Buddy Cops (2016) Movie Script

"Chan Kin-fei"
Legion fever is back again,
make sure you stay
away from germs.
Sports day is coming
up next week.
Sign up if you are not on duty.
We need a dozen of colleagues
for tomorrow's Police
Report shooting.
The 'post-compliant
trauma' peer group
is taking in newbies.
Don't forget the
'Star of the Month'
birthday party this afternoon,
there will be cakes and lucky
draw in the common room.
"Johnny Li"
Squat, you little perv!
Hi there miss, police.
Hi, Sir
Did he just molest you?
Your ID card please.
What's your name, miss?
What? ID card?
No, I mean your English name.
Sounds much friendlier, right?
I am Candy.
Right, Candy, thanks.
Give me your number too.
Don't get me wrong,
I just want to
follow up your case
and keep you posted.
There are a lot
of people around,
don't want you to feel
awkward, you know.
All right. Thanks, sir.
Just Fei will do.
What? Are we following up cases?
Of course not.
Just gossiping.
Have you ordered that COMME
des GARSONS cross-over
-outfit for me yet?
- Oh wait,
I will be a bridesmaid next Sat.
You need to pick a dress for me.
Hey, hold on.
You promised to write the
report to Madam Chu for me.
But is Madam Chu back yet?
She was desperately
looking for you...
...first thing she got back.
Good on you, having a
godmother at work.
No need to work
away from office.
All you need is to be
her personal assistant.
Getting her coffee and
tending to her kid,
So chilled.
Thanks, Fei.
Bye. Take care.
Stand up, you perv.
What? So used to
getting caught, huh?
You are really taking
snapshots of women panties.
So many of them, you
son of a bitch,
And even this? Such bad taste.
No, sir.
The exams are stressing me out.
- Give me a chance...
- A chance?
Tell you what,
you won't get away with this
even you are a first offender.
You'll make it to the
headlines for sure.
When you are behind bars,
look at you,
I am sure you'll get
rammed every night.
Sir, please give me a chance.
These flowers are
from Chief Lam.
You went shopping today?
Nah, these need some washing.
This one needs softener.
Make sure you wrap this up
after washing
and pop in some desiccants.
- And these need dry cleaning.
- Fine.
Then go pick my
son up at school,
and take him to the piano class.
Then get a three-pound cake,
some paper cups and plates too.
We are having the 'Star of the
Month' birthday party today.
Yes, madam
Hurry UP-
There are a lot of
reports waiting for you.
Yes, madam.
I am now giving you a chance.
You see, there is an old case
and this bloke at the Ocean Park
did something really filthy
in front of the pandas.
That scared the shit out
of Ying Ying and Le Le.
If you plead guilty
for a small case like this,
they will only sentence
you to community service.
It is no big deal
cleaning up for the
pandas, right?
If you are willing to do this,
I can pretend I have
seen nothing just now.
- Sir, - What do you think?
I am a nerd but
don't you fool me.
So you don't trust me?
Hands down and make no waves,
- Doubting me, are you?
- No, no, I...
That's right, come to the
police station with me.
This way everyone!
Sir, sir.
We have a new housing estate for sale.
80% net floor area.
Nothing comes up on
the "sand track".
"Informant Lau Jing:"
"Tip-off, the wanted
'credit card Chiu"'
"is appearing at
Tsim Sha Tsui East."
"Also, lend me a
quick ten grand."
"Horse owner" is
entering "sand track".
"Horse owner" is
entering "sand track".
Attention everyone,
Take no action until all
"horse owners" arrive.
Brother Chiu, it looks
kinda busy today.
Someone is approaching,
someone is approaching.
Damn it, who on
earth is that guy?
Got it, I will intercept him.
Aren't you "credit card Chiu"?
Hold on, hold on.
Now what? Cash strapped again?
Hey, look at me.
Aren't they...
Police, squat down!
Take action everyone.
Go, go, go!
Go away.
Go away.
Bugger off.
Go away.
Go away, go away-
Out of my way.
They are running
towards Chatham road.
Block the roads and
intercept them.
This is police, go away.
One by one...
Out of my way.
Come on, move...
Go away.
Be careful.
Be careful.
-you are running over a police officer!
- Sorry!
Sorry, sorry...
Tough luck,
I am taking over
your car, get out.
Hey, stop!
I am commanding you to get out.
No way.
You are in my way,
move your arse.
Hey, I am police too.
Are you kidding me?
Use the opposite lane.
Whoa, we are crashing!
Go away.
Go away, go away-
Slow down.
The cake, the cake.
Slow down.
Go away.
Go away.
Hey, don't you know
you can't drive here?
Be careful!
Shut up.
Go away.
Sor . . my, sorry.
Be careful, there are
many people around.
Get out of my way!
Sorry, sorry.
Go away.
Be careful not to run over them.
This is my car.
Bro, that car is tailing us.
Oh, we are going to crash.
Be careful.
Bugger off.
We are finished.
What are you guys doing? Are
you two security guards?
Don't bother, you can't open it.
Our department has shut down.
What? Shut down?
This is the bill for what
you have wrecked today,
plus stuff you
have crashed before,
there is no way you can
retire before age 80.
It is already bad enough
to knock down lamp posts
and traffic lights,
and now you have crashed
into those race cars.
That's a jackpot.
A gigantic bill.
What department would pay it up?
The C.l.D. is moving
to a new office
and they are saying that the new
office is too small to fit us in.
Then what do we do now?
Guess we have to
come up with ways.
Perhaps giving YOU UP?
Have you watched The Titanic?
It's better to have only one
person jumping into the sea
instead of us all drowning.
Look at us two, do we
look like we can swim?
Oh, that's a tough one for you.
That's no big deal,
we are colleagues
after all, aren't we?
Well then, before hopping off,
guess I'll have a chat with
the Complaints Council
and the Ombudsman.
Just to let them know your
cruise trips to Macau
and the expensive wines
from your rich friends,
also the illegal basement
at your country house.
Don't sleep talk
in broad daylight.
Forget about it.
We'll forgive you
and don't worry about
these, I'll handle them.
It is the government's
money after all.
Where are we going then?
we are merging with the C.N.D.
Let's have a cross over!
What's C.N.D.?
stands for Central
New Department.
A new section
with no actual purpose.
Composed entirely of
unwanted staff the
management can't get rid of.
Their main duties include
issuing tickets,
marking parking lots,
ordering pepper sprays,
organizing social events,
providing extras for the
Police Report program
and closing old cases, etc.
Are you ready?
Welcome Man Sir!
Man Sir,
It's my pleasure to
be your colleague
Thanks, though it's a
little over the top.
No, not at all.
Your packages have arrived.
- I'll show you your room.
- Great, thanks.
It is designed after
your old office.
This is PC Buddy,
designed by the girls.
It has better ratings online
than the Chief Executive.
That's impressive.
Well, I need to have a
few words with you.
whoa, just like the old office.
Right, we all stick to
your work philosophy:
get nothing done
and stay away from trouble
But you aren't supposed to
bring Fei with you, right?
No department is
willing to take him in
You see, our department
is the heaven and paradise
of the Police Force.
That guy out there
pissed off the organized
crime bureau.
He also crashed my godson's car.
I don't want to see him around.
I can ask him to stay
away from the office,
and I won't arrange
a desk for him.
How about that?
Chau Sir, I have nowhere to sit.
Chau Sir, Chau Sir.
Hey, Chau Sir, I
have nowhere to sit.
Chau Sir, hey, hey.
Okay, fine.
Damn, why are you
working as a cop?
Go work in cosmetics.
Let me give you a
piece of advice.
A cop should never drive
a family car like yours.
It never goes over 70km/h.
How do you catch thieves anyway?
You better-off riding a bicycle.
My car is still with the garage,
and I'll hand you
the bill later.
Hey, you have got
such a spacious desk.
That's none of your business.
What's your name anyway?
I am Chan Kin-fei, and you?
I am Johnny...
Right, Johnny, Madam
Chu just asked me
to sit next to you,
so that I can learn from you.
There is no way she
would say that.
Why not?
Go ask her if you want to.
This should go here...
and this should go there...
and this one...
What are you doing?
Don't touch my stuff.
Give me my seat.
That's my seat,
give it back to me.
Hell no.
(ring tone:good
boy, good boy...)
(pick up the phone...)
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Mum.
- Dad.
Several days ago, while a
group of Hong Kong tourists
were on their way
to the scenic spot,
the driver suffered from
a sudden heart attack.
Their coach shook violently
from side to side
and a passenger saved the day
by promptly stopping the coach.
The Coach was full of
tourists from Hong Kong
Luckily there is someone
Controlled the bus
and saved everyone.
Just like a scene out of movies.
We are going to meet with
this hero real soon.
We have heard that
it is even more
romantic than films.
Why are you here at the airport?
Why not? You don't
own it, do you?
What's wrong is with you?
I am warning you,
I am here to pick up my mum.
Don't you stalk me.
I am warning you,
I'll beat up your mum.
If you don't shut up.
Such a retard.
Mr Chan.
What does it feel to save
everyone on the coach?
Please share your thoughts.
Were you a policeman?
Just a few words will do.
There is not much I can say.
- Johnny.
- Mum, are you okay?
- Son.
- Mum,
- I miss you.
- Miss you heaps.
Let me take a good look at you.
Such a handsome lad.
- Who is he?
- My son.
We have been relying on each
other for over 20 years.
Okay, all right.
Son, give me a hand with
the luggage, will you?
Share a few words
with us please.
I think
this has really opened my eyes.
Things often take
the wrong turn,
and go out of your control.
So if you have anything
you want to do,
you need to go for
it right away.
Just like me and Philip,
although we have
just met each other,
after going through this,
we have decided to get married
after returning to Hong Kong.
Will you hold a wedding
dinner, any idea?
We have not decided yet
Let's go.
This is the breaking news
I mentioned earlier.
Things took a romantic
turn after the accident.
Giu and Philip the hero
have decided to get
a flash marriage.
Wait, what?
Give you a call when I get home.
Mum, what's this?
You have just met him,
and I don't know him either.
Why marrying him?
Are you nuts?
You two are not
getting any younger,
flash marriage?
Calm down.
It is better to have someone
to take care of us two.
Come on, take it easy.
He is a good chap
and he saved my life too.
Am I not taking
good care of you?
I really can't stand his son.
I am afraid that
I could kill him.
What if he is only
marrying for your money?
Hey I am warning you,
don't you screw this up for me,
otherwise you are doomed.
What do you mean?
Are you saying I am
not in good shape?
Why would he want my money?
Let's go home.
Pick up the luggage-
How did a lame duck like you
manage to become an officer?
Even the cardboard police
looks tougher than you.
Did your mum get
this outfit for you?
Something wrong with
your fashion taste?
This is called the preppy look,
what's your problem?
What look again?
Geeky look?
Why can't cops dress decently?
I am setting an example
for everyone...
for everyone to laugh at, huh?
I don't care how
retarded you are
But don't you call
me brother at work,
or I'll beat the hell out of you
All's well that ends well.
Love each other.
What is their relationship?
They both got a new parent.
What should we call them then?
They are brothers,
but are not related.
Then you two must be...
Eskimo brothers!
You are finally here.
Aww...so sweet!
You two are brothers now.
Come on, cuddle...
and kiss.
Not bad at all.
You got a new brother.
Also a new mum too.
Be a good son from now on.
So you are now...
the little bro!
Love each other and
don't fight over toys!
Our last meet-up
wasn't that long ago.
Out of cash again?
Cut that out.
Go order some drinks.
Your treat?
Guess I'll order everything
from the menu then.
Ah Hung, go take his order.
A beer,
and some pricy nibbles
to go with the drinks...
How about truffle on toast,
and a foie gras pork chop bun?
Ah Hung, ring the
bell, will you?
- This round is on me.
- All right.
- Round 1 - A free
round for everyone!
Don't mention it.
Nice watch, you are doing
quite well, aren't you?
Limited edition.
Whoa, limited edition?
Ten grand, twenty grand.
What are you doing?
You lend me ten thousand
last time, right?
Now this is twenty grand.
You have done well
for yourself, huh?
Keep that for yourself.
You never know when
you'll need it.
I don't have to
scrape along anymore.
I have got myself a
good opportunity.
Ever heard of Hung Cheung-hing?
That's who I am working for.
He thinks I would go far.
Okay, okay.
Why is he hiring you anyway?
You know nothing but
picking out fights.
Mr Hung is running
so many businesses.
There is always
something I can do,
learn as you go,
YOU know?
All right, okay.
Make sure you look after
me when you get rich.
Guess I can quit my job now.
What's wrong with your job?
We all wanted to be a cop
when we were young.
That's everyone's dream.
But none of us actually made it.
Hey, do you remember.
I got beaten up when
I was a teenager.
Then you taught that
guy a lesson for me.
He was so roughed up and
could hardly stand up.
The police arrested you.
You shouldered all
the responsibility
to keep me from trouble.
How else could I become
a cop without you?
I would have become a gangster.
If you were caught then,
you would be my big brother.
No way!
Forget it!
Be a good cop.
Get promoted quick.
And I will be the informant
for the police chief.
The exclusive one.
Whoa, exclusive.
The chief's mole, right?
So that's it.
Meanwhile I'll earn some
quick bucks with Mr Hung,
and move to Vanuatu afterwards.
Where all women are topless?
Just think about it,
where in Hong Kong can you
run around bare-assed?
How dare you embezzling funds?
Please tell Mr Hung I was broke,
I really need the money!
I am sorry.
I'll never do that again!
Chan Kin-fei,
back to the station with me.
We suspect that you
are involved in
Lau Jing's murder.
Get up and follow me.
What station?
My bro is dead,
what's the point
of going with you?
This is your bro?
Well then, I suspect that you
are associated with the triads.
Go with me.
I need to see my superior.
This has nothing to do
with your department.
There is no one who
can cover you up.
I tell you what,
you've been screwing up my
plans over and over again.
You are definitely getting a
suspension from me this time.
Let's see.
Chow Sir, Chow Sir.
I work under Man Sir.
Don't you see I am working?
Piss off.
Hey, take it easy.
Just want to have a
word with my colleague.
- Make it quick.
- Ok, thanks.
What are you doing here?
Where is Man Sir?
You are in big trouble.
Man Sir is sorting
this out for you.
He wanted me to tell you,
it is okay to have a
drink with a gangster.
Even if he dies after
a drink or two,
that's no big deal either.
If they are questioning you,
just say Lau is your informant.
That's why you two
are meeting up.
They can do nothing about it.
You have Man Sir's
and my full support on this one,
even if it is going to
cost us a demotion.
Chow Sir, Chow Sir.
Man Sir wanted to tell you,
he is on our side.
Just do a quick
round of questions
and let him go, okay?
- Thanks.
- We'll see.
But this guy
is very stubborn.
You need to put the
screws on him,
if you want anything from him.
You think I can't hear you?
Stop this nonsense, will you?
This is my department's matter.
None of your business.
Still going or not?
Make it quick.
- Let's go.
- Don't you touch me!
Just go.
Running a little late.
My bad, my bad.
Welcome, Mr Hung.
Hello, hello...
- Here?
- Yes, please.
Take a seat.
Hi, Mr Hung.
Let me put this on for you.
Wait, look at this flower,
It looks as gross as you are.
How can I wear this?
No thanks.
They are out of budget or what?
Actually, Mr Hung.
I have spoken to them just now.
But the government is like that,
they think that looks nice.
I'll speak to them again.
Don't worry about that.
- Hi, chairman!
- Good to see you Mr Hung.
Welcome, take a seat.
When you asked me to
donate 8 million,
it took me only two
seconds to say yes.
- Yes, thank you for your support...
- Don't mention it.
Where did you get
these flowers from?
Funeral homes?
Also, this event is sponsored by
my personal charitable
How come it shows
up as Hung's Group?
The Group is now a
listed company!
I'll follow it up right away.
What's the point
of following up?
Follow up...follow up...
I am now telling you,
when I present the
cheque on stage
you must say,
thank you Mr Hung
Cheung-hing, loud and clear.
Yes...yes. Of course.
Loud and clear, you hear me?
Okay, thanks.
Thanks, Mr Hung.
- Fei - Put it on for me.
This flower is pretty.
What a coincidence.
It has been a long time.
Wasn't that long ago.
You look great.
Every girlfriend you dumped
is now happy and successful.
I am now the vice president
of Hung's PR department.
Why are you here?
- Let's invite our guest,
- I won't keep you then.
Mr Hung to the stage.
We are going to do a
cheque presentation
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you Mr Hung.
The whole point of setting up
my very own charitable
is to "address people's
pressing needs" and
"think what people think."
I am going to set up
a private foundation
in the near future.
If you want to go into politics
and be rich and successful,
just give me a call, okay?
Rumors said that the fund
is earn from doing
business with mafia
Is that true?
Please comment on that
Did you company have
any business to do
with the mafia?
Listen to me. Listen,
listen, listen...
I really want to
listen to you all.
But all your questions
make no sense to me.
Thank you very much.
Mr Hung, Police.
You had an employee
called Lau Jing.
Do you know him?
I have so many people
working for me.
I have a Wong Jing
and a Ng Jing,
but I don't recall a Lau Jing.
Lau told me he works for you.
He was shot dead last night.
To be honest,
some people just deserve that.
Take it easy.
But don't worry,
I'll be the title sponsor
of his funeral.
I want to ask you
What did he do at your company?
Where did you go and
what have you done last night?
I was at my friend's
funeral all night.
Mr Hung.
Are you assaulting Police?
- What?
- Take it easy.
That's nothing, just
a small fry, right?
Fei, are you okay?
I am fine.
Mr Chan, we have moved
all your furniture over.
Please sign here.
Hey, Why don't you get off?
I am not getting off.
I am warning you,
there is no way I
am calling her mum.
I will curse at you
if you force me to.
What's wrong is with you?
You are not a kid anymore,
I can't force you
to call her mum.
Yes, exactly, I am
not a kid anymore.
So why are you forcing me
to live with you two then?
What can I do?
You can't get hold
of a Police dorm.
And my lease contract is up.
Tell me what can I do?
You know what, you either go up
-or you move out.
- Honey, honey.
Honey, hello.
Come here,
Quick, Johnny.
Say uncle.
Mr Chan.
Haha, save that.
Why so tense?
Don't worry, you will get
the hang of it next time.
Shall we go up to see your room?
Hey, get off that car.
That's Fei.
Sorry, Fei.
I have got only two rooms here.
You two have to share
a room for now.
How about that?
I'll see if we can
make a partition
in a few days time.
No, don't worry about that.
This is the perfect
room for two.
Well, that's good. Come here.
you didn't mention
this to me beforehand.
That's no big deal.
Just imagine you are
still at the academy.
Sleeping next to your buddies.
You guys can chit chat
too, isn't that awesome?
Okay, we haven't had a good
chat for over 10 years.
How about I sleep next to you
and chat through the night?
Don't mess around.
This is my first night here.
I have not...em...for
over 20 years.
Do me a favour,
don't mess up.
Okay, that's fine.
They can share the room.
Your pills are with me.
How do you make out?
Go have a chat with him.
It is late. Let's go to bed.
Come on.
Aww, mummy's boy
Oh, you have to do that later.
Good night.
Dad, dad.
You just saw it.
Give your best shot tonight.
Don't leave her unsatisfied.
Know what I mean?
Cut that crap.
Go, go, go!
What? Nothing is on TV,
why are you weeping?
I have hidden the pills away.
That's impressive.
Your mum is crying out loud.
That's my mum!
Maybe it is not dad who is
gaining the upper hand.
It sounds like your
mum is in control.
Oh, shut that.
- How's that?
- Oh, that's great.
Would have been greater
if I have my pills with me.
Hey, hey-
I'm asleep, I hear nothing.
To be frank,
your mum is in good shape.
She looks kinda young.
Teddy. . .teddy...
Let me tell you,
Dad and I
have long wanted to
kick your master out.
We have a plan.
We'll put up with this
lame duck for now.
Once dad has
settled down with his mum,
I will play her
against your master.
We'll ask her to change the will
and snatch the house from him.
Then kick this guy out
and sell him off to Bangladesh
to do go-go dance.
What do you think?
Didn't I tell you,
they will be fine?
It is not going to be fine.
No way!
I am not boasting,
but my son has
always been gentle.
He never gets into fights.
Oh man, this girl is hot.
How can they come up
with positions like this?
You hear that sound?
All the yelling
It's coming up now.
Take off her panty!
Stop watching porn at the
middle of the night.
This is disgusting.
Don't throw your stuff at me.
You are disgusting.
Underpants? Shit...shit...shit.
Stop yelling.
I only wiped my mouth with that.
Don't worry.
You have ruined my
special collection!
Hey, don't touch my Jeremy Lin.
Why can't I touch your stuff?
But you can?
What are you two doing?
He ruined my collection.
Darling, what can we do?
This is only the first night.
We are doomed.
Stop fighting-
What? Monitoring him?
You two are brothers.
You are always with him anyway.
Even I didn't tell you.
I have got a complaint from
the Complaints Council
They said you harassed Mr Hung.
Did he speak to the
Security Bureau or what?
Of course not.
He spoke directly to the
Chief Executive, so he
called up the Security Bureau.
The message was then
passed to the Police Chief
So did the Chief gave
you a telling-off?
The Chief called the
regional office.
And it was passed on to my boss.
Then to me, finally.
I am a small potato.
How would the Chief speak to me?
You are right,
if you were blasted
by the Chief directly
then you are somebody.
If he is blasting me,
you are the first one
I am going to whip.
I want you to do it
because I trust you.
We are warned by the
Security Bureau
all because of
that Chan Kin-fei.
If this happen again,
we'll all be fired.
don't touch the rich guys.
Touch me if you want to.
I'll be on my pension soon,
All right?
I beg you, please.
Okay, okay, all right.
Are you nuts?
Don't mess with Guan Gong.
- Pardon me, pardon me.
- Have you ever
seen Guan Gong munching chips
and chocolate biscuits?
Also, people offer
Guan Gong chickens
but never a toy bird.
Are you giving him the bird?
How dare you say that?
That's none of your business.
They have their own culture.
This is a trendy department.
You should try to blend in.
You'll be transferred to
the back office soon.
You kidding? Back office?
Back office is the best.
Fixed hours, no over time.
Paper work as easy as ABC
and plenty of hot chicks
in short skirts too.
keep an eye on him 24-7.
Like a pair of conjoined twins.
Don't piss off Mr Hung again.
Once you are done with this,
I'll transfer you back.
Why are you following me?
It's Madam Chu's order.
Would you die if
she asks you to?
I am not following you.
You are going back
home, so do I.
Want me to beat you up?
Brother Fei, is that you?
The kingpin wants to see you.
I knew it.
No, wait. I need to go in too.
Brother Hoi.
Now what?
Are you letting me to sit?
Get your hands off me.
Interestingly enough,
the first brew is always
Want to throw it away
The sweetness
only comes off after
the second brew.
You are not summoning
these fellas to escort me
to tea, right?
Show some respect,
this is Brother Hoi.
What the heck are you doing?
You want my attention?
Sorry, Brother Hoi.
Not to me.
I am sorry, Brother Fei.
Put your hands to
work, will you?
You little bastard.
Have you seen my daughter today?
I did, but I was at work.
I don't care.
- You have met her, that's it.
- So what?
I have been around for ages,
and I'm not scared of anyone.
But this daughter of
mine is worrying me.
She used to be glum all day.
Wrist cutting,
drugs, you name it,
so depressing.
But not today.
She is all cheerful
after seeing you.
See it for yourself,
it is even on weibo.
Kiss, Kiss.
Made my day.
To be honest, she
only listens to you.
Quit the police,
it is a waste of your talent.
I have got only one
daughter, you see.
What can I do to make you
work for me?
All right, if you quit
being a gangster,
I'll quit being a cop.
You son of a bitch.
Okay, you got balls, cheers.
Oh, so you are really
befriending gangsters.
Of course not.
I only dated her
daughter before.
Good that you two
have broken up.
Police and triads,
makes the perfect
star-crossed lovers.
What's wrong with that though?
I only realised how
pathetic I was after
dating his daughter.
It is kinda gay for
two of us to hang out
on valentine's day.
Why don't we go
home and jerk off?
I did this morning.
Dude, but I haven't.
Be patience.
Couples argue on
valentine's day.
Chicks would all lose their
minds after breaking up.
And what's next?
They hook up with
some random guy.
Tonight, we are going
to be that random guy.
You always carry that
dumb look on you face
but you are kinda
hawkish inside.
Well, I make do with
whatever is available.
Why were you chattering
with the waitress just now?
I didn't.
- Leave this to me.
- You didn't? But I saw everything.
Hey, sweetie, listen.
I really didn't.
Stop right there, Police.
Are you okay, miss?
Was he bullying you?
Give back his crappy gift.
I am not taking this.
Don't worry, we are Police.
We can protect you.
Why are you bullying her?
She is such a hot chick.
What's wrong with you?
Sir, I didn't.
She is not hot by the way.
What did you just say?
Your ID card.
Take out your ID card.
There you go.
Chan Kwok-fung...Break up with
this kind of scum already!
Miss, were you looking for me?
I am heart-broken.
Heart-broken? You
look happy though?
Is this curable?
Oh, that's a deep cut.
What can I do then?
Go home with me. You will be
fine after an injection or two.
I got this when I
had a row with dad.
And this one after a fight
with the first boyfriend.
That one when my boyfriend
bought me flowers.
This one when the Ngong
Ping cable car broke down.
Didn't it break
down a few times?
So three more here.
All right, stop counting.
What? You don't like it?
I'll never cut my wrist then.
I'll never cut and
never do drugs.
You do drugs?
I was high on drugs
when you saw me grinning
last night, didn't you know?
I am not a regular user,
only when I do
compensated dating.
I'll never do that again. Never.
what will you do then,
if you quit all your "hobbies"?
I'll just look at you,
from day to night.
Hey, who sent you that
message just now?
I thought she was just
joking at the beginning.
But then I figured that she
really had nothing else to do.
What are you doing?
Do you miss me?
I am in a meeting.
I'll call you back.
In a meeting? Why are
you on Whatsapp then?
Who are you chatting with?
Nah, we have done it
twice last night.
I read through all
your messages.
Who is Fat Wah?
Fat Wah?
Just an inspector.
Is Fat Wah a woman?
Why did she say,
I miss U, baby, Kiss Kiss.
Oh, that one.
It is an important
piece of evidence.
That's why he sent
it back to me.
Go call up Fat Wah now.
Don't move!
Hello, yes?
I am working, what do you want?
It won't take long.
Just one question.
Go shoot, darling.
What is your Facebook password?
Why? You can't let me know?
She takes away my clothes
whenever she showers.
If I don't sneak out,
she is going to cut
off my willy one day.
What are you doing honey?
I was about to switch on the TV.
How am I supposed to hear
what you are doing outside?
Come on, go back to bed.
What...what are you doing?
Mind your own business.
Don't go.
What are you doing.
Oh, shit.
Shame on you.
Running around topless.
You bitch, you are naked anyway.
Oh my god.
That's Hong Kong girls.
They are so agreeable before
entering the relationship
And then all clingy
once you are couple.
You are a virgin,
what do you know.
Maybe that's why your
dad got scared away.
She's my mum. You
can't say that.
Why are you here, dad?
Something wrong with mum?
No, just go-
What is that face for?
Be quick.
Uncle, meal is ready.
Where are you?
See that?
We are screwed if we don't bail.
What about mother then?
- No idea.
- There is nothing we can do.
Just make sure you
don't eat anything.
Fei Fei, you are back?
Oh, you must be Johnny.
That's right.
I've made you dinner.
Go wash your hands.
Ah, right.
I almost forgot the dinner
appointment with my colleague.
Now you mention it,
I got an appointment
with my colleague too.
You too?
Yes...dinner with you.
But I have cooked
for both of you.
Dad, dad loves
home-cooked meals.
- Dad.
- Uncle, how about you?
- Damn.
- Do you know
how much effort and
time I have spent
cooking this meal?
You are turning me down
without even trying it.
How heart-breaking it is.
Call the cops.
No way. I am Police.
If anything goes wrong.
I'll shoot her.
Don't stand in my way, okay?
All right.
We'll have it.
It is all ready, dig in.
Bessie made everything tonight.
Except the soup.
You are such a pretty girl,
and a good cook, too.
Fei, you should bring her
home for dinner more often.
Uncle, auntie,
Fei Fei, bon appetit.
Bon appetit.
Auntie, try this pork.
Thank you, thank you.
I have gained so much
weight recently.
I am not eating. Only
the soup will do.
You go ahead.
Uncle, try some.
Dad, don't worry about me.
Go eat.
Drink some soup.
Fei Fei, let me spoon-feed you.
Open up, I am spoon-feeding you.
Have some soup.
Go have some.
Try the drumstick,
it's good for you.
Why aren't you two eating?
Are they not good enough?
Want some more?
Auntie Gill, I know there are a
lot of creepy crawlers around.
So I have bought
this one for you.
Bessie, how considerate you are.
I must hand you a big
red packet later.
Thank you.
Right, do you need
to work tomorrow?
How about staying overnight?
Johnny, go set up shop in
the living room tonight
and leave your room to them.
Do as I said, now dig in.
Fei Fei, I have found
these in your room.
I have a feeling that
they don't belong to you.
If they are yours,
I'll be very upset,
YOU know?
How many times have I told you
not to leave stuff around?
Go take care of them.
Yes, you.
Johnny, you have been
watching those stuff?
That's gross.
They are really bad for you!
Promise me,
never watch them again, okay?
So humiliating.
Sorry everyone.
Go on, keep eating.
"Weapon firing in Progress
- Keep Out"
I was trying to find
out what was that
We are men, don't be
that embarrassing
As long as you don't over
do it, it is good for you
No, I was just scratching
This is called "Auto scratcher"
Amazing at scratching
Let me tell you
Before I met your mum
This really helps me a lot
But I no longer need it now
Don't worry, I cleaned it
If you want to be more comfort,
better use some lotion with it
Vaseline or lemon juice can do
If you really don't have any,
ketchup or salad sauce could work
Dude, you have taken my seat.
Your seat?
We are Mr Cool and Mr Awesome.
This park is our turf.
Get the hell out of here!
I am not going, why
should I go anyway?
Stop bothering me.
Just leave me alone, all right?
This guy really got
nothing on him.
Have you got family?
Don't mention family.
I have been bullied
by the newcomers
ever since mum got remarried.
Stepdad even caught me with
my pants down jerking off.
Oh, got caught wanking?
That's totally traumatizing.
When was it anyway?
What when? Just now!
Just...just now?
You are jerking off because
it is all in the hormone.
There is a much bigger
world out there.
Go get yourself a girlfriend
and you will be fine.
I'll show you this
girl, she is nice.
Let's get going.
A very refined one.
Come on, let's go.
Such a kindhearted girl.
She feeds them every
night at the park.
Not only is she sweet.
She also has a super power.
There is this old man
with a broken leg.
She dined with him once,
and he was cured right away.
He even got a
promotion afterwards!
She is a very special girl.
The healing-type.
No, she is feeding the puppies.
I don't want to bother her.
Chill, bro.
You can't judge a
book by its cover.
Why don't you learn to
appreciate her inner beauty?
Yes, that's right.
Mr Cool, Mr Awesome,
Princess, let me introduce
a new friend to you.
He is...
- Johnny.
- Let me introduce myself.
I am petite princess.
Pleasure to meet you.
I have just met you
but it feels like I
have known you forever.
Too close, too close.
Thanks, thanks.
Sorry about that.
That's okay.
I get it.
No one ever
laid eyes on me for more
than three seconds.
They only
care about looks.
They tease and bully me even
when I try to help them.
It is hard to find people like
Mr Cool and Mr Awesome.
They never ditched me
and are always supportive.
L...l am really...really...
Tell me about it.
People always think
I am weird and sissy.
Aren't we the perfect match?
Hey, Johnny,
have you ever thought
of your future?
I want a family of my own.
Get a nice wife.
Don't chase after me...
from now on,
no other woman will
ever sleep with you.
Babe, you are up?
Shall I make breakfast for you?
But you have to see
me off to work.
Oh wait,
you work for Mr Hung, right?
Do you know what did Lau Jing
do for Hung?
Lau Jing?
He used to work for
Hung at the depot.
But Hung never brought along
when he was meeting Lau.
I don't know what
he did exactly.
Where is the depot then?
Are you asking me for a favour?
I guess you know
what you need to do,
Morning, Ms Lo.
What's that?
Over here.
When we do our investigation,
we mustn't pull out guns.
Otherwise we might
attract their attention.
So I brought along
this erectable rod.
This is no joke.
It is called the "King
Kong" erectable rod.
It is shrunk.
And now stretched out again.
My weapon of choice.
Do you know what you
are talking about?
- You don't understand?
- Of course not.
No idea what you just said.
Which way?
This baton of yours,
can you sell it
to me after this?
I want to teach
this guy a lesson.
Don't forget to shoot
video when you use it.
It is all empty here.
Hey, go check out the
containers will you?
Those are all empty.
There is nothing
but coffee beans.
Boss doesn't run any coffee
bean business though.
There is nothing in the depot.
How do you investigate?
The coffee beans
are to deceive the sniffer dogs.
Even if that's true, the
stuff are all gone already.
What can you do?
That's why we are here.
Hey, open the door,
you son of a bitch.
What wind blows you
here, Pok Sir?
I am Chan Sir, you
son of a bitch.
There are so many different
kind of drugs nowadays
Actually these are my medicines
My style of my medicine are
more than the buffet set
- You may die soon then
- How nice of you!
Check what was this
being put together
with before you die.
Then was then and now is now
Back then, Methamphetamine
and Cocaine,
I can tell by a sniff
Now I can't smell anything even
feces is right in front of me
Hold on
Your nose is bleeding
Half past, just about time
The Drug Squad got
a secret weapon.
Follow me.
My colleague
got an extremely good nose.
She can smell stuff
that are undetectable
by the police dogs.
Just a couple of days ago,
we were at Yuen Long.
She could tell the what's
in Fat To's dishes
from the wok he used.
But I've heard that she doesn't
get along with people,
and hang outwith stray
dogs all the time.
She acted strangely
this morning.
She did mention something
like...a break up.
And was beaten by the boyfriend.
Don't bother to hide,
she can sniff you out.
Slept with her yet? No?
Hooked her up? Or the
other way round?
Dumped her?
Dated her?
You ruined her face?
What happened?
Can it be saved?
Are you kidding me?
She's your type?
Dude, you must have
gone through something.
Or...you are masochistic?
Dad caught him wanking.
When was that?
That serious?
Last night.
Man, we know how it feels.
I didn't gang up
with him on this.
Come on, put your
feelings aside.
Remember, you owe me...forever.
I'll get all your condom
supply from now on.
Go do the talking.
You are back finally.
So you realise you are wrong?
I am sorry.
Never mind.
Never blamed you for that.
But I always wanted to go to
Verona with my sweetheart.
It is the home of Juliet.
All right. Sniff
this package for me
and I'll go with you.
Pay me the deposit first.
Very well...
This is even more
crowded than Huanggang.
Why don't we just
go there instead?
It is lively here.
The Peak has always been
a special place for me.
Mum and dad used
to bring me here.
Good times.
You know,
I have never been
to the Peak before.
Well then, that's good.
I have been daydreaming of
the perfect date
ever since a kid.
We have got a whole list of
things to do today.
See? 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...
Help! Big deal.
There aren't much
you can do up here.
The view, the wax statues,
ice-cream, balloons and photos.
That's all.
he's just a little shy, enjoy.
Go over there.
You know the peak well, huh?
Wax statues, ice-cream
and photos.
Who did you go with?
With you of course. Who else?
You even got a stomach
ache from the oysters.
Don't get snappy with me.
Right, I forgot. I'll
spare you this time.
Kong gals...
Let's get started.
Right, item 25, let's go.
Lamma Island. Fei Fei, look!
That's Kwun Tong.
Lamma is over there.
Yes, I meant Lamma.
- And that's Sai Wan.
- Wan Chai
Don't you have any
sense of direction?
Why I do I need that?
I just follow you around.
Remember that
restaurant we went to?
The curry was cold,
and the salad was warm.
Oh, and that waiter.
I almost punched
him in the face.
He told me Indians
like their curry cold.
You used to do so
many drugs, huh.
You memory is not so
screwed up after all.
That was the happiest
days in my life.
How can I forget that?
That's Sky 100.
Never been there before.
It must be fun jumping out
-from the 100th floor.
- Hey, not again.
I didn't ask you
to jump with me.
Don't ever jump off
buildings you troublemaker.
Just do your
occasional trip over.
If I really trip over,
will you hold me up?
No way
if you do it on purpose.
Of course I will hold you up
if it's an accident.
Pinky swear.
So childish,
Typical Kong gals.
Thank you very much.
You are so kind.
So...You got some
terminal disease?
What are you saying?
I may look innocent,
but I am not stupid.
You hang outwith me
all day at the Peak.
You must be with some
terrible illness
or you are keen to
get rid of bad luck.
You look kinda sincere.
So I'll help you anyway.
Can you really cure
people from bad luck?
I don't know.
But they always disappear
after the first date.
Don't worry about that.
You have been so kind to me.
You will be rewarded
one way or another.
Well, I consider
myself a lucky guy.
I don't need any extra luck.
How about I buy you lunch?
Excuse me...
Hey. Excuse me.
Okay, okay.
They'll ignore you unless
you speak Mandarin.
Leave this to me.
Go sniff the package.
Waiter, take our order.
Please, take a sniff
at the coffee beans.
Were they placed
together with other stuff?
I'll give it a shot.
we do not allow
outside food here.
She...she is not eating.
She is only smelling.
Did you see her eating?
Are you sure? Done thinking
with your bottom already?
Shut up and take our order.
What are you ordering?
A lemon tea
-and hotdog for me.
- How about this lady?
A sandwich and mineral
water for her.
Still or sparkling?
I don't care,
as long as it is free.
I want a "pee zer".
"Pee zeeer"
A "pass tor" for me please.
What "pass tor"?
Your Mandarin is so poor.
I am warning you,
don't spit on my food,
or I'll call the police.
- What's in there then?
- What's in there then?
Two things:
Cocaine and Methamphetamine
What is Methamphetamine?
Crystal Meth.
It has no smell though,
how do you know?
None of your business.
That won't work.
We don't have any evidence.
Her olfaction doesn't
mean anything.
I don't understand.
Hung's businesses
are so diverse,
he doesn't need to sell drugs.
Those property developers
are filthy rich anyway.
But they are still
opening new drug stores,
electric appliance
stores and supermarkets.
That means
there is something
fishy about the depot.
If nothing is going on in there,
why would Hung ask Lau
Jing to look after it?
If it is empty at the moment,
perhaps he is going to
stock up sometime later.
Are you two planning
to sneak in again?
- No.
- Nope.
There is no way the
guard booth is empty.
The guard is human too.
He needs to eat and
take a dump, huh?
You are right.
They really stocked up.
Customs exemption...
These just arrived.
Damn, this is a huge stock.
We should have asked your
girl to have a sniff.
She is not my girl.
She is yours anyway.
Hey, what are you doing here?
Director Tsui, let
me do the talking.
Who are you?
I am the security guard.
Security guard?
We have been around for
half an hour, unnoticed.
You call yourself security guards?
Where is your supervisor?
I am the supervisor.
- Supervisor?
- Yes.
We are supposed to
meet Mr Hung here.
Where is he?
Just a moment.
Check with Mr Hung's secretary.
See if he has an
appointment with them.
Director Tsui said,
this place is not secure enough.
We are not taking the stuff.
Director Tsui, we can go now.
since when were
you fluent in Mandarin?
I never said I don't.
Do you think they are
falling for this?
Good bye, Director Tsui.
It works for now.
They'll figure out
when we get to the car though.
Hey, if we can
escape in one piece,
you won't get away
with that slap.
I'll pay you back tenfold.
Dear guests, shall
we rehearse again?
"Do You Think You
Can't Dance", ready.
I didn't touch it.
Stop, stop, stop...
Do you know how to dance?
- Just keep going.
- First Lady.
- Relax.
- You are blocking the camera.
- You are blocking the camera.
- Yes.
How many times have I
told you yesterday?
The camera must
face me this way.
- Make it a profile shot.
- Boss, your call.
- Yes, you are right.
- I am telling you.
- No, look at me.
- I donate more than
a million every year.
Yes, your excellency.
Smarten up, okay?
Tell the first lady
how much have I donated?
3 million.
3 million!
I donated 3 million.
Do I deserve a close up?
My sons are so unorganized.
Didn't let us know
we have guests.
They are not even here.
The home is in a mess,
sorry about that.
Have some tea.
Thank you, thank you.
You are Johnny's colleague?
Well, at the moment.
Will see how it goes.
So you are still dating Fei?
We are together again
after last time.
How did you know Johnny?
I met him at the park one night.
Some old folks
introduced me to him.
Then he asked me to sniff
something for him.
He took me to the
Peak after that.
My Johnny boy went to the Peak?
Uncle caught him
playing with himself,
so he ran away from home.
You mean jerking off? Right.
Jerking off?
Are you joking?
My son was jerking
off, how filthy!
You never tell me?
And you didn't let me know.
He is my son...And
you caught him...
Auntie, the gas is leaking.
Impossible, I use
electric stove.
Auntie, is the soup burnt?
I didn't make soup.
"Go, go... - What's up?
Go, go...
Why are we going?
Hey, Why going out?
- You can't go in.
- We are police too.
No way.
- Johnny - Are you okay?
I was scared to death.
Over here,
-you know?
- Fei Fei.
The petite princess
saved us all.
She asked us all to get out.
You know?
You really did save my mum
and Uncle Chan?
Don't mention it.
I have jotted it
down in my notebook.
We'll settle this later.
Hello, who's speaking?
Why did your home caught fire?
We have warned you not
to meddle with us.
You son of a bitch. How
dare you touch my family?
Let's fight man to man.
Hanging up on me, hey?
I'll take revenge.
Why don't we leave
this to the police?
Come on, we are police.
Wanna bring along
your mum to help?
Fei, stop this nonsense.
You have been so hooked up by this case.
They are now after us.
You think that's great?
The house has now blown up.
What more do you want?
This has nothing to do with him.
Haven't I pay you the
housekeeping money?
We are not living here for free.
My home has blown up.
I didn't even say a thing.
You didn't say a thing? You have been
complaining the moment we rushed out.
Where is your boss?
What do you want?
He is trying to blow us all up.
That proves he is up to something.
If we want to get him arrested,
we need to prove that he is
storing drugs at his depot,
Are you asking me for
a favour, Fei Fei?
Sorted out the officials?
Yes, no worries.
Just make sure no
one is in our way.
Mr Hung.
Fetch a chair for the officer.
- Dig in.
- No thanks.
We are both bastards.
But you like to get
your nails polished.
And me? I like to be a cop.
I have poor EQ,
I get mad easily.
If someone is
disturbing my family,
I am going to make him suffer.
Your sausage stinks.
Do you know where you are now?
Know what it means to be posh?
Don't you try to blackmail me.
I run a property business.
Whoever's house is in my way,
I'll knock it down.
If you want a
comfortable retirement,
get smart.
You civil servant.
I am talking to you.
- Don't touch me.
- Stop right there.
Here comes another small-fry.
I thought this is
an exclusive club?
Brother Hung, Hi, Brother Hung.
Don't you brother me,
you wimpy shrimp.
Sorry manager.
He likes to use toilets
in classy places.
I'll lecture him later.
Sorry about that.
Sorry Brother Fei.
Someone called the police.
So we have to do something.
How about going
back with us first?
How about cuffing me up as well?
Did you call the police?
They are taking mum and uncle Chan's
verbal statement at the station.
found it yet?
Tell him what is this.
Stay away from drugs.
Not those.
Stand Firm,
Knock Drugs Out!
This is my retirement
countdown calendar.
900 days.
I just need 900 days of
peace and I am done.
The listed firms are all inviting me
to join their board of directors.
I'll be taking care of all
their security projects.
All I need is to stay
away from trouble.
No blunders, no flub-ups,
and I'll retire safe
-and worry-free, too.
- Boss
they are offering you the job two
years before your retirement.
Doesn't that make you one
of the corrupt scums?
Who doesn't want a second career when
you are off the government's payroll?
It's the unwritten rule.
Anyway, enough of that.
Mr Hung filed a
complain against you.
Blackmail and assault.
He called up the Chief Executive,
and is demanding an explanation.
He was trying to blow
up my mum and dad.
Is that Chan Kin-fei's voice?
They disturbed my family. Am I
supposed to put up with this?
They blew up your mum?
Fei is calling me mum.
He is treating me as his mother.
He is treating me as family.
"Bessie: I tripped over."
The number you have dialed
is currently unavailable.
Please try again later.
Boss, my girl was investigating
Hung's depot for me.
Her text said she
had tripped over.
Her phone is off too.
She must be in trouble.
Let me save her.
I type those words every
day in my messages
Big deal?
The phone's off for two minutes.
She's been missing for
less than 24 hours.
The 999 won't even
file your case.
If I shut down his depot,
I am going to lose my job.
Sir, we are not kidding.
Bessie never types
messages like that.
She must be in danger.
There is something fishy about
Hung's depot too.
Who are you? Why
weren't you knocking?
What door, I don't see one.
I was listening next door.
I can't help coming over
to set things straight.
This is my office.
I am the one who set
things straight.
When I was a cop,
you weren't even born yet.
We cracked the Po
Sang Bank robbery,
when your boss was
still in high school.
I really don't understand
cops nowadays.
You guys are so
scared of complaints.
Complaints from councilors,
rich folks,
the only thing you aren't
scared of is the public.
Even the gangsters are
way tougher than you.
Aren't you ashamed
of being a cop?
Now that my son's
sweetheart is in danger,
all you know is to dodge
from responsibility.
Hey, don't give me that. You
want to get arrested or what?
Don't even try. I'll
file a complaint
if you stand any closer.
Hey, you work under me.
I am being blackmailed,
-go take action.
- Sir,
she is my mum.
It's you who wanted
to arrest her.
Can you guys shut up for a sec?
Sir, I know I am ill-tempered.
I have always been a drag.
But please let me save Bessie.
I'll take sole responsibility.
Responsibility? How?
You say that every single time.
But it always goes down to me.
I have this warrant card with me
all the time.
But if I knew someone
is in danger
and I did nothing to save her,
I don't think I can
call myself police.
Bro, damn right.
Ever seen any cop staying
at the office all day
just to write reports?
Yes, a real waste
of talent like me.
I am quitting too.
Wait, what are you guys doing?
Did I ask you to go?
This suspect,
is ridden with
psychological problems.
You need to escort him
to the psychologist.
Do it now.
One more thing, he
is a prime suspect.
Bring your gun.
In fact, our very prime suspect.
Bring two, make haste.
Thank you, Sir!
Well, I saw nothing.
Was at the restroom just now.
I am now on my way
to the toilet again.
There are some good
cops after all.
Do they deserve a merit?
fetch me Philip Chan's number.
Guess you have retired ages ago.
Philip is so last century.
That bloke is now running
night clubs in Shenzhen.
He's retired?
Still want his number?
Is he still around?
You think he is a real cop?
Just go.
Where is my daughter?
I have my gang with me.
She is missing because of me.
I asked her to
investigate for me.
Trust me, I'll bring her back.
If anything goes wrong,
I'll chop you into pieces.
Thank you for the encouragement.
I am more determined than ever.
Wait for me.
I am counting on you.
Master Yim's prophecy
really came true.
He warned me to
keep distance from
women this year.
You have worked for
me for so long,
have I ever touched you?
Not yet.
You are such a traitor.
When did you chuck in so
much stuff in the boot?
I have got everything ready.
Go put on the body armor.
Whoa, body armor?
- Just to be safe.
- Right, what else?
And this one.
Powerful stuff.
Yeah, powerful shit.
You only work for
me because of them?
Did he ever make outwith you?
Just occasionally...
here and there.
Are you religious?
I am flexible,
whatever suits you.
Don't mind getting
married at a church.
I am talking about funeral home.
You fool.
You have even got this.
It is hard to come by.
The most expensive one of all.
Smart kid.
What else?
- Smoke grenade.
- Yes.
Shock grenade.
M-60 bullets.
- How about the guns?
- Should be arriving the day after.
Never mind. This
should be enough.
Where did you get all these anyway?
Arms dealer?
No, just got them off Taobao.
This is real powerful stuff.
Stallone used this
in The Expendables.
Cost me 500 bucks.
The comments said
it is much safer
than the 300 one.
- Safe right?
- Of course.
How about we try this one out?
Dude, I spent 800 for this one.
Air pistol, works
well as a bluff.
Never mind.
I'll stick to mine.
If I have any leftover bullets,
I am going to stick
them in your head.
We will outflank them from
below and above.
Check out
what's going on.
I'll go up, you stick
to the ground.
- I heard something.
- Let's go that way.
Hey miss, it is really
dangerous here.
Go, go.
Oh, that's 99 bucks gone.
Miss, this is police.
Mamma mia.
I don't beat up women,
but I have no choice.
Don't come close.
Help! Help!
No, no,
No, don't loose it.
Please don't.
Come save me.
Can't hold this any longer.
- You'll be fine.
- Don't go.
Hold on. Come fetch you later.
Is falling! Is falling!
Now what?
Think you are tough
beating up my bro?
Tough girl.
Flying kick huh?
I knew it.
Bro, hold on.
99 bucks.
Hold on, bro.
Stretch your arm out, sucker.
- Come on, be quick.
- Hold on...
I got it...l got it...
Shock her.
Her shoe is in the way.
Take it off quick.
Give this bitch a good shock.
Stop moving.
Guys, stop fighting.
It's heavy.
I'm losing it.
you are so lame.
Such an awful fall.
Hey, stand up.
You are holding me back
every time.
No way,
I just saved your life.
Did you?
You didn't die
falling from up there.
That means I saved you.
Drop dead!
You know?
Watch out, bro.
Hey, you.
Come out.
Are you joking?
You think you are
still in charge?
Cops are on their way.
Two choices.
One, drop your gun and
surrender to the police.
Two, drop your gun and
bail from the back door.
I'll pretend I saw nothing.
I am an honest businessman.
I stand by my service charter.
I won't go
the buyer got his stuff.
Two choices.
One, quit your job
and work for me.
Two, be the next Lau Jing.
Lau Jing?
He got murdered working for you.
- How can I work for you?
- That bastard.
He already got
everything paid for,
and he still stole
stuff from me.
Your girl is now trying
to ruin my trades.
What for?
Are you jealous?
Hostility to the rich?
I count to three.
If you don't come
out, she is dead.
One, two...
Wait, wait.
Fei Fei, tell me,
have you ever loved me?
You hear that?
She is such a drag.
Just kill her once and for all.
I have always
wanted to dump her.
Shoot her and I'll
buy you dinner.
Kong gals like you
really deserve this.
He doesn't even like you.
You still let him screw you.
I should have you instead.
Only a few times.
Fine, Chan Kin-fei.
I am cutting my wrist
in front of you.
I'll count to three again.
Come out or she's dead.
One, two...
Fei Fei, Fei Fei.
I knew you won't dump me.
I always knew you love me.
You figured the secret code.
Such a smart guy.
I love you.
Quiet, take this.
Wake up you lame duck.
We can go now.
Stop pretending, wake up.
You want me to carry you?
Come, come.
Wake up man.
What's up? Answer me.
You shouldn't have taken
that two shots, you fool.
Wake up now.
I promise. If you wake up,
I'll never beat you again.
Never bully you.
Never snatch away your toys.
I'll give your chair back.
Get up, will you?
It is hard to find a
little bro like you.
Wake up you bastard.
Why are you waking me up?
Hey, you aren't dead? Your
mouth is full of blood.
What are you doing?
You know,
I am just an office clerk.
After the big fight,
then the big fall from up there.
I felt so tired.
And I saved you too.
You are really heavy
YOU know?
And the blood...
Ah ha,
I have bitten
my tongue.
See? It is all red here.
Oh, did you just call me bro?
I'll beat the living
shit out of you.
I didn't said nothing.
And you heard nothing.
Wait, no.
I really heard it just now.
You are lying, you liar.
That line sounds
kinda familiar...
Are you two okay?
- Boss.
- Boss.
- It was awesome just now.
- Yes, we...
Say nothing. Just
write your report.
You are good at it.
Two copies.
One with my name
and one without.
No idea how would
they react tomorrow.
You know, I am retiring soon.
Thanks for your understanding.
go take a look.
Yes, sir!
Thank you. I am going.
Our boss is a real
chicken hawk.
make an extra copy,
without my name.
Me fighting off dozens,
who would believe that?
Your mum would.
She will be happy.
Fei Fei, wait for me.
Even my mum won't believe it.
Fei Fei.
What the hell?
you didn't answer me.
Have you ever loved me?
You are a Kong gal after all...
Tell you when we get home, okay?
Take these to the lab.
Go tidy things up.
Yes, madam.
What have you done?
You Okay?
I am fine.
We were
high up there just now.
I was hanging over there.
Then barn!
I fell off to the ground
over there.
Then I saved Fei, my bro.
Check this out.
I took two shots for him
at the back.
There is a hole in there.
That's fine.
You see, I got this off Taobao.
Half grand. It
saved my life too.
Not the best deal.
That's a lot of blood.
Don't worry,
I won't touch you.