Bullet Proof (2022) Movie Script
[tense music playing]
[vehicle approaching]
[tires squealing]
[gun cocks]
[heavy breathing]
[tense music continues]
- [dings]
- [engine revving]
["Ride Like the Wind"
by Christopher Cross playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[inhales sharply]
- [keys jingle]
- [engine sputters]
[footsteps approaching]
[tire hisses]
[door creaks]
[intense music playing]
[gun clicks]
[gun clicks]
[man] Hey! Hey!
He's over there!
[vehicle approaching]
[engine revving]
[engine revving]
[intense music playing]
["Ride Like the Wind" resumes]
[engine revs]
[music stops]
[Vic on voicemail] Hey, kid.
I'm flying over the mountain,
out of reception.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Seven AM, Ravenhill Hangar.
Retirement, here we come.
[bag unzips]
[keys jingle]
[glove box shuts]
[bird cawing]
[tense music playing]
Who are you?
Who am I?
Who the hell are you?
Where's Rahul?
Who the hell is Rahul?
Get out of the trunk, slowly.
- My bag's...
- No, I'll get it.
Move there.
Back more.
They're nail clippers.
- Hey! Careful with that!
- [toy doll laughing]
Tie this.
Did you kill Rahul?
The guy who was driving me.
No, but his nose
might need some work.
Actually bandage it.
Actually bandage it!
Lift it up.
- [fabric tightens]
- Ow! Turn around.
It's real, asshole.
I'm keeping this.
Not that you're
any good with it.
Get your shit.
Don't walk away from me,
We need to get
the hell out of here.
- Excuse me, we?
- Yes, we.
And we need to go
before my husband catches up.
I don't give a shit
about your shitty marriage.
Temple's not gonna
see it that way.
- Temple?
- Yes.
- Temple's your husband.
- Yes.
As in the guy
that I just ripped off?
What? What are you
doing? Hey! Hey, stop!
You can't just leave me
in the middle of nowhere!
Hell I can't.
[gasps] We're probably going
the same way, just drop me off!
- [grunts]
- Ow!
Listen, once Temple finds out
I was trying to leave,
he will kill me.
Yeah. He's crazy.
Good luck.
- He'll make me talk!
- [engine starts]
And I'll be forced
to tell him everything!
Everyone will be
looking for you!
Or you can take me
with you, please!
Please! Please,
for my baby!
- [yelps]
- [tires screeching]
Seven AM tomorrow,
Ravenhill Hangar!
[tires screeching]
Where exactly are you going?
["La la la"
by Y2K & bbno$ playing]
- [blows landing]
- [man groaning]
Where did we find this guy?
I told you ten times,
I don't know
anything about that!
I don't know this dude!
Come on, man.
I don't see you all morning,
then some dude busts in here,
takes, like, half our cash,
and drives out of here
in your car?
And you don't know
anything about it?
Mia's missing.
You know anything about that?
[Rahul] Yo, Skinny,
if some dude ripped us off,
let's go get him.
You and me, right now.
Let's kill this dude.
Untie me man, come on!
[chains jangling]
Yeah, I don't know, man.
[clicks tongue]
That's a nice touch.
How did that work?
Did he do it for you,
or you bash your face
into a window, or what?
- [crunch]
- [groaning]
Skinny, listen to me!
I don't know anything
about this shit, all right?!
I'd never sell us out like that.
You know me.
We're brothers.
Oh, yeah. This thing.
Seems kind of meaningless now.
[tense music playing]
- [scratching]
- [groaning]
[Temple] Skinny!
He's lying.
[Rahul] Temple, I swear, I don't know
anything about the guy or the money...
He's the reason
the stranger got away.
Where's Mia?
Now I understand...
the way you used to look at her.
You try to steal my wife
and unborn son from me.
No, it's not like that.
What's it like?
It was her idea.
She wanted to leave.
She made me do it.
Mia came to me.
She begged me.
She wanted to get the baby
out of here.
I would never try to steal
her from you, I swear.
Look, look. Look.
That's where she's headed.
A motel.
An old friend of mine
was gonna get her
out of the country.
That dude crashed into us
and took off with her.
That's all I know,
I swear to God.
- [blows landing]
- [Temple grunting]
Where's the Frenchman?
Taking care of that thing.
Make sure he's at the motel
when Mia gets there.
What about the guy?
[man] That one's yours,
If you don't like it,
make your own.
- They're taking forever.
- I got shit to do.
Yeah, right.
[footsteps approaching]
Who's that?
[man speaking French]
[snores lightly]
Up, up!
[phone keys clicking]
[phone chimes]
My apologies.
I always assume
everyone speaks French.
I'm looking for a couple.
I heard they're around here.
Never seen 'em.
[door creaks]
[electronic music playing]
[phone ringing]
[phone beeps]
It's Skinny.
We got a problem.
- Why?
- We got ripped off. Some guy took Mia.
I'm sending a pin for where
we think they're headed.
- Finish up.
- No sweat.
[phone beeps]
[blade flicks]
[man] Hey!
[electronic music playing]
Finish up in here.
Someone will reach out.
You work for Temple now.
Um, hello?
"Um, hello" what?
Could you not?
It's bad for the baby.
Well, you're doing a great job
keeping it safe so far.
- Him, not it.
- Congratulations. Like I give a shit.
I'm doing all this
to give my son a real life.
Yeah, well, life on the run
isn't much of a real life.
I won't be running.
My family's in Colombia.
Temple can't get to me there.
What's at this motel of yours?
Some guy's meeting me there.
Rahul knows him.
You ever meet this guy before?
- So you don't know his name.
- So?
You don't know anything
about this guy?
- No.
- What are you, stupid?
You're a drug lord's wife. You don't
think someone's gonna whack you?
It's the stupidest plan
I ever heard of.
Listen, asshole! You don't know
what it was like for me back there.
You gotta stop pretending you
know what's good for me or my baby
and shut your smug face.
Look, if you don't like
the sound of my voice,
I can always put you
back in the trunk, small fry.
- Like you would.
- Try me!
You're only risking
your life for money!
And I doubt your plan is to
drop that bag off at an orphanage!
Don't act like you're better
than me! You're a thief!
Yeah, you're right,
it isn't for charity.
It's for me, my retirement.
And tomorrow morning I'm
going to be getting on an airplane
with someone
that I actually know,
and flying far,
far away from here.
And I'm not gonna lose
a minute of sleep over it.
Sure as shit ain't gonna be
thinking about you.
Where are you flying to?
Not Colombia.
Well, good.
That's right, it is good.
That's right, it is good.
What are you, six years old?
Goddamn brat.
Look, I don't think we
should be talking to each other
for the rest of the drive.
- Fine with me.
- [mocking] Fine by me.
[tense music playing]
[breaks squeak]
[Mia] What are you doing?
Pull in.
What if your boy gave you up?
Rahul wouldn't do that.
Look, this is my only
chance to get home.
I'm not gonna hitchhike
out of the country.
I'll get caught for sure.
And you don't want me
getting caught, remember?
So just pull in.
Your funeral.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Well, thanks for the ride.
I'm Mia, by the way.
Enjoy your retirement.
[bell jingles]
[tense music playing]
[phone beeps]
[phone beeps]
- [thudding]
- [toy doll laughing]
[tires screeching]
[knock on door]
Where's the guy?
What? I don't...
The guy who took you,
took the money.
- Where is he?
- I don't know where he went.
We'll wait for Temple to arrive.
[speaking French]
[speaking French]
I have worked for your husband
for a long time.
If I say that I found you
in a bloody mess,
he'll believe me.
Where... is... he?
[glass shattering]
[tense music playing]
[gun cocks]
[tires squealing in distance]
What's got into you, sweetheart?
Has he brainwashed you?
You are gonna die a slow death
for this, stranger.
Come on, darling. Put the
gun down, come with me.
I'd rather die
than go back with you.
See, I told you
you're no good with guns.
Now stop this nonsense.
We're gonna have this baby.
We're gonna be a family.
Now come with me!
Get in the car!
You're right,
I'm not good with guns.
But I bet he is.
No, no, no, no!
[engine revving]
[tires squealing]
Let's have some fun!
She's got my son in there!
Get her back!
[tense music playing]
[speaking Spanish]
You're not helping,
shut up right now!
- Shut up!
- You're not driving fast enough!
- I'm trying to go fast!
- Go faster!
I'm trying!
- [gun clicking]
- Damn!
[engine revving]
Get up, get up, get up!
- [grunts]
- [yelling]
[both grunting]
Hold on!
Should have buckled up.
You okay?
[vehicle approaching]
[tense music playing]
Goddammit, run. Come on!
I'm gonna kill
this bastard myself.
What are you doing?
What's he doing?
I don't know.
But don't stop.
- I'm backing out, Temple.
- I said don't stop!
[engine starts]
He'll never stop.
[engine revving]
[tense music playing]
- [Griz] He's not down there.
- [Skinny] No shit.
[Griz] So what, he disappeared?
I told you, don't stop!
He was shooting at us,
I was trying to save you.
From my wife and son?
She's turned on you, Temple.
Can't you see that?
She betrayed you.
Look, Skinny, can you tell him?
She's running away.
It's obvious. Right?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
[Griz] Oh, for Christ's sake.
- Temple, look, you know what...
- [grunts]
[Griz gasps, coughs]
[Skinny] We're down four
guys, plus the Frenchman.
Thanks for nothing,
you tattooed little freak.
Next time,
I'll give him the knuckles.
[line trilling]
No. Look, get Dennis' body.
We need a lift.
I'll drop a pin.
[phone beeps]
Ride's on the way.
I want every crackhead
and every goddamned banger
out there looking for her.
And you better find her.
[tense music playing]
[Mia] Look, there's a clinic.
Are they open?
I don't know,
but we gotta get off the road.
[tires screech]
Come on, hurry up.
Come on, let's see
if we can catch it.
Come on, come on, come on.
Whoa, wait, wait!
No, don't close.
- No, I'm sorry...
- Don't close, no, please.
Are you okay?
Oh... Come on,
come inside.
I'll take a look at you.
Come on.
[dog barking]
You're gonna be okay, come on.
Oh, geez.
All right, can you get up here?
Okay, good. Oh.
All right.
Your partner?
It's complicated.
All right, I'm gonna
have to ask you to leave.
Wait in the other room, please.
[line trilling]
Sorry I didn't
call you earlier, Vic.
It's been a hell
of a hectic day.
But don't worry,
I'm gonna be there bright
and early in the morning.
Funny you should say that.
I've had kind of
a hectic day myself.
- I ran into some trouble...
- Trouble? What kind of trouble?
I took care of it, managed to
commandeer us another one.
But there will be eyes
looking for it,
so we've got about
a ten-minute window, tops,
for me to touch down,
scoop you up.
I hope that doesn't throw
a wrench into the works.
Well, speaking of wrenches,
how do you feel
about another passenger?
How do you feel
about an extra ten grand?
Come on, she's pregnant, Vic.
In that case, it's 20.
Not very funny.
She's gotta get to Colombia.
What happened to Venice?
Look, I can't risk
a world tour here.
You either escape
with the money,
or you die poor and alone,
like your old man.
Venice. She can find
her way from there.
Whatever you say, kid.
See you.
Okay. See you, buddy.
The baby's heart rate's normal,
and the bleeding's stopped,
so I'm hoping it's
unrelated to the pregnancy.
But to be safe, you
should get an ultrasound.
And she needs to rest.
So your baby's okay?
How's your baby doing?
When's the last time
you ate something?
I should get some food.
Is it okay if we stay here
a little bit longer?
As long as you're out
before we open, it's fine.
I'll be in my office
canceling dinner plans.
Thank you.
Well, now I feel bad.
So I talked to my guy.
You can fly with us.
Really? That's okay?
Yeah. You can call it payback
for your bodyguard services.
Hey, uh, thanks for coming
back for me, by the way.
At the motel.
Yeah, well, I didn't
really think anyone wanted
- that sad-ass clown doll anyway.
- [chuckles]
My only regret is, is
that I left it back there.
It's okay.
You made an effort.
I-I don't really understand
why, but I appreciate it.
I'm gonna go get some food.
Get some rest.
So this is really all
just for an early retirement?
Not like... like a heart
transplant or mob debts?
This is just so you can be
some boring guy on a beach?
[cabinet opens]
[tense music playing]
[truck engine revs]
[truck engine revving]
How you doing tonight?
I'm doing pretty good, officers.
What happened to your arm?
Oh, you know, I just
got into a knife fight.
You should see the other guy,
he's a bloody mess.
No, in all seriousness, it's a...
I took a dart to the arm.
Competitive darts.
It was a big dart.
I've taken a dart.
- You've taken a dart?
- It was at your house.
[dispatch on radio] Car 854,
we've got a possible 420...
10-4, we'll respond.
Yeah, well, uh,
take care of that arm.
Yeah, you bet, Officer.
Good luck on the darts.
[siren wailing]
[tense music playing]
[ragged breathing]
[vehicle approaching]
Sir, are you all right?
Oh, we need to get you an
No, water.
I just need water.
Do we have any water?
Nah, no water, just diet cola.
I'd actually be
grateful for a cup.
[engine starts]
[door closes]
[dispatch on radio]
All units, we got a call
about a suspicious White male
in a black Mustang
at the Fill-N-Go
in south Saxton.
Employee over there
is a little spooked. Over.
[car gear shifts]
[siren chirps]
[Sketch] There we go.
- [Ronnie] Okay, he's alive. Should we call him?
- No.
First I want to tell him
that funny story of yours.
You see, my boy Ronnie here,
we were scoring off
these bikers today.
And they told him
there's a reward for anyone
who spots a, uh...
what was it again, Ronnie? A-a
pregnant lady and... her kidnapper?
Imagine that, huh?
[chuckles] A, uh...
a pregnant lady,
and her kidnapper.
Apparently, these two ripped
off some guy named Temple.
Guess he's a big deal.
Now, we can make the call,
and he'll roll right on up.
Or, you can tell us
what it is you took from him.
'Cause the way I figure,
it could be one of two things:
or drugs.
And, well, Ronnie and I,
yeah, we happen to like both.
But where is it, huh?
Where is it?
'Cause it sure ain't in that
busted-ass car of yours out there.
And this bitch,
she don't know a damn thing.
And I'm not about to beat it
out of a pregnant lady.
So that leaves you.
So... where is it?
See that woman
you got tied over there?
That's Temple's wife.
She's carrying his unborn child.
That's all he wants.
That's it.
I'm serious.
Let-let's just call the guy and
turn him in and get the reward.
They said they'd hook us up.
With what, Ronnie, huh?
A measly eight-ball?
Use your head.
Does this guy look
like a kidnapper to you?
He has something.
You have something,
and I want it.
Now where is it?
- Sketch...
- No!
- [Ronnie] What are you doing?
- [Sketch] Shut up! Shut up!
Now, let me be perfectly clear.
If one of you
doesn't start talking,
this doesn't end well
for anybody.
Now, where is it?!
There's money.
What'd I tell you, Ronnie?
Isn't it better when we
all just get along? Yeah?
Now, where is it?
It's out front.
I don't know, someone
must've hit me in the head.
Listen, I'm not
playing around here.
Okay, take it easy.
The black metal cabinet,
top drawer,
behind the reception desk.
If I come back out here
without that bag...
I'm gonna look forward
to the second date.
Hey, Sketch, man,
what are we doing?
You didn't say nothing
about killing anyone.
- I don't wanna kill anyone.
- Just stay here!
We shouldn't be doing this,
this is a bad idea.
Ripping off this Temple guy
doesn't seem like...
Hey! Well, I guess you don't
need your share of the money, then
if you're gonna be
such a punk about it.
Now stay here.
[doctor whimpering]
Forget this.
[phone beeps]
Hey, those people
you were looking for?
Pregnant lady and the guy?
Tell your people I got him.
Yeah, Point View Medical,
off Main.
They're fine. Hurry.
He said there was
a reward, right?
[Thief] Hey.
Your name's Ronnie, right?
Hey, shut up, man,
don't talk to me.
Hey, come on, listen
to me. Look at her.
Look, she's bleeding out.
She's gonna die.
You want her death
on your hands?
It's exactly
what you don't want.
Come on, help her!
Man, I don't know,
she looks all right to me,
I don't...
[suspenseful music playing]
He's heavier than I thought.
You take care of her.
I'll be back.
- Are you okay?
- [groans]
I don't know.
I don't know.
How does it look?
- I think it went right through.
- Oh, lucky me.
[labored breathing]
- We gotta go.
- No.
I'm getting my money.
No, just leave it!
[suspenseful music playing]
[horn blaring]
- [gunshot]
- [groans]
[tires screeching]
[man] Hey!
[Sketch] Get out,
or I'll blow your head off!
No! No!
[breathing heavily]
[breaks squeak]
You selfish bastard.
You gotta go back for them.
What took you so long?
We gotta...
You've been busy.
Your husband's waiting.
- [glass shatters]
- [groans]
Stop it.
Stop running, Mia.
I want to help you!
And you know I can't do that.
We belong to him.
Not today.
How you doing?
Are you kidding?
Look, I know things
have got out of hand.
We can start over.
It's just all about trust.
Trust from me.
Trust from you.
Now... let's start...
with you telling me
where your little friend is.
And where my money is.
- Mia!
- I don't know where he went.
Some guys jumped us
and took off with his money.
His money?
With your money.
Your money.
Mia, Mia!
Look, listen, please stop this.
You know me better than anyone.
We had a great life,
me and you, and the family.
Please, Mia,
you're breaking my heart.
Trust me.
[tense music playing]
[tires screeching]
[siren wailing]
Drop your weapons
and get on the ground!
Let me deal with this.
Officer, no problem here.
I have a pregnant wife
in the car.
I said drop your weapons!
I said put your weapons down!
Come on, jackass, where are you?
You blind?
I said drop your weapons!
This is your last warning.
Backup's on the way.
You hear that, Griz?
[officer] Edwards!
- You with me?
- [groans]
Backup's here.
I thought you were dead.
[Edwards grunts]
I got a family.
Well, I guess we got
something in common.
I'm sorry for their loss.
[tense music playing]
Come on, get in!
What are you doing!?
[engine revs]
[tires screeching]
My son's in there.
Get my boy!
[tires screeching]
Where am I going?
Where's this friend of yours?
Well, we're not gonna get to him
with all this heat on us.
So what should I do?
I don't know,
I'm figuring it out.
- Just drive.
- I am driving!
- [groans]
- [horn honking]
[tires screeching]
[horn honking]
Keep going faster,
they're gaining on us.
I'm trying! God!
Come on, Vic.
Vic! Listen!
You still got that old airplane
graveyard with that piece of shit plane?
No way we're flying in
that thing, it's worthless.
- Duly noted.
- I thought you said there was no more surprises.
- Look...
- We're on a tight schedule!
Goddammit, no, everything's
okay. Ten-minute window out,
just don't land
until I tell you it's safe.
- Safe?!
- Just wait for my call.
What the hell
is going on down there?
Damn idiot. Head west.
[tires screeching]
They're leaving town.
[engine revving]
If they keep doing this bodyguard
bullshit, we'll lose 'em again.
Yeah, I know.
It's coming up quick!
Right here, turn right.
- Here?
- Turn right, right here!
I'm going! I'm going!
[tense music playing]
Come on, let's go!
[door closes]
What are we doing?
What's the plan?
- We're gonna wait for him here.
- What?
You'll be driving
that way north.
Go about five miles,
that's where Vic's gonna be.
I'm gonna stay here.
I'm not gonna
leave you here alone.
Listen to me, Mia. You've
got to get out of here
and you've got to trust me
on this. Get the hell out of here.
I'm gonna be back for this.
Do you trust me now?
Keep the engine low
until you're out of earshot.
You are gonna see me
again, okay?
Go. Go!
[gun clicks]
[tense music playing]
You want to die like a rat?
We're not coming out
until we know we're safe.
I don't see their car.
[metal clanking and scraping]
Mia! Let me hear
your voice.
She doesn't want to talk to you.
She's not here.
Let's make a deal.
I give you back the money,
I get to keep Mia.
No deal!
This is bullshit.
That's her.
You do what you do.
[engine starts]
[tense music playing]
Not today.
[propeller whirring]
[toy doll laughs]
[tense music playing]
You're gonna have to do
a lot better than this.
Au revoir.
- [tense music playing]
- [engine revs]
[tires screech]
I'm right here!
Come on, please!
[speaking Spanish]
Come on, look down.
I didn't know
how desperate you were
to take this baby away from me.
But now I get it.
Now I'm gonna show you how
desperate I am to keep this baby.
[horn hoking]
Check it.
If he's still alive, kill him.
[Temple] Enough!
You're just like a rat
sneaking around in the kitchen!
I'm a leader, a father.
You're nothing.
You're right.
I did want what you have,
so I took it from you.
But it wasn't that hard.
All I had to do was prove
that I'm more of a man,
more of a father
than you could ever be.
And I sure as shit wouldn't
have let a rat take over his empire.
[knife clatters]
[gun clatters]
[tense music playing]
I'm glad it gets to be me.
What are you doing?
Let me finish this.
Then we can be a family.
Raise our son.
You know you can't hit me
from there anyway.
Then I'll come closer.
[tense music playing]
I had a name...
for the boy.
[phone ringing]
- [grunts]
- [phone ringing]
[Vic] What the hell's
going on down there, kid?
It's all taken care of.
Thanks for swooping in
and saving the day.
- Bring 'er down.
- Roger that.
Hey, kid!
Let's go, come on!
I get the clown doll now.
What are you doing?
You're going to take
eight stacks out of this,
and you're gonna give it to Vic.
And if he tells you
that you gotta pay double,
you're gonna tell him
to kiss your ass.
Why don't you
just tell him yourself?
No, the rest is yours.
I'm gonna stay.
You're gonna go
to Colombia with Vic.
Don't worry,
he's not gonna argue.
He's afraid of pregnant women.
What are you talking about?
What are you gonna do?
Where are you gonna go?
This is... this is your money.
No, it's not, it's your money.
Something tells me you're going to
need it a hell of a lot more than me.
Besides, I heard
from a little birdie
that there's a junkyard
full of cash
and no one's guarding it.
The boss's wife
shot him in the head.
Something like that
with a story.
Thank you.
No worries.
Me too, small fry.
What's your name?
- It's...
- [plane engine revs]
I like that name.
[Vic] Where you going, kid?
[plane whirring]
[engine starts]
[instrumental music playing]
[vehicle approaching]
[tires squealing]
[gun cocks]
[heavy breathing]
[tense music continues]
- [dings]
- [engine revving]
["Ride Like the Wind"
by Christopher Cross playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[inhales sharply]
- [keys jingle]
- [engine sputters]
[footsteps approaching]
[tire hisses]
[door creaks]
[intense music playing]
[gun clicks]
[gun clicks]
[man] Hey! Hey!
He's over there!
[vehicle approaching]
[engine revving]
[engine revving]
[intense music playing]
["Ride Like the Wind" resumes]
[engine revs]
[music stops]
[Vic on voicemail] Hey, kid.
I'm flying over the mountain,
out of reception.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Seven AM, Ravenhill Hangar.
Retirement, here we come.
[bag unzips]
[keys jingle]
[glove box shuts]
[bird cawing]
[tense music playing]
Who are you?
Who am I?
Who the hell are you?
Where's Rahul?
Who the hell is Rahul?
Get out of the trunk, slowly.
- My bag's...
- No, I'll get it.
Move there.
Back more.
They're nail clippers.
- Hey! Careful with that!
- [toy doll laughing]
Tie this.
Did you kill Rahul?
The guy who was driving me.
No, but his nose
might need some work.
Actually bandage it.
Actually bandage it!
Lift it up.
- [fabric tightens]
- Ow! Turn around.
It's real, asshole.
I'm keeping this.
Not that you're
any good with it.
Get your shit.
Don't walk away from me,
We need to get
the hell out of here.
- Excuse me, we?
- Yes, we.
And we need to go
before my husband catches up.
I don't give a shit
about your shitty marriage.
Temple's not gonna
see it that way.
- Temple?
- Yes.
- Temple's your husband.
- Yes.
As in the guy
that I just ripped off?
What? What are you
doing? Hey! Hey, stop!
You can't just leave me
in the middle of nowhere!
Hell I can't.
[gasps] We're probably going
the same way, just drop me off!
- [grunts]
- Ow!
Listen, once Temple finds out
I was trying to leave,
he will kill me.
Yeah. He's crazy.
Good luck.
- He'll make me talk!
- [engine starts]
And I'll be forced
to tell him everything!
Everyone will be
looking for you!
Or you can take me
with you, please!
Please! Please,
for my baby!
- [yelps]
- [tires screeching]
Seven AM tomorrow,
Ravenhill Hangar!
[tires screeching]
Where exactly are you going?
["La la la"
by Y2K & bbno$ playing]
- [blows landing]
- [man groaning]
Where did we find this guy?
I told you ten times,
I don't know
anything about that!
I don't know this dude!
Come on, man.
I don't see you all morning,
then some dude busts in here,
takes, like, half our cash,
and drives out of here
in your car?
And you don't know
anything about it?
Mia's missing.
You know anything about that?
[Rahul] Yo, Skinny,
if some dude ripped us off,
let's go get him.
You and me, right now.
Let's kill this dude.
Untie me man, come on!
[chains jangling]
Yeah, I don't know, man.
[clicks tongue]
That's a nice touch.
How did that work?
Did he do it for you,
or you bash your face
into a window, or what?
- [crunch]
- [groaning]
Skinny, listen to me!
I don't know anything
about this shit, all right?!
I'd never sell us out like that.
You know me.
We're brothers.
Oh, yeah. This thing.
Seems kind of meaningless now.
[tense music playing]
- [scratching]
- [groaning]
[Temple] Skinny!
He's lying.
[Rahul] Temple, I swear, I don't know
anything about the guy or the money...
He's the reason
the stranger got away.
Where's Mia?
Now I understand...
the way you used to look at her.
You try to steal my wife
and unborn son from me.
No, it's not like that.
What's it like?
It was her idea.
She wanted to leave.
She made me do it.
Mia came to me.
She begged me.
She wanted to get the baby
out of here.
I would never try to steal
her from you, I swear.
Look, look. Look.
That's where she's headed.
A motel.
An old friend of mine
was gonna get her
out of the country.
That dude crashed into us
and took off with her.
That's all I know,
I swear to God.
- [blows landing]
- [Temple grunting]
Where's the Frenchman?
Taking care of that thing.
Make sure he's at the motel
when Mia gets there.
What about the guy?
[man] That one's yours,
If you don't like it,
make your own.
- They're taking forever.
- I got shit to do.
Yeah, right.
[footsteps approaching]
Who's that?
[man speaking French]
[snores lightly]
Up, up!
[phone keys clicking]
[phone chimes]
My apologies.
I always assume
everyone speaks French.
I'm looking for a couple.
I heard they're around here.
Never seen 'em.
[door creaks]
[electronic music playing]
[phone ringing]
[phone beeps]
It's Skinny.
We got a problem.
- Why?
- We got ripped off. Some guy took Mia.
I'm sending a pin for where
we think they're headed.
- Finish up.
- No sweat.
[phone beeps]
[blade flicks]
[man] Hey!
[electronic music playing]
Finish up in here.
Someone will reach out.
You work for Temple now.
Um, hello?
"Um, hello" what?
Could you not?
It's bad for the baby.
Well, you're doing a great job
keeping it safe so far.
- Him, not it.
- Congratulations. Like I give a shit.
I'm doing all this
to give my son a real life.
Yeah, well, life on the run
isn't much of a real life.
I won't be running.
My family's in Colombia.
Temple can't get to me there.
What's at this motel of yours?
Some guy's meeting me there.
Rahul knows him.
You ever meet this guy before?
- So you don't know his name.
- So?
You don't know anything
about this guy?
- No.
- What are you, stupid?
You're a drug lord's wife. You don't
think someone's gonna whack you?
It's the stupidest plan
I ever heard of.
Listen, asshole! You don't know
what it was like for me back there.
You gotta stop pretending you
know what's good for me or my baby
and shut your smug face.
Look, if you don't like
the sound of my voice,
I can always put you
back in the trunk, small fry.
- Like you would.
- Try me!
You're only risking
your life for money!
And I doubt your plan is to
drop that bag off at an orphanage!
Don't act like you're better
than me! You're a thief!
Yeah, you're right,
it isn't for charity.
It's for me, my retirement.
And tomorrow morning I'm
going to be getting on an airplane
with someone
that I actually know,
and flying far,
far away from here.
And I'm not gonna lose
a minute of sleep over it.
Sure as shit ain't gonna be
thinking about you.
Where are you flying to?
Not Colombia.
Well, good.
That's right, it is good.
That's right, it is good.
What are you, six years old?
Goddamn brat.
Look, I don't think we
should be talking to each other
for the rest of the drive.
- Fine with me.
- [mocking] Fine by me.
[tense music playing]
[breaks squeak]
[Mia] What are you doing?
Pull in.
What if your boy gave you up?
Rahul wouldn't do that.
Look, this is my only
chance to get home.
I'm not gonna hitchhike
out of the country.
I'll get caught for sure.
And you don't want me
getting caught, remember?
So just pull in.
Your funeral.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Well, thanks for the ride.
I'm Mia, by the way.
Enjoy your retirement.
[bell jingles]
[tense music playing]
[phone beeps]
[phone beeps]
- [thudding]
- [toy doll laughing]
[tires screeching]
[knock on door]
Where's the guy?
What? I don't...
The guy who took you,
took the money.
- Where is he?
- I don't know where he went.
We'll wait for Temple to arrive.
[speaking French]
[speaking French]
I have worked for your husband
for a long time.
If I say that I found you
in a bloody mess,
he'll believe me.
Where... is... he?
[glass shattering]
[tense music playing]
[gun cocks]
[tires squealing in distance]
What's got into you, sweetheart?
Has he brainwashed you?
You are gonna die a slow death
for this, stranger.
Come on, darling. Put the
gun down, come with me.
I'd rather die
than go back with you.
See, I told you
you're no good with guns.
Now stop this nonsense.
We're gonna have this baby.
We're gonna be a family.
Now come with me!
Get in the car!
You're right,
I'm not good with guns.
But I bet he is.
No, no, no, no!
[engine revving]
[tires squealing]
Let's have some fun!
She's got my son in there!
Get her back!
[tense music playing]
[speaking Spanish]
You're not helping,
shut up right now!
- Shut up!
- You're not driving fast enough!
- I'm trying to go fast!
- Go faster!
I'm trying!
- [gun clicking]
- Damn!
[engine revving]
Get up, get up, get up!
- [grunts]
- [yelling]
[both grunting]
Hold on!
Should have buckled up.
You okay?
[vehicle approaching]
[tense music playing]
Goddammit, run. Come on!
I'm gonna kill
this bastard myself.
What are you doing?
What's he doing?
I don't know.
But don't stop.
- I'm backing out, Temple.
- I said don't stop!
[engine starts]
He'll never stop.
[engine revving]
[tense music playing]
- [Griz] He's not down there.
- [Skinny] No shit.
[Griz] So what, he disappeared?
I told you, don't stop!
He was shooting at us,
I was trying to save you.
From my wife and son?
She's turned on you, Temple.
Can't you see that?
She betrayed you.
Look, Skinny, can you tell him?
She's running away.
It's obvious. Right?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
[Griz] Oh, for Christ's sake.
- Temple, look, you know what...
- [grunts]
[Griz gasps, coughs]
[Skinny] We're down four
guys, plus the Frenchman.
Thanks for nothing,
you tattooed little freak.
Next time,
I'll give him the knuckles.
[line trilling]
No. Look, get Dennis' body.
We need a lift.
I'll drop a pin.
[phone beeps]
Ride's on the way.
I want every crackhead
and every goddamned banger
out there looking for her.
And you better find her.
[tense music playing]
[Mia] Look, there's a clinic.
Are they open?
I don't know,
but we gotta get off the road.
[tires screech]
Come on, hurry up.
Come on, let's see
if we can catch it.
Come on, come on, come on.
Whoa, wait, wait!
No, don't close.
- No, I'm sorry...
- Don't close, no, please.
Are you okay?
Oh... Come on,
come inside.
I'll take a look at you.
Come on.
[dog barking]
You're gonna be okay, come on.
Oh, geez.
All right, can you get up here?
Okay, good. Oh.
All right.
Your partner?
It's complicated.
All right, I'm gonna
have to ask you to leave.
Wait in the other room, please.
[line trilling]
Sorry I didn't
call you earlier, Vic.
It's been a hell
of a hectic day.
But don't worry,
I'm gonna be there bright
and early in the morning.
Funny you should say that.
I've had kind of
a hectic day myself.
- I ran into some trouble...
- Trouble? What kind of trouble?
I took care of it, managed to
commandeer us another one.
But there will be eyes
looking for it,
so we've got about
a ten-minute window, tops,
for me to touch down,
scoop you up.
I hope that doesn't throw
a wrench into the works.
Well, speaking of wrenches,
how do you feel
about another passenger?
How do you feel
about an extra ten grand?
Come on, she's pregnant, Vic.
In that case, it's 20.
Not very funny.
She's gotta get to Colombia.
What happened to Venice?
Look, I can't risk
a world tour here.
You either escape
with the money,
or you die poor and alone,
like your old man.
Venice. She can find
her way from there.
Whatever you say, kid.
See you.
Okay. See you, buddy.
The baby's heart rate's normal,
and the bleeding's stopped,
so I'm hoping it's
unrelated to the pregnancy.
But to be safe, you
should get an ultrasound.
And she needs to rest.
So your baby's okay?
How's your baby doing?
When's the last time
you ate something?
I should get some food.
Is it okay if we stay here
a little bit longer?
As long as you're out
before we open, it's fine.
I'll be in my office
canceling dinner plans.
Thank you.
Well, now I feel bad.
So I talked to my guy.
You can fly with us.
Really? That's okay?
Yeah. You can call it payback
for your bodyguard services.
Hey, uh, thanks for coming
back for me, by the way.
At the motel.
Yeah, well, I didn't
really think anyone wanted
- that sad-ass clown doll anyway.
- [chuckles]
My only regret is, is
that I left it back there.
It's okay.
You made an effort.
I-I don't really understand
why, but I appreciate it.
I'm gonna go get some food.
Get some rest.
So this is really all
just for an early retirement?
Not like... like a heart
transplant or mob debts?
This is just so you can be
some boring guy on a beach?
[cabinet opens]
[tense music playing]
[truck engine revs]
[truck engine revving]
How you doing tonight?
I'm doing pretty good, officers.
What happened to your arm?
Oh, you know, I just
got into a knife fight.
You should see the other guy,
he's a bloody mess.
No, in all seriousness, it's a...
I took a dart to the arm.
Competitive darts.
It was a big dart.
I've taken a dart.
- You've taken a dart?
- It was at your house.
[dispatch on radio] Car 854,
we've got a possible 420...
10-4, we'll respond.
Yeah, well, uh,
take care of that arm.
Yeah, you bet, Officer.
Good luck on the darts.
[siren wailing]
[tense music playing]
[ragged breathing]
[vehicle approaching]
Sir, are you all right?
Oh, we need to get you an
No, water.
I just need water.
Do we have any water?
Nah, no water, just diet cola.
I'd actually be
grateful for a cup.
[engine starts]
[door closes]
[dispatch on radio]
All units, we got a call
about a suspicious White male
in a black Mustang
at the Fill-N-Go
in south Saxton.
Employee over there
is a little spooked. Over.
[car gear shifts]
[siren chirps]
[Sketch] There we go.
- [Ronnie] Okay, he's alive. Should we call him?
- No.
First I want to tell him
that funny story of yours.
You see, my boy Ronnie here,
we were scoring off
these bikers today.
And they told him
there's a reward for anyone
who spots a, uh...
what was it again, Ronnie? A-a
pregnant lady and... her kidnapper?
Imagine that, huh?
[chuckles] A, uh...
a pregnant lady,
and her kidnapper.
Apparently, these two ripped
off some guy named Temple.
Guess he's a big deal.
Now, we can make the call,
and he'll roll right on up.
Or, you can tell us
what it is you took from him.
'Cause the way I figure,
it could be one of two things:
or drugs.
And, well, Ronnie and I,
yeah, we happen to like both.
But where is it, huh?
Where is it?
'Cause it sure ain't in that
busted-ass car of yours out there.
And this bitch,
she don't know a damn thing.
And I'm not about to beat it
out of a pregnant lady.
So that leaves you.
So... where is it?
See that woman
you got tied over there?
That's Temple's wife.
She's carrying his unborn child.
That's all he wants.
That's it.
I'm serious.
Let-let's just call the guy and
turn him in and get the reward.
They said they'd hook us up.
With what, Ronnie, huh?
A measly eight-ball?
Use your head.
Does this guy look
like a kidnapper to you?
He has something.
You have something,
and I want it.
Now where is it?
- Sketch...
- No!
- [Ronnie] What are you doing?
- [Sketch] Shut up! Shut up!
Now, let me be perfectly clear.
If one of you
doesn't start talking,
this doesn't end well
for anybody.
Now, where is it?!
There's money.
What'd I tell you, Ronnie?
Isn't it better when we
all just get along? Yeah?
Now, where is it?
It's out front.
I don't know, someone
must've hit me in the head.
Listen, I'm not
playing around here.
Okay, take it easy.
The black metal cabinet,
top drawer,
behind the reception desk.
If I come back out here
without that bag...
I'm gonna look forward
to the second date.
Hey, Sketch, man,
what are we doing?
You didn't say nothing
about killing anyone.
- I don't wanna kill anyone.
- Just stay here!
We shouldn't be doing this,
this is a bad idea.
Ripping off this Temple guy
doesn't seem like...
Hey! Well, I guess you don't
need your share of the money, then
if you're gonna be
such a punk about it.
Now stay here.
[doctor whimpering]
Forget this.
[phone beeps]
Hey, those people
you were looking for?
Pregnant lady and the guy?
Tell your people I got him.
Yeah, Point View Medical,
off Main.
They're fine. Hurry.
He said there was
a reward, right?
[Thief] Hey.
Your name's Ronnie, right?
Hey, shut up, man,
don't talk to me.
Hey, come on, listen
to me. Look at her.
Look, she's bleeding out.
She's gonna die.
You want her death
on your hands?
It's exactly
what you don't want.
Come on, help her!
Man, I don't know,
she looks all right to me,
I don't...
[suspenseful music playing]
He's heavier than I thought.
You take care of her.
I'll be back.
- Are you okay?
- [groans]
I don't know.
I don't know.
How does it look?
- I think it went right through.
- Oh, lucky me.
[labored breathing]
- We gotta go.
- No.
I'm getting my money.
No, just leave it!
[suspenseful music playing]
[horn blaring]
- [gunshot]
- [groans]
[tires screeching]
[man] Hey!
[Sketch] Get out,
or I'll blow your head off!
No! No!
[breathing heavily]
[breaks squeak]
You selfish bastard.
You gotta go back for them.
What took you so long?
We gotta...
You've been busy.
Your husband's waiting.
- [glass shatters]
- [groans]
Stop it.
Stop running, Mia.
I want to help you!
And you know I can't do that.
We belong to him.
Not today.
How you doing?
Are you kidding?
Look, I know things
have got out of hand.
We can start over.
It's just all about trust.
Trust from me.
Trust from you.
Now... let's start...
with you telling me
where your little friend is.
And where my money is.
- Mia!
- I don't know where he went.
Some guys jumped us
and took off with his money.
His money?
With your money.
Your money.
Mia, Mia!
Look, listen, please stop this.
You know me better than anyone.
We had a great life,
me and you, and the family.
Please, Mia,
you're breaking my heart.
Trust me.
[tense music playing]
[tires screeching]
[siren wailing]
Drop your weapons
and get on the ground!
Let me deal with this.
Officer, no problem here.
I have a pregnant wife
in the car.
I said drop your weapons!
I said put your weapons down!
Come on, jackass, where are you?
You blind?
I said drop your weapons!
This is your last warning.
Backup's on the way.
You hear that, Griz?
[officer] Edwards!
- You with me?
- [groans]
Backup's here.
I thought you were dead.
[Edwards grunts]
I got a family.
Well, I guess we got
something in common.
I'm sorry for their loss.
[tense music playing]
Come on, get in!
What are you doing!?
[engine revs]
[tires screeching]
My son's in there.
Get my boy!
[tires screeching]
Where am I going?
Where's this friend of yours?
Well, we're not gonna get to him
with all this heat on us.
So what should I do?
I don't know,
I'm figuring it out.
- Just drive.
- I am driving!
- [groans]
- [horn honking]
[tires screeching]
[horn honking]
Keep going faster,
they're gaining on us.
I'm trying! God!
Come on, Vic.
Vic! Listen!
You still got that old airplane
graveyard with that piece of shit plane?
No way we're flying in
that thing, it's worthless.
- Duly noted.
- I thought you said there was no more surprises.
- Look...
- We're on a tight schedule!
Goddammit, no, everything's
okay. Ten-minute window out,
just don't land
until I tell you it's safe.
- Safe?!
- Just wait for my call.
What the hell
is going on down there?
Damn idiot. Head west.
[tires screeching]
They're leaving town.
[engine revving]
If they keep doing this bodyguard
bullshit, we'll lose 'em again.
Yeah, I know.
It's coming up quick!
Right here, turn right.
- Here?
- Turn right, right here!
I'm going! I'm going!
[tense music playing]
Come on, let's go!
[door closes]
What are we doing?
What's the plan?
- We're gonna wait for him here.
- What?
You'll be driving
that way north.
Go about five miles,
that's where Vic's gonna be.
I'm gonna stay here.
I'm not gonna
leave you here alone.
Listen to me, Mia. You've
got to get out of here
and you've got to trust me
on this. Get the hell out of here.
I'm gonna be back for this.
Do you trust me now?
Keep the engine low
until you're out of earshot.
You are gonna see me
again, okay?
Go. Go!
[gun clicks]
[tense music playing]
You want to die like a rat?
We're not coming out
until we know we're safe.
I don't see their car.
[metal clanking and scraping]
Mia! Let me hear
your voice.
She doesn't want to talk to you.
She's not here.
Let's make a deal.
I give you back the money,
I get to keep Mia.
No deal!
This is bullshit.
That's her.
You do what you do.
[engine starts]
[tense music playing]
Not today.
[propeller whirring]
[toy doll laughs]
[tense music playing]
You're gonna have to do
a lot better than this.
Au revoir.
- [tense music playing]
- [engine revs]
[tires screech]
I'm right here!
Come on, please!
[speaking Spanish]
Come on, look down.
I didn't know
how desperate you were
to take this baby away from me.
But now I get it.
Now I'm gonna show you how
desperate I am to keep this baby.
[horn hoking]
Check it.
If he's still alive, kill him.
[Temple] Enough!
You're just like a rat
sneaking around in the kitchen!
I'm a leader, a father.
You're nothing.
You're right.
I did want what you have,
so I took it from you.
But it wasn't that hard.
All I had to do was prove
that I'm more of a man,
more of a father
than you could ever be.
And I sure as shit wouldn't
have let a rat take over his empire.
[knife clatters]
[gun clatters]
[tense music playing]
I'm glad it gets to be me.
What are you doing?
Let me finish this.
Then we can be a family.
Raise our son.
You know you can't hit me
from there anyway.
Then I'll come closer.
[tense music playing]
I had a name...
for the boy.
[phone ringing]
- [grunts]
- [phone ringing]
[Vic] What the hell's
going on down there, kid?
It's all taken care of.
Thanks for swooping in
and saving the day.
- Bring 'er down.
- Roger that.
Hey, kid!
Let's go, come on!
I get the clown doll now.
What are you doing?
You're going to take
eight stacks out of this,
and you're gonna give it to Vic.
And if he tells you
that you gotta pay double,
you're gonna tell him
to kiss your ass.
Why don't you
just tell him yourself?
No, the rest is yours.
I'm gonna stay.
You're gonna go
to Colombia with Vic.
Don't worry,
he's not gonna argue.
He's afraid of pregnant women.
What are you talking about?
What are you gonna do?
Where are you gonna go?
This is... this is your money.
No, it's not, it's your money.
Something tells me you're going to
need it a hell of a lot more than me.
Besides, I heard
from a little birdie
that there's a junkyard
full of cash
and no one's guarding it.
The boss's wife
shot him in the head.
Something like that
with a story.
Thank you.
No worries.
Me too, small fry.
What's your name?
- It's...
- [plane engine revs]
I like that name.
[Vic] Where you going, kid?
[plane whirring]
[engine starts]
[instrumental music playing]