Cafe Hostess (1940) Movie Script
Good evening, Sergeant.
- Hello, Earl.
Read all about it.
Get your evening paper.
Better hurry, boys or you'll be late.
They can't start until we get there.
Hot enough for you, Steve?
Yep. Quite a spell of
weather we're having.
Hiya, Sergeant.
- Hello Marty.
Read all about it.
Get your evening paper.
Hello Willie.
A good crowd tonight?
- I've seen better.
You're early tonight,
aren't you Sergeant.
You know what the early bird catches.
- Yeah. If you like worms.
Haven't seen much of you in the last
week, Sergeant. Sorta missed you.
I'll bet.
On the level.
You're always welcome here.
The police are our best friends.
- Sure.
Anything we can do?
There wouldn't be anybody around here
with 'educated fingers' would there, Al?
Somebody has given you
bad advice, Sergeant.
I'm running a nightclub.
I know. There is a sign out front.
I wouldn't even give standing
room to a man that was hot.
My boys have been with
me for a long time.
I noticed that too.
The same faces I saw when I was
investigating that other robbery.
The same doorman.
The same girls.
The same bartenders.
The same piano player.
Same old act. Nothing ever changes.
Maybe you'd like to let
me in on it, Sergeant.
It would be easier for Eddie to hire a
piano player and just run this place.
No. He's not fooling anyone.
He may just as well save the salary
he's paying you to front for him.
It must be a pretty good one too.
Expensive stuff that.
- Hi. Tricks.
Someone just blew in.
- What about it?
He talked about you being the real owner
of the club and me working for you.
Keep your pants pressed.
I do the worrying around here.
- Okay, Eddie.
Just letting you know. That's all.
You got another visitor.
Hello Bee.
Hey, Tricks.
Well, look who is here.
Beat it.
- Come on girls. Pay me.
I told you she'd come back.
- Hello Annie.
Couldn't you stick it out
for more than 6 months?
You were going to get away from it all
in that little town of yours upstate.
I changed my mind.
You mean the coppers changed it for you.
- The reception committee meets you.
Sure. To give her the keys to the city.
I'll bet.
It ain't every day the
prodigal sister comes home.
Listen. Lay off the cracks.
None of you are any bargains.
Look who's talking.
- Who asked you for advice?
Nobody. But I'm giving it.
Annie is a friend of mine.
So what? She's still all washed up.
Stop it.
Stop your rubbernecking and play.
What do you think this is?
She started it. I was just talking.
- You talk too much.
Now get back to work.
All of you.
Alright, folks. Alright.
You alright, kid?
- Sure.
You shouldn't have that, Jo.
Eddie doesn't like fights.
I can handle Eddie.
Did you have a good trip back?
Alright, I guess.
Thanks for sending me the dough.
- Don't let it worry you.
I got you a room across the hall from
where I live until you get sorted out.
Gosh, I'll never be able to repay ..
How about a drink?
No, no.
- Sure.
Go on. I'll see you later.
How are you, Annie?
They tell me Eddie missed you
quite a lot while you were gone.
I doubt that.
Business dropped off too I hear.
The boys had to take on some
adventures on the outside.
What are you getting at, copper?
Did you send her the money to come back?
Not me.
A swell kid, that Jo.
I never said it was Jo.
- I know you didn't.
Just the same, I can tell
you a good way to repay her.
Tell her it's bad luck to run
around with piano players.
A table, sir?
If you don't mind.
- This way, sir.
Here you are.
Thank you, sir.
- Certainly.
What can I lose?
That will be forty cents.
Of course. Of course.
There you are.
I don't seem to have any change.
You're my first customer tonight.
That's alright. Just keep it.
Thank you.
Oh. Hello.
- Don't get up. I work here.
Say, that's swell.
I heard that everybody was ..
Convivial in this place.
We try to make everyone feel at home.
A stranger in town?
- Yeah.
My first trip.
How about a dance?
Let's order first, huh?
What can I lose?
Waiting for me?
I just wanted to say hello.
Your hometown wasn't so proud of
its wandering daughter, was it.
It seems to me I remember
saying something about that.
That's right, Eddie. You did.
What are you going to do
now that you're back?
I thought maybe you'd
give me my old job.
I got no place for you.
Times have changed.
Not according to what I've heard.
What have you been hearing?
Nothing. Except what that
copper was telling me.
You didn't develop a hinge on your
tongue while you were away, did you?
I'd know what to expect if I did.
Glad you remember.
Just how much did you have to do
with getting me tossed out of there?
Why would I be interested
in what happens to you?
You wouldn't unless I was making good.
And I was. I was doing alright.
You couldn't stand that, could you?
- Why not?
You know why not.
You disliked my walking out on you.
You knew I planned on sending
for Jo in a little while.
Wasn't that it?
Anyway, you're back now
and Jo is still here.
And I got no plans for her to leave.
So don't go putting funny ideas
into her head about me.
Unless you are planning another trip.
I think we are going to get along fine.
- Up to you, Jonesy.
What can I lose?
- One dollar please.
Oh yes.
There you are.
Tell me some more about
your hometown, Jonesy.
What do you do there?
I am the mayor.
You see, just before the last election.
Some of the boys came
and pledged me 110 votes.
So I said ..
- What can I lose?
That's it.
That's it.
There's things I'd like to talk
over with you if you have time.
Go ahead.
In the office?
- Sure.
Something on your mind, Eddie?
- Yeah.
Hello Jo.
Mr Jones, I want you
to meet Babe Halliday.
I guess it is kind of nervy
my butting in this way.
But I saw you clear across the
club and I just had to meet you.
Sit down.
I was just telling Jo here.
About our last election at home.
I just love politics but I
never can understand them.
Too bad you didn't join us earlier.
It is getting kind of late.
11 o'clock isn't late.
I bet you never get in
that early at home.
As a matter of fact.
I don't mind staying up until midnight.
Only I promised the missus I'd meet her
when she came out of the movies.
Sorry. I have to leave now, Mr Jones.
Some people came in and I must see them.
- Goodnight, Babe.
Waiter. My check please.
- Yes, sir.
So that's the way you girls work.
- What are you talking about?
Give me my wallet or I call the police.
- Take your hands off me.
Take it easy.
- She's a dirty thief.
Trouble, mister?
Yeah. She took my wallet.
Did you take his wallet, kid?
- Of course not.
That looks like something
under the table.
Lots of people make mistakes, mister.
Sorry you're leaving.
Show this gentleman out, Jimmy.
Red Connolly just drove up.
Any of the boys around?
- Kennedy is across the street.
Get him.
You stay here, Jo.
We weren't expecting you back, Red.
I had an idea you may
want to see me, Eddie.
What for?
A little matter of a cut
you forgot about.
I don't forget anything, Red.
- That's just what I thought.
Only this morning, I said to myself.
I must go and tell Eddie what happened
to the guy he sent looking for me.
Stick around. Maybe I'll tell
you where to look for him.
Say, Jo is looking good, ain't she.
Sit down, Jo. I got some
things I want to say.
I don't want to hear them.
Do you call that being friendly?
No sooner do I get here
than you run out on me.
Come on. Sit down.
Get Kennedy to fake a drunk.
The two of you start a fight.
Eddie, what's Red after?
I told you I don't want anything.
Okay, Okay. That's all.
Maybe a drink would pep you up.
I feel alright.
Okay. Okay.
Alright, buddy. No sleeping in here.
- Leave me alone.
Come on. On your feet.
You're going to start something are you?
Let me through. Let me through.
What happened?
This guy had a snoot full and
Willie was trying to get him to a cab.
I ask him to leave and the guy
jumps me and then starts a fight.
Alright, folks. The show is over.
Take him outside, Willie.
[ Jo screams! ]
Al, keep everyone out.
The rest of you sit down.
Let's get some air, kid.
You leaving, Eddie?
- Any objections?
I thought you might be of some help.
Sorry. I was not watching.
That's right. You were
stopping the fight, weren't you.
Yeah. Come on, kid.
Who did it, Eddie?
- How should I know?
A swell night, ain't it?
Say, Eddie.
What's all the excitement at the club?
Just a fight.
- That ain't news. What else?
Somebody got Red Connolly.
What about it?
She's always sticking
her nose into things.
That's just her habit. It comes from
managing an apartment house.
- Yeah?
It's getting chilly.
I'll go up and get a wrap.
I'll go up with you.
Why so quiet, Jo?
Wait a minute.
What's eating you, kid?
This business with Red
tonight was the topper.
I don't know how much more I can take.
You worry too much.
I've always looked after you, haven't I?
Yes. You've looked after me.
Letting me roll guys for their money.
Teaching me to play up to
20 different men every night.
And 30 on Saturdays.
Yeah. You looked after me swell.
A lot of girls wouldn't mind
walking in your high heels.
You know that, don't you.
What's that got to do with me?
I tell you I'm fed up
playing glamour girl ..
To a lot of poor saps sneaking out
on their wives for a cheap thrill.
Forget it.
For three years you've
been saying that, Eddie.
Where is it all leading?
I'm no crystal gazer.
Well, maybe I am.
I can see myself ten years from now.
Looking just like Annie.
Getting the same swell reception
she got when she came back tonight.
If I was you, kid.
I wouldn't see too much of Annie.
Why not?
A least she's on the level.
She tried to go away
and make a fresh start.
But she came back.
Is that all you can say?
I need help.
I am scared.
Nothing at all.
The paper says it's colder tomorrow.
It will be good for business.
Oh. Pay him, Scotty.
'CLUB 46'.
It sure looks expensive.
How are you, Admiral?
- How is the weather inside?
If you guys want to start something ..
- That's unworthy of you.
We're just clean seafaring men
home from the bounding deep.
Pipe the Admiral aboard.
Let's buy him a drink.
Over the side, Admiral.
- Run up the Admiral's flag.
Look lively, lads. Lively.
You can't do this to me.
- We is doing it.
I tell you guys I don't belong in here.
- We're not proud.
The boss don't like it.
- Leave the boss to us.
Let me go.
Put them someplace handy.
We might need him in a hurry.
Let me go, will you.
Here we are, Admiral.
Wait a minute.
- Look, bud.
We waded all the way across the ocean
for this chance to entertain you.
What will it be?
- I got work to do.
I don't belong in here.
I don't want nothing.
He says a whiskey sour.
Extra sour.
It's a waste of money.
What's the idea of hiding out?
Three sailors just came in.
A girl must fix her hair, doesn't she?
Hey, Dan. Look what's cruising this way.
Mermaids. You are excused.
They look awful thirsty.
Hello boys. Welcome to Club 46.
I've met more sailors than sailors do.
So you boys are out without a guardian?
We saved that job for the
first three beauties we meet.
Stop it.
- Come on.
I told you before. We're not allowed to.
Stop. You've torn my dress.
I'll buy you another. Come on.
Please don't.
There you are. And me looking
all over the place for you.
Ever since I sailed out of Manila.
I said to the boys it won't be
long until I see Mary Lou again.
Did you get my letter, Mary Lou?
- Yes.
If you're looking for trouble.
Mister, I'm just a peaceable seafaring
man and I don't like fights.
I want you to meet some friends of mine.
Don't go away, Mary Lou.
I won't be very long.
Boys, I want you to meet Mr Crapperbox.
An old friend, a pal and a shipmate.
It's a pleasure Mr Crapperbox.
- Wait a minute.
Any friend of Dan's is a friend of ours.
Leave him here and he'll get the best.
The very best.
- I knew I could count on you boys.
It was a tough fight but we won.
Do we dance first and buy
afterwards or buy first?
How about a minute's
rest between rounds?
It does look like you need a little
bit of overhauling, Mary Lou.
The name is 'Jo'.
- Jo?
It's a name after my own heart.
It's news to me that
sailors have hearts.
It's likely more news to you
that I'm not a regular sailor.
When we were in the Caribbean
shooting wild panamas.
Wild what?
Wild Panamas.
Don't say you never saw one flying on
the horizon before the moon comes up.
Come to think of it, I haven't.
Why do you shoot them?
To get the panama hats of course.
Your minute's up. How about piloting
me round the dance floor a few times?
We can't say no to a customer.
That's what I said.
How about a dance?
- Swell.
I don't dance.
How about a drink?
- Let's dance.
I guess this is where we
make the bartender happy.
I see you've sailed across
a few bars, sailor.
The name is Dan.
- Okay, Dan.
A little sob stuff, maestro.
The kind that rings a girl's heart.
A table?
- Right this way.
I don't seem to have any change.
You're my first customer tonight.
That's alright. You keep it.
- Anything.
Do your best and standby to refuel.
- Yes, sir.
Well here we are. On a desert island.
You in a hammock and me at your feet.
- And music coming from ..
Where does music come
from on a desert island?
The surf.
Pounding on the shore.
Keep that up and I'll be giving
up my job and leaving here.
I've heard worse ideas.
And live on coconuts?
Not such a bad diet if you want to know.
It sounds fattening.
Don't you ever get tired?
- Why should I?
No reason, except some people get fed
up doing the same thing every night.
Do you ever feel that way?
- Sure.
I thought sailors loved the sea.
Some of them do.
It's like some of the
girls in this place ..
Really like their jobs and some
of them just say they do.
Here you are, sir.
Keep it.
- Thank you.
Tell me some more about
the flying panamas.
I think they just put
into port for the night.
Why do it the hard way?
If you really want what ..
- What are you talking about?
All you have to do is ask for it.
- I didn't take anything.
We were getting along so well too.
Some people just came in.
I think I'll ..
Don't walk out on me yet.
We have a lot of things to talk about.
Did you ever hear of the
pogo sticks of Pago Pago?
What are you going to do?
Yes, sir?
The lady needs a drink.
Yes, sir.
What are you going to do?
Now these pogo sticks at Pago Pago
are very peculiar pogo sticks.
That sailor with Jo.
I wouldn't want any trouble with him.
The boys were bouncing up and down
on these pogo sticks when suddenly ..
The captain comes on deck.
- Stop it.
I said, what are you going to do?
- About what?
I tried taking your ..
- Can you prove it?
Here you are, sir.
Keep it.
That will be all.
- Thank you.
Well, down the hatch.
I am glad, Jo.
What for?
- That you're an amateur.
Only an amateur would let sentiment
keep a guy from that drink.
Goodnight, boys.
My scarf, Bee.
What's up, Eddie?
- Nothing.
But I just saw ..
- I said nothing.
Who is it?
You're early tonight, aren't you?
- Yeah.
I called in this afternoon
but you weren't here.
I had some places to go.
Sit down.
Have a cigarette.
Find anything, Annie?
Jobs are scarce.
Got something on your mind?
No. Nothing.
I just wanted to talk to you.
You wonder why I came back.
Not entirely.
I figured things didn't work out exactly
the way you wanted them to and ..
Things never work out the
way you figure they will.
Me figuring I could start a tea room.
It sounded like a swell idea.
It was.
Except for one thing.
One of my customers happened to be a
gent with bad luck written all over him.
Who was he?
Just a guy who used to
hang around the club.
It wasn't long before the local folks
knew everything about me that he did.
What difference did that make?
You weren't asking them for anything.
Nothing but their business.
And they wouldn't give that to
a dame that wasn't respectable.
Funny, isn't it.
Everything alright at the club tonight?
Did you ever meet anybody who ..
I mean ..
What makes a guy nice to
you when he shouldn't be?
When he ought to call the cops.
I'm talking crazy.
Go on talking crazy, kid. I don't mind.
Who was he?
He blew in off a ship.
It was his first visit to the club.
He's been around. Plenty of places.
All over the world.
He told me about Panama and Manila.
And places like that.
But he didn't ask for anything
or expect anything.
What happened?
Well, when I tried to ..
What did he do?
He told me if I wanted the
wallet I could keep it.
And I think he meant it too.
It made me feel like ..
What's the use of talking?
Go on. Let me hear the rest.
He had some idea that I didn't
belong in a place like the club.
Eddie thinks you belong there.
I guess I had better be going.
See you tomorrow, Annie.
- Tomorrow.
What do you want?
I thought I'd have a
little talk with Annie.
Don't, Eddie!
Are you hurt?
- No.
What happened?
- I tell you I'm alright.
They ought to do something
about stairs like these.
You might have broken your neck.
Wouldn't that have been a laugh?
How's my beautiful girl tonight?
- I'll ask her when she comes in.
Be careful will you. It's almost noon.
You know there's a lot of
other places Dan could be.
The way Dan talks you wouldn't think so.
Well, well, well.
Hello girls.
Hello boys.
Hiya, sailor.
- How about a dance?
Hello boys.
I didn't expect to see you back.
Have you seen Dan tonight?
- No.
If you see him and we miss him can you
tell him the old man's looking for him.
The old man?
- The Captain.
We're sailing at ten in the morning.
I guess you can tell him yourself.
I told you a bad penny always shows up.
Dan, the old man wants you
on board by midnight.
We're sailing in the morning.
- Thanks.
Why did you run out on me, Jo?
- I needed some air.
The smoke burns my eyes.
Lots of stars tonight.
You'll get a better view of
them after tomorrow.
Bud said you were sailing.
- You could say you'll miss me.
If I missed all the guys who came here I
wouldn't have time for anything else.
Can't you make an exception in my case?
- I don't know.
It just seems like you could.
I bet you don't have to take
any tonic for your nerves.
Sure. Just the occasional
crack on the jaw.
But you wouldn't know about that.
Too busy helping men slurp up drinks and
catching passes from the piano player.
Maybe there isn't anything
I can do about anything.
You're probably right.
What's all this got to do with me?
I was coming to that.
There was a letter by
general delivery today.
It's been following me
around for about a month.
An uncle of mine died while I
was on this last trip and I ..
I sort-of inherited something. A garage.
A garage?
I'm not a bad mechanic. I may be
able to make it pay after a while.
Is that what you're going to do?
- I'm not sure yet.
It's a pretty little town.
A lot of shady little streets.
People passing along them on
their way to church on Sundays.
I've heard of places like that.
And the people who live in them too.
Yeah. They have different slant on life.
Sure they have.
Here at the club they give it to
you straight from the shoulder.
In your little town they wait
until you turn your back.
And then they let you have it.
You have funny ideas, Jo.
I'm just watching out for myself.
That's all.
Sorry folks.
Sorry you feel that way about it.
I had an idea there may be a
spot in this little town for you.
Some kind of a job if you wanted it.
Doing what?
Waiting tables in some restaurant?
Fighting off men who
think I'm a cheap pickup.
Nobody will know about this place.
You're wrong, sailor.
They would find out.
Pretty soon your whole town
will be talking about ..
How I was born in a room while
a jazz band was playing.
And raised in an alley where
kids graduated to the hot seat.
That I never knew who my mother was.
- What's wrong, Jo?
Nothing. Except that ..
I've been around and I know how men are.
All of them?
- All I've ever met.
Anyway .. it was nice of you.
Trying to figure a spot for me.
Why did you do it?
Just a habit of mine. Trying to help
people who don't want to be helped.
If I had any sense I'd
mind my own business.
Your pals will miss you
if you're not on the ship.
If I'm not on that ship.
- But you said ..
I said I might be able to do
something about that garage.
You have to move, folks.
Are you sailing tomorrow or not?
How can I tell before
tomorrow gets here?
A copper, aren't you?
That's right.
- Been around here long?
Quite a while.
What do you know about
that piano player?
Eddie Morgan?
Not as much as I would like to.
What do you know about him?
About as much as I'm going to.
What will it be, Miss?
I'm looking for Eddie Morgan.
Where is he?
I told you not to come here.
- I had to see you.
Getting cold feet?
Not exactly, Eddie.
The cop that hangs around here.
He passes my place a lot.
You thought you'd help him
and lead him straight to me.
Eddie, I didn't mean to.
Come on. We can't talk around here.
I'm still remembering that little
town you talked about last night.
What about it?
Suppose nobody had
recognized you, Annie?
Did you ever stop to think of that?
It would be alright.
You needn't have to come back.
Who's been steaming you up?
You fell for it, didn't you.
No. I was just thinking, I tell you.
It wasn't me. It was you I had in mind.
Wait a minute, Jo.
Let's get down to cases.
You're in love with this guy.
Whoever he is.
And he sold you a bill of goods that
you want to believe. Isn't that it?
I don't know.
You listen to me, Jo.
I kept quiet while you and sailor
boy swapped life stories but ..
Do you remember the guy I said
just 'happened' into my tea room?
And then felt he had to put
the whole town wise to me?
He was sent there. By Eddie.
To make the town too hot for me.
He won't stand for anyone leaving here.
And if they do, he'll see to
it that they come back.
He tried it on me too.
Even if it only lasts a
little while, Annie.
I don't know that it
wouldn't be worth it.
In a hurry, sailor?
If it's no trouble I've some
things to say to you.
Go ahead.
On your way to spill
your insides, ain't you?
I'm still listening.
What do you want to tell me?
First, you should do something
about muffling your oars.
Especially when you go
climbing fire escapes.
Thanks for the warning.
But don't let it worry you.
The next visitors you and Nellie have
will announce themselves with a siren.
You got a good look, did you sailor?
That's a smart idea you had.
Storing stuff in that dame's apartment.
Too bad to break it up.
- Yeah.
That would be too bad. For all of us.
You. Nellie. Me.
And Jo.
What's Jo to do with it?
Enough to give her a ten year
stretch if the cops find out.
You're a liar.
- Ask her.
Ask her where the money comes from
that we're going to be married with.
Ask her that before
you tip off the cops.
Hello boys.
You're smart, sailor.
I hear your boat sails in the morning.
That's too bad.
I got some pals waiting.
As soon as I find them ..
Really pulling out on us, huh?
I can't say I blame you at that.
I think we'd better
get back to the ship.
You can't leave like that, pal.
Nobody leaves this club
without saying goodbye.
I was just saying you'd
like to wish him luck, Jo.
You're sailing?
Any time you're back in town
just look us up, sailor.
You'll always find a welcome here.
Come on, Joe.
It's about time for
us to dance, ain't it.
Whenever you're ready, Dan.
You didn't leave?
No .. I didn't.
But after last night ..
I was 14 kinds of a fool last night.
You should have been on that boat.
- And miss seeing you wave goodbye?
I'd have been even a bigger fool.
Dan. You don't know.
I know you went down to see me off.
That is enough for me.
Why did you do it?
- I'll tell you a little secret.
That boat is going to Manila.
I have been there.
But your friends?
They have been there too.
Besides, I kinda like this town.
They don't have finer weather.
Especially when it is spring.
Like it is today.
It kinda gets you.
Today was made ..
Just for picnicking.
Hey, cab.
Any parks in this town?
- Got a whole block of them.
Pick one with trees.
If you think that's funny wait until I
tell you about when I was in Crazolia.
- Where the crazy folks come from.
The most beautiful country in the world.
Even if the people are a little screwy.
Didn't you ever hear
how they go to market?
Along roads lined with
blooming nectarines.
Carrying bottomless baskets
balanced on their heads.
I'll bite. If the baskets are bottomless
how do they keep things in them?
The simplest thing in the world.
They are empty.
There's something I forgot to tell you.
- What?
Today is my birthday.
Do you always celebrate this way?
- I have always wanted to.
The birds and the trees.
Everything so fresh and green.
Sometimes when you're at sea and there's
nothing to look at but water and sky ..
You think a lot about things like this.
A sailor wanting to leave the sea.
- Lots of them are like me.
Once the pilot is dropped and the
land falls away off the stern.
You get lonesome.
It seems like there's
nothing left to tie to.
You ever have a thing you felt was yours
that nobody could take away from you?
Neither have I.
But I am going to.
It may not be very much at first.
It may be just a room.
But it will grow. It might even get to
be a house with a yard and a little car.
It's getting late.
I think we'd better be going.
You have to listen sometime, Jo.
Eddie is waiting.
- Eddie.
Don't think of Eddie. I did last night.
I should have more sense.
We've been all through this.
- Sure.
If I had any brains I'd
know what's on your mind.
- Not that.
You think you're not good
enough for anything else.
That you might even
hurt the man you love.
You are afraid, aren't you?
I am afraid.
You will never have to be afraid again.
Don't forget. That train leaves at ten.
- At ten.
Don't spend too much time packing.
I'll be back as soon as I
round up Scotty and Budger.
You haven't been around all day.
I went to the park.
It was cool and green there.
I have to get away once in a while.
You were down at the dock too.
Nellie was telling me.
She said you were too busy to see her.
Maybe you'd like to know why
I sent Nellie down there?
I had it figured that if the sailor made
that boat then everything will be okay.
What he knew wouldn't amount to much.
- What are you telling me?
That sailor snooped around and he found
out enough to hang a 10-year rap on me.
You can dress at the club.
- Eddie, please.
Evening, Admiral.
Find a good hook for this, beautiful.
Will you please be ..
- I know. I'll be extra careful.
Time for me to buy some quick ones.
The quick ones cost just as much.
We might as well take our time.
Two of your best, bartender.
- Cigarettes?
Gee, kid. What have you been up to?
What's the matter?
Be careful. Eddie is watching us.
Don't get excited. Then I can tell you.
What's it all about?
I was pulling out tonight for good.
I was going to be married.
Eddie found out.
Annie, you must go outside. I can't.
You have to keep Dan away from here.
So that's why he was talking to Rocky.
He plans the same reception for your
sailor that he gave to Red Connolly.
It was Eddie who threw the
knife that night. I saw him.
Annie, you have to go
outside and stop him.
He was to meet me at my house tonight.
If I'm not there he'll look for me.
What about Willie?
Try Annie. Try.
Don't worry.
What are we going to do?
You stayed in port after all.
- About to list you as lost.
I had a date.
- Got us a new job?
When do we sail?
- When I locate the skipper.
Maybe if I get him to one side ..
- No. He'll never get out of here alive.
How much can a beginner
make in this garage?
Or do I have to thumb my
way back to Alabama?
- Later.
Later is no good. I know your plan.
- Stop sounding off, kid.
You don't know anything.
- Eddie, please. I tell you I know.
I want to make a bargain
with you. A trade.
What do you have to trade, kid?
Me, if you still want me.
And Dan on a boat.
Don't you understand?
Everything he did was for me.
Give him a chance.
- What are you pulling on me?
Nothing, Eddie.
If you'll just let me handle it.
So he tells me today is his birthday.
And I act like I'm impressed.
And does he fall for it?
He even gives me that line about
quitting the sea and settling down.
He's fallen heir to a garage.
But this is the payoff, Eddie.
He tries to steam me up to marry
him and live in his little hick town.
Is that a laugh?
You had to hear it sometime, sailor.
Are you ready, Jo?
- Did you hear that, Eddie?
I told you he fell with a splash.
Why do you think I was down
on that dock this morning?
To see you off?
I was there to make sure you were gone.
So Eddie and I wouldn't have
anything to worry about.
You stuck your neck out, sailor.
You better beat it while
you still got a chance.
You mean he sent you down to the
dock just to be sure I got away?
It takes you a long time
to figure doesn't it, sailor.
Now I suppose you'll go crying to
the coppers to give them an earful.
I find things like that generally
take care of themselves after a while.
But there is something I would
like to say before I leave.
Sometimes it's fun being a sap.
I guess you would not
know anything about that.
A wise dame like you.
Did you hear that, Eddie?
He's not going to tell the cops.
That lets him off, doesn't it?
- Sure, kid.
Seems we had the sailor
figured all wrong, Al.
He's okay.
- Yeah?
How about a drink on it?
- Why not? The office?
Go on.
Come on.
Wait a minute, sailor.
- Some other time.
There may not be another time.
- I tell you I'm in a hurry.
Before you walk out on Jo.
Eddie had you framed.
And she knew it.
I don't know what she said
to drive you out of here.
Whatever it was, she was lying.
You're the first guy she ever fell for.
She had to do something to save you.
Save me from what?
- From Eddie.
He knew about you two getting married.
He was set to take care of you tonight.
That's why she lied.
She had to get you out of here.
How do I know you're not lying?
- I'm not. She was afraid to tell you.
But now that copper is here.
Get her. Take her away from here.
They don't dare start
anything when he's around.
That makes sense.
What about it?
- Wait until the copper leaves.
Suppose he walks out on us?
- I thought of that.
Get a couple of boys and
Kennedy on the outside.
Mr Crapperbottom is over there.
Yeah. I know, but ..
We'd better not rush things.
You remember that piano player
we were talking about?
If it was my job to look
for stolen property.
I'd take a gander through the windows of
a 2nd floor flat 3 doors east of here.
Unless of course I didn't
like to climb fire escapes.
I'll handle him. You take care
of his friends but work fast.
I think we can get under way
now without any interruptions.
And me with a new suit on.
You wait here. But not too long.
Where you going, sailor?
To get Jo.
- Really?
Yeah, really.
I'll be right back.
I'll be right back.
- Bye-bye.
Don't get excited.
I'm having a swell time.
Come on. Hang on.
Jack, where is the crew?
- For a buck a head, they do anything.
Steve Mason reporting.
Send the riot squad to Club 46.
Yeah. They're taking it apart.
Dan, don't. Forget Eddie.
Let's get out of here.
Alright. Come on.
Clear them out of here!
Hello, copper.
That wasn't a bad tip
you gave me, sailor.
Even if you were trying to get rid
of me to start a little private war.
Going to arrest us?
Have you other plans?
- We're leaving town.
Dan has a job upstate.
- I wouldn't see you miss your train.
Say, I got a couple of pals here too.
At least I did have.
Gather them up and take them along.
I haven't any use for them.
Good luck, sailor.
Hey, Scotty.
Yes, sir.
Well here we go, Jo.
For the rest of our lives.
For the rest of our lives, sailor.
You'd better have a look over here.
You know who he is?
- Yeah. Eddie Morgan.
Who do you think knifed him?
- I will find out.
Bring those two kids back here.
Gee. I always thought you
were smart, copper.
Hold it, Mike.
Maybe I'd better get used
to doing without it.
I'd give a month's pay not to
have been here tonight, Annie.
Don't let it worry you.
I'd do it over again if I had to.
He had it coming to him.
Don't be a sap, copper.
Let's get going.
So long, copper.
So long, Annie.
Read all about it.
Hiya, Sergeant.
- Hello Marty.
Hot enough for you, Steve?
- Plenty.
Better hurry, boys. You'll be late.
They can't start until we get there.
Here you are, folks.
The Acme apple peeler.
Peels peaches, pears,
pineapples, bananas.
You can even use it
on your mother-in-law.
Evening, Sergeant.
- Hello Burl.
- Hello, Earl.
Read all about it.
Get your evening paper.
Better hurry, boys or you'll be late.
They can't start until we get there.
Hot enough for you, Steve?
Yep. Quite a spell of
weather we're having.
Hiya, Sergeant.
- Hello Marty.
Read all about it.
Get your evening paper.
Hello Willie.
A good crowd tonight?
- I've seen better.
You're early tonight,
aren't you Sergeant.
You know what the early bird catches.
- Yeah. If you like worms.
Haven't seen much of you in the last
week, Sergeant. Sorta missed you.
I'll bet.
On the level.
You're always welcome here.
The police are our best friends.
- Sure.
Anything we can do?
There wouldn't be anybody around here
with 'educated fingers' would there, Al?
Somebody has given you
bad advice, Sergeant.
I'm running a nightclub.
I know. There is a sign out front.
I wouldn't even give standing
room to a man that was hot.
My boys have been with
me for a long time.
I noticed that too.
The same faces I saw when I was
investigating that other robbery.
The same doorman.
The same girls.
The same bartenders.
The same piano player.
Same old act. Nothing ever changes.
Maybe you'd like to let
me in on it, Sergeant.
It would be easier for Eddie to hire a
piano player and just run this place.
No. He's not fooling anyone.
He may just as well save the salary
he's paying you to front for him.
It must be a pretty good one too.
Expensive stuff that.
- Hi. Tricks.
Someone just blew in.
- What about it?
He talked about you being the real owner
of the club and me working for you.
Keep your pants pressed.
I do the worrying around here.
- Okay, Eddie.
Just letting you know. That's all.
You got another visitor.
Hello Bee.
Hey, Tricks.
Well, look who is here.
Beat it.
- Come on girls. Pay me.
I told you she'd come back.
- Hello Annie.
Couldn't you stick it out
for more than 6 months?
You were going to get away from it all
in that little town of yours upstate.
I changed my mind.
You mean the coppers changed it for you.
- The reception committee meets you.
Sure. To give her the keys to the city.
I'll bet.
It ain't every day the
prodigal sister comes home.
Listen. Lay off the cracks.
None of you are any bargains.
Look who's talking.
- Who asked you for advice?
Nobody. But I'm giving it.
Annie is a friend of mine.
So what? She's still all washed up.
Stop it.
Stop your rubbernecking and play.
What do you think this is?
She started it. I was just talking.
- You talk too much.
Now get back to work.
All of you.
Alright, folks. Alright.
You alright, kid?
- Sure.
You shouldn't have that, Jo.
Eddie doesn't like fights.
I can handle Eddie.
Did you have a good trip back?
Alright, I guess.
Thanks for sending me the dough.
- Don't let it worry you.
I got you a room across the hall from
where I live until you get sorted out.
Gosh, I'll never be able to repay ..
How about a drink?
No, no.
- Sure.
Go on. I'll see you later.
How are you, Annie?
They tell me Eddie missed you
quite a lot while you were gone.
I doubt that.
Business dropped off too I hear.
The boys had to take on some
adventures on the outside.
What are you getting at, copper?
Did you send her the money to come back?
Not me.
A swell kid, that Jo.
I never said it was Jo.
- I know you didn't.
Just the same, I can tell
you a good way to repay her.
Tell her it's bad luck to run
around with piano players.
A table, sir?
If you don't mind.
- This way, sir.
Here you are.
Thank you, sir.
- Certainly.
What can I lose?
That will be forty cents.
Of course. Of course.
There you are.
I don't seem to have any change.
You're my first customer tonight.
That's alright. Just keep it.
Thank you.
Oh. Hello.
- Don't get up. I work here.
Say, that's swell.
I heard that everybody was ..
Convivial in this place.
We try to make everyone feel at home.
A stranger in town?
- Yeah.
My first trip.
How about a dance?
Let's order first, huh?
What can I lose?
Waiting for me?
I just wanted to say hello.
Your hometown wasn't so proud of
its wandering daughter, was it.
It seems to me I remember
saying something about that.
That's right, Eddie. You did.
What are you going to do
now that you're back?
I thought maybe you'd
give me my old job.
I got no place for you.
Times have changed.
Not according to what I've heard.
What have you been hearing?
Nothing. Except what that
copper was telling me.
You didn't develop a hinge on your
tongue while you were away, did you?
I'd know what to expect if I did.
Glad you remember.
Just how much did you have to do
with getting me tossed out of there?
Why would I be interested
in what happens to you?
You wouldn't unless I was making good.
And I was. I was doing alright.
You couldn't stand that, could you?
- Why not?
You know why not.
You disliked my walking out on you.
You knew I planned on sending
for Jo in a little while.
Wasn't that it?
Anyway, you're back now
and Jo is still here.
And I got no plans for her to leave.
So don't go putting funny ideas
into her head about me.
Unless you are planning another trip.
I think we are going to get along fine.
- Up to you, Jonesy.
What can I lose?
- One dollar please.
Oh yes.
There you are.
Tell me some more about
your hometown, Jonesy.
What do you do there?
I am the mayor.
You see, just before the last election.
Some of the boys came
and pledged me 110 votes.
So I said ..
- What can I lose?
That's it.
That's it.
There's things I'd like to talk
over with you if you have time.
Go ahead.
In the office?
- Sure.
Something on your mind, Eddie?
- Yeah.
Hello Jo.
Mr Jones, I want you
to meet Babe Halliday.
I guess it is kind of nervy
my butting in this way.
But I saw you clear across the
club and I just had to meet you.
Sit down.
I was just telling Jo here.
About our last election at home.
I just love politics but I
never can understand them.
Too bad you didn't join us earlier.
It is getting kind of late.
11 o'clock isn't late.
I bet you never get in
that early at home.
As a matter of fact.
I don't mind staying up until midnight.
Only I promised the missus I'd meet her
when she came out of the movies.
Sorry. I have to leave now, Mr Jones.
Some people came in and I must see them.
- Goodnight, Babe.
Waiter. My check please.
- Yes, sir.
So that's the way you girls work.
- What are you talking about?
Give me my wallet or I call the police.
- Take your hands off me.
Take it easy.
- She's a dirty thief.
Trouble, mister?
Yeah. She took my wallet.
Did you take his wallet, kid?
- Of course not.
That looks like something
under the table.
Lots of people make mistakes, mister.
Sorry you're leaving.
Show this gentleman out, Jimmy.
Red Connolly just drove up.
Any of the boys around?
- Kennedy is across the street.
Get him.
You stay here, Jo.
We weren't expecting you back, Red.
I had an idea you may
want to see me, Eddie.
What for?
A little matter of a cut
you forgot about.
I don't forget anything, Red.
- That's just what I thought.
Only this morning, I said to myself.
I must go and tell Eddie what happened
to the guy he sent looking for me.
Stick around. Maybe I'll tell
you where to look for him.
Say, Jo is looking good, ain't she.
Sit down, Jo. I got some
things I want to say.
I don't want to hear them.
Do you call that being friendly?
No sooner do I get here
than you run out on me.
Come on. Sit down.
Get Kennedy to fake a drunk.
The two of you start a fight.
Eddie, what's Red after?
I told you I don't want anything.
Okay, Okay. That's all.
Maybe a drink would pep you up.
I feel alright.
Okay. Okay.
Alright, buddy. No sleeping in here.
- Leave me alone.
Come on. On your feet.
You're going to start something are you?
Let me through. Let me through.
What happened?
This guy had a snoot full and
Willie was trying to get him to a cab.
I ask him to leave and the guy
jumps me and then starts a fight.
Alright, folks. The show is over.
Take him outside, Willie.
[ Jo screams! ]
Al, keep everyone out.
The rest of you sit down.
Let's get some air, kid.
You leaving, Eddie?
- Any objections?
I thought you might be of some help.
Sorry. I was not watching.
That's right. You were
stopping the fight, weren't you.
Yeah. Come on, kid.
Who did it, Eddie?
- How should I know?
A swell night, ain't it?
Say, Eddie.
What's all the excitement at the club?
Just a fight.
- That ain't news. What else?
Somebody got Red Connolly.
What about it?
She's always sticking
her nose into things.
That's just her habit. It comes from
managing an apartment house.
- Yeah?
It's getting chilly.
I'll go up and get a wrap.
I'll go up with you.
Why so quiet, Jo?
Wait a minute.
What's eating you, kid?
This business with Red
tonight was the topper.
I don't know how much more I can take.
You worry too much.
I've always looked after you, haven't I?
Yes. You've looked after me.
Letting me roll guys for their money.
Teaching me to play up to
20 different men every night.
And 30 on Saturdays.
Yeah. You looked after me swell.
A lot of girls wouldn't mind
walking in your high heels.
You know that, don't you.
What's that got to do with me?
I tell you I'm fed up
playing glamour girl ..
To a lot of poor saps sneaking out
on their wives for a cheap thrill.
Forget it.
For three years you've
been saying that, Eddie.
Where is it all leading?
I'm no crystal gazer.
Well, maybe I am.
I can see myself ten years from now.
Looking just like Annie.
Getting the same swell reception
she got when she came back tonight.
If I was you, kid.
I wouldn't see too much of Annie.
Why not?
A least she's on the level.
She tried to go away
and make a fresh start.
But she came back.
Is that all you can say?
I need help.
I am scared.
Nothing at all.
The paper says it's colder tomorrow.
It will be good for business.
Oh. Pay him, Scotty.
'CLUB 46'.
It sure looks expensive.
How are you, Admiral?
- How is the weather inside?
If you guys want to start something ..
- That's unworthy of you.
We're just clean seafaring men
home from the bounding deep.
Pipe the Admiral aboard.
Let's buy him a drink.
Over the side, Admiral.
- Run up the Admiral's flag.
Look lively, lads. Lively.
You can't do this to me.
- We is doing it.
I tell you guys I don't belong in here.
- We're not proud.
The boss don't like it.
- Leave the boss to us.
Let me go.
Put them someplace handy.
We might need him in a hurry.
Let me go, will you.
Here we are, Admiral.
Wait a minute.
- Look, bud.
We waded all the way across the ocean
for this chance to entertain you.
What will it be?
- I got work to do.
I don't belong in here.
I don't want nothing.
He says a whiskey sour.
Extra sour.
It's a waste of money.
What's the idea of hiding out?
Three sailors just came in.
A girl must fix her hair, doesn't she?
Hey, Dan. Look what's cruising this way.
Mermaids. You are excused.
They look awful thirsty.
Hello boys. Welcome to Club 46.
I've met more sailors than sailors do.
So you boys are out without a guardian?
We saved that job for the
first three beauties we meet.
Stop it.
- Come on.
I told you before. We're not allowed to.
Stop. You've torn my dress.
I'll buy you another. Come on.
Please don't.
There you are. And me looking
all over the place for you.
Ever since I sailed out of Manila.
I said to the boys it won't be
long until I see Mary Lou again.
Did you get my letter, Mary Lou?
- Yes.
If you're looking for trouble.
Mister, I'm just a peaceable seafaring
man and I don't like fights.
I want you to meet some friends of mine.
Don't go away, Mary Lou.
I won't be very long.
Boys, I want you to meet Mr Crapperbox.
An old friend, a pal and a shipmate.
It's a pleasure Mr Crapperbox.
- Wait a minute.
Any friend of Dan's is a friend of ours.
Leave him here and he'll get the best.
The very best.
- I knew I could count on you boys.
It was a tough fight but we won.
Do we dance first and buy
afterwards or buy first?
How about a minute's
rest between rounds?
It does look like you need a little
bit of overhauling, Mary Lou.
The name is 'Jo'.
- Jo?
It's a name after my own heart.
It's news to me that
sailors have hearts.
It's likely more news to you
that I'm not a regular sailor.
When we were in the Caribbean
shooting wild panamas.
Wild what?
Wild Panamas.
Don't say you never saw one flying on
the horizon before the moon comes up.
Come to think of it, I haven't.
Why do you shoot them?
To get the panama hats of course.
Your minute's up. How about piloting
me round the dance floor a few times?
We can't say no to a customer.
That's what I said.
How about a dance?
- Swell.
I don't dance.
How about a drink?
- Let's dance.
I guess this is where we
make the bartender happy.
I see you've sailed across
a few bars, sailor.
The name is Dan.
- Okay, Dan.
A little sob stuff, maestro.
The kind that rings a girl's heart.
A table?
- Right this way.
I don't seem to have any change.
You're my first customer tonight.
That's alright. You keep it.
- Anything.
Do your best and standby to refuel.
- Yes, sir.
Well here we are. On a desert island.
You in a hammock and me at your feet.
- And music coming from ..
Where does music come
from on a desert island?
The surf.
Pounding on the shore.
Keep that up and I'll be giving
up my job and leaving here.
I've heard worse ideas.
And live on coconuts?
Not such a bad diet if you want to know.
It sounds fattening.
Don't you ever get tired?
- Why should I?
No reason, except some people get fed
up doing the same thing every night.
Do you ever feel that way?
- Sure.
I thought sailors loved the sea.
Some of them do.
It's like some of the
girls in this place ..
Really like their jobs and some
of them just say they do.
Here you are, sir.
Keep it.
- Thank you.
Tell me some more about
the flying panamas.
I think they just put
into port for the night.
Why do it the hard way?
If you really want what ..
- What are you talking about?
All you have to do is ask for it.
- I didn't take anything.
We were getting along so well too.
Some people just came in.
I think I'll ..
Don't walk out on me yet.
We have a lot of things to talk about.
Did you ever hear of the
pogo sticks of Pago Pago?
What are you going to do?
Yes, sir?
The lady needs a drink.
Yes, sir.
What are you going to do?
Now these pogo sticks at Pago Pago
are very peculiar pogo sticks.
That sailor with Jo.
I wouldn't want any trouble with him.
The boys were bouncing up and down
on these pogo sticks when suddenly ..
The captain comes on deck.
- Stop it.
I said, what are you going to do?
- About what?
I tried taking your ..
- Can you prove it?
Here you are, sir.
Keep it.
That will be all.
- Thank you.
Well, down the hatch.
I am glad, Jo.
What for?
- That you're an amateur.
Only an amateur would let sentiment
keep a guy from that drink.
Goodnight, boys.
My scarf, Bee.
What's up, Eddie?
- Nothing.
But I just saw ..
- I said nothing.
Who is it?
You're early tonight, aren't you?
- Yeah.
I called in this afternoon
but you weren't here.
I had some places to go.
Sit down.
Have a cigarette.
Find anything, Annie?
Jobs are scarce.
Got something on your mind?
No. Nothing.
I just wanted to talk to you.
You wonder why I came back.
Not entirely.
I figured things didn't work out exactly
the way you wanted them to and ..
Things never work out the
way you figure they will.
Me figuring I could start a tea room.
It sounded like a swell idea.
It was.
Except for one thing.
One of my customers happened to be a
gent with bad luck written all over him.
Who was he?
Just a guy who used to
hang around the club.
It wasn't long before the local folks
knew everything about me that he did.
What difference did that make?
You weren't asking them for anything.
Nothing but their business.
And they wouldn't give that to
a dame that wasn't respectable.
Funny, isn't it.
Everything alright at the club tonight?
Did you ever meet anybody who ..
I mean ..
What makes a guy nice to
you when he shouldn't be?
When he ought to call the cops.
I'm talking crazy.
Go on talking crazy, kid. I don't mind.
Who was he?
He blew in off a ship.
It was his first visit to the club.
He's been around. Plenty of places.
All over the world.
He told me about Panama and Manila.
And places like that.
But he didn't ask for anything
or expect anything.
What happened?
Well, when I tried to ..
What did he do?
He told me if I wanted the
wallet I could keep it.
And I think he meant it too.
It made me feel like ..
What's the use of talking?
Go on. Let me hear the rest.
He had some idea that I didn't
belong in a place like the club.
Eddie thinks you belong there.
I guess I had better be going.
See you tomorrow, Annie.
- Tomorrow.
What do you want?
I thought I'd have a
little talk with Annie.
Don't, Eddie!
Are you hurt?
- No.
What happened?
- I tell you I'm alright.
They ought to do something
about stairs like these.
You might have broken your neck.
Wouldn't that have been a laugh?
How's my beautiful girl tonight?
- I'll ask her when she comes in.
Be careful will you. It's almost noon.
You know there's a lot of
other places Dan could be.
The way Dan talks you wouldn't think so.
Well, well, well.
Hello girls.
Hello boys.
Hiya, sailor.
- How about a dance?
Hello boys.
I didn't expect to see you back.
Have you seen Dan tonight?
- No.
If you see him and we miss him can you
tell him the old man's looking for him.
The old man?
- The Captain.
We're sailing at ten in the morning.
I guess you can tell him yourself.
I told you a bad penny always shows up.
Dan, the old man wants you
on board by midnight.
We're sailing in the morning.
- Thanks.
Why did you run out on me, Jo?
- I needed some air.
The smoke burns my eyes.
Lots of stars tonight.
You'll get a better view of
them after tomorrow.
Bud said you were sailing.
- You could say you'll miss me.
If I missed all the guys who came here I
wouldn't have time for anything else.
Can't you make an exception in my case?
- I don't know.
It just seems like you could.
I bet you don't have to take
any tonic for your nerves.
Sure. Just the occasional
crack on the jaw.
But you wouldn't know about that.
Too busy helping men slurp up drinks and
catching passes from the piano player.
Maybe there isn't anything
I can do about anything.
You're probably right.
What's all this got to do with me?
I was coming to that.
There was a letter by
general delivery today.
It's been following me
around for about a month.
An uncle of mine died while I
was on this last trip and I ..
I sort-of inherited something. A garage.
A garage?
I'm not a bad mechanic. I may be
able to make it pay after a while.
Is that what you're going to do?
- I'm not sure yet.
It's a pretty little town.
A lot of shady little streets.
People passing along them on
their way to church on Sundays.
I've heard of places like that.
And the people who live in them too.
Yeah. They have different slant on life.
Sure they have.
Here at the club they give it to
you straight from the shoulder.
In your little town they wait
until you turn your back.
And then they let you have it.
You have funny ideas, Jo.
I'm just watching out for myself.
That's all.
Sorry folks.
Sorry you feel that way about it.
I had an idea there may be a
spot in this little town for you.
Some kind of a job if you wanted it.
Doing what?
Waiting tables in some restaurant?
Fighting off men who
think I'm a cheap pickup.
Nobody will know about this place.
You're wrong, sailor.
They would find out.
Pretty soon your whole town
will be talking about ..
How I was born in a room while
a jazz band was playing.
And raised in an alley where
kids graduated to the hot seat.
That I never knew who my mother was.
- What's wrong, Jo?
Nothing. Except that ..
I've been around and I know how men are.
All of them?
- All I've ever met.
Anyway .. it was nice of you.
Trying to figure a spot for me.
Why did you do it?
Just a habit of mine. Trying to help
people who don't want to be helped.
If I had any sense I'd
mind my own business.
Your pals will miss you
if you're not on the ship.
If I'm not on that ship.
- But you said ..
I said I might be able to do
something about that garage.
You have to move, folks.
Are you sailing tomorrow or not?
How can I tell before
tomorrow gets here?
A copper, aren't you?
That's right.
- Been around here long?
Quite a while.
What do you know about
that piano player?
Eddie Morgan?
Not as much as I would like to.
What do you know about him?
About as much as I'm going to.
What will it be, Miss?
I'm looking for Eddie Morgan.
Where is he?
I told you not to come here.
- I had to see you.
Getting cold feet?
Not exactly, Eddie.
The cop that hangs around here.
He passes my place a lot.
You thought you'd help him
and lead him straight to me.
Eddie, I didn't mean to.
Come on. We can't talk around here.
I'm still remembering that little
town you talked about last night.
What about it?
Suppose nobody had
recognized you, Annie?
Did you ever stop to think of that?
It would be alright.
You needn't have to come back.
Who's been steaming you up?
You fell for it, didn't you.
No. I was just thinking, I tell you.
It wasn't me. It was you I had in mind.
Wait a minute, Jo.
Let's get down to cases.
You're in love with this guy.
Whoever he is.
And he sold you a bill of goods that
you want to believe. Isn't that it?
I don't know.
You listen to me, Jo.
I kept quiet while you and sailor
boy swapped life stories but ..
Do you remember the guy I said
just 'happened' into my tea room?
And then felt he had to put
the whole town wise to me?
He was sent there. By Eddie.
To make the town too hot for me.
He won't stand for anyone leaving here.
And if they do, he'll see to
it that they come back.
He tried it on me too.
Even if it only lasts a
little while, Annie.
I don't know that it
wouldn't be worth it.
In a hurry, sailor?
If it's no trouble I've some
things to say to you.
Go ahead.
On your way to spill
your insides, ain't you?
I'm still listening.
What do you want to tell me?
First, you should do something
about muffling your oars.
Especially when you go
climbing fire escapes.
Thanks for the warning.
But don't let it worry you.
The next visitors you and Nellie have
will announce themselves with a siren.
You got a good look, did you sailor?
That's a smart idea you had.
Storing stuff in that dame's apartment.
Too bad to break it up.
- Yeah.
That would be too bad. For all of us.
You. Nellie. Me.
And Jo.
What's Jo to do with it?
Enough to give her a ten year
stretch if the cops find out.
You're a liar.
- Ask her.
Ask her where the money comes from
that we're going to be married with.
Ask her that before
you tip off the cops.
Hello boys.
You're smart, sailor.
I hear your boat sails in the morning.
That's too bad.
I got some pals waiting.
As soon as I find them ..
Really pulling out on us, huh?
I can't say I blame you at that.
I think we'd better
get back to the ship.
You can't leave like that, pal.
Nobody leaves this club
without saying goodbye.
I was just saying you'd
like to wish him luck, Jo.
You're sailing?
Any time you're back in town
just look us up, sailor.
You'll always find a welcome here.
Come on, Joe.
It's about time for
us to dance, ain't it.
Whenever you're ready, Dan.
You didn't leave?
No .. I didn't.
But after last night ..
I was 14 kinds of a fool last night.
You should have been on that boat.
- And miss seeing you wave goodbye?
I'd have been even a bigger fool.
Dan. You don't know.
I know you went down to see me off.
That is enough for me.
Why did you do it?
- I'll tell you a little secret.
That boat is going to Manila.
I have been there.
But your friends?
They have been there too.
Besides, I kinda like this town.
They don't have finer weather.
Especially when it is spring.
Like it is today.
It kinda gets you.
Today was made ..
Just for picnicking.
Hey, cab.
Any parks in this town?
- Got a whole block of them.
Pick one with trees.
If you think that's funny wait until I
tell you about when I was in Crazolia.
- Where the crazy folks come from.
The most beautiful country in the world.
Even if the people are a little screwy.
Didn't you ever hear
how they go to market?
Along roads lined with
blooming nectarines.
Carrying bottomless baskets
balanced on their heads.
I'll bite. If the baskets are bottomless
how do they keep things in them?
The simplest thing in the world.
They are empty.
There's something I forgot to tell you.
- What?
Today is my birthday.
Do you always celebrate this way?
- I have always wanted to.
The birds and the trees.
Everything so fresh and green.
Sometimes when you're at sea and there's
nothing to look at but water and sky ..
You think a lot about things like this.
A sailor wanting to leave the sea.
- Lots of them are like me.
Once the pilot is dropped and the
land falls away off the stern.
You get lonesome.
It seems like there's
nothing left to tie to.
You ever have a thing you felt was yours
that nobody could take away from you?
Neither have I.
But I am going to.
It may not be very much at first.
It may be just a room.
But it will grow. It might even get to
be a house with a yard and a little car.
It's getting late.
I think we'd better be going.
You have to listen sometime, Jo.
Eddie is waiting.
- Eddie.
Don't think of Eddie. I did last night.
I should have more sense.
We've been all through this.
- Sure.
If I had any brains I'd
know what's on your mind.
- Not that.
You think you're not good
enough for anything else.
That you might even
hurt the man you love.
You are afraid, aren't you?
I am afraid.
You will never have to be afraid again.
Don't forget. That train leaves at ten.
- At ten.
Don't spend too much time packing.
I'll be back as soon as I
round up Scotty and Budger.
You haven't been around all day.
I went to the park.
It was cool and green there.
I have to get away once in a while.
You were down at the dock too.
Nellie was telling me.
She said you were too busy to see her.
Maybe you'd like to know why
I sent Nellie down there?
I had it figured that if the sailor made
that boat then everything will be okay.
What he knew wouldn't amount to much.
- What are you telling me?
That sailor snooped around and he found
out enough to hang a 10-year rap on me.
You can dress at the club.
- Eddie, please.
Evening, Admiral.
Find a good hook for this, beautiful.
Will you please be ..
- I know. I'll be extra careful.
Time for me to buy some quick ones.
The quick ones cost just as much.
We might as well take our time.
Two of your best, bartender.
- Cigarettes?
Gee, kid. What have you been up to?
What's the matter?
Be careful. Eddie is watching us.
Don't get excited. Then I can tell you.
What's it all about?
I was pulling out tonight for good.
I was going to be married.
Eddie found out.
Annie, you must go outside. I can't.
You have to keep Dan away from here.
So that's why he was talking to Rocky.
He plans the same reception for your
sailor that he gave to Red Connolly.
It was Eddie who threw the
knife that night. I saw him.
Annie, you have to go
outside and stop him.
He was to meet me at my house tonight.
If I'm not there he'll look for me.
What about Willie?
Try Annie. Try.
Don't worry.
What are we going to do?
You stayed in port after all.
- About to list you as lost.
I had a date.
- Got us a new job?
When do we sail?
- When I locate the skipper.
Maybe if I get him to one side ..
- No. He'll never get out of here alive.
How much can a beginner
make in this garage?
Or do I have to thumb my
way back to Alabama?
- Later.
Later is no good. I know your plan.
- Stop sounding off, kid.
You don't know anything.
- Eddie, please. I tell you I know.
I want to make a bargain
with you. A trade.
What do you have to trade, kid?
Me, if you still want me.
And Dan on a boat.
Don't you understand?
Everything he did was for me.
Give him a chance.
- What are you pulling on me?
Nothing, Eddie.
If you'll just let me handle it.
So he tells me today is his birthday.
And I act like I'm impressed.
And does he fall for it?
He even gives me that line about
quitting the sea and settling down.
He's fallen heir to a garage.
But this is the payoff, Eddie.
He tries to steam me up to marry
him and live in his little hick town.
Is that a laugh?
You had to hear it sometime, sailor.
Are you ready, Jo?
- Did you hear that, Eddie?
I told you he fell with a splash.
Why do you think I was down
on that dock this morning?
To see you off?
I was there to make sure you were gone.
So Eddie and I wouldn't have
anything to worry about.
You stuck your neck out, sailor.
You better beat it while
you still got a chance.
You mean he sent you down to the
dock just to be sure I got away?
It takes you a long time
to figure doesn't it, sailor.
Now I suppose you'll go crying to
the coppers to give them an earful.
I find things like that generally
take care of themselves after a while.
But there is something I would
like to say before I leave.
Sometimes it's fun being a sap.
I guess you would not
know anything about that.
A wise dame like you.
Did you hear that, Eddie?
He's not going to tell the cops.
That lets him off, doesn't it?
- Sure, kid.
Seems we had the sailor
figured all wrong, Al.
He's okay.
- Yeah?
How about a drink on it?
- Why not? The office?
Go on.
Come on.
Wait a minute, sailor.
- Some other time.
There may not be another time.
- I tell you I'm in a hurry.
Before you walk out on Jo.
Eddie had you framed.
And she knew it.
I don't know what she said
to drive you out of here.
Whatever it was, she was lying.
You're the first guy she ever fell for.
She had to do something to save you.
Save me from what?
- From Eddie.
He knew about you two getting married.
He was set to take care of you tonight.
That's why she lied.
She had to get you out of here.
How do I know you're not lying?
- I'm not. She was afraid to tell you.
But now that copper is here.
Get her. Take her away from here.
They don't dare start
anything when he's around.
That makes sense.
What about it?
- Wait until the copper leaves.
Suppose he walks out on us?
- I thought of that.
Get a couple of boys and
Kennedy on the outside.
Mr Crapperbottom is over there.
Yeah. I know, but ..
We'd better not rush things.
You remember that piano player
we were talking about?
If it was my job to look
for stolen property.
I'd take a gander through the windows of
a 2nd floor flat 3 doors east of here.
Unless of course I didn't
like to climb fire escapes.
I'll handle him. You take care
of his friends but work fast.
I think we can get under way
now without any interruptions.
And me with a new suit on.
You wait here. But not too long.
Where you going, sailor?
To get Jo.
- Really?
Yeah, really.
I'll be right back.
I'll be right back.
- Bye-bye.
Don't get excited.
I'm having a swell time.
Come on. Hang on.
Jack, where is the crew?
- For a buck a head, they do anything.
Steve Mason reporting.
Send the riot squad to Club 46.
Yeah. They're taking it apart.
Dan, don't. Forget Eddie.
Let's get out of here.
Alright. Come on.
Clear them out of here!
Hello, copper.
That wasn't a bad tip
you gave me, sailor.
Even if you were trying to get rid
of me to start a little private war.
Going to arrest us?
Have you other plans?
- We're leaving town.
Dan has a job upstate.
- I wouldn't see you miss your train.
Say, I got a couple of pals here too.
At least I did have.
Gather them up and take them along.
I haven't any use for them.
Good luck, sailor.
Hey, Scotty.
Yes, sir.
Well here we go, Jo.
For the rest of our lives.
For the rest of our lives, sailor.
You'd better have a look over here.
You know who he is?
- Yeah. Eddie Morgan.
Who do you think knifed him?
- I will find out.
Bring those two kids back here.
Gee. I always thought you
were smart, copper.
Hold it, Mike.
Maybe I'd better get used
to doing without it.
I'd give a month's pay not to
have been here tonight, Annie.
Don't let it worry you.
I'd do it over again if I had to.
He had it coming to him.
Don't be a sap, copper.
Let's get going.
So long, copper.
So long, Annie.
Read all about it.
Hiya, Sergeant.
- Hello Marty.
Hot enough for you, Steve?
- Plenty.
Better hurry, boys. You'll be late.
They can't start until we get there.
Here you are, folks.
The Acme apple peeler.
Peels peaches, pears,
pineapples, bananas.
You can even use it
on your mother-in-law.
Evening, Sergeant.
- Hello Burl.