Bring It On: Cheer or Die (2022) Movie Script
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
Like a diamond,
yeah, I'm shining now
Yeah, I'm shining now
Glow, glow, glowing up
I'm glowing up now
Glow, glow, glowing up
Watch me now
Glow, glow, glowing up
Yeah, watch me,
watch me, watch me
(audience cheering)
- [Announcer] Now, put
your hands together
for the Green Knights!
(upbeat cheer music)
- Their flyer looks
like a sloppy noodle
on that pyramid dismount.
(upbeat music)
(audience cheering)
(whistle blowing)
Sandra, wolf wall
then full pyramid.
You're flying.
Think you can pull it
off without sucking?
- But we rarely practiced.
- Your cheer captain
asked you a question.
- You can break your
loser neck for all I care,
as long as you
stick that landing.
Got it?
- Hey.
Don't let her get to you.
You're here because
you deserve to be.
Just remember when you get
up there, don't look down.
Eyes on the prize,
straight ahead.
- Thank you.
- You've got this.
- [Announcer] Next up,
the reigning cheer
national champions,
the Elk Moore Diablos!
- All right.
Okay, gather around.
Everyone here?
Okay, Diablos on three.
One, two--
- [Cheerleaders] Diablos!
(audience cheering)
(upbeat cheer music)
(upbeat cheer music)
(audience cheering)
Do it like this.
(upbeat cheer music)
(audience cheering)
(Sandra loudly sneezing)
- What the hell, Sandra?
(soft music)
(Sandra screaming)
(Sandra thudding)
(audience gasping)
(soft music)
- [Mom] Abby, you're late!
(upbeat music)
- Okay, getting in
the car, gotta go.
(upbeat music)
(car clicking)
- [Cheerleaders] Diablos,
Diablos, take that ball.
Take that ball away and score!
(cheerleaders cheering)
- Shake that ass Satan!
- Bite me, woo!
(football players hollering)
- [Announcer] Another touchdown
for the Green Knights.
- Would you look at
those bitches stunt?
- We could flash just as high
if we were allowed to do
more than a Zumba routine.
- The Green Knights
are pretty bad ass.
- Their uniforms are so
shiny like Christmas.
- But they don't have
to hold a bake sale
car wash raffle-athon
to pay for them.
- Or practice on the
wrestling team's used mats.
- They smell like sadness.
- That smell haunts my dreams.
- We're just as good as they
are. They just...
have more money.
- And we'd kick their freaking
asses too if we could stunt.
(football players grunting)
- [Announcer] The
extra point is good,
and the Green Knights extend
their lead at half time.
Diablos zero, Green Knights 41.
- Tori, skirt, now.
- Like, could she be any
more star for attention?
- We'll all get further if we
treat each other with respect.
- Oh, please don't get
all "High School Musical."
- Thirsty Stan incoming.
Blink twice if you need help.
- Shush.
- Hey, I was wondering if you
could talk after the game.
There was something
I was wondering--
- Spencer, get your ass
in the locker room, now.
- Wish me luck.
- Don't even.
- I'm not.
But still, he's cute.
- Yeah, not cute enough.
Plus, you promised you weren't
gonna get back
together with him.
- Did I?
- Yes, may I remind you
he made out with a freshman.
- It was a little kiss.
- She had baby bangs.
- Okay, I have bangs.
- So what, he just
confused you two?
Come on, guys like
Scott, they always cheat.
It's a really crappy
design feature.
- Dually noted.
- Good.
- Paparazzi at 12 o'clock.
(upbeat music)
- Now he on the other
hand actually is cute.
- Evan?
We were friends back in
elementary, end of story.
- Mm-hmm, sure.
Why not?
- Because.
- he's hot.
In an emo creeper kind of way.
Like sexy Unabomber.
- Tori.
- I'd do him.
- Oh, we know, we know.
- Oh, come on.
Don't be such a prude.
There's nothing wrong
with exploring the
miracle of our bodies.
So long as it's on our terms.
- Well, I thank you
for that advice,
but I don't remember
asking for it.
- Is she for real?
- Yeah, she is for real.
I'm made of sugar,
spice, and a big bite
Sugar, spice, and a big bite
- What the hell?
Sidelines are off
limits, freshie.
- Sorry.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Hey, you think she's okay?
- Evee is upset that I'm on
the cheer squad when she's not.
- I didn't know she
wanted be a cheerleader.
Why didn't she try out?
- We decided that we should
try different things.
We can't be joined at
the hip forever, right?
- I think this is the perfect
year to try new things.
(girls giggling)
(crowd cheering)
- I wish I was their mascot.
(upbeat cheer music)
(crowd cheering)
- Okay, team meeting.
Abbs, get over here.
Okay you guys, listen up.
It's time to show them
whose field this is.
Straight up liberty,
just like we practiced.
- McKayla, you know we can't.
Otherwise the
school is gonna know
we've been secretly
working on our stunts.
- Okay, so we'll chance it.
No way we're just
flipping pom poms here
like we're in the Glee club.
- You want me to fly now?
Like, right now?
- Yeah.
- Why can't Abby do it?
- Acrophobia.
- You're afraid of acrobats?
- I'm afraid of heights.
- [Girl] Yeah, like
that's a thing.
- Okay guys, listen up.
Reagan, you're gonna be great.
Stu, Jackie, Quincy,
you guys are basing.
Wait, where the hell is Quincy?
- Oh my God.
- What's up?
- No.
Okay, Paige and Mateo,
you guys are doing round
offs off your front.
Everybody else is
spotting, okay?
- [Cheerleaders] Okay.
- Diablos on three.
- [Cheerleaders]
One, two, Diablos!
- Come on Diablos, let's go!
(upbeat music)
(crowd hollering)
- [Cheerleaders] Diablos!
(crowd cheering)
- Well, isn't this a pickle.
- Principal Simmons,
I can explain.
- Ms. Miller, you had one
rule and one rule only.
- It's not our fault.
The Green Knights
were kicking our ass.
- You broke by trust.
Reagan could have been
seriously injured.
- Football players get
injured all the time.
- Football players are
athletes, big difference.
Athletes train.
Athletes know how to
not injure themselves.
Cheerleaders don't.
If anyone should understand
anything about that,
I would think it
would be you Abby.
(upbeat music)
- What?
- Don't think I'm not aware
of your little plan.
Recruiting my daughter
into your club,
just to curry a favor for me.
- Not at all, Paige, she--
- I wasn't born yesterday.
For Paige's sake and
Paige's sake only,
I will not disband the
Diablo cheer squad,
but here's the deal.
There will be no jumping,
no lifts, no flips,
no whatever it is you people do.
One foot on the
ground at all times.
Do I make myself clear?
- What about regionals?
They're in two weeks.
- Principal Simmons, please.
There's already a no
stunt rule in place.
Our routine is--
- Sucking!
- Listen, just be grateful
I'm letting you compete.
But if there is so much
as a single somersault
on school property,
I will cancel the cheer
squad for the next 50 years.
- I mean, did you see the
look on Simmons' face?
- You mean this?
- Yeah, do that long
enough it's gonna stick.
- It's too late for her.
Anyway, it could
have been way worse.
She could have banned this
regionals all together.
- You know, Simmons
is not gonna be
at the actual competition.
- Yeah, so?
- So she said no practicing
stunts on school property.
- Wait, are you saying?
Oh, you sneaky B.
- That cheerleader
choreographed his fire.
Now we just need somewhere
else to practice.
- Yeah.
- All right dill holes,
here's the cheer facts.
This school gives zero
shits about our squad,
but that's gonna end now.
- Wait, we're still
going to regionals?
- Mm-hmm.
- Yep.
- There's there's no time
to nail our rogue routine.
- Look, team, this
isn't gonna be easy.
We don't have any funding
and we barely have enough
people to make a full squad,
but that's not what
cheer is about.
We're more than
just a social club.
We're athletes.
We've got stunts.
We've got moves
and we've got style
and we are gonna show them
that we're the real deal.
And I'm pretty sure
nobody's gonna say anything.
Right, Paige?
We just need to practice
away from the school,
and I'm not talking
just practice.
We need a 24 hour cram
sesh this weekend.
- Oh, but this
weekend is Halloween
and I have a dope
costume picked out.
- Tori, it's okay.
You can be a slutty
Jigsaw next year.
- Okay guys, this
weekend we eat,
breathe and sleep
Diablo cheerleading.
- Okay, but where?
- I know, my house is big.
And bonus, we have
two hot tubs now.
Sharing with my brother was
so gross, like ass soup gross.
- Okay, but mcmansion
isn't big enough
for us to go full out.
- Our baskets need
20 feet at least.
- Wait, what?
I'm going up 20 feet?
- What about the
old abandoned school
on the other side of town?
- You mean the old
Elk Moore High School?
- Yeah, where our
high school used to be
before they built this one.
It had lead pipes or something.
- They closed it
because of the pestos.
- I think you mean asbestos.
- The school board
uses it for storage.
I think I can get the key.
- Seriously?
Way to impress, new.
- Okay wait, so how are
we going to get there?
- Oh, my dad owns a bus company.
I'll see if I can get us a bus.
- Really?
- He's cheating on my mom
with my sister's nanny.
He'll do anything I want,
as long as I don't tell.
It's pretty sweet.
- All right, we have a plan.
- Bring your sleeping bags
and plenty of food and water.
We'll make a small
party out of it.
- Yeah, but we're gonna go hard.
It's gonna be 24 hours
of straight cheer.
If you're not in
it, we won't win it.
(cheerleaders cheering)
Straight from hell,
never take an L.
Who are we?
- [Cheerleaders] Diablo cheer!
- Louder!
- [Cheerleaders] Diablo cheer!
(upbeat music)
- Give a sec, Dan.
- Bye.
- Hey, Abbs.
We didn't get to talk after
the game the other night.
- Nope.
- Need a ride home?
- I drove.
(car beeping)
I've gotta go.
- Hey, wait.
You were the best thing to
ever happen to me, okay.
It shouldn't have
ended like that
and I want to make it up to you.
- Scott--
- What are you doing tomorrow?
You have any plans
for Halloween?
- We have practice.
- It's Evan, isn't it?
I've seen the way
he looks at you
like he's some
slenderman stalker.
(eerie music)
- Damn it, Evan!
- You're not getting back
together with Scott, are you?
- You scared the crap out
of me just to say that?
What's wrong with you?
- Well, he's an asshole, Abby.
- And do you know that how?
- People tell me things.
- Like who?
Nobody tells you anything
because everyone's
freaked out by you.
- Yeah, well at least I'm
not living my mom's dream.
- Look, I'm sorry.
That was mean, I--
- No, no, it's okay.
I'm sorry too.
If you ever wanted to talk to
someone who isn't a meathead.
- Yeah, I know where you live.
- Okay.
- Mm-hmm.
(dogs barking)
(eerie music)
(doorbell ringing)
(door banging)
(eerie music)
- Just a minute.
(eerie music)
(door creaking)
(eerie music)
(McKayla gasps)
(soft music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(McKayla screaming)
(suspenseful music)
(Tori yawning)
(bus honks)
- Look guys, it's the bus
I was telling you about.
(bus squeaking)
And it even comes
with the driver.
Actually, I think
he lives in it.
- Is that thing road legal?
- Mostly.
- I thought you said your
dad owned a bus company.
- He owns an impound yard.
Therefore he owns this
bus, pending a court order.
Woot woot, all aboard!
- County McKayla, we're
missing three people.
- What did you expect,
it's Hallo-weekend.
- Do you think McKayla bailed?
- No way.
This is so weird,
she's never late.
- Maybe we should
give her another five.
(soft music)
- Okay guys.
As co-captain of this squad,
I am making a decision.
We leave now.
Everyone who isn't on the
bus can meet us there.
Andale Diablos.
(upbeat music)
- I guess let's go.
Move your body,
move your body
Move your body,
move your body
I drop, I drop, I
drop it to the floor
And then I pick it up and
drop it down some more
- What time are you
picking us up tomorrow?
- We've got a gig tonight.
Done by four, here by five.
After that, I'm
dead to the world.
- Perfect.
- Sorry.
- It's fine.
- Hey, is it true
Silent Stu never speaks?
- All I know is that he used
to cheer for the Green Knights,
but then he got expelled.
Something about a cartel.
He hasn't said a
single word since.
- Oh, that's why we
call him Silent Stu.
- Oh sweetie.
(upbeat music)
(phone dinging)
- My mom calls cell phones
our generation's opium.
(upbeat music)
(phones dining)
- Definitely a problem.
- All right team.
The next 24 hours are all
about some serious cheer.
No distractions, no
posts, no pictures.
You've got 30 minutes to
check your Instagram, TikTok,
whatever else you're into.
But when we get off this bus,
cell phone's off
and into the sack.
Guys, it's one day.
This weekend is life or
death for Diablo cheer.
By the time we're done,
we're gonna have a routine
that's gonna make the Green
Knights pray for death.
- A dark speech, go Capitano.
- Abby, I need to be exempt
from this no cell phone policy.
What if there's an emergency?
- Like a sexting emergency.
- I'm sure Danny can go one day
without getting your
taco emoji Tori.
- What are you talking about?
- Aren't you guys hooking up?
- You're being so presumptuous.
I'm saving myself for marriage.
I'm serious.
I mean, but Danny's cute.
We both like tacos so
maybe I'll marry him.
- Oh, he likes tacos all right.
- Oh gosh, he
responded so quick.
He must like eggplants too.
- Are you being serious?
(upbeat music)
(bus roaring)
- This is the beginning
of Diablo cheer camp.
We're gonna work like hell,
kick some butt, you know,
practice until we draw.
(group clapping)
- That was kind of cute.
You're like a Kirkland
Signature brand McKayla.
- Only Kirkland brand is good.
- All right everyone,
phones in the bag.
Pick up your gear
and let's get inside.
- Tori.
- Huh?
- Just release, thank you.
(Tori grunts)
- Hey.
Breathe, you're doing great.
- I'm gonna vomit
I am so nervous.
I can barely
remember the routine.
If McKayla doesn't show,
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
- You've got this.
(suspenseful music)
- Are we practicing in the dark?
Because I'm a little
scared of the dark.
- Of course you are.
(door slams shut)
- Oh geez.
- Looks like a trade school
for future serial killers.
(lights banging)
- Oh, over here.
(eerie music)
- You know, one winter,
we were at our cabin up in Maine
and all the electricity
went out for a whole day.
It was so cold that
my daddy lit a fire
and the housekeeper had to
sleep in the main house with us.
- Yeah, she persisted.
(eerie music)
- Maybe we can sell
these at our next raffle.
- Yeah, first we
cheer and then we mow.
- Let's go.
(eerie music)
- Ladies and gentlemen,
we have arrived.
(eerie music)
- Okay, this place
is dirt nasty.
- Yeah, but I'd
take a little dust
over Principal Simmons any day.
- So do we hold a seance first,
or do we go straight
to the exorcism?
- So this is where school
furniture comes to die.
- Lets clear a space
and get the mats down,
warm up and then go from there.
- Ooh, co-captain
finally has a plan.
Abby's our captain, at least
until McKayla gets here.
- Look guys, for the
first time in years,
we have a shot at showing
everyone who the goat is,
but we have to focus
and work together.
We're gonna add stunts, aerials,
and we're gonna end with our
grand finale, hitch pyramid.
- Like we've ever managed
to pull that one off.
- Reagan, you're our best flyer.
Are you ready?
- Yeah.
Yeah, of course I am.
- Okay.
- Well, what about music?
You've got our phones, remember?
- I do.
Quincy, the boom box please.
Quincy, music.
- If music be the food of love--
- I need that.
- All right then.
- What is that thing?
- I think I heard the
elders speak of these.
I don't know how
it works though.
(Tori squeals)
- Bright light, bright light!
(Tori giggles)
- Crunch time, Diablos.
(upbeat music)
Can't keep me
down any longer
Five, six, seven, eight.
Getting faster,
growing stronger
I'll be on top
before it's over
Exploding like a supernova
You know you can't
keep a good girl down
Ain't nobody gonna
take my crown
Watch me run, I'm
fast as lightning
Run, girl, run,
I'm going all in
Watch me run
once I get going
I'm never stopping
Watch me run, I'm
fast like lightning
Run, girl, run,
I'm going all in
Watch me run
once I get going
I'm never stopping
Watch me run, I'm
fast like lightning
Run, girl, run,
I'm going all in
Watch me run
once I get going
Let's go back.
(upbeat music)
I'm never stopping
(upbeat music)
- Yeah, I've got it.
I'm never stopping
(Reagan screams)
My ankle.
- Reagan, are you okay?
- Yeah, it's probably
just a twist.
- Okay everyone, good job.
Water break and then we
run in again in five.
Okay, come on.
(Reagan grunting)
- Yeah, just there.
- Wow, Abby's straight flexing.
- Yeah, she is.
We're lucky to have her.
Cheer wasn't even a
thing at this school
before Abby and McKayla came
and brought it back
their freshman year.
- They had to fight
to get it too.
Just think, if it
wasn't for cheer,
I'd still be in the drama club.
- That's so cool,
I didn't know that.
Way to go co-captain.
- Diablos are legacy.
I couldn't just let it die.
- Yeah, Elk Moore cheer was
straight fire back then.
- Okay, so if the old
squad kicked so much ass,
why would they kill
the cheer program?
- Oh, oh, I know this story.
A cheerleader died in
the middle of regionals.
She was doing this big stunt
and then something happened.
It was a really bad accident.
She broke her neck
and her head fell off.
- That's stupid,
heads don't fall off
when you break your neck.
- No, but it was a
really bad accident.
They canceled the cheer
program the next day.
- Great.
Who's ready to get airborne?
- Are you sure you're okay?
- Yeah.
I mean, I'm sure it's just
some sort of sprain, right?
- Um.
- Oh.
- Paige, get her a chair.
She needs to elevate her foot.
Sydney, get the phones.
- [Sydney] Abbs,
where's the phone bag?
- It's there, just keep looking.
- You know what, this is silly.
I probably just need
to put pressure on it.
- What?
- And walk around.
- Will someone give
me an ice pack?
Where's the cooler?
- Oh, on it.
No ice.
- What?
- Wait, was I
supposed to bring ice?
- Duh.
What is the point of
a cooler without ice?
- Details, man.
- Tori, can you see
if there's ice packs
anywhere in this place?
Maybe the nurse's office?
- Yeah.
- Okay, thank you.
(Reagan screams)
- I so sorry, I'll be quick.
- Abbs, it isn't here.
Did you leave it on the bus?
- No way, I brought
everything in.
- Hey, we should totally call
the bus driver and check.
- We have no phones.
- A quick break while
we figure this out.
Grab a snack and then hopefully
Tori will find some ice
and we can get back to work.
(car squeaking)
(door creaking)
(eerie music)
- Zingo, bitch.
(Tori coughing)
Ugh, boohoo.
(person rattling)
Uh, hello?
(eerie music)
Who's there?
(eerie music)
(Tori chuckles)
(door creaks)
(eerie music)
God, you scared me.
What are you doing here?
(eerie music)
Dude, you're creeping me out.
(knife whooshes)
(suspenseful music)
(Tori groans)
(Tori screams)
- It's my cooling towel,
it's the best I could find.
- Thank you.
- Okay, I have to pee.
Is no one coming with?
- Are you being serious?
- We always have
bathroom buddies.
Am I right girls?
I'll go by myself.
- I'm sure you'll live.
- Are we still on break?
- Yeah.
- I'm gonna get some air.
- Hey, just make sure it's
none of that funny air.
Aye Quince?
- If only someone hadn't
taken our phones...
- Even if we did have them,
it's not like we could
use them to call for help.
The police would
come and arrest us
and our parents would be pissed.
- Especially if they
search Quincy's bag.
- Why would we get arrested?
- I mean, we are
breaking and entering.
- But we had a key.
Technically it's just entering.
- Technically it's trespassing.
Don't worry, if
it all goes down,
at least we go down together.
(eerie music)
- Hey, thanks for
keeping me waiting.
It's all here,
but I want to be there for
Abby's moment of truth.
(door slamming shut)
(Sydney humming)
(eerie music)
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
- Paige, are you okay?
- I guess.
This is all my fault, isn't it?
- No way, you came through
for us and got us the key.
This is on me, I'm not cut
out for this captain grab.
- That's not true.
What you had us doing
before Reagan got hurt
was pretty great.
- Wanna prank Tori?
- Aren't we like,
back from break?
- Sydney's still
in the washroom.
Silent Stu just busted
open a bento box.
He's counting his juice.
We've got time.
- Right, okay, let's do it.
Back in five.
- I guess I should
get some air too.
- Okay.
(soft music)
- Do you think Tori
is actually a Virgin?
- She totally is.
She's in my sister's
youth group.
They took an oath for Jesus.
- Okay, well does Danny know?
'Cause he's been practically
dry humping the walls
every time she walks by.
- Tori.
- Oh my God, that is so creepy.
- Tori.
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(doors creaking)
(metal trap clicks)
(Sydney screams)
- If this is a "Saw" thing,
I'm totally not
cutting off my leg.
Mateo, this isn't funny!
It really hurts.
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(Sydney squealing)
(Sydney screaming and gargling)
(suspenseful music)
(Sydney screams)
(suspenseful music)
- Hey, where are we?
- How do I know, I
was following you.
- I was following you.
- Ugh.
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(doors rattling)
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(doors rattling)
- Hello?
Cheer buddies?
(Quincy chuckles)
That's a killer bong, dude.
(Quincy grunts)
Not cool.
(suspenseful music)
- Hey, is that Quincy?
- What's he doing?
(suspenseful music)
(muffled screams)
- That's why we don't
have to stunt, Quincy.
He's definitely broken.
(suspenseful music)
- Oh my God, is that
Tori, you think?
(suspenseful music)
(muffled screams)
- What a dog.
(suspenseful music)
(muffled screams)
(Quincy groaning)
- Ew, is he making
out with the door?
- That or Tori is
working her magic.
- Okay, TMI.
Ooh, let's head back.
I need brain bleach.
(eerie music)
Aye, no pain, no gain
Gotta keep my head in the
game if I wanna stay ahead
- Yo, so you're turning
left at the next street.
Uh, where are we going?
Please tell me we're
not going to Abby's.
- We're not going to Abby's.
- Scott, you've gotta stop
with the stalker vibes, dude.
You're starting
to make it weird.
- Did I say we're
going to Abby's?
Unless you want to go to Abby's.
- Oh no, Abby's your
fixation dude, not mine.
Okay chief.
Ooh, now Victoria,
on the other hand.
Look at this text she sent me.
- Right, so into you.
- Dammit, got a
charger somewhere?
- Nope, sorry.
- My phone just died.
Hey yo, dude,
where are we going?
- We're going to McKayla's.
I forgot, but Abby wanted
me to go check up on her.
- Dude.
Atta boy, yes.
You're like a lion, man.
- I'm not--
- Rebound that shit, be proud.
Say it, I'm rebounding it.
- That's not what I'm doing.
- I'm rebounding it.
- Five, six, seven, eight.
- [Group] Knee, stronger,
half T, V, clean.
- Guys, that's never gonna
beat the Green Knights.
- Okay, let's do it again.
Five, six, seven, eight.
- [Group] Knee, X,
half T, V, clean.
- Okay, so in case anyone cares,
Quincy's so high he's making
out with a glass door.
- That or he is
getting down with Tori.
So no ice for Reagan, I guess.
- It's all right, I'll just
start stretching it out.
- Okay guys, the bus picks
us up at 5:00 AM sharp.
We're running on a time
to get it together,
so let's up our game.
Basket toss.
- Uh, how?
We barely have enough
people to toss it.
- We only need four.
Paige flies, Jackie and Stu
base, and Mateo back spots.
- Aye aye, co-captain.
We're on it.
- Thank you.
- Let's go, Paige.
- [Abby] Ready?
- Can I start with a lift?
- Okay, let's do lifts.
- Okay.
- All right, set up.
Okay, you ready?
- Yeah.
- Yep.
- One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
- Yes, Paige.
- Good job!
Good Job.
Now the toss.
You've got it.
- Um, just hold.
(group groaning)
- [Abby] Are you okay?
- Sorry.
- Jackie, are you okay?
- That was a mess.
- Okay guys, let's take 10.
- Jackie, are you okay?
- I'm fine, I'm just
going to the bathroom.
- [Reagan] Um, guys.
- I'm sorry guys, it's my fault.
I'm not ready to fly, no way.
- No, it's not
your fault freshie.
We could have
spotted you better.
- Hey guys.
- What is it?
- Look at this.
- The ultimate
cheer competition.
- Did you make this?
- Of course I didn't make that.
I just found it by the bags.
- Is this supposed to be us?
I mean, klutzy nerd, that's...
- Why?
Because I take AP English?
You know what, you're a
complete blatherskite.
- Pardon me?
- In terms you may
understand, hashtag screw you.
- Guys, stop it.
- I heard the football
team did this once.
Points for whoever sleeps
with certain
cheerleaders or whatever.
- It's a sex list?
I don't want to
sleep with anyone.
- Like ever?
(Jackie screams)
- Jackie?
(eerie music)
- [Paige] Is she knocked out?
- [Mateo] It looks like it.
- Did she slip?
- Yeah, right after she
got stuck in a bear trap.
Why is there even a
bear trap in here?
- Hey guys, I think
I found our phones.
- [Mateo] Ew, I am
so not touching that.
(Mateo gags)
- Did anyone bring any rice?
- Help me turn her over.
(eerie music)
(friends breathing heavily)
- #Cheerslay does not mean sex.
- What?
- The list, somebody
is trying to kill us.
- This is so messed up.
- We have to get out of here!
- Everyone, grab your
things and follow me.
- Wait, what about
Tori and Quincy?
- We'll catch them
on the way out.
Come on, let's go!
(suspenseful music)
- I know a door that's close!
(door banging)
He chained this door.
- Oh my God, we're so dead.
- Let's go to the front door.
- I can't believe someone's
trying to kill us.
- I know, it's that creepy guy
that's always eye groping Abby.
- Evan, his name is Evan
and he does have
serious stalker vibes.
- What if it's the ghost
to the dead cheerleader?
- Since when do
ghosts chain up doors?
- No!,
(Abby banging on door)
- Oh my God, were
the chains on sale?
- We're all gonna die.
- Zip it Paige,
we're not gonna die.
- What are we gonna do Abby?
- Back to the gym.
At least in there, we can
see if anyone's coming at us.
(suspenseful music)
- Wait.
Abby, wait.
If Sydney is the ditz,
and the ditz is dead,
then who's next?
- Stoner.
- Quincy.
- [Paige] Slut.
- Tori.
Well, sort of.
- This better not
be based on looks.
- Stoner, slut and basic bitch
all have check marks by them.
- [Mateo] Dang.
- They're the targets
and we have to find them
before the killer does.
(Scott knocking)
- McKayla!
Hey, you in there?
You home?
- Well, not here, let's go.
- Hey, wait.
- Trick or treat.
- Sorry little
dudes, no one's home.
- And they didn't
leave any candy out?
Candy hoarders.
Hey, where's your head?
- Can you guys
just like, bug off?
All right, come on back.
- Yo, where are you going?
(Reagan groaning)
- Maybe they already left.
- Or maybe they're already dead.
- We should split up
and look for them.
- Oh hell no, that's how you
get killed in horror movies.
- Unless the killer's one of us.
- Whoa, dude.
- Okay, he's been with
us this this entire time.
What about you Mateo?
You've been in and
out of this gym.
- Stop it.
We're not gonna point
fingers at each other.
It doesn't help.
What we need to do is
find the rest of the team
and find a way out of
this place, together.
- Reagan should stay
here, she can barely walk.
- Right.
Jackie, stay with Reagan.
Mateo, Paige, and
Stu, you come with me.
If we get separated,
everyone meet back here.
Put 'em in.
Diablos on three.
- [Friends] One, two, Diablos.
- That's her bedroom.
- Bro, why do you know
where her bedroom is?
- Abby told me.
- Yeah, I'm sure she told you
where all of her friend's
bedroom windows are,
'cause that's totally normal.
Hey yo, stop being such a creep.
If they're not here, let's go.
- Can you just be quiet?
(eerie music)
Elk Moore High School.
- Okay, so what,
they're at school?
- No, not our school, dude.
It has to be the old
Elk Moore High School.
- No, no, no, no, no.
Dude, that place has salmonella.
We're not gonna go there.
It literally oozes
out of the walls, man.
- Well take a Pepto, let's go.
- A Pepto?
- I swear if she's
there with him,
I'm gonna kill him.
- Hey, dude, you said if
the girls weren't here
it's party time.
- Abby.
What should we do
if we see someone?
Do we attack or do
we get all tough?
Like, freeze!
- It depends on the situation.
- So maybe we make a scale.
Like an unarmed
girl scout is a one.
And an ax wielding
madman is a 10.
So if you call 10,
that's run from an ax.
And level one could be beat the
shit out of that girl scout.
I don't know what a girl scout
with an ax would be though.
There'd be a six.
- Tori!
- Where is she?
Where are you?
(eerie music)
- Do you think Tori is in there?
- I guess we're gonna find out.
- I'm scared, Abby.
- Hey.
Hey, it's okay.
- Is it okay, is it really?
- We're all scared,
but we have to remember
that none of us is alone.
We have each other.
We have to trust each other
and know we have each
other's backs no matter what.
That's what cheer is all about.
Can you trust us
to keep you safe?
- Yeah.
- Good.
Okay, here we go.
(eerie music)
(suspenseful music)
- Worst spirit fingers ever.
Don't touch that.
- Are we ready?
- Does it matter?
(suspenseful music)
I call a 10.
(suspenseful music)
(friends screaming)
- We need to find Quincy!
- I bet he's dead too!
- He's alive, he has to be.
(suspenseful music)
This way!
- Oh my God, oh my God,
oh my God, oh my God.
- Oh my God, oh my God.
(suspenseful music)
- Oh a 10, right,
that's definitely a 10.
He better be here to cheer.
(suspenseful music)
(friends screaming)
Everybody run!
(suspenseful music)
- You know, if I
am the klutzy nerd,
I don't see why I'm
only worth five points.
I mean, you're worth eight.
- Wait, which one am I?
- The jock.
Well, unless you're a
badass, and that's worth 12.
- You think?
I mean, maybe you're
the klutzy nerd.
But you could also
be the sexy blonde.
That's worth 10 points.
- Yeah.
(soft music)
(upbeat rap music)
- Hey, hey!
- What?
- See, see, Evan
slenderman's car.
- Okay, so what?
- I knew it, I knew it.
- Hey, easy.
- I'm gonna kill him.
- What are you doing?
- I'm gonna kill him.
- Hey, hey.
(eerie music)
- The ladies are
waiting man, come on.
No dice.
- Wait, hold up.
(eerie music)
- Is that a crowbar?
- A boy scout's always prepared.
- Yeah, you know, I'm
thinking less boy scout,
more Ted Bundy on that one.
- Whatever.
- You need some help?
- No.
(door creaking)
After you.
- Bro.
Is this really the
look you're going for?
(crowbar clanging)
- Better?
- Marginally.
- I'm going up, dude.
- Okay.
(eerie music)
- Help!
- Did you hear that?
- Hear what?
- It's Abby.
- Where?
- Help!
- See, you hear that?
- If this is what love
is, I want no part of it.
- Come on.
- What are you,
telapathetic or something?
- Let's go!
- Okay.
- This way.
- Okay.
(suspenseful music)
- Quincy!
Quincy, wake up!
- Hey Abbs.
- Oh my God.
- Hey.
- I'm so sorry, this
is all my fault.
- This isn't you.
Our souls are like
drops of water
and we return to the ocean.
I see everything.
Can you reach into my pocket?
(soft music)
Too late.
- Oh, Quincy, Quincy?
(eerie music)
I'm sorry.
(eerie music)
(Abby sniffling)
- Hey, I think we lost him!
Stu, Paige?
(suspenseful music)
(Mateo screaming)
(Mateo chuckling)
Oh, what are you
gonna do now Hawkeye?
Dang, I did not see that coming.
(suspenseful music)
- Hey yo, bathroom.
Okay, I gotta go freshen
up and gotta take a leak.
There's a lot going
on in my body.
- Yeah, but it takes
forever in that costume.
- Okay, well one
second, okay bro?
- One second, bro.
As if.
- [Abby] Help!
- Abby?
- Does this go outside?
- [Scott] Abby?
- Scott?
- [Scott] Abby?
- Scott!
(eerie music)
- Abby?
- Scott!
(suspenseful music)
(eerie music)
- Abby, listen.
I can explain.
- You asshole.
- Hey, it's not
what it looks like.
McKayla and I, Abby, just--
- Scott!
(glass smashing)
(suspenseful music)
- Get outta here!
(suspenseful music)
Who are you, huh?
(suspenseful music)
Is that you Evan?
You creepy mother--
(electrical zapping)
(suspenseful music)
- Scott?
(Abby breathing heavily)
- Scott?
Oh, time to get laid.
(Danny singing)
- Danny?
- Whoa, hey, Mateo.
- Danny!
Where's your phone?
- It's dead, dude.
Why are you so hectic?
- It's Tori, she's dead.
- Dude, we were literally
texting this morning.
That's a cool trick.
- Ow!
There's a psycho killer on
the loose and they got her.
- Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Dude, I get it.
You can drop the skit.
It's Halloween, ooh, ah!
Seriously though
dude, where is she?
Okay, tonight is the night
that we consummate our love.
- Dude, it's not happening.
- Right, yeah,
'cause she's dead.
- Bro, I swear she is!
- Yeah, okay.
- You know she was
a Virgin, right?
- What?
Like zero penises?
- None.
- No.
No, that's impossible.
Dude, she literally
texted me tacos.
- Sorry.
- That's just not fair.
Not fair at all, dude.
- Okay, who is that?
(suspenseful music)
(Mateo gasps)
- Dude, does it look bad?
(Mateo screams)
(suspenseful music)
- Stu you're back,
where's Abby and Mateo?
- Tori and Quincy are dead.
- Oh my God!
- Danny is dead.
Abby, you're alive!
- Mateo, you're bleeding.
(Mateo screams)
- It's the devil mascot.
He shot me with his arrow.
I'm dying.
- You're not gonna die.
Here, let me see.
(Mateo screams)
I'm just gonna--
- Count until the warning!
Count down before
you amputate my arm.
- Just breathe, breathe.
- Super absorbent
and with wings.
- Good job, Jackie.
- Help!
(Reagan grunts)
(suspenseful music)
- Who are you?
Evan, is that you?
- Abby, I think
I know who it is.
- Paige, what are you doing?
- Anyone move and I'll kill her.
- [Reagan] No!
(Evee giggling)
- Evee?
- Sorry about your boyfriend.
But face it, he was
just a cheating jock.
10 points for me.
No points for dead
slenderman though.
- You killed Evan?
- Poor Evan, trying so hard
to relive your
elementary school years.
You know, it was his idea
to film El Jocko there
screwing around with your BFF.
That has to sting.
- Screw you.
- Counting the McKayla
kill, I'm still winning.
- You don't get full
points for McKayla.
We did that one together.
- McKayla?
(McKayla screaming)
Paige, let her go.
- You don't get
to call the shots.
We're in charge now, and
I say we split that kill.
- All you were supposed to
do was ring the doorbell.
I didn't need your help.
- You wish, four points each.
No points for Scott.
- He's a jock, 10 points.
- No substitutions.
- Paige, you're one of us.
- One of you?
Don't flatter yourself.
(sisters laughing)
I can't believe that dumb
cheerleader stereotype
is actually true.
- Paige, please.
- Let's get them!
(Reagan screams)
- Everyone, on the steps, now.
Let's just do what they say.
- Please don't do this Paige!
- Okay.
Story time, boys and girls.
(Reagan screams)
- 20 years ago, there was a
very talented cheerleader.
All the other cheerleaders
wanted to be just like her.
So one day at regionals,
her team sabotaged her.
- [Sister] Woo, Sandra!
- She fell from the
top of the pyramid
and snapped her neck.
Her twin sister watched her die.
She never got over it
and she never forgave.
So when she had twin
daughters of her own...
- Your auntie Sandra
will be avenged.
Say it.
- [Twins] Auntie
Sandra will be avenged.
- [Paige] She trained us.
- Your fishing trips.
- Survivalist training
camps, thank you very much.
We learned it all.
Hunting, trapping, killing.
- Every damned weekend.
You cheerleaders walk around
with your nose jobs in the air
like you're gifts
to this school.
- Wait, you're doing all this
because you hate cheerleaders?
- Not just cheerleaders,
that cheerleader.
Your mom was cheer
captain of the Diablos.
(Sandra screams)
She was so jealous
of our Auntie Sandra,
she killed her rather
than letting her shine.
(cheerleaders giggling)
- I know what she
did and I am sorry.
I've done everything I can
not to be anything like her.
- So you're telling me,
Abby's mom killed your aunt?
And so Principal
Simmons outlawed stunts
and groomed you
two into psychos?
(suspenseful music)
- Auntie Sandra will be avenged.
The Diablos have to die.
So when do we start the game?
- [Jackie] What are
you talking about?
- You guys like
cheering for games,
so we came up with a
little game of our own.
It's called--
- [Twins] Cheer or die.
(suspenseful music)
- Here's the rules.
Cheer, perfect form, or die.
It's simple.
(Evee giggles)
Now get your ass up there, jock.
- Jackie, see, I was right.
You are the jock.
- Wait, if Jackie's a jock...
Oh my God, am I the sexy blonde?
Am I right?
Wait, how is the badass
worth more points than I am?
- Jackie, you're up.
(suspenseful music)
Kick, kick, split, fish, blop.
- How do you even
do that altogether?
- Jackie, I've seen you
do all those things.
(Paige imitating chicken)
(twins laughing)
- [Friends] Jackie,
Jackie, Jackie, Jackie.
Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie.
Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie.
Jackie, Jackie, Jackie!
- Yes Jackie!
(friends giggling)
- Mateo, you're up.
Let's see a back
handspring step out.
- Can I have a running start?
- From standing.
- Hello, I'm injured.
- Boohoo.
(twins giggling)
- Mateo, you can do it.
Just concentrate.
- Mateo, Mateo, Mateo.
(Mateo groans)
(friends laughing)
- Everybody shut up!
(suspenseful music)
Back handspring back tuck.
(suspenseful music)
Look out!
- Bravo, badass.
Who's next?
- I say it's the klutzy nerd.
You're up!
Round off back walkover.
- What?
- I'll go.
Reagan is injured.
- Round off, back walkover.
- Oh, come on.
I thought you two were
smarter than that.
I mean, you still
need a hostage, right?
- Nice try, final girl.
- Wait, maybe she's right.
These assholes need a
little skin in the game.
(Evee grunting)
- My mouth!
- You're done hurting
any of us, you got that?
No points for you!
(Evee squeals)
It's time to get
the chains out
Is your tongue tied up
'Cause this is my ground
And I'm dangerous
And you can get off
But it's all
'bout me tonight
So you say I'm complicated
- Reagan!
That I must be out my mind
But you've had me
underrated, rated, rated
- Let's cheer, bitch.
What's wrong with being
What's wrong with
being confident
What's wrong with being
- Mateo, back handspring.
Back kick!
Stu, toe touch.
(Paige grunts)
Diablos, we're outta here.
- Paige?
(suspenseful music)
(friends screaming)
(suspenseful music)
- Shit, we're still trapped.
- There's another way, come on.
- Why are we going up here?
- There's a courtyard upstairs.
Maybe it's the way out.
Here it is!
(suspenseful music)
- Crap, it's a dead end!
- We can get on the roof.
- How?
- Straight up toss.
- Abbs, we suck at those.
- Guys, it's the only way.
How's your ankle?
- I can't put enough
pressure on it.
- Abby.
- [Reagan] You have to do it.
- [Mateo] Come on.
- I can't.
- Please, please.
- It's too high and
I can't, I can't.
- You can.
Come on Abbs.
You are our captain.
We believe in you like
you believe in us.
You can do this.
- You're gonna fly, captain.
You've got this, Abbs.
- Okay, right, I've got this.
(Abby sniffling)
(Stu screams)
(friends giggling)
- Okay.
- Okay.
- On five.
- Five, six, seven, eight.
- [Friends] One, two,
three, four, five.
(Abby grunts)
- Okay.
- Yes!
- Go Abby, go!
(suspenseful music)
(Abby grunting)
Yes, keep going!
(Abby chuckles)
- I'm good!
(Mateo chuckling)
Oh God, there's a rope.
At least something
is going right.
Here you go.
- I got it. I got it.
Okay, come on.
- Be careful,
careful of the foot.
Careful, come on Reagan.
(suspenseful music)
- All right, come on Jackie.
- Come on Jackie.
Come on.
(Abby grunting)
(soft music)
(soft chatter)
Good job.
Okay Mateo.
(soft music)
(Mateo grunting)
You've got it.
(Mateo grunting)
I'm almost there.
(suspenseful music)
(Mateo grunting)
- Abby, Abby no!
(Abby grunting)
(suspenseful music)
- Evee, you don't
have to do this.
We don't have to live
out our parents' lives.
(Evee grunts)
(Evee chuckles)
- You don't get it.
This is all your fault!
(Evee screams)
- Killing me won't
change anything.
I mean, I get it since your
mom loves Paige so much better.
- No, mommy loves me best.
(Evee grunting)
(suspenseful music)
(friends gasping)
- You little psycho bitch.
(Evee coughing)
- [Jackie] Abby!
- Get her, get her.
- [Jackie] Abby, grab the rope.
- Come on Abby!
- You can do it.
- You've got this!
Pull her!
(friends breathing heavily)
Oh my God.
We're alive, we're alive!
(friends laughing)
- Look at this!
Quick, let's go!
Stu, I need you to tie that.
Extra tight, yeah.
Yeah, come on, come on.
You've got it, you've got it.
- [Jackie] Run.
(soft music)
Okay Stu.
Okay, just, you've got this.
- Pull tight.
(soft music)
- He's down.
- Okay.
- [Abby] Just slow.
- [Mateo] Don't worry
Jackie, you've got it.
- [Reagan] Jackie.
(suspenseful music)
- [Abby] Reagan, you're up.
- [Mateo] Well done.
You've gotta catch her, you've
gotta catch her, her ankle.
- [Abby] Come on Reagan.
(suspenseful music)
(Abby giggles)
- [Jackie] Come on Mateo.
- Yeah, just go.
(suspenseful music)
No, no, no, no, no.
- You're almost there.
(Mateo grunts)
Are you okay?
(suspenseful music)
- [Paige] You killed my sister!
I'm coming for you!
(suspenseful music)
- We're gonna have to catch her.
- I've got the head.
- Yeah, feet.
- Okay, yeah.
- Abby, jump!
(suspenseful music)
- Pray for me.
(suspenseful music)
(friends cheering)
(friends breathing heavily)
- Oh my God, no.
(panicked screams)
(friends banging on bus)
Go, go, go!
(eerie music)
Oh no.
(guy gasps)
(friends screaming)
- Can't sneak up on a man's
personal affirmation time.
Rough night, huh?
- No time.
Floor it, now!
- Time is ours for
the taking my friend.
Happiness is a state
of consciousness--
- Sir!
- Which proceeds from
the achievement of--
(guy grunts)
(suspenseful music)
- [Paige] You think
you can kill my sister
and just drive away?
(suspenseful music)
(bus engine roaring)
You're not going anywhere!
(suspenseful music)
(friends gasping)
- Gun it.
(suspenseful music)
- [Paige] Ha ha, you missed me!
(bus engine roaring)
- Oh God, did we just...
- Vamanos Diablos.
(friends gasping in shock)
(friends softly clapping)
- [Friends] Diablos.
(soft music)
(audience cheering)
(upbeat cheer music)
(audience cheering)
(whistle blowing)
- Diablos, circle up.
We went through a hell
of a lot last year.
We lost members of
our cheer family,
but they're not gone
from our hearts.
They'll always be a part
of us and this team.
And to all our new members,
thank you all for joining this
new chapter of Diablo Cheer.
Let's kick some
Green Knight butt!
Bring it on!
(cheerleaders cheering)
Put 'em in.
- [Cheerleaders]
One, two, Diablo!
(cheerleaders cheering)
- [Audience] Diablo,
Diablo, Diablo, Diablo.
Tick Tock
Around the clock
I woke up spicy
and never stopped
Tick Tock
Got way too much,
yeah, I'm down to win
Tick Tock
Like energy
'Cos sleeping is the enemy
Time's up
There's the tea
There's no more crumpets
Blow the trumpets
You know we on a roll and
you know where we going
(upbeat cheer music continues)
Moving, moving,
moving on you
Move it, move it,
move, why don't ya
Make time for it
Make time for it
Make time rewarding
Move time forward, aye
Aye, we gon get it
in like clockwork
Yeah, we gon get it
in like clockwork
Aye, we gon get it
in like clockwork
Clockwork, clockwork,
clockwork, clockwork
Aye, we gon get it
in like clockwork
Yeah, we gon get it
in like clockwork
Aye, we gon get it
in like clockwork
Clockwork, clockwork,
clockwork, clockwork
(upbeat cheer music continues)
I just want to see
you bounce that thing
For me one time
Bounce that thing
for me one more time
Bounce that thing
for me one time
Bounce that thing
for me one more time
Shake that thing
for me one time
Shake that thing, let
it wind, wind, wind
I said shake that
thing for me one time
Shake that thing, let
it wind, wind, wind
Just wind it up
Let it wind, wind, wind
Just wind it up
Let it wind, wind, wind
Shake that thing, let
it wind, wind, wind
Just wind, just wind it up
Shake that thing, let
it wind, wind, wind
Just wind it up,
just wind it up
Just wind it up,
just wind it up
Just wind it up
You are now listening
I'm about to blow
off this roof
You know I've got the juice
I'm about to blow
off this roof
You know I've got the juice
You know I've got the juice
You know I've got the juice
I'm about to blow
off this roof
(audience cheering)
- [Announcer] The winners
in this final showdown...
The Diablos!
(audience cheering)
(suspenseful music)
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
In the spotlight
Baby, it's go time
Yeah, we got everyone
watching, watching
We on prime time,
stars of the lifetime
Everything we
do, show stopping
Show stopping, show stopping
Everything we do
is show stopping
Show stopping, show stopping
Everything we do
is show stopping
Take your place center stage
Come on, let's go
Welcome to the show
Take a chance, make a name
Let 'em all know
Welcome to the show, hey
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Get in with it, tell
me how you're feeling
Everything they want,
we got it, got it
We winning, chilling,
up like the ceiling
Baby we so iconic,
iconic, iconic, iconic
Baby we so iconic,
iconic, iconic
Baby we so iconic
Take your place center stage
Come on, let's go
Welcome to the show
Take a chance, make a name
Let 'em all know
Welcome to the show, hey
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Whoa, whoa
Welcome to the
Whoa, whoa
Welcome to the,
welcome to the show
Show stopper
You were superstar
like wowza
Going far, show stopper
You were superstar
like wowza
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Show stopper
You were superstar
like wowza
Going far, show stopper
You were superstar
like wowza
Wowza, wowza,
wowza, wowza, wowza
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Whoa, welcome to the
Whoa, to the show
Whoa, whoa
(upbeat music)
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
In the spotlight
Baby, it's go time
Yeah, we got everyone
watching, watching
We on prime time,
stars of the lifetime
Everything we
do, show stopping
Show stopping, show stopping
Everything we do
is show stopping
Show stopping, show stopping
Everything we do
is show stopping
Take your place center stage
Come on, let's go
Welcome to the show
Take a chance, make a name
Let 'em all know
Welcome to the show, hey
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Get in with it, tell
me how you're feeling
Everything they want,
we got it, got it
We winning, chilling,
up like the ceiling
Baby we so iconic,
iconic, iconic, iconic
Baby we so iconic,
iconic, iconic
Baby we so iconic
Take your place center stage
Come on, let's go
Welcome to the show
Take a chance, make a name
Let 'em all know
Welcome to the show, hey
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Whoa, whoa
Welcome to the
Whoa, whoa
Welcome to the,
welcome to the show
Show stopper
You were superstar
like wowza
Going far, show stopper
You were superstar
like wowza
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Show stopper
You were superstar
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
Like a diamond,
yeah, I'm shining now
Yeah, I'm shining now
Glow, glow, glowing up
I'm glowing up now
Glow, glow, glowing up
Watch me now
Glow, glow, glowing up
Yeah, watch me,
watch me, watch me
(audience cheering)
- [Announcer] Now, put
your hands together
for the Green Knights!
(upbeat cheer music)
- Their flyer looks
like a sloppy noodle
on that pyramid dismount.
(upbeat music)
(audience cheering)
(whistle blowing)
Sandra, wolf wall
then full pyramid.
You're flying.
Think you can pull it
off without sucking?
- But we rarely practiced.
- Your cheer captain
asked you a question.
- You can break your
loser neck for all I care,
as long as you
stick that landing.
Got it?
- Hey.
Don't let her get to you.
You're here because
you deserve to be.
Just remember when you get
up there, don't look down.
Eyes on the prize,
straight ahead.
- Thank you.
- You've got this.
- [Announcer] Next up,
the reigning cheer
national champions,
the Elk Moore Diablos!
- All right.
Okay, gather around.
Everyone here?
Okay, Diablos on three.
One, two--
- [Cheerleaders] Diablos!
(audience cheering)
(upbeat cheer music)
(upbeat cheer music)
(audience cheering)
Do it like this.
(upbeat cheer music)
(audience cheering)
(Sandra loudly sneezing)
- What the hell, Sandra?
(soft music)
(Sandra screaming)
(Sandra thudding)
(audience gasping)
(soft music)
- [Mom] Abby, you're late!
(upbeat music)
- Okay, getting in
the car, gotta go.
(upbeat music)
(car clicking)
- [Cheerleaders] Diablos,
Diablos, take that ball.
Take that ball away and score!
(cheerleaders cheering)
- Shake that ass Satan!
- Bite me, woo!
(football players hollering)
- [Announcer] Another touchdown
for the Green Knights.
- Would you look at
those bitches stunt?
- We could flash just as high
if we were allowed to do
more than a Zumba routine.
- The Green Knights
are pretty bad ass.
- Their uniforms are so
shiny like Christmas.
- But they don't have
to hold a bake sale
car wash raffle-athon
to pay for them.
- Or practice on the
wrestling team's used mats.
- They smell like sadness.
- That smell haunts my dreams.
- We're just as good as they
are. They just...
have more money.
- And we'd kick their freaking
asses too if we could stunt.
(football players grunting)
- [Announcer] The
extra point is good,
and the Green Knights extend
their lead at half time.
Diablos zero, Green Knights 41.
- Tori, skirt, now.
- Like, could she be any
more star for attention?
- We'll all get further if we
treat each other with respect.
- Oh, please don't get
all "High School Musical."
- Thirsty Stan incoming.
Blink twice if you need help.
- Shush.
- Hey, I was wondering if you
could talk after the game.
There was something
I was wondering--
- Spencer, get your ass
in the locker room, now.
- Wish me luck.
- Don't even.
- I'm not.
But still, he's cute.
- Yeah, not cute enough.
Plus, you promised you weren't
gonna get back
together with him.
- Did I?
- Yes, may I remind you
he made out with a freshman.
- It was a little kiss.
- She had baby bangs.
- Okay, I have bangs.
- So what, he just
confused you two?
Come on, guys like
Scott, they always cheat.
It's a really crappy
design feature.
- Dually noted.
- Good.
- Paparazzi at 12 o'clock.
(upbeat music)
- Now he on the other
hand actually is cute.
- Evan?
We were friends back in
elementary, end of story.
- Mm-hmm, sure.
Why not?
- Because.
- he's hot.
In an emo creeper kind of way.
Like sexy Unabomber.
- Tori.
- I'd do him.
- Oh, we know, we know.
- Oh, come on.
Don't be such a prude.
There's nothing wrong
with exploring the
miracle of our bodies.
So long as it's on our terms.
- Well, I thank you
for that advice,
but I don't remember
asking for it.
- Is she for real?
- Yeah, she is for real.
I'm made of sugar,
spice, and a big bite
Sugar, spice, and a big bite
- What the hell?
Sidelines are off
limits, freshie.
- Sorry.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Hey, you think she's okay?
- Evee is upset that I'm on
the cheer squad when she's not.
- I didn't know she
wanted be a cheerleader.
Why didn't she try out?
- We decided that we should
try different things.
We can't be joined at
the hip forever, right?
- I think this is the perfect
year to try new things.
(girls giggling)
(crowd cheering)
- I wish I was their mascot.
(upbeat cheer music)
(crowd cheering)
- Okay, team meeting.
Abbs, get over here.
Okay you guys, listen up.
It's time to show them
whose field this is.
Straight up liberty,
just like we practiced.
- McKayla, you know we can't.
Otherwise the
school is gonna know
we've been secretly
working on our stunts.
- Okay, so we'll chance it.
No way we're just
flipping pom poms here
like we're in the Glee club.
- You want me to fly now?
Like, right now?
- Yeah.
- Why can't Abby do it?
- Acrophobia.
- You're afraid of acrobats?
- I'm afraid of heights.
- [Girl] Yeah, like
that's a thing.
- Okay guys, listen up.
Reagan, you're gonna be great.
Stu, Jackie, Quincy,
you guys are basing.
Wait, where the hell is Quincy?
- Oh my God.
- What's up?
- No.
Okay, Paige and Mateo,
you guys are doing round
offs off your front.
Everybody else is
spotting, okay?
- [Cheerleaders] Okay.
- Diablos on three.
- [Cheerleaders]
One, two, Diablos!
- Come on Diablos, let's go!
(upbeat music)
(crowd hollering)
- [Cheerleaders] Diablos!
(crowd cheering)
- Well, isn't this a pickle.
- Principal Simmons,
I can explain.
- Ms. Miller, you had one
rule and one rule only.
- It's not our fault.
The Green Knights
were kicking our ass.
- You broke by trust.
Reagan could have been
seriously injured.
- Football players get
injured all the time.
- Football players are
athletes, big difference.
Athletes train.
Athletes know how to
not injure themselves.
Cheerleaders don't.
If anyone should understand
anything about that,
I would think it
would be you Abby.
(upbeat music)
- What?
- Don't think I'm not aware
of your little plan.
Recruiting my daughter
into your club,
just to curry a favor for me.
- Not at all, Paige, she--
- I wasn't born yesterday.
For Paige's sake and
Paige's sake only,
I will not disband the
Diablo cheer squad,
but here's the deal.
There will be no jumping,
no lifts, no flips,
no whatever it is you people do.
One foot on the
ground at all times.
Do I make myself clear?
- What about regionals?
They're in two weeks.
- Principal Simmons, please.
There's already a no
stunt rule in place.
Our routine is--
- Sucking!
- Listen, just be grateful
I'm letting you compete.
But if there is so much
as a single somersault
on school property,
I will cancel the cheer
squad for the next 50 years.
- I mean, did you see the
look on Simmons' face?
- You mean this?
- Yeah, do that long
enough it's gonna stick.
- It's too late for her.
Anyway, it could
have been way worse.
She could have banned this
regionals all together.
- You know, Simmons
is not gonna be
at the actual competition.
- Yeah, so?
- So she said no practicing
stunts on school property.
- Wait, are you saying?
Oh, you sneaky B.
- That cheerleader
choreographed his fire.
Now we just need somewhere
else to practice.
- Yeah.
- All right dill holes,
here's the cheer facts.
This school gives zero
shits about our squad,
but that's gonna end now.
- Wait, we're still
going to regionals?
- Mm-hmm.
- Yep.
- There's there's no time
to nail our rogue routine.
- Look, team, this
isn't gonna be easy.
We don't have any funding
and we barely have enough
people to make a full squad,
but that's not what
cheer is about.
We're more than
just a social club.
We're athletes.
We've got stunts.
We've got moves
and we've got style
and we are gonna show them
that we're the real deal.
And I'm pretty sure
nobody's gonna say anything.
Right, Paige?
We just need to practice
away from the school,
and I'm not talking
just practice.
We need a 24 hour cram
sesh this weekend.
- Oh, but this
weekend is Halloween
and I have a dope
costume picked out.
- Tori, it's okay.
You can be a slutty
Jigsaw next year.
- Okay guys, this
weekend we eat,
breathe and sleep
Diablo cheerleading.
- Okay, but where?
- I know, my house is big.
And bonus, we have
two hot tubs now.
Sharing with my brother was
so gross, like ass soup gross.
- Okay, but mcmansion
isn't big enough
for us to go full out.
- Our baskets need
20 feet at least.
- Wait, what?
I'm going up 20 feet?
- What about the
old abandoned school
on the other side of town?
- You mean the old
Elk Moore High School?
- Yeah, where our
high school used to be
before they built this one.
It had lead pipes or something.
- They closed it
because of the pestos.
- I think you mean asbestos.
- The school board
uses it for storage.
I think I can get the key.
- Seriously?
Way to impress, new.
- Okay wait, so how are
we going to get there?
- Oh, my dad owns a bus company.
I'll see if I can get us a bus.
- Really?
- He's cheating on my mom
with my sister's nanny.
He'll do anything I want,
as long as I don't tell.
It's pretty sweet.
- All right, we have a plan.
- Bring your sleeping bags
and plenty of food and water.
We'll make a small
party out of it.
- Yeah, but we're gonna go hard.
It's gonna be 24 hours
of straight cheer.
If you're not in
it, we won't win it.
(cheerleaders cheering)
Straight from hell,
never take an L.
Who are we?
- [Cheerleaders] Diablo cheer!
- Louder!
- [Cheerleaders] Diablo cheer!
(upbeat music)
- Give a sec, Dan.
- Bye.
- Hey, Abbs.
We didn't get to talk after
the game the other night.
- Nope.
- Need a ride home?
- I drove.
(car beeping)
I've gotta go.
- Hey, wait.
You were the best thing to
ever happen to me, okay.
It shouldn't have
ended like that
and I want to make it up to you.
- Scott--
- What are you doing tomorrow?
You have any plans
for Halloween?
- We have practice.
- It's Evan, isn't it?
I've seen the way
he looks at you
like he's some
slenderman stalker.
(eerie music)
- Damn it, Evan!
- You're not getting back
together with Scott, are you?
- You scared the crap out
of me just to say that?
What's wrong with you?
- Well, he's an asshole, Abby.
- And do you know that how?
- People tell me things.
- Like who?
Nobody tells you anything
because everyone's
freaked out by you.
- Yeah, well at least I'm
not living my mom's dream.
- Look, I'm sorry.
That was mean, I--
- No, no, it's okay.
I'm sorry too.
If you ever wanted to talk to
someone who isn't a meathead.
- Yeah, I know where you live.
- Okay.
- Mm-hmm.
(dogs barking)
(eerie music)
(doorbell ringing)
(door banging)
(eerie music)
- Just a minute.
(eerie music)
(door creaking)
(eerie music)
(McKayla gasps)
(soft music)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(McKayla screaming)
(suspenseful music)
(Tori yawning)
(bus honks)
- Look guys, it's the bus
I was telling you about.
(bus squeaking)
And it even comes
with the driver.
Actually, I think
he lives in it.
- Is that thing road legal?
- Mostly.
- I thought you said your
dad owned a bus company.
- He owns an impound yard.
Therefore he owns this
bus, pending a court order.
Woot woot, all aboard!
- County McKayla, we're
missing three people.
- What did you expect,
it's Hallo-weekend.
- Do you think McKayla bailed?
- No way.
This is so weird,
she's never late.
- Maybe we should
give her another five.
(soft music)
- Okay guys.
As co-captain of this squad,
I am making a decision.
We leave now.
Everyone who isn't on the
bus can meet us there.
Andale Diablos.
(upbeat music)
- I guess let's go.
Move your body,
move your body
Move your body,
move your body
I drop, I drop, I
drop it to the floor
And then I pick it up and
drop it down some more
- What time are you
picking us up tomorrow?
- We've got a gig tonight.
Done by four, here by five.
After that, I'm
dead to the world.
- Perfect.
- Sorry.
- It's fine.
- Hey, is it true
Silent Stu never speaks?
- All I know is that he used
to cheer for the Green Knights,
but then he got expelled.
Something about a cartel.
He hasn't said a
single word since.
- Oh, that's why we
call him Silent Stu.
- Oh sweetie.
(upbeat music)
(phone dinging)
- My mom calls cell phones
our generation's opium.
(upbeat music)
(phones dining)
- Definitely a problem.
- All right team.
The next 24 hours are all
about some serious cheer.
No distractions, no
posts, no pictures.
You've got 30 minutes to
check your Instagram, TikTok,
whatever else you're into.
But when we get off this bus,
cell phone's off
and into the sack.
Guys, it's one day.
This weekend is life or
death for Diablo cheer.
By the time we're done,
we're gonna have a routine
that's gonna make the Green
Knights pray for death.
- A dark speech, go Capitano.
- Abby, I need to be exempt
from this no cell phone policy.
What if there's an emergency?
- Like a sexting emergency.
- I'm sure Danny can go one day
without getting your
taco emoji Tori.
- What are you talking about?
- Aren't you guys hooking up?
- You're being so presumptuous.
I'm saving myself for marriage.
I'm serious.
I mean, but Danny's cute.
We both like tacos so
maybe I'll marry him.
- Oh, he likes tacos all right.
- Oh gosh, he
responded so quick.
He must like eggplants too.
- Are you being serious?
(upbeat music)
(bus roaring)
- This is the beginning
of Diablo cheer camp.
We're gonna work like hell,
kick some butt, you know,
practice until we draw.
(group clapping)
- That was kind of cute.
You're like a Kirkland
Signature brand McKayla.
- Only Kirkland brand is good.
- All right everyone,
phones in the bag.
Pick up your gear
and let's get inside.
- Tori.
- Huh?
- Just release, thank you.
(Tori grunts)
- Hey.
Breathe, you're doing great.
- I'm gonna vomit
I am so nervous.
I can barely
remember the routine.
If McKayla doesn't show,
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
- You've got this.
(suspenseful music)
- Are we practicing in the dark?
Because I'm a little
scared of the dark.
- Of course you are.
(door slams shut)
- Oh geez.
- Looks like a trade school
for future serial killers.
(lights banging)
- Oh, over here.
(eerie music)
- You know, one winter,
we were at our cabin up in Maine
and all the electricity
went out for a whole day.
It was so cold that
my daddy lit a fire
and the housekeeper had to
sleep in the main house with us.
- Yeah, she persisted.
(eerie music)
- Maybe we can sell
these at our next raffle.
- Yeah, first we
cheer and then we mow.
- Let's go.
(eerie music)
- Ladies and gentlemen,
we have arrived.
(eerie music)
- Okay, this place
is dirt nasty.
- Yeah, but I'd
take a little dust
over Principal Simmons any day.
- So do we hold a seance first,
or do we go straight
to the exorcism?
- So this is where school
furniture comes to die.
- Lets clear a space
and get the mats down,
warm up and then go from there.
- Ooh, co-captain
finally has a plan.
Abby's our captain, at least
until McKayla gets here.
- Look guys, for the
first time in years,
we have a shot at showing
everyone who the goat is,
but we have to focus
and work together.
We're gonna add stunts, aerials,
and we're gonna end with our
grand finale, hitch pyramid.
- Like we've ever managed
to pull that one off.
- Reagan, you're our best flyer.
Are you ready?
- Yeah.
Yeah, of course I am.
- Okay.
- Well, what about music?
You've got our phones, remember?
- I do.
Quincy, the boom box please.
Quincy, music.
- If music be the food of love--
- I need that.
- All right then.
- What is that thing?
- I think I heard the
elders speak of these.
I don't know how
it works though.
(Tori squeals)
- Bright light, bright light!
(Tori giggles)
- Crunch time, Diablos.
(upbeat music)
Can't keep me
down any longer
Five, six, seven, eight.
Getting faster,
growing stronger
I'll be on top
before it's over
Exploding like a supernova
You know you can't
keep a good girl down
Ain't nobody gonna
take my crown
Watch me run, I'm
fast as lightning
Run, girl, run,
I'm going all in
Watch me run
once I get going
I'm never stopping
Watch me run, I'm
fast like lightning
Run, girl, run,
I'm going all in
Watch me run
once I get going
I'm never stopping
Watch me run, I'm
fast like lightning
Run, girl, run,
I'm going all in
Watch me run
once I get going
Let's go back.
(upbeat music)
I'm never stopping
(upbeat music)
- Yeah, I've got it.
I'm never stopping
(Reagan screams)
My ankle.
- Reagan, are you okay?
- Yeah, it's probably
just a twist.
- Okay everyone, good job.
Water break and then we
run in again in five.
Okay, come on.
(Reagan grunting)
- Yeah, just there.
- Wow, Abby's straight flexing.
- Yeah, she is.
We're lucky to have her.
Cheer wasn't even a
thing at this school
before Abby and McKayla came
and brought it back
their freshman year.
- They had to fight
to get it too.
Just think, if it
wasn't for cheer,
I'd still be in the drama club.
- That's so cool,
I didn't know that.
Way to go co-captain.
- Diablos are legacy.
I couldn't just let it die.
- Yeah, Elk Moore cheer was
straight fire back then.
- Okay, so if the old
squad kicked so much ass,
why would they kill
the cheer program?
- Oh, oh, I know this story.
A cheerleader died in
the middle of regionals.
She was doing this big stunt
and then something happened.
It was a really bad accident.
She broke her neck
and her head fell off.
- That's stupid,
heads don't fall off
when you break your neck.
- No, but it was a
really bad accident.
They canceled the cheer
program the next day.
- Great.
Who's ready to get airborne?
- Are you sure you're okay?
- Yeah.
I mean, I'm sure it's just
some sort of sprain, right?
- Um.
- Oh.
- Paige, get her a chair.
She needs to elevate her foot.
Sydney, get the phones.
- [Sydney] Abbs,
where's the phone bag?
- It's there, just keep looking.
- You know what, this is silly.
I probably just need
to put pressure on it.
- What?
- And walk around.
- Will someone give
me an ice pack?
Where's the cooler?
- Oh, on it.
No ice.
- What?
- Wait, was I
supposed to bring ice?
- Duh.
What is the point of
a cooler without ice?
- Details, man.
- Tori, can you see
if there's ice packs
anywhere in this place?
Maybe the nurse's office?
- Yeah.
- Okay, thank you.
(Reagan screams)
- I so sorry, I'll be quick.
- Abbs, it isn't here.
Did you leave it on the bus?
- No way, I brought
everything in.
- Hey, we should totally call
the bus driver and check.
- We have no phones.
- A quick break while
we figure this out.
Grab a snack and then hopefully
Tori will find some ice
and we can get back to work.
(car squeaking)
(door creaking)
(eerie music)
- Zingo, bitch.
(Tori coughing)
Ugh, boohoo.
(person rattling)
Uh, hello?
(eerie music)
Who's there?
(eerie music)
(Tori chuckles)
(door creaks)
(eerie music)
God, you scared me.
What are you doing here?
(eerie music)
Dude, you're creeping me out.
(knife whooshes)
(suspenseful music)
(Tori groans)
(Tori screams)
- It's my cooling towel,
it's the best I could find.
- Thank you.
- Okay, I have to pee.
Is no one coming with?
- Are you being serious?
- We always have
bathroom buddies.
Am I right girls?
I'll go by myself.
- I'm sure you'll live.
- Are we still on break?
- Yeah.
- I'm gonna get some air.
- Hey, just make sure it's
none of that funny air.
Aye Quince?
- If only someone hadn't
taken our phones...
- Even if we did have them,
it's not like we could
use them to call for help.
The police would
come and arrest us
and our parents would be pissed.
- Especially if they
search Quincy's bag.
- Why would we get arrested?
- I mean, we are
breaking and entering.
- But we had a key.
Technically it's just entering.
- Technically it's trespassing.
Don't worry, if
it all goes down,
at least we go down together.
(eerie music)
- Hey, thanks for
keeping me waiting.
It's all here,
but I want to be there for
Abby's moment of truth.
(door slamming shut)
(Sydney humming)
(eerie music)
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
- Paige, are you okay?
- I guess.
This is all my fault, isn't it?
- No way, you came through
for us and got us the key.
This is on me, I'm not cut
out for this captain grab.
- That's not true.
What you had us doing
before Reagan got hurt
was pretty great.
- Wanna prank Tori?
- Aren't we like,
back from break?
- Sydney's still
in the washroom.
Silent Stu just busted
open a bento box.
He's counting his juice.
We've got time.
- Right, okay, let's do it.
Back in five.
- I guess I should
get some air too.
- Okay.
(soft music)
- Do you think Tori
is actually a Virgin?
- She totally is.
She's in my sister's
youth group.
They took an oath for Jesus.
- Okay, well does Danny know?
'Cause he's been practically
dry humping the walls
every time she walks by.
- Tori.
- Oh my God, that is so creepy.
- Tori.
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(doors creaking)
(metal trap clicks)
(Sydney screams)
- If this is a "Saw" thing,
I'm totally not
cutting off my leg.
Mateo, this isn't funny!
It really hurts.
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
(Sydney squealing)
(Sydney screaming and gargling)
(suspenseful music)
(Sydney screams)
(suspenseful music)
- Hey, where are we?
- How do I know, I
was following you.
- I was following you.
- Ugh.
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(doors rattling)
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(doors rattling)
- Hello?
Cheer buddies?
(Quincy chuckles)
That's a killer bong, dude.
(Quincy grunts)
Not cool.
(suspenseful music)
- Hey, is that Quincy?
- What's he doing?
(suspenseful music)
(muffled screams)
- That's why we don't
have to stunt, Quincy.
He's definitely broken.
(suspenseful music)
- Oh my God, is that
Tori, you think?
(suspenseful music)
(muffled screams)
- What a dog.
(suspenseful music)
(muffled screams)
(Quincy groaning)
- Ew, is he making
out with the door?
- That or Tori is
working her magic.
- Okay, TMI.
Ooh, let's head back.
I need brain bleach.
(eerie music)
Aye, no pain, no gain
Gotta keep my head in the
game if I wanna stay ahead
- Yo, so you're turning
left at the next street.
Uh, where are we going?
Please tell me we're
not going to Abby's.
- We're not going to Abby's.
- Scott, you've gotta stop
with the stalker vibes, dude.
You're starting
to make it weird.
- Did I say we're
going to Abby's?
Unless you want to go to Abby's.
- Oh no, Abby's your
fixation dude, not mine.
Okay chief.
Ooh, now Victoria,
on the other hand.
Look at this text she sent me.
- Right, so into you.
- Dammit, got a
charger somewhere?
- Nope, sorry.
- My phone just died.
Hey yo, dude,
where are we going?
- We're going to McKayla's.
I forgot, but Abby wanted
me to go check up on her.
- Dude.
Atta boy, yes.
You're like a lion, man.
- I'm not--
- Rebound that shit, be proud.
Say it, I'm rebounding it.
- That's not what I'm doing.
- I'm rebounding it.
- Five, six, seven, eight.
- [Group] Knee, stronger,
half T, V, clean.
- Guys, that's never gonna
beat the Green Knights.
- Okay, let's do it again.
Five, six, seven, eight.
- [Group] Knee, X,
half T, V, clean.
- Okay, so in case anyone cares,
Quincy's so high he's making
out with a glass door.
- That or he is
getting down with Tori.
So no ice for Reagan, I guess.
- It's all right, I'll just
start stretching it out.
- Okay guys, the bus picks
us up at 5:00 AM sharp.
We're running on a time
to get it together,
so let's up our game.
Basket toss.
- Uh, how?
We barely have enough
people to toss it.
- We only need four.
Paige flies, Jackie and Stu
base, and Mateo back spots.
- Aye aye, co-captain.
We're on it.
- Thank you.
- Let's go, Paige.
- [Abby] Ready?
- Can I start with a lift?
- Okay, let's do lifts.
- Okay.
- All right, set up.
Okay, you ready?
- Yeah.
- Yep.
- One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
- Yes, Paige.
- Good job!
Good Job.
Now the toss.
You've got it.
- Um, just hold.
(group groaning)
- [Abby] Are you okay?
- Sorry.
- Jackie, are you okay?
- That was a mess.
- Okay guys, let's take 10.
- Jackie, are you okay?
- I'm fine, I'm just
going to the bathroom.
- [Reagan] Um, guys.
- I'm sorry guys, it's my fault.
I'm not ready to fly, no way.
- No, it's not
your fault freshie.
We could have
spotted you better.
- Hey guys.
- What is it?
- Look at this.
- The ultimate
cheer competition.
- Did you make this?
- Of course I didn't make that.
I just found it by the bags.
- Is this supposed to be us?
I mean, klutzy nerd, that's...
- Why?
Because I take AP English?
You know what, you're a
complete blatherskite.
- Pardon me?
- In terms you may
understand, hashtag screw you.
- Guys, stop it.
- I heard the football
team did this once.
Points for whoever sleeps
with certain
cheerleaders or whatever.
- It's a sex list?
I don't want to
sleep with anyone.
- Like ever?
(Jackie screams)
- Jackie?
(eerie music)
- [Paige] Is she knocked out?
- [Mateo] It looks like it.
- Did she slip?
- Yeah, right after she
got stuck in a bear trap.
Why is there even a
bear trap in here?
- Hey guys, I think
I found our phones.
- [Mateo] Ew, I am
so not touching that.
(Mateo gags)
- Did anyone bring any rice?
- Help me turn her over.
(eerie music)
(friends breathing heavily)
- #Cheerslay does not mean sex.
- What?
- The list, somebody
is trying to kill us.
- This is so messed up.
- We have to get out of here!
- Everyone, grab your
things and follow me.
- Wait, what about
Tori and Quincy?
- We'll catch them
on the way out.
Come on, let's go!
(suspenseful music)
- I know a door that's close!
(door banging)
He chained this door.
- Oh my God, we're so dead.
- Let's go to the front door.
- I can't believe someone's
trying to kill us.
- I know, it's that creepy guy
that's always eye groping Abby.
- Evan, his name is Evan
and he does have
serious stalker vibes.
- What if it's the ghost
to the dead cheerleader?
- Since when do
ghosts chain up doors?
- No!,
(Abby banging on door)
- Oh my God, were
the chains on sale?
- We're all gonna die.
- Zip it Paige,
we're not gonna die.
- What are we gonna do Abby?
- Back to the gym.
At least in there, we can
see if anyone's coming at us.
(suspenseful music)
- Wait.
Abby, wait.
If Sydney is the ditz,
and the ditz is dead,
then who's next?
- Stoner.
- Quincy.
- [Paige] Slut.
- Tori.
Well, sort of.
- This better not
be based on looks.
- Stoner, slut and basic bitch
all have check marks by them.
- [Mateo] Dang.
- They're the targets
and we have to find them
before the killer does.
(Scott knocking)
- McKayla!
Hey, you in there?
You home?
- Well, not here, let's go.
- Hey, wait.
- Trick or treat.
- Sorry little
dudes, no one's home.
- And they didn't
leave any candy out?
Candy hoarders.
Hey, where's your head?
- Can you guys
just like, bug off?
All right, come on back.
- Yo, where are you going?
(Reagan groaning)
- Maybe they already left.
- Or maybe they're already dead.
- We should split up
and look for them.
- Oh hell no, that's how you
get killed in horror movies.
- Unless the killer's one of us.
- Whoa, dude.
- Okay, he's been with
us this this entire time.
What about you Mateo?
You've been in and
out of this gym.
- Stop it.
We're not gonna point
fingers at each other.
It doesn't help.
What we need to do is
find the rest of the team
and find a way out of
this place, together.
- Reagan should stay
here, she can barely walk.
- Right.
Jackie, stay with Reagan.
Mateo, Paige, and
Stu, you come with me.
If we get separated,
everyone meet back here.
Put 'em in.
Diablos on three.
- [Friends] One, two, Diablos.
- That's her bedroom.
- Bro, why do you know
where her bedroom is?
- Abby told me.
- Yeah, I'm sure she told you
where all of her friend's
bedroom windows are,
'cause that's totally normal.
Hey yo, stop being such a creep.
If they're not here, let's go.
- Can you just be quiet?
(eerie music)
Elk Moore High School.
- Okay, so what,
they're at school?
- No, not our school, dude.
It has to be the old
Elk Moore High School.
- No, no, no, no, no.
Dude, that place has salmonella.
We're not gonna go there.
It literally oozes
out of the walls, man.
- Well take a Pepto, let's go.
- A Pepto?
- I swear if she's
there with him,
I'm gonna kill him.
- Hey, dude, you said if
the girls weren't here
it's party time.
- Abby.
What should we do
if we see someone?
Do we attack or do
we get all tough?
Like, freeze!
- It depends on the situation.
- So maybe we make a scale.
Like an unarmed
girl scout is a one.
And an ax wielding
madman is a 10.
So if you call 10,
that's run from an ax.
And level one could be beat the
shit out of that girl scout.
I don't know what a girl scout
with an ax would be though.
There'd be a six.
- Tori!
- Where is she?
Where are you?
(eerie music)
- Do you think Tori is in there?
- I guess we're gonna find out.
- I'm scared, Abby.
- Hey.
Hey, it's okay.
- Is it okay, is it really?
- We're all scared,
but we have to remember
that none of us is alone.
We have each other.
We have to trust each other
and know we have each
other's backs no matter what.
That's what cheer is all about.
Can you trust us
to keep you safe?
- Yeah.
- Good.
Okay, here we go.
(eerie music)
(suspenseful music)
- Worst spirit fingers ever.
Don't touch that.
- Are we ready?
- Does it matter?
(suspenseful music)
I call a 10.
(suspenseful music)
(friends screaming)
- We need to find Quincy!
- I bet he's dead too!
- He's alive, he has to be.
(suspenseful music)
This way!
- Oh my God, oh my God,
oh my God, oh my God.
- Oh my God, oh my God.
(suspenseful music)
- Oh a 10, right,
that's definitely a 10.
He better be here to cheer.
(suspenseful music)
(friends screaming)
Everybody run!
(suspenseful music)
- You know, if I
am the klutzy nerd,
I don't see why I'm
only worth five points.
I mean, you're worth eight.
- Wait, which one am I?
- The jock.
Well, unless you're a
badass, and that's worth 12.
- You think?
I mean, maybe you're
the klutzy nerd.
But you could also
be the sexy blonde.
That's worth 10 points.
- Yeah.
(soft music)
(upbeat rap music)
- Hey, hey!
- What?
- See, see, Evan
slenderman's car.
- Okay, so what?
- I knew it, I knew it.
- Hey, easy.
- I'm gonna kill him.
- What are you doing?
- I'm gonna kill him.
- Hey, hey.
(eerie music)
- The ladies are
waiting man, come on.
No dice.
- Wait, hold up.
(eerie music)
- Is that a crowbar?
- A boy scout's always prepared.
- Yeah, you know, I'm
thinking less boy scout,
more Ted Bundy on that one.
- Whatever.
- You need some help?
- No.
(door creaking)
After you.
- Bro.
Is this really the
look you're going for?
(crowbar clanging)
- Better?
- Marginally.
- I'm going up, dude.
- Okay.
(eerie music)
- Help!
- Did you hear that?
- Hear what?
- It's Abby.
- Where?
- Help!
- See, you hear that?
- If this is what love
is, I want no part of it.
- Come on.
- What are you,
telapathetic or something?
- Let's go!
- Okay.
- This way.
- Okay.
(suspenseful music)
- Quincy!
Quincy, wake up!
- Hey Abbs.
- Oh my God.
- Hey.
- I'm so sorry, this
is all my fault.
- This isn't you.
Our souls are like
drops of water
and we return to the ocean.
I see everything.
Can you reach into my pocket?
(soft music)
Too late.
- Oh, Quincy, Quincy?
(eerie music)
I'm sorry.
(eerie music)
(Abby sniffling)
- Hey, I think we lost him!
Stu, Paige?
(suspenseful music)
(Mateo screaming)
(Mateo chuckling)
Oh, what are you
gonna do now Hawkeye?
Dang, I did not see that coming.
(suspenseful music)
- Hey yo, bathroom.
Okay, I gotta go freshen
up and gotta take a leak.
There's a lot going
on in my body.
- Yeah, but it takes
forever in that costume.
- Okay, well one
second, okay bro?
- One second, bro.
As if.
- [Abby] Help!
- Abby?
- Does this go outside?
- [Scott] Abby?
- Scott?
- [Scott] Abby?
- Scott!
(eerie music)
- Abby?
- Scott!
(suspenseful music)
(eerie music)
- Abby, listen.
I can explain.
- You asshole.
- Hey, it's not
what it looks like.
McKayla and I, Abby, just--
- Scott!
(glass smashing)
(suspenseful music)
- Get outta here!
(suspenseful music)
Who are you, huh?
(suspenseful music)
Is that you Evan?
You creepy mother--
(electrical zapping)
(suspenseful music)
- Scott?
(Abby breathing heavily)
- Scott?
Oh, time to get laid.
(Danny singing)
- Danny?
- Whoa, hey, Mateo.
- Danny!
Where's your phone?
- It's dead, dude.
Why are you so hectic?
- It's Tori, she's dead.
- Dude, we were literally
texting this morning.
That's a cool trick.
- Ow!
There's a psycho killer on
the loose and they got her.
- Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Dude, I get it.
You can drop the skit.
It's Halloween, ooh, ah!
Seriously though
dude, where is she?
Okay, tonight is the night
that we consummate our love.
- Dude, it's not happening.
- Right, yeah,
'cause she's dead.
- Bro, I swear she is!
- Yeah, okay.
- You know she was
a Virgin, right?
- What?
Like zero penises?
- None.
- No.
No, that's impossible.
Dude, she literally
texted me tacos.
- Sorry.
- That's just not fair.
Not fair at all, dude.
- Okay, who is that?
(suspenseful music)
(Mateo gasps)
- Dude, does it look bad?
(Mateo screams)
(suspenseful music)
- Stu you're back,
where's Abby and Mateo?
- Tori and Quincy are dead.
- Oh my God!
- Danny is dead.
Abby, you're alive!
- Mateo, you're bleeding.
(Mateo screams)
- It's the devil mascot.
He shot me with his arrow.
I'm dying.
- You're not gonna die.
Here, let me see.
(Mateo screams)
I'm just gonna--
- Count until the warning!
Count down before
you amputate my arm.
- Just breathe, breathe.
- Super absorbent
and with wings.
- Good job, Jackie.
- Help!
(Reagan grunts)
(suspenseful music)
- Who are you?
Evan, is that you?
- Abby, I think
I know who it is.
- Paige, what are you doing?
- Anyone move and I'll kill her.
- [Reagan] No!
(Evee giggling)
- Evee?
- Sorry about your boyfriend.
But face it, he was
just a cheating jock.
10 points for me.
No points for dead
slenderman though.
- You killed Evan?
- Poor Evan, trying so hard
to relive your
elementary school years.
You know, it was his idea
to film El Jocko there
screwing around with your BFF.
That has to sting.
- Screw you.
- Counting the McKayla
kill, I'm still winning.
- You don't get full
points for McKayla.
We did that one together.
- McKayla?
(McKayla screaming)
Paige, let her go.
- You don't get
to call the shots.
We're in charge now, and
I say we split that kill.
- All you were supposed to
do was ring the doorbell.
I didn't need your help.
- You wish, four points each.
No points for Scott.
- He's a jock, 10 points.
- No substitutions.
- Paige, you're one of us.
- One of you?
Don't flatter yourself.
(sisters laughing)
I can't believe that dumb
cheerleader stereotype
is actually true.
- Paige, please.
- Let's get them!
(Reagan screams)
- Everyone, on the steps, now.
Let's just do what they say.
- Please don't do this Paige!
- Okay.
Story time, boys and girls.
(Reagan screams)
- 20 years ago, there was a
very talented cheerleader.
All the other cheerleaders
wanted to be just like her.
So one day at regionals,
her team sabotaged her.
- [Sister] Woo, Sandra!
- She fell from the
top of the pyramid
and snapped her neck.
Her twin sister watched her die.
She never got over it
and she never forgave.
So when she had twin
daughters of her own...
- Your auntie Sandra
will be avenged.
Say it.
- [Twins] Auntie
Sandra will be avenged.
- [Paige] She trained us.
- Your fishing trips.
- Survivalist training
camps, thank you very much.
We learned it all.
Hunting, trapping, killing.
- Every damned weekend.
You cheerleaders walk around
with your nose jobs in the air
like you're gifts
to this school.
- Wait, you're doing all this
because you hate cheerleaders?
- Not just cheerleaders,
that cheerleader.
Your mom was cheer
captain of the Diablos.
(Sandra screams)
She was so jealous
of our Auntie Sandra,
she killed her rather
than letting her shine.
(cheerleaders giggling)
- I know what she
did and I am sorry.
I've done everything I can
not to be anything like her.
- So you're telling me,
Abby's mom killed your aunt?
And so Principal
Simmons outlawed stunts
and groomed you
two into psychos?
(suspenseful music)
- Auntie Sandra will be avenged.
The Diablos have to die.
So when do we start the game?
- [Jackie] What are
you talking about?
- You guys like
cheering for games,
so we came up with a
little game of our own.
It's called--
- [Twins] Cheer or die.
(suspenseful music)
- Here's the rules.
Cheer, perfect form, or die.
It's simple.
(Evee giggles)
Now get your ass up there, jock.
- Jackie, see, I was right.
You are the jock.
- Wait, if Jackie's a jock...
Oh my God, am I the sexy blonde?
Am I right?
Wait, how is the badass
worth more points than I am?
- Jackie, you're up.
(suspenseful music)
Kick, kick, split, fish, blop.
- How do you even
do that altogether?
- Jackie, I've seen you
do all those things.
(Paige imitating chicken)
(twins laughing)
- [Friends] Jackie,
Jackie, Jackie, Jackie.
Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie.
Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Jackie.
Jackie, Jackie, Jackie!
- Yes Jackie!
(friends giggling)
- Mateo, you're up.
Let's see a back
handspring step out.
- Can I have a running start?
- From standing.
- Hello, I'm injured.
- Boohoo.
(twins giggling)
- Mateo, you can do it.
Just concentrate.
- Mateo, Mateo, Mateo.
(Mateo groans)
(friends laughing)
- Everybody shut up!
(suspenseful music)
Back handspring back tuck.
(suspenseful music)
Look out!
- Bravo, badass.
Who's next?
- I say it's the klutzy nerd.
You're up!
Round off back walkover.
- What?
- I'll go.
Reagan is injured.
- Round off, back walkover.
- Oh, come on.
I thought you two were
smarter than that.
I mean, you still
need a hostage, right?
- Nice try, final girl.
- Wait, maybe she's right.
These assholes need a
little skin in the game.
(Evee grunting)
- My mouth!
- You're done hurting
any of us, you got that?
No points for you!
(Evee squeals)
It's time to get
the chains out
Is your tongue tied up
'Cause this is my ground
And I'm dangerous
And you can get off
But it's all
'bout me tonight
So you say I'm complicated
- Reagan!
That I must be out my mind
But you've had me
underrated, rated, rated
- Let's cheer, bitch.
What's wrong with being
What's wrong with
being confident
What's wrong with being
- Mateo, back handspring.
Back kick!
Stu, toe touch.
(Paige grunts)
Diablos, we're outta here.
- Paige?
(suspenseful music)
(friends screaming)
(suspenseful music)
- Shit, we're still trapped.
- There's another way, come on.
- Why are we going up here?
- There's a courtyard upstairs.
Maybe it's the way out.
Here it is!
(suspenseful music)
- Crap, it's a dead end!
- We can get on the roof.
- How?
- Straight up toss.
- Abbs, we suck at those.
- Guys, it's the only way.
How's your ankle?
- I can't put enough
pressure on it.
- Abby.
- [Reagan] You have to do it.
- [Mateo] Come on.
- I can't.
- Please, please.
- It's too high and
I can't, I can't.
- You can.
Come on Abbs.
You are our captain.
We believe in you like
you believe in us.
You can do this.
- You're gonna fly, captain.
You've got this, Abbs.
- Okay, right, I've got this.
(Abby sniffling)
(Stu screams)
(friends giggling)
- Okay.
- Okay.
- On five.
- Five, six, seven, eight.
- [Friends] One, two,
three, four, five.
(Abby grunts)
- Okay.
- Yes!
- Go Abby, go!
(suspenseful music)
(Abby grunting)
Yes, keep going!
(Abby chuckles)
- I'm good!
(Mateo chuckling)
Oh God, there's a rope.
At least something
is going right.
Here you go.
- I got it. I got it.
Okay, come on.
- Be careful,
careful of the foot.
Careful, come on Reagan.
(suspenseful music)
- All right, come on Jackie.
- Come on Jackie.
Come on.
(Abby grunting)
(soft music)
(soft chatter)
Good job.
Okay Mateo.
(soft music)
(Mateo grunting)
You've got it.
(Mateo grunting)
I'm almost there.
(suspenseful music)
(Mateo grunting)
- Abby, Abby no!
(Abby grunting)
(suspenseful music)
- Evee, you don't
have to do this.
We don't have to live
out our parents' lives.
(Evee grunts)
(Evee chuckles)
- You don't get it.
This is all your fault!
(Evee screams)
- Killing me won't
change anything.
I mean, I get it since your
mom loves Paige so much better.
- No, mommy loves me best.
(Evee grunting)
(suspenseful music)
(friends gasping)
- You little psycho bitch.
(Evee coughing)
- [Jackie] Abby!
- Get her, get her.
- [Jackie] Abby, grab the rope.
- Come on Abby!
- You can do it.
- You've got this!
Pull her!
(friends breathing heavily)
Oh my God.
We're alive, we're alive!
(friends laughing)
- Look at this!
Quick, let's go!
Stu, I need you to tie that.
Extra tight, yeah.
Yeah, come on, come on.
You've got it, you've got it.
- [Jackie] Run.
(soft music)
Okay Stu.
Okay, just, you've got this.
- Pull tight.
(soft music)
- He's down.
- Okay.
- [Abby] Just slow.
- [Mateo] Don't worry
Jackie, you've got it.
- [Reagan] Jackie.
(suspenseful music)
- [Abby] Reagan, you're up.
- [Mateo] Well done.
You've gotta catch her, you've
gotta catch her, her ankle.
- [Abby] Come on Reagan.
(suspenseful music)
(Abby giggles)
- [Jackie] Come on Mateo.
- Yeah, just go.
(suspenseful music)
No, no, no, no, no.
- You're almost there.
(Mateo grunts)
Are you okay?
(suspenseful music)
- [Paige] You killed my sister!
I'm coming for you!
(suspenseful music)
- We're gonna have to catch her.
- I've got the head.
- Yeah, feet.
- Okay, yeah.
- Abby, jump!
(suspenseful music)
- Pray for me.
(suspenseful music)
(friends cheering)
(friends breathing heavily)
- Oh my God, no.
(panicked screams)
(friends banging on bus)
Go, go, go!
(eerie music)
Oh no.
(guy gasps)
(friends screaming)
- Can't sneak up on a man's
personal affirmation time.
Rough night, huh?
- No time.
Floor it, now!
- Time is ours for
the taking my friend.
Happiness is a state
of consciousness--
- Sir!
- Which proceeds from
the achievement of--
(guy grunts)
(suspenseful music)
- [Paige] You think
you can kill my sister
and just drive away?
(suspenseful music)
(bus engine roaring)
You're not going anywhere!
(suspenseful music)
(friends gasping)
- Gun it.
(suspenseful music)
- [Paige] Ha ha, you missed me!
(bus engine roaring)
- Oh God, did we just...
- Vamanos Diablos.
(friends gasping in shock)
(friends softly clapping)
- [Friends] Diablos.
(soft music)
(audience cheering)
(upbeat cheer music)
(audience cheering)
(whistle blowing)
- Diablos, circle up.
We went through a hell
of a lot last year.
We lost members of
our cheer family,
but they're not gone
from our hearts.
They'll always be a part
of us and this team.
And to all our new members,
thank you all for joining this
new chapter of Diablo Cheer.
Let's kick some
Green Knight butt!
Bring it on!
(cheerleaders cheering)
Put 'em in.
- [Cheerleaders]
One, two, Diablo!
(cheerleaders cheering)
- [Audience] Diablo,
Diablo, Diablo, Diablo.
Tick Tock
Around the clock
I woke up spicy
and never stopped
Tick Tock
Got way too much,
yeah, I'm down to win
Tick Tock
Like energy
'Cos sleeping is the enemy
Time's up
There's the tea
There's no more crumpets
Blow the trumpets
You know we on a roll and
you know where we going
(upbeat cheer music continues)
Moving, moving,
moving on you
Move it, move it,
move, why don't ya
Make time for it
Make time for it
Make time rewarding
Move time forward, aye
Aye, we gon get it
in like clockwork
Yeah, we gon get it
in like clockwork
Aye, we gon get it
in like clockwork
Clockwork, clockwork,
clockwork, clockwork
Aye, we gon get it
in like clockwork
Yeah, we gon get it
in like clockwork
Aye, we gon get it
in like clockwork
Clockwork, clockwork,
clockwork, clockwork
(upbeat cheer music continues)
I just want to see
you bounce that thing
For me one time
Bounce that thing
for me one more time
Bounce that thing
for me one time
Bounce that thing
for me one more time
Shake that thing
for me one time
Shake that thing, let
it wind, wind, wind
I said shake that
thing for me one time
Shake that thing, let
it wind, wind, wind
Just wind it up
Let it wind, wind, wind
Just wind it up
Let it wind, wind, wind
Shake that thing, let
it wind, wind, wind
Just wind, just wind it up
Shake that thing, let
it wind, wind, wind
Just wind it up,
just wind it up
Just wind it up,
just wind it up
Just wind it up
You are now listening
I'm about to blow
off this roof
You know I've got the juice
I'm about to blow
off this roof
You know I've got the juice
You know I've got the juice
You know I've got the juice
I'm about to blow
off this roof
(audience cheering)
- [Announcer] The winners
in this final showdown...
The Diablos!
(audience cheering)
(suspenseful music)
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
In the spotlight
Baby, it's go time
Yeah, we got everyone
watching, watching
We on prime time,
stars of the lifetime
Everything we
do, show stopping
Show stopping, show stopping
Everything we do
is show stopping
Show stopping, show stopping
Everything we do
is show stopping
Take your place center stage
Come on, let's go
Welcome to the show
Take a chance, make a name
Let 'em all know
Welcome to the show, hey
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Get in with it, tell
me how you're feeling
Everything they want,
we got it, got it
We winning, chilling,
up like the ceiling
Baby we so iconic,
iconic, iconic, iconic
Baby we so iconic,
iconic, iconic
Baby we so iconic
Take your place center stage
Come on, let's go
Welcome to the show
Take a chance, make a name
Let 'em all know
Welcome to the show, hey
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Whoa, whoa
Welcome to the
Whoa, whoa
Welcome to the,
welcome to the show
Show stopper
You were superstar
like wowza
Going far, show stopper
You were superstar
like wowza
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Show stopper
You were superstar
like wowza
Going far, show stopper
You were superstar
like wowza
Wowza, wowza,
wowza, wowza, wowza
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Whoa, welcome to the
Whoa, to the show
Whoa, whoa
(upbeat music)
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
In the spotlight
Baby, it's go time
Yeah, we got everyone
watching, watching
We on prime time,
stars of the lifetime
Everything we
do, show stopping
Show stopping, show stopping
Everything we do
is show stopping
Show stopping, show stopping
Everything we do
is show stopping
Take your place center stage
Come on, let's go
Welcome to the show
Take a chance, make a name
Let 'em all know
Welcome to the show, hey
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Get in with it, tell
me how you're feeling
Everything they want,
we got it, got it
We winning, chilling,
up like the ceiling
Baby we so iconic,
iconic, iconic, iconic
Baby we so iconic,
iconic, iconic
Baby we so iconic
Take your place center stage
Come on, let's go
Welcome to the show
Take a chance, make a name
Let 'em all know
Welcome to the show, hey
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Welcome to the,
welcome to the
Welcome to the show
Whoa, whoa
Welcome to the
Whoa, whoa
Welcome to the,
welcome to the show
Show stopper
You were superstar
like wowza
Going far, show stopper
You were superstar
like wowza
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Show stopper
You were superstar