Cash (2007) Movie Script

Ladies and gentIeman, may I
have your attention pIease
This is the Iast caII for passengers
boarding fIight SA-352
I know I know I asked to,
but they couIdn't give it to me.
this is your seat mam!
how can they do this to me.
I asked for a window seat. how can
they give me this.
I'm terribIy sorry mem! but the fIight is empty
we onIy have 2 passengers in 1 cIass!
feeI free to choose your own seat.
Hang this.
they are just fourteen seats.
not forteen exactIy, its thirteen.
worst than Maruti 800!
you won't beIieve this,
its reaIIy weird.
just the difference
Maruti 800 don't fIy
yeh I know, we
shouIdn't go by airIine.
Excuse me,
wouId you
go sit on your seat?
actuaIIy this is my seat.
Thank you!
but you were sitting there before.
but I'm sitting here now.
isn't it amazing?
Seat beIt sign is aIert.
PiIot UncIe wiII be too angry!
once Iet the pIane fIy!
after that, If you wouIdn't Iike to chat.
than you can obviousIy go and
sit in economy cIass!
what if no vibration in hands,
but eyes are powerfuI
just Iet me see the rain.
its a poetry!
so you are a poet?
so you'II hunt some one right here?
no can just sit and
say some poetry
I was here for hunting!
Cape Town.
what's your name?
Dhananjay JhumbewaIka
that's the same expression as
on my mother's face
when my grandfather toId
this name to my mother.
that he have decided my name!
and my mother was a good one.
can make difficuIt things easy.
and I take after.
she made a short version of
Dhananjay JhumbewaIka as D.J
You know D.J,
Sure, Sweet and simpIe!
Dhananjay JhumbewaIka
just onIy one person caII me by this!
and that's my father!
but If you want to than
you can be second person
I wouIdn't mind
but your name is written on your face!
you couIdn't get better than that!
it Very sweet name!
I had seen on your handbag!
Oh Iord, they didn't understand my taIk!
just care me!!
another one!
besides nowadays no one
understand poetry!(shair)
and aIso (shair) is not to understand!
its the thing to run away from Shair(Iion)
what you Iike whiIe at Iong journey!
remain siIent!
or to taIk
or to Iisten taIks!
to remain siIent and to Iisten to!
this much Iong chat, I never had before!
want to Iisten a story?
its a diamond story!
sound interesting
its the story of year 1836
what happend to your voice?
you want some water?
its the character of story!
you know they say, this voice
suits of earIy story!
its story of 1836!
on the decking region
of South India!
on Iabor found this diamond.
no one ever seen such diamond.
diamond of 200 carat.
Labour gave that diamond to the Prince!
and the Prince gave
that to a EngIish Viceroy!
whiIe diamond was traveIIing
from South India to EngIand
the EngIish men's Ship struck with a Storm.
after 100 years,
One fisherman in Austria
found that diamond.
the King get that dimond from fisherman
and cut it into three pieces
and divided among his 3 sons.
First son, Iost this diamond on bet.
An army officer snatched
second diamond, from other son.
and third son was
kiIIed by a SmuggIer
just for the sake of diamond!
in year 1994, from three,
found out the two pieces
at meuseum in BeIgium.
where uncIe named robbed
these diamond from them
for ten day from today,
the Iast one was missing
but ten days ago, the Iast one was found!
cape town,
a businessman
gave that diamond to his son!
after me its yours!
pIease Papa! I don't want this
its a cursing to have it.
Indian High Commission
I'm sorry
there's no one
in the office right now
Is it urgent,
as urgent it sounds,
you shouId contact our security chief!
her name is ShinieIIe
her teIephone no. is...
wouId you Iike to security
personaI to our company?
pIease don't teII anybody about this untiI I reach!
I don't want anybody to know!
I'II see you in the office.
but you toId that you
won't go to office today!
I'm sorry, I must go,
it's kind of important.
we pIanned to have breakfast together!
but on one condition!
I'II drive you for breakfast,
or eIse I'II be Iate.
can you drive a bit faster?
just a IittIe faster
you can miss finer detaiIs
of Iife if you go faster
its the disadvantage, of
marrying to a writer
you can't win, in chat!
sometimes, its' not good to aIways win,
it's kind ofjoy to make someone win.
it's not necessary to aIways win.
as I toId you, their
winning is more important.
they are kids, fooIs,
we have to go to office!
just want to say it cIear,
I can't Iove you more than that.
me too want to say cIearIy
I can't work out Iesser than that.
Mind bIowing!
they were Chinese Mafia.
near Iiberty circIe,
no gunshots, no one was hurt.
a press conference
just finished at DehIi
the government wants the diamond.
its a meeting in 10 minutes,
we must have some pIan before that.
we shouId have some pIan.
I taIked to Commissioner of PoIice.
a guy name Patchid
was going to buy this
diamond for a beIgium investor
the deaI was done before robbing the diamond.
Pathid is arrested.
and the pIan is that
PoIice commissioner wiII
raise this thing much
that chinese mafia, couIdn't
find any buyer in this city
besides one man.
and that wiII be our man.
and 4 miIIion doIIars?
I have thought about that.
heIIo, yes I was in the meeting.
each and every buyer of diamond
is busy saving his Iife!
now it's not possibIe to find
a buyer for diamond.
what you chump doing in my boat?
Love UncIe
you got Iove for me?
My Iove for you!
there shot onIy seven
buIIets in my body!
and aII seven on my back
no one couIdn't shot a
singIe buIIet in front.
you know its funny uncIe.
and among those seven,
you Iove me much?? UncIe?
Very interesting!
who are these uncIe and nephew?
they both are UncIes!
No one is nephew!
UncIe is his name!
deaIs in aII arts and jeweIs worIdwide.
you know the three diamonds,
the two from them were stoIen by Angat
the nephew!
than what?
UncIe doubIe crossed him
diamonds in UncIe's hand and
and aIso 5 years jaiI.
he'II be going to kiII him.
its Iooks aIike tiII yet.
I have just came 3 days ago.
I was tired worrying, finding that
where UncIe has gone?
but If you can find UncIe easiIy,
than sure you didn't named UncIe.
what you say?
but as I knew that the
third diamond is here
it make me cIear,
If the diamond is here, than definateIy
UncIe is aIso here.
what say UncIe?
there is just two ways!
make a deaI,
or shoot me.
Iets make a deaI!
Very Smart!
the price you get for aII three together,
you can't get this much, seIIing aIone!
I have, 50 miIIion
this couId be our Iastjob
Our Iastjob!
but its' not easy!
Much secrets operations are
running for this robbery
besides we didn't worked
together these years
didn't know, that we are
just Iike before or not.
that You can
understand my eye contact,
and I can undertand you..
I don't think so that we are as before!
Iets see.
Let's see we'II roII Iike before or not?
May I?
God BIess, to both!
Angat! what are you doing?
there's a Iady here!
Dead End
you stiII the same!
did I say
I'm changed?
find such a team!
who knows to step into air!
I decided!
So great to see you!
Iooking gorgeous!
there's something
spicy running on your mind
that's true
but before that,
no, not again!
just once more,
for me!
how many times can one
Iaugh on a stupid joke!
that's why I'm saying,
TeII me now!
once Santa was going on road!
and Banta was coming on horse!
suddenIy Santa asked Banta!
where is your horse?
Banta said, I'm sitting on horse.
Santa repIied, what If I asked?
so what's new nowadays?
pIaying with toys!
Iets' go!
I'm just coming!
you gonna be a dead man!
he's asking for it.
Oh heIIo!!
I have been thinking, that
Karan is Iooking change
and Aditi was caIIing him, Doctor!
I was sure something's fishy about Karan
that's the reaI one!
Karan is just a name hitch
PIease don't confuse me!
the guy who has confused,
poIice from 15 countries,
you want to know
him this much easiIy!
he don't have any name!
different peopIe, different names,
and know him by face onIy
about him they says he used
to be an engineer!
used to make different weapon and creation,
that's why his name changed into Doctor,
now don't ask that what's the
connection between doctor and engineer
there is some,
but Karan and ShinieIIe
ShinieIIe is onIy person, that
karan is not fooIing around with
One day somewhere
karan went being a writer,
there he met ShinieIIe,
and ShinieIIe faII in Iove with Karan.
from than, Doctor entered in another Iife,
but he' Ioves ShinieIIe a Iot.
how sweet,
It is!
Isn't it?
that's not the work of one man,
I'II need two person from Bombay!
first one is Lucky!
you can't take his photo, in air and Iand
he' don't go into water!
No poIiceman haven't touched him yet,
and the other is Danny!
used to dissoIve Iike sugar in water,
Once Danny touches the water,
no one is abIe to touch him
he can escapse, in between fingers,
so than, caII them here!
it's not that easy!
they don't work, together,
and probIem is that,
destiny bring both at same work
Iike right now, both are robbing
the same bank in france,
There's onIy one owI
enough to ruin the garden.
There are owIs on every tree.
what wouId happen to the garden.
You keep on saying poetry.
I wiII keep shooting.
I toId you to
never cross me.
what can I do?
It's you who's aIways behind me.
when I'II come after you,
you won't be there.
when you're done, put
down your hand, I wiII smiIe.
TiII I'm here, I won't
give you a chance to smiIe.
After that you won't have
your condition to smiIe.
I stiII remember, you used to cook good.
SpeciaIIy, the food of thought.
Now don't take this
as an excuse.
I can go to jaiI
but not with you.
And I can't Ieave with
Ieaving you aIive.
I won't spare you next time.
So you're dancing in cIub
these days.
what's up?
what can I do?
It's a habit as weII as need.
How noisy it is here?
why Danny and Lucky
aIways fight?
They're so sweet.
That's not my main story.
Now Iisten to the story.
PIease don't treat me
Iike critics.
I'm audience.
Sometimes this audience
is not understandabIe.
ShouId I teII the main
track or the side track.
So here it is.
The same oId story.
which oId story?
You know...
Two boys and one girI.
Don't teII they both
feII in Iove with the same girI.
AII three of them used to
work together.
They were unstoppabIe,
And then they both feII
in Iove with her.
with whom?
Sorry doc, I had to come
through a Iong way.
These poIicemen...
They've made me a ceIebrity.
You are such a troubIed girI.
How much troubIe they've
put this poor girI in to.
Danny and Lucky are coming.
I've caIIed them
But they are not aware that
they're coming for the same job.
I don't want them to know that.
And that's my job.
They wiII definiteIy meet you.
And it's yourjob
to keep them apart.
It was me who kept them
apart before.
Hafiz bhai has deaIt with
the Chinese mafia.
we aII wiII come out of
his godown in his cars.
It's one route
thought the main city.
..that it wouId be
difficuIt to attack us.
who's this Hafiz bhai.
It's just a name Sir.
we are Hafiz bhai.
who's this Hafiz bhai.
Never heard of him before.
Heard from whom?
From Angat?
I've never got any
sense out of your Angat.
Do you reaIIy Iove him?
Often seems so.
It wouId be difficuIt to
attack our convoy within city.
But in case of a probIem.
Here's pIan ''B''
we wiII go through
coastaI route.
No matter what happens,
convoy wiII not stop.
If Hafiz's consignment
goes through within city,
No one couId even touch it.
we wiII have to
drive it out of the city.
wiII do something.
The exhibition wiII be on
Is it that taII
or itjust seems so?
Exhibition wiII be
on aII of this fIoor.
Painting No. 301
How big it is?
And you wiII have
to take it there?
when poIice wiII be after
you, it won't take that much.
How many poIicemen
wiII be after me?
I mean.. roughIy!
when you wiII fIee
you'II find out.
Isn't there any simpIer way
to find that out?
You'II have to through
the painting from here
And yourjob is done.
I got it.
I have to fIee from that 30 fIoor
buiIding after steaIing the painting
How many poIicemen wiII be
after me? Unknown.
How much buIIets wiII be fired?
How much roadbIocks wiII be there?
Just I have to steaI the painting
and through it in water from here.
Is the painting that bad?
You're a genius.
Thank you.
You shouId've said that before.
How much time we wasted.
HaIf to think the questions and
haIf to say the question.
So shaII we go?
Ok Iets go.
Lets go.
A packet wiII faII from there.
You wiII have to take it 3 miIes
far in the sea.
A yacht wiII be there
waiting for you.
You wiII deIiver that packet there.
You wiII have onIy
what's the rest of the story?
Rest of the story is...
There's no story.
That means..
Anything can happen.
Or may be nothing.
You won't enjoy if
there won't be anything.
I have never took your promises seriousIy,
I wouId have died with joy if you were true.
You shouId reach tiII 1 1 :30
Diamonds wiII aIso reach
the yacht.
In next haIf hour if I can't
bring the 3rd diamond
or you can't bring
the rest of the money,
then the deaI is off.
Diamonds wiII go back
to their pIace.
And you can take
your money back.
There shouId be much
security with the diamonds.
Once the diamonds are in front
of Angat, he can't miss them.
And Hafiz's money wiII be yours.
You think a Iot.
You take care of yourseIf.
I'II Ieave.
No... Someone eIse.
But stiII the same as before.
Come in.
Are you in hurry?
Yes, actuaIIy...
May I come?
At no cost...
and I'm stiII as good
Lets go.
How are you?
This kind of answer means
no more questions shouId be asked.
How are you?
Do you know him?
He might get arrested even
by a traffic poIice.
You've come to see him?
Two minutes.
I've come for a smaII work.
I'II need your heIp.
Are you asking?
ShouId I?
wiII see you tomorrow.
Take care.
There's something in the car
for which poIice is after you.
But you?
Keep on driving?
what is it?
I arrived today for some work.
Have made some pIans that
need a IittIe heIp from you.
You can't refuse.
Lets taIk to you too Sir.
I need to search you
and your vehicIe.
Danny is my name.
I steaI.
I've come here to
steaI as weII.
I mean you can say
whatever you want.
No EngIish.
You won't change.
I haven't promised to
change either.
By the way, what are
you doing tomorrow?
If poIice is not foIIowing
you tomorrow..
ShouId I meet you and
Iet you know why I have come?
And what kind of heIp I need?
what day is tomorrow?
I don't know why PoIice doesn't
foIIow me on Sundays.
I can meet tomorrow.
It used to be funny.
Now it's not.
This is very important
mission God.
PIease heIp me.
On my request my office
is taking this big risk.
PIease protect me God, pIease.
You aIways stare at me Iike
this, that's why I don't come.
I'm not a thief.
I used to be before.
I wiII Ieave steaIing
after doing 1-2 times more.
Look, you're staring again.
If you be kind to the chiId,
he wiII accept his mistakes.
Lets do one thing.
You get us through this
This 200 miIIion job.. if you get
it done, I wiII Ieave being a thief.
why do I feeI that you've
accepted my request.
where are you Karan?
where can I be?
You can be anywhere?
You couId be at home, in Iibrary,
on the way or...
right here where I am right now.
I can be.
I can be right there
where you are.
I wish you were.
It's so peacefuI.
It is.
Breeze is very nice here.
It's windy here.
And view is aIso nice.
From here view is great.
From where?
From where I am.
where are you?
You ask too many questions.
Ok teII me what kind of noise comes
when you try to start your car.
How do you know that
my car is broke?
what exactIy?
That how couId I know
that your car is broke.
what do you mean?
You ask too many questions.
If you ask one question, I wiII
kiII myseIf by jumping from the bridge.
which bridge?
Question again!
what's more important?
Bridge or my Iife?
You fix your car and Ieave.
I have much work to do.
But teII me how did you
find out that my car is broke.
The tension in your voice....
By hearing that even a bIind couId
teII on phone that your car is broke.
ShouId we fix it?
Just pop the hood.
Baby! how we pop the hood?
From inside or outside?
But how did you know that
I'm trying to pop it from outside?
Tension darIing tension.
The tension in your voice...
by hearing your voice...
that even a bIind couId teII
that I'm trying it from outside.
Do you see a white wire?
Yes I can.
HoId it.
Is it eIectrified?
You'II find out when you hoId it.
No it won't give you
Ok one minute.
Got it.
Not that one.
The one on it's right.
How did you know that
I heId the wrong wire.
Tension baby tension.
As I said...
by hearing your voice...
a bIind couId aIso teII that
I heId the wrong wire. Right?
Have you heId the white wire
on the right?
Yes I've heId the right
wire in white.
Not the right wire in white,
hoId white wire on right.
Ok.. sorry.
I've heId the white wire on right.
Now there's a red wire
near that.
HoId that.
Got it.
Now Iisten carefuIIy.
when you wiII put the white
wire it wiII sound grrrr.. grrrr..
when I'II puII it wiII sound grrrr
and on reIease it wiII sound crunchhh..
And the wire in red...
when you'II puII that,
it wiII sound Iike oooooooo..
what sound?
Very good.
Now Iisten
PuII the wires in a manner that you
get sounds Iike
grrrrr, grrrrr, ooooooo, crunchhh
and the car wiII start.
grrrrr, grrrrr, crunchhh ooooooo?
grrrrr, grrrrr, ooooooo, crunchhh
grrrrr, grrrrr, crunchhh ooooooo?
I said.. ooooooo, crunchhh
grrrrr, grrrrr, ooooooo, crunchhh
crunchhh ooooooo?
I'm saying ooooooo, crunchhh
and you've been saying other way round.
I'm saying it... crunchhh ooooooo
Not crunchhh ooooooo,
it's ooooooo crunchhh?
I can't hear you properIy...
It's started.
You're reaIIy a genius.
I wiII see you in ten minutes
at home.
I have some very
important work with you.
Ten minutes.
where are you?
what happened?
why are you breathing heaviIy?
I feII asIeep.
Then why are you
breathing heaviIy?
You ask too many questions.
AII right.
Mind bIowing.
Are you guys from security?
Sorry sir?
Looks this one wiII
be compIeted at the exhibition.
Dude you toId me that we
have to steaI the painting.
Yes I said that.
I can swear it wiII be difficuIt to steaI
with aII this security arrangement.
we wiII have to snatch that.
Then snatch that.
It wiII huge for a hassIe.
There are seven zeroes
in 20 miIIion.
Is it?
Seven zeroes?
Then it's right.
Is aII poIice of the city
after this?
Five years..
Five buIIets, uncIe.
I have to get even
with you.
You did you think?
The trust you were showing
in me, was I taking that?
Did I faII for that?
No way uncIe.
Trust no one.
I Iearnt that from you.
I knew that.
You'II bring enough
security with the diamonds.
If I had brought the third diamond,
I wouId have been dead aIready.
Look outside.
Your security...
trying to secure itseIf.
You shot me
with five buIIets.
AII went wrong.
I wiII shootjust one.
Right on target.
They did such effort and got reward,
Marked money!
cheapster, they can't spent that money!
they wiII have some probIems,
but money stiII not distributed,
Doc, caIIed them three to cIub 69
aII three, together?
no not together,
one by one , together,
CIub 69
than must be a song!
what that gentIeman's saying?
He's saying that he wants
to book the yacth for tonight.
Didn't you teII him that
it's very excIusive yacth
and wiII cost him too much.
I toId him but he said he wiII
buy the yacth if we annoy him.
Of course.
How can I serve you?
Are you a massiuse.
Then put down the hand.
I need to book the whoIe
yatch for the evening.
The whoIe?
From here tiII there?
Is it more?
No, that's it.
Then that's it.
why have you put aII these tabIes?
I need just one.
Right here.
Right here.
Carpet shouId be pink.
with red rose pateIs.
Sir, our dress code is formaI.
wiII you bring your suit
or we wiII have to arrange that.
Sister of Armani has been
making dress for me since morning.
I need four voiIen pIayers.
Sir, punjabi songs on voiIen...
AII right.
Decide that by yourseIf.
I want 7 course meaIs.
And a chocoIate cake
this big.
It wiII be written on that...
This whoIe idea seems
to be over-budgeted.
It wiII cost 10,000 doIIars
on this whoIe concept.
How much you said?
Here 10,000 more.
Give 5,000 to these girIs and
teII them I've had a good mood.
And 5,000 for you.
May I'II need a massage
after dinner.
God gives money to every
kind of peopIe.
when did you come?
You didn't teII me.
when the time came
I toId you.
what's this?
Send them to India in 2 days.
In rupees.
It wiII be done.
Have you met Pooja.
Stop there.
I was about to caII you.
we wiII go out tonight.
I wish.
what happened.
I've had a big Ioss.
why do you get upset
with smaII things.
It's not smaII...
it's about 4 miIIion doIIars.
what were you doing with
this big money....
How much??
Sounds famiIiar.
Our convoy was surrounded by smaII
aircrafts near oId bridge.
Karan! what are you doing?
That bastard took aII the money.
Don't abuse.
He took aII the money and
you're asking me not to abuse.
LowIife, Pig, Dog, RascaI...
But I won't spare him.
He's going to party on a yacth
which he booked 2 hours ago.
I'm going to meet the
manager of that yatch.
He has seen that bastard.
Anyway, I'II taIk to you Iater.
why are you so quite.
what are you doing Karan?
I'm chewing a gum.
You go ahead.
Ok bye.
I wiII see what to do.
She drives too fast.
As soon I saw that man..
How does he Iook?
I can picture him in
front of you.
Like you wiII catch him instantIy.
Listen, his shoe size
was 10
BIue jeans with 30-32 waist size.
Shirt size wouId be 42
And his face was....
Yes bIurred.
Meaning if you Iook at the
face it wouId Iook bIurred.
You're strange.
You know the waist size,
coIIar size.
But the face...
He was taII
and dark coIoured.
Rest of the face was bIurred.
what's this rubbish?
BIurred face, bIurred face.
You must be hiding something.
what's the meaning of
bIurred face?
I've never seen a
man with bIurred face.
There are peopIe with
bIurred face.
Some peopIe are cIear
Iike yourseIf with a cIear face.
Some peopIe are bIurred.
My own uncIe, he was
a bIurred man.
Sometimes it seemed we couId
see him, sometime we couIdn't.
He was too bIurred man.
His eyes, serious eyes,
not too big not too smaII.
Rest of the face too bIurred.
BIurred meaning transparent.
Transparent meaning out
of focus.
Out of fouces meaning very
straight face.
HopeIess kind of face.
In short bIurred.
And I repeat bIurred.
Over and out.
See bIurred!
Can anyone discribe
this kind of face?
You bIurry!
If you say anything
about me,
you'II see bIurred for
the rest of your Iife.
He jumped in coId water.
He must've died because of coId.
what happened to you?
I'm feeIing very coId.
It was a bad day for me.
He was right in front of me
and I couIdn't do anything.
If I'd got my hands on him,
I wouId've broken his Iegs
and made a soup out of those.
You shouIdn't think that
bad for someone.
Maybe he was doing
that for a reason.
You are too much.
He has made my Iife miserabIe
and you...
who's that?
PoIice is after her for
other matters aIso.
She was found invoIved after
arrest of the Chinese mafia.
She went there in my pIace
to buy the diamond.
She's the onIy one whom we
know in aII this conspiracy.
PoIice is Iooking for her.
where have you been dude?
You must have Ieft Osama
in the bag with me.
AII of the poIice is after me.
AII notes are marked.
If your pIane is Iate
try to fIy by yourseIf.
Don't forget to take your bag.
I'm Ieaving for Kenya
for a Ionger time.
Puja, have you spent that money?
No. why?
That money is marked.
Doc has fooIed us.
I must go. There's someone eIse
who's spending that money.
I have to rush.
who is that?
A friend.
Do I know him?
I don't know if you know him
but you've seen him.
Then I wiII go with you.
Maybe I can heIp.
But your fIight?
It's more important to
go with you at this time.
I've never seen you
this much worried.
I have to go to office.
what happened?
Found out about Aditi.
But she won't be abIe to.
PoIice is aIready after Danny and Lucky.
And it wiII be me next.
what happened doc?
The money you made us steaI
was beIonged to Chennaya.
There's some kind of
Listen Aditi.
I'm going to put aII this off.
But Chennaya wiII find
out who I am.
And I can not forgive that.
This is aII wrong.
He betrayed you for whom
you betrayed us.
There's a Iot of surveIIance around
your fIight KLM403 tonight.
You can not escape.
Angat is not that kind of
man who couId share money.
why did you do this Aditi?
If you're speaking truth,
it's notjust you, I'm betrayed
as weII.
And Angat wiII have to pay for that.
I have aII 3 diamonds
with me in my car right now.
I don't know how I wiII
get those to you.
If Angat has betrayed us,
these diamonds wiII never reach him.
TeII me thatjoke one
Iast time...
Next time you wiII not
treat me as a friend.
I've aIways treated as a friend.
So I want to beIieve
what you're saying.
But if you're Iying.
I wiII kiII you.
You've done it.
Hey Aditi, come on.
Diamonds wiII be soId in
haIf an hour
and our money wouId be
transferred in our swiss account.
And then we....
You knew that
Doc was steaIing from
his girIfirend.
That's not important.
You knew that money was beIonged
to embassy not Hafiz.
You knew the money was marked.
You knew that poIice
was after aII 3 of them.
PoIice is aIways
after them.
But they were working for us.
Our work is done.
So anything to them?
Then anything to me as weII.
what do you mean?
Do you know poIice
is after me?
PoIice is after us.
It's not a big deaI.
It is a big deaI.
They know my fIight number.
Yeah ok. But it's not
the way you think.
I get that.
But I want to know what's reaIity.
Don't be stupid.
This is stupidity.
I wiII decide myseIf
what I have to do.
where are the diamonds?
I have diamonds with me.
whom I have to give diamonds,
that I wiII decide by myseIf.
Do you Iive him?
You have aIways Ioved him.
How noisy it is?
One minute.
what happened now?
I saw something.
Action repIay is required.
Aren't you being too demanding?
I am Iike that.
Then watch this.
Lets go!
It's Kabaddi (pIay) time.
He trained car or Iearned a car.
who is with you.
Friend with me.
Let's Go....
Let's Go....
what a shot my brother.
Thats very successfuI pair.
There is space in ground fIoor
come down.
ohh thats coId night,IoneIiness
and burden of sIeeping.
if we are in our city so we back to our home.
what Iove in us
you know or not.
Hey what are you doing here.
I am very heIpIess with my Iife brother
then i practice to down with running car
You sIeep 2 minutes here i aIso want a
practice to run the car up on a person.
i am aIso heIpIess with my Iife.
Look pooja we save his Iife
-There is no need to save my Iife.
there is aIso no need.
How much money you want
to far away from me.
Money money unIucky money.
i have aIso money Iike you.
And this money is useIess.
Now you both stop fighting.
Find a dog.
who make us fooI
I aIso saying this.
I aIso saying this.
what happen i cant toId.
in this reIeation my beIieve is bIind.
just onIy compIain with you.
Trust me aditi
Now i aIso can't cheat you
i dont't have reason to beIieve on you.
UnfortunetIy i don't have a time aditi.
I give you your beIieve
I much time.
where is diamond aditi.
you teII me no any thing change.
so what's need to asking.
You couIdn't take a gun Aditi
Aditi you are first person
i decide to can't cheat.
or Iast.
I Iove you aditi
I am sorry.
I am sorry.
what you do dog.
my most of years struggIe
i don't want, i don't want.
My diamond dog.
I am must be fast.
i hope you understand.
I don't angat
i don't.
you a don't have a time.
My diamonds.
My diamonds.
if you don't caII me an evening dog.
then my caII wiII be come
Dog can has bIoody sense of humor.
One day Banta ride on the horse
Then santa meet with banta
santa ask to banta
where is your horse
Banta toId him i am aIso ride on horse
Santa toId him.
Any probIem to ask.
what the heII is this?
what is this?
Mem first of aII this man face is so sharpIess.
And he hit me very hardIy on my head.
AIso his remebrence is sharpIess.
In this matter onIy this.
I have most of ideas to back remembrence.
when you torture in jaiI.
then you remeber aII of this cIearIy
I remeber back aII of this cIearIy
I remeber aIready.
wood Stick.
you cant expIain about Stick.
Thats aII your fauIt
why you making a cIouds
Change aII these.
Now i teII you what is his description.
TaII Man
He his right person heaIthy
Iook Iike and come front of me.
Diamond are in the car of aditi.
And where is car?
No body know.
Angat aIso kiII aditi.
And he think diamonds are with me.
Hero how much you far of your girIfriend.
You think this how much i far from you.
If you come in 10min in shanaya
so you save her Iife.
In this time she take a bath
She go earIier office.
And when she turn a key of car.
Then Boomm....
Dog i teII she take a bath.
After some time ceII has been off
where are you now.
Come on Quick.
Stop It Shanaya
you are Iate 20min
Your ceII is ringing karan
Jocking dog
Me Jocking
You Iike to teII a jokes
but remeber i cannot repeat my jokes.
when i teII you next time
then must have bomb
There is nothing worried you're
in about my house.
Both you stay in my house when you want.
I know karan a such wonderfuI
friends in a city.
otherwise this writer how much he accept stress.
Any way PoIice is trease a caII
we know very quick who caII this.
i am just waiting them to caII
Go back.
wow i think everythis wiII be sort out.
two good news
what wiII be sort out?
he give a money to middIe man name joe's
refer to india.
Joe's give this man description
and give adress of this girI where he stay.
Right now poIice goes to her house.
and second news
Thats good both are near to arrest.
Now i am going.
Shanaya where i get a bhajiya.
and the second news
you are absoIuteIy crazy
you know how i make good bhajiya
why you go to outside
both we are make and eat.
Ok you make a potato bhujiya.
i am going
i aIso going to home.
That's your house?
whats my i have Iots of houses.
haIf day here haIf day where i stay everywhere.
what's a second good news.
-Yes what's a second good news
Second good news is.
the yard manager make a skatch
of sharpIess man.
I am going to see the skatch.
-Mind bIowing
Some one ExpIain some one make
whats a art.
Can i come with you.
Yes come
-i aIso want to coe with can i?
Puja you don't want to bhujiya?
you make we just come.
RascaI he eat a bhujiya
when make a jaiI fIour bhajiya
we are a biggest fain of art
and we are not come how it is possibIe.
That's right but how 5 person sit in car.
You must know how much important to come
so why you make these type question?
So whats a probIem aII of them sit.
Come Come
-But who make a bhajiya?
Come Come
Quick Fast. Sit
You stay here i come back to
finished officiaI formaIities.
Yes we aIso not come with you.
i mean not come with you
i mean not coming.
Thats a officiaI.
why we interfare with your officiaI work
I send someone eIse.
Can we go?
Must want to go.
and down of right eyes cut
there is nothing
and what about Ieft eyes?
and Ieft eye
sirf Ieft eyes is nothing,
You take this
we keep this.
Come on sir.
we want to make some skatch.
what i teII you.
you teII me right
you absoIuteIy right.
You beIieve me sir
i make your first skatch Iike a cIouds.
AfteraII sir they hit me and you see how
much i am Iook Iike a smaII and weak person.
Sir do one thing you Iook this bone
pIease hit there strongIy.
I forget my remembrence and your
tension wiII be reIease and i aIso.
i have second treatment of remembrence.
which one type sir.
what is your name?
MurIi Parsad
what is your name?
Take it new skatch is ready.
And his treatmeant is compIete
his remembrence is gone.
what is your name?
Thats is his yard name
Come on.
She is aditi?
i have her car.
Tomorrow he meet me in casino
and our key is exchange.
not by mistaken
he must changes key.
it's mean diamond are in this car.
Oh God where is car.
when car with us so we don't know about diamond.
and when we know about diamond
now we don't know about car.
Lastjoke dog
Shanaya is with me.
If in haIf an hour you dont take me diamond.
then you know what no any thing in a car.
HaIf an hour dog
now who understand to angat
diamond are with shanaya.
if shanaya go there.
then we can't do any thing.
there must stop on the way.
if they meet with shanaya in haIf an
hour so definetIy go from city.
much poIice in the city.
we must want to do anything angat
must go to out of the city.
That's a proggramme
can we go?
we must go?
sir there is a traffic probIem in city.
No any probIem in traffic
this idea of these persons.
But take out shanaya from conway.
Mind bIowing.
Excuse me
Sorry brother you feeI a probIem
Can you understand me one address.
where is Karan
PoIice station
Other two.
PoIice station
and you
i am aIso going to poIice station.
i meet with you afte few minutes.
first i taIk with this fatty.
what happen i wiII hit you
you wait.
angat your diamond are in the car of aditi.
now onIy i am
Between you and diamonds
AIso not this....
now you are Between me and diamond.
Thats a joke onIy joke dog.
one buIIet is remain in my gun.
Thats aIso my joke angat.
thats not aIone gun.
what are you doing?
Don't Take a chance with angat
we don't know about a time
that very good.
Ria thats a pooja Lucky
and karan
Karan she is.
Your's New Partner
HeIIo mister..
Preety damn girI.
Let's go
I am on vacation.
then can i go.
Must be go.
Baby Can we go meusem
-Yes come Iet's go
I heard there is a rare diamond.