) His legend grows.
It will be worse than before.
He rallies new volunteers
in every Scottish town.
When he replenishes his numbers...
They're sheep! Mere sheep!
(Longshanks coughs)
Easily dispersed if we strike the shepherd.
Very well.
Pick a flock of your finest assassins
and set a meeting.
My Lord, Wallace is renowned
for his ability to smell an ambush.
If what Lord Hamilton tells me is correct...
...he warmed to our future Queen
and would trust her.
So we'll dispatch her
with the notion that she comes in peace.
My Lord,
the Princess might be taken hostage...
...or her life be put in jeopardy.
My son would be most distressed by that.
But in truth if she were to be killed...
...we would soon find the King of France
a useful ally against the Scots.
You see...
As King, you must find
the good in any situation.
It's William Wallace, sure.
And he's given up his sword.
Be ready.
(owl hoots)
My Lady.
I received your message.
This is... the second time
you've warned me of danger.
There will be a new shipment
of supplies coming north next month.
Foods and weapons. They will...
No, stop.
Why do you help me?
(whispers) Why do you help me?
Because of the way
you are looking at me now.
(gasping for breath)
Just when we thought all hope was lost...
...our noble saviors have arrived.
Off with their hoods.
Sir William, we come to seek a meeting.
Well, what's the point?
You've all sworn loyalty to Longshanks.
An oath to a liar is no oath at all.
Every man of us is ready
to swear loyalty to you.
So let the council swear publicly.
We cannot.
Some scarcely believe you're alive.
Others think you'll pay them Mornay's wages.
So we bid you to Edinburgh.
Meet us two days from now. Pledge us
your pardon and we'll unite behind you.
- Scotland will be one.
- One?
- You mean us and you.
- No.
I mean this.
It's the pledge of Robert the Bruce.
(Hamish) You do know it's a trap. Tell him!
If the Bruce wanted to kill you,
he'd have done it at Falkirk.
I know. I saw.
All right, leaving him aside,
what about the others?
Scheming bastards who couldnae agree on
the color of shite! It's a trap! Are you blind?
Look at us.
We've got to try.
We can't do this alone. Joining the nobles
is the only hope for our people.
- You know what happens if we don't?
- What?
- I don't want to be a martyr.
- Nor I.
I want to live.
I want a home, and children. And peace.
- Do ye?
- Aye, I do.
I've asked God for those things.
It's all for nothing if you don't have freedom.
- It's just a dream, William.
- A dream? Just a...
(laughs) Well, then,
what have we been doing all this time?
We've lived that dream.
Your dream isn't about freedom.
It's about Murron!
You're doing this to be a hero
because you think she sees ye!
I don't think she sees me. I know she does.
And your father sees you, too.
(William coughs)
Shall I come with you?
No. I'll go alone.
I'll see you after.
Sooner rather than later, I hope.
- He won't come.
- He will.
I know he will.
My Lord! He approaches!
Stay out of it, Robert!
Aagh! Get away! Get away!
The Bruce is not to be harmed,
that's the arrangement.
(screams) Father!
You rotting bastard!
Why? Why?
Longshanks required Wallace.
So did our nobles.
That was the price of your crown.
I want you to die.
Soon enough I'll be dead.
And you'll be King.
I don't want anything from you!
You're not a man!
And you're not my father.
You're my son...
...and you have always known my mind.
You deceived me.
You let yourself be deceived.
In your heart, you always knew
what had to happen here.
At last... know what it means to hate.
Now you're ready to be a king.
My hate...
...will die with you.
William Wallace,
you stand in taint of high treason.
Against whom?
Against your King.
Have you anything to say?
Never in my whole life...
...did I swear allegiance to him.
It matters not. He is your King.
Confess and you may receive a quick death.
Deny and you must be purified by pain.
Do you confess?
Do you confess?
Then on the morrow
you shall receive your purification.
- Your Highness.
- I will see the prisoner.
- The King ordered that nobody...
- The King will die soon and his son is weak.
Who do you think will rule this kingdom?
Now open this door.
Your Majesty.
Come on, filth. Up on your feet!
Stop it! Leave me.
I said leave me!
My Lady.
I come to beg you... confess all and swear allegiance
to the King that he might show you mercy.
Will he show mercy to my country?
Mercy is to die quickly...
...perhaps even live in a tower.
In time, who knows what can happen?
If you can only live...
If I swear to him...
...then all that I am is dead already.
You will die. It will be awful.
Every man dies.
Not every man really lives.
Drink this.
It will dull your pain.
No. It will numb my wits.
And I must have them all.
For if I'm senseless or if I wail...
...then Longshanks will have broken me.
I can't bear the thought of your torture.
Take it.
All right.
I have come... beg for the life of William Wallace.
You're quite taken with him, aren't you?
I respect him.
At worst, he was a worthy enemy.
Show mercy, O thou great King,
and win the respect of your own people.
Even now... are incapable of mercy.
(breathes heavily)
And you...
To you, that word is as unfamiliar as love.
Before he lost his powers of speech...
...he told me his one comfort...
...was that he would live
to know Wallace was dead.
You see?
Death comes to us all.
(whispers) But before it comes to you...
...know this:
Your blood dies with you.
A child who is not of your line
grows in my belly.
Your son will not sit long on the throne,
I swear it.
(Longshanks coughs)
(crowd cheers)
I'm so afraid.
Give me the strength... die well.
(crowd cheers)
(crowd) Boo!
(man) Here he comes!
Now behold the awful price of treason!
Or fall to your knees now...
...declare yourself the King's loyal subject...
...and beg his mercy...
(crowd gasps)
...and you shall have it.
- (coughing)
- Raise him.
Stretch him!
That's it.
Stretch him!
Pleasant, yes?
Rise to your knees.
Kiss the royal emblem on my cloak...
...and you will feel no more.
Rack him!
It can all end...
...right now.
Just say it.
Cry out...
(crowd chants) Mercy! Mercy!
Cry out.
(crowd chanting)
Just say it. "Mercy."
Mercy, William. Mercy.
Jesus, man, say it.
The prisoner wishes to say a word.
(shouts) Freedom!
(Robert) After the beheading...
...William Wallace's body was torn to pieces.
His head was set on London Bridge.
His arms and legs...
...sent to the four corners of Britain... a warning.
It did not have the effect
that Longshanks planned.
And I, Robert the Bruce...
...rode out to pay homage
to the armies of the English King...
...and accept his endorsement of my crown.
I hope you've washed your arse this morning.
It's about to be kissed by a king.
Come. Let's get it over with.
You have bled with Wallace!
Now bleed with me.
(battle cry)
Wallace! Wallace! Wallace!
(Wallace) In the year of our Lord 1314...
...patriots of Scotland,
starving and outnumbered...
...charged the fields of Bannockburn.
They fought like warrior poets.
They fought like Scotsmen...
...and won their freedom.
Historians from England will say I am a liar.
But history is written by those
who have hanged heroes.
The King of Scotland had died without a son.
And the King of England...
...a cruel pagan known as
Edward the Longshanks...
...claimed the throne of Scotland for himself.
Scotland's nobles fought him...
...and fought each other over the crown.
So Longshanks invited them
to talks of a truce.
No weapons. One page only.
One farmer of that shire
was Malcolm Wallace...
...a commoner with his own lands.
He had two sons: John and William.
I told you to stay!
Well, I finished my work.
Where are we going?
MacAndrews'. He was supposed
to visit after the gathering.
- Can I come?
- No! Go home, boy!
- But I want to go!
- Go home, or you'll feel the back of my hand!
Away hame, William.
(horse whinnies)
Holy Jesus.
(bird flutters)
- (screams)
- William! William!
It's all right, it's all right. Easy, lad.
(beams creak)
And I say we hit back now!
- We cannae fight them.
- Something's got to be done.
Wallace is right! We fight them!
Every nobleman willing to fight
was at that meeting!
We cannot beat an army!
Not with the 50 farmers we can raise.
We do not have to beat them...
Just fight them.
- Now, who's with me?
- I am, Wallace.
- All right, all right.
- Aye.
- Where do you think you're going?
- I'm going with you.
Och, are ye?
And what are you going to do?
I'm gonna help.
Aye, and a good help you'd be, too.
But I need you to stay here...
...and look after the place for me
while I'm away.
I can fight!
I know! I know you can fight.
But it's our wits that make us men.
See ye tomorrow.
- English!
- Get down.
With your father and brother gone,
they'll kill us and burn the farm!
It's up to us, Hamish.
(owl hoots)
(cock crows)
(cattle lowing)
(dogs barking)
Come here, lad.
De profundis...
...clamavi ad te, Domine.
Domine, exaudi vocem meam.
Fiant aures tuae intendentes... vocem deprecationis meae.
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine.
Et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Requiescant in pace.
(all) Amen.
(horse whinnies)
I'm your uncle. Argyle.
You have the look of your mother.
We'll stay here tonight.
Tomorrow, you'll come home with me.
I don't want to leave!
You didn't want your father
to die either, did you?
But it happened.
Did the priest give a poetic benediction?
- The Lord bless thee and keep thee...
- It was in Latin.
You don't speak Latin?
Well, that's something
we shall have to remedy.
(Argyle) The Lord...
...bless thee and keep thee.
The Lord cause his light to shine on thee.
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee...
...and give thee peace.
Your heart is free.
Have the courage to follow it.
What are they doing?
Saying goodbye in their own way.
Playing outlawed tunes on outlawed pipes.
It was the same for me and your daddy...
...when our father was killed.
First, learn to use...
Then I'll teach you... to use...
Many years later...
...Edward the Longshanks,
King of England...
...supervised the wedding of his eldest son,
who would succeed him as king.
As bride for his son...
...Longshanks had chosen
the daughter of his rival...
...the King of France.
(choir sings in Latin)
It was widely whispered
that for the Princess to conceive...
...Longshanks would have
to do the honors himself.
That may have been
what he had in mind all along.
My land.
The French will grovel
to anyone with strength.
But how will they believe our strength
when we cannot rule the whole of our island?
Where is my son?
Your pardon, my Lord.
He asked me to come in his stead.
I sent for him and he sends you?
Shall I leave, my Lord?
If he wants his queen to rule
when I am gone...
...then by all means stay
and learn how. Please.
Nobles are the key to the door of Scotland.
Grant our nobles lands in the North.
Give their nobles estates here in England.
And make them too greedy to oppose us.
But, sir, our nobles
will be reluctant to uproot.
New lands mean new taxes and they're
already taxed for the war in France.
Are they?
Are they?
The trouble with Scotland... that it's full of Scots.
Perhaps the time has come... reinstitute an old custom.
Grant them primae noctis.
First night.
When any common girl
inhabiting their lands is married...
...our nobles shall have sexual rights to her
on the night of her wedding.
If we can't get them out...
...we'll breed them out.
That should fetch just the kind
of lords we want to Scotland.
Taxes or no taxes, eh?
A most excellent idea, sire.
Is it?
Now, in Edinburgh were gathered
the council of Scottish nobles.
Among these was Robert,
the 17th Earl of Bruce...
...a leading contender
for the crown of Scotland.
I hear that Longshanks
has granted primae noctis.
Clearly meant to draw
more of his supporters here.
My father believes we must lull
Longshanks into our confidence... neither supporting his decree
nor opposing it.
- A wise plan.
- How is your father? He missed the council.
His affairs in France keep him long overdue.
But he sends his greetings.
And he says that I speak
for all of the Bruces...
...and for Scotland.
(# pipes and percussion)
(music stops)
- You've dropped your rock.
- A test of manhood.
- You win.
- Ah-hah!
Call it a test of soldiery, then.
The English won't let us train with weapons,
so we train with stones.
The test of a soldier is not in his arm.
It's here.
No. It's here.
- Hamish?
- Mm-hm.
Here you go, son. Show him how.
- Come on, Hamish!
- Come on, boy!
Come on!
That's a good throw.
Aye. Aye, it was.
I was wondering
if you could do that when it matters.
As it... as it matters in battle.
Could you crush a man with that throw?
I could crush you... like a worm.
(crowd) Oooh!
- You could?
- Aye.
Well, then, do it.
Would you like to see him
crush me like a worm?
- Come and do it.
- You'll move.
- I will not.
- Right.
He'll move.
Come on, Hamish!
Come on there, boy!
Well done!
A fine display, young Wallace.
Are you all right?
You look a wee bit shaky.
I should have remembered the rocks.
Aye, you should have.
Get up, you big heap of...
- It's good to see ye again.
- Aye, welcome home.
- Look what you did to my head.
- You should have moved.
William, will you dance with me?
Of course I will.
I've come to claim the right
of primae noctis.
As lord of these lands, I will bless this
marriage by taking the bride into my bed...
...on the first night of her union.
By God you will not!
It is my noble right.
Good evening, sir.
Ah, young Wallace.
A grand soft evening, huh?
Aye, it's that.
Might I have a word with your daughter?
What do you want to have
a word with her about?
Well, erm...
Would you like to ride with me this evening?
In this? You're out of your mind!
It's good Scottish weather, madam.
The rain is falling almost straight down.
- She cannae go with you.
- No?
No. No the now, anyway.
- No the now.
- No the now.
- We'll see ye later.
- The weather's fine. It's hardly raining.
Did you no hear what I said?
- Murron!
- Murron!
It's you she takes after.
How did you know me after so long?
I didn't.
I saw you staring at me
and I didn't know who you were.
I'm sorry. I suppose I was.
Are you in the habit of riding off
in the rain with strangers?
It was the best way to make you leave.
If I ever find the courage to ask ye again,
I'll warn you in writing first.
- It wouldn't help. I can't read.
- Can ye not?
Well, that's something
we shall have to remedy.
- You're gonna teach me to read?
- If you like.
In what language?
You're showing off now.
- That's right. Are you impressed yet?
- No. Should I be?
(English) Do that standing on your head,
and I'll be impressed.
- My kilt'll fly up, but I'll try...
- (squeals)
You learnt no manners on your travels!
The French and the Romans
are worse than I.
- You went to Rome?
- Aye. Uncle took me on a pilgrimage.
What was it like?
What does that mean?
But I belong here.
(mother) Murron!
Come in now!
Sir, I know it was strange of me
to invite Murron to ride last night, but...
MacClannough's daughter is another matter.
- I've come to fetch you to a meeting.
- What kind of meeting?
- The secret kind.
- Your meetings are a waste of time.
Your father was a fighter...
...and a patriot.
I know who my father was.
I came home to raise crops
and, God willing, a family.
If I can live in peace, I will.
Go on!
- You want to stay out of the troubles?
- Aye.
If you can prove it,
you may court my daughter.
Until you prove it, the answer is no.
- No.
- No, Wallace. No.
Didn't I just prove it?
- No?
- No!
Of course, running a farm is a lot of work.
But that will all change when my sons arrive.
So, you've got children.
Well, not yet. But I was hoping
that you could help me with that.
So you want me to marry you, then?
Well, it's a bit sudden, but all right.
Is that what you call a proposal?
I love you. Always have.
I want to marry you.
Is that a yes?
- Aye, that's a yes.
- Yeah?
- We'd best hurry. He'll be waiting.
- Oh, wait.
Where are you going?
- What's that?
- You'll see.
(whispers) Father.
I will love you my whole life.
You and no other.
And I you.
You and no other... forever.
(priest speaks Gaelic)
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti...
When will I see ye again? Tonight?
- I can't.
- Why not?
My dad's growing suspicious.
Would that have anything to do with...
- Tonight.
- Tonight?
Look lively, Sergeant.
What are you carrying, lassie?
- That looks heavy. Can we help you?
- That's fine.
(chuckles) I'm not going to steal it...
Ohh! You remind me
of my daughter back home.
Hello, lassie.
(Murron screams)
Keep quiet, Smythe.
Aagh! Bitch!
(Smythe yells)
You bitch!
Are you all right?
- Are you all right?
- Aye.
- Can you ride?
- Aye.
Come back here, you bastard!
Ring the alarm! Help!
Meet me at the grove.
- Ride!
- They're getting away!
All right, you bitch!
All of you know full well
the great pains I've always taken...
...never to be too strict, too rigid,
with the application of our laws.
And, as a consequence...
...have we not learned to live together... relative peace and harmony?
And this... day's lawlessness
is how you repay my leniency.
Well, you leave me with little choice.
An assault on the King's soldiers... the same as an assault
on the King himself.
...let this scrapper come to me.
(soldier shouts)
(horse whinnies)
Corporal! Some archers on the tower! Now!
- Hold still, Father.
- (screams)
You idiot, boy!
- Father, are you all right?
- Aye.
(chanting) MacCaulich! MacCaulich!
(chanting) Wallace! Wallace!
(chanting continues)
Anima eius
et animae omnium fidelium defunctorum...
...per misericordiam Dei...
...requiescant in pace.
In nomine Patris, et Filii... Spiritus Sanctus.
- Amen.
- (all) Amen.
What are you waiting for, boy? (laughs)
Here. You can do it. I'll hold him down.
Here. You can do it. I'll hold him down.
Pour it straight in the wound, boy.
I know it seems like
a waste of good whisky. Indulge me.
Hold him! Hold him! Hold him. Now...
...let him go.
All right?
That'll wake you up in the morning, boy.
- There's somebody coming!
- Arm yourselves!
There's somebody coming.
MacGregors! From the next glen.
We heard about what was happening.
We don't want you amerdans
thinking you can have your fun without us.
Go home.
Some of us are in this.
I can't help that now.
But you can help yourselves. Go home.
We'll have no homes left when the English
garrison comes through and burns us out.
- And they will.
- (man) Aye.
Patrol returning, my Lord.
So, what news?
I have dispatched 100 soldiers to Lanark.
They will be returning now!
Were they dressed like this?
Actually, it was more like 50.
Make it quick.
Do you remember me?
I never did her any harm. It was my right!
Your right.
I'm here to claim the right of a husband!
I'm William Wallace.
And the rest of you will be spared.
Go back to England!
And tell them there...
...that Scotland's daughters and her sons
are yours no more.
Tell them Scotland is free.
Burn it.
The Scottish rebels
have routed one of my garrisons...
...and murdered the noble Lord.
I heard.
This Wallace is a brigand, nothing more.
And how would you deal with this... brigand?
Like any common thief. Have the local
magistrate arrest and punish him.
Leave us.
Wallace has already killed the magistrate
and taken control of the town.
Stand up.
Stand up!
In the morning...
...I depart for France to press our rights there.
And I leave you here
to quell this little rebellion.
Understood? Is it?
One day you will be a king.
At least try to act like one.
Get away from me!
Convene my military council!
After them!
No point resisting.
You're outnumbered and trapped.
Where are the rest of you? Where's Wallace?
- Father.
- Ah, come in. Come in.
A rebellion has begun.
Under whom?
A commoner... named William Wallace.
You will embrace this rebellion.
Support it from our lands in the North.
I will gain English favor by condemning it...
...and ordering it opposed
from our lands in the South.
Sit down. Stay awhile.
This Wallace...
He doesn't even have a knighthood.
But he fights with passion.
And he inspires!
And you wish to charge off
and fight as he did, eh?
- So would I.
- Well, maybe it's time.
It is time... to survive.
You're the 17th Robert Bruce.
The 16 before you passed you land and title
because they didn't charge in.
- Call a meeting of the nobles.
- They do nothing but talk.
Rightly so! They're as rich in English titles
and lands as they are in Scottish, as we are.
You admire this man... this William Wallace.
Uncompromising men are easier to admire.
He has courage. So does a dog.
But it is exactly the ability to compromise
that makes a man noble.
And understand this:
Edward Longshanks is the most ruthless king
ever to sit on the throne of England.
And none of us...
...and nothing of Scotland will remain...
...unless we are as ruthless.
Give ear to our nobles.
Knowing their minds... the key to the throne.
Wait. Wait! Look.
This is out, and this is left.
Carry on.
Carry on!
You know...
...eventually Longshanks
will send in his northern army.
Heavy cavalry. Armored horse.
Shake the very ground.
He'll ride right over us.
Uncle Argyle used to talk about it.
How no army had ever stood up
to a charge of heavy horse.
- So what do we do?
- Hit. Run. Hide. The Highland way.
(birds twittering)
Or make spears.
Hundreds of 'em.
Long spears. Twice as long as a man.
- That long?
- Aye.
Some men are longer than others.
Your mother been telling you
stories about me again, eh?
Volunteers coming in!
William Wallace.
We've come to fight and to die for you.
Stand up, man. I'm not the Pope.
My name is Faudron. My sword is yours.
- I brought you this...
- We checked them for arms.
I brought you this.
My wife made it for you.
Ah, thank you.
Him! That can't be William Wallace.
I'm prettier than this man.
All right, Father.
I'll ask him.
If I risk my neck for you...
...will I get to kill Englishmen?
Is your father a ghost
or do you converse with the Almighty?
To find his equal,
an Irishman is forced to talk to God.
Yes, Father!
The Almighty says,
"Just answer the fucking question!"
- Mind your tongue.
- Insane Irish!
Smart enough to get a dagger
past your guards, old man.
That's my friend, Irishman.
And the answer to your question is yes.
Fight for me, you get to kill the English.
Stephen is my name.
I'm the most wanted man on my island.
Except I'm not on my island, of course.
- More's the pity.
- Your island?
- You mean Ireland?
- Yeah. It's mine.
You're a madman.
I've come to the right place, then.
(Stephen laughs)
Sure, didn't the Almighty
send me to watch your back?
I didn't like him anyway.
He wasn't right in the head.
William! It's our runners!
The English... are advancing
an army towards Stirling!
- Do the nobles rally?
- Robert the Bruce and others will not fight.
But word has spread. The Highlanders
are coming down on their own.
Aye... In droves of hundreds...
and thousands!
Are you ready for a war?!
- What news?
- We're outnumbered, at least three to one.
- How many horse, then?
- 300, maybe more.
- 300 heavy horse!
- We must try to negotiate.
Who was in command?
Did he have a scarlet chevron?
- Aye, he did.
- That'll be Cheltham.
We could still negotiate...
What are they talking about?
I cannae hear, but it doesnae look good.
The nobles will negotiate.
They do a deal... and we go home.
If not... we charge.
300 heavy horse! We've no chance!
So many.
I didn't come here to fight
so they could own more lands.
Then I'd have to work for them.
Nor me.
All right, lads!
I'm not dying for these bastards!
Let's go home!
Stop, men!
Do not flee! Wait until we've negotiated!
William Wallace!
Can't be. Not tall enough.
The Almighty says this is a fashionable fight.
It's drawn the finest people.
- Where is thy salute?
- For coming to this battlefield, I thank you.
This is our army.
To join it, you give homage.
I give homage to Scotland.
And if this is your army...
...why does it go?
We didn't come here to fight for them!
Home! The English are too many!
Sons of Scotland!
I am William Wallace!
- William Wallace is seven feet tall.
- Yes, I've heard.
He kills men by the hundred.
And if he were here, he'd consume
the English with fireballs from his eyes...
...and lightning from his arse!
I am William Wallace!
And I see...
...a whole army of my countrymen... in defiance of tyranny.
You've come to fight as free men...
...and free men you are!
What will you do without freedom?
Will you fight?
Against that? No!
We will run, and we will live.
Aye. Fight and you may die.
Run, and you'll live.
At least a while.
And dying in your beds,
many years from now...
...would you be willing to trade...
...all the days from this day to that...
...for one chance, just one chance... come back here and tell our enemies...
...that they may take our lives...
...but they'll never take our freedom!
Alba qu bra!
Alba qu bra!
They seem quite optimistic.
Maybe they do want to fight.
Confrontation might be
a foregone conclusion.
But nonetheless...
I think we should deliver the King's terms.
The King's terms?
They'll never live up to them.
My Lord, I think...
All right! Offer them the terms.
- They're coming out. Should we go to them?
- Let me do the talking. Agreed?
Fine speech.
Now what do we do?
Just be yourselves.
Where are you going?
I'm going to pick a fight.
Well... we didn't get dressed up for nothing.
Mornay, Lochlan, Craig.
Here are the King's terms.
Lead this army off the field...
...and he will give you each
estates in Yorkshire...
...including hereditary title,
from which you will pay...
- From which you will pay...
- I have an offer for ye.
Cheltham, this is William Wallace.
From which you will pay the King
an annual duty...
- I said I have an offer for you.
- You disrespect a banner of truce!
From his King? Absolutely.
Here are Scotland's terms.
Lower your flags...
and march straight back to England.
At every home you pass, beg forgiveness
for 100 years of theft, rape and murder.
Do that, and your men shall live.
Do it not...
and every one of you will die today.
You are outmatched.
You have no heavy cavalry.
In two centuries, no army has won without...
I'm not finished!
Before we let you leave...
...your commander must cross that field,
present himself before this army...
...put his head between his legs...
and kiss his own arse.
I'd say that was rather less cordial
than he was used to.
You be ready and do exactly as I say.
On my signal...
...ride round behind our position,
and flank them.
- We must not divide our forces.
- Do it... and let the English see you do it.
They'll think we run away?
Take out their archers.
I'll meet you in the middle.
Right. Come on.
Ego vos absolvo...
...ab omnibus peccatis vestris.
In nomine Patris...
Insolent bastard!
I want this Wallace's heart on a plate!
(drums beat)
Archers forward!
(battle cry)
You bastards!
The Lord tells me
He can get me out of this mess...
...but He's pretty sure you're fucked.
(manic laugh)
Ready... Loose!
See? Every Scot with a horse is fleeing.
Our cavalry will ride them down like grass.
Send the horse.
Full attack.
- Send the infantry.
- My Lord...
You lead them!
(battle cry)
(battle cry)
Come on!
All right.
(chanting) Wallace! Wallace!
I knight thee...
...Sir William Wallace.
Sir William, in the name of God...
...we appoint thee guardian
and high protector of Scotland...
...and thy captains as aides-de-camp.
Stand and be recognized.
Does anyone know his politics?
No, but his weight with the commoners
could upset everything.
The Balliols will kiss his arse,
and so we must.
Sir William!
Sir William.
Inasmuch as you and your captains
hail from a region...
...long known to support the Balliol clan...
...may we invite you to continue your support
and uphold our rightful claim?
Damn the Balliol clan!
They're all Longshanks's men!
(angry shouting)
- Gentlemen!
- It's time to declare a king.
Halt! Wait! Are you prepared
to recognize our legitimate succession?
- You won't support the claim.
- Those were lies, written by you.
- Oh, no.
- (shouting continues)
- I demand recognition of these documents!
- These were lies when you wrote them!
Please, gentlemen!
Quiet! Sir William! Where are you going?
We have beaten the English.
But they'll come back...
...because you won't stand together.
What will you do?
I will invade England...
and defeat the English on their own ground.
Invade? That's impossible.
Why? Why is that impossible?
You're so concerned with squabbling
for scraps from Longshanks's table...
...that you've missed
your God-given right to something better.
There's a difference between us.
You think the people of Scotland exist
to provide you with position.
I think your position exists
to provide those people with freedom.
And I go to make sure that they have it.
(man) Wait!
I respect what you said.
But remember that these men
have lands and castles.
It's much to risk.
And the common man that bleeds
in battle, does he risk less?
But from top to bottom,
this country has got no sense of itself.
Its nobles share allegiance with England.
- Its clans war with each other.
- Aye.
If you make enemies on both sides
of the border... you'll end up dead.
We all will. It's just
a question of how and why.
I'm not a coward. I want what you want.
But we need the nobles.
- We need 'em?
- Aye.
Now, tell me.
What does that mean, to be noble?
Your title gives you claim to Scotland's
throne, but men don't follow titles.
They follow courage.
Now, our people know you.
Noble and common, they respect you.
And if you would just lead them to freedom...
...they'd follow you.
And so would I.
Damn it! My sodomite cousin the Prince
tells me he has no troops to lend.
And every town in northern England
is begging for help.
He advances!
- To which town?
- To here, my Lord.
Bring the provisions inside,
double the guards, seal the gate. Now!
(soldier) Quickly! Bring in the provisions!
Sir, we can get you out if you leave now.
I will not tell my uncle I've lost him
the greatest city in the North.
Come on!
Make way for the King!
It's not your fault.
- Stand up to him!
- I will stand up to him and more.
What news of the North?
Nothing new, Your Majesty.
We've sent riders to speed any word.
I heard the word in France where I was
fighting to expand your future kingdom.
The word, my son, is that
our entire northern army is annihilated.
And you have done nothing.
I... I have ordered conscription, sir,
assembled and ready to depart.
Excuse me, sire, but there's
a very urgent message from York.
- Leave us.
- Thank you, sire.
Erm... W... Wallace has sacked York.
Wallace has sacked York.
Sire... thy own nephew!
What beast could do such a thing!
If he can sack York...
...he can invade Lower England.
We will stop him!
Who is this person who speaks to me
as though I needed his advice?
I have declared Phillip my High Counselor.
Is he qualified?
I am skilled in the arts of war
and military tactics, sire.
Are you?
Tell me...
What advice would you offer
on the, er, present... situation?
I shall offer a truce...
...and buy him off.
But who will go to him? Not I.
If I fell under the sword of that murderer... might be my head in a basket.
And not... my gentle son.
The mere sight of him would only encourage
an enemy to take over the whole country.
So whom do I send?
Whom do I send?
(twig snaps)
(owl hoots)
I'm dreaming.
Yes, you are.
And you must wake.
I don't want to wake.
I want to stay here with you.
And I with you.
But you must wake now.
Wake up, William.
Wake up.
(Murron) William, wake up...
(man) William! A royal entourage comes...
...flying banners of truce...
...and the standards of Longshanks himself!
I am the Princess of Wales.
I come as the King's servant
and with his authority.
To do what?
To discuss the King's proposals.
Will you speak with a woman?
I understand you have recently
been given the rank of knight.
I have been given nothing.
God makes men what they are.
Did God make you
the sacker of peaceful cities?
The executioner of the King's nephew,
my husband's own cousin?
York was the staging point
for every invasion of my country.
That cousin hanged innocent Scots, even
women and children, from the city walls.
Longshanks did far worse
the last time he took a Scottish city.
(English) You ask your King...
to his face. Ask him.
See if his eyes can convince you of the truth.
Hamilton... Leave us.
- My Lady?
- Leave us! Now.
Let us talk plainly.
You invade England.
But you cannot complete the conquest
so far from your shelter and supply.
The King desires peace.
Longshanks desires peace?
He declares it to me, I swear it.
He proposes that you withdraw your attack.
In return he grants you title,
estates and this chest of gold...
...which I am to pay to you personally.
A lordship and titles, gold...
that I should become Judas.
Peace is made in such ways.
Slaves are made in such ways!
The last time Longshanks spoke of peace,
I was a boy.
And many Scottish nobles
who would not be slaves...
...were lured by him,
under a flag of truce, to a barn...
...where he had them hanged.
I was very young.
But I remember
Longshanks's notion of peace.
I understand you have suffered.
I know... about your woman.
She was my wife.
We married in secret because I would
not share her with an English lord.
They killed her... to get to me.
I've never spoken of it.
I don't know why I tell you now, except...
...I see her strength in you.
One day...'ll be a queen.
And you must open your eyes.
You tell your King...
...that William Wallace will not be ruled...
...and nor will any Scot while I live.
Ah! My son's loyal wife returns
unkilled by the heathen.
So he accepted our bribe?
No. He did not.
Then why does he stay?
My scouts tell me that he has not advanced.
He waits for you at York.
He says he will attack no more towns...
...if you are man enough
to come and face him.
Did he?
The Welsh bowmen will not be detected...
...arriving so far around his flank.
The main force of our armies
from France land here... the north of Edinburgh.
Conscripts from Ireland
approach from the southwest... here.
Welsh bowmen, troops from France,
Irish conscripts.
But they'd take weeks to assemble.
I dispatched them...
...before I sent your wife.
So our little ruse succeeded.
(Longshanks) Thank you.
And while this upstart
awaits my arrival in York... forces will have arrived
in Edinburgh, behind him.
You spoke with this, er...
...Wallace in private?
Tell me...
What kind of man is he?
A mindless barbarian.
Not a king like you, my Lord.
You may return to your embroidery.
Humbly, my Lord.
You brought back the money, of course?
No. I gave it to ease the suffering
of the children of this war.
That's what happens
when you send a woman.
Forgive me, sire. I thought that generosity
might demonstrate your greatness... those you mean to rule.
My greatness...
...will be better demonstrated
when Wallace returns to Scotland...
...and finds his country in ashes.
There's riders approaching.
A personal escort of the Princess.
Must have made an impression.
I didn't think you were in the tent that long.
Un message de ma matresse.
It's true! The English ships
are moving up from the South.
I don't know about the Welsh yet,
but the Irish have landed.
I had to see it myself to believe it.
What are the Irish doing
fighting with the English?
I wouldn't worry about them.
Didn't I tell you before?
It's my island.
Hamish, ride ahead to Edinburgh
and assemble the council. Order it!
Right. Come on!
- Your island?
- My island! Yup!
- We'll have to negotiate.
- Please, gentlemen!
Lords, Craig is right!
This time our only option is to negotiate.
Unless you want to see Edinburgh razed...
My army has marched
for more days than I can remember.
And we still have preparations to make... I'll make this plain.
We require every soldier you can summon...
...your personal escorts, even yourselves.
And we need them now.
With such a force arrayed against us,
it's time to discuss other options.
Other options?!
Don't you wish at least
to lead your men onto the field...
...and barter a better deal with Longshanks...
...before you run?
- Sir William...
- We cannot defeat them!
- We can!
- Sir William!
- And we will!
We won at Stirling, and still you quibble!
We won at York
and you would not support us.
If you'll no stand up with us now,
I'd say you're cowards.
If you are Scotsmen...
...I'm ashamed to call myself one.
Please, Sir William, speak with me alone.
I beg you.
You've achieved
more than anyone ever dreamed.
But fighting these odds,
it looks like rage, not courage.
It's well beyond rage.
Help me.
In the name of Christ, help yourselves!
Now is our chance! Now!
If we join, we can win. If we win...
...we'll have what none of us
have ever had before.
A country of our own.
You're the rightful leader...
...and there is strength in you, I see it.
Unite us.
Unite us! Unite the clans!
- All right!
- Right.
This cannot be the way.
You said yourself...
...the nobles will not support Wallace.
So how does it help us
to join the side that is slaughtered?
I gave him my word.
I know it is hard.
Being a leader is.
My son...
Look at me.
I cannot be King.
You and you alone can rule Scotland.
What I tell you, you must do.
Not for me, not for yourself...
...but for your country.
Right, lads, make way. Coming through.
Make way, lads.
The Bruce is not coming, William.
He'll come.
Mornay and Lochlan have come.
So will the Bruce.
Quite a lovely... gathering.
Wouldn't you agree?
The archers are ready, sire.
Not the archers.
My scouts say their archers
are miles away and no threat.
Arrows cost money.
Use up the Irish. The dead cost nothing.
And send in the infantry and cavalry.
- Infantry!
- Infantry!
- Cavalry!
- Cavalry!
- Cavalry!
- Cavalry!
- Advance!
- Advance!
Ah, good to see ye this morning!
Glad to have ye with us.
Watch this.
(battle cry)
Mornay? Lochlan?
I gave Mornay
double his lands in Scotland...
...and matching estates in England.
Lochlan turned... for much less.
I beg your pardon, sire?
Won't we hit our own troops?
But we'll hit theirs as well.
We have reserves.
- Archers!
- Archers!
Send in our reinforcements. (coughs)
- Send in the rest!
- (battle cry)
Bring me Wallace.
Alive, if possible.
Dead... just as good.
Send us news of our victory.
Shall we retire?
Ya! Ya!
Protect the King.
Aagh! Aagh!
Get up! Get up!
Get up! Get up!
- Get him out of here!
- Jesus!
I'm dying.
Let me be.
You're going to live.
I've lived long enough to live free.
Proud... see you become the man you are.
I'm a happy man.
(Hamish sobs)
I'm the one who's rotting.
But I think your face looks graver than mine.
We must have alliance
with England to prevail here.
You achieved that.
You saved your family...
...and increased your land.
In time, you will have
all the power in Scotland.
Titles. Men.
Power. Nothing.
- Nothing?
- I have nothing.
Men fight for me because if they do not
I throw them off my land...
...and I starve their wives and children.
Those men...
...who bled the ground red at Falkirk...
They fought for William Wallace,
and he fights...
...for something that I've never had.
And I took it from him when I betrayed him...
...and I saw it in his face
on the battlefield.
And it's tearing me apart.
Well, all men betray. All lose heart.
I don't want to lose heart!
I want to believe... he does.
I will never be on the wrong side again.
Lord Craig, is it true about Mornay?
Wallace rode into his bedchamber
and killed him.
More of a liability now than ever he was.
And there's no telling who'll be next.
Maybe you.
Maybe me.
It doesn't matter.
I'm serious, Robert.
So am I!
Christ! Shit!
Search the place!
William Wallace killed 50 men.
50 if it was one.
100 men... with his own sword.
Cut through them like...
...Moses through the Red Sea.
(Longshanks) His legend grows.
It will be worse than before.
He rallies new volunteers
in every Scottish town.
When he replenishes his numbers...
They're sheep! Mere sheep!
(Longshanks coughs)
Easily dispersed if we strike the shepherd.
Very well.
Pick a flock of your finest assassins
and set a meeting.
My Lord, Wallace is renowned
for his ability to smell an ambush.
If what Lord Hamilton tells me is correct...
...he warmed to our future Queen
and would trust her.
So we'll dispatch her
with the notion that she comes in peace.
My Lord,
the Princess might be taken hostage...
...or her life be put in jeopardy.
My son would be most distressed by that.
But in truth if she were to be killed...
...we would soon find the King of France
a useful ally against the Scots.
You see...
As King, you must find
the good in any situation.
It's William Wallace, sure.
And he's given up his sword.
Be ready.
(owl hoots)
My Lady.
I received your message.
This is... the second time
you've warned me of danger.
There will be a new shipment
of supplies coming north next month.
Foods and weapons. They will...
No, stop.
Why do you help me?
(whispers) Why do you help me?
Because of the way
you are looking at me now.
(gasping for breath)
Just when we thought all hope was lost...
...our noble saviors have arrived.
Off with their hoods.
Sir William, we come to seek a meeting.
Well, what's the point?
You've all sworn loyalty to Longshanks.
An oath to a liar is no oath at all.
Every man of us is ready
to swear loyalty to you.
So let the council swear publicly.
We cannot.
Some scarcely believe you're alive.
Others think you'll pay them Mornay's wages.
So we bid you to Edinburgh.
Meet us two days from now. Pledge us
your pardon and we'll unite behind you.
- Scotland will be one.
- One?
- You mean us and you.
- No.
I mean this.
It's the pledge of Robert the Bruce.
(Hamish) You do know it's a trap. Tell him!
If the Bruce wanted to kill you,
he'd have done it at Falkirk.
I know. I saw.
All right, leaving him aside,
what about the others?
Scheming bastards who couldnae agree on
the color of shite! It's a trap! Are you blind?
Look at us.
We've got to try.
We can't do this alone. Joining the nobles
is the only hope for our people.
- You know what happens if we don't?
- What?
- I don't want to be a martyr.
- Nor I.
I want to live.
I want a home, and children. And peace.
- Do ye?
- Aye, I do.
I've asked God for those things.
It's all for nothing if you don't have freedom.
- It's just a dream, William.
- A dream? Just a...
(laughs) Well, then,
what have we been doing all this time?
We've lived that dream.
Your dream isn't about freedom.
It's about Murron!
You're doing this to be a hero
because you think she sees ye!
I don't think she sees me. I know she does.
And your father sees you, too.
(William coughs)
Shall I come with you?
No. I'll go alone.
I'll see you after.
Sooner rather than later, I hope.
- He won't come.
- He will.
I know he will.
My Lord! He approaches!
Stay out of it, Robert!
Aagh! Get away! Get away!
The Bruce is not to be harmed,
that's the arrangement.
(screams) Father!
You rotting bastard!
Why? Why?
Longshanks required Wallace.
So did our nobles.
That was the price of your crown.
I want you to die.
Soon enough I'll be dead.
And you'll be King.
I don't want anything from you!
You're not a man!
And you're not my father.
You're my son...
...and you have always known my mind.
You deceived me.
You let yourself be deceived.
In your heart, you always knew
what had to happen here.
At last... know what it means to hate.
Now you're ready to be a king.
My hate...
...will die with you.
William Wallace,
you stand in taint of high treason.
Against whom?
Against your King.
Have you anything to say?
Never in my whole life...
...did I swear allegiance to him.
It matters not. He is your King.
Confess and you may receive a quick death.
Deny and you must be purified by pain.
Do you confess?
Do you confess?
Then on the morrow
you shall receive your purification.
- Your Highness.
- I will see the prisoner.
- The King ordered that nobody...
- The King will die soon and his son is weak.
Who do you think will rule this kingdom?
Now open this door.
Your Majesty.
Come on, filth. Up on your feet!
Stop it! Leave me.
I said leave me!
My Lady.
I come to beg you... confess all and swear allegiance
to the King that he might show you mercy.
Will he show mercy to my country?
Mercy is to die quickly...
...perhaps even live in a tower.
In time, who knows what can happen?
If you can only live...
If I swear to him...
...then all that I am is dead already.
You will die. It will be awful.
Every man dies.
Not every man really lives.
Drink this.
It will dull your pain.
No. It will numb my wits.
And I must have them all.
For if I'm senseless or if I wail...
...then Longshanks will have broken me.
I can't bear the thought of your torture.
Take it.
All right.
I have come... beg for the life of William Wallace.
You're quite taken with him, aren't you?
I respect him.
At worst, he was a worthy enemy.
Show mercy, O thou great King,
and win the respect of your own people.
Even now... are incapable of mercy.
(breathes heavily)
And you...
To you, that word is as unfamiliar as love.
Before he lost his powers of speech...
...he told me his one comfort...
...was that he would live
to know Wallace was dead.
You see?
Death comes to us all.
(whispers) But before it comes to you...
...know this:
Your blood dies with you.
A child who is not of your line
grows in my belly.
Your son will not sit long on the throne,
I swear it.
(Longshanks coughs)
(crowd cheers)
I'm so afraid.
Give me the strength... die well.
(crowd cheers)
(crowd) Boo!
(man) Here he comes!
Now behold the awful price of treason!
Or fall to your knees now...
...declare yourself the King's loyal subject...
...and beg his mercy...
(crowd gasps)
...and you shall have it.
- (coughing)
- Raise him.
Stretch him!
That's it.
Stretch him!
Pleasant, yes?
Rise to your knees.
Kiss the royal emblem on my cloak...
...and you will feel no more.
Rack him!
It can all end...
...right now.
Just say it.
Cry out...
(crowd chants) Mercy! Mercy!
Cry out.
(crowd chanting)
Just say it. "Mercy."
Mercy, William. Mercy.
Jesus, man, say it.
The prisoner wishes to say a word.
(shouts) Freedom!
(Robert) After the beheading...
...William Wallace's body was torn to pieces.
His head was set on London Bridge.
His arms and legs...
...sent to the four corners of Britain... a warning.
It did not have the effect
that Longshanks planned.
And I, Robert the Bruce...
...rode out to pay homage
to the armies of the English King...
...and accept his endorsement of my crown.
I hope you've washed your arse this morning.
It's about to be kissed by a king.
Come. Let's get it over with.
You have bled with Wallace!
Now bleed with me.
(battle cry)
Wallace! Wallace! Wallace!
(Wallace) In the year of our Lord 1314...
...patriots of Scotland,
starving and outnumbered...
...charged the fields of Bannockburn.
They fought like warrior poets.
They fought like Scotsmen...
...and won their freedom.