Broken People (2023) Movie Script

[Muffled doctor's office noise]
[Ears ringing]
(Doctor Cohn) Jake?
Jake, are you listening?
It looks benign to me, but we'll
know more when the tests come back.
There's no reason to stress right now, so it's
important to stay calm and keep your mind clear.
Go home, get some rest, and
try to take your mind off of it.
The last thing you need right
now is anxiety on top of everything.
You're a writer, right?
Do some writing, get some work done, maybe write
about something new, something you're not used to.
Something that you can really
dive into and... escape... you know?
I'll give you a call as soon as I hear back on the test
results, shouldn't be any
later than tomorrow morning.
Take care, Jake.
[Bach's Cello Suite No. 1, Prlude]

[Door opens and closes]
[Bach's Cello Suite No.1 II-Allemande]

[Muffled shouting]

[Upbeat pop/rock music plays on jukebox]
(Jake voiceover) It's hard to
reflect in a loud bar, but when
you're three drinks deep and
alone, that's all you want to do.
The world's ending, that's how it feels sometimes.
Anyway, I don't know if everyone's
world is like that or if it's just mine.
I can't stand cliches, but the deeper I
fall into myself, the more of them I find.
A smile, though... a smile can change everything.
(Brett) What is it, huh? Is it me?
(Jill) No it's not you.
Well I don't know why I keep attracting
these guys every time, these assholes.
Maybe I should just finally leave town.
Moving around isn't gonna leave you an
escape from yourself, believe me, I've tried.
Fair enough.
(Jill) This is a good place, it's a very good place.
(Brett) There's lots of beer.
That's the spirit!
I'm not giving you the
satisfaction of laughing at that.
Oh what's that?
Some good shit, that's what. You want some?
To-(Jill) No no, this is not for toast drinking.
You mix emotions up with the bourbon, no no.
Okay, well fuck it then.
Fuck it.
Journaling at the bar?
I wish...
Thought I'd try the tortured artist
thing for a bit and see how that works.
It works on you.
What are you drinking?
Oh, you don't have to-
Oh it's fine, Jill won't mind, I need a new one anyway.
Damn... cheers.
I don't think Ive seen you around here.
Well I just moved here a little while ago, and uh...
I tend to drink alone more often than not.
But uh...
Drinking alone kinda sucks, so...
Here I am. (chuckles)
Well welcome.
Drinking alone does suck... but it's
better than not drinking alone at all.
(Jill) Just decided to help yourself, huh?
Oh, I, uh... (stammers)
[Laughing] Oh, okay, holy shit... this is why I drink alone.
[Upbeat pop/rock music plays on jukebox]

So... you said that you don't have a story,
but that's bullshit, everyone has a story.
Do you live around here?
Yup, Select Street.
Alright, family?
Not so much.
Uh... like I said, I like to drink alone.
I get that.
Well hey, here's to drinking together.
What kind of music do you listen to? I can
totally take over the jukebox at any time.
Oh, uh, I'll pretty much listen to anything.
Something new or old?
How about something old?
Hey, I'll be right back, okay?
[Phone unlocks, typing]
(Voicemail) Thank you for
calling the office of Dr. Cohn.
Our office hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm-
[Jake sighs]
[Upbeat pop/rock music]

Then you pull me through, and it feels new.
(Brett) It's a happy ending.
(Jake) It absolutely is not a
happy ending, it's a tragedy.
But he achieved his goal,
how is that not a happy ending?
Because it's not the ending that he wanted.
I don't think that really
matters, though, you can still
have a happy ending even if
you don't get what you want.
But isn't happiness subjective? Like, what makes one
person happy doesn't necessarily
make another person happy.
But it makes the audience happy.
[Chuckles] you were happy?
First he said that it wasn't his life, his
family, but he accepts them for who they are.
And as soon as he did that he was all in.
That's so sad.
Sad maybe, but not tragic.
He started as an anti-hero, err, he started as
a hero and then transitioned to an anti-hero...
And from there he achieved
his goals. How is that a tragedy?
Romeo and Juliet was a tragedy.
Their goals were to end up together emotionally
and physically, but they both died...
Separately emotionally but together physically.
What do you do?
That explains a lot, actually.
Does it?
And you are a... diary reviewer?
[Jake laughs]
No, but that sounds like a pretty cool job.
Right? Especially if you could
give, like reviews and things.
Oh yeah. [laughs]
(Sarcastically) Sexual frustration... 8 out of 10.
Story pacing... 4 out of 10.
Self awareness... 5 out of 10.
I'm a writer.
That makes more sense.
By choice or profession?
I guess by choice first, and then both...
And now just profession?
Feels like it sometimes.
Yeah I get that.
So what do you teach?
High school English.
Damn, that's awesome.
It can be.
So like Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, To Kill a
Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men,
Grapes of Wrath, the usuals?
I try to stay away from "the usuals" as
much as possible... but yes to all of those.
We also did Dracula, Jekyll and Hyde, Fahrenheit 451.
Damn [chuckles] wish I had you in high school.
We also did a hallway project for Dante's Inferno.
But we had to take it down because one
of the teachers accused us of witchcraft.
But no, that's great, that's like the
highest compliment that you can possibly get.
That's fair.
I mean like, suppose all the townsfolk
accuse you of witchcraft, like my god...
That's amazing, that's like a
5-star rating at a restaurant.
So please... please... don't ever change.
Hey, I got a proposition for you.
Damn, that was quick.
Do you... want to take... this to the next level?
I thought you'd never ask.
[Retro pop/rock music plays on jukebox]

It's all around me, but it's gone without you.
Show me I see what's wrong with their truth?
Why should it be something that I choose? No one
else sees it's you I breathe through. And turn away.
[Billiard balls crack]
(Jake) Not bad.
I do okay.
So you're like, good at this?
(Jake) Apparently not good enough.
You're up, asshole.
(Jake) Boom!
(Brett) Uh, you're stripes.
So I've never actually played this before.
[Retro pop music plays on jukebox]
If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?
Do you ever get the feeling that life's passing
by so fast that you don't really get to live it?
All the time.
Could never make it on my own but it was hard to see.
Every time I turned around I felt you turning me.
And every time I lost the way you showed
me what I needed. To see this for you.
Stop... just stop...
(Jill) You want another?
(Brett) I'm going out for a smoke.
She's been through a lot.
Haven't we all.
You know, you shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you.
You know what else is bad for you?
What's that?
Telling people what is and isn't bad for them.
Fair point.
I've wanted to quit for years, just...
Life got in the way?
Something like that.
You know... I'm not exactly in a
position to judge other people's decisions.
Eh, don't make excuses for
me, shit's gonna kill me someday.
[Sighs] A lot of shit can kill you.
I should go.
You got some place to be?
Something like that.
Yeah, I should go. I got shit to deal with at home.
(Jake) You know, I'm no stranger to dealing with shit.
The hardest part is figuring out what
shit is worth dealing with and what isn't.
Because... some shit... some
shit just isn't worth your time.
Hey, you ever play basketball?
You know, I haven't touched a basketball in years.
Are you sure you've ever touched one?
[Indie rock music]
I don't know where I've been.
I don't know where I'm going.
Been holding on to the past
but this life keeps on moving.
(Jake) Damn, you're so good at everything, huh?
(Brett) [Chuckles] I was an athlete in high school.
So you and I would have never spoken.
Wait.. if you were an athlete...
And then you quit the team...
Did you have that moment with your dad when you were
like "dad, I'm quitting the team to pursue literature?"
But then your dad was like "No Brett!
You cannot give up on your dream!"
But then you were like "But no, dad, I'm giving up on yours!"
(Brett) [Laughs] Nope, my dad was actually a book nerd too.
He gave me shit for playing sports all the time.
Let's play HORSE... you do know how to play HORSE, right?
Is it like Polo?
[Laughs] It's exactly like Polo.
Oh, then I've never played it before.
It's easy, there's no dribbling involved.
I think I'm a pretty good
dribbler, if you know what I mean.
(Brett) [Laughing] Like I said, there's no dribbling.
[Indie rock music plays]
I don't know where I've been.
I don't know where I'm going.
Been holding on to the past but this
life keeps on moving. It keeps on moving.
I can turn back now and leave this all behind.
I don't know if I'll ever make it out alive.
I can turn back now and leave this all behind.
I don't know if I'll ever get out alive.
So what are you writing?
Articles, stuff about the human
mind, veganism, breweries, micro-
Just the gamut of...
Pretentious hipster bullshit?
I mean...
You're not wrong, I know what I am.
Self-awareness is important.
So... what's this?
Something else.
Is it like a Helter Skelter manifesto or something?
No... (mockingly) I am writing
an adaptation of Mein Kampf.
It's about Hitler, who is starting up a
tech company, and he's the CEO, in Brooklyn.
Sounds... interesting... can't wait to read it.
(Brett) They say that writing is
just bleeding into a typewriter.
(Jake) If only it were that simple.
The first cut is always the hardest.
(Jake) You said you were an
English teacher. You ever write?
(Brett) Once upon a time.
(Jake) Why did you stop?
Got tired of bleeding.
Why do you ask?
Just curious.
You're not seeing any of it.
Oh come on, I'm sure it's really good.
I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
That's what I thought.
You know this is top shelf, right?
I'm gonna have to start you a tab.
But it was down here.
That's not what top shelf means.
[Phone buzzes]
Uh, hey, I'll be right back.
I'm just saying, it's not clear, is what I meant.
Doesn't have to be clear, it's my bar.
[Answers phone]
(Automated voice) This is an
automated call from... Rising
Sun Media... reminding you
of your upcoming deadlines.
Should you need an extension, please call your
HR department during normal business hours...
Which are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm... thank you...
[Call ends]
I prefer scotch.
I'm not even sure I can tell the difference.
Scotch is... smokier... bourbon
is more cinnamony and sweet.
I'm not sure what type of cinnamon you're cooking
with, but you should probably throw that out.
(Jake) Now who's the pretentious hipster?
I think we all have a little
pretentious hipster in us.
That's beautiful.
Thank you.
Everything alright?
Yeah, just work being up my ass.
Jesus, they call you this late?
Yeah they have an automated
system that nags you night and day.
I think I'm starting to put the pieces together.
Oh yeah?
Okay, well please go on... enlighten me.
Your articles are bullshit, but they're
your bullshit, the type that you can handle.
And you would like to write for yourself, and you're
getting pretty sick of writing for other people, but...
You're scared that it takes a lot of
commitment, so you're here, wasting time.
You're mostly... mostly right...
I absolutely came here to waste time...
But... but but but...
I think I... uh... found something...
That... isn't...
A waste of time.
You wanna go for a walk?
[Retro pop music plays on jukebox]

Is it only me who just can't see we finally
made it better? It's finally back together.
Had my first date there.
Oh yeah? How was that?
He was a perfect gentleman. His mom
dropped us off and my mom picked us up.
Had my first kiss there.
Same guy?
Nope, his brother.
Damn. [Chuckles]
He was way cuter.
So what made you move here? Is there, like,
a budding art scene that I wasn't aware of?
Creative inspiration, actually.
Yeah... there's something about...
Something about trucks just passing by...
[Loud truck drives by]
It really gets the creative juices flowing!
No no no, actually, everything closes at like 6pm.
So no distractions.
Except the bars.
Oh, the bars, right, totally forgot about that. [Laughs]

I grew up in the city.
My parents used to take me here in the fall...
And we'd do the whole apple
picking, pumpkin patch thing...
That city people love to do.
One year, as I was getting
older... I decided I didn't want to go.
I had a friend whose parents
had a penthouse in Manhattan...
Which was a dream for me.
He invited me to stay there for the weekend...
And uh... so I did...
And my parents made the
usual trip up here by themselves...
And they... uh...
They never came home.
I... uh...
It was a cold fall...
And they were driving up here...
And they... uh... hit a patch of black ice.
The car wrapped around a tree.
(Brett) I'm so sorry.
I... uh...
I thought...
I guess I thought...
I thought moving up here would make me feel better...
It hasn't.
And I still feel guilty about it every day.
Some days are better, some days are worse.
But... hey, I'm still close enough to Penguin
Random House if they decide to publish me.
Having dreams is great and all, but that's a lofty goal.
Well dreaming is part of my process.
Let's go get more to drink.
Yeah, my buzz is dying.
[Car passes by]
[Distant train passing through town]
My mom used to coach my tee-ball team.
She'd bring orange slices for
everyone, even the other team.
She'd cheer for them, build them up, everyone loved her.
And then... she cheated on my dad... and left him.
She went off with her new family
and never really looked back.
When I grew up and left the house
she reappeared... and he took her back.
That sucks.
I mean I love my dad, but...
I haven't spoken to either
of them in a really long time.
It's not that I hate my mom, I just... don't
really know her... or care to know her.
That probably sounds really shitty to you.
It doesn't.
You know, we're all broken in different places.
And we're supposed to grow from that brokenness, but...
It really hurts sometimes.
Yes it does.
My dad keeps trying to call me
and get me to talk to him, but...
I really can't bring myself to do it.
To the broken places.
[Phone buzzes]
Speak of the...
Your dad?
Hey you okay?
I have a boyfriend. (Jake) Oh.
Well, maybe an ex now, I'm not really sure.
I went to the the bar to get over him...
But it wasn't enough.. it never
really seems to be enough.
And I left my favorite scarf at his house.
That's bullshit. (Brett) What?
Look, I don't know what your
relationship is like, only you do.
But you are enough.
I mean, how long have we known
each other? What, like a couple of hours?
That's long enough for me
to realize that you are enough.
And look, I know you're vulnerable right now and I'm
not gonna be one of those assholes that hits on you.
Because that's messed up and that's wrong, but...
Looking at you right now...
You are enough.
I've had a lot of fun tonight.
Like, more fun than I've had in a long time.
(Sarcastically) Oh, well I am a fun guy.
I mean, I wanna keep having fun.
Just for tonight, nothing else
matters, no one else matters, just fun.
I can do that.
[Pop music]
Try not to spin out too much. Oh
but my mind keeps on tripping me up.
Telling me lies till Im coming undone.
Emotionally drunk like I cant get enough.
Watch me fall down the rabbit hole. Spend
hours counting all the potential hypotheticals.
Building walls just to knock them down.
Leave me on the ground in the fall out.
I keep on leaving me a wreck. Words in my head,
yeah theyre dead set on running parallel.
Why do I do it, why do I do it?
Always kicking myself, kicking myself.

We're gonna find a game you're good at, I promise.
I want a rematch.
You're too careful.
Tell me about it.
You're reds.
You know, it would be really polite
if you actually let me win for once.
But what would you learn from that?
(Jake) That human decency
and kindness are still alive!
(Jill) Oh, those died a long time ago.
Here you go.
Thank you. (Jill) You're welcome.
[50s rock and roll plays on jukebox]
Oh chasing love can drive you mad, make
you feel real good, make you feel so sad.
How about Scrabble?
How about let's get your scarf back?
Your scarf.
You said that you left your scarf at his house.
So lets get it back.
It's just a scarf.
Your favorite scarf.
Look, I appreciate the energy, I really do, but it's fine.
I'm gonna go have a smoke.
Let's go get my fucking scarf back.
You sure about this? It's okay if you... uh.. don't want to.
Mister dumbass confidence over here.
(Brett) Mike, it's me!
(Mike) Who the fuck is that?
(Brett) I want my fucking scarf back.
What? (Brett) My scarf, I want it.
What the fuck are you talking about? Who is that?
(Brett) Look, we're done, I'm over this,
I don't wanna keep doing this anymore.
I want my fucking scarf.
You're done? Fuck off.
(Jake) Hey man! She just wants her scarf back.
Look, I don't know who you are, but you need
to get the fuck out of here right now...
Or I'm gonna knock your
fucking teeth down your throat.
(Jake) Scarf thing kinda makes sense now.
Are you fucking kidding me?
(Jake) Shit, hey!
[Jake groaning]
[Glass shatters]
(Brett) Are you okay?
I'll live.
It doesn't look that bad, come on.
(Jill) Should be call the police?
Nah, he'll be alright.
(Jake) Nice scarf.
Nice nose. (Jake) Thank you.
It doesn't look too bad.
Much obliged. (Jill) You're welcome.
(Brett) I'm sorry about that.
(Jake) No it's fine.
I'm just glad you're okay, nobody
deserves to be treated like that.
Must have felt great to smash that-
(Brett) You wanna get really drunk with me?
Honestly, I've been drunk for a while at this point.
[Retro pop/rock music]
We gotta get together and make
a way. It's all we've ever known.
We're not the same, we never thought
it'd break. We're still holding on.
Let's put it back together a
better way and never let it go.
Carry through. Trust in what we never knew.

(Jake) Why do I suck so much?
You don't suck, you're just... [hiccups] you're just worried.
My doctor said I might be sick.
Never mind.
I can't write.
I'm not even a real writer.
I wish I was.
You know, I started writing...
Because I liked the way it made me feel.
You know? Like... like I felt something.
Like it scares me.
You scare me.
[Phone buzzes]
Give it a fucking rest!
I should probably go home and go to sleep, but...
Honestly, that's the last place I want to be right now.
Uh oh.
[Brett puking]
You okay Jill? [Laughing]
Oh probably smart.
One for you too. (Jake) Excuse me.
[Jake puking]
[Phone buzzing]
Oh my god! You know what, fine, fine.
Dad, it's the middle of the night...
Whoa whoa, slow down... wait what?
Slow down... yeah no... I can be up
there tonight. Do you need me to drive out?
Are you okay? Are you sure?
Okay, well I'll drive out and
I'll be there in the morning.
Tomorrow of course... no I want to be there.
Yeah that's fine, okay... I'll be there tomorrow.
I love you too.
Is everything alright?
(Brett) I don't know.
Are you okay? (Jake) Yeah I'm good.
What's going on?
My mom just died.
(Jake) Shit. (Jill) I'm so sorry.
You don't have to talk about it if you
don't want to, but if you do, we're here.
I'm gonna go for a walk.
(Jake) You want any company? (Brett) No.
[Somber music]
I'm gonna start cleaning up, do you need anything?
No I'm good.
Oh wait, actually, do you have another pen?
I'm sure somewhere here.
Thank you. (Jill) You're welcome.
You can feel it, the end of the
year. You can see it falling down.
But when the lights come on, it's time to come home.

Supper time, every one is here.

Are you near, like I wished so many times?

How do you say goodbye to a stranger?
You weren't even a good parent, or a good partner to dad...
Despite what everyone thought,
despite your... presentation.
I'm not happy that you're gone, but
I'm also not really sad, and that sucks.
You're supposed to care when your mom
dies, you're supposed to feel... something.
Even in death, you're still taking from me.
That's what you are, you're a taker... you were a taker.
You were a smoker, so thanks for giving me that I guess.
Where were you?
My first date, my first real car...
My first bra, my first kiss, my first day at college...
Graduating with honors!
You weren't there for any of
it, and dad was there for it all.
I fucking hated you!
I teach now.
And I can see it in some of these kids' that
they have somebody like you in their lives...
Or not in their lives.
And every day I try to be the best that I can be for them...
Because I know that the people in their lives
aren't always going to be the best for them.
So I guess I have you to thank for that too.
I don't care about you... but you made it
pretty clear that you don't care about me...
So I'm not going to apologize for that.
But... I am sorry...
I'm sorry that it took me this long to stand up to you...
And you stand up to myself.
Bye mom.
Oh, hey.
You're writing.
Oh, it's just some notes.
You okay?
Oh, I found something that you might enjoy.
A short story?
Oh wow... wait...
(Jake) By Brett Ashley.
Listen, you won't regret sharing this with me.
Thank you.
[Pop/rock music plays on jukebox]
(Brett) Jill! [Snaps fingers]
(Brett) It's about closing time.
(Jill) Thought you'd never ask.
Let's go out, let's go out, and feel the ocean breeze.
When we make out, we make out, I never want to leave.
Smooth sailing through the tropical islands.
Ocean waves and me kissing your eyelids.
All the mai tais and we wanted to die.

Seriously? (Brett) Run!
A look inside your mind.
So, what's your writing style?
What do you mean?
What's your style of writing? I'm curious.
Well... I did mention self loathing...
And I guess drinking. [Chuckles]
(Brett) You're a real classic, huh?
I don't know.
I think that's my problem.
Like this shit, it's easy, you know?
You do research, gather a bunch
of articles, write a mini essay.
And that's it...
But most of it's objective.
But this...
(Brett) You gotta look inside for that.
And sometimes you don't like what you find.
[Sighs] You may not like what you find...
But you gotta learn to love it... unconditionally.
And respect it.
And if you do all that, you can find your voice.
I'm still learning that.
I think I am too.
What's wrong?
No, it's... uh...
Are you okay?
No it's not you.
I... uh... I have a lump...
The doctor said I have a lump.
Oh, oh my god.
No no no, don't... [Sighs]
He said that it should be fine, I'm just...
Waiting for test results.
I want to, I really do, it's just-
No it's fine, we don't have to.
Do you want to go for another walk?
A short one this time.
Well, short-ish.
[Footsteps, car passes by]
[Birds sing]
[Wind blows]
A new day.
Didn't seem like it would ever come.
To us.
To us.
It's beautiful.
Hey I'm... sorry about Mike.
Don't be, it was a long time coming.
You know... we could have been really great together.
It's pretty to think so, isn't it?
But... I think I need to be alone for a while, right now.
(Brett) I really like this and I really like you.
But I need to deal with my own shit before
I can expect somebody else to deal with it.
My whole life, I've put my brain before my heart...
Which has led to some pretty great nights, but...
Also pretty lonely days.
I think my heart is in the right place.
But I need to make sure that my
brain is in the right place too, for once.
I get that.
We both have some work to do.
(Brett) I think it's time for me to go.
It's time to go.
[Debussey's Clair de Lune]

[Phone buzzes]
Hello? Yes... good morning.
[Birds chirp outside]
[It starts to rain outside]
Okay... thank you.
[Typing continues, rain falls]
[Debussey's Clair de Lune continues]

[Cars honking, people shouting]
[Schumann's Kinderszenen, No. 1, Scenes from Childhood]

(Jake) Thanks for coming.
[Door opens and closes]
[Bach's Cello Suite No. 1, Prlude plays over speaker]
(Brett) Hi.
(Brett) Big fan.
Me too.
So, can I get a signature or what?
So, uh... what time do you get off?
I guess when all the books are gone.
I'd like to buy all of these, please.
(Bookstore clerk) All of them?
(Bookstore clerk) Seventy fifteen.
Here you go.
[Cash register opens and closes]
Thank you.
I expect you to sign all of these, by the way.
You wanna go get a drink?
[Upbeat rock music]
[Upbeat rock music continues]
[Upbeat rock music continues]
[Upbeat rock music continues]
[Upbeat rock music continues]
[Music trails off]