Breathing In (2023) Movie Script

[eerie music playing]
-[rain pattering]
-[thunder rumbling]
[strained breathing]
[eerie music continues]
[music fades]
[door opens, closes]
[Anna grunts softly]
[breathes heavily]
[grunts softly]
[fire crackling]
[Anna] Oh.
Stay awake. You mustn't--
Soon you'll have color
in your cheeks again, my girl.
Oh, my poor little girl.
You'll be strong again.
[eerie music playing]
Please, I don't want to.
[Anna] You have to get ready,
you know that very well.
I'm tired. I'm so tired.
I just can't.
[Anna] Then I'll...
I'll dress you.
You'll hardly have
to do a thing.
You know how they always
love your hair.
Please, leave me alone.
I don't want to anymore.
[Anna] After all I've done
for you.
I don't want to do
the same thing
over and over and over again.
Please leave me alone.
I'm... I'm too tired.
[Anna] Stop it! Just stop it!
What would I do without you, hm?
Think of your mother.
Oh, don't be sad.
I must put on the coffee.
He'll be so pleased.
That's why we always have
to keep nice things.
To please them.
To make them feel at ease.
-[door opens]
-[thunder rumbling]
Sit up. Sit up!
You're not going
to fall asleep, are you?
Oh, my poor Annie.
My poor little girl.
[sobs softly]
You're all I have in this world.
If you leave me...
I'll be alone.
[sobs] All alone.
All alone! [sobs]
Open your eyes wide.
Let me see.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
You keep them that way.
It's this rain.
This endless rain
is making you drowsy.
Everything seems to grow dim.
I hardly know where I am.
-Take cover. They're coming.
[Anna] Oh, let him dream,
poor thing,
that's all he has left.
Such terrible dreams
about fighting and killing.
[General] Hold your fire.
Hold... hold your fire.
[Anna]Well, that's what he has
on his mind.
When he wakes up...
I'll give him
a nice strong brew.
He reminds me...
He reminds me...
I don't want to think about him.
I don't want to!
Same strong arms.
Same hands.
A real man.
But your father's eyes
were black.
Your father had
the blackest eyes I'd ever seen.
I can almost imagine
we're a family.
That we're happy.
And that he's sleeping
because he's been working
for us all day.
Using his... strong hands
to take care of us.
-Get away from me!
-[groans softly]
Get away! I'll never surrender!
You go to sleep.
Go to sleep now.
He reeks of fever!
[music fades]
We must get you dressed,
my girl.
You need to look
your very best tonight.
-But I'll be so cold.
-[Anna] No, you won't.
This time he'll see you,
my girl.
Oh, he's a little scrawny,
he seems healthy.
[rain patters]
Easy does it.
-[Annie grunts]
Oh, my poor little girl.
You're almost dead on your feet.
Now lift your arms.
[melancholy music playing]
There you are.
Just a few buttons.
[music fades]
Now your hair.
Oh. Your hair is so cold,
it slips through my fingers.
[ominous music playing]
[Anna] What a strange feeling
it's giving me.
Oh, but I'm sure it's nothing.
Mm, everything is ready now.
He's very close now.
Did I hurt you, my girl?
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
You look so pretty.
-[music builds]
-[horse snorts]
Don't put your face too near
to the candle flame.
We don't want him to see
that you're not quite
as young as you seem.
There he is.
Don't look up
until I introduce you.
[horse snorts]
[thunder rumbling]
[knocking on door]
I'm sorry. I didn't know
it was you, Adjutant. I--
-[Brand] How is he?
-As well as can be expected.
[Brand] I have urgent business
with him.
[Anna] He's sleeping peacefully.
I've been giving him something
for the pain.
[Brand] General. General,
it's me, Adjutant Brand.
-[Anna] It's no use now,
he needs to sleep.
I told you
that I'd take care of him,
and I certainly hope that
you'll give us a little reward.
[Brand] For nursing the general?
[Anna] Oh, you must get out
of that soaking jacket.
He's our bravest general.
He has lost his son, his wife,
his farm, everything.
[Anna] I don't understand
what you're saying.
Do you know how we suffer?
[Anna] Come now, don't be angry.
Won't you have some coffee?
[Brand] I don't want anything
from you.
Well, then, at least...
allow me to introduce you
to my daughter.
There she is.
Her name is Annie.
She's very shy.
Say good evening
to the adjutant.
He's a very important man.
Good evening.
Good evening.
She's not used to company.
Oh, I wish you could see her
when she's well.
-[ominous music playing]
-Now, she's...
She can hardly stand
on her feet.
And as we're walking,
each step causes her
such terrible pain.
Come now.
Have some real coffee.
A rare find these days.
[music fades]
Thank you.
Let me take off your shoes.
-They'll never dry this way.
-No, please.
-Oh, it's no trouble.
-No. Please.
Nothing more dangerous
than wet shoes.
[yells] Hey,
at least I have shoes!
Most of the men have
nothing left,
just bare feet covered in sores.
[breathes heavily]
[door opens, closes]
I'm sorry if I spoke harshly
to your mother.
I just want you to know
I'm not usually so...
The war does strange things
to a man.
Please, you must forgive me.
I'm exhausted.
I rode for hours to deliver
those dispatches and it's...
it's hard in the dark.
We also travel at night.
You're quite right.
We shouldn't be seen
in the daylight.
You don't want to get caught
by the enemy.
Your mother...
She takes good care of you...
doesn't she?
Yes. She does everything for me.
More than you could imagine.
-[pensive music playing]
-Are you very sleepy?
Yes. I never get enough sleep.
Just an hour here and there.
Even then,
it's on the hard ground or...
in the trenches.
When you sleep, do you dream?
Yes, sometimes.
-What do you dream?
About food, mostly.
Soft feather beds.
I know what I would dream about
if I could.
-You can't?
I can never fall asleep,
you see.
My mother keeps me awake.
She says if I sleep
it will be so deep
and I'll fall and fall
and keep falling.
Leave her behind forever.
[music builds]
But if I could sleep...
I would dream of a large,
open field.
Mother and I would be
sitting outside,
staring up at the clear sky.
H... how do you know that?
Oh, I know.
Sometimes I can almost see it.
I suppose that's why
you've not been captured...
because you travel at night,
otherwise, who knows?
[Annie] That's not
why we travel at night.
It's the light.
We can't bear the daylight.
It hurts us.
I see.
-[door closes]
-[Anna] Here.
I think these would do
quite nicely.
-[gasps, breathes shakily]
-[music fades]
-Those are...
-I know,
to a fallen enemy soldier.
So you took them off him?
I thought they might
come in handy.
And I was right, wasn't I?
What do you take me for?
Those are the enemy's!
I'm not a scavenger.
I'm a patriot,
defending the honor
of my country.
Surely you could do that
much better
if your feet are dry?
I would rather die
than touch these boots.
A few brass buttons, buckles,
pocket watches.
What harm would that do?
Six brass buttons
will buy a bag of flour!
Just be quiet.
[breathes heavily]
[Anna] At least there's someone
to close their eyes,
fold their hands,
and say a few kind words.
Poor things.
Hardly more than children,
most of them.
You mustn't think badly
of me, Adjutant.
It's for my poor daughter,
really it is.
She's so weak
and sick and frail.
But you can see for yourself.
-[yells] Just look at her!
-Be quiet.
[General] Adjutant...
Adjutant, is that you?
Yes. Yes, General.
Here I am.
Adjutant Brand reporting.
General, I need to speak
with you.
The men, they need word.
I had to send out
a search party.
-Where have you been?
-He's delirious. It's the fever.
Who is this woman?
We're going into battle
and there's a woman here?
We're not going into battle
right now, General.
As I said,
at first light we attack.
Are you questioning me?
I'll have you shot for treason.
As God is my witness,
I'll have you shot.
-[Anna] There, there.
Don't get so excited.
It's not good for you.
Take your hands off me!
Who... who is this woman?
Who is she?
[breathes heavily]
Men, when the sun--
We are fighting for...
[grunts] ...our fatherland.
Our fatherland...
together we must stand--
Get him back into bed.
There's a lady present.
Why is he still like this?
[Anna] Nature must take
its course.
I was a fool to trust you.
I'm only doing this
because you begged me.
Do you think I wanna be here,
in this dank and stinking place?
My girl, you're falling asleep.
-You mustn't fall asleep!
-[thunder rumbling]
"I mustn't fall asleep."
Say it over and over.
I'll have to strap you.
-[Annie grunts]
-[General] I'm dying.
Why don't you shoot me?
You're gonna shoot me.
-I want to hear you say it!
-I mustn't fall asleep.
[tense music playing]
-Look at me!
-Where am I?
-Yes, Mother.
-I don't know this place.
It's the shed on your farm.
General, we've tried
to make it comfortable.
Why am I not at home in bed?
-[Annie] I mustn't fall asleep.
-Your house has been burnt down,
-[Annie] I must not...
I must not fall asleep.
-And the cows?
-[Annie]I must not fall asleep.
I must not fall asleep.
-I must not fall asleep.
-[General]Where are the cows?
[Annie] I must not fall asleep
They've been shot, General.
-[Annie] I must not fall asleep.
-What is this woman doing here?
I must not fall asleep.
-I want my wife.
-I must not fall asleep.
Your wife is not here.
Lift him a little.
-[Annie] I must not fall asleep.
I don't want to.
Leave me alone. Go away.
General, the men are losing
their strength.
[Anna] It will make you better,
I don't want to die here
-like an animal in a cowshed.
-[Annie] I must not fall asleep.
I must not fall asleep.
-I must not fall asleep.
-[Brand] It's just...
the men, they want to go home.
If you're not there,
how can I stop them?
Dying like an animal.
-I must not fall asleep.
-What must I tell them?
I'll never sit...
-[Annie] I must not fall asleep.
-...on a horse again, ever.
I must not fall asleep.
He's not getting any better.
Just look at him!
I'm doing everything I can.
I did not say
I could work miracles, did I?
If he dies, I will kill you.
Do you hear me?
-I must not fall asleep.
-Why does she keep saying that?
What is that?
It helps her sit up.
It helps to keep her awake.
If she falls asleep now
no one would be able
to wake her ever again.
-[Annie] I must not fall asleep.
-Just look at her.
But is there nothing I can do?
I mean, we...
Surely we can't just stand by.
-While she slips away?
-Yeah, but is there nothing
-I can do?
-[music fades]
[Annie] I must not fall asleep.
If you told her a story,
she'll stay awake...
-[Annie] I must not fall asleep.
-...and I can rest for a while.
-I must not fall asleep.
-I don't know any stories.
Oh, anything that's interesting.
[eerie music playing]
[Anna] The adjutant wants
to tell you something.
Isn't that kind of him?
Sit here.
The closer you are, the better.
Oh. Oh, at this time of night,
I feel so old and weary.
[music fades]
Show that you're grateful.
Thank you.
[Anna groans softly]
Oh, my poor bones.
How they ache.
[breathes heavily]
[exhales deeply]
[gunshots firing]
[men yelling]
[Brand] I don't really know
what to tell you.
I can't remember much
before the war.
What happened before the war?
[Annie] The light.
Tell me about the light.
-The light?
-[Annie] Mother won't tell me.
She says the less I know
about it, the less I'll fret.
Please, won't you tell me?
-The light?
-[Annie] Yes.
The flap of the tent
must remain tightly closed,
not to allow anything in.
we go outside
just before the dawn.
We see a little of the world
even if it is dim and gloomy.
But I've never seen
the light shining.
Never ever.
Won't you tell me
what it's like?
-[Annie] Please.
It's very bright.
And it shines everywhere?
-[Brand] Yes.
-[chuckles softly]
And you can see everything.
Trees. Everything.
sometimes I use this
to signal to the men.
-[ominous music playing]
My, my, you seem to have
perked up quite a bit.
You've been
very helpful, Adjutant.
How can I ever thank you?
-[shakily] It's my pleasure.
-What did you say?
-It's my pleasure.
-Why did you speak in that way?
I'm so sorry
if I said something that--
[Anna] Stop. Shh!
-[horse footstep approaching]
Shh! Do you hear that?
-I'll go outside and see.
-I'll go with you.
-No. I have to go alone.
-I can see it in the dark!
Please don't leave me alone.
I don't want to go to the camp.
Nothing will happen to you.
I give you my word.
What if something happens
to you?
Come on! Don't just stand there.
[music fades]
[suspenseful music playing]
[horse breathes heavily]
[breathes heavily]
[horse snorts, neighs]
-[door opens, creaks]
-[music fades]
[Anna pants] Help!
Help me!
Open your eyes.
-[Brand] What's happened?
-[both breathe heavily]
[Anna] Lift her.
Bring her to the stove.
Put her down on the chair.
I must warm some honey.
I want you to look after her.
I need to go out for a while.
Surely you shouldn't
leave her like this.
[Anna] The moon is out,
now I can see
where the roots are.
I need to make another poultice
for his wounds.
Open your mouth.
Are you feeling warmer now,
my girl?
Oh, there's so little wood.
Watch her closely.
Sometimes when it's very cold,
I have to hold her
to me all night.
[sniffs, clears throat]
[breathes heavily]
I was so afraid something
would happen to you out there.
So afraid,
it made my bones ache.
It was just a wounded horse.
It's as if I've never
known anyone else.
Not even my mother.
Before you,
I thought I had. Yes.
But that was...
It wasn't true.
[ominous music playing]
It wasn't.
-[pours liquid]
-[breathes heavily]
I know you.
I know you too.
But I've never seen you before.
I've been travelling
in our wagon since I was young.
I've always been travelling,
Now I know why.
Travelling all these years.
Following tracks.
Tracks I could not see.
Tracks left by the shadow
of the birds,
by the wind in the grass,
the light of the stars.
Sometimes I would wonder,
"What does it mean?"
On our way here, it was a tree.
I kept looking back at it.
A tree in the moonlight.
How it...
leaned to one side.
It was telling me something.
But that was before.
Before I saw you.
Before I knew you.
Now I don't need
to wonder anymore.
was leading me here...
to this place
where you could find me.
[breathes deeply]
Your face.
I never knew anyone
could have a face like yours.
Oh, your face.
[breathes shakily]
And your hands.
Your hands are so... cold.
-Why are you trembling?
-I don't know.
And your heart...
It's beating so fast.
[breathes deeply, grunts softly]
[exhales deeply]
[breathes deeply, kisses]
[grunts softly]
[moans softly, sighs]
-[breathes rapidly]
-[door opens]
-[gasps, pants]
-[music fades]
[Anna] The birds are fluttering
in the trees
at this time of night.
It makes me uneasy. [grunts]
Oh! Not so pale anymore.
You've looked after her
very well.
You must thank the adjutant
for being so good to you,
my girl. Where are your manners?
[ominous music playing]
Thank you.
[breathes shakily]
[shudders, groans]
Sorry. Sorry.
I think I just need
some fresh air.
I'm sorry.
[Anna] Excuse me, Adjutant.
Why don't you put
those boots on?
-Just for now.
-[music fades]
[Anna] You can take them off
when you get back.
It's dark.
You won't be able
to see many sharp stones
and bones from dead animals.
If they stick into your feet,
you might die.
Even I wouldn't be able
to save you.
And what good would that do?
[breathes shakily]
Is there something
you're not telling me?
You didn't make things up,
did you?
No, I didn't.
"I've never seen
a face like yours."
"I've never seen
a face like yours."
What was that?
I've never heard anything
like that before.
Did you make things up?
Maybe you think he is the one.
He's just a weak man
like all the others.
Weak, I tell you.
No, something happened.
Come on, tell me.
Maybe... maybe he'll just start
walking and never come back.
[groans softly]
How could you say something
like that?
It'll be the end. [sobs]
And I would lose you.
[sobs] What would I do then?
[sniffles, sobs]
[ominous music playing]
Oh, he wants you.
I could see that.
He'll be back.
Look. I found something.
A treat.
It's quite fresh,
even slightly warm.
Oh, it's so... bony.
I can't quite get a grip on it.
[flesh ripping]
He has a horse
A big black horse
And he's taking us away
He has a horse
A big black horse
And he's taking us away
Taking us to a far-off land
Where the night
Is light as day
He has a horse
A big black horse
And he's taking us away
He has a horse
A big black horse...
[melancholy music playing]
[music fades]
[door creaks]
Is that you?
-[door creaks]
[Annie] I thought you
were never coming back.
I was so afraid,
I've been wringing
and wringing my hands.
Look. I've broken the skin.
Where is your mother?
I sent her out to go
and look for you.
I thought something
might have happened.
Why would you think that?
It's been hours and hours.
[crickets chirping]
Why won't you look at me?
I've just come to say goodbye.
I have to get back to my men.
They need me.
You see, they're so...
tired, worn out...
starving and cold.
So many deserters now.
Where there is life,
there is hope.
That's what I'll tell them.
You must go now.
You must go
before my mother returns.
And after this...
where will you go?
I don't know.
I'm sure we'll meet again
when all this is over.
[Annie] I don't think so.
We might.
So I'll never see you again?
-[door creaks]
When I close my eyes,
I'll see your face.
-[Annie] Will you?
When I close mine,
I'll see yours.
And I'll hear your voice
in the dead of the night.
What will I be saying?
[Annie] I don't know.
I must go now.
-[door closes]
[somber music playing]
-[Brand grunts softly]
-[door opens]
[Brand] Sorry.
I almost forgot my shoes.
[grunts softly]
-You're shivering.
-It's nothing.
No, you're cold.
-Go. Go now.
-Your face is cold.
How can I go
if I can see that you're cold?
You're shivering.
[breathes heavily]
[groans, breathes shakily]
I was walking.
Just walking.
I didn't even know
where I was going
or what was happening to me.
I've been saying over
and over...
"My men, my general,
my country."
"My men, my general,
my country." [pants]
"My country.
My men, my general, my country."
But if I can't be with you
then anywhere else
is a strange country.
-[Brand] Why are you crying?
-[sobs] Because it's terrible.
Because I'm happy.
[kisses, breathes heavily]
[Anna] Oh, here you are.
The poor girl was worried sick.
Been keeping her warm, have you?
I found something.
I saw it shining,
hanging from a branch.
Give it to me.
It must have belonged
to the general's wife.
What was it doing hanging
from a tree?
Oh, I'd rather not think
about it.
Why don't you give it to Annie?
She's never had anything
so fine.
Because it belongs
to the general's wife.
Oh, she won't be needing it
anymore where she's gone.
Just think how pretty
she will look
with this glowing
against her skin.
Don't you wanna
make her happy?
It just doesn't seem right.
Oh, come on.
She'll give you
such a lovely smile.
-Have some respect!
You know
what she would really like?
Some of your hair
in the locket. Oh, yes.
Oh. That would really
please her. Here.
Oh, well, surely it's not
too much to ask?
And it will make her
so very happy.
-She'll always keep it.
-[ominous music playing]
Just keep still.
-Oh, I'm so sorry.
I really must apologize
very deeply. I...
I hardly know what to say.
[grunts softly]
The adjutant has
a present for you, my girl.
Isn't that nice of him?
[click tongue]
He's a really kind man.
-[Annie] Is it really for me?
How it shines.
I've never seen anything
so shiny.
What's inside?
[Anna] Tell her.
It's just some of my hair.
Your hair?
In here?
Will you put it on for me?
[Brand breathes shakily]
There. Pretty as a picture.
Don't you agree, Adjutant?
It's very... She's very pretty.
Why don't you kiss her at least?
But only on the cheek.
Thank you.
[eerie music playing]
All around us!
A wall of fire!
Black smoke!
Hold the horses. Keep them calm.
[speaking indistinctly]
[Brand]He's dreaming about
our last battle on a hill.
We were waiting for them.
The wind just...
The general noticed at first,
but it turned suddenly and...
Many of the men burned that day.
Please look
the other way, Adjutant.
I must undress.
You must forgive me,
modesty is a luxury
I can't afford.
-[breathes heavily]
-[water trickling]
Must have left the door open.
Close it won't you, Adjutant?
A storm is brewing again.
My men are out there all alone.
But I don't want to leave.
I really don't.
-It's only that I have to--
-The adjutant has to go, Mother.
Yes, but I don't want to.
I don't!
-What must I do?
-He must go, now.
Is it true, Adjutant?
You must leave?
It's only for a little while.
-Promise I'll be back.
-[Anna] Oh, well,
if you have to go,
then there's nothing to be done.
Well then,
I just need to put on my shoes.
[Anna] As soon as he's better,
we'll have to leave.
We can't stay here much longer.
This place is very unhealthy.
Where will you go
when you leave here?
[Anna sighs] Oh, I don't know.
We travel all the time,
mostly at night.
It's difficult to see
where we are.
Sometimes it all seems
the same to me.
And during the day,
where are you then?
We hide. Caves,
ravines, dry riverbeds.
But we always stay in the wagon.
So where will I find you?
[Anna] I really can't say.
What if I never find you again?
It will pain me, like a bruise
-that doesn't go away.
-[Anna hums]
[Brand] Then I must know
where you are every day,
-every moment.
-[Annie] You must go, now.
I must always know
where to find you!
What if you wait here?
Stay here and wait for me,
and I'll... I'll come
and see you every few days.
Will you?
I don't know
what my mother will say.
I will talk to your mother.
I have to talk to you.
I have to talk to you.
I said that I want
to talk to you!
[eerie music interludes]
-Weren't you just leaving?
[Brand] Yes, but I want
to speak with you first.
I want to talk to you.
I can see you're an adjutant.
So, what is it you want to say?
Well, I...
I wanted to ask if you
would stay here
for just a little longer.
[Anna] And why would
we want to do that?
We can only survive
if we keep moving.
If you stay here,
I'll look after you.
I'll bring you food, when...
when I get back-- And wood.
Food and wood.
Where would you get that?
-[Brand] I'll hunt.
-[laughs] Hunt?
I'll do anything,
I'll even steal if I have to.
-And you call me a thief?
-It doesn't matter anymore.
And why would you want
to do that?
And why should I believe you?
[exhales] Oh, now I see.
I understand.
Do you fancy my daughter?
Well, in that case we have
many things to talk about.
But I don't want her to hear.
It wouldn't be proper.
You'll have to carry her
to the wagon for a while.
My girl. The adjutant wants
to speak to me.
[thunder rumbling]
[rain pattering]
[eerie music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
[labored breathing]
I hope you don't mind, Adjutant,
but I can't reach all the way.
I would be very grateful.
It's a good thing
we're alone, isn't it?
[music fades]
Come sit here next to me.
Come on. I promise I won't bite.
She's a good girl,
but she's weak, you know.
Something will have to be done
if we don't want to lose her.
Lose her?
[sighs] There's not much time.
I have to be honest with you,
seeing that you're going
to look after us,
going to be part of the family.
It only seems proper
that you should know everything.
-The nature of her condition.
-She's not going to die, is she?
Not if we do what is necessary.
Oh, but I don't wanna upset you.
After all, you have to go away
on important business.
-Please, you must tell me.
-[inhales deeply]
-You might be distressed.
-Look, I don't care!
Well, I suppose I have to.
After all, it is a matter
of life and death.
-Is it that serious?
-It is. Yes, it is.
Well, come on, woman!
Oh, please.
I'll tell you everything.
And if you care
for my daughter--
-I do.
-I mean really care...
then you'll be able to help me.
Of course I'll help.
I'll do anything.
Hm. We'll see.
You must sit there.
You must be quiet,
and you must listen.
[ominous music playing]
I want you to see me
very, very clearly.
I want you to see
all my suffering in my eyes,
the lines in my face,
the grey in my hair,
and my mouth.
Each bitter word
that I need to spit out.
[in deep voice]
I don't wanna remember.
I don't want to. [sobs]
The first time I saw his face...
he was holding a cleft stick
and searching for water.
I watched him
as he moved quietly...
feeling the deep water flowing.
Strong arms and his black eyes.
I know what you're feeling.
Fire moving beneath the skin
and nothing is ever the same.
I asked if I could go with him
and he said yes.
After that,
we were always together.
But he was restless.
One morning I woke,
and he was gone.
I called for him.
I searched for him.
Days. Nights.
Everything was dark.
Even when the sun was shining.
[inhales shakily]
The sun came up.
The sun went down.
The wind blew.
The flowers blossomed.
The rain fell.
But I only knew
that I wanted him.
Everything seemed empty,
because he wasn't there.
Everything! Forever.
Then one day,
I knew I was with child.
Something I could always
keep with me.
Oh, I felt so tenderly
towards the child.
But then the longing burned
in me again.
I had something.
Something I could bargain with.
And I made a vow.
I would give up the child
if it meant
I could find him again.
And I kept on repeating it
over and over.
"The child for him,
the child for him."
Slowly I could feel the child
growing still inside.
Then one night I could feel
the child growing cold.
Like a stone.
I became afraid.
Perhaps I'd made a mistake.
I wept...
and hid my face in my hair.
Then suddenly
I heard his voice calling to me.
Quickly, I put on all my finery
and went out to find him.
He was tired and thirsty,
and half-starved.
He'd been walking, he told me,
without rest, without sleep,
searching for me.
I helped him to the wagon
and wiped the dust off his face.
Kissed his eyes.
The child had grown
completely still.
Not a flutter, or a breath.
You must know I've been
cursed for this. Oh, yes!
I never get any rest, any sleep.
I have to keep my eyes open
to watch over her,
and it never ends.
He slept for a while,
and after he woke
he told me that he loved a woman
who didn't want him.
He couldn't eat.
He couldn't sleep.
He could only think of her.
That's why he was looking
for me.
He said only I could help him
with my roots and my herbs
and my secret spells.
He begged me.
He blubbered and smeared
his tears all over his face.
And only then
did I remember his child.
Still as death.
Its life given up
for a faithless man.
And as I watched him...
weak and feebly asleep...
I knew what I had to do.
I had to give back
what I'd taken away.
I took off the stocking
that I'd worn for him...
and I swiftly twisted it
around his neck.
He fought and thrashed,
but he was too weak.
And as he breathed
his last breath,
it slipped in,
warm and vigorous,
between my lips,
burned through my veins
and brought
the child back to life.
And I knew then.
I knew it was the last breath
that brought her back to life.
And I knew what I had to do
to keep her with me.
A last breath.
-I don't understand.
-Didn't you hear me?
I said a last breath!
I don't understand.
A last breath!
I reek, don't I?
I reek of death.
Because I make my living
from disease and dying.
And nothing can clean me.
It's part of me.
It's in my bones.
In my hair. In my skin.
-[gasps, grunts]
Get away! Get away! Get away!
-Am I frightening you?
I didn't mean to.
You vile thing.
I don't want to hear anymore!
-No! No! [ sobs]
[thunder rumbling]
[Anna sobs] Please don't leave!
I only wanted to tell you
what she needs! [sobs]
-Let go!
-No! [sniffles]
[music fades]
-Listen! Listen!
-[thunder rumbling]
Can't you hear that? Can't you?
It's very faint,
only something
a mother could hear.
-There. There it is again.
It's Annie!
She... she's calling me.
Won't you go and see?
Then I am leaving! [pants]
-[door closes]
-[thunder rumbling]
Oh, It's the end.
The end.
[thunder rumbling]
[breathes heavily]
I had to bring her in!
She's hardly breathing!
Oh, her eyelids
are still fluttering.
Thank goodness
she's not quite asleep.
Bring her to the fire.
[Brand pants]
[Anna] You hold her up
while I unbutton.
[groans, pants]
I'll blow her feet,
you blow on her hands.
[Annie shuddering]
And then I want you
to rub her legs like this.
To get the blood flowing.
I'll warm a little honey.
[breathes rapidly]
[Anna] Don't stop.
[Annie breathes deeply]
[exhales heavily]
[breathes heavily]
It's you.
Your hands
are so strong and warm.
[exhales deeply] I feel better.
[gasps] Sorry. I'm sorry.
[Anna] Put her on the chair.
Please, you must stay very near.
Did you speak to my mother?
What did she say?
[Brand pants]
You've put such a glow
into her cheeks.
What a wonderful touch
you have, Adjutant.
Well, I suppose you must be
on your way.
Are you leaving so soon?
Will... will you come back?
[Anna] Of course, dear heart.
Of course he'll be back.
I said we'll wait for him.
Mustn't forget
your hat, Adjutant.
And he said when he comes back,
he's gonna take you in his arms,
put your head on his chest,
and stroke your hair.
Will you?
[tense music playing]
[Annie] I'll feel you leave me.
As you go further away,
my heart will grow
smaller and smaller.
When you come back,
you must stay.
You must never leave again.
[high pitch ringing]
[exhales sharply]
[high pitch ringing continues]
Will the night never end?
[voice breaks]
Why is it still night?
It's gone on and on.
I don't know what's happened.
I don't know what's happened.
[laughs insanely]
It feels like weeks, months,
since you stopped me
on the road, but it...
but it's only been a few hours
since I brought you here.
It was getting dark
and it was getting dark.
[laughs insanely]
It's still dark.
[laughs insanely]
And It's still dark!
I rode off to deliver
the dispatches and I came back.
I came back. Never.
I should never
have stopped for you!
Never! [breathes shakily]
[clicks tongue]
You stopped me on the road.
And the moonlight
on your pale face--
My horse shied
and nearly bucked me.
At first,
I thought you were a ghost.
Are you angry?
What happened
to your wagon anyway?
Why did you need my help?
I can't remember!
Why did you--
Why can't I remember? [sobs]
Why are you speaking that way?
The wagon was stuck.
You helped to lift it out.
And we were very grateful.
I must get away!
[music fades]
[Brand] Why did you do that?
What does that mean? That sound?
Oh, poor thing, all strung out.
You'll burst a vein
if you're not careful.
-Go to hell!
-Why are you so angry?
Oh, he's not angry, dear heart.
He's just upset and unhappy
because he has to leave.
-Are you angry with me?
[Annie] Yes.
[voice breaks]
Yes, you are angry.
And you're never,
ever coming back.
[sobs] I know it!
-Don't cry!
-[Annie sobs]
I'm sor... I'm sorry.
Please don't cry.
-Stop crying. Sto... stop.
-[Annie sobbing]
Look. Hey, hey. I'll come back.
[sobs] Okay? I'll come back.
-He said he's coming back.
-[Anna] Oh, really?
[chuckles softly] Well,
everything's all right then.
You upset yourself for nothing.
I'm deeply moved.
You are a gentleman after all.
We have to celebrate.
I'm sure you don't have
to leave this minute.
I have just the thing.
[glass clinking]
You can hold her
on your lap if you want.
You are allowed to do that now.
[Annie] I can smell your horse.
And your skin.
I'm... I'm sorry.
I'm not very clean.
Let's drink to a safe journey.
To a safe journey.
[gulps, moans]
[Annie] And what about me?
[gulps] Sorry.
Soon, the two of you will be
sleeping in the wagon at night.
And if you hold her
very lightly,
she'll never drift away again.
-[foreboding music playing]
[gasps] What is it?
-[Anna speaks indistinctly]
It's begun.
It won't be long now.
-[screams in pain]
-Oh, It's tearing her apart!
[sobs] Her bones!
Her soft and tender heart.
[pants] I can't bear
to see her like this!
[Anna] Go then! Run away!
That's all you're good for,
all of you!
[Annie grunts]
-[Annie screams in pain]
-[Brand whimpers]
Do something!
We must do something!
Make her stop! Please. [sobs]
Be quiet!
There is something we can do.
I've told you, haven't I?
[screams in pain]
In a moment
it could all be over,
all her pain and suffering.
[breathes shakily]
-[Annie screams]
-What are you trying to say?
[Anna] We'll be
helping him, really.
Putting him out of his misery.
Stay away from him!
Don't get so excited.
[screams continuously]
[Anna] Oh, but I can see.
It's no use! [wails]
[sobs] No use!
[Brand] What are you doing?
I'll cut off my hair
to the roots
and I'll smear my face
with the ash from the fire.
[Anna] Oh please!
You will have to bury her.
I won't have the strength left.
[sobs] Please, I beg you!
[Annie groans]
A proper grave, and deep,
so no wild animals
will find her.
Do it then! [sobs]
Do it! I can't take it anymore!
Oh, thank you. Thank you!
I knew you'd understand.
I don't want to know.
I don't want to see.
Oh, excuse me,
you don't seem to understand
that I need your help.
I know it's difficult, but I do.
Help me, Adjutant.
We must lift her
and get her as near
to the General as possible.
[groans, grunts]
I wish you could take me
far away from this place.
You must leave. Please.
Didn't you hear me?
I thought I spoke quite clearly.
I told you that I needed you.
For what?
For what do you need me?
[Anna] To hold his feet
so that he doesn't thrash about.
Even when they're asleep,
they always wake at the end.
[breathes heavily]
[sighs sharply] That should do.
[music fades]
Come on!
[thunder rumbling]
Come on, my girl.
Turn your head to the side
and open your nostrils wide.
[General breathes shakily]
[rain patters]
[sobs] I must be mad!
I must be mad!
[Anna laughs]
Have it your own way. [chuckles]
I'm tired
and I can't go on anymore.
-Under the tree.
-[Brand sobs]
[sighs sharply]
[sighs deeply]
[intense music playing]
[coughs softly]
Is that you?
Hold me. Hold me.
[speaks indistinctly]
Stop, stop. Please.
-Wake up! Wake up!
-[Annie screaming continuously]
Wake up.
Wake up, you stupid bitch!
Wake up! [grunts]
Don't leave me with her!
Do something!
[labored breathing]
You can have me.
You can have me.
I'll shoot myself.
I want it to be over
and done with.
I want it to be finished!
[Anna] Wait! Wait!
That won't do any good.
Sudden, violent death
is no use at all.
It's too fast.
The last breath
must come out slowly.
Long breaths.
Strangling is the best...
or bleeding.
But there's no time for that.
[breathes shakily]
Strangle me then. Strangle me!
Oh. [chuckles] You're so kind.
You overwhelm me.
[coughs, sobs]
But who's gonna hold your feet?
If you choke,
your legs might kick.
I'll have to tie you up.
Sit over here.
Now give me your hands.
No, please don't hurt him.
[sobs] I beg you.
Please don't hurt him!
[Anna] He wants to, my girl.
He cares for you
more than for his own life.
No! [sobs]
[Anna] Oh, poor little thing.
She would spare you
if she could.
Your name will always be
on her lips
and she will keep you
in her heart.
Oh... oh, my poor back.
It gets harder
and harder every time.
I need to sit down
for a little while.
Oh! My poor bones.
[music fades]
I don't think I want to do this.
I would if I could, but...
I wish...
I wish I could let you go.
-[inhales sharply]
-[thrilling music playing]
I know you are an important man
and very busy,
but unfortunately, I can't.
You see, I need you.
It's for my daughter really.
There's a war out there
and they need me!
Let me go.
I'm ordering you!
You murderous bitch! Let me go!
If you go quietly,
it'll be so much easier.
-Believe me, I know.
-No, take him!
[Annie grunts]
Take him. That's what
you want me to say, isn't it?
I mean, he's half dead anyway,
so take him!
I never wanted him.
What do you mean?
Well, he's no good.
Oh, so sickly
and on the brink of death.
No, no, no, that won't do.
We need a good, strong breath.
It was always me.
[breathes shakily]
You wanted me
from the beginning.
Did she know? [breathes shakily]
Why are you so quiet?
Why so quiet?!
I told you to leave this place.
-I told you.
But you mustn't be scared.
Everything will be all right.
Help me! Help, General!
[sobs] Wake up!
-Help me!
-Who's there?
Help! Help!
[screams, pants]
Please, only do this
because you want to.
Get away.
[grunts] Get off me,
you vile thing! [sobs]
[breathes heavily]
Now. Are you ready?
-[exhales deeply]
-[inhales deeply]
[music fades]
[cricket chirping]
[sighs deeply]
There, there.
All better now.
All better.
Come, my girl. You must get up.
Don't look at him.
It'll just upset you.
I won't.
Oh, look at you!
So steady on your feet.
Hold my arm.
Try and walk a little.
Oh, I can see the color
coming back into your cheeks.
Just a first little flush.
But it tells me
that strong, hot blood
is running through your veins.
But why aren't you happy,
my little girl?
Why that sadness in your eyes?
I liked him so very much.
So very, very much.
My heart aches.
[Anna] Oh, my poor little girl.
It hurts.
It'll get better. You'll see.
Oh, you can't keep that.
[Annie] Why?
Because he gave it to you.
It will only remind you.
[somber music playing]
[Annie blows]
Ah, there you are.
Oh, I had so hoped
he was the one.
After all,
he was a handsome young man.
I even imagined
that I recognized his face.
There was a moment
in the candlelight.
The words that he spoke.
The one I keep on seeing
in my dreams.
But it never is.
Oh, the poor young man.
He didn't believe you.
He knew about war and honor,
but he didn't know you.
He didn't know
your pure and simple heart.
-Oh, don't cry.
Don't cry.
One day we will find him.
And when I ask him,
he will be willing...
Yes. breathe his strong life
into you.
And you will draw it
in so deep...
So fiery.
[Anna] Oh, the pleasure of it.
It'll make you sigh.
[sighs deeply]
And that sigh will slip out
between your open lips
and resurrect him from the dead.
Each giving
what the other takes.
[music fades]
Oh, but in the meantime,
we will manage.
We always have, haven't we?
Oh, but enough of this.
[grunts softly]
We must be happy.
Oh, just look at you!
Your lips are like cherries.
How do you feel, my girl?
[Annie chuckles softly]
-I feel light! I feel so light!
Well, the moon is setting,
but there's still enough light.
-[Annie] The stars!
-[Anna] Wait, wait, wait!
Put on your shoes.
There are sharp stones
and thorns.
Don't take too long!
-We need to leave before dawn!
-[Annie] I know!
[cricket chirping]
[breathes heavily]
Ne... ver
[eerie music playing]
[music fades]