Camera (2024) Movie Script

Funny how we come into this
world, how we first see it.
The wonder and the splendor.
We see it all, all of it.
And then we get
in the way of it.
Ambition, fear, loss, control.
We lose it.
And in losing it,
we lose ourselves.
And each other.
But sometimes, sometimes,
we're given a chance.
And a little help
to see it again.
To see it all again.
Hey, check it out.
The Special Olympics
must be here.
What's up, retard?
How you been, man?
We missed you.
Where'd you get this
old thing, the dump?
Hey, where you going?
You guys want to get him?
Let's go.
Get back here!
Hey, come on!
You can run, but you can't hide.
Come on.
At this rate, the village
will be dead before we are.
The village will
survive, sister.
There's always hope in the end.
But there's no hope for
these little hooligans.
Oh, come on now.
Didn't our parents used
to say the same about
us when we were kids?
But some of the things
those children say.
And that little one
doesn't talk at all.
He just stares.
The little one?
I'm talking about the odd one.
Just moved into the Harpers'
place a few weeks ago.
You know the one.
His mother lets him run
wild all hours of the day.
And I haven't seen
either one of them
at mass, though that doesn't
stop her from helping herself
at our canned food drive.
It's been a pleasure,
ladies, as always.
And don't forget about
the meeting later, OK?
So long, ladies.
Take care.
What are you doing back there?
How did you get in here?
Wait now, that's
not yours, is it?
Hand it over.
It doesn't belong to you.
You can't just take it,
not without permission.
I'm not going to ask again.
Come here.
Off you go.
Go on now.
And don't come in here
again without a grownup.
Busted my camera.
Hey, wait!
Wait, young man.
Why didn't you say
this belonged to you?
Is that your name?
Can you hear what I'm saying?
Oh, good.
Well, young sir, I'm sorry
we got off on the wrong foot
back there, but I, uh...
I think what we have here is
a case of mistaken identity.
See, I have one just like it.
Well, you got a
sticky shutter here.
What do you say we
take a closer look,
see if we can get the
old girl snapping again.
Would you like that?
My name's Eric.
It's a pleasure to have a fellow
photographer here at Jasper's.
Well, come on now.
Good man.
My wife and I arrived
here back in 1978.
My sweet Rose.
Bless her soul.
Saw the magic in this place.
So we bought it and set up
our little shop, a suitcase, a
toolbox, a wing, and a prayer.
And these, these are all my...
my old friends.
Mamma mia.
Just like yours.
Now, what sort of photos
do you like to take?
What you got there?
Ooh, maps, huh?
Where's this at?
Oh, I see.
This must be Jasper's Rock.
Near your hotspot.
Secret locations where you
like to take photographs.
It's jammed.
Has it always been like this?
Always, huh?
So these... these are
drawings of the photos
you'd like to take if your
camera was working, that is.
Well... well, you picked some
really cool spots, young man.
You know, photographers are
kind of like artists who draw.
Except instead of lead pencils,
we use light and shadow.
Now, while I get
to work on this,
you're going to be needing
a spare, won't you?
We can't have our village
photographer without a camera
now, can we?
You know how to use this, right?
I know you'll take
good care of her.
And remember,
great photographers
think before they click.
You only have 12 exposures.
So make sure each and
every frame counts.
Bring me your film
when you're done.
We'll find out what that
eye of yours can see.
Well, what's that?
Nice to meet you, Oscar.
You're welcome.
But it's getting late.
I'm sure your folks will
be wondering where you are.
Come on, let's go.
Don't forget your book.
I could see the
smoke from my house.
It was like a Viking funeral.
And Bobo?
Bobo was fine.
What, you think his boat
spontaneously combusted
or something?
For all we know, he probably
took out a fire insurance
policy on that old bucket.
Well, if that's the case, this
next round ought to be on him,
not me.
We appreciate you.
Thanks, brother.
- Hey.
- Another round, Manny?
Yes, please.
Did you see how far the
market rate went down for crab
today? Yeah.
It's no wonder when
the whole town can get
them from your sister for free.
The stones on this kid.
Hey, do you want to
speak geologically?
By the look of the
new girl's ring here,
she's got bigger rocks
than both of you.
Grab me again and I
will break your arm.
It was a joke.
Little touchy, ain't she, D?
Sorry, guys.
Just showing her the ropes.
So I've been talking
to some folks.
I think they can help us.
What folks?
They're called the Siren Group.
They're a bunch of
real estate investors.
Are you talking about that
property down by the docks?
Are you sure that's the best
thing we can build down there?
Yeah. Location,
location, location.
It's the best seat in the
house. I don't know, Dermot.
If you get your way and
this thing goes through,
it's like Jasper's Cove
doesn't belong to the people
who live there anymore.
It's like we're giving up
on ourselves or something.
You sound like my pops.
Speaking of Frank...
Look, I'll take care of him.
Just... you got me on this?
You got my back?
Just do me a favor.
Do me the goddamn
courtesy of getting me
drunk before you bend me over.
I can do that.
Are you good to lock
up? Yeah, I'm good.
You've been here,
what, five, six weeks?
Yeah, something like that.
You like it?
So most people your
age are moving out,
they're not moving in.
So when we see a fresh
face around here,
we kind of like to
keep 'em around.
Become part of the community.
What, you want me to
be nicer to customers?
Call them hon, sugar?
Just show some interest.
Most of the guys are family men.
And you know, you
have a kid, right?
- Yeah.
- All right.
Start there.
All right.
Are you good for the
delivery in the morning?
Yeah, I'll be here.
Osc, I'm home.
Hey, sweetie.
How was your day?
Give me a smooch.
Come on, Oscar.
Enough with the camera, OK?
I want to hear about your day.
Come on, use your words.
Very good.
I'm proud of you.
Do you want to read
something together?
No, Oscar, Mommy
doesn't like that.
Come on, go to your room.
You know, Oscar, school's
going to start soon
and they're not going to let you
carry around that toy all day.
Let's you and I
make a promise, OK?
This year, you and
I are going to find
you a real hobby, something
that you can do with other kids.
You know, make some friends.
Doesn't that sound nice?
You have so much to
share with the world.
I just want people
to see what I see.
So that's where we're at.
The good news is
that me and my guys
have gotten enough
signatures to get
the initiative on the ballot.
And we've also
procured the services
of a lobbyist to help us
speed along the zoning stuff
and whatnot.
He says we could probably break
ground by the first of the year,
but we need to get this
initiative passed first.
What you need from us, Skipper?
Well, mark your calendars the
second Tuesday in November
and come here and vote.
We need a strong turnout.
Thanks for the update, pop.
Look, I know it's late.
But we have one more
piece of business
that we need to discuss.
I believe we have
another opportunity
that we should explore.
What's he mean?
It's no secret that
I've been in touch
with some folks
at the Siren Group
as well as the Tourism Board.
And they see exciting
potential in our little town
for a new project.
Yeah, exciting potential
for who, exactly?
Your bar with rich
tourists coming in?
Too bad about your poor
ass neighbors don't
have a nickel between them.
All right, well if
you let me explain,
pop, you might appreciate
the opportunity that we have.
Having a cannery in this
town is the only thing that's
going to keep us from drowning.
That's right, Frank.
But with the kind of jobs
this resort will bring,
my kids wouldn't have
had to move so far away
from home looking for work.
If I don't fish, Margaret,
my kids don't eat.
So what's the hotel
going to do for us?
Yeah, Tony's right.
Talking about jobs.
I'm talking about real jobs,
not being bellhop or a cabana
boy for rich tourists.
And freezing your ass off or
gutting fish in a cannery,
that's more dignified?
Yeah, well fishing built this
town, our home, your home.
Of course, everything
we have is from fishing.
I'm not the only one who
feels this way, pops.
Ask Manny.
Um... Dermot's got
a point, Frank.
Manny, what are you saying?
We could build a cannery, sure.
But it's only prolonging
the inevitable.
I can't believe
I'm hearing this.
You know, every time we have
a meeting, more empty seats.
OK, so first you want to
drop the dice into the glass.
Give it a shake.
Then you look through
the bottom of the glass.
You add up the three
numbers you see.
But don't say what it is.
Huh, keep it to yourself.
Because I'm going to
guess what that number is,
and I'm going to be right, too.
Every time.
Got it?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What are you doing?
I'm going to teach
you a rule for life.
Never ever shake another
man's dice, unless you're
sure they're not loaded.
You've heard of
trick dice, right?
One more time.
Class dismissed.
Now let's work some magic.
Easy, 14.
Come on, did you even shake 'em?
Come on, Oscar.
Let's go again.
Shake 'em for real this time.
Who's there?
What are you... what
are you doing here?
Somebody hasn't
had her coffee yet.
I just put on a pot.
I'll pour you a cup.
It's just, I haven't
seen you in over a year
and you just show
up unannounced?
Yeah, well I had a little
vacation time owed to me.
I thought I'd spend it
catching up with my big sis.
Vacation time.
So you got a job?
Yeah, so?
With paid leave?
What, did they
give you a company
car and a credit card, too?
Look, if I'm cramping
your style, just say that.
If you want me to go...
No, I'm sorry.
Don't go.
I just... I just missed you.
God, you big idiot.
Why didn't you call me first?
I could have asked for
some time off work.
Now you're...
you're on your own.
You know me.
I got an active imagination.
Maybe I'll run
errands or something.
You look like you're
running a little
low on inventory around here.
Fine, just take Oscar, will you?
What, doesn't he have school?
No, he's on break.
Give us a chance to catch up.
I got a delivery truck
at my work in 20 minutes,
and I can't keep waiting, OK?
Look, I need you to
listen to your uncle, OK?
I love you.
All right.
Hey, what does your mom
usually give you for breakfast?
She let you drink coffee?
No time like the present.
Little bit of sugar?
Just a little bit.
Come on, let's get some air.
What the hell did your mom
bring you out here for?
Do you like it here?
This looks like the place
where fun goes to die.
What's a couple guys
like us supposed
to do in a place like this?
Hey, you even listening?
Steve, T-Bone, you're on deck.
Conor, I'd bring
you on, but well,
you know how things have been.
I've only worked
six days this month.
Tomorrow's another day.
I'll be back.
I got a pick-up to make.
We ship out in a half hour.
Nice game.
Nice game.
Come on, you're kidding me.
I think I'm going to
move out here, Osc.
One more game.
I'll make it interesting.
Double or nothing.
Come on, what do you think?
Man, where are you doing?
Come on!
Hey, Osc.
Your uncle's got to take care
of some grownup business, huh?
Just don't tell your mom.
I'll be back before you know it.
Just wait right here, OK?
Right here.
Don't move.
Stay right there.
I'm not sure I know what
that number means, Doc.
So it's not within
the normal range?
I see.
Yeah, I'll stay in touch.
Give me some good news, Eric.
Hey, Manny.
I, uh, fixed that radio for you.
And what's the damage?
Oh, I think $75 will cover it.
Oh, and I believe
it's your move.
I got you right here.
Do I know you?
No, I'm Victor.
- Victor?
- Yeah, what about you?
Nice to meet you.
Where are you from?
Up north.
I'm just trying to
meet people, you know?
I'll talk to you about a
little business situation.
What you got?
Yeah, for sure.
Let's go.
Hey, let's take a
little halftime, OK?
Don't worry, I'll be right back.
That's your brother.
Oh, don't worry about him.
He's fine.
I got a nephew just like him.
You ever feel like one
of these gizmos of yours?
Still works fine, but
not much use for it?
This is going to be my
last season, you know.
Oh, come on.
You say that every year.
Well this time, I mean it.
Come winter, I'm
scrapping the trawler.
Selling my license to
the highest bidder.
Damn, I'm sorry to
hear you say that.
What are you going to do?
I don't know.
You are a ray of
sunshine on a cloudy day.
Hey, that big printer
of yours still work?
The one we used for the 4th
of July banners last year?
Well, I wouldn't be much of
a repairman if it didn't.
I need to get this photo
blown up, four by 10.
And then give me a couple
hundred of those flyers.
Where are you going, Manny?
Check this out.
Interesting stuff.
I can't.
We're shipping out.
Thanks for the radio, Eric.
I'll be seeing you, Manny.
See you.
We'll talk later.
Be sure.
Yeah, we'll see you, Manny.
You've been a busy man
lately, haven't you?
Just trying to get stuff done.
Yeah, you got the
whole town talking.
Town likes to talk.
About to lose your bishop.
Hey, Willie.
Right here...
I'll check you in
a minute, brother.
No, we got a game!
Hey, fellas, we
got to get moving.
We should have cast off by now.
Hey, kid.
What do you think you're doing?
You just take my picture?
Come here.
Give me that camera.
Yeah, you see what happens?
Whoa, whoa.
See what happens when
you spy on people
minding their own business?
What's the problem here?
This little creep, I caught
him taking my picture.
Hey, kid, this
isn't a playground.
These guys are trying to work.
Could cause an accident
fooling around down here.
Is that what you want?
Hey, you know you're supposed
to answer a grownup when
they ask you a question, right?
When did you bite
your tongue, kid?
Same time your mommy
dropped you on your head?
That's enough.
He doesn't even know
what we're saying.
What's the matter with you?
I don't want to see
you around here again,
and I definitely
don't want to see you
pointing this thing at anybody.
You hear me?
Hey, hey.
This is my nephew.
This is your nephew?
You might want to keep
a closer eye on him.
He doesn't belong down here.
It's dangerous.
Not just for him,
but for the workers.
Kid is nine goddamn years old.
You don't need to talk like
that in front of the kid.
I could talk however I want.
This little creep's
been taking pictures.
That's what this is all
about, taking pictures?
Come on, come on.
Let's go.
Hey Osc, you know how
to find your eye line?
You got to follow the birdie.
Yeah, that's right.
Take a snap shot
of that, Popeye.
Mr. Big City.
Come on, do it, too.
Yeah, yeah. Come on.
Come on, man.
That's enough.
That's enough, come on.
We got work to do.
All right.
Yeah, get back to work, ladies.
Come on, let's get out of here.
I was looking all over for you.
Got to be quicker.
Got to be quicker, baby.
You gotta be quicker, baby.
It's an illusion.
It smells like bubblegum.
Oh, the warden returns.
Vic, what the hell?
Come on, give me that.
I just got it.
Give it.
Vic, give it.
Has he eaten?
You mean the science
experiment in the fridge?
It's no wonder the poor
kid's growth is stunted.
I made him something better.
Picked up a few
things for you, too.
What else did you
guys get up to today?
Nothing much.
Pretty uneventful.
One minute left
to go in the game.
The score remains exactly 96-98.
Hey, buddy.
Why don't you do
me a favor, huh?
Go get your uncle a
pepperoni and mushroom pizza.
Get something for yourself, too.
Hey, take the scenic
route while you're at it.
Hello, young sir.
Oh here, I'll give you a hand.
Your first roll of film.
You excited, huh?
Well, let's get to it, then.
What, uh, what's
the war story there?
Does that have something to
do with why you don't speak?
Is that why you wear the
scarf, it embarrasses you?
I hear you.
I'm covered with it.
When you get to
be my age, you get
barnacles removed all the time.
And that's just
part of who I am.
Oscar, my boy, this is
where the magic happens.
Oh yeah.
Years ago, I practically
lived in here.
I knew this stuff would
come in handy someday.
And this... is my best work.
It's an enlarger.
Blows up your picture.
Not much of a dark room
if it isn't dark, right?
That's better.
Have a seat, young man.
Now, watch carefully,
because you're going
to be doing this in the dark.
Now this is a test roll.
OK, see how I'm rolling
it, holding it on the side?
Got to give the film a
little breathing room.
You got that?
There you go.
Because you're doing
this in the dark,
I'm going to have to
blindfold you, OK?
Keep doing it.
Keep going.
Wait till you get it done.
That's good.
OK, now put it in the canister.
That's it.
And now for the voodoo potion.
This is what makes
it all happen.
This is the developer.
And pour this in here, like so.
And wait till you
see what this does.
This is an important part.
Agitate it, OK?
Just like that, OK?
Here, you try.
Agitate it, right.
That gets the
bubbles off the film.
It's funny, because
in life, we have
a little agitation, don't have?
You have a problem.
But if you shake it around,
you shake your life around
a little bit, then you
start to feel better,
just like this film does.
So a little agitation's OK.
You got me?
But this is very important.
Never, never pick
your nose in public.
Yeah, that's it
for the developer.
Give it a little wash.
We use light and shadow.
I like what I'm seeing.
Some nice little snappers here.
That's funny.
Not quite the decisive moment
you were looking for, huh?
That happens.
Now which photo do you
think is your best one?
No right or wrong answer.
Just pick the one
you like the most.
That's interesting.
It's a little busy,
don't you think?
Yeah, I'm not really sure I
know what the story is there.
But I prefer the one
you took of Sister Mary.
Just look at how she's
sitting, with her feet
out holding her cigarette.
You know, Sister Mary
wasn't always a nun.
Way back in the day, she was the
prettiest girl in the village.
Very popular with all the boys.
And when her boyfriend
Sonny proposed to her,
as a gesture of his love, he
planted a garden of pink roses
for her.
And then... yeah,
Sonny was drafted.
Never returned.
And the roses, they...
poor old Sister Mary.
But what really makes this your
best photo is that we don't
really need to know Sister
Mary's whole history
to see who she really is.
It's all right there.
Now my eyesight isn't
what it used to be.
But let me just see.
I stand corrected.
Yeah, you just need to get a
little closer to your subjects.
Your angles are all really wide.
I think I have just
the thing for you.
Ooh, check this out.
Oh, there.
Patience, buddy.
Good man.
Buckle up, kiddo.
You're in the driver's seat now.
Oscar, why are you still up?
It's way past your bedtime.
Where's your Uncle Victor?
You know, if it
was a school night
and you missed your bus in the
morning because you slept in,
don't expect a ride from me.
You'd be walking your little
butt to school, mister.
Come on, get ready for bed.
What is that?
Oh yeah, cute puppy.
All right, let's go.
Uh, aren't you
forgetting something?
I got it ready for you.
Bright colors.
Nice big print.
There you go.
Hoping this will
grab some people's
attention, even though they're
tired of listening to me.
It seems to me like
plenty of people
are hearing you out already.
I don't know about that.
Guess I'd rather
have half the town
hate me than watch
it die a slow death.
All right.
Thanks, Eric.
Have a nice day.
You, too.
Here we go.
It's everywhere.
Jimmy! Come on.
Evelyn Kennedy?
Can I help you?
My name is Renee Lewis.
I'm with the Department of
Child and Family Services.
Family Services.
Wait, is Oscar OK?
Is he not here right now?
No, I sent him out to play.
Did something happen to him?
Look, my office received a
call from a concerned party
They sent me down
here because we
are required to treat
all these reports
with the same seriousness.
A concerned party?
Is there somewhere we can talk?
"At which time, the male adult
provoked the other parties
with an obscene gesture,
inciting them to violence,
putting the minor in harm's way.
The minor was encouraged
to participate."
I take it you are
unaware of this?
I mean, yes, I, um...
I asked my brother to watch
him while I was at work,
and I didn't...
I mean, he didn't
tell me that, um...
God, I'm just so embarrassed.
How long have you been
living at this address?
Five weeks.
Reasons for moving?
Well, my husband and I, we
always talked about moving here.
And, um... I, uh...
I don't know, I'm sorry.
Don't be.
How well would you say
Oscar's adjusting to the loss?
I mean, I tried talking
to him about it.
It's hard getting more than
one word out of him at a time.
I mean, I know it's tough on him
having to spell everything out...
Sometimes it feels
like he's angry at me
for not being more like
his dad, kind of like how
my brother and I
were angry at my mom
after we got put into foster
care for not being everything
that we wanted her to be.
That's really my
biggest fear of all.
You know, I think about
having lost my husband,
and if I lose Oscar, too, I
don't know what I'm going to do.
Has Oscar's diagnosis
been reviewed lately?
What are they going to do,
tell me he miraculously
grew new vocal cords?
Well, that wasn't made
clear in these records.
Oscar came three months early.
And when he was in
the ICU, they had
to insert an oxygen tube over
and over so he has scar tissue.
So that's what happened.
Of course, we didn't
know the full damage
until a couple of years later.
Poor kid, he couldn't
even cry for help.
Have you looked into getting
him a text-to-speech
aid or a language
therapist who can help him?
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
My son is not slow.
He understands people just fine.
It's not about
Oscar understanding.
It's about Oscar
being understood.
Well no, I think that
you're underestimating him.
He is twice as strong,
twice as tough,
and he is twice as capable
of any other kid his age.
No doubt about
it, Ms. Kennedy.
But even the
toughest, bravest kids
need to know that
they're not on their own,
that they have adults they
can depend on for support.
Well that's what you're
here to figure out, right?
So... so here I am.
I mean, you know, you tell me.
Thank you for your cooperation
and your time, Ms. Kennedy.
If you need anything, please
feel free to reach out.
That is my personal
number on the back.
Oscar, Mommy's hands are wet.
Where were you today?
Is that where you
were yesterday, too?
You weren't down by the
docks with your Uncle Victor?
Come here, we're going
to have a little talk.
Did you think that I wouldn't
find out about yesterday?
Excuse me?
What is this?
I'm not a mind reader, Oscar.
You owe me an explanation.
You are going to write me
an apology for lying to me.
And we are not moving from
this spot until you do.
Come on, it's good practice.
Just because some things are
harder for you, doesn't mean
you can walk away from them.
Life is hard.
And it is just going
to get harder, too.
Do you think I can just run away
from my job or the bills or you
because shit feels hard?
Sis, what are you doing up?
I want you to meet my
dazzling assistant, Rhonda.
Yeah, I'm not really in the mood
for any more surprise
visitors today, Vic.
Hey, let me talk to my
sis for a second, huh?
Go in the car.
Two minutes.
Kind of rude.
A social worker
came by the house
today to do a welfare
check on Oscar.
And you know why?
Because somebody saw you with
him down at the docks yesterday
and thought that
he was in danger.
Dang it, who says that?
Did they leave a
name or a number?
What does it matter?
Well, I think it matters a lot.
Oh, OK.
And why is that?
Well, how do you know
they're not lying?
How do you know they're
telling the truth?
What, are you saying somebody
called CPS on me for no reason?
I'm not saying anything.
You're putting
words in my mouth.
The social worker said that you
almost got Oscar in a fight.
No, they picked a fight.
I broke it up.
Then why am I only hearing
about this just right now?
Well, why do you think?
Because I know you're going to
overreact like you always do.
Listen to yourself.
Oh my god!
Nothing is ever your fault.
Thank you for giving me
the benefit of the doubt.
I am not done talking to you.
Come on, let's go.
Well, hello, young master.
And how are we
this fine morning?
No, not today.
Sand and cameras don't mix.
And where we're going today,
there's going to be a lot of it.
OK, here you go.
Let's do it.
Sometimes it's really deep.
Pick it up.
Our first catch of the day.
Yeah, oh there...
Be patient, my little friend.
Sooner or later, we're
going to strike gold.
Now, you want to
walk slow and steady
and make nice smooth sweeps
like you're mowing the lawn.
Then keep the coil,
this part here, just
an inch or two off the ground.
And... yeah, don't sweep it
up like this, because you
could get a false read.
And that's about it.
Want to take a shot?
You're off to the races.
Nice smooth sweeps.
That's it.
Good stuff.
Easy does it.
Oh, let me see.
Hold on.
Check that.
No, no, that's a false read.
Keep going.
Not bad for your first
treasure hunt, eh?
Not bad at all.
Hold on just a second.
That's our most valuable
catch of the day.
That's a jasper rock.
It's a healing stone.
It protects you from
all kinds of threats.
Brings balance, bravery, and
the strength of a warrior.
Siegfried, the
Viking dragon slayer,
he had his magic sword
inlaid with jasper
to give him the courage
to destroy a monster.
Hey, you want to... want to
keep it close to your skin
at all times, right here.
Wow, look at that.
I know, you wish
you had your camera.
But you can't live your
whole life behind a lens.
Sometimes it's better to
be on the other side of it.
There it is.
Frank Flynn?
What can I do for you?
This look familiar to you?
Well, I found a whole roll
of it aboard your vessel
without anchorage.
What, are you citing me?
For what?
Violating the moratorium
on pelagic driftnetting.
I haven't used a
driftnet since the '80s.
And what are you doing
snooping around my boat?
If it makes you feel any
better, it's not just you.
We found driftnetting
on more than half
the other vessels
in this harbor.
Have a nice day.
You, too.
It's just snow tonight
Rounded the bend
So saying the heartache and pain
Rather than the claims
Never seen it again
Eric, Eric, you OK?
Now don't worry about me.
No, I mean, I know how
hard this day is for you.
Want to join us?
No, I'm good.
Let it all go
I'm worried about him.
Yeah, he's drunk.
It's all right.
No harm, no foul.
Here, let me...
No, I got it.
There's easier ways to get
my pants off, you know.
Hey, talk to all
women like that?
It's no wonder
you're still single.
Sorry I embarrass you, Manny.
Here, look, I know
you're just trying
to keep your head above water.
But you're a valuable
member of this team, Conor.
I don't want to see you give up.
Whatever you say, Skipper.
You got something you
want to say to me?
Which one of us is
really giving up, Manny?
I'm not the one selling
the boat, last I checked.
For everything else I've had
to deal with, now I've got
to put up with this bullshit.
Read that.
You're being fined
by Marine Patrol.
How's that my problem?
Take it up with them.
It's not a fine.
It's a shakedown.
One of many, I'm sure, that
we're going to be seeing
before we vote in November.
No doubt that's a favor to one
of your pals at the Siren Group.
You're being paranoid.
They deal with real estate,
not fishing regulation.
Anybody else here that
thinks I might be paranoid,
ask yourself one question here.
If I were a big conglomerate
and I had millions and millions
riding on whether or not this
resort is going to be built,
would you leave it up to the
local yokels to just vote on it?
Or would you put your
thumb on the scale?
If I had the money,
that's what I'd do.
You really think I had
something to do with this?
You know, it's a
little late for you
to start caring about
what I think about you.
Hey, hey!
You taking pictures of us?
Hey, come here.
Let me see that old thing, huh?
What, what, what?
Taking a close-up?
Look at this loser.
Why are you taking
pictures of us, uh?
What are you, some kind
of perv or something?
God, look at this weirdo, guys.
What's up?
Don't take pictures of us again.
Let's get away from
this pervert, guys.
Not today, Oscar.
Not today.
Wait here.
Let me get something
to clean you up.
Damn it!
I told you to wait in the shop!
I took these photos.
You want to... you want to
know what photography is?
It's this.
It's heartbreak.
It's... it's pain.
Painful memories.
Don't waste your time, kid.
Find something else to do.
Hey, Oscar.
What, are we doing
room checks now?
You are putting me in a
difficult position, Victor.
You are making me choose
between being your sister
and being Oscar's mom,
and I can't do both if you
bring that shit in the house.
He's my nephew.
My only nephew.
You think I would do anything
to put him in danger?
I would kill myself
before I did that, Evelyn.
Why are you bringing
this anywhere near him?
Oscar's not going
through my stuff
looking for excuses to hate me.
I just want to know how
worried I should be.
The truth is, you're not
worried about me, Ev.
You're scared of me.
Just get rid of it, Vic.
There's got to be
something we can do.
Like what?
Contest the fees?
Even if they waive them,
they're going to find
another way to screw with us.
I mean, like fight
back, you know.
Make it a bad investment
to build a hotel here.
Finally got off the phone with
that rat-faced lobbyist of ours,
try to get some
fines thrown out.
And he tells me that
plans for the cannery
have been pushed back.
What do you mean?
Until when?
Anybody's guess.
Pending environmental surveys.
We already went
through all that.
And we vote on it in November.
How are we going to get the
new results back in time?
We're not. Don't you get it?
It's off the ballot!
They took our petition
and our money,
and they just wiped
their asses with it.
Should have seen
that one coming.
Well, I guess Manny had the
right idea after all, huh?
Putting the boat up for sale.
Ms. Kennedy?
My name's Eric Conway.
I own the repair shop in town.
Oh, OK.
Is your son at home?
I'm sorry, is there something
that I can help you with?
He, uh, he left this at my shop.
God, I'm so sorry.
I hope he wasn't bothering you.
No, not at all.
I just came to return it.
You know, to be honest with
you, I kind of wish you hadn't.
Carries this thing around
like a ball and chain.
Has Oscar mentioned what we've
been working on together?
I'm sorry, how do
you know his name?
I've been giving your son a few
pointers on his photography.
Anyway, I just...
just wanted to drop that off.
And oh, please tell
him that there's
a fresh roll of film in there.
I'm sorry, what was
your name again?
Thank you for being so...
so kind to him.
Whatever you're doing, ma'am,
you're raising a fine young man.
You have a nice evening.
So I guess your
cover's blown, kiddo.
Not only have you been
sneaking out, you've
been talking to strangers, too.
You want to tell me about
your friend, Mr. Eric?
Well, he has some very nice
things to say about you.
And he tells me that
he's been giving
you some photography tips.
What's another word
for absolution?
What, from a priest?
No, starts with an R.
Good luck finding much
of that around here.
Thank you very much.
You didn't tell me we
were in a bidding war
with San Felipe over the hotel.
I don't get it.
Why would Siren build two
resorts less than half an hour
drive from each other?
I don't know.
You withdrawing the offer?
Oh, so what, your hands
are too busy counting cash,
you couldn't give me a call?
No, it is personal.
How do you think this is
going to make me look?
So what, you treat all
your partners like this?
You guys are a
bunch of assholes.
OK, you can take your goddamn
fancy resort and shove it.
How are you, Tony?
Good, man.
- There you go.
- All right.
I'm all right.
Don't tell me that's
Dermot's old boat.
Yeah, that's little Boy Blue.
Not so blue no more, is it?
No, that's what happens you
leave it at the bottom of a pond
for a couple of years.
But I mean, just slap
a coat of paint on her
and make her shipshape.
Not that Dermot will
ever want her back,
but maybe one of his
boys might, someday.
Hell, I should probably have
left her where I found her.
You know, I can't say I
blame Dermot for not wanting
to be a part of this life.
Or my own kid, for that matter.
You know, you can't just
recommend this line of work
to anybody.
Even back when you could
make a living off of it,
you know, it was...
Well, it's not just
making a living.
It's being alive.
It's having that cold
wind in your face
and feeling that... that
salt air in your lungs
and feeling that deep current
running beneath your feet.
And Dermot, he
just gets seasick.
You said it.
I don't blame my boy, either.
Tony, I... we are who we are.
But I mean, good lord, looking
up at those stars at night.
I mean, looking
up at those stars,
sometimes I think
5,000 years ago,
there must have been
some son of a bitch
just like me looking
up at those same stars,
and he knew just where he
was, where he belonged.
Hell, I don't know how
to do anything else.
You know?
It's just that
nothing on dry land
makes me feel that
elemental feeling.
Or maybe we just mental.
Well, that's why
we're fishermen.
The boat's the closest
thing I know to a nuthouse.
Well, yeah.
You know, you're such a
special kid, it scares me.
This world can be so
hard on people who
are quiet and gentle and kind.
But you don't need
me to tell you that.
I guess it was
pretty silly of me
to think I could get
between you and your dad.
You know, your daddy
was about your age
when he got this
camera from his dad.
There's so much more of him
in you than just this camera.
It's in your eyes.
It's the way you see things.
So go.
Be your father's son.
Well, hello there.
Friends again?
I was just having a bad day.
Had nothing to do with you, OK?
I want you to see something.
This is our little boy,
Jack, at about your age.
He was fascinated with otters.
We never understood why.
It's funny, we used
to get otters here
all the time, every summer.
Rose used to say it
was our dear Jack
boy popping up to say hello.
Yeah, I researched
them a little bit.
Otters are fascinating animals.
They got a little
stone they call a tool.
And they crack clams.
They eat them.
And then if they
got any left over,
they stick them in their armpit
and put the stone in there, too.
And this guy, when
he was a baby,
he used to do the same thing.
Give him a graham cracker,
he'd put it and walk
around with it in his armpit.
This used to hang on the wall.
But... it's hard to
look at every day.
I'm all right.
Right you are.
Right you are.
There he is.
Right where he belongs.
Well, I'll be.
That was our boy
Jack's favorite song.
You know that he no good for you
Cause you can see
what he's trying to be
He'll leave you behind
because he's the unkind kind
You know how they work
You know he's just a jerk
So you should
There's a time for snapping
and the time for dancing.
And this here is a
time for dancing.
Come on!
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
You knew right
from the first kiss
Nothing new could
ever come of this
And bang, down you go
Let's go. Get into it.
Come on, man.
Loosen up.
He won't leave you alone
So you should walk away
Why don't you walk away
Walk away
Go on and walk away
Turn yourself around
Walk right out of town
Someone better warn
you just to walk away
Would you look at that?
My goodness.
It's time you learn
to load your own film.
I'm not your camera assistant.
Oh, guess what?
I found a roll of film in your
old Mamiya, an exposed roll.
Want to take a look?
That must be you,
my little friend.
Your mom might
like to have these.
What do you think?
Oh, wow.
Now that must be your dad's
wedding ring on your wrist.
There you go.
I've been looking
all over for you.
Hey, back for more.
Don't do that.
You shorted.
I'm sorry, your sales are fine.
You're a dick.
I told you, you
saw the bag, dude.
You got to cool off, bro.
I don't know what
you want me to do.
You shorted.
We'll get a refund next time.
No, no.
All right.
What's up?
What are you...
You're pathetic.
Oscar, where'd you come from?
It's OK.
Fighting looks a lot
easier on the TV.
Your uncle's a
real screwup, kid.
Don't be like me.
Just the man I wanted to see.
Well sure, what's up?
You know the other
day you talked
about how you had nothing left?
That you wanted to give up.
Well, this doesn't
look like a man who's
ready to throw in the towel.
Dad nailed these to
every ship before handing
over the business.
For good luck.
Did you take this?
Wasn't me.
What'd you call me over for?
I have a favor to
ask of you, Manny.
Something I'd like
you to do for me.
You'll need a couple
of the guys, too.
Nice shooting, Tex.
All right.
Next round's on me.
I got to take a piss.
Oh, we got a peanut
gallery here, huh?
No, sorry, I didn't mean to...
Think you can do better?
No, I can't.
Oh, come on.
Cannery is a bust.
So is that fancy ass resort.
My crew treats me like a leper.
At this point, what do any of us
got to lose except our sobriety?
All right, mister.
You got yourself a wager.
There's got to be stakes if
it's going to be a wager.
Now let's say I win
best three out of five.
You cover my tab.
OK, all right.
And if I win, what do I get?
My vessel.
Worth as much as my tab anyway.
All the dreams we
hope to be real
We might never know
Only time will tell
Well I've swam with
some sharks in my day,
but never on dry land.
Thanks, Deidre.
Give my best to Mary Lou.
I hope she feels better soon.
Have a nice one, Eric.
Hey, what you got there?
Caught a big one, haven't we?
Let's get it out of there.
Now over to you, maestro.
You know what to do.
Get it in the soup.
I don't believe it.
Where did you see them?
They're gorgeous.
Two of them.
I never thought I'd
see the day again.
Look who's back.
And his mother's joined him.
Good stuff, buddy.
Good stuff.
Fresh roll?
Mom's pictures?
Same time tomorrow?
All right.
Well, thank you,
my little friend.
You made this old
man very happy.
Off you go.
Be safe, kiddo.
Hey, buddy.
Is your mom home?
I'm sorry, bud.
I don't have time.
Just going to pick
up a few things.
Hey, check out what
your uncle got you.
Seeing is Believing.
Cool, right?
Oscar, you left
the door unlocked.
Guys, why are all
the lights off?
Vic, is anybody home?
Oh my god!
Are you OK?
Oh god, I was so worried.
Honey, what happened?
Honey, what is wrong?
Oscar, look at me.
What happened here?
Was somebody here
at the house today?
Are you hurt?
Honey, where's Daddy's camera?
It's OK.
It's OK.
It's OK.
So as we say goodbye to
our dear friend Eric,
let us honor his memory, and not
just in words, but in our deeds.
And now, I believe Frank
has a few words to share.
Eric was the best of us.
He will be sorely missed.
Eric wrote a few parting
words for us all.
And if you'll permit me.
"My dearest friends, thank
you for being here today.
But more importantly, thank
you for always being there.
Jasper's is where my
beautiful Rose and I decided
to make our home together.
And you, you all made
us feel so welcome.
Among you, we built a life.
With you, we shared a home.
And in you, we found a family.
We watched many of you take your
first steps outside our shop.
We celebrated with you
when times were good.
And when times grew hard,
you stood by one another.
And that's why you,
my dear friends,
are the real magic
of Jasper's Cove.
It's in your smiles
and in your laughter,
in your tears, hugs,
and handshakes,
in your moments alone
and with those you love.
It's in every sunrise
and every sunset.
But somehow, in the midst of the
hard times we've been facing,
you've lost sight of it.
And so, too, had I, until
someone reminded me."
I'm so, so sorry.
I didn't know.
I'm so sorry.
Come here.
Hey, Oscar.
I think this belongs to you.
"And so I leave you with this.
You are the magic.
You are the soul of this place.
You just have to see it."
Jesus Mary.
Oh my lord.
You're going to
want to see this.
Did you see that photo?
That's incredible.
Wow, who took these?
Thank you.
Thank you.