Breakout (2023) Movie Script

[audio logo]
[police chatter]
Yes, sir.
So beautiful.
This is a one in
a million score.
Can't believe we
pulled this shit off.
Don't get no better than this.
This cash and this gold.
What's up, man?
You're making me nervous,
keep looking at that thing.
We're not in the clear yet.
What do you mean?
We got company.
I thought you lost this
nigga back in East Hollywood.
I thought so too.
This motherfucker can drive.
Drive or not, he don't
got sweet Sally here.
Hey, hey, hey, what
the fuck are you doing?
Don't hit any potholes.
Fuck, Tweed.
Fuck him.
Call of Duty.
Tweed, stop!
Get the fuck in.
Oh, shit.
Tweed, talk to me.
Get this motherfucker.
Fucking bitches. Motherfucker!
Where you at?
Where you at, white boy?
You guys would have been good
protein for my dog, homie.
Oh, yeah.
See your face.
Fuck you.
Fucked up.
You shot a fucking LAPD officer.
Go to hell!
[music playing]
(SINGING) This here is the cat.
I'm a [inaudible] and
I'm playing hard ball.
He go zero to 200 with my dawg.
You can't see inside this
with them windows all tinted.
Pay attention.
Pussy niggers listen
when it's mob bidnezz.
We get [inaudible]...
I'm back in the demon town.
I to do with his laugh.
You must be out of your
mind if you're thinking
I'm not going to [inaudible].
You might be one of
your [inaudible]..
what are you doing.
You better leave us alone.
Fuck, nigga, this is
not what you want.
I got to calm down.
They're [inaudible]
me up on my lawn now.
I fell in love
with a firecracker
Bitch on the ball now.
I got away with the words.
I really play with the word.
[inaudible] shut if
you play with the word.
I do not hang with rappers.
You got a chain [inaudible]
trying to be gang.
These niggers actors,
they're nowhere
to be found when
shit get trashy.
Play with the game, we
put your name on the wall.
You better get us involved.
Bitch, I'll knock you off.
I'm a [inaudible]
playing hard ball.
He go zero to 200 with my dawg.
You can't see inside this
with them windows all tinted.
Pay attention.
Pussy niggers listen
when it's mob bidnezz.
We get [? knowledge. ?]
(phone ringing)
I found him.
Say again?
I found your son.
Found Vincent.
Wait a minute.
You're serious?
It was a pain in the
ass, but I found a.
He's been going by the name of
Victor Stavros for a while now.
And where is he?
See, that's the
complicated part.
Where's my son?
Valverde State Prison.
He's in prison?
He's fine.
He's doing a stint for robbery
and a bunch of other shit.
They're trying to pin the death
of an undercover cop named
Ramon Chavez on
him, but it's not
sticking, seen as Chavez shot
at Vincent and his driver.
Wait a minute, he shot my son?
I said he's fine didn t I?
Ok, wait.
This prison, where is it?
Copy that.
Check's in the mail.
To the desk.
Personal belongings.
Sign in, first name,
last name, time in.
See my colleague?
Face me.
Arms out to your side,
feet spread apart.
Turn around.
You guys done?
We're done.
Thank you, Mr. Smith.
What are you, 6' 3"?
6' 5".
Hello, son.
Hi, Alex.
Back to using first
names again, right?
How'd you find me?
It doesn't matter.
It was Kirk, wasn't it?
The fucking narc still
diming people out to you
after all these years.
He's a good friend.
He's a fucking tool.
What do you want?
I don't need to want anything.
I'm your father.
Victor, huh?
At least that's what
I said on my fake ID.
Funny thing is it was your
mother's first choice.
Her great grandfather's name.
We ended up tossing a
coin, and Vincent won.
I know that story.
How are you holding up in here?
[inaudible] bring my
fucking [inaudible]..
I don't know.
I mean--
Kirk mentioned something
about an undercover cop.
What about him?
Man, it's me you're
talking to, OK?
I'm not an attorney.
And assume I already
know what happened.
I just want to hear
your side of the story.
Buddy and I we, ran
off with some cholo's
payload over in East Hollywood.
Security must have
tipped him off
because his muscle caught
up with this pretty fast.
Muscle was undercover.
No, he's a fucking cop.
Fuck, he was so dirty.
Did you shoot the
police officer?
What if I did?
Yeah, it's not
like you don't have
any experience killing people.
That was different Vinny.
That was a job.
I had to put food on the table.
Same fucking difference.
Look, it's been fun, Alex.
Just wait.
Make it fucking quick then.
Get the fucking--
Who do you think I am?
You can I'm a fucking idiot?
You think I'm stupid?
I know I wasn't around
enough for you growing up.
I know that.
Come on, try ever.
Well, I'm trying now.
I'm trying now, Vinny.
Now you had [inaudible]
fucking [? leave. ?]
What are you going to do now,
especially now, now that I'm
in here in you're out there?
Listen, Vinny, how
many times do I
have to go through
this with you?
I've explained it.
I have to tell it
you over and over.
Yeah, you can explain
shit every time.
Black Ops, top secret.
So fucking cool.
There comes a time when
you just heard enough.
Hey, don't fucking touch me!
Fucking asshole.
What the fuck was
paying for, man?
Too fucking cool.
All I'd ever do
at school is talk
about how fucking cool you are.
I had my prom date
asking, where's your dad?
But the real kicker is when
your mom is on her deathbed,
and she's begging to see her
husband just one last time.
And all I could
do was lie to her.
That's all I could do.
Tell her, hey, no, no.
He's on-- he's on the way.
He's coming.
He's going to be here.
You just hang on there
a little bit longer.
You skip holding her
hand, nice and firm.
You know, like what
it means to be there
until finally I just felt her
stop holding my hand back.
That should have been you!
Hey, watch it.
Settle down.
That should have been you.
I'm-- I'm sorry, Vinny.
I'm really sorry.
You don't even know what
that word fucking means.
So what?
You think you can just
get me out of here, hmm?
You really think so?
There's no such
thing as a guarantee.
I'm not playing these
fucking games anymore.
Come on, Vinny.
Why don't you just
fucking leave.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
[music playing]
Yeah, I can't wait
to get out of here.
Let's get this going.
We have 10 more after this one.
[music playing]
Inmate 201693, Maximilian
Ezekiel Chandler.
You certify that this is you?
That's me.
How's the stab wound?
Healed up nicely.
How's the taser marks?
Sergeant Baker, nice of
you to join us today.
I wouldn't miss
this for the world.
But it's such a beautiful world.
It is.
It's be much more beautiful
without you in it.
You know, considering
our history,
I thought maybe you might have
something perhaps a little
less cliche to contribute.
Can we continue, please?
Yes, of course.
How rude of me.
You are here to determine if
you're eligible for parole
based on past time served.
You were tried for four separate
terrorist bombings resulting
in numerous deaths.
I told them it was 15.
Well, cops rarely do
their due diligence,
isn't that right, sergeant?
You have been in
four fights resulting
in the deaths of three inmates.
You had your aforementioned
encounter with the warden
here and pulled out
another inmate's eyeball
from the socket
while he was alive.
I guess I needed it.
Mr. Chandler, why on earth
would we approve you for parole?
I found Jesus.
Do you think that
erases your crime?
Then why do you deserve parole?
Well, because I'm more dangerous
inside than I am outside.
[music playing]
Have you watched
the news lately?
The world is reaching
a boiling point.
And keeping revolutionaries
such as myself locked up just
turns up the heat.
You know, I never
expected my art
to be so broadly
accepted by small minds.
So I forgive you for that.
OK, I think that's enough.
I vote his ass stays here.
He stays here.
Any parting words, Mr. Chandler?
Do you have the time?
It's 12:57.
You're going to be
late to lunch if you
don't make this one quick.
Looks like we still
have a few minutes then.
A few minutes before what?
Don't listen to this shit.
I'm not done talking.
You know, Sergeant.
I'm truly sorry.
I'm sorry that you spent a
decade of your life tracking
me down.
I am sorry that
your wife left you
and your kids don't
want to see you.
And I'm sorry you're such
a shitty cop that not even
drinking helps you
sleep at night.
Ouch, Max.
[music playing]
And you, I'm sorry you do
such a horrible job running
this place-- should be torn
down and turned into a shopping
And I'm truly sorry I
stabbed you in the neck.
What are you wasting
our time for, Chandler?
Who says I'm wasting
anyone's time?
[pa announcement]
I almost forgot your
partner, Williams.
Is he still eating all
his meals through a tube?
[gun shot]
What's the time?
The time?
It's 1:00.
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
I'm done with them.
[gun shots]
[music continues]
[rap music]
Those ain't earthquakes, is it?
That was no earthquake.
I can't override it.
This is bad.
I'm going out.
Copy you on your six.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
I'm the next shift.
Max, you copy?
I hear you, Luke.
Well done.
That's what I do.
Time for phase two.
Test, test.
Test, test.
Good afternoon,
my fellow inmates.
Max Chandler speaking.
I'm here to inform me that I am
now in control of Mount Vernon
And I'm here to offer you
a chance to get freedom.
You can either choose to
stay here under my command
until our demands are met,
or you are free to go.
My men will not stop you.
There is no punishment for
taking your freedom back.
So go, fly, be free.
And if you choose to
stay here, my demand
will now be your demands.
And for those of you who are
either here visiting loved ones
or working here
for minimum wage,
my men are coming
for your phones,
and to escort you
to the cafeteria
where you will be held under
gunpoint till this is over.
And if any of you try
to play hero tonight,
you will be executed
Aye, this fool series?
Guess we'll fucking see.
That's Max Chandler, man.
Can't follow this
crazy son of a bitch.
Man, I don't know about this.
It's like music, isn't it?
I need a phone.
Local news.
Associated Foreign Press, FBI.
Whom am I forgetting?
What are you doing?
Making our demands known.
[inaudible] invitation.
You film me.
Come here.
Get my best.
[clears throat]
Max Chandler here.
For those of you
that don't know me,
I am currently incarcerated in
Val Verde State Penitentiary
in California for planting
and detonating bombs
in churches and government
buildings 12 years ago.
I'm here to tell you that I
am now in control of Val Verde
prison, and I would like for you
to hear the warden's thoughts
on this.
But he's coming off long
shift, and he's dead tired.
I'll have that I've granted the
other prisoners their freedom.
Good luck in finding them.
And I can assure you that if
my forthcoming demands are not
met, then I will destroy
the rest of this prison
with all the hostages
remaining inside.
And my demands are simple.
Release the six remaining
members of the Trier crime
family and provide an
escort to a country
that has no extradition
to the United States.
Once I receive word
of their safety
in a helicopter
of my own, I will
release my control of Val Verde
and defuse any remaining bombs
that remain on the grounds.
You have six hours.
Hey, what the hell
happened in here?
What's going on?
What are you doing in here?
Yeah, that's right.
Why the fuck are
you still in here?
We evacuated the building.
Hey, man, take it easy.
I was in the bathroom when
the explosion went off.
Hurt my shoulder
pretty fucking bad.
I didn't hear no
evacuation notice.
Probably because
you were unconscious
from the explosions.
I wasn't unconscious.
Who was that on the intercom?
One of the prisoners.
He's responsible for
all the explosions.
No shit.
Yeah, no shit.
Well, look, I need
to get out of here.
I got to get to the hospital.
I hurt my shoulder
pretty fucking bad, man.
Which is the way out?
Just follow me.
This way?
Yeah, this way.
So Smith, you've got family
that work in the building?
Why do you ask?
Just the two guys that
checked me in this morning,
they were called Smith as well.
It's a pretty common last name.
I used to hate it
when I was a kid.
[gun shots]
[dramatic music]
Now we heard shots.
Smith, status.
Yeah, there was a straggler,
but I took care of everything.
Everything's under control.
Hey, don't fuck
around next time.
[music playing]
[emergency sirens blaring]
[police radio chatter]
[helicopter whirring]
[police radio chatter]
I didn't expect to see you
here so soon after the incident
Me neither.
So what we got?
You went briefed?
I think, I'm refreshed.
Get my [? fear ?] out
[? my uniform, ?] yeah?
Well, we got explosions
on the east south wings
of the facility.
Got the blast covered
for now, but not
before a few of the
prisoners escaped.
How many?
Enough to keep the department
and Highway Patrol busy.
Got a few arrests already, and
I'm sure more coming in soon.
Who's responsible, huh?
Former LAPD bomb
squad Max Chandler.
Always good to see
you, my friend.
How's the family?
As well as could be expected.
Hmm, what do we have here?
New recruits.
New recruits.
So you chose me over
freedom, is that right?
Yes, sir.
Oh, boy.
What's your name?
Rico Walker.
I'll do anything
you ask me to do.
Anything, huh?
[blood gushing]
What the fuck, Chandler?
Any more kiss-asses?
Never trust the first
motherfucker to speak up,
you understand me?
Apparently, there's
an armory in here
to prevent this sort of
thing from happening.
Does anybody happen
to know where it is?
You do.
What's your name?
Yeah, maybe if you
don't kill anyone else,
I could lead us all to it.
Hmm, interesting.
Well it looks like
our new friend here
will escort you to the armory.
So if you're not
armed, get armed.
Follow me.
Can one of the
Smiths get up here
and pick up three dead bodies?
[music playing]
Oh, my kids do that.
Hey, this is Officer
Chaz Coleman.
Now, it's my understanding
that the man who set off
the explosives in
your prison has also
said that you could go free.
He's full of shit.
Any inmate who was apprehended
off of prison grounds
will face severe repercussions.
Now I understand--
I understand what
your demands are.
But please know that this
is going to take some time.
We can't just set prisoners
free, do you understand me?
[music playing]
[gun shots]
Welcome to the
party, Mr. Coleman.
That was one of
the prison doctors.
It's a bullet to the
back of his head.
Does that give you an idea
the speed I need you working?
That definitely does.
That definitely does.
Thank you.
Thank you.
[phone ringing]
Get it.
Yeah, I got him right here.
It's for you.
Somebody on the inside.
I don't think so.
Can you anyone one
to crack on this?
Yeah, I'm on it.
This is Coleman.
Don't give him what he wants.
I'm sorry?
Who am I speaking to?
Don't worry about who I am.
Just know you got
a friend inside.
Well, maybe you don't
want to be my friend, huh?
You want to send you a picture
of the man I just killed?
Maybe some other time, you know.
I'll have to take
your word for it.
The man I just killed was
wearing a corrections officer
they supposedly moved the
hostages to the cafeteria.
I've yet to see a
single one of them.
I'm afraid some of them
may have been killed.
Who are you?
An employee?
I'm the janitor.
Taking applications?
[phone hangs up]
Bad joke, huh?
Did you get it?
We're working on it.
All right, we'll get it.
Son of a bitch.
So I'd kicked that dirty
hippie out of my house.
That's your place.
[? any ?] [? sort, ?] so
my girlfriend asked me,
so are you fucking
somebody behind my back?
What did you say?
I said, yeah.
Who the fuck you think it is?
Dumb bitch.
Hey, [inaudible]
Got to take a piss.
You're going to be OK out here?
Hurry up, man.
[inaudible] flashbacks
about the prison showers?
That obvious?
Without you saying something.
Hurry the fuck up, man.
Hold up, hold up.
I'll be right out.
Keep it together.
Come on, man.
Hurry the fuck up.
You need to hold
your horses, kid.
It takes me a full minute and
a half to get this behemoth out
of my pants.
Something you'd
have no idea about.
[blood gushing]
[toilet flushes]
Look, kid, I don't want you
to get all bent out of shape
about what I said
about your mom.
I was just joking about that.
Wasn't being honest.
What the fuck?
[gun shot]
[body drops]
[music playing]
What's your name, kid?
OK, Freddie.
Listen to me very carefully.
Get out of here.
Jackpot, motherfuckers.
Now, we're going to
fuck some shit up.
Check the shotgun.
You take a shotgun.
You got a gun.
Just keeping an eye out.
If y'all lead, I'll follow.
All right, bro.
[inaudible] fucking [inaudible].
Just making sure no one
gets the jump on us.
You see someone out there,
you're going to need that.
Thanks but no thanks.
Is there a problem?
Just last time I
used one of these
is the reason I
ended up in here.
Well, now it's your ticket out.
Yeah, fuck it.
Kill this, man.
So what are you going
to do with your split?
Man, I'm gong to work
through with this.
I don't know about
you, but I can sure
go for some good floor steak.
The hell's a floor steak?
Come on, man.
That good pussy, that
meat between the sheets.
Ankles up, always ready.
[gun shots]
Telling you, he's not
going to go for that.
When the last time someone did?
If you can tell
me that, then I'll
gladly go along with this shit.
But until then, stop
pulling this shit on me, OK?
I'm a 30-year man.
I've been doing this shit before
you were watching Nick Jr.
No luck?
I don't think they
realize they're
going to be responsible for
the deaths of an unknown number
of civilians if they think
that playing by the book
is the best option.
Going by the book doesn't
defuse these situations.
Gut instinct does.
Only gut instinct does.
Yeah, I hear that.
I need an update.
Jenner, hey.
Nothing yet.
Nothing yet, but I need
a little bit more time.
[gun shots]
That's another hostage death
because of your negligence.
I hope that helps you
take me more seriously.
It certainly does.
And my transportation?
En route.
Military escort?
Working on it.
In progress.
[interposing voices]
[police radio chatter]
It's our prison now, bitches!
Our prison now!
Is that you little, bitch?
Fuck you!
[inaudible] motherfuckers.
Take a ball out of
China or some shit?
Let's fucking do this shit, man.
[voices echoing]
Fuck you.
[inaudible] motherfucker.
Come on, where you going, man?
Vincent, where you
fucking going to the gym?
Chase, you guys
clear the hallways.
I'll meet you on the West Wing.
Come on.
Let's have some fun boys.
We got to make it
to cell block six,
you know what I'm talking about?
[inaudible] you hear
me motherfucker.
What you doing so
far ahead of me?
Don t fucking call me... (indist
Fuck you doing, man?
Let's have some fun!
Hey, what the fuck was that?
[tense music]
[grenade clicks]
Get the fuck down the hallway.
[machine gun fire]
[action music]
[knife unsheathes]
The fuck is going
on, [? nuovo? ?]
[slashing sound]
[body thuds]
[punches exchanging]
[stabbing sound]
[eerie music]
[tense music]
New recruits?
Where are the bodies?
The bodies.
You told the negotiator
you're executing hostages.
I did.
You're right.
But I guess you're not.
Ruke, would you take the
men out and do the rounds?
Copy that.
Come on.
Let me see.
You see these people
are willfully ignorant.
They don't understand how things
play out in the real world.
What people?
Those that are not enlightened.
Did you know 90% of
humanity won't cry for help
until the ship is sinking?
They're like pigs
to the slaughter.
As long as it means their
bubbles of self-delusion
aren't [? popped ?] [? then ?]
they can die peacefully
believing whatever bullshit
they spent their entire lives
filling their heads with.
So what's your point?
Yeah, is there a greater point?
A method to your madness?
You know, I used to
be a cop, bomb squad.
You know, I'm in here
for blowing up churches
and government buildings.
Why would I do that?
To make a statement?
To make a statement.
You are smarter than
I thought you were.
I was tired of seeing
all the bullshit
and I knew I had
to do something.
Did you kill innocent people?
Hmm, see, my
definition of innocence
is different than others.
And do you know why they can
only get me with four charges?
You got me?
Because I was told I
almost had a hung jury.
You see, my lawyer had a way
of convincing the jurors to see
my side of the argument.
You see, people need to
get punished so I took away
their meaning of life.
Their churches, their
financial institutions,
these things that they believe
give their life meaning.
I hear you.
Who are these people you
asked to be released?
[chuckles] I don't know.
Ruke gave me their names
based off their confessions.
You see, if you
give law enforcement
a large enough task,
they will bury themselves
in it before they realize
they've been duped.
Do you understand?
Yes, I do.
You're too smart to be in here.
Somebody just killed two of us.
I didn't get a good
look at him, man.
Fucking smoke grenade.
He wasn't dressed like no cop.
[radio crackling] Cruz?
We got a problem.
Someone is clearly not
playing by the rules.
[police siren]
Chandler, hey.
Hey, can you to fill me in?
Someone is killing my men.
I gave a warning in my
initial announcement.
Nobody comes in, nobody
plays hero today.
[tires screeching]
[cellphone vibrates]
[phone ringing]
Who is it?
How'd you get the name?
Ah, the same way I figured
out, you know, the janitor.
Listen, I've already told
you guys I'm on your side.
We know that.
Look, we need you out.
You've made your presence
known and Chandler
has begun executing hostages.
You know, I'm not
sure about that.
Well, I've seen more than
half of this damn place
and I haven't seen
a single hostage.
And I've got to tell you,
I've got a bad feeling.
Well, let's hope
you're wrong, OK?
Listen, you've got to
do me another favor.
What's that?
The prison inmates
that were released,
any go by the name
of Vincent Barros?
Vincent Barros?
I'm assuming you already
know that's my son.
That means he's still here.
In all likelihood, yes.
[cuts call]
I don't know what's going on.
[breathing heavily] There
is a snake in the henhouse.
There is someone in here
stealing your freedom.
Killing your friends.
It is not a cop.
I know cops.
Special forces, it's
the only kind of person
to be able to stay
undetected this long.
So what do we get
if we take him down?
Oh, you want a reward?
Someone's out there
taking us out.
It's only right if
we get more money.
OK, fine.
$1 million to whoever
brings me that motherfucker.
Let's go.
Yes, sir.
Bring him to me.
[gun cocking]
[tense music]
[eerie music]
[cellphone ringing]
I found the hostages.
I don't like that tone.
I know that tone.
They're all dead, right?
Yeah, every one of them.
Every single one of them.
Ah, shit.
Hmm, that felt good.
Might as well get in the may day
[stabbing sounds]
You let me go.
You let me go.
Let me go.
You need to try harder.
Let me show you what
a stabbing looks like.
[heavy breathing]
[heavy breathing]
Come on.
[tense music]
[dial tone]
[cellphone ringing]
[chuckles] Chandler.
That's right.
I figured I'd keep this
one just between friends.
Yeah, well, since we're friends,
I guess you should know.
I-- I know your little secret.
Oh, what's that?
Oh, come on.
The hostages,
they're already dead.
Let me guess, your little
friend on the inside,
what's his name, Alex?
Did he tell you that?
Is that right?
That's right.
And how do you know
it wasn't your friend?
Because I know his type
and you should too.
I mean, it used to
be a cop, right?
I can't get anything
past you, John.
So where does that leave us?
Well, this gets
to the higher-ups
and SWAT comes and then wipes
floor with your stupid ass.
That's about it.
Unless you didn't tell them.
You didn't, did you?
You really have a lot of faith
in your friend Alex, don't you?
I do.
So where does this leave us now?
You're still working
on your friends.
Chopper's en route.
I can't promise transportation
to anywhere other than Mexico.
And once you make it
there, you're on your own.
You won't be protected.
Win some, you lose some.
[tense music]
[deep breath]
[door opens]
[bullet ricochets]
Dad, what the fuck?
I should have fucking
known it was you.
What does that mean?
You stayed behind.
I wanted to stay behind.
I was in the bathroom
when the bomb went off.
Yeah, and then you
went into old ways,
picking our guys off one by
one like it's a fucking wraith.
I thought you only killed
people for a paycheck.
Now's not the time for that.
Now what did you say, our guys?
Yeah, our guys.
Oh, Vinny.
Come on, man.
What are you-- what
are you thinking?
What are you doing?
It's not the way.
Max makes perfect sense.
And he's one of the
few people I've ever
met who knows how fucked
up the world really is.
Trust me, Vinny,
there's a lot of people
who feel the same way.
Yeah, but they don't do a
damn thing about it, do they?
Listen to your father.
I've been there, OK?
I've seen some horrible things.
I've seen fucked up.
And I've also seen things
worth fighting for.
And I'm telling you,
this ain't one of them.
You fight for a cause?
Well, so do I. We're
more similar than I ever
would have hoped.
But what you did was legal.
Vinny, this is real life
we're talking about.
If you decide to leave here with
Max, you'll be shot on sight.
Yeah, why's that?
Why do you think?
If only you knew
the fucking truth.
You're the only one here
who's killing anybody.
Oh, Jesus, Vinny.
It's true.
You're the only one
killing anybody.
Max hasn't fucking
touched the hostages.
That's not true, Vinny.
Yes, it is.
It's what he wants you to think.
That whole PA, execution
shit, that's bullshit.
You should know that.
Vinny, the hostages are dead.
Shut up.
The hostages are dead.
Don't try to fucking lie to me.
I'm not lying to you.
Stop being so fucking naive.
Take a look at yourself.
Don't you--
Look where you are.
Just stop being so
fucking naive, OK?
That's what I used
to tell your mother.
She used to listen everybody.
Talking about my mother!
Well, I'm trying
to tell you, you
don't make the
same mistakes, OK?
What are you--
What kind of fucking mistakes?
You're the only one
making a mistake here.
Vinny, you're doing
the stupidest thing
you could do, so
stop being naive
and stop being like your mom.
Like my mom?
Listen to me.
Tell me more about
my mom then, huh?
As if you fucking
knew her like me.
You don't even know me.
Stop it.
You're being stupid, OK?
I'm not going to tell you again.
Your decision, what
are you going to do?
Think about it.
Come on, what are
you going to do?
Fucking hate you, yo.
But I'm not going to kill you.
Get the fuck out of
here while you can.
All right, dad?
Oh, Jesus.
Get the fuck out of here.
[radio chatter]
One for you.
You wanna talk to it?
[radio chatter]
[? sir, ?] I don't know.
Don't worry about it.
[? gnp ?] on EMT.
Don't worry about it.
[eerie music]
[breathing heavily]
[? get me ?]
[? through to that ?]
[? voice. ?] Come on.
[scalpel drops]
[heavy breathing]
Rhino? Rhino?
[radio static]
Rhino, come in.
Uh, Rhino, no,
he ain't come back.
Alex, nice to meet you.
Can't say I feel the same way.
You've killed quite a
few of my men today.
They had it coming.
An unfortunate
side-effect of progress.
You spend enough
time and a place
like this you'd understand,
but you wouldn't get that,
would you?
Believe me, I would.
Where did you do your time?
Marawi City, Philippines.
We flew into expected
Congressman's plane went down
and I lost my whole unit.
Ended up in some POW camp.
I had to fight my own way
out because the government
wouldn't come to terms.
And so good news is, got
an honorable discharge.
But the pension pays about as
much as a fast food manager,
so I'm fine.
I'm good.
I made a career in the LAPD.
Had one bad session with
the staff psychiatrist
and I got put on leave with a
severance where I couldn't even
afford a studio in
South Central LA.
But I found my higher calling.
Yeah, I remember your name.
Ex-hero cop who
turned Unabomber.
But I got to tell
you something, Max.
I'm not sure a bad psych
evaluation is worth
killing all these innocent
people, you get me?
Oh, I only killed
people who were
responsible for the social
and economic downfall
of this nation.
I sympathize with
you on that one, pal.
You give your life to a cause
then they spit in your face.
For no reason.
Other than that, no use for
you in one way whatsoever.
Your particular
case, Max, I think
it's time maybe you cash it in.
Call it in or call
it a day, pal.
Maybe they'll look after you.
They only kept me
alive because I've
been leaking Intel to the FBI.
You know, after
today, I don't think
they'll have any use for
me, kind of like the LAPD
after I divulged my feelings.
No, it's-- it's too
late for me, Alex.
I hear you.
Then let's make a deal.
If it's a cop that's going
to take you out, go with me.
I'll make sure it's me first.
You know there's one thing
that we forgot to discuss.
Yeah, what's that?
Well, you're not a cop.
You're not a
corrections officer.
So who are you?
I'm the janitor.
[chuckles] Bullshit.
You wouldn't be here
right now unless you were
trying to get somebody out.
[tense music]
[breathing heavily]
[numbers dialing]
Which one is this, huh?
This is me too, Alex.
Hey, thank God for that.
Alex, hey.
They have my son.
He was a hostage?
No, no, no, he's not a hostage.
Somehow Max convinced
him to join the team.
OK, listen, man.
There's a helicopter
coming right now
and he thinks it's going
to take him to the border.
The thing is, he doesn't
know that my superiors are
aware he's executed
the hostages already.
So once the helicopter
takes off, Chandler's dead.
And then SWAT's
gonna go in there
and take out the
rest of his team.
And that's it.
Did you hear me, Alex?
No, wait, what-- wait, wait.
Don't let them kill my son.
Look, I'm afraid it's out
of my hands at this point.
It's out of my
hands at this point.
How long do I have?
Not long.
That's all I need.
[tense music]
[side conversation]
Stay frostie.
It's getting done.
He's going to smile.
All right, gentlemen?
That's what I'm
here for now, buddy.
You like the sound of that?
[chuckles] A well-earned rest.
Well, especially after our last.
Yeah, stuff is harder than that.
That go his way?
[interposing voices]
[breathing heavily]
...just that nice
long vacation.
Aww, man.
I got that new girl
I'm gonna take.
There you go.
Money well spent, I hope.
All it does is cost more.
Spend wisely.
Not tonight.
No exhume.
Back to the job stuff.
You're a smarter man than me.
It's wise to
hold down, right?
Let's do it.
Spend a nice long vacation.
Aww, yeah.
Get that girl in there.
There you go.
[silenced gunshots]
[breathing heavily]
[grunts] [breathing heavily]
[metal banging]
[tense music]
[breathing heavily]
[music playing]
[music playing]
Moment. Take
Delta at three...
[inaudible] Remember [inaudible]
shoot on [inaudible]..
You're the snake.
I hate snakes.
It's all good.
I can do this all day.
Are you ready?
It's disappointing.
I bet you were a bad
dude back in the day.
And now, you're old.
You're tired.
What are you anyway, hm?
Special forces?
Navy SEAL?
No, no, no.
I know what you are.
The only way you could have
creeped around all day picking
us off one by one.
You're a rough fucking ninja.
Black Ops.
I know the type.
I think someone like you
will be used to the pain.
I spent weeks in a Taliban
camp in Afghanistan
being waterboarded.
I thought for sure I
was dead at one point.
Then, the goddamn American
army came in guns blazing.
Turns out the British patrol
missed me by barely 50 feet.
Those motherfuckers just
didn't look hard enough.
That's when I knew guys
like Max had it right.
We're all expendable
to those in charge.
And the only way you get them
to listen is to light a fire
and watch them run.
Fighting to the end, huh?
It seems like
you've been around.
Now, let me take you somewhere
that you haven't been.
Let's do it.
[music playing]
[phone buzzing]
[phone beeps]
Your ride's here.
Be on the move in
five minutes, not six.
Five minutes.
What about the others?
They're not going to make it.
Let's go.
What do you mean they're
not going to make it?
I mean they're not
going to make it.
Is there a problem?
Are you coming?
If you are, you probably
want to leave the gun here.
They will shoot you on site.
Let's go.
[music playing]
Right on time.
Oh, I should learn to
trust my instincts.
He's here for you, isn't he?
[helicopter whirring]
Who is he?
Your brother?
Your uncle?
Your cousin?
Who is he?
He's my father.
He's your father?
[laughs] I should
have known that.
I don't care about him.
I don't even fucking like him.
Let's test that theory.
How about when he comes up
here, you take this gun,
and you point it at him?
You can put a
bullet in his head.
How do you know I'm not
going to point it at you?
Oh, I don't.
Let's play a little game.
Let's find out.
You want it?
Take it.
Take it.
[inaudible], kid.
Take the gun.
Fuck off.
Take the gun.
Point it at me.
That's right.
It feels good in your hand, huh?
Now, all you've got to
do is point it at me
and pull the fucking trigger.
You're in control of
your own fucking destiny.
Do you want to be with me?
Do you want to be with your dad?
Do you want to be with yourself?
What do you want?
Point it at me.
[police sirens]
That's it.
Point the gun at my face.
Pull the trigger.
That's right.
You can do it.
That's right.
That's right.
[helicopter whirring]
It's hard to hold it still
with a helicopter up above you,
isn't it?
See, now that is control.
Do it.
Pull the trigger.
Shut up!
You have an amazing
new life ahead of you.
I'm proud of you.
Let's go.
You come to see us off?
Vincent, are you OK?
Yeah, I'm good.
Come here, son.
No, no, no, no, no.
Dad, where are you hit?
Where are you hit?
Come on.
I got you.
I got you.
I'm good, Vinny.
Took my right arm.
Lift the gun.
Lift the gun.
Lift the gun.
[helicopter whirring]
Do it.
[music playing]
Finish it.
[helicopter whirring]
I'm tired.
[helicopter whirring]
[music playing]
Oh, my son.
You know, you have grown
big like your grandfather.
He was a big man.
I'm sorry for shooting you.
That's OK, son.
I think I deserved that one.
[helicopter whirring]
[music playing]
Come on.
Take me home.
Come on.
Let's go.
I got one problem.
You've been looking at
me, and I don't like that.
Get your old man
to a hospital, kid.
[music playing]
[rock music playing]
[interposing voices]
It's OK.
Stand down.
It's Alex Baros.
[music playing]
Good work.
[music playing]
(SINGING) Yeah, I am
a product of change.
I got the product in bags.
Turning my L's into [? games. ?]
[inaudible] [? to ?] [? pay ?]
looking to better
their days, yeah.
You are a product of fear and
the man in the [inaudible]..
You can't get away
from them bags.
And I am aware, fully
prepared to [? definitely ?]
[? speak, ?] yeah.
And this what he said.
You got to get paid.
Do what you got to do.
Get to the bag.
Stay here tonight.
If I get get on that avenue.
You ain't cut out
for them bags, yeah.
You are not good enough.
You are the type that got
people they shouldn't love.
Anyone knowing you
knows that you phony.
You never cut out for this.
You say just give it up, yeah.
Boy, that's how they
want me to feel.
I am the man of the skill, king
of the hill, man of the year.
Finally feel like I
got it for real, yeah.
But all of the
voices we got them.
Lie to me, Hillary Rodham.
I just came back [? from ?]
[? my ?] [? kid ?] [? in ?]
the bottom.
And now, I'm going to bring
it back all the way over here.
One time.
I'm going for rhyme.
You put it on mine.
One life.
You better believe
they're looking for me.
One time.
I'm going for rhyme.
You put it on mine.
Oh, oh, oh, oh.
They're looking for me, yeah.
One time.
I go for rhyme.
You put it on mine.
One life.
You better believe
they're looking for me.
One time.
I'm going for rhyme.
You put it on mine.
[music playing]
Paper [inaudible], bro.
Cut it.
Yeah, first pull up
with the temp tags.
All these little niggas big men.
Bunch of paper getting blown.
Trust me.
You don't want to smoke, no.
No, I got the [? city ?]
[? by ?] [? me. ?] Quit
All my niggas ride at Six Flags.
[inaudible] the player
[? getting ?] [inaudible]..
Got HGH on the pimp [? hand. ?]
[? first ?] pull up
with the temp tags.
All these little niggas big men.
Bunch of paper getting blown.
Trust me, you don't
want to smoke, no.
No, I got the city [? by ?]
[? me. ?] Quit playing.
All my niggas ride at Six Flags.
Plus, the player
getting [inaudible]..
Got HGH on the pimp hand.
That my business.
I mean, [? send ?]
[? me ?] the spinach.
Right now, my family
is [? dingy. ?]
My girl independent.
But she don't answer the pimp.
If not, get canceled
with quickness.
I'm adding up digits.
[? sexing ?] my britches.
Breast reduction.
I get racks off of women.
Stop with that [? issue ?]
because niggas switching sides
like baseball.
[inaudible] to
[? eat ?] [inaudible]..
I'm going to shine.
Try to block me,
you'll get posterized.
Middle finger to opposing sides.
Everything I do is oversized.
See me in the Porsche top off.
Watching chicks choose.
Cut the toy.
Moved on.
I'm good love and joy.
Having been shot
at and snitched on,
he was meant to have a
weekend [inaudible].
Mixing the lean with
the soda, I know
I can be anything
except sober, yeah.
That's my nigga pimp last,
yeah. [inaudible] Gucci.
Now they buried him.
Bunch of snakes in
the grass, yeah.
Had to put them in aquariums.
Look how they stare
when they first
pull up with the temp tags.
All these little niggas big man.
Bunch of paper getting blown.
Trust me, you don't
want to smoke, no.
No, I got the city by me.
Quit playing.
All my niggas ride Six Flags.
Plus the player
getting [inaudible]..
Got HGH on the
pimp hand.
First pull up
with the temp tags.
All these little niggas big man.
Bunch of paper getting blown.
Trust me, you don't
want smoke, no.
No, I got the city by me.
Quit playing.
All my niggas ride Six Flags.
plus the
player getting
Got HGH on the pimp hand.
My beautiful ass you
won't be seeing anymore.
I'll be at Darlene's
house cause you know what?
She might fuck better
than you, bitch.
Get your dyke-ass on
out of here anyway.
I'm not a dyke, trust me.
You know what?
You got a nasty mouth
on you too, girl.
I'm glad I found that out.
[interposing voices]
Big ass bitch.
(SINGING) Got a pair of Guccis.
I can't see you later.
Money don't make you real.
It just make you richer.
How you claim to
know me, doggie
You ain't in none of my
pictures. I might hit up
Johnny [inaudible] so
I can flex on you bitches.
I can take a bite of
[inaudible] so he
won't let me get them.
Send a couple shots
round my way [inaudible]
trying to kill you.
But if you run up, get done up,
imagine that's how I feel.
Send a couple
bitches if you niggas
fall in love [inaudible].
Big coops.
Big buns.
Red eyes.
New toy.
Bitch came with a
red dye. Woo, woo.
That's the boy,
so I spell it out.
Goddamn, I love
that money sound.
When I get rich I'm going
to walk out with everything
from a designer store.
It's a hit, let
slip, rich shit.
I don't do that no more.
Get your mind out
the gutter, bitch.
Real shit, you a lame ass ho.
Cause I done came
up doing shows.
Why you niggas keep
calling my phone?
Seven years ago, I
left behind my family.
Atlanta back to the shot.
That was the hardest thing.
To my mother, I want you
to know that I love you.
Had to go and chase my dreams
knowing I come to a
sleep but only
excuses and apologies.
Me and bro don't mix no more.
Grew up off the finer things.
Bitch, what you want?
Please stop calling me.
I choose loyalty over
love, so don't lie to me.
On the road to
riches, keep it 100
if you want to ride with me.
Big coops.
Big buns.
Red eyes.
New toy.
Bitch came with a
rare [inaudible]..
Woo, woo.
That's the boy,
so I spell it out.
Goddamn, I love
that money sound.
When I get rich, I'm going
to walk out with everything
from the designer store.
Used to [inaudible] lets,
flip bricks.
[inaudible] I don't
do that no more.
Get your mind out
the gutter, bitch.
Real shit, you a lame ass ho.
Since I done came
up doing shows.
Why niggas keep
calling my phone?
Big coops.
Big buns.
Red eyes.
New toy.
Bitch came with a
rare [inaudible]..
Woo, woo!
That's my boy,
so I spell it out.
Goddamn, I love
that money sound.
When I get rich, I'm going
to walk out with everything
from the designer store.
[interposing voices]
South Side.
Fuck it up.
Everybody tripping cause
they see my niggas coming up.
Hold up.
Hold up.
Hold up, yeah.
Grind for me.
Grind for me.
Come on.
Come on.
Hold up.
Hold up.
Hold up, yeah.
Grind for me.
Grind for me.
Come on.
Come on.
It's a revolution we've all seen
happen, but there's much more.
As for my buddy here,
it goes without saying
that [inaudible].
[music playing]