Burying the Ex (2014) Movie Script
Another nightmare, honey?
Go back to sleep.
Hey, all kits, Max?
Can I talk to you?
Yes. Okay.
From the springs, ladies, from the springs!
Oh, God.
At jig doing hair?
How? Min steersmen rioter.
Kl steer myself from above.
Actually it was a little more work than I thought.
- Thanks.
Maarwat I had said about my
at using for sex?
No idea.
- Kl said gebruikje own place.
And risk that girls
finding out where I live? You know I can not do that!
Yes, but Evelyn continued to sleep.
If they know you're hair, she
of excretion a Prius.
Come on, hair jig must still have no
problem. We are brothers.
Half Brothers, technically.
We come from the same scrotum.
Kl can not believe anything you say.
You disappoint me.
Kl will never understand how jig girls
far gets to fuck with you.
You know, it's not going to fuck but love.
Kl like those girls with everything I have.
Kl really care LaKeetra and LaShonda.
Kl give so much to them.
No, no, no, not the ash?.
Sorry. I lost daarwat electrolytes.
Amazing. Can you go there alsjebliefvandoor now?!
Hola! Hola! Hola! Hola!
Not so loud.
Where are the eggs?
- What eggs?
Eggs! kl always swallow a raw egg after the act...
And currently I have three...
make daarwer raw eggs required!
Kl do not know. kl may
Evelyn nothing of food that is not vegan.
So you're saying that you have no eggs.
o 'em mm
Why do you let that girl yet so overje go away?
First you sell haarje car
because it is not a hybrid...
And now she determines what you can eat?
Well, if a girl meets jig
which half as sexy and smart...
and gee? to the environment as Evelyn,
then we'll talk.
Kl do not think I want to.
- Oh, shit! Here.
Hey! Mary Kate. Ashley.
Grab your gear and water rest of your dignity...
and scheerje hierweg, Please. Thank You.
- Hey how's it going?
Go to hell.
- Yes, ma'am.
Come on, hurry up, ladies, get out.
You do not have to go home, but you can not stay
Kl board the nearest church or family planning.
Is that... - You'd better wash.
Is that my sheet?
- It's not mine.
Take it however.
Hey, whatever happens, I'm voorjou, brother.
He isje half-brother. Half!
Was not that a bit too harsh?
No, I'm just trying to help him, okay?
You're right. Sorry.
- It's okay.
But you can make it.
You know, a little breakfast sex?
Kl'll be late for work.
Well, hebje nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Okay. But then a viuggertje.
Who said it will take a long time?
Who dur? there Bloody Mary & apos; s call?
Day, MEW-
Yes. kl am. Sorry I was late.
Something came up.
Yes, I will embellish the window.
And then I clean the bathroom.
Okay. T inns wk
Gruesome morning, Chuck.
Kl can not believe you people
so should greet your boss.
Yes, she says, that creates the atmosphere.
Lnnige participation. Signs here.
But you know what.
When I open my own shop,
I will greet customers like I want.
Like that will ever happen.
- Please.
And the last.
Okay, thank you, Chuck, and go to hell.
Pleasure and go to hell, Max.
Slutty schoolgirl
naughty nurse
Jou I did not order.
Satanic Spirit?
Ny need, desire or wish is yours...
a devilish manien?
Living Green or Hard Blogging.
All blog hosting we save the world.
Kl just got a shipment in costumes.
Fancy dress-up?
Depends on what you have.
Well, there's the "Naughty Nurse"
'Schalkse Girl'
'Slutty School Girl "and" Sex Housewife'.
Oh, my favorites!
Kl get off this blog and I'm coming.
You are Count Dracula.
That was biting well.
Your boss needs to replace incandescent bulbs
They go ten times longer and...
her electricity bill would be halved.
The greener the hornier.
Kl probeerje just making it possible
So when I & apos; Max & apos; s Scare Shack & apos; open...
then my jig & apos; & apos environmental consultant; are.
Are we going to start talking about that?
Look, werewolves, vampires and zombies...
his fantasies, Max. They do not exist.
Why waste time
that nonsense when there are so many...
real problems in the world?
Kl mean, take it now, okay?
'Samr cal Gem
Every need, desire or wish
is yours, in a devilish way
All nonsense.
Yes, but why these things are so important.
They challenge us to accept the world as it is and not
confronting our inner demons and...
find the strength to defeat them.
That's pretty far-fetched, Max.
Well, say now, but will you naarwie...
when the world is overrun by zombies?
You make me laugh.
Glad I could be of service.
When my mother died...
just a part of me shut himself off.
As if a part of me died with her and...
when I came to you.
You brought me back to life.
Promise me it will always be so.
Kl promise that we will always be together.
Forever and ever.
Well, welcome to your new home.
Our new home.
But Lugosi managed to kick the habit.
There is great YouTube video of
him as he left the rehab center.
Okay, great, but that is
precisely why you never...
Something unnatural to stop in your body.
There, I wrote a blog about Max.
Kl have meaning in a milkshake.
Will jig a milkshake?
No, Max, you know I do not drink milk.
Come on, Ev. Live a little.
There's lethal stuff in.
o 'em mm
Hello. Welcome to & apos; I & apos;. Scream
Look at all these flavors, Ev.
All-site prepared by
your servant and it is devilishly delicious.
& Apos; & apos;, Ginger Gore & apos; & apos;, Walnut Warlock
& apos; & apos;. Caramel Cadaver Wait a second. & Apos; & apos;? Fruit Brute
- As the Fruit Brute? monster cereal?
Yes, as the monster cereals.
At a & apos; & apos;? Fruit Brute
General Mills brachl a...
Sorry. Go alsjebliefverder.
They brought a series of breakfast cereals
based on classic monsters like...
& Apos; Frank Berry & apos;, & apos; Boo Berry & apos;, & apos; Count Chokula & apos; and...
& apos; Fruit Brute & apos; there was one of them, but nobody
bought it, so the production was put stop.
Until I decided to make it rise.
How retro.
Well, Fruit Brute a milkshake for me, please.
Excellent choice. And for madam?
For me a Soy Oreoshake and we rushed.
Actually, I have no biscuits with cream.
You can find it everywhere, you know. Thus.
Wow. kl've never met an ice cream snob.
Stop, Evelyn.
- So I do not at all meant.
Oh no? You think you're so great
because you work in a...
trendy ice cream tent with flavors
based on popular culture objects...
where only hipsters zoalsjij, but...
you know
really know what they are all there to stop?
You vergi? IGT almost your customers.
At your problem?
You're my problem, jig slut!
- Evelyn!
No, Max, we're gone. We go to Pinkberry.
Are you coming or not?
- But Fruit Brute!
I'm so sorry.
Not very. No problem. Good luck.
Have fun Pinkberry. There's also milk.
Can you tell me what that was all about?
No idea. Why zegjij it, Don Juan?
Don Juan? We talked about monster cereal!
Good. Then be but someone who knows everything
obscure, except chess? E breakfast items, Max.
Lkwou just a milkshake!
Max. I'm so sorry.
Be Please do not be angry with me.
Kl'm not angry.
I just want to know what happened there.
Kl do not know. col...
Kl turned on. It was not about you.
It was that girl. They irritated me ongeloo? Gauge.
It went for ice cream, Evelyn. Ice cream.
You're right. Sorry. kl...
Sums wuxchk gewom 2o afraid
You're all I have and I do not want to lose.
You will not lose me, Ev.
Thank you. Go to hell.
Waarjij all in rehab!
Who dur? there Bloody Mary & apos; s call?
- Hey, sexy.
Hey, you think you can just
break at work?
I have a surprise voorje.
You will have no regrets.
- Really.
Kl'm on my way.
No, Max! Not on the carpet!
It is hypoallergenic and
I would like to keep it that way.
Min debt.
Why? Is it beautiful or is it beautiful?
Aahehs andexs
Well, our hat is 100% green?.
Oh, literally.
Do you like the color nice.
It is made of freshly cut wheat grass...
no solvent, gi ish metal
or fragile organic components?.
Amazing. At have you done with my posters?
No worries. Which lie in the slide? A.
Oh my God. This is a joke, right?
You have them geruTneerd.
Max, Please. They were not even in English.
Daus no 2nd geimpmeerdwarew
Well, they took all the space on the wall to complete.
They were in pristine condition.
Do you realize how much they were worth?
Kl there was an advance on
a shop to pay it!
Again that idea from that store.
And if we indeed have
at the redevelopment of the decision?
Kl living hair too, Max.
- I know, Evelyn, I know.
But these kinds of decisions we need to take together.
Well, it was the birthday of my mother
and I wanted to do something fun!
- Leave me alone, Max.
Come on.
Go away!
Travis no estoy aqui!
Kl said, & apos; no tengo el Rento & apos;
- Travis, open up. kl am.
Jesus, man, jig looks bad.
Yeah, well, since Ju mourning Pikbijter
me from you at banished...
I'm not getting laid
can go. kl am completely dry.
You look not fresh.
Do you get any food from her?
Tofu, tofu, tofu.
The whole time just tofu.
- Kl know. kl know.
Kl skip most meals.
Not this. kl think this
Twinkie is no longer edible.
Twinkies always good.
Yet though. Every four weeks.
Eek? "
- Daavnawmden 2nd again eehaax
I did not know..
You want what?
- Sure.
You need to do something about that girl, man.
Kl mean, she's bad voorjou
and for me. Especially for me.
That's hetjuist. Evelyn and I...
it is not working.
- Will you apart?
Well, Evelyn is a very sweet girl and...
the sex is... insane.
Oh jg?
But they can sometimes completely painted? are.
Kl think we no longer fit together.
When are you going to drop the born?
Kl will start ringing.
Kl never dumped anyone.
Kl was always dumped.
Damn, man. A girl dump
is the easiest to a relationship.
Make it out by SMS. That's fast, easy and...
depending on your tariff plan, perhaps even free.
Kl can not make it by SMS.
Do not you have unlimited text messages?
We 'omen same "
That's your fault, man.
I can not help you.
You're not going to help me?
Okay. This is what you should do.
Choose a public place. Somewhere with lots of people.
If they could talk and you between your legs start to kick
, then anyone can call an ambulance.
That's me several years ago
happened before.
Dahs "oh Nev" oh dam
Explore it a day in advance.
Make sure you know all the escape routes.
A good a? Ocht is crucial.
Do not worry, man. Evelyn is a strong girl.
Who will be right back on top.
Living Green or Hard Blogging
All blog hosting we save the world.
Hey, with me.
- Bye dear. What's up?
Yes. EH ii]?
Kl'm up to my ears blogging.
I have a surprise voorjou.
At is it?
Kl does not want to spoil it.
Can we see each other...
in the dog park within 30 minutes?
Oh my God. Ikweetwat it is.
J Ah jg?
E've sen puppy!
Wait. It's another one from a shelter, right?
Just come in 30 minutes, okay?
Okay. Max, you're the best boyfriend terwereld!
Call an ambulance. Call an ambulance!
Evelyn! Evelyn!
You had an accident. Do not move.
The ambulance is coming.
Do not let me down.
Kl am hair. kl am hair.
Kl will not die. kl do not want to leave.
That does not happen. Together forever, right?
Forever and ever.
Ev! Ev!
Evelyn! Please, Please. Evelyn.
Kl am voorje, brother. Okay?
The grief over the death of his wife...
became increasingly smart.
The house they had shared
so long together, a graft was Ombe?.
The beautiful flowers she had planted himself...
wilted to the lost blush of her cheek.
It Travis, man.
Open the door. kl know you're there.
Come on. kl swear I'm alone.
Do not make me use my keys.
All right, Max?
Apparently you have not had time
to put out all that stuff.
At? Too early?
- You're a dick.
Come on. You went
still break up with her?
Yep. And I have slain her instead.
That's bullshit and you know it.
Kl do not know.
Kl keep thinking that if...
I had persevered a little longer,
we would have found an equilibrium
We would have been happy again.
Kl refuse to let you talk like that and I refuse...
to let you rot in this legacy of your ex.
At should I do?
It's hard to mete
remember who I was before I met her.
Well, you liked going to the film and...
There happens to be a double bill
in the New Bevvanavond.
Will be fun.
Kl would like to you to go to the movies, but...
I actually have a date with that hot MILF, Jeanine.
Kl met her at Tinder and I would...
Use at the well.
It was worth a try.
Good to see you again, brother.
Hey, ladies, Max stands on the street and readiness.
Delivered from the bitter pain of eternal death.
The woman was corrupt and dead in her own life.
Oh, Lord have mercy on the dead...
and give peace and happiness to the living.
Hey, & apos; Fruit Brute & apos;! & Apos; & apos Fruit Brute?;
3 m "me ma meex" We "? Oh God,
Kl hit a mud figure.
No, no, anyway. & Apos; & apos;, I Scream correct?
Yes! Olivia.
Apparently Val Lewton fan.
Well, the guy took
what a B-movie could be...
Pure arthouse! kl know.
Isje girlfriend hair?
No. She sought out other resorts on.
Sow um "gebeurerx
Kl made it just out with my friend, because...
he suddenly decided to become
a reborn Christian.
Yes, my ex could be quite extreme.
Not like this. It was...
no smoking, no drinking, no sex.
Kl hit the north lost altogether. kl was so...
Would someone Here you go to bed with me!
Immediately, baby.
- Oh my God.
That was bad.
Well, it was nice to meet you.
Hebje to do something now?
Because, you know, I was thinking...
You've never had the milkshake. If you want.
And I did all my clothes
and I stood before him...
and I said, Either you take Jesus Either you take me.
He chose Jesus.
- Yes it is.
He was even a member of the Christian rock group.
Do you know their names? The Christian Slater.
That's so funny.
How did jig it out with your ex?
kl threw her as & apos; a little under a bus.
Kl still feel bad about it.
Now, if it may be a consolation...
She was rather touchy.
We were very different.
She would not even know the fraction
things we talked about tonight..
Apparently it was not destined to last.
Kl guess we better not talk about our exes.
It's bad luck or something.
Actually it helps a little.
Then I'm happy to help.
At other places.
At other places.
- Prom
You wanna do something fun?
- Goad dam
But promise you will not call me crazy
. Promise?
Kl promise.
- Okay.
Kl bowl haircut like. It's so peaceful and quiet.
You're crazy.
Come on, this is not just a cemetery.
This is the eternal Hollywood cemetery!
Do you know who is buried there hair?
Yes, at least one person.
Peter Lorre, John Huston...
Johnny Ramone!
How cool is not? Johnny Ramone.
That's pretty cool.
- Yep.
Hey, Max.
- At?
They're going to come up to Max.
They're going to come get it!
- Stop. Stop.
You know I ran the course in school?
- They're coming for you!
Kl komje get!
- That will do.
Kl get gaje.
Sorry. kl are you devour.
- No no.
Go Here you go by.
- Okay.
It's just that it's so long ago.
Yexl qmqm
But we'd better stop.
Really? We are both mature, right?
Right. Yes.
- Right.
But we would stop really better.
Exam Neejaje him...
- 3a
Better that we stop. kl must
morning open the shop and stuff.
Where do you work
- Bloody Mary & apos; s.
Come along. kl will give you a discount on
fake blood globules.
Okay. kl will remember.
Kl've had a very nice evening, Max.
Kl too.
You soon?
- Sure.
Okay. Bye.
- Challenge.
Thank you.
Oh. Thank you.
Kl knew you... oh damn!
That's not really a warm welcome, Max.
Kl'm just surprised some.
Give me a second.
This is just one of ashback
when you were lugs that paddds?.
It's cold hair. That is still my death.
Kl'm coming!
You go out that door open
and none shall stand.
Hey, Max! kl'm back.
- Just what I thought!
Wachywadkpeiach "
Stop Here you go! Stop, stop, stop.
- At matter, dear? Take me. At wrong?
At wrong? You died! kl saw you die!
I know! Really weird, huh?
- But how?
True love overvlint everything.
That makes no sense.
- Yes it is!
Do not you understand? Our love was given a second chance...
And we have to seize that opportunity.
Oh, no, that's really not necessary, Ev.
Oh my God.
- At?
You kept the carpet!
Well, yes. Why not?
You know what men are like.
Always exchange all for a newer model.
I would never do.
Good. Otherwise you would now be dead as a doornail!
Oh baby, I teasing you!
Kl'm so horny.
Let's play, baby.
Would not you take a shower first?
Kl mean, you've been dead for a while.
Only if you come.
You know I hate to go to bed with wet hair
At a sissy.
Kl will be fast.
- Neemje time.
Who's there?
- Olivia.
Oh, damn it!
Hold on. Hold on.
Here I am again.
- Hey, what a surprise.
Listen. kl thought about what you said.
At did I say? kl have a lot said.
About that we are both mature and stuff.
Right. That.
And I think... if I hetwil and alsjij hetwil...
Then I think... we should just go
there for, right?
Kl mean, eventually do go
it come from, right?
Well, what that betre?
I was perhaps a bit premature.
Amazing. Uh, sorry.
Kl just think... kl think we both...
more would enjoy
as what we expect.
Right. Okay.
You're probably thinking that I'm a slut ongeloo ijke?.
No, I really do not think you're a
ongeloo ijke slut?.
A little bit maybe.
- Not even a little.
Okay. Well, I...
Kl go just now.
- Yes.
We have no more shampoo, honey.
Who was that?
- Did you hear that?
The walls are thin over here.
Right. kl hate that.
- Kl thought them...
That's another reason why I think we should wait
Because you do not want the neighbors to hear us
butt filling...
as a bunch of horny hyena & apos; s
giving the night of cotton, you know?
Yes. No, I do not think that would be...
- Okay
Okay then.. I do you not see we
... Bye.
la. Bye.
- La 'dae "...
Wm was 6 and 0
So late?
Well, yes, if it absolutely must be
Well, I have a special delivery voorjou.
Are you sure you do not want to dry first?
No, the wetter the better, baby.
Oh, darn.
Man, that hurt, say.
Well, I never said I was gracefully.
May 3rd Mon smwen
Well, we said we would always be together for
That night in the shop.
Forever and ever.
Satanic Spirit.
That was ultimately no nonsense.
Kl was very wrong.
Ukwmd euk
Now, where we left off?
Balsemvioeistof. Disgusting.
Worst nightmare ever.
Come on. Min morning face is not so bad.
Sorry. kl'm just a nightmare.
Kl mean, I had a nightmare.
Did you sleep well?
- No second.
Kl bursting with energy, as if I
100 Red Bulls have been drinking.
And I made clean in an instant
. Lightning Fast.
Have we?
had Saks?
- 3a
No.. You fell? Ouch.
Your penis shriveled to a tiny, wrinkled sausage.
But now you're awake. Time to get up.
Evelyn, we'd better not eat breakfast first?
May strike some carbohydrates, some energy?
No, that's the craziest, even I'm not hungry.
Kl going to lose weight like crazy.
Dead is the best diet ever.
Hola, look how late it is.
Kl gate late at work.
No, no, no. Come first viuggertje.
Please, Evelyn. You just came back from the dead
. You deserve more than a viuggertje.
Okay, when did you get back?
I do not know, Halloween is coming.
It is very busy, so do not mind me.
Come on, Travis. Record.
We have T-shirts, suits, ties, belts.
Hey, baby, all of buttock went with a Viking?
Once a Norseman, always a Norseman.
Kl had told you not to call me
Travis, whatever you do, do not come back to my
Negative. kl blistering
have a hot date tonight with the centerfold...
of FHM this month
and she still lives with her parents.
It's Evelyn. She's back and she now sits in my? At.
Max, now do not say you've taken that trip
I left behind in the refrigerator.
Travis, I mean it!
She's back from the dead and they
thinks we are still together!
Okay, calm down. Within 10 to 12 hours it is worked out.
Do not operate heavy machinery...
Look, I gotta go, okay?
Kl have to go back to work.
Sit in a corner.
Listen to some music. I do not know.
Come on. You brought me into
the problems, you need me...
Oh, shit.
Rec "naax Hades.
The Touch "Nan Onwekmne Undead N...
by the Third Doctor Baron Romanoff.
Salt, flour, celery.
At? Parsley? Really? You're kidding.
Aconitum Lycotonum?
As if I have hair down.
& Apos; Law blow in the face & apos;. Okay.
You're going to die.
- Excuse me?
ON the day you die...
And then I stay all alone.
Kl there will still be spiritually or so.
You know I can not go on without you.
But if I change the way I...
Ev, think a little bit about what you're saying.
No, it's the only way
to stay together forever.
As we promised.
Then we can marry.
Buy a house. Hoping have children.
At is that thing?
Oh, this is called Ego Etiam MosTendoPiscisl?
A new recipe I wanted to try.
The hey? not really worked.
You silly boy. Seriously though...
Can I say no?
No, no. Nothing personal.
But I...
I would love to go dancing tonight.
- Well yes.
To celebrate your return.
Max, you've never been to a disco.
I know. But if I'm going to die, first
I still want some life.
Okay. Where?
No idea. Somewhere waarje not noticeable.
& Apos; CLUB DEATH & apos;
Your girlfriend is so Goth!
- Who does her makeup?
She is pure nature.
- Hey!
None thou irt with my boyfriend, Morticia!
At, you wanna fight? Come on, bitches!
Come on, baby. Let's knock back a few!
At drink for hair might make an elephant?
- Pour mar a dubbewn
Did you ever danced with & apos; & apos;? Green Fairy.
There's a first time for everything.
Careful, that stuff is lethal.
I'm still not so sure.
Another one.
- It's your funeral.
I've been on my list deleted.
Another one for the road.
3rd homde e lady
The gaatwel.
- Honey, hold me. I'm cold.
No, you're dead.
You're so funny.
Kots Alarm! Kots Alarm! Hold my hair down, darling.
Oh, darling, which & apos; Green Fee & apos; makes me dizzy!
Oh God, round two goes. Ding-ding-ding!
- Olivia.
At a coincidence?
- Yes.
Lsje friend okay?
Yes. A little too hearty partying.
She does not know when to stop, huh.
And that's only part of the story.
- Lkvoel my face.
All kits?
- Sure. Just...
We're going to check disco once, I
and my friends.
You can skip it. It's a dead deal.
Vatje him?
- Yes.
Jesus Mina anyway!
Is that the guy who looks down jig?
Oh my God. Stop. So rude.
Sorry, what they have drunk too much Breezers.
Well, duty calls.
Yes. Do maarwat to do.
- I will do.
You two are really no
do, you know?
This is so embarrassing!
Oh, darling, we love each other tonight
No, no, that's a filthy Sanchez.
A 'Rusted Trumpet' is when...
Oh, man.
Kick jig on that kind of perverted stuff?
No! But that might alsjij...
Are you necro become el, brother?
- She's not dead, Travis.
At least not in the traditional way.
Now help me to put her in bed.
Oh no, I do not touch that bitch.
Kl do it alone voorjou. But you
puts her back into the ground when you're done with her.
Do not have gloves?
- Please, Travis.
Sum .
Oh, damn it?!
At gingje do?
Did you draw a dick on my face?
Did you go stabbing my fingers in hot water?
's that smell?
Kl did in my pants.
- You did...?
Ev, kl was Travis to leave out.
You had a... hey, jig...
- Come hair.
You partying tonight really like an animal.
You should go rest beterwat.
Min back on. kl'm wide awake and
jig even better if you know what I mean.
Hey, amuseerje this.
Kl'll be right back.
Travis, wait!
At for voodoo was there, Max?
That was not me. kl swear...
You have a Tim Burton film in your living room!
Oh my God, she may
one of the geTnfecteerden.
Please tell me you used a condom
when you did it with her.
It's not contagious, Travis.
It's more like a...
'wishes until waarvoorje' thing.
If I were you I'd invest in an airtight
besmettingspak. Greetings!
3 gm ex gewom Vandom?
- Sawe "
You even will not help me!?
- Oh no.
Travis, she wants to kill me!
- I want all the girls early or late.
But I thought we were brothers!
- Half brothers!
Travis, tell me alsjebliefwat to do.
At your place in the steersmen
should have done. Dump her.
Kl just hope they do not
first eats your brain.
Good morning. kl I made breakfast.
Here. Sit down.
Kl used chocolate chips.
As in the IHOP.
Tuck. kl'm not hungry.
Well, have you thought about our conversation?
Forever and ever?
At wrong?
Well, ikvoel that between us...
a bit dufwordt.
- Bu?!
- Vewkeewdwumd. Sum
At are you saying?
Kl think before we as & apos; n
drastic step to take in our relationship
, we might be better...
pause for a moment?
Previously a breather.
You Make it out with me?
No! Just a breather.
I clawed myself from the grafvoorjou.
Do you know how hard it is to
claws yourself a grave?!
It's difficult vervioekt!
And there goes the advance.
You're unbelievable!
Ouch, Ev. That hurts.
Where do you get the lefvandaan
to ask me if I want a break?!
Okay, well, ikvraag if you want a break.
Because I'm worried that I do not
geefwat you need...
what you want, what you deserve.
And jig all deserve.
Oh, dear.
Do not be ridiculous.
You're the best lie e terwereld?.
You make me so happy.
Too tight.
You always loved violence.
Thank you. Go to hell.
Why do not you walk yourself to hell?!
I am already, sir.
Heavy night?
- Tough life.
Kl thought you would have
a hangover, so I brought something.
A proven family remedy.
Olivia, you're an angel from heaven.
It must be nice to have your own place.
ke bepaaMe eugenicists hours
your greeting customers as you want,
Your eating burgers wanneerje maarwil.
kajk mm em. "...
to sublet the space next to it.
If you know someone who is geTnteresseerd.
It would be a really great place
for a start-up, I think.
Kl knew someone, but...
I do not think he still chasing that dream.
That is unfortunate.
e gewom Suns tired
a chance benukexywee eweW
? Kl probably get better.
- Yes.
Who dur? there Bloody Mary & apos; s call?
Hey, baby!
Hi. kl am now quite busy.
Well, I thought of you and I wish you a call.
That's sweet. kl'm with a customer.
Kl love you!
- Great!
That's really great!
Deje hear what I said?
- Yeah yeah.
Kl told me of your ho...
Loud and clear.
Well, you do not go back to say it, Max?
Yes, even love you. Bye.
Min boss...
Yeah, you know... Stop this nonsense, Max.
Let me explain, okay?
No, how? nothing to explain.
Kl knows exactly what is going on.
I'm not so sure.
- It is obvious.
You're not overje ex back.
Kl do not, Olivia. She is.
She does not go out of my life.
Well, I'm not going to share it with someone else.
I tried with all my ex and...
you know how that ended, so.
Believe me, Olivia. kl see you really, really, really down.
Well, I can only so much rejection.
If you want to be with me, you will be with me.
You know, they exhibit & apos; Night of the Living Dead & apos;
Tomorrow night & apos; Hollywood Forever & apos;
And I'll be there alsje want to be with me.
And if not, no problem...
But it was nice to have known you.
Okay. Bye.
So you're saying that I need my ex 'herdoden?
Since your hair is not dur? dump,
you do not really have a choice.
Yes, but I tried it and they gave me the...
& apos; 28 Weeks Later & apos; treatment.
Listen. That girl in our? At Evelyn is not.
She Zombie Evelyn. She Zevelyn.
That's actually pretty cool.
Rental Rental
Travis esta en la biblioteca!
And w moehk an edema '
Kl saw how she was hit by a bus...
she broke her neck and she happy? going.
Bullet through the head.
This works in all those zombie? Lms.
No, no, no. kl am against firearms
Stake through the heart?
- She's not a vampire.
Electrocution. Bathtub. Hairdryer. And she's dead.
Kl would probably electrocute me himself.
Okay an 'even m "w we Nev
A good oudervletse decapitation will do it.
And easy too. Stalk her as she sleeps.
Evelyn does not sleep.
Then you just be creative.
You're not doing
I think you're doing?
And what would that be?
Do not play dumb, Max.
You're going to repaint the walls.
Caught. kl is that the color was
to fade, so I went...
add a new layer.
That's sweet, Max,
But you will have to wait until my yoga session is done.
Min chakra & apos; s must be synchronized
Since I came back, I can already
doing positions that I previously could not.
It's quite amazing.
At you doing, honey?
Kl bewonderje condition.
Barry & apos; s Chinese Food! The best deal in town!
Barry & apos; s Chinese Food!
Well, killer? That was quick.
Goad 2o '
Where is the blood which is the gore,
where are the guts?
Kl could not.
How, you could not
Someone is killing difficult.
- She's already dead, Max!
It does not matter whether she is alive or dead
, it is difficult!
Kl going Olivia tonight let
stand and that's that.
Kl Evelyn will let me eat and let me
turn into one of the living dead...
and will rot away unhappy forever.
Keep it on there.
Tonight you go to Olivia in the cemetery.
Kl told you, Travis,
I do not behead my ex.
Not you. Ikwel.
No. This is not your fight
I know, but I trade it off.
Kl really do not think you...
kl trade this off, okay?
Kl really do not understand why you have to go to work tonight.
Because it is very busy, Ev.
The night before Halloween is always heavy.
Racks supplement, pumpkins cut, hang cobwebs...
It seems so weird.
You never so busy when I was still alive...
That was the low season and now is the peak season.
Well, try early to get home.
Kl'll try, but I feel
it's going to be a long night.
Goodbye, Evelyn.
T wk dens' my
Are you sure you can handle it?
Do not worry, brother, I'll finish there.
Okay, I owe you a favor.
That's what we do. We are family. Come hair.
Success, Max.
- Thanks. You too.
He is not hair. Go home.
Kl was just my & apos; Gore Gore Girls & apos; Get
DVD. Max has him for months.
He can get you out tomorrow.
Not possible. kl departure on a long snowboarding trip.
Kl do not go back for New Year.
Day Evelyn. You look tonight additional gruesome.
Take your DVDs and scheerje way, dick.
Calm down, & apos; Thriller & apos; kl will be fast.
Nice AVMS VO0: an ZMK eiwm
ngd um m a dude bends mensem
I would not wish it otherwise?..
Shall we?
- We will.
Vomuk an up
Can not you come get it wanneerje're back?
- Why?
Because there is lonely.
Kl need afrukmateriaal.
You're really disgusting, you know that?
Lnsgelijks, sweetie.
Hallelujah! The Gore Gore Girls.
A Echle cullklassieker.
Amazing. Get out!
- No, no, I must test him.
Oh God, come say!
The last time I lent Max DVD,
I got him scarred back.
It looked like a game Blocks.
Kl was badly upset.
It was & apos; & apos;. Wild Things 2
Kl'm sure he's in good condition
. Now go away.
Two minutes, okay
Two minutes.
- Parole.
Two minutes.
- Yep.
Do you have any leftovers in the fridge?
At a Goddess. kl telling you,
as they do not make them.
Min pants tension occurs.
The hair is hot.
Enough! You porn is in good condition. Scheerje away now!
Calm down. This is the best part.
Here it comes!
o 'em mm
Is not that great?
kl heard that they used real brains.
The director is very invioedrijk.
Kl've suddenly as & apos; s strange pull.
Him w "
Help Help
Need hierweg
.!.!?. la
- Okay .
Sorry for the mess
- Not very
. It is good
Happy Halloween
- Sweets or I'll shoot...
Get off me, painted? E bitch!
You seem so upset, Travis.
Nibbles anything to you?
This is better not to my hips.
Oh, shit. Travis.
At there?
At, in, out and see you?
Kl did not think you were that person.
Kl must equally along with me to check something.
Kl laterwel call you, okay?
Kl go home, catch some extra sleep.
You've exhausted me.
You were indeed right.
- That it was worth the wait.
Kl told you.
- Max.
Kl was so worried.
Kl said I had to work.
Kl phoned. No one answered.
Yes, I've been busy. Sorry.
You changed your clothes.
Ah, yes. m...
Kl syrup spilled everywhere and I had to...
to the dry cleaners to pick it.
Did I miss something?
- No?
Kl've eaten. kl have cleared.
You've eaten?
But you never go hungry.
Well, I got hungry.
At have you done with him, Ev?
Where is hi]?
You ate at Travis.
You ate my brother.
Brother, Max.
And the lesser half, if you ask me.
We were family.
Kl now you're family. He was a total loser.
And he was not even nice.
I can not believe you did this.
No more games, Max.
You promised me that we would always be together for
It's time. kl promise...
it will not hurt too much.
You're right.
No more games. We do it.
no hair.
- Where?
Waarmmaa e gee "bad vdkapen and
I'm with you shortly.
And make a warm bath of it.
Nice and warm.
With bubbles.
Come on, baby! There are waiting a lot of bubbles on you.
Kl'm coming. kl am a bit of redecorating.
With the emergency service. At the emergency?
Kl would like to report a murder.
Stay on the line, because this sounds...
really awful bizarre, but my girlfriend...
came back from the dead
and then ate them my brother...
and Now she's going to eat me and...
Come on, Max. The water is cold.
Kl'm coming. kl care of my complexion.
Max, wear be " p ?
Kl thought it was done with games, Max.
Thanks for great night. Ben @
Scream. Drop by!
Kl devour gaje.
Naughty boy!
Kamemand me his "
Damn right. Please, say.
Kl sat on the loo! At that hair noise?
You might sit better
first, sir.
The entrance is on the other side
and we are closed, okay?
Trick or treat, hidden or not...
give me something or disappear into nothingness
Hey, we're closed. Are you deaf?
Hey. Cool costume.
Gee? snuep me, gee? me ma "...
give me something or you end up in the momentum!
Who be "iii
Kl am the resurrection
Do you kidding me, boy?
No, damn it! This is happening now.
Are you on drugs?
- No sir.
Can you alstublie?
send a patrol to mine? ate.
Preferably with agents who may very well shoot.
Attention, all units.
Lnbraak in a Milkshake Shop...
on the corner of Melrose and Heliotrope.
At idiot overtakes
one now Milkshake Shop?
Only a real lout does that.
Vervioekte junkies.
Oh, damn, Evelyn!
Think you can just steal my boyfriend...
Erje and that nothing is going to happen?!
' Mix:
Let her go, this is between you and me
You betrayed me with her
It's not, Ev
and let her go. I explain everything
You broke my heart, Max.
I know, Ev, but it is no longer true.
Now let her go.
Kl'm not going to ask again.
At haircut is going on, Max?
Olivia, this is Evelyn.
Min dead ex-girlfriend.
At? This?
You know, I hebje met before...
and when you were a bitch...
and now you're an even bigger bitch.
Evelyn, enough!
We were happy together, Max!
- No, Ev. We Datwaren not.
Kl was not very long.
Min debt. kl should break up.
Lmhaar now go
And then we can this time
really separate.
Kl do not understand.
Evelyn, we were not meant for each other.
You would never have been happy with me
because I would never have been happy.
Now it's time to go, Ev.
It's time to go naarje mom.
But I take you with me!
Oh my God, that's zowalgelijk.
You will not regret it, baby.
Not on the carpet.
Not At Work carpet.
Oh, not on the carpet. Not on the carpet.
Can not we go back to how it was?
To me you're dead.
In the brain, Max! The brain!
You bastard.
- And jig?
Yes. It is.
Olivia, c...
Max! Max!
7.0 gemakkeYqk Raahe mewan me ai
He said it was from...
jig stupid zombie bitch!
Aw, shit. Ouch.
Now maakMe ai
Both of you.
- Lndeed, woman!
Kl thought you were dead.
- Well, I'm back.
Oh, God.
Who be "iii
And who am jig
Kl'm Travis
Yes Excuse me, Olivia Travis
... Travis, this is Olivia
Yes, I have heard many overje
Jesus Christ, Max
How many zombies know jig or
Only these two
At now we do
We bury your ex
Olivia, the
I'm sorry I did not tell you earlier this
Ikwou really it was just...
kl did not know how
If I may of you, beloofik I...
Let's bury her and get out of here
Okay - Okay
Vaarvlel, Evelyn
NG THE EX new taste
... Here you go
Stay cool, guys:
Kl'm with you shortly.
Desired A devilishly good day.
- Hello.
How's business?
- Not bad. And jig?
So good it's scary.
Oh yeah? Why do you stand behind with the rent?
Because I have spent my money...
m 6mm
Why? At you think?
Max, my love
kl think we will be great partners.
If we still my brother
would get off the street.
Welcome to Olivia and Max & apos; s Cream-Atorium!
Hey, baby. All of buttock gone with a zombie?
With the undead it's always nice under the ground!
Burying THE EX
Oh my God.
- Disgusting.
Kl almost had to puke.
Go back to sleep.
Hey, all kits, Max?
Can I talk to you?
Yes. Okay.
From the springs, ladies, from the springs!
Oh, God.
At jig doing hair?
How? Min steersmen rioter.
Kl steer myself from above.
Actually it was a little more work than I thought.
- Thanks.
Maarwat I had said about my
at using for sex?
No idea.
- Kl said gebruikje own place.
And risk that girls
finding out where I live? You know I can not do that!
Yes, but Evelyn continued to sleep.
If they know you're hair, she
of excretion a Prius.
Come on, hair jig must still have no
problem. We are brothers.
Half Brothers, technically.
We come from the same scrotum.
Kl can not believe anything you say.
You disappoint me.
Kl will never understand how jig girls
far gets to fuck with you.
You know, it's not going to fuck but love.
Kl like those girls with everything I have.
Kl really care LaKeetra and LaShonda.
Kl give so much to them.
No, no, no, not the ash?.
Sorry. I lost daarwat electrolytes.
Amazing. Can you go there alsjebliefvandoor now?!
Hola! Hola! Hola! Hola!
Not so loud.
Where are the eggs?
- What eggs?
Eggs! kl always swallow a raw egg after the act...
And currently I have three...
make daarwer raw eggs required!
Kl do not know. kl may
Evelyn nothing of food that is not vegan.
So you're saying that you have no eggs.
o 'em mm
Why do you let that girl yet so overje go away?
First you sell haarje car
because it is not a hybrid...
And now she determines what you can eat?
Well, if a girl meets jig
which half as sexy and smart...
and gee? to the environment as Evelyn,
then we'll talk.
Kl do not think I want to.
- Oh, shit! Here.
Hey! Mary Kate. Ashley.
Grab your gear and water rest of your dignity...
and scheerje hierweg, Please. Thank You.
- Hey how's it going?
Go to hell.
- Yes, ma'am.
Come on, hurry up, ladies, get out.
You do not have to go home, but you can not stay
Kl board the nearest church or family planning.
Is that... - You'd better wash.
Is that my sheet?
- It's not mine.
Take it however.
Hey, whatever happens, I'm voorjou, brother.
He isje half-brother. Half!
Was not that a bit too harsh?
No, I'm just trying to help him, okay?
You're right. Sorry.
- It's okay.
But you can make it.
You know, a little breakfast sex?
Kl'll be late for work.
Well, hebje nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Okay. But then a viuggertje.
Who said it will take a long time?
Who dur? there Bloody Mary & apos; s call?
Day, MEW-
Yes. kl am. Sorry I was late.
Something came up.
Yes, I will embellish the window.
And then I clean the bathroom.
Okay. T inns wk
Gruesome morning, Chuck.
Kl can not believe you people
so should greet your boss.
Yes, she says, that creates the atmosphere.
Lnnige participation. Signs here.
But you know what.
When I open my own shop,
I will greet customers like I want.
Like that will ever happen.
- Please.
And the last.
Okay, thank you, Chuck, and go to hell.
Pleasure and go to hell, Max.
Slutty schoolgirl
naughty nurse
Jou I did not order.
Satanic Spirit?
Ny need, desire or wish is yours...
a devilish manien?
Living Green or Hard Blogging.
All blog hosting we save the world.
Kl just got a shipment in costumes.
Fancy dress-up?
Depends on what you have.
Well, there's the "Naughty Nurse"
'Schalkse Girl'
'Slutty School Girl "and" Sex Housewife'.
Oh, my favorites!
Kl get off this blog and I'm coming.
You are Count Dracula.
That was biting well.
Your boss needs to replace incandescent bulbs
They go ten times longer and...
her electricity bill would be halved.
The greener the hornier.
Kl probeerje just making it possible
So when I & apos; Max & apos; s Scare Shack & apos; open...
then my jig & apos; & apos environmental consultant; are.
Are we going to start talking about that?
Look, werewolves, vampires and zombies...
his fantasies, Max. They do not exist.
Why waste time
that nonsense when there are so many...
real problems in the world?
Kl mean, take it now, okay?
'Samr cal Gem
Every need, desire or wish
is yours, in a devilish way
All nonsense.
Yes, but why these things are so important.
They challenge us to accept the world as it is and not
confronting our inner demons and...
find the strength to defeat them.
That's pretty far-fetched, Max.
Well, say now, but will you naarwie...
when the world is overrun by zombies?
You make me laugh.
Glad I could be of service.
When my mother died...
just a part of me shut himself off.
As if a part of me died with her and...
when I came to you.
You brought me back to life.
Promise me it will always be so.
Kl promise that we will always be together.
Forever and ever.
Well, welcome to your new home.
Our new home.
But Lugosi managed to kick the habit.
There is great YouTube video of
him as he left the rehab center.
Okay, great, but that is
precisely why you never...
Something unnatural to stop in your body.
There, I wrote a blog about Max.
Kl have meaning in a milkshake.
Will jig a milkshake?
No, Max, you know I do not drink milk.
Come on, Ev. Live a little.
There's lethal stuff in.
o 'em mm
Hello. Welcome to & apos; I & apos;. Scream
Look at all these flavors, Ev.
All-site prepared by
your servant and it is devilishly delicious.
& Apos; & apos;, Ginger Gore & apos; & apos;, Walnut Warlock
& apos; & apos;. Caramel Cadaver Wait a second. & Apos; & apos;? Fruit Brute
- As the Fruit Brute? monster cereal?
Yes, as the monster cereals.
At a & apos; & apos;? Fruit Brute
General Mills brachl a...
Sorry. Go alsjebliefverder.
They brought a series of breakfast cereals
based on classic monsters like...
& Apos; Frank Berry & apos;, & apos; Boo Berry & apos;, & apos; Count Chokula & apos; and...
& apos; Fruit Brute & apos; there was one of them, but nobody
bought it, so the production was put stop.
Until I decided to make it rise.
How retro.
Well, Fruit Brute a milkshake for me, please.
Excellent choice. And for madam?
For me a Soy Oreoshake and we rushed.
Actually, I have no biscuits with cream.
You can find it everywhere, you know. Thus.
Wow. kl've never met an ice cream snob.
Stop, Evelyn.
- So I do not at all meant.
Oh no? You think you're so great
because you work in a...
trendy ice cream tent with flavors
based on popular culture objects...
where only hipsters zoalsjij, but...
you know
really know what they are all there to stop?
You vergi? IGT almost your customers.
At your problem?
You're my problem, jig slut!
- Evelyn!
No, Max, we're gone. We go to Pinkberry.
Are you coming or not?
- But Fruit Brute!
I'm so sorry.
Not very. No problem. Good luck.
Have fun Pinkberry. There's also milk.
Can you tell me what that was all about?
No idea. Why zegjij it, Don Juan?
Don Juan? We talked about monster cereal!
Good. Then be but someone who knows everything
obscure, except chess? E breakfast items, Max.
Lkwou just a milkshake!
Max. I'm so sorry.
Be Please do not be angry with me.
Kl'm not angry.
I just want to know what happened there.
Kl do not know. col...
Kl turned on. It was not about you.
It was that girl. They irritated me ongeloo? Gauge.
It went for ice cream, Evelyn. Ice cream.
You're right. Sorry. kl...
Sums wuxchk gewom 2o afraid
You're all I have and I do not want to lose.
You will not lose me, Ev.
Thank you. Go to hell.
Waarjij all in rehab!
Who dur? there Bloody Mary & apos; s call?
- Hey, sexy.
Hey, you think you can just
break at work?
I have a surprise voorje.
You will have no regrets.
- Really.
Kl'm on my way.
No, Max! Not on the carpet!
It is hypoallergenic and
I would like to keep it that way.
Min debt.
Why? Is it beautiful or is it beautiful?
Aahehs andexs
Well, our hat is 100% green?.
Oh, literally.
Do you like the color nice.
It is made of freshly cut wheat grass...
no solvent, gi ish metal
or fragile organic components?.
Amazing. At have you done with my posters?
No worries. Which lie in the slide? A.
Oh my God. This is a joke, right?
You have them geruTneerd.
Max, Please. They were not even in English.
Daus no 2nd geimpmeerdwarew
Well, they took all the space on the wall to complete.
They were in pristine condition.
Do you realize how much they were worth?
Kl there was an advance on
a shop to pay it!
Again that idea from that store.
And if we indeed have
at the redevelopment of the decision?
Kl living hair too, Max.
- I know, Evelyn, I know.
But these kinds of decisions we need to take together.
Well, it was the birthday of my mother
and I wanted to do something fun!
- Leave me alone, Max.
Come on.
Go away!
Travis no estoy aqui!
Kl said, & apos; no tengo el Rento & apos;
- Travis, open up. kl am.
Jesus, man, jig looks bad.
Yeah, well, since Ju mourning Pikbijter
me from you at banished...
I'm not getting laid
can go. kl am completely dry.
You look not fresh.
Do you get any food from her?
Tofu, tofu, tofu.
The whole time just tofu.
- Kl know. kl know.
Kl skip most meals.
Not this. kl think this
Twinkie is no longer edible.
Twinkies always good.
Yet though. Every four weeks.
Eek? "
- Daavnawmden 2nd again eehaax
I did not know..
You want what?
- Sure.
You need to do something about that girl, man.
Kl mean, she's bad voorjou
and for me. Especially for me.
That's hetjuist. Evelyn and I...
it is not working.
- Will you apart?
Well, Evelyn is a very sweet girl and...
the sex is... insane.
Oh jg?
But they can sometimes completely painted? are.
Kl think we no longer fit together.
When are you going to drop the born?
Kl will start ringing.
Kl never dumped anyone.
Kl was always dumped.
Damn, man. A girl dump
is the easiest to a relationship.
Make it out by SMS. That's fast, easy and...
depending on your tariff plan, perhaps even free.
Kl can not make it by SMS.
Do not you have unlimited text messages?
We 'omen same "
That's your fault, man.
I can not help you.
You're not going to help me?
Okay. This is what you should do.
Choose a public place. Somewhere with lots of people.
If they could talk and you between your legs start to kick
, then anyone can call an ambulance.
That's me several years ago
happened before.
Dahs "oh Nev" oh dam
Explore it a day in advance.
Make sure you know all the escape routes.
A good a? Ocht is crucial.
Do not worry, man. Evelyn is a strong girl.
Who will be right back on top.
Living Green or Hard Blogging
All blog hosting we save the world.
Hey, with me.
- Bye dear. What's up?
Yes. EH ii]?
Kl'm up to my ears blogging.
I have a surprise voorjou.
At is it?
Kl does not want to spoil it.
Can we see each other...
in the dog park within 30 minutes?
Oh my God. Ikweetwat it is.
J Ah jg?
E've sen puppy!
Wait. It's another one from a shelter, right?
Just come in 30 minutes, okay?
Okay. Max, you're the best boyfriend terwereld!
Call an ambulance. Call an ambulance!
Evelyn! Evelyn!
You had an accident. Do not move.
The ambulance is coming.
Do not let me down.
Kl am hair. kl am hair.
Kl will not die. kl do not want to leave.
That does not happen. Together forever, right?
Forever and ever.
Ev! Ev!
Evelyn! Please, Please. Evelyn.
Kl am voorje, brother. Okay?
The grief over the death of his wife...
became increasingly smart.
The house they had shared
so long together, a graft was Ombe?.
The beautiful flowers she had planted himself...
wilted to the lost blush of her cheek.
It Travis, man.
Open the door. kl know you're there.
Come on. kl swear I'm alone.
Do not make me use my keys.
All right, Max?
Apparently you have not had time
to put out all that stuff.
At? Too early?
- You're a dick.
Come on. You went
still break up with her?
Yep. And I have slain her instead.
That's bullshit and you know it.
Kl do not know.
Kl keep thinking that if...
I had persevered a little longer,
we would have found an equilibrium
We would have been happy again.
Kl refuse to let you talk like that and I refuse...
to let you rot in this legacy of your ex.
At should I do?
It's hard to mete
remember who I was before I met her.
Well, you liked going to the film and...
There happens to be a double bill
in the New Bevvanavond.
Will be fun.
Kl would like to you to go to the movies, but...
I actually have a date with that hot MILF, Jeanine.
Kl met her at Tinder and I would...
Use at the well.
It was worth a try.
Good to see you again, brother.
Hey, ladies, Max stands on the street and readiness.
Delivered from the bitter pain of eternal death.
The woman was corrupt and dead in her own life.
Oh, Lord have mercy on the dead...
and give peace and happiness to the living.
Hey, & apos; Fruit Brute & apos;! & Apos; & apos Fruit Brute?;
3 m "me ma meex" We "? Oh God,
Kl hit a mud figure.
No, no, anyway. & Apos; & apos;, I Scream correct?
Yes! Olivia.
Apparently Val Lewton fan.
Well, the guy took
what a B-movie could be...
Pure arthouse! kl know.
Isje girlfriend hair?
No. She sought out other resorts on.
Sow um "gebeurerx
Kl made it just out with my friend, because...
he suddenly decided to become
a reborn Christian.
Yes, my ex could be quite extreme.
Not like this. It was...
no smoking, no drinking, no sex.
Kl hit the north lost altogether. kl was so...
Would someone Here you go to bed with me!
Immediately, baby.
- Oh my God.
That was bad.
Well, it was nice to meet you.
Hebje to do something now?
Because, you know, I was thinking...
You've never had the milkshake. If you want.
And I did all my clothes
and I stood before him...
and I said, Either you take Jesus Either you take me.
He chose Jesus.
- Yes it is.
He was even a member of the Christian rock group.
Do you know their names? The Christian Slater.
That's so funny.
How did jig it out with your ex?
kl threw her as & apos; a little under a bus.
Kl still feel bad about it.
Now, if it may be a consolation...
She was rather touchy.
We were very different.
She would not even know the fraction
things we talked about tonight..
Apparently it was not destined to last.
Kl guess we better not talk about our exes.
It's bad luck or something.
Actually it helps a little.
Then I'm happy to help.
At other places.
At other places.
- Prom
You wanna do something fun?
- Goad dam
But promise you will not call me crazy
. Promise?
Kl promise.
- Okay.
Kl bowl haircut like. It's so peaceful and quiet.
You're crazy.
Come on, this is not just a cemetery.
This is the eternal Hollywood cemetery!
Do you know who is buried there hair?
Yes, at least one person.
Peter Lorre, John Huston...
Johnny Ramone!
How cool is not? Johnny Ramone.
That's pretty cool.
- Yep.
Hey, Max.
- At?
They're going to come up to Max.
They're going to come get it!
- Stop. Stop.
You know I ran the course in school?
- They're coming for you!
Kl komje get!
- That will do.
Kl get gaje.
Sorry. kl are you devour.
- No no.
Go Here you go by.
- Okay.
It's just that it's so long ago.
Yexl qmqm
But we'd better stop.
Really? We are both mature, right?
Right. Yes.
- Right.
But we would stop really better.
Exam Neejaje him...
- 3a
Better that we stop. kl must
morning open the shop and stuff.
Where do you work
- Bloody Mary & apos; s.
Come along. kl will give you a discount on
fake blood globules.
Okay. kl will remember.
Kl've had a very nice evening, Max.
Kl too.
You soon?
- Sure.
Okay. Bye.
- Challenge.
Thank you.
Oh. Thank you.
Kl knew you... oh damn!
That's not really a warm welcome, Max.
Kl'm just surprised some.
Give me a second.
This is just one of ashback
when you were lugs that paddds?.
It's cold hair. That is still my death.
Kl'm coming!
You go out that door open
and none shall stand.
Hey, Max! kl'm back.
- Just what I thought!
Wachywadkpeiach "
Stop Here you go! Stop, stop, stop.
- At matter, dear? Take me. At wrong?
At wrong? You died! kl saw you die!
I know! Really weird, huh?
- But how?
True love overvlint everything.
That makes no sense.
- Yes it is!
Do not you understand? Our love was given a second chance...
And we have to seize that opportunity.
Oh, no, that's really not necessary, Ev.
Oh my God.
- At?
You kept the carpet!
Well, yes. Why not?
You know what men are like.
Always exchange all for a newer model.
I would never do.
Good. Otherwise you would now be dead as a doornail!
Oh baby, I teasing you!
Kl'm so horny.
Let's play, baby.
Would not you take a shower first?
Kl mean, you've been dead for a while.
Only if you come.
You know I hate to go to bed with wet hair
At a sissy.
Kl will be fast.
- Neemje time.
Who's there?
- Olivia.
Oh, damn it!
Hold on. Hold on.
Here I am again.
- Hey, what a surprise.
Listen. kl thought about what you said.
At did I say? kl have a lot said.
About that we are both mature and stuff.
Right. That.
And I think... if I hetwil and alsjij hetwil...
Then I think... we should just go
there for, right?
Kl mean, eventually do go
it come from, right?
Well, what that betre?
I was perhaps a bit premature.
Amazing. Uh, sorry.
Kl just think... kl think we both...
more would enjoy
as what we expect.
Right. Okay.
You're probably thinking that I'm a slut ongeloo ijke?.
No, I really do not think you're a
ongeloo ijke slut?.
A little bit maybe.
- Not even a little.
Okay. Well, I...
Kl go just now.
- Yes.
We have no more shampoo, honey.
Who was that?
- Did you hear that?
The walls are thin over here.
Right. kl hate that.
- Kl thought them...
That's another reason why I think we should wait
Because you do not want the neighbors to hear us
butt filling...
as a bunch of horny hyena & apos; s
giving the night of cotton, you know?
Yes. No, I do not think that would be...
- Okay
Okay then.. I do you not see we
... Bye.
la. Bye.
- La 'dae "...
Wm was 6 and 0
So late?
Well, yes, if it absolutely must be
Well, I have a special delivery voorjou.
Are you sure you do not want to dry first?
No, the wetter the better, baby.
Oh, darn.
Man, that hurt, say.
Well, I never said I was gracefully.
May 3rd Mon smwen
Well, we said we would always be together for
That night in the shop.
Forever and ever.
Satanic Spirit.
That was ultimately no nonsense.
Kl was very wrong.
Ukwmd euk
Now, where we left off?
Balsemvioeistof. Disgusting.
Worst nightmare ever.
Come on. Min morning face is not so bad.
Sorry. kl'm just a nightmare.
Kl mean, I had a nightmare.
Did you sleep well?
- No second.
Kl bursting with energy, as if I
100 Red Bulls have been drinking.
And I made clean in an instant
. Lightning Fast.
Have we?
had Saks?
- 3a
No.. You fell? Ouch.
Your penis shriveled to a tiny, wrinkled sausage.
But now you're awake. Time to get up.
Evelyn, we'd better not eat breakfast first?
May strike some carbohydrates, some energy?
No, that's the craziest, even I'm not hungry.
Kl going to lose weight like crazy.
Dead is the best diet ever.
Hola, look how late it is.
Kl gate late at work.
No, no, no. Come first viuggertje.
Please, Evelyn. You just came back from the dead
. You deserve more than a viuggertje.
Okay, when did you get back?
I do not know, Halloween is coming.
It is very busy, so do not mind me.
Come on, Travis. Record.
We have T-shirts, suits, ties, belts.
Hey, baby, all of buttock went with a Viking?
Once a Norseman, always a Norseman.
Kl had told you not to call me
Travis, whatever you do, do not come back to my
Negative. kl blistering
have a hot date tonight with the centerfold...
of FHM this month
and she still lives with her parents.
It's Evelyn. She's back and she now sits in my? At.
Max, now do not say you've taken that trip
I left behind in the refrigerator.
Travis, I mean it!
She's back from the dead and they
thinks we are still together!
Okay, calm down. Within 10 to 12 hours it is worked out.
Do not operate heavy machinery...
Look, I gotta go, okay?
Kl have to go back to work.
Sit in a corner.
Listen to some music. I do not know.
Come on. You brought me into
the problems, you need me...
Oh, shit.
Rec "naax Hades.
The Touch "Nan Onwekmne Undead N...
by the Third Doctor Baron Romanoff.
Salt, flour, celery.
At? Parsley? Really? You're kidding.
Aconitum Lycotonum?
As if I have hair down.
& Apos; Law blow in the face & apos;. Okay.
You're going to die.
- Excuse me?
ON the day you die...
And then I stay all alone.
Kl there will still be spiritually or so.
You know I can not go on without you.
But if I change the way I...
Ev, think a little bit about what you're saying.
No, it's the only way
to stay together forever.
As we promised.
Then we can marry.
Buy a house. Hoping have children.
At is that thing?
Oh, this is called Ego Etiam MosTendoPiscisl?
A new recipe I wanted to try.
The hey? not really worked.
You silly boy. Seriously though...
Can I say no?
No, no. Nothing personal.
But I...
I would love to go dancing tonight.
- Well yes.
To celebrate your return.
Max, you've never been to a disco.
I know. But if I'm going to die, first
I still want some life.
Okay. Where?
No idea. Somewhere waarje not noticeable.
& Apos; CLUB DEATH & apos;
Your girlfriend is so Goth!
- Who does her makeup?
She is pure nature.
- Hey!
None thou irt with my boyfriend, Morticia!
At, you wanna fight? Come on, bitches!
Come on, baby. Let's knock back a few!
At drink for hair might make an elephant?
- Pour mar a dubbewn
Did you ever danced with & apos; & apos;? Green Fairy.
There's a first time for everything.
Careful, that stuff is lethal.
I'm still not so sure.
Another one.
- It's your funeral.
I've been on my list deleted.
Another one for the road.
3rd homde e lady
The gaatwel.
- Honey, hold me. I'm cold.
No, you're dead.
You're so funny.
Kots Alarm! Kots Alarm! Hold my hair down, darling.
Oh, darling, which & apos; Green Fee & apos; makes me dizzy!
Oh God, round two goes. Ding-ding-ding!
- Olivia.
At a coincidence?
- Yes.
Lsje friend okay?
Yes. A little too hearty partying.
She does not know when to stop, huh.
And that's only part of the story.
- Lkvoel my face.
All kits?
- Sure. Just...
We're going to check disco once, I
and my friends.
You can skip it. It's a dead deal.
Vatje him?
- Yes.
Jesus Mina anyway!
Is that the guy who looks down jig?
Oh my God. Stop. So rude.
Sorry, what they have drunk too much Breezers.
Well, duty calls.
Yes. Do maarwat to do.
- I will do.
You two are really no
do, you know?
This is so embarrassing!
Oh, darling, we love each other tonight
No, no, that's a filthy Sanchez.
A 'Rusted Trumpet' is when...
Oh, man.
Kick jig on that kind of perverted stuff?
No! But that might alsjij...
Are you necro become el, brother?
- She's not dead, Travis.
At least not in the traditional way.
Now help me to put her in bed.
Oh no, I do not touch that bitch.
Kl do it alone voorjou. But you
puts her back into the ground when you're done with her.
Do not have gloves?
- Please, Travis.
Sum .
Oh, damn it?!
At gingje do?
Did you draw a dick on my face?
Did you go stabbing my fingers in hot water?
's that smell?
Kl did in my pants.
- You did...?
Ev, kl was Travis to leave out.
You had a... hey, jig...
- Come hair.
You partying tonight really like an animal.
You should go rest beterwat.
Min back on. kl'm wide awake and
jig even better if you know what I mean.
Hey, amuseerje this.
Kl'll be right back.
Travis, wait!
At for voodoo was there, Max?
That was not me. kl swear...
You have a Tim Burton film in your living room!
Oh my God, she may
one of the geTnfecteerden.
Please tell me you used a condom
when you did it with her.
It's not contagious, Travis.
It's more like a...
'wishes until waarvoorje' thing.
If I were you I'd invest in an airtight
besmettingspak. Greetings!
3 gm ex gewom Vandom?
- Sawe "
You even will not help me!?
- Oh no.
Travis, she wants to kill me!
- I want all the girls early or late.
But I thought we were brothers!
- Half brothers!
Travis, tell me alsjebliefwat to do.
At your place in the steersmen
should have done. Dump her.
Kl just hope they do not
first eats your brain.
Good morning. kl I made breakfast.
Here. Sit down.
Kl used chocolate chips.
As in the IHOP.
Tuck. kl'm not hungry.
Well, have you thought about our conversation?
Forever and ever?
At wrong?
Well, ikvoel that between us...
a bit dufwordt.
- Bu?!
- Vewkeewdwumd. Sum
At are you saying?
Kl think before we as & apos; n
drastic step to take in our relationship
, we might be better...
pause for a moment?
Previously a breather.
You Make it out with me?
No! Just a breather.
I clawed myself from the grafvoorjou.
Do you know how hard it is to
claws yourself a grave?!
It's difficult vervioekt!
And there goes the advance.
You're unbelievable!
Ouch, Ev. That hurts.
Where do you get the lefvandaan
to ask me if I want a break?!
Okay, well, ikvraag if you want a break.
Because I'm worried that I do not
geefwat you need...
what you want, what you deserve.
And jig all deserve.
Oh, dear.
Do not be ridiculous.
You're the best lie e terwereld?.
You make me so happy.
Too tight.
You always loved violence.
Thank you. Go to hell.
Why do not you walk yourself to hell?!
I am already, sir.
Heavy night?
- Tough life.
Kl thought you would have
a hangover, so I brought something.
A proven family remedy.
Olivia, you're an angel from heaven.
It must be nice to have your own place.
ke bepaaMe eugenicists hours
your greeting customers as you want,
Your eating burgers wanneerje maarwil.
kajk mm em. "...
to sublet the space next to it.
If you know someone who is geTnteresseerd.
It would be a really great place
for a start-up, I think.
Kl knew someone, but...
I do not think he still chasing that dream.
That is unfortunate.
e gewom Suns tired
a chance benukexywee eweW
? Kl probably get better.
- Yes.
Who dur? there Bloody Mary & apos; s call?
Hey, baby!
Hi. kl am now quite busy.
Well, I thought of you and I wish you a call.
That's sweet. kl'm with a customer.
Kl love you!
- Great!
That's really great!
Deje hear what I said?
- Yeah yeah.
Kl told me of your ho...
Loud and clear.
Well, you do not go back to say it, Max?
Yes, even love you. Bye.
Min boss...
Yeah, you know... Stop this nonsense, Max.
Let me explain, okay?
No, how? nothing to explain.
Kl knows exactly what is going on.
I'm not so sure.
- It is obvious.
You're not overje ex back.
Kl do not, Olivia. She is.
She does not go out of my life.
Well, I'm not going to share it with someone else.
I tried with all my ex and...
you know how that ended, so.
Believe me, Olivia. kl see you really, really, really down.
Well, I can only so much rejection.
If you want to be with me, you will be with me.
You know, they exhibit & apos; Night of the Living Dead & apos;
Tomorrow night & apos; Hollywood Forever & apos;
And I'll be there alsje want to be with me.
And if not, no problem...
But it was nice to have known you.
Okay. Bye.
So you're saying that I need my ex 'herdoden?
Since your hair is not dur? dump,
you do not really have a choice.
Yes, but I tried it and they gave me the...
& apos; 28 Weeks Later & apos; treatment.
Listen. That girl in our? At Evelyn is not.
She Zombie Evelyn. She Zevelyn.
That's actually pretty cool.
Rental Rental
Travis esta en la biblioteca!
And w moehk an edema '
Kl saw how she was hit by a bus...
she broke her neck and she happy? going.
Bullet through the head.
This works in all those zombie? Lms.
No, no, no. kl am against firearms
Stake through the heart?
- She's not a vampire.
Electrocution. Bathtub. Hairdryer. And she's dead.
Kl would probably electrocute me himself.
Okay an 'even m "w we Nev
A good oudervletse decapitation will do it.
And easy too. Stalk her as she sleeps.
Evelyn does not sleep.
Then you just be creative.
You're not doing
I think you're doing?
And what would that be?
Do not play dumb, Max.
You're going to repaint the walls.
Caught. kl is that the color was
to fade, so I went...
add a new layer.
That's sweet, Max,
But you will have to wait until my yoga session is done.
Min chakra & apos; s must be synchronized
Since I came back, I can already
doing positions that I previously could not.
It's quite amazing.
At you doing, honey?
Kl bewonderje condition.
Barry & apos; s Chinese Food! The best deal in town!
Barry & apos; s Chinese Food!
Well, killer? That was quick.
Goad 2o '
Where is the blood which is the gore,
where are the guts?
Kl could not.
How, you could not
Someone is killing difficult.
- She's already dead, Max!
It does not matter whether she is alive or dead
, it is difficult!
Kl going Olivia tonight let
stand and that's that.
Kl Evelyn will let me eat and let me
turn into one of the living dead...
and will rot away unhappy forever.
Keep it on there.
Tonight you go to Olivia in the cemetery.
Kl told you, Travis,
I do not behead my ex.
Not you. Ikwel.
No. This is not your fight
I know, but I trade it off.
Kl really do not think you...
kl trade this off, okay?
Kl really do not understand why you have to go to work tonight.
Because it is very busy, Ev.
The night before Halloween is always heavy.
Racks supplement, pumpkins cut, hang cobwebs...
It seems so weird.
You never so busy when I was still alive...
That was the low season and now is the peak season.
Well, try early to get home.
Kl'll try, but I feel
it's going to be a long night.
Goodbye, Evelyn.
T wk dens' my
Are you sure you can handle it?
Do not worry, brother, I'll finish there.
Okay, I owe you a favor.
That's what we do. We are family. Come hair.
Success, Max.
- Thanks. You too.
He is not hair. Go home.
Kl was just my & apos; Gore Gore Girls & apos; Get
DVD. Max has him for months.
He can get you out tomorrow.
Not possible. kl departure on a long snowboarding trip.
Kl do not go back for New Year.
Day Evelyn. You look tonight additional gruesome.
Take your DVDs and scheerje way, dick.
Calm down, & apos; Thriller & apos; kl will be fast.
Nice AVMS VO0: an ZMK eiwm
ngd um m a dude bends mensem
I would not wish it otherwise?..
Shall we?
- We will.
Vomuk an up
Can not you come get it wanneerje're back?
- Why?
Because there is lonely.
Kl need afrukmateriaal.
You're really disgusting, you know that?
Lnsgelijks, sweetie.
Hallelujah! The Gore Gore Girls.
A Echle cullklassieker.
Amazing. Get out!
- No, no, I must test him.
Oh God, come say!
The last time I lent Max DVD,
I got him scarred back.
It looked like a game Blocks.
Kl was badly upset.
It was & apos; & apos;. Wild Things 2
Kl'm sure he's in good condition
. Now go away.
Two minutes, okay
Two minutes.
- Parole.
Two minutes.
- Yep.
Do you have any leftovers in the fridge?
At a Goddess. kl telling you,
as they do not make them.
Min pants tension occurs.
The hair is hot.
Enough! You porn is in good condition. Scheerje away now!
Calm down. This is the best part.
Here it comes!
o 'em mm
Is not that great?
kl heard that they used real brains.
The director is very invioedrijk.
Kl've suddenly as & apos; s strange pull.
Him w "
Help Help
Need hierweg
.!.!?. la
- Okay .
Sorry for the mess
- Not very
. It is good
Happy Halloween
- Sweets or I'll shoot...
Get off me, painted? E bitch!
You seem so upset, Travis.
Nibbles anything to you?
This is better not to my hips.
Oh, shit. Travis.
At there?
At, in, out and see you?
Kl did not think you were that person.
Kl must equally along with me to check something.
Kl laterwel call you, okay?
Kl go home, catch some extra sleep.
You've exhausted me.
You were indeed right.
- That it was worth the wait.
Kl told you.
- Max.
Kl was so worried.
Kl said I had to work.
Kl phoned. No one answered.
Yes, I've been busy. Sorry.
You changed your clothes.
Ah, yes. m...
Kl syrup spilled everywhere and I had to...
to the dry cleaners to pick it.
Did I miss something?
- No?
Kl've eaten. kl have cleared.
You've eaten?
But you never go hungry.
Well, I got hungry.
At have you done with him, Ev?
Where is hi]?
You ate at Travis.
You ate my brother.
Brother, Max.
And the lesser half, if you ask me.
We were family.
Kl now you're family. He was a total loser.
And he was not even nice.
I can not believe you did this.
No more games, Max.
You promised me that we would always be together for
It's time. kl promise...
it will not hurt too much.
You're right.
No more games. We do it.
no hair.
- Where?
Waarmmaa e gee "bad vdkapen and
I'm with you shortly.
And make a warm bath of it.
Nice and warm.
With bubbles.
Come on, baby! There are waiting a lot of bubbles on you.
Kl'm coming. kl am a bit of redecorating.
With the emergency service. At the emergency?
Kl would like to report a murder.
Stay on the line, because this sounds...
really awful bizarre, but my girlfriend...
came back from the dead
and then ate them my brother...
and Now she's going to eat me and...
Come on, Max. The water is cold.
Kl'm coming. kl care of my complexion.
Max, wear be " p ?
Kl thought it was done with games, Max.
Thanks for great night. Ben @
Scream. Drop by!
Kl devour gaje.
Naughty boy!
Kamemand me his "
Damn right. Please, say.
Kl sat on the loo! At that hair noise?
You might sit better
first, sir.
The entrance is on the other side
and we are closed, okay?
Trick or treat, hidden or not...
give me something or disappear into nothingness
Hey, we're closed. Are you deaf?
Hey. Cool costume.
Gee? snuep me, gee? me ma "...
give me something or you end up in the momentum!
Who be "iii
Kl am the resurrection
Do you kidding me, boy?
No, damn it! This is happening now.
Are you on drugs?
- No sir.
Can you alstublie?
send a patrol to mine? ate.
Preferably with agents who may very well shoot.
Attention, all units.
Lnbraak in a Milkshake Shop...
on the corner of Melrose and Heliotrope.
At idiot overtakes
one now Milkshake Shop?
Only a real lout does that.
Vervioekte junkies.
Oh, damn, Evelyn!
Think you can just steal my boyfriend...
Erje and that nothing is going to happen?!
' Mix:
Let her go, this is between you and me
You betrayed me with her
It's not, Ev
and let her go. I explain everything
You broke my heart, Max.
I know, Ev, but it is no longer true.
Now let her go.
Kl'm not going to ask again.
At haircut is going on, Max?
Olivia, this is Evelyn.
Min dead ex-girlfriend.
At? This?
You know, I hebje met before...
and when you were a bitch...
and now you're an even bigger bitch.
Evelyn, enough!
We were happy together, Max!
- No, Ev. We Datwaren not.
Kl was not very long.
Min debt. kl should break up.
Lmhaar now go
And then we can this time
really separate.
Kl do not understand.
Evelyn, we were not meant for each other.
You would never have been happy with me
because I would never have been happy.
Now it's time to go, Ev.
It's time to go naarje mom.
But I take you with me!
Oh my God, that's zowalgelijk.
You will not regret it, baby.
Not on the carpet.
Not At Work carpet.
Oh, not on the carpet. Not on the carpet.
Can not we go back to how it was?
To me you're dead.
In the brain, Max! The brain!
You bastard.
- And jig?
Yes. It is.
Olivia, c...
Max! Max!
7.0 gemakkeYqk Raahe mewan me ai
He said it was from...
jig stupid zombie bitch!
Aw, shit. Ouch.
Now maakMe ai
Both of you.
- Lndeed, woman!
Kl thought you were dead.
- Well, I'm back.
Oh, God.
Who be "iii
And who am jig
Kl'm Travis
Yes Excuse me, Olivia Travis
... Travis, this is Olivia
Yes, I have heard many overje
Jesus Christ, Max
How many zombies know jig or
Only these two
At now we do
We bury your ex
Olivia, the
I'm sorry I did not tell you earlier this
Ikwou really it was just...
kl did not know how
If I may of you, beloofik I...
Let's bury her and get out of here
Okay - Okay
Vaarvlel, Evelyn
NG THE EX new taste
... Here you go
Stay cool, guys:
Kl'm with you shortly.
Desired A devilishly good day.
- Hello.
How's business?
- Not bad. And jig?
So good it's scary.
Oh yeah? Why do you stand behind with the rent?
Because I have spent my money...
m 6mm
Why? At you think?
Max, my love
kl think we will be great partners.
If we still my brother
would get off the street.
Welcome to Olivia and Max & apos; s Cream-Atorium!
Hey, baby. All of buttock gone with a zombie?
With the undead it's always nice under the ground!
Burying THE EX
Oh my God.
- Disgusting.
Kl almost had to puke.