Bronson (2008) Movie Script

My name is Charles Bronson.
All my life I wanted to be famous.
Want to know what I have done better
I had a vocation.
Only I did not know which one.
Not yet.
I could not play.
A sort of choice of nature ....
The film is based on real facts
How could I explain it?
I was raised normally,
My parents were decent ....
They were honest citizens.
Complied by society.
I went to school.
I tried not to disappoint them.
But some kids liked problems.
Son of a bitch!
lot of problems.
Mrs. Peterson I must tell you about the behavior ...
I was not wicked.
I was not evil "villain.
I still have my principles.
I took the first job that I should have fallen under the hands ...
Holds up potatoes,
I guess the situation
was not so bad.
Madam. Peterson?
We would like to talk to your son ...
Michael Peterson?
That's me.
Ah. Before I forget, I came to the world as Michael Peterson
But I am known by my nickname:
Charles Bronson.
Who is my alter ego.
difficult time for the British youth.
No chance of love around.
However ...
life goes on
Irene and me we got married
was pretty ...
it was not a bad life for a couple of middle class.
But it does not give you a star on
The Walk of Fame (Walk of Fame)
without suffering in return ....
What's that noise?
So ... this is the post office where I went ...
is what I had to live ...
And that's what they gave me ...
Seven years.
Do not worry, son ... you will not be seven years ....
You'll be out in four years.
Funny is not it?
I always wanted to be an actor.
Seven years ...
It's very long.
I'm not going to stand here and tell you ...
... You say ... That the prison is not a "folly".
It would be wrong to represent me and I think enough things like this have already been made!
Not true!?
You see, I do not see prison as a cage, a "box"
For me it was a hotel room
Do not understand wrong ...
For the majority of people ...
The prison is very hard.
With monotonous nightmare
for 24 hours a day.
Seven days a week.
365 days a year
nothing from a symbol of life.
breathing ... Hell.
But for me ...
The prison was a fun
where I could show other talents ...
improve my skills.
It's like a battlefield, you see?
It was an opportunity ...
... In a place where soon everyone will know my name.
What was there, Charlie?
- You want you to watch it again?
- No.
- I am not usually have a fixed workplace.
- It is a training practice
- So you can get a job ...
- Fuck you!
- What is the problem Peterson?
- Problem?
I said "What is the problem, Peterson?"
I do not know
I have no problem.
Make shit!
I'm writing my name ...
Charlie, Charlie ...
- Would you like tea?
- Thanks, Mickey, I would gladly.
- With milk and sugar?
- Yes, please.
- How many pieces?
- Two.
Two ...
Bitch, I want that you start at my feet
Tea for two
and two for tea
Just me for you and for me ...
of the ...
Would you also a cup of tea?
Nothing brings more joy to my heart as a cup of English tea.
- Sugar and milk?
- No, I prefer without.
It's an impressive arsenal that you have here,
it could stop a fight.
Bang! Bang! And Knock-out ...
Ding Ding ...
Very good.
Time stands still for no man
Ladies and Gentlemen.
My time was coming.
The game is over!
And just when I was going to be known ...
- Like what?
- Like what!?
You do not want to be stuck with someone like me, "Sunbeam".
A person that nobody likes to annoy you understand?
I'm Charles Bronson.
I am the most dangerous prisoner in England.
The prison was ...
Seriously speaking ...
I personally enjoyed shit .. and then ...
... I loved it.
It was exciting!
a unique ...
It was magnificent!
And it was the best.
The problem is that whenever we feel good,
t'obligent they change
again and again ...
moving from one prison to another ...
And damn, I hated that ...
Parkhurst Prison.
God bless this place.
conveniences was first.
his own bed.
restroom ...
sink ...
nouriture was remarkably fine ...
Yes, Parkhurst was very legal.
Prison the oldest in the world, what can I say?
Meals at the exact time.
Room visits ...
Staff always present to make you more comfortable.
How much I loved this place ...
In the end I turned round ...
judiciously in fact ...
I am sent here.
The hospice.
What fucking place it will save me now?
Peterson Ok, now that you are calm.
These are the rules of Rampton.
First rule:
You do what you say.
And the second rule?
This is not a prison.
There is no limit here.
Ok Take these pills.
Put them up in your fucking ass!
They want to kiss me
I will not do any of that here.
What do you morons?
Hold on ...
Son of a bitch ...
The thing is that ...
I do not understand.
You'll never understand.
My friend.
While they continue to get high.
What does that make?
They do not change you inside.
I think I know the truth.
You're not really mad, is not it?
It's just a scene.
A girl of 9 years.
Common sense.
Shit ...
When I look at my past ...
is always with a sense of shame
I have always been the one on whom they blamed.
In everything I do
No matter when, where or
There is something in common ...
This one is one is one ...
is a sin
is a sin
Everything I've done
All I'd
In all the places I've already been
matter where I go
is a sin
At school, I was apris how to behave
So many thoughts pure
words and action
They have not quite succeeded
Now all I want to do
No matter where or what I did
There is something in common
This one is one is one ...
is a sin
is a sin
Everything I've done everything I'd ...
Damn fools, they found ... my fault.
Well ...
They are fucking crazy, right?
Now I had to get out of here any way.
was not a hotel and I did not want to stay here.
I needed to leave ...
And for that, I had a good idea ...
And now, a reinterpretation
What I Run ...
What happens there ...
When the murder goes wrong ...
When I come back ...?
Nan, nan.
Mr Peterson, we will not start all this madness, is not it?
Listen ... nurse.
I just want to know when I
my trial ...
And when I come back to jail.
Is that clear?
Wrong! Mr Peterson
Now lean forward ...
I'm just having to push my special potions in the buttocks ...
My trial is happening when?
Not ...
Mr. White will do it,
there will be no hearing.
Is not this great?
By cons ... You have been transferred.
Guess Mr. Peterson.
At the asylum for the criminally insane ...
I deserve jail
for what I did, right?
I want my hotel room again!
I think you will find yourself in solitude ...
elapsed ...
26 years.
26 years in isolation.
And I did not kill anyone.
I mean it.
Not a one.
Never ...
Well ...
Am I an idiot?
If you show wrong with me ...
I'll show you the ultimate
the dirtiest of dirty tricks ...
Ca ..
is what we'll call "Charlie ...
... against a large wall.
When I Rock and Roll ...
When I move and I dance ...
When I'm a star of Rock and Roll.
When I Rock and Roll ..
When I move and I dance ...
When I became a rock star.
Nobody told me.
The truth was that he wanted me more
Nowhere in any way whatsoever.
Apparently, I managed to cost the system
Damage of 10 million pounds.
Then his Majesty
no longer wishes to be pampered by the most expensive of all the English prisoners.
However this was not what I was looking ...
But what I should do?
I'd go crazy if a
I did not try to escape ...
Ah yes ...
They had more than one trick up their sleeve ...
They told me sane ... in writing!
Before you even know I was back in the street ...
But Charlie B is not crazy ...
Non Ho ...
It was then time to breathe fresh air
and show what the world had to offer.
Very funny guys.
It was a pleasure ...
Come in, son.
That's ...
I'll show you your room and
we make a good cup of tea.
Come ...
That's ...
Oh ... That's me?
I was very small.
Where are all my things?
I could not take everything, Michael.
It was at Luton.
- Everything?
- It has kept some ...
Where is my bed?
Mama no one there, one I had when I was little.
We could not keep everything Michael
we had no place.
My bed is still in Luton?
It has never changed, is not it?
My mother used to say:
"Stay with what you love."
Two things had not changed.
I knew Luton and ...
I knew Uncle Jack.
And Uncle Jack knew everybody.
And while they did not know they were not worth the blow to be known.
- On vacation?
- No.
I want to know my name.
How do you go?
I'm going to kill the queen.
- Then you go to London.
- No.
At Luton.
I can not believe my eyes ...
Come my boy,
You came just in time for cocktails.
Your attention ...
Ladies and gentlemen dressed as women,
Let me show you my favorite nephew.
Recement released from the will of his Majesty.
Mickey Peterson.
Assie up,
my child.
Miss Magnificent will bring you a cocktail.
It is a pleasure to meet you.
Ho, Jacky said he was awakened in you party inside.
Thank you.
His face torn.
Kiss should be fun.
It is remarkable that a mustache you got there.
I admire your education.
I always knew you had artistic talent.
It's a big boy.
What does the future to
Michael Peterson?
Ambition is the virtue of all great men.
He will stay with us.
If it suits you.
No more than you.
It's very hard.
Uncle Jack was always aware of the rumors.
It appeared that there was a former prisoner who was with me at Luton.
- Peterson.
- You smoke?
- Yes.
- How long did you stop?
- 10 years.
- Damn!
Make me a cup of tea, please.
Let's go.
Damn obviously I am.
You seem very much Mickey.
Fit ...
You could make you money.
Not bad money ...
Everything you need is a name.
I'm sure Mickey will do.
No, you need a ...
... name of "war".
Like a movie star.
Charlton Heston.
Listen ...
Everyone has done a cheese
on Charlton Eston, was a count.
You're more the kind of Charles Bronson.
Charles Bronson ...
Yes ...
"A Death Wish" ...
It will have its effect.
Charles Bronson.
What do you look?
Confess you look at me, Charlie.
- You want to paint your nails?
- No.
- Where it comes from?
- Fighting.
- And that?
- Fighting ...
Fighting ...
You are very manly eh?
Do you mind if I touch your arm?
My god.
It's huge.
You should ...
You ... You should not ...
What a darling?
You should not heat a guy like me ...
Ho really?
Where's the fucking money?
Ah ok ...
Where is the fucking money?
T'essaye of m'entuber right?
Not like Oliver Twist.
You have to make a name.
- I have given you the pure magic just now.
- Magic?
You're just pissed on a gypsy in the middle of nowhere ...
A "boss" would do it in the city boy.
Where next?
Let's go!
I love you.
I love you ...
It was enjoyable.
But I like Brian.
Who is Brian?
It's my boyfriend.
And he has a motorcycle.
Hello sir, may I help you?
I want to see this ring.
This ring is very expensive, sir.
Although ...
Fuck you!
Move over bitch!
Or I'll stumble.
That's ...
Move over bitch!
N'apellez not the police.
Wait 10 minutes.
Merry Christmas.
I thought ...
You are a very gentle man, Charlie.
But thanks to you.
But you have no ambition.
You know what that means?
Look at this.
Thank you.
I'll get married soon ...
Cool ...
Well ...
Goodbye, Charlie.
Damn charming ...
Empty words ...
That's what I say ...
There is always a reason for that
things happen, is it not?
Magic ...
It turned out that the lady of the sympathetic
Jewelry waited exactly
15 minutes.
But it does not take them 15 minutes to find me.
We waited.
Well, well, well ...
Charles Bronson ... ... right?
An American star Mongolian.
Star of movies, Mr.
"A Death Wish".
violent films.
Thank you.
Once your archives prison but ...
Tell me, Charles Bronson,
What exactly did you do during those 69 days?
I built an empire.
You are ridiculous.
Hi Charlie.
You want something to read?
I Judy Cooper.
It's time you change your ideas.
This one is really good.
Shut your fucking mouth!
Shut your fucking flip!
I'm here with the librarian.
And he has big problems.
I think you should send someone to help, right?
Sit down.
Not sit in this chair, stupid!
And now?
I ... I do not know.
All one has to do is wait ....
I can wait all day.
I would go nowhere.
I can wait.
Hello, Charlie.
You hear me?
Ho fucking ... My ears are very stupid.
What was there, Charlie?
"What was there, Charlie!?"
Well ..
I'm sitting here ...
- What's your name?
- Love.
- Love !!!
- Andy Love.
- Ho! Andy Love!
I'll break his neck
And put his head in his buttocks
If you give me what I want.
What do you want?
What I want?
What did you have me?
Well ...
It depends on you ...
We finished and you can go to hell.
Andy Love ...
You have family?
- Two children.
- Two children eh?
- What are you doing?
- What have I done?
You see how ca?
- Let's talk.
- Enough talk.
It is without interest.
- Wait.
- Wait for what?
- C'est ca.
- What will you do?
What will I do?
I am oiling my body.
That's what I'll do.
Holy shit.
Etale it in my back.
Put in on my fucking back!
It was not the whole day.
More in my back and my feet.
My ass.
My ass fucking gay!
Depeche toi!
Sit in the corner and move more stupid.
Now I know how you feel ...
It's gonna be hell.
Charles Bronson ...
I'll go to goal.
We can not tolerate this behavior too.
We hoped you would come with us to the special unit.
We must stop with this case
hostage taking.
Attacking my officers ...
We can handle this asshole sir.
We can hold it
until the end of the Journe, thank you.
Be in my office tomorrow at 6:15 stack
thank you and goodbye.
Yes, sir.
Listen, I have not habitute to negotiate with the prisoners.
You will be punished again for your recent trip: isolation.
If you absolutely damn your person
You leave us no option of what we will do you.
What would we do
You, Charles Bronson?
You are pathetic ...
You know.
I promise you this:
If you continue to act unconsciously, to behave in this way
You'll die inside.
Four ...
What is that?
- Painting.
- Very good.
Sun, sea and sand.
Much better.
Who is that?
And that is?
Go is not a crime ...
Very interesting, Charlie.
Yes, interesting.
- It means what?
- What does "interesting"?
Concerned means it's good.
You see?
It can not be clearly defined.
You to open a few more features.
It makes me sad.
- What ca whore?
- Calm down Charlie's Spanish.
Tres bien ..
Many trail on your way Charlie.
What I to draw more?
Ants. Pots.
Birds ...
I know.
It is not for you ca.
Find the thing you Charles
something that is not here.
Fais chier!.
Prisoner 1314 Bronson.
Prisoner Bronson in 1314, Mr.
Hello, Bronson.
Mr. Danielson is here today
told me that
Let your creativity has been a huge success ...
- As good as Magritte.
- That same.
You know they kept this painting equipment for you.
Sent by your cousin, right?
Unfortunately, it was not
to focus on the future of your art ...
If you would me that there would not even right.
But I admire your work.
Mr. Danielson we sincerely appreciate
your cooperation
I sincerely hope you continue on this path.
I am delighted to see these wonderful works,
I had heard much.
It has provided.
See for yourself.
Charlie ...
It is for you.
Thank you.
But give it to Webber
I can see later.
What t'espre, Bronson?
Go ...
I said, moving up!
Webber, that's for you.
Damn, it's not what I wanted ...
I'll check if he will see this painting.
Not worry about it.
Honestly I'll tell you something, Charlie
Do not be surprised if he anticipates any escape.
It's my opinion.
This may be not that of others.
I am a person who can recognize the good people.
I'm your side.
You know why?
You're a brilliant Artisitique.
I'm so proud.
because you're a fucking star.
Ca I say.
Yes ...
Keep your head cool.
And positive thoughts with the hope of so little done
It may be grandiose.
What can you do?
What I am saying is that.
Charles ...
Includes me wrong ...
What I am saying is that ...
You ...
You ...
You'll finally get what you always wanted ...
What thee know what I mean?
Where is my cup of tea?
Sorry friend,
I completely forgot.
Two for you.
Two for me
And then we have a cup of tea.
What do you want this time?
I dunno how it will help us this now.
I mean it!
I swear!
- Music at once, please.
- Yes, sir.
Hey Charlie ...
I feel good.
Ah yes ...
Damn, it looks damn good to me ...
Enough, it's sick,
just take it.
Remove here ".
C'est suffisant.
Come on!
Fucking girls.
No classes tomorrow I think.
Charles Bronson is the prisoner as
famous England.
He spent 34 years in prison
It has not yet given a release date.