Cadaveri eccellenti (The Context) (1976) Movie Script
I had to help wash him
so I saw him naked.
I never realised
he was so small, so short
Yes, Inspector...
Judge Varga used to come here
every Sunday.
He liked talking to the mummies.
He'd make the dead reveal
the secrets of the living.
-He'd talk to the mummies?
-Of course.
You're from Rome. There are
some things you can't understand.
Open it.
See him?
Bernardo da Corleone
a great 17th century lawyer.
In those days
the dead person's family
would come and tell
the deceased their secrets.
And our Don Bernardo,
who at the time was still alive,
would come down
to the crypt at night
and get the corpses
to tell him everything.
So he knew everthing
about everybody.
Everything about everybody.
"Let me talk about little white jasmines..."
This fatal,just-picked blossom
symbolises the purity
of his existence.
And its scent
evokes the goodness
he brought to the courts
and to his family.
It was this Spring blossom
which caught the last breath
of Judge Varga, who will
now appear before
the ultimate Judge and be
admitted to His Kingdom.
For thirty years he fought
against crime and the Mafia,
and the Mafia has killed him.
He was the Mafia!
He was the Mafia!
Organised crime has never
been so daring before.
It's the first time
a judge has been murdered.
Mafia! You're the Mafia!
You're the Mafia!
It's an appalling crime aimed
against the whole judiciary...
and it's a challenge
to the State's authority!
Why is your name linked to
the dead judge and garbage?
They attack me
because I was his best friend.
What about the garbage?
Come and have a look.
Hear that?
They're not striking for more pay.
They even have cars to come to work.
They're starting a cholera
epidemic just to screw me.
Where does Judge Varga
come into it?
Varga was murdered because
he was about to arrest them.
Not these wretches,
but their puppeteers.
Give me a hand.
This guy's dead.
He has no pulse.
Judge Varga knew every secret
behind every door.
He had drawers full
of court files.
He acted on some,
but ignored the others.
You were his friend.
You admired him, didn't you?
I liked the man.
He wasn't in it for money.
He thrived on power.
A phone call from Rome.
Sorry. I need your authorisation
to move elsewhere right away.
They killed another judge
some 100km from here
The two crimes
may be linked.
Go, but keep me informed.
The Minister is concerned.
Shall we arrest him?
As usual, they won't talk.
This guy heard nothing,
saw nothing, knows nothing.
Do you get many lemons?
Alot. They want to cut it down
to build houses
Tell me something ...
Did you know the judge?
Of course. He issued the orders
to resume the farms.
What was he like?
Like this town...
Just what they wanted.
Is this you?
It might be.
Did you bring us all this way
just to identify a photo?
Why were you at Judge
Varga's funeral?
Were you a friend too?
We had ceased to be
on friendly terms.
But when he was
a junior judge...
When you killed
that unionist...
Everyone was acquitted.
Sure. But this time
you've gone too far.
You shouln't mess with judges.
Inspector, you're wasting your
time with us. And you know it.
If it's payback as you call it,
that's between the judges.
Brave Chief Judge Calamo
is dead.
He's the third judge to be killed.
The police do nothing
to stop this mad slaughter.
And their inertia gives rise
to all sorts of speculation.
We're being killed off and
our reputations are tarnished.
The judiciary is sound
but parliament is ineffective.
The government is weak.
They're the reason the country
is plunging into chaos.
Find me that raving maniac.
Only a maniac would go around
killing judges.
Get this into your heads.
As chief of police,
your head will be the first to roll.
You're our best man , but yours
will be the first head to roll.
Stop the damaging stories
about the murdered judges.
What's this?
The late Chief Judge Calamo
had them in a drawer.
He had several million
in the bank.
What on earth are you doing?
Piecing together three lives.
Don't waste time with the dead.
We need somone
who's alive and guilty.
Stop looking for rationality.
We're dealing with a paranoid.
If he's paranoid,
it's with good reason.
What did you mean by
"paranoid with good reason"?
Three judges have been killed
in twenty days,
in three towns
quite near each other.
All killed the same way,
by bullets from the same gun,.
which must be a rifle and silencer.
Enough evidence to suggest
a vendetta.
A vendetta?
By whom?
A victim of a judicial error.
Do you know
whether the three judges
were ever on the same case?
Yes.They worked together
for eight years
Doctor. The plane is ready
to take off.
Let me say one more thing.
Actually I knew there'd be
another killing in this town.
I have'nt made a mistake.
I was here
when they shot Calamo.
Then the papers are right
You're a jinx.
Anyway, I've come up
with some facts.
Three people from this area
were unjustly sent to jail
for several years.
A chemist whose wife
tricked the judges,
a mechanic rumoured
to be gay,
and a trucker
who's now a hobo.
So, what's your next step?
One of the trio is the killer.
- How are things?
- Bad.
- What's bad?
- Everything.
- And before?
- Before what ?
Were things better before?
- No.
- So ?
So... Here we are.
What do you think about
these judges being killed?
Were you sentenced by Varga?
He was the prosecuting judge
in that trial.
He asked for 30 years.
He said he regretted
there was no death penalty.
Did Judge Sanza
deliver the sentence?
Judge Sanza gave me
a discount... 27 years.
But he wasn't alone.
I know.
Judge Rasto was there too.
And Rasto is still alive.
What do you want from me?
Later they proved
I was innocent.
You were innocent
and spent four years in jail.
I've served 52 years
Spending four in jail
was no big deal.
Jail is a safe place.
- Who's there? What do you want?
- Police.
Leave me alone.
You've made my life miserable.
Enough. Get out of here!
Come here.
Do you remember Judge Varga?
Chief Judge Sanza and the other one Calamo ?
They were all bastards.
And so you killed them.
- I wish I did.
Do you live here?
Have you a gun?
Go and get it.
You get it.
Clear off!
You don't answer me like that. Understand?
What shall we do?
No one's seen him.
He might be sleeping.
Stay here
and keep an eye out for him.
Yes, doctor.
Is Dr Maxia here.
That's me.
Can I help you?
I'm inspector Rogas.
I'd like a word with you.
At your service.
I'll be back shortly.
Please sit down.
This is what I want
to know.
I'm told you're the only friend
of the chemist, Cres.
It's hard to use
the term in Cres' case.
Let's say a frequent caller.
- So you see him often?.
- Yes, yes.
Actually, I'm the one
who keeps an eye on him.
I try to get him to mix.
with other people.
Seen him today?
- No.
I don't think Cres
went out at all today.
I knocked on his door
but no one answered.
He ofter pretends
he's not at home.
You mean
it's happened to you too?
Yes, often.
Cres is always
in the house?
Are you sure he couldn't
have gone somewhere else.
As far as I know
the only trips Cres takes
are inside the walls
of his own house.
- See? He's not here.
- So he does go out?
Then, it's not true that he's
not always here?
Strange. Maybe he's left.
I'll go see if he switched
the meter off.
What's all this music?
Cres is crazy about tangos.
He collected thousands
of them, inspector.
Tangos of all kinds,
from lots of places
He's put speakers
all over the house.
This is the wife of Cres.
She used animal welfare
to frame him.
Do you think
Cres was innocent too?
He prepared
the chocolate rice.
He cooked it quite ofter.
Yes, my husband !
Well then
do any doubts still linger?
No. Not unless we think
this poor woman
designed a diabolical scheme
to incriminate her husband.
Even to the extent
of sacrificing a life,
of a poor innocent cat.
For years the only companion
in her lonely existence.
That would be absurd!
He wanted to murder
his wife.
He set up a fake suicide.
You must find him guilty.
The woman, where is she now ?
Your guess is as good as mine.
She took off
while he was still in jail.
She stripped half the house,
and left him with her portrait.
And he's placed it
in front of his bed.
Is the headless figure Cres?
I think so.
Maybe his wife did it
out of spite.
Who was next to you here?
Probably Cres.
Don't you have any
photographs of Cres?
I did have a few,
but he took them all back.
Who is it?
I'm inspector Rogas.
Come in.
The judge is is waiting for you.
Come in.
The police inspector is here.
Your honour.
Good evening.
Inspector Rogas.
Please sit down.
Thank you.
Will you excuse me a moment?
Forgive me for calling
on you at this hour.
But I've been trying in vain
to see Mr Cres, the chemist.
But his house is locked.
And no one is answering.
What do you want
with the chemist?
Nothing in particular.
I looked up his file.....
a strange case indeed.
I need to put a face to it.
I want to meet the man.
But the Cres trial has no link
with anything nowadays.
It was much talked about.
And the sentence
was very controversial.
Weren't you one
of the judges?
I was only the recorder.
The decision was made by
Judge Varga and Chief Judge Sanza .
And they've both been killed.
Forty metres.
They fired from over there.
Who lives there?
It's a condemned building
A fire was lit
in one of the rooms.
The killer must have spent
the night there.
He must have known
the judges' habit pretty well.
Aren't they removing the corpse?
Doctor, there's an ambulance strike.
We can't find a vehicle.
Use one of our cars.
Do you need
the union's approval?
Were you really here
when he was shot?
Not exactly.
I saw the judge last night...
but I didn't kill him.
Why did you visit the judge?
Nothing important,
Just routine .
Surely you must have some clues...
It's the fourth since
you began investigating.
Gentlemen, talk to the local police.
Inspector, our readers
want to know...
Ah. Look who's here!
One judge is a police matter,
but kill four, it's political.
So you'll give me
a political interpretation.
Don't you read the papers?
No, especially yours.
Let's get away from here.
Your colleagues won't
give me peace !
Come on.
Get into my car!
Too bad you don't read our paper,
it's the only one defending you.
Defending me. How ?
We're not into witch hunts.
We are not about raising
tension in the community.
We want to do out jobs.
Without any interference
from above.
So that's what you write!
Well done.
At times the police even
suit the Communist Party!
If they all did their job
like you do.
But I do it for you.
We were school mates
and we went fishing together.
But trust your friends.
It's all politics.
It's your government cronies
who play dirty politics.
You can be frank with me
- What's behind all this?
- None of what you might think.
Nor of what my government
gronies think.
I'll tell you a story,
off the record.
A nice story.
It's about a man, his wife
and a cat
This one?
This one?
No, I'm afraid not.
This one?
I believe this one resembles
him a little.
But it's only a drawing
not a photograph!
Enough time's spent on this,
we have to finish!
Give me your description again.
A man, 175 cm tall, stocky
with greying brown hair.
perfect teeth,
slightly aquiline nose.
AT 6.30PM IN ROME ...
These brutal and appalling crimes
are an attack on law and order.
They are the diabolical fruit
of the actions...
of groups of young agitators
who preach violence
as a means to an end,
and sow seeds of delirium
in weaker minds.
It is time to say
'Enough, we will be strong!'
You saw the assassin?
I heard a shot and saw two
youths run away. That's all.
You were just passing by
at that moment?
Yes but I heard nothing, though.
I was on my bicyle when
two youths knocked me over.
Why were you at the scene
of the crime ?
I was in the basement,
I'm a printer.
I went upstairs to get
a little fresh air.
I heard a woman shout and
saw him on a bicycle.
At last! While you waste
your time on your little toy.
chasing your phantom
lunatic, the true killer
is exterminating judges, leaving
the country in a state of panic.
Actually, it was you who mentioned
lunatics. You came here to tell me.
But you were there and had
to see what wasn't there.
Pleas sit down.
I was saying they were everywhere.
At Varga's funeral,
where Sanza was killed...
They even set up camp.
A demonstation and a camp site
don't prove murder.
What about the eyewitnesses?
There were eyewitnesses
to Judge Perro's murder?
Nobody seen him shot, they
saw someone run away.
Enough talk.
You're an excellent detective.
The best criminal investigator
we've got.
But this now is
a political affair.
We have already made
too many mistakes.
It is imperative firstly to
restore the good name of the police.
You will work with the
political squad..
and collaborate with Inspector Bloma.
This way.
Get this to the Minister quickly
Yes Sir.
The telephone calls are
continuously recorded?
But where're all the
tapes stored?
Don't you worry!
After they're of value to the
Justice Ministry they destroy them.
Rogas, come here a minute!
Isn't that your friend there?
The communist journalist?
- Is he being watched too?
- No, only his leader... Amar.
"Times are difficult."
"This meeting must end
with a clear decision."
"A party like ours can't
be surprised...
and influenced by the actions
of the government."
Let's see what are they
sending us now.
Ah the Justice builings.
"Then, the chancillor, wrote:
The demand, response:"
"I have been coming to the
capital all these months..."
"I brought cheques from
the petroleum companies...
to the secretariate of
the Christian Democratic Party"
"who then distributes them
according to the quota..
to all the other parties,
except the Communist party"
"Nothing to the Communists ?
"To the Communists, no."
"To some affilliates of theirs
but not much"
Senta! Put in the tape of
the shooting of the Z Group.
Si, doctor.
We are monitoring this group's
publications, in the last 6 months.
And we focus on articles..
that attack Magistrates and Judges.
Can I have the article
from Permanent Revolution?
It's the newspaper
of the Group Z.
This is Galano, head of Group Z.
The most fanatical.
Listen what he has
writen about judges!
The article is tittled
"The Monsters"
"Bony and withered, often
obese and flaccid...
"their faces marked by
infamy of their office,
every year dressed like clowns
as bishops don't dare.
They're the high magistrates
who inaugurate the judicial year
telling us to lock more
people up."
- Stand up!
- Me?
Yes you, stand up.
- Start walking.
- Where?
Walk up and down
until we tell you to stop.
Turn round
Start walking
Start walking
Do you recognise him?
Is it him?
Derecho ! Turn round
Start Walking
Adelante !
Muevete !
Do you recognise him?
Is it him?
Back to square one.
The two youths bumped into you
and you fell off your bicycle.
I didn't say I fell.
I was knocked over.
Same thing. You saw them
run away.
The darker guy was limping.
I didn't see any dark guy.
It does'nt matter.
But he did have a limp.
Maybe. It was so quick.
One moment. How quick?
As a flash.
Then they got into the car.
A car?
You never mentioned a car.
You never gave me a chance. You
kept asking about those youths.
Bring the girl here.
Sit here.
- You saw the car, didn't you ?
- What car?
The car in the street
when Judge Perro was shot.
Ah yes, the big foreign car.
How do you mean foreign?
Why didn't you tell us
about the car?
So what if there was a car?
I see so many cars in a day.
They're part of my job.
- Was the car parked?
- Yes. It was.
I went up to it to see if
I could do some business...
That's why I noticed
it was big, nice and foreign.
- Switzerland
- Then?
Nothing. They started
the engine and took off.
- With the youths?
- What youths?
Those hippies.
They suddenly started running.
I saw them get into the car.
What is he talking about ?
When the car took off,
the hippies ran away on foot.
Okay, let's start from scratch.
This is your statement.
I'll read it to you.
'' At 6pm on the 25th,
in front of the
Justice Building.
I was about to
cross the street,...
when I noticed my
shoe strap was undone.
I bent down to do it up
and heard a shot."
- Then?
- I turned around.
- What did you see?
- Two youths ran into this guy.
- And then?
- They ran off up the street
- And the car?
- Went in the opposite direction
Ha! He couldn't have
seen anything...
because he was leaning
over the dead man.
I insist.
They got into the car.
You were shit scared.
You didn't see anything.
Listen Bloma,
I have thought it over carefully
I won't work with someone else.
Even the chief thought
I wasn't right for this.
Maybe you have a point.
A break will do you good.
Yes but first I have
to ease my conscience.
I have to tell a guy
he's about to die.
Good morning,inspector.
May I speak to
Chief Judge Riches?
Who are you?
I am inspector Rogas.
Wait here.
Come back tomorrow.
He can't see you now.
That car it's the
Police Commissioner's?
- Is he with the judge ?
- And why are you asking?
It's not for me. But at least
get in touch with the boy.
By the way the school fees are due.
Don't worry. You know I've
been away. I'll do it tomorrow.
Marco says he never sees you.
- When did you see him?
- Last Sunday.
- Was he all right?
- Yes, he was fine.
Don't forget the college fees.
Yes yes, bye.
And now a news update
General De Sarmiento
was today appointed
Supreme Commander
of the Armed Forces
He was sworn in
before the joint chiefs
of the air force, the army
and the navy.
The ceremony was followed
by a military parade
which included
a special police unit.
Various diplomats
were in attendance...
General de Sarmiento
was today appointed
Supreme Commander
of the Armed Forces.
He was sworn in
before the joint chiefs
of the air force, the army
and the navy.
- Is that Rogas?
- Yes. Good evening doctor.
Why did you visit Riches?
To warn him he's in danger.
So you're still insisting
in chasing your lunatic.
The judge will be killed
in any case.
The chief judge
is well protected.
I know. Today I saw all the
security forces at Riches'.
I even spotted your car.
We were'nt with Riches.
We had a function next door
at the Portuguse Embassy.
Okay, go and see Riches,..
but don't alarm him.
- Hello
- Hello. The Portuguese Embassy?
- Yes, who's speaking?
- I'm the police commissioner's chauffeur.
My boss forgot his
briefcase at today's function.
What function was that ?
The ambassador is away in Lisbon.
Sorry. It must be a mistake.
- Yes?
- It's Rogas.
- Hi.
- I need a favour.
Find the owner of a white
mercedes with Swiss plates.
Any other details?
First two numbers are 9 and 7.
You find out the others.
Sit down.
So. You think I'll be killed.
Yes. I believe they'll try.
The subversives
or that other guy?
The other guy... Cres.
Ah, That's right....
The chemist.
He tried to kill his wife,
His plan was too naive.
What did he get?
on appeal.
Not by me.
I meant by the court
over which you presided.
- He was innocent.
- Really?
I think he was.
Was he innocent,..
or do you just think he was?
I do think he was innocent,
but I can't be sure.
I see...
You can't be sure about it.
Yes, I have a doubt.
I think it was an error,
a judicial error.
Judicial errors don't exist.
- You're a practising Catholic?
- Pracising, no.
A Catholic nevertheless.
Sure, like everyone else.
I presume you go to mass
from time to time.
Ever considered the issue
of bread and wine,..
turning into the body
and blood of Christ?
Each time...
Each time the priest eats
that bread,..
and drinks that wine,
the mystery is fulfilled
That must always happen.
It can never be otherwise.
The priest may be unworthy
in thought or deed,
but simply due to
the status he holds,..
each time the mass is celebrated
the mystery is fulfilled.
When a judge delivers the law,..
he is exactly like a priest
officiating at mass.
A judge may have doubts
he may question himself,
even torment himself,.
but at the very moment
he delivers judgement,..
he can't harbour doubts. At
that moment justice is done.
One priest celebrating mass
had blood on his hands.
Because he had doubts.
That has never happened to me.
No judgement has ever
left blood on my hands.
No conviction has ever
left blood on my gown.
It's obviously a question
of faith.
I don't think you've
quite understood.
I'm not a Catholic.
Nor am I a Christian.
However, I've never had any
of these weaknesses.
I've never believed in Voltaire's
"Tratado sobre la tolerancia"
on tolerance and judicial error.
Virtue, pity, innocent victims
of judicial errors....
What errors?
A judge who can freely kill
with his sentences...Ba!
Voltaire was the first to sow
doubt about the judicial system.
When a religion allows
for people's doubt,..
that religion is dead.
That's why we had Sartre,
Bertrand Russell, Marcuse...
and the delirium of
today's youth.
You mean Voltaire is to blame?
Yes. But Voltaire had an excuse.
In his day they didn't realise
the danger of those ideas...
but today's mass culture has
made that danger mortal.
If things go on like this,
the only viable form of justice
will be a form of punishment
known in war as decimation.
The way I punish is to kill
one soldier in ten.
Today there are no more individuals!
Today, there is no more
individual responsibility!
Your job, my dear friend
has become ridiculous.
It was fine in peace time,
but now we're at war.
Robberies, kidnappings,
sabotage... This is war!
And as in war the answer is decimation.
One, two, three, four, five...
One, two, three, four, five...
Cres, convicted!
Cres has a .22 calibre rifle,..
and it is loaded with
a bullet for you.
Keep going. Back all the way.
Park down there.
Go on! Go on! Stop!
Who lives below Judge Riches?
- Mr Pattos..
- The shipping tycoon?
Mr Pattos.
What are you doing here?
- Sorry, I didn't think...
- What did you not think?
That you'd meet me
in my friend Pattos' place?
I didn't think I'd be intruding
in a reunion of frieds.
Too late now. So?
- I was looking for someone.
- Looking for me?
No, someone who just come in.
One of my guests?
Please come in.
Come with me.
The inspector
was surely looking for me.
Are you here to arrest me?
My dear Evaristo,
you are a big liar..
You always denied the police
tapped our phones.
The inspector's presence here
proves my case.
- Is this right?
- Not that I know of.
How amazing!
Did he expect to get any other answer?
I know nothing about phone tapping.
It is done sometimes,..
but always with prior judicial approval,..
and only criminal suspects are tapped.
It is never done for political
reasons. Never..
That means I'm a criminal suspect,..
because my phone is definately tapped.
In fact, it's not even my phone.
The phone belongs to my host, Norcio,
There,here's the great progressive writer.
No, No. You're not my guest
you're the guest of my wife.
I'd never take an arsehole
like you into my house...
a provincial intellectual like you!
They brag on about permanent revolution...
You wish the inspector
had come here to arrest you.
Then you'd be a hero.
- Wilfredo, Don't be ridiculous!
- Shut your mouth!
What a reactionary remark
'Shut your mouth'.
Just because I'm your wife,
because you're my husband!
No. Because you're a parrot,
not a woman!
There's nothing can be done. You're
a typical communist, catholic, bourgeois.
Yes, for a long time, not to
keep up with the latest fashion!
Now that we are winning,
communists, catholics, the bourgeoisie,..
you're all queueing up to jump
on the bandwagon!
No my dear, I don't like it!
Including you and that arsehole
who wanted revolution!
Hello,hello, ladies and gentlemen.
Mo more of these family quarrels.
We're here to enjoy ourselves..
to eat.
- a whisky ?
- No, thanks.
Have a drink, Rogas.
You're not on duty.
Your assignment here is over.
Come with me..
To them it's a game.
- A game? I wouldn't say so..
- Yes, yes a game.
Including me,
I'm playing the game too..
I'm like a umpire...
delivering both protection and threats..
Don't let appearances fool you, Rogas.
Despite the confidence, they're
still scared.
More scared than they've ever been.
When the party's over
they'll flee in all directions.
No one will sleep
in their beds tonight.
Who do they fear?
They think you coming here was
part of a plot...
and your sudden appearance
was planned.
My dear Rogas, subversive groups
like Calano's are useful to us.
And to our Communist Party friends.
Your know what the
situation is like.
My party, which has run
the country for 30 years,..
will be forced to rule
with the Communists.
Your own job would be easier,
if Mr Amar, that party's leader,
was in my chair.
This ministry would work.
It'd be fun to see Mr Amar
and his party
grappling with these groups.
Yes, well. And what should we do?
Continue harassing these groups
as much as you can.
Arests, controls, searches...
but always with the approval
of the judges.
Before they're all killed!
If you're here to arrest Galano?
At least give us back our minister!
Hang around, Rogas. We
will continue our conversation.
Hot coffee and cold milk.
Waiter, a whisky.
Find out who they are
and what they want from me.
How can I?
We're always being watched.
If they find out,
I'm finished.
I didn't tell you to do
it inside.
Why not use your own lab?
You did it with the oil bosses.
Give me a cigarette.
Come on, give me one.
Placing a bug
under the commissioner's arse.
I'm fucked!
And now, Minister, allow me
to address a burning issue.
Ever since I left the house of the
president of the Supreme Court,..
I have the feeling that I'm being
followed by professionals.
By people specifically suited
to that task.
As if trained in a state or
private police corps.
If people in high places,
deem it necessary,..
to give me protection,...
I can only be grateful, ...
but I should point out
that such surveillance,...
which is very expensive
with so many officers involved,...
would be better directed
at protecting the judges.
You'll never get out of here
unless you confess first!
And that goes for everbody!
To the Security Minister
It's the tanks.
Their motors run all night.
The meeting's at
the armoured division barracks.
Listen, this is him.
Take it easier
with those judges...
Rewind, Rewind.
Play it again.
Those judges..
Take it easier
with those judges...
Rogas is on our back.
He's smelt a rat.
Come on, once more.
Those judges
Take it easier,
with those judges.
Rogas is on our back.
He's smelt a rat.
- Is that it?
- Isn't that enough?
- Is that you, Rogas?
- Yes, good evening, doctor.
Why did you visit Riches?
To warn him he's in danger.
So you're still insisting
in chasing your lunatic.
The judge will be killed whether
it's by my lunatic or your group.
The judge is well protected.
I know. Today I saw all the
security forces at Riches'.
I even spotted your car.
It's a plot.
The chemist Cres killed his judges,
and now they keep killing the others.
We come across so many plots,
they prepare one a day.
We've managed to
keep them in check so far.
But this time you've got to
do something fast.
We must wait,..
We can't risk everything
by behaving rashly..
You don't understand.
I'm not saying you pre-empt
their counter-revolution,..
but just inform parliament
or the press.
We can't alarm everyone..
because you have
certain impressions.
What impressions? I have proof.
They're all implicated.
If that's the case, it's no use
discussing it any further.
You must see Amar.
Only the party secretary
can decide.
Amar is like all the others.
In a room of the National Gallery...
a groupe of visitors
discovered two bodies.
The police have now
identified the victims...
Mr Amar, the secretary of
the Communist Party,
and police inspector
Amerigo Rogas.
Both victims were probably shot
with the same weapon,
a gun which Inspector Rogas
was still holding in his hand.
Here's the chief of police's
Inspector Rogas had just return
from a very stressful mission...
to find the judges killer,
When he returned to the capital he
showed signs of mental imbalance.
As a result
he was placed on leave.
He was seeing plots everywhere.
and started looking for
non-existent evidence.
Perhaps he thought even the
secretary of the Communist Party...
was part of some
imaginary plot.
He killed him and then
turned the gun on himself.
So it seems we've accepted
their version.
Everything points to him
being the killer.
I don't believe it, I knew Rogas well.
He was no lunatic. There was a plot.
They felt so confident,
they went all the way.
And now they have invented
the ultimate provocation.
A police inspector
kills the party secretary.
Even if that's so,
what do you want?
A civil war?
A confrontation?
But we won't be accomplices.
Incite the people in the square?
This is wh1at they want?
So people will never know
the truth.
Truth is not always revolutionary.
so I saw him naked.
I never realised
he was so small, so short
Yes, Inspector...
Judge Varga used to come here
every Sunday.
He liked talking to the mummies.
He'd make the dead reveal
the secrets of the living.
-He'd talk to the mummies?
-Of course.
You're from Rome. There are
some things you can't understand.
Open it.
See him?
Bernardo da Corleone
a great 17th century lawyer.
In those days
the dead person's family
would come and tell
the deceased their secrets.
And our Don Bernardo,
who at the time was still alive,
would come down
to the crypt at night
and get the corpses
to tell him everything.
So he knew everthing
about everybody.
Everything about everybody.
"Let me talk about little white jasmines..."
This fatal,just-picked blossom
symbolises the purity
of his existence.
And its scent
evokes the goodness
he brought to the courts
and to his family.
It was this Spring blossom
which caught the last breath
of Judge Varga, who will
now appear before
the ultimate Judge and be
admitted to His Kingdom.
For thirty years he fought
against crime and the Mafia,
and the Mafia has killed him.
He was the Mafia!
He was the Mafia!
Organised crime has never
been so daring before.
It's the first time
a judge has been murdered.
Mafia! You're the Mafia!
You're the Mafia!
It's an appalling crime aimed
against the whole judiciary...
and it's a challenge
to the State's authority!
Why is your name linked to
the dead judge and garbage?
They attack me
because I was his best friend.
What about the garbage?
Come and have a look.
Hear that?
They're not striking for more pay.
They even have cars to come to work.
They're starting a cholera
epidemic just to screw me.
Where does Judge Varga
come into it?
Varga was murdered because
he was about to arrest them.
Not these wretches,
but their puppeteers.
Give me a hand.
This guy's dead.
He has no pulse.
Judge Varga knew every secret
behind every door.
He had drawers full
of court files.
He acted on some,
but ignored the others.
You were his friend.
You admired him, didn't you?
I liked the man.
He wasn't in it for money.
He thrived on power.
A phone call from Rome.
Sorry. I need your authorisation
to move elsewhere right away.
They killed another judge
some 100km from here
The two crimes
may be linked.
Go, but keep me informed.
The Minister is concerned.
Shall we arrest him?
As usual, they won't talk.
This guy heard nothing,
saw nothing, knows nothing.
Do you get many lemons?
Alot. They want to cut it down
to build houses
Tell me something ...
Did you know the judge?
Of course. He issued the orders
to resume the farms.
What was he like?
Like this town...
Just what they wanted.
Is this you?
It might be.
Did you bring us all this way
just to identify a photo?
Why were you at Judge
Varga's funeral?
Were you a friend too?
We had ceased to be
on friendly terms.
But when he was
a junior judge...
When you killed
that unionist...
Everyone was acquitted.
Sure. But this time
you've gone too far.
You shouln't mess with judges.
Inspector, you're wasting your
time with us. And you know it.
If it's payback as you call it,
that's between the judges.
Brave Chief Judge Calamo
is dead.
He's the third judge to be killed.
The police do nothing
to stop this mad slaughter.
And their inertia gives rise
to all sorts of speculation.
We're being killed off and
our reputations are tarnished.
The judiciary is sound
but parliament is ineffective.
The government is weak.
They're the reason the country
is plunging into chaos.
Find me that raving maniac.
Only a maniac would go around
killing judges.
Get this into your heads.
As chief of police,
your head will be the first to roll.
You're our best man , but yours
will be the first head to roll.
Stop the damaging stories
about the murdered judges.
What's this?
The late Chief Judge Calamo
had them in a drawer.
He had several million
in the bank.
What on earth are you doing?
Piecing together three lives.
Don't waste time with the dead.
We need somone
who's alive and guilty.
Stop looking for rationality.
We're dealing with a paranoid.
If he's paranoid,
it's with good reason.
What did you mean by
"paranoid with good reason"?
Three judges have been killed
in twenty days,
in three towns
quite near each other.
All killed the same way,
by bullets from the same gun,.
which must be a rifle and silencer.
Enough evidence to suggest
a vendetta.
A vendetta?
By whom?
A victim of a judicial error.
Do you know
whether the three judges
were ever on the same case?
Yes.They worked together
for eight years
Doctor. The plane is ready
to take off.
Let me say one more thing.
Actually I knew there'd be
another killing in this town.
I have'nt made a mistake.
I was here
when they shot Calamo.
Then the papers are right
You're a jinx.
Anyway, I've come up
with some facts.
Three people from this area
were unjustly sent to jail
for several years.
A chemist whose wife
tricked the judges,
a mechanic rumoured
to be gay,
and a trucker
who's now a hobo.
So, what's your next step?
One of the trio is the killer.
- How are things?
- Bad.
- What's bad?
- Everything.
- And before?
- Before what ?
Were things better before?
- No.
- So ?
So... Here we are.
What do you think about
these judges being killed?
Were you sentenced by Varga?
He was the prosecuting judge
in that trial.
He asked for 30 years.
He said he regretted
there was no death penalty.
Did Judge Sanza
deliver the sentence?
Judge Sanza gave me
a discount... 27 years.
But he wasn't alone.
I know.
Judge Rasto was there too.
And Rasto is still alive.
What do you want from me?
Later they proved
I was innocent.
You were innocent
and spent four years in jail.
I've served 52 years
Spending four in jail
was no big deal.
Jail is a safe place.
- Who's there? What do you want?
- Police.
Leave me alone.
You've made my life miserable.
Enough. Get out of here!
Come here.
Do you remember Judge Varga?
Chief Judge Sanza and the other one Calamo ?
They were all bastards.
And so you killed them.
- I wish I did.
Do you live here?
Have you a gun?
Go and get it.
You get it.
Clear off!
You don't answer me like that. Understand?
What shall we do?
No one's seen him.
He might be sleeping.
Stay here
and keep an eye out for him.
Yes, doctor.
Is Dr Maxia here.
That's me.
Can I help you?
I'm inspector Rogas.
I'd like a word with you.
At your service.
I'll be back shortly.
Please sit down.
This is what I want
to know.
I'm told you're the only friend
of the chemist, Cres.
It's hard to use
the term in Cres' case.
Let's say a frequent caller.
- So you see him often?.
- Yes, yes.
Actually, I'm the one
who keeps an eye on him.
I try to get him to mix.
with other people.
Seen him today?
- No.
I don't think Cres
went out at all today.
I knocked on his door
but no one answered.
He ofter pretends
he's not at home.
You mean
it's happened to you too?
Yes, often.
Cres is always
in the house?
Are you sure he couldn't
have gone somewhere else.
As far as I know
the only trips Cres takes
are inside the walls
of his own house.
- See? He's not here.
- So he does go out?
Then, it's not true that he's
not always here?
Strange. Maybe he's left.
I'll go see if he switched
the meter off.
What's all this music?
Cres is crazy about tangos.
He collected thousands
of them, inspector.
Tangos of all kinds,
from lots of places
He's put speakers
all over the house.
This is the wife of Cres.
She used animal welfare
to frame him.
Do you think
Cres was innocent too?
He prepared
the chocolate rice.
He cooked it quite ofter.
Yes, my husband !
Well then
do any doubts still linger?
No. Not unless we think
this poor woman
designed a diabolical scheme
to incriminate her husband.
Even to the extent
of sacrificing a life,
of a poor innocent cat.
For years the only companion
in her lonely existence.
That would be absurd!
He wanted to murder
his wife.
He set up a fake suicide.
You must find him guilty.
The woman, where is she now ?
Your guess is as good as mine.
She took off
while he was still in jail.
She stripped half the house,
and left him with her portrait.
And he's placed it
in front of his bed.
Is the headless figure Cres?
I think so.
Maybe his wife did it
out of spite.
Who was next to you here?
Probably Cres.
Don't you have any
photographs of Cres?
I did have a few,
but he took them all back.
Who is it?
I'm inspector Rogas.
Come in.
The judge is is waiting for you.
Come in.
The police inspector is here.
Your honour.
Good evening.
Inspector Rogas.
Please sit down.
Thank you.
Will you excuse me a moment?
Forgive me for calling
on you at this hour.
But I've been trying in vain
to see Mr Cres, the chemist.
But his house is locked.
And no one is answering.
What do you want
with the chemist?
Nothing in particular.
I looked up his file.....
a strange case indeed.
I need to put a face to it.
I want to meet the man.
But the Cres trial has no link
with anything nowadays.
It was much talked about.
And the sentence
was very controversial.
Weren't you one
of the judges?
I was only the recorder.
The decision was made by
Judge Varga and Chief Judge Sanza .
And they've both been killed.
Forty metres.
They fired from over there.
Who lives there?
It's a condemned building
A fire was lit
in one of the rooms.
The killer must have spent
the night there.
He must have known
the judges' habit pretty well.
Aren't they removing the corpse?
Doctor, there's an ambulance strike.
We can't find a vehicle.
Use one of our cars.
Do you need
the union's approval?
Were you really here
when he was shot?
Not exactly.
I saw the judge last night...
but I didn't kill him.
Why did you visit the judge?
Nothing important,
Just routine .
Surely you must have some clues...
It's the fourth since
you began investigating.
Gentlemen, talk to the local police.
Inspector, our readers
want to know...
Ah. Look who's here!
One judge is a police matter,
but kill four, it's political.
So you'll give me
a political interpretation.
Don't you read the papers?
No, especially yours.
Let's get away from here.
Your colleagues won't
give me peace !
Come on.
Get into my car!
Too bad you don't read our paper,
it's the only one defending you.
Defending me. How ?
We're not into witch hunts.
We are not about raising
tension in the community.
We want to do out jobs.
Without any interference
from above.
So that's what you write!
Well done.
At times the police even
suit the Communist Party!
If they all did their job
like you do.
But I do it for you.
We were school mates
and we went fishing together.
But trust your friends.
It's all politics.
It's your government cronies
who play dirty politics.
You can be frank with me
- What's behind all this?
- None of what you might think.
Nor of what my government
gronies think.
I'll tell you a story,
off the record.
A nice story.
It's about a man, his wife
and a cat
This one?
This one?
No, I'm afraid not.
This one?
I believe this one resembles
him a little.
But it's only a drawing
not a photograph!
Enough time's spent on this,
we have to finish!
Give me your description again.
A man, 175 cm tall, stocky
with greying brown hair.
perfect teeth,
slightly aquiline nose.
AT 6.30PM IN ROME ...
These brutal and appalling crimes
are an attack on law and order.
They are the diabolical fruit
of the actions...
of groups of young agitators
who preach violence
as a means to an end,
and sow seeds of delirium
in weaker minds.
It is time to say
'Enough, we will be strong!'
You saw the assassin?
I heard a shot and saw two
youths run away. That's all.
You were just passing by
at that moment?
Yes but I heard nothing, though.
I was on my bicyle when
two youths knocked me over.
Why were you at the scene
of the crime ?
I was in the basement,
I'm a printer.
I went upstairs to get
a little fresh air.
I heard a woman shout and
saw him on a bicycle.
At last! While you waste
your time on your little toy.
chasing your phantom
lunatic, the true killer
is exterminating judges, leaving
the country in a state of panic.
Actually, it was you who mentioned
lunatics. You came here to tell me.
But you were there and had
to see what wasn't there.
Pleas sit down.
I was saying they were everywhere.
At Varga's funeral,
where Sanza was killed...
They even set up camp.
A demonstation and a camp site
don't prove murder.
What about the eyewitnesses?
There were eyewitnesses
to Judge Perro's murder?
Nobody seen him shot, they
saw someone run away.
Enough talk.
You're an excellent detective.
The best criminal investigator
we've got.
But this now is
a political affair.
We have already made
too many mistakes.
It is imperative firstly to
restore the good name of the police.
You will work with the
political squad..
and collaborate with Inspector Bloma.
This way.
Get this to the Minister quickly
Yes Sir.
The telephone calls are
continuously recorded?
But where're all the
tapes stored?
Don't you worry!
After they're of value to the
Justice Ministry they destroy them.
Rogas, come here a minute!
Isn't that your friend there?
The communist journalist?
- Is he being watched too?
- No, only his leader... Amar.
"Times are difficult."
"This meeting must end
with a clear decision."
"A party like ours can't
be surprised...
and influenced by the actions
of the government."
Let's see what are they
sending us now.
Ah the Justice builings.
"Then, the chancillor, wrote:
The demand, response:"
"I have been coming to the
capital all these months..."
"I brought cheques from
the petroleum companies...
to the secretariate of
the Christian Democratic Party"
"who then distributes them
according to the quota..
to all the other parties,
except the Communist party"
"Nothing to the Communists ?
"To the Communists, no."
"To some affilliates of theirs
but not much"
Senta! Put in the tape of
the shooting of the Z Group.
Si, doctor.
We are monitoring this group's
publications, in the last 6 months.
And we focus on articles..
that attack Magistrates and Judges.
Can I have the article
from Permanent Revolution?
It's the newspaper
of the Group Z.
This is Galano, head of Group Z.
The most fanatical.
Listen what he has
writen about judges!
The article is tittled
"The Monsters"
"Bony and withered, often
obese and flaccid...
"their faces marked by
infamy of their office,
every year dressed like clowns
as bishops don't dare.
They're the high magistrates
who inaugurate the judicial year
telling us to lock more
people up."
- Stand up!
- Me?
Yes you, stand up.
- Start walking.
- Where?
Walk up and down
until we tell you to stop.
Turn round
Start walking
Start walking
Do you recognise him?
Is it him?
Derecho ! Turn round
Start Walking
Adelante !
Muevete !
Do you recognise him?
Is it him?
Back to square one.
The two youths bumped into you
and you fell off your bicycle.
I didn't say I fell.
I was knocked over.
Same thing. You saw them
run away.
The darker guy was limping.
I didn't see any dark guy.
It does'nt matter.
But he did have a limp.
Maybe. It was so quick.
One moment. How quick?
As a flash.
Then they got into the car.
A car?
You never mentioned a car.
You never gave me a chance. You
kept asking about those youths.
Bring the girl here.
Sit here.
- You saw the car, didn't you ?
- What car?
The car in the street
when Judge Perro was shot.
Ah yes, the big foreign car.
How do you mean foreign?
Why didn't you tell us
about the car?
So what if there was a car?
I see so many cars in a day.
They're part of my job.
- Was the car parked?
- Yes. It was.
I went up to it to see if
I could do some business...
That's why I noticed
it was big, nice and foreign.
- Switzerland
- Then?
Nothing. They started
the engine and took off.
- With the youths?
- What youths?
Those hippies.
They suddenly started running.
I saw them get into the car.
What is he talking about ?
When the car took off,
the hippies ran away on foot.
Okay, let's start from scratch.
This is your statement.
I'll read it to you.
'' At 6pm on the 25th,
in front of the
Justice Building.
I was about to
cross the street,...
when I noticed my
shoe strap was undone.
I bent down to do it up
and heard a shot."
- Then?
- I turned around.
- What did you see?
- Two youths ran into this guy.
- And then?
- They ran off up the street
- And the car?
- Went in the opposite direction
Ha! He couldn't have
seen anything...
because he was leaning
over the dead man.
I insist.
They got into the car.
You were shit scared.
You didn't see anything.
Listen Bloma,
I have thought it over carefully
I won't work with someone else.
Even the chief thought
I wasn't right for this.
Maybe you have a point.
A break will do you good.
Yes but first I have
to ease my conscience.
I have to tell a guy
he's about to die.
Good morning,inspector.
May I speak to
Chief Judge Riches?
Who are you?
I am inspector Rogas.
Wait here.
Come back tomorrow.
He can't see you now.
That car it's the
Police Commissioner's?
- Is he with the judge ?
- And why are you asking?
It's not for me. But at least
get in touch with the boy.
By the way the school fees are due.
Don't worry. You know I've
been away. I'll do it tomorrow.
Marco says he never sees you.
- When did you see him?
- Last Sunday.
- Was he all right?
- Yes, he was fine.
Don't forget the college fees.
Yes yes, bye.
And now a news update
General De Sarmiento
was today appointed
Supreme Commander
of the Armed Forces
He was sworn in
before the joint chiefs
of the air force, the army
and the navy.
The ceremony was followed
by a military parade
which included
a special police unit.
Various diplomats
were in attendance...
General de Sarmiento
was today appointed
Supreme Commander
of the Armed Forces.
He was sworn in
before the joint chiefs
of the air force, the army
and the navy.
- Is that Rogas?
- Yes. Good evening doctor.
Why did you visit Riches?
To warn him he's in danger.
So you're still insisting
in chasing your lunatic.
The judge will be killed
in any case.
The chief judge
is well protected.
I know. Today I saw all the
security forces at Riches'.
I even spotted your car.
We were'nt with Riches.
We had a function next door
at the Portuguse Embassy.
Okay, go and see Riches,..
but don't alarm him.
- Hello
- Hello. The Portuguese Embassy?
- Yes, who's speaking?
- I'm the police commissioner's chauffeur.
My boss forgot his
briefcase at today's function.
What function was that ?
The ambassador is away in Lisbon.
Sorry. It must be a mistake.
- Yes?
- It's Rogas.
- Hi.
- I need a favour.
Find the owner of a white
mercedes with Swiss plates.
Any other details?
First two numbers are 9 and 7.
You find out the others.
Sit down.
So. You think I'll be killed.
Yes. I believe they'll try.
The subversives
or that other guy?
The other guy... Cres.
Ah, That's right....
The chemist.
He tried to kill his wife,
His plan was too naive.
What did he get?
on appeal.
Not by me.
I meant by the court
over which you presided.
- He was innocent.
- Really?
I think he was.
Was he innocent,..
or do you just think he was?
I do think he was innocent,
but I can't be sure.
I see...
You can't be sure about it.
Yes, I have a doubt.
I think it was an error,
a judicial error.
Judicial errors don't exist.
- You're a practising Catholic?
- Pracising, no.
A Catholic nevertheless.
Sure, like everyone else.
I presume you go to mass
from time to time.
Ever considered the issue
of bread and wine,..
turning into the body
and blood of Christ?
Each time...
Each time the priest eats
that bread,..
and drinks that wine,
the mystery is fulfilled
That must always happen.
It can never be otherwise.
The priest may be unworthy
in thought or deed,
but simply due to
the status he holds,..
each time the mass is celebrated
the mystery is fulfilled.
When a judge delivers the law,..
he is exactly like a priest
officiating at mass.
A judge may have doubts
he may question himself,
even torment himself,.
but at the very moment
he delivers judgement,..
he can't harbour doubts. At
that moment justice is done.
One priest celebrating mass
had blood on his hands.
Because he had doubts.
That has never happened to me.
No judgement has ever
left blood on my hands.
No conviction has ever
left blood on my gown.
It's obviously a question
of faith.
I don't think you've
quite understood.
I'm not a Catholic.
Nor am I a Christian.
However, I've never had any
of these weaknesses.
I've never believed in Voltaire's
"Tratado sobre la tolerancia"
on tolerance and judicial error.
Virtue, pity, innocent victims
of judicial errors....
What errors?
A judge who can freely kill
with his sentences...Ba!
Voltaire was the first to sow
doubt about the judicial system.
When a religion allows
for people's doubt,..
that religion is dead.
That's why we had Sartre,
Bertrand Russell, Marcuse...
and the delirium of
today's youth.
You mean Voltaire is to blame?
Yes. But Voltaire had an excuse.
In his day they didn't realise
the danger of those ideas...
but today's mass culture has
made that danger mortal.
If things go on like this,
the only viable form of justice
will be a form of punishment
known in war as decimation.
The way I punish is to kill
one soldier in ten.
Today there are no more individuals!
Today, there is no more
individual responsibility!
Your job, my dear friend
has become ridiculous.
It was fine in peace time,
but now we're at war.
Robberies, kidnappings,
sabotage... This is war!
And as in war the answer is decimation.
One, two, three, four, five...
One, two, three, four, five...
Cres, convicted!
Cres has a .22 calibre rifle,..
and it is loaded with
a bullet for you.
Keep going. Back all the way.
Park down there.
Go on! Go on! Stop!
Who lives below Judge Riches?
- Mr Pattos..
- The shipping tycoon?
Mr Pattos.
What are you doing here?
- Sorry, I didn't think...
- What did you not think?
That you'd meet me
in my friend Pattos' place?
I didn't think I'd be intruding
in a reunion of frieds.
Too late now. So?
- I was looking for someone.
- Looking for me?
No, someone who just come in.
One of my guests?
Please come in.
Come with me.
The inspector
was surely looking for me.
Are you here to arrest me?
My dear Evaristo,
you are a big liar..
You always denied the police
tapped our phones.
The inspector's presence here
proves my case.
- Is this right?
- Not that I know of.
How amazing!
Did he expect to get any other answer?
I know nothing about phone tapping.
It is done sometimes,..
but always with prior judicial approval,..
and only criminal suspects are tapped.
It is never done for political
reasons. Never..
That means I'm a criminal suspect,..
because my phone is definately tapped.
In fact, it's not even my phone.
The phone belongs to my host, Norcio,
There,here's the great progressive writer.
No, No. You're not my guest
you're the guest of my wife.
I'd never take an arsehole
like you into my house...
a provincial intellectual like you!
They brag on about permanent revolution...
You wish the inspector
had come here to arrest you.
Then you'd be a hero.
- Wilfredo, Don't be ridiculous!
- Shut your mouth!
What a reactionary remark
'Shut your mouth'.
Just because I'm your wife,
because you're my husband!
No. Because you're a parrot,
not a woman!
There's nothing can be done. You're
a typical communist, catholic, bourgeois.
Yes, for a long time, not to
keep up with the latest fashion!
Now that we are winning,
communists, catholics, the bourgeoisie,..
you're all queueing up to jump
on the bandwagon!
No my dear, I don't like it!
Including you and that arsehole
who wanted revolution!
Hello,hello, ladies and gentlemen.
Mo more of these family quarrels.
We're here to enjoy ourselves..
to eat.
- a whisky ?
- No, thanks.
Have a drink, Rogas.
You're not on duty.
Your assignment here is over.
Come with me..
To them it's a game.
- A game? I wouldn't say so..
- Yes, yes a game.
Including me,
I'm playing the game too..
I'm like a umpire...
delivering both protection and threats..
Don't let appearances fool you, Rogas.
Despite the confidence, they're
still scared.
More scared than they've ever been.
When the party's over
they'll flee in all directions.
No one will sleep
in their beds tonight.
Who do they fear?
They think you coming here was
part of a plot...
and your sudden appearance
was planned.
My dear Rogas, subversive groups
like Calano's are useful to us.
And to our Communist Party friends.
Your know what the
situation is like.
My party, which has run
the country for 30 years,..
will be forced to rule
with the Communists.
Your own job would be easier,
if Mr Amar, that party's leader,
was in my chair.
This ministry would work.
It'd be fun to see Mr Amar
and his party
grappling with these groups.
Yes, well. And what should we do?
Continue harassing these groups
as much as you can.
Arests, controls, searches...
but always with the approval
of the judges.
Before they're all killed!
If you're here to arrest Galano?
At least give us back our minister!
Hang around, Rogas. We
will continue our conversation.
Hot coffee and cold milk.
Waiter, a whisky.
Find out who they are
and what they want from me.
How can I?
We're always being watched.
If they find out,
I'm finished.
I didn't tell you to do
it inside.
Why not use your own lab?
You did it with the oil bosses.
Give me a cigarette.
Come on, give me one.
Placing a bug
under the commissioner's arse.
I'm fucked!
And now, Minister, allow me
to address a burning issue.
Ever since I left the house of the
president of the Supreme Court,..
I have the feeling that I'm being
followed by professionals.
By people specifically suited
to that task.
As if trained in a state or
private police corps.
If people in high places,
deem it necessary,..
to give me protection,...
I can only be grateful, ...
but I should point out
that such surveillance,...
which is very expensive
with so many officers involved,...
would be better directed
at protecting the judges.
You'll never get out of here
unless you confess first!
And that goes for everbody!
To the Security Minister
It's the tanks.
Their motors run all night.
The meeting's at
the armoured division barracks.
Listen, this is him.
Take it easier
with those judges...
Rewind, Rewind.
Play it again.
Those judges..
Take it easier
with those judges...
Rogas is on our back.
He's smelt a rat.
Come on, once more.
Those judges
Take it easier,
with those judges.
Rogas is on our back.
He's smelt a rat.
- Is that it?
- Isn't that enough?
- Is that you, Rogas?
- Yes, good evening, doctor.
Why did you visit Riches?
To warn him he's in danger.
So you're still insisting
in chasing your lunatic.
The judge will be killed whether
it's by my lunatic or your group.
The judge is well protected.
I know. Today I saw all the
security forces at Riches'.
I even spotted your car.
It's a plot.
The chemist Cres killed his judges,
and now they keep killing the others.
We come across so many plots,
they prepare one a day.
We've managed to
keep them in check so far.
But this time you've got to
do something fast.
We must wait,..
We can't risk everything
by behaving rashly..
You don't understand.
I'm not saying you pre-empt
their counter-revolution,..
but just inform parliament
or the press.
We can't alarm everyone..
because you have
certain impressions.
What impressions? I have proof.
They're all implicated.
If that's the case, it's no use
discussing it any further.
You must see Amar.
Only the party secretary
can decide.
Amar is like all the others.
In a room of the National Gallery...
a groupe of visitors
discovered two bodies.
The police have now
identified the victims...
Mr Amar, the secretary of
the Communist Party,
and police inspector
Amerigo Rogas.
Both victims were probably shot
with the same weapon,
a gun which Inspector Rogas
was still holding in his hand.
Here's the chief of police's
Inspector Rogas had just return
from a very stressful mission...
to find the judges killer,
When he returned to the capital he
showed signs of mental imbalance.
As a result
he was placed on leave.
He was seeing plots everywhere.
and started looking for
non-existent evidence.
Perhaps he thought even the
secretary of the Communist Party...
was part of some
imaginary plot.
He killed him and then
turned the gun on himself.
So it seems we've accepted
their version.
Everything points to him
being the killer.
I don't believe it, I knew Rogas well.
He was no lunatic. There was a plot.
They felt so confident,
they went all the way.
And now they have invented
the ultimate provocation.
A police inspector
kills the party secretary.
Even if that's so,
what do you want?
A civil war?
A confrontation?
But we won't be accomplices.
Incite the people in the square?
This is wh1at they want?
So people will never know
the truth.
Truth is not always revolutionary.