Carried Away (1996) Movie Script

Joey! Joey!
Get up, Joey!
Soon it will be 5:00.
Okay, Mom.
Yes, sir.
I bet you ask if I will ever
tired of milking, is not it?
Here you go. Try this.
Thus you will be much better.
Yes, sir.
You know what just
can I do?
Can I take
one of those machines ...
that sucking a cow to death ......
especially old cow like you.
Yes! What do you think?
Good morning, Robert!
Ok, Ok! Go to class!
Hello, Mrs. Henson!
Good morning! Good morning!
Good morning! Good morning!
Megan, where are you going?
Thank you!
Hey, want to trade?
Not in this lifetime!
Tonight, with you
or with me?
With me.
Have a nice day.
- You too.
Well, sit everyone down.
Sit in your place.
I promise to be faithful to the flag ...
United States ...
and the republics of the people behind them.
I know you've all heard about
possible closure of schools ...
the possibility
closing schools ...
at the end of this term.
For non-graduates, and this
most of you, it would mean ....
and that most of you, it would mean ....
"There was once a beautiful girl
whose father was a miller. "
I tried to tell them ...
not to teach the group
Rhodes Scholar.
But, obviously, the school board
has more confidence in you.
All this has not been officially ...
to the school board meeting
next week ...
When will I be able to formally
introduce the arguments against.
As we all know, is always
best to think ahead.
Well, now.
Who would you be able to be?
- Catherine ... Wheeler.
Well, Catherine Wheeler,
go in and shut the door.
I do not see your name
on this list.
What grade you, Catherine?
... I'm finishing.
Well, welcome Hovardsvil.
You will see that this
very nice place ...
and if you or your family
need help ...
feel free to ask.
- Thanks.
Now, sitting there on the
a vacancy.
I would start today
with our history.
Get the book and open
Page, uh ...
You two should not be
to work so late.
Just to finish
schedule of duties.
We will not for long.
Good night, Mom.
Sleep good, baby.
Good night, Robert.
- Good night, sir.
Well, I will go to bed.
Good night, Lily.
Good night, Lily.
Well, another year,
last, it seems.
It was bound to happen eventually.
This is called progress.
How is that progressive
for thirty children ...
to travel sixty miles each day?
Speaking of that,
if you take the job?
I do not believe.
I thought I could be
replacement or something.
What do you think?
I think we should
do what you want.
Can we talk about
farming here?
What about it?
- Joseph.
This is old news, Rosalie.
What do you want to do ...
to work in two places
as you wish Lily and my mom?
To nurture corn in one.
a strain on the second.
They always use the
to influence me.
I think they are afraid ...
that if you lose your job to start ...
you know ... to drink, not to marry me.
Maybe I should not find
another ...
But six years I'm with you.
- Just like me.
You only have to solve.
I decided about six
years. You're a little slow.
What will change
if you get married?
I do not want to live here
with Orinovom mother.
You do not want to go out
This beautiful home in our own.
Of course I would.
I would go tomorrow.
Robert goes to college.
Better to go home.
This will finish later.
Will you not here to prenoci?
I have to see my mother.
He did not feel well.
What happened to your father?
Korea. He was killed in the war.
Mr. Svenden is your stepfather?
It is not. He just fucks my
mother, that's all.
Come on, Robert.
See you later.
Sir Svenden.
Nathan Wheeler, a retired major.
I guess you heard,
I'm your new neighbor.
Am. In this region ...
to anyone who lives in
radius of 20 miles.
I believe you've met
my daughter, Catherine.
Yes, sir, I did.
How are you today, Catherine?
- Well, thank you.
That reminds me, her
documents arrive today.
So, it will have them on Monday,
if you agree.
That's just fine.
Also, I would like to ask you ...
to accommodate Ketrininog horse.
Adelman house has a barn.
I spoke earlier
with others. Evans ...
and he suggested that
if you're ok ...
make arrangements
for a fee.
I could pay you,
say, $ 175 per month.
Is that fair?
It is quite ...
OK, Major.
Thank you.
I'm going to take it out.
S. .. V. .. E. .. N. .. D. .. E. .. N.
Is that a Norwegian or Swedish?
Oh, it's Swedish.
- Please.
- Thanks.
- I am very grateful to you, sir.
- Oh, thank you.
Honey, I think that we have
time now for it.
Can I switch to the
to your home, Major.
Anyway, I later
to pass that way.
Oh, come on. Please, Dad?
... If this is not the problem.
- No, not at all a problem.
Catherine, when Mr. Svenden be
ready to go, come home.
- Do you hear?
- Yes, I hear.
OK. Thank you, sir.
Is it all right here?
Of course. Good.
My father would have paid and
$ 200 per month.
I know.
Whether it could come
every day to riding?
Of course. Come whenever you want.
You do not need the key.
I love that song by
you read yesterday, from Keats.
Do you prefer
by Emily Dickinson?
What do you think?
This is my last
years of teaching.
I heard a lot really
good things about Chicago ...
but I think the New York
the place to go ..
Dramaturgy. Is that what
want to do, to study acting?
I think I was good at it.
What will you do next year?
- I do not know.
How good are you?
- What? What am I good?
Yes. Deep down inside we all know that
There is something in what we do well.
It's just that
to be known ...
our true talents.
You know you're good at,
as, teaching ...
and as a farmer, right?
No. I am a mediocre teacher.
I'm still burning farmer.
Ah, there goes your theory.
I do not think so.
But even if this is true ...
there must be something
and what you are good ...
only what you tell me.
But I'll find out.
will find me
always want ...
I'll always wait here
your call ....
Do you want to cry
If you do not like your man
You feel that you
he is doing it wrong
Now, take it with food,
you know, three times.
Is everything okay?
- Oh, I'm fine, Joey.
Al. Evans was kind
to bring me drugs.
I wanted to give you
save up a trip to the city.
In any case I had to
I go to the old Adelmanovu house.
I appreciate it.
Adelman not only
multiple owners.
Wheeler family of her
bought last month.
Retired Major from the bottom ...
- Yes. I have already met them.
Oh? Daughter? Huh?
Not just the girl
for the farm, right?
The father is an avid hunter.
My mother was an alcoholic.
He is trying to wean.
Ask him if he needed
some supplies for the farm.
The money we would definitely use it.
If Joey cashed in all
This small change ...
that we would probably be
enough for the entire year.
These cans of milk are in a bad place.
It is very unfortunate because
there tight and complex ...
and for me it is too difficult
move them ...
so I will for now, I think,
to leave them where they are.
What are you gonna do
when it is full?
I do not know.
How is she?
Well ... it hurts more
than it admits.
You know what it is.
He does not like to complain, so ...
It will get worse.
How long?
Well, maybe half a year,
maybe less.
It is difficult to be precise.
Of course I could
that was put on chemo ...
and give her a few more
months of agony.
No. I think that it does not
wants to go away, Doc.
Razgovao you with her about it.
No. I think she decided to leave.
- OK.
You know what to do?
To remember ...
to wash the truck.
Think about it.
Well, kids.
Turn the Page 125th
OK, Vacation is over.
Let's go inside.
Why did not you say?
You know I'm here.
You're right.
What hold here?
Well ...
some hay, as you can see.
Probably ubudalo.
I have a few ...
large bales of hay ...
but I'll have to get some more.
Not too many people
came here, right?
No, they, uh ... definitely not.
Jesus Christ.
- What?
I ... I think we should
to make love.
What do you think?
That I've never ran
sex with students.
Are you bothered?
- I do not know.
I think it would bother me more
If I was the first time.
I do not think that, right?
No. I was with other guys.
I see.
Did you enjoy?
With them or with you?
It deserves.
Well ...
I can say that
you are the best so far.
Son of a bitch. You pay a drink.
- Of course.
You know, Rosalie, I think
I was in love with you ...
all my stupid life.
Well, that's all right.
It is good for you.
Are you for another?
- Why not?
I go to my three.
... Mrs. Henson.
- Hello, Reverend.
... Rozali.
... Doctor.
Be happy, the war is over.
Can I shoot?
Indeed, Mr Svenden, you can not
expect to provide you with ...
to continue to teach
without a proper degree.
I do not even believe you
ever went to college.
You see, I think
Mr Svenden understand ...
Board takes up ...
But, he teaches here ...
more than twenty years.
Not one of his students
has never been ...
denied admission to the college
for academic reasons.
Of course, there are not many
those who wanted to go ...
but the son of Mrs. Johnson
received at the university ...
academic scholarship,
and he is good.
It happened.
We have two perfectly good
schools in the city ...
where surrender
professional educators.
What do you offer that they will not?
Opportunity to learn the basic principles ...
free bus ride
sixty miles a day ...
After getting up at dawn
and performing household tasks.
These children have hardly
enough time ...
to compete with children in the city.
Why can not you just
to take a course in college ...
and get a diploma,
as Mrs. Henson?
I have not taught
in college.
With all due respect, Madam,
I've had more time and resources ...
available than
which was given by Mr Svenden.
Do not let me opravdava.
I could not do that, that ...
but I did not think that the school board ...
want to expand their activities
this far out of town.
I tried to combine
service with my life.
I guess I was wrong.
G. Svenden, surely you can not
us to blame for your failure.
You had every chance to
gain their credentials.
You already have your
opinion on this.
Nothing else here can not say
it would change anything, right?
No. I'm afraid that's true.
We do not see any reason ...
to re-consider this matter.
Then why are you me
hell, let ...
to waste time
talking to you?
We do not need such
Dictionary, Mr. Svenden.
This is because you have a bunch of
pompous asshole.
I think you owe
this board an apology.
For what? There are no rules to asshole
I can not call you asshole.
It is time to marry me.
I know.
Well, tell me.
Say: "Will you marry me?"
Want to make you happy.
... The truth?
- Yes.
You do me happy.
As Orin and done?
I am going home.
Hey ... You are beauty, all right.
You're a beauty, all right.
Here you go.
Well, sir,
it holds its own.
That's good.
Yes. Is there any hunting in
I'm a little out.
I left after a few duck
with Major last week.
We had three gorgeous ...
not mine. His.
That bastard is a great scorer,
To admit him.
Good is almost like you.
- Really?
... Close.
He told me he saw a coyote
down around Ferry Road.
Prepared to go to it.
There are no coyotes in
This part of the country.
Maybe it was a wolf.
- There are no wolves.
Come with me I have something to give.
I'd like to have this.
I realized last
week the hard way ...
that my back was just not
as they should be.
Hunt and I are finished.
Jesus, doc.
I do not know what to say.
Are you sure about this?
I know that you always wanted.
I am tired of
its lubrication.
In any case, more
I love that you have ...
but that we are dragging around and rust.
OK, call me
if any changes ...
and let it do what it wants.
Jesus, Catherine.
I'm Lady Godiva.
Do you like it?
Coming down from a horse, you crazy.
What if someone enters?
What would happen?
Just me by surprise.
I am an old man.
Take care of my heart.
What if a major
find out about us?
What if I find out?
Here, something smells good.
Bake wild duck.
Joey, you're all dirty!
Are you drunk?
Now clean it up.
Dinner is almost ready.
I'm fine, Mom. I'm completely wrong.
Look at what my doctor immediately.
It's nice of him.
He said that
too old to hunt.
Can you imagine that?
Too old to hunt.
How are you feeling, Mom?
I feel as if someone
forgot claws in the stomach.
Do you want to invite others. Evans?
No, no, no.
You have to marry Rosalie.
I know, Mom.
She told me that he thought
do not want to marry.
I said: "Nonsense."
You just wait to die
so stop thinking about it.
I know that you wanted to marry with the
her when she married Orin.
Now you can
do, so come on!
Closing schools,
I'll stay out of work.
I can not get married
their jobs.
Do not talk nonsense!
Sell what is left!
Marry up with pink.
Working on his farm!
're Stupid for teachers.
Take a decent Rozali
Cash in the coins.
"They hit the waves ...
penus, ships
far away ...
"The wild unrest, snow
white tips of waves ...
you again and again
incoming waves ...
"forever seeking their shores."
Wait a minute. This is nowhere
does not go, right?
or that I'm not going anywhere?
Have any of you
video ocean?
I am.
- Oh, well. Come here.
Here. Hold this.
Now, what I
I say this ...
people think that poetry is
too complicated.
They think it's boring.
- Boring.
That's right!
Usually is,
mainly because ...
which he wrote a bad poet.
We say that a good poetry
what is easy.
Let us say that it is
what we feel ...
morning when you
breeze caressing your face ...
When you first feel the smell of the ocean.
When you first see the ocean ...
What did you feel?
Oh ... I think I
was scared.
True emotion.
She could write about it.
OK, now we
have a little test.
I want to write a song ...
about a place where you
were earlier, perhaps the lake ...
a place where
You feel something.
I think if you were somewhere ...
You can write about it.
I'm sorry.
No, everything is fine. It's okay.
Explain what you said.
What happened?
- Small accidents.
Catherine had dropped my
picture, that's all. Come on.
Well, let's Emily Dickinson.
She wrote many
love letters to a man ...
and yet say that
died a virgin.
I mean, even if you never
physically met the man ...
Yet she wrote some of the
best love songs ...
in the entire literature.
OK, that's true.
And what's the point?
Well, you do not have
to experience something ...
to write passionately about it.
Everything you need
is your imagination.
"And what imagination
accepted as a beautiful ...
"Must be true ...
"Be it ever
existed or not. "
John Keats wrote it ...
In a letter to their
parents 1818th
Is that what you mean,
You should be
give in this class.
heart asks for pleasure first.
We have to see.
Do not you like to
look for me to see.
Some continue to stay
Our arrangement for riding.
I do not want to koketira
with me in class.
This is not a good idea, Catherine.
You were the first flirted with me.
You may be right
bastard, you know?
I have not flirted with you.
I do not have to flirt
with you.
Oh, God.
're Pregnant, right?
No. Are you worried about it?
I passed through my head!
Well, it happened that
diaphragm wear.
What was the first time?
Are you and then you had?
Why should I tell?
Do you now
sweet with me.
I'm not in the mood. Do not.
I do not want anything to do
While we do not say!
OK. Am.
I had then.
You knew that we
make love?
Yes. I Predosecala.
What do you want to tell me?
Well ...
I am pregnant.
Well, what should we do?
Just kidding!
Just kidding?
Come here.
I will not touch it, and!
You smell like the ocean.
I am your ocean.
As a hurricane is coming.
There is a girl in your class
who is in love with you.
There are always some.
Remember Kristine,
those with big brown eyes?
Yes, I remember.
"Mr. Svenden,
would you like ...
"Take a ride
the father's new Cadillac. "
It was nice.
- You're horrible!
Whether she kept
horse in your barn?
- Good morning, Joseph!
He lost a partner to hunt.
I thought you might like ...
to go out with me
to hunt birds.
I heard that you are very good.
And I heard the same about you.
You little nervous.
Relax. They will
come at any moment.
I have never chased more
than we need.
And you?
- No. Absolutely not.
That's good.
I'm too old ...
to kill only
for murder.
It aggravates me no more
Someone told me
you saw a coyote ...
down in the vicinity of Ferry Road.
No. I thought the coyote but it is not.
He was too big.
It was a wolf, and I will
catch that bastard.
I thought not to kill
animals just for fun.
Well, let's take the example of coyote.
These are interesting animals,
Very clever.
Did you know that they can
steal your nose ...
chicken, pig, hamster, or
pet - just like that!
And disappear before
you become aware!
They deserve to be killed.
They are independent
and determined.
If his mouth is
caught in a trap ...
he will bite
to escape.
Independent, my ass!
Only the greedy.
What you can not eat or fuck ...
only the records,
like any other dog.
Here they come.
The first one is yours.
The right to the finish!
Something not of this morning.
I increased her dose.
So will some time
be stunned.
I think you should
obavesti your sister.
Why? To be able to
start a discussion ...
on their part of the land?
Mom and I were talking.
She does not want to
none of them know.
Well, it is probably right.
See what I have brought.
It is a 'sour mash' bourbon.
Twenty years old.
I know what it is.
Try it!
Not now. I have a hangover.
You want to see Bolo?
I will now.
I'm too dressed up.
How is your mother?
Why are you interested
my mother?
She was an alcoholic, periodically.
That's why I never drink.
Do you like blue?
I think so.
I thought you wanted.
Let's go home!
No. I told you,
never at home.
You do not love me anymore.
- I love you, Catherine.
No, you do not like.
You will get married with Rosalie.
Oenicu up with pink?
Who told you that?
Robert. He did not
very happy about it.
The two of you become
very close, right?
Robert needs a friend.
He was comfortable with me,
and he is cute.
I love it.
I do not want to talk
of Robert.
What did you tell him?
What? About us?
A wedding?
I did not tell him anything.
Still want me,
Do not you, Joseph?
I promise you ...
nothing to say about us.
Hello, Joe.
What are you doing?
Uh, dozing. What the hell?
He would tell my father!
No, no.
He will not tell anyone.
He can come back here!
- He will not tell anyone!
Bert, can I get a glass?
Of course, Joe.
She certainly has a sweet, young body ...
but they should at ogranici
fucking with adults, silly!
Here you go.
Thank you, Bert. Thanks.
When you are so young and in
confusion as she ...
You will create problems.
I treat her mother.
Of course, maybe you want problems,
because you certainly have them.
How long does this happen?
I do not know.
Three months, maybe four.
It was her idea.
It has 17, and these 47,
and it was her idea?
You're funny, boy!
- OK. It was my idea.
This is my first initiative
in many years.
Do you take vitamins
or something?
Rosalie looks quite happy.
Listen, this will
pass, you know it.
Well. If you will have to go ...
dwell for the duration,
because it is fun.
I was quiet for too long!
You can not you trust me, Doc ...
but never in my life
I have not made love so much.
When you get older and when
osvrne in the back ...
you will not regret things
that you did ...
but only for those who did not ...
but ... Joseph ...
It's awfully young.
How's your mother?
He would not last a month.
You will not even you,
If major reveals.
Well, you might just as well
shooting in the healthy leg.
Oh, add a little more.
My egg is broken.
- Take another.
Two down.
What are you going to drink?
Beer and tomato juice.
Kathy. Robert.
- Hello, sir Svenden.
Kathy. Robert.
Here you go.
- Thanks.
They spend a lot of
time together.
- The two of them.
Can I sit?
- Of course.
Robert was really sweet.
You have done a great
job raising him.
Lucky to have
mother like you.
Well thank you.
Although, I think it would be good ...
when they could freely
talk to you.
To talk with me?
Have not you noticed
that is depressed?
I mean, I was upset
because of you and Joseph.
Catherine, I think it
none of your business!
Yes. Robert is my friend.
I'm sorry. I do not want
to create problems.
You know, I like Catherine.
Full of sparks.
Robert is fun with it.
You want to enter?
Come inside.
Let's do it here.
Joseph! No!
Let's go inside, please.
No. I'll probably go home.
What's wrong, Joey?
Glupira around with
such a young girl.
You know?
- Of course I know.
I do not know you were
I thought that you're wrong.
I realized the first day
when the Jeep entered the courtyard.
I know.
What can I say?
I'm a bad man.
But sometimes it is really
fun to be bad.
You're not bad.
If it makes men bad,
everyone would have lost.
I'm tired, Joey!
Allow me to put
to bed, Mom.
No, I tired
I of this body.
Oh, it's .. it's worse than a bear
baby every day.
it is worse than the bear
baby every day.
I will call dr. Evans
to see what he thinks.
No, no, it is not necessary!
And wake in the morning.
Good night, Mom.
- Good night.
Where are the dogs?
What is it with you?
Here people are asleep.
What is it?
I might have the flu.
You had the flu for months.
You're acting very strange ...
I think that it is not
because of your mother.
Perhaps the andropause.
Men my age
passing through it.
They know they will die without being
did what they wanted.
What do you want to do ...
other than to fuck a film
star like everyone else?
What I want to do?
I would like to spend
some time in the ocean ...
where there are no students
There are no people in the boat ... ...
just reading, drinking,
fishing, swimming.
You know what would once
wanted to do?
I would like to fuck
with all the lights on!
I would like to do everything
what I dreamed.
I'm tired of fucking
in the dark ...
Friday and Sunday evenings,
and sometimes on Wednesdays!
Look at me!
I'm 47 years old and never
and I fucked the day ..
let alone video ocean!
We were once in Washington
We have never been to New York.
I want to change it before
be too old and die ...
and then it is too late!
Do not you want to
be different?
I'm sick of your
role of the damned widows.
I love you more than
the age of eighteen years.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry to disappoint.
Look at me ... but my legs
you've seen a hundred times.
Do I look so damn weird ...
I must be
closed in the dark ...
like a goddamn freak?
Do not watch me,
nor do we answer.
I want to fuck with me ...
like you to Orino
when you had 16 ..
or 20 or 25 .. like you said.
I do not want just to fuck
sad, the widow of a teacher ...
and then wither and die.
Oh, shut up. Please, shut up.
I have a bit to think.
I need a drink.
- And bring me one!
If I have here
I stand all night ...
the least we can
I do not drink it.
By the end!
- Absolutely everything.
Well, go and this
Well. Now we can
to start.
Joseph ...
This is fun.
Oh, Rosalie!
now teaches the body
your faithful servant ...
your gentle care,
of the Gracious God.
Keep it and protect it ...
until they join
loved her ...
as we all
one day join.
Obaspi care
friends and loved ones ...
who gathered
here today.
Enter into their hearts.
Bring them peace ...
security of knowing
to a better world ...
awaits us all
at the end of the transient life.
I would like now ...
children to come forward, please
Charlotte, Mary and Joseph ...
can now
entrust his mother ...
country of
springs all life ...
and to which they return.
No thanks.
Do you want more?
Here you go.
What is it?
How could you?
know you can and happy.
Love, Catherine.
P.S. Now we can
to work at home
I thought we go
much better after that night.
I answered to your
messages of condolence ...
that I spared you
additional pain.
Do you believe it?
We are better.
It was just a stupid kid.
Then why are you fucked a child?
Would I not enough?
I sacrificed a life for you.
I thought I needed
something to make up.
Oh God, I sit here and think ...
misses the mark on his life,
and I have to pay for it?
I will not get a second chance
Oh, damn you.
I hope you die!
What is it?
They argued.
What happens?
Why was arguing with her?
What? Yes.
What are you doing?
Huh? What?
You're drunk.
Rozali. Rozali knows.
I'm sorry, but she had to
find out sooner or later.
but she had to learn
sooner or later.
Because I want to
marry with me.
I'm not going to get married!
Do you hear me?
I will not mention that.
Do not be mad.
I'm not crazy.
I love you ...
but I like pink.
Do you remember
I said that I'll find out ...
the single thing that you're good?
You do not listen.
You will be sorry.
Rozali must immediately
to talk.
I can not get married with you ...
and the rest of my life
I Orinov spirit.
Fuck Orinov spirit.
Orin is dead, and I'm alive.
I live three miles
along the way ...
I wonder why I wasted
life of the damned mad.
It is now 2:00 in the morning.
Please leave before
you wake up Lily.
You will not you let it
remain here, right?
You want to bring
blanket, please?
Robert, please
Bring a blanket?
I want to go
He's a liar.
I feel like a fool ...
Like I was the subject of
a joke or something like that.
Believe me,
no one laughs.
He's just a liar ....
Catherine was bored
and she wanted sex ...
and a man lost his head.
He will get over it,
same as you.
That's not true.
Catherine is a wonderful person.
He seduced her.
Robert, you are still ignorant boy.
I do not know anything about women.
I know more than you think.
She is my friend.
I'm with her.
Oh, strong thing. Jesus.
Thus, Catherine is a young
and beautiful ...
comes from unhappy family ...
and they make love.
Why people can not make love ...
without all those damn evil?
These are just nonsense.
How the hell
you know what I feel?
This was a tough test
for both, right?
What can I tell you, son?
What do you know about my father?
Your father?
He was better at everything
from me, except for fishing.
He loved to fight with fists,
I was good at it.
Did you like it?
I thought it was the greatest.
He was my best friend.
Why he went to war?
He was not invited.
You think, why he left
You and your mother?
You want the truth?
Here he was bored.
I want to warn you.
What do you warn me?
Major knows.
I think that coming to see you.
Joseph, what are you doing?
Are you armed?
No. Jesus.
Why should I be armed?
Who is that in the jeep?
My wife. We
whether to enter?
Of course.
You want to sit down
and something to drink?
Yes, thank you.
That all I wanted.
Thank you.
I wanted to talk
about fishing.
I see that you are shaking hands.
Catherine said she will
to marry her.
Is this true?
No. No, no.
It would be stupid.
I'm not her type.
What is her type?
Someone who is rich
and knowledgeable.
Someone who is a refined ...
living in urban areas, and closer to the
her age.
I wanted to know
I'm not a fool ...
I do not like me
real fool.
We moved here ...
partly to the shelter
of these types of people.
But Catherine is closed half
with very good success.
perhaps its
best so far.
I do not know what
life you lead ...
but I guess not
experienced in these matters.
No, I think not.
This was my first time
to do so.
I could not help myself,
Even when I knew it was wrong.
And I think you're wrong.
But I can only you
to blame, because knowing Catherine ...
I believe that less than
half of that idea was yours.
I can not tell you
what is going on in her mind.
You are polite, know this.
Just know that you should not
try to marry her.
You alone are more abused than
someone who has used his advantage.
Mr. Svenden,
did you know that I know ...
you're asleep
with my daughter?
Beverly ...
Honey, are you listening?
Shut up.
- Mrs. ...
Beverly, come on, baby.
Let's go home.
It was a long day.
I'm tired, and you're tired.
We'll talk again.
Let's just in the car.
I am waiting, sir Svenden.
Beverly, it's time to go.
It's okay. Come on.
How did you come here?
- Robert took me.
Where is he?
- He's gone.
Dad said that he would
talk to you.
Well, I talked it,
like your mother.
Dad said that you never
would not have married me ...
and I just
izigravala fool.
That's not true, right?
Because it can not be true.
I mean, do not you
you see that I give you ...
best year of my life?
It sucks.
What would you do it this year,
fucked up with Robert?
See what I am
done with his life.
And we do not know the
even a full year.
Again play the role!
We care a lot for each other.
We spent together
memorable moments.
But I'm damn old man ...
and you're beautiful, you're brilliant ...
and have seventeen years.
I thought you loved me.
I love you enough to know
what is best for you.
No. You are what you
is good for me.
Come on, let's just ..
Can not we just be lovers
as we were in the beginning?
I bet they would not be married
for me that I asked.
You're using me ...
While you were out of town.
That's fine.
I did something wrong.
Jesus. What are the hell did they make?
You ... are you okay?
Oh, dear.
Why did you do?
I was angry at you.
So there you have burned so
your horse?
I was expecting you to
it save her ... but did not.
Come on.
Come on.
I will take you home ..
I heard what happened last night.
Nothing is left of the barn?
It is not.
Completely disappeared.
It's strange, but ...
I think that I have overturned ...
potcenjuci and all these years, but ...
Do you know why
I liked Catherine ...
except, of course, because her body?
Because it is not even a person.
You do not have to give her
none of them.
She does not even know that you
gave her ... if you gave her.
Maybe so. I do not know.
I do not have some justification.
I think I wanted
to lose my head ...
but it certainly did not want ...
When Catherine and I have started.
This is what I was raised.
Then we had that night,
when we were swept passion ...
For the first time
of our youth.
We worked a little, and
in fact we did not know ...
what we do before
we did.
And I want to
to be in ecstasy.
I love you, Rosalie!
Joseph, come on!