By the Light of the Silvery Moon (1953) Movie Script
By the light of the silvery moon
I want to spoon
To my honey I'll croon love's tune
Honeymoon, keep a-shining in June
Your silvery beams
will bring love's dreams
We'll be cuddling soon
By the silvery moon
- By the light
- By the light, by the light
- Of the silvery moon
- Of the silvery moon
- I want to spoon
- I want to sit and spoon
To my honey, I'll croon
Love's tune
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon, honeymoon
- Keep a-shining in June
- In June
Your silvery beams
will bring love's dreams
We'll be cuddling soon
By the silvery moon
- Hello, Mr. Winfield.
- Good afternoon.
That's Mr. Winfield,
Vice-President of our First National Bank,
Chairman of the Civic Betterment League,
and twice winner of the Elks' picnic
potato-sack race.
- Hello, George.
- Hello, darling.
See that woman he just kissed?
That's Mrs. Winfield.
They've been married for 20 years,
and she knows how to handle him,
in spite of all of his faults.
Know what his biggest fault is?
He doesn't think he has any.
The Winfields have two children,
a boy and girl.
That's the girl!
Her name is Marjorie.
She's fixin' to marry the boy
across the street, Bill Sherman.
Now that the war has ended,
he'll be home soon.
This is the Winfield boy, Wesley,
and, Max, the dog.
Okay, Max, now you're all fingerprinted.
Okay, Gregory, you're next.
This is Gregory, the turkey.
Wesley is their second child.
If he'd been the first,
there never would have been a second.
Oh, you're probably wondering who I am.
Well, don't be so nosy.
Alice! Alice! Look.
And on the front page, too.
"Private William Sherman,
of the 161st Infantry,
"has received his honorable discharge
and will soon be in our midst again."
Oh, isn't that wonderful, George?
Stella, go call Marjorie.
Well, we'll be having a man
around the house again.
A young man.
Well, Mother,
the next time William Sherman's picture
is in the paper,
Marjorie's will be right along beside it.
I guess I've looked forward
to this wedding as much as they have.
Well, don't make it sound
like I'm trying to get rid of Margie.
Being a responsible father,
I happen to be old-fashioned enough
to want to see our grown daughter
take her rightful position
- in the institution of marriage.
- I know, George,
but Marjorie's awfully young.
She's only 18.
Darling, you were only 18
when you were married.
But that's different. I'm her mother.
Yes, dear.
I just heard the news
that Bill's coming home!
Isn't it wonderful?
It might be more wonderful
if he were coming home
to a charming, feminine young lady
instead of a grease monkey.
Father, somebody in this family
has to know about mechanics.
This is the Machine Age!
I would appreciate it if you would
confine your genius to a sewing machine.
- Does it need fixing?
- That's not what your father meant.
When I patriotically consented
for you to work around Ike Hickey's Garage
during the emergency, I didn't intend
for you to make a career out of it.
- Oh, that must be Mr. Finley.
- I'll answer it, Stella. You get Wesley.
Tell him it's time for his piano lesson.
That's not the way to get him.
- Good afternoon, Chester.
- Good afternoon, Marjorie.
- Sweets for the sweet.
- Oh, Chester.
Cream centers.
Really, you mustn't
bring me gifts all the time.
But, Marjorie,
we have been seeing a lot of each other.
Yes, I know, Chester,
and you've been such a good friend,
acting as my escort and taking me
to the church socials and everything.
Oh, and there's so much more I could do
for you, if you'd only let me.
Now, Chester, you promised.
I promised not to take advantage
of the situation
while my rival was overseas.
But now that he is coming home, well,
it's every man for himself.
- Isn't it time for Wesley's lesson?
- Oh...
Oh, Wesley!
- Wesley!
- I'm coming, I'm coming.
Wesley Winfield,
how many times have you been told...
Well, I got to keep my eye on him.
He's a suspect.
I know. I'll keep him in solitary for you
till you finish your piano lesson.
Come on, Gregory. You stay out
of the kitchen until Thanksgiving.
Come on.
- Wesley, Mr. Finley is here.
- I hate him.
Now, Wesley, you must learn
to be friendly with Mr. Finley.
Please, I prefer to keep it on this basis.
If you behave yourself,
you can have some chocolate.
Oh! After your lesson.
Remember this, George?
Oh, Mother, it's beautiful.
Alice, I dare say,
I'll be as thrilled seeing Marjorie
in that dress as I was you.
Oh, Mother.
I only hope I look as pretty as you did.
Miss Marjorie, if you'll come upstairs
and wash that grime off of you,
- we'll have a fitting.
- In a minute, Stella.
Oh, Mother, I want Bill and his family
to be so proud of me.
They will be, dear.
You know, I was talking
to Mrs. Sherman only this morning
about our children getting married,
and she said, "You know,
we don't feel like we're losing a son,
"we feel like we're gaining a daughter."
- Isn't that sweet?
- Marjorie!
I'm coming, Stella!
Well, I feel like I'm losing a son.
My hometown is a one-horse town
But it's big enough for me
The population is scattered and small
You can't find the town on any map at all
But just the same
it means the world to me
To be with Mother and my family
My hometown is a one-horse town
But it's big enough for me
My hometown is a one-horse town
But it's big enough for me
The population is scattered and small
You can't find the town on any map at all
But just the same
it means the world to me
To be with Mother and my family
My hometown is a one-horse town
But it's big enough for
Big enough for
Big enough for me
That's a boy, Bill!
Hey, there's Miller's Pond.
We're almost home.
- Your girl meeting you at the station?
- No.
- No, I'm gonna surprise her.
- Mine's gonna be there.
- We're all set to get married.
- Married?
- You know, I'm supposed to get married.
- Supposed to?
Well, I mean, she thinks
that we're gonna get married right away.
But this hitch in the Army has given me
a more mature outlook on life.
I realize now
that there's more to marriage
than just two people being in love.
Why, there's responsibility.
A man should be established in a career,
prepared to meet his financial obligations.
Do you know how many marriages
have gone on the rocks
just because two impulsive people
have set out on the sea of matrimony
in nothing more than a leaky rowboat?
I know that Marjorie and her folks
will understand.
- Hey, what's going on?
- It's 5:00.
- Wesley, what are you doing?
- It's 5:00.
Well, you might have at least
finished the piece.
- Wesley, give me that candy...
- Marjorie said.
- Cream centers.
- I know.
- Bill!
- Wesley! How are you?
- Bill, are we glad to see you.
- Hello, Mr. Winfield, Mrs. Winfield.
- How ya been?
- Gee, it's good to be home.
Your picture was in the paper,
right on the front page.
- I want to surprise Marjorie.
- Oh, yeah, come on in.
You go on in the living room.
I'll call Marjorie.
- Marjorie!
- Yes, Mother?
Come on down!
We want you to hear Wesley
play his new piece.
In a minute, Mother.
William, this is Fester Chinley.
Chester Finley.
- I'm glad to meet you, Chester.
- How do you do?
Chester's been dating Marjorie
ever since you left.
Yes, I know.
Marjorie told me in her letters.
And you don't know what a comfort
it is to a man overseas, Chester,
not to have to worry about his girl.
- Aren't you gonna bump him one?
- Wesley...
- Candy?
- Thank you, Mrs. Winfield.
Boy, this is one thing we missed overseas.
- Have one? Cream centers.
- I know.
I guess he doesn't like cream centers.
Chester's been giving Wesley
piano lessons.
He's coming along, slow but sure.
We'd hoped by now he progressed
far enough to play at your wedding.
Well, he'll still have time to learn.
Oh, we wouldn't want to postpone
your happiness
just because Wesley happens to have
two left hands. Not by a long shot, son.
Oh, Mother, it's beautiful.
- Marjorie.
- This is a surprise.
- Marjorie, you look beautiful.
- Do I?
You know, the groom's not supposed
to see the bride like this
- until the day of the wedding.
- Yeah.
Well, I guess I better be getting home.
I haven't even seen the folks yet.
Will I see you tonight, Bill?
Well, there's a dance at the club.
Oh, fine. Fine.
And we've got a lot to talk about,
haven't we?
Yeah, lots.
Bill, you're all right, aren't you?
All right?
Well, you're acting so strange.
You weren't hurt or wounded or anything?
Oh, no. As a matter of fact,
the Germans surrendered
the day I landed in Paris.
I guess they knew you were coming.
- See you tonight.
- Yeah.
I saw your eyes
Your wonderful eyes
With love light and tenderness beaming
They thrilled me through
They filled me, too
With wonderful dreams I am dreaming
No need to speak
No more shall I seek
For my heart has taught me their meaning
And love has come at last, I know
- Your eyes have told me so
- Your eyes have told me so
Bill, would you like to go someplace
where we can talk?
- We haven't talked yet.
- Later.
It sure feels good dancing
with my girl like this.
Do you think you'll feel
the same way after?
- After?
- After we're married.
- You'll always be my girl.
- And you'll always be my husband.
No need to speak
No more shall I seek
For my heart has taught me their meaning
And love has come at last, I know
- Your eyes have told me so
- Your eyes have told me so
Bill and Marjorie are sure making up
for lost time.
Hey, Bill,
when are you two gonna get hitched?
- Yeah, when is it gonna be?
- You set the date yet?
Come on, Bill, tell us about it.
Well, now, folks, friends,
as you can tell by just looking at us,
we can hardly wait.
I'm a mighty lucky fellow
to be getting a girl like Marjorie.
Not only because she is beautiful
and wonderful,
but because she is, well,
so understanding,
so practical and so intelligent.
How would you know, Bill?
Well, the thing of it is,
that we've decided to wait a while.
What are you gonna wait for, Bill?
What's the matter?
Well, after all,
I'm just a soldier back from the war.
And we've decided to be a little patient,
so I can get a job
and maybe save a little nest egg and...
Well, as soon as we set the date,
why, you'll be the first to know.
- Marjorie, you're not angry, are you?
- I'm too intelligent to be angry.
- Marjorie, wait!
- We've decided to leave!
I understand. No leaky rowboat for us.
You know, once I get a job, why,
in no time at all we'll have that nest egg.
- Bill, how big an egg are you planning on?
- Just enough to give us a start.
A down payment on a house.
- Our own little home.
- Isn't that better than rushing things?
A little cottage, a picket fence,
a yard for the children.
Now who's rushing things?
- Must be out of gas.
- There is plenty of gas.
- We had a full tank when we left.
- Yeah. Probably a flat.
- Lf we had a flat, you'd feel it.
- Yeah.
Say, I've got a hunch
the valve under the gas tank is jammed.
Yeah, I'd better have a look at it.
William, it's not in there.
Underneath the car.
Here you are.
- That about does it.
- Yeah.
Push her off the jack.
- Wait till I get out from under!
- Yeah. Here, I'll help you.
- There we go.
- Oh, dear.
Oh, my. Okay.
Push her off.
Start the motor, huh?
- We're okay now. I got her going.
- Yeah.
- Oh, here, let me help you.
- It's getting cold.
Gee, Marjorie,
you ruined your favorite dress.
My favorite dress is the one
you saw me in this afternoon.
Now, Marjorie,
I thought we settled all that.
You even said you'd be happy to wait
until I got a job.
I'm only teasing.
But you know something,
I was just thinking.
We'd only have to wait
half as long if I had a job
and was saving along with you.
The business world's
a man's world, Marjorie.
And women have no right forsaking
their sacred heritage to meddle in it.
Now they're even meddling in politics.
- I was just offering to help, that's all.
- Thank you, Marjorie.
But I intend becoming a capable provider,
a good husband
and a father, without any help from you!
I mean... Well, you know what I mean.
With your egotism, I'm not so sure.
You just don't believe in progress.
Why, you're getting to be
an old fuddy-duddy.
Come on, Marjorie.
get in and we'll go home.
- I wouldn't ride in the same car with you.
- Now stop acting childish.
We're a mile from home,
and it's getting cold.
Well, isn't that just too bad?
guess the children
will be home late tonight.
Well, Alice, after all,
the boy's been overseas,
and this is the first time he's been out
with his girl in a long time.
Didn't they look cute tonight
when they left?
William is a fine boy, a fine boy.
- Marjorie?
- Bill and I had a fight.
- You won?
- George.
Darling, what did you quarrel about?
Mother, William Sherman
doesn't believe in women.
Well, the next time his gas valve
gets jammed, he can fix it himself.
All I did was offer to go to work and help
so that we could get married real soon.
Oh, you discussed your wedding plans?
I've already talked to
the Palmer Printing Company
about turning out the invitations.
Are you and Bill planning
on a large wedding or a small one?
A small one. I won't be there.
Miss Marjorie is having one of her moods.
I'm going to have a talk with
that Sherman boy and find out
just how serious his intentions are.
Marjorie told me all about Bill's plans,
and I think it's admirable of him
to be so conscientious
about their future, I mean.
Well, I'll speak to Harris today.
See if we can find a spot for the boy
at the bank.
I don't like this waiting business.
Oh, George, this little spat is nothing.
Then why is Marjorie having a mood?
Because she's at the age
when girls are very emotional,
easily depressed,
given to fits of tears and despair.
It's the happiest time in a woman's life.
- get him!
- Wesley!
- It's only Gregory.
- Gregory?
You've been told to stop running the flesh
off of that turkey!
It's a good thing tomorrow
is Thanksgiving.
There'd be nothing left but feathers.
For the last time,
that turkey does not belong in the house.
If he's good enough to be on the table,
he's good enough to walk around it.
George, I'm afraid this is another crisis.
Wesley has become very attached
to our Thanksgiving dinner.
So it seems.
I think I'll send him to the movies
this afternoon,
and while he's gone I'll take
the turkey to the butcher to be prepared.
No, Alice. I don't believe
in sparing the boy with deceit.
When he does find out,
he'll only resent being tricked.
Wesley can take the turkey to the butcher.
- It's part of his growing up.
- Oh, but, George...
After all, it's my duty as a father
to make Wesley understand
that sentiment has its proper place.
Fish and fowl and most animals
are mainly created
for the sustenance of mankind.
A turkey is a turkey
and meant to be eaten.
- And you tell him that, Alice.
- George Winfield.
All right, I'll tell him.
I'll get it, Mother!
- Good morning, Marjorie.
- Good morning, Chester.
I realize it's rather early to be calling,
but ever since I heard the good news,
I could hardly wait to see you.
What news?
Well, some people who were at the dance
last night told me about you and Bill.
The postponement.
Really, Chester,
aren't you jumping to conclusions?
Well. Nevertheless,
it's all the encouragement I needed.
Look, I've written a song.
I've taken everything I ever felt
in my heart for you
and set it to music.
Wait till you hear it!
- Chester, isn't it kind of early?
- Not for me. I've been up all night.
Be my little baby bumblebee
Bring home all the honey, love, to me
Let me spend the...
Excuse me, Chester.
- Morning, Marjorie.
- Good morning, William.
I've been thinking about
our silly little quarrel last night,
and, well, I feel an apology is in order.
- Well, I should say it is.
- Well, go ahead and apologize.
Well, you called me an old fuddy-duddy.
I'm certainly not old,
and I'm neither a fuddy nor a duddy.
Now am I?
William, honestly.
- Who's that?
- It's Chester.
- He's been up all night.
- Here?
Of course not, silly. He's been working.
He's written a song.
Chester, would you play your song again?
- I'd like to sing it now.
- Oh, of course.
- Marjorie...
- Chester, play your song.
Be my little baby bumblebee
Buzz around, buzz around
keep a-buzzin'round
Bring home all the honey, love, to me
Little bee, little bee, little bumblebee
Let me spend the happy hours
Roving with you 'mongst the flowers
And when we get
where no one else can see
Cuddle up, cuddle up, come and cuddle up
Be my little baby bumblebee
Buzz around, buzz around
keep a-buzzin'round
- We'll be just as happy as can be
- Happy as can be
You and me, you and me, you and me
Honey, keep a-buzzin'please
I've got a dozen buzzin'bees
But I want you
To be my baby bumblebee
Buzz, buzz.
- Chester, you know Bill?
- Good morning, Chester.
Yes, we've met.
Say, that's a wonderful song.
I wondered if you'd do me a favor
and play it again?
- Oh, won't you, Chester?
- Oh, yes.
Be my little baby bumblebee
Buzz around, buzz around
keep a-buzzin'round
Bring home all the honey love to me
- Little bee, little bee, little bumblebee
- Little bee, little bee, little bumblebee
Let me spend the happy hours
Roving with you 'mongst the flowers
And when we get where no one else
can see...
Cuddle up, cuddle up
Come and cuddle up
- We're forgetting Chester.
- That's a good idea.
- Chester, are you leaving?
- I'm not made of wood.
He's not?
- Oh, Wesley.
- Yes, sir?
- How would you like to earn $1?
- A dollar!
- Yes, I'd like you to run an errand for me.
- Can I take Gregory with me?
Yes, you can take Gregory with you.
I want you to go into town.
Sounds like a pretty long walk
for a turkey.
But if he gets tired,
I guess I can carry him back.
- Yes, you can carry Gregory back.
- Where do you want me to go, Pop?
- Wesley, you remember Grandpa?
- Yes, sir.
He was with us a long time,
and then he went away.
Son, we all have to go sometime.
Wesley, I've always tried
to be a good father.
You're not going anywhere, are you, Pop?
But tomorrow is Thanksgiving and... And...
You want Gregorys head chopped off
and his insides taken out
so you can eat him, don't you?
Now, please, Wesley,
you're making this very difficult.
Now you know perfectly well that
all your little chums and their families
all get turkeys
and fatten them for Thanksgiving.
Why, we even picked Gregory
because you said
he had the biggest drumsticks.
I bet he'd be good and fat
by next Thanksgiving.
- Please, Wesley.
- I'll bet we'd have the biggest,
fattest turkey in the whole country!
Now, we'll have no more talk.
I intend to be firm.
Yes, sir.
Now, you take that turkey to Mr. Schultz,
and you tell Mr. Schultz to...
- To...
- Yes, sir?
Now, you know perfectly well
what to tell him.
You couldn't have phrased it
more descriptively.
Wesley, some day, when you're a father,
you'll understand these things.
I'm never gonna be a father. I hate fathers.
At the moment,
I have no great love for them myself.
Come on, Max.
- Hey, Wesley, want to play with me?
- No, Pee Wee. I'm busy.
- And besides, you're too little.
- Can I play with Max?
- No.
- I'm bigger than him.
- Max has to go with me.
- Why?
'Cause tomorrow is Thanksgiving.
I'm taking him with me to Mr. Schultz,
the butcher.
- We're having turkey.
- So are we, stupid.
- Our turkey is all ready to cook.
- Go home, Pee Wee.
He's outside in our storeroom.
Want to see him?
No, Pee Wee, I...
Your turkey is outside in your storeroom?
- Yeah, want to see him?
- No, but...
- You want me to let you play with Max?
- Yeah.
Come here, Max. Here.
But you got to keep him in here
and stay here with him till I get back.
- Lf he tries to get out, I'll bite him.
- Good boy, Pee Wee.
Here are the signatures
on that Foley Lumber Mill loan.
The final escrow papers
on the Jackson deal.
And here's a letter from Indianapolis.
Some theatrical company would like
to rent the Grand Street opera house.
Good. We haven't realized a cent
from that theater
since we were appointed trustees.
That's true,
but since the church owns that property,
it's our obligation to investigate the show
and see if it's morally fit for Milburn.
This was enclosed in the letter.
Well, who says banking is a dull business?
Yes, well,
perhaps we'd better investigate this.
When Miss La Rue arrives in town,
I'll discuss the play with her
- before granting a lease on the theater.
- Fine.
- Hello?
- Hello, John.
- Oh, Emily.
- Somebody stole our turkey.
- Somebody what?
- Stole our turkey.
- Stole our turkey?
- I can't stand any more of this.
- I'm at the end of my rope!
- Emily, you must try to control yourself.
You don't seem to be very upset
about this.
- Yes, of course I'm upset, but...
- But what?
Well, the thing to do is call the butcher
and order another...
- He hasn't got any left.
- Oh, he hasn't?
- Well...
- Well, what?
- Well, let me call you back later.
- I don't see any need to calling me back.
- Lf you can't talk about it now...
- Yes, dear.
Have you ever heard
of anything so outrageous?
Never in my life.
- Say, how about having dinner with us?
- That'll settle everything.
- Sure we're not imposing?
- Not at all.
- We'll have enough for everyone.
- Fine.
I can't get over anyone low enough
to steal a Thanksgiving turkey.
Positively shocking.
Why, the way things are getting,
I sometimes wonder if this town
is a fit place for Wesley to grow up in.
Every morning, every evening
Ain't we got fun?
Every summer
I'm sorry
Ain't we got fun?
When I first saw you
I had but one thought
And then you chased me
Until you were caught
From the day I whispered
'"May I please hold your hand? '"
You progressed and I'm impressed
And I think you're grand
We're really living
We've got a fat turkey
for a fine Thanksgiving
Shut the door, please
Don't get sore, please
Ain't we got fun?
- Let's all have fun
- Let's all have fun
I got a yearning to tango with you
Casanova, please come over
if you have time
You know you're my one and only
That doesn't rhyme!
I'm not too clever
But I'd like to say those words forever
Thank you, kind sir, I don't mind, sir
- Ain't we got fun?
- Ain't we got fun?
That's enough. I'm dizzy!
I shall get you some water, madam.
I think I should shell some more peas.
With the Harrises coming,
that's three more people.
More people, more dishes.
Oh, Stella.
Well, this is quite a picture.
You know, sometimes I think
the preparation is actually more fun
than the dinner itself.
Say, I'm baking the pies.
- Wanna taste the filling?
- Sure.
- Fine cook, Marjorie.
- Yeah.
It looks good. When will it be ready?
I don't know. I've never cooked one
with the door open before.
I only hope Wesley doesn't make a scene.
Oh, he's been wonderful
about the turkey so far.
He hasn't said a word
since he came home from the butcher.
I'm glad he's taking it so well.
Of course, the real test will come
when he sees Gregory in this condition.
- Well, everything looks good.
- Smells good, too.
Where's the turkey?
- Ronald!
- Pee Wee!
Oh, yes, the turkey. I...
- Turkey ready, Stella?
- There it is.
Well, I think they're waiting.
I'm not gonna be the pallbearer.
Oh, put it down here, Bill.
My, what a delicious-looking bird!
I want a drumstick!
Now, Ronald, it isn't polite to ask.
After all, this isn't our turkey.
That's right, Son.
You might, at least,
wait for the bird to be carved.
I want a drumstick, too.
Certainly, dear!
I'll take care of this myself.
- It's a pleasure, sir.
- Stella, everythings fine.
You boys are both gonna get a drumstick.
I want mine first!
- The pie is delicious, Stella.
- It certainly is.
There's plenty more.
I think it's just wonderful of you,
Mr. Harris, to give Bill a job at the bank.
I haven't had any banking experience, sir,
but I hope I can make good.
Of course, you can.
All you have to do is be able to add
and look real honest.
I mean, the banking business
offers a fine opportunity for a young man.
Yes, it certainly does.
Remember, Winfield,
we were about young Sherman's age
when we started out
at the old Olive Street branch.
Yes, that's right. I was chief teller and
remember, J.H., you were my assistant.
Your assistant?
Yes, and Mrs. Harris was the daughter
of V.A. Stonan, the founder of our First...
- More dessert, anyone?
- Yes.
- No, thank you.
- I'm full.
This dinner's so good, I'm almost glad
that someone stole our turkey.
Anyone who'd commit a crime like that
should be tarred and feathered.
You're right.
If you ask me, he should be
strung-up like a common horse thief.
You know, I'll bet Wesley could tell us
who stole that turkey.
Quite a detective, our Wesley.
This is one Thanksgiving
I'll always remember.
Not only for the joy and comfort
I found in the company
of my friends and family but...
Come here, Son.
But because of the strength in character
I found in my son.
Somebody help me.
What's the matter? Come here, now!
Go on! get!
May I be excused?
What can you do?
George, don't be upset about it, please.
Alice, this is one time
I wish you wouldn't interfere.
George, don't get yourself all worked up.
You've said 100 times,
"Boys will be boys."
I know, but does he have to be
one of the James boys?
He was only trying
to protect the life of his pet.
Try to have a little understanding.
Why, when you were Wesley's age,
you ran away from home.
And I'm thinking of doing it again.
Perhaps you can take this lightly, Alice,
but I can't.
George, he's been
punished enough already.
The humiliation and the fright...
Let's be happy
everything turned out so well.
Let's be happy I have a boss
with a sense of humor.
I once married a man
with a sense of humor.
I'll bet you by next Thanksgiving
we'll have the fattest turkey
in the whole country.
I'll bet you.
My father used to sing this song
to my mother when he was courting her.
I'm glad they got together.
By the light of the silvery moon
I want to spoon
To my honey I'll croon love's tune
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon, honeymoon
- Keep a-shining in June
- Keep a-shining in June
- Your silvery beams
- Your silvery beams
- Will bring love's dreams
- Will bring love's dreams
We'll be cuddling soon
- By the silvery moon
- By the silvery moon
Place, park
Scene, dark
Silvery moon is shining through the trees
Cast, two
Me, you
Sound of kisses floating on the breeze
Act one
'"Where would you like to spoon? '"
My cue, with you
- Underneath the silvery moon
- Underneath the silvery moon
- By the light
- Not the dark but the light
- of the silvery moon
- Not the sun but the moon
- I want to spoon
- Not croon but spoon
To my honey I'll croon love's tune
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon, honeymoon
- Keep a-shining in June
- Keep a-shining in June
- Your silvery beams
- Your silvery beams
- Will bring love's dreams
- Will bring love's dreams
- We'll be cuddling soon
- We'll be cuddling soon
- By the silvery moon
- By the silvery moon
Hasn't this been a wonderful day?
It's been more like Christmas
than Thanksgiving.
Me being home, you,
getting started at the bank.
You know,
I think we have more to be thankful for
this Thanksgiving than anybody.
Yeah. Except Gregory.
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon, honeymoon
- Keep a-shining in June
- Keep a-shining in June
- Your silvery beams
- Your silvery beams
- Will bring love's dreams
- Will bring love's dreams
- We'll be cuddling soon
- We'll be cuddling soon
- By the silvery moon
- By the silvery moon
There's so many faces in this mirror,
I can hardly find my own.
Oh, Father, you look positively handsome!
What's Pop getting all spruced up for?
Your father has a date
with a beautiful actress.
Your father happens
to have a business appointment
with a prospective client
who wishes to lease some property
held by the First National Bank.
I wish you'd all stop staring at me
as though I were a gay old dog.
Be on guard, Banker Winfield.
Perhaps this beautiful temptress
will use her charms
to learn the secret combination
of the First National vault.
Fear not, fair damsel,
I've toyed with these jezebels before!
Shall I wait up for you, George?
If you wish. I won't be late.
If you are, we'll all be waiting up for you.
Well, good night, all.
"The beautiful bank crook
and her gang of robbers
"were hiding in their hideout."
"They were very scared
"because they knew
"that Fearless Flanagan, badge 79,
"was on their trail."
'"Dangerous Dora tells her men
not to be scared, that she has a plan.
'"While the men are hiding
in the next room,
'"she'll get Flanagan to drink some
of the whisky
'"with the poison in it.
'"After he's lying helpless on the floor,
'"they can come out and hit him
and stab him and shoot him!
'"There's a knock on the door!
'"Even Dangerous Dora 's a-scared,
'"because she knows that behind that door
'"is that tall, handsome, broad-shouldered,
square-jawed Fearless Flanagan.
'"Badge 79.
'"He checks to see no villain lurks
behind the door.
'"The beautiful Dangerous Dora
may be clever,
'"but this time she's met her match,
'"for the ever-alert Fearless Flanagan
even has eyes in the back of his head.
'"The great detective looks around,
hoping to find a clue.
'"As he sits down, his great brain tells him
that he's not alone in this cabin.
'"'She's trying to poison me, '
thinks Fearless Flanagan.
'"Although he doesn't drink,
he takes the whisky
'"because he has a plan of his own.
'"Fearless walks away
to set a trap for her. Trapped.
'"Now he puts his plan to work.
'"He must play the part of a man
who is poisoned.
'"Fearless plays his part so good
that even Dangerous Dora is fooled.
'"As Dora gets her gang to kill him,
'"Fearless Flanagan swings into action!
'"Dangerous Dora pleads for mercy,
'"and although she's very beautiful,
'"Fearless Flanagan knows that
duty comes first and crime does not pay. '"
It's late, darling,
and there's school tomorrow.
Yes, Ma.
- Ma, will you leave it on till I get to sleep?
- All right.
Very enjoyable.
Oh, I am so delighted.
And I am sure on the stage
it'll be even more exciting
with you in the role of Marlene.
Merci, monsieur.
And you will approve the lease?
Well, I only found one speech in the play
that might be objectionable.
However, I've copied it here
and I'll discuss it with Mr. Harris.
Objectionable speech?
Yes, at the end of the first act, when
the American soldier says to Marlene,
'"Ma cherie, I shall forever
cherish the memory of last night.
"The thrill of your response
to my admiration
"made me realize
that we belong together always.
"The thought of one of us being married
to another is most agonizing,
"but perhaps soon love will find a way."
And this is objectionable?
Well, in the first act,
we learn the American soldier is married.
Therefore, when he speaks of
spending the rest of his life with Marlene,
it hints of the most controversial subject
of this postwar period, divorce.
But, Monsieur Winfield, we have
toured most of the big cities and...
Well, unfortunately,
Milburn is not a big city.
Not that I personally have
a small-town attitude about things.
Then perhaps you can persuade Mr. Harris
to leave this little speech in the play.
Well, I will see what I can do.
Well, it's been a pleasure meeting you,
Miss La Rue.
Well, for me,
it has been a pleasant surprise.
I have never met so charming a banker.
Oh, I just drifted into banking.
Au revoir, Monsieur.
Aren't you gonna tell us
about Miss La Rue, Father?
A very fascinating woman.
And she never met so charming a banker.
Of course,
that's because she hasn't seen Bill yet.
Oh, I don't know.
By the way,
how is William doing at the bank?
Quite competent, and lots of ideas.
In fact, since he's been there,
our suggestion box has been jammed.
See that?
- Merci.
- Merci?
French toast.
Say, listen to this.
"This year's annual charity dance,
"sponsored by the local chapter
of the Y.M.C.A.,
"promises to be one of
the gayest social events of the year.
"Highlighting the evenings entertainment
will be the musical offerings of
- "Miss Marjorie Winfield...
- I thank you.
"...accompanied by Chester Finley,
musical director."
- Bye, Mom.
- Bye, dear.
Listen, there's some clothes to go
to the cleaners upstairs in our room.
Would you drop them off
on your way to school?
Yes, ma'am.
I have a dress to go, too. Excuse me!
Isn't it exciting,
Marjorie entertaining at the Y?
Talented girl, Marjorie.
Going to make a wonderful bride,
a wonderful bride.
They're on the chair.
Here, Wesley.
Hey, Sis, what's this mean? '"Ma cherie'"?
- Wesley, where did you get this?
- Father's suit.
Father's suit?
Wesley! Oh, Wesley!
Yes, sir.
I forgot something.
Bank business.
Stella, I can't believe it.
I'll bet she's a bank crook,
just like you said!
Wesley, you mustn't mention this
to a soul, do you hear?
Especially not to Mother.
In fact, you mustn't even think about it.
Do you promise me?
- I promise.
- All right, now get going.
And remember, Stella, this is a secret!
Stella, this is terrible.
Poor Father, and that awful woman!
Well, I've been cleaning up around here
for years.
I guess I can handle this mess.
But this is positively scandalous!
Why, if this ever gets out...
Oh, dear.
I just hope and pray
we can keep it in the family.
Our biggest job
is to keep the family in the family.
Marjorie, Stella.
I could hardly wait for your father
to leave this morning.
Can you two keep a secret?
- Secret?
- Secret?
Tomorrow is our anniversary,
and I bought this for your father.
Isn't that a lovely watch!
Look at the back.
"To George, with love, Alice."
Oh, my.
Twenty years, and it seems like yesterday.
Mother, are you sure you did
the right thing marrying Father?
What? Why, Marjorie!
Well, what I mean is,
well, I'll bet you had a lot of beaus.
Oh, yeah, there were
a few young men interested in me.
What about Father?
- Was he popular with the girls?
- Oh, quite.
Oh, you'd be surprised at the number
of times I'd be out with your father
and I'd catch some girl giving him a wink.
You sure she wasn't just winking back?
Why, Stella, how can you say that?
I assure you
Mr. Winfield was not flirtatious.
- Was he romantic?
- Oh, when he set his mind to it.
I'll never forget the night he proposed.
I knew it was gonna be a special occasion
because when he came to call,
he'd rented a horse-drawn sleigh
from Hickey's stable.
And Ike Hickey himself was our driver.
Our own driver, mind you.
We drove to Miller's Pond.
It was beautiful,
a full moon shining on the ice,
people skating, bonfires.
- Was that when he proposed?
- Oh, he tried to, several times.
But finally, when we were leaving
and he was helping me off with my skates,
he looked up kind of sheepishly
and he said,
"Alice, as long as I'm down here
on my knees,
"would you accept this as a proposal?"
Your father was never one
for flowery speeches or pretty words.
Mr. Hickey!
There you are, folks, she's all ready to see!
Oh, isn't it picturesque?
Yep, with a little polish and elbow grease
and she'll look as good as new.
Oh, thanks, Mr. Hickey.
Come on, Bill, get in.
Would you mind telling me
what this is all about?
- Well, can you keep a secret?
- Sure.
Mother and Father are celebrating
their 20th anniversary tomorrow.
And we've planned a big surprise,
- haven't we, Mr. Hickey?
- Yes.
Bill, this sleigh is the same one
that Father took Mother out in
the night he proposed.
So we're taking them out in it
tomorrow night.
And we're gonna have the very
same driver, too, aren't we, Mr. Hickey?
Yep. Never will forget that night
on the way home from Miller's Pond.
I could hear every word they were saying.
They was making plans for the wedding.
Your ma was sitting right where you are,
and your pa was sitting right there.
Don't be self-conscious.
He's discussing Mother and Father, not us.
Well, pretty soon,
we'll be able to discuss us.
And maybe a lot sooner than you think.
Look, you don't have to humor me,
William Sherman.
Goodness gracious, you'd think
you were the only boy in the whole world.
Say, that's not a bad idea,
especially if you were the only girl.
We wouldn't even have to get married.
I mean, there'd be nobody here
to marry us.
If you were the only girl
In the world
And you were the only boy
Nothing else would matter
In the world today
We could go on loving
In the same old way
A Garden of Eden
Just made for two
With nothing to mar our joy
I would say
Such wonderful things to you
And there would be
Such wonderful things to do
If you were the only girl
In the world
And you were
The only boy
Say, I better get back to the bank.
It's way past my lunch hour.
Oh, Bill. Remember,
not one word about this to Father.
I hope he doesn't forget about
that anniversary.
You know how men are!
I'm sure he hasn't.
You should have seen him this morning.
Here he is
celebrating his 20th wedding anniversary,
and to look at him you'd think
he was a man just fallen in love!
Well, what's the matter? Come on.
- What did we do that for?
- I can't tell you.
- Why?
- You're too little.
Bet you I'm bigger than you was
when you was little!
- Hello, Marjorie.
- Hello.
- Where's your mother?
- Your wife is upstairs.
- Hello, Wesley.
- Hello.
- Good evening, Stella.
- Good evening.
Marjorie, William has some rather
exciting news, but he can tell you himself.
It wouldn't be fair of me
to take the edge off of his surprise.
- Evening, George.
- Alice!
- Don't we look lovely!
- Mother looks lovely!
Mother, I'll set the table.
George, the children
have been spoiling me.
Marjorie's been fussing
with my hair all afternoon,
keeping me out of the kitchen,
and Wesley insisted on doing
the marketing and polishing the silver.
I'm being treated
as though I were a queen.
You are a queen,
and that's straight from the king.
Henry VIII!
Mother, sometimes I overlook
our children's peculiar behavior.
But considering Stella's in our employ,
don't you think, at times,
she's a little outspoken?
Oh, she's been with us so long,
she feels like one of the family.
I wish I felt like that.
Oh, George.
Mom, have you seen
the key to my handcuffs?
- Oh, my word.
- Did you look in your pockets?
I can't.
It's only rubber.
- The top of a fountain pen?
- I can trade it for something.
- Is this...
- That's it. Put it in my teeth.
Well, I think this will do it.
Oh, George, why don't you leave
your work at the bank?
Miss La Rue wants to take over
the theater for rehearsal tomorrow.
I have to get these papers to her tonight
for her signature.
- You're going to that actress lady?
- I have to deliver these papers.
I won't be long, dear.
I think I'll run next door to Mrs. Gaston.
She wants to copy these patterns.
I'll probably be gone when you get back.
All right, dear, but I think
it's a shame you have to go out
after working so hard all day.
Father, if you have some papers
you want delivered,
I can drop them off
on my way to the dance.
I wouldn't think of it.
The Y is way on the other side of town.
I could run them over for you
in a few minutes in the machine.
- Stella, you can't even drive a machine.
- You know how quick I pick up things.
I'm overwhelmed at all this attention,
but I think...
Can I go, Pop?
I like to run errands, really do.
Well, that's very considerate of you,
Please, Pop?
Well, all right.
Now, let's see.
These papers are for the lease,
and there was something else.
But I have a note that'll take care of that.
get your hat and coat.
Well, go on, Wesley, get your hat and coat.
Yes, sir.
Hey, Ma.
- What does "delete" mean?
- "Delete" means "to take out."
- "Take out," huh?
- Yes, why?
Oh, nothing.
Hey, Marjorie! You remember that note
we found this morning?
What about it?
Well, Pop wants me
to bring that to her, too!
Stella, I've been worried
about that note all day.
It's bad enough Father wrote it,
but I still had hopes he'd never send it.
He even put some more on it,
something about taking her out.
- What?
- What did you say?
Wesley, that woman
must never get that note!
You take it and you burn it,
you understand?
Okay, Sis.
Now, remember this,
you can take the papers,
but not one word about that note.
He told me to get her signature,
but I'll get her fingerprints, too.
I still think she's a bank crook!
Now, Miss Marjorie,
don't get yourself all shook up.
- Bill's coming over.
- I'd better get dressed.
He's got a big surprise for you.
Remember, your father said so.
Probably about your wedding.
The only wedding I'm interested in
is the one that took place 20 years ago.
Now, have Miss La Rue sign these
and bring them back.
And give her this.
Tell her it's very important.
Yes, sir.
Now, remember,
you're to come straight home.
We don't wanna give Mother
anything to worry about.
Just one girl, only just one girl
There are others, I know
But they're not my pearl
Sun or rain, she is just the same
I'll be happy forever
With just one little girl
To be married, we're old enough plenty
She and I, she and I
She is 18 and I will be 20
By and by, by and by
Although we are short as to money
What care we? What care we?
There are only two flies in the honey
Just one little girl and me
Just one girl, only just one girl
There are others, I know
But they're not my pearl
Sun or rain, she is just the same
I'll be happy forever with just one girl
One girl
One girl
Well, my girl.
- You're early, Bill.
- Yes.
- I'll get dressed right away.
- I could hardly wait to get here.
Marjorie Winfield, come here!
- William!
- Just rehearsing.
There's big news tonight, Mother.
- There you are!
- William, what in the world?
Allow me, madam,
to explain this enthusiasm.
My first day in our loan department,
and already I've endorsed
three important loans!
One for $2,500
to the Central Furniture Company.
A $1,000 personal loan
to a Jack Sprawling.
He wanted to get married.
And do you know to whom
I endorsed the third loan?
William Francis Sherman.
- You mean, you made a loan at the bank?
- Sure.
I sort of got the idea
from this Sprawling fellow.
You see, instead of putting away a little
each week and saving toward a nest egg,
I borrow the nest egg.
Now, I pay a little back each week.
Marjorie, do you realize what this means?
Instead of waiting,
why, we can be married right away!
- Right away?
- Sure.
- Oh, Marjorie, aren't you excited?
- Oh, yes, I am, Bill.
But... Well, this is so sudden.
Sudden? You told me you couldn't wait.
Oh, yes, I know I did, Bill,
but, well, things are different now.
What I mean is, I must have time to think.
Think? You mean, you don't want to...
- Marjorie, is there somebody else?
- No.
Another man?
Say, you don't know a Jack Sprawling,
do you?
Oh, no. Of course not.
Bill, it's so difficult for me
to ask you to understand,
but I can't possibly think
of marrying you right now.
And I can't tell you why.
What do you mean, you can't tell me?
Why, I'm almost your husband!
- At least I thought I was.
- You will be someday.
But for now, Bill, couldn't you please
be sweet and understanding?
But I don't wanna be sweet
and understanding!
I want to be a husband!
It never entered my mind, Marjorie,
that you ever had any doubt
about your feelings toward me.
But now everythings quite obvious.
You're not even sure
I'm the man you want to marry.
Oh, William, I've been working
on Marjorie's wedding invitations,
- and I thought...
- Be sure and send me one, sir.
I'd like to find out who she ends up with.
The Palmer Printing Company
must think I'm an idiot!
You want to tell Mother about it?
Mother, Bill wants
to get married right away.
- Well, isn't that what you wanted?
- Well, yes, I did, but...
- Mother, I don't want to leave you.
- Oh, darling.
What I mean is, it's so strange
leaving the family and everything.
I feel so at home here.
We've gotten used to you, too.
And this is where you belong
until you're good and ready to leave.
- Got it pressed.
- Oh, good.
- Well, what was the big surprise?
- Bill wants to get married right away.
Stella, you know
I can't leave my mother now,
not with this situation with Father.
Does Bill know?
No. It's so awful I couldn't tell him.
I just acted vague
about not wanting to get married.
Poor Bill, he didn't know what to think.
Maybe I should have a talk with my father
right now.
Oh, no, that would never do.
Why, when this blows over,
he'd be embarrassed for life
to know you children knew
about his foolishness.
I hope it's just foolishness.
Now you listen to me, Miss Marjorie.
There's no fool like an old fool.
Especially an old fool who isn't too old
to act like a young fool again.
Now, come on, you're supposed to be
the belle of the ball tonight.
Some belle. I don't even have an escort.
Now, Miss Marjorie, you have to go.
You're on the plate tonight.
Now come on, get into your dress.
All right.
But my heart isn't in it.
Well, as long as you get the rest of you in
it, you won't have to worry about escorts.
I'm Wesley Winfield.
My father sent these papers
to be signed by you from the bank.
- Oh, you're Mr. Winfield's little boy?
- Yes, ma'am.
Well, you are a fine-looking boy.
Handsome like your father.
My father isn't handsome.
He looks real funny in the morning.
Oh, I guess
we all look funny in the morning.
My mother doesn't. She's real beautiful!
Well, I'm sure she is.
Won't you come in?
- May I take your hat?
- Don't bother.
- I'm sorry...
- Don't worry about it.
Sit down while I look at these papers.
Would you like an apple?
- Yes, ma'am.
- All right, help yourself.
You hand it to me.
- I'm gonna eat it later.
- Oh.
I thought perhaps you might like
some cream soda.
Here are all the papers signed
and everything is magnifique.
Magnifique means wonderful.
That is French.
Were you ever a spy?
Oh, in my profession,
I have been many things,
a spy, a wicked gypsy.
- Once I was even a lady bandit.
- A lady bandit?
But that venture only lasted two weeks,
so I prefer to keep it a secret.
- Who's that?
- My associates.
Your gang?
You may come in.
- I hope we're not intruding.
- It's quite all right.
Well, we've got everything set.
Gentlemen, this is Wesley Winfield,
the banker's little boy.
How are you, Wesley?
- Hello.
- Hello, there.
Oh, I see you're wearing your badge.
Hey, fellows,
did you know this man's a detective?
- A detective?
- Well...
What's the matter, Wesley?
Stand back!
- Hello, Wesley.
- Oh, Bill.
I'm sorry I frightened you.
I had a little quarrel with your sister,
and I was just waiting for her to get home
from the dance.
What are you doing?
- Marjorie told me to burn this letter.
- Oh.
Hey, what are you doing? Give me it.
"The thrill of your
response to my admiration..."
Don't, please.
Well, this explains a lot of things.
- Wesley, who sent this letter?
- I can't tell you. It's a secret.
Well, it's not fair of me to pump you.
I'll get my information
direct from '"ma cherie. '"
Oh, Bill.
It's a full house.
Come on, get in your places.
When the sun begins to rise
And there's a light in the eastern skies
You'll hear a rooster crow
All the animals appear
When they hear that cry of Chanticleer
They're up and on the go
Howdy there, folks.
Say, how you been?
Good morning, lady. My, aren't we thin?
Hey, there, fella, let me see that grin.
It's time for the jubilee
Round the barnyard
Goes the mighty cavalcade
Gorgeously arrayed
See them on parade
All the animals assemble there
As the break of day draws near
Then the crickets
Birds and bees upon the wing
Soon begin to sing
Hear the chorus ring
Though they often try
They never beat the cry of Chanticleer
See the turkey chicken reel without a care
And the chicken there
Do the grizzly bear
While the goat begins to castle rock
Till you want to stand and cheer
When the ducks
begin to do the turkey trot
And they get plenty hot
Give it all they've got
But they can't compete
With the strutting feet of Chanticleer
Life is fine when you rise and shine
With the king of the barnyard
King Chanticleer
Hello, Marjorie. You were wonderful.
You were wonderful.
You were wonderful.
Marjorie! You're not leaving?
Oh, Chester, please forgive me,
but I'm not in the best of spirits tonight.
Marjorie, there's no need to be mysterious
any longer, Marjorie.
I happen to know now
why you can't marry me.
A fine thing.
A soldier overseas and his sweetheart
carrying on with another man.
What are you saying?
Why, you know perfectly well
the only man I saw while you were away
- was Chester Finley.
- I thought it was you.
There I was fighting for democracy,
and you were supposed
to keep the home fires burning.
Well, apparently,
you two didn't even need a fire.
- Why, I ought to...
- Bill.
Now, Marjorie,
you don't have to defend me.
If you're worth having,
you're worth fighting for.
Well, I'm glad you feel that way because
you and I are going in the locker room.
Please. I'm not worth it.
Would you hold these, please? Thank you.
Go ahead, Finley, you'd better start it,
because I'm gonna finish it.
Very well.
I don't know.
Chester, you hit Bill?
Well, I hope it was him.
I didn't have my glasses on.
Bill, are you hurt?
Really, Bill, aren't you being childish
about Chester?
Well, you know very well
I've always considered him a bore.
He must have been very boring that night
you responded to his admiration.
What are you saying?
The reason you didn't want to get married.
"The thought of one of us being married
to another is most agonizing."
Where did you get this?
You ought to know.
You gave it to Wesley to burn.
Bill. Bill.
- Chester didn't write that note.
- What?
I was hoping
I'd never have to tell you this, but...
Well, it was written by somebody else.
- Somebody else? Who?
- My father.
Your father?
Yes. My father sent that note
to that French actress, Miss La Rue.
Marjorie Winfield,
you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
What a fantastic story,
besmirching the good name of your father.
Of all the cheap contemptible tricks!
Well, if that's all the trust you have in me,
William Sherman,
I'm glad I found you out!
You old fuddy-duddy!
For heaven's sake, Miss Marjorie,
where have you been all morning?
I've been down at Ike Hickey's
cleaning up the sleigh for tonight.
It's better than sitting around,
moping about Bill.
The idea of Wesley
letting Bill get ahold of that note.
I gave him the piano for this morning.
It wasn't Wesley's fault.
And as for William Sherman,
I wouldn't marry him if he were the last...
If he were the only boy in the world,
I wouldn't.
Hello, George.
Hello, Alice.
What's the matter? Is anything wrong?
No. Everythings wonderful,
just wonderful.
This morning, our daughters fianc
canceled his loan at the bank,
quit his job,
and announced he was leaving town.
- Leaving town?
- What did you say? Bill's gone?
Taking the 11:30.
- 11:30?
- That's what I said.
Well, then he's already gone.
Oh, Marjorie, you poor dear child.
Poor dear child? Look at her.
No wonder men leave town.
A fine picture of Grace,
beauty and femininity.
Well, I may be getting on in years,
but I still know
what a man looks for in a woman.
I imagine you do!
And as for William Sherman leaving,
all I can say is, "Good riddance!"
It seems to me, a young lady of your age,
from a good home,
blessed with such fine parents...
Marjorie, I've been passive about a lot
of queer things going on around here,
but now I would like to know
what happened between you and Bill.
Bill's jealous of Chester.
He made a big scene and then
he accused me of being untrue to him.
Well, you've been very open
and above-board
about your relationships with...
How dare he accuse my daughter,
a Winfield, of being untrue.
Why, the impulsive fool,
suspecting Chester. He must be an idiot.
Pardon me, Chester.
If I ever see that William Sherman again...
Please, Father, I'm trying to forget him.
I'd like to help, Marjorie.
Would you care
to go to the nickelodeon tonight?
I can't tonight, Chester.
I'm taking the family out.
You can come along if you want to.
My mother and father
are celebrating their anniversary.
- Alice, we nearly forgot.
- So we did.
Let's see, he left at 11:30.
The telegram would be delivered to him
when the train reach Muncie at 3:00.
Now, if he gets the westbound train,
it'll get him back here in Milburn at 7:15.
- That's fine.
- Good.
- Here is your lunch, Homer.
- Thanks, Toby.
You better keep your message
down to 10 words, son.
Ten words?
Maybe I can help you.
You just tell me what you wanna say.
Well, it's kind of a secret.
Oh, all telegrams are confidential.
Bill left town because he thought
a love letter
that Marjorie gave me to burn
was from Chester Finley.
But it wasn't.
It was a letter that Father was sending
to that actress lady, Miss La Rue.
I never would have believed it
of George Winfield.
I'd believe it about any man.
Your poor mother.
Oh, she doesn't know.
But Marjorie and Bill
were supposed to get married.
I'll write the telegram for you, son.
And remember, Toby,
company business is confidential.
Strictly confidential!
And if this gets out,
I'll know where it came from.
Did you hear the news?
That George Winfield is running around
with that actress.
- Hello.
- Did you hear the news?
That George Winfield is running around
with that actress.
You don't say.
My word, who'd have ever thought it?
Homer, you'll never believe.
Did you know that that George Winfield
has been carrying on with that actress?
Remember this?
am I a little eccentric in thinking
ice skating is a peculiar way
to celebrate one's 20th anniversary?
Well, I told Marjorie
about a certain evening at Miller's Pond,
and I guess she is like her mother,
I'll forget you
When I can live without the sunshine
I'll forget you
When I can live without the rain
When summer roses
Forget their fragrance
And the songbird
His sweet refrain
I'll forget you
When I can live without the moonlight
I'll forget you
When I can live without the sun
Though Heaven's gladness
May turn to sadness
I'll never forget you
Gee, Sis, I'm sorry about letting
Bill get ahold of that note.
It's all right, Wesley. You couldn't help it.
It's all my fault. I ought to kill myself.
- Wesley.
- It's only rubber.
See you, Sis. I'm working on a case.
- I hope you get your man.
- So do I.
Honestly, Marjorie, I feel ridiculous.
I just hope this whole idea of yours works.
Stella, we know
that Father's still in love with Mother.
This is just the thing to rekindle the flame.
- Hello, Chester.
- Hello, Marjorie.
- You see, I've accepted your invitation.
- I'm awfully glad.
Excuse me, Stella.
- What are you waiting for?
- We'll be out in just a minute.
- Stella, Wesley and Mr. Hickey are here.
- Oh.
Come on, Mother, let's go.
George, the skates.
- We forgot Chester.
- Oh.
- Chester!
- Oh, here I am.
Come on.
Come on. Hurry up.
Hey, your mustache is off.
- How do I look?
- They'll never know you, Bill.
My pipe.
Be careful.
Marjorie, a horse and sleigh.
And Ike Hickey driving.
Alice, do you remember?
Oh, yes.
Hello, Ike.
Mr. Hickey!
Marjorie, this is wonderful!
Hello, Marjorie, the back seat, just for us.
Thank you, Chester.
Oh, excuse me, Mr. Finley.
Mercy, I haven't been skating
since I was knee-high to a duck.
Isn't it beautiful?
It was very nice of you
to ask me along tonight, Marjorie.
I realize this is sort of a family occasion,
but, who knows,
pretty soon I may be one of the family.
Giddyap, there.
Giddyap, there.
Giddyap, there.
Mr. Hickey, be careful.
You nearly broke Chester's glasses.
- Isn't it pretty?
- It's just beautiful.
My goodness, Alice,
it's almost just like we left it.
Yeah. The pavilion's new,
but they cut down the old sycamore.
Oh, yeah, the one we used to race to.
Well, anyway,
the most important thing hasn't changed.
What's that?
Twenty years ago, you were
the prettiest girl here and you still are.
- George.
- I'll help you, Marjorie.
Everybody out.
Come on, Stella, old girl.
Out with his wife tonight,
just to throw us off the track.
- He doesn't fool me.
- Me, neither.
Keep still.
Now, that's not too tight, is it, Marjorie?
Oh, no, that's fine, Chester. Thanks.
Thanks, honey.
You know, it's kind of tough bending over,
all bundled up like this.
I understand, dear.
- Good evening, Mrs. Winfield.
- Good evening.
Hello, Alice.
Hello, George.
My goodness, Alice, the way
I'm being treated you'd think I was poison.
They do act a little queer.
Wonder who Harris foreclosed on today.
Careful, Mr. Winfield.
Very good.
Come on, honey.
Be careful.
Isn't it exhilarating?
Yeah, let's not wait 20 years
to try this again.
Let's not overdo it.
You know, we're 20 years older.
Oh, I'm just getting warmed up.
Look at your father.
- I'm all right, Alice.
- George, come off the ice!
The second time.
Mercy, Mr. Winfield, you all right?
Attention, everyone.
Hey, attention, everyone, please.
All right, all you figure skaters,
Grab your favorite girl and let's everybody
skate to our favorite song.
Here we go.
Come on, Alice, this is my speed.
Oh, I think you need a rest.
Well, our favorite resting place
is behind Spooners' Rock.
Or had you forgotten?
It's working.
The man said, "your favorite girl."
Hey, Marjorie, Mr. Hickey's all alone,
and he said he'd like to skate with you.
- Come on.
- Mr. Hickey?
Here she is.
- Mr. Hickey, you want to skate with me?
- That's right.
Now, that's very sweet.
- But, Marjorie, I'm your escort.
- Now, Chester, be a good sport.
Come on, Mr. Hickey.
Mr. Hickey. Really.
Oh, pardon me,
I am looking for Mr. George Winfield.
- He's over on the other side of the pond.
- With his wife.
Thank you.
Mother and Father
are behind Spooners' Rock.
- By the light
- By the light
- Of the silvery moon
- Of the silvery moon
- I want to spoon
- I want to spoon
- To my honey I'll croon love's tune
- To my honey I'll croon love's tune
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon
- Keep a-shining in June
- Keep a-shining in June
Your silvery beams
Will bring love's dreams
- We'll be cuddling soon
- We'll be cuddling soon
- By the silvery moon
- By the silvery moon
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon
- Keep a-shining in June
- Keep a-shining in June
Your silvery beams
Will bring love's dreams
- We'll be cuddling soon
- We'll be cuddling soon
- By the silvery moon
- By the silvery moon
The silvery moon
Mr. Winfield! Oh, Mr. Winfield!
Good evening, Miss La Rue.
I have been searching for you frantically.
My show opens tomorrow,
and we must reach
some kind of an understanding.
Well, I thought that was all settled.
I still did not get an answer from you
on the divorce matter.
Divorce? Oh, Mother! Oh, Mother.
But, Miss La Rue, my note settled all that.
Yes, the speech I copied from the play,
the one dealing with divorce.
I sent it back to you with a notation
requesting that it be deleted
from the show.
Father, you mean that note
was just something out of the play?
Yes. I gave it to Wesley to deliver.
Here. This must be it.
- What are you doing with that?
- Well, sir, I...
He thought Chester sent the letter to me.
You couldn't blame me. When Wesley said
Marjorie told him to burn it.
- Burn it?
- It wasn't her fault.
We thought it was a love letter
you were sending to Miss La Rue.
- Yes.
- A love letter?
You thought that I...
That this woman and I...
You all thought...
- Alice, what did you think?
- I didn't know.
They didn't let me in on the fun.
Fun? Well, I don't think this is so funny.
And I beg you to remember
that Miss La Rue and I
weren't having any fun, either.
And as for you, young man,
when we get home,
you're gonna get a taste of my razor strap.
Don't worry, Sis, I threw it away.
- You what?
- You won't need it anymore.
I got you one of these new safety razors
for your anniversary.
Well, really, I don't think
this is a laughing matter.
My own family, my friends and neighbors
distrusted me.
And what about this lady's feelings?
- Miss La Rue, you must think that this is...
- Very funny.
Oh, that's wonderful, Miss La Rue.
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon
- Keep a-shining in June
- Keep a-shining in June
Your silvery beams
Will bring love's dreams
- We'll be cuddling soon
- We'll be cuddling soon
- By the silvery moon
- By the silvery moon
Your silvery beams
Will bring love's dreams
- We'll be cuddling soon
- We'll be cuddling soon
- By the silvery moon
- By the silvery moon
I want to spoon
To my honey I'll croon love's tune
Honeymoon, keep a-shining in June
Your silvery beams
will bring love's dreams
We'll be cuddling soon
By the silvery moon
- By the light
- By the light, by the light
- Of the silvery moon
- Of the silvery moon
- I want to spoon
- I want to sit and spoon
To my honey, I'll croon
Love's tune
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon, honeymoon
- Keep a-shining in June
- In June
Your silvery beams
will bring love's dreams
We'll be cuddling soon
By the silvery moon
- Hello, Mr. Winfield.
- Good afternoon.
That's Mr. Winfield,
Vice-President of our First National Bank,
Chairman of the Civic Betterment League,
and twice winner of the Elks' picnic
potato-sack race.
- Hello, George.
- Hello, darling.
See that woman he just kissed?
That's Mrs. Winfield.
They've been married for 20 years,
and she knows how to handle him,
in spite of all of his faults.
Know what his biggest fault is?
He doesn't think he has any.
The Winfields have two children,
a boy and girl.
That's the girl!
Her name is Marjorie.
She's fixin' to marry the boy
across the street, Bill Sherman.
Now that the war has ended,
he'll be home soon.
This is the Winfield boy, Wesley,
and, Max, the dog.
Okay, Max, now you're all fingerprinted.
Okay, Gregory, you're next.
This is Gregory, the turkey.
Wesley is their second child.
If he'd been the first,
there never would have been a second.
Oh, you're probably wondering who I am.
Well, don't be so nosy.
Alice! Alice! Look.
And on the front page, too.
"Private William Sherman,
of the 161st Infantry,
"has received his honorable discharge
and will soon be in our midst again."
Oh, isn't that wonderful, George?
Stella, go call Marjorie.
Well, we'll be having a man
around the house again.
A young man.
Well, Mother,
the next time William Sherman's picture
is in the paper,
Marjorie's will be right along beside it.
I guess I've looked forward
to this wedding as much as they have.
Well, don't make it sound
like I'm trying to get rid of Margie.
Being a responsible father,
I happen to be old-fashioned enough
to want to see our grown daughter
take her rightful position
- in the institution of marriage.
- I know, George,
but Marjorie's awfully young.
She's only 18.
Darling, you were only 18
when you were married.
But that's different. I'm her mother.
Yes, dear.
I just heard the news
that Bill's coming home!
Isn't it wonderful?
It might be more wonderful
if he were coming home
to a charming, feminine young lady
instead of a grease monkey.
Father, somebody in this family
has to know about mechanics.
This is the Machine Age!
I would appreciate it if you would
confine your genius to a sewing machine.
- Does it need fixing?
- That's not what your father meant.
When I patriotically consented
for you to work around Ike Hickey's Garage
during the emergency, I didn't intend
for you to make a career out of it.
- Oh, that must be Mr. Finley.
- I'll answer it, Stella. You get Wesley.
Tell him it's time for his piano lesson.
That's not the way to get him.
- Good afternoon, Chester.
- Good afternoon, Marjorie.
- Sweets for the sweet.
- Oh, Chester.
Cream centers.
Really, you mustn't
bring me gifts all the time.
But, Marjorie,
we have been seeing a lot of each other.
Yes, I know, Chester,
and you've been such a good friend,
acting as my escort and taking me
to the church socials and everything.
Oh, and there's so much more I could do
for you, if you'd only let me.
Now, Chester, you promised.
I promised not to take advantage
of the situation
while my rival was overseas.
But now that he is coming home, well,
it's every man for himself.
- Isn't it time for Wesley's lesson?
- Oh...
Oh, Wesley!
- Wesley!
- I'm coming, I'm coming.
Wesley Winfield,
how many times have you been told...
Well, I got to keep my eye on him.
He's a suspect.
I know. I'll keep him in solitary for you
till you finish your piano lesson.
Come on, Gregory. You stay out
of the kitchen until Thanksgiving.
Come on.
- Wesley, Mr. Finley is here.
- I hate him.
Now, Wesley, you must learn
to be friendly with Mr. Finley.
Please, I prefer to keep it on this basis.
If you behave yourself,
you can have some chocolate.
Oh! After your lesson.
Remember this, George?
Oh, Mother, it's beautiful.
Alice, I dare say,
I'll be as thrilled seeing Marjorie
in that dress as I was you.
Oh, Mother.
I only hope I look as pretty as you did.
Miss Marjorie, if you'll come upstairs
and wash that grime off of you,
- we'll have a fitting.
- In a minute, Stella.
Oh, Mother, I want Bill and his family
to be so proud of me.
They will be, dear.
You know, I was talking
to Mrs. Sherman only this morning
about our children getting married,
and she said, "You know,
we don't feel like we're losing a son,
"we feel like we're gaining a daughter."
- Isn't that sweet?
- Marjorie!
I'm coming, Stella!
Well, I feel like I'm losing a son.
My hometown is a one-horse town
But it's big enough for me
The population is scattered and small
You can't find the town on any map at all
But just the same
it means the world to me
To be with Mother and my family
My hometown is a one-horse town
But it's big enough for me
My hometown is a one-horse town
But it's big enough for me
The population is scattered and small
You can't find the town on any map at all
But just the same
it means the world to me
To be with Mother and my family
My hometown is a one-horse town
But it's big enough for
Big enough for
Big enough for me
That's a boy, Bill!
Hey, there's Miller's Pond.
We're almost home.
- Your girl meeting you at the station?
- No.
- No, I'm gonna surprise her.
- Mine's gonna be there.
- We're all set to get married.
- Married?
- You know, I'm supposed to get married.
- Supposed to?
Well, I mean, she thinks
that we're gonna get married right away.
But this hitch in the Army has given me
a more mature outlook on life.
I realize now
that there's more to marriage
than just two people being in love.
Why, there's responsibility.
A man should be established in a career,
prepared to meet his financial obligations.
Do you know how many marriages
have gone on the rocks
just because two impulsive people
have set out on the sea of matrimony
in nothing more than a leaky rowboat?
I know that Marjorie and her folks
will understand.
- Hey, what's going on?
- It's 5:00.
- Wesley, what are you doing?
- It's 5:00.
Well, you might have at least
finished the piece.
- Wesley, give me that candy...
- Marjorie said.
- Cream centers.
- I know.
- Bill!
- Wesley! How are you?
- Bill, are we glad to see you.
- Hello, Mr. Winfield, Mrs. Winfield.
- How ya been?
- Gee, it's good to be home.
Your picture was in the paper,
right on the front page.
- I want to surprise Marjorie.
- Oh, yeah, come on in.
You go on in the living room.
I'll call Marjorie.
- Marjorie!
- Yes, Mother?
Come on down!
We want you to hear Wesley
play his new piece.
In a minute, Mother.
William, this is Fester Chinley.
Chester Finley.
- I'm glad to meet you, Chester.
- How do you do?
Chester's been dating Marjorie
ever since you left.
Yes, I know.
Marjorie told me in her letters.
And you don't know what a comfort
it is to a man overseas, Chester,
not to have to worry about his girl.
- Aren't you gonna bump him one?
- Wesley...
- Candy?
- Thank you, Mrs. Winfield.
Boy, this is one thing we missed overseas.
- Have one? Cream centers.
- I know.
I guess he doesn't like cream centers.
Chester's been giving Wesley
piano lessons.
He's coming along, slow but sure.
We'd hoped by now he progressed
far enough to play at your wedding.
Well, he'll still have time to learn.
Oh, we wouldn't want to postpone
your happiness
just because Wesley happens to have
two left hands. Not by a long shot, son.
Oh, Mother, it's beautiful.
- Marjorie.
- This is a surprise.
- Marjorie, you look beautiful.
- Do I?
You know, the groom's not supposed
to see the bride like this
- until the day of the wedding.
- Yeah.
Well, I guess I better be getting home.
I haven't even seen the folks yet.
Will I see you tonight, Bill?
Well, there's a dance at the club.
Oh, fine. Fine.
And we've got a lot to talk about,
haven't we?
Yeah, lots.
Bill, you're all right, aren't you?
All right?
Well, you're acting so strange.
You weren't hurt or wounded or anything?
Oh, no. As a matter of fact,
the Germans surrendered
the day I landed in Paris.
I guess they knew you were coming.
- See you tonight.
- Yeah.
I saw your eyes
Your wonderful eyes
With love light and tenderness beaming
They thrilled me through
They filled me, too
With wonderful dreams I am dreaming
No need to speak
No more shall I seek
For my heart has taught me their meaning
And love has come at last, I know
- Your eyes have told me so
- Your eyes have told me so
Bill, would you like to go someplace
where we can talk?
- We haven't talked yet.
- Later.
It sure feels good dancing
with my girl like this.
Do you think you'll feel
the same way after?
- After?
- After we're married.
- You'll always be my girl.
- And you'll always be my husband.
No need to speak
No more shall I seek
For my heart has taught me their meaning
And love has come at last, I know
- Your eyes have told me so
- Your eyes have told me so
Bill and Marjorie are sure making up
for lost time.
Hey, Bill,
when are you two gonna get hitched?
- Yeah, when is it gonna be?
- You set the date yet?
Come on, Bill, tell us about it.
Well, now, folks, friends,
as you can tell by just looking at us,
we can hardly wait.
I'm a mighty lucky fellow
to be getting a girl like Marjorie.
Not only because she is beautiful
and wonderful,
but because she is, well,
so understanding,
so practical and so intelligent.
How would you know, Bill?
Well, the thing of it is,
that we've decided to wait a while.
What are you gonna wait for, Bill?
What's the matter?
Well, after all,
I'm just a soldier back from the war.
And we've decided to be a little patient,
so I can get a job
and maybe save a little nest egg and...
Well, as soon as we set the date,
why, you'll be the first to know.
- Marjorie, you're not angry, are you?
- I'm too intelligent to be angry.
- Marjorie, wait!
- We've decided to leave!
I understand. No leaky rowboat for us.
You know, once I get a job, why,
in no time at all we'll have that nest egg.
- Bill, how big an egg are you planning on?
- Just enough to give us a start.
A down payment on a house.
- Our own little home.
- Isn't that better than rushing things?
A little cottage, a picket fence,
a yard for the children.
Now who's rushing things?
- Must be out of gas.
- There is plenty of gas.
- We had a full tank when we left.
- Yeah. Probably a flat.
- Lf we had a flat, you'd feel it.
- Yeah.
Say, I've got a hunch
the valve under the gas tank is jammed.
Yeah, I'd better have a look at it.
William, it's not in there.
Underneath the car.
Here you are.
- That about does it.
- Yeah.
Push her off the jack.
- Wait till I get out from under!
- Yeah. Here, I'll help you.
- There we go.
- Oh, dear.
Oh, my. Okay.
Push her off.
Start the motor, huh?
- We're okay now. I got her going.
- Yeah.
- Oh, here, let me help you.
- It's getting cold.
Gee, Marjorie,
you ruined your favorite dress.
My favorite dress is the one
you saw me in this afternoon.
Now, Marjorie,
I thought we settled all that.
You even said you'd be happy to wait
until I got a job.
I'm only teasing.
But you know something,
I was just thinking.
We'd only have to wait
half as long if I had a job
and was saving along with you.
The business world's
a man's world, Marjorie.
And women have no right forsaking
their sacred heritage to meddle in it.
Now they're even meddling in politics.
- I was just offering to help, that's all.
- Thank you, Marjorie.
But I intend becoming a capable provider,
a good husband
and a father, without any help from you!
I mean... Well, you know what I mean.
With your egotism, I'm not so sure.
You just don't believe in progress.
Why, you're getting to be
an old fuddy-duddy.
Come on, Marjorie.
get in and we'll go home.
- I wouldn't ride in the same car with you.
- Now stop acting childish.
We're a mile from home,
and it's getting cold.
Well, isn't that just too bad?
guess the children
will be home late tonight.
Well, Alice, after all,
the boy's been overseas,
and this is the first time he's been out
with his girl in a long time.
Didn't they look cute tonight
when they left?
William is a fine boy, a fine boy.
- Marjorie?
- Bill and I had a fight.
- You won?
- George.
Darling, what did you quarrel about?
Mother, William Sherman
doesn't believe in women.
Well, the next time his gas valve
gets jammed, he can fix it himself.
All I did was offer to go to work and help
so that we could get married real soon.
Oh, you discussed your wedding plans?
I've already talked to
the Palmer Printing Company
about turning out the invitations.
Are you and Bill planning
on a large wedding or a small one?
A small one. I won't be there.
Miss Marjorie is having one of her moods.
I'm going to have a talk with
that Sherman boy and find out
just how serious his intentions are.
Marjorie told me all about Bill's plans,
and I think it's admirable of him
to be so conscientious
about their future, I mean.
Well, I'll speak to Harris today.
See if we can find a spot for the boy
at the bank.
I don't like this waiting business.
Oh, George, this little spat is nothing.
Then why is Marjorie having a mood?
Because she's at the age
when girls are very emotional,
easily depressed,
given to fits of tears and despair.
It's the happiest time in a woman's life.
- get him!
- Wesley!
- It's only Gregory.
- Gregory?
You've been told to stop running the flesh
off of that turkey!
It's a good thing tomorrow
is Thanksgiving.
There'd be nothing left but feathers.
For the last time,
that turkey does not belong in the house.
If he's good enough to be on the table,
he's good enough to walk around it.
George, I'm afraid this is another crisis.
Wesley has become very attached
to our Thanksgiving dinner.
So it seems.
I think I'll send him to the movies
this afternoon,
and while he's gone I'll take
the turkey to the butcher to be prepared.
No, Alice. I don't believe
in sparing the boy with deceit.
When he does find out,
he'll only resent being tricked.
Wesley can take the turkey to the butcher.
- It's part of his growing up.
- Oh, but, George...
After all, it's my duty as a father
to make Wesley understand
that sentiment has its proper place.
Fish and fowl and most animals
are mainly created
for the sustenance of mankind.
A turkey is a turkey
and meant to be eaten.
- And you tell him that, Alice.
- George Winfield.
All right, I'll tell him.
I'll get it, Mother!
- Good morning, Marjorie.
- Good morning, Chester.
I realize it's rather early to be calling,
but ever since I heard the good news,
I could hardly wait to see you.
What news?
Well, some people who were at the dance
last night told me about you and Bill.
The postponement.
Really, Chester,
aren't you jumping to conclusions?
Well. Nevertheless,
it's all the encouragement I needed.
Look, I've written a song.
I've taken everything I ever felt
in my heart for you
and set it to music.
Wait till you hear it!
- Chester, isn't it kind of early?
- Not for me. I've been up all night.
Be my little baby bumblebee
Bring home all the honey, love, to me
Let me spend the...
Excuse me, Chester.
- Morning, Marjorie.
- Good morning, William.
I've been thinking about
our silly little quarrel last night,
and, well, I feel an apology is in order.
- Well, I should say it is.
- Well, go ahead and apologize.
Well, you called me an old fuddy-duddy.
I'm certainly not old,
and I'm neither a fuddy nor a duddy.
Now am I?
William, honestly.
- Who's that?
- It's Chester.
- He's been up all night.
- Here?
Of course not, silly. He's been working.
He's written a song.
Chester, would you play your song again?
- I'd like to sing it now.
- Oh, of course.
- Marjorie...
- Chester, play your song.
Be my little baby bumblebee
Buzz around, buzz around
keep a-buzzin'round
Bring home all the honey, love, to me
Little bee, little bee, little bumblebee
Let me spend the happy hours
Roving with you 'mongst the flowers
And when we get
where no one else can see
Cuddle up, cuddle up, come and cuddle up
Be my little baby bumblebee
Buzz around, buzz around
keep a-buzzin'round
- We'll be just as happy as can be
- Happy as can be
You and me, you and me, you and me
Honey, keep a-buzzin'please
I've got a dozen buzzin'bees
But I want you
To be my baby bumblebee
Buzz, buzz.
- Chester, you know Bill?
- Good morning, Chester.
Yes, we've met.
Say, that's a wonderful song.
I wondered if you'd do me a favor
and play it again?
- Oh, won't you, Chester?
- Oh, yes.
Be my little baby bumblebee
Buzz around, buzz around
keep a-buzzin'round
Bring home all the honey love to me
- Little bee, little bee, little bumblebee
- Little bee, little bee, little bumblebee
Let me spend the happy hours
Roving with you 'mongst the flowers
And when we get where no one else
can see...
Cuddle up, cuddle up
Come and cuddle up
- We're forgetting Chester.
- That's a good idea.
- Chester, are you leaving?
- I'm not made of wood.
He's not?
- Oh, Wesley.
- Yes, sir?
- How would you like to earn $1?
- A dollar!
- Yes, I'd like you to run an errand for me.
- Can I take Gregory with me?
Yes, you can take Gregory with you.
I want you to go into town.
Sounds like a pretty long walk
for a turkey.
But if he gets tired,
I guess I can carry him back.
- Yes, you can carry Gregory back.
- Where do you want me to go, Pop?
- Wesley, you remember Grandpa?
- Yes, sir.
He was with us a long time,
and then he went away.
Son, we all have to go sometime.
Wesley, I've always tried
to be a good father.
You're not going anywhere, are you, Pop?
But tomorrow is Thanksgiving and... And...
You want Gregorys head chopped off
and his insides taken out
so you can eat him, don't you?
Now, please, Wesley,
you're making this very difficult.
Now you know perfectly well that
all your little chums and their families
all get turkeys
and fatten them for Thanksgiving.
Why, we even picked Gregory
because you said
he had the biggest drumsticks.
I bet he'd be good and fat
by next Thanksgiving.
- Please, Wesley.
- I'll bet we'd have the biggest,
fattest turkey in the whole country!
Now, we'll have no more talk.
I intend to be firm.
Yes, sir.
Now, you take that turkey to Mr. Schultz,
and you tell Mr. Schultz to...
- To...
- Yes, sir?
Now, you know perfectly well
what to tell him.
You couldn't have phrased it
more descriptively.
Wesley, some day, when you're a father,
you'll understand these things.
I'm never gonna be a father. I hate fathers.
At the moment,
I have no great love for them myself.
Come on, Max.
- Hey, Wesley, want to play with me?
- No, Pee Wee. I'm busy.
- And besides, you're too little.
- Can I play with Max?
- No.
- I'm bigger than him.
- Max has to go with me.
- Why?
'Cause tomorrow is Thanksgiving.
I'm taking him with me to Mr. Schultz,
the butcher.
- We're having turkey.
- So are we, stupid.
- Our turkey is all ready to cook.
- Go home, Pee Wee.
He's outside in our storeroom.
Want to see him?
No, Pee Wee, I...
Your turkey is outside in your storeroom?
- Yeah, want to see him?
- No, but...
- You want me to let you play with Max?
- Yeah.
Come here, Max. Here.
But you got to keep him in here
and stay here with him till I get back.
- Lf he tries to get out, I'll bite him.
- Good boy, Pee Wee.
Here are the signatures
on that Foley Lumber Mill loan.
The final escrow papers
on the Jackson deal.
And here's a letter from Indianapolis.
Some theatrical company would like
to rent the Grand Street opera house.
Good. We haven't realized a cent
from that theater
since we were appointed trustees.
That's true,
but since the church owns that property,
it's our obligation to investigate the show
and see if it's morally fit for Milburn.
This was enclosed in the letter.
Well, who says banking is a dull business?
Yes, well,
perhaps we'd better investigate this.
When Miss La Rue arrives in town,
I'll discuss the play with her
- before granting a lease on the theater.
- Fine.
- Hello?
- Hello, John.
- Oh, Emily.
- Somebody stole our turkey.
- Somebody what?
- Stole our turkey.
- Stole our turkey?
- I can't stand any more of this.
- I'm at the end of my rope!
- Emily, you must try to control yourself.
You don't seem to be very upset
about this.
- Yes, of course I'm upset, but...
- But what?
Well, the thing to do is call the butcher
and order another...
- He hasn't got any left.
- Oh, he hasn't?
- Well...
- Well, what?
- Well, let me call you back later.
- I don't see any need to calling me back.
- Lf you can't talk about it now...
- Yes, dear.
Have you ever heard
of anything so outrageous?
Never in my life.
- Say, how about having dinner with us?
- That'll settle everything.
- Sure we're not imposing?
- Not at all.
- We'll have enough for everyone.
- Fine.
I can't get over anyone low enough
to steal a Thanksgiving turkey.
Positively shocking.
Why, the way things are getting,
I sometimes wonder if this town
is a fit place for Wesley to grow up in.
Every morning, every evening
Ain't we got fun?
Every summer
I'm sorry
Ain't we got fun?
When I first saw you
I had but one thought
And then you chased me
Until you were caught
From the day I whispered
'"May I please hold your hand? '"
You progressed and I'm impressed
And I think you're grand
We're really living
We've got a fat turkey
for a fine Thanksgiving
Shut the door, please
Don't get sore, please
Ain't we got fun?
- Let's all have fun
- Let's all have fun
I got a yearning to tango with you
Casanova, please come over
if you have time
You know you're my one and only
That doesn't rhyme!
I'm not too clever
But I'd like to say those words forever
Thank you, kind sir, I don't mind, sir
- Ain't we got fun?
- Ain't we got fun?
That's enough. I'm dizzy!
I shall get you some water, madam.
I think I should shell some more peas.
With the Harrises coming,
that's three more people.
More people, more dishes.
Oh, Stella.
Well, this is quite a picture.
You know, sometimes I think
the preparation is actually more fun
than the dinner itself.
Say, I'm baking the pies.
- Wanna taste the filling?
- Sure.
- Fine cook, Marjorie.
- Yeah.
It looks good. When will it be ready?
I don't know. I've never cooked one
with the door open before.
I only hope Wesley doesn't make a scene.
Oh, he's been wonderful
about the turkey so far.
He hasn't said a word
since he came home from the butcher.
I'm glad he's taking it so well.
Of course, the real test will come
when he sees Gregory in this condition.
- Well, everything looks good.
- Smells good, too.
Where's the turkey?
- Ronald!
- Pee Wee!
Oh, yes, the turkey. I...
- Turkey ready, Stella?
- There it is.
Well, I think they're waiting.
I'm not gonna be the pallbearer.
Oh, put it down here, Bill.
My, what a delicious-looking bird!
I want a drumstick!
Now, Ronald, it isn't polite to ask.
After all, this isn't our turkey.
That's right, Son.
You might, at least,
wait for the bird to be carved.
I want a drumstick, too.
Certainly, dear!
I'll take care of this myself.
- It's a pleasure, sir.
- Stella, everythings fine.
You boys are both gonna get a drumstick.
I want mine first!
- The pie is delicious, Stella.
- It certainly is.
There's plenty more.
I think it's just wonderful of you,
Mr. Harris, to give Bill a job at the bank.
I haven't had any banking experience, sir,
but I hope I can make good.
Of course, you can.
All you have to do is be able to add
and look real honest.
I mean, the banking business
offers a fine opportunity for a young man.
Yes, it certainly does.
Remember, Winfield,
we were about young Sherman's age
when we started out
at the old Olive Street branch.
Yes, that's right. I was chief teller and
remember, J.H., you were my assistant.
Your assistant?
Yes, and Mrs. Harris was the daughter
of V.A. Stonan, the founder of our First...
- More dessert, anyone?
- Yes.
- No, thank you.
- I'm full.
This dinner's so good, I'm almost glad
that someone stole our turkey.
Anyone who'd commit a crime like that
should be tarred and feathered.
You're right.
If you ask me, he should be
strung-up like a common horse thief.
You know, I'll bet Wesley could tell us
who stole that turkey.
Quite a detective, our Wesley.
This is one Thanksgiving
I'll always remember.
Not only for the joy and comfort
I found in the company
of my friends and family but...
Come here, Son.
But because of the strength in character
I found in my son.
Somebody help me.
What's the matter? Come here, now!
Go on! get!
May I be excused?
What can you do?
George, don't be upset about it, please.
Alice, this is one time
I wish you wouldn't interfere.
George, don't get yourself all worked up.
You've said 100 times,
"Boys will be boys."
I know, but does he have to be
one of the James boys?
He was only trying
to protect the life of his pet.
Try to have a little understanding.
Why, when you were Wesley's age,
you ran away from home.
And I'm thinking of doing it again.
Perhaps you can take this lightly, Alice,
but I can't.
George, he's been
punished enough already.
The humiliation and the fright...
Let's be happy
everything turned out so well.
Let's be happy I have a boss
with a sense of humor.
I once married a man
with a sense of humor.
I'll bet you by next Thanksgiving
we'll have the fattest turkey
in the whole country.
I'll bet you.
My father used to sing this song
to my mother when he was courting her.
I'm glad they got together.
By the light of the silvery moon
I want to spoon
To my honey I'll croon love's tune
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon, honeymoon
- Keep a-shining in June
- Keep a-shining in June
- Your silvery beams
- Your silvery beams
- Will bring love's dreams
- Will bring love's dreams
We'll be cuddling soon
- By the silvery moon
- By the silvery moon
Place, park
Scene, dark
Silvery moon is shining through the trees
Cast, two
Me, you
Sound of kisses floating on the breeze
Act one
'"Where would you like to spoon? '"
My cue, with you
- Underneath the silvery moon
- Underneath the silvery moon
- By the light
- Not the dark but the light
- of the silvery moon
- Not the sun but the moon
- I want to spoon
- Not croon but spoon
To my honey I'll croon love's tune
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon, honeymoon
- Keep a-shining in June
- Keep a-shining in June
- Your silvery beams
- Your silvery beams
- Will bring love's dreams
- Will bring love's dreams
- We'll be cuddling soon
- We'll be cuddling soon
- By the silvery moon
- By the silvery moon
Hasn't this been a wonderful day?
It's been more like Christmas
than Thanksgiving.
Me being home, you,
getting started at the bank.
You know,
I think we have more to be thankful for
this Thanksgiving than anybody.
Yeah. Except Gregory.
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon, honeymoon
- Keep a-shining in June
- Keep a-shining in June
- Your silvery beams
- Your silvery beams
- Will bring love's dreams
- Will bring love's dreams
- We'll be cuddling soon
- We'll be cuddling soon
- By the silvery moon
- By the silvery moon
There's so many faces in this mirror,
I can hardly find my own.
Oh, Father, you look positively handsome!
What's Pop getting all spruced up for?
Your father has a date
with a beautiful actress.
Your father happens
to have a business appointment
with a prospective client
who wishes to lease some property
held by the First National Bank.
I wish you'd all stop staring at me
as though I were a gay old dog.
Be on guard, Banker Winfield.
Perhaps this beautiful temptress
will use her charms
to learn the secret combination
of the First National vault.
Fear not, fair damsel,
I've toyed with these jezebels before!
Shall I wait up for you, George?
If you wish. I won't be late.
If you are, we'll all be waiting up for you.
Well, good night, all.
"The beautiful bank crook
and her gang of robbers
"were hiding in their hideout."
"They were very scared
"because they knew
"that Fearless Flanagan, badge 79,
"was on their trail."
'"Dangerous Dora tells her men
not to be scared, that she has a plan.
'"While the men are hiding
in the next room,
'"she'll get Flanagan to drink some
of the whisky
'"with the poison in it.
'"After he's lying helpless on the floor,
'"they can come out and hit him
and stab him and shoot him!
'"There's a knock on the door!
'"Even Dangerous Dora 's a-scared,
'"because she knows that behind that door
'"is that tall, handsome, broad-shouldered,
square-jawed Fearless Flanagan.
'"Badge 79.
'"He checks to see no villain lurks
behind the door.
'"The beautiful Dangerous Dora
may be clever,
'"but this time she's met her match,
'"for the ever-alert Fearless Flanagan
even has eyes in the back of his head.
'"The great detective looks around,
hoping to find a clue.
'"As he sits down, his great brain tells him
that he's not alone in this cabin.
'"'She's trying to poison me, '
thinks Fearless Flanagan.
'"Although he doesn't drink,
he takes the whisky
'"because he has a plan of his own.
'"Fearless walks away
to set a trap for her. Trapped.
'"Now he puts his plan to work.
'"He must play the part of a man
who is poisoned.
'"Fearless plays his part so good
that even Dangerous Dora is fooled.
'"As Dora gets her gang to kill him,
'"Fearless Flanagan swings into action!
'"Dangerous Dora pleads for mercy,
'"and although she's very beautiful,
'"Fearless Flanagan knows that
duty comes first and crime does not pay. '"
It's late, darling,
and there's school tomorrow.
Yes, Ma.
- Ma, will you leave it on till I get to sleep?
- All right.
Very enjoyable.
Oh, I am so delighted.
And I am sure on the stage
it'll be even more exciting
with you in the role of Marlene.
Merci, monsieur.
And you will approve the lease?
Well, I only found one speech in the play
that might be objectionable.
However, I've copied it here
and I'll discuss it with Mr. Harris.
Objectionable speech?
Yes, at the end of the first act, when
the American soldier says to Marlene,
'"Ma cherie, I shall forever
cherish the memory of last night.
"The thrill of your response
to my admiration
"made me realize
that we belong together always.
"The thought of one of us being married
to another is most agonizing,
"but perhaps soon love will find a way."
And this is objectionable?
Well, in the first act,
we learn the American soldier is married.
Therefore, when he speaks of
spending the rest of his life with Marlene,
it hints of the most controversial subject
of this postwar period, divorce.
But, Monsieur Winfield, we have
toured most of the big cities and...
Well, unfortunately,
Milburn is not a big city.
Not that I personally have
a small-town attitude about things.
Then perhaps you can persuade Mr. Harris
to leave this little speech in the play.
Well, I will see what I can do.
Well, it's been a pleasure meeting you,
Miss La Rue.
Well, for me,
it has been a pleasant surprise.
I have never met so charming a banker.
Oh, I just drifted into banking.
Au revoir, Monsieur.
Aren't you gonna tell us
about Miss La Rue, Father?
A very fascinating woman.
And she never met so charming a banker.
Of course,
that's because she hasn't seen Bill yet.
Oh, I don't know.
By the way,
how is William doing at the bank?
Quite competent, and lots of ideas.
In fact, since he's been there,
our suggestion box has been jammed.
See that?
- Merci.
- Merci?
French toast.
Say, listen to this.
"This year's annual charity dance,
"sponsored by the local chapter
of the Y.M.C.A.,
"promises to be one of
the gayest social events of the year.
"Highlighting the evenings entertainment
will be the musical offerings of
- "Miss Marjorie Winfield...
- I thank you.
"...accompanied by Chester Finley,
musical director."
- Bye, Mom.
- Bye, dear.
Listen, there's some clothes to go
to the cleaners upstairs in our room.
Would you drop them off
on your way to school?
Yes, ma'am.
I have a dress to go, too. Excuse me!
Isn't it exciting,
Marjorie entertaining at the Y?
Talented girl, Marjorie.
Going to make a wonderful bride,
a wonderful bride.
They're on the chair.
Here, Wesley.
Hey, Sis, what's this mean? '"Ma cherie'"?
- Wesley, where did you get this?
- Father's suit.
Father's suit?
Wesley! Oh, Wesley!
Yes, sir.
I forgot something.
Bank business.
Stella, I can't believe it.
I'll bet she's a bank crook,
just like you said!
Wesley, you mustn't mention this
to a soul, do you hear?
Especially not to Mother.
In fact, you mustn't even think about it.
Do you promise me?
- I promise.
- All right, now get going.
And remember, Stella, this is a secret!
Stella, this is terrible.
Poor Father, and that awful woman!
Well, I've been cleaning up around here
for years.
I guess I can handle this mess.
But this is positively scandalous!
Why, if this ever gets out...
Oh, dear.
I just hope and pray
we can keep it in the family.
Our biggest job
is to keep the family in the family.
Marjorie, Stella.
I could hardly wait for your father
to leave this morning.
Can you two keep a secret?
- Secret?
- Secret?
Tomorrow is our anniversary,
and I bought this for your father.
Isn't that a lovely watch!
Look at the back.
"To George, with love, Alice."
Oh, my.
Twenty years, and it seems like yesterday.
Mother, are you sure you did
the right thing marrying Father?
What? Why, Marjorie!
Well, what I mean is,
well, I'll bet you had a lot of beaus.
Oh, yeah, there were
a few young men interested in me.
What about Father?
- Was he popular with the girls?
- Oh, quite.
Oh, you'd be surprised at the number
of times I'd be out with your father
and I'd catch some girl giving him a wink.
You sure she wasn't just winking back?
Why, Stella, how can you say that?
I assure you
Mr. Winfield was not flirtatious.
- Was he romantic?
- Oh, when he set his mind to it.
I'll never forget the night he proposed.
I knew it was gonna be a special occasion
because when he came to call,
he'd rented a horse-drawn sleigh
from Hickey's stable.
And Ike Hickey himself was our driver.
Our own driver, mind you.
We drove to Miller's Pond.
It was beautiful,
a full moon shining on the ice,
people skating, bonfires.
- Was that when he proposed?
- Oh, he tried to, several times.
But finally, when we were leaving
and he was helping me off with my skates,
he looked up kind of sheepishly
and he said,
"Alice, as long as I'm down here
on my knees,
"would you accept this as a proposal?"
Your father was never one
for flowery speeches or pretty words.
Mr. Hickey!
There you are, folks, she's all ready to see!
Oh, isn't it picturesque?
Yep, with a little polish and elbow grease
and she'll look as good as new.
Oh, thanks, Mr. Hickey.
Come on, Bill, get in.
Would you mind telling me
what this is all about?
- Well, can you keep a secret?
- Sure.
Mother and Father are celebrating
their 20th anniversary tomorrow.
And we've planned a big surprise,
- haven't we, Mr. Hickey?
- Yes.
Bill, this sleigh is the same one
that Father took Mother out in
the night he proposed.
So we're taking them out in it
tomorrow night.
And we're gonna have the very
same driver, too, aren't we, Mr. Hickey?
Yep. Never will forget that night
on the way home from Miller's Pond.
I could hear every word they were saying.
They was making plans for the wedding.
Your ma was sitting right where you are,
and your pa was sitting right there.
Don't be self-conscious.
He's discussing Mother and Father, not us.
Well, pretty soon,
we'll be able to discuss us.
And maybe a lot sooner than you think.
Look, you don't have to humor me,
William Sherman.
Goodness gracious, you'd think
you were the only boy in the whole world.
Say, that's not a bad idea,
especially if you were the only girl.
We wouldn't even have to get married.
I mean, there'd be nobody here
to marry us.
If you were the only girl
In the world
And you were the only boy
Nothing else would matter
In the world today
We could go on loving
In the same old way
A Garden of Eden
Just made for two
With nothing to mar our joy
I would say
Such wonderful things to you
And there would be
Such wonderful things to do
If you were the only girl
In the world
And you were
The only boy
Say, I better get back to the bank.
It's way past my lunch hour.
Oh, Bill. Remember,
not one word about this to Father.
I hope he doesn't forget about
that anniversary.
You know how men are!
I'm sure he hasn't.
You should have seen him this morning.
Here he is
celebrating his 20th wedding anniversary,
and to look at him you'd think
he was a man just fallen in love!
Well, what's the matter? Come on.
- What did we do that for?
- I can't tell you.
- Why?
- You're too little.
Bet you I'm bigger than you was
when you was little!
- Hello, Marjorie.
- Hello.
- Where's your mother?
- Your wife is upstairs.
- Hello, Wesley.
- Hello.
- Good evening, Stella.
- Good evening.
Marjorie, William has some rather
exciting news, but he can tell you himself.
It wouldn't be fair of me
to take the edge off of his surprise.
- Evening, George.
- Alice!
- Don't we look lovely!
- Mother looks lovely!
Mother, I'll set the table.
George, the children
have been spoiling me.
Marjorie's been fussing
with my hair all afternoon,
keeping me out of the kitchen,
and Wesley insisted on doing
the marketing and polishing the silver.
I'm being treated
as though I were a queen.
You are a queen,
and that's straight from the king.
Henry VIII!
Mother, sometimes I overlook
our children's peculiar behavior.
But considering Stella's in our employ,
don't you think, at times,
she's a little outspoken?
Oh, she's been with us so long,
she feels like one of the family.
I wish I felt like that.
Oh, George.
Mom, have you seen
the key to my handcuffs?
- Oh, my word.
- Did you look in your pockets?
I can't.
It's only rubber.
- The top of a fountain pen?
- I can trade it for something.
- Is this...
- That's it. Put it in my teeth.
Well, I think this will do it.
Oh, George, why don't you leave
your work at the bank?
Miss La Rue wants to take over
the theater for rehearsal tomorrow.
I have to get these papers to her tonight
for her signature.
- You're going to that actress lady?
- I have to deliver these papers.
I won't be long, dear.
I think I'll run next door to Mrs. Gaston.
She wants to copy these patterns.
I'll probably be gone when you get back.
All right, dear, but I think
it's a shame you have to go out
after working so hard all day.
Father, if you have some papers
you want delivered,
I can drop them off
on my way to the dance.
I wouldn't think of it.
The Y is way on the other side of town.
I could run them over for you
in a few minutes in the machine.
- Stella, you can't even drive a machine.
- You know how quick I pick up things.
I'm overwhelmed at all this attention,
but I think...
Can I go, Pop?
I like to run errands, really do.
Well, that's very considerate of you,
Please, Pop?
Well, all right.
Now, let's see.
These papers are for the lease,
and there was something else.
But I have a note that'll take care of that.
get your hat and coat.
Well, go on, Wesley, get your hat and coat.
Yes, sir.
Hey, Ma.
- What does "delete" mean?
- "Delete" means "to take out."
- "Take out," huh?
- Yes, why?
Oh, nothing.
Hey, Marjorie! You remember that note
we found this morning?
What about it?
Well, Pop wants me
to bring that to her, too!
Stella, I've been worried
about that note all day.
It's bad enough Father wrote it,
but I still had hopes he'd never send it.
He even put some more on it,
something about taking her out.
- What?
- What did you say?
Wesley, that woman
must never get that note!
You take it and you burn it,
you understand?
Okay, Sis.
Now, remember this,
you can take the papers,
but not one word about that note.
He told me to get her signature,
but I'll get her fingerprints, too.
I still think she's a bank crook!
Now, Miss Marjorie,
don't get yourself all shook up.
- Bill's coming over.
- I'd better get dressed.
He's got a big surprise for you.
Remember, your father said so.
Probably about your wedding.
The only wedding I'm interested in
is the one that took place 20 years ago.
Now, have Miss La Rue sign these
and bring them back.
And give her this.
Tell her it's very important.
Yes, sir.
Now, remember,
you're to come straight home.
We don't wanna give Mother
anything to worry about.
Just one girl, only just one girl
There are others, I know
But they're not my pearl
Sun or rain, she is just the same
I'll be happy forever
With just one little girl
To be married, we're old enough plenty
She and I, she and I
She is 18 and I will be 20
By and by, by and by
Although we are short as to money
What care we? What care we?
There are only two flies in the honey
Just one little girl and me
Just one girl, only just one girl
There are others, I know
But they're not my pearl
Sun or rain, she is just the same
I'll be happy forever with just one girl
One girl
One girl
Well, my girl.
- You're early, Bill.
- Yes.
- I'll get dressed right away.
- I could hardly wait to get here.
Marjorie Winfield, come here!
- William!
- Just rehearsing.
There's big news tonight, Mother.
- There you are!
- William, what in the world?
Allow me, madam,
to explain this enthusiasm.
My first day in our loan department,
and already I've endorsed
three important loans!
One for $2,500
to the Central Furniture Company.
A $1,000 personal loan
to a Jack Sprawling.
He wanted to get married.
And do you know to whom
I endorsed the third loan?
William Francis Sherman.
- You mean, you made a loan at the bank?
- Sure.
I sort of got the idea
from this Sprawling fellow.
You see, instead of putting away a little
each week and saving toward a nest egg,
I borrow the nest egg.
Now, I pay a little back each week.
Marjorie, do you realize what this means?
Instead of waiting,
why, we can be married right away!
- Right away?
- Sure.
- Oh, Marjorie, aren't you excited?
- Oh, yes, I am, Bill.
But... Well, this is so sudden.
Sudden? You told me you couldn't wait.
Oh, yes, I know I did, Bill,
but, well, things are different now.
What I mean is, I must have time to think.
Think? You mean, you don't want to...
- Marjorie, is there somebody else?
- No.
Another man?
Say, you don't know a Jack Sprawling,
do you?
Oh, no. Of course not.
Bill, it's so difficult for me
to ask you to understand,
but I can't possibly think
of marrying you right now.
And I can't tell you why.
What do you mean, you can't tell me?
Why, I'm almost your husband!
- At least I thought I was.
- You will be someday.
But for now, Bill, couldn't you please
be sweet and understanding?
But I don't wanna be sweet
and understanding!
I want to be a husband!
It never entered my mind, Marjorie,
that you ever had any doubt
about your feelings toward me.
But now everythings quite obvious.
You're not even sure
I'm the man you want to marry.
Oh, William, I've been working
on Marjorie's wedding invitations,
- and I thought...
- Be sure and send me one, sir.
I'd like to find out who she ends up with.
The Palmer Printing Company
must think I'm an idiot!
You want to tell Mother about it?
Mother, Bill wants
to get married right away.
- Well, isn't that what you wanted?
- Well, yes, I did, but...
- Mother, I don't want to leave you.
- Oh, darling.
What I mean is, it's so strange
leaving the family and everything.
I feel so at home here.
We've gotten used to you, too.
And this is where you belong
until you're good and ready to leave.
- Got it pressed.
- Oh, good.
- Well, what was the big surprise?
- Bill wants to get married right away.
Stella, you know
I can't leave my mother now,
not with this situation with Father.
Does Bill know?
No. It's so awful I couldn't tell him.
I just acted vague
about not wanting to get married.
Poor Bill, he didn't know what to think.
Maybe I should have a talk with my father
right now.
Oh, no, that would never do.
Why, when this blows over,
he'd be embarrassed for life
to know you children knew
about his foolishness.
I hope it's just foolishness.
Now you listen to me, Miss Marjorie.
There's no fool like an old fool.
Especially an old fool who isn't too old
to act like a young fool again.
Now, come on, you're supposed to be
the belle of the ball tonight.
Some belle. I don't even have an escort.
Now, Miss Marjorie, you have to go.
You're on the plate tonight.
Now come on, get into your dress.
All right.
But my heart isn't in it.
Well, as long as you get the rest of you in
it, you won't have to worry about escorts.
I'm Wesley Winfield.
My father sent these papers
to be signed by you from the bank.
- Oh, you're Mr. Winfield's little boy?
- Yes, ma'am.
Well, you are a fine-looking boy.
Handsome like your father.
My father isn't handsome.
He looks real funny in the morning.
Oh, I guess
we all look funny in the morning.
My mother doesn't. She's real beautiful!
Well, I'm sure she is.
Won't you come in?
- May I take your hat?
- Don't bother.
- I'm sorry...
- Don't worry about it.
Sit down while I look at these papers.
Would you like an apple?
- Yes, ma'am.
- All right, help yourself.
You hand it to me.
- I'm gonna eat it later.
- Oh.
I thought perhaps you might like
some cream soda.
Here are all the papers signed
and everything is magnifique.
Magnifique means wonderful.
That is French.
Were you ever a spy?
Oh, in my profession,
I have been many things,
a spy, a wicked gypsy.
- Once I was even a lady bandit.
- A lady bandit?
But that venture only lasted two weeks,
so I prefer to keep it a secret.
- Who's that?
- My associates.
Your gang?
You may come in.
- I hope we're not intruding.
- It's quite all right.
Well, we've got everything set.
Gentlemen, this is Wesley Winfield,
the banker's little boy.
How are you, Wesley?
- Hello.
- Hello, there.
Oh, I see you're wearing your badge.
Hey, fellows,
did you know this man's a detective?
- A detective?
- Well...
What's the matter, Wesley?
Stand back!
- Hello, Wesley.
- Oh, Bill.
I'm sorry I frightened you.
I had a little quarrel with your sister,
and I was just waiting for her to get home
from the dance.
What are you doing?
- Marjorie told me to burn this letter.
- Oh.
Hey, what are you doing? Give me it.
"The thrill of your
response to my admiration..."
Don't, please.
Well, this explains a lot of things.
- Wesley, who sent this letter?
- I can't tell you. It's a secret.
Well, it's not fair of me to pump you.
I'll get my information
direct from '"ma cherie. '"
Oh, Bill.
It's a full house.
Come on, get in your places.
When the sun begins to rise
And there's a light in the eastern skies
You'll hear a rooster crow
All the animals appear
When they hear that cry of Chanticleer
They're up and on the go
Howdy there, folks.
Say, how you been?
Good morning, lady. My, aren't we thin?
Hey, there, fella, let me see that grin.
It's time for the jubilee
Round the barnyard
Goes the mighty cavalcade
Gorgeously arrayed
See them on parade
All the animals assemble there
As the break of day draws near
Then the crickets
Birds and bees upon the wing
Soon begin to sing
Hear the chorus ring
Though they often try
They never beat the cry of Chanticleer
See the turkey chicken reel without a care
And the chicken there
Do the grizzly bear
While the goat begins to castle rock
Till you want to stand and cheer
When the ducks
begin to do the turkey trot
And they get plenty hot
Give it all they've got
But they can't compete
With the strutting feet of Chanticleer
Life is fine when you rise and shine
With the king of the barnyard
King Chanticleer
Hello, Marjorie. You were wonderful.
You were wonderful.
You were wonderful.
Marjorie! You're not leaving?
Oh, Chester, please forgive me,
but I'm not in the best of spirits tonight.
Marjorie, there's no need to be mysterious
any longer, Marjorie.
I happen to know now
why you can't marry me.
A fine thing.
A soldier overseas and his sweetheart
carrying on with another man.
What are you saying?
Why, you know perfectly well
the only man I saw while you were away
- was Chester Finley.
- I thought it was you.
There I was fighting for democracy,
and you were supposed
to keep the home fires burning.
Well, apparently,
you two didn't even need a fire.
- Why, I ought to...
- Bill.
Now, Marjorie,
you don't have to defend me.
If you're worth having,
you're worth fighting for.
Well, I'm glad you feel that way because
you and I are going in the locker room.
Please. I'm not worth it.
Would you hold these, please? Thank you.
Go ahead, Finley, you'd better start it,
because I'm gonna finish it.
Very well.
I don't know.
Chester, you hit Bill?
Well, I hope it was him.
I didn't have my glasses on.
Bill, are you hurt?
Really, Bill, aren't you being childish
about Chester?
Well, you know very well
I've always considered him a bore.
He must have been very boring that night
you responded to his admiration.
What are you saying?
The reason you didn't want to get married.
"The thought of one of us being married
to another is most agonizing."
Where did you get this?
You ought to know.
You gave it to Wesley to burn.
Bill. Bill.
- Chester didn't write that note.
- What?
I was hoping
I'd never have to tell you this, but...
Well, it was written by somebody else.
- Somebody else? Who?
- My father.
Your father?
Yes. My father sent that note
to that French actress, Miss La Rue.
Marjorie Winfield,
you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
What a fantastic story,
besmirching the good name of your father.
Of all the cheap contemptible tricks!
Well, if that's all the trust you have in me,
William Sherman,
I'm glad I found you out!
You old fuddy-duddy!
For heaven's sake, Miss Marjorie,
where have you been all morning?
I've been down at Ike Hickey's
cleaning up the sleigh for tonight.
It's better than sitting around,
moping about Bill.
The idea of Wesley
letting Bill get ahold of that note.
I gave him the piano for this morning.
It wasn't Wesley's fault.
And as for William Sherman,
I wouldn't marry him if he were the last...
If he were the only boy in the world,
I wouldn't.
Hello, George.
Hello, Alice.
What's the matter? Is anything wrong?
No. Everythings wonderful,
just wonderful.
This morning, our daughters fianc
canceled his loan at the bank,
quit his job,
and announced he was leaving town.
- Leaving town?
- What did you say? Bill's gone?
Taking the 11:30.
- 11:30?
- That's what I said.
Well, then he's already gone.
Oh, Marjorie, you poor dear child.
Poor dear child? Look at her.
No wonder men leave town.
A fine picture of Grace,
beauty and femininity.
Well, I may be getting on in years,
but I still know
what a man looks for in a woman.
I imagine you do!
And as for William Sherman leaving,
all I can say is, "Good riddance!"
It seems to me, a young lady of your age,
from a good home,
blessed with such fine parents...
Marjorie, I've been passive about a lot
of queer things going on around here,
but now I would like to know
what happened between you and Bill.
Bill's jealous of Chester.
He made a big scene and then
he accused me of being untrue to him.
Well, you've been very open
and above-board
about your relationships with...
How dare he accuse my daughter,
a Winfield, of being untrue.
Why, the impulsive fool,
suspecting Chester. He must be an idiot.
Pardon me, Chester.
If I ever see that William Sherman again...
Please, Father, I'm trying to forget him.
I'd like to help, Marjorie.
Would you care
to go to the nickelodeon tonight?
I can't tonight, Chester.
I'm taking the family out.
You can come along if you want to.
My mother and father
are celebrating their anniversary.
- Alice, we nearly forgot.
- So we did.
Let's see, he left at 11:30.
The telegram would be delivered to him
when the train reach Muncie at 3:00.
Now, if he gets the westbound train,
it'll get him back here in Milburn at 7:15.
- That's fine.
- Good.
- Here is your lunch, Homer.
- Thanks, Toby.
You better keep your message
down to 10 words, son.
Ten words?
Maybe I can help you.
You just tell me what you wanna say.
Well, it's kind of a secret.
Oh, all telegrams are confidential.
Bill left town because he thought
a love letter
that Marjorie gave me to burn
was from Chester Finley.
But it wasn't.
It was a letter that Father was sending
to that actress lady, Miss La Rue.
I never would have believed it
of George Winfield.
I'd believe it about any man.
Your poor mother.
Oh, she doesn't know.
But Marjorie and Bill
were supposed to get married.
I'll write the telegram for you, son.
And remember, Toby,
company business is confidential.
Strictly confidential!
And if this gets out,
I'll know where it came from.
Did you hear the news?
That George Winfield is running around
with that actress.
- Hello.
- Did you hear the news?
That George Winfield is running around
with that actress.
You don't say.
My word, who'd have ever thought it?
Homer, you'll never believe.
Did you know that that George Winfield
has been carrying on with that actress?
Remember this?
am I a little eccentric in thinking
ice skating is a peculiar way
to celebrate one's 20th anniversary?
Well, I told Marjorie
about a certain evening at Miller's Pond,
and I guess she is like her mother,
I'll forget you
When I can live without the sunshine
I'll forget you
When I can live without the rain
When summer roses
Forget their fragrance
And the songbird
His sweet refrain
I'll forget you
When I can live without the moonlight
I'll forget you
When I can live without the sun
Though Heaven's gladness
May turn to sadness
I'll never forget you
Gee, Sis, I'm sorry about letting
Bill get ahold of that note.
It's all right, Wesley. You couldn't help it.
It's all my fault. I ought to kill myself.
- Wesley.
- It's only rubber.
See you, Sis. I'm working on a case.
- I hope you get your man.
- So do I.
Honestly, Marjorie, I feel ridiculous.
I just hope this whole idea of yours works.
Stella, we know
that Father's still in love with Mother.
This is just the thing to rekindle the flame.
- Hello, Chester.
- Hello, Marjorie.
- You see, I've accepted your invitation.
- I'm awfully glad.
Excuse me, Stella.
- What are you waiting for?
- We'll be out in just a minute.
- Stella, Wesley and Mr. Hickey are here.
- Oh.
Come on, Mother, let's go.
George, the skates.
- We forgot Chester.
- Oh.
- Chester!
- Oh, here I am.
Come on.
Come on. Hurry up.
Hey, your mustache is off.
- How do I look?
- They'll never know you, Bill.
My pipe.
Be careful.
Marjorie, a horse and sleigh.
And Ike Hickey driving.
Alice, do you remember?
Oh, yes.
Hello, Ike.
Mr. Hickey!
Marjorie, this is wonderful!
Hello, Marjorie, the back seat, just for us.
Thank you, Chester.
Oh, excuse me, Mr. Finley.
Mercy, I haven't been skating
since I was knee-high to a duck.
Isn't it beautiful?
It was very nice of you
to ask me along tonight, Marjorie.
I realize this is sort of a family occasion,
but, who knows,
pretty soon I may be one of the family.
Giddyap, there.
Giddyap, there.
Giddyap, there.
Mr. Hickey, be careful.
You nearly broke Chester's glasses.
- Isn't it pretty?
- It's just beautiful.
My goodness, Alice,
it's almost just like we left it.
Yeah. The pavilion's new,
but they cut down the old sycamore.
Oh, yeah, the one we used to race to.
Well, anyway,
the most important thing hasn't changed.
What's that?
Twenty years ago, you were
the prettiest girl here and you still are.
- George.
- I'll help you, Marjorie.
Everybody out.
Come on, Stella, old girl.
Out with his wife tonight,
just to throw us off the track.
- He doesn't fool me.
- Me, neither.
Keep still.
Now, that's not too tight, is it, Marjorie?
Oh, no, that's fine, Chester. Thanks.
Thanks, honey.
You know, it's kind of tough bending over,
all bundled up like this.
I understand, dear.
- Good evening, Mrs. Winfield.
- Good evening.
Hello, Alice.
Hello, George.
My goodness, Alice, the way
I'm being treated you'd think I was poison.
They do act a little queer.
Wonder who Harris foreclosed on today.
Careful, Mr. Winfield.
Very good.
Come on, honey.
Be careful.
Isn't it exhilarating?
Yeah, let's not wait 20 years
to try this again.
Let's not overdo it.
You know, we're 20 years older.
Oh, I'm just getting warmed up.
Look at your father.
- I'm all right, Alice.
- George, come off the ice!
The second time.
Mercy, Mr. Winfield, you all right?
Attention, everyone.
Hey, attention, everyone, please.
All right, all you figure skaters,
Grab your favorite girl and let's everybody
skate to our favorite song.
Here we go.
Come on, Alice, this is my speed.
Oh, I think you need a rest.
Well, our favorite resting place
is behind Spooners' Rock.
Or had you forgotten?
It's working.
The man said, "your favorite girl."
Hey, Marjorie, Mr. Hickey's all alone,
and he said he'd like to skate with you.
- Come on.
- Mr. Hickey?
Here she is.
- Mr. Hickey, you want to skate with me?
- That's right.
Now, that's very sweet.
- But, Marjorie, I'm your escort.
- Now, Chester, be a good sport.
Come on, Mr. Hickey.
Mr. Hickey. Really.
Oh, pardon me,
I am looking for Mr. George Winfield.
- He's over on the other side of the pond.
- With his wife.
Thank you.
Mother and Father
are behind Spooners' Rock.
- By the light
- By the light
- Of the silvery moon
- Of the silvery moon
- I want to spoon
- I want to spoon
- To my honey I'll croon love's tune
- To my honey I'll croon love's tune
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon
- Keep a-shining in June
- Keep a-shining in June
Your silvery beams
Will bring love's dreams
- We'll be cuddling soon
- We'll be cuddling soon
- By the silvery moon
- By the silvery moon
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon
- Keep a-shining in June
- Keep a-shining in June
Your silvery beams
Will bring love's dreams
- We'll be cuddling soon
- We'll be cuddling soon
- By the silvery moon
- By the silvery moon
The silvery moon
Mr. Winfield! Oh, Mr. Winfield!
Good evening, Miss La Rue.
I have been searching for you frantically.
My show opens tomorrow,
and we must reach
some kind of an understanding.
Well, I thought that was all settled.
I still did not get an answer from you
on the divorce matter.
Divorce? Oh, Mother! Oh, Mother.
But, Miss La Rue, my note settled all that.
Yes, the speech I copied from the play,
the one dealing with divorce.
I sent it back to you with a notation
requesting that it be deleted
from the show.
Father, you mean that note
was just something out of the play?
Yes. I gave it to Wesley to deliver.
Here. This must be it.
- What are you doing with that?
- Well, sir, I...
He thought Chester sent the letter to me.
You couldn't blame me. When Wesley said
Marjorie told him to burn it.
- Burn it?
- It wasn't her fault.
We thought it was a love letter
you were sending to Miss La Rue.
- Yes.
- A love letter?
You thought that I...
That this woman and I...
You all thought...
- Alice, what did you think?
- I didn't know.
They didn't let me in on the fun.
Fun? Well, I don't think this is so funny.
And I beg you to remember
that Miss La Rue and I
weren't having any fun, either.
And as for you, young man,
when we get home,
you're gonna get a taste of my razor strap.
Don't worry, Sis, I threw it away.
- You what?
- You won't need it anymore.
I got you one of these new safety razors
for your anniversary.
Well, really, I don't think
this is a laughing matter.
My own family, my friends and neighbors
distrusted me.
And what about this lady's feelings?
- Miss La Rue, you must think that this is...
- Very funny.
Oh, that's wonderful, Miss La Rue.
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon
- Keep a-shining in June
- Keep a-shining in June
Your silvery beams
Will bring love's dreams
- We'll be cuddling soon
- We'll be cuddling soon
- By the silvery moon
- By the silvery moon
Your silvery beams
Will bring love's dreams
- We'll be cuddling soon
- We'll be cuddling soon
- By the silvery moon
- By the silvery moon