Brothers (2024) Movie Script

[Jady] You ever think about
trying to unfuck your life?
Yeah, maybe not.
But I have.
This is how I did it.
[lively music playing]
[chewing noisily]
- [timer buzzing, ticking]
- [bell dings]
Where the fuck are my matches?
- [muffled explosion]
- [boys coughing outside]
[Jady] Some families have
a long line of dentists or lawyers.
We had a long line of felons.
Shit. All right.
- Try it your way.
- [Crabcake] Your dumb-ass twin gonna do his trick?
- [laughing]
- Call him that again,
I'll kick a board up your ass!
From a stepladder, you might. [laughing]
[Jady] That is Uncle Crabcake.
The genius drowned a few years later after
getting his dick stuck in a pool drain.
- [Crabcake] Shit. Chair's in the way!
- [lock clicking]
[Jady] The handsome fella, that's me.
Got it?
The big ugly one is my twin brother Moke.
- Got it?
- Please don't do that, man.
It is super frustrating.
- Now?
- Shut... - [lock clicks]
[Jady] We were partners in crime.
I had the plans, he had the hands.
Fuck yeah.
What do they say?
Do what you love
and you'll never work a day in your life?
Well, I love this.
Moke? Ah, not so much.
- Somebody shooting out there?
- [Crabcake scoffs]
They're working on a little baby safe,
thinking they're gonna be
some big-time juggers.
[Young Jady] Moke already peeled it.
He did not.
Thirty-eight bucks, shithead.
Good for you, son.
- Where's Mom?
- [whisk tapping in bowl]
She got some work with Glenn,
but she'll be back.
Here, keep this moving, honey.
She gonna miss Thanksgiving again?
She'll be here soon.
How's that turkey, Mama?
- [engine approaching]
- [Glenn] Yeah!
Coming in hot like Earnhardt, baby!
[engine revving]
- [tires screech]
- [Crabcake] What the hell?
Oh, shit! Shit.
- Where the hell's my stash at?
- [Glenn whoops]
[Glenn] Hot dang, we did it, baby!
Heck yes, we did!
[whoops] I'm gonna fuck you like
we're millionaires, 'cause we are, baby.
- Whoo! Hey, big guy.
- Oh! There's my handsome guys.
[Jady] That's Mom and her boyfriend Glenn.
Glenn was cool as shit.
Oh, God. Oh, I'm bleeding out.
[Crabcake] Nana, did you smoke my ganja?
Oh, I found it! Oh, good, I found it.
[Cath] Hey, hey, come on.
Don't be scared, Moke.
You keep that gravy moving.
- [all gasping]
- Honey, control the weapon!
[Crabcake] Muck! Get out of the way!
- Fuckin' A.
- This is my quality shit.
- Get out of the way.
- Can I get a plate, Gamma?
- Greens?
- No, ma'am, just the bird.
- Mom.
- [sirens wailing in distance]
Right. Um...
I'm gonna miss this Thanksgiving.
I know you don't like it. I don't like it.
In fact, I think it fucking sucks.
But where you going?
- Pretty far, I guess.
- Ought to hurry, hon.
- [Cath] Thanks, Mama. Come on.
- [Glenn] Whoa, they got me, baby!
Baby, let's go.
- [Glenn] Oh, my plate. My plate.
- Babe, forget the fucking plate.
- Yeah, that looks good. Okay.
- You don't need the fucking turkey.
- Let's go.
- Happy Christmas, everybody.
[Cath] We're going
a lot farther than Tijuana.
- Come on.
- Ah-ha, yeah, yeah.
- Motherfuckin' tequila time.
- [Cath] Shit.
Jady, Moke, come here a minute.
You listening?
Now, you need to take care of him,
and you need to take care of him.
That is the whole deal now.
- Okay?
- [Glenn] ndale, baby.
All right, come here.
- [Glenn] Oh, shit.
- [Moke] Love you, Ma.
Okay. All right. Okay.
[Glenn moaning]
You could take us with you.
- [Glenn] Oh, it's cold.
- [sirens wailing in distance]
I couldn't use you.
- [car door closes]
- [engine revving]
[Glenn] Oh, no, I left
my turkey on the car!
[Cath] Forget the turkey, baby.
[Jady] Our family,
- not so big on education.
- [boys coughing]
More of a learn-by-doing arrangement.
And me and Moke,
we learned from the very best.
[Cath] Come on, eat my ass, fuckers!
[Glenn] Please go easy, baby. I'm infirm.
- Hey, we got 'em. We got 'em. It's okay.
- [breathing heavily]
It's okay.
You're not bleeding even anymore.
[Glenn] Don't worry, honeybee.
I'll stash the goods.
[Cath] Huh?
They're beautiful.
- They're so fucking beautiful.
- Babe, what are you doing?
Oh, no, no, no!
[Jane's Addiction:
"Been Caught Stealing"]
I've been caught stealing
Once when I was five
I enjoy stealing
It's just as simple as that
Oh, well, it's just a simple fact
When I want something
Man, I don't wanna pay for it
Now, I walk right
Through the door
And I walked right through the door
Hey, all right
If I get by
It's mine
Mine all mine
Sat around the pile
Sat and laughed
Sat and laughed
and waved 'em into the air
And we did it
Just like that
When we want something
Man, we don't want to pay for it
We walk right
Through the door
Walk right through the door
[Jady] Now, I could've kept
pulling jobs forever,
but when you work with family,
it sometimes gets complicated.
[Moke groans]
[Jady] Relax, Moke. This is the last one.
[Moke] Last one?
You've been saying that since we were 12.
[thunder rumbling]
Hey, look at me.
If you don't want to do it, don't do it.
Same as always.
Yeah, what are you gonna do if I don't?
I don't know, case solo jobs
or get somebody else
who's not such a wet blanket all the time.
Don't worry about me.
I'm not worrying about you.
I'm just wondering.
God, Mom would be
so bummed with you right now.
What fucking mom?
Hey! Did it ever occur to you
that maybe she was doing
the best she could?
Did it ever occur to you how different
things could've been for us?
- Huh?
- No, it didn't.
And I can't believe you, with this
negative shit right now right before work.
- You asked me.
- [mocking] "You asked me."
- [scoffs]
- [mocking scoff]
Ah. Fuck.
[tense music playing]
[Jady] You got this.
Tension's right there, bro.
- [Moke] Shut the fuck up.
- [safe beeps]
[Jady chuckles]
[Jady] Go start the van.
- [Moke] What?
- Go start the van.
[Moke] "Go start the van."
What am I, valet?
[Jady wolf whistles]
[security guard] All right, kid.
- [gun cocks]
- Turn around.
[Jady] [chuckles]
Please don't be alarmed, sir.
I'm the new custodian here.
[Moke] Excuse me, sir?
- [alarm blares]
- [Jady] Come on, let's go!
[security guard groaning]
[Jady] Careful. Use the handrail.
- It's slick.
- I'm using it!
[officer] Freeze!
Let me see them hands! Drop the bag!
[sirens approaching]
[Jady] Okay, I'll admit it.
We probably should've
stayed home that night,
had some soup, went to bed early.
"Night, Moke. Night, Jady. Sweet dreams."
I don't know. Whatever normal people do.
[whispers] Oh, fuck.
[officer 2] Turn around slowly!
[Jady sighs] Aw, fuck.
[officer] Get on the ground!
Onto your knees!
[Jady] You only got two options
when you screw up your life.
You can say "Fuck it."
[woman moaning over small speaker]
Or, like I said, you can unfuck it.
- And that's what I was going to do.
- [buzzer blares]
[Muzzy] One for the road?
[Jady] Aw, that's nice of you, Muzzy.
You did always have the softest lips.
But I'm late, you know?
Still want to know
how you sprung for an early bounce.
Good behavior is all.
You here to walk me out, Farful?
Still "Officer Farful" until I do.
[Jady] Hey, before I forget,
could I get your dad's address?
I really want to send him a fruit basket.
No need for that.
Courts review cases all the time.
They're just... juggling bunks.
I really appreciate you putting
a good word for me, Officer Farful.
I won't let you down.
Would you go and make sure
that Mr. Munger's paperwork
is sorted out, please?
- Mm-hmm.
- Thank you.
Seems like a nice guy. Eh.
Are you fucking with me?
[mocking] "I won't let you down."
You giving me a little poke-poke?
No, I am not giving you a poke-poke.
Do not fuck with me
or I will cleave your ass in half!
You'll be back in here
before you're even off the lot.
It's just a phone call.
I know where I stand.
And remember,
you have some emeralds to deliver.
I'll stay in touch.
[Moke] Don't get me wrong,
running three restaurants is great,
but I think I'm more, like,
regional manager material.
I mean, I could be making, like, 125,000...
- Hey, babe, you'll get the party platter?
- [Moke] I'm sorry, say what?
The party platter.
Uh, yep. And sides.
- And ice, please.
- Ice.
- Yep.
- But not the crushed kind.
My dad hates the crushed ice
'cause it melts too fast.
Copy that. Uh, cubes, not crushed.
- [Abby sighs]
- Cubes, cubes.
I hate that I'm nervous.
That he makes me nervous,
like our house is a report card.
Abs, it's gonna be fine.
We're gonna do this together.
[sighs] And you'll talk to Swofford?
Yeah, Daryl got a raise after nine months.
I've been there a year.
I'm good. I'm good.
[pop music playing quietly over speakers]
Uh, yes. Thank you, Daryl.
I don't... [stammers]
We just bought a house.
We're having a kid.
I mean, in-insurance?
I don't understand. Who called?
Uh, it's the Bureau of, uh...
it was the Labor and Employment Bureau
doing a survey
on prior offenders in food service.
You... you didn't disclose your records
when you applied.
I was gonna get a party platter.
You can still do that.
You just won't get
the employee discount 'cause...
you don't work here anymore.
I wanted to talk to you about...
...maybe being promoted.
[lighthearted music playing]
[Jady] And I'm telling you,
I thought it was "Peace Corpse,"
- and I was gonna be saving dead people.
- [Abby laughs] Peace Corps.
- [Jady] Oh, my God, you ordered a clown.
- [laughing]
- Hi. [laughs]
- Nice shirt, bro.
[Abby clears throat]
- [birds chirping]
- [playful chatter in distance]
You quit?
Good for you, man.
It's not for me.
- She seems great.
- She is great.
Listen, um...
Back then, you know,
I ta... I talked with Freddie Unk
at the legal clinic, and...
...he suggested
I just stay away from the trial.
Like, don't get near it.
He also say don't visit
or don't call? [chuckles]
I mean, you ghosted me, man.
How'd you cut your bid?
There's a crooked screw in there
named Farful. His dad's a judge.
Let's just say I cut a low-key deal to
vacate my conviction.
What'd you do?
Bought a score from a lifer,
pitched Farful 50%
if he could tap his dad for me.
- [groans]
- It's a low-key job.
Garment shop. Cash on site.
Old floor safe.
You could rip that open like wet bread.
Like I said, low-key.
Look, here's what's up.
I'm having a housewarming-
slash-baby-shower-type deal today,
and you can have barbecue or ice cream,
whatever it is you want,
and then just go on your way,
and don't ever mention this
crazy shit to me again.
But our end would be low seven.
I'm not that guy anymore.
But I don't want to do it without you.
I guess you can't do it, then.
- [door opens]
- [Moke] Hey.
Baby, look at you.
- You're radiant.
- Hi. - Dr. Jacobson.
- Michael.
- How's the hotel?
It's... sufficient.
- All right.
- All right.
So, Mike's ears were, like,
so messed up as a kid,
he was basically deaf
until he was about ten years old,
that he couldn't pronounce "J.T.,"
so he said "Jady."
Like, "Jady."
And I couldn't say "Mike,"
so I said "Moke," but that's,
you know, just because I'm lazy.
- [chuckles]
- Moke?
How have I never heard about this?
Ashamed of his past.
Oh, come on, Moke, I didn't tell 'em
about the goblin mask
and the coins and the police. [chuckles]
The fuck!
[clears throat]
- [bottle opens]
- 'Sup?
- 'Sup?
- [bottle cap clatters]
So we're like brothers-in-laws-in-laws.
Yeah. Yeah.
I'm adopted, though.
That's cool, man. That's cool.
- You want to get high?
- Yep.
[The Friends of Distinction:
"Grazing in the Grass"]
Oh, that's pretty great qual...
that's... Yes.
What? [chuckles] Shut up.
- [birds chirping]
- These birds around here, man.
[Dr. Jacobson] You're not just providing
for yourself anymore, Michael.
A-A college education can run
a million plus these days.
[sniffs] Mm.
- [Avery laughing]
- [Jady] Stop, man.
- No, dude.
- No, helicopters are not cool.
- Avery Stuart Jacobson!
- Oh, let me be alive!
Oh, Moke, he's recycling.
I'm gonna kick your ass,
you stupid stoner!
- [Jady screams]
- [grunts]
[Jady] Run for the mountains,
[neighbors murmuring]
- [Abby] Seriously, you guys?
- [Jady] So much anger!
- [Moke] You're ruining my baby shower!
- [neighbors laughing]
Trying to look impressive,
and you're embarrassing me!
[Jady] I'm so high right now.
It's like wrestling a jelly doughnut!
[bag rustles sharply]
That was the opposite
of what I need right now.
I'm sorry. I overreacted.
It's why-why I didn't want him to stay.
Oh, you're going with this is my fault?
That's your strategy?
No, I just...
Jady wasn't in the Peace Corps.
No shit, babe.
No tan, soft hands,
stick and poke on his neck?
What was he locked up for?
And... assault.
- Look, he and I, years ago...
- Hey. I know.
You went over the speed limit a bit.
So did I.
Neither of us were perfect,
but we can be better now.
For each other.
And for Blueberry.
For Blueberry, yeah.
She does half the shit I did,
she's going to, like, military school.
For nuns.
Work it out with Jady.
Or don't.
Just don't bring this fucked-up energy
to the holiday.
[dramatic music playing]
[indistinct chatter from neighbors]
[phone chimes]
Boo. [grunts]
[Jady screams]
[Farful muffled] Where is your phone?
- [Jady gasping]
- Your phone now?
[mocking gulps] Where's the phone?
Thank you.
So, what's up?
You don't like your new phone?
I-I li... I like it. Huh?
So, how come it's not on ya, huh?
- Where'd you go?
- Nowhere. [stammers]
Come on, Farful. I just got some grub.
From now on, this stays with you.
And when I say, "Call me,"
I want you to think of that like...
like a little doggie would
when he hears me say, "Heel."
And I don't mean at some point.
I don't mean in the future.
What I do mean is, exactly at that moment
in time, you fucking call me!
So we made a deal.
Where are my emeralds?
What's the holdup?
Making arrangements.
But it takes time.
I got to line up the talent.
- Talent?
- Yeah, I can't do it all by myself.
Specialists, you know,
come out of my pocket.
Ah, what the fuck is that?
Uzi! I got it online.
Two one hundredths of a Bitcoin.
Plus shipping.
It's also a parole violation
in case it comes to that.
See, my father has certain expectations.
It's best if they're met.
Oh, um, one more thing.
About those, uh, "specialists."
You didn't say anything to them
about me, right?
Course not.
Good doggie.
[line ringing]
[dispatcher echoing] Hello?
911. What's your emergency?
Hello? Yeah, please send
an ambulance at, uh, Reg...
- What?
- Hello?
- Ah, shit.
- Are you there?
- What happened?
- It was the guy I told you about.
- He just came over to pay me a visit...
- What is your emergency?
...and had some fun on my face.
[grunting] Oh, God. Fuck.
- Hello? Sir?
- Calling an ambulance like I'm some old lady.
- It's embarrassing.
- You have 911 on the line.
- [phone hangs up]
- Ow. [pants]
[Jady cries softly]
I mean, is this guy
gonna clip you, or what?
Probably, maybe, maybe not.
I don't know. [sniffles]
I'm still paying the price
for getting copped in that warehouse, huh?
Not all of us get second chances, I guess.
Damn it.
[sniffles, groans] Where?
I don't know.
This guy, he probably lives in a tree.
No, the safe. Where is the safe?
Down in Chaplain, a day's drive.
It's all doped. It's a milk run.
One day.
I mean, you know, there and back,
so, uh, two days really,
with piss breaks, but yeah.
[Abby over phone] A day?
I mean, there and back, so two days.
With piss breaks, but yeah.
You have to go right now?
I need your help here.
I'll be back before no time.
- [sighs] What aunt is this?
- It's, uh, great-aunt. Gamma Jean.
You know, Jady was better keeping in touch
with her, so they were really tight.
And now that she's in hospice,
he just wants to see her one last time.
If this is a lie, it's a bad one.
I... Abs, he's got nowhere else
to go for Thanksgiving.
So... [stammers]
it's either I ship him up there,
or he's in our home telling your dad all
about "shitting with a celly" etiquette.
- What?
- S-Set a schedule and just stick to it.
This is my first crack
at real family time in years, Mike.
And my first in longer
without having a sip of something.
Just be at this table.
I will.
I love you.
And Blueberry. [chuckles softly]
I love you, too.
- "I love you."
- Oh, dude.
Oh, I-I love you.
Oh, I lov... Oh, I lo... I love you.
I love you so much.
Don't lay your funky trip on me
[Seor Soul:
"Don't Lay Your Funky Trip on Me"]
Don't lay your funky trip on me...
Listen, I, um...
I never actually talked to Freddie Unk.
At the legal clinic.
I didn't want to see you.
It was the coins.
I-I-I blew a fuse, and I...
...stayed away.
I figured that.
You did?
[sighs] Yeah.
Nobody actually goes to Freddie Unk
for legal advice.
[chuckles] True.
You ever read George Herbert?
17th century metaphysical poet?
- You're into poetry now?
- Yeah.
So this guy, this traveler,
he ends up at this house,
and the owner lets him in.
"Welcome, pal."
You know. "I got food.
Crash over there as long as you want."
And the traveler's,
like, you know, all guilty.
And he's like, "I'm not worthy
of these generosities."
And the owner's like, "Bro, come on.
You knocked on my door."
- This is a poem?
- Yeah.
And then he's like,
"You must sit and taste my meat.
And so I sit and eat."
No one can make you feel worthy.
You decide to sit at the table.
Wh-What does that have to do... Wh-What?
You sit and eat meat.
But what does that fucking mean?
Do you want to hear that again?
Okay. So this traveler, right...
No, no, no, no. Just don't talk, man.
Don't talk.
It's a good poem.
Brother, please, don't...
Oh, this place is swiggity-sweet.
[door closes]
- One, two, three, Wolf Man.
- One, two, three, Dracula.
- We can go two-out-of-three if you want.
- No, I'm good on the floor.
No, I just feel like Wolf Man would
beat out Dracula in real life, and then...
Wolf Man's once-a-month.
Dracula is all the time. Use your head.
You've been in the clink. Take the bed.
Ah, I don't need your charity.
[Moke] Come on, just take the bed, Jady.
- Jady, come on. Just take...
- [yells]
Oh, shit.
- [crickets chirping]
- [snoring]
[train horn blowing in distance]
[phone beeping]
[suspenseful music playing]
[water splashes]
[water splashes]
[toilet flushes]
[Jady] I got you some freshies.
So... [clears throat]
I got to go see a friend really quick.
What? No. Let's just do this thing and go.
Dude, five years.
I developed one of those
online correspondences.
She's into penology
or, you know, whatever.
Anyway, she's on the way.
I'm just gonna say hello.
That looks really nice, man.
- Huh?
- That... You should go take a look at that.
- Bow-chika wow-wow
- [groans]
- [gunshot]
- [birds fluttering, squawking]
[wheels squeaking]
- [Farful] Are you okay with this?
- Huh?
Damone's not running this show.
Damone's here
Wednesdays and Fridays, Judge.
I'm Anthony.
[scoffs] You see what I'm putting up with?
Now, how do you lose
an entire degenerate hunchback, Jimmy?
Man, fuck this.
Winged it. [laughs]
I'll get him back. Look.
I got his prints
on a high-capacity weapon.
That's a parole violation right there.
- We just hand this off to the county boys.
- [fingers snap]
Bang! Back in for a double.
And how would that look, huh?
You misplace a convict
I gave you to play with.
And now you want county men to-to what?
To bring him back here?
You want those emeralds?!
You want to be worth a damn, Jimmy?!
You got to go mop this mess up yourself.
- Get him, Jimmy!
- [gunshot]
- [Moke] This better be quick.
- [Jady] Look, five minutes, tops.
In and out.
[chuckles] In and out.
[knocking rhythmically]
Why don't you smile? Come on.
Brighten it up a little.
- [laughing]
- [laughing, squawks]
She's a trip, man.
[hysterical laughter]
- Oh. [kisses] It happened.
- Wow.
It happened.
Whoa. Come on. That is nice.
- Let me get one. [sniffs] Okay.
- Yeah.
- [laughs] Wow.
- [chuckles]
- This is...
- Oh. [clears throat]
Hey. I'm Bethesda.
I'm Mike. Um, uh, his twin.
- Uh-huh. Please.
- Ooh.
- Oh.
- [both laugh]
Sorry about...
- Um...
- [Jady] Wow.
[bells chiming]
Make yourselves to home.
[inhales deeply, sighs heavily]
So, this is a new beginning, huh?
This is a birth.
How do you feel being out?
Oh, I-I feel, I feel great. [chuckles]
- Mm-hmm.
- You know, like...
like I've shed a skin of my past
to reveal this layer that's been
always hidden underneath it, unseen.
Does that make sense?
[sighs] Yeah. Shed that skin.
How long have you two been corresponding?
- What?
- [chuckles]
I don't know. About a month or s...
More. Two months?
- It's... seven weeks, three days.
- [both chuckle]
Oh, wow.
He randomly saw me online, sent me a DM.
Then we just started talking, you know.
Started talking about the little things.
Then we started talking
about the big things.
- [Jady] Mm-hmm.
- Right?
It's what we call a synchronicity.
It was just natural.
[inhales deeply] Chi doesn't lie.
[both chuckling]
Doesn't watch the clock.
I didn't know that.
[Bethesda] Mm-hmm.
[quietly] Can we have some private time?
You don't mind, do you, twinsie?
- No.
- Okay.
Uh, there's juice in the fridge.
Help yourself.
But not the green one.
That's Samuel's.
So, uh, who's Samuel?
- Oh.
- [both laugh]
He's my journey partner. [laughs]
No matter what those habitat fascists say.
Uh, a little music for the mood?
[heavy metal music playing over speakers]
[music continues faintly in distance]
[cartoonish sound effects playing over TV]
- [heavy metal music continues]
- [grunting]
[hooting softly]
[belches, happy grunting]
[heavy metal music continues]
You s-sign?
[Samuel grunts]
Oh, fuck.
M-O-K-E. Moke.
I'm Moke.
Yeah, n-n-n...
[whimpers] What?
- I wish you came alone.
- [heavy metal music continues quietly]
I feel a little funny
with a stranger out there.
He's not a stranger.
[chuffing, grunting]
I don't know what that is.
His aura is damaged.
I know.
But I'm gonna fix that.
- Oh, give me two secs.
- Oh, sure.
[door closes]
[imitating engine sounds]
- You're... You're...
- [hooting]
- Plane. You're a plane.
- [excited grunting]
You're a plane. Yeah. [laughs]
Okay. That's funny. Funny. That's...
[toilet flushing]
Hi. [chuckles]
- Nice.
- [kissing]
Okay. That's good.
That's good. Friend.
[kissing continues]
[sighs] Fucking shit.
- [grunting softly]
- What?
What? No, no, no, no, no.
What are you doing?
What did I sign? What did I sign?
- No, no, no, no.
- [Samuel grunting, moaning]
Jady! Jady!
- [Samuel screeching]
- [Moke] Oh, my God!
[Moke] No! No! Gross!
Are you...
Are you Habitat Heroes?
- [Moke] Jady!
- Yes?
- [screams]
- [Moke] Jady!
I mean no. No, we're not! No!
- Sammy!
- We're not Habitat Heroes.
- Sammy!
- [grunts]
No, no, no, no! [shouts]
Jady, roll!
- [Jady grunts]
- Go away!
- Moke, come on! Come on!
- [Bethesda screams]
Fuck is happening?
- Go, go, go, go, go, man!
- [screams]
- Oh, what the... What the fuck?
- No! No!
- No! Bad Samuel!
- [squawking]
- Go!
- No, no kisses!
- No kisses! No kisses!
- [tires squealing]
[Jady] Come on, let's go, go, go, man!
[Samuel hooting]
[Bethesda] Sammy!
[Samuel howls]
[sniffs, whimpers]
God. Oh.
What happened?
[glove compartment opens, closes]
Thank you.
[thunder rumbling]
[groans] I can still smell it.
[Jady] I'm hungry.
Let's get something to eat.
There's a place next door.
We can, uh, go over stuff.
You know, talk.
- [Moke] I agree.
- All right.
[Jady whistling a tune]
This score, this garment shop,
what's it called again?
Goldfarb's. No. No, Goldblatt's.
I don't know. Gold something.
Don't know. Don't remember.
Hey, it's a nice, soft water.
The soap's pretty good. Smells like...
I don't know.
It smells like a spring afternoon.
[Jady humming]
- You good?
- Yeah.
[Cath] Dear Baby Bear:
Hope you don't hate me
for taking so long to write you back.
I got myself into a little bind.
We'll be together soon enough.
Let me know when the plan's in motion.
And remember, don't tell Mokey yet.
You know how... emotional he gets.
Love, Mama.
The sign that they have says
"bottomless margs," but...
you know that's bullshit, right? Because...
How long?
I don't know.
She wrote me, like, four months ago.
Why not me?!
It's not like that.
It's not like what?
Wh-Why is Mom writing you and not me?!
Well, 'cause she maybe thought
you'd become more emotional.
Emotional? Emotional?
- Oh! Oh, here we go, fit time!
- [grunting angrily]
I'm not making that bed!
You need to take a one, two, three breath.
No, one, two, three, fuck you!
- [door opens]
- Ah, come on, Moke!
- Come on, man, where you going?
- Home!
- Just get inside. Let me talk.
- You had all this time to talk!
No more talking. Shush. Quiet.
Oh, now you're gonna make me talk
to the back of your big-ass head?
There's no score, is there?
- [man] Hey, what's going on out there?
- There's no safe.
No, you've been full of shit
since you popped back up.
And I sh-should've known better!
There's no psycho cop after you.
You probably hired some asshole
to kick the shit out of you
in that bathroom
'cause you knew it would get me on board.
No way I'd say no then.
Nah-nah-nah, nah. Fuck you!
No, Farful's real, and he's awful.
Where is she?!
[haunting music playing]
- [grunts]
- [car alarm wailing]
Oh, shit!
- Mokey!
- Hi, Mom.
What the fuck?
God, he dented the car!
[paramedic] Glad you're all right.
So, there's no concussions.
Which is good, but...
according to your BMI,
you're borderline overweight.
[paramedic 2] Don't worry,
a little exercise, change your diet,
you'll bring that down.
[Poison: "Every Rose Has Its Thorn"
- [Marisa] This is for Tyler.
- [crowd murmuring]
And that skank from Arby's.
[scattered whooping]
Hope you enjoy my herpes.
Because that's for life.
- [woman] True that, bitch!
- [crowd cheers]
[glasses clink]
[Marisa] We both lie silently still...
[Moke] Mom.
Yes, Moke, I hear you, baby.
Thirty years, okay?
You, no words.
You, gone.
Us, totally confused.
There's gonna be some sarcastic bullshit...
- No, no, no, no, no.
- Because this is hard for me, too.
I-I know, but put yourself in his shoes.
Our shoes. What the fuck, man?
- What the fuck?
- What is that? Don't do that. - You both look.
Yes. All right.
We ought to never have
gone after that train.
The courier output was
a bunch of Africana hard cases.
Everything just exploded.
Hell, I mean, you were there.
We fucking ran, man.
[Poison: "Every Rose Has Its Thorn"]
[sirens wailing]
[Cath] Eat my ass, fuckers!
Come on!
We got 'em. It's okay.
It's okay.
You're not bleeding even anymore.
[Glenn] Don't worry, honeybee.
I'll stash the goods.
- [Cath] Huh? Baby, what are you doing?
- They're so fucking beautiful.
Oh, no, no, no!
[Glenn whoops, grunts]
[pained screaming] Oh, God!
[tires squealing]
I know I could have
saved a love that night
If I'd known what to say
Instead of making love
We both made our separate ways
But now I hear you found somebody new
And that I never meant
that much to you
To hear that tears me up inside
And to see you cuts me
like a knife, I guess
Every rose has its thorn
Oh, Mom, Glenn was cool as shit.
[crowd whooping, clapping]
I held out the hope that
I could circle back someday.
But by then, I was on the federal list,
and I had to stay out of country.
Cabo, Ixtapa, Cozumel.
Oh, I had a sweet enterprise
going on the playa.
- [chuckles]
- Eventually,
I figured I was keeping low for so long
that maybe you were better off
with me gone.
We were 15.
I can apologize only so much.
You haven't apologized at all.
I'm wired the way I'm wired.
I'm painted the way I look.
I did my best.
For you.
Best for you, Mom.
Why you back now?
I'm dying.
[coughs softly]
That tears it.
[Cath] Mokey.
Help me.
It's cancer. In her brain.
She says a year, maybe less.
Well, just lower that side a bit. [grunts]
If I told you she was back,
you wouldn't have come.
I know how angry you are.
Okay, and all this was gonna fix it?
Well, it got you out the door.
What about this cop
who almost drowned you?
Oh, fuck that guy. He's a clown.
He's got nothing on me
that I don't have on him.
Plus, I'm not sticking around.
I'm gonna do this one and split.
What "this one"?
The emeralds.
Worth about four million now,
plus inflation.
- [hushed] I got a plan.
- Of course you do.
But it takes the three of us.
How can I spell this out
any clearer to you?
I am finished stealing shit.
It's not stealing.
It's like reclaiming lost property.
Those emeralds are
basically our birthright.
Think about your family.
Think about Blueberry.
[toilet flushes]
Why don't you just fuck already?
[lively chatter outside]
It's once in a lifetime, Moke.
Money. Real money. Lots of it.
All we got to do is just dig 'em up.
Then you can go back to living straight,
like you've been, but comfortable.
Come on.
[stomach growling]
I-I have to take a dump.
All right.
[Moke] Aw, there's no toilet paper?
Jady. Jady!
- [Chris Norman and Suzi Quatro: "Stumblin' In" instrumental]
- Laying our hearts on the table
Stumblin' in
Now and then firelight will catch us
Stumblin' in
- [Jady] Wherever you go
- [Cath] Yeah, baby.
- [crowd cheers]
- [Jady] I got it, Mama.
Whatever you do
You know
these reckless thoughts of mine
Are following you...
- Ha ha!
- Excuse me.
- Can I get one of those bottomless margs?
- You sure can.
[Cath and Jady] And so we begin
I was first!
- [Chris Norman and Suzi Quatro: "Stumblin' In"]
- Foolishly laying our hearts
On the table
Stumblin' in
Our love is a flame
Burning within
Now and then firelight will catch us
Stumblin' in
Oh, stumblin' in
Ooh, stumblin' in
Now and then firelight will catch us
Stumblin' in
[fly buzzing]
[snorts, cries out]
[grunting softly]
[Marisa sleepily] I know. [grunts]
I love you so much.
[shushes softly]
[dramatic music playing]
Thieving little shit.
Waingro, Bethesda.
[chuckling] You have been pretty friendly
with one John "Jady" Munger
prior to his release from prison.
You seen him since then?
[Bethesda] I ain't seen shit.
But if I had, I wouldn't say shit.
Either way...
You can suck on my balls!
Where's Munger?!
- Uh-uh-uh. No, no, no.
- [grunts] Ow!
- Easy, easy. Down. No, no, no!
- [panting]
Ow, you're hurting me!
- [Farful] Where's Munger?
- [Bethesda] He's a fucking liar,
and he's a pervert.
[crying] And I think he stole my work ID,
and I got catfished.
- What else?!
- [stammers]
He was here with his brother.
They just took off.
- He has a brother?
- Uh-huh. His name is Mike.
He's a fucking creep.
[screaming, sobbing]
[confused grunt]
Ow! [sobbing]
You have a monkey?
- It's... Whoa!
- [Samuel shrieks]
- [busy chatter]
- [vehicles beeping]
[dramatic music playing]
[screaming hysterically] No! No!
No! No!
No, no, no!
[screaming hysterically]
Here we go.
[dramatic music playing]
Right there, man!
Right there, Mokey. Right there.
All right.
[Jady] Bulldoze that shit!
- [whoops]
- Yeah!
Fuck yeah!
- [grunts excitedly]
- [laughs] Yes!
- You sure?
- [grunts]
Yeah. Yeah.
Right here. Come on.
[Moke] You really want to dig him up
in broad daylight?
[Jady] Nighttime's too suspicious.
You know that.
What's wrong with you?
It's a terrible plan.
- Let's go.
- [engine starts]

[grunts] Get in there.
Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah.
[Cath exhales sharply]
Glenn was cool as shit.
All right.
- Hurry.
- [retches]
- One, two, three, Wolf Man.
- One, two, three, Frankenstein.
- Oh, come on. I dug him up.
- Oh, come on. I can't drive this thing.
Oh, don't give me that shit.
Just pull the seat up.
- Don't be a victim.
- How dare you?
Wolf Man beats Frankenstein
with what, claws?
Yeah, and savagery.
- [Moke and Jady] Mom!
- Work it out.
[pops lips]
Damn it.
- [Jady] Come on, you got this.
- [Moke sniffles]
Oh, yeah, get in there, Moke.
Dig in. Ah, yeah.
Dig in there. Get it. Get it. Get it.
Oh, God. [retches]
[gags, grunts]
You all right?
- You need a ginger ale?
- No.
[man in distance] Hey, lady!
[Moke] How does this still smell so bad?
[man in distance] Hey, Charlie, I thought
they were installing that bunker on 17.
We're gonna have company.
- [Moke retches]
- Uh, you got it?
[Cath] Uh, guys?
Ah, you're doing great, buddy.
[shushes] Quiet.
[man in distance] Hey, lady,
this is a private club!
Hey, uh, guys?
[man in distance] Monday's
maintenance day!
Today's Thursday!
- You got it?
- Guys?
[man in distance] Get that
construction shit out of here!
[Cath] We got some cart jockeys
eyeballing us.
- Guys!
- You got it?
[man in distance] We need to stop 'em.
- [grunts]
- [emeralds clinking]
[man in distance] Come on!
You're ruining the fairway!
[man 2 in distance] You are
gonna pay for this!
- [man] They exposed the irrigation system!
- Guys!
[man 2] We need to stop 'em!
This is crazy!
Cart path!
Cart path, motherfucker!
[Jady] I got it!
Let's go! Let's party!
[Cath] Oh, yeah!
[man 2] Get out of here!
[Jady] Look at all the rich white people!
- [Cath] Step on it, Mokey.
- Let's go!
- [engine revving]
- Yeah!
[man] Come on, hit the gas! Hit it!
[man 2] I'm trying!
These things are fucking slow!
[man 3] Come on, Todd!
Hit 'em with the range balls!
- Whoa. [grunts]
- Come on, fucker!
- Get him!
- Get that fucker! - [laughs]
[man 4] Bull's-eye!
Wait, what? What the hell?
Is that a cadaver?!
- [grunts]
- [screams]
[Moke] Jady!
- Moke! Jesus!
- Oh!
- [man 3] Get him!
- [Jady] Go away!
[engine puttering]
Ow! Ow!
- [screams]
- [Jady laughs]
- Man down! Man down!
- Now get those douchebags!
Man the wheel!
[Jady] Mom, he's touching me
[wood buzzing]
[all screaming]
- Where are you going?
- [Moke] Kick him!
[grunts, laughs]
- Huh?
- Whoa! Pull the wheel!
[grunts, screams]
[grunts] Did we hit something?
Get closer!
[Jady] Get him, Mom, get him!
Eat my ass, fuckers!
Hold on!
[yells, grunts]
[Cath] Yeah! [laughs]
[man 2] You're gonna hear
from my lawyer, asshole!
[all cheering]
The Mungers are back!
[Jady] Look at you.
Still fucking cool, Glenn.
We did it. Ha! We did it!
- I mean, after you did it, Mom.
- [laughs] Well...
The De Koenig rocks
and the motherfucking Mungers! Ha!
- What about you and me, Moke?
- [laughs]
A couple of days ago,
we weren't even talking, man.
- [Cath] Oh, man.
- I was in stir. You were getting canned.
And now look at us.
We're millionaires! [laughs]
Oh, Mom, come here, you beautiful bandit.
Come on, dance with me, Mom.
- [laughs]
- Hey, I never...
I never... I never said that I was canned.
I don't understand. Who called?
It was the Labor and Employment Bureau.
Wait, w-were you
the Labor and Employment Bureau?
- It's not even a thing, is it?
- [chuckles]
It sounded right. [chuckles]
Oh, come on, man. I needed you.
You know that.
- Oh, for Christ's sake.
- The fuck, man?!
- I needed that job!
- Moke!
- Put down the shovel.
- You fucked up my life.
You're a liar,
and you've always been a liar to me.
Oh, I'm the fucking liar?!
Mr. Suburbs with the khaki shorts
and the boat shoes?!
I have a family!
I have Abby, a kid on the way!
[Jady] Oh, yeah, Abby.
Yeah, she's no Suzy Homemaker either.
You know what I'm saying?
You know how I know that?
Because she married you!
Fill your own hole.
I will!
The... [sighs]
Come on.
Where you going?
- [bones crunching]
- Oh, sorry, Glenn.
[birds chirping]
A kid? That's a game changer.
She. We're having a girl.
You know, Jady didn't want a jugger.
He just wanted a goon for heavy lifting.
Oh, he wanted you.
What he wanted was to use me.
Like always.
And you know what the worst part of it is?
Is I knew it. I could, I could, I could...
[grunts] I could feel it.
But I let him do it anyway.
Do you remember what you said to me
the day you ran?
I said, "Let me come with you."
Do you remember what you said?
[sirens wailing in distance]
Couldn't use you.
Oh, Mokey.
I said...
- [sirens wailing in distance]
- [panting]
I couldn't lose you.
[chuckles softly]
We were going down a dead end.
I mean, you saw Glenn.
If anything ever happened to you,
I couldn't bear it.
[gentle music playing]
Why'd you really come back?
For the money, right?
Time's short, sweetie.
Money's the only thing I could give you.
[siren chirps]
[car door opens, closes]
Here, doggie, doggie.
[Farful yells]
- What did you do with it?
- [grunts] Fuck you.
You buried it? You dug it up?
I don't have it!
- Where is it? Hmm?
- You should see a proctologist.
They're somewhere up there, man.
Last time I'm gonna ask you. [groans]
Where is it?!
What did you do with...
Get him!
[pained scream]
Not so tough now, are you, tough guy?!
- [panting]
- On your feet!
Hands. Hands!
[Moke] Ow.
Hey. What's that?
Knees. You, knees!
Don't shoot. Don't shoot. I'm dying.
Hey! Lady!
I can see you!
Oh. Are these your kids?
[hushed] Fucking hate you.
[Farful] Hi, Mom!
Listen, lady,
there's two ways that this can go.
You can run off with that stash
or with your kids.
Either way, I don't give a flying fuck
and a rolling doughnut.
What's it gonna be?
[gentle music playing]
[Moke pants]
Sorry, boys.
[Farful] Wait.
- What?!
- Shit!
- [panting]
- [Farful shouts in distance]
- Hey!
- [Moke] Kidding me?
[Jady] Mom!
What is happening, Mom?!
Not part of the plan!
[Farful] I have a gun!
- [Moke] Mom!
- [gasping breaths]
God, it doesn't seem like she's dying.
[Jady] Fuck you!
Mom, where are you going?
[Farful] Hey!
I'm gonna shoot!
- No, no, no!
- [Farful] No!
[tires screeching]
[Farful exclaims]
The whole jewels-or-your-life thing
was just for effect.
- I didn't think that she'd really...
- [panting]
[Jady] Come on, Farful.
Let's just talk this over, huh?
I'm done making deals with you.
I'm gonna tell everybody what you did.
[babbles mockingly]
Who they gonna listen to, huh?!
They gonna believe you or me?
I am a Farful.
Do you know what that means?
I am justice!
And I have a gun with your prints
on them at Dad's house.
That's a reset on your clock
right there, buddy.
And as for
your fucking Sasquatch brother...
- Yeah, fucking you.
- [tires screech]
He assaulted a peace officer!
Hope you didn't have plans, chief!
She'll be back.
Yeah, if it's in 30 years,
she'll break her record.
"Couldn't lose you."
All that time,
that's the best she could think up?
It's what she said.
Yeah, was that before
or after she said she was dying?
- She is dying.
- Ran pretty fast for a dying woman.
- Why would she lie?
- Why do you lie?
To get people to do shit.
Hey, will you knock it off back there?!
- I believe her.
- Of course you believe her.
You always believe her
because Glenn believed her
and that's who she sped off with.
Glenn was cool as shit.
You wanted to be like Glenn.
Congrats! You are now!
Tossed aside by
Catherine fucking Munger! Again!
- [Jady and Moke screaming]
- Hey!
- Hey! Knock it off back there!
- [pained screaming]
Hey! Hey!
Don't make me come back there!
Knock it off right now...
[indistinct police radio chatter]
[groaning, coughing]
- [Farful groans]
- [Jady panting]
[whispers] Fuck you.
[indistinct police radio chatter]
[Jody grunts]
[Moke stammers]
[Farful groaning]
Fucking Farful.
What now?
- What?
- Sit still.
I'm gonna fix this.
- Hang on.
- What are you doing?
- [grunting]
- God.
- [horn honks]
- [groans]
- Ow! God.
- Hold on. Pull down.
Come on. Let me get it.
- Wait, I got it. I got it. I got it.
- [horn honks]
[Trio Mocot: "No Adianta"]
[song continues with lyrics in Spanish]
- [horn honks]
- [tires screech]
[screeching and honking continue]
[Jady sniffs]
[Jady] Oh, my God.
You still smell like that.
- [Moke] Still smell like what?
- [Jady] Oh, God! It's like a pork cologne.
[Moke] Ten and two, dickhead.
Just-just go straight.
Hey. Uh, she's gone.
[Abby over phone] Gamma Jean?
I'm sorry. Is your brother okay?
Not really. They were closer.
No, I-I... I shouldn't have left.
Yeah. I'm aware of that.
But you did.
So we're gonna have to figure that out.
I'll-I'll be back as soon as I can.
You'll be back by dinner.
Are we doing this together or not?
- We are.
- Okay. Well, prove it.
Because I'm not once telling our daughter
where you are instead of being her dad.
[line clicks]
Come on, get in the car. Let's go.
You think all these toasters are busted?
I've counted 22.
They can't all be unusable, right?
- I don't know.
- You know, Mom taught me this.
Figure out what they want to hear,
and then say it.
And then say it again.
And you just keep saying it
until they swear it's the truth.
And you skin 'em.
Works every time. Oh! Twenty-three.
It's a convection oven.
You know, I really thought
this would fix everything. [chuckles]
You know, hit reset,
get us back to normal, but...
Man. [chuckles]
This is like when Wile E. Coyote, he draws
that tunnel on the side of the wall.
You know he's gonna run into it.
How does he not see that coming?
He was hungry.
You know, even though
she taught me how to lie,
I thought Mom always
meant to tell the truth.
Yeah, she taught me how to run.
Oh, right. It's about that time.
Moke, go home to your family.
I'll be fine.
[gentle music playing]
You won't as long as that judge
has a cannon with your prints on it.
We got to get it back.
You don't have to do that.
Yeah, I don't have to do shit.
I'm not leaving you.
Come on.
Think I know where she's headed.
[car door opens, closes]
[radio announcer] Second down and six
from the forty-three yard line.
Blitz coming.
[Freddie] De Koenig.
No such thing, Freddie.
[both laughing]
Don't spend all that in one place.
- Whoo. [laughs]
- Ah. [laughs]
How about you count us out, Mom?
It was a no-win situation back there.
The only shot we had
was to get the loot out.
I mean, either one of you
would've done exactly the same thing
and been absolutely right.
- Just count out our cut.
- I did what I thought was best.
What's best never seems
to involve us, though, huh?
[wistful music playing]
It's mine.
[Jady] What the... Mom!
Come on, this is ridiculous!
[door slams]
- [alarm blaring]
- Turn that shit off!
I-I can't. I hit the button.
I can't. I already hit the button.
- Michael?
- Freddie.
[tense music playing]
[steady beeping]
[Jady] How many times you gonna run?!
[tires screeching]
- [cabbie] Look. Look, I really shouldn't let you drive, okay?
- [steady beeping]
You okay, man?
[Jady] Mom!
- [Moke] Mom!
- [Jady] Mom!
[Moke] Mom!
[both] Mom!
[Jady] Mom!
[Moke] Mom!
[Jady] Mom!
Moke! Moke!
- [Jady] Hey, Moke. Down here.
- Jady, where is she?
- What?
- Where is she?
- Moke, look at these puppets.
- [puppet squeaks]
Are you kidding? Focus, man!
- Focus! Fuck.
- But they're for Blueberry.
- You chose this over me twice.
- I said I was sorry.
- Oh, no, you didn't.
- Oh, yes, I did.
Yeah, you did, but you didn't!
- [both shout, groan]
- [bag thumps]
- He's gonna take off with it.
- No, he won't.
[puppets squeak]
- [Farful] Munger! Comma!
- [Hal Leonard Jazz Band: "Joy to the World"]
Jonathan Thomas!
Jeremiah was a bullfrog
Was a good friend of mine
I never understood a single word...
[security guard] I got shots fired
at the old Ferndale Mall.
I need cops now!
- [gunshot]
- [gasps]
[whispers] There.
[Farful] I do scorched earth, convict!
[Farful chuckles]
[hushed] Moke. Moke!
- [Farful] Hold still!
- [gunshot]
Oh, shit!
Oh, mother...
Joy to you and me...
[Farful singsongy] Where are you?
Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
- What are you doing?
- Were you gonna run?
Tell me right now. Were you gonna run?
What do you think?
[Farful singsongy] Yoo-hoo!
Come out and play!
What's the plan?
Look, I still got dinner
to figure out for tonight,
and I don't know what's gonna be open,
so can we move this along, please?
What are we gonna do?
[Farful singsongy] I can smell you
and your dirty little ass!
We're gonna feed hungry boy. Come on.
- [tires screech]
- [sirens wailing]
Well, this just got fucked up.
[officer over radio] Secure the perimeter.
The suspect is armed and dangerous.
- All units, stand by.
- It's okay. I'm a peace officer.
[Jady singsongy] Yoo-hoo!
Over here, asshole.
[pained panting]
Just want what's mine.
And yours, too, for my trouble.
What you got there?
- Oh, it's a big-ass bag of money.
- [chuckles]
[Farful] Gimme it! Now!
Mm, okay.
Walk it over here slowly.
No. Not till we sort this out.
What is there to sort out?
You think you're gonna talk me
into letting you go?
No, but you're gonna let
my brother here go.
- [hushed] Wait, that wasn't the plan!
- No. Moke.
You're married.
You're about to be a father.
Now leave me behind
to go be a fun-ass dad.
Leave you behind
with all the money, too, right?
- [Farful] Hello, excuse me.
- What?
- Oh, wow.
- [Farful] Hey.
- You do not honestly think that I'm gonna...
- Hey.
- Hey!
- [Moke] What? That I'm gonna walk out the door
to a wall full of cops
while you weasel out the other way?
Yeah, that's exactly what I think.
[Jady] Don't be an idiot.
Stop thinking and walk.
Yeah, you heard him, Sasquatch. Bounce!
You guys are in this together.
Aren't you?
No, no, no, since the beginning,
- it's been you two.
- [Jady] That man has been
actively trying to murder me.
I don't work with partners.
That's been the plan all along.
Use me as a diversion
while you and shitbird here
- escape with the cash.
- What'd you say?
One second, Farful. Uh...
I knew he didn't kick your ass
in that motel!
- Totally did.
- No, I can't believe I trusted you!
You have never trusted me, ever.
'Cause all you do is use people.
There's not an angle out there that
you wouldn't choose over somebody else.
Over family. Family. Fam...
[Jady] Family?
What do you know about family?
You're the one who abandoned me
in that warehouse!
I knew you wouldn't let go of that shit!
Yeah, you don't fuck with family.
Farful, you're one to talk.
You and your dad? Please.
My dad thinks that I'm great.
Your dad doesn't give a shit about you.
[whimpers] My dad thinks
- that I am a legend in the making!
- [Moke] A legend?
Wh-What the fuck does that even mean?
- It means that...
- No, but you are a piece of shit!
And you guys should fucking
hang out together all the time!
- Fuck you!
- [Farful] Hey!
- [Moke] Fuck you, Jady.
- No, fuck you, Farful!
- No, fuck you! And fuck you!
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
- I'm gonna take this.
Oh, no, you're not.
- I'm gonna take it. That's mine.
- No! No!
- You give me that back.
- Hey!
- Give it to me! Let go!
- Let go of it!
- You let go of it!
- Damn it!
- You fucking let go!
- Let go! Give me that fucking thing!
Shut up, shut up, shut up!
- Let go!
- [groans]
[gun racks]
Now drop it!
That is mine!
Now move!
Look at your faces.
I win.
I win!
I did it.
- [screams]
- [gunshot]
[bullet ricocheting]
[Farful coughing]
["Joy to the World" instrumental
over speakers]
[Farful groaning]
[Moke] Well, that got
out of hand pretty quickly.
- It did a lot better than I thought, though.
- Yeah.
[Farful whimpering]
Oh, no.
[coughs] Burns. Ow.
- Yeah.
- Ah.
I think I smell pickles, Daddy.
Oh, thank you, nice man. Ow.
[sirens wailing in distance]
[sheriff over speaker] This is
the Sherman County police.
Put the gun down
and come out with your hands up.
We have the place surrounded.
I repeat: we have the place surrounded.
[Moke] Is prison really bad?
[Jady] Yeah.
It's prison.
[Cath] You got my money?
Right here.
[somber music playing]
Keep an eye on it, then.
May I?
What are you... Mom, what are you doing?
I worked too hard for that cash
to lose it now.
There's an exit to the garage back there.
Take the ramp out to the road
and get your ass
- in a crowd ASAP.
- Mom! What...
I mean, this game's a waste of time
if you leave it with nothing.
You're gonna run now.
Before I get a better idea.
[dramatic music playing]
Oh, and by the way, I'm not dying.
- [sheriff] Put that gun down!
- [officers shouting]
- Come out with your hands up!
- [whispers] Come on.
- Put that gun down, lady!
- Come on.
Put that gun down!
Put that gun down!
Drop the weapon now!
- [knock on door]
- [Judge Farful] Jimmy.
- [door opens]
- That bag better hold heads of lettuce
or the head of a dead-ass hunchie.
[door closes]
[calls out] Damone?
It's Anthony's day.
And he's taking a long lunch.
Fuck you!
You're one of them, aren't you?
You want me?
You found a fight instead.
I just want the heater
you're holding over my brother.
Oh, and you think
I'm just gonna give it to you?
[Moke] This is a hair over one-nine.
My cut, less expenses
and severance for Anthony.
[drawer slides open]
[Judge Farful] Well, there you have it.
I got to tell you something, son.
You're overpaying. [laughing]
Yeah, I don't think so.
Don't you want to know where your son is?
That boy is as worthless
as a chocolate teapot.
How old are you, old man?
I got time yet.
Mm, not enough to spend it all, I bet.
You're gonna lose that game, Judge.
- [Roy Orbison: "Blue Bayou"]
- I feel so bad
I've got a worried mind
[door opens]
- I'm so lonesome
- [door closes]
All the time
Since I left my baby behind
On Blue Bayou
[door opens]
- Saving nickels
- [door closes]
Saving dimes
Working till the sun don't shine
Looking forward to happier times
On Blue Bayou...
[song continues quietly]
[inhales deeply, sighs]
Dinner's on the table.
It's been on the table.
I decided not to wait.
And I'm not gonna wait again.
I lost my job.
But I'll get another one.
We'll hold it up together.
You and me.
All the way.
And you said there was an ape?
I jacked it off.
[Moke] I love your daughter, Norm.
Is there anything else to talk about?
No. No.
[door opens]
[whispers] Sorry.
[Moke] I scuffed the intro last time.
This is my brother Jady.
He's gonna be eating with us tonight.
Please, sit and eat.
[Jady] All right.
What's up, dude?
Greens, Jady?
No, ma'am, just the bird.
Man, you didn't have to
give your cut away.
No, it was an investment.
[chuckles softly]
You know, I made an investment as well.
- You did?
- Yeah.
- When you were at the judge's...
- Mm?
...I went to go see a lawyer.
Not Freddie. Fuck Freddie.
Fuck Freddie.
A real lawyer.
I don't know. Maybe we drew up the
paperwork for a living trust for your kid.
Money's all hers now.
Isn't that great?
[both laughing]
You gave your half away?
The fuck would you give your half away?
The fuck?
You gave your half away, so, you know...
No, no, because I knew
you still had yours,
and I could hit you up if I needed it,
seeing that I saved your ass.
Oh, okay. [scoffs]
Well, now you're gonna have to
hit up your daughter, Blueberry Munger,
as soon as she learns how to speak
and sign with a crayon.
You put it under the name "Blueberry"?
Yeah, that's her name.
No, we were being cute.
What kind of name is "Blueberry"?
Well, that's her name
if she wants two million bucks.
It's a great name.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
They grow up quick, man.
[buzzer blares]
[quiet chatter]
What you, uh, settle on there?
[Moke] Oh.
This is Blue.
[Jady] Berry.
Blueberry's the full legal name,
but Mike doesn't like it.
[Moke] No. Yeah,
but we decided on "Blue," didn't we?
- [Jady] Berry.
- It's just Blue. It's really simple.
See how defensive he gets?
We don't call you "John Thomas."
- [Jady] Maybe you should start.
- [Moke] That's what we call her.
Do you want to hold her?
- Oh.
- [Cath] Come to Gamma,
- baby Blue.
- Transfer to Grandma.
Grandma. [chuckles]
[Cath] There you are.
- [Moke clears throat]
- [Blue cooing]
Es mi nieta.
[buzzer blares]
Okay, Munger, time's up.
[Jady] Okay, Mom, here, let me take her.
- Come here, you little Blueberry.
- I'll miss you.
[Jady grunts]
[Cath] Moke.
- [grunts]
- [Abby] Mm-hmm.
You under-stir that gravy,
I'm gonna fucking know.
Happy Thanksgiving, Mom.
[Lee Hazlewood: "For One Moment"]
[Jady] So happy Munger Thanksgiving.
Maybe not in a traditional sense.
But for us, that's a holiday done right.
The hurt I hurt
Is nothing like...
Our family, we've always been different.
- [Abby] It was nice to meet her.
- [Moke] Yeah.
[Jady] Mom looks great.
Hope she's in a nice gang.
Like things I've felt before...
[Jady] Some might call us
selfish or crazy or bad.
Can I talk to him for one second?
And the hopelessness are fine...
You know, I saw what you did in there.
You saw what where?
For one moment
You were mine...
[Jady] We've been called a lot of things.
"Totally functional"
would not be one of them.
But we always kept it interesting.
- No shit.
- Oh, yeah.
What do you say we do
best two out of three, Wolf Man?
Winner takes all.
- You joking?
- Maybe.
Come on.
[Jady] Yeah, your dad drives a minivan,
but that's only to keep you safe.
And I think he thinks it's kind of cool.
But that's okay. Nobody's perfect.
And, Blueberry, don't tell your dad
about the extra emerald
Uncle Jady kept for himself, okay?
[Blue] Fuck you. Pay me.
[Jady] That's my girl.
[upbeat music playing]

[Glenn] I'm-a get me a big-ass sombrero.
One you can keep your chips in.
Dos cervezas.
Get me one of them, uh,
sexy dancing ladies
with them, uh, fancy printed skirts.
Maybe we'll do that, uh,
mnage trois y'all talk about.
[grunts] Mnage tres. [laughs]
[Cath] I've never talked about that, baby.
You're the one who talks about that.
[Glenn laughs]