By Dawn (2019) Movie Script
Honey, wake up.
What happened?
Why are you on the floor?
Up you go.
I'm okay Kathleen.
It's okay.
It's okay.
You had the dream again?
You wanna talk about it?
Are you sure?
Because the doctor at the VA--
Damn it Kathleen, I said
I don't wanna talk about it.
Okay, I'm sorry.
I'll go get your pills.
I don't like 'em.
You know,
they make my head...
Just it feels funny
when I take 'em.
I know sweetheart but it also
helps keep your mind sharp.
I know.
It's just that it uh,
it puts me to sleep and,
and when I sleep things
happen, bad, bad things.
I just, I can't.
Not today.
But I need you to promise me
that you'll take them tomorrow.
I promise.
It's just sometimes, you know?
I know.
I just want you to get better.
I am,
I am.
- Mm.
- Mm hm.
- Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm.
- Mm hm, mm hm, mm hm.
Go back to sleep.
I'm gonna go check
on the kids.
Kathleen, I love you.
I love you too.
He's gone.
You can come out now.
Oh my God.
That was close.
I know too close.
I love you.
I love you too.
What is it?
I just wish your dad didn't
hate me so much.
He doesn't hate you Ryan,
he just doesn't like me
dating a Marine, that's it.
I don't get it.
I mean,
he was a Marine too.
And pretty soon
you'll be signing up.
He's just gonna have to deal
with us being together.
He does know you're
signing up, right?
He's got a lot going on
right now.
I'll tell him when
I'm ready, okay?
So don't say anything
to anyone.
What did happen
to him in Iraq?
He doesn't like to talk about it.
We don't really know.
Can we please
change the subject?
Yeah, okay.
I'm just glad you're back
even if it's only for a week.
Me too.
As long as you know
we're not having sex.
Yeah, of course.
I mean, I can wait.
Good, 'cause I'm not ready yet.
It looks bigger today.
I know.
Do you ever think they'll
figure out what it is?
I don't know.
My Dad thinks the government's
behind it.
I hope not.
Morning Mr. Peck.
Morning Olivia.
Wait, no.
Okay go.
Mornin' Ryan.
Uh, morning Mr. Peck.
Uh, I was just uh,
goin' for a morning run.
Oh yeah?
In your jeans and boots?
Uh, yeah.
I feel more comfortable
running in them.
Oh yeah, I understand.
Uh, well here I go.
Have a good run.
Thanks Mr. Peck.
It has been 24 hours
since the emergence
of the 32 black clouds
now hovering over
some of the major cities of
the world including New York
and Los Angeles.
Morning Daddy.
- There are reports
- Morning sweetheart.
- Of thousands injured
- What you watchin'?
while trying to flee
- The news.
- The inner city area
have created widespread panic
throughout the rest
of the country.
President Graham issued
a statement yesterday morning
from an undisclosed
location urging people
to stay home and not to panic.
What is the black cloud?
Where did it come from
and most importantly
why did it come here?
These are the questions
New Yorkers are asking themselves
and to help us answer
these questions,
live on the phone
from NASA here
is head astrophysicist
Dr. Michael Zimmerman.
Good morning Dr. Zimmerman.
Good morning Ed.
What is the black cloud?
Actually Ed,
we are no longer referring
to it by that name.
We are now calling it The Host.
Why The Host, Doctor?
After careful examination
we concluded that
the black cloud
is nothing more than a vessel,
a carrier of some sort.
Hidden within its core are four
DID's banded together
by a single circuitry board.
This technology is far
more advanced
than anything we've
seen before.
And just for the clarification
what does DID stand for?
DID stands for--
They are the life force
behind The Host.
To put it in simpler terms
they keep it alive.
Without them The Host
can't survive.
As far as its motive
for being here,
we're still trying
to determine that.
Our only objective is to eliminate
those DID's
and send The Host home
wherever that may be.
So it would be safe to assume
that there's a plan in the works,
Absolutely Ed,
and we are hoping to put that
into effect by dawn tomorrow.
That's about 18 hours from now.
Now what happens if you don't
meet the deadline?
Doctor, are you still with us?
I'm still here, Ed.
What'd happen if
you miss the deadline?
We're working diligently
to make sure that it doesn't
come to that.
But until such time I suggest
that people stay
in their homes,
lock their doors and windows
and if you're religious, pray.
All done Dad.
Come with me.
Dad, what's going on?
You remember this?
Yeah, you taught me how
to use it when I was 12.
Okay, show me.
That's my girl.
You don't have to use
it if you don't want to.
I just wanted you to know where
it is in case you need to.
I know and it's not that.
What is it then?
Do you really think it's gonna
come down to all of this?
I don't know but it's always
best to be prepared.
Now go on.
I'll be down in a few.
Tell Ryan to sleep in
his own bed next time.
CQCQCQ this is
W2DGL transmitting
from Westchester, New York.
Can anybody out there
hear me?
CQCQCQ this is
W2DGL transmitting
from Westchester, New York.
Can anybody out there
hear me?
W2DGL, this is KD2CAK
from Los Angeles, California.
How's it hangin' Westchester?
Oh, it is good to hear
your voice Los Angeles.
I've been tryin'
to reach somebody
since all hell broke loose.
Same here.
I guess today's
our unlucky day.
I'm Keith Strauss.
Kenneth Peck.
I didn't think anybody
used this stuff but me.
Me neither brother.
Thank God for ham radios,
Damn right.
Two tours in Afghanistan, you?
Three in Iraq.
How was it over there brother?
It's exactly what
you would expect.
Hell on Earth.
I hear ya all right?
KD2CAK do you copy?
KD2CAK do you copy?
Roar, roar.
Hey, would you guys go get
your father and sister?
You get your father and
you get your sister.
Now go.
What are you doing?
Get out you little creep!
Breakfast is ready!
Daddy are you in there?
Daddy, breakfast is ready.
Tell Mommy I'll be down,
in a minute, okay?
Roar, roar!
Everything okay?
Yeah, I'm good.
Kylie was doing the booty
dance for the computer.
Shut it Kelan.
You said booty.
I don't know what
he's talking about.
Who wants to say grace?
Why do have to always
say grace?
Because I say so young lady.
Who wants to say grace?
I do!
No, I do.
But you said it last time.
- So?
- Quiet.
Quiet you two.
Katie will say grace
and that's final.
Let us hold hands.
Dear Lord,
thankyou for the food
we are about to receive and,
Why is the sky red?
It's nothin' buddy.
Just a little storm comin'.
Go play with your
sister sweetheart.
You think he believed you?
He has no reason not to.
At some point we're going
to have to tell them
the truth Kenneth.
They're too young.
They won't understand.
I think the best thing to do
is act like everything
is normal.
There's nothing normal
about that sweetheart.
I know.
So this Dr. Zimmerman,
he thinks it's some kind of
space craft?
Yeah, something like that.
It's supposed to be carrying
these things called DID's.
I know that look.
What look?
That look.
Hey look, I don't think
Dr. Zimmerman
is being honest with the public.
What do you mean?
There's something else going
on here that he's not telling us.
Like what?
I don't know Kathleen butwhatever
it is it can't be good.
Oh, don't look at me that way.
I'm not crazy.
I didn't say that.
But that's what you
were thinking, right?
Okay, I'm sorry.
It's just you're talking about
a cover up Kenneth.
Why would he do that?
He wouldn't.
I don't understand.
The government.
What is that so hard to believe?
Come on.
Come with me.
Look, don't panic but I think
we're gonna be attacked.
Attacked by what?
Oh, Jesus.
Okay, okay we, we have
to get the kids
and we have to get as far away
from here as possible.
Look, look I said don't panic.
So what do we do?
Right now nothing.
We are safer in here then
we are out there, okay?
Are you sure about this?
Like how sure?
Pretty sure.
Like 80% sure or 85% sure?
Like 100% sure.
That's pretty sure.
I know.
So, are you in?
Are you seriously
contemplating whether
to have sex with me
right now?
Oh no, trust me I'm not.
It's just earlier you were so sure
that you weren't ready.
Can't a girl change her mind?
She can but...
What's goin' on?
Look, I don't wanna die
a virgin okay?
We're not gonna die Kylie.
You don't know that and
if this is
the last night on this planet then
I wanna have some sex.
Listen, you know how bad
I wanna be with you.
It's just that when
we do it I want
us to do it for the right reason,
and if we die by dawn
at least we'll be together.
Ryan, I'm ready.
You are?
Just be over by 10, okay?
Come in.
Hey Dad.
Hey sweetheart.
Everything okay?
Yeah, everything's fine.
Look Kylie,
if dawn comes and
they can't figure out
a way to stop whatever
this thing is,
I'm gonna need your
help keeping
your mother and the twins safe.
I know, I'm ready.
And should anything happen
to me I need you to--
I'm ready.
What's that?
What's what?
I was going to tell you and
Mom, I swear.
I just didn't get around to it
with everything that's
been going on.
We already talked about this.
You are not joining the Marines.
I wanna talk about it again.
Did he put you up to this?
- Who?
- You know who.
No Dad.
He's got nothing
to do with this.
Say something Dad, please.
What else is there to say?
It seems to me you already
made up your mind.
I want you to say it's
okay for me to enlist.
I can't do that and I won't.
Why not?
Because I think you're making
a big mistake.
You know Dad, of all people
I thought you would understand.
I'm sorry Kylie.
I cannot get onboard with this.
You are only 17.
Same age you were
when you enlisted.
Times were different
then sweetheart.
Trust me, I wish my parents had
talked me out of it.
Tell me, why do you wanna
be a Marine?
Because I think I can make
a difference.
Honey, you can make a difference
without being a Marine.
Oh come on Dad,
you know what I mean.
I wanna serve my country.
Like Ryan?
No Dad.
Like you.
Look Kylie, the Marines,
it's not all it's cracked up to be.
The things you see,
you experience in battle,
you just don't leave 'em over
there when it's over.
You take 'em home with you,
if you're lucky.
I just don't want that for you.
You're not 18 yet.
You still need our
permission to enlist,
and I won't give it.
A little more than 46 hours ago,
the world learned that we are
not alone in the universe.
As we near the dawn deadline
set by Dr. Zimmerman,
I'm hoping most
of you out there
took my advice and stocked up
on enough food
and supply and for
those who didn't,
I wish you good luck
all the same.
Oh, my, ladies and gentlemen,
my producer's just informed me
that Dr. Zimmermanwill
be calling
in any minute now to give us
an update.
Oh, he's on the phone
right now.
Good afternoon
Dr. Zimmerman.
Good afternoon Ed.
About half an hour
ago The Host
had gone through
a series of changes,
and as a result we can
now say for certain
that it is harboring not four but
rather five DID's,
and we have good reason
to believe
that this fifth DID is by far
the strongest of them.
What does it all mean Doctor?
It means that we get
ourselves ready
to defend our homes and
most importantly our country,
by any means necessary.
As for myself and
my colleagues here,
we will continue our efforts
to meet the dawn deadline.
Dr. Zimmerman?
I think we lost him.
Come in.
Let me guess.
Dad told you.
He did.
And I agree with him.
Hey, attitude.
We're your parents Kylie.
It's our instinct to protect you,
and I trust your
father's judgment.
Well, what about me?
What about what I want?
Doesn't that matter?
Look, just hang in there
a little longer okay?
You'll be 18 in six months
and then
you don't need
anybodies permission.
I know, but I washoping
to get it from you guys.
Well, I know it's not as important
as your dad's but,
you have mine.
Thank you Ma.
You're welcome sweetheart.
I love you.
I love you too.
How many did you get to?
My name is Lieutenant Colonel
Kenneth Steven Peck.
I was born June 17th, 1977
in Brooklyn, New York.
I have a beautiful wife.
Her name is Kathleen.
Together we have three
wonderful children,
Kylie, Katie and Kelan.
In just under 10 hours
we will be attacked.
By what exactly I don't know,
but what I do know is this.
Whatever they are they're
not going without a fight.
They've come too far
to leave empty handed.
The purpose of these recordings
is to leave some sort of proof
in case something happens
to me and my family.
Proof that they were not here
for our wellbeing.
Proof that they want to enslaveeach
and every one of us,
and until we--
You in here?
Give me a second.
You heard?
Yeah, I heard.
Thanks for the support
by the way.
Don't you think we should talk
about this?
Talk about what?
You already gave her the okay.
She was going to do it
anyway Kenneth.
Well she can do it
without my blessing.
Oh, she will.
Our daughter's very stubborn
in case you haven't noticed.
I wonder where she
gets that from.
Baby, is it really that surprising
to you that she wants
to join the Marines?
It's all she ever
talked about growing up.
Kylie worships you.
Can't you see that?
I just don't want her to go through
what I went through
and I can't understand why
you would want her to.
I don't sweetheart
but what can we do?
She's grown up.
We have to let her make
her own decisions
whether we think that
they're good or not.
We can't hold her
hands forever.
Do you really wanna carry
another burden on your shoulder?
What are you talking about?
Because that is exactly
what's gonna happen
when she comes back
all messed up.
Whoa, wait.
You think you're
a burden to me?
Honey, no.
I married you for
better or worse
and I would never
ever consider you
or one of our children a burden.
Look at me Kathleen.
I've been back a year
and I'm still not okay.
It's gonna get better,
you'll see.
Just, just give it time.
Damn it Kathleen,
you don't know
what it was like over there so,
stop pretending that you do.
Okay, but you don't need
to shout at me please.
You're fightin' a war
that nobody believes in.
Every day you wake up
and you pray
to God that somehow
you make it home
and then if God does grant you
that wish and you do
make it home,
you realize there
was nothing left
to come home to in
the first place.
So that's how you see me
and the kids?
As nothing?
You think I didn't suffer Kenneth?
You think I wasn't over there
serving with you?
'Cause I was every step
of the way.
Do you have any idea
what it was like
every time I heard a knock
at the door hoping,
praying to God that
it wasn't someone
from the Corp here to tell me
that you'd been killed, hm?
Do you?
And you have the nerve
to stand here
and tell me that you came
home to nothing.
I'm still here Kenneth.
Those kids are still here.
Nothing is everything.
Kathleen I'm sorry.
this is KD2CAK calling W2DTL.
Sorry I lost you.
It ain't no big deal brother.
How you holdin' up in your
neck of the woods?
We're hangin' in there.
I think I just put myself in
the doghouse with the wife.
I remember bein' there
a few times myself.
How long you been married?
20 years.
That's a life time man.
Any kids?
Two girls and a boy.
My oldest Kylie, she's 17.
She wants to be a Marine.
Divorced, one son.
He's 14, no he's 15.
Lives with his mother and her
husband somewhere in Chicago.
I'm sorry to hear that pal.
If you don't mind me askin',
what happened?
Fought with a squad on patrol.
I reordered an IED.
Two guys died instantly.
Third one lost an eye.
Me, I went head first into
the side of the truck.
When I got back to the States
I stared having these migraines.
I'd get dizzy, I even blacked out
a few times.
I tried takin' these prescription pills,
got hurt.
Guess it was too much
for her to handle.
She filed for divorce and got
custody of our son.
Gives a whole new meaning
to the term
for better or for worse don't it?
Yeah, I guess it does.
But you seem to have lucked
out in that department.
I am.
She's one of the good ones.
Then make sure you
apologize later.
Will do my friend.
You there brother?
Yeah, I'm here.
So uh, what's your boy's
name anyway?
His name's Calvin.
Well I hope wherever Calvin is,
he knows his father is a hero.
You there KD2CAK?
I'm sorry baby.
It's not like I wasn't
expecting it.
So what now?
Nothing's changed.
I'm still going to enlist.
So, did you get it?
I got it.
Well, let me see it.
Are you serious?
Yeah, I wanna see it.
It's cheery flavor.
What are you up to?
Will it work?
I think so.
You think so?
Babe, I don't know.
I've never used one...
Ryan, quit playing.
Don't open the door.
Don't open the door Ryan!
Something's going on
with Ryan.
What the hell?
Please go back inside.
Baby no!
Dad, something happened
to Ryan.
Something happened to Ryan.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
Are you okay?
What happened?
What happened?
Why are you crying?
I'm fine.
She's fine.
Where are the twins?
They're downstairs playing.
Go be, go stay with them.
Kathleen please, just do it.
Kylie, I need you to go too.
I wanna stay here
with you and help.
I know, but I need you
to go downstairs
and watch your mother
and the twins, okay?
Just like we talked about earlier.
It's okay.
I'll be fine.
Come on honey.
The sightings of strange beings
guarding peoples doors have--
How is she?
She's okay considering.
Kylie's tough,
she'll pull through.
What happened to Ryan,
I don't know.
And it's not just him.
What do you mean?
They got Jessica from
across the street too.
Oh, Jesus.
And they woulda had me
if Kylie hadn't,
hadn't been there.
What is it?
I wanna show you somethin'.
Look into that peephole.
It's okay.
Go on, look.
That thing called Ryan
and Jessica?
One like it, yeah.
What do you mean one like it?
How many more are there?
Okay, okay,
we need to go.
We need to get the
kids and we need
to get out of here.
Kathleen, no, no, no.
Calm down.
You know, I never should've
listened to you.
I should've taken the kids and
I should've left.
Okay keep,
keep your voice down.
You can stay here
if you want to
but I am leaving and
I'm taking the kids.
come with me we're going!
Get some things
and come down!
And go where exactly?
I don't know Kenneth.
Anywhere away from this thing
that's on our doorstep.
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay,
okay just breathe.
Just breathe.
It's okay just, just take the kids
and go upstairs.
It's okay.
Go on.
There's nowhere else to go hon.
Those things are everywhere.
So what's the plan?
This is our home.
Our children's home.
We stay here,
we hold our ground.
It'll be okay.
I promise.
I didn't mean what I said.
You and the kids are my life.
You're everything.
I wouldn't trade them for
anything in the world.
Come with me.
Honey, what is all this?
This is your standard six shot.
357 Magnum revolver.
- Why are you telling me this?
- This is the trigger.
This is the cylinder.
Kathleen please, don't interrupt.
this is where the bullet go.
I really don't--
Give me your hand.
Kathleen please.
Honey, you know I don't
like these things.
I know but this is important.
Now hold it tight.
I don't want to.
Kathleen please, just do
what I ask you for once.
Now put your index finger
on the trigger.
No, just, just take it,
just take it.
I'm sorry.
Kathleen, what those things
did to Ryan and Jessica,
I don't want that to happen
to our children.
What are you saying to me?
Kenneth, you're really
scaring me.
Kathleen, please just listen.
If those things, if they get in here
and I can't stop them,
I need you to bring the children
to the basement,
and I need you to shoot them
in the head.
No, no.
Kathleen promise me, please.
Promise me.
I won't do it.
I won't hurt our children.
Kathleen please.
Our children cannot die
so horribly.
How dare you.
Let's pray.
No what?
No, I don't wanna pray.
Come on sweetie, we always
give thanks before dinner.
Yeah Mom?
What is it exactly
we're giving thanks to?
Jesus fucking Christ!
Hey, watch your mouth.
Oh, come on Dad.
You don't even believe
in this bullshit.
There are people
out there dying.
People like Ryan who were
sitting here having dinner
like everything is fucking normal!
I'll go, I'll go.
Guys it's okay,
it's okay, it's okay.
Let's have dinner.
Can I come in?
I'm sorry about Ryan.
He was a good kid.
I liked him a lot.
For what it's worth he would've
made one hell of a Marine.
He loved me Daddy.
I know.
But you know somethin'?
Ryan was not the first boy
to love you and he will
not be the last.
I'm sorry I ruined dinner.
It's okay sweetheart.
Hey, there'll be plenty more
for you to walk out
in the future.
Do you really believe that after
everything we saw today?
I do.
And I'll make you a promise.
As long as I am alive,
nothing will happen to our family.
You want me to bring
you up a plate?
No thanks, I'm not hungry.
But you can bring me the gun
because I'm gonna kill
every fucking last one
of those things.
You're gonna make a fine
Marine sweetheart.
That's all you're gonna say?
Okay, what?
Less than an hour ago
you asked me
to kill our children and now
you're standing here
and acting like
everything's okay.
You're right.
I shouldn't have done that,
I'm sorry.
Don't you ever ask me to do
anything like that again,
you hear?
Loud and clear.
Roar, roar.
Roar, roar!
Roar, roar!
Okay guys, time for bed.
No, not yet.
Can we have five more
minutes Kylie, please?
Please Kylie?
Okay, okay.
Five more minutes.
But on one condition.
I get to play too.
Are you feeling better?
Yeah, much.
I'm sorry for going into your
room without knocking.
It's okay, I forgive you.
Now who am I?
You can be the grandma.
at least I'm a hot grandma.
Is this the husband?
Okay, good.
CQCQCQ this is W2DGL
calling KD2CAK.
I'm here brother.
How'd you do with the wife?
All good my friend.
I've been forgiven.
That's great man.
Life's too short for that and
I mean that literally.
I hear ya.
How you'd holdin' up?
Tryin' to keep my head up
as dawn approaches.
Same here man.
I think it's the time
we face the facts
and get ourselves ready for
the fight of our lives.
My light it's,
it's flickering.
Mine too.
And so it begins.
It's been nice talking
to you my friend.
Likewise brother.
Until we meet again in this life
or the next.
Amen to that.
Take care my friend.
You too brother,
and be careful.
Careful is what we do, right?
This is W2DGL.
Honey, wake up.
What happened?
Where are the kids?
The kids are fine.
They're upstairs sleeping.
What's going on?
Why are you dressed
like that?
They're not gonna
make the deadline.
No, there's still time.
If they couldn't figure
it out in two hours
they're not gonna figure
it out within the hour.
We need to get ready.
I'll go get the kids.
I need you to reconsider what
we spoke about earlier,
now more than ever.
At 0500 they're gonna
come for me.
They're gonna come
for all of us.
I know a lot of you out there
are afraid
and you have every right
to be afraid
because we are dealing with
a very powerful enemy.
But trust me when I tell you
they can be defeated.
A lot of lives will be lost.
A lot of lives have
already been lost.
But this is war and
in war people die.
It is an acceptable
risk for our freedom,
and that's what this battle
will be fought for.
Our freedom.
Remember when they come
they'll come in packs.
First thing they'll do
is inject poison
into your veins in order
to paralyze you
and gain control of
your mind and body.
One day someone
will find this recording,
and I hope they put them
to good use
because this war will continue
long after I am gone.
My name is Lieutenant Colonel
Kenneth Steven Peck.
United States Marine Corps.
This will be my final recording.
I love you.
I love you too.
Get up.
Hey, wake up.
Hey wake up Kelan.
We're gonna go downstairs
to the basement okay?
I love the basement.
I know you do.
I know you do.
Come here.
Hey, oh sleepyhead.
Get down.
Get around the corner.
Go guys, go.
Shh, it's okay.
It's okay.
Kenneth, what are you doing?
I got it Mom.
It's all right.
Shh, shh, shh.
Kylie, go.
Go watch your mother
and the twins.
Shh, shh.
Just calm down Mr. Peck.
Hey, hey.
You gotta calm down
Mr. Peck.
Don't listen.
Don't listen to him.
They wanna kill you.
That's not true Mr. Peck.
No one wants to hurt you.
Don't worry,
brother I got your back.
Don't listen to the voices
Mr. Peck.
Fight them.
He's, he's lying.
He wants to hurt us.
I won't let anybody hurt you.
You will not hurt my Kylie!
You, and me!
You will not hurt my family.
Cox, get him.
They're gonna kill us like
they killed Ryan.
Ryan is fine Mr. Peck.
Look, look, look!
He's doing just fine.
You know why?
Because he took
his medication
like he should.
We're all gonna die.
Every last one of us.
Leave Kathleen.
Think of the children.
There is no Kathleen
Mr. Peck.
There's no Keith and you don't
have any children.
Don't close your eyes.
Don't fall asleep.
In addition to suffering
from post traumatic
stress disorder,
Mr. Peck suffer from DID.
Dissociative identity disorder.
He thinks his family is real.
Now I realize you've only
been here a week,
but it imperative
that Mr. Peck
not miss his daily dose
of medication.
I'm sorry Dr. Zimmerman.
It won't happen again.
Well let's see that
it doesn't because that...
Honey, wake up.
What happened?
Why are you on the floor?
Up you go.
I'm okay Kathleen.
It's okay.
It's okay.
You had the dream again?
You wanna talk about it?
Are you sure?
Because the doctor at the VA--
Damn it Kathleen, I said
I don't wanna talk about it.
Okay, I'm sorry.
I'll go get your pills.
I don't like 'em.
You know,
they make my head...
Just it feels funny
when I take 'em.
I know sweetheart but it also
helps keep your mind sharp.
I know.
It's just that it uh,
it puts me to sleep and,
and when I sleep things
happen, bad, bad things.
I just, I can't.
Not today.
But I need you to promise me
that you'll take them tomorrow.
I promise.
It's just sometimes, you know?
I know.
I just want you to get better.
I am,
I am.
- Mm.
- Mm hm.
- Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm.
- Mm hm, mm hm, mm hm.
Go back to sleep.
I'm gonna go check
on the kids.
Kathleen, I love you.
I love you too.
He's gone.
You can come out now.
Oh my God.
That was close.
I know too close.
I love you.
I love you too.
What is it?
I just wish your dad didn't
hate me so much.
He doesn't hate you Ryan,
he just doesn't like me
dating a Marine, that's it.
I don't get it.
I mean,
he was a Marine too.
And pretty soon
you'll be signing up.
He's just gonna have to deal
with us being together.
He does know you're
signing up, right?
He's got a lot going on
right now.
I'll tell him when
I'm ready, okay?
So don't say anything
to anyone.
What did happen
to him in Iraq?
He doesn't like to talk about it.
We don't really know.
Can we please
change the subject?
Yeah, okay.
I'm just glad you're back
even if it's only for a week.
Me too.
As long as you know
we're not having sex.
Yeah, of course.
I mean, I can wait.
Good, 'cause I'm not ready yet.
It looks bigger today.
I know.
Do you ever think they'll
figure out what it is?
I don't know.
My Dad thinks the government's
behind it.
I hope not.
Morning Mr. Peck.
Morning Olivia.
Wait, no.
Okay go.
Mornin' Ryan.
Uh, morning Mr. Peck.
Uh, I was just uh,
goin' for a morning run.
Oh yeah?
In your jeans and boots?
Uh, yeah.
I feel more comfortable
running in them.
Oh yeah, I understand.
Uh, well here I go.
Have a good run.
Thanks Mr. Peck.
It has been 24 hours
since the emergence
of the 32 black clouds
now hovering over
some of the major cities of
the world including New York
and Los Angeles.
Morning Daddy.
- There are reports
- Morning sweetheart.
- Of thousands injured
- What you watchin'?
while trying to flee
- The news.
- The inner city area
have created widespread panic
throughout the rest
of the country.
President Graham issued
a statement yesterday morning
from an undisclosed
location urging people
to stay home and not to panic.
What is the black cloud?
Where did it come from
and most importantly
why did it come here?
These are the questions
New Yorkers are asking themselves
and to help us answer
these questions,
live on the phone
from NASA here
is head astrophysicist
Dr. Michael Zimmerman.
Good morning Dr. Zimmerman.
Good morning Ed.
What is the black cloud?
Actually Ed,
we are no longer referring
to it by that name.
We are now calling it The Host.
Why The Host, Doctor?
After careful examination
we concluded that
the black cloud
is nothing more than a vessel,
a carrier of some sort.
Hidden within its core are four
DID's banded together
by a single circuitry board.
This technology is far
more advanced
than anything we've
seen before.
And just for the clarification
what does DID stand for?
DID stands for--
They are the life force
behind The Host.
To put it in simpler terms
they keep it alive.
Without them The Host
can't survive.
As far as its motive
for being here,
we're still trying
to determine that.
Our only objective is to eliminate
those DID's
and send The Host home
wherever that may be.
So it would be safe to assume
that there's a plan in the works,
Absolutely Ed,
and we are hoping to put that
into effect by dawn tomorrow.
That's about 18 hours from now.
Now what happens if you don't
meet the deadline?
Doctor, are you still with us?
I'm still here, Ed.
What'd happen if
you miss the deadline?
We're working diligently
to make sure that it doesn't
come to that.
But until such time I suggest
that people stay
in their homes,
lock their doors and windows
and if you're religious, pray.
All done Dad.
Come with me.
Dad, what's going on?
You remember this?
Yeah, you taught me how
to use it when I was 12.
Okay, show me.
That's my girl.
You don't have to use
it if you don't want to.
I just wanted you to know where
it is in case you need to.
I know and it's not that.
What is it then?
Do you really think it's gonna
come down to all of this?
I don't know but it's always
best to be prepared.
Now go on.
I'll be down in a few.
Tell Ryan to sleep in
his own bed next time.
CQCQCQ this is
W2DGL transmitting
from Westchester, New York.
Can anybody out there
hear me?
CQCQCQ this is
W2DGL transmitting
from Westchester, New York.
Can anybody out there
hear me?
W2DGL, this is KD2CAK
from Los Angeles, California.
How's it hangin' Westchester?
Oh, it is good to hear
your voice Los Angeles.
I've been tryin'
to reach somebody
since all hell broke loose.
Same here.
I guess today's
our unlucky day.
I'm Keith Strauss.
Kenneth Peck.
I didn't think anybody
used this stuff but me.
Me neither brother.
Thank God for ham radios,
Damn right.
Two tours in Afghanistan, you?
Three in Iraq.
How was it over there brother?
It's exactly what
you would expect.
Hell on Earth.
I hear ya all right?
KD2CAK do you copy?
KD2CAK do you copy?
Roar, roar.
Hey, would you guys go get
your father and sister?
You get your father and
you get your sister.
Now go.
What are you doing?
Get out you little creep!
Breakfast is ready!
Daddy are you in there?
Daddy, breakfast is ready.
Tell Mommy I'll be down,
in a minute, okay?
Roar, roar!
Everything okay?
Yeah, I'm good.
Kylie was doing the booty
dance for the computer.
Shut it Kelan.
You said booty.
I don't know what
he's talking about.
Who wants to say grace?
Why do have to always
say grace?
Because I say so young lady.
Who wants to say grace?
I do!
No, I do.
But you said it last time.
- So?
- Quiet.
Quiet you two.
Katie will say grace
and that's final.
Let us hold hands.
Dear Lord,
thankyou for the food
we are about to receive and,
Why is the sky red?
It's nothin' buddy.
Just a little storm comin'.
Go play with your
sister sweetheart.
You think he believed you?
He has no reason not to.
At some point we're going
to have to tell them
the truth Kenneth.
They're too young.
They won't understand.
I think the best thing to do
is act like everything
is normal.
There's nothing normal
about that sweetheart.
I know.
So this Dr. Zimmerman,
he thinks it's some kind of
space craft?
Yeah, something like that.
It's supposed to be carrying
these things called DID's.
I know that look.
What look?
That look.
Hey look, I don't think
Dr. Zimmerman
is being honest with the public.
What do you mean?
There's something else going
on here that he's not telling us.
Like what?
I don't know Kathleen butwhatever
it is it can't be good.
Oh, don't look at me that way.
I'm not crazy.
I didn't say that.
But that's what you
were thinking, right?
Okay, I'm sorry.
It's just you're talking about
a cover up Kenneth.
Why would he do that?
He wouldn't.
I don't understand.
The government.
What is that so hard to believe?
Come on.
Come with me.
Look, don't panic but I think
we're gonna be attacked.
Attacked by what?
Oh, Jesus.
Okay, okay we, we have
to get the kids
and we have to get as far away
from here as possible.
Look, look I said don't panic.
So what do we do?
Right now nothing.
We are safer in here then
we are out there, okay?
Are you sure about this?
Like how sure?
Pretty sure.
Like 80% sure or 85% sure?
Like 100% sure.
That's pretty sure.
I know.
So, are you in?
Are you seriously
contemplating whether
to have sex with me
right now?
Oh no, trust me I'm not.
It's just earlier you were so sure
that you weren't ready.
Can't a girl change her mind?
She can but...
What's goin' on?
Look, I don't wanna die
a virgin okay?
We're not gonna die Kylie.
You don't know that and
if this is
the last night on this planet then
I wanna have some sex.
Listen, you know how bad
I wanna be with you.
It's just that when
we do it I want
us to do it for the right reason,
and if we die by dawn
at least we'll be together.
Ryan, I'm ready.
You are?
Just be over by 10, okay?
Come in.
Hey Dad.
Hey sweetheart.
Everything okay?
Yeah, everything's fine.
Look Kylie,
if dawn comes and
they can't figure out
a way to stop whatever
this thing is,
I'm gonna need your
help keeping
your mother and the twins safe.
I know, I'm ready.
And should anything happen
to me I need you to--
I'm ready.
What's that?
What's what?
I was going to tell you and
Mom, I swear.
I just didn't get around to it
with everything that's
been going on.
We already talked about this.
You are not joining the Marines.
I wanna talk about it again.
Did he put you up to this?
- Who?
- You know who.
No Dad.
He's got nothing
to do with this.
Say something Dad, please.
What else is there to say?
It seems to me you already
made up your mind.
I want you to say it's
okay for me to enlist.
I can't do that and I won't.
Why not?
Because I think you're making
a big mistake.
You know Dad, of all people
I thought you would understand.
I'm sorry Kylie.
I cannot get onboard with this.
You are only 17.
Same age you were
when you enlisted.
Times were different
then sweetheart.
Trust me, I wish my parents had
talked me out of it.
Tell me, why do you wanna
be a Marine?
Because I think I can make
a difference.
Honey, you can make a difference
without being a Marine.
Oh come on Dad,
you know what I mean.
I wanna serve my country.
Like Ryan?
No Dad.
Like you.
Look Kylie, the Marines,
it's not all it's cracked up to be.
The things you see,
you experience in battle,
you just don't leave 'em over
there when it's over.
You take 'em home with you,
if you're lucky.
I just don't want that for you.
You're not 18 yet.
You still need our
permission to enlist,
and I won't give it.
A little more than 46 hours ago,
the world learned that we are
not alone in the universe.
As we near the dawn deadline
set by Dr. Zimmerman,
I'm hoping most
of you out there
took my advice and stocked up
on enough food
and supply and for
those who didn't,
I wish you good luck
all the same.
Oh, my, ladies and gentlemen,
my producer's just informed me
that Dr. Zimmermanwill
be calling
in any minute now to give us
an update.
Oh, he's on the phone
right now.
Good afternoon
Dr. Zimmerman.
Good afternoon Ed.
About half an hour
ago The Host
had gone through
a series of changes,
and as a result we can
now say for certain
that it is harboring not four but
rather five DID's,
and we have good reason
to believe
that this fifth DID is by far
the strongest of them.
What does it all mean Doctor?
It means that we get
ourselves ready
to defend our homes and
most importantly our country,
by any means necessary.
As for myself and
my colleagues here,
we will continue our efforts
to meet the dawn deadline.
Dr. Zimmerman?
I think we lost him.
Come in.
Let me guess.
Dad told you.
He did.
And I agree with him.
Hey, attitude.
We're your parents Kylie.
It's our instinct to protect you,
and I trust your
father's judgment.
Well, what about me?
What about what I want?
Doesn't that matter?
Look, just hang in there
a little longer okay?
You'll be 18 in six months
and then
you don't need
anybodies permission.
I know, but I washoping
to get it from you guys.
Well, I know it's not as important
as your dad's but,
you have mine.
Thank you Ma.
You're welcome sweetheart.
I love you.
I love you too.
How many did you get to?
My name is Lieutenant Colonel
Kenneth Steven Peck.
I was born June 17th, 1977
in Brooklyn, New York.
I have a beautiful wife.
Her name is Kathleen.
Together we have three
wonderful children,
Kylie, Katie and Kelan.
In just under 10 hours
we will be attacked.
By what exactly I don't know,
but what I do know is this.
Whatever they are they're
not going without a fight.
They've come too far
to leave empty handed.
The purpose of these recordings
is to leave some sort of proof
in case something happens
to me and my family.
Proof that they were not here
for our wellbeing.
Proof that they want to enslaveeach
and every one of us,
and until we--
You in here?
Give me a second.
You heard?
Yeah, I heard.
Thanks for the support
by the way.
Don't you think we should talk
about this?
Talk about what?
You already gave her the okay.
She was going to do it
anyway Kenneth.
Well she can do it
without my blessing.
Oh, she will.
Our daughter's very stubborn
in case you haven't noticed.
I wonder where she
gets that from.
Baby, is it really that surprising
to you that she wants
to join the Marines?
It's all she ever
talked about growing up.
Kylie worships you.
Can't you see that?
I just don't want her to go through
what I went through
and I can't understand why
you would want her to.
I don't sweetheart
but what can we do?
She's grown up.
We have to let her make
her own decisions
whether we think that
they're good or not.
We can't hold her
hands forever.
Do you really wanna carry
another burden on your shoulder?
What are you talking about?
Because that is exactly
what's gonna happen
when she comes back
all messed up.
Whoa, wait.
You think you're
a burden to me?
Honey, no.
I married you for
better or worse
and I would never
ever consider you
or one of our children a burden.
Look at me Kathleen.
I've been back a year
and I'm still not okay.
It's gonna get better,
you'll see.
Just, just give it time.
Damn it Kathleen,
you don't know
what it was like over there so,
stop pretending that you do.
Okay, but you don't need
to shout at me please.
You're fightin' a war
that nobody believes in.
Every day you wake up
and you pray
to God that somehow
you make it home
and then if God does grant you
that wish and you do
make it home,
you realize there
was nothing left
to come home to in
the first place.
So that's how you see me
and the kids?
As nothing?
You think I didn't suffer Kenneth?
You think I wasn't over there
serving with you?
'Cause I was every step
of the way.
Do you have any idea
what it was like
every time I heard a knock
at the door hoping,
praying to God that
it wasn't someone
from the Corp here to tell me
that you'd been killed, hm?
Do you?
And you have the nerve
to stand here
and tell me that you came
home to nothing.
I'm still here Kenneth.
Those kids are still here.
Nothing is everything.
Kathleen I'm sorry.
this is KD2CAK calling W2DTL.
Sorry I lost you.
It ain't no big deal brother.
How you holdin' up in your
neck of the woods?
We're hangin' in there.
I think I just put myself in
the doghouse with the wife.
I remember bein' there
a few times myself.
How long you been married?
20 years.
That's a life time man.
Any kids?
Two girls and a boy.
My oldest Kylie, she's 17.
She wants to be a Marine.
Divorced, one son.
He's 14, no he's 15.
Lives with his mother and her
husband somewhere in Chicago.
I'm sorry to hear that pal.
If you don't mind me askin',
what happened?
Fought with a squad on patrol.
I reordered an IED.
Two guys died instantly.
Third one lost an eye.
Me, I went head first into
the side of the truck.
When I got back to the States
I stared having these migraines.
I'd get dizzy, I even blacked out
a few times.
I tried takin' these prescription pills,
got hurt.
Guess it was too much
for her to handle.
She filed for divorce and got
custody of our son.
Gives a whole new meaning
to the term
for better or for worse don't it?
Yeah, I guess it does.
But you seem to have lucked
out in that department.
I am.
She's one of the good ones.
Then make sure you
apologize later.
Will do my friend.
You there brother?
Yeah, I'm here.
So uh, what's your boy's
name anyway?
His name's Calvin.
Well I hope wherever Calvin is,
he knows his father is a hero.
You there KD2CAK?
I'm sorry baby.
It's not like I wasn't
expecting it.
So what now?
Nothing's changed.
I'm still going to enlist.
So, did you get it?
I got it.
Well, let me see it.
Are you serious?
Yeah, I wanna see it.
It's cheery flavor.
What are you up to?
Will it work?
I think so.
You think so?
Babe, I don't know.
I've never used one...
Ryan, quit playing.
Don't open the door.
Don't open the door Ryan!
Something's going on
with Ryan.
What the hell?
Please go back inside.
Baby no!
Dad, something happened
to Ryan.
Something happened to Ryan.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
Are you okay?
What happened?
What happened?
Why are you crying?
I'm fine.
She's fine.
Where are the twins?
They're downstairs playing.
Go be, go stay with them.
Kathleen please, just do it.
Kylie, I need you to go too.
I wanna stay here
with you and help.
I know, but I need you
to go downstairs
and watch your mother
and the twins, okay?
Just like we talked about earlier.
It's okay.
I'll be fine.
Come on honey.
The sightings of strange beings
guarding peoples doors have--
How is she?
She's okay considering.
Kylie's tough,
she'll pull through.
What happened to Ryan,
I don't know.
And it's not just him.
What do you mean?
They got Jessica from
across the street too.
Oh, Jesus.
And they woulda had me
if Kylie hadn't,
hadn't been there.
What is it?
I wanna show you somethin'.
Look into that peephole.
It's okay.
Go on, look.
That thing called Ryan
and Jessica?
One like it, yeah.
What do you mean one like it?
How many more are there?
Okay, okay,
we need to go.
We need to get the
kids and we need
to get out of here.
Kathleen, no, no, no.
Calm down.
You know, I never should've
listened to you.
I should've taken the kids and
I should've left.
Okay keep,
keep your voice down.
You can stay here
if you want to
but I am leaving and
I'm taking the kids.
come with me we're going!
Get some things
and come down!
And go where exactly?
I don't know Kenneth.
Anywhere away from this thing
that's on our doorstep.
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay,
okay just breathe.
Just breathe.
It's okay just, just take the kids
and go upstairs.
It's okay.
Go on.
There's nowhere else to go hon.
Those things are everywhere.
So what's the plan?
This is our home.
Our children's home.
We stay here,
we hold our ground.
It'll be okay.
I promise.
I didn't mean what I said.
You and the kids are my life.
You're everything.
I wouldn't trade them for
anything in the world.
Come with me.
Honey, what is all this?
This is your standard six shot.
357 Magnum revolver.
- Why are you telling me this?
- This is the trigger.
This is the cylinder.
Kathleen please, don't interrupt.
this is where the bullet go.
I really don't--
Give me your hand.
Kathleen please.
Honey, you know I don't
like these things.
I know but this is important.
Now hold it tight.
I don't want to.
Kathleen please, just do
what I ask you for once.
Now put your index finger
on the trigger.
No, just, just take it,
just take it.
I'm sorry.
Kathleen, what those things
did to Ryan and Jessica,
I don't want that to happen
to our children.
What are you saying to me?
Kenneth, you're really
scaring me.
Kathleen, please just listen.
If those things, if they get in here
and I can't stop them,
I need you to bring the children
to the basement,
and I need you to shoot them
in the head.
No, no.
Kathleen promise me, please.
Promise me.
I won't do it.
I won't hurt our children.
Kathleen please.
Our children cannot die
so horribly.
How dare you.
Let's pray.
No what?
No, I don't wanna pray.
Come on sweetie, we always
give thanks before dinner.
Yeah Mom?
What is it exactly
we're giving thanks to?
Jesus fucking Christ!
Hey, watch your mouth.
Oh, come on Dad.
You don't even believe
in this bullshit.
There are people
out there dying.
People like Ryan who were
sitting here having dinner
like everything is fucking normal!
I'll go, I'll go.
Guys it's okay,
it's okay, it's okay.
Let's have dinner.
Can I come in?
I'm sorry about Ryan.
He was a good kid.
I liked him a lot.
For what it's worth he would've
made one hell of a Marine.
He loved me Daddy.
I know.
But you know somethin'?
Ryan was not the first boy
to love you and he will
not be the last.
I'm sorry I ruined dinner.
It's okay sweetheart.
Hey, there'll be plenty more
for you to walk out
in the future.
Do you really believe that after
everything we saw today?
I do.
And I'll make you a promise.
As long as I am alive,
nothing will happen to our family.
You want me to bring
you up a plate?
No thanks, I'm not hungry.
But you can bring me the gun
because I'm gonna kill
every fucking last one
of those things.
You're gonna make a fine
Marine sweetheart.
That's all you're gonna say?
Okay, what?
Less than an hour ago
you asked me
to kill our children and now
you're standing here
and acting like
everything's okay.
You're right.
I shouldn't have done that,
I'm sorry.
Don't you ever ask me to do
anything like that again,
you hear?
Loud and clear.
Roar, roar.
Roar, roar!
Roar, roar!
Okay guys, time for bed.
No, not yet.
Can we have five more
minutes Kylie, please?
Please Kylie?
Okay, okay.
Five more minutes.
But on one condition.
I get to play too.
Are you feeling better?
Yeah, much.
I'm sorry for going into your
room without knocking.
It's okay, I forgive you.
Now who am I?
You can be the grandma.
at least I'm a hot grandma.
Is this the husband?
Okay, good.
CQCQCQ this is W2DGL
calling KD2CAK.
I'm here brother.
How'd you do with the wife?
All good my friend.
I've been forgiven.
That's great man.
Life's too short for that and
I mean that literally.
I hear ya.
How you'd holdin' up?
Tryin' to keep my head up
as dawn approaches.
Same here man.
I think it's the time
we face the facts
and get ourselves ready for
the fight of our lives.
My light it's,
it's flickering.
Mine too.
And so it begins.
It's been nice talking
to you my friend.
Likewise brother.
Until we meet again in this life
or the next.
Amen to that.
Take care my friend.
You too brother,
and be careful.
Careful is what we do, right?
This is W2DGL.
Honey, wake up.
What happened?
Where are the kids?
The kids are fine.
They're upstairs sleeping.
What's going on?
Why are you dressed
like that?
They're not gonna
make the deadline.
No, there's still time.
If they couldn't figure
it out in two hours
they're not gonna figure
it out within the hour.
We need to get ready.
I'll go get the kids.
I need you to reconsider what
we spoke about earlier,
now more than ever.
At 0500 they're gonna
come for me.
They're gonna come
for all of us.
I know a lot of you out there
are afraid
and you have every right
to be afraid
because we are dealing with
a very powerful enemy.
But trust me when I tell you
they can be defeated.
A lot of lives will be lost.
A lot of lives have
already been lost.
But this is war and
in war people die.
It is an acceptable
risk for our freedom,
and that's what this battle
will be fought for.
Our freedom.
Remember when they come
they'll come in packs.
First thing they'll do
is inject poison
into your veins in order
to paralyze you
and gain control of
your mind and body.
One day someone
will find this recording,
and I hope they put them
to good use
because this war will continue
long after I am gone.
My name is Lieutenant Colonel
Kenneth Steven Peck.
United States Marine Corps.
This will be my final recording.
I love you.
I love you too.
Get up.
Hey, wake up.
Hey wake up Kelan.
We're gonna go downstairs
to the basement okay?
I love the basement.
I know you do.
I know you do.
Come here.
Hey, oh sleepyhead.
Get down.
Get around the corner.
Go guys, go.
Shh, it's okay.
It's okay.
Kenneth, what are you doing?
I got it Mom.
It's all right.
Shh, shh, shh.
Kylie, go.
Go watch your mother
and the twins.
Shh, shh.
Just calm down Mr. Peck.
Hey, hey.
You gotta calm down
Mr. Peck.
Don't listen.
Don't listen to him.
They wanna kill you.
That's not true Mr. Peck.
No one wants to hurt you.
Don't worry,
brother I got your back.
Don't listen to the voices
Mr. Peck.
Fight them.
He's, he's lying.
He wants to hurt us.
I won't let anybody hurt you.
You will not hurt my Kylie!
You, and me!
You will not hurt my family.
Cox, get him.
They're gonna kill us like
they killed Ryan.
Ryan is fine Mr. Peck.
Look, look, look!
He's doing just fine.
You know why?
Because he took
his medication
like he should.
We're all gonna die.
Every last one of us.
Leave Kathleen.
Think of the children.
There is no Kathleen
Mr. Peck.
There's no Keith and you don't
have any children.
Don't close your eyes.
Don't fall asleep.
In addition to suffering
from post traumatic
stress disorder,
Mr. Peck suffer from DID.
Dissociative identity disorder.
He thinks his family is real.
Now I realize you've only
been here a week,
but it imperative
that Mr. Peck
not miss his daily dose
of medication.
I'm sorry Dr. Zimmerman.
It won't happen again.
Well let's see that
it doesn't because that...