Broadway (2022) Movie Script

My dick is so hard,
it's ripping my pants.
Say it.
Rip me apart.
Hey! Stop this!
I have to clean everyone's shit in here.
If I take on extra duties,
they'll let me out earlier.
I even learned how to cook.
I've become a fucking maid.
I was in deep shit, again.
I was a sucker for trouble.
I would get caught up
in messed-up situations.
And just before the big explosion,
somebody would come to rescue me.
But let's take it from the beginning.
My mother was a ballerina.
The very best.
And she's a monster.
Like mother, like daughter.
Despite her good taste,
she married a pitbull
with a castle by the sea.
He had a toilet paper factory
and shitloads of money.
Needless to say: That
pitbull was not my father.
My mother never came to my show,
but that night, she sent
her puppets to take me back.
And he was there. Again.
He was there every
night and gave good tips.
But that night...
he came to rescue me.
His name was Markos.
He was an artist. Or so he said.
He looked the part.
But he was a crook.
As talented as they get.
He told me he was born in America.
His father worked at the zoo,
and brought home a mountain lion.
That's how he lost his finger.
The mountain lion ate it off.
I pretended to believe him.
But at that moment,
I would believe anything, as
long as he took me far away.
Do you want a fix?
What have you got?
He had a plan.
We were going to
Broadway to meet his family.
The Broadway I knew was in America.
But this one was around the
corner and you didn't even know it.
You only found out when
you were in serious trouble.
You are here.
Open Air Cinema Rooftop.
The whole family welcomed me.
The old man.
They called him "Locksmith".
Don't touch it.
It has rabies.
She bites. Look at
what she did to Rudolph.
Where did you put the new guy?
He's downstairs, in storage room B.
Are you ok?
What is that?
I'll tell them to bring
you some painkillers.
They're after him, bad.
But he's harmless.
Don't worry.
Even if he recovers, he has to play dead.
If he wants a chance to live.
You know what I mean?
Yeah, yeah...
This is my bedroom.
And these are our clothes.
It's all yours.
Shut up!
And so it all began.
We were going to take Athens by storm.
Hi, Paul.
Hey, guys.
This is for you.
And this...
for the house.
Let's go.
Life in Broadway wasn't
really what I expected.
To get in you had to give something away.
To get out, too.
Good job.
I'll be in the shower. Come.
Kiss FM takes you to Europe,
to see your favorite superstars!
Adele in London, Coldplay in Paris,
Rolling Stones in Amsterdam,
Shakira in Milan.
Mariah Carey in London's Christmas Show!
You're not eating.
I'm eating.
Tune in with Kiss FM and...
make your day!
-What does he look like?
-No idea.
When he came here,
he was covered in blood.
You know he worked for Maraboo?
Who's that?
Never seen him myself. Few have.
But he has. That's the problem.
Once you've seen him...
Everything ok?
Yes, we're going back upstairs.
I'm going to lock up now.
Good night.
I never stayed in one place for too long.
I always found a reason to leave.
Or maybe...
I couldn't find a reason to stay.
Someone would always come to rescue me.
And nobody thought I
could rescue someone.
But that's what I wanted the most.
For you.
A gift.
Thanks, Mojito.
You're welcome.
Be careful.
He bites.
We warmed up to each other.
And when it got cold, we would
squeeze against each other.
You sick?
Are you done?
Are you getting closer?
No way.
Tell me...
What happens if someone dies in Broadway?
Why? You're planning to?
We either burn them...
or eat them.
You do have a fever.
We don't let her out of her cage.
She has rabies.
Put it back in the cage.
The days passed and
the corpse fully recovered.
But still, he had to play dead
for the outside world.
You can't stay here like this.
You know that.
Not like this.
If not like this,
then he was willing to change.
He had no place to go.
He was ready to do anything.
To change his skin.
It won't work.
Let's give it a try.
Hey, dude.
Nelly wants to try something.
What kind of woman do you want to be?
Maybe a no-bullshit kind of woman?
Kind of rough around the edges?
Or maybe punk?
What about high heels?
Wigs? Glamour?
Can I change along the way?
Sure, but we need to
start from somewhere.
Could I be a hot chick?
Hot chick!
Her name is Barbara.
And she was my best creation.
We were a hit.
And we were in over our heads.
We had to be careful
inside Broadway and out,
because we were being
watched, all the time.
Even at night time.
And in the midst of all
this, I got carried away.
Who's that chick?
New girl in town.
Good to see you, again.
He ran and ran.
Faster than ever.
But the cops caught up.
The charge: Petty
theft and property crime,
without accomplices.
He got 11 months.
We, on the other hand...
How did you get away?
Thank god for the girls.
What girls?
Yes, I'm in the park
with Dolores and Mitsos.
Poor Dolores is constipated today.
I'll take care of it.
Let me go!
Now what?
And so, life on Broadway carried on.
What does it mean?
Whatever that means.
Tell me.
Maraboo is a bird.
Very ugly.
Like a...
But bigger.
He has a sack hanging from his beak.
When he eats, the sack bloats.
-Tell me.
-Like a ballsack.
He eats big birds, small birds, fish...
flamingos, garbage.
Tiny cockroaches like yourself.
Life on Broadway carried on.
And the day of his
return was still faraway.
We had to keep changing
locations, outfits, songs.
We were a new couple every day.
Missing person.
For the cockroaches.
-You're welcome.
We're not supposed to eat that.
It's sweet.
Are you really eating
that? Come on, stop.
It's not bad.
Excuse me.
Could you not sit in the trolley?
The boy can't walk. He's injured.
Come here.
Don't ever call me Jonas.
Come inside.
Come here.
Where are you?
What do you want?
Someone came here today,
looking for Jonas.
"I know you have some kids here."
"Any chance you've heard
of this guy Jonas?"
That's what he asked.
They call him "The Lithuanian".
He insisted.
Never heard of him."
That's what I said.
I let you stay here,
I've helped you out,
and I want to keep helping you.
And I don't want to mess up this...
little fling
with the girl.
Enjoy it.
For as long as you can.
What do I do with these?
Tomorrow at seven.
It'll be two men.
One is 50 years old,
the other one is much older.
So you be gentle with him.
They'll tell you exactly what they want.
You just have to be
And it'll be over
before you know it.
Some things they didn't want me to know.
I didn't like that, at all.
Once or twice a week,
Barbara would leave Broadway, alone.
At exactly the same time.
The days went by, we
were hiding in plain sight.
We had to keep dancing,
even if we had nothing to celebrate.
She started to change.
And she would fall, deeper and deeper.
And she wouldn't let me catch her.
I'll come back.
Why don't we leave?
Let's go wherever you like.
We could steal a car.
Live it up.
We can take Lola with us.
I'm not going to rot in Broadway.
There is a war happening out there.
You don't see it, you don't hear it.
Here, I found a hole to hide in.
And I wait.
Can you imagine us like
old hags in Broadway?
Waiting and dancing.
Do you see that building?
The big one.
It belongs to Maraboo.
And that one on the right.
And the one on the left.
That one, too.
He owns half the city.
The lights on those buildings,
never turn off.
But when he dies
the lights will flash,
one, two,
four times.
It's like when a pope dies,
a king, you know?
There are signs in the city,
but you need to know how to read them.
There were signs in the city.
And I was in Neverland...
with her.
But I wasn't going to
leave Broadway without her.
What's left for food?
Just gummy bears?
Nothing else?
Is there anything to eat?
I'm talking to you.
No, nothing.
We may have some milk.
Lola, don't.
I wish you a Happy Birthday, mom.
I'm a few months late.
I didn't forget.
I haven't forgotten you.
You wouldn't believe my luck.
I'm taking part in a reality show on TV.
We dance, we sing...
There's a live audience
applauding for us.
Crazy, right?
I'm doing well.
They have a house for us, too.
I live with the other contestants.
The house is huge.
Nothing like our home.
They give us some pocket money.
It's not much,
but my plate is always full.
No more dirty business.
I'll save money and I'll come see you.
Maybe next year.
I will bring you nice things.
I'm always thinking of you.
Love, Jonas.
Hey, you guys.
Have you seen Lola?
What are you doing?
Me? Nothing.
-Who turned on the lights?
-No idea.
Where's Mohammad?
He's here. But I've lost Lola.
Where are you, honey?
Come here.
I don't want this animal hopping around.
I thought I'd come back a bit earlier.
You've had a hard time.
I know it.
Right, Nelly?
I was never the romantic type.
I shouldn't have brought these.
Everyone should know their place.
If you blow it,
you have to take responsibility.
Nothing comes free.
No exceptions.
Especially you, you should know that.
Some lose their arm.
Others what's between their legs.
But you...
since you're a pretty one,
we'll settle this nicely.
What do you think?
Didn't hear you.
come here.
I want you to do the honours.
Come on.
Show him your strength.
I'll do it myself then.
Don't disappoint me.
In the face.
Fucking do it!
Nice one.
Where are you going?
Clean him up.
He made a grand entrance.
We didn't have time to prepare.
No festivities, no excuses.
No lies prepared.
From then on, it was all
a matter of improvisation.
All these months, I've been thinking.
What about?
I heard about Vlada, inside.
Who's Vlada?
A pickpocket.
Damn good one.
He was here for a long time.
he was caught.
And they locked him up.
He served his sentence.
We waited but he never came back.
You know what happened to him?
He got a job at the fish market.
Nothing fancy, but it was a start.
He found himself a good girl.
It was a new beginning.
He decided to come clean.
Come here.
Let me show you something.
Come on.
After you.
You see this?
This is what I mean.
All this.
We're leaving Broadway.
You and I, we're leaving.
We'll try our luck outside.
We'll come clean.
For real?
You can't go on living like this.
If you continue like this,
you'll end up dead.
In jail or back in some strip joint.
But you'll be safe with me.
You're funny, man.
You don't have a choice.
We're leaving tomorrow.
Or Barbara will go
back to her old friends.
Let's forget about last night.
Let's not make a big deal out of it.
Are we ready?
Thieves are like magicians.
That's what he told me.
And like in a magic show,
they work with distraction.
It works because humans
are short-sighted animals.
They focus on one thing only.
Give them something
exciting, give them a show,
and they won't know what's
happening behind their back,
or under their nose.
I put the powder
for the cockroaches in the milk.
Who do we have here?
How much did you put?
A spoon, maybe two.
One spoon, or two?
He's puking.
What's wrong?
Are you sick?
You'll be fine.
Bring him some water.
Call the Locksmith.
I'm a mess.
You begged me like a dog to take you in.
I told you I would help you.
But now you need to help me, too.
Listen carefully.
Over there.
Cheer up.
You look fine.
Shut the door.
They stayed inside.
I tried to eavesdrop,
but I couldn't hear.
They were in there for
five minutes, maybe more.
Then, they came out. Markos first.
Or was it the old man first? I forget.
I put my head through the door to see.
Barbara was crying.
Crying her eyes out.
Then she said, "What a lovely blouse!"
Just a moment.
Get going.
As you wish.
You feeling better?
Amazing. And you?
I need one more day.
Barbara will be just fine.
Don't you worry.
He's just a fugitive,
a rat who's trying to save his ass.
People on the run have
no feelings, they just run.
Tell her to meet me at the fish stand.
The fish stand.
He threw it up,
it's probably out of his system.
Double the dose.
Triple it.
What's going on?
Get some milk.
Semi-skimmed or whole?
Get two, three cartons.
-What did she say?
-To get some milk.
If it doesn't work with the milk?
We'll just smash his head open.
Yeah, right.
Don't chicken out.
I'm trying to save you.
You will prepare the milk,
double the dose, put the
whole thing in, I don't care.
I'll distract him.
We'll go to sleep like nothing happened.
And in the morning...
we will see.
What's the matter?
There's no music, no dance, nothing.
I thought we'd have a party.
And now, this song goes out
to all the lonely cowboys in town.
A song for the Wild West of Athens.
I'll be downstairs.
Sweet dreams.
We have a long way tomorrow.
My mother was a ballerina.
And if she wasn't, I probably
wouldn't be here right now.
I was a sucker for trouble,
but I never thought I'd go this far.
I did it for the girl...
for the boy.
Whatever she was.
The deed was done.
It was time to sleep.
Hi Nelly, how you doing?
Hey, Nelly.
Hey, you.
What do you think?
What are you laughing at?
Where is she?
I met someone special in jail.
He works for a very powerful guy.
I made a deal with him.
With them.
This big man is after a rotten guy,
who rules in the shadows.
That's how they call him.
Jonas knows things about Maraboo.
Things that nobody else knows.
Naturally, Maraboo wants to find him
and cut his tongue.
Best case scenario.
The big man is after Maraboo.
Maraboo is after Jonas.
And Jonas...
well, Barbara,
has to go with the
big guy to save herself.
She has no better choice.
He will treat her fairly.
He'll like her.
He likes girls of her kind.
What's in it for you?
That's all?
And some money.
For you and me.
I mean real money.
Not some left-overs.
The Locksmith took his share.
And we get out of this shit-dump.
We go wherever we want.
How much?
What do we do?
Light it up.
What are you doing?
What are you doing, you whore?
I was a sucker for trouble, but
I never thought I'd go this far.
I did it for her, the girl, the boy...
Whatever she was.
And then she disappeared.
I tried to find her. But nothing.
I'm still looking.
Still nothing.
She vanished into thin air.
Do you recognize the voice?
Come on.
I just want to know
if she is making it up.
Is he dead?
Probably or is he dead?
Who are you working for?
You can come to the Headquarters,
and check out my office.
But it's not very fancy.
It's just a dump.
I don't give a damn about this
whole pickpocketing business.
That's kindergarten.
I want to know about Jonas.
That's the story I want to know.
They're burnt.
Just a moment, madam.
What happened?
What did you say? One with cheese and...
Did you hear? They're burnt.
What? What?
It's like coal!
What? This pizza is perfectly fine.
-Are you referring to that?
-Yes, that.
That's not burnt, silly. This is...
smoked pizza.
I forgot about you!
Hi, Nelly.
Hey, Mojito.
Hi, Lola.
Hi, Nelly.
How are you?
Not too bad.
You'll talk tonight.
You're coming tonight?
We have a new order. Be careful!
Nelly, sweetheart,
your mother called a hundred times.
Call her back.
Yes, madam.